Searching for interstellar quantum communications

Page created by Ted Obrien
Draft version July 27, 2021

                                                                     Searching for interstellar quantum communications
                                                                                                        Michael Hippke1, 2
                                                                           1 Sonneberg Observatory, Sternwartestr. 32, 96515 Sonneberg, Germany 7 @hippke
                                                       2 Visiting   Scholar, Breakthrough Listen Group, Berkeley SETI Research Center, Astronomy Department, UC Berkeley

                                                         The modern search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) began with the seminal publications of
arXiv:2104.06446v2 [astro-ph.IM] 25 Jul 2021

                                                       Cocconi & Morrison (1959) and Schwartz & Townes (1961), who proposed to search for narrow-band
                                                       signals in the radio spectrum, and for optical laser pulses. Over the last six decades, more than one
                                                       hundred dedicated search programs have targeted these wavelengths; all with null results. All of these
                                                       campaigns searched for classical communications, that is, for a significant number of photons above a
                                                       noise threshold; with the assumption of a pattern encoded in time and/or frequency space. I argue
                                                       that future searches should also target quantum communications. They are preferred over classical
                                                       communications with regards to security and information efficiency, and they would have escaped
                                                       detection in all previous searches. The measurement of Fock state photons or squeezed light would
                                                       indicate the artificiality of a signal. I show that quantum coherence is feasible over interstellar distances,
                                                       and explain for the first time how astronomers can search for quantum transmissions sent by ETI to
                                                       Earth, using commercially available telescopes and receiver equipment.

                                                       Keywords: general: extraterrestrial intelligence, instrumentation: detectors, methods: data analysis

                                                                      1. Introduction                                some amount of the unknown Doppler drift, typically
                                                  The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI)                ±20 Hz s−1 (Sheikh et al. 2020).
                                               started in earnest with a discussion between Phil Mor-                   A smaller number of searches has been made in the
                                               rison and his collaborator: “And Cocconi came to me                   optical. In the time domain, the signal assumption is a
                                               one day and said, ’You know what, Phil? If there are                  pulsed laser. Signal photons are expected to arrive in
                                               people out there, won’t they communicate with gamma                   a pulse, e.g., 100 photons per square meter in one 1 ns
                                               rays that’ll cross the whole galaxy?’ And I said, ’Gee,               bin, whereas starlight noise (with Poisson distribution)
                                               I know nothing about that (...) Why not use radio?                    would only contribute few photons per nanosecond per
                                               It’s much cheaper. You get many more photons per                      square meter (e.g., Howard et al. 2004; Hanna et al.
                                               watt and that must be what counts.’ And we began                      2009; Abeysekara et al. 2016). In the frequency domain,
                                               working on that and pretty soon we knew enough about                  the signal assumption is a continuous-wave narrow-band
                                               radio astronomy to publish a paper called ’Searching for              laser. Sun-like stars exhibit few natural spectral emission
                                               Interstellar Communications.”’ (Gingerich 2003). Mor-                 lines only at certain known wavelengths. Additional
                                               rison’s reason for radio, and against optical and γ-ray               spectral emission lines, perhaps coinciding with known
                                               communication was that they “demand very complicated                  laser lines, could be artificial (e.g., Reines & Marcy 2002;
                                               techniques”. However, only months later, the laser was                Tellis & Marcy 2017; Marcy 2021).
                                               invented (Maiman 1960). It was clear right away that the                 The general search assumption is that of a beacon,
                                               tighter beam of optical communication can increase the                i.e. a lighthouse in the sky: easy to find, but bearing
                                               data rate compared to radio communications (Schwartz                  little to no information. Isotropic beacons are most
                                               & Townes 1961), who write that “No such device was                    plausible in the microwave regime, because each pho-
                                               known a year ago”.                                                    ton is cheap, and large apertures can be made at low
                                                  Since the 1960s, the vast majority of all SETI ex-                 cost. For communications which aim to maximize the
                                               periments have been done in the microwave regime.                     amount of data, however, shorter wavelengths are pre-
                                               These search for narrow-band (Hz) microwave (GHz)                     ferred because of their reduced free-space loss (Hippke
                                               signals (e.g., Price et al. 2020), and take into account              & Forgan 2017). Such collimated beams, however, are
                                                                                                                     rarely intercepted accidentally. Instead, it is much more
                                                                                                                     likely to find signals deliberately directed at the Earth
                                                                                         (Forgan 2014). They may originate from ETI on distant
                                                                                                                     exoplanets, or from probes or repeater stations in the
                                                                                                                     solar system neighborhood (Hippke 2020). As humans
2                                                    Michael Hippke

are already actively communicating into space with ra-          cross-section, which makes it virtually impossible to de-
dio and laser beams, it is insightful to examine how our        tect entangled pairs (Blasone et al. 2009). Other particles
own technology tackles interplanetary communications.           like the neutron are easier to detect, but prohibitively
Consequently, I will discuss examples of and proposals          energetically costly to focus into tight beams (Table 1
for human communications, under the assumption that             in Hippke 2018a). It appears that photons are most
some of these methods are replicated by putative ETI.           suitable for classical and quantum interstellar communi-
  We are looking (and should keep looking) for narrow-          cations. The quantum part, however, may serve as ETI’s
band lighthouse blasts, even though we have found none          gate-keeping.
yet. At the same time, it is possible to expand our
search. What is today recorded as just starlight might                         2.2. Quantum supremacy
in fact include a weaker, underlying signal, based on the          Quantum supremacy describes the capability of quan-
foundation of quantum communications.                           tum computers to solve certain problems exponentially
  The idea of quantum communications is common in               faster than classical computers. One example is Shor’s
the science fiction literature (e.g., Cline 2015). Only         algorithm, a method for factoring integers in polynomial
recently, Berera (2020) suggested in a paper published in       time, rather than exponential time. How is this relevant
Physical Review D that ETI signals could “come from a           for interstellar communications?
quantum communication mode rather than the classical               Classical computers were, at their beginning, isolated
communication modes”. As such, it is the first attempt          local objects. Konrad Zuse built the the first Turing-
at identifying and addressing one of the central problems       complete computer, the Z3, in his Berlin apartment in
of this subject. Similarly, Gale et al. (2020) hypothesized     1941. The first computer networks were established about
in a paper published in the International Journal of            three decades later, beginning with the ARPANET, in
Astrobiology that “post-singularity civilizations may not       1969. Today’s internet connects billions of devices over
be communicating by electromagnetic waves but rather            all of Earth, exchanging large amounts of classical data
by quantum entanglement”, although without further              over classical channels. It is plausible to assume that
explanation.                                                    future space exploration will expand such a network to
  It is sometimes argued in the hallways of astronomy           the planets and the stars (Hippke 2020).
departments that we “just have to tune into the right              The rise of quantum computers (Arute et al. 2019;
band” and – voilà – will be connected to the galactic          Zhong et al. 2020) paves the way for a similar expansion
communication channel. I make this hypothesis testable          of the quantum internet (Caleffi et al. 2018). The nec-
for starlight and quantum communications.                       essary quantum interconnects can be built with optical
                                                                interactions of photons and atoms, in order to distribute
     2. The case for quantum communications                     entanglement across a network and teleport quantum
  I can offer four arguments why ETI will choose to             states between nodes (Kimble 2008). Connecting quan-
transmit quantum communications instead of simple               tum computers over quantum networks allows to trans-
classical beacons: gate-keeping, supremacy, security, and       mit qubits from one quantum processor to another over
information efficiency.                                         long distances. Possible applications include physics and
                                                                chemistry simulations (Feynman 1982; Lloyd 1996), e.g.
                    2.1. Gate-keeping                           collider reactions or nitrogen fixation, as well as machine
   ETI may deliberately choose to make communications           learning, in particular deep learning (Benedetti et al.
invisible for less advanced civilizations. Perhaps most or      2016; Ajagekar & You 2020).
all advanced civilization feel the need to keep the “mon-          One difficulty for an interstellar quantum network is
keys” out of the galactic channel, and let members only         the delay from light travel time, which is at least several
participate above a certain technological minimum. Mas-         years, compared to a fraction of a second for Earth-based
tering quantum communications may reflect this limit.           networks. Thus, it is plausible that most quantum com-
The argument was first made by Subotowicz (1979) when           putations are performed locally (e.g., the training of a
discussing communication by neutrino beams, which he            quantum computing deep learning network), and only
judged as “so difficult that an advanced civilization may       the condensed qubits are transmitted for remote appli-
purposely choose such a system in order to find and             cation (e.g., inference). A second plausible application
communicate only with ETCs at their own level of devel-         is optical interferometry for astronomy over arbitrarily
opment”. Yet, only 33 years after Subotowicz, Neutrino          long baselines. This is possible by recording the elec-
communications have now been shown at a basic level             tromagnetic field’s amplitude and phase as a function
(0.1 bits/s) in a practical experiment (Stancil et al. 2012).   of time. After transmission of a set of qubits to the
However, communication with Neutrinos has a multitude           other’s location, both datasets can be combined into one
of practical disadvantages over photons, which makes            observation (Bland-Hawthorn et al. 2021).
them unattractive for any conceivable rational being               It may be plausible that future humans, or ETI, build
(Hippke 2018a). In practice, quantum Neutrino com-              an interstellar quantum network, perhaps for the pur-
munication is unrealistically difficult due to their small      pose of distributed quantum computing. This may sound
Searching for interstellar quantum communications                                                           3

                     101                                                                          101

                     100                                                                          100               Holevo bound
                              hom           Holevo bound
 M (photons/mode)

                                                                              M (photons/mode)
                                                                                                                    quantum limit
                                het         quantum limit                                                           η = 0.8
                    10−1                                                                         10−1
                    10                                                                           10−2     PPM
                    10−3                            512-PPM                                      10−3
                                                              +5   >                                       NM = 0.01                0.001           0
                    10−4                                                                         10−4
                               2.5    5.0      7.5     10.0    12.5    15.0                                2.5    5.0      7.5     10.0    12.5    15.0
                                Information efficiency (bits/photon)                                        Information efficiency (bits/photon)

Figure 1. Photon information efficiency (PIE, in bits per photon) as a function of dimensional efficiency (DIE, in photons per
mode). The area to the right of the Holevo bound, i.e. the quantum limit, is physically forbidden. Left: Homodyne (orange
dashed) and heterodyne (red dashed) hit brick-wall limits of log2 (e) ∼ 1.44 and 2 log2 (e) ∼ 2.89 bits per photon even at infinite
modes (infinite signal-to-noise ratio in classical terms). Pulse-position modulations (PPP) is shown in gray with modulations
of different orders. The optimal order is approximated in blue (dashed). The gap in information efficiency between PPM and
the quantum limit is about 50 %. All curves without noise and losses. Right: Holevo limit with receiver efficiency η = 0.8 and
different noise levels (in photons per mode). PPM approaches the Holevo limit in the noise-limited case to within 1/ ln(2) ∼ 1.44
bits (see text).
exotic today, but humans have mastered radio telecom-                                   Quantum key distribution enables two distant parties
munications for only 100 years, and are already at the                               to produce a shared secret key, which can be used to
brink of the transition to quantum communications (Ku-                               encrypt and decrypt subsequent messages. A unique
mar et al. 2019; Manzalini 2020). After another hundred                              property of quantum key distribution is the possibility of
(or million) years of advancement, it will perhaps ap-                               the two parties to detect a potential third party which in-
pear obvious to any civilization that every reasonable                               tercepts the message. Based on quantum mechanics, the
other civilization will have converged on the best solu-                             process of measuring a quantum system disturbs it, in-
tion (which is quantum) in almost no time. After all,                                troducing detectable anomalies. Thus, a communication
it is likely that most civilizations are older and more                              system can be implemented which detects eavesdropping.
advanced than ourselves (Kipping et al. 2020).                                       If no eavesdropping occurs, the channel is guaranteed to
                                                                                     be secure. After key production and distribution, the
                                                                                     actual message can be encrypted and transmitted over a
                              2.3. Information security                              classical (or quantum) channel.
   A quantum channel can transport classical information,                               The energy cost of secure quantum communications
such as an encyclopedia, as well as quantum information,                             (Ding et al. 2017), and the capacity of the quantum-
i.e., quantum bits (“qubits”). These can be used for se-                             secure channel (Gagatsos et al. 2020) are active research
cure transmissions with cryptography based on quantum                                areas.
key distribution. We do not know whether ETI values
secure interstellar communication, but it is certainly a                                                    2.4. Information efficiency
beneficial tool for expansive civilizations which consist of                              A quantum channel can deliver more classical informa-
factions, like humanity today. Therefore, it is plausible                              tion per unit energy than a classical channel. In other
that future humans (or ETI) have a desire to implement                                 words, to achieve the highest number of bits per photon,
a secure interstellar network.                                                         i.e. to maximize the data rate, quantum communication
   For this purpose, quantum key distribution is the                                   is required. Turned the other way around, classical chan-
method to implements a cryptographic protocol based                                    nels are energetically wasteful, because they do not use
on quantum mechanics. Its security relies on the foun-                                 all information encoding options per photon.
dations of quantum mechanics, which holds as long as                                      It must explicitly be stated that there is no exponential
the theory is correct. In contrast, traditional public                                 gain in photon information efficiency (PIE, in bits per
key cryptography relies on the computational difficulty                                photon) possible through the use of many qubits in
of certain mathematical functions, which may be bro-                                   superposition. In quantum computing, a memory with n
ken with future technological advances such as quantum                                 bits of information has 2n possible states. This sometimes
computers.                                                                             leads to the wrong statement that a quantum computer
4                                                  Michael Hippke

can save 2n bits of information using n quantum logic        interplanetary and interstellar column density between
gates (an exponential gain of quantum over classical).       the Earth and the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is
The correct statement is that n qubits can carry up          about 3 × 10−8 kg m−2 (Mann & Kimura 2000). This is 8
to 2n bits of classical information (Holevo 1973) using      orders of magnitude less than the 144 km through Earth’s
super-dense coding (Bennett & Wiesner 1992).                 atmosphere. The atmospheric influence on decoherence
   A detailed summary of classical and quantum capac-        dominates for all distances
Searching for interstellar quantum communications                                                 5

                Coherent                                   Thermal                                        Fock

   0        5       10       15               0        5        10        15               0        5       10       15
          Amplitude-squeezed                            Phase-squeezed                              Squeezed vacuum

   0        5       10       15               0        5        10        15               0        5       10       15

Figure 2. Photon number distributions for different states of light. The horizontal axis shows the number of photons per unit
time, the vertical axis is in arbitrary units. Coherent (laser) light has different temporal bunching compared to thermal light,
which is strictly decreasing in the number of photons per unit time. An idealized Fock state with 5 photons is shown in the
upper right panel. The amplitude-squeezed state has a denser distribution compared to laser light, while the phase-squeezed
state appears wider. The (pure) squeezed-vacuum state is special because is has no contribution from odd-photon-number states.
“number-state systems for the lossless channel require a             1994; Fanizza et al. 2020). From an information per-
 non-classical light source, but its receiver can use simple         spective, a classical receiver would be sufficient for a
 modal photon counting”. This also applies to the lossy              perfect measurement, because the heavy lifting is done
 bosonic channel; e.g., photons with free-space loss (Wilde          on the transmitter side. From an OSETI perspective, the
 et al. 2012; Oi et al. 2013).                                       measurement of Fock state photons or squeezing would
   The most common form of nonclassical light is the us-             indicate the artificiality of a signal.
 age of Fock states: a quantum state with a well-defined
 number (an exact number) of particles (quanta), here:                                4.2. Quantum receiver
 photons. A single-mode system in the Fock state |ni                    Alternatively, the transmitter can use classical light,
 contains exactly n excitations of energy, in multiples of           e.g., coherent laser light, while the quantum lifting is
 Planck’s constant ~. Such a Fock-state photon transmit-             done on the receiver end. As Giovannetti et al. (2004) put
 ter could be paired with a classical receiver, counting the         it, a “coherent-state system uses a classical transmitter,
 specific photon numbers classically, which would achieve            but its detection strategy can be highly non-classical.”
 the Holevo limit. As the number of photons is affected by           While a classical receiver counts each photons and de-
 quantum uncertainty (following a Poisson distribution),             stroys it during the measurement, a quantum receiver
 the Fock states improve number state statistics, allow-             must measure an ensemble of photons jointly before their
 ing to surpass the classical Shannon limit. Simplified,             destruction; the device is thus called a joint-detection
 classical light comes with a probability in the number of           receiver. No such device has been built yet, but there
 photons per pulse. In a Fock state, this probability is             exist construction proposals and laboratory experiments.
 tighter (Figure 2), reducing uncertainty for the receiver              With a transmitter sending classical laser light, and
 about what symbol was detected, and thus increasing                 the receiver performing the quantum uplift, we can al-
 capacity (Guerrini et al. 2019).                                    ready search for such transmissions – they are “only”
   Similar schemes are possible using squeezed light                 laser light. When recorded classically (neglecting the
(Müller et al. 2018). A useful analogy is Binary Phase              quantum receiver), the decoding of the message would
 Shift Keying (BPSK), where phase-squeezed light pro-                remain impossible. The character of the transmission
vides tighter phase uncertainties (Vourdas & da Rocha                as laser light, however, can prove its artificiality. Still,
6                                                   Michael Hippke

I will briefly summarize quantum receivers to provide                       4.3. Pre-shared entanglement
some insights into the future of quantum communication           Bennett et al. (2002) proved that pre-shared entangle-
detectors.                                                    ment increases the capacity of a channel. This scheme
   At first, it might appear illogical that classical laser   is attractive for the use-case of a space probe which
light can be paired with an improved (quantum) receiver       launches from the Earth, and takes onboard a box of par-
to generate a higher information efficiency – after all,      ticles later used to improve data transfer. As explained
where should the additional bits per photon come from?        in the introduction, this is a communication scenario
The correct mental image here is that the transmitter         based on human imagination. Communications from
indeed sends “only” classical light, but with the corre-      ETI may, or may not, leverage similar principles.
sponding classical error probability for each bit. Due to        First of all, this physically correct and feasible scheme
the quantum nature of light, classical communication is       must be distinguished from incorrect descriptions in the
not perfect and error-free. Instead, its coding scheme is     literature. Faster-than-light communication using quan-
optimized in such a way that probability of error (for        tum entanglement is a common theme in science fiction
each bit, symbol, message) is below some threshold. Now,      (e.g., Cline 2015). In some realizations, two distant par-
a better measurement reduces the measurement errors,          ties possess a box of entangled particles. They can “set”
allowing for denser coding.                                   particles in such a way that the other side can then make
   Indeed, some of the first laboratory implementations       a measurement, and immediately obtain the information.
which surpass the classical Shannon limit are bench-          This is unphysical because faster-than-light signalling
marked with respect to the Helstrom (1976) limit. For         results in causality violations which are impossible to
example, Becerra et al. (2015) describe a receiver which      accept (Eberhard & Ross 1989; Bassi & Ghirardi 2008;
discriminates among four possible quadrature phase shift      Ghirardi & Romano 2012; Filatov & Auzinsh 2020).
keying (QPSK) states, using a 99:1 beamsplitter, local           But what about a storage of entangled particles, with
oscillator, and a photon counter.                             light-speed information exchange? Alice sends a box of
   Collecting many photons before their destructive mea-      particles to Bob onboard a spaceship. Bob opens the
surement is challenging. One method might be a “slicing       box and “modifies” the quantum states; the entangled
receiver” for Fock-state photons (da Silva et al. 2013)       partner particle in Alice’s box would take the same state,
which discriminates between any set of coherent state         allowing for bits to be communicated – after some wait
(laser light) signals using a small all-optical special-      time covering for the light travel time. This idea is equally
purpose quantum computer. The quantum computer                unphysical. It is prohibited by the no-communication
must be able to do arbitrary logic on a set of qubits.        theorem (Croke et al. 2008): through measurement of
   A related scheme uses the concept of Hadamard se-          an entangled quantum state, it is not possible for one
quences of input symbols (BPSK at the transmitter side)       party to communicate information to another party. The
that are mapped by a linear optical transformation from       fundamental misunderstanding about entanglement is
BPSK onto the PPM format by the quantum receiver              that it only works when measuring the particle’s state.
(Guha 2011). The receiver would need to use quantum           If Bob forces his entangled particle into a particular
memories for collective readout of the classical informa-     state (+1 or −1), the entanglement is broken. Alice’s
tion (Klimek et al. 2016). Instead of a real quantum          subsequent measurement of her previously entangled
memory (which is an area of active research), one could       particle, light years away, will now be +1 or −1 at random
emulate it with known components. To perform col-             chance.
lective measurements over multiple time bins requires            In contrast, the scheme by Bennett et al. (2002) is
the synchronization of individual incoming pulses at the      correct. Simplified, Alice performs some superoperator
receiver, while retaining mutual phase relations. To          on her half, using a pre-shared qubit and a classical bit
achieve this with standard tools, one could use fast op-      of data. She then sends the tensor product through the
tical switches and delay lines to equalize pulse arrival      channel, which Bob can use to decode with the help of his
times before the Hadamard circuit. However, the whole         half of the pre-shared information. In other words, the
ensemble grows quickly in size. For a PPM sequence of         pre-shared information can be used to “compress” infor-
order 8, the same number of Dolinar (1973)-receivers are      mation. The scheme is, in fact, very similar to “normal”
required, located behind a matrix of 8 + 7 + 6.. + 1 = 36     quantum communication with a combination of entangle-
beamsplitters of various transmission coefficients, and       ment and separately sent classical information (e.g., Hao
a similar number of phase shifters (Figure 2 in Klimek        et al. 2021). The only difference is that the entangled
et al. 2016). As explained in section 2.4, the interesting    part was shared before the start of the communication.
regime for interstellar communications lies in the low-M         The gain from pre-sharing is an active research area.
region, requiring large (> 103 ) PPM orders. Such re-         In the (theoretical) case of an infinitely large pre-shared
ceivers are impractical to build with physical devices like   cache, and no losses or noise, there is an “infinite-fold en-
beamsplitters because of the complexity, size, and trans-     hancement in communications capacity using pre-shared
mission losses involved. Instead, quantum computers           entanglement” (Guha et al. 2020). Numerically, even
with quantum memory are preferable.
Searching for interstellar quantum communications                                                            7

an infinite cache only increases the channel capacity (in     searches for classical signals. This opens up a whole new
bits per photon) by CE /C = ln(1/M ). For M = 10−4 ,          field of Quantum SETI.
the increase is at most ∼ 9.2×. In practice, noise and
losses eat quickly into this gain and reduce it to a factor             5.1. Limitations of classical optical SETI
of about two or less in all realistic cases.                    This section proves that current optical SETI exper-
  On a starshot-like probe, the entangled caches would        iments can only detect beacon-type signals, but miss
need to withstand decoherence for decades.             For    communication links weaker in intensity than stars of
this purpose, quantum memory for entangled photons            the first magnitude. I will then describe how to detect
(Saglamyurek et al. 2011) can be used. The current            such communication links by their quantum effects.
(2021) world-record achieves a six-hour coherence time          Standard OSETI experiments have a typical minimum
(Zhong et al. 2015), “made on a ground-state hyperfine        sensitivity of order tens of photons per square meter
transition of europium ion dopants in yttrium orthosili-      per nanosecond (Maire et al. 2019) for cadences of order
cate using optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance      nanosecond (Table 1). Depending on the point of view,
techniques”. Such equipment is not yet suitable to take       this limit can be regarded as astonishingly tight, or
onboard of a tiny spacecraft, and is in any case insuffi-     terribly loose. It is loose when comparing it to the flux
cient. On the other hand, it is difficult to predict how      from a Sun-like (G2V) isotropic radiator,
tomorrow’s technology may inhibit decoherence over long
times. One advantage for probes is that space is cold                                              
                                                                                                                 1 pc
and dark, both factors which slow down decoherence.                        F ∼ 32 ns−1 m−2                                   .         (1)
  The concept of Bennett et al. (2002) is a pre-shared                                                  L          d
entanglement communication protocol applicable to a             Nominally, when pointing classical OSETI experiments
communication from a spacecraft to its launch point. We       even at bright stars, they will detect nothing, despite
may consider the observational signature for the case         many photons hitting the detector (millions per second).
where Earthlings would intercept such a communication         On the other hand, when using tight transmitter beams,
between an alien spacecraft and its home base. This           tight flux limits can be obtained. With a transmitter
observational signature would be identical to a classical     aperture of At = 10 m, a receiver Ar = 1 m, and λ =
transmission: The quantum lifting is performed before         1 µm we get a flux of (Hippke & Forgan 2017)
the two parties separated, and when merging their pho-
tons with their pre-shared particles (which we would not                      2         2         2                     
possess). Such a communication is not detectable by                     1 pc          At          Ar          1 µm          P
SETI experiments by its quantum signature. Instead,           F ∼                                                                    (s−1 ).
                                                                          d           1m          1m            λ         1 kW
a SETI experiment would record classical (e.g., laser)                                                              (2)
communication. Earthlings would lack the required pre-          With a phased (unfilled) array of Ar = 1,000 m and
shared entanglement photons to decipher the message.          P = 30 MW, the received flux is sufficient to outshine
Without them, the classical transmission would appear         Alpha Cen continuously. A km-sized phased aperture
random in nature. We could only guess that pre-shared         was proposed for “Breakthrough Starshot” (Lubin 2016a;
entanglement is missing, and that humans are not the          Merali 2016; Popkin 2017) to propel a 1 g “space-chip”
intended receiver. That case would imply the existence of     with 100 GW of laser power to v = 0.2 c in minutes.
at least two communicating parties other than humans.         Aimed at Alpha Cen, this beamer would appear as a star
                                                              of magnitude −4 on its sky, comparable to Venus and visi-
                                                              ble in daylight (Lubin 2016b). Even a P = 30 MW beam,
               5. Signatures and tools                        undetected by OSETI experiments, can encode a lot of
   Existing telescope facilities, including those perform-    data. As an example, consider a perfect optical receiver
ing optical SETI experiments, are not equipped with           at the time-bandwidth limit, e.g., a photon counter with
quantum communication receivers, because they do not          3 × 1014 Hz. At a flux rate of 32 × 109 s−1 , the number
yet exist. However, they often have at their disposal         of photons per mode is M = 10−4 . From the Holevo
high-quality equipment to detect single photons, take         limit, we find PIE = log2 (1/M ) − log2 (log(1/M )) ∼ 8
spectra, and perform polarization experiments. I will         bits per photon. With a 8192-ary PPM-type modulation,
show that such tools are sufficient to determine the pres-    the frame duration would be 3 × 10−10 s and contain on
ence of certain quantum communications. Therefore,            average one signal photon. Then, the data rate is bound
we can proceed with methods that destroy the actual           to about 256 Gbits/s. The second-order correlation func-
information content, as long as they provide us with          tion of the PPM modulation would appear with strong
indications of (lost) entanglement. A practical search        anti-bunching (Figure 4); I will discuss the detection of
will be complicated by the fact that we can not know          such signals in section 5.5.
the real characteristics of ETI signals, such as the actual     An important issue with any interstellar communica-
encoding mode and the wavelength. Thus, SETI scien-           tion (classical or quantum) is the free-space loss. The
tists will have to try many things, just as with today’s      stated data rate, based on a PIE value and Equation 2,
8                                                   Michael Hippke

                             Table 1. Pulsed OSETI detectors with published sensitivity limits
           Obervatory                      Cadence (ns)        λ (nm)        Sensitivity (γ m−2 ns−1 )                 Reference
           Lick 1 m Nickel                      5            450 . . . 850              51                   Wright et al. (2001)
           Harvard Oak Ridge 1.5 m              5            450 . . . 650             100                  Howard et al. (2004)
           Princeton Fitz Randolph 0.9 m        5            450 . . . 850              80                  Howard et al. (2004)
           STACEE heliostats                    12           300 . . . 600              10                   Hanna et al. (2009)
           Leuschner 0.8 m                      5            300 . . . 700              41                  Korpela et al. (2011)
           Harvard 1.8 m                        5            300 . . . 800              60                          Mead (2013)
           Lick 1 m NIROSETI                    1         950 . . . 1650                40                    Maire et al. (2014)
           Veritas 12 m                         50           300 . . . 500              1                Abeysekara et al. (2016)
           Boquete 0.5 m                        5            350 . . . 600              67                  Schuetz et al. (2016)

is only achievable for parameters exceeding the minimum             coherence of the photon arrival time stamps. Unfortu-
requirements. A distant ETI signalling towards Earth,               nately, these have not yet been invented. The fastest
however, can not know our receiver’s aperture size. It              photon detectors today have a timing jitter of 2.6 ps (i.e.,
must compensate for this by guessing a minimum size,                2.6 × 10−12 s) in the optical, based on superconducting
and choosing its power level sufficiently high. Classical           nanowires (SNSPDs, Korzh et al. 2020). Technology
communication would transmit a series of PPM-pulses,                improved by about one order of magnitude per decade
each of e.g., kJ power, worth 1023 photons. On the re-              (Beskin et al. 1997; Tosi et al. 2009; Polyakov 2013). For
ceiver end, only a few of these photons would be received.          comparison, the MANIA experiment used 100 ns counters
For quantum communications, a protocol which requires               in the 1980s (Shvartsman 1981), improving to a few ns in
the reception of a large fraction of photons would thus be          the 2000s (Wright et al. 2001). If progress continuous in
inviable. Only quantum communication methods which                  the same pace, we may possess sufficiently fast detectors
can handle a large geometric loss are applicable. One               in about 20 years.
of these could employ squeezed light, where each pho-                  Until then, we need to use other methods. An ex-
ton has quantum properties, but the information can be              periment with SNSPDs can explore the limits set by
spread over many transmitted photons, as with pulses                atmospheric turbulence already today: optical and NIR
in PPM-like codes. Squeezed light is available today                laser pulses are smeared to ∆t ≈ 10−12 s (Hippke 2018b).
at 20 W power levels using parametric down-conversion               At the time-bandwidth limit, their spectral width would
(Aasi et al. 2013).                                                 be ∆λ ≈ 1.5 nm. These pulses can already be time-
   The discovery situation is not much better for spectral          resolved. A useful optical SETI experiment would be
OSETI experiments. The usual search paradigm here is                to time-tag incoming photons with ps accuracy using
that laser light is very narrow-band; broadened to about            precise high time-resolution photon counters (Gol’tsman
0.006 nm through atmospheric effects (Marcy 2021). For              et al. 2001; Prochazka et al. 2013). Time-based corre-
Holevo-bounded communication, however, narrow-band                  lations can be determined in post with data analysis,
is not a valid assumption. For time-bandwidth limited               such as Fourier transforms and autocorrelation functions,
pulses with central wavelength λ0 and a spectral width              building on the proposal by Leeb et al. (2013) and Stan-
(FWHM) ∆λ, the pulse duration is approximately                      ton (2019). These experiments can test incoming sources
                                                                    (e.g., starlight) for the presence of time-bin encoding,
                                 λ20                                which is one way of encoding the quantum information.
                     ∆tmin =                           (3)
                               2 ∆λc
                                                                              5.3. Laser warners and phase coherence
   with c as the speed of light. As an example, a near-
infrared laser pulse with λ = 1 µm with a ∆tmin ∼                     Defense forces try to solve a problem similar to OSETI.
3 × 10−14 s requires a 5 % bandwidth, i.e. ∆λ = 50 nm.              While we assume that ETI uses lasers to send signals
Such a laser would be undetected by spectral searches.              across space, lasers on Earth are used by the military
   This completes the point that OSETI experiments can              for targeting, range finding, and missile control. Laser
find beacon-type pulses and laser lines, but no continuous          warner receivers have been developed to detect the threat
communication signals, even when these are as powerful              associated with incoming lasers. They use one or several
as first magnitude stars. It also opens the question: how           of the following properties of coherent light: high bright-
do we detect strong laser-like communication signals?               ness in a narrow spectral band, tight spatial beams, and
                                                                    phase coherence (Benton et al. 2019). In an interstellar
     5.2. Fast photon counters and time-bin encoding                setting, where the transmitter is far and small, it appears
   The best option to detect time-bandwidth limited op-             unresolved. Then, only temporal (pulsed) and spectral
tical free-space communications would be to use a femto-            (narrow-band) properties remain, together with phase
second photon counter, which would directly show the                coherence.
Searching for interstellar quantum communications                                          9

                    1.2                                                    be Fourier transformed to search for time-bin encoded
                                                                           signals (Hippke 2019).
                                                                              5.5. Bunching: Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect
 Intensity (a.u.)

                                                                              Photon (anti-)bunching is an (anti-)temporal corre-
                    0.6                                                    lation in the arrival time of subsequent photons, also
                                                                           known as the Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect (Brown
                    0.4                                                    & Twiss 1954). It is leveraged in astronomy for intensity
                                                                           interferometry (Hanbury Brown 1956). In the original
                    0.2                                                    experiment, two telescopes separated by a few meters
                                                                           were aimed at the star Sirius. Each telescope used a
                    0.0                                                    photon detector, and a correlation in the arrival time be-
                      399.5   399.6   399.7 399.8 399.9    400.0   400.1
                                                                           tween the two fluctuating intensities was detected. The
                                        Wavelength (nm)
                                                                           correlation vanished when the distance between the tele-
                                                                           scopes was increased. This information can be used to
Figure 3. Synthetic spectrum expected from a laser with                    determine the apparent angular size of the star.
time-bin encoded qubits. Compared to a classical single                       There are three regimes of temporal photon correla-
frequency signal, three peaks occur, caused by the temporal                tions. The first is chaotic starlight with a blackbody-like
modulation of the laser. Illustration based on Figure 3 in                 spectrum, which exhibits positive bunching that is super-
Donohue et al. (2013).                                                     Poissonian distributed (Figure 4). In essence, photons
                                                                           arrive bunched (or clustered) in time. With a time differ-
   To detect the presence of coherent light in the presence                ence τ between subsequent photon detections, one can
of noise (chaotic starlight, atmospheric noise etc.), it was               define the first-order correlation function as g (1) (τ ), and
already suggested by Kingsley (1993) to employ hetero-                     the second order correlation function as
dyne and homodyne detection. A recent proposal by
Benton (2019) proposes a method for a photon-counting                                       g (2) (τ ) = 1 + |g (1) (τ )|2 .         (4)
laser coherence detection system. Based on an asymmet-
ric Mach-Zehnder interferometer, it is equally sensitive                      Thermal blackbody radiation is the textbook example
to pulsed and continuous signals. For a wide spectral                      of g (2) (τ ) = 2 (Glauber 1963; Saleh et al. 1991). Coher-
coverage, many sensors are required (e.g., 1024 APD cells                  ent laser light, i.e. light of a single frequency, shows as
for the same number of 1 nm wide frequency bins). Such                     g (2) (τ ) = 1. It follows the well-known Poissonian distri-
a detector will be much more sensitive to the information                  bution. Finally, anti-bunching with g (2) (τ ) < 1 has no
bearing transmissions described in section 5.1, because                    classical wave analogue; its distribution is sub-Poissonian.
it drops the requirement of a beacon-type threshold per                    In the limit of perfect anti-bunching, g (2) (τ ) = 0, the
unit time, and instead integrates over arbitrary durations                 arrival time between photons is constant. As a signal
using Fourier transformation during post-processing.                       hypothesis, any g (2) (τ ) < 2 from starlight indicates an
                                                                           artificial component. Anti-bunching (g (2) (τ ) < 1) would
                                                                           be a strong indication of an information bearing signal
                                 5.4. Spectral encodings                   based on pulse-position encoding schemes (section 5.2 )
   Classical optical SETI also searches for narrow-band                       In practice, determining g (2) (τ ) for optical light is
laser lines (e.g., Tellis & Marcy 2017). The assumption is                 difficult. The coherence time of optical light near the
that sun-like stars exhibit few natural spectral emission                  time-bandwidth limit (10−14 s) is shorter than the best
lines only at certain wavelengths. Thus, after removing                    photon counters (10−12 s). The insufficient timing reso-
known features, any remaining spectral peak could be a                     lution causes extra noise which requires averaging many
laser beam. In these classical searches, the expectation                   signals. Photon bunching was observationally shown
is to find a single peak narrow in frequency, as produced                  for sunlight with a result of g (2) (τ ) = 1.45 ± 0.03 (Tan
by continuous wave lasers (Reines & Marcy 2002).                           et al. 2014), and g (2) (τ ) = 1.7; lower than the expected
   Quantum communication signals, however, would be                        value of 2 due to noise. The same measurement was
expected to be modulated in order to transport infor-                      successfully performed with starlight (Tan & Kurtsiefer
mation. Plausible time-bandwidth limits are of order ps                    2017) for stars such as P Cygni with a 1 m telescope,
and tens of nm (section 5.1). Depending on the exact                       as well as β Canis Majoris and  Orioni with the Ver-
quantum encoding, there could be three spectral peaks                      itas telescope (Abeysekara et al. 2020). In all cases, a
separated by ∼ 1 nm and of slightly different ampli-                       significant value for g (2) (τ ) > 1 was found. A signal-to-
tude (Figure 3). Using existing data, one could examine                    noise ratio discussion for starlight is given in Saha (2019).
spectra of stars for such multimodal emission features.                    Similar experiments should be expanded to interesting
Instead of a single emission line, quantum optical SETI                    targets listed in Lacki et al. (2020). A measurement of
would search for a frequency comb. Spectra could also                      g (2) (τ ) < 1 would constitute the discovery of quantum
10                                                             Michael Hippke

                        Bunching (blackbody)                       Coherent (laser)                  Anti-bunching (quantum)
                             g (2) (0) > 1                           g (2) (0) = 1                          g (2) (0) < 1

                    •• • ••• •• ••• ••• •• • ••• •         •• • •• • • •• •• • •• •• • •• •         •••••••••••••••••
              2.0                                    2.0                                      2.0

              1.5                                    1.5                                      1.5
 g (2) (τ )

              1.0                                    1.0                                      1.0

              0.5                                    0.5                                      0.5

              0.0                                    0.0                                      0.0
                                  0                                       0                                      0
                             Time delay τ                            Time delay τ                           Time delay τ

Figure 4. Temporal bunching of photons for super-Poisson distributed chaotic thermal starlight (left), Poisson-distributed
coherent laser light (middle) and equally spaced (anti-bunched) quantum light. Cases where g (2) (0) < 2 may be indicative of a
mixture of starlight and artificial signals. For g (2) (0) < 1 a quantum component is present.
communications. The width of the invisible quantum                        be as follows. A transmission would consist of a large
emission line ∆λ (which could shift during the observa-                   number of indistinguishable photon pairs. Each pair
tion, λ0 6= const.) can be determined through the relation                might be distinguishable from other pairs in frequency,
τ = λ20 /c ∆λ.                                                            polarization, and arrival time; so that their integrated
                                                                          sum may look natural (e.g., replicate a blackbody spec-
                    5.6. Hong-Ou-Mandel interference test                 trum). The signal, however, might partially or totally
                                                                          consist of indistinguishable photon pairs. One method to
   Another possibility is the Hong-Ou-Mandel interfer-                    produce such pair photons are semiconductor quantum
ence test (Hong et al. 1987). This experiment is a two-                   dots (Santana et al. 2017). An OSETI experiment could
photon interference effect only explainable with quan-                    use two optical telescopes, focusing their light into each
tum optics. It only requires one 50 % beamsplitter and                    side of a beamsplitter. Through data analysis, one would
two photon counters at its outputs. Chaotic light, e.g.,                  find a pair ratio exceeding 50 % (noise and signal pho-
starlight, exhibits distinguishable properties: random                    tons combined) in case an artificial signal fraction is the
polarizations, arrival times, and different wavelengths.                  experiment. In practice, the experiment requires very
These photons will then pass through the beamsplitter                     low-noise photon detectors, but is realistically possible
randomly and are registered by the detectors. When                        at least for the brightest stars, as shown by Deng et al.
two distinguishable photons enter the beamsplitter, four                  (2019).
possibilities arise with equal probabilities: both photons
are transmitted, both photons are reflected, the photon
coming in from the first end is reflected and the other                                       5.7. Squeezed light
transmitted, and the opposite of that.                                       Due to the uncertainty principle, a measurement of
   In the case a pair of indistinguishable photons enters                 the amplitude of the light field delivers values within
the beamsplitter, a quantum phenomenon occurs. Then,                      an uncertainty region. Coherent states have circularly
both photons will pass through to one of the sides: one                   symmetric uncertainty regions. The uncertainty relation
photon counter will count two photons, the other photon                   requires some minimum noise amplitudes for the ampli-
counter will count zero photons. While this can also                      tude and phase. Reducing either amplitude or phase
happen by 50 % chance for chaotic light, it will always                   uncertainty, at the expense of the other, constitutes
happen for indistinguishable photons.                                     “squeezed light” (Schnabel 2017).
   This experiment has been performed with sunlight and                      First produced by degenerate parametric down con-
light created on the Earth (Deng et al. 2019). Despite the                version in an optical cavity (Wu et al. 1986), squeezed
large physical separation of both sources, when filtered so               light can be made by using optical nonlinear interactions,
that the photons become indistinguishable, they exhibit                   such as frequency doubling, with the Kerr nonlinearity
the quantum interference and allow for entanglement                       in optical fibers, or by atom-light interactions. Semicon-
tests.                                                                    ductor lasers can produce amplitude-squeezed light when
   The signal hypothesis for a quantum SETI experiment,                   operated with a stabilized pump current. A famous appli-
based on the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference test, would                      cation is in quantum metrology (Giovannetti et al. 2006)
Searching for interstellar quantum communications                                         11

                                      1.0                                                     the averaging of many photons. Still, an experiment
                                                                                              using the existing CCD detectors on telescopes should
                                                                                              be straightforward, because the squeezed-light test is
                                                                                              performed using data analysis on the raw sensor data,
 Pixel variance (magnified by 105 )

                                                                                              without any need for additional equipment.
                                                                                                 Squeezed light also exhibits second-order correlation
                                                                                              effects as for bunched light. (For example, compare
                                      0.6                                                     Figure 4 with Figure 2 in Wang & Fan 2012). However, I
                                                                                              could not find any relevant practical work in this respect.
                                                                                              Instead, it is more common to integrate the incoming
                                      0.4                                                     flux over a certain time period and plot the photon
                                                                                              number statistic, i.e., create a histogram of counted
                                                                                              photons within this time (Breitenbach et al. 1997). Such
                                                                                              a histogram can then be fit to a set of distributions e.g.,
                                                                                              using QuTiP (Johansson et al. 2013) for thermal and
                                                                                              laser light, as well as various quantum states as shown
                                                                                              in Figure 2.
                                            0.0   0.2        0.4      0.6        0.8    1.0               5.8. Orbital angular momentum
                                                  Pixel intensity (magnified by 105 )            Photons can carry a field spatial distribution in the
                                                                                              form of orbital angular momentum (OAM). This degree
Figure 5. Signature of squeezed light on a CCD. Pixel                                         of freedom can be used for quantum communications,
variance as a function of pixel intensity for coherent light                                  such as secure direct communication (Li et al. 2020). For
(laser, black, straight line), squeezed light (red), and anti-                                interstellar communication purposeses, however, POAM
squeezed light (blue). Both quadratic functions are shown                                     is unattractive for two reasons.
with coefficients enlarged by 105 for clarity.                                                   First, it also occurs in many natural sources. The
                                                                                              presence of astrophysical OAM has been shown using
by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observa-                                       classical receivers on radio telescopes (Torner et al. 2005),
tory (LIGO), where a sub-threshold optical parametric                                         detecting twisted light caused by the spin of the M87
oscillator produces a squeezed vacuum state (Aasi et al.                                      black hole (Tamburini et al. 2020). Here, electromagnetic
2013). It allows to improve detector noise performance                                        radiation is decomposed from the recorded voltage data
at certain frequencies by a factor of a few, and makes                                        into a set of discrete orthogonal eigenmodes. OAM has
the detection of gravitational waves from merging black                                       also been detected as a natural feature of optical starlight
holes, and other sources, possible (Abbott et al. 2016).                                      (Oesch & Sanchez 2014) and sunlight (Uribe-Patarroyo
   Squeezed light is not expected to occur from natural                                       et al. 2011). An optical telescope is equipped with a
astrophysical processes. We may assume, however, that                                         vortex diffraction grating in front of the CCD, which
ETI signals leverage squeezing to maximize data rate of                                       produces three main OAM diffraction orders.
transmissions. As outlined in section 2.4, squeezed light                                        Second, interstellar distances are very large (> 1016 m),
can be used to achieve the Holevo bound of maximum                                            so that the free space loss from diffraction, following the
photon information efficiency.                                                                inverse square law, is very relevant. With OAM, the
   To test the presence of squeezed light, various methods                                    beam divergence increases even more, at least with the
are available. Most commonly, homodyne or heterodyne                                          square root of the number of modes (Padgett et al. 2015;
detection by beating the squeezed light field with a classi-                                  Padgett 2017). Figure 1 in Berkhout & Beijersbergen
cal local oscillator is used. Other options are direct inten-                                 (2009) shows the difficulty in measuring spatially un-
sity detection or photon counting (for intensity-squeezed                                     resolved OAM: in the beam centre there is hardly any
light only), or with a phase-shifting cavity (Vogel &                                         intensity, and off-axis there is hardly any phase change.
Welsch 2006). Recently, a simpler method using a stan-                                        Large apertures (or interferometers) are required to make
dard CCD cameras was described, based on the first two                                        measurements plausible in practice. In any case, using
moments of the recorded pixel-to-pixel photon fluctua-                                        OAM reduces data rates over interstellar distances:
                                                                                                                                            p        beam
tion statistics (Matekole et al. 2020). Simplified, starlight                                 divergence increases (flux decreases) with 1/M , while
is expected to produce a linear intensity-variance cor-                                       PIE increases only as log2 (1/M ) bits per photon.
relation, assuming that the (CCD) detector is linear in                                                  6. Conclusion and next steps
its response. Phase-squeezed (and anti-squeezed light)
will however show a quadratic relation between intensity                                        Some light from the heavens may be artificial in origin.
and variance (Figure 5). The effect is quite small with                                       It is worth exploring all signs of artificiality, including
a quadratic coefficient of order 10−6 and thus requires                                       quantum properties. I propose to perform the following
                                                                                              tests using available telescopes and equipment.
12                                                   Michael Hippke

   Squeezed light can be found with a CCD by measuring            Finally, coherence detecting systems of various types,
the first two moments of the recorded pixel-to-pixel pho-      like laser warners, should be pointed towards the stars.
ton fluctuation statistics (Matekole et al. 2020). A test      One example is the asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interfer-
for Fock states can be made by creating photon number          ometer described by Benton (2019).
statistic, i.e., creating a histogram of counted photons          It may well be that a search dedicated for quantum
within this time (Breitenbach et al. 1997). Time-bin en-       signals is also sensitive to classical signals, e.g. in the
coded qubits in the frequency domain can be seen as e.g.,      form of a spread spectrum. The possibility of such a
triplet spectral emission lines caused by the temporal         by-catch is not a valid argument against quantum SETI.
modulation of the laser (Donohue et al. 2013). Alterna-           As quoted in the introduction, Giuseppe Cocconi pro-
tively, the events of high time-resolution photon counters     posed to search for radio signals because “photons per
(SNSPDs with ps timing) can be recorded (Gol’tsman             watt must be what counts”. This is correct for isotropic
et al. 2001; Prochazka et al. 2013), and searched for          lighthouse-style beacons. For point-to-point communi-
temporal correlations via data analysis such as Fourier        cations in an interstellar network, however, tight beams
transforms and autocorrelation tests.                          at e.g., optical frequencies are preferred (Hippke & For-
   Photon bunching can be found through the Hanbury            gan 2017; Hippke 2020). Then, the number of bits per
Brown and Twiss effect (section 5.5) following the meth-       watt must be what counts. These are maximized with
ods from Tan et al. (2014); Tan & Kurtsiefer (2017);           quantum communications.
Abeysekara et al. (2020). Experiments can use optical             Following the SETI classification of Sheikh (2020), one
telescopes and VERITAS for stars like P Cygni, β Canis         important aspect of a potential ETI signal is its level of
Majoris and  Orioni. SNR calculations are provided by         ambiguity, i.e. its potential to be a natural phenomenon
Saha (2019). A target list should include Helium white         unrelated to intelligent life. With quantum communi-
dwarfs (Fukugita 2020) and targets listed in Lacki et al.      cations, a detection of Fock state photons or squeezed
(2020).                                                        light would prove the artificiality of a signal, because
   The Hong-Ou-Mandel interference test (section 5.6)          there is no natural process which could create them. It
can be performed to search for indistinguishable photons.      is also straightforward to search for such signals, which
I propose to check the 100 brightest stars for artificial      is why we should start looking for them. They may offer
quantum signals, using twin telescopes with beamsplit-         the missing access link to an interstellar communication
ters and photon counters.                                      network.
                                                                  Acknowledgements I thank Arjun Berera for helpful

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