Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews

Page created by Floyd Cohen
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
Senior Lifestyles
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
 Page22                                                                                                    Center News                                                                                                                                             May 2021
                                                                                                         Center News
          Center  News
        Page 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              May 2021
     JCSC       News                                                                                            Attention
         JCSC Center News
                                                                                                                                         All members
                                                                                                                                             members who
                                                                                                                                                      who have
                                                                                                                                                           have Silver
                                                                                                                                                                Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™ or Silver & Fit®
 AWe  areThank
    BIG     getting Youbackto allto who
                                     our new
                                           donatednormalandwith   many
                                                              helped      activities
                                                                        with   packing  returning
                                                                                            and deliverythis                           Attention
                                                                                                                                         through your insurance. Have
                                                                                                                                                 your insurance. Have you updated your paperwork yet? We need
  month.                                                                                                                               All members who have Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™ or Silver & Fit®
 forAour   Spring Forward for Seniors Project. With your help, the JCSC Foun-                                                              new
                                                                                                                                            new forms
                                                                                                                                       through     forms    for
                                                                                                                                                            for folks
                                                                                                                                                                 folks that
                                                                                                                                                    your insurance.    that are
                                                                                                                                                                             areyou         for these programs. Please see front desk
                                                                                                                                                                                      updated your paperwork yet? We need
      BIG Thank You to all who donated and helped with packing and delivery                                                                if you    have    not  taken  care
    for our Spring three
          supplied      Forward   bagsfor filled
                                                                               help, the JCSCproducts      to
                                                                                                       Foun-                           new  if you
                                                                                                                                               forms have     not taken
                                                                                                                                                        for folks        care
                                                                                                                                                                   that are  eligible for these January
                                                                                                                                                                                of this  during   programs.2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               nowdeskoffering all

  Foundation News
              supplied three bags filled with groceries and household products to the
                Action Fore
    205 low-income          seniors.
                                    the Another
                                         Cause Golf
                                                             sponsored by
                                                                                 the  Foundation
                                                                                       Pine OaksisGolf
                                                                                                                                       if you
                                                                                                                                                         not takenSoSo
                                                                                                                                                      your certification
                                                                                                                                                                              this during January 2020. We are now offering allto re-
                                                                                                                                                                So our records
                                                                                                                                                                                        our  center
                                                                                                                                                                                       accurate,   forfor
                                                                                                                                                                                                          these  programs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          be  required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   be required    to re-see
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Please      front
  The  Johnson
    Swing            City Senior
              into   date    ofFore
                                 the theCenter
                                       tournament                  would
                                                        is Tournament
                                                      Golf May 10,     2021.likeHave
                                                                           held   to  thank
                                                                                  at Pine       all those
                                                                                           a team
                                                                                              Oaks     Golf who
                                                                                                       you                             new desk
                                                                                                                                            front   for
                                                                                                                                               yourdesk  more    information.
                                                                                                                                                           for morethrough
                                                                                                                                                      certification              There
                                                                                                                                                                                our centerare
                                                                                                                                                                                        There  brochures
                                                                                                                                                                                             for are
                                                                                                                                                                                                 these      explaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                      brochures           the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Please seeeligible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                thefront classes
 would  made
         like to
    Course.        donations
                       datethere   to may
                                of the the   Foundation.
                                              still be some
                                        tournament       is MayYour
                                                                by10, dollars
                                                                      2021. Have havecallahelped     to fund our
                                                                                            team you                                   deskfor   each
                                                                                                                                                for  moreof these
                                                                                                                                                        for   each ofprograms
                                                                                                                                                             information.   There at are
                                                                                                                                                                                     the brochures
                                                                                                                                                                               programs   front  desk.
                                                                                                                                                                                             at the  front desk. the eligible classes
 forwould  Forward
     more like     to enter there may still be some by availability, call 423-434-6237to low
              information.     Seniors      which    provides    food  and    household        supplies                                for each of these programs at the front desk.
               you   helpprovides       funding forConsider
                            the Foundation?
                 information.                            our nurse,    Jenniea Clark,
                                                                    making        donation  RN;toprovides
                                                                                                     the                                   Alert:
                                                                                                                                                                                     sensitivity. Perfumes,
    How can  for
                       help the our   charter
                                 Center          bus
                                     Foundation?       trips; provides
                                                              If you
                                                        Consider           funds
                                                                      shop at
                                                                    making          for   our
                                                                                  Kroger, you
                                                                               a donation       fellowship
                                                                                               to  thecan pro-                         Alert: Manyand
                                                                                                                                         aftershaves of our
                                                                                                                                                         other scented
                                                                                                                                                              other    have
                                                                                                                                                                    scented fragrance
                                                                                                                                                                        beauty  products
                                                                                                                                                                              beauty    sensitivity.
                                                                                                                                                                                            may may
                                                                                                                                                                                      products        Perfumes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  cause     allergic
                                                                                                                                                                                                         cause      after-
 also    which
       sign upCity helps    low
                   for Senior
                        the Kroger income
                                   Center      seniors
                                          Community       participate
                                                              If you shop
                                                           Rewards       in our
                                                                        and at     programs
                                                                                  Kroger, you
                                                                               designate          that
                                                                                              thecan     have a
                                                                                                     senior                            shaves
                                                                                                                                         To   beand  other
                                                                                                                                                                of   beauty
                                                                                                                                                                   our      products
                                                                                                                                                                       members   and  may
                                                                                                                                                                                              please allergic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 from   using
  charge;    and    helps    provides       funding    for  special  programs       offered      by   the  John-                         reactions. To be considerate of our members and staff please refrain
    also   sign   up  for the    Kroger     Community
 center to receive dollars when you shop at Kroger.         Rewards    and    designate      the  senior                               Toscented
                                                                                                                                          be   considerate  of our members   and  staff please  refrain   from  using
  son  City to
    center    Senior
                                        when you Youshop
                                                       againatfor  your support!
                                                                 Kroger.                                                                 from using products.
                                                                                                                                                        scentedThank   You!Thank You!
                                                                                                                                       scented products. Thank You!

      Congregate Meal                                                    Changein
                                                                         Change inCongregate
                                                                                              Meal Drive-Thru
                                                                                                  Drive-Thru   Service:
      Congregate meal is served in the dining room. Reservations must be made.
      Reservation sheets for meals  Theare Johnson
                                           placed outside
                                           Johnson       Citythe
                                                         City   Senior
                                                               Senior    Center   isisopen.
                                                                            room doors. open.
                                                                                               There        is
                                                                                                    your name
                                                                                                        is      limited
                                                                                                            limited       activities
                                                                                                                     and place          happening
                                                                                                                                a checkmark
                                                                                                                       activities  happening
                                                                                                                                                in the within
                                                                                                                                                  within the   the center.
                                                                                                                                                              center.           During
                                                                                                                                                                          for the
                                                                                                                                                                         During           theyou
                                                                                                                                                                                    days that
                                                                                                                                                                                   the 1st     1st
      wish to come to eat. All orders    must
                                      phase ofof
                                               be  opening,
                                                    placed   48  congregate
                                                                  hours in       meals
                                                                            advance.    “Nowill continue
                                                                                            add-ons”     will  to
                                                                                                              be  be   served
                                                                                                                  permitted       as
                                                                                                                               after  a
                                                                                                                                     the drive
                                                                                                                                         meal   thru
                                                                                                                                               order  service
                                                                                                                                                      has  been only.
                                                                                                                                                                 sent inNo
                                                                                                                                                                         to  meals
                                                                                                                                                                            FTHRA.     will
                                                                                                                                                                                        No  be
      side food “to share” will be permitted
                                    allowed    attoopening,
                                                     be time.  Ifcongregate
                                                          brought youinto
                                                                       ordered meals
                                                                            thecenter.    thecontinue
                                                                                            Your    meal
                                                                                                           to be
                                                                                                         time       served
                                                                                                             will    beservedas aPlease
                                                                                                                         12:00p.     drive thru
                                                                                                                                         Reordering      ifonly.
                                                                                                                                                      us process  Nounable
                                                                                                                                                            you are   meals to
                                                                                                                                                                   and up
                                                                                                                                                                          pick up
                                                                                                                                                                                     be on a day
      that you have reserved (423-434-5723).
                                                 to  be   brought    into  the            Your   meal     will  be  served   hot.    Reordering     process   and  pick
                                      procedures      will
                                                      will  remainthe
                                                            remain     thesame.
      Meals will be served for those      who
                                    IfIfyou     have    made     reservations    between
                                                                                       times12:00    and   12:20.     At 12:20, meals    will beMonday
                                                                                                                                                  given outthrough
                                                                                                                                                              to thoseFriday.
                                                                                                                                                                        who have      shown up
                                         you ordered
                                             ordered a     a meal,
                                                             meal, thethepick-up
                                                                            pick-up  times  areare   from
                                                                                                  from        11:30a-12:00p
                                                                                                          11:30a-12:00p        eacheachdayday
                                                                                                                                            Monday through       Friday. Please    Please
      to eat but forgot to reserve. contact
                                      contact usus if you are are unable
                                                                                            your    reserved
                                                                                                 reserved       mealmeal   (423-434-6226
                                                                                                                        (423-434-6226            or 423-434-5723)
                                                                                                                                            or 423-434-5723)

                                                                                        FTHRA NutritionProgram
                                                                                                     Menu for
                                                                                                     Menu     May
                       Monday                                    Tuesday
                                                                  Tuesday                                                Wednesday
                                                                                                                           Wednesday                                               Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                                       Thursday                                               Friday Friday
32     3Pizza
         BeefPizza Casserole
            Brussel   Sprouts
                                               434      Oven
                                                       Oven    Fried Chicken
                                                        Meatloaf     Chicken                          5 54       Country
                                                                                                                 w/ gravy
                                                                                                                    Country     SteakSteak Pears
                                                                                                                          Salad                Pears(2)
                                                                                                                                           Dinner Roll Roll
                                                                                                                                                              6 65CheesyCheesy
                                                                                                                                                                        Hamburger   w/ onions   Bun Cobbler 7
                                                                                                                                                                                        Peach Cobbler
                                                                                                                                                                                               Peach                            Taco Casserole
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  76 Taco        Casserole Taco Chips Taco
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PizzaCasserole              TexasChips
         Carrots Sprouts                                Scalloped
                                                       Scalloped    Potatoes
                                                                    Potatoes                                        w/ gravyLettuce
                                                                                                                 Shredded                      Dinner             Spaghetti             Texas Toast                             Cauliflower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cauliflower Cornbread Cornbread
                                                        Mashed Potatoes                                          Mashed Potatoes                                           Spaghetti
                                                                                                                                                                           Potato Wedges             Texas Toast
            Corn                                        Lima Beans                                               PastaMashed
                                                                                                                        Salad Potatoes                               Vegetable Medley                                           Apple Crisp
         Mixed Greens                                  Lima
                                                                 Peas                                            Peas & Carrots                                            Vegetable
                                                                                                                                                                           Corn Medley                                                    Apple  Crisp
            Texas Toast                                 Dinner Roll                                                   PeasFruit
                                                                                                                 Tropical    & Carrots
                 Roll                                  Dinner
       10   Hamburger w/ onion Baked Beans      11      Cheese Omelet             Orange Juice        12 Breaded
                                                                                                             Breaded    Fish   w/ tartar Bun                  13     Sliced Turkey Breast Tropical Fruit                 14     Chili Mac Casserole      Cornbread
109    Hamburger
         Breaded    w/ onion Baked
            & mayoChicken
                               Bun             1110    Cheese
                                                        Sausage      w/            Orange w/Juice
                                                                                   Texas Toast
                                                                                  Biscuit    gravy      1211sauceBBQ Chicken Fish w/ tartar Bun                    13
                                                                                                                                                                   12w/ mayoSliced
                                                                                                                                                                            Sliced Turkey Bread (2)Tropical
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ham Breast      Bread (2)Fruit                 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chili Mac Casserole      Cornbread
            Whole Potatoes BunDInner Roll              Sausage
                                                         meatsauce                Biscuit w/ gravy              sauce
                                                                                                                 Au Gratin
                                                                                                             Scalloped         Potatoes
                                                                                                                          Potatoes                                   Lettucew/Lettuce
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tomato& Tomato         Bread (2)              CinnamonCorn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Closed   for training
     Whole  Potatoes
      Macaroni   & Cheese                                Italian Mix Vegetables
                                                       Grits                                                    Scalloped
                                                                                                             Green Beans      Potatoes
                                                                                                                             Squash                                          Lettuce
                                                                                                                                                                     Cole SlawCole Slaw& Tomato                                                            No Meal Served
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cinnamon Applesauce
                                                    Pears                                                       Green
                                                                                                                 BiscuitBeans                                                Cole   SlawJell-O
     17 Chicken Pot Pie         Biscuit        18 Chili Dog w/ mustard & Baked Beans                  19 Breaded Chicken CarrotsTexas Toast
                                                                                                                    20                                                Tuna Salad w/ crackers Mandarin Oranges 21 Meatball sub w/ mozz. Bun
         Steamed      Steak Biscuit
                     Broccoli Dinner Roll    1817 Chili Dog Omelet
                                                   onions                     BakedJuice
                                                              w/ mustard & Orange
                                                                             Bun      Beans                     Breaded
                                                                                                                 Chicken Chicken
                                                                                                        1918 Tenders         Parmesan DinnerCarrots
                                                                                                                                               Roll                20        Tuna
                                                                                                                                                                    19Shredded       Salad w/ crackers
                                                                                                                                                                              TunaLettuce           Bread (2)Mandarin Oranges cheese
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 20 Meatball
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chili Dogsub  w/ mozz. Bun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     w/ onions
      Mashed   Potatoes
                Apples                            onions
                                                   Potato     Patty
                                                          Wedges              Bunw/ Gravy
                                                                           Biscuit                              Tenders
                                                                                                                 Pasta &w/Cheese
                                                                                                             Macaroni         sauce         Dinner Roll                      Shredded
                                                                                                                                                                              Shredded Lettuce
                                                                                                                                                                      Pasta Salad                           Bread (2)                     cheese
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sweet Potato Fries  Wedges
            Vegetables                            Potato
                                                   Grits Wedges                                                  Italian Mix&Vegetables
                                                                                                                Macaroni        Cheese                                       Pasta   SaladSalad
                                                                                                                                                                              Macaroni                                         Corn Sweet Baked Potato
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Beans Fries
     24   Beef Goulash          Dinner  Roll   25 Meatloaf                 Dinner Roll                 26        Pineapple
                                                                                                             Baked  27
                                                                                                                     Ham       Tidbits                               Chicken Parmesan              Dinner Roll            28   Salisbury  Bun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Steak  w/ gravy Tomatoes
                                                                                                                                                                     Pasta   w/ sauce
2423 Beef
          Goulash   Chicken Dinner
                                      Roll   2524  Mashed
                                                  Meatloaf   Potatoes
                                                              Spaghetti    Texas
                                                                            Dinner Toast
                                                                                    Roll                 2625Sweet
                                                                                                                 MeatballHamSub              Bun                   26Italian Mixed
                                                                                                                                                                   27         Turkey Sandwich
                                                                                                                                                                             Chicken   Parmesanw/          Marinated
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dinner                27 Rice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RollCucumber Steamed               Steakw/Pineapple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chicken Philly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Salisbury                     Applesauce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           w/ gravy Tomatoes
     Green  BeansPotatoes                          Green
                                                  Mashed     Potatoes                                        Broccoli
                                                                                                                Sweet  w/Potatoes
                                                                                                                 Sandwich cheese                                              mayoVegetables
                                                                                                                                                                             Pasta   w/ sauce              Salad               Green Beans   & &Rice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Steamed     onionsDinner Roll Pineapple
                                                                                                             Dinner  Roll w/Sprouts
                                                                                                                Broccoli       cheese                                Sliced Apples
                                                                                                                                                                             Italian MixedLettuce
                                                                                                                                                                                             Vegetables Tropical Fruit
      Green Beans
     Pears                                          BakedPeas
                                                  Green    Apples                                                                                                                                                                         Potato Beans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Green    Wedges&              Dinner Roll
     31         MEMORIAL DAY                                                                                     Peach    Cobbler
                                                                                                                Dinner Roll                                                  Sliced Apples                 Bread

3130 Salisbury Steak w/  DAY
               NO MEALS SERVED
                                             31     BBQ Pork Riblet
                                                    Potato Wedges
            NO MEALS SERVED
      Mashed Potatoes         Dinner Roll
        One 2% milk is included with each meal.
                                                    Baked Beans
                                                    BunAll servings are 1/2 cup. All entrees are 3 oz. servings or one portion. **Menu may change due to weather and availability.
      One 2%milk
                        includedwithwith each
                                           each meal.
                                                meal. All
                                                        All servings
                                                            servings are
                                                                       are 1/2
                                                                           1/2 cup.
                                                                                 cup. All
                                                                                       All entrees
                                                                                           entrees are
                                                                                                     are 33 oz.
                                                                                                             oz. servings
                                                                                                                  servings or  or one
                                                                                                                                    one portion.
                                                                                                                                         portion. **Menu may change due to weather and availability.
         Congregate Meals will be served from 12:00-12:15 for those who have registered. At 12:15 continuing until 12:25 if there is food available, it will be served to those who did not register but have
           shown up to eat lunch. Please register in advance to ensure your meal!
       Congregate   Mealswill
                                                                                registered. At
                                                                                                    continuing until
                                                                                                               until 12:25
                                                                                                                     12:25 ifif there
                                                                                                                                 there is
                                                                                                                                        is food
                                                                                                                                            food available,
                                                                                                                                                 available, itit will
                                                                                                                                                                 will be
                                                                                                                                                                      be served to those who did not register but have
       shown  upto
                        lunch. Please
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
August 2021
                                                   Senior Lifestyles                                                 Page 3

Lifestyle Sports
(Ages 18+)
Gym 1 – Mon, Wed, and Fri 9:00a-12:00p
Gym 2 – Mon through Fri 9:00a-12:00p
Outdoor courts are available
August 11 - No indoor pickleball (Job Fair in the gym all
Cost: FREE
Join in on the fun! This activity is a modified version of tennis.
We play doubles.
No registration required, no time limit or number of players

Senior Billiards
(Ages 18+)
Monday through Friday                                                  Dr. Holly Dockery
No registration required, No time limit or number of                   DNP AGPCNP-BC
No food allowed in the billiards room only closed                      Primary Care
beverage containers                                                    Nurse Praccconer
Cost: FREE                                                             Board Cercfied in Geriatric Care

Men’s Senior Softball                                                  Accepcng New
(Ages 60+)
Registration forms for the upcoming 2021 season are                    Pacents for:
available at the front desk.

Doubles Table Tennis                                                   • Arthricc &
(Ages 50+)
Each Mon, Wed, and Fri
9:00a-11:00a                                                           Joints
Cost: FREE
Senior men and women’s doubles table tennis is a great way
to keep your brain and body active. No food allowed only               • Joint Injeccons
closed beverage containers

Senior Basketball                                                    Most Insurances Accepted  
(Ages 50+)
Gym 1 – Tues and Thurs 10a -12p
Cost: Free
Meet in the gym for pick-up games and shoot a-rounds.                Appointments
                                                                     (423) 388-3643
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
Page 4                                                                       Arts & Crafts                                                                              August 2021
                                                              Tuesdays 1-2:30p                                               paints blend into a beautiful mix of colors, swirls and

Arts & Crafts                                                 Tuesday afternoon drawing offers an encouraging,
                                                              relaxed atmosphere in which to create and learn. Bring
                                                              your materials and projects and take advantage of any
                                                                                                                             patterns on your vase and canvas at the same time. It’s
                                                                                                                             always a beautiful surprise! All materials furnished.

Mystery Grab Bag Card Making                                  instruction needed in technique or skill. Materials will be    Bottle Lamps
(Ages 16+)                                                    available for anyone who needs them.                           (Ages 18+)
Instructor: Chyrl McLaughlin                                                                                                 Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel
Cost: $7                                                      Beginning to End….Canvas Creations                             Cost: $8 for the series
Tuesday, August 10 1-2:30p                                    (Ages 18+)                                                     Thursday & Friday August 26 & 27 12:30-2:30p
It’s time to clean out my stash of ready to assemble card     Instructor: Charline Hughes                                    We will be using glass bottles and a glass dye to create a
making kits. The stamping and embossing have been             Cost: $8                                                       beautiful and unusual lamp. The bottle will have a string
done for you. This is a great opportunity for beginners to    Tuesday August 24 3-5p                                         of lights inside creating the effect of fireflies. You choose
see what card making is all about or for the experienced      No talent required! Join instructor Charline Hughes as         your colors and designs.
card maker to increase their supply of ready to send          she walks you through creating a canvas you will be            All materials furnished.
cards. The mystery comes into play because you do not         proud to display in your home. Learn fundamental skills
know which cards you will receive in your packet of six       including how to add shadows, depth and dimension.             Pastel Class
cards. Cards that will be in the packets include birthday,    This is a make and take class. All supplies will be fur-       (Ages 18+)
get well, thinking of you, New Year’s Day, Easter, patriot-   nished.                                                        Instructor: Ann Whitson
ic, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Come and have some                                                                           Cost: $3
fun crafting and getting to know someone new.                 Sewing Group - A Community Service Project                     Monday August 16 1-3p
Don’t delay, seats are limited to the first 16 people.        (Ages 18+)                                                     In this class you will be guided in working with the soft
Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your         Instructor: Charline Hughes                                    and blendable quality of chalk pastels. It is a relaxing
spot!                                                         Cost: Free                                                     way to draw and compose. You will take home a fin-
                                                              Wednesdays           1-3:30p                                   ished composition. Appropriate for all skill levels. All
Creative Card Making                                          We have a surplus of fabric which has been donated to          materials furnished
(Ages 16+)                                                    the center. In an effort to give back to the community, we
Instructor: Chyrl McLaughlin                                  want to be a blessing to those in need by sewing over-         Oil Pastel Class
Cost: $7                                                      sized lap quilts and/or pet beds. Sewing machines will         (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, August 17 9-10:30a OR                                be set up and all supplies will be made available. Items       Instructor: Ann Whitson
Thursday, August 19 2-3:30p                                   made will be donated to the community.                         Cost: $3
It’s good to keep in touch and remind others that you                                                                        Monday August 23 1-3p
are thinking about them. We will be making a variety of       Acrylics Class                                                 Drawing with oil pastels is a step beyond using chalk
cards this month. You will be making 6 cards and will be      (Ages 50+)                                                     pastels. Oil pastels are not as often used as chalk
competing the stamping and embossing yourself.                Instructor: Art Holsclaw                                       pastels and have their own unique way of blending
Don’t delay, seats are limited in number. Two classes of-     Cost: $10                                                      and creating a beautiful composition. With the right
fered. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure       Wednesdays 12:30–2:30p                                         materials and proper technique you can learn how
your spot!                                                    Join “Art” Holsclaw to paint and share. Designed for be-       to create your own beautiful oil pastel painting. All
                                                              ginners or experienced painters. Registration deadline is      supplies furnished.
Amateur Photography Club                                      Monday before each class. Feel free to come by and visit
(Ages 18+)                                                    during class to see what it is all about and if you would      Op Art
Cost: Free                                                    like to sign up.                                               (Ages 18+)
First Monday of the month 1-3:00p                                                                                            Instructor: Ann Whitson
If you are just starting out, or want to brush up on your     Pottery Class                                                  Cost: $3
skills, take field trips and photos then come and join us!    (Ages 18+)                                                     Friday August 20 1-3p
                                                              Instructor: Barb Cara                                          Op art, short for optical art, is a style of visual art that
Video Series – How to Look at and Understand Great            Cost: $25 for the series                                       uses optical illusions. Op art is a perceptual experience
Art                                                           Thursday August 5 & 19                12-2p                    related to how vision functions, giving the viewer the
(Ages 18+)                                                    We will use hand building techniques such as slab, coil        impression of movement, hidden images, and vibrating
Instructor: Ann Whitson                                       and pinch to make simple, yet practical and artistic piec-     patterns. If you would like to try your hand at something
Cost: Free                                                    es. Projects will be seasonable and versatile. Suitable        different and intriguing try this out!
First Monday of Each Month            1 –2:30p                for all levels of ability – beginner to experienced. Barb
In these lectures we will be introduced to the compo-         is owner and potter at Potting for Fun in Jonesborough.        Mountain Dulcimer Lessons, Beginner/Intermediate
nents of art – color, line, perspective, and composition as   Cost includes all materials and kiln firing. Please pre-reg-   Level
well as point of view, motion, light and texture. We will     ister and pay, class size is limited.                          (Ages 18+)
learn how the artist uses symbolism and communicates a                                                                       Instructor: Willis Jones
message to the viewer. Many different media will be in-       Silk Painting for Wearable Art                                 Cost: $20 for four lessons
cluded and many great works of art featured. The course       (Ages 18+)                                                     Wednesday August 4, 11, 18, 25          2-3p
covers great art from the 13th century to the present.        Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel                                  Learn to play the old time Mountain Dulcimer with Willis
                                                              Cost: $10 for the series                                       Jones! Please bring an instrument that is ready to play.
Video Series - Masterworks of American Art                    Thursday and Friday         August 12 & 13 12:30-2:30p         This one hour session is for those who are interested in
(Ages 18+)                                                    This class will feature a resist technique and silk paint on   learning, have questions about the dulcimer or are very
Instructor: Ann Whitson                                       large squares of silk. The silk will be on stretchers while    rusty in their playing technique
Cost: Free                                                    you work in order to create a precise design. When dry
Last Wednesday of Each Month 12:30-2p                         the squares can then be put together to create a silk top      Next Step Photography Club
In this video series we will explore the remarkable history   to wear!                                                       (Ages 18+)
of American Art from its origins in the colonial past until   Cost includes all materials and instruction.                   Cost: Free
shortly before the First World War. Like the early Amer-                                                                     Third Wednesday of each month at 6p-8p
icans it is forward-looking, innovative and sometimes         Create a Vase and a Canvas                                     If you have a Basic technical knowledge of your camera,
rebellious.                                                   (Ages 18+)                                                     a desire to learn and experience more, understand some
                                                              Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel                                  of the creative control functions like aperture, shutter
Pencil Drawing Made Easy                                      Cost: $8 for the series                                        speed, composition, use of the manual settings on your
(Ages 18+)                                                    Monday & Tuesday August 30 & 31 1-3p                           camera and ready to delve deeper in to image creation
Instructor- Ann Whitson                                       We will use acrylic paint and a pouring technique to           and gain a broader knowledge of photography, then Next
Cost: Free                                                    create two projects in one! As you work you will see the       Step Photography is for you.
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
August 2021                              Groups & Meetings   Page 5

Groups & Meetings
Coffee and Conversations for GRANDfamilies
- Grandparent and Relatives Raising Relative Children
Monday, August 9 10a 2nd Monday of each month
Cost: Free
Are you raising a grandchild or other relative? Need
support, information or resources? Join us to share your
experience, receive useful information, learn caregiving/
child rearing tips, and gain emotional support during our
Coffee & Conversation for GRANDfamilies. Coffee & Light
Refreshments will be provided.

Weekly Bible Study Opportunities
Our Holy Bible Study
Mondays at 2p
(Ages 50+)
Join us for this open discussion Bible study. Share what
you have learned throughout the years.

Last Wednesday of each month at 10a, will meet on
August 25
(Ages 50+)

Thursdays at 8a
(Ages 50+)
Men’s Bible Study.

As the Page Turns
(Book Club):
(Ages 50+)
Free Books Provided
1st Thursday of month 10a.
If you like reading a variety of books and meeting new
people, come join us. You are not required to join in the
discussion or answer questions if you do not wish to.

Book Selections:

August: The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
Page 6                     Senior Lifestyles                                                           August 2021

                                                      Contact us today for services including:
                                     • Specialized Respiratory Services        •   On-Call Physician Services
                                     • Physical, Speech and                    •   Licensed Nursing Staff
                                       Occupational Therapy Services           •   Social Services Staff
                                     • Restorative Program Skilled             •   Pharmacy Services
                                       and Intermediate Nursing Care           •   On-Call Mental Health Services
                                     • Respite Services                        •   Registered Dietician Services
                                                         Our Amenities & Activities Include:
                                     • 84 Semi-Private Rooms                   • Group Outings
                                     • Beauty and Barber Shop Services         • Daily opportunities to encourage social,
                                     • Laundry Services                          physical & mental enrichment

                                                                 505 N Roan Street
                                                               Johnson City, TN 36701

                                               Ladies and Gentleman...
         OUTDOOR                                Children of all ages...
    CARNIVAL                                   Please join us as we celebrate
                                           Dominion Senior Living’s 6th Anniversary

                                                  Bounce House
                                                 Backyard Dunk Tank
                                                      Food                     Prizes
            F R I D A Y
                                                     Games                   Face Paint
         August 13                     2412 Knob Creek Road                       For additional information,
                                                                                please contact Kara Fleenor or
         4:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m.          Johnson City, TN 37604                    Carla Dunn at (423) 930-9001
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
August 2021                            Volunteers/Computers & Games                                                                    Page 7

                                                                        Hand & Foot Canasta
                                                                        (Ages 50+)
                                                                        Monday 1p-5p
                                                                        Cost: FREE
                                                                        Come and play this card game. If you don’t know how, no worries,
          Ready, Set, Serve...Volunteer!                                they will teach you how. No food allowed in the Card room only
         On a mission to engage adults in                               closed beverage containers.
         Active Life through Active Living                              Pinochle
                                                                        (Ages 50+)
                       Volunteer Meeting:                               Wednesdays, 1p-5p
                                                                        Cost: FREE
                       Monday, August 2nd 10a
                                                                        A trick taking card game for four. No food allowed in the Card
                                                                        room only closed beverage containers.
  Guest Speaker: Ashley Cavendar with One Acre Café will raise your
        awareness about the volunteer opportunities available.
    Come play a game and get reacquainted with other volunteers.        (Ages 50+)
                                                                        Thursdays, 1p-5p
               Learn of upcoming volunteer opportunities                Cost: FREE
                                                                        Rook is a challenging trick taking game played with a special deck
                                                                        of cards and a special group of people. Please join us! No food
                                                                        allowed in the Card room only closed beverage containers.

                                                                        Ace of Clubs Duplicate Bridge
                                                                        (Ages 50+)
                                                                        Fridays 12:30p
                                                                        If you enjoy playing bridge, but haven’t tried duplicate bridge. Join
                                                                        the fun! No food allowed in the Card room only closed
                                                                        beverage containers.

Open Computer Lab
(Ages 18+)
Members of the Center will be able to check out an Access card to the
Computer Lab at the Senior Front Desk to gain entrance into the Lab
from 8:00a-5:00p, Monday through Friday.

Times/Availability subject to change
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
Page 8                                          Senior Lifestyles                                                              August 2021

              W elcome to Everlan of Johnson City
                          LUXURY INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR ADULTS 55+
             Our resort-style independent living community was created for active seniors seeking a maintenance-free
               lifestyle filled with socialization and security. We offer an extensive calendar of activities that includes
              fitness programs, live entertainment, special events, church services and Bible studies. Our amenities
               were designed to meet your individual needs while providing the freedom and flexibility you desire.

         ·   Restaurant-Style Dining                   ·   Spa and Salon Suite         ·   Washer and Dryer in All Units
         ·   Weekly Housekeeping                       ·   Multi-purpose Theatre       ·   Walk-In Showers
         ·   Transportation Services                   ·   Fitness Center              ·   Utilities Included (Except Phone)
         ·   24/7 Emergency Response/Security          ·   Concierge Services          ·   Wi-Fi Included


                        2623 PEOPLES S T. | JOHNSON CIT Y, TN 37604 | W W W.E VERL ANLIVING.COM
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
August 2021                     Community Center Recreation Programs         Page 9
   Memorial Park
  Community Center
     510 Bert St.

 August 21, 2021
                              Tot Triathlon
                                         RUN. TRIKE. RUN.
   10 - 11 a.m.
    Ages 3-6
        Registration fee:
   $10/person (July 23-Aug. 13)
        Late Registration:
         $15 (Aug. 14-20)
      Packet pickup MPCC:
          10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
 Register online at
   No registration day of event

  Preschoolers will begin by running the bases at TVA Credit Union
  Ballpark (Cardinal Park), jump on their bicycles (with training wheels),
  tricycles or Big Wheels and ride a designated distance, then end at a
  watery but safe finish line.
  It's never too early to offer opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, and
  this poplar event is designed for just that.
  For more information, call 423-434-5749
Senior Lifestyles AUGUST 2021 VOLUME LXXXVIII NO. 88 - Townnews
Page 10                                                    Senior Lifestyles                                                                  August 2021

     MONDAY                    TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
2                          3                         4                             5                         6                          7
1:00 Video - How to                                  2:00 Mountain Dulcimer        10:00 As the Page Turns
Look at Great Art                                    Lesson Series
                                                                                   12:00 Pottery Class
1:00 Amateur
Photography Club

9                          10                        11                            12                        13                         14
10:00 Coffee &             10:00 Hypertension -      8:00 Fasting Blood Sugar      12:30 Silk Painting for   12:30 Silk Painting for
Conversations for          What You Need to Know     Screening                     Wearable Art              Wearable Art
                           1:00 Mystery Grab Bag     2:00 Mountain Dulcimer        3:00 JCSC Seniors on      5:30 Johnson City Grand
11:00 Diabetes Control -   Card Making               Lesson Series                 the Go                    Squares
Why It’s So Important

16                         17                        18                            19                        20                         21
1:00 Pastel Class          9:00 Creative Card        10:00 Free Injury             12:00 Pottery Class       10:00 Basics of Medicare
                           Making                    Screening
                                                                                   2:00 Creative Card        1:00 Op Art
                           10:00 the READY’s         2:00 Mountain Dulcimer        Making
                                                     Lesson Series

                                                     6:00 Next Step
                                                     Photography Club

23                         24                        25                            26                        27                         28
                                                     10:30 Arthritis & Nutrition
1:00 Oil Pastel Class      10:00 Property Fraud                                    12:30 Bottle Lamps        12:30 Bottle Lamps
                                                     12:30 Video -
                           3:00 Beginning to End -   Masterworks of                                          5:30 Johnson City Grand
                           Canvas Creations          American Art                                            Squares

                                                     2:00 Mountain Dulcimer
                                                     Lesson Series

30                         31
1:00 Create a Vase and     10:00 Joint Health
a Canvas
                           1:00 Create a Vase and
                           a Canvas
August 2021                                Senior Lifestyles                                                                                Page 11

                                   r           t
Page 12                                                            Fitness/Healthy Living                                                                              August 2021
                                               ment. With adjustments the exercises are                                                     of keeping it under control. Learn about
     Schedule of                               appropriate for individuals of all physical
                                               conditions and can be done seated in a          Healthy Living                               what can impact your blood pressure and
                                                                                                                                            how your blood pressure impacts your

      Activities                               chair.

                                                                                              Ask Our Nurse
                                                                                              If you have health concerns or questions,
                                                                                                                                            overall health. What do the numbers
                                                                                                                                            really mean? How do the different med-
                                                                                                                                            ications work? Get the lowdown on high
                                               (Ages 18+)                                     our nurse, Jeanne Clarke, RN is happy to      blood pressure. Please call to pre-
Fit & Toned                                    Mondays and Wednesdays, 12p                    assist.                                       register at 434-6237.
(Ages 18+)                                     Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for           Blood pressure checks are available daily.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:00a           Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and           You are also welcome to stop in to weigh      Free Fasting Blood Sugar Screening
Cost: $2 (Free to Silver Sneaker®,             Silver & Fit® eligible participants).          yourself. She can be reached Monday –         (18+)
Silver & Fit® and Renew Active®                Instructor: Tonya Van Hook                     Thursday, 9am-2 pm at 423-434-6235 or         Wednesday, August 11, 8-10a
participants)                                  Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese        stop by her office across from the dining     Cost: FREE
Instructor: Deb Fogle                          medicine that includes easy to learn,          room.                                         Stop by the nurse’s station for a free blood
One hour class that includes cardio            gentle, flowing movements that stimulate                                                     sugar check (done by fingerstick). For
endurance, strength, flexibility and           the meridian system of the body and            Free Blood Pressure Checks                    best results, do not eat or drink anything
balance challenges.                            promote relation and mindfulness. Class        Cost: FREE                                    except water 8-12 hours prior to testing. If
                                               work also includes warmups, gentle             Monday – Thursdays, 9a-2p                     you have any questions about pre-diabe-
Outshine Fitness                               stretching of all the major joints, and        Stop by the nurse’s station for a free        tes or diabetes, feel free to stop by or call
(Ages 18+)                                     breath work. Evidence-based studies            blood pressure check. No appointment          423-434-6235 to set up a time to discuss
Tuesday, 8:00a                                 show that Qigong practice can improve a        required.                                     with our nurse, Jeanne Clarke, RN.
Cost: $2                                       wide variety of chronic health conditions
Instructor: Deb Fogle                          including heart disease, diabetes, MS,         Delay the Disease ~ Parkinson’s               Free Injury Screenings
This outdoor workout is a great class to       and Parkinson’s disease, while reducing        Exercise Program                              (18+)
add to your fitness regimen. By                stress and promoting emotional health          (18+)                                         Wednesday, August 18, 10a-12p
combining an outdoor walk/run with             and mental function. With                      New series beginning August 3                 Cost: FREE
weighted exercises, this class shows           adaptations this class is appropriate for      Classes meet Tuesdays & Thursdays,            PT Solutions physical therapists will be
instant results! The class features a “go at   everyone regardless of physical limita-        1:30-2:30p                                    here at the center to address your ortho-
your own pace” format, so it welcomes all      tions and can be done seated in a chair.       Cost: $48 for initial 12 session series:      pedic concerns or provide a free injury
varieties of fitness levels. As your energy                                                   $24 for repeat participants                   screening to identify potential injuries or
level and strength increase, so will the       Circuit                                        Instructors: Deb Fogle, ATC & Jeanne          musculoskeletal problems. Whether you
difficulty of the class.                       (Ages 50+)                                     Clarke, RN                                    are experiencing an ankle sprain, plantar
                                               Tuesday and Friday, 10a                        This evidence based exercise program is       fasciitis, knee, shoulder, or back pain,
Classic                                        Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Sil-        designed specifically to empower people       they can check it out and offer advice.
(Ages 50+)                                     ver & Fit® and Renew Active® partici-          with Parkinson’s to take control of their     Please call 423-434-6237 to schedule
Monday and Wednesday, 10a                      pants)                                         disease and help delay the progression        your free appointment.
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®,             Instructor: Deb Fogle                          of symptoms. Exercises are aimed at
Silver & Fit® and Renew Active®                This class is designed to increase             promoting greater mobility, improved bal-     Arthritis & Nutrition
participants)                                  cardiovascular endurance and improve           ance, flexibility, strength, independence     (18+)
Instructor: Deb Fogle                          strength. This is a low impact class           and hope! Prior to attending classes,         Wednesday, August 25, 10:30-11:30a
Increase muscular strength, range of           which offers upper body strengthening.         please call our nurse Jeanne Clarke at        Cost: FREE
movement and practice activities for daily     Participant should possess consistent          423-434-6235 to get more information          Speaker: Pamela Kowalski, MHL, BSN,
living.                                        skills in agility, coordination and balance.   and complete an assessment.                   RN, CCM
                                                                                                                                            Join us to learn how foods can worsen or
Classic                                        Group Exercise Guidelines                      Diabetes Control – Why It’s So                improve the inflammation in our bodies.
(Ages 50+)                                     Preregistration recommended for the            Important                                     Find out which foods promote inflamma-
Monday and Wednesday, 1:30pm                   above classes. Class size limited to 20        (18+)                                         tion and which help to fight it. Get tips
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®,             participants.                                  Monday, August 9, 11a-12p                     for incorporating more of the anti-inflam-
Silver & Fit® and Renew Active®                                                               Cost: FREE                                    matory foods in your diet and some small
participants)                                  Fitness Room                                   Speaker: Paul C Lange, Jr, MD                 changes that can have a big impact.
Instructor: Deb Fogle                          Monday through Friday                          Diabetes increases your risk for many         Please pre-register by calling 423-434-
Increase muscular strength, range of           7:00a – 7:00p                                  serious health problems but maintaining       6237.
movement and practice activities for daily     No preregistration required to use             healthy blood sugar levels can help pre-
living.                                        fitness room                                   vent or delay these complications. Gain a     Joint Health
                                               Cost: Daily and Monthly fee options            better understanding of diabetes and how      (18+)
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention      (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®        to manage it through diet, lifestyle habits   Tuesday, August 31, 10-11a
(Ages 18+)                                     and Renew Active® participants)                as well as medications. Get answers           Cost: FREE
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11a                                                                   to your questions and important tips for      Speaker: Dr. Tim Dunne, D.C.
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for                                                          controlling your blood sugar and reducing     Are painful or stiff joints slowing you down
Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and                                                          your risks. Please pre-register by calling    or keeping you from being as active as
Silver & Fit® eligible participants).                                                         423-434-6237.                                 you would like to be? Dr. Dunne from
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook                                                                                                                  Advocate Integrated Medicine will discuss
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence, low-                                                    Hypertension – What You Need to               potential causes of joint symptoms and
impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors.                                                     Know                                          treatment options to safely improve your
It has been shown to reduce pain and                                                          (18+)                                         quality of life. Please pre-register by call-
stiffness associated with arthritis while                                                     Tuesday, August 10, 10-11a                    ing 423-434-6237.
improving strength, range of motion, and                                                      Cost: FREE
balance thereby reducing the risk of fall-                                                    Speaker: Ammar Alhabhbeh, MD (Med-
ing. Classwork includes gentle                                                                ical Resident)
stretching, breath work, focus on body                                                        Get the latest information about manag-
alignment, and slow, controlled move-                                                         ing blood pressure and the importance
August 2021                                                                  Senior Lifestyles                                                                                              Page 13

Ongoing Events
              MONDAY                                  TUESDAY                              WEDNESDAY                                 THURSDAY                                   FRIDAY

7:00 am to 8:00pm                        7:00am to 8:00pm                       7:00am to 8:00pm                        7:00 am to 8:00pm                        7:00am to 8:00pm
Billiards Room                           Billiards Room                         Billiards Room                          Billiards Room                           Billiards Room
Fitness Room                             Fitness Room                           Fitness Room                            Fitness Room                             Fitness Room

8:00 Fit and Toned                       8:00 Outshine                          8:00 Fit and Toned                      8:00 Men’s Bible Study                   8:00 Fit and Toned
9:00 Pickleball                          9:00 Pickleball                        9:00 Pickleball                         9:00 Pickleball                          9:00 Pickleball
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks               9:00 Blood Pressure Checks             9:00 Blood Pressure Checks              9:00 Blood Pressure Checks               9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis                10:00 Heart Strings Jam                9:00 Doubles Table Tennis               10:00 Senior Basketball                  10:00 Circuit
10:00 Classic                            Session                                10:00 Classic                           11:00 Yoga - Just Breathe                12:30 Ace of Clubs Duplicate
11:00 Tai Chi for Arthritis and          10:00 Senior Basketball                10:00 Bible Study (Last                 1:00 Rook                                Bridge
Fall Prevention                          10:00 Circuit                          Wednesday of month)                     1:30 Delay the Disease
12:00 Qigong for Health                  11:00 Yoga - Just Breathe              11:00 Tai Chi for Arthritis and         1:30 Ballroom Dance Practice
1:00 Musical Voices                      1:00 Pencil Drawing                    Fall Prevention                         5:00 Dandy Line Dancers
1:00 Hand & Foot Canasta                 1:30 Delay the Disease                 12:00 Qigong for Health
1:30 Classic                             2:00 Brain-a-Cise                      12:30 Acrylics
2:00 Open Bible Study                                                           1:00 Pinochle
3:30 Line Dance with Martha                                                     1:00 Sewing Group
                                                                                1:30 Classic

                                                   welcome to join. 6 and under must be accom-       Instructor: Kim McCead                               Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® if eli-
Aquatics                                           panied by an adult 16 years or older.             Looking for a challenging workout? Get in over
                                                                                                     your head with us for some intense water aer-
                                                                                                                                                          For those wanting to brush up their line dance
Lap Pool Schedule:                                 Therapy Pool Schedule:                            obics. The focus is on toning, cardiovascular        steps or learn new line dances. You will be
                                                                                                     strength, endurance and core work. No swim-          having so much fun, you won’t even realize
                                                   Adult Only Open Therapy                           ming skills are needed. All equipment is pro-        that you are exercising! Children under 16
Lap Swim
                                                   (Adults & Seniors)                                vided.                                               must be accompanied by an adult.
(Teens, Adults and Seniors)
                                                   Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7a-7p
Monday through Friday 7:00-8:45a and
                                                   Tuesday/Thursday 7-11a and 1-7p                   Arthritis                                            Dandy Line Dancers
11:30a- 3:30p
                                                   Cost: $2 per visit or $25 per month (Free to      Days: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00-11:40a                  (Ages 12+)
Cost: $2 per session or $30 per month
                                                   Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew          Cost: $4 per visit or $30 per month                  (Advanced Line Dancing)
(Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and
                                                   Active® participants)                             Instructor: Heidi Perry                              Thursdays, 5:30-7p
Renew Active® participants)
                                                   An adult only time for therapy that you can       Have a form of arthritis? This is an activity that   Instructor: Martha Davenport
Need time to swim? We offer several different
                                                   engage in activities of your choice to fit your   can help manage the symptoms of arthritis.           Cost: FREE
time options. Whether your choice is swim-
                                                   therapeutic needs. This pool is for low impact    This class helps get you moving with a low           For more information, contact Martha
ming laps, aqua jogging or just doing your own
                                                   swimming. You will not be allowed to jump,        impact exercise. It is held in our therapy pool
thing we have a time to fit your needs.
                                                   splash or make big waves.                         which is equipped with a handicap lift.              This is a volunteer group, which not only prac-
                                                                                                                                                          tices during this time frame; they also perform
Open Swim
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4-5:45p
                                                   Water Aerobics Schedule:                          Splash                                               in the community. For the experienced line
                                                                                                     Tuesday/Thursday 11:45-12:45a                        dancer. Children under 16 must be accompa-
Cost: $2 (12 and under), $3 (13 and older)
                                                   Morning Water Aerobics (Lap Pool)                 Cost: $3 per visit                                   nied by an adult.
Recreation swim is perfect for bringing the
                                                   Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-10a               Instructor: Heidi Perry
kids to play. Children 12 and under must be
                                                   Cost: $4 per visit or $40 per month               A fun program geared towards senior citizens         Ballroom Dance Practice
accompanied by someone at least 16 years of
                                                   Instructor: Heidi Perry                           looking to improve the quality of their social       Thursdays 1:30p
age or older. Any child 6 or younger must be
                                                   Start your day with a shallow water class         life and physical well-being.                        Cost: Free
within arm’s length of an adult, 16 years or
                                                   which combines cardiovascular strength and                                                             Come and enjoy an afternoon of ballroom
older at all times. Also, any child who requires
flotation devices of any kind must be within
                                                   conditioning, muscle strength and toning, bal-    Private Swim Lessons                                 dancing.
                                                   ance and core work in a fun environment. No
arm’s reach of an adult at all times.
                                                   swimming skills are needed and all equipment      Days and Times: Will be scheduled with               Johnson City Grand Squares
                                                   is provided.                                      instructor                                           (Ages 50+)
Teaching Pool Schedule:                                                                              Cost: 5-30 Minute Lessons $100                       Second and Fourth Fridays
                                                   Evening Water Aerobics (Lap Pool)                        5-45 Minute Lessons $150                      5:30-7:30pm
Mommy and Me :
                                                   Tuesday/Thursday 6-7p                                    5- 1 Hour Lessons $175                        Cost: $6
Monday-Friday 1-2p
                                                   Cost: $4 per visit or $30 per month               Instructor: Heidi Perry                              Starting in August.
Cost: $1
                                                   Get in shape, this shallow water class which
(Ages 4 and under)
                                                                                                                                                          Coming in September
                                                   combines cardiovascular strength and condi-
Enjoy Mommy and Me swim time with your
                                                   tioning, muscle strength and toning, balance                                                           Harvest Dance – Kids Our Age
children! All guardians have to be in the pool
                                                   and core work in a fun environment. No swim-                                                           September 10th 6:00p-9:00p
with their child.
                                                   ming skills are needed and all equipment is       Line Dance with Martha                               Cost: $5 (Discount for SilverSneakers®,
                                                   provided.                                         (Upper Beginner/Intermediate Level)                  Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® if eli-
Home School Swim
                                                                                                     (Ages12+)                                            gible)
Tuesday/Thursday 2-4p
                                                   Aquamix                                           Mondays 3:30p – 5:00 p                               MPCC Gym
Cost: $2 (12 and under), $3 (13 and older)
                                                   Days: Tuesday/Thursday 9:15-10:15a                Instructor: Martha Davenport
Enjoy fun swim time in the pool! Parents are
                                                   Cost: $4 per visit                                Cost: $6 or (Discount for SilverSneakers®,
Page 14                                                                                         Senior Lifestyles                                                                                                           August 2021

                                                                                           Baths Visits
    Let our family take care of yours. Safe and comfortable living.
                           Companion Care Services
       • Light household cleaning                              • Laundry
       • Meal preparation                                      • Transportation
       • Medication reminders                                  • Incontinence care
       • Personal hygiene                                      • And more!
Artist Name Angel Adams
           Currently serving:
Order#: 62-181277 Colonial Hil Retirement Center
                                                                Contact us for a complimentary consultation:
       Johnson City             Blountville                             Tel: 423.915.6113 | Fax: 423-200-4198
       Jonesborough             Elizabethton                                  306 Sunset Drive, Suite 104
       Kingsport                Erwin                                           Johnson City, TN 37604
       Bristol                  Greeneville

              luxury living

                                                                                                                                                                                     IN PERSON
                                            at Colonial Hill

                                                                                                                                                                G S             RIEF                     UPPORT

                                                                         3207 Bristol Highway
                                                                       Johnson City, TN 37601
                                                                             (423) 282-6903
                                                                      Retirement Center   62-181277 aa

                                                                                                                                     If you or someone you know needs grief support,                  Beginning in August 2021 we
                                                                                                                                     please attend one of our support groups.                        meet at 6:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd
                                                                                                                                     Attendance and seating is limited to meet                        Wednesday of each month at:
                                                                                                                                     social distancing guidelines. Pre-registration                        Everlan Johnson City
                                                                                                                                     is required and masks are mandatory.                            2623 Peoples Street, Johnson City, TN
     Do you or a loved one have Veteran’s
                                                                                                                                                                                       Facilitated by:
     Benefits and need assistance at home                                                                                                           Sponsored by:                                                  In Partnership with:
     with housekeeping, personal or
     companion care, meal preparation,
     and more? Please speak with your
     VA assigned Physician or Social
     Worker to check on eligibility.
     Silver Angels may be able to assist                                                                                             Local, family ownership. World-class service.
     you under your benefits coverage.
                                                                       Silver Angels of Tennessee - Carter, LLC.                       (423) 282-1521 •
                                                                                                                                                                                     Chelsa Ervin, LCSW
               Call us today with questions!                                 (423) 543-1250 •
August 2021                        Travel, Outings & Lifelong Learning                                                                       Page 15

Outings                                                                       Lifelong Learning
Coming in September!                                                          The READYS! – Emergency Preparedness
                                                                              Tuesday, August 17 10a-11a
Tennessee Riverboat Co. Luncheon Cruise                                       Cost: Free
(Ages 50+)                                                                    Instructor: Matthew Barrett, TN Department of Health
Wednesday, September 1 Load time 8:45a, Leave MPCC at 9a,                     Emergency preparedness training that is applicable to everyone. The
return approx. 4p                                                             training’s focus is on creating a personal emergency plan and having the
Cost: $38 Charter bus sponsored by the Johnson City                           supplies on hand to survive disaster or emergency. Planning for people
Senior Center Foundation                                                      with access and function needs will also be discussed. Please
Enjoy a beautiful day outside with your friends and enjoy a great lunch       Pre-register.
while cruising the river in Knoxville! The lunch cruise includes a won-
derful buffet, 1.5 hour cruise and either a narration from the Captain or     Basics of Medicare
Entertainment from one of our local entertainers. The cost covers trans-
                                                                              Friday, August 20 10a-11a
portation, boat ride, lunch and gratuity. Limited seating, no refunds.
                                                                              Cost: Free
Fort Loudoun and Sequoyah Birthplace Museum                                   Instructor: Leslie Thompson SHIP Volunteer Coordinator / I & A
(Ages 50+)                                                                    Assistant, First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability
Tuesday, September 14 Load time 6:45a, Leave MPCC at 7:00a,                   This program will cover the Basics of Medicare, Open Enrollment,
return approx. 6:30p                                                          Prescription and Supplemental Coverage. Come join us. Please
Cost: $20 Charter bus sponsored by the Johnson City                           Pre-register.
Senior Center Foundation
Enjoy a guided tour of Fort Loudon State Historic Park, one of the ear-       Property Fraud
liest British fortifications on the western frontier in 1756. The fort was    Tuesday, August 24 10a-11a
reconstructed during the Great Depression and was                             Cost: Free
designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965. Following the tour, a        Instructor: Teresa Bowman, Washington County Register of Deeds
picnic lunch will be provided at the outdoor picnic area.                     This program will cover Property Fraud Alert and scams that are
After lunch, travel across the road to the Sequoyah Birthplace                targeting property home owners. Please Pre-register.
Museum, where you will experience the life of Sequoyah and his person-
al quest to create a written language for the Cherokee. Please note, the      Brain-a-Cise
tours require walking outdoors on paved trails with some steep areas.         (Ages 50+)
Bring $2.50 in cash for entrance to the museum; museum cost is not            Tuesdays, 2p-3p
included in the reservation fee. Limited seating, no refunds.                 Cost: Free
                                                                              Your brain needs exercise just as much as your body.

Travel Corner                                                                 from forested limestone bluffs to meadows and tree-lined streams, all
                                                                              providing exceptional bird and wildlife viewing opportunities. The David
                                                                              Crockett Birthplace Museum contains items common to life on the
JCSC Seniors on the Go will resume monthly meetings in August! Join           eastern frontier, as well as portraits and documents relating to David
us on Thursday, August 12, at 3:00 pm. Please call the Senior Services        Crockett. A short film provides information about Crockett’s life. The
desk at 434-6237 to pre-register.                                             museum is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM closed
                                                                              from noon to 1:00 PM, and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM.
As we continue exploration of Tennessee state parks, this month we
highlight David Crockett Birthplace State Park located a short drive away     Check out the day trips coming in September in the Outings section.
in Limestone. The Park is located at the confluence of the Nolichucky         Circle November 15 on your calendar for a visit to the Southern
River and Limestone Creek in Greene County, Tennessee. This 105-acre          Christmas Show. Mark your calendars for June 4-10, 2022 for the
park honors one of our nations’ most famous individuals. It is home to        rescheduled Niagara Falls trip! Details coming soon.
an 18th-century farmstead, which features a replica cabin of the type in
which David Crockett might have lived in, gardens, animal paddocks,
and costumed living history interpreters. There is a museum dedicated
to Crockett and a gift shop featuring crafts by local artisans. Located
nearby is a monument to Crockett containing native stones donated from
each of the 50 states. The park has a diversity of natural settings ranging
Page 16                                                    Senior Lifestyles                                           August 2021

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