SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy

Page created by Hector Robbins
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
                  Volume 3: Issue 2                                                       November 2020

by Cooper Arnold
                        Moving Forward
   The transition of opening Saint     ing throughout the classrooms.                                            tain as of yet, one thing is for
Raphael Academy in full is on the         Some things, however, will                                             sure. Mr. Richard is “extreme-
minds of students, teachers, and       remain unchanged, such as be-                                             ly pleased with the students’
families alike. In an interview with   ing required to wear a mask.                                              mask wearing and the dedi-
Principal Richard, he explains         Also, the full virtual model will                                         cation to following the rules.”
what the current future looks          still be accessible to students                                              “The teachers’ dedication and
like and what is to be expected.       who find that option the best                                             ability to multitask and teach
   First off, in the world of          for them and their families.                                              a group of students in front
Covid-19, much is uncertain.              While the administration and                                           of them and virtually, for ev-
The school has reevaluated not         teachers want to see all of their                                         ery class, is remarkable. [Mr.
to open in full during the month       student’s faces, it is imperative                                         Richard] appreciates all the
of November. There is hesitancy        that the school waits until it is                                         hard work everyone is doing to
due to the rapid rates of increase     safe to open. Saint Raphael                                               make this situation work and it
around the State of Rhode Island.      Academy has done a stupen-                                                is because both students and
   While the full-in person mod-       dous job with working with the                   photo by Cooper Arnold
                                                                                                                 teachers are working together
el is not going to happen this         virus and all its uncertainties.                                          that makes this all achievable.”
month, it is important to note            There have only been a hand-     sure that there continues to be          During these challenging
changes that will occur when           ful of students required to quar-   a safe learning environment,          times it is important to remem-
the time comes. Lunch tables in        antine thanks to the work of the    but also a wonderful academ-          ber that we are all one Saints‘
the cafeteria will be added, but       students, teachers, and cleaners    ic experience shared by more          community and that, together,
social distancing is still a must.     at the Academy. Safety super-       than ninety years of alumni.          we can continue to handle this
With more desks needed, there          sedes all aspects of this school       While transitioning to the         virus and come out stronger than
will be more cleaning and sanitiz-     year. Saints wants to make          full-in person model is not cer-      ever. Let us stay Saints Strong!

 by Cooper Arnold
                   Election Day 2020
   This year’s presidential elec-       the District of Columbia are au-   fact that thousands of ballots           It is important to remember
tion is expected to be like             tomatically mailing ballots di-    will be received on the day of        that many millions of Americans
no other. Due to COVID-19,              rectly to all registered voters.   the election and there may not        will still vote in person on No-
new forms of early voting              These new rules have creat-         be time to count them within          vember 3, enthusiastic to vote
have changed the way elec-             ed a mass influx in the num-        that twenty-four-hour period.         for their presidential and con-
tions are held within America.         ber of mail-in ballots being            Also, some states only require    gressional candidates. While
   Usually, most people head to        cast within the United States.      the mail in ballots to be post        this election is very tense and
the polls on election day, vote,          Mailing     in   ballot  gives   marked by the third, meaning          stressful for many Americans,
and return home. There was             more people the opportuni-          that they may not even arrive         it is important to remember
also the option to request a           ty to vote and gives those          till days after the election. There   that the right to vote is an ex-
mail in ballot, so long as there       afraid of being exposed to          is also a concern that mass vot-      tremely important duty. It al-
was a valid reason for doing           COVID-19 a safer alternative.       er fraud may be committed due         lows citizens to make their
so (such as being disabled).              There are, however, draw         to the automatic mailing of bal-      voice heard, rally against is-
   This year, however, 34 states       backs to the system. The big-       lots. This issue, drawn primarily     sues, and institute change.
are permitting anyone, regard-         gest draw back is that the win-     through party lines, has it war-         Having the privilege to
less of need, with the ability to      ner of the election will most       rants, but overall, it appears        vote is immense, so regard-
request a mail-in ballot. Even         likely not be declared on Elec-     that this method of voting is, for    less of which candidate you
more extreme, nine states and          tion Night. This is due to the      the most part, safe and secure.       support, make sure you vote!

                                                              photos courtesy of Getty Images
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
2                                                           News
    Spotlight on Mr. Thibault
by Isabella Calise
   The little things in life are       and cough was not match-                photo by Mary Nicole Hunsberger        nurses that cared for him. From
often overlooked. Prior to the         ing with the world’s informa-                                                  rushing to his bedside to shav-
Coronavirus outbreak, a chance         tion that depicted the pres-                                                   ing his beard, Mr. Thibault is
to breathe fresh air, give some-       ent virus as a flu-like disease.                                               in awe of the sympathy and
one a hug, or live a healthy life         Not long later, he was advised                                              compassion the men and wom-
went seemingly without notice.         to go to the hospital once more                                                en displayed. “[They] are like,
   Mr. Thibault, the present           for testing and admittance. For                                                to me, angels from God,” he
Vice Principal of Student life         days on end, Mr. Thibault laid                                                 says, “I told them [their] par-
at Saint Raphael Academy, re-          in a hospital bed under the                                                    ents must be so proud.” During
flects on his outlook on life af-      burden of extreme antibiot-                                                    his illness, Mr. Thibault turned
ter conquering Covid-19 when           ics, severe intubation, and the                                                to prayer and meditation as an
he says, “I appreciate a blue          ever-present thought of peril.                                                 outlet for hope and compassion.
sky, appreciate a lot of things…          As a natural-born fighter,                                                      As we go to school each day
appreciation runs deeper now.”         Mr. Thibault described the up-                                                 wearing a mask, checking our
    After a week-long trip in the      hill battle like “[when] fight-                                                symptoms, and social distancing,
Mediterranean coast during Feb-        ing against the tide… you’re                                                   it is important that we remember
ruary break of 2020, Mr. Thi-          going to tire yourself out.”                                                   that anyone can get the virus.
bault’s mild, cold-like, symptoms         Despite receiving his Last           God will give everyone the op-             Although the virus varies
quickly skyrocketed into the           Rites (Annointing of the Sick)          portunity to be a hero in their life   in symptoms and side effects
life-threatening side effects of the   our Vice Principal did not lose         story when they least expect it.       for each person, Mr. Thibault
Coronavirus. “Every day you are        faith in himself or God’s abilities.       Looking back on his expe-           shares that “if people wear
 sick, you get more sick… you get      “I [wrote] the article to save          riences, emotions, and diffi-          masks, we are going to reduce
 worse,” Mr. Thibault cited when       people and raise awareness,” he         culties, Mr. Thibault remains          [the] possibility [of infection].”
 he struggled to be recognized by      shares,” but all my life I felt I had   grateful for the thoughtful                By following medical direc-
 the Rhode Island Department of        to do something extraordinary.”         letters, kind messages, and             tion, staying positive, and fear-
 Health as a victim to the virus.      In the midst of his survival story,     prayers people wished him.              lessly battling his condition,
    At the time, the typical           Mr. Thibault realized God is al-           He also could not help but           Mr. Thibault truly overcame
 cold sweat, chest congestion,         ways listening. He believes that        emphasize the doctors and               the Coronavirus, Saints Strong.

               Court Confirmation
 by Olivia Costanzo
    After the death of the leg-                                                born on January 28th, 1972 and         and is rather respected for her
endary Ruth Bader Ginsburg                                                     received her degree in law from        skill; however, there are some
on September 18th, there has                                                   Notre Dame Law School in 1997          politicians who disagree with
been an opening in the Su-                                                     at the top of her class. She is a      her stances on certain topics.
preme Court. Despite Ginsburg’s                                                devout Catholic though she says          After four days of hearings,
request for her position to be                                                 that she keeps her religious be-       her vote was officially confirmed
filled after the 2020 presiden-                                                liefs out of her decision making.      by the Senate on Monday, Oc-
tial election, President Donald                                                   She is an originalist, meaning      tober 26. She was sworn in by
Trump has nominated Amy Co-                                                    she interprets the Constitution as     Justice Clarence Thomas that
ney Barrett to take her place.                                                 the authors intended at the time       same day. Barret says it is “a
    Barrett was a federal judge                                                of writing, which can sometimes        privilege to be asked to serve
on the US Court of Appeals, a                                                  be considered as conservative.         my country,” and looks for-
position she has held since Oc-                                                She has received several awards        ward to serving the American
tober 31st, 2017. Barrett was            photo courtesy of Getty Images        for her achievements in law            people in her new position.


                                                                                           Staff                           2020 - 2021
                                                                                                                              Section Editors:
                                                                               Editor-in-Chief: Isabella Calise
                                                                                         Staff Writers:          Mary Nicole Hunsberger
                                                                                                                  Chatham McCloskey
                                                                          Cooper Arnold          Marietta Moore       Lauren Reilly
                                                                     Isaac Arbelaez-Venegas      Meryem   Oldro       Emily Ryder
                                                                        Katherine Baxter           Adi Pfeiffer
                                                                         Isabella Calise          Lauren Reilly       Copy Editors:
                                                                         Olivia Costanzo          Emily Ryder
                                                                                                                    Marietta Moore
                                                                     Mary Nicole Hunsberger       Victoria Silva
                                                                                                                     Meryem Oldro
                                                                            Jake Knox           Kaziah Twumasi
                                                                                                                       Adi Pfeiffer
                                                                       Chatham McCloskey            Sheila Tu
                                                                                                                    Kaziah Twumasi
                                                                               Sponsor: Mrs. Gaffney-Hsu                Sheila Tu
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
Sports                                                                                 3
               Saints Sports Stay Strong
by Mary Nicole Hunsberger
   Saint Raphael Academy’s
fall athletes have been making
moves on the field and court all
month with some great wins.
   Just over a month into
school and a month into the
athletic calendar, soccer play-
ers, tennis players, cheerlead-
ers and cross-country runners
are all happy to be in session.
   School sports have been-
quite different for everyone,
not only the players. However,
Saints fans have not stopped
supporting. Family members
and friends of athletes have                                                                                                   photo by Mrs. Farrell
lined up along fences and fin-
ish lines to cheer on and con-            The supporters from the fence      Moreover, the athletes are hap-     you to come and support, too.
gratulate our athletes. Most           are not the only new norms for        py to have Saints cheerleaders        Stay tuned for updates on
fans have been lining up along         fall athletes. In addition to their   to support and bring some ex-       upcoming games and races,
the fence, but just last week-         typical half-time, girls and boys     tra school spirit to home soccer    home and away, in the morning
end, some Saints fans decided          soccer players luckily receive        games as well as cross country      or afternoon announcements
to test the waters as they were        a mask break twenty minutes           meets. When it is permitted by      and in your email. Let’s cheer
allowed to sit on the bleachers.       into each forty minute half.          RIIL, the athletes would love for   these teams on to victory.

          NFL During                                                          Playoff Season
           Covid-19                                                              Delivers
by Jake Knox                                                                 by Jake Knox
   The Coronavirus has affected        one of the first teams to deal
nearly every sports organization       with a major Coronavirus is-             As the NBA and NHL wrap
from track and field all the way       sue heading into week four            up their seasons the MLB has
to English Premier soccer in Eu-       against the Pittsburgh Steelers.      just finished their “Fall Clas-
rope. Thankfully, United States        The organization came down            sic” in a shortened yet chal-
leagues such as the NBA and            with two dozen cases and were         leng-packed season. While
the NHL have had zero cases            forced to reschedule not only         the Tampa Bay Rays looked
with the new “bubble” strategy         in week four but later in week        to win their first World Se-
which does not allow for any-          five against the Buffalo Bills.       ries in franchise history, the
one who hasn’t tested negative         We now know that the reason           Los Angeles Dodgers walked
for the virus to enter the facility.   for their outbreak is because         away with their first World
   Without the “bubble” the            head coach Mike Vrabel and            Series since 1988. But,
MLB managed to have only               General Manager Jon Robinson          make no mistake. Champi-
one scare with the Miami Mar-          did not enforce wearing masks         onship droughts have not
lins but still had a positive test     while inside training facilities.     plagued either of these cities.
rate of only 1.8%. The question           Although      many      thought       The Laker defeated the Mi-       photo courtesy of Getty Images
now is why has the NFL strug-          the Titans would face seri-           ami Heat to Secure the fran-
gled with the Coronavirus more         ous consequences, they are            chises seventeenth title. And       just inked a 12-year contract
than any other league in the US?       most likely receiving a fine.         in Tampa the Lightning de-          worth $356 million dollars.
   The Tennessee Titans were              But not all teams struggling       feated the Dallas stars in six         Tampa Bay was no easy
                                       with the virus have been lacking      games to secure their fran-         matchup with the strength
                                       in following the NFL’s COVID-19       chises second Stanley Cup.          of their starting rotation. A
                                       protocol. The New England Pa-            This World Series, howev-        three-man rotation of Ty-
                                       triots have struggled with the        er, was an interesting one as       ler Glasnow, Blake Snell and
                                       virus especially in recent weeks      fans around the world made          Charlie Morton tried to lim-
                                       cancelling a practice heading         predictions on who would            it the Dodgers bats in the
                                       into week 6 match up against          ultimately win the pennant.         series and rising star Ran-
                                       the Denver Broncos as a fifth         Many favored the Dodgers as         dy Arozarena and compa-
                                       team member tests positive.           they posed one of the deep-         ny looked to defeat the im-
                                          The question now is if the Pa-     est rosters constructed in the      posing LA pitching staff.
                                       triots are following COVID guide-     sports history. Stars such as          Although everyone is con-
                                       lines how are they still struggling   Cody Bellinger, Corey Sea-          gratulating   the   Dodgers,
                                       with the virus? Many believe          ger and Walker Buehler are          fans should tip their hats
                                       the answer lies within the sport      now accompanied with for-           to the executives of the
                                       itself or that the NFL guide-         mer MVP and World Series            league for a cautious and
  photo courtesy of Getty Images       lines are just not strict enough.     champ Mookie Betts who              successful    2020    season.
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
4                       Arts & Entertainment
          Model Legislature Goes On
by Victoria Silva
   Legislation has always played a     with others that think the same                                         eight students who all partici-
big part in America’s history from     way. They can even share ideas                                          pated and worked together on
the founding of North America all      or work with others to come up                                          learning legislation. This club
the way up to present day. This        with bills they want to propose.                                        allows creativity as well as confi-
explains why so many young               At the end of the season for                                          dence for the students that par-
students in high schools across        model legislature there is a                                            ticipate in model legislature. It
America join model legislature.        meeting at the Rhode Island                                             allows students to have a voice
   This club teaches students          State House where all partic-                                           and speak on behalf of what they
how legislation works, and             ipating high schools come to-                                           feel is justifiable in the world
what we as the people can do           gether to share their ideas and                                         of government and politics.
to change certain laws or re-          vote on bills. Students are ei-                                            By signing up for model legis-
strictions. In model legisla-          ther placed in the senate or                                            lature, you will be able to create
ture students can create their         house of representatives and                                            new bonds with your classmates
own bills on what laws they            they will vote for each bill that               photo by Mr. Kirejczyk  and even other students from
think should be implemented            comes across their committee.                                           high schools all across Rhode
in the State of Rhode Island.            In these two chambers stu-         pated in the big legislation event Island. If photo
                                                                                                                           you love   to debate,
                                                                                                                                 by Coach LaBree
   Of course, they also have to de-    dents learn how to object as well    on February 8th, 2020 and even and learn more about how laws
cide whether they are conserva-        as add on to other bills to make     proposed bills on issues that are made, than this club is for
tive or liberal, so they can discuss   them more reasonable. Last year      were important to the students. you. If you are interested in
matters they feel strongly about       Saint Raphael Academy partici-         Saints was represented by joining, contact Mr. Kirejczyk.

            The Play’s                                                         Keep Dancing
            the Thing                                                       by Chatham McCloskey

                                                                                                                    photo by Mrs. Gaffney-Hsu
by Chatham McCloskey
   Living in a virtual world is        then record it individually. Post
a daily and frustrating strug-         production will incude mixing
gle that we must overcome.             musical tracks, editing scenes
   Now as we entered the new           and dance together, and integrat-
school year with so many ques-         ing students’ artwork through
tions on how activities will even-     green     screen      technology.
tually happen, one concern was            Although it may seem chal-
how our excellent drama program        lenging, this is the perfect op-
will continue their fall musical.      portunity to improve technical
   After last years, “Tuck Ev-         skills   and to really focus on
erlasting”, the Saints’ Drama          voice and acting techniques like
Program abrupty ended. Over            the nuance of facial expressions.
much consideration, as you may            The 2020 Fall Musical is...
have guessed, the theatre is           “You’re A Good Man, Charlie
closed and will be held virtually.     Brown”! Make sure to watch                                               prosper in teamwork through
                                                                               In this modern day and age,
   Isn’t it comical, and frankly       when the musical releases.
sad, to have a musical online,            If you would like to get in-      when we think of dance, we          group dances, and to individu-
where no one can dance, and            volved in any way, there are         might think of it as the Hip-Hop    ally express oneself in which-
the singing quality is poor? T         still many behind the scene          or tik-tok dances we see on our     ever dance one may choose.
   he simple answer: No. The           and technical opportunities.         everyday social media, but it is       Although they have mainly
hope is to learn the songs and         This is a critical and revolution-   much more elaborate than that.      focused on lyrical, jazz, and tap
lines for the show over Zoom,          ary time, why not be a part?
                                                                               Over the years, dance has        in the past, Dance Company is
                                                                            evolved from the Charleston,        now hoping to include a larg-
                                                                            to the Indian kuchipudi, even       er variety of genres, including
                                                                            the YMCA. Dance allows others       dances from multiple cultures.
                                                                            to express themselves through       They are also willing to take
                                                                            motions instead of words.           suggestions to incorporate the
                                                                               Here at Saint Raphael Acade-     ideas of all dancers involved.
                                                                            my, dance has certainly evolved        The thought of even having a
                                                                            from performing at the fall         virtual season may have seemed
                                                                            pep rally to having our per-        absurd at first, yet it can truly a
                                                                            sonal fall and spring recitals.     great opportunity to learn from.
                                                                               Moderated by Mrs. Gaff-              Our Dance Company is will-
                                                                            ney- Hsu, the Dance Compa-          ing to take on the challenge,
                                                                            ny of Saint Raphael Acade-          so they can improve and adapt
                                                                            my provides dance lessons to        to new technical skills, commu-
                                                                            increase performance skills,        nication, and online teaching.
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
Arts & Entertainment                                                                                                         5
by Marietta Moore
                                  Mystery Monday
   12 years of age, young Ramiel had a mind unlike any other. Be-                                               photo courtesy of Getty Images
tween jumbo cakes with fire-breathing, winged llamas jumping out
of them and a bear randomly showing up at his school just to give
him $20 for lunch, Ramiel’s brain was strangely always coming up
with something new. This, however, almost never interfered with
his studies. With an average grade of B+, Ramiel loved to learn. He
was always reading any book or article he could find, favoring fiction
and fantasy the most. Along with reading, Ramiel admired movies
and various YouTube videos (specifically animation ones). With all
creativity at hand, Ramiel was never, and could never feel bored.          graphic by Mrs. Costanzo
   After school, Ramiel headed straight to volleyball practice. About
27 spikes, 8 receives and dives, and 15 laps around the gym later,
Ramiel was beat. 2 hours of practice was hard work, but he enjoyed         his furry friend were inside of the piggy bank…or so they thought.
every minute of it. Finally getting home, he threw his bag under the          “What the…? Is this what the inside of piggy banks usually look
desk in his room and headed straight to the shower. Once finished          like?” pondered Ramiel. The ground was coated in lush green grass.
showering, Ramiel threw on a black hoodie and light grey sweat             There were a couple chew toys sprawled across the ground accompa-
joggers and went to his room to watch some YouTube videos. Lay-            nied by semi-empty food and water bowls. A tall, (seemingly) white
ing on is stomach, cuddling his pillow, Ramiel turned his TV on            fence stood about 10 ft across from where Ramiel was standing. The
and selected the red and white triangle icon. Three videos later,          Lab hopped off Ramiel’s head and walked over to the fence. Skep-
he felt his eyes grow heavy. He tried his best to stay alert to finish     tical about the last scenery he experienced, Ramiel stood petrified
the video, but the weight on his eyes subconsciously took over.            that if he moved, even a mere centimeter, something strange would
   With what felt like hours later, Ramiel woke up confused. Last time     happen again. Stopping a fourth of the way, the Lab turned around
he checked, he was alone on his bed watching animation videos on           and barked at the fossilized boy, knocking him out of his trance.
YouTube, not laying on a (seemingly) deserted island with small,              “You want me to follow you, huh?” Ramiel ques-
white Labrador Retriever licking his cheek. Sitting up, Ramiel pushed      tioned pensively. To which the dog barked back, wag-
the pup away from him, whipping his head around trying to figure           ging its periwinkle tail as its tongue hung out of its mouth.
what was going on. The island was flushed with orange trees and               “Are you sure?” Ramiel had his mind set on staying put,
warm, pink sand. The dusty red and pale-yellow sky reflected over          but the puppy had other plans. Strutting over to him, the peri-
the lavender water. Lilac clouds swayed to and fro as a couple fly-        winkle pawed pup stood up, placed its front paws on Ramiel’s
ing…baby tigers? Before he could process anything else, Ramiel felt        knees, and leaned its body against them. With its big, roy-
a sharp pain on the right side of his head. Grabbing his forehead, he      al blue orbs, the pup looked up to Ramiel’s eyes. Ramiel felt a
put his head down in his lap. The Lab sensed his discomfort, placing       wave of serenity wash over him as he stared back at the dog.
its paw on Ramiel’s knee. Ramiel lifted his head up, smiling at the           “Okay,” Ramiel chimed with a smile, “let’s go”. Side by side, the
pup. His smile faded when he noticed the scenery in front of him.          pair walked over to the fence. Once in front of the towering, now
   “Wasn’t I just on an island? What is thi- where am I?” his questioned   pastel blue, wall, the pup lifted its right paw, pushed it against
bewilderedly. Raising an eyebrow, Ramiel eyed the pastel pomegran-         the door, and opened it. A gasp escaped the dumbfounded mid-
ate sky, with pale-turquois, blocky clouds, the giant pandas made          dle schooler’s lips as he noticed dogs and puppies all over the
of multi-grey rocks and boulders, the large, rosy comforter, with          place. The puppies gently ran over to the only human in the room,
blindingly white eyes and hands and feet at its corners, jogging past      leaving the adult dogs alone as they napped. A few exchanges of
him, and the enormous pale-pink piggy bank that poured out small,          light growling later, the periwinkle pawed pup let the other pups
thin, black chains onto the burnt brick road. Nothing made sense           surround its friend. Bending down to pet them, Ramiel noticed
to Ramiel as he looked at the Lab that now had a wagging, cobalt           the black collar with a silver pendent that said “Chief, 6/27/20.”
blue tail, and alternating periwinkle paws (front right and back left).       “So you’re almost 5 months, huh? Hopefully, my mom will let
   “Weird…I could’ve sworn you were all white.” Ramiel stared at the       you stay with us, seeing how you’ve grown quite attached to me,”
Lab before him, wondering why and how it was the only thing that           Ramiel laughed. “Well, Chief,” he paused and looked around, “and
managed to stay by him. His mild astonishment withered as the pup          other pups. Wanna play?” suggested Ramiel. They all barked
barked furiously at something behind his newfound human companion.         in delight as they pounced on the beaming boy. Trapped un-
   “WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!” shouted the middle schooler as             der a mountain of puppies, Ramiel chuckled lightly to himself.
his eyes almost popped out seeing, in the distance, a huge centaur            Suddenly, he reminded himself of the centaur from earlier. Did
charging towards them. Ramiel’s legs moved on their own and before         he have my dinosaur blanket as a cape?” he thought. A soft,
he knew it, he was tangled in the piggy bank’s chains. Struggling to       distant voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Gently pushing the
get out, Ramiel panicked seeing how the centaur was now half-way           puppies off of his chest, Ramiel sat up and looked around. He
to where he was. Again, the Lab sensed distress and ran over to the        did not see anyone. The voice called out to him again. It sound-
boy, lightly pouncing over the chains beneath his paws. Suddenly,          ed so familiar, so warm, so comforting. Wait a second… “Mom?”
the chains started retracting back into the piggy bank, dragging Ra-
miel along with them. The Lab somehow managed to do a long jump                Mystery’s Question: Why did Ramiel keep ending up in such
and landed directly on Ramiel’s head, with its paws resting calmly                                random scenarios?
over the frightened boy’s forehead. Desperately clawing at the black
metal, the chains only retracted faster. Soon enough, Ramiel and
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
6                       Arts & Entertainment
             Things to Do in November
 by Meryem Oldro
     As the time of ghouls, can-        zone, like maple cookies, or go
dy, costumes, and spooky ac-            out of your comfort zone and try
tivities falls behind us, this          to bake something more compli-
new month ushers in a ques-             cated, like pumpkin macarons.
tion: what’s there to do now?              Whatever you decide to bake,
   Well, I’m here to tell you there     you will always be left with a fun
are tons of things for you to do,       experience and, if everything
both alone and with others! Here        goes well, a yummy snack!
are some starters and ideas on             Plan your family’s Thanksgiv-
what to do in your free time:           ing dinner. Maybe your cook-
   Bake something! November             ing and baking skills are not
is one of the best months for           the best, but you can always
preparing for and bringing out          take that stress off whomever
new dishes for Thanksgiving.            normally plans it and try plan-
   Try something in your comfort        ning out all the components
                                                                             of that Thursday night meal.          ing small businesses is cru-
                                                                               Go to a pumpkin patch and find      cial right now, so why not do
                                                                             that perfect pumpkin! There are       so while also getting to pick
                                                                             many local farms you can sup-         out some fresh fruits, veggies,
                                                                             port around Southern New En-          and bakery delights? A person-
                                                                             gland. Find one and spend a few       al favorite of mine is Johnson’s
                                                                             hours frolicking with the squash.     Roadside Market in Swansea
                                                                               Do a fall photoshoot! Go to a       with their blueberry scones.
                                                                             park, find a trail, or wherever you      Last of all, make sure you are
                                                                             think is best. Get out into nature,   having fun while staying safe!
                                                                             witness the falling leaves, and       Wear a mask if you go out, and
                                                                             take tons of pictures while en-       check the specific requirements
                                                                             joying the New England Autumn.        for wherever you end up going.
                         photo courtesy of Johnson’s Roadside Market           Visit a farm stand! Support-        Have a Happy Harvest Season.

               Coming To the Small Screen
by Emily Ryder
   This is the way! The highly an-                                                                                 tery, and bone chilling horror.
ticipated 2nd season of the hit                                                                                      The Haunting of Bly Man-
Disney + show, The Mandalori-                                                                                      or is a “perfectly splendid”
an, returned on October 30th. To                                                                                   must watch for anyone who
recap, the titular character, the                                                                                  enjoyed The Haunting of Hill
Mandalorian (“Mando” for short),                                                                                   House, is looking for a thrill,
is a ruthless bounty hunter trav-
eling the outer rim of the galaxy.
                                                                                                                   While the entire season of
   Last season, the Mandalo-                                                                                          The Haunting of Bly
rian discovers “The Child”, or                                                                                         Manor dropped on
as he is affectionately named                                                                                       October 9th, fans of The
by fans: “Baby Yoda”. He was                                                                                       Mandolorian will have to
supposed to turn the child                                                                                          be a little more patient.
over for a bounty but end-                                                                                         Episode 2 is set to be re-
ed up betraying his employ-                                                                                        leased on November 6th.
ees to save the innocent baby.
   Mando goes on many rivet-
ing adventures with his new
                                                                             photos courtesy of Getty Images
companion across the gal-
axy. In the finale, Mando ven-
tures off with The Child to             as Mandalorians and the Jedi            This season follows the
find his home and his family.           are on opposite sides of the law.    Wingrave orphans and their
   The second season is set to             How will this all play out?       governess as the children re-
kick off to an exciting start. In the   Will we finally find out if The      cover from the loss of their
trailer, the main villain of season     Child is related at all to Yoda?     parents and previous nanny.
one is revealed to be alive and         The only one way to find out...         The manor is, as you might
in pursuit of the dynamic duo.          new episodes of The Man-             have guessed, haunted by
   The pair are reunited with some      dalorian are out every Friday.       ghosts. Both Bly Manor and Hill
old friends and possibly find new          The Haunting of Bly Manor was     House have been praised by
enemy in the legendary Clone            released on October 9th on Net-      critics and audiences alike for
Wars character, Ahsoka Tano.            flix. It is the second anthology     the attention to detail, charac-
She is a Jedi which may prove           installment of the award-winning     ter dynamics, plot twists, trag-
problematic for our protagonist         show The Haunting of Hill House.     ic heartbreaks, enticing mys-
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
Opinion & Editorials                                                                                                     7
          Cultural Connection
by Isaac Arbelaez-Venagas

  ¡Hola soy Isaac! Soy un           familia y aparte no tener una           Hi, I'm Isaac! I am a for-
estudiante     extranjero     de    gran cantidad de amigos con los      eign-exchange student from
Colombia que está en es-            que estar porque el colegio cerro    Colombia and a current senior. I
tos momentos en grado 12.           al poco tiempo de que entraste.      arrived at Saint Raphael Acade-
  Yo llegue a la Academia de        Es simplemente desalentador.         my on January 27, 2020 in order
Saint Raphael el 27 de ene-            A pesar de ello y todos los       to complete my studies for high
ro de 2020 con el propósito         miedos de todo lo que vino y         school in America. I hope to
de completar mis estudios en        vendrá, me siento feliz aquí.        learn more about the universi-
el bachillerato y poder pre-           Es posible que no tenga to-       ties in America since they are of
sentarme a las universidades        dos los amigos, familia, ni mu-      higher academic standing than
en este país, pues en general       chas otras comodidades que           the ones in my home country.
cuentan con un nivel académi-       tenía en Colombia, pero aquí            From the beginning, my
co mejor que el de mi país.         puedo seguir forjando mi cami-       arrival in this country has
                                                                                                                photo by Isaac Arbelaez-Venagas
  Desde el comienzo mi llega-       no para convertirme en lo            been very different but in-
da al país ha sido muy distinta     que yo siempre he soñado.            teresting. After all, this is my
e interesante; pues esta era mi        Este año puedo decir que he       first time as a new student.             Despite this and the uncer-
primera vez como estudiante         perdido bastante, incluyendo            Additionally, this is my first     tainty of everything to come, I
nuevo y aún peor, mi primera        a mi abuela quien falleció tan       time in a high school where           feel happy here. I may not have
vez en una secundaria donde         solo 1 semana atrás y no pude        everyone speaks a language            many friends, family, or other
todos hablaban en un idioma         ni visitar por la pandemia, pero     that is not my native lan-            amenities I had in Colombia, but
que no es mi lengua materna.        a pesar de todo creo que me es       guage. To complicate my goal          here I can find how to become
  Para complicar mi camino y        un año que no solamente voy a        here - a month after I had my         what I have always dreamed.
deseos, por casualidad del desti-   recordar por lo malo sino tam-       first class - Saint Rays closed          This year has had challenges,
no un mes después de que tuve       bién por cosas buenas como el        because of the pandemic.              like losing my grandmother one
mi primera clase el colegio cer-    hecho de que estoy en Esta-             I was simply devastated in-        week ago and being unable to at-
ro por culpa de la pandemia, yo     dos Unidos y de poder poco a         side. Just imagine being in a         tend funeral because of the pan-
simplemente estaba devastado        poco de contar con más amigos.       city where they don't speak           demic. Yet, despite everything, I
por dentro. Solo imagínense,           Ese soy yo, un mucha-             your language, being with             will remember this year for good
estar en una ciudad donde no        cho tímido y reservado pero          a family that is not your own         things like being in a new country
hablan tu idioma, estando con       que no dudara en saludarte           family, and not having many           and making more friends as I go.
una familia que no es tu propia     o ayudarte cuando necesites.         friends to be with because               So that's me: a shy and re-
 If you have an idea for a story that you would like to see in Spanish   school closed shortly after           served person who won't hesitate
          and English, contact              you’ve entered. It's daunting.        to say hello or help when needed!

                     Saints Survival Guide
by Hadiya Pfeiffer
   Hello again Saints! This year
may feel out of control, and
freshmen, you may be terri-
fied right about now. Adjust-
ing to a new school environ-
ment may be challenging,
but here are a few things that
can help you survive Saints.
   First and foremost, when you
are walking out on Walcott Street
make sure you are walking down
the correct side of the street.
When a herd of hormones and
stressed out teens comes barrel-
ing toward you it can be scary.
DO NOT PANIC, just simply head
to the nearest crosswalk and
cross safely to the other side                                                                                              photo courtesy of SRA
of the street. Do not beat your-
self up if you go the wrong way.
                                      Last, but probably the most        for help. That is their job. They     ask an upperclassman for help.
   Secondly, make sure you are
                                    important, do not compare            want to help you understand.          Whether you are struggling
going to the right lunch. If you
                                    yourself to others. When you           Whether you are question-           with a class, looking for a club
are completely confused and
                                    take that big history test, do       ing your walk to West, con-           to join, hoping to join a sport,
unsure, just shoot your teach-
                                    not ask what others got. Be          fused about lunch, or just            we can help. Remember, we
er an email or ask another stu-
                                    proud of the grade you earned.       need a little boost, talk to a        have all been in your shoes be-
dent. They will be glad to help
                                      If it is not something you         teacher or guidance counselor.        fore and had someone else help
point you in the right direction.
                                    are proud of, ask your teacher         If all else fails, you can always   us. We are all Saints’ Family.
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
8                          Opinion & Editorials
by Isabella Calise
                     Letter from the Editor
   My name is Isabella, and I am      off their shoulders and allows
applying to college. Like near-       them to skip the test and pri-
ly every seventeen-year-old or        oritize other components of
eighteen-year around the globe,       their application. If you’re
I am filling out my application,      like me, test-optional doesn’t
composing essays, and looking         mean much of a difference.
back on my activities and accom-         I still feel compelled to satis-
plishments each day. Alongside        fy admission counselors by de-
these requirements, for decades,      voting my free time to practice
seniors have fulfilled one crucial    tests and preparation in order
aspect of their application: the      to achieve an optimal score.
standardized test.       Originally      I don’t blame students for not
titled the Standard Aptitude Test,    taking it. I’ve been preparing for
the world renown SAT has been         the SAT for over six months and
heavily considered alongside          the test centers have canceled
students’ GPA in order to assess      on me four times. I should’ve
their “college potential.” If you     given up. Although my friends
think like me, college potential      tell me to rely on my community cause something is considered ing of Saturday, November 7, I
sounds pretty vague. Wouldn’t         involvement and overall GPA to “optional,” doesn’t mean it is. will be sitting at a school-desk in
an indicator of communication         stand apart, I know that just be-   With that in mind, on the morn- Connecticut. Where will you be?
skills and work ethic represent
a student’s ability to succeed in
college over advanced mathe-
matics and complex literature?
                                           Students Among Us                                                     by Sheila Tu

   If someone chooses a career
path in social sciences or the per-
forming arts, how much English
and math is studied beyond their
general education requirements?
   With each passing year, the
integrity of the SAT is chal-
lenged as an assessment
that benefits those fortunate
enough to spend hundreds of
dollars on study-guides, per-
sonal tutoring, or test retakes.
   Under the present Covid-19
crisis, colleges around the
world have decided to loosen
their grip on such an evalua-
tion by becoming test-optional
since it is practically impossible
to take the test due to the lack
of test centers willing to ad-
minister the SAT. Phew! What
does this mean for students?
   For some, this lifts a weight

 Glitch                     by Katherine Baxter
SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy SENTINEL Volume 3: Issue 2 - Saint Raphael Academy
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