Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -

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Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Investing in Cambodia

Seize the opportunity
2020 and beyond
Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
About KPMG
                              Who we are                                   In Cambodia, our local experience,
                                                                           enhanced by technical and
                              KPMG is one of the world’s leading           industry knowledge of our global
                              professional services firms. We              network, means we have the
                              are proud of our firm’s strong and           tools and knowledge to gain a
                              established reputation, a reputation         deep understanding of our clients’
                              that is built on a long history of           businesses. It enables our professionals
                              independence, integrity and objectivity.     to turn knowledge into value for the
                              It is what drives us to deliver clear and    benefits of our clients, our people, and
                              practical advice to help our clients grow    the capital markets.
                              and succeed in their chosen field.
                                                                           Our leadership
                              It is what makes us committed and
                              successful leaders in our profession.        KPMG in Cambodia commits to invest
                                                                           in our people, services and quality to
                              Global presence                              help our clients achieve sustainable and
                                                                           strong business performance.
                              KPMG is a global network of
                              professional services firms providing        We are also committed to appropriately
                              Audit, Tax and Advisory services.            delivering on our capital markets
                                                                           responsibilities, as well as assisting our
                              We have outstanding professionals and        clients in effectively communicating true
                              partners working together to deliver         business performance to stakeholders.
                              value in over 147 countries worldwide.
                              KPMG's member firms aim to provide           Supporting our communities
                              clients with a globally consistent set of    KPMG in Cambodia has a long history
                              multidisciplinary financial and accounting   of supporting the communities in which
                              services, based on deep industry             we live and work. This contribution
                              knowledge.                                   takes the form of our people’s time,
                                                                           knowledge and experience, as well as
                              KPMG in Cambodia                             our financial donations and grants.
                              KPMG in Cambodia was established
                              in 1994. Today, with over 300
                              professionals, KPMG is one of the
                              largest professional services firms
                              in Cambodia with a balanced mix of
                              international and local clients.
                                                                                            Lim Chew Teng
                                                                                            Managing Partner
                              Cover photo credit: Dmitry A. Mottl                           Audit services

Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Table of contents
About KPMG      Cambodia             Setting up
                economy              business in
           02              04                                09

Accounting      Other                Cambodia
& reporting     compliance           Tax Guide
requirements    requirements
           10              11                                12



                                INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019   03
Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Cambodia economy overview
Cambodia is a member of             Market Overview
Asociation of Southeast             Economy
Asian Nations (ASEAN)               Cambodia’s free-market economy with          of the economy, the country still
and the World Trade                 its enviable GDP growth continues            remains competitive in the region. In
                                    to attract strong foreign investment,        response to global trade concerns, the
Organization (WTO), and             particularly from ASEAN and other            government has introduced a draft of
enjoys Most Favored                 Asian countries.                             measures to reduce production and
                                                                                 supply costs and encourage further
Nation (MFN) status                 Cambodia has a strong labor
                                                                                 foreign investment.
                                    protection regime, and while wages
and Generalized System              are rising with the development
of Preferences (GSP)
program benefits and
Everything But Arms                                              GDP, GDP Growth, Inflation
(EBA) program benefits                 35                                                                              10

when trading with other                                                                                   29           9
countries, especially the                                                                 25.9                         8
                                       25                        22.2                                                  7
United States (US) and
                                                 20                                                                    6
countries in the European              20
Union (EU).                                                                                                            5
                                       15                                                                              4
                                                                    3.2                                                3
Cambodia's GDP grew                    10             3                          2.8          3
by 6.7% in 2018 and is                                6.9           7            6.7          6.6              2.2     2
projected to be 6.6%                                                                                                   1
for the year 2019. The                     0                                                                           0
inflation rate was 2.8% in                      2016             2017      2018          2019f          2020f
2018 and is projected to                          Nominal GDP             Real GDP Growth                 Inflation

                                                                  GDP by Sector (%)
                                    10.6                  9.7             10.9
                       Industry                                                               9.6                      9

                                     6.8                    7
                                                                          5.6                                         5.9
                       Service                                                                6.1

                                     1.3                  1.7              2                                          1.8
                                    2016                  2017            2018               2019e
                                                                                             2019f                   2020f

                                                                                             Source: Economic Intelligence Unit

Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Banking System                            Land Ownership                          Business Sectors
Limited access to capital is one of       The law restricts foreigners from       Garment, light manufacturing,
the constraints of doing business in      owning land in Cambodia. Foreigners     automotive parts, luggage and
Cambodia. Commercial banks are            are allowed to have a renewable long-   furniture continue to be the country’s
primary sources of funding.               term lease for up to 50 years plus      key growth drivers, and attract new
                                          50 years and freehold ownership of      foreign investments each year.
From March 2018, the minimum
                                          certain condominiums.
capital requirements for banking
institutions are as follows:
–– US$50 million for commercial
   bank incorporated as foreign
   branch, whose parent bank is rated     Advantages of investing in Cambodia
   "Investment Grade"
–– US$75 million for commercial bank
   incorporated as foreign branch,
   whose parent bank is NOT rated            ASEAN membership offers regional trade
   "Investment Grade"; a foreign             benefits
   subsidiary or a local company
–– US$15 million for specialized bank
   incorporated locally
–– US$30 million for micro-finance           WTO member since 2004 increasing trade
   deposit taking institutions               integrations
–– US$1.5 million for micro-finance

The local currency, Khmer Riel               Duty free or preferential export access to
(KHR), was introduced in 1980. The
                                             most developed economies
Cambodian economy is classified
as partially dollarized, given that the
US dollar circulates in conjunction
with an official national currency,
as opposed to fully dollarized
economies where the dollar is the            Favorable investment environment
only legal tender. 80% of deposits
and credits in the banking system
are made in United States Dollars

                                             One of Asia’s lowest labor costs and a
                                             dynamic workforce

                                                                                  INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019          05
Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
The Cambodia Securities Cambodia Securities                                 Companies Listed on CSX

Exchange (CSX) is a joint Exchange (CSX)                                    As of 31 August 2019, there are five
                                                                            Companies listed on the CSX. Three
venture between the       The Regulator                                     State owned enterprise (SOEs) -
Cambodian Ministry of     The Securities and Exchange                       Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
                          Commission of Cambodia (SECC)                     (PWSA), Phnom Penh Autonomous
Economy and Finance,      regulates the Cambodia Securities                 Port (PPAP), Sihanoukville,
which holds 55%, and the Exchange (CSX) in Cambodia. The                    Autonomous Port (PAS) and two
                          SECC is established under the law                 private companies - Grand Twins
Korea Exchange (KRX),     on the Issuance and Trading of Non-               International (Cambodia) Plc (GTI) and
which holds 45%.          government Securities.                            Phnom Penh SEZ Plc (PPSP).
                                                                            According to CSX link, there are two
                                                                            (2) upcoming listing companies such
                                                                            as Hattha Kaksekar Limited (HKL) and
                                                                            PESTECH Cambodia Limited.

                                                                            Corporate bond
                                                                            As of 31 August 2019, 3 companies
                                                                            issued corporate bond on the CSX
                    Nge Huy                                                 – Hattha Kasekor Limited (HKL),
                    Partner                                                 LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. (LOLC), and
                    Audit services                                          Advanced Bank of Asia Limited (ABA).

                                      Key Operating Rules

Market hours, trading times           Minimum trading unit                  Daily price limit
Market is open from 8:00 am to 3:00   Price variance ranged from KHR10 to   +/- 10% of the base price, or KHR10
pm, Monday-Friday and divided into    KHR1000 dependent on share price.     where the base price is below KHR100.
three sessions.

Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Settlement time
                                                                Settlement is performed two days after the trade, T+2,
                                                                at 8:30am

                                                                Account opening
                                                                Securities firms open accounts with a cash settlement
Key Settlement Rules                                            agent and with the securities depository

                                                                Good faith deposit
                                                                A good faith deposit of 100% of the cash value of
                                                                the trade is required from the buyer and 100% of the
                                                                securities to be traded required from the seller

                                                                Clearing, settlement fees
                                                                Clearing fees are 0.05% of the value of the settled trade

Stock Trading on the Exchange           Tax Incentives for Listing on CSX           Currency of the Exchange
The SECC requires trades on the         Listed entities that issue stock and/or     To increase the use of the local
stock exchange to be settled after      corporate bonds enjoy the following         currency, all stock quotations on the
two days.                               benefits:                                   CSX must be in Khmer Riel (KHR) only.
ACLEDA Bank Plc, Canadia Bank
                                        –– 50% reduction of ToI for up to 3         SECC will help alleviate some of this
Plc, and the Bank for Investment
                                           years from 4 January 2019 (date of       risk at the outset by allowing dollar
and Development of Cambodia are
                                           Sub-Decree on tax incentive).            settlements by negotiation for the first
licensed as cash settlement agents
                                                                                    three (3) years.
by the SECC.                            –– Various tax debt waiver for
                                           companies listing within 3 years
ACLEDA Bank Plc., Tricor Securities                                                 Securities Firms
                                           from 4 January 2019 as follows:
Services Plc., and Phnom Penh
                                                                                       –– The SECC granted licenses to six
Securities Plc. are licensed as            •• For N-3 to N-10 years for
                                                                                          underwriters and various market
securities registrar, transfer agent,         enterprises who meet the
and paying agent by the SECC.                 criteria for listing in the primary
                                           •• For N-2 to N-10 years for small
                                              and medium enterprises who
                                              meet the criteria for listing in
                                              the secondary market. Year N is
                                              the year of IPO.
                                        –– 50% reduction of withholding
                                           tax on interest and/or dividend
                                           derived from holding and/or buying
                                           securities for three (3) years from 4
                                           January 2019.
                                        (Certain conditions are applied)

                                                                                    INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019         07
Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Key Requirements for listing on the CSX

A Listing Entity, which intends to transfer from Growth Board to Main Board, shall meet the listing criteria of its intended
transferring market and submit the application to the Cambodian Stock Exchange.

Main Board                                                                  Growth Board
KHR30 billion (US$7.5 million)                                              KHR2 billion (US$500,000)

–– KHR2 billion (US$500,000) for the                                        –– Positive net income for latest year; or
   latest year; and                                                         –– Positive operating cash flow & gross profit
                                                       Net Profit
–– Cumulative KHR3 billion (US$750,000)                                        margin 10%
   for the latest two (2) years

–– 200 shareholders; and                                                    –– 100 shareholders; and
–– 7% of the total voting shares                     Shareholder            –– 10% of the total voting shares

Two (2) years                                     Audited Financial         One (1) year

                                                   Listing Eligibility
KHR4,000,000 (US$1,000)                                                     KHR2,000,000 (US$500)
                                                      Review Fee

–– 0.010% - 0.030% of total market
                                                      Listing Fee           KHR4,000,000 or 0.025% of the
                                                                            total market cap, whichever is larger
–– Minimum KHR10,000,000 (US$2,500)

–– 0.005% - 0.020% of total market                                          KHR4,000,000 or 0.015% of the total market
   capitalization                                 Annual Listing Fee        capitalization, whichever is larger
–– Minimum KHR3,000,000 (US$750)

–– Board members: At least 5                                                –– Board members: At least 3
–– Independent director: > 1/5 of total                                     –– Independent director: >=1 or 1/5 if board
   number of directors                                 Corporate               members >=5
–– If foreign independent director: > 6                                     –– Non-executive director (as representative
   months of working experiences in                                            of the private shareholders) >= 1

a.    Audit Committee                                                       a.   Audit Committee
b.    Nomination and Remuneration                                           b.   Risk Management Committee: Assets >
      Committee                                                                  KHR200 billion (US$50 million)
c.    Board may consider to establish Risk        BOD Committees            c.   Nomination Committee (optional)
      Management Commitee and other                                         d.   Board may consider to establish it and
      Committees as necessary and as                                             other Committees as necessary and as
      required by SECC                                                           required by SECC

Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Setting up business in Cambodia
                             Commonly used business entities              2. Branch
                             A new entity is registered with the          For branch registration, relevant
                             Cambodian Ministry of Commerce               documents and information of the parent
                             (MoC). Approval for registration usually     company and the branch are required to

Many businesses require      takes approximately ten (10) working         be provided to the MoC. The Branch uses
                             days upon submission of all required         the name of its principal e.g. "Branch of
                             documents. In general, businesses            XYZ Co.Ltd.".
a license or permit to       operate in Cambodia via the following
                                                                          A Branch office can carry out trading

operate, including areas     –– A company or subsidiary
                                                                          activities such as sales and purchase of
                                                                          goods and services.

such as banking and             incorporated in Cambodia
                             –– A branch of a company incorporated
                                                                          3. Representative Office (RO)
                                                                          A RO is prohibited from undertaking

financial institutions,         outside Cambodia
                             –– A representative office of a
                                                                          profit making activities including buying
                                                                          or selling of goods or services and

tour agencies, real             company incorporated outside
                                                                          construction. A RO uses the name of its
                                                                          principal e.g. "Representative Office of

estate agencies,             Online business registration with
                             the MoC
                                                                          XYZ Co.Ltd.".
                                                                          Requirements for foreign investors

telecommunication            The MoC uses an Online Business
                             Registration Service for registration and
                                                                          For a foreign company, the full name,
                                                                          address, nationality of the foreign investor

operators, industrial        management of all commercial business
                             entities, including to keep their official
                                                                          and the number of shares held in the
                                                                          company are required to be disclosed to

factories, etc.              information up to date, and complete
                             filings, without having to physically
                                                                          the MoC.
                                                                          For a Branch, the place of registration
                             attend the MoC.                              of the foreign company, details of its
                                                                          structure and other information in the
                             Payment of registration fees can             prescribed documents need to be
                             be made via the electronic banking           disclosed to the MoC.
                             system. A payment receipt is issued by
                             an automated system as evidence of           For a RO, the requirements are the same
                             payment.                                     as for a Branch.
                                                                          If the company or branch needs to
                             Main legal formalities for the new
                                                                          apply for a particular license to carry
                             establishment and registration
                                                                          out its business operations, additional
                             1. Company                                   information from the foreign investor
                             The Law on Commercial Enterprise             may have to be provided to the relevant
                             is silent on minimum capital                 government authority.
                             requirement. However, if the                 Currency/monetary restrictions
                             Memorandum and Articles of
                             Association fails to state number and        Currently, Cambodia does not have any
                             price of the shares, the company must        restrictions on funds transfer
                                                                          (i.e. the repatriation of profits or capital
Michael Gordon               issue a minimum of one thousand
                             (1,000) shares with a par value of
                                                                          from Cambodia). Foreign currencies may
Senior Advisor               not less than four thousand (4,000)
                                                                          be freely purchased via the banking system
Tax and Corporate services                                                and there are no ordinary restrictions on
                             KHR per share. Note that for certain
                                                                          foreign exchange operations.
                             licensed activities, there are minimum
                             capital requirements. Generally, there
                             is no restriction on foreign ownership,
                             except for land holding. The name of
                             the company must first be cleared
                             with the MoC.
                             A memorandum and articles of
                             association has to be prepared for
                             the company and lodged with the
                             MoC, together with the prescribed
                             information for incorporation.

                                                                          INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019            09
Seize the opportunity - Investing in Cambodia 2020 and beyond -
Accounting & reporting
Financial statements                        Law on Accounting & Auditing
The National Accounting Council (NAC)       The Law on Accounting and Auditing sets forth certain accounting
of Cambodia has adopted International       requirements which include, but limited to, the following:
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for    –– Enterprises and not-for-profit organizations are required to prepare
Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs)         financial statements within three (3) months following the year-end.
and IFRS issued by the International
                                            –– Financial statements form the basis for fulfilling tax obligations.
Accounting Standard Board (IASB)
effective for Financial Statements          –– Accounting records must be maintained and the underlying transactions
with the period beginning on or after          must be supported by proper documentation.
1 January 2010 and 1 January 2012,          –– Accounting records and financial statements should be in Khmer
respectively. The standards are referred       language and Khmer Riel, and a second set of accounting records
to as Cambodian International Financial        and financial statements may be prepared in a foreign currency and
Reporting Standards for Small and              in English language if the entity carries out its activities with foreign
Medium-sized Entities (CIFRS for SMEs)         entities.
and Cambodian International Financial       –– Enterprises and not-for-profit organizations are obligated to maintain
Reporting Standards (CIFRS). With the          their accounting records for a period of ten (10) years.
exception of non-profit organizations,
public accountability entities and          Book year
specialized banks are required to adopt     Generally, the tax and accounting year is the calendar year. The tax and
CIFRS while non-public accountability       accounting year end does not need to coincide with the calendar year,
entities that meet the audit requirements   although any change must be approved.
below are required to adopt CIFRS
for SMEs or opt to use CIFRS, if            Audit requirements
preferred. Non-profit organizations         All enterprises that meet two of the three criteria set by Prakas No.
established in compliance with the          643 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, must submit their annual
Law on Associations and NGOs are            financial statements to be audited by an independent auditor (see the
required to prepare financial statements    illustration below). The audit must be carried out by an auditor registered
and a report of operating activities but    with the Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors
are permitted to follow an accounting       (KICPAA).
framework of their choice, following the
                                            For Qualified Investment Projects (QIP) registered with the Council
issuance of Notification No. 30 from the
                                            for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) in accordance with the Law
NAC to postpone the implementation
                                            on Investment, there is an obligation to submit their annual financial
of the Cambodian Financial Reporting
                                            statements to be audited by an independent auditor registered with
Standards for Not-For-Profit Entities
(CFRS for NFPEs) on 21 January 2019.
Nevertheless, an updated Accounting
Framework to govern such entities is
expected to be released by the NAC in the
near future.                                                            Annual turnover above KHR3,000,000,000
                                                                         (approximately US$750,000)
From 1 January 2019, Financial                                          Total assets above KHR2,000,000,000
Institutions and General Insurance                                      (approximately US$500,000)
Companies are also required to                                          More than 100 employees
adopt CIFRS (for Banks, deposit
taking Microfinance Institutions, and
General Insurance Companies) and                            Audit requirements
CIFRS for SME (for non-deposit taking
Microfinance Institutions and Leasing
Companies) following the end of a
transition period previously granted to
these entities by the NAC.

Other compliance
National Social
Security Fund (NSSF)
All entities with at least one (1)
employee are required to registered
with the NSSF, file monthly reports,
and make monthly contributions to
the NSSF for two social security
schemes: the "occupational
risk scheme" and "healthcare
scheme". The payment of monthly
contributions to the NSSF must
be performed by the 15th of the
following month and the employee
report must be reported to the
NSSF by the 20th of the following

Certificate of                           Annual Declaration of
Compliance (CoC)                         Commercial Enterprise
Annually, all QIPs are required to       (ADCE)
obtain a CoC from the CDC in order       All entities registered with the MoC
to receive the investment incentives     are required to prepare and file the
granted under the investment             ADCE with the MoC once a year.
license. The CoC is intended to          The filing must be done within three
provide confirmation that the QIP        (3) months from the due date as
has complied with relevant tax and       notified by an email from the MoC.
investment regulations.

Labor law compliance
Enterprises with at least one employee are required to register with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
(MLVT). After the initial registration, enterprises are required to notify the labor office on an ongoing basis of any
relevant changes, such as staff movements. Enterprises wishing to employ foreign workers must apply for a foreign
manpower quota annually, and for work permits for foreign staff.
Other obligations for employers may include registration of internal work rules and fulfilling trade union and staff
representative election requirements.

                                                                                  INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019           11
Cambodia Tax Guide                    The principal taxation law of Cambodia is the Law on Taxation (LoT)
                                      adopted by the National Assembly in January 1997. In 2000, the Ministry
                                      of Economy and Finance issued a Prakas (regulation) on Tax on Profit
                                      (currently called “Tax on Income”) to clarify certain tax provisions
Taxpayers wil be                      stipulated in the 1997 Law. The Law on Amendment on the LoT (LALoT)
                                      was signed into Law in March 2003, and the revised Prakas on Tax on Profit
required to submit and                was issued in December 2003. Subsequently, certain Laws on Financial
                                      Management have included amendments and updates to the existing Law.
pay taxes to the General              Overview

Department of Taxation                Subsequent to the promulgation of the 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 Law
                                      on Financial Management (LoFM), the tax regime system received major
(GDT) on an annual and                restructuring.

monthly basis.                        Currently, there is only one tax regime, the Self-Assessment Regime (SAR)*,
                                      which is further divided into three classes of taxpayers:

                                        Classes                Turnover criteria                              Accounting standard

Mona Tan                              Small taxpayer**        From KHR250 million                             Simplified accounting
Partner                                                       (~US$62,500) to KHR700                          standard
                                                              million*** (~US$175,000) per
Tax and Corporate services
                                                              annum, or more than KHR60
                                                              million (~US$15,000) for three
                                                              consecutive months within the
                                                              current calendar year

                                      Medium taxpayer         From KHR700 million                             International accounting
                                                              (~US$175,000) to KHR4,000                       standard of Cambodia
                                                              million (~US$1,000,000) per

                                      Large taxpayer          More than KHR4,000 million                      International accounting
                                                              (~US$1,000,000) per annum                       standard of Cambodia

                                      The classification is also dependent upon the form of the enterprise as well as
                                      the business activity.
                                      Medium and large taxpayers will be required to submit and pay taxes to the
                                      General Department of Taxation (GDT) on an annual and monthly basis. This
                                      mainly involves the following taxes:
                                      –– Annual Tax on Income or Minimum Tax (see 1)
                                      –– Annual Patent Tax (see 3)
                                      –– Monthly Prepayment of Tax on Income (see 1)
                                      –– Monthly Tax on Salary and Fringe Benefit (see 2)
                                      –– Monthly Value Added Tax (see 3)
                                      –– Monthly Withholding Tax (see 3)

                                      * Previously it was called “Real Regime Tax System”, and then changed to SAR under the 2017 LoFM
                                      ** Small taxpayer is required to submit a monthly tax return in one single form, called form “TRS 01”
                                      *** New turnover threshold as per Prakas no. 025, amendment of taxpayer classification, dated 24 January 2018.

01 Taxation of companies
Introduction                    Residence                                    Exempt Income
                                A company is resident in Cambodia if:        Dividends received from resident
Corporate taxpayers in                                                       companies are not subject to
                                –– It is organized or managed in
Cambodia are classified as         Cambodia; or                              income tax.
either resident taxpayers, or   –– It has its principal place of business    Deductions
non-resident taxpayers.            in Cambodia.
                                                                             Allowable Deductions
A resident taxpayer is          Taxable Income                               Allowable deductions include most
primarily an enterprise that    Taxable income is the net income             expenses incurred in the course of
has a place of management       realised from all results of business        carrying on a business, with certain
and carries on business in      activities and other non-business            limitations. The deductibility of
                                activities of the physical person or         charitable contributions is limited
Cambodia, as defined below.                                                  to 5% of taxable income of the
                                legal person.
A non-resident taxpayer is                                                   taxpayer.
                                Taxable income includes capital gains,
an enterprise that derives                                                   Depreciation is allowed as a deduction
                                interest, rent, royalty, and income
Cambodian source income,        from financial assets or investment          in accordance with the rates
but does not have a place of    assets including immovable property.         determined by the tax provisions.
management in Cambodia.                                                      There are also certain restrictions on
                                For legal persons, the taxable income        the deductibility of interest.
                                shall be the result from adjustment
A non-resident taxpayer will    of accounting results in the tax year        Non-deductible Expenses
be deemed to be Cambodian       in accordance with the provision on          Non-deductible expenses include:
resident for tax purposes       taxation.
                                                                             –– Increase in provisions
if it is found to have a        For physical persons, taxable income         –– Any expense on activities generally
Permanent Establishment         is the result from total income in the          considered to be amusement,
(PE) in Cambodia (see 6 for     tax year offset by expenditures and             recreation, entertainment
                                other allowance (to be determined by
PE definition).                 a Sub-Decree).                               –– Personal expenses, except for
                                                                                fringe benefits which are subject
A resident taxpayer is          Rules and procedures for taxation               to fringe benefit tax
subject to Tax on Income        are further determined by Prakas             –– Any loss on sale or exchange of
(ToI) or Corporate Income       (regulation) by the Minister of                 property, directly or indirectly,
                                Economy and Finance.                            between related parties
Tax (CIT) on income derived
from both Cambodian and         Capital Gains Tax                            –– Penalties, additional tax and late
                                                                                payment interest imposed for
foreign sources, whereas,       All realized gains (including capital           violation of the LoT
a non-resident taxpayer is      gains) are treated as income.
                                                                             –– Non-deductible tax expenses
                                Cambodia does not impose a separate
subject to ToI/CIT in respect                                                –– Donations, grants or subsidies and
                                tax on capital gains. Gains arising
of its Cambodian source         from the disposal of real estate             –– Extravagant and / or unrelated
income only.                    property and other assets are treated           business expenses.
                                as ordinary income and are therefore
                                subject to tax at the prevailing ToI rate.   Losses

                                Dividends                                    Tax losses can be carried forward for
                                                                             a maximum of five (5) years (except
                                A dividend is defined as a distribution      for tax loss of petroleum and mineral
                                of property or money, made by a              resource operation as discussed in
                                legal person to a shareholder with           the page). Losses cannot be carried
                                the exception of distribution of capital     back. Tax losses may be forfeited
                                or equity interest in a complete             upon a change in ownership of the
                                liquidation of the Company.                  business or if there is a change in
                                Dividends received from non-resident         business activity.
                                companies are subject to income tax          Tax losses will also be forfeited in
                                in Cambodia. A credit is allowed for         the event a taxpayer is subject to a
                                tax paid overseas on foreign source          unilateral tax assessment.
                                income, subject to certain conditions.

                                                                             INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019         13
Grouping/Consolidation                      Unutilized charitable contribution          –– 0% on income of the QIP during
                                            expense cannot be carried forward as           the tax exemption period as
There are no grouping or consolidation
                                            a deduction against taxable income in          determined by CDC.
provisions in Cambodia.
                                            future year.                                –– For insurance enterprises, ToI
Tax Depreciation/Capital                                                                   shall be:
                                            Interest Expense
Allowances                                                                                 –– 5% of gross premium
                                            The allowable interest deduction on
Depreciation is deductible in                                                                 received for general insurance,
                                            loan shall be allowed as follows:
accordance with specified rates if                                                            reinsurance or small scale
                                            1. For loans from non-related party,              enterprises, which includes
the assets are used in the course of           the interest expense shall not
carrying on a business.                                                                       property, liability and health
                                               exceed 120% of the market                      insurance.
Land is not a depreciable asset.               interest rate, and
                                            2. For loans from related party, the           –– Subject to normal CIT/ToI rate
Depreciable assets are divided
                                               interest expense shall not exceed              of 20% for life insurance or
into the following classes, and are
                                               the market interest rate.                      reinsurance enterprises, which
depreciated at the following rates:
                                                                                              includes life, endowment and
                                            The GDT will issue the market
Class 1: Buildings and structures –                                                           annuity insurance.
                                            interest rate annually.
         5% straight line
                                            Interest rate between related parties       Foreign company branches are
Class 2: Computers, electronic              must also be in accordance with the         generally subject to ToI on the same
         information systems,               arm’s length principle following rules      basis as a company as noted above,
         software and data                  and regulations provided per Prakas         for instance remittance of profit to
         handling equipment – 50%           986 (Please refer to section 6 below)       the overseas Head Office will be
         diminishing value                  and there are documentations that           subject to the Additional Income Tax
                                            taxpayers are required to maintain          on Dividend Distribution (AITDD)
Class 3: Automobiles, trucks, office
                                            to support loans between related            unless the profit has been subject
         furniture and equipment –
                                            parties;                                    to and fully paid ToI. Furthermore,
         25% diminishing value
                                                                                        if the branch is making transfer of
                                            –– Loan agreement with clear terms
Class 4: All other tangible property –         of borrowing;                            Cambodian sourced income to its
         20% diminishing value                                                          overseas parent company it is also
                                            –– Business plan in relation to the loan;   required to withhold the 14% WHT.
Fixed assets in class 2 to 4 are
accounted for on a pooled basis,            –– Documents to explain the basis of
                                               the interest rate; and                   Tax on Petroleum and Mineral
and therefore capital gains or losses                                                   Resources Operations
on the disposal of fixed assets are         –– Board of Director’s resolution.
not calculated individually but are                                                     With the 2018 LoFM, promulgated
                                            The interest expense as per points
calculated based on the result of the                                                   on 9 December 2017, there was
                                            1&2 above are still subject to below
                                                                                        an amendment on the existing tax
pooled asset account.                       limitation of the interest deduction.
                                                                                        law by adding additional Articles
Additions for fixed assets from class 1     Interest expense allowable as a             on the tax provisions on petroleum
to 4 are depreciated for the full year in   deduction is limited to an amount           and mineral resources. As per the
the year of acquisition.                    equal to the total interest income          2018 LoFM, taxpayers conducting
                                            plus 50% of net non-interest income         Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Amortization of Expenditure                 earned for the year. Net non interest       operations shall be subject to:
                                            profit is the gross income, other
Intangible assets, including preliminary    than interest income, less allowable        * Annual ToI rate of 30% on taxable
and formation expenses, R&D,                non-interest expenses. The excess           income during a tax year;
patents, copyrights, trademarks,            amount can be carried forward to
computer software, and purchased                                                        * Tax on Excess Profit at a
                                            future years.
goodwill can be amortized over the                                                      progressive tax rate by tranche based
useful life of the property. If the life    The petroleum and mineral resources
                                            sectors are subject to a specific tax
of the intangible assets cannot be
                                            regime for interest expense.                Tranche Excess profit ratio Rate
determined, a tax depreciation rate
of 10% based on the straight-line           Tax Rates
method is used.                                                                            1      up to 1.3            0%
                                            The Cambodian Tax Law provides the
The petroleum and mineral                   following corporate income tax or              2      above 1.3 to 1.6     10%
resources sectors are subject to a          annual ToI rates:
specific tax regime for expensing of                                                       3      above 1.6 to 2       20%
                                            –– 20% on income realized by a
exploration and development costs.
                                               legal person.
Charitable contribution                     –– 30% on income realized under                4      above 2              30%
                                               an oil or natural gas production
The deductibility of charitable                sharing contract and the
contribution expense is limited to             exploitation of natural resources
5% of the taxable income after tax             including timber, ore, gold and
adjustments and before deduction of            precious stones.
charitable contribution itself.

* Loss carried forward is allowed until                  Payment of Tax
the tenth year for petroleum operations                  A company is subject to a monthly
and the fifth year for mineral resource                  prepayment of ToI (PToI) during the
                                                         year, which is self-assessed at 1%
* Deduction for interest expense is                      on monthly turnover inclusive of all
subject to debt to equity ratio of 3:1 rule;             taxes except for Value Added Tax
* There are various other tax                            (VAT).
treatments, for example, depreciation,                   Insurance companies are required to
deductions, transfer of interest, etc.                   declare and pay the monthly PToI at
that is applied for this sector as recently              the rate of 5% on gross premiums
provided under the 2018 LoFM.                            from insurance or re-insurance
Sales agents supplying goods on                          income and at the rate of 1% on
behalf of principals                                     other related income as indicated in
Recognised agents (i.e. travel agents,                   Tax Rate Section above.
sales depots), supplying goods or                        Payments of PToI are due by the
services on behalf of principals, are                    20th day of the following month.
not required to declare and pay taxes                    The liquidation of the ToI is the
on the sales on behalf. They are only                    balance of tax payable after deduction
obligated to collect those taxes on                      of all tax credits and PToI and must
behalf of the principals and pay PToI                    be paid upon submitting the annual
and ToI on commissions earned from                       ToI return to the GDT which must
the principals.                                          be done by 31st March in the year
To get recognition as sale agents,                       following the tax year1.
enterprises must fulfill certain                         The minimum tax2 is a separate
conditions such as being a medium                        and distinct tax from the ToI, and is
or large taxpayers, having contracts                     payable by companies regardless
with the principals, no change of                        of whether they are in a profit or
ownership of the goods, maintain                         loss situation. The minimum tax is
invoices compliance, and keeping                         calculated at 1% on annual turnover
inventory of the goods. A sales                          inclusive of all taxes except for VAT.
agent can apply and receive agent                        However, if the ToI is greater than
certificate from the GDT which is                        the minimum tax, the minimum tax
valid for 2 years. Without proper                        is not payable. The minimum tax is
recognition and certificate, the sales                   calculated at year-end, however it
agents would be liable to all kinds of                   should be totally liquidated by the
taxes relating to sales on behalf as if                  monthly PToI.
these sales were their own income.
                                                         Tax Credits
Tax Administration                                       Tax paid overseas on foreign source
Tax Identification Number                                income is available as a tax credit,
Business entities are required to                        subject to the taxpayer providing
register with the tax administration                     sufficient evidence to substantiate
within fifteen (15) working days, from                   the foreign tax paid. The tax credit is
the commencement of economic                             calculated separately for each foreign
activities, or after receiving the                       country and is the lower of the
registration approval certificate or                     foreign tax paid and Cambodian tax
approval letter from the relevant                        payable on foreign source income.
ministries or institutions.                              Record Keeping
Tax Returns                                              All books of accounts, accounting
The annual tax return must be filed                      records and other documents must
within 3 months following the tax                        be maintained in the Khmer language
year. The tax year is generally a                        and in KHR, and kept for a period of
calendar year. The return must be                        ten (10) years.
filed irrespective of whether the
company is making a profit or loss.
1: Tax year is calendar year, but an enterprise can apply for a tax year other than calendar year, for example,
   to be consistent with its parent company/ if the foreign parent company owns more than 51% equity

2: The minimum tax shall be imposed on taxpayer who maintain "improper" accounting records (i.e. effective
   from the tax year 2017 onwards). Under the LoFM 2018, petroleum and mineral resource operations are
   not subject to minimum tax.
3: Suspensions: 1% PToI is suspended for enterprises in the agricultural sector such as: planting, producing
   and supplying certain agricultural products for 5 years starting from January 2019 and the garment industry
   until the end of 2022.

                                                                                                                  INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019   15
$                                $

               LandArea               Population                    Capital City               Trade
                                                                                               Trade Balance
                                                                                                     Balance                      Minimum
             Approximately                                        Phnom Penh                    Imports  US$17.5
                                                                                                 Imports US$18.8                    Wage
        181,035km 2 16.2
                                                 million Provinces & Cities                     billion
                                                                                                billion (2018)
                                                                                               Exports US$12.8
                                                                                               Exports US$12.7                  US$182/month

                                                 million                 25                    billion
                                                                                               billion (2018)
                                                                                                       (2018)                      (2019f)

                                                                                                       $                                $
                                             $                               $

         GDP Growth %                     GDP
                                          GDP                    GDP/ capita                    Exchange rate                      Inflation
                                 US$ 24.3
                                     24.3 billion
         6.7%(2018)              US$      billion                 US$1,384
                                                                  US$4,002                       US$ to KHR
         6.3% (2020f)             US$
                                        29 billion
                                 US$ 29.0    billion
                                                                                                 4,084(2018 avg.)


     100 +                                                            0.0%       0.0%
     95 - 99                                                          0.0%       0.0%

     90 - 94                                                          0.0%       0.0%

     85 - 89                                                             0.1%      0.1%

     80 - 84                          Male                           0.2%          0.2%                        Female
     75 -79                                                         0.3%             0.5%

     70 - 74                                                       0.5%                 0.7%

     65 - 69                                                      0.8%                    1.2%

     60 - 64                                                  1.0%                             1.6%

     55 - 59                                              1.6%                                    2.0%

     50 - 54                                         2.1%                                              2.4%

     45 - 49                                       2.4%                                                    2.7%

     40 - 44                                           1.7%                                       2.0%

     35 -39                           3.9%                                                                               4.2%

     30 -34                       4.3%                                                                                     4.6%

     25 -29                      4.5%                                                                                     4.4%

     20 - 24                   5.0%                                                                                         4.8%

     15 - 19                     4.6%                                                                                     4.5%

     10 - 14                   4.9%                                                                                         4.7%

     5 -10               5.5%                                                                                                    5.2%

      0-4               5.6%                                                                                                       5.4%

              -8.0%      -6.0%           -4.0%            -2.0%             0.0%               2.0%               4.0%             6.0%            8.0%
                                          Population of Cambodia 2018                                                           Source:

16           INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019
02 Taxation of individuals                                                             Deductions
                                                                                       Employees are not allowed any
                                                                                       deductions against their salary
                                                                                       income as employees are not
Introduction                                Exempt Income
                                                                                       required to submit annual tax returns.
                                            Employment related payments
Individual residents of                     received by a tax resident that are        Tax Administration
Cambodia are liable for personal            not subject to income tax include:         Returns and Assessments
income tax/tax on salary (ToS)
                                            –– Reimbursement of business               The salary and fringe benefit tax
on Cambodian and foreign                       expenses by the employer,               return and payment are due to be
source income, whereas non-                    provided that the costs are incurred    filed and paid to the GDT by the 20th
residents are subject to income                in the course of employment, the        day of the following month. Currently,
tax on Cambodian source                        amounts are not excessive and           the Cambodian Tax Law does not
income only. A credit for foreign              they can be substantiated;              require a resident individual to submit
income tax paid is allowed against          –– Indemnity for layoff within the limit   an annual personal income tax return
Cambodian income tax.                          as stated in the Labor Law;             to the GDT. Accordingly, the monthly
                                                                                       salary tax deduction is considered to
The tax credit is calculated                –– Additional remuneration received        be a final tax for individuals.
separately for each foreign                    with social characteristics as
                                               provided in the Labor Law;              Personal Allowances and Rebates
country and is the lower of the                                                        of Tax
foreign tax paid and Cambodian              –– Supply of free or subsidized
tax payable on foreign source                  uniforms or special professional        The following relief is provided to a
                                               equipment used in the course of         resident employee:
                                               employment; and
Employers are required to                   –– Flat allowances for mission and          Relief for the month               KHR
withhold income tax from                       travel received in the course of        Child relief for each
salaries and other benefits paid               employment.                             child (14 years old or
to employees. Salary is taxed               * Employees under "Undermined              25 years old if still at            150,000
according to progressive tax                Duration Contract" (UDC) are entitled      school)
rates ranging from 5% to 20%.               to annual seniority payments,
                                            including existing employees before        Dependent spouse
Resident/Non-Resident                       2019 and newer employees. ToS shall        (must be housewife)                 150,000
A person is a resident of Cambodia          be exempted the seniority payment
if the person is “domiciled in” or          for Khmer employees.                       Tax Rates
has a “principal place of abode” in         The following allowances may be            Residents
Cambodia, or the person is present          exempted from either ToS or FBT:           The ToS rates are as follows:
in Cambodia for more than 182 days
during any 12 month period.                 –– Commuting expenses (between
                                                                                        Taxable Income
                                               home & workplace), accommodation                                       Progressive
A non-resident means any person                allowances, and accommodation            for the Month
who does not fall under either of the          provided within the Company’s            (KHR)
above stated criteria.                         premise (all in accordance with Labor
                                                                                       Up to 1,200,000                       0%
Employment Income/Employee                                                             From 1,200,001 -
                                            –– Meal allowances where provided to                                             5%
Individuals receiving remuneration in          all worker-employees regardless of      2,000,000
the course of employment are subject           position/function,                      From 2,000,001 -
to personal income tax known as                                                                                             10%
                                            –– Social security or welfare fund         8,500,000
tax on salary. Remuneration includes           (within the limit of the law),
salary, wage, bonus, overtime and                                                      From 8,500,001 -
other compensation. A fringe benefit        –– Health insurance or life/health         12,500,000
tax on employer-provided cars,                 insurance premium where provided
                                               to every employee regardless of         Over 12,500,000                      20%
housing, low interest loans, and
free, subsidized or discounted goods           position or function,                   Non-residents
and services is levied on employers         –– Baby care allowance or baby nursery     Non-residents are taxed on salary from
according to the taxable value of              expense (in accordance with Labour      Cambodian sources at a flat rate of 20%.
the fringe benefits provided to their          Law)
employees. The tax rate is currently        Companies and enterprises are required     1. As noted in section 1 above, individual person
20% and it is payable monthly. The          to submit an allowance policy for the
                                                                                       taxable income (allowable deductions) will be
                                                                                       determined by a Sub-Decree which has not been
actual cost of providing the benefit will   above allowances to the GDT to be          issued as of the date of this update. Currently,
normally be deductible for the employer     eligible to the above tax reliefs.         individual is not required to file their annual
except for the fringe benefit tax.                                                     personal income return to the GDT.

                                                                                       INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019                    17
03 Indirect and other taxes
Value Added Tax (VAT)                                          Enterprises providing taxable supplies of goods and
                                                               services are required to register for VAT if they meet the
VAT is chargeable on a wide range of goods and services
                                                               criteria below:
supplied in Cambodia and on the importation of goods.
The basic principle of VAT is to charge tax at each stage of   –– Corporations, importers, exporters and investment
production, allowing each supplier credit for the tax paid,       companies;
so that the VAT eventually impacts the final consumer.
                                                               –– Taxpayers with turnover in respect of goods sold
Taxable supplies attract VAT at either the standard rate          exceeding KHR125 million for the preceding three
of 10% or the zero rate. The zero rate applies to export          consecutive months or in the next three consecutive
of goods and services and certain charges in relation to          months;
international transport of people and goods. Also, this
                                                               –– Taxpayers with turnover in respect of services provided
zero rate is applicable for any goods and services supplied
                                                                  exceeding KHR60 million for the preceding three
by supporting industries QIP/contractors to particular
                                                                  consecutive months or in the next three consecutive
export industries. For supply of services to use zero
                                                                  months; and
rate, the services must have been performed outside
Cambodia or performed for uses outside Cambodia                –– Taxpayers that have contracts with government with a
and the services are not for the business purpose or              total taxable turnover exceeding of KHR30 million.
economic interest inside Cambodia (the burden of proof
                                                               VAT registration must be made at the commencement
is on the taxpayers). Documents such as contracts, bank
                                                               of business operation or within 30 days in which the
statements, invoices, etc., must also be maintained for
                                                               taxpayer becomes a taxable person.
the tax administration’s review.
                                                               VAT returns and payment are due to be filed and paid to
VAT on certain supply and import of certain agricultural
                                                               the GDT by the 20th day of the following month.
products shall be borne by the State (i.e. State Charges).
                                                               VAT is payable at 10% on the value of imported goods,
Exempt supplies are not subject to VAT and include:
                                                               including any customs duty, insurance and freight charges.
–– Public postal service;
                                                               The GDT set up an online VAT management system to
–– Hospital, clinic, medical, and dental services and          manage taxpayers’ VAT refund requests and VAT credit
   sales of medical and dental goods incidental to the         utilisation. GDT issued Notification and Instruction in
   performance of such services;                               January 2019 for implementation without any specific
                                                               implementation dates*. With the system, the taxpayers
–– Passenger transportation services by a wholly state-
                                                               can access the system to record VAT input and output then
   owned public transportation system;
                                                               print out a report for either a VAT refund request or a VAT
–– Insurance services;                                         credit claim to be attached with monthly VAT return.
–– Primary financial services;                                 * The system and the requirement to print out VAT credit
                                                               report was meant to be implemented in January 2019.
–– Importation of articles for personal use that are exempt
                                                               However because of the system errors due to high volume
   from customs duties;
                                                               of usages and many taxpayers could not access the
–– Non-profit activities for public interest that have been    system, the requirement to print out and attach the VAT
   recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance;          report was postponed twice.
–– Educational services;
–– Supply of unprocessed agricultural products;
–– Supply of electricity; and
–– Supply of water for public use; and solid-liquid trash
   collection or cleaning service

Specific Tax on Certain Merchandises and Services                                     Accommodation Tax (AT)
                                                                                      AT is a tax on the provision of accommodation services.
Certain goods and services are subject to STCMS, which is                             AT is levied at the rate of 2% on accommodation services
a form of excise tax that applies to importation or domestic                          fees, inclusive of other services charges and all kinds of
production and supply of certain goods and services.                                  taxes but exclusive of the AT itself and VAT. Payment of AT
                                                                                      to the GDT is due on the 20th day of the month following
Examples of the levy of STCMS are:
                                                                                      the month in which the charges occur.

Item                                              Rate                                Other Taxes
Domestic and international                                                            Withholding Taxes (WHT)
telephone services                                  3%
                                                                                      Resident with holding tax
Domestic and international                                                            A resident taxpayer is required to withhold tax from the
air ticket                                          10%                               following payments of Cambodian source income to a
                                                                                      resident entity:
Entertainment services
                                                                                      Payment                                           Rate
                                                                                      Payment for services to a
Cigarettes                                                                            physical person, including                          15%
                                                    20%                               management, consulting, and
                                                                                      other similar services1

Beers                                                                                 Payment of royalties for
                                                    30%                               intangible assets and interests                     15%
                                                                                      in minerals, oil or natural gas

                                                                                      Interest payments made
                                                    35%                                                                                   15%
                                                                                      to a physical person or an
                                                                                      enterprise, except for interest
                                                                                      paid to a domestic bank or
                                                                                      savings institution

For domestically produced goods, the basis for STCMS’s                                Income from rental of
calculation is 90% of the selling price disclosed on the                              movable or immovable                                10%
invoice exclusive of VAT and STCMS.                                                   properties
Payment of STCMS to the GDT is due on the 20th day of
                                                                                      Interest payments on a fixed
the following month.                                                                                                                      6%
                                                                                      deposit made by a domestic
Tax for Public Lighting (TPL)                                                         bank or savings institution to a
                                                                                      resident taxpayer
TPL is a tax levied on the sales of alcohol and cigarette
products, both imported and domestically manufactured,
at each stage of supply.                                                              Interest payments on savings
The basis for TPL calculation* is as follows:                                         account made by a domestic                          4%
                                                                                      bank or savings institution to a
- For importer or manufacturer, the tax rate is 3% of the                             resident taxpayer
value of taxable product exclusive of VAT and TPL itself.
- For reseller and/or distributor, the tax rate is also 3%,
but the basis is now only 20% of the amount recorded on
invoice, exclusive of VAT and TPL itself.
The tax is payable on a monthly basis, by the 20th day of
the following month.
* the revised calculation for reseller and/or distributor was effective 9
October 2017 onward,

1: The 15% WHT on service is not applicable if the recipient of the payment is a real - regime tax payer, provided that a valid invoice is obtained.

                                                                                                                  INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019           19
Non-Resident WHT                                                                    Conversion of retained earnings to capital/equity will not
Any resident taxpayer carrying on business, including                               be considered as dividend distribution and is not subject
PE of non-resident taxpayer, who makes payment from                                 to WHT (supported by BoD resolution).
Cambodian source income to a non-resident, shall                                    If there is transfer of shares in capital or equity interest
withhold and pay as tax an amount equal to 14% of the                               (partly or wholly) of a company which has retained
amount payable. Payment from Cambodian source income                                earnings related to the share transfer whether or not has
may include the following:                                                          been converted to share capital distribution of dividends,
                                                                                    and will be subject to 14% WHT.
Payment                                          Rate
                                                                                    In case there is a reduction of capital or equity interest,
Interest   2
                                                                                    the reduced amount shall be considered distribution of
                                                                                    dividends, and will be subject to 14% WHT. However, the
Income from movable or immovable                                                    deemed dividend shall not exceed the amount of retained
property, if such property is situated             14%                              earnings.
in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
                                                                                    Under existing Double Tax Agreements (DTA) in effect, the
Management or technical services                                                    14% WHT on certain payments such as interest, royalties,
                                                   14%                              technical service fees & dividends to resident of the DTAs
                                                                                    signatories is reduced to 10% WHT (provided Cambodian
                                                                                    resident taxpayers complied with certain requirements of
Dividends                                                                           the GDT on a case by case basis). Please refer to section
                                                   14%                              5 below for DTAs signatory countries.
                                                                                    The small taxpayers are exempted from the obligation to
                                                                                    act as withholding agents, except with regard to the WHT
                                                                                    on rental fees for movable and immovable properties.
Other various Cambodian source
income(s) as provided in the                       14%                              Note: The liability for WHT rests with the remitter. The
Article 33 (new) of 2003 Law                                                        GDT has no recourse to recover withholding tax from the
on Amendment on the Law on                                                          recipient of the payment. The WHT is payable at either
Investment (LALoT)                                                                  the date the payment is made, or the date the expense is
                                                                                    recorded in the books, whichever is first.
                                                                                    Payment of WHT to the GDT is due on the 20th day of the
                                                                                    following month.

2: For MFI, making interest payment to non-resident will only be subject to a reduced rate of 10%.
   (4% will become state-charge for 2017 and 2018, effective from 27 October 2017).

 20            INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019
Additional Income Tax on Dividend Distribution                                     Patent Tax
(AITDD)                                                                            Patent tax is a yearly business registration tax which all
AITDD is imposed on any dividend distribution, by                                  enterprises carrying on business activities in Cambodia
calculating the difference between Tax on Income payable                           are required to pay by 31st March. A “patent tax
and Tax on Income paid during the year.                                            certificate” will be issued by the GDT upon registration
                                                                                   and/or after each successive change or update with the
If the dividend distributed has already deducted AITDD or
                                                                                   GDT of information of the enterprise that affects the
ToI, then the recipient company can record in a dividend
                                                                                   patent tax certificate.
account. Subsequent distribution of the said dividend
to the recipient enterprise’s shareholder shall then be                            If the enterprise carries out different types of businesses,
exempted from AITDD. Payment of AITDD to the GDT is                                a separate patent tax certificate is required for each
due on the 20th day of the following month in which the                            distinct business activity. Likewise, if a taxpayer carries
distribution is paid.                                                              out business in different cities or provinces, a separate
                                                                                   patent tax certificate is required for each location.

							                                                                            The amount of patent tax payable will be depending upon
							                                                                            the form of the business, as well as the type of business
                                                                                   activity and the level of turnover.

Patent Tax

      Large Taxpayers*: either                                        Medium Taxpayers:                             Small Taxpayers:
      KHR3,000,000 (~US$750),if annual                                KHR1,200,000 (~US$300)                        KHR400,000 (~US$100)
      turnover is between KHR4,000
      million and KHR10,000 million; or
      KHR5,000,000 (~US$1,250) if annual
      turnover is over KHR10,000 million

* Large Taxpayers are required to pay KHR3,000,000 (~USD750) for each additional patent tax certificate,
  if the enterprise has any branch, warehouse or business in different cities or provinces.

                                                                                                           INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019       21
Customs Duty                                                     Desk audit is focused on clear and easy to find irregularities
                                                                 on the tax returns through reconciliation with available
Customs duty is levied on certain goods entering
                                                                 information and interviewing taxpayers. This can be
Cambodia. The rates vary depending on the type of goods.
                                                                 conducted within 12 months after tax return lodgement.
Currently, the duty rates are 0%, 7%, 15%, and 35%.
                                                                 Limited audit is limited in length and is focused on most
As a member of ASEAN, Cambodia has also implemented the
                                                                 taxes except ToI. This can be conducted on current tax year
ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) which entered into
                                                                 (N) and one prior tax year (N-1).
force on 17 May 2010. In accordance with ATIGA, the customs
import duties was reduced to 0-5 percent on most goods.          Comprehensive audit is conducted on all kinds of taxes
                                                                 and information necessary. This can be conducted within
Exemptions can also be obtained as part of the incentives
                                                                 3 tax years backwards (N-3). This can be extended to 5 tax
offered by the CDC for the QIP undertaken in Cambodia.
                                                                 years backwards (N-5) if there is evidence of tax evasion
Registration Tax                                                 or there are losses or credit carried forward from longer
                                                                 than 3 tax years backwards. The tax year that is subject to
Registration tax of 0.1 % applies to a transfer of shares.       comprehensive audit and any outstanding tax liability are
0.1% registration tax also applies on the government             settled by taxpayers would be considered as “closed’ for
contract value related to the supply of goods/services that      any further tax audits.
are used under the state budget.
                                                                 In case of strong evidence of tax evasion comprehensive audits
The following legal documents are subject to a registration      can be conducted further back than 5 tax years backwards with
tax (stamp duty) of KHR1,000,000:                                approval from the Minister of Economy and Finance.
–– Company formation
                                                                 The Director General of the GDT can order any department
–– Company merger
                                                                 to conduct a special audit or investigation of criminal
–– Dissolution of a company                                      offense on tax provisions on an enterprise if there is serious
Property Transfer Taxes                                          evidence showing intentional tax evasion of enterprises.

There is a 4% tax on the transfer of ownership or                A “committee for enterprise allocation” established by the
possession rights for immovable property or transportation       GDT manages a list of enterprises and allocates them for
means (such as land, building, vehicles).                        tax audits for each tax year.

This 4% tax is imposed on the market value at the time           Selection of enterprises for tax audits depends on the
of the transfer, which is to be determined by the Ministry       following criteria:
of Economy and Finance (MEF) and payable by the party            –– Risk assessment;
acquiring the ownership or possession rights and must be
paid within three (3) months from the date of the transaction.   –– Result from information crosscheck;
                                                                 –– Information obtained from third party;
Tax on Immovable Property (TIP)
                                                                 –– Information about types of taxes or specific industries;
TIP was created in the 2010 Law on Financial Management
(LFM) and is imposed on certain immovable properties.            –– Information of particular taxpayer; and
The term “immovable property” is defined as land, houses,        –– Location of enterprise, etc.
buildings and constructions that are built on the land.
                                                                 If the tax auditors find any grounds (i.e. under-declared tax, non-
The Prakas on the collection of the TIP was subsequently         compliance...etc.), they can issue a tax reassessment notice.
issued on 19 July 2010 for implementation of the TIP. This       Any reassessed tax will be subject to penalties as follows:
TIP is collected every year at the rate of 0.1% on the value
                                                                 –– 10% if the taxpayer is negligent
of the immovable property that is more than the threshold
of KHR100,000,000 (approximately US$25,000). The value           –– 25% if the taxpayer is seriously negligent
of the immovable property is assessed by the Assessment
                                                                 –– 40% if it is a unilateral tax reassessment
Committee, which is set up by the MEF.
                                                                 There is also 1.5% interest for each month for late
The deadline for paying the TIP is 30 September.
Tax on Unused Land                                               The taxpayers will have thirty (30) working days to either
A tax is levied on unused land and the registered owner          make the tax payment or submit a protest to the GDT.
of the land is responsible for the payment of the tax. Tax       Taxpayers may request for settlement of tax debt in
on unused land is based on 2% of the market price per            installments, provided they meet certain criteria and are
square meter as determined by the Committee for the              able to provide required supporting documents.
Valuation and is due to be paid annually by 30 September.
                                                                 A "Committee for Tax Arbitration (CTA)" was set up, under the
However, unused land on which ’Tax on immovable                  MEF. It is stated that this committee will play the role of a third
property’ has been paid is not subject to tax on unused          party arbitrator if the taxpayer is dissatisfied with the GDT's
land, effective from 2011 onwards.                               decision on the initial protest above.
Tax Audit                                                        However, as a matter of practical reality there is limited
                                                                 recourse for a taxpayer in any dispute with the GDT.
Generally, there are essentially two kind of tax audits: desk
audit and limited audits and comprehensive/final audits          The detailed procedure of tax protest is described in
which are on field audits.                                       Prakas 1470 by the MEF and Sub-Decree 03 by the Royal
                                                                 Government of Cambodia.

 22         INVESTING IN CAMBODIA 2019
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