Page created by Jon Fuller
RTB Proposal 2017–2022



                           Vol. I
                           July 2016   i|Page
RTB CRP Full Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)

be implemented to understand key constraints and opportunities affecting the differential participation
of women and men in RTB value chains and technology innovation. It will seek ways to make participation
more equitable and effective, leading to larger scale development outcomes. Foresight, as well as ex-ante
and ex-post studies, will instill an impact culture to better align RTB research with outcomes and ensure
value for money. FP5 will guide and backstop the implementation of the “AFS innovation and scaling
fund”, which facilitates systems integration among FPs and with other AFS-CRPs.
All FPs contain one or more crosscutting clusters; FP5 is predominantly crosscutting. Under FP5 research
is conducted to develop new tools and methods jointly with other clusters. They provide methodological
support to and spaces for shared learning with other clusters, both inside the same FP and across other
Flagship and cluster business cases were laid out during 2014/15 and subjected to an intensive external
review process in May/June 2015. Detailed feedback informed the feasibility of each cluster and their
integration into FPs as well as the RTB program structure as such. Although reviewers found business
cases generally solid, they drew attention to gaps and inconsistencies that led to ongoing reformulation
of the cluster and FP descriptions and their incorporation into this proposal. The reviews (1) highlighted
the absence of a sweetpotato cluster in FP2, with all other crops represented (this was subsequently
included in the current version of this flagship); (2) pointed up the need to take a broader approach in
FP4, considering the contribution of RTB crops as healthy functional foods; and (3) proposed that FP3 be
framed so as to better reflect the broader work on crop management aspects.

RTB is vigorously pursuing collaboration with other AFS-CRPs both where their commodities form an
integral part of RTB cropping systems, such as legumes intercropped with cassava (with DCL), or where
RTB crops contribute as companions in another AFS, such as potato as a rotation crop with rice (with RICE).
This type of collaboration forms a key element of FP2–FP4.
In addition, broader collaboration with other AFS-CRPs, guided by FP5, is planned at the livelihood level;
considering, for example, transitions into more diverse sets of enterprises and inter-household linkages
at the community and landscape levels.
To leverage best practices across CRPs and greater contribution to SRF targets, as well as stimulate
interdisciplinary research, RTB will link with all GI-CRPs:
     Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) for complementary approaches to value chain analysis and
     Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), with shared evidence base and advocacy for adoption of
      RTB varieties with higher levels of micronutrients
     CCAFS, models, and metrics for climate-sensitive breeding, and pest and disease modeling under
      climate change scenarios
     Water, Land and Ecosystem (WLE) for wastewater utilization linked to cassava processing, and for
      integration into improvement of ecosystem services.
FP5 and the other AFS-CRPs (i.e., DCL, FISH, MAIZE, RICE, WHEAT, LIVESTOCK, and FTA) open a new space
for collaboration where RTB crops can be rotations, intercropped, or used as sources of feed.
FP1 will interact closely with the Genebanks and Genetic Gains Platforms to best utilize new technologies,
sources of genetic diversity, information, and databases to enhance breeding programs. Likewise, the cluster
on gender-equitable development and youth employment in FP5 (CC5.3) will work closely with the gender

                                                                                               26 | P a g e
RTB CRP Full Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)

coordinating platform to share and synthesize knowledge on how gender inequalities affect agri-food
systems, and to understand the approaches and tools required to improve equitable access to RTB
Annex 6 gives further details of collaboration between RTB and other CRPs and the new CGIAR-wide
proposed platforms.
A key dimension in the SRF and the CGIAR second-phase portfolio is the increased integration across the
CRPs and a strengthened ability to work with a wide range of partners and stakeholders in achieving key
development goals. RTB is fully committed to and will designate funding for site integration countries of
highest priority, linked to a proposed “AFS innovation and scaling fund” (see Section 2: FP5) for RTB crops.
Site integration meetings were held in the final quarter of 2015 for countries identified as highest priority
(++ Site) and in 2016 for second-level priority (+ Sites). It is important to bear in mind that these priority
countries are not intended to exclude other countries that are also critical for RTB deliverables. RTB is
setting up a “AFS innovation and scaling fund” for Phase II that will support collaboration across CRPs at
different levels of scale, with a particular focus on the site integration countries.
RTB’s PMU has worked closely with each of the prioritized site integration processes (see Table 6),
providing co-funding and designating RTB focal points across all participating centers. These processes
represent an opportunity to:
     Support dialogue and engagement with partners and stakeholders to understand and align with the
      national priorities and actions (i.e., demand for RTB research and also evidence-based advocacy where
      national priorities are inappropriate).
     Get closer to RTB partners in the CGIAR system (i.e., other CGIAR centers, CRPs) for strengthening
      collaboration across crops/commodities and with the relevant GI-CRPs in that country.
     Identify specific opportunities for integration into other CRPs where RTB could move ahead (e.g., work
      on sweetpotato silage or cassava waste utilization with LIVESTOCK).
     Provide input to organize an inventory of interventions by geography in the country and explore
      possibilities of focusing efforts in particular sites where co-location, shared services/research activities,
      and even staff could make sense.
    Provide a space to link impact pathways of RTB with those of the other CRPs.

Under RTB, the expertise of CGIAR and French organizations that had been dispersed across individual
centers was brought together to exploit several comparative advantages: (1) scientific capacity in human
resources and research infrastructure; (2) individual center’s capacity to act as conveners and facilitators
across national boundaries, and as an “honest broker” to assemble a broad range of public, private, and
development organizations; and (3) access to well-characterized global germplasm collections of major RTB
crops. Phase I built on this comparative advantage by establishing a common umbrella to expand
partnerships and capacity for crosscutting synergistic work relating to (1) their status as crops of the poor
and the implications for poverty reduction and nutrition; (2) predominant roles of women in value chains;
(3) vegetative propagation as related broadly to seed systems and to breeding systems; and (4)
commonalities in post-harvest management, including transportation, storage, and processing.
RTB, as a program with high scientific capability and global outreach in developing countries, has a
comparative advantage and key pivotal role in integrative research generating international public goods,
which would otherwise not be delivered by NARES, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), universities,

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RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                                       Annex 6

ANNEX 6: RTB Linkages with other CRPs and site integration
Template 1: Overview of Inter-CRP Collaboration: Provide and Receive
Template 2a: Partnerships with other CRPs (activities, mode, geographies and outcomes sought)
Template 2b: Plans for site integration in CGIAR target countries

Table 1: RTB collaboration matrix with Global Integrating CRPs
 Partner                                           RTB-FP1:              RTB-FP2:               RTB-FP3:                    RTB-FP4:                          RTB-FP5:
  CRP                                              Enhanced        Productive varieties &     Resilient crops    Nutritious food & added value       Improved livelihoods at scale
                                                    genetic            quality seed
                                                RTB receives:    RTB provides:                      --          RTB provides:                        RTB provides:

                                                Guidance on      Descriptions of seed                          Insights into opportunities for     Foresight data and analysis
                                                 market trends     systems and policy                             reducing postharvest losses and      related to RTB commodities
                                                 and future        needs                                          improve utilization of waste        Ex-ante assessments for
                                                 needs           RTB receives:                                    across RTB value chains through      RTB interventions and
                                                                  Guidance in seed policy                        postharvest innovations              investments
                                                                   advocacy (with FP5)                           Data and lessons from               Scaling innovations
                                                                                                                  diversifying markets for RTB        Impact of RTB seed system
                                                                                                                  crops                                interventions which entail
                                                                                                                RTB receives:                          policy support
                                                                                                                 Post-harvest losses framework      RTB receives:
                                                                                                                  and metrics                         Training on foresight
                                                                                                                 Methodological guidance for          analysis
                                                                                                                  assessing the potential of value    Global prospective on
                                                                                                                  chain interventions focusing on      foresight modelling
                                                                                                                  women and the youth                 Value chain tools, methods
                                                                                                                                                       and assessments
                                                      --         RTB provides:                      --          RTB provides:                        RTB provides:


  (A4NH) &

   Ns AND

                                                                  Breeding/germplasm                            Insights from nutrition-focused     Projections & trends in

                                                                   development to provide                         RTB value chain development,         technology impacts,
                                                                   nutrient dense varieties                       food processing, food industry,

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                 Annex 6

 Partner        RTB-FP1:                RTB-FP2:                    RTB-FP3:                         RTB-FP4:                         RTB-FP5:
  CRP           Enhanced          Productive varieties &          Resilient crops         Nutritious food & added value      Improved livelihoods at scale
                 genetic              quality seed
                                 Delivery in target value                                 and assessing nutrition and         production, consumption,
                                  chains and Evidence/                                     health outcomes                     and utilization of RTB crops
                                  Advocacy                                                Data and lessons from             RTB receives:
                                 Value chain                                              nutrition-focused behavior         Insight on role of RTB as
                                  coordination, food                                       change interventions and policy     part of whole diet
                                  processing, food                                         advocacy                            approaches
                                  industry                                                Joint impact studies of            Guidance on regional and
                                RTB receives                                               biofortified cassava and            population nutritional
                                 Nutritional efficacy and                                 sweetpotato                         needs
                                  bioavailability studies                                RTB receives:
                                 Assessing RTB value                                     Methodologies for food
                                  chains for nutrition and                                 systems analysis for healthier
                                  health                                                   diets
                                                                                          Insight on nutrition and health
                                                                                           outcomes when RTB are
                                                                                           combined with other nutrient-
                                                                                           rich foods
                                                                                          Assessing RTB value chains for
                                                                                           nutrition and health outcomes
                                                                                          Framework for assessing the
                                                                                           impacts of biofortification
            RTB provides        RTB provides                 RTB provides:               RTB provides:                       RTB provides:
             Climate-smart      Climate-Smart Breeding      Climate-Smart farming      Climate-Smart postharvest          RTB Climate-Smart
              breeding tools     Climate Smart Seed         RTB receives:                 practices                           intensification practices
              and methods         systems                     Climate modelling to       Data on postharvest losses and     RTB diversification options
            RTB receives:       RTB receives:                  forecast future impacts     GHG footprint of RTB value          for improved resilience of

             Climate            Climate modelling to         on biotic and abiotic       chains                              tree- crop and cereal-
              modelling to        forecast future impacts      factors affecting RTB     RTB receives:                         dominated farming systems
              forecast            on biotic and abiotic        crop production            Climate modelling to forecast     RTB receives:
              future impacts      factors affecting RTB                                    future impacts on postharvest      Climate suitability maps
              on biotic and       crop production                                          conditions                         Model insights in climate
              abiotic factors                                                             Methodologies for assessing         change vulnerability
              affecting RTB                                                                GHG footprint of RTB value

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                  Annex 6

 Partner         RTB-FP1:               RTB-FP2:             RTB-FP3:                    RTB-FP4:                       RTB-FP5:
  CRP           Enhanced          Productive varieties &   Resilient crops    Nutritious food & added value    Improved livelihoods at scale
                  genetic             quality seed
               crop                                                            chains, including postharvest     (environment x crop x
               production                                                      losses and waste                  livelihood)
                                                                                                                Linkages with Climate
                                                                                                                 Smart Villages
                    --                                           --          RTB provides:                     RTB provides:
                                                                              Quantitative assessments of      best practices and cost-
                                                                               cassava and other RTB waste       benefit information for RTB
                                                                               and its environmental and         production for integration
                                                                               water footprint                   into design of integrated
                                                                             RTB receives:                       landscape interventions

                                                                              Research data and business      RTB receives:
                                                                               models for resource recovery     soil and plant nutrient
                                                                               from cassava and other RTB        analytical methods, digital
                                                                               waste.                            mapping of soil constraints,
                                                                                                                 and risk-based landscape-
                                                                                                                 wide approaches to
                                                                                                                 predictive agronomy

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                  Annex 6

Table 2: RTB collaboration matrix with AFS CRPs
                                                                    CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner CRP             FP1:                          FP2:                      FP3:                       FP4:                           FP 5:

                 Enhanced genetic          Productive varieties &          Resilient crops       Nutritious food & added     Improved livelihoods at scale
                    resources                  quality seed                                               value

              RTB receives:             RTB receives and provides: RTB receives and provides: RTB provides:                 RTB provides:
              See Genetic Gains          Varieties suitable for    Varieties suitable for    Methods and models for       Sustainable intensification of
              Platform                    system integration e.g.    system integration e.g.    scaling up nutritious RTB     RTB cropping systems with
                                          intercropping, relay       intercropping, relay       foods that can be             improved synergies with other
                                          cropping and rotation      cropping and rotation      extended to include           crop and livestock enterprises
                                          systems, dual purpose      systems, dual purpose      other crops and animal        for more resilient livelihoods
                                          (food/fodder)              (food/fodder)              source foods                 Insights in crop intensification
                                         See Genetic Gains                                    Data, technologies, and       drivers, farm typologies and
                                          Platform                                              management guidelines         targeting technology options
                                                                                                for reducing postharvest     Scaling of innovation options
                                                                                                losses and improve waste      that strengthen technology
                                                                                                utilization that can be       uptake, particularly for
                                                                                                adapted to other crops        women/youth
                                                                                                and animal source foods      M&EL approaches and lessons
                                                                                              RTB receives:                 RTB receives:
                                                                                               Insights on reducing         Insights on sustainable
                                                                                                postharvest losses and        intensification in relation to
                                                                                                developing nutrition-         crops other than or
                                                                                                focused value chains          intercropped with RTB
                                                                                                from other crops and
                                                                                                animal source foods
                                                                                                RTB provides:               RTB provides:
                                                                                                 Data, lessons, and joint  Options for crop-livestock-fish
                                                                                                  research opportunities      integrations
    FISH                                                                                          for developing RTB and  Options for fish to fill key gaps
                                                                                                  fish value chains to meet   in ‘whole-diet’ approaches to
                                                                                                  nutrition needs, including tackle malnutrition.

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                     Annex 6

                                                                     CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner CRP             FP1:                          FP2:                       FP3:                       FP4:                             FP 5:

                 Enhanced genetic          Productive varieties &           Resilient crops       Nutritious food & added       Improved livelihoods at scale
                    resources                  quality seed                                                value

                                                                                                   novel products combining RTB receives:
                                                                                                   biofortified RTB and fish  Options for integrating with
                                                                                                 RTB receives:                 fish production and value
                                                                                                  Data and lessons from       chains
                                                                                                   promoting fish for         Opportunities for youth to
                                                                                                   nutrition that can be       engage in enterprises
                                                                                                   adapted to and/or
                                                                                                   combined with nutritious
                                                                                                   RTB foods
                                                                                                  Information on feed
                                                                                                   quality of aqua feed and
                                                                                                   feed ingredients. NIRS
                                                                                                   equations for
                                        RTB provides:                                            RTB provides:                 RTB provides:
                                         Cultivars for phenotypic                                Technologies and market      Access to research sites in RTB
                                          testing. Data on                                         linkages for improving        areas to assess integrated
                                          genomics, genetics of                                    use of RTB, including         approaches to livelihoods
                                          traits and management                                    waste, as animal feed         improvement
                                         Access to seed                                         RTB receives:                  Trade off analysis and options
                                          distribution systems                                    Data and lessons from         for intensification of RTB crop-
 LIVESTOCK                              RTB receives:                                              utilization of RTB as         livestock systems
                                         Information on feed                                      animal feed                 RTB receives:
                                          supply and demand                                       Information on projected     Livestock options and feed
                                          scenarios; data on                                       demand for RTB as             requirements that guide
                                          nutritive value of crop                                  ingredient in animal feed     technological and institutional
                                          residues of different                                                                  arrangements for livelihoods
                                          varieties/cultivars and                                                                improvement
                                          promising feed and
                                          fodder value chains

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                Annex 6

                                                                     CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner CRP             FP1:                          FP2:                       FP3:                       FP4:                         FP 5:

                 Enhanced genetic          Productive varieties &           Resilient crops       Nutritious food & added    Improved livelihoods at scale
                    resources                  quality seed                                                value

                                        RTB provides:                                                                       RTB provides:
                                         Rotation and inter-crop/                                                           RTB-based livelihoods analysis
                                          companion crops.                                                                   Diversification options in
                                         Access to seed                                                                      cocoa-coffee systems.
                                          distribution systems                                                               Options for improved access
                                        RTB receives:                                                                         to and control of RTB
                                         Information on RTB                                                                  enterprises in coffee-cocoa
                                          integration in agro-                                                                cash systems.
                                          forestry systems                                                                   Intensification options for
    FTA                                                                                                                       farmers in forest margins to
                                                                                                                              reduce deforestation rate.
                                                                                                                             Banana/Plantain intercropping
                                                                                                                              in coffee/cocoa systems.
                                                                                                                            RTB receives:
                                                                                                                             Forest and tree crop-based
                                                                                                                              livelihoods analysis
                                                                                                                             Reducing impacts on forests
                                                                                                                              and optimizing production in
                                                                                                                              agro-forestry systems
                                                                                                                             Foresight analysis
                                        RTB provides & RTB                                                                  RTB provides & RTB receives:
                                        receives:                                                                            Rotation and inter-crop/
                                         Rotation and inter-crop/                                                            companion crops
                                          companion crops.                                                                   Livelihood analysis tools.
                                                                                                                             RTB-legume mixtures for
                                                                                                                              dietary diversity

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                            Annex 6

Table 3: RTB collaboration matrix with Platforms
                                                                        CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner Platform                  FP1:                              FP2:                          FP3:                    FP4:                       FP 5:

                     Enhanced genetic resources        Productive varieties & quality       Resilient crops        Nutritious food &    Improved livelihoods at scale
                                                                   seed                                              added value

Genebank           RTB provides:                       RTB provides:                     RTB provides:             RTB provides:        RTB provides:
Platform            Value enhancement of               Released varieties with value    Enhanced use and         Enhanced use        Impact assessments of the
                     germplasm collections               to end users                      impact value to           and impact value     value of genetic diversity and
                    Mining biodiversity for trait      Enhanced use of genebank          genebank material         to genebank          genebanks
                     discovery                           material                         Enhanced                  material            Enhanced understanding of
                    Pre-breeding materials             Feedback on user preferred        understanding of         Enhanced             gender and youth
                    Data on use and availability of     traits                            traits for biotic and     understanding of     components of germplasm
                     genetic resources under            Information on demanded           abiotic challenges        nutritionally        use and conservation
                     different policy regimes            traits                          RTB receives:               important traits    Pathway for better
                    Baseline monitoring of in situ    RTB receives:                      Diversity for            Tools for            integration of national
                     genetic diversity                  Conservation method of            capturing alleles         screening            entities in genetic resources
                   RTB receives:                         non-released RTB-bred             for biotic and            nutritionally        conservation
                    Access to genetic diversity         material                          abiotic resistances       important          RTB receives:
                    Database & information             Curated conservation of RTB       and tolerances            components in       Enriched understanding of
                     management                          released varieties               Curated                   genebank             the contribution of genetic
                    Association of trait data to       Distribution into the future      conservation of           accessions           resources in the impact
                     accessions                          of RTB-released varieties         RTB released            RTB receives:          pathway
                    Select germplasm subsets to         through an online database        varieties                Enhanced use        Policy guidance in
                     facilitate screening               Access to genetic diversity      Distribution of           and impact value     germplasm flow and
                     germplasm                          Database & information            RTB-released              to genebank          exchange
                    Enhanced user-interactive           management                        varieties through         material            Enhanced options and new
                     database for targeting                                                an online database       Enhanced             germplasm through better
                     accessions                                                                                      association of       integration of the genebanks
                    Enhanced policy clarity for                                                                     nutritionally        in national genetic resources
                     use and exchange of genetic                                                                     important            conservation
                     resources                                                                                       attributes in

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                Annex 6

                                                                       CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner Platform                  FP1:                             FP2:                      FP3:               FP4:                      FP 5:

                     Enhanced genetic resources       Productive varieties & quality    Resilient crops   Nutritious food &   Improved livelihoods at scale
                                                                  seed                                      added value

                    Link to understanding on farm
                     diversity to help target
                     conservation efforts
Genetic Gains      RTB provides:                      RTB provides:
Platform            CapDev needs                      Feedback on GGP tool use
                    Approaches and metrics for         and usefulness in enhancing
                     assessing genetic gain             breeding activities and
                    User feedback on GGP tool          progress
                    Information about, or code       RTB receives:
                     for bioinformatics tools for      Generic tools and services to
                     genotyping                         support breeding program
                    Bioinformatic tools to share       excellence and accelerated
                    Approaches/cases for               learning
                     phenotyping                       Procurement and
                    Databases at related to target     coordination of cutting edge
                     germplasm                          and high-throughput
                   RTB receives:                        precision phenotyping and
                    Virtual & face-to-face CapDev      technical support for
                    Practical toolbox to support       applying in breeding
                     breeding excellence.               programs
                    Standardized approaches for
                     assessing genetic gain
                    Documented use cases and
                     best practices for genotyping
                     and phenotyping
                    Procurement and
                     coordination of common
                     services and high-throughput

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                  Annex 6

                                                                      CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner Platform                  FP1:                            FP2:                       FP3:                 FP4:                      FP 5:

                     Enhanced genetic resources       Productive varieties & quality    Resilient crops    Nutritious food &   Improved livelihoods at scale
                                                                  seed                                       added value

                     precision phenotyping and
                     technical support
                    Bioinformatics and data
                     management tools & services,
                     including interconnectivity
                     and interoperability
Big Data platform RTB provides:                       RTB provides:                                                            RTB provides:
                   Open access to genotyping          Open access to genotyping,                                              Data collected (HH data, crop
                    data                                phenotyping and                                                          response data,
                   Open access to in situ              germplasm evaluation and                                                 environmental data)
                    databases                           selection data                                                          Data analysis (HH typologies,
                  RTB receives:                        Open access to RTB seed                                                  drivers of adoption,
                   Data management and                 system information                                                       technology targeting)
                    analytical tools                    databases                                                               Data collection tools
                   Data collection tools, e.g.       RTB receives:                                                            RTB receives:
                    crowd-sourcing and data            Data management and                                                     Aggregated data collected
                    mining                              analytical tools                                                        Big data analysis tools
                                                       Data collection tools, e.g.                                             Citizen science tools (incl.
                                                        crowd-sourcing and data                                                  phone apps)
Gender platform RTB provides:                         RTB provides:                 RTB provides:        RTB provides:     RTB provides:
                    Gender-differentiated             Characterization of gender-  Baseline studies  Gender             Gender-specific needs of end
                    target traits for RTB crops         differentiated preferences    on gender roles in   differences in    users and how RTB
                    across the breeding                 for traits and their          RTB-based            RTB trait         innovations are adapted for
                    pipeline.                           consequences to help          cropping systems     preferences by    intensification, diversification
                RTB receives:                           breeding strategies and       and household        consumers, food and dietary improvement to
                 Norms and Agency analysis             ensure gender inclusive       typologies.          processors, and   end users’ needs
                  and guidance by geography             access to better seed.       Gender and youth     household level  Understanding of how global
                 Foresight on policy,                RTB receives:                   local knowledge      food preparers    and local trends affect
                  education and norms                                                 on disease           and caregivers

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                   Annex 6

                                                                      CRP: Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

Partner Platform                  FP1:                            FP2:                         FP3:                 FP4:                     FP 5:

                     Enhanced genetic resources       Productive varieties & quality      Resilient crops    Nutritious food &   Improved livelihoods at scale
                                                                  seed                                         added value

                      affecting gender and youth       Norms and Agency analysis        management to  Feedbacks on           gender relations and gender
                      on technology access and          and guidance by geography        develop              gender            equity
                      acceptance                       Foresight on policy,             information and      responsive value RTB receives:
                                                        education and norms              communications       chain tools,      Support for integrating
                                                        affecting gender and             strategies on safe   methods and        gender to create strategic
                                                        technology access and            pest and disease     communication      partnerships with national,
                                                        acceptance                       control methods      materials for      regional and global
                                                                                       RTB receives:          gender equitable   organizations for policy
                                                                                        Foresight on         outcomes           advocacy and influencing for
                                                                                         policy, education RTB receives:         women’s empowerment
                                                                                         and norms           Synthesized        issues related to the cases of
                                                                                         affecting gender     knowledge and      RTB innovations
                                                                                         and technology       sharing on how
                                                                                         access and           gender
                                                                                         acceptance           inequalities
                                                                                                              affect agri-food

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                                                Annex 6

Table 1: RTB collaboration matrix with Global Integrating CRPs
 Partner                                      ACTIVITY                     RTB ROLE                     COLLABORATING CRP ROLE            COLLABORATION         OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;
  CRP                                                                   (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                        MODE               TARGET COUNTRIES
                                         Foresight            Contribute with crop models (FP5)     Use the International Model for      Leadership by       Improved alignment of RTB
                                                                                                     Policy Analysis of Agricultural      PIM; cost sharing   investment with market
                                                                                                     Commodities and Trade (IMPACT)       Joint (ongoing)     opportunities
                                                                                                     model to generate mid- and long-     Complementary       Global
                                                                                                     term projections of supply and       (Ongoing)
                                                                                                     demand of RTB crops                  Joint (to be
                                         Ex-ante              Run ex-ante impact assessment          Use the IMPACT model to enhance     Joint (ongoing)     More robust ex-ante
                                         assessment           models for promising RTB                ex-ante impact assessment of RTB                        assessment, with

                                                              technologies based on rates of return   technologies in a holistic model,                       information on indicators of
                                                              (FP5)                                   including multiple commodities                          economic welfare and food
                                                                                                      (Future Harvest+)                                       security in more continuous
                                         Scaling innovations Generation of household, scaling and  Complementary analysis and        Joint (to be            Framework for learning
                                                             other typologies (FP5) to improve RTB development of a typology of value explored                across multiple value chains
                                                             scaling strategies in FP2-FP4          chain-focused scaling models and                          and improving scaling
                                                                                                    mechanisms, investment schemes                            strategy;
                                                                                                    and a framework for assessing                             Global
                                                                                                    scaling outcomes and identifying
                                                                                                    best bet options
                                                                                                   Knowledge sharing and scaling
                                                                                                    through value chain hubs, across
                                                                                                    commodities, CRPs and partners
                                         Value chain tools,    Share lessons with others through  Leads and coordinates learning    Joint (ongoing)          Improved tools and
                                         methods and            PIM value chains platform           around the development of                                   methods and accelerated
                                         assessments           Action learning on tool development approaches, methodologies and                               learning.
                                                                in specific contexts to strengthen  tools for value chain development                          Synergies across multiple
                                                                the design, implementation and      and scaling (FP3)                                           value chains, connect
                                                                assessment of interventions aimed  Developing and validating                                   research to key policy
                                                                at inclusive and efficient value    innovative mechanisms to promote                            decisions and deliver large

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                   Annex 6

 Partner        ACTIVITY                     RTB ROLE                      COLLABORATING CRP ROLE               COLLABORATION       OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;
  CRP                                     (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                            MODE             TARGET COUNTRIES
                                 chains                                  co-investment of public and private                        development outcomes as
                                Develop the concept of coaching in      actors in innovation in different                          measured against the SRF
                                 gender and value chains (FP2, FP4,      crop value chains (FP3)                                    framework
                                 FP5)                                   Expanding the use of gender-                             Around the emerging Value
                                                                         responsive versions of Participatory                     Chain hubs in South America
                                                                         Market Chain Analysis (PMCA),                            and West and East Africa
                                                                         5Capitals, LINK and other value
                                                                         chain methods, and advocacy work
                                                                         in relation to the findings
                                                                         generated by these (FP3)
           Post-harvest losses Apply framework to evaluate losses    Develop framework to evaluate the          Joint (ongoing)   Consistent method for
           framework           and improve post-harvest              extent and sources of post-harvest                           measuring post-harvest
                               management (FP4)                      losses/methodology to measure                                losses and guiding research
                                                                     postharvest losses along different                           investment to area of
                                                                     stages of the value chain that can be                        highest pay-off;
                                                                     replicated across regions and crops/                         Uganda and Peru
                                                                     differentiating losses in terms of
                                                                     quantity, quality and value (FP3)
           Seed system         Identify seed system interventions    Assessing appropriate and effective        Joint core and W3 Enhance viability of seed
           analysis            and seed markets where policy has     roles for in varietal development and      funded            systems through more
                               critical influence (FP2, FP5)         the production and distribution of                           appropriate engagement of
                                                                     seed and planting materials ( FP2,                           public, private, and
                                                                     FP5)                                                         community actors;
           Gender analysis      Apply, adapt and improve guidelines    Developing guidelines and tools for Joint (ongoing)      Improved uniformity and
                                 for sex disaggregation of data in       collecting sex-disaggregated data at                     quality of sex-disaggregated
                                 baseline and other surveys (FP5)        household, SME and overall value                         data across CRPs;
                                Research, capacity building, and        chain level and integrate feedback                       Global
                                 south-south knowledge-sharing on        from RTB (FP3)
                                 gender sensitive value chain           Research, capacity building, and
                                 development (FP5)                       south-south knowledge-sharing on
                                                                         gender sensitive value chain
                                                                         development (FP3)

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                                                        Annex 6

     Partner                                         ACTIVITY                     RTB ROLE                       COLLABORATING CRP ROLE            COLLABORATION        OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;
      CRP                                                                      (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                          MODE              TARGET COUNTRIES
                                                Geospatial           Geospatial mapping with RTBMaps        Collaboration through the CGIAR-       Ongoing            Cost saving and access to big
                                                mapping              (FP5)                                  wide geospatial working group for                         data;
                                                                                                            common ontology and                                       Global
                                                                                                            interoperability of databases
                                                Breeding/germplas  Leads overall breeding program of       Leads high-throughput diagnostics       Alignment of W3   Ensure that nutritional traits
                                                m development       biofortified crops                      (NIRS platform) for vitamin levels and projects           embedded in varieties with
                                                                   Supports and uses high- throughput      other quality traits (minerals, sugars,                   good agronomic and

                                                                    diagnostics for vitamin levels and      dry matter, etc.)                                         consumer-preferred traits;
                                                                    other quality traits (FP2)                                                                        Global
                                                Nutritional efficacy User of information in breeding        Primary responsibility for studies                        Ensure nutritional efficacy in
                                                and bioavailability programs (FP2)                                                                                    released varieties;
                                                studies                                                                                                               Global
                                                Delivery in target   Leads on key agriculture value chain   Leads on the nutrition evidence and                       Advocacy for nutrition
                                                value chains and     delivery and contributes to cost       public delivery related to improving                      friendly value chains;
                                                Evidence/            effectiveness studies (FP2, FP4)       nutrition and health in target                            Global
                                                Advocacy                                                    populations
                                                Value chain          Leads facilitation with key value   Study incentives and arrangements                          Broad based coalition for
                                                coordination, food chains, with a particular focus on      as they relate to consumption and                          improving nutrition
                                                processing, food      gender relations as RTB              improving nutritional quality                              responsive value chain
                                                industry, and         commercialization increases          (including gender), standards for                          coordination;
                                                assessing nutrition  Joint work on processing and foods   biofortified products, and food                            Global
                                                and health            (FP2, FP4)                           safety
                                                outcomes                                                  Joint work on processing and foods.
                                                                                                          Policies affecting value chains,
                                                                                                           economics of value chain
                                                                                                           transformation (e.g., scaling up to
                                                                                                           supermarkets, etc.) (with PIM)

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                            Annex 6

 Partner         ACTIVITY                       RTB ROLE                         COLLABORATING CRP ROLE             COLLABORATION          OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;
  CRP                                        (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                             MODE                TARGET COUNTRIES
            Assessing RTB         Shares in implementation of                 Contribute with tools and methods                         Program evaluation capacity
            value chains for      assessment methods, contributing a           for assessments of nutritional                            of A4NH helps RTB learn
            nutrition and         crop-specific and place based                quality, food safety, and health                          from the implementation
            health                perspective (FP2, FP4, FP5)                  benefits                                                  and scaling processes to
                                                                              Contribute with tools and methods                         strengthen impact;
                                                                               for value chain assessment (with                          Global
            Climate-Smart         Utilize foresight, metrics and models Develop Foresight, metrics and              Joint (planned)      Co-invest to develop climate
            Breeding              to improve selection and definition of models for climate-smart breeding                               sensitive breeding strategies,
                                  traits (FP1,FP2)                       with (CCAFS F1);                                                especially trait prioritization
                                                                                                                                         (CCAFS models & metrics);
            Climate modelling     Incorporate effects of climate change      Joint research on modelling climate    Joint (ongoing in    Improved understanding of
            to forecast future    in insect crop life cycle modelling, and   change effects on pests and diseases   Climate Smart        climate change impacts on
            impacts on biotic     disease models (e.g. Blightcast); (FP2,    and on adaptation in the applied       Villages in          pests and diseases and
            and abiotic factors   FP3)                                       Climate Smart Village approaches       Tanzania,            success of control measures;
            affecting RTB crop                                               (CCAFS F2)                             Uganda; planned      East Africa
            production                                                                                              in other locations
                                                                                                                    pending funding);

                                                                                                                    planned, pending
            Climate-Smart         Incorporation of climate change in     Shared intervention sites,           Joint (ongoing);           Mutual technology
            farming               research on resilience in cropping      technology transfer, shared farm     for loss and waste          validation from a systems
                                  systems across climate gradients (FP2, system diagnostics and needs          – joint (planned)           and/or resilience research
                                  FP3, FP5)                               assessments; shared M&EL                                         perspective.
                                                                          systems; (CCAFS F2)                                             Co-location of scientists;
                                                                         Improving the resilience of maize-                               Joint investments in tools
                                                                          based farming systems through                                    development, partnering,
                                                                          RTB diversification (CCAFS F2)                                   and scaling.
                                                                         Links to global platform on loss and                           Climate Smart Villages,
                                                                          waste in relation to climate change                            Vietnam, SSA
                                                                          (CCAFS F3).

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                          Annex 6

 Partner        ACTIVITY                       RTB ROLE                      COLLABORATING CRP ROLE              COLLABORATION           OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;
  CRP                                       (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                           MODE                 TARGET COUNTRIES
           Foresight on          Includes climate change in ex ante     Modelling, horizon scanning and          Joint (planned)       Enhanced foresight
           climate change        impact assessment (FP5)                foresight analysis, policy analysis                            considering climate change
                                                                        (CCAFS F1)                                                     in RTB
           Landscape             RTB are conducting multilocational     Scientific and technical advisory servicesAdvisory services,   Development of
           restoration           trials on cassava agronomy and will    and analytical services in use of low     soil-plant           generalizable predictive
           (Development of       conduct soil and plant sampling., SE   cost, high throughput soil and plant      analytical           relationships on response on
           predictive            Asia (FP3, FP5)                        spectral analytical methods and           services, joint      cassava to soil variability and
           agronomy                                                     available digital mapping products for data analysis           nutrient inputs contributing
           approaches at                                                developing evidence-based approaches                           to integration of agronomic
           landscape/national                                           to predicting agronomic responses to                           practices into landscape
           level based on                                               nutrient inputs considering landscape                          context;
           spectral diagnostic                                          variability.
           and digital soil                                                                                                            Countries in Africa to be
           mapping methods                                                                                                             decided upon
           for nutrient                                                                                                                South East Asia

           management of                                                                                                               Vietnam, Thailand
           cassava in sub-
           Saharan Africa)
           Co development of Adapt and validate technology for          Ecosystem level approaches for                                 More efficient processing
           business models       waste and water management with        managing processing waste and                                  and utilization of waste from
           on wastewater         small scale processors (FP4)           water (with Livestock)                                         small scale cassava
           utilization linked to                                                                                                       processing;
           cassava processing,                                                                                                         Nigeria
           and for integration
           into improvement
           of ecosystem

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                               Annex 6

Table 2: RTB collaboration matrix with AFS CRPs
 Partner                         ACTIVITY                     RTB ROLE                          COLLABORATING CRP ROLE             COLLABORATION      OUTPUT; ADDED
  CRP                                                      (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                              MODE           VALUE; TARGET
                                             User and contributor to shared platforms
                                             (FP1, FP2)
                              Sustainable      Use multi crop frameworks to guide          Shared frameworks and approaches                       Improved integration of
                              intensification   research around e.g. residue use in a       for full (multi) purpose crops: e.g.                   innovation processes in
                              incl systems      whole farm context and multipurpose SP      improving fodder resources from                        multi crop context, and
                              research, e.g.    as food, feed and cover crop to reduce      crop residues                                          assessments of
                              livelihoods       soil erosion                                                                                       resilience through
                                               Modeling diversified farming systems.                                                              scenario simulation;

                                                Joint analysis of crop integration. Joint                                                          Global
                                                design of land and soil management (FP5)
                              Genetics linked Utilize as basis for CapDev, coordination     BECA as genetics-related training                      Improved critical mass,
                              Cap Dev         with Breeding Platform (FP1, FP2)             hub for all AFS-CRPs for                               reduction in costs;
                              M&EL           Member of community of practice user of  Joint M&EL framework, methods                               Faster, more precise,
                                             shared/interoperable M&EL platform (FP5)     and tools (e.g. e-household),                            genetic gain, more
                                                                                          interoperability of platforms                            structured variety and
                                                                                          (ongoing preparations 2014-16),                          trait pipelines;
                                                                                          ideally common platform                                  Global
                                                                                         Platform: Metrics for breeding
                                                                                          cycle, e.g. how to monitor progress
                              Targeting &    Active participant, link to RTB maps (FP5) Renew GIS Community of Practice                            Shared framework for
                              prioritizing                                                                                                         analysis/ setting
                              Multifunctiona Integrating RTB crops into aquatic             Multifunctional landscapes, with                       Improved resilience of
                              l landscapes   production systems (FP5)                       more resilient and ecologically                        RTB production

                                                                                            sustainable RTB and aquatic                            systems;
                                                                                            production systems                                     Bangladesh, Cambodia,

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                         Annex 6

 Partner           ACTIVITY                        RTB ROLE                       COLLABORATING CRP ROLE               COLLABORATION                OUTPUT; ADDED
  CRP                                           (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                             MODE                     VALUE; TARGET
                 Improving use Provide cassava waste processed in             Test the bioconversion efficiency of   Joint, FISH from            Tanzania
                 of RTB crops different ways                                  different forms of cassava waste       bilateral, IITA bilateral
                 for feed                                                     (including variations in pre-          with Enable Youth
                                                                              processing the waste) and the          Training Center
                                                                              bioactive effects on the growth of
                                                                              crustaceans (prawns and crabs) and
                                                                              fish (tilapia and catfish)
                 Ecosystem        Incorporate aquatic production as           Ecosystem service trade-offs and                              Improved alignment of
                 services and     dimension of trade-offs analysis in         synergies (e.g. nutrition) due to                             research with full range
                 improved         livelihoods (FP5)                           expansion of RTB or aquatic                                   of livelihood options;
                 nutrition                                                    production systems                                            Zambia, Bangladesh
                 Foresight work   Shared work on foresight linked to site     Methods and tools for foresight                               Foresight work
                                  integration (FP5)                           work in relation to climate change                            considers whole
                                                                              and other drivers of change                                   livelihood context;
                 Improving use Selection of sweetpotato varieties suited to   A cross-CRP platform linking the       Ongoing, joint funding Expanded utilization of
                 of RTB crops feed and validation of options for utilizing    Livestock CRP with several of the      all windows, expand    RTB crops and their
                 for feed      cassava peel and other waste from RTB crop     other agri-food systems CRPs will be   with systems           residues for feed;
                               production and processing for feed (FP4,       established aimed at improving         innovation fund        Uganda, Nigeria
                               FP5)                                           fodder resources from crop residues.

                                                                              This work will be guided by the
                                                                              Livestock CRP but embedded in the
                                                                              trait discovery and crop breeding
                                                                              flagships of Maize, Wheat Rice, RTB,
                                                                              DCLAFS using the “full purpose crop”
                                                                              concept that concomitantly,
                                                                              improves food, feed and fodder
                                                                              traits of crops with no additional
                                                                              land and water need.

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                     Annex 6

 Partner      ACTIVITY                       RTB ROLE                           COLLABORATING CRP ROLE              COLLABORATION            OUTPUT; ADDED
  CRP                                     (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                                MODE                 VALUE; TARGET
            Reducing         Intensifying RTB to reduce environmental       Framework for managing RTB         Opportunities and       Sustainable
            impacts on        impact (FP3)                                    systems to minimize impacts on     linkages firmed up in   intensification of RTB
            forests and      Banana cultivars and their management           forest environments (FP4?)         joint proposal          systems;
            optimizing        linked to specific agro-forestry systems       Optimizing management of banana    development using       West Africa
            production in     (FP3, FP5)                                      production in agro-forestry        systems innovation
            agro-forestry    Optimizing management of banana                 systems (FP2)                      fund (w1&2) and
            system            production in agro-forestry systems (FP3)                                          other resources

            Livelihood      Incorporate tree crops in livelihood analysis   Livelihood systems analysis on mixed Opportunities and       Better targeting of
            analysis        (FP5)                                           tree-crop and RTB crops (FP2)        linkages firmed up in   research;
                                                                                                                 joint proposal          Global
                                                                                                                 development using
                                                                                                                 systems innovation
                                                                                                                 fund (w1&2) and
                                                                                                                 other resources
            Rotation and     Adapt potato varieties and their               Grain legumes and dryland cereals Opportunities and        Exchange
            inter-crop/       management as rotation crop with grain          varieties and agronomic practices linkages firmed up in    tools/methods for
            companion         legumes and dryland cereals                     adapted to intercropping           joint proposal          systems analysis;

            crops.           Sweetpotato varieties for intercropping        Guide selection of best RTB crops development using        Asia
                              and for enhancing the quality of cereal         and varieties for rotation         systems innovation
                              residues as animal feed (FP2, FP4, FP5)                                            fund (w1&2) and
                                                                                                                 other resources
            Rotation and     Adapt RTB varieties and their                  Maize varieties and agronomic      Opportunities and       Strengthen resilience of
            inter-crop/       management as rotation crop or inter            practices adapted to intercropping linkages firmed up in   maize-based systems
            companion         crop with maize                                 or rotation with RTB crops         joint proposal          with RTB crops;

            crops.           Sweetpotato varieties for intercropping        Guide selection of best RTB crops development using        Africa, LAC
                              and for enhancing the quality of cereal         and varieties for rotation         systems innovation
                              residues as animal feed (FP2 and FP5)                                              fund (W1&2) and
                                                                                                                 other resources

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                    Annex 6

 Partner       ACTIVITY                     RTB ROLE                         COLLABORATING CRP ROLE               COLLABORATION             OUTPUT; ADDED
  CRP                                    (AND FLAGSHIP)                                                               MODE                   VALUE; TARGET
            Rotation      Adapt RTB varieties and their management  Integration potato and                     Opportunities and       Integrated approach to
            crops/compani as rotation and inter crop with rice including sweetpotato in rice based systems      linkages firmed up in   resilient cropping;
            on crops.     with salinity tolerance (FP2, FP3, FP5)         including those susceptible to        joint proposal          India, Bangladesh,
                                                                          flooding                              development using       China; West & East
                                                                         Guide selection of best RTB crops     systems innovation      Africa (in particular in
                                                                          and varieties for rotation            fund (w1&2) and         Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria,
                                                                         Seek linkages to work in inland       other resources         Tanzania and Uganda

                                                                          valleys and uplands including joint                           for inland valley
                                                                          PhDs on farming systems analyses                              systems)
                                                                          of trade-offs and
                                                                          complementarities between rice
                                                                          and RTB enterprises under
                                                                          changing climate and population
            Rotation      Adapt potato varieties and their               Wheat varieties and agronomic         Opportunities and       Integration potato in
            crops/compani management as rotation crop with wheat          practices adapted to intercropping    linkages firmed up in   wheat based systems;
            on crops      (FP2, FP5)                                     Guide selection of best RTB crops     joint proposal          Asia

                                                                          and varieties for rotation            development using
                                                                                                                systems innovation
                                                                                                                fund (w1&2) and
                                                                                                                other resources

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                             Annex 6

Table 3: RTB collaboration matrix with Platforms
  Platform       ACTIVITY                   RTB ROLE                 COLLABORATING PLATFORM            COLLABORATION     OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;

                                         (AND FLAGSHIP)                       ROLE                         MODE           TARGET COUNTRIES

              Value              Greater efficiency in use of       Partnering with the genebanks                      Reduced time and resources
              enhancement        genetic resources collections      for accession-based association                    and greater availability for in
              of germplasm       through facilitated use of         of traits of interest for RTB                      use and incorporation of
              collections        accession-based traits for                                                            traits of interest from
                                 selection of germplasm (FP1,                                                          germplasm collections into
                                 FP2)                                                                                  improved varieties;
              Mining             Unique, novel and variant forms    Collaborative research to                          Identification of
              biodiversity for   of important traits are            identify accessions and traits                     genes/genetic regions that
              trait discovery    uncovered from germplasm           with novel traits important for                    can encode traits of value
                                 collections (FP1- FP4)             achieving RTB goals.                               that can be incorporated into

                                                                                                                       elite varieties;
              Pre-breeding       Genebanks will collaborate with    Combined activities to integrate                   Making genes/traits available
                                 RTB to source, evaluate and        gene/traits of interest into                       for breeding programs which
                                 propagate wild or non-adapted      germplasm that can be readily                      would otherwise be too time
                                 sources for germplasm              adopted and used in breeding                       consuming or difficult to use;
                                 enhancement and pre-breeding.      programs.                                          Global
              Database &         Develop accession-specific trait   Shared breeding and genebank                       Silico selection of genebank
              information        associations readily searchable    databases through a public                         accessions greatly increasing
              management         in a public database (FP1 - FP4)   portal in such a way that                          the efficiency of the selection
                                                                    accession can be selected by                       of genebank materials for
                                                                    phenotype or genotype                              breeding programs;

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                    Annex 6

                    ACTIVITY                 RTB ROLE                 COLLABORATING PLATFORM           COLLABORATION            OUTPUT; ADDED VALUE;
                                          (AND FLAGSHIP)                       ROLE                        MODE                  TARGET COUNTRIES

                 Shared           User and contributor to shared     Expand Genomic and Open-         Interact via BCoP       Increased critical mass and
                 genotyping,      platforms (FP1, FP2)               source Breeding Informatics      and Platform            use of big data;

                 high-             Share bioinformatics tools       Initiative (GOBII)               guidelines for access   Global
                 throughput         developed for clonally            Continue to promote use of     to services
                 phenotyping,       propagated crops, adapted for      shared platforms: e.g.
                 and                polyploidy and heterozygosity.     Integrated Breeding Platform
                 bioinformatics                                        and CGIAR Big Data Platform
                 Germplasm         Hub for clonally propagated       Shared phenotyping platforms   Interact via BCoP       Reduction in cost of service
                 improvement        crops (FP1, FP2)                                                  and Platform            provision;
                                   Share breeding tools                                              guidelines for access   Global
                                    developed for clonally                                            to services
                                    propagated crops, adapted for
                                    polyploidy and heterozygosity.

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                     Annex 6

     Target country                     Define steps taken so far (March 2016)                     Define plan and schedule through which your CRP will provide
  (++ and + countries                   to establish national level engagement                    relevant elements for development of CGIAR site integration in
 relevant to your CRP)                  with other CRPs towards site integration                                           this country
++ countries
Bangladesh                In Bangladesh, for over 3 years 7 CGIAR centers representing over      A CIP representative attended the formal meeting and a bilateral
Craig Meisner             7 CRPs have established a CGIAR Advisory Committee. Through            meeting was organized with Worldfish leader in Bangladesh.
(WorldFish)               this venue all CGIAR centers plus AVRDC and IFDC meet with our         RTB, through the CIP staff have maintained regular contact with
                          NARS and Ministry officials twice a year. We have met twice in         other Centers/CRPs in Bangladesh for coordination purposes and
                          2015 and will meet 2 times in 2016. All details for this integration   related to research collaboration. The most recent organized by
                          as well as 4 CAC minutes are posted on the                             CIP in September 2015 at which IRRI, Worldfish and CIMMYT
                             participated to discuss future collaboration, especially the
                                                                                                 potential for expanding the role of potato in cereal-based systems.
                                                                                                 This was followed up by CIP’s organization of an international
                                                                                                 workshop on potato agriculture in February 2016, at which IRRI
                                                                                                 and CIMMYT staff were represented.
                                                                                                 The workshop held in February focused on sustainable
                                                                                                 intensification and diversification of cereal-based systems and it
                                                                                                 set the groundwork for cross-CRP collaboration.
                                                                                                 Overlap of sites in target districts of southern Bangldesh (Kulna,
                                                                                                 Barisal, Patuakali, Faridpur) due to joint funding by USAID Feed
                                                                                                 the Future. Current preparation of a one year USAID interim grant
                                                                                                 also focuses in these overlapping locations.
                                                                                                 Strong collaboration by RTB with BRAC, an international NGO
                                                                                                 based in Bangladesh for implementation of potato and
                                                                                                 sweetpotato projects. They also provide a common NGO platform
                                                                                                 through which RTB also collaborates with AAS and Worldfish and
                                                                                                 other organizations operating in Bangladesh.
                                                                                                 Even before the Consortium-driven integration process, RTB
                                                                                                 through CIP has been a member of a CGIAR coordination group
                                                                                                 linked to their common implementation of Feed the Future
                                                                                                 projects. Outside of meetings convened through USAID, RTB has
                                                                                                 also participated in multi-lateral coordination meetings led by the
                                                                                                 biggest CGIAR Centers (Worldfish and IRRI). CIP has worked with
                                                                                                 Worldfish to expand the area of the OFSP and vegetables to
                                                                                                 integrated homestead systems involving fish ponds.

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                   Annex 6

     Target country                     Define steps taken so far (March 2016)                    Define plan and schedule through which your CRP will provide
  (++ and + countries                   to establish national level engagement                   relevant elements for development of CGIAR site integration in
 relevant to your CRP)                  with other CRPs towards site integration                                          this country
                                                                                                Currently CIP is the only RTB Center operating in Bangladesh. We
                                                                                                are coordinating with CIAT about possibilities of expanding work
                                                                                                on potato and SP to cassava, which is a small but potentially
                                                                                                growing part of the agri-food systems.
                                                                                                Within CIP, the Country Manager has been in close coordination
                                                                                                with both CIP’s Regional Director and the Leader of Social and
                                                                                                health sciences in relation to actions and partnerships. More
                                                                                                recently CIP’s leaders of SO1 and SO2
                                                                                                Programs have taken a stronger role in coordinating strategy and
                                                                                                future actions.
Ethiopia                  The Ethiopia CGIAR country collaboration and site integration         As part of presentation CG centers presented their activities and
Siboniso Moyo (ILRI)      process is coordinated by a committee representing 11 CGIAR           relevant CRPs in the marketplace. CIP presented its ongoing
                          Centers (Bioversity, CIAT, CIFOR, CIMMYT, CIP, ICARDA, ICRAF,         activities and RTB through posters.
                          ICRISAT, IFPRI, ILRI and IWMI) that are based in Ethiopia plus 3      While root and tuber research activities are well coordinated by
                          others (Africa Rice, IITA and IRRI) who have no offices in the        the national research system via national commodity projects,
                          country, 10 CRP focal points, (Climate Change, DCLAFS, Forest and     root and tuber related research and development including
                          Agro Forests, Livestock, Maize, Nutrition and Health, PIM, Rice,      emergency activities are poorly coordinated and often
                          Roots Tubers & Bananas and WLS&E) and the Genebank platform.          inadequately technically backstopped in the country. There are
                          This is the larger group that receives all communications on this     few initiatives which are trying to coordinate both research and
                          process and meets quarterly for those who are based here to           development works which includes Potato Coalition and Potato
                          coincide with the existing Heads of Institutes meetings. This         Platforms. CIP played important role towards formation of potato
                          committee also helps with data collection (eg. mapping of             coalition. The primary objective of potato coalition is to promote
                          ongoing projects in Ethiopia and baselining on the 10 principles of   roots and tubers through agriculture extension packages.
                          site integration). Out of this we formed a smaller group of six (3    There is also a Roots and Tubers Working Group that aims to
                          Centers and 3 CRPs) which meets more often to plan for meetings       strengthen the coordination and harmonization of roots and
                          and the process in more detail with the help of ILRI                  tubers-related interventions - both development and emergency
                          Communications and Knowledge Management team which                    related interventions - that will result in the adoption of common
                          facilitates and helps capture the notes of meetings. We are in the    standards and approaches that will strengthen the root and tuber
                          process of activating a wiki for our communications. At strategic     sub-sector over time and therefore improve the well-being of poor
                          points of the planning process we have brought in the Agricultural    smallholder farmers. Through this initiative it is proposed that
                          Transformation Agency and the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural     Working Group will contribute to both increased production and
                          Research to help us better prepare for the national consultation      productivity and therefore result in increased household income
                          process.                                                              and improved food and nutrition security.

RTB Proposal 2017–2022 (revised version, July 2016)                                                                                                      Annex 6

     Target country                     Define steps taken so far (March 2016)                     Define plan and schedule through which your CRP will provide
  (++ and + countries                   to establish national level engagement                    relevant elements for development of CGIAR site integration in
 relevant to your CRP)                  with other CRPs towards site integration                                           this country
                          Some key activities to date include:                                   The USAID funded Better Potato for a Better Life and IrishAid
                               Creating a database of our major partners/collaborators          funded Scaling out sweetpotato and potato led interventions for
                                                                                                 nutrition and food security are mapped under RTB. But, both
                               Mapping CGIAR Center and CRP work in Ethiopia (November
                                                                                                 projects may contribute to A4NH. However, these projects are
                                2015). Continuing to refine.
                                                                                                 ending in December 31, 2016.
                               Engaging in partners’ (ATA, RED&FS) national consultations       Further discussion needed among different CRPs. CIP is a part of a
                                on alignment to GTP II (November 2015 – January 2016).           large project called Africa Rising (led by ILRI and funded by USAID)
                               Conducting National Consultation Meeting (11 December            which is being implemented through different livelihoods system
                                2015)                                                            approach. The livelihoods systems indicate that RTB can be
                                                                                                 overlapped with Maize and wheat and Climate Change,
                               Different CRPs/Flagships are conducting focused group
                                                                                                 Agriculture and Food Security CRPs.
                                consultations (January-March 2016)
                                                                                                 CIP is implementing projects through Government institutes like
                               Conduct focused group discussion with a target group of          Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research – EIAR) Regional
                                stakeholders (women and youth groups, farmers                    Research Institutes (ARARI, TARI, SARI) and Regional Bureau of
                                associations and others as agreed in the December meeting)       Agriculture (BOAs). These are the main agencies for research,
                               Joining the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural research in      development and technology extension. In addition, there are
                                celebrating their golden jubilee through a series of seminars,   several partner NGOs (CARE, VITA, GOAL) who are also working
                                technology exhibition and other high level ceremonies.           with CIP for promoting potato and sweetpotato. SNV, World
                               Creating a wiki for the coordinating committee                   Vision and FAO are also working with potato and other roots crops
                                                                                                 In Ethiopia, there are more than 12 universities which are involved
                          On 11 December 2015 we held a national consultation whose
                                                                                                 in Agriculture research activities. The major ones involved in
                          main objectives were to: 1. Improve understanding of the national
                                                                                                 potato and sweet potato research and development are: Alemaya
                          priorities and goals for agricultural and related nutrition and
                                                                                                 University, Awassa University, Mekelle University, Bahridar
                          health research for development; 2. Present CGIAR work in
                                                                                                 University, Sodo University and Ambo University.
                          Ethiopia (major thematic areas, partnerships and geographic
                                                                                                 Next steps: Resource mobilization for strengthening RTB research
                          location); and 3. Identify major opportunities to align activities
                                                                                                 and development activities in the country. Extend collaboration
                          across actors around specific themes, including reviewing
                                                                                                 with government and non-government agencies for improving
                          modalities for country collaboration. Participants were drawn
                                                                                                 potato and sweetpotato/roots and tubers research and
                          mainly from the Federal Government Departments, Development
                                                                                                 development as climate smart agricultural system.
                          partners (Donors, NGOs) and very few private sector and farmer
                                                                                                 There were very brief presentation of CRPs in the national
                          association groups. The meeting participants agreed that the
                                                                                                 consultation meeting. Further discussion around CRPs will take
                          follow on focused meetings by CRPs should aim to include the
                                                                                                 place in upcoming meetings.
                          wider stakeholders groups including women and youth.

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