Shifting Gears How we pay for transportation, why it's not working, and how to fix it

Page created by Danny Peterson
Shifting Gears How we pay for transportation, why it's not working, and how to fix it
Shifting Gears
      How we pay for transportation,
why it’s not working, and how to fix it
Shifting Gears
    How we pay for transportation,
  why it’s not working, and how to fix it


                 SPRING 2022

The authors wish to thank Marie Venner, Chair, TRB Environmental Management &
Decarbonization, AKR10-1; and André Leroux, Director, Gateway Hubs, Project MassINC,
for their review of drafts of this document, as well as their insights and suggestions.
Thanks also to Susan Rakov, R.J. Cross and Bryn Huxley-Reicher of Frontier Group for
editorial support.
The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those
of U.S. PIRG Education Fund. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or those who provided review.
  2022 U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported License.
To view the terms of this license, visit

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                                            Frontier Group provides information and
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Layout: To the Point Collaborative,
Cover photo: Irina Blok via Unsplash

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................4


     The transportation funding “bargain” has broken down.....................................................................................10
        Falling gas tax revenues, more spending......................................................................................................11
        Taxes on driving don’t recoup its massive cost to society.........................................................................12
     America spends too much money on the wrong transportation priorities......................................................14
        The current transportation finance system prioritizes highways and underfunds everything else........ 15
        Too much money is spent on new projects and not enough on repairing what we already have..........16
     Our system of pricing transportation encourages damaging behavior
     and discourages healthy and sustainable choices.............................................................................................17
         The current funding model incentivizes the most societally damaging modes of travel........................17
         The transportation finance system disincentivizes modes of travel that should be encouraged..........18
             Penalizing electric vehicles......................................................................................................................18
             Making transit more expensive than driving..........................................................................................18
             Encouraging large vehicles over small ones..........................................................................................19

A NEW PARADIGM FOR TRANSPORTATION FINANCE..................................................................21
     Ensure that the cost of different modes of transportation reflects their true impact on society..................21
     Spend money where it makes sense....................................................................................................................25


NOTES ................................................................................................................................................29
Executive summary

         THE U.S. SYSTEM of transportation                • Prioritize spending on transportation
         finance is broken. Created a century ago to        projects based on the benefits they deliver
         fund the build-out of the nation’s road net-       to society.
         work, the system was designed to funnel
         revenues from gas taxes and motor vehicle        The transportation funding bargain has
         fees into “trust funds” devoted to highway       broken down. America’s transportation
         construction and maintenance. That system        system was built on a simple idea: drivers
         succeeded in financing the construction of       would pay for the cost of the roads they use
         the most expansive highway network in the        through gas taxes and motor vehicle fees.
         world. But it is failing America today.          So-called “user fees” never completely cov-
                                                          ered the full cost of the roads, but today, the
         Too much money is wasted on boondoggle           gap is wider than ever.
         projects, even as critical 21st century trans-
         portation needs go unmet. The original           • Gas taxes and other fees on drivers pay
         bargain at the heart of the system – that          for only around half of the total cost of
         drivers would bear the costs of building           building and maintaining roads nation-
         and maintaining the roads they use – has           wide, and often less than that.1 Since
         been broken, with decision-makers at all           2008, Congress has channeled more than
         levels spending increasing amounts of              $153 billion in general revenues to the
         general tax revenue on roads to avoid rais-        federal Highway Trust Fund – shifting
         ing gas taxes. By making driving relatively        the burden of highway construction from
         cheap and convenient – and options such            those who drive to all Americans, even
         as transit, biking and walking difficult           those who rarely or never drive or who
         and expensive – the transportation finance         don’t even own a car.2
         system is a formidable obstacle to build-
         ing a cleaner, healthier and more livable        • Drivers have never covered the other
         America.                                           costs they impose on society – from
                                                            noise pollution to air pollution to climate
         America cannot address the challenges              change. These costs are massive and
         of the 21st century with a transportation          growing, well outstripping the direct
         finance system created in the horse-and-           costs of road maintenance. For example:
         buggy era. The nation should build a new
         system based on two simple principles:             o Motor vehicle crashes: Approximately
                                                              39,000 Americans die in car crashes
         • Charge transportation taxes and fees that          every year, and millions more are hospi-
           reflect the full costs – including health          talized with serious injuries.3 In 2020, the
           and environmental costs – that Ameri-              estimated financial cost of motor-vehicle
           cans’ transportation choices impose on             deaths, injuries and property damage
           society.                                           totaled more than $474 billion.4

o Air pollution: Air pollution from road           The U.S. Department of Transportation
    transportation is thought to be respon-          estimates a backlog of over $105 billion
    sible for at least 58,000 deaths in the U.S.     for transit infrastructure in need of
    each year, although more recent research         replacement.12
    suggests that this figure itself is a
    significant underestimation.5 One study        • Federal transportation policies incentiv-
    estimates the annual cost of damage              ize highway expansion and include no
    caused by air pollutants nationwide to           requirements that states prioritize spend-
    be up to $277 billion, 16% of which is           ing on repairs or long-term maintenance.
    attributable to cars, light-duty trucks and      They also make it easier to fund highways
    SUVs.6 The air pollution-related damage          (for which federal funding can cover 80%
    caused by driving is an estimated $10.7          or more or the cost) than transit projects
    billion to $41.6 billion per year.7              (which typically receive a federal match
                                                     of 40% or less and require proof that each
  o Climate change: Transportation is                new project has the funds required for
    the largest single source of U.S. green-         rehabilitation or maintenance).
    house gas emissions. In 2020, gasoline
    consumption from transportation                • Many state governments have transporta-
    resulted in the emission of around 948           tion finance policies that are even more
    million metric tons (MMT) of carbon              skewed toward highway construction.
    dioxide (CO2) and diesel consumption             About half the states prohibit the use of
    emitted 428 MMT.8 Assuming a social              gas tax revenue for transit, while nine
    cost of carbon of $51 per ton of CO2, the        states spend less than $1 per person per
    total cost of emissions from gasoline            year on average on state support of public
    consumption in the transportation sector         transportation.13
    is $48.3 billion and diesel emissions $21.8    • Critical 21st century transportation needs
    billion.9                                        – such as enhancing safety for people on
                                                     bikes or on foot – receive only minimal
Our transportation finance system lav-
                                                     federal funding.
ishes funding on wasteful boondoggle
projects while leaving today’s most impor-         America’s system of transportation taxes and
tant transportation needs unmet.                   fees often makes highly damaging modes of
                                                   travel cheaper than sustainable ones.
• In 2014, the latest year for which data is
  available, federal, state and local govern-      • Driving is subsidized directly through the
  ments spent $26 billion on highway                 use of general funds for road maintenance
  expansion projects. Highway expansion              and construction, and through tax code
  has limited benefits and contributes to            provisions such as state sales tax exemp-
  auto dependence, sprawl, and damage to             tions on motor fuels and the income tax
  the environment and public health.10               exclusion for commuter parking benefits.
                                                     Tax subsidies to U.S. motorists alone
• At the same time, the nation’s aging
                                                     amount to between $25 billion and $83
  highways and transit systems have massive
                                                     billion per year, equivalent to between
  unmet repair needs. America’s transporta-
                                                     $210 and $708 per U.S. household.14
  tion infrastructure repair backlog currently
  totals more than half a trillion dollars,        • Since 1990, average transit fares have
  including $435 billion needed for road             increased 143%, while the federal gas tax
  repair and $125 billion for bridge repair.11       has not been increased since 1993.15

                                                                                                  PAGE 5
• Concerns that the rise of electric vehicles        approximate their true impacts,
           (EVs) will exacerbate the growing trans-           governments should avoid adopting
           portation funding shortfall (since they            EV fees that could slow adoption of
           don’t use gas, and thus don’t pay gas tax)         cleaner vehicles.
           have led some states to impose registra-
           tion fees and other charges on EVs that         o Price public transportation to account
           can make it more expensive to drive an            for the benefits transit trips deliver to
           EV than a gas-powered car.16                      society. Transit trips should be priced
                                                             relative to the marginal cost of provid-
         Raising the gas tax, or increasing other            ing them, and the cost of a transit trip
         forms of transportation revenue, won’t              should be lower than a competing car
         solve these problems on their own. Amer-            trip to incentivize mode shift.
         ica must adopt a new system of transporta-
         tion funding based on two principles:           Prioritize spending on transportation
                                                         projects based on the benefits they deliver
         Charge taxes and fees on transportation         to society.
         that reflect the full costs Americans’ trans-
         portation choices impose on society.            • America should prioritize investments
                                                           that address the nation’s biggest challeng-
         • Cleaner, healthier and more sustainable         es and avoid wasteful boondoggle
           forms of transportation – like riding a bus     projects.
           or a bike –should ideally be cheaper than
           dirtier and more dangerous modes, like        • Specifically, policymakers should:
           driving, and transportation taxes and fees
                                                           o Treat transportation taxes and fees
           should be oriented toward encouraging
                                                             as taxes and use the revenue for the
           the use of the least-impactful mode for
                                                             purposes with the greatest benefit to
           every trip.
                                                             society. This means ending the dedica-
         • Specifically, policymakers should:                tion of revenues from transportation
                                                             taxes and fees to support the modes
           o Impose taxes or fees that recover the           from which they were raised.
             cost of pollution, road wear, congestion
             and other societal impacts imposed by         o Eliminate provisions in federal and
             vehicle use. This can be in the form of         state law that encourage spending on
             impact-specific taxes and fees (e.g.,           wasteful highway projects. Ensure that
             congestion pricing, carbon taxes, VMT           transit, biking, walking and demand
             taxes, parking charges) or increased            reduction policies are treated at least
             fuel taxes or other taxes that act as a         equally to – and ideally are given
             proxy for a mode’s impact on society.           preference over – highway projects.

           o Ensure that fees are differentiated by        o Adopt clear goals to guide transporta-
             vehicle size and fuel used. Large               tion investments. These should include
             vehicles should pay higher fees than            goals to reduce climate pollution, reduce
             small ones; fossil fuel vehicles should         air and water pollution, reduce crashes
             pay higher taxes and fees than electric         and deaths, expand transportation
             ones. Until such time as gasoline and           options and access to destinations, and
             other fuel taxes increase to better             support thriving, healthy communities.

Breaking the link between how transporta-            In 2011, total UK public spending on trans-
tion revenue is raised and how it is spent           portation amounted to only 72% of total fuel
would bring the United States into closer            tax revenues (and less than a third of fuel
alignment with transportation funding                tax revenue was dedicated to roads), the
practices in the rest of the developed world.        remainder staying in the general fund for
Examples from abroad indicate that a sys-            use on other societal priorities.18
tem in which driving pays its true costs and
revenues collected from drivers are deposited      • In Germany, transportation investment
in a general fund instead of being dedicated         comes from general taxation and individual
exclusively to transportation would not only         states’ transportation funding in large part
bring in sufficient revenue to finance neces-        comes out of the federal coffers.19 Gasoline
sary improvements to the country’s transpor-         is taxed at a significantly higher level
tation system, but also leave funds left over to     than the U.S., bringing in more revenue
invest elsewhere.                                    each year than the country’s total annual
                                                     federal transportation spending, but these
• Drivers in the United Kingdom pay relative-        revenues are not dedicated solely to trans-
  ly high fuel taxes, including a percentage-        portation. Germany also has a partial user-
  based, value-added tax and an excise tax.17        pay system in the form of per-mile tolls for
  However, these revenues are not ringfenced         heavy trucks on certain federal highways,
  for transportation, but are instead deposited      revenues from which are dedicated to road-
  into the UK’s Consolidated (general) Fund.         related projects.20

                                                                                                    PAGE 7

         ONE OF THE MOST PERSISTENT fallacies             This system of transportation funding was
         underpinning U.S. transportation policy is       designed to facilitate the construction of
         that roads “pay for themselves.” According       high-quality roads at a time when there
         to this narrative, the cost of building and      were few of them. While it may have made
         maintaining roads is covered by gas taxes,       sense for a nation building a brand-new
         registration fees and other driving-related      highway network, a century later it no
         fees paid by the “users” of those roads –        longer does. In fact, it is holding the nation
         i.e., drivers. These revenues, the theory        back.
         goes, are not “taxes,” conventionally under-
         stood, but “user fees,” and as such should       Continuing to allocate transportation
         be used exclusively for the benefit of those     dollars as though road construction were
         who pay them.                                    the nation’s main transportation prior-
                                                          ity prevents us from getting to work on
         Like many enduring myths, this concep-           the real transportation priorities of the
         tion of transportation finance has some          21st century: keeping our already massive
         basis in reality – or at least, the reality of   road network in good repair, reducing our
         a century ago. In 1919, Oregon became the        nation’s contribution to climate change,
         first state to adopt a per-gallon tax on gaso-   curbing air pollution, reducing the num-
         line, which was used to fund roadbuild-          ber of transportation-related deaths and
         ing projects including the Pacific Highway       injuries, and expanding the availability of
         and the Columbia River Highway.21 Within         a wider range of sustainable transporta-
         a little over a decade, every state and the      tion options – from rail travel to electric
         District of Columbia had followed Oregon’s       bikes – to more Americans, including
         model.22 The federal fuel excise tax was         those who don’t, or can’t, drive.
         initially levied in 1932 as a deficit reduc-
         tion measure at the height of the Great          Refusing to charge transportation system
         Depression, but the current federal gas tax,     users for the full impact of their choices
         adopted in 1956, was dedicated specifically      on society – not just wear and tear to the
         to funding construction of the Interstate        roads, but also emissions, congestion, noise
         Highway System.23 As the U.S. built out its      and more – results in a large and persistent
         road network, taxes on drivers, often put        economic subsidy for more travel in bigger,
         into “trust funds” dedicated exclusively for     more dangerous and more highly polluting
         use on highways, covered the lion’s share        vehicles, exactly the opposite of the direc-
         of the cost.                                     tion in which the nation needs to go.

We need to envision a new finance system         the antiquated formulas designed to serve
that addresses the transportation needs of       the needs of an America that no longer exists,
the 21st century. In this white paper, we sug-   and focus on the transportation needs of
gest such an approach.                           today.
The “bargain” at the core of the current         In the early 20th century, policymakers
system – that drivers would cover the costs      designed a system of transportation finance
of roads and have full use of money from         geared to the needs of the times. Today, in
the gas tax for that purpose – no longer         the early 21st century, it is time for policymak-
applies. Our approach to pricing and pay-        ers to reimagine our transportation finance
ing for transportation has to move beyond        system to do the same.

                                                                                                     PAGE 9
The U.S. system of transportation
          finance is broken and obsolete

          AMERICA’S TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM is                 Like many enduring myths, the idea that
          the nation’s leading contributor to climate        the gasoline taxes and other fees that road
          change, kills roughly 39,000 people on the         users pay cover the cost of highway mainte-
          roads each year and injures millions more,         nance has its roots in the truth. In the early
          produces air pollution that cuts short the         20th century, America had few good roads.
          lives of tens of thousands of people each          With automobile use growing, the demand
          year, and leaves millions of Americans             for road construction and improvement
          stuck in traffic every morning and evening,        grew. But how would the nation pay for the
          while tens of millions more who can-               massive capital investment required?
          not or do not drive are left without good
          transportation options, or else are entirely       In 1919, Oregon came up with a solution: the
          stranded.24                                        state adopted a tax on gasoline, the proceeds
                                                             of which were used in part for highway con-
          These problems are rooted in, and have             struction and maintenance in the state. The
          been perpetuated by, America’s system for          implicit bargain – later reflected in the adop-
          raising and spending transportation funds          tion of a similar gas tax by every state – was
          – a system created in the early years of the       that drivers, not taxpayers at large, would
          20th century to build out the nation’s road        pay the costs of the highways they use. This
          network – which is now generations behind          same philosophy guided the dedication of
          the times. Changing how the dollars flow           the federal gas tax to the construction of the
          is a critical step toward fixing the nation’s      Interstate Highway System in 1956.
          longstanding transportation problems.
                                                             Drivers have never paid the full cost of
          To develop a better system of transportation       roads, but for a time they did cover the
          finance, it is first important to identify where   lion’s share of the cost of highway construc-
          the current system goes awry. In short:            tion and repair, although even at the best of
          America’s transportation funding raises            times only around 70% of the cost of high-
          money in the wrong ways and spends it on           way construction, maintenance and opera-
          the wrong things, incentivizing modes of           tion nationwide was covered in this way.25
          travel that leave all of us worse off.
                                                             Since then, however, the transportation
                                                             finance “bargain” has broken down. Driv-
          The transportation funding “bargain”               ing-related fees pay for a lower share of the
          has broken down                                    cost of highways than they did decades
          Roads don’t pay for themselves. But many           ago. And they cover none of the massive
          Americans believe they do.                         environmental, health and safety costs

that transportation imposes on all of us –                          by fuel and vehicle taxes. Toll revenues
many of which, such as costs related to the                         accounted for 8.95% ($23.10 billion) and
impact of global warming, would have been                           bond issue proceeds and other investments
undreamed of by the initial architects of the                       17.52%.26 The rest – almost one-third ($80.31
nation’s transportation finance system in the                       billion) of the total – was paid for by prop-
early 20th century.                                                 erty taxes, general fund appropriations and
                                                                    other taxes and fees.
SPENDING                                                            In other words, we all bear the financial
                                                                    burden of driving, regardless of how much
Today, motor fuel and vehicle taxes cover                           we drive, or whether we drive at all.
only around half of the cost of highway con-
struction and maintenance nationally, and                           Recent years have seen a steady increase
often less. The remainder comes primarily                           in the share of transportation costs paid by
from general taxes paid by all taxpayers,                           the general taxpayer. This is the result of
including income, sales and property taxes                          increasing highway spending, coupled with
and other levies. In 2019, only 43.5% ($112.19                      decreasing gas tax revenue when adjusted
billion) of total highway costs were covered                        for inflation.












                Fuel taxes and toll revenues       Property taxes and assessments         General fund appropriations
                Other taxes and fees               Investment income and other receipts   Bond issue proceeds

Figure 1: Sources of Highway Funding. Source: Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics series of reports, Table-HF 10

                                                                                                                                  PAGE 11
For much of the 20th century, occasional           TAXES ON DRIVING DON’T RECOUP ITS
          increases in fuel taxes, combined with con-        MASSIVE COST TO SOCIETY
          sistent growth in vehicle miles travelled          The implicit bargain of America’s transpor-
          (VMT), helped to generate the funding              tation finance system is that driving will
          needed for highway construction. Since             “pay its own way.” Traditionally, that has
          the early 1990s, however, the federal gas          been defined as covering the cost of build-
          tax has remained at 18.4 cents per gal-            ing, maintaining and operating the roads.
          lon.27 The decline in the purchasing power         But it should also include recouping the
          of gas taxes due to inflation, coupled             massive environmental, health and other
          with policymakers’ desire to continue to           costs imposed by transportation on society.
          increase overall transportation spending,
          has contributed to the decline in the per-         When the current system of transportation
          centage of transportation costs covered by         finance was being developed, the environ-
          user fees. Other factors, including the ris-       mental and societal costs of automobile use
          ing cost of construction and maintenance;          were never taken into account. Those costs –
          decreasing fuel consumption as a result of         air pollution, noise pollution, greenhouse gas
          improved vehicle fuel economy and more             emissions, crash damages to non-drivers and
          hybrid and electric vehicles on the roads;         property, and more – are now by any reason-
          and the recent plateauing of driving, have         able measure greater than the cost of road
          also contributed.28                                maintenance. Instead of being picked up by
                                                             drivers themselves, however, they are shifted
          As gas tax revenues have stagnated, poli-          to others, including victims, taxpayers and
          cymakers have been able to continue to             the government. These costs include:
          increase spending on highways by tapping
          revenues from other taxes and, in the case         Motor vehicle crashes
          of the federal government, increasing the          Every year, on average, approximately
          deficit. Since 2008, for example, the federal      39,000 Americans are killed and millions
          Highway Trust Fund has been supple-                more injured in vehicle crashes.32 In 2018,
          mented with congressional transfers of             nearly 6,300 pedestrians and more than 800
          more than $153 billion of general revenues,        cyclists were killed in traffic-related acci-
          and the bipartisan infrastructure frame-           dents, and the National Highway Traffic
          work passed in November 2021 will trans-           Safety Administration reports that, in 2020,
          fer a further $118 billion to the fund to          the total number of motor-vehicle-related
          keep it afloat for the next five years.29 States   deaths stood at 38,680.33 The estimated
          such as Texas have also dedicated other            financial cost of motor-vehicle deaths,
          government revenues – including revenue            injuries property damage and other finan-
          from oil and gas taxes and the state sales         cial impacts in 2020 totaled more than $474
          tax – toward transportation.30                     billion.34
          Absent an increase in the gas tax, a reduc-        A more detailed breakdown published by
          tion in transportation spending, or the            the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
          creation of a new source of revenue (such          istration in 2015 calculated that in 2010,
          as a VMT tax) the flow of general funds to         motor vehicle crashes imposed an estimated
          the Highway Trust Fund will need to                $292 billion in economic costs. These costs
          increase over the coming years if it is to         include lost productivity ($93 billion), medi-
          remain solvent.31                                  cal costs ($28 billion), congestion-related

costs ($34 billion) and property damage            around 948 million metric tons (MMT) of
($92 billion), as well as legal and court costs,   CO2 and diesel consumption produced 428
emergency service costs, insurance admin-          MMT – together equating to roughly 84% of
istration costs and others.35 When “quality        the sector’s total CO2 emissions.45 In March
of life valuations” are taken into account,        2021, the Biden administration released
the total cost of societal harm from vehicle       an estimated “social cost of carbon” of $51
crashes in 2010 was just over $1 trillion.36       per ton.46 Applying that estimate to trans-
Private insurers picked up a little over 50%       portation emissions, the social cost of CO2
of those costs, with the remainder divided         emissions from gasoline consumption in
among crash victims, third parties and gov-        the transportation sector would be $48.3
ernment.37 Roughly 7% of these costs were          billion and diesel consumption $21.8 billion.
paid for out of the public purse at a cost of      Together these impose an annual burden
$21.75 billion to the general taxpayer, plac-      of approximately $571 on every American
ing an additional tax burden of more than          household.47 If gasoline and diesel were
$188 on every U.S. household.38                    taxed at a rate that covered the cost of the
                                                   damages imposed by the CO2 emissions
Air pollution                                      they produce, this alone would equate to
Air pollution from road transportation             a tax of at least $0.40 per gallon of gaso-
emissions is responsible for at least 58,000       line and $0.49 on diesel.48 If medical costs
deaths in the U.S. each year, making trans-        incurred by health impacts related to cli-
portation the largest single contributor to        mate change were to be taken into account,
premature deaths from air pollution, and           that figure would be considerably higher.49
the most recent research suggests that this
                                                   Noise pollution
figure itself is likely a significant under-
estimate.39 Pollutants in vehicle exhaust          The numerous, often serious health impacts
have been linked to heart, vascular and            of noise pollution created by road traffic are
lung conditions, cancer, and a wide range          often overlooked. Exposure to road traffic
of other illnesses.40 A 2007 study estimated       noise can contribute to impaired mental
the annual cost of damage imposed by air           health, insomnia, depression and anxiety,
pollutants nationwide (not including CO2)          as well as increasing the risk of cardio-
to be between $71 billion and $277 billion in      metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases
2002, with cars, light-duty trucks and SUVs        and strokes.50 The estimated costs of traffic-
responsible for around 16% of those damag-         related noise in terms of property values
es.41 The air pollution-related damage attrib-     alone are in the region of 0.4-0.6 cents per
utable to driving, therefore can be estimated      VMT, but if taking into account healthcare
at $10.7 billion to $41.6 billion per year, an     and other costs, such as lost workplace pro-
average of between $93 and $360 per U.S.           ductivity due to illness, this figure would
household per year.42                              be significantly higher.51 Limited data exists
                                                   on these costs in the U.S., but studies from
Climate change                                     Europe suggest that they are substantial. A
In 2018, transportation accounted for 28% of       2011 report by the European Commission
total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions – more         estimated the social cost of road traffic noise
than any other sector.43 The U.S. Energy           in the EU as EUR 36 billion ($57 billion) per
Information Administration estimates               year.52 A 2014 Swedish study estimated the
that in 2020, gasoline consumption from            social cost of road traffic noise in Sweden at
transportation resulted in the emission of         more than SEK 16 billion ($2.8 billion).53

                                                                                                     PAGE 13
Other costs                                        nations generally charge far higher taxes on
            Other unpriced external costs of automobile        gasoline use (see Figure 2), an implicit recogni-
            use range from the costs of traffic congestion     tion of the societal costs imposed by driving.
            (one 2019 study found that the hours lost to
            traffic delays cost the U.S. economy a total of
                                                               America spends too much money on the
            $179 billion every year) to the environmental
            costs of improper disposal of vehicles and         wrong transportation priorities
            parts, to water pollution from automobile          Our current system of transportation fund-
            components and road salt, to the military          ing was designed to do a specific job: build
            and geopolitical costs of oil dependency.54 For    roads. A century later, this job no longer needs
            example, a 2019 study found that of the 7 tril-    doing. America has the world’s largest road
            lion pieces of microplastics that wash into San    network.58 The roads have been built, and
            Francisco Bay each year, almost half the entire    transportation policy now operates within
            microparticle count were rubber particles          an entirely new context that brings with it an
            likely from vehicle tires.55 Road salt is simi-    entirely new set of challenges – challenges
            larly damaging, contaminating groundwater,         which the current funding system is ill-
            rivers, streams, and potentially drinking          equipped to meet.
            water, and is thought to have been a factor in
            the water crisis in Flint, MI.56                   Where once the nation stood on the cusp of
                                                               an explosion in automobile use, current trends
            Were the price we pay for using a car to cover     point in the opposite direction: Americans
            these and the myriad other societal and envi-      are leading increasingly multimodal lives,
            ronmental impacts of our car-dependent trans-      the younger generations seemingly no longer
            portation system, it would be significantly        quite share their forebears’ infatuation with
            higher than it currently is. Other developed       driving or car ownership, and public opinion




          Tax Per Gallon









                                     United States














                                   Czech Republic

                                     New Zealand





                                   United Kingdom

             Figure 2: OECD Gas Excise Tax Rates (Per Gallon), 201757

is leaning toward a desire for more and bet-         split” in transportation spending as part of a
ter transit rather than more and wider roads.59      deal to increase the gas tax, which has meant
Where once the imperative was to create a            that highways receive approximately 80% of
system that maximized mobility by car, today,        federal transportation dollars and transit 20%,
the priority must be to expand transportation        which remains the case today. The federal cost
choices and ensure that mobility doesn’t come        share of new-build transit projects is signifi-
at the expense of our health, the environment        cantly lower than the 80% match for highway
and the global climate.                              projects, with recent rounds of federal capital
                                                     grants for transit covering less than 40% of the
THE CURRENT TRANSPORTATION FINANCE                   project costs.64
SYSTEM PRIORITIZES HIGHWAYS AND                      At the state level, funding is often even more
                                                     dramatically skewed toward highways. Many
When America’s current system of transporta-         states have statutory or constitutional restric-
tion finance took shape in the early 20th century,   tions limiting the use of gas tax revenue to
it was designed with a very specific purpose in      highways. In fiscal year 2019, only 13 states
mind: build (and later, maintain) roads.             used revenue from the state gas tax for tran-
                                                     sit.65 As a result, many states provide little
The federal government has provided funds to
                                                     or no direct funding for transit. Three states
support state construction of highways since
                                                     (Alabama, Hawaii and Nevada) report spend-
1916.60 The federal Interstate Highway Program
                                                     ing no state money on transit, while another
provided generous funds to states for the build-
                                                     six (Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri,
out of their networks of high-speed highways,
                                                     New Hampshire and Ohio) spend less than $1
with the federal government covering 90% of
                                                     per person per year on state funding for pub-
the cost of Interstate highways and the states
                                                     lic transportation.66 Many other states provide
10%. Today, federal funding can be used to
                                                     only token funding, relying on federal funds
cover 80% or more of most federally supported
                                                     and funds raised from local sources to pay for
highway projects.61
                                                     the costs of transit.
In many cases, these taxpayer dollars are today
                                                     The result is that, in total, since the dawn of
spent on unnecessary highway construction
                                                     the Interstate Highway era in 1956, nearly
and expansion projects that are sometimes
                                                     nine of every 10 capital dollars spent on
intended to address problems that do not exist,
                                                     transportation have gone toward highways or
are doomed to fail in their stated objectives
                                                     aviation, leaving low-carbon transportation
(road widening does not solve congestion, for
                                                     options such as transit, walking and cycling
example – in fact it makes it worse), and/or
impose serious negative impacts on the com-
munities around them.62 These projects cost          Compared to the amount the public pays
taxpayers billions of dollars to build and many      toward building and operating the highway
more billions to maintain, saddling future gen-      system, both in taxes and fees and in addi-
erations with expensive maintenance needs.           tional indirect subsidies and unpriced exter-
                                                     nal costs, investment of public money in other
Public transportation, on the other hand, was
                                                     modes of travel is far lower.
historically run by private entities operating
under franchise agreements at the turn of the        In 2019, federal spending on highways totaled
20th century and remained so until the mid-cen-      $46 billion.69 By comparison, in 2018, federal
tury. The first direct federal funding for public    funding for transit capital and operating
transportation did not occur until 1961.63 It was    expenditures totaled approximately $12.5
not until 1982 that Congress adopted the “80-20      billion.70 In 2018, Amtrak received federal

                                                                                                        PAGE 15
Aviation                     Water                            is now aging and in dire need of repair. Cur-
                       9%                     Transportation                       rently, 173,000 miles of road and more than
            Rail                                   2%                              45,000 bridges across the country are clas-
            1%                                                                     sified as being in “poor” condition.74 As of
                                                                                   2017, 11 states had at least 30% of their roads
   Mass Transit                                                                    in poor condition, and this percentage has
                                                                                   risen over recent years.75 From 2009 to 2017,
                                                                                   37 states saw an increase in the percentage of
                                                                                   roads in poor condition, and the total per-
                                                                                   centage nationwide rose from 14% to 20%.76
                                                                                   Over the last decade, the number of vehicle
                                                                                   miles traveled on roads in poor condition has
                                                                                   risen from 15% to more than 17%.77
                                                                                   America’s transportation infrastructure repair
                                                                                   backlog currently totals more than half a
                                                                           78%     trillion dollars, including $435 billion needed
                                                                                   for road repair and $125 billion for bridge
            Figure 3: Government capital investment in                             repair.78 By one estimate, as of 2017, keeping
            transportation since 195668                                            our existing road network in acceptable repair
            Source: Congressional Budget Office. Includes capital, operation and   and fixing the backlog of roads in poor condi-
            maintenance funding.
                                                                                   tion alone would require $231.4 billion annu-
                                                                                   ally over a six-year period.79 In addition, the
            appropriations of around $1.9 billion to cover
                                                                                   U.S. Department of Transportation estimates
            passenger rail operations in its national and
                                                                                   a backlog of over $105 billion for transit
            Northeast networks, and, in 2020, federal
                                                                                   infrastructure in need of replacement.80 Pas-
            funding for walking, cycling and other active
                                                                                   senger rail infrastructure, too, is in need of
            transportation modes totaled a meager $850
                                                                                   repair. Amtrak reports a $45.2 billion repair
            million.71 Even the limited federal funding
                                                                                   backlog in the Northeast alone.81 Yet even as
            provided for active transportation doesn’t
                                                                                   these repair needs pile up, states continue to
            always get used for the purposes for which it
                                                                                   pour billions of taxpayer dollars into new and
            is intended. By one analysis, in 2020, almost
                                                                                   expanded roads and other wasteful infra-
            one-fifth of the funding apportioned to states
                                                                                   structure projects.
            and cities for walking and cycling infrastruc-
            ture improvements through the Transporta-                              There is currently no requirement that states
            tion Alternatives program was reallocated                              receiving federal funds must direct them
            to other projects, including those that benefit                        toward repair and rehabilitation of existing
            automobile users.72 Transportation demand                              infrastructure rather than the construction
            management (TDM) programs – often the                                  of new and wider highways. In fact, states
            most cost-effective solution to transportation                         spend roughly the same amount on build-
            problems – tend to receive even less funding.73                        ing new and wider roads as they do on fix-
                                                                                   ing existing ones.82 Between 2009 and 2014,
            TOO MUCH MONEY IS SPENT ON NEW                                         states spent on average $21.4 billion annu-
            PROJECTS AND NOT ENOUGH ON REPAIRING                                   ally on road repair and $21.3 billion annu-
            WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE                                                   ally on road expansion.83 Over that time,
            Over the course of the 20th century, America                           spending on road repair accounted for 30%
            built out the world’s most extensive network                           of states’ total capital spending on high-
            of highways, but much of this infrastructure                           ways, and road expansion 29%.84 In addi-

tion to diverting funds away from repair           THE CURRENT FUNDING MODEL
and maintenance, as well as from transit           INCENTIVIZES THE MOST SOCIETALLY
and other non-auto modes of transporta-            DAMAGING MODES OF TRAVEL
tion, every dollar spent on road construc-         Through a variety of benefits, both indirect
tion and expansion adds to the burden of           and direct, the U.S. government heavily
maintaining highways in the future. A              subsidizes automobile travel. A 2008 study
single new lane-mile of road costs around          estimated the total value of tax subsidies to
$24,000 annually to maintain.85 Between            U.S. motorists as between $25 billion and $83
2009 and 2017, the U.S. public road network        billion per year, equivalent to $210 to $708
grew by almost a quarter of a million lane         per U.S. household.88 These subsidies have
miles.86 Maintaining those new roads alone         the net effect of artificially bringing down
will therefore require spending roughly an         the cost of automobile travel, often making
additional $5.4 billion per year.87                driving the cheapest, and therefore most
                                                   attractive, mode of transport. Research shows
Our system of pricing transportation               that this heavy subsidization is an important
encourages damaging behavior                       factor underlying high levels of driving in
                                                   the U.S. A 2011 study comparing U.S. and
and discourages healthy and
                                                   German residents found that Americans are
sustainable choices                                more likely to drive because U.S. subsidies
Public discussion around transportation            encourage and incentivize driving even in
finance often focuses exclusively on how to        places where walking, biking or transit are
raise and spend the funds needed to build          available.89
and maintain transportation infrastructure.
That discussion leaves out an important            Most subsidies for driving come in the form
element: how the allocation of the costs of        of the myriad unpriced external costs of
transportation affects people’s daily choices.     automobile travel (global warming, air pol-
                                                   lution and so on) for which government and
By failing to ensure that transportation users     society pick up the tab. But the government
pay – in taxes, fees and prices – for the full     also directly subsidizes driving in a variety
cost of their impact on transportation infra-      of ways. These include:
structure, society and the environment,
America subsidizes the most dangerous,             State sales tax exemptions on gasoline. Fuel
damaging and polluting forms of transpor-          is exempt from general sales tax in many
tation, thereby encouraging their use. At          states, representing a form of underpric-
the same time, fare policies for public trans-     ing relative to other goods.90 For example,
portation often create hurdles to transit use.     in states where gasoline purchases are ex-
Indeed, it is cheaper to drive to and park at      empted from the general sales tax applied to
many locations around the country – even in        purchases of most other goods, an individual
major cities – than it is to take transit there.   buying, say, cycling equipment costing $80
                                                   might pay a 7% general sales tax on that pur-
To address the health, environmental and           chase, thus contributing $5.60 to the state’s
other impacts of the current system, the way       general fund. An individual paying $80 to fill
we price and the way we spend need to work         the 32-gallon gas tank of a Hummer, on the
together to ensure that the most societally        other hand, might pay an 18 cents-per-gallon
beneficial modes of transportation are also        state gas tax, contributing $5.76 to a fund al-
the most affordable, convenient and attrac-        located largely or entirely to roads. If gaso-
tive ones. To achieve that goal, our system of     line is exempted from the general state sales
pricing transportation must change.                tax, however, the Hummer driver effectively

                                                                                                     PAGE 17
receives a $5.60 tax break that more or less       tax-intensive to drive a gasoline vehicle than
          cancels out the additional contribution that       an EV. Despite a widespread recognition of
          driver makes to state revenue.91                   the environmental and public health impera-
                                                             tives of reducing automobile use, such con-
          • Income tax exclusion for commuter                tradictions built into the current system of
            parking benefits. Current tax policies make      transportation finance have the net effect of
            subsidized parking an attractive employee        ensuring that the automobile is often still the
            benefit.92 Every year the U.S. government        most attractive option.
            spends more than $7 billion to encourage
            people to drive to work through the federal      Penalizing electric vehicles
            income tax exclusion for employer-provid-        One such contradiction lies in states’
            ed and employer-paid commuter parking.93         responses to the rise of electric vehicles. The
                                                             fact that EVs don’t run on gasoline means that
          • Corporate income tax and other subsidies
                                                             EV users do not pay the gas taxes that are
            for the fossil fuel industry. Federal and
                                                             often devoted to roadway maintenance. This
            state subsidies for fossil fuel companies
                                                             has led to concerns in some states that the rise
            contribute to artificially low fuel prices.94
                                                             of EVs will exacerbate the growing transporta-
            According to a 2017 report, in 2015 and
                                                             tion funding shortfall.98 For this reason, states
            2016 federal and state governments gave
                                                             have begun to experiment with fees on EVs,
            away an average of $20.5 billion per year
                                                             including registration fees and road usage
            in production subsidies to the oil, gas and
                                                             charges.99 A charge on EVs to cover their share
            coal industries, including $14.7 billion in
                                                             of maintaining the roads may not in itself be
            federal subsidies and $5.8 billion in the
                                                             unjustifiable, but it is not justifiable if, at the
            form of state-level incentives.95 For example,
                                                             same time, drivers of gasoline-powered vehi-
            the Corporate Tax Exemption for Fossil
                                                             cles are escaping being charged for their share
            Fuel Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
                                                             of polluting the air, contributing to climate
            enables companies to avoid paying corpo-
                                                             emissions, and the various other environmen-
            rate income tax. In 2015-2016, this subsidy
                                                             tal and health impacts of fossil fuel vehicles.
            totaled on average $1.61 billion.96 The rise
            of the MLP structure over recent years has       In Georgia, for example, EV owners pay
            primarily served the interests of the oil and    $213.70 per year as a license fee to own an
            gas industry, with fossil fuel companies         electric vehicle.100 The average Georgian drives
            accounting for 70% of market capitalization      12,828 miles per year. If all those miles were
            of MLPs in 2016.97                               driven in an EV, that would represent a fee of
                                                             $0.017 per mile.101 Georgia collects a gas tax
          THE TRANSPORTATION FINANCE SYSTEM                  of 28.7 cents per gallon, which (assuming an
          DISINCENTIVIZES MODES OF TRAVEL                    average fuel economy of 25 MPG), equates to
          THAT SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED                          $0.011 per mile for drivers of polluting, fossil
          To encourage people to make the most soci-         fueled vehicles.102
          etally beneficial transportation choices, these
          choices need to be the cheapest, most con-         Making transit more expensive than driving
          venient and most pleasant of all the avail-        A similar problem occurs with public trans-
          able alternatives. Often, the current system       portation. The expectation that transit should
          ensures that they are none of these things. In     cover a large share of its own costs through
          many places, for example, it may be cheaper        passenger fares leads transit agencies to
          to commute to work by car and find a place         respond to declines in ridership by raising
          to park than to hop on a bus. In states with       fares or decreasing service, rather than low-
          large fees for electric vehicles, it may be less   ering fares and expanding service to entice

riders back. Given limited state spending               the more road wear it causes. As a general
   on transit and limitations on the ability to            rule, the damage a vehicle imposes on a road
   use federal funding for operating expenses,             surface increases to the fourth power of axle
   many agencies simply have no other choice.              weight – so a vehicle that weighs 10 times as
   Even though the social costs of a bus com-              much per axle imposes 10,000 times as much
   mute are considerably lower than those of               roadway damage as a lighter vehicle.106 How-
   the same commute taken by car, the price of             ever, a 2000 addendum to the last major Fed-
   a bus fare is likely to be significantly more           eral highway cost allocation study (conducted
   than what that same trip would cost if taken            in 1997) found that under the spending struc-
   by car. Since 1990, the cost of an average tran-        ture and tax rates in use at the time, the heavi-
   sit trip has increased by 143%.103                      est vehicles on average pay 80% of their federal
                                                           highway cost responsibility through user fees,
   Encouraging large vehicles over small ones              and vehicles over 80,000 lbs. pay only half of
   The cost of driving currently does not reflect          their cost responsibility.107 This inequitable user
   the relative costs in highway infrastructure            fee structure means that since larger vehicles
   expenses, pollution and climate impacts                 pay less than their share of cost responsibil-
   incurred by different vehicle types. A 2019             ity, lighter ones therefore pay more than their
   analysis, for example, found that SUVs were             share, thus effectively subsidizing the opera-
   the second largest contributor to the increase          tions of larger vehicles. This is another way
   in global CO2 emissions from 2010 to 2018,              that the current “user fee” system incentivizes
   second only to the power sector.105 In terms            larger and more damaging vehicles, such as
   of road damage, too, the heavier the vehicle,           SUVs and heavy trucks, over smaller ones.




Average transit fare ($)







      Figure 4: Average Transit Passenger Fares since 1990 (current dollars)104

                                                                                                                 PAGE 19

          America’s transportation finance system             pedestrian fatalities between 2015 and
          – both the ways in which transportation             2019 found that Black, Indigenous and
          is paid for and how the money is spent –            People of Color (BIPOC) accounted for
          hurts all of society, but particularly those        a disproportionately large percentage
          who are least well-off. Lower-income                of pedestrian fatalities, with African
          communities shoulder a disproportion-               Americans, for instance, accounting for
          ate share of the health and environmental           21% of all traffic related pedestrian fatal-
          costs of an auto-centric transportation             ities despite accounting for only 12%
          system. And the nation’s failure to pro-            of the population.110 Similarly, a study
          vide affordable public transportation and           in Southern California found that the
          safe infrastructure for low-cost forms of           percentage of the population of a given
          transportation such as biking and walking           area living in low-income households
          leaves many low-income households with              was the strongest predictor of pedes-
          little choice but to undertake the financial        trian injuries in that area,111 with pedes-
          burden of owning and maintaining a per-             trian crashes four times more frequent
          sonal vehicle.                                      in low-income neighborhoods.112
          Specifically, our transportation system:          In addition, low-income people benefit
          • Disproportionately exposes low-income           less from the nation’s underpricing of
            communities and communities of                  driving and parking. In 2020, 28% of
            color to traffic-related air pollution – in     households in the bottom fifth of the
            large part since the historical legacy          country by income owned no cars at all,
            of discriminatory housing and zoning            compared to only 3% of households in
            policies means that these communities           the highest income category.113
            tend to be located in closer proximity to       A transportation funding system that
            highways – despite these groups gener-          prioritizes spending on the most soci-
            ally having lower rates of car ownership        etally beneficial modes and projects, and
            and driving less themselves.108                 that charges users based on their true
          • Ensures that the heaviest financial burden      societal impacts will tend to benefit those
            for transportation falls on the least well-     – including many low-income people –
            off. In 2020, households in the bottom          who travel via low-impact forms of trans-
            fifth of the country by income spent a          portation such as transit, biking, walking
            significantly greater proportion of their       and carpooling, while expanding the
            income on transportation than those in          number of people who can integrate
            the top fifth (28.8% and 9.5% of total after-   sustainable modes of transportation into
            tax income, respectively), despite owning       their daily lives. For some households,
            fewer cars on average (1.0 and 2.7 cars per     however, the increase in the cost-per-mile
            household, respectively).109                    of driving may create economic hardship.
                                                            Policymakers should consider and look
          • Puts minority and low-income commu-             to address those hardships in the design
            nities at greater risk of traffic-related       and implementation of a new transporta-
            death and injury. A 2020 analysis of            tion system.

A new paradigm for
transportation finance

THE CURRENT SYSTEM of transportation
financing was designed a century ago
to address a specific problem: building a        “Entertainments may be taxed;
robust road network. And it did. Yet the         public houses may be taxed;
same outmoded financing system remains,
while the transportation challenges the          racehorses may be taxed … and the
U.S. faces today are radically different
from those of the early 20th century.            yield devoted to the general revenue.
America needs a new approach to taxing           But motorists are to be privileged for
and paying for transportation appropriate        all time to have the whole yield of
to meet the transportation needs of the 21st
century. That approach should be based           the tax on motors devoted to roads.
on two core principles: ensure that the
cost of different modes of transportation        Obviously this is all nonsense. …
reflects their true impact on society, and       Such contentions are absurd.”
prioritize transportation spending based
on its societal benefits.                        			                 – Winston Churchill, 1925

Ensure that the cost of different
modes of transportation reflects
their true impact on society                     Everyone who takes any mode of trans-
                                                 port necessarily imposes costs on society
Transportation fees should reflect the overall   – including in the form of road wear, conges-
cost to society                                  tion, air and water pollution, and contribu-
                                                 tion to global warming.
The cost of every trip should ideally
reflect the cost it imposes on others and        Yet the costs associated with these impacts
its impact on existing infrastructure. In        are currently not reflected in the prices we
environmental economics, the “polluter           pay for these various modes of transportation.
pays” principle holds that those who             This means that decisions as to what form of
engage in behavior that inflicts damage          transport to take for any given trip (Should I
on society should pay for the costs of that      drive or take the bus? Should I drive a car or
behavior. This both ensures fairness and,        an SUV? Should I drive a gas-powered car or
more importantly, discourages polluting          an EV?) often wind up with the most societally
activities – making everyone in society          damaging modes of transport being the cheap-
better off.                                      est of all available options.

                                                                                                  PAGE 21
The table below includes some of the costs           ing the environmental and health impacts
          imposed by various modes of transportation,          of our transportation system. Shifting our
          with a general estimate of the magnitude             approach to transportation finance away
          of the cost. A mile traveled in a heavy-duty         from “user fees” and thinking instead in
          truck, for example, imposes vastly more soci-        terms of “impact fees” can bring the finan-
          etal damage across nearly every metric than a        cial cost of driving closer to reflecting its
          trip on a bicycle. Trips in gasoline and elec-       true costs, helping to ensure that the price
          tric vehicles impose similar impacts in some         people pay for automobile use corresponds
          categories (e.g., road space consumption and         to the damage it causes, while incentivizing
          crash damage) but not in others (climate and         transportation choices that deliver the great-
          air emissions and noise pollution).                  est benefits to or impose the lowest costs
                                                               on society. Such policies should ensure that
          Transit trips may seem expensive when the            the mode with the lowest societal impact is
          total cost of providing transit is divided           always the cheapest.
          among those who ride. However, the mar-
          ginal cost of any individual transit trip is typi-   Such policies include:
          cally very low. If a bus is already running,
          the impact on society or the transportation          • Congestion pricing: Congestion pricing
          system from any individual person getting              is a form of tolling that takes a market-
          on that bus is miniscule (unless it creates            based approach to managing congestion,
          crowding that requires the transit agency to           often with charges that vary by time of
          undertake the cost of adding more service),            day or traffic level. Studies suggest that
          whereas the cost imposed on society by a               a time-variable fee that makes it more
          marginal car trip is high. Therefore, it makes         expensive to travel during peak hours
          sense to society for the price of transit trips        may prompt drivers to shift travel times,
          to be far lower than the cost of a car trip in         travel by a different mode (e.g., transit)
          order to encourage transit use.                        and/or reduce the total number of trips
                                                                 they make.114 For instance, after it was
          Making the costs of different modes of                 first implemented in 2003, the London
          transport commensurate with their true                 congestion charge, whereby motorists
          societal cost can be a crucial tool for reduc-         pay a fee to drive in central London on

                                        Road      Road space   Climate      Air       Noise       Crash    Total
                                        wear     consumption   impacts   pollution   pollution   damage    cost

           Heavy-duty diesel truck      ******      ******     ******     ******      ******     ******   $$$$$$$
           Gas-powered SUV              *****        ****       *****      ****       *****       *****   $$$$$$
           Gas-powered car               ****        ***        ****       ***         ****       ****     $$$$
           Electric SUV                 *****        ****         *         *           *         *****    $$$
           Electric car                  ****        ***          *         *           *         ****      $$
           Marginal transit trip          *           *           *         *           *          *        $
           Bicycle                        -           *           -          -           -          -        -
           Walk                           -           -           -          -           -          -        -

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