Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court

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Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court

Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
“Stacked with highly
experienced silks and
juniors, Serle Court has
“one of been   one best
          the very  of the
commercial setschancery
                 when it sets,
           of thedisputes”
                  few that
Legal 500
genuinely competes in both
traditional chancery and
commercial litigation”
Chambers UK
Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court

I am extremely proud to introduce the 2020
Annual Review in what is my last year as
Head of Chambers at Serle Court. In what
was a year different to any other we have
experienced, Serle Court has again been
involved in some of the most complex and
interesting Commercial and Chancery
cases across a wide range of practice areas
and in many jurisdictions. Whilst the new
experience of virtual trials and hearings has
changed the way we conduct legal process,
it has not changed the nature of the cases
which again include, some high profile, some
legally complex, and others establishing key
legal principles. The selection of cases in
this Annual Review includes many before the
higher courts, the Courts of Appeal in the UK
and other jurisdictions, the Supreme Court
and Privy Council.

Alan Boyle QC
Head of Chambers

Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
In 2020, Serle Court was involved in
many substantial, high-profile, and
precedent-setting cases

Elizabeth Jones QC, Justin             20 April 2020). Richard Wilson
Higgo QC, Gareth Tilley, Paul          QC (assisted by James Weale)
Adams, Zahler Bryan and Oliver         acts for Tony Wang, an intervenor
Jones continue to act for Kea          in the appeal. The Plaintiffs and
Investments in the ongoing             Tony Wang have each been
litigation against Eric Watson,        granted leave to appeal to the
following the substantial              Judicial Committee of the Privy
judgment obtained against Mr           Council.
Watson for deceit and breach of
fiduciary duty in 2018. This year      Elizabeth Jones QC and Oliver
resulted in notable decisions          Jones are acting for the eOne
on the circumstances in which          group, a major international
a defendant can have resort            producer of material for film and
to assets subject to a freezing        TV (e.g. the film ‘Green Book’
or proprietary injunction when         and ‘Peppa Pig’), in proceedings
there is an unsatisfied judgment       against Monex Europe Ltd and
debt ([2020] EWHC 472 (Ch)),           eOne’s former Treasury Manager.
a judgment creditor’s right to be      The claim arises out of the
subrogated to the position of a        paying of secret commissions
bank that had used money held on       to fiduciaries, alleging that
trust for the judgment creditor to     Monex paid some £8m of secret
satisfy debts of its customer, the     commissions to eOne’s Treasury
judgment debtor ([2020] EWHC           Manager and his deputy in order
309 (Ch)) and, in a judgment           to induce them to place FX trades
reaffirming the risk taken by          with Monex. The 4-week trial is
litigants who deliberately breach      listed for March 2021.
court orders, Mr Watson was
committed to prison for 4 months       Philip Marshall QC, Jonathan
for failing to disclose assets which   Harris QC (Hon.) and James
were made available for his use        Mather are acting for Abu Dhabi
([2020] EWHC 2599 (Ch); [2020]         Commercial Bank in State of Qatar
EWHC 2796 (Ch)). Mr Watson’s           v Emirates NBD Bank, one of the
application to stay the committal      largest claims to be brought in
order was refused.                     the English High Court, in which
                                       claims are brought against the
Dakis Hagen QC (assisted by            bank by the State of Qatar in
Emma Hargreaves) acts for the          conspiracy said to arise out of
Plaintiffs and Jonathan Adkin QC       an alleged international scheme
(assisted by Adil Mohamedbhai)         to manipulate the value of Qatari
acts for the Defendant trustee         currency and bonds connected
in Wong & Anor v Grand View            with the so-called ‘blockade’ of
Private Trust Company Ltd, a           Qatar by neighbouring Gulf states
claim to recover substantial trust     causing the Qatari Central Bank
property transferred to a trustee      to have to deposit US$13 billion to
of a purpose trust. The Plaintiffs     defend its currency peg.
succeeded in obtaining summary
judgment at first instance on the      Philip Marshall QC and Matthew
ground that powers of addition and     Morrison continue to act for
exclusion cannot be exercised in       Business Energy Solutions (BES)
a manner which alters or destroys      in respect of proceedings arising
the substratum of the trust ([2019]    from the obtaining and execution
SC (Bda) 37 Com (5 June 2019)),        of search warrants, and an ongoing
but this was overturned by the         trading standards investigation into
Bermuda Court of Appeal in April       BES’s affairs. The claims, which
2020 (Civil Appeal No. 5A of 2019,     seek damages for misfeasance
Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
in public office and just satisfaction   Philip Jones QC was successful
under the Human Rights Act 1998,         in the Privy Council in Shanda
raise novel points of public and         Games. This was an appeal
private law including immunity from      from the Cayman Islands and
suit. The 12-day trial commences in      was the first case to reach the
November 2021.                           Privy Council in relation to the
                                         determination of the ‘fair value’
Philip Marshall QC and James             of shares owned by those
Mather are acting for Dr Vijay           who dissent to the merger of a
Mallya, the former Chairman of           company as part of a de-listing of
Kingfisher Airlines, in relation to      shares. Philip was also involved
a bankruptcy petition presented          in a lengthy trial at first instance in
by a consortium of Indian banks          the Cayman Islands in Trina Solar
on the basis of an alleged debt          involving the same jurisdiction.
in excess of £1bn and in the
context of substantial overlapping       Philip Jones QC and Hugh
proceedings in India. It was held        Norbury QC are each instructed
in a judgment of Chief ICC Judge         on behalf of separate Defendants
Briggs in April 2020 ([2020] BPIR        in the major commercial fraud case
990) that the petitioner banks had       of Vale v Steinmetz & Ors, arising
failed to disclose the security they     out of a failed mining joint venture
held over the assets of Dr Mallya        in Guinea. The claim is for nearly
in India, rendering the petition         US$2 billion.
defective. There is an ongoing
dispute as to whether the banks          Philip Jones QC and Gareth Tilley
can now amend the petition. The          are acting for HMRC in HMRC
case also raises important issues        v IGE USA Investments Ltd, a
in regarding, among other things,        claim arising from the Revenue’s
validation of legal expenses and         contention that it has rescinded
forum conveniens in respect of           tax settlements with the UK
insolvency proceedings.                  Subgroup of the US conglomerate
                                         worth upwards of £650m. The
Philip Jones QC appeared in a            trial is to take place in late 2021. An
5-day Court of Appeal hearing            interlocutory decision of Zacaroli
in the BVI in the long running           J reported at [2020] EWHC 2121
Peckson case involving the               (Ch) permitting the Claimants to
ownership of shares in a BVI             amend to allege fraud is currently
company which was the ultimate           on appeal to the Court of Appeal
owner of a casino and hotel in           raising the question of what if
Macau. This followed a 5-week            any limitation period applies to
retrial. The case had already been       equitable claims for rescission
to the Privy Council, which had
ordered a retrial.                                                04
Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
on the basis of fraudulent              which the Claimant has been
misrepresentation.                      given permission to appeal.

In Re Infund LLP, John Machell          David Blayney QC, Sophie
QC and Dan McCourt Fritz act for        Holcombe and Sophia Hurst
the appellants in respect of a claim    continue to represent the
brought by Grupo Mexico seeking         Claimants in the group action
to avoid the restoration of an LLP      against British Airways over its
to the Register of Companies. The       2018 customer data breach.
case will be heard by the Supreme       With over 16,000 claimants, the
Court in October 2021 and               claim is now the largest ever data
concerns the proper construction        protection and privacy group
and effect of section 1096 of the       action in England and Wales.
Companies Act 2006.
                                        In Re Dinglis Properties Ltd,
John Machell QC acts for the            Daniel Lightman QC and
appellants in ITG Limited v             Gregor Hogan represented the
Glennalla Properties Limited in an      respondents to a section 994
appeal to the Privy Council. The        petition. In a landmark judgment
case concerns issues relating to        in June 2020 ([2020] 2 BCLC
the insolvency of trusts including      607), Adam Johnson QC (sitting
the priority between the indemnity      as a deputy High Court Judge)
claims of successive trustees, and      considered the impact of the
between trustees and outside            Covid-19 crisis on the share
creditors.                              purchase order which he had
                                        previously made.
Jonathan Adkin QC, Sophie
Holcombe and Jamie Randall              Dakis Hagen QC (assisted by
act on behalf of the former Prime       Emma Hargreaves and Stephanie
Minister of Georgia and his family      Thompson) acts for the Plaintiff,
as beneficiaries of a Singapore         Jonathan Adkin QC (assisted by
Trust in Bidzina Ivanishvili v          Adil Mohamedbhai) acts for the
Credit Suisse Trust. Claims have        Defendant trustees, and Richard
been commenced against Credit           Wilson QC and Jonathan Harris
Suisse entities for losses arising      QC (Hon.) (assisted by James
from the mismanagement of an            Weale and Charlotte Beynon)
investment portfolio said to be         act for another Defendant, Tony
worth over US$1bn. In July 2020         Wang, in Wong v Grand View
the Singapore Court of Appeal           Private Trust Company Ltd &
dismissed Credit Suisse Trust’s         Ors, proceedings in Bermuda
jurisdiction challenge, bringing an     concerning very substantial
end to a long-running jurisdiction      purpose trusts. In 2020, the
battle.                                 Bermuda Supreme Court
                                        handed down decisions on
Jonathan Adkin QC and Charlotte         issues including: (i) the iniquity
Beynon act for the fourth               exception to legal professional
defendant and Philip Marshall           privilege ([2020] SC (Bda) 33
QC and Simon Hattan for the fifth       Com, 5 August 2020); (ii) purging
defendant in Public Institution for     contempt for breach of the implied
Social Security of Kuwait v Al-         undertaking ([2020] SC (Bda)
Rajaan and Ors, one of the largest      52 Civ, 10 December 2020); and
fraud claims ever heard in the          (iii) specific discovery based
Commercial Court. PIFSS alleges         on “practical control” and joint
that the defendants are liable for      interest privilege ([2020] SC
over US$800m as a result of a           (Bda) 57 Com, 30 December
large-scale fraud perpetrated by        2020). The trial of the case is
its former director general, Mr         listed to be heard in 2021 for
Al-Rajaan, in conjunction with the      several months and is thought to
other defendants. The Serle Court       be the largest case in Bermuda
contingent recently successfully        and one of the largest ever trust
challenged the jurisdiction of the      disputes anywhere in the common
English Court to hear the claims        law world.
against their clients, with the Court
directing that the claims should be
heard in Switzerland, a decision
Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
Constance McDonnell QC acts             Servier Laboratories Ltd [2020] 3
for the claimants in the first-ever     WLR 1207, where it was held that
derivative claim in Bermuda by the      the EU law principle of absolute
beneficiaries of an estate.             res judicata arising from decisions
                                        of the European Courts annulling
David Drake appeared for the            acts of EU institutions could
successful respondents in               not be applied in a legal context
the Supreme Court hearing in            detached from the annulling
Secretary of State for Health v         judgment.

...we remain a leading set for Civil Fraud

Philip Marshall QC and Oliver           the claimant in Kelly v Baker &
Jones continue to represent             Braid, a commercial court claim
Emmerson International                  for damages for fraudulent
Corporation and several other           misrepresentation and/or breach
defendants and claimants by             of fiduciary duty leading to the
way of counterclaim and ancillary       sale of a group of companies at an
claim in proceedings in the BVI         undervalue of over £110m.
in a dispute worth circa US$1bn
between two prominent Russian           Lance Ashworth QC acts for the
businessmen and associated              claimant in Grove Park Properties
parties concerning a joint venture      v Royal Bank of Scotland, which
in relation to power generation         is due for a 10-day Commercial
and distribution assets in Russia       Court trial in January 2021,
(Renova Industries Ltd & Ors            in which it is alleged that the
v Emmerson International                defendant bank fraudulently
Corporation & Ors). The                 amended a loan agreement to
proceedings involve contractual         halve the term of the loan.
claims and claims for breach of
trust and dishonest assistance,         Lance Ashworth QC and Matthew
deceit, conspiracy to injure and        Morrison are acting for the
other economic torts. There             claimants in Wellcourt Investment
were numerous interlocutory             Corp v Propfurn Ltd, a claim in
hearings and appeals in 2020,           connection with a £100m property
including a successful appeal           portfolio in London, owned by BVI
by Emmerson against the lower           and Liberian companies. They
court’s decision to set aside           have so far successfully obtained
certain amendments to its               recovery of all monies held by the
claims (BVIHCMAP 2019/0017),            former agents of the claimants.
applications made by Emmerson
for anti-suit injunctions in relation   John Machell QC acts for the
to proceedings brought in Russia        claimants in Circumference v
(currently subject to appeal) and       Martin in which the Claimants
Cyprus, and an application by the       claim an entitlement to rescind
Renova parties for an order that        a share purchase agreement for
Emmerson be required to share           fraudulent misrepresentation.
legal representation with certain
other parties notwithstanding           Hugh Norbury QC has been
that there is a conflict of interests   involved in the English leg of
between them. Judgment of               China Metals v Chun, a large
the ECCA is also pending on             international fraud case relating
Emmerson’s appeal against the           to the alleged misappropriation
lower court’s decision to impose        of assets in China / Hong Kong.
a confidentiality club in relation      Hugh is acting for the daughters
to disclosure ordered to be given       of the alleged fraudster in relation
ancillary to a freezing injunction      to a proprietary injunction over
obtained by Emmerson, which will        valuable assets that they hold in
be the first appellate decision on      London.
the subject in the BVI.
Lance Ashworth QC acts for
Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
Hugh Norbury QC is instructed on
behalf of corporate and individual
trustee and director defendants
in Ballacorey What v Brown and
Ors, a fraud claim issued in the Isle   inhouse counsel. A seventeen-
of Man arising out of a relationship    day trial in the Chancery Division is
between investment managers in          due to commence in June 2021.
the GEM financial management
business.                               Matthew Morrison acts for the
                                        defendants to proceedings
Jonathan Adkin QC and Adil              concerning the ownership and
Mohamedbhai acted for the               operation of Globcon Limited,
successful defendants in                an English company which
Magdeev v Tsvetkov & Ors, a             was the ultimate owner of a
high-profile piece of civil fraud and   shopping centre in Ukraine.
commercial litigation involving         The proceedings raise issues
various Russian individuals             concerning the extent to
who had invested in a jewellery         which criminal proceedings in
business in the UAE and Cyprus.         Turkey and Ukraine concerning
The trial lasted three weeks.           fraudulent attempts to
Cockerill J’s judgment ([2020]          misappropriate the shopping
EWHC 887 (Comm)) contains               centre may be relied upon by the
a detailed analysis of the law on       defendants in proceedings in the
foreign illegality.                     Chancery Division.

In Equity Real Estate (Bracknell)       In Ward v Savill [2020] EWHC
Ltd & Ors v Capstan Capital             1534 (Ch), James Mather acted
Partners LLP & Ors, Justin Higgo        for the successful defendant in
QC and Stephanie Thompson               the determination of a preliminary
are representing five SPVs who          issue on whether declarations
are the apparent victims of a           obtained in earlier proceedings
substantial property investment         to which the defendant was not
fraud. They have so far obtained        a party that property was held
extensive disclosure from third         on constructive trust for the
parties under the Bankers Trust,        claimants could be relied on in
Norwich Pharmacal and pre-              future proceedings for purposes
action disclosure jurisdictions.        of asserting a tracing or following
                                        claim against her. The case is due
In Federal Republic of Nigeria v        to be heard by the Court of Appeal
Tibit, Timothy Collingwood QC           in March 2021.
acts for the defendant company
in an action in the BVI brought         In Russell v Cartwright [2020]
on behalf of the Government of          EWHC 41 (Ch), Dan McCourt
Nigeria to recover funds which it       Fritz and Stephanie Thompson
is claimed were appropriated by         represented three defendants in
corrupt former officials and used       the trial of a claim for fraudulent
to purchase an executive jet.           non-disclosure and unlawful
                                        means conspiracy brought by
Matthew Morrison acts for Sheikh        their former business partner.
Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber and a         They were wholly successful at
number of companies within the          trial, with the Court finding that
MBI Hotel Group in proceedings          the parties did not owe fiduciary
alleging breaches of fiduciary          duties or duties of disclosure and
duty, fraudulent misrepresentation      that the defendants had been
and an unlawful means conspiracy        honest in their dealings with the
in relation to loans which are said     claimant. The defendants were
to have been orchestrated by and        entitled to their costs on the
for the benefit of MBI’s former         indemnity basis.
Serlecourt ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2020 - Serle Court
...we are at the forefront of Commercial
Litigation in London and globally

Lance Ashworth QC and Dan               Shipyard v Reignwood
McCourt Fritz acted for the             International Investment (Group)
successful Respondents in               Company Ltd [2020] EWHC
the Court of Appeal in Taylor           803 (Comm). She is also acting
v Van Dutch Marine Holding              for the shipowner in its 2021
[2020] EWCA Civ 353, in a               LMAA arbitration claim under the
claim concerning agents for             shipbuilding contract.
undisclosed principals. They are
now instructed for the defendants       In PPRS v Tecar Justin Higgo
in Taylor v Khodabaksh in which         QC represents the defendant
it is claimed that the original         in multiple claims for breach of
decision in Taylor v Van Dutch          warranty arising out of the sale of
Marine Holding was obtained by          a Romanian paper business.
fraud. That will come on for trial in
2022.                                   Julian Burling advised the PRA
                                        on the FSMA Part VII transfer to
Hugh Norbury QC has been                Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.,
working on the Bermudian                Brussels, of the EEA situs risk
element of the international battle     cover in all policies written in the
waged by the private equity firm        Lloyd’s market from 1993 to 2018.
Apollo and its subsidiary Athene
against their former partner /          David Drake acted for the
employees who have set up a             successful defendants in
competitive business (Athene v          SPI North Ltd v Swiss Post
Siddiqui, Cernich & Caldera).           International (UK) Ltd [2020]
                                        EWHC 3268 (Ch), where the
Hugh Norbury QC was instructed          court had to consider the practical
in Gens v Goldenberg, in which a        limits to the permission, frequently
battle between Russian investors        given to respondents to an
in a Russian software business          amendment application, to make
was briefly before the English High     “consequential” amendments to
Court; the case was compromised         their own responsive statement
before the interesting issue of         of case.
jurisdiction was resolved.
                                        Simon Hattan is acting for RSA
Hugh Norbury QC and Mark                plc in defence of claims brought
Wraith represented Charles              by a group of over 50 institutional
Saatchi and relevant corporate          claimants under section 90A
entities in a successful attempt        of the Financial Services and
to obtain permission to pursue          Markets Act 2000. The claimants
derivative proceedings against          allege that Annual Reports
his former senior employee, Rahul       and other published financial
Gajjar and in related litigation. The   information contained untrue
underlying dispute related to the       or misleading statements, in
storage and transportation of Mr        particular about accounting
Saatchi’s fabulous collection of        irregularities in the company’s Irish
art.                                    subsidiary, and that as a result
                                        they suffered significant losses on
Zoe O’Sullivan QC acted for             their holdings of RSA shares.
the successful defendant in
a US$170m guarantee claim               In The Union Castle Steamship
brought by the Shanghai Shipyard,       Company Ltd v HMRC [2020]
in which Robin Knowles J held           EWCA Civ 547 a case concerning
that the guarantee given by it to       the use of derivative contract rules
the Shipyard in respect of the          to engineer tax deductible losses
final instalment of a shipbuilding      exceeding £100m, the Court of
contract was not a performance
bond but gave rise only to                                    08
secondary liability: Shanghai
Appeal clarified the meaning of       of Appeal gave guidance on
‘loss’ and ‘arising from’ and the     the inter-relationship between
nature of the ‘fairly represents’     principles of agency law and
test in that context. The earlier     contractual construction in order
decision of the Upper Tribunal        to determine when a disclosed
also extended the application of      principal can intervene in, and
transfer pricing rules to certain     assert rights under, a contract.
shareholder transactions (bonus       James acts in related proceedings
share issues). Ruth Jordan acted      in Jersey which have been listed
for HMRC.                             for trial in March 2021.

Matthew Morrison successfully         James Weale acted in
resisted an application to set        committal proceedings
aside an order permitting service     against Oleg Deripaska. The
out of the jurisdiction on Dubai      judgment of Andrew Baker J
Islamic Bank (DIB) in proceedings     [2020] EWHC 1978 (Comm)
before the Commercial Court           established that an applicant
which seek mandatory injunctive       in committal proceedings
relief aimed at securing an end to    is under a duty to present a
Mr Ridley’s ongoing imprisonment      contempt dispassionately and
in Dubai ([2020] EWHC 1213            in the public interest and that
(Comm)). Mr Ridley was                an application may be abusive
imprisoned under Dubai’s Law          if the subjective motive of the
37 of 2009 which allows certain       applicant is inconsistent with that
types of judgment creditors to        duty. Permission to appeal the
apply for the imprisonment of         judgment has been granted by
debtors for up to twenty years. Mr    the Court of Appeal and James is
Ridley claims that DIB’s ability to   instructed in the appeal listed to
seek an order under Law 37 was        be heard in October 2021.
compromised by a settlement
agreement governed by English         Adil Mohamedbhai is advising
law with an exclusive jurisdiction    (unled) a potential defendant who
clause in favour of England.          is being threatened to be sued
Matthew also successfully             for professional negligence in the
opposed DIB’s attempts to obtain      context of a very high-profile fraud
an order allowing the costs           which has generated substantial
awarded to Mr Ridley to be set off    global press coverage. If the case
against monies said to be due to      proceeds, it is likely to be one of
DIB under an earlier Commercial       the most high-value professional
Court judgment: [2020] EWHC           negligence claims ever brought
2088 (Comm).                          in an English court (in excess of
                                      US$1 billion).
In Filatona Trading Ltd v Navigator
Equities Ltd [2020] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
418, James Weale acted for the
successful respondent before
the Court of Appeal. The Court
In Khalifeh v Blom Bank, Zahler       the relationship between the
Bryan is acting for the claimant      debtor and the creditor and raise
who seeks the return of monies        novel issues, some of which
held in a Lebanese bank account       are untested in the courts. The
and, in a high-profile decision       Financial Conduct Authority
earlier this year, successfully       estimates that Plevin pay-outs
resisted the Lebanese bank’s          could exceed £33bn.
jurisdiction challenge by
establishing that the claimant was    Stephanie Wickenden acted as
a consumer for the purposes of        sole counsel for the successful
the European rules of jurisdiction    appellants in the Court of Appeal
([2020] EWHC 2427(QB)).               in Glencairn IP Holdings Ltd &
                                      Anor v Product Specialities Inc
In Satfinance Investment Ltd v        & Ors [2020] EWCA Civ 609
Inigo Philbrick [2020] EWHC           which created new precedent
1261 (Ch), Zahler Bryan acted         in respect of solicitors’ conflicts.
for Athena Art Finance Corp,          The Appellants/Defendants’
a New York based company              solicitors previously acted for
specialising in providing finance     another defendant in a case
secured on works of art, in           brought by the same claimant
proceedings arising from an           where the facts had some overlap,
alleged fraud concerning a Jean-      and which was resolved by a
Michel Basquiat. Permission for       confidential mediation. The Court
Satfinance to serve Athena out of     found that the principles to be
the jurisdiction was successfully     applied were not the same as
set aside as there was no real        those in former clients, but that
issue to be tried and on forum        there was a potential for a conflict
conveniens grounds.                   of duties owing to the confidential
                                      information received through the
Professor Suzanne Rab is              previous mediation. On the facts,
advising on a number of potential     the solicitors had not breached
claims against leading UK banks       any duty as they had implemented
and lenders which represent           an appropriate information barrier.
the ‘second wave’ of payment
protection insurance (PPI)            Sophia Hurst represented the
litigation. The claims arise out of   Claimants in Toucan Energy
the Supreme Court’s judgment          Holdings Ltd v Wirsol Energy
in the Plevin case of 2014 which      Ltd in a five-week trial in the
allowed the claimant to claim         Commercial Court before
the full amount of undisclosed        Henshaw J. The US$60m dispute
commission on a PPI policy. Unlike    related to the sale, construction
claims for mis-sold PPI these         and financing of 19 solar farms in
claims focus on the unfairness in     the UK. Judgment is awaited.

...we continue to have considerable
expertise in domestic and offshore
trusts, probate and private client matters

Philip Jones QC has been              the discharge of a world-wide
acting in the BVI in numerous         freezing injunction and, in par-
applications in the Skobelev case     ticular, whether the judge at first
in which a Russian national has       instance was right to discharge
sought to recover money and           the injunction on the basis of a lack
assets stolen from him by a former    of risk of dissipation. Judgment is
employee and her husband.             awaited.

John Machell QC appeared for          John Machell QC and Dan
the appellant before the East-        McCourt Fritz act for one of the
ern Caribbean Court of Appeal
(BVI) in July in Green Elite v Fang                         10
Ankong. The appeal concerned
respondents to an appeal in St               Dakis Hagen QC appeared for the
Johns Trust Company (PUT)                    first defendant in Geneva Trust
Ltd v Medlands (PTC) Ltd. The                Company (GTC) SA v IDF & Anr
appeal concerned various orders              (21/12/2020) FSD 248 OF 2017
made by the Court exercising its             (IKJ) in her successful application
supervisory jurisdiction in relation         for a stay of a claim in the Cayman
to trusts. The appeal was heard by           Islands seeking declarations as
the Bermudian Court of Appeal in             to the validity of a Cayman Islands
January 2020.                                trust which trust was already
                                             being impugned by her in ongoing
In Sofer v SwissIndependent                  litigation in Italy. The application
Trustees SA [2020] EWCA                      was met in part by the argument
Civ 699, Richard Wilson QC                   that the Cayman court had an
and James Weale acted for the                exclusive statutory jurisdiction
respondent in an appeal against              to determine such matters under
an order striking out the claimant’s         section 90 of the Cayman Trusts
pleading on the basis that it did            Law (which, it was said, in that
not properly particularise a claim           context abrogated the power
in fraud. The Court of Appeal                to stay on grounds of forum non
gave important guidance on the               conveniens); the court noted that
pleading requirements of fraud in            such had been the orthodox view
the context of a dispute against a           historically based on authorities
professional trustee.                        stretching back 20 years.
                                             However, having conducted a full
In Cowan v Foreman, Richard                  survey of the case law, Kawaley J
Wilson QC and Gregor Hogan                   found that on analysis no authority
acted for the trustee-executors              was binding or persuasive as to
in this high-profile Inheritance             the presence of such a statutory
(Provision for Family and                    exclusive jurisdiction, nor was
Dependants) Act 1975 litigation,             such the proper reading of the
which was brought to a successful            statute, and on the facts ordered
settlement in Spring 2020.                   a stay of the Cayman claim. The
                                             case is also important more
Constance McDonnell QC is                    widely for its commentary on the
acting for the respondent in the             scope of jurisdiction clauses in
important case of Re H, in which             trust instruments in the wake of
the Court of Appeal will consider            Crociani.
in June 2021 whether a CFA
success fee can be recoverable               Dakis Hagen QC and Emma
as part of an award under the 1975           Hargreaves continue to act for
Act.                                         the adult children of a late Russian
                                             businessman in Re Scherbakov,
Constance McDonnell QC                       deceased, a cross border dispute
successfully resisted the                    concerning the succession to
adjournment of a trial sought for            his very substantial worldwide
Covid-related reasons in Lucas               estate and related proceedings
v Gatward [2020] EWHC 3040                   concerning the beneficial
(Ch). The widely reported case               ownership of very valuable
about ownership of a family home             shares in a BVI company. Dakis
settled shortly before the trial due         and Emma recently succeeded
to commence in November 2020.                in obtaining an order for joint
                                             case management of the two
Constance McDonnell QC acted                 English claims, notwithstanding
for minor beneficiaries in QR v ST,          opposition from the claimants.
an application to vary trusts so             Giles Richardson acts for
that illegitimate children could be          the deceased’s former wife
included as beneficiaries.                   and Richard Wilson QC and
                                             Oliver Jones act for the interim
Constance McDonnell QC                       administrators.
appeared in Glover v Barker
[2020] EWCA Civ 1112 in which                Ruth Jordan is acting for the
the Court of Appeal considered               applicants in a judicial review
for the first time the extent of the
liability of a litigation friend for legal                         12
challenge to a controversial             order over a property over a
exploratory offshore oil drilling        property valued at £9m, which
project in the Bahamas by                formed the subject matter
Bahamas Petroleum Company                of a 3-day trial before Edis J
plc.                                     in July 2020 in Cobussen v
                                         Akbar [2020] EWHC 2805
James Weale acted for the                (QB). Notwithstanding that the
successful applicant in a                property was held by a company,
committal application against            whose shares were held within
the managing partner of an               a discretionary trust, the Court
international law firm in Schwartz       found that the property was
v VGV (UK) Ltd, Vivanco and              held on resulting trust for the
Ors [2020] EWHC 2227 (Ch).               judgment debtor, Ghouse Akbar.
Following a 5-day trial, Roth J          Following a successful application
found that Clemente Vivanco              for wide-ranging disclosure in
had been complicit in forging            the same proceedings, Edis J
trust documents and, in breach           gave guidance as to the role of
of a court order, had failed to          solicitors in ensuring compliance
produce an original electronic           with disclosure obligations [2020]
version of one such document. At         EWHC 476 (QB).
a subsequent sentencing hearing,
the Court imposed an immediate           In Z v Z, Sophie Holcombe
custodial sentence of 4 months           and Gregor Hogan act for the
[2020] EWHC 3500 (Ch).                   trustees of a Jersey trust holding
                                         UK residential property in the
James Weale acted for the                context of English matrimonial
successful claimant in a                 proceedings.
dispute over the ownership of
company which held a valuable            Adil Mohamedbhai acted as an
Chelsea property in Moutreuil            expert in Swiss proceedings
v Andreewitch [2020] EWHC                brought by a former trustee in
2068 (Fam). Following a 4-day            relation to an English trust holding
trial, Cobb J held that the transfer     valuable assets worth many
of shares by Mr Andreewitch to           millions of dollars. Adil opined
his partner in order to insulate the     on complex issues concerning
property against creditors took          the proper characterisation of
effect as an outright gift. In related   a claim for remuneration and
committal proceedings, which             reimbursement of expenses by
also formed the subject of hearing       former trustees.
in the Court of Appeal [2020]
4 W.L.R. 54, James succeeded             In B v B, Emma Hargreaves and
in an application to commit Mr           Gregor Hogan act for the wife in
Andreewitch for contempt of              divorce proceedings involving
court [2020] 2 F.L.R. 812 for            Portuguese property held in a
which he received a suspended            Cypriot trust. The case involves
sentence of 6 months [2020]              complex questions of jurisdiction
EWHC 2068 (Fam).                         and trusts law, and is expected
                                         to be one of the first decisions
James Weale acted for the                considering the Privy Council’s
successful claimant in an                decision in Webb v Webb.
application for a final charging         Judgment is expected in early

...we continue to be instructed in major
company, insolvency and partnership

Dominic Dowley QC, Richard               restructuring of a substantial
Wilson QC and Zahler Bryan               group of English trusts, in a case
acted for the trustee in PTNZ            involving proceedings before the
v AS, a Public Trustee v Cooper          English and Jersey courts.
application concerning the
Philip Marshall QC and Simon          2021 the Court of Appeal will
Hattan represent the US Trustee       consider the appeal against the
in Bankruptcy of Sean Dunne, a        refusal of the first instance judge
well-known Irish businessman          to strike out the petition.
and property developer, who
filed for bankruptcy in the US in     Lance Ashworth QC and Zahler
2013 and was adjudged bankrupt        Bryan have been acting for the
in the Republic of Ireland the        claimant in the case of de Silva v
same year. The US bankruptcy          Lucas & Ribeiro, a claim in respect
was recognised by the English         of the ownership of an Estonian
Court following an application        holding company, which (through
by the Trustee in March 2020.         Estonian and Portuguese
The Court subsequently granted        subsidiaries) owns a very
applications for both Mr Dunne        substantial property development
and his ex-wife to produce            in Lisbon, Portugal.
documents relating to various
of their financial dealings and       In Nimat Halal Food Ltd v Patel
made an order for Mr Dunne to be      [2020] EWHC 734 (Ch), Zoe
examined under section 366 of         O’Sullivan QC appeared for the
the Insolvency Act 1986.              creditor in an insolvency case in
                                      which Chief ICC Judge Briggs
Philip Jones QC was successful        gave guidance on the personal
in the Privy Council in Ocean         liability of an administrator to
Sino, a case which involved a         pay costs following a creditor’s
claim by one joint owner of a BVI     successful appeal against the
company to wind it up on the just     rejection of its proof of debt.
and equitable ground. He had
previously acted at the original      In Re Global-IP Cayman, Daniel
trial and before the BVI Court of     Lightman QC, representing the
Appeal.                               majority shareholder in the Grand
                                      Court of the Cayman Islands,
Lance Ashworth QC is acting for       successfully argued before
two sets of Joint Administrators      Parker J that (i) the case was an
of 2 electricity suppliers, each of   exception to the usual rule that
which is facing claims from Ofgem     the petitioning creditor should be
and from Suppliers of Last Resort,    awarded its costs of a winding-
which claims are for many millions    up petition (unrep, 21 July 2020)
of pounds and will make very          and (ii) the majority shareholder’s
substantial impact on the returns     appointees to the company’s
available for other creditors. The    board had not been removed
Court will have to determine these    from office because on a proper
claims in 2021.                       interpretation of the company’s
                                      articles the relevant board
Lance Ashworth QC and                 meeting had been inquorate
Dan McCourt Fritz acted for           (unrep, 31 December 2020).
the successful Appellants in
Loveridge v Loveridge [2020]          In Christoforou v Christoforou
EWCA Civ 1104 overturning             [2020] 1196 EWHC (Ch), Daniel
injunctions in an unfair prejudice    Lightman QC and Stephanie
petition and in partnership           Thompson represented the
proceedings which had granted         claimant, who claimed that a
the running of the companies          London property was held on trust
and partnerships to a minority        for him pursuant to a common
shareholder and partner. The          intention constructive trust, in a
Court of Appeal effectively put       successful and novel application
the majority back in charge. Both     to strike out allegations of
the petition and the partnership      dishonesty, fraud, and illegality
proceedings continue and will         from the defendants’ Amended
come on for trial in 2022.            Defence and to exclude those
                                      allegations from consideration
Lance Ashworth QC and Dan             and cross-examination at trial, on
McCourt Fritz continue to act for
the company and shareholders in
The Hut Group, in which in early                            14
the grounds that they amounted         counsel for the Official Receiver
to similar fact evidence which was     in Re Keeping Kids Company;
of peripheral value to determining     Official Receiver v Atkinson, the
the claim and would have               disqualification proceedings
increased the cost (and risked         arising from the collapse of the
adjournment) of the trial.             charity Kids Company. These
                                       are believed to be the first ever
In Trafalgar v Hadley & Ors            proceedings for disqualification
Justin Higgo QC and Jamie              of charity trustees as company
Randall continue to represent          directors and they raise questions
the liquidator of Trafalgar in         about the standard to be applied
multi-party proceedings in the         to unpaid trustee directors,
Chancery Division to recover           whether a remunerated charity
funds misappropriated from a           CEO can or ought to be classified
Cayman Islands segregated              as a de facto company director,
portfolio by its fiduciaries.          and what degree of latitude the
                                       trustee directors have in relation
In Brown v MML Capital, Timothy        to the pursuit of charitable objects
Collingwood QC acted for the           when the company is of doubtful
petitioners in an unfair prejudice     solvency.
petition in which he succeeded in
obtaining an injunction to restrain    Matthew Morrison and Gregor
the continuation of disciplinary       Hogan act for Haz International
proceedings concerning disputed        Limited in connection with
allegations of misconduct pending      misfeasance proceedings
resolution of the Petition ([2020]     alleging the diversion of business
EWHC 23 (Ch)).                         opportunities and other wrongs by
                                       a former director and shareholder.
In Re: H Limited, Timothy              These have been consolidated
Collingwood QC acts for majority       with a just and equitable winding
shareholders in BVI proceedings        up/unfair prejudice petition
involving allegations against them     presented by the defendant
of unfairly prejudicial conduct,       director/shareholder. The
where the Court has had to             evidential stage of the trial
address the effect on the claim        (including the cross-examination
against the shareholders of an         of three Turkish witnesses via a
arbitration agreement in the           translator) took place remotely
company’s articles of association.     over ten days in the Insolvency
                                       and Companies Court during
In Medical Imaging Partners            January 2021. Closings will be
v St Joseph’s Independent              presented in March 2021.
Hospital, the question arose as
to whether an MRI machine and          James Mather acted for the Joint
other medical equipment subject        Administrators of an insolvent
to chattel leases had become           FCA-regulated international
annexed to land owned by a             payment services provider in Re
company in administration, so that     Supercapital Ltd [2020] EWHC
title to the equipment passed to       1865 (Ch). This involved the first
the purchasers of the business         application to seek a court’s
when the company’s assets              approval for a distribution plan
were sold by the administrators.       under the Payment Services
Thomas Braithwaite acted for the       Regulations 2017, on the basis of
purchasers.                            statutory trust principles applied
                                       in the context of other financial
Gareth Tilley acted as junior          services regulations.

...we have covered a broad range of
Property and Charities work

In Wickers v Humbles, Philip           in a dispute arising from the
Jones QC and Gregor Hogan              impact of the global financial
continue to act for the directors of   crisis on a super-prime property
a property development company         development in London. The case
is expected to proceed to a six-         then available for the purpose, the
week trial in the Isle of Man in late    fund was sufficient to discharge
2021 or 2022.                            the National Debt. The fund was
                                         then to be transferred to the
In Children’s Investment Fund            National Debt Commissioners to
Foundation (UK) v Attorney               be applied by them in reduction
General [2020] UKSC 33, the              of the National Debt. The Fund
Claimant charitable company              is now worth about £0.5 billion.
had agreed to make a grant of            Zacaroli J held that there was a
US$360m to another English               valid charitable trust and that the
charity conditionally on the             court had jurisdiction to order a
approval of the court. The               cy-pres scheme. He adjourned
payment of the grant required            the question of what (if any)
the approval of the members              scheme to order.
under section 217 Companies
Act 2006. The Supreme Court              In Dunmoore (West London) Ltd v
held that the members owed               Vanessa Donegan [2020] (Upper
fiduciary duties and that the court      Tribunal Lands Chamber), Andrew
had an exceptional jurisdiction          Bruce acted for the Objector
to order them how to vote, even          on an application to modify a
if they had not and were not             restrictive covenant under s.84(1)
threatening to vote in breach            (aa) of the Law of Property Act
of duty. The majority of the             1925. The Applicants were
Supreme Court also held that by          constructing an industrial park on
reason of the High Court having,         agricultural land near Billingshurst,
on the directors’ surrender of           Sussex and sought to modify
discretion, held that it was in          a covenant which prevented
the best interests of the charity        any building on a buffer zone
for the grant to be paid; the            of 200’ from the boundary of
members, who were parties to             the Objector’s (extensive and
that decision were bound by it           valuable) home. The application
and, absent a substantial change         was settled the last working day
in circumstances were bound to           before the Upper Tribunal hearing
vote in favour of it, even if, but for   on commercial terms.
the judicial decision, they could
reasonably have voted against            In Kelleher v Castlebourne Homes
it. Will Henderson acted for the         (Rock) Ltd [2020] (High Court,
charitable company.                      Bodmin District Registry)
                                         Andrew Bruce represented
In Attorney General v Zedra              the Defendant developers in a
Fiduciary Services (UK) Ltd              dispute about the width of a strip
[2020] EWHC 2988 (Ch),                   of land and easement at a site in
Will Henderson acted for the             Trebetherick, Cornwall. The trial
Attorney General. This involved          took place over a week entirely
‘The National Fund’ which was            remotely in Summer 2020 and
settled with £500,000 of cash            involved detailed consideration
and securities in 1928 on trust to       of historic conveyances,
accumulate income and profits            numerous plans and various aerial
until the date fixed by the trustee      photographs, together with
as being the date when, either
alone or together with other funds

contested expert surveying              from the Charity Commission’s
evidence. HHJ Carr’s judgment           decision to disqualify him
paid tribute to the quality of the      as a charity trustee. Jonathan
submissions.                            succeeded in reducing the period
                                        of his disqualification from 15 to 7.5
Thomas Braithwaite, acting for the      years. The judgment of the FTT
Crown Estate Commissioners,             provides the most in-depth legal
successfully defeated an adverse        analysis yet of the Commission’s
claim to part of the North Norfolk      relatively new disqualification
coast. The case addressed               power.
the principles of accretion and
avulsion, and the presumption of        Amy Proferes acts for the First
Crown ownership of the foreshore        and Second Defendants in
(Bett & Gethin v Crown Estate           Toner v Telford Homes & Ors, a
(FTT, REF/2017/0591)).                  claim regarding a flat purchased
                                        off-plan. The claimant seeks
Jonathan Fowles has been                rescission, damages and other
acting for London Borough of            remedies against 6 defendants
Merton against Nuffield Health          including the developer, the
in a dispute about the charitable       property manager and the
exemption from non-domestic             current freeholder, on the basis
rates. The issues in the case are       of misrepresentation, breach
of potentially wide significance for    of contract, fraud, negligence
charities. Nuffield succeeded in        and harassment. The case
their claim at first instance ([2020]   raises questions which will be
EWHC 259 (Ch), but Merton               of importance to developers
obtained permission to appeal.          selling properties off plan as to
The case was heard by the Court         representations made in sales
of Appeal in January 2021 and           models and brochures, as well as
judgment is awaited.                    how (and whether) developers
                                        can protect themselves from such
Jonathan Fowles acted for               claims by means of disclaimers
Dr Zakir Naik, a renowned               and/or contractual terms.
international speaker and               Judgment is currently awaited on
author of books on Islam and            applications by the First to Fourth
comparative religion, in his appeal     Defendants seeking summary
                                        judgment and/or strike out of the

...our Intellectual Property practice has
remained as active as ever

In 2020 Michael Edenborough             on late filing of TM8s [2020] FSR
QC has been instructed in relation      33), and the EU IPO (e.g. an appeal
to 4 new trade mark appeals to the      to the General Court on the
General Court, Luxembourg, and          proper construction of potentially
taken to trial a case alleging that     ambiguous specifications for
Amazon is involved in importing         EUTMs [2020] ETMR 7).
counterfeit goods.
                                        In Lunar Holdings Ltd v
Michael Edenborough QC has              Lunar Caravans Ltd, Thomas
also dealt with some interesting        Braithwaite blended IP and
trade mark cases, e.g. a bottle         company law when he appeared
in the shape of a human skull           in the IPEC for defendants
(Skullduggery Rum Ltd v                 accused of breach of a trade mark
Globefill Inc [2020] ETMR 9),           licence. A summary judgment
and the ‘Babybel’ red cheese            application was defeated on
mark ([2020] Bus LR 514). These         the grounds that the claimant
decisions and other decisions           arguably did not have good title to
continued developing the law on         the trade mark, having acquired it
procedure in both the UK IPO (e.g.      by way of an unlawful return of
capital and disguised distribution    Stephanie Wickenden continues
by a company to its shareholder.      to act for easyGroup in a number
                                      of matters, including in a disputed
Stephanie Wickenden acted as          jurisdiction application in case
sole counsel in a dispute relating    against Colombian airline “Easy
to trade mark and design rights       Fly” which set new guidance for
in the Glencairn IP Holdings Ltd      assessing whether trade mark
& Anor v Product Specialities.        acts are in the jurisdiction.
This included successfully
representing the Defendant in the     Stephanie Wickenden has acted
Court of Appeal in respect of an      for Standard International hotels
application brought to restrain the   regarding their EU trade mark, and
Defendants’ solicitors from acting    will continue to act in an upcoming
owing to an alleged conflict. She     appeal before the General Court
also was involved in proceedings      led by Michael Edenborough QC.
going to the validity of the trade
marks at the European IPO.

...and worked on a range of EU,
Competition and Regulatory cases

Professor Suzanne Rab is              procedure subject to the
advising on EU and UK data            requirements of the Public
protection and privacy matters        Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI
under the General Data                2015/102) (PCR 2015) and related
Protection Regulation and the         duties arising under EU law. The
Data Protection Act 2018. Her         case raised novel issues of law
representations straddle claims       including consideration of when
involving data breach, misuse of      judicial review claims can be
personal information and human        brought where there is a statutory
rights. Many of the legal issues      procedure.
raised have not been tested in
the courts (e.g. data controller      Suzanne is also advising energy
classification, measure of            market regulator Ofgem on
damages). Her representations         an ongoing basis on a range
include proceedings before the        of competition and regulatory
Information Commissioner’s            matters. This involves providing
Office (ICO) and in litigation        legal support to the regulator’s
seeking orders for compliance         in-house legal team on significant
with data protection legislation      projects, providing strategic, risk-
and damages.                          based advice up to board level on
                                      a regular basis across these areas
Suzanne also represented              and advising Ofgem lawyers and
Riverside Truck Rental in parallel    policy officials.
proceedings in the Technology
and Construction Court (TCC)
and the Administrative Court
for judicial review. The claim
raised EU and procurement
law questions arising out of the                            18
conduct of a public procurement
...we are regularly instructed overseas in
the Dubai International Financial Centre

Rupert Reed QC and James               Zoe O’Sullivan QC is acting for
Weale act for the Claimant             Dr Michael Fakih in his DIFC
bank in a US$30m fraud claim           fraud claim against NMC Health
against various defendants in          plc, which collapsed in early
proceedings in the DIFC in SBM         2020 following the revelation of
Bank (Mauritius) Ltd v Renish          widescale fraud by the short seller
Petroleum FZE (CFI 054/2018).          Muddy Waters. Zoe O’Sullivan QC
Having successfully obtained           and Adrian de Froment are also
summary judgment against the           acting for Barclays Bank in the
first two defendants, the trial        DIFC Court in a guarantee claim
against the third defendant has        against Dr BR Shetty, the founder
been listed in December 2021.          of the NMC Health Group.
A committal application against
the first two defendants has been      In Basin v Rouge CFI 057/2018,
listed for January 2021.               James Weale appeared in the
                                       last in-person hearing in the DIFC
Rupert Reed QC and Gregor              Court before lockdown. Following
Hogan act for the Sarjah Elecricity    a trial, James obtained judgment
and Water Authority in FAL Oil         for the claimant in a claim
Company Ltd v Sarjah Electricity       under a guarantee agreement:
and Water Authority. The case          [2018] CFI 057. The Court
involves the challenging of the        gave guidance on the extent to
recognition and enforcement            which variations to underlying
in the DIFC of a Sarjah court          obligations affect the validity of
judgment on the basis of inter-        an associated guarantee. James
Emirate immunity. This is the          also successfully defeated a
first time the DIFC Court has          jurisdiction challenge submitted
considered the concepts of             to the Joint Judicial Committee
sovereign immunity within the          (Cassation No. 9 of 2019).
UAE and judgment is expected in
early 2021.

In Brown & Company Plc v Faber
Capital (DIFC) Ltd, Rupert Reed
QC and Gregor Hogan continue
to act for a financial services firm
defending allegations of breach
of fiduciary duty arising from a
sophisticated phishing attack.

In Credit Europe Bank (Dubai) Ltd
v. (1) NMC Trading LLC (2) NMC
Healthcare LLC (3) Bavaguthu
Raghuram Shetty [2020] DIFC
CFI 031, Rupert Reed QC and
Gregor Hogan acted for the major
Dutch Bank, CEBD, to obtaining
a worldwide freezing order
against Dr BR Shetty, founder of
the troubled NMC Group. The
decision also confirmed that an
applicant need not demonstrate
any assets of the respondent
in the jurisdiction of the DIFC to
obtain a worldwide freezing order.
Rupert and Gregor will represent
CEBD at the trial of its claim
against Dr Shetty in September
... and in arbitration matters generally

In Cesfin Ventures LLC v Ghaith        resident entrepreneur.
Al Qubaisi, Rupert Reed QC
and Gregor Hogan obtained              Zoe O’Sullivan QC appeared for
a worldwide freezing order in          the respondent at the quantum
the Chancery Division against          stage of a multi-million dollar
a director and shareholder of a        LCIA arbitration arising out
UAE conglomerate in support of         of the collapse of a Ukrainian
New York proceedings against           agricultural joint venture following
him as “alter ego” of the UAE          the revolution in Ukraine in 2014,
holding company, alternatively in      involving complex valuation
setting aside fraudulent transfer      issues.
to himself and others of company
assets to frustrate enforcement        James Weale and Jamie
of the award rendered in an ICC        Randall act for the defendant in
arbitration seated in New York.        an LCIA Arbitration governed
                                       by Kuwaiti Law. The claimant
In L v B [2020] DIFC ARB 014           seeks commission payment in
(17 June 2020), Rupert Reed            the sum of US$10m allegedly
QC and Gregor Hogan obtained           due in respect of substantial
an order for the recognition of        contracts for petroleum products.
a London arbitration award, a          The matter has been listed for
worldwide freezing order and the       determination in 2021.
first notification order made by the
DIFC Court against a UAE

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