Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...

Page created by Terry Jackson
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
Community Guide ‘20
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
Table of Contents
          Attractions & Historical Sites................ 4                      Index of Advertisers............................... 2
          Churches............................................... 10            Organizations........................................ 11
          Community Services.............................. 9                    Schools.................................................... 8
          Emergency Services.............................. 3                    Schuylerville Area
          Government............................................ 5                Chamber of Commerce.................... 14
          Homes for Orphaned Pets Exist                                         Schuylerville Revolutionary History... 16
            (HOPE)................................................ 13

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                                                          Provider                       945 Route 29E, Saratoga Springs, NY
                                                                                                                     Provider                                                                            518-695-5643

                                                                                Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 1

                                                   Insurances Accepted                                                             Insurances Accepted
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
Index of Advertisers
         ATTORNEYS                                          INSURANCE                                         SALON/SPA
Catherine A. Burkly ...................11           Washington County                                McCarthy’s Zark’s Angels ........10
                                                     Cooperative Insurance                           The Lash Room by Casey .......... 1
        AUTOMOTIVE                                   Company ...................................14
F&D Auto Sales ...........................15                                                                    SERVICES
Witchcraft Body & Paint ..........15                          LODGING                                GF Heating Oil .......... Inside Back
                                                    Old Saratoga Motor Inn ............ 8                                                    Cover
           COMPOST                                                                                   K & M Dumpsters.......................15
Booth’s Blend Compost ...........15                   RESTAURANTS/EATERIES/                          Larmon House Movers Inc. ....10
                                                                     DELI                            Me, Myself & I ................................ 3
  FARM EQUIPMENT/PARTS                              Amigos Cantina............................ 5     Taras Excavating .......................... 2
Capital Tractor ............................15      Clark’s Steakhouse .............Inside           Tech Monkeys ............................... 1
The Hudson River                                                                   Front Cover
 Tractor Co ..................................11    Geppetto’s Italian Restaurant…8                                SKI AREA
                                                    Saratoga Gluten Free Goods .13 Willard Mountain .......................14
          FINANCIAL                                 Schuylerville Pizza & Pasta ....... 2
D & L Tax Solutions ..................... 1         Sweet Lou’s Bistro ...................... 3             SPORTING GOODS
                                                                                                       Beecroft’s Shooter Supply ........ 7
     FUNERAL SERVICES                                             RETAIL
Flynn Bros. Inc.,                                   Byron’s Village Market................ 7                      TASTINGS
  Funeral Home ............................ 6       Livingston’s ..................................12 Saratoga Apple .........................13
                                                    Saratoga Apple...........................13
             HEALTH                                 Stitches & Time ............................. 1             THRIFT SHOP
Schuylerville Health                                The Stovery .................................... 9 Second Hand Rose ...................... 6
  Center..................... …. Back Pg
 Physical Therapy ....................... 5
Zusin Dental .................................. 1

                                                                               TARAS EXCAVATING

                                                                                      Commercial & Residential
                                     Appetizers • Pizza                         Complete Site Development
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       23 Spring St. (Rt. 29), Schuylerville, NY                                             518-669-7308                                      182 County Road 69, Schuylerville, NY 12871

2 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
Emergency Services
                                                               Emergency: 911

All Dispatch goes through the
County 911 system
Wilton EMS
Rt. 29
518-871-1819 (non-emergency)
911 Emergency
Schuyler Hose Company
(Schuylerville and parts of
Saratoga, Northumberland,
Easton and Greenwich)
Brian Myers Jr., Fire Chief     The Schuyler Hose Company is located at 35 Spring St.
35 Spring St.
518-695-3142 (non-emergency)           LAW                            State Police (Wilton)
                                                                      301 Ballard Road
911 Emergency
                                   ENFORCEMENT                        Gansevoort, N.Y. 12831                HEALTH CARE
Schuylerville Fire and                                                518-583-7000 (Dispatch)
Ambulance (Dispatch)            Saratoga County Sheriff               911 Emergency                    Glens Falls Hospital
911                             Michael Zurlo                                                          100 Park St.
                                518-885-6761                          State Police (Saratoga)          Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801
Quaker Springs Fire                                                                                    518-926-1000
                                911 Emergency                         2455 Route 9
                                                                      Ballston Spa, N.Y. 12020         Saratoga Hospital
518-584-3349 (non-emergency)
                                State Police (Schuylerville)          518-583-7000 (Dispatch)          211 Church St.
518-584-3348 (Fax)
                                12 Spring St.                         911 Emergency                    Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 12866
911 Emergency
                                Schuylerville, N.Y. 12871                                              518-587-3222
Victory Mills Fire Department   518-583-7000 (Dispatch)
(David Nevins Fire Company)     911 Emergency                                                          Schuylerville Family Health
518-695-6623 (non-emergency)                                                                           200 Broad St
911 Emergency                                                                                          Schuylerville, NY

  Sweet Lou’s Bistro                                                            Me, Myself & I
       FULL SALAD BAR • SANDWICHES                                                  A Sewing Business
           And ask us “What’s for dinner?”
                  PICK UP OR EAT IN
           Small or Large Banquet Menu
                 to Fit Your Needs
                BEER & WINE AVAILABLE
    Tues. - Sat. 11AM-7PM • Closed Sun. & Mon.
       161 Broad Street, Schuylerville, NY

                                                                       Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 3
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
Attractions &
  Historic Sites
       Saratoga National             from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. .and closes              Victory Woods                 and National Cemetery and
    Historical Park/Saratoga         in mid-October. Call 518-670-      The site of the field                   serves veterans from the
            Battlefield              2985 for more information. For     encampment of General                   northeast. Call 518-581-9128
     Route 4/32, Stillwater          tour hours visit:     Burgoyne’s British forces prior         for more information. For more
The site of the turning point of     sara. Check us out on Facebook     to their October 17, 1777               information on these sites and
the American Revolutionary War       and Twitter @saratoganhp           surrender. A 1/2-mile accessible        others within the Saratoga
where the British Forces were                                           pathway allows visitors to              National Historical Park, call
defeated by the Americans                                               explore the site. Trail not             518-670-2985 or visit www.nps.
during September and October                                            maintained during the winter.           gov/sara.
of 1777. Explore the visitors’                                          The Trail is open sunrise –
                                                                                                                   Schuyler’s Canal Park and
center, museum, bookstore,                                              sunset daily. No entrance fee.
                                                                                                                  Visitors Center and Field of
hiking trails and a 9.5-mile self-                                      The Trail can be accessed either
                                                                                                                        Grounded Arms
guided tour road. Open year                                             from behind the Saratoga
                                                                                                                   Route 29, Fort Hardy Park
round. Visitors Center hours 9                                          Monument, walking through the
                                                                                                                     (across the street from
a.m. – 5 p.m., seven days a                                             adjacent cemetery OR via
                                                                                                                           post office)
week; closed Thanksgiving Day,                                          Monument Drive, just off
                                                                                                                The commemorative ‘surrender
Christmas Day and New Year’s                                            Burgoyne Street just before the
                                                                                                                tree’ at the Field of Grounded
Day. Tour road open April 1-June                                        Monument.
                                                                                                                Arms is where the British Army
1, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; June 1-Labor
                                                                                                                surrendered on Oct. 17, 1777,
Day, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Labor Day-
                                                                                                                marking the end of the battles of
EST change, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; EST
                                                                                                                Saratoga. The Visitors Center is
change-Nov. 30, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.;
                                                                                                                generally open Wednesday
Dec. 1-March 31 closed.
                                                                                                                through Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4
Admission for tour road. Call
                                                                                                                p.m., May through October. The
518-670-2985 for more
                                                                                                                park also features a gazebo on
information. Starting and
                                                                                                                the Hudson River and is
ending dates for tour road are
                                                                                                                accessible by boat from a nearby
subject to winter weather.
                                                                                                                marina. Call 518-695-4159 for
Check us out on Facebook and                                                 Stillwater Blockhouse
                                                                                                                more information.
Twitter @saratoganhp                                                      Hudson Avenue, Route 4/32,
                                            Saratoga Monument                         Stillwater                 Lock 5 Champlain Canal Park
         Schuyler House                  Burgoyne Street, Victory       Built in 1927, the blockhouse is        A relaxing location to watch
      Route 4, Schuylerville         Also part of the national park,    a reproduction of a French and          boats ‘locking through’ on their
Part of the Saratoga National        the monument commemorates          Indian Blockhouse that served           canal journey. See one of few
Historical Park, this estate was     General John Burgoyne’s            as the first visitors’ center for the   original locks on the Old
the country home of General          surrender to General Horatio       Saratoga National Historical            Champlain Canal and a unique
Philip Schuyler both before and      Gates on Oct. 17, 1777. The        Park. It features rotating exhibits     powerhouse. The park features
after the Battle of Saratoga. The    155-foot       memorial      was   and special events. Open                restored locks, picnic tables,
house here is the third home         completed in 1883 and stands       seasonally from Memorial Day            grills and Champlain Canal boat
built by the Schuyler family,        within what was Burgoyne’s         to Columbus Day, Tuesday-               tours.
erected in 29 days in 1777, and      entrenched camp during the         Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. Call
was the center of Schuyler’s         final days of the campaign. Open   518-664-6148           for     more               Stark’s Knob
extensive farming and milling        Memorial Day weekend through       information.                            Stark’s Knob Road, off Route 4,
operations. The British burned       Labor Day Friday, Saturday &                                                       Northumberland
the original house and its           Sunday. After Labor Day                 Gerald B.H. Solomon                A 460 million-year-old geological
outbuildings to keep Americans       Saturday & Sunday. Closes mid-      Saratoga National Cemetery             formation and a key feature in
from using them for cover            October. Call 518-670-2985 for      Off Wilbur Road and Route 4,           the final defeat of the British
during an attack. Open Memorial      more information. For tour                Town of Saratoga                 Army at the Battles of Saratoga.
Day weekend through Labor            hours visit:     The cemetery is operated by the         The mass of volcanic rock is one
Day Wednesday through Sunday                                            Department of Veterans Affairs          of few in eastern North America.

4 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
    VILLAGE OF                  Village Attorney
                                David Klingebiel
                                                                between Schuylerville &
                                                                Victory. The Planning Board
                                                                                                       Village Attorney
                                                                                                       Michael J. Catalfimo
  SCHUYLERVILLE                                                 meets on the third Monday of
                                                                                                       Health Officer
                                Code Enforcement Officer        every month at 6:30 p.m. in
Village Office                  Gil Albert                      the municipal center.
518-695-3881                                                                                           Code Enforcement Officer
                                Registrar of Vital Statistics                                          Lawrence Wolcott
35 Spring St., Schuylerville
Hours: Monday – Friday          Helene Patterson                     VILLAGE OF
                                                                                                       Fire Chief
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
                                Planning Board Chairperson
                                                                      VICTORY                          Corey Helwig
Mayor                           Robert Foster                                                          Historian
Dan Carpenter                                                   Village Office
                                                                P.O. Box 305, 23 Pine St.              Vacant
Trustees                        Historian
Jason Young                                                     Victory Mills                          Planning Board
                                Kristina Saddlemire             Phone/Fax: 518-695-3808
Tim LeBaron                                                                                            Chairman, Corey Helwig
Bryan Drew                                                      Hours: Monday – Friday,
                                Department of Public Works      9 a.m. – 5 p.m.                        Public Safety Commissioner
Whitney Colvin                  Robin Decker                                                           Timothy Healy
Village Board of Trustees       518-695-3675
meets on second Wednesday                                       Mayor                                  Public Works Supervisor
of the month at 7 p.m. at the                                   Patrick Dewey                          William E. Lloyd
                                DPW Liaison
village hall, 35 Spring St.     Dan Carpenter                                                          Water Commissioners
                                                                Deputy Mayor
                                                                Timothy Healy                          Timothy Healy
Village Clerk/Treasurer         Wastewater Treatment Plant                                             Leslie Dennison
Cory Heyman                     Manager
518-695-3881                                                    Trustees                               Zoning Board
                                Charles Sherman                 Timothy Healy
Fax: 518-695-3883                                                                                      Jaime O’Neil, Chairman
E-mail: office@                                                 Leslie Dennison
                                Water Commissioners                                                    Meetings: The Village Board      518-695-3881                                                           meets the second Tuesday of
                                                                Village Clerk/Treasurer
                                Tim Healey, Chair               Maureen Lewsey                         each month at 7 p.m. at the
Village Clerk                   Mike Hughes                                                            Village Hall, the Zoning Board
Helene Patterson                Bryan Drew                                                             meets the third Monday of
Email: hpatterson@                                              Deputy Village Clerk/
                                Leslie Dennison                 Treasurer                              every month at 6:30 p.m. and      Meetings: Third Monday of                                              the Planning Board meets on
                                                                JoAnn Bielkiewicz
                                the month, 7 p.m. alternating                                          the third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

                                                                                          Jeffrey Fear, PT, MPT and Zoe Devito, MSPT

                                                                                specializing in orthopedic and sports rehabilitation

                                                                   43 Spring Street | Schuylerville, NY 12871
                                                                     (518) 507-6414 | (518) 507-6454 fax
                                                                        Caring for your
                                                                                          freedom to move.
                                                                Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 5
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
       TOWN OF                  Council Members
                                Gary Squires
                                                                 Highway Supervisor
                                                                 Donald Ormsby Jr.
                                                                                                  Tax Collector
                                                                                                  Margaret Kirkpatrick
      SARATOGA                  Michael McLoughlin               518-695-3904                     518-695-3644, ext. 318
                                James Jennings
Town Office                                                      Historian
                                Charles Hanehan                                                   Town Garage
12 Spring St.                                                    Sean Kelleher
                                Town Clerk                       Justice
                                Linda McCabe                     Daniel Waldron                   Town Board meetings: Second
Fax: 518-695-6782
                                 518-695-3644, ext. 311          Charles Sherman                  Monday of each month at 7
Hours: Monday – Friday
                                Fax: 695-9247                    518-695-3644                     p.m., Town Hall with the
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                                 ext. 315 or 327                  exception of October when it
                                Deputy Clerk                                                      is the second Wednesday and
                                                                 Town Attorney
                                Michelle Conover, ext. 317                                        November when it is Thursday
Town Supervisor                                                  William Reynolds
                                Assessor                                                          following Election Day.
Thomas N. Wood, III
                                Lorraine Fiorino                 Health Officer
518-695-3644 ext. 314
                                                                 Dr. Christopher Thomas
                                Bookkeeper                                                                 SARATOGA
Town Board                                                       Planning Board, Zoning
                                Pat Temple
                                                                 Board of Appeals                           COUNTY
Thomas N. Wood, III                                              Clerk to the Boards:
                                                                 Linda McCabe                     County Complex
                                                                  518-695-3644, ext. 322          518-885-5381

                                                                 Zoning Board Chairman            County Administrator
                                                                 William Moreau                   Spencer P. Hellwig
                                                                 Planning Board Chairman
                                                                 Ian Murray                       Chairman, Board
                                                                                                  of Supervisors
                                                                 Code Enforcement Officer         Kevin Tollisen
                                                                 Gil Albert                       518-885-2240
                                                                 Dog Control Officer              County District Attorney
                                                                 Ed Cross                         Karen A. Heggen
                                                                 518-361-0689                     518-885-2263

            Flynn Brothers, Inc.
                                                                    Second Hand Rose
               Funeral Home
           13 Gates Avenue, Schuylerville NY
                                                                   The Thrift Shop, Inc.
                    518-695-3138                                   116 Broadway, Schuylerville, NY 12871 518-695-4640
             80 Main Street, Greenwich, NY
                    518-692-2680                                    Store Hours          Where Does          Donations
                                                                                       Our Money Go?         We welcome
                                       Open Tuesday
                                                                    through Saturday    Proceeds benefit     clean, usable
                                                                       11 a.m. to      community service    donations when
                                                                         4 p.m.          organizations.      store is open.

                                                                   Not-for-profit • Low cost “previously owned” items
                                                                   Community-operated • Volunteers always welcome!

6 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
of Public Works
                                 STATE OFFICES                  FEDERAL                    Congresswoman
                                                                                           Elise Stefanik
Keith R. Manz
                              Consumer Protection Board       GOVERNMENT                   5 Warren
518-885-2235                                                                               Street, Suite 4
                                                           Sen. Charles E. Schumer         Glens Falls, NY
County Treasurer                                           Leo W. O’Brien                  12801
                              Attorney General
Andrew Jarosh                                              Building Room                   518-743-0964
518-884-4724                                               420                             Fax: 518-743-
                                                           Albany, N.Y.                    1391
                              Department of
Saratoga County Historian                                  12207                           512 Cannon
Lauren Roberts                                             518-431-4070                    House Office Bldg.
518-884-4749                                               (and)                           Washington, D.C. 20515
                                                           202-224-6542                    202-225-4611
                              Education Department
       STATE OF               518-474-3852
                                                           Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand         State Assembly Person
      NEW YORK                Environmental Conservation   Leo W. O’Brien Federal          Carrie Woerner
                                                                                           112 Spring
                               518-623-1200                Building
Gov. Andrew Cuomo                                          11A Clinton                     Street, Suite
State Capitol                 Forest Rangers               Avenue                          109
Albany, NY 12224              Saratoga & Washington        Room 821                        Saratoga
518-474-8390                  County                       Albany N.Y.                     Springs, NY
                              Lt. John Solan, Supervisor   12207                           12866
State Senator                 518-897-1300 (Dispatch)      518-431-0120                    518-584-5493
Daphne Jordan                                              (and)                           Albany Office
District 43                   Health Department            202-224-4451                    323 LOB
518-455-2381                  518-793-3893                                                 Albany, NY 12248
188 State St., LOB Rm 508                                                                  518-455-5404
Albany, NY 12247

        BYRON’S                    CAMBRIDGE
                                                             SHOOTERS SUPPLY
                                                                       ~ Since 1949 ~
                                                                 The Area’s Leading
     20 Broad Street             35 West Main St.              Hand-Loading Specialist
      Schuylerville                 Cambridge                     for over 70 Years!
     New York 12871              New York, 12816
  518-695-3471                518-677-3442                      LARGE INVENTORY
  Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm,    Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm,      NEW & USED FIREARMS
  Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 7am-8pm,    Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 8am-7pm,     Discount prices on all major brands of
         Sun 8am-7pm                  Sun 8am-6pm           Reloading Equipment, Bullets & Powder.
        FULL SERVICE GROCERY STORE                            Route 40, Schaghticoke          Call for
   Hot Lunch Specials • Butcher In Store • Bakery                                            seasonal
     BEST DELI & MEAT PRICING IN THE AREA!                      518-753-4402                  hours.

         The Schuylerville Community Guide is a publication of Manchester Media
                   Publishers of: The North Country FreePress, The Granville Sentinel,
                           The Whitehall Times, The Lakes Region FreePress
                     14 East Main Street, Granville, N.Y. 12832 • (518) 642-1234
                                                           Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 7
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
                                 SCHUYLERVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL
                                              14 Spring St. • (518) 695-3255

Schuylerville Central School

                                                                   SCHUYLERVILLE               Junior/Senior High School
                                                                  CENTRAL SCHOOL               James Ducharme
                                                                 14 Spring St.
                                                                 (518) 695-3255                School Board Members
                                                                 Superintendent                Frank Nesbitt, President
                                                                 Dr. Ryan Sherman              Robert Thivierge
                                                                                               Joanna Crowley
                                                                 Elementary School Principal
                                                                                               Michael Bodnar
                                                                 Rose Beckett
                                                                                               Matthias Donnelly
   A family owned and operated motel                             Middle School Principal       Jessica Schwerd
                                                                 Mrs. MaryKate Elsworth        Meetings: Mondays of each
  with 11 newly updated private rooms                                                          month in the High School
   and a new pavilion for guest dining                           Assistant Principal
                                                                                               Library at 7 p.m., unless
                                                                 Sarah Johnson
            or special events.                                                                 otherwise noted.

                                                                     Italian Restaurant
                                                                     Enjoy an assortment of
                                                                     wines & liquors while the
                                                                     chef prepares your feast
        ~ Under New Ownership ~                                      from the Northern &
    Your Hosts: Phil and Danielle Myers                              Southern Coastal
                                                                     regions of Italy!
  177 Broad St., Schuylerville, NY 12871
                 518-695-9997                                       120 Broad Street • Schuylerville, NY 12871 •                     518-695-5500 •

8 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
Schuylerville Community Guide '20 - Manchester ...
Community Services
Schuylerville Public Library                                                                     Second Hand Rose
52 Ferry St. 518-695-6641                                                                        Thrift Shop
Fax: 518-695-3619                                                                                116 Broad Street
Library Director: Caitlin                                                                        518-695-4640
Johnson                                                                                          Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 11
Hours: Monday – Friday 10                                                                        a.m. to 4 p.m. A not-for-profit
a.m. – 8 p.m.; Saturday 10                                                                       community-run thrift shop
a.m. – 2 p.m. Book Club                                                                          which also raises funds for
meets 4th Thursday of every                                                                      community projects. The
month at 7 p.m. Genealogy                                                                        shop offers clothing, toys,
Group meets the 3rd Tuesday                                                                      knickknacks, books, and more.
of every month at 10 a.m.
Pre-School Story hours at 10                                                                     The Way
                                 Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop is located at 116 Broad
a.m. (days TBA) After School                                                                     17 Ferry St
Activities Monday – Friday, at                                                                   518-695-3101
3:30 p.m. See full calendar of   appreciated and accepted –      Wed., & Thurs.                  New and gently used clothing
events at http://                monetary or non-perishable      After-school Mentoring. Call    store. Hours:    food. For emergency             Jenny Winter, Youth Director,   Friday 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. and
                                 assistance (non-medical) call   for more info.                  Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Visitors Center                  518-744-3392.
518-695-4159                     Schuylerville Post Office
Kristina Saddlemire, Director    25 Ferry St.
Fort Hardy Park. Built on the    518-695-9221                        Celebrating Our 42nd Year
site of the first surrender of   Postmaster: Linda
the British to colonial forces
in the American Revolution,
                                 Hours: Lobby: Monday –
                                                                    SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE
the Visitor’s Center is a stop   Friday, 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
for all sorts of information     Saturday, 7 a.m. – 12:30
about the area, new historical   p.m., Window: Monday –
and informational exhibits,      Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 12:30
and more. Open Wed.              – 4:30 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.
through Sun., 10 a.m. to 4       – noon.
p.m. from Memorial Day to
Columbus Day; www.               Victory Mills Post Office
visitorscenter@                  51 Gates Avenue       518-695-5353

SAFER – Schuylerville Area
                                 Linda Freightenburgh
                                                                          WOOD - GAS - PELLET
Food and Emergency Relief        Hours: Lobby: Monday –                 Est. 1977 • Green up with Smart Heat!
518-260-4779                     Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.,
12 Spring Street (behind old
school), Schuylerville
                                 Saturday, 8 a.m. – noon,
                                 Window: Monday – Friday,
                                                                               4245 STATE RTE 40
Hours: Monday, Wednesday         12:45 to 4:45 p.m., Saturday,                  South, Argyle, NY
& Friday 9 to noon; closed on
holidays and school snow
                                 8 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.                  638-8950 | WED-FRI 10-5, SAT 10-3
days. Must be a resident of
Schuylerville School District.
                                 Greater Schuylerville
                                 Youth Program
Residents may use the
service up to 12 times each
year. Contributions greatly
                                 Fort Hardy Park
                                 518-695-6100                        Liners
                                 Arts & Crafts 3-6pm Tues.,

                                                                 Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 9
Old Saratoga                               Services: Sunday at 10 a.m.
Reformed Church                            Sunday School: 10 a.m. (after
The Rev. Joyce de Velder                   children’s message)
Corner of Pearl and
Burgoyne Streets                           Turning Point Wesleyan
Parsonage: 518-695-3260                    Church
Church: 518-695-3479                       Pastor: Dr. James Swanson
Services: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.             P.O. Box 306
Ecumenical bible study Wed.                Fort Edward, NY 12828
10 a.m. (Sept – June)                      518-695-3766           (Currently meeting at Moreau
E-mail: oldsaratogareformed@gmail.         Community Center, 144 Main
com                                        St., So. Glens Falls)
                                           Services: Sunday worship at
                                           10:00 a.m.
Handicapped accessible
                                           E-mail: office@turnptchurch.    Old Saratoga Reformed Church.
                                           com                             Sunday at 11:15 a.m.          St. Stephen’s Episcopal
Faith Chapel
                                             at Notre Dame                 Church
Assembly of God
                                           Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at St.   Rev. Dr. Donna J. Arnold
6 Burgoyne St.
518-695-6069                                                               Joseph’s in Greenwich         Email: info@ststephens-
                                           New Covenant                    Sunday at 8:30 a.m. at Holy
Pastor: Scott Cutting
                                           Community Church                Cross in Salem                1 Grove Street
Services: Sunday Worship at
                                           The Rev. Thomas Bowden          Daily Mass: Tues. & Thurs/ at 518-695-3918
10:00 a.m.
                                           86 Broad St., Schuylerville     8:30 a.m. at St. Joseph’s in  Services: Sunday at
Bible Study, Wed. 10:30 a.m.
                                           518-695-5534                    Greenwich                     8 and 9 a.m.
Prayer Night, Thurs.
                                           Services: Call for details.                                   www.ststephens-schuylerville.
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
www.faithchapelschuylerville.                                              Quaker Springs                com
                                           Notre Dame-Visitation           Methodist Church
                                           Church                          Pastor: John Iseman           Schuylerville United
Check us out on Facebook
                                           Pastor: TBD                     Route 32 South,               Methodist Church
                                           18 Pearl St.                    Quaker Springs                Pastor: John Iseman
Bacon Hill Reformed Church
                                           518-695-3391                    518-695-3101                  51 Church St.
The Rev. Janet Vincent
                                           E-mail:       Services: Sunday at 9 a.m.    518-695-3101
Route 32 North, Bacon Hill
                                           Mass: Saturday at 4 p.m. at                                   Services: Sunday at 11 a.m.
                                           Notre Dame

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10 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
American Legion Post #278       Dedicated to increasing the       Schuylerville, NY 12871           e-mail info@girlscoutsneny.
American Legion Auxiliary       public’s awareness, interest      Lions Club International is the   org
6 Clancy St.                    and education on the Battles      world’s largest service club      Old Saratoga Historical
518-695-3011                    of Saratoga, the turning point    organization with nearly 1.4      Association
Legion Commander:               in our nation’s revolution.       million members in more than      Association number
Bryan Drew                      Email: Friendsofsaratoga@         44,800 clubs in 187 countries.    518-698-3211 or
Auxiliary President:                           Meets the first and third         518-584-4129
Shari Marcy                     www.                              Wednesday of each month at        The historical association is a
Sons of American Legion         Friendsofsaratogabattlefield.     7:00 p.m. at The Kitchen at       non-profit educational
Commander: Randy Squires        org                               the DoveGate Inn,                 organization whose mission is
The Legion is a community                                         Schuylerville.
                                Knights of Columbus                                                 to promote interest in the
service organization that now
                                Schuylerville Council 1735                                          history of Old Saratoga,
numbers nearly 3 million                                          Girl Scouts of Northeastern
                                Robert Cutler, Grand Knight                                         Schuylerville, Victory and the
members – men and women                                           New York
                                443-375-7930                                                        Town of Saratoga from Native
– in nearly 15,000 American                                       518-489-8110
                                The largest lay organization in                                     American occupations to the
Legion posts worldwide. Post                                      The Schuylerville area offers
                                the Catholic Church, the                                            Dutch, French, British and
#278 has accommodations for                                       troops of all levels, from
                                Knights support the church,                                         Colonial American to the
up to 300 people, with a BBQ                                      Daisy and Brownies to Juniors
                                programs of evangelization                                          modern times. The association
pit, pavilion and catering                                        and Cadets. For information
                                and Catholic education and                                          meets February – October (no
available.                                                        on troops in your area,
                                civic involvement and offer aid                                     meetings in July or August) at
                                                                  contact the Albany office or
Boy Scouts of America           to those in need. Meetings are
The Schuylerville area offers   held on the 1st and 3rd
many scouting opportunities
for boys. To learn about
                                Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the
                                Notre Dame Visitation Church
                                                                      THE HUDSON RIVER
Troop 4013 Boy Scouts please
contact Scoutmaster James
                                Hall. Call Lawrence Alheim,
                                District Deputy, at 518-695-
                                                                        TRACTOR CO.
Lane at 518-858-3274 or Guy     3102 for more information.
                                                                            11853 STATE ROUTE 40
Sowle at 518-260-1894 or                                                  SCHAGHTICOKE, NEW YORK
Tom McGloine at 518-763-
5838; and for Pack 4013 Cub
                                Lions Club
Scouts, please contact Scott    King Lion, Bill Moreau                            518-692-2676
Turner at 518-421-4825.         Vice President, Sue Kelly               Your full service John Deere Dealer
                                Treasurer, Tara LaFave                                                      John Deere 3033R
Friends of Saratoga             Secretary, Linda Pleat                                                    Compact Tractor with
Battlefield                     P.O. Box 233                                                                  H165 Loader.
                                                                                                              Ask about our
                                                                                                           low-rate financing!

     Catherine A. Burkly
                 Attorney at Law
   • Real Estate          • Estates / Probate
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   • Workers’ Comp          of Attorneys / Healthcare                  Offering parts and mobile
   • Family / Matrimonial   Proxies / Living Wills                    repair service for all brands
                                                                        of your agricultural and
  74 Broad St., Schuylerville, NY                                        consumer equipment.
          518-695-3050                                                 Located midway between                   in Florida
                                                                      Greenwich and Schaghticoke                                                  on NY State Route 40

                                                                  Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 11
7:00 p.m. on the fourth                             Schuylerville Area                                                      Schuylerville, NY 12871           vocations and help build
Thursday of each month for                          Chamber of Commerce                                                     Chelsie Henderson                 goodwill and peace
program meetings at Saratoga                         Dave Roberts, President.                                               E-mail:                           throughout the world. The
Town Hall on the corner                             The Chamber comprises                                                 club meets Wednesdays at
Spring and Broad streets in                         individuals, associations,                                              Facebook                          7:30 a.m. at Saratoga Apple,
Schuylerville. The Old                              corporations and                                                                                          1174 Rt. 29 in Schuylerville
                                                                                                                            Old Saratoga Seniors
Saratoga Historical                                 organizations that support the                                                                            (west side).
                                                                                                                            Contact Pat Temple at 518-
Association also holds an                           development of the general
                                                                                                                            338-2329                          Schuylerville Community
18th century day on the                             business interests of the area
                                                                                                                            This group strives to bring       Theater
second Sunday of August at                          as well as preserving and
                                                                                                                            together senior citizens for      The Schuylerville Community
the Schuyler House in                               protecting the historical and
                                                                                                                            fellowship activities. The Old    Theater puts on two
Schuylerville and a candlelight                     cultural interests of the region.
                                                                                                                            Saratoga Seniors meet on the      productions a year, typically
tour on a Saturday in October                       Visit the Chamber’s Web site
                                                                                                                            first and third Wed. of the       a musical in the spring and a
closest to the 17th, the day of                     at www.schuylervillechamber.
                                                                                                                            month at noon at the Town of      play in the fall. For more
the British surrender.                              org for more information.
                                                                                                                            Saratoga Town Hall and go on      information about the group,
Quaker Springs Fire                                 Schuylerville Small Business                                            two or three trips each year.     call 518-695-5480 or visit
Department                                          Association                                                             A different dish will be served
Ladies Auxiliary                                    c/o Rural Soul Studio                                                   each meeting, ranging from        E-mail: scttheater@
518-584-3349                                        90 Broad Street                                                         casseroles on the first Wed. to
                                                                                                                            sandwiches and picnic             Schuylerville Garden Club
                                                                                                                            lunches on the third Wed.         Leona Brownell, President
                                                                                                                            Schuyler Hose Company             518-692-7465
                                                                                                                            Ladies Auxiliary                  The mission of the
                                                                                                                            518-695-4537                      Schuylerville Garden Club is
 SERVING THE AREA FOR 117 YEARS!                                                                                            Ronalee Myers, President          to stimulate the knowledge
                                                                                                                                                              and love of gardening, to
                                                                                                                            The Chamber of Southern
                                                                                                                                                              study flower arrangements
                                                                                                                            Saratoga County
                                                                                                                                                              and horticulture, to promote
                                                                                                                            58 Clifton Country Road,
                                                                                                                                                              conservation and to
                                                                                                                            Suite 102
                                                                                                        6 MONTH                                               encourage beautification in
                                                                                                                            Clifton Park, NY 12065
                 IALS &                                                                                 SAME ASS            518-371-7748
                                                                                                                                                              the community. The club
               OTIONS AT
                  RN.COM        FREE                                                                     CASH!
                                                                                                                            Fax: 518-371-5025
                                                                                                                                                              meets on the second
                                                                                                                                                              Wednesday of each month,
                             DELIVERY                                                                                       Pete Bardunias, President &
                                                                                                                                                              unless otherwise advertised,
                               TO ALL                                                                                       Cell #518-522-7251
                                                                                                                                                              at 1 p.m. at the United
                              OF THE                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                              Methodist Church, 51
                                                                                                                                                              Church St., Schuylerville.
                              REGION!                                                                   E
                                                                                                                                                              The club is known for a big
                                                                                           FULL SERVIC
                                                                                           DEPA RT M EN T!                  Turning Point at                  flower show each July,
                                                                                                                            Olde Saratoga Rotary Club         which is the best way to see
                                                                                                                            For info: Nate Darrow             the things the garden club
                                                                                                                            518-573-8831                      does. The Schuylerville Club
                                                                                                                            Founded in 1905, Rotary is        is a member of the National
                                                                                                                            the world’s first service club.   Garden Club and the
                           0% INTEREST
                            FINANCING                                                                                       Rotary is an organization of      Federated Garden Clubs of
                           FOR CREDIT                                                                                       business and professional         New York State. New
                                                                                                                            people united worldwide who       members are always
                                  “Your Hometown Furniture Store,       QUEENSBURY
                                Where Quality Has Cost Less Since 1901” Corner Dix Avenue
                                                                                                                            provide humanitarian              welcome.
                                              518-793-2888                                               & Quaker Road
                                                                                                        Open Mon-Fri 9-7;   service, encourage high 
                                                                        Saturday 10-5;
                                   *Some items not exactly as shown. All items subject to Prior Sale.     Sunday 11-4
                                                                                                                            ethical standards in all
12 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
                         HOPE is on a mission
   Homes for Orphaned                                                    works to reduce the popu-        House in Schuylerville at
Pets Exist (HOPE) is not                                                 lation of unwanted pets by       122 Broad Street.
just a name, it’s a mission.                                             offering local, low-cost            HOPE relies on dona-
   In 2002, HOPE was                                                     spay/neuter providers.           tions from caring individu-
founded to save dogs and                                                    It often pays for medical     als to continue its life-sav-
cats from euthanasia in                                                  care for shelter pets who        ing work. It also has fund-
shelters. Through the years                                              must remain at a shelter,        raisers through the year to
this practice has declined,                                              when the shelter cannot          help with the many expens-
but there still are a lot of                                             afford treatment.                es incurred. All donations
pets to save.                                                               The organization has a        are tax-deductible.
   The organization of vol-                                              foster care system in place         And HOPE is always
unteers from Saratoga and                                                for dogs and takes on many       looking for volunteers and
surrounding counties of                                                  dogs with special needs,         fosters.
New York State is dedicat-                                               such as blind dogs, deaf            For more information,
ed to assisting previously                                               dogs and senior dogs.            call 518-428-2994 or visit
abandoned, orphaned and                                                     HOPE cats are housed          www.hopeanimalrescue.
neglected animals.                                                       mainly at the HOPE Cat           org.
   HOPE still obtains pets                 goal is to find suitable
from shelters and animal                   adopters who will provide
control facilities that can                these animals with a life-
no longer house them, but                  long commitment of love
also helps many individu-                  and care.
als who can no longer keep                    All HOPE pets are seen
their pets for various rea-                by a local veterinarian
sons.                                      prior to adoption. All ani-
   HOPE does not have a                    mals are given appropriate
shelter or facility of its                 medical care, including de-
own. It gives homeless ani-                worming, spaying/neuter-
mals a second chance for a                 ing and vaccinations, and
wonderful life, to be part of              HOPE veterinarians will
a family, to be a therapy pet              provide additional medical
or just to be someone’s best               treatment if needed.
friend. The organization’s                    The organization also

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                                                                         Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 13
    Schuylerville Area Chamber of Commerce
   It’s an exciting time to     and neighborhoods of east-        ber, in conjunction with the       before Columbus Day.
be in Schuylerville…the         ern Saratoga County.              Southern Saratoga                     The Schuylerville Area
area is thriving. New busi-        The chamber has been           Chamber of Commerce,               Chamber of Commerce
nesses are opening, and         supporting the                    also provides support for          meets the last Tuesday of
older ones are expanding.       Schuylerville area commu-         the Schuylerville Small            the month at 7 p.m. in the
   The board of the             nity since the its inception      Business Association, a            Gates Room of the Saratoga
Schuylerville Area              in 1997, including develop-       vibrant group of small             Town Hall in Schuylerville.
Chamber of Commerce and         ing and supporting such           business owners. Their                For more information,
its general membership are      annual events as the              highly successful signature        visit www.schuylerville-
a dedicated group of            Turning Point Parade, the         event, Turning Leaves at , email schuy-
involved volunteers com-        St. Nicholas Festival and         the Turning Point, is an  or
mitted to supporting and        the Lilac Walking Tour.           annual fall festival that          visit the chamber’s
developing the businesses          The Schuylerville cham-        occurs on the Sunday               Facebook, page.

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14 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
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                                                                  Booth’s Blend Compost
                                                                         Matt Humiston,
                                                                    6 General  Fellows  Greenwich, NY
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                                                                              garden    & landscape needs!
                                                                • Planting a flower or           • Booth’s Blend is chemical-free
                   THERE ISISACAPITAL
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                                                                 Bulk quantities of 2 yards or more available for delivery.
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                                                                        Topsoil blends and mulch also available.
                                                                Call Harry 695-6784 for prices & delivery rates.

                   Don't be left out again!
                   Call 518-642-1234 to make sure your
              business or organization is included in next year's
                      Schuylerville Community Guide.

                                                             Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide • 15
       The Revolutionary history of Schuylerville
   Inhabited by Native                                                                           forced to surrender.
Americans at least 1,200                                                                            On Oct. 17, 1777, General
years ago, the                                                                                   Burgoyne surrendered his
Schuylerville area was set-                                                                      army to American General
tled in 1691 and called Fort                                                                     Horatio Gates, marking the
Saratoga by Dutch settlers                                                                       turning point of the
from Albany, notably the                                                                         American Revolution. The
Schuyler family.                                                                                 British laid down their
   The community that                                                                            arms in what is now Fort
developed near the fort was                                                                      Hardy Park in the village
originally called                                                                                of Schuylerville. The
“Saratoga,” but it was                                                                           American victory at
nearly destroyed in 1745.                                                                        Saratoga was enough to
   In 1777 the British                                                                           convince France to throw
Army under General John                                                                          its support to the
Burgoyne crossed the                                                                             American cause, and Spain
Hudson River a half mile        American troops engaged           village. The Saratoga          would eventually follow
north of Schuylerville on       them in the two Battles of        Battle Monument in the         France’s lead.
its campaign from Canada        Saratoga, the first on Sept.      Village of Victory is locat-      The village was incorpo-
to Albany in an attempt to      19 and the second on Oct. 7,      ed near the site of the        rated in 1831 as
end the American                1777.                             British encampment.            Schuylerville. Many people
Revolution by splitting the        The British advance was           American forces blocked     and businesses currently
colonies in two. The            stopped by the American           further British retreat and    refer to the village by the
British marched south           forces, and the British           surrounded the encamp-         nickname Old Saratoga, or
about nine miles to Bemis       retreated back northward          ment. With winter              Olde Saratoga.
Heights near present-day        to an encampment along            approaching and no hope           Information obtained
Stillwater, where               Fish Creek just outside the       of escape, the British were    from

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16 • Manchester Newspapers • 2020 Schuylerville Community Guide
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