YLife - CORRIE STAR ALI SHARES HER STORY Page 22 - Cardiomyopathy UK

YLife - CORRIE STAR ALI SHARES HER STORY Page 22 - Cardiomyopathy UK
                                        Issue 20/October 2019

                                        PIP benefit form tips          7
                                        Paul set for a runner’s high   8
The magazine for people affected by
cardiomyopathy and myocarditis          Our winter campaign            22

SHARES HER STORY                      Page 22

the heart muscle charity
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Contact us
If you would like more
information on our services,
please get in touch

Call or write to us

     Unit 10, Chiltern Court,
     Asheridge Road,
     Chesham, Bucks HP5 2PX            W    hen I received the call asking me to write
                                            the intro for this My Life, which is focusing
                                       on the theme of community, I was far away from
     01494 791 224
                                       the community that supports me personally.

                                       I was travelling through the Outer Hebrides with only
                                       occasional internet and mobile coverage.
  0800 018 1024
  (free from a UK landline)            As we travelled, I thought a lot about how it feels to be

  8.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday         alone with cardiomyopathy – the worry about what may
                                       happen and no one easily available to help; the isolation
                                       of not knowing anyone else and even the possibility that
                                       communities with a small population could be restricted in
Find us online                         partner choice if families carried genes for inherited diseases.

     www.cardiomyopathy.org            It made me doubly grateful that Cardiomyopathy UK are able
                                       to run our helpline, support groups and online Facebook
     contact@cardiomyopathy.org        groups.
                                                                                                              4. Become a regular giver     15. Community Voices
                                       We are also committed to opening more in-clinic services
                                       next year, so that people get support when they most need it
        Live chat                      and we reach people for whom travelling to support groups              6. In-clinic volunteers       18 Tributes to Peter McBride
  www.cardiomyopathy.org               is not possible.
  8.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday
                                       It has been lovely to see our community come together                  13. When Aaliyah met Pudsey   22: Our winter campaign
                                       to celebrate our 30th anniversary and it’s not too late
                                       to join in.
Social media
                                       Thank you to everyone in our community who supports
                                       others through sharing their experiences; being a listener;
     /cardiomyopathyuk                 volunteering with us; or fundraising to help this small charity
                                       make a big difference.
                                       Alison Fielding, Chair

Cardiomyopathy UK is a charitable
incorporated organisation (CIO) with
a registered charity no 1164263        This magazine and its plastic wrapper is 100% recyclable

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Sign up to change lives                                                                                                Tribute fund to keep
Monthly giving is one of the easiest ways you can help others                                                          Josh’s memory alive
                                                                         and became a founder member.
                                                                         She was always grateful for the help and
                                                                         support she received and never let HCM        J       osh Deakin died in March
                                                                                                                               2018 from Left Ventricular Non-
                                                                                                                           Compaction (LVNC) at the age of
                                                                                                                                                                          to Abby, and treasured friend to many.
                                                                                                                                                                          He always put others first and had
                                                                         get in the way of her life –                                                                     exceptional people skills, effortlessly
                                                                         even pruning her fruit trees a week before        just 26 – but his memory lives on              striking up a conversation with anyone
                                                                         she died,” added Carol.                           in the actions of his family, friends          and immediately putting them at ease.
                                                                                                                           and loved ones, who have worked
                                                                                                                           tirelessly to fundraise in his name.
                                                                         “As a family, we have supported                                                                  Since his death, the outpouring of
                                                                         Cardiomyopathy UK by ‘doing’ the                                                                 messages from those whose lives Josh
                                                                         London Marathon. My daughter, her                 Over the past 16 months, Josh’s loved          touched, has been nothing short of
                                                                         partner and I have walked it several times,       ones have shown incredible strength            phenomenal and his selflessness and              › In the car with
                                                                         but my son has run it six times. We also          by raising a staggering £23,106 for            unwavering positivity will live on in the        partner Abby Lewis
                                                                         take part in the charity’s raffles and buy        Cardiomyopathy UK through a variety            frontline services that his tribute funds will
                                                                         Christmas cards.                                  of fundraising events – from a charity         help to support.                                 Josh achieved much in
                                                                                                                           football match and BBQ, to clay pigeon                                                          his 26 years, including
› One of Carol’s favourite photos of her mum Edie Harbour – ‘She did
                                                                         “But fundraising through marathons isn’t          shoots and sponsored cycle rides, jumble                                                        obtaining a BSc in
enjoy a long chat on the phone!’
                                                                         compulsory – an easy way to support               sales, auctions, and much more.                                                                 Sports and Exercise
                                                                         Cardiomyopathy UK is with a monthly
                                                                                                                                                                              ‘Their contribution to                       Science, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                             the Cardiomyopathy UK
  By the end of this our     T   he story behind every regular
                                 donor is precious to us and many
                             tell us how it’s their way of giving
                                                                         donation and we’re delighted our
                                                                         donations have helped the charity grow to                                                          cause will ensure we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           setting a number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           junior athletics records
  30th anniversary year,                                                 be a force to be reckoned with.”                                                                                                                  in 100m, 200m, and
                             something back for the difference the                                                                                                          be there for more families
  we are looking for 30                                                                                                                                                                                                    long jump.
  new donors to give
                             charity has made                            Sheila Nardone, Head of Fundraising,                                                               across the UK affected by
  monthly to save and
                             to their lives.                             says: “It’s thanks to families like Carol’s                                                          heart muscle disease’                        He lived life to the
  change lives in the
                             They find that giving a small amount each   that the charity has been sustained over                                                                                                          fullest in whatever he
  charity’s fourth decade.   month is affordable, but over a few years   the past three decades. Her regular giving                                                                                                        did – a self-professed
                             it adds up to make a huge difference to     has helped us to gradually improve and                                                                                                            graphic novel and
  Join our community         someone’s else’s family.                    extend our services.                                                                             “From everyone at Cardiomyopathy UK,             comic book ‘geek’,
  of regular givers by       Carol Wood, 74, from Yorkshire, is one                                                                                                       we’d like to extend our sincere thanks           Josh enjoyed attending
  signing up between         of our longest-serving regular givers       “Setting up a monthly direct debit is one                                                        to all who contributed to this incredible        live rugby and wrestling
  November 1 and             who started giving in 2006. Her mother,     of the best ways you can help improve             › Josh with his parents and younger brother    fundraising and awareness-raising effort         events, and was a huge
                                                                                                                           Elliott on Graduation Day
  December 31 – by           Edie Harbour, was one of the founding       health outcomes for people with, or at risk                                                      – we are eternally grateful for everything       fan of rock acts like
  phoning 01494              members of our charity 30 years ago,        of cardiomyopathy, right across the UK.”                                                         they’ve done for our cause,” added               Alter Bridge, Tremonti,
  791224 or donating         after she was diagnosed with Hypertrophic                                                     “Their collective passion and tenacity in      Christie.                                        and Sevendust – bands
  via our website – and      Cardiomyopathy (HCM).                                                                         overwhelmingly tragic circumstances has                                                         that can now count
  we’ll send you a                                                                                                         been astounding, and their contribution                                                         mum Sue and dad
  limited edition 30th       “The first sign of her problem was                                                            to the Cardiomyopathy UK cause will                                                             Steve as enthusiastic
  anniversary mug.           when she became very breathless while                                                         ensure we can be there for more families                                                        converts!
                             travelling on the Underground in London.                                                      across the UK affected by heart muscle
                             There was some history of heart attacks                                                       disease,” said Cardiomyopathy UK’s
                             in her family, but not cardiomyopathy,”                                                       outgoing Community Fundraiser Christie
                             recalled Carol.                                                                               Jones.(See Page 11)

                             “She was signposted by Hammersmith                                                            Josh was a loving son to Sue and Steve,
                             Hospital to the newly-formed charity        › Carol Wood                                      caring big brother to Elliott, loyal partner   › Josh & Elliott in their school uniforms

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How Ken is                                                                                                What you need to
giving back                                                                                               know about PIP
                                                                                                          O        ne of the most common
                                                                                                                   questions I’m asked on our
                                                                                                                                                          Information’ on the form, which is
                                                                                                                                                          your opportunity to articulate what

                   In-clinic peer support
                    volunteer Ken Pugh is helping
                   Cardimyopathy UK develop                   › Ken Pugh receiving his Cardiomyopathy
                                                                                                              helpline is, “What should I put on my
                                                                                                              form when I’m applying for Personal
                                                                                                                                                          your day is like. Some important
                                                                                                                                                          points to consider including in a PIP
                                                                                                                                                          application for cardiomyopathy are:
                                                              UK Community Award at last year’s               Independence Payment (PIP)?”
                   our medical community by                   National Conference from Dr Will
                                                                                                                                                          •   If you experience fatigue, be clear that
                   reassuring patients there is life          Bradlow, who set up the in-clinic scheme
                                                                                                              I always start my response with,                fatigue is not akin to tiredness and
                   after diagnosis.                                                                           “What’s a typical day like for you?” The        cannot be remedied by sleep or a rest.
                   Two years ago, we launched the             “Patients who may be hearing their              biggest mistake people make when
                   country’s first in-clinic peer support     diagnosis for the first time can                completing a PIP form is assuming the       •   Explain why you are fatigued – your
                                                                                                                                                                                                         By Ali Thompson
                   service at the rare disease department     experience a range of emotions and              DWP appointed assessor will know and            heart does not function as efficiently     Head of Services
                   of the Queen Elizabeth (QE) Hospital       responses – from nonchalance and                understand what cardiomyopathy is. This         as a normal heart; the tasks that
                   in Birmingham.                             denial, to fear, anger, and even tears.         is seldom the case.                             others take for granted can place
                                                                                                                                                              extra strain upon the heart of a person
                   Ken Pugh is our longest-serving            “I’m there to answer questions and              I encourage people to take 20 minutes           with cardiomyopathy and can result in
                   volunteer at the clinic, who wanted        point patients in the right direction.          with a pen and paper to jot down what           fatigue, breathlessness, etc.
                   to “give something back” for all the       However, I’m cautious in giving                 a typical day is like for them: from the                                                     To find out
Our volunteer
                   support he had received since being        advice as I’m always mindful that the           moment they wake up, to the time            •   If you are no longer able to socialise      more about
                   diagnosed with DCM in 2002.                process is for and about the patient.           they close their eyes at the end of             as frequently because of fatigue or
community is                                                                                                  the day. This means considering the             if on diuretics, include this. Social
                                                                                                                                                                                                           PIP – if you
a huge part of     “I met Dr Will Bradlow at the              “Hopefully, I reassure patients                 following:                                      isolation and feelings of loneliness can     are eligible
 what makes        Cardiomyopathy UK West Midlands            that for the majority, there’s life                                                             lead to the presentation of emotional       to apply and
                   support group. Will asked if anyone        after diagnosis and that a key to               •   Are you symptomatic upon waking,            challenges, so include this and explain.
our services so                                                                                                                                                                                          how to appeal
                   would be willing to offer peer support     managing their cardiomyopathy is                    are you fatigued?
   effective.      to cardiomyopathy patients,” Ken           to listen to their own body, work                                                           •   If you identify as having anxiety           should your
                   recalled.                                  with their medical team and learn               •   Can you put on slippers and walk            or depression, but this has not              application
                                                              about the condition from the range                  down the stairs?                            been diagnosed, be clear that you
Turn to Page 10                                                                                                                                                                                           be rejected,
                   “I felt that I could fulfil the role by    of information Cardiomyopathy UK                                                                experience feelings of anxiety or that
 to read about     making use of my own experience of         provides.                                       •   Do you struggle to put on socks,            your mood is depressed. If you state       call Ali on our
our plans to run   the condition and having an ICD, as                                                            tights, shoes?                              that you “have” anxiety or depression        freephone
                   well as my skills as a marriage guidance   “It’s great that so many patients tell us                                                       on the form, you may be asked to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         helpline 0800
 a new online      counsellor for more than 10 years.”        what a good idea the in-clinic peer             •   Can you prepare a healthy breakfast,        provide clinical evidence to support
training course                                               support concept is and how helpful                  or do you rely on breakfast snack           this.                                         018 1024.
                   Ken can spend anything from a              it has been for them,” Ken added.                   bars, as preparing eggs on toast or
                   couple of minutes to an hour with          “But we’d like more patients to use                 similar is too physically taxing?       •   Be clear that any treatment such
                   patients, depending on how they            the service and more people to help,                                                            as medication or devices cannot
                   react to what they’ve heard in their       as there are far more clinics held              •   Are you able to wash and style your         cure cardiomyopathy, but rather
                   appointment with the consultant.           that can be staffed by appropriately-               hair, or do you need assistance as          help manage a condition that will
                                                              trained volunteers.                                 raising the arms above the head             deteriorate over time.
                   “Many patients forget what they’ve                                                             exacerbates symptoms? And so
                   just been told amidst the trauma of        “Despite the challenges, I really enjoy             forth, throughout the day.              •   If you have an ICD, explain what it is
                   the moment and only begin to ask           being able to give something back                                                               and why – to shock the heart into
                   questions once they return home,”          and share a little of my experience             These reflections should form part of the       a normal rhythm should it fall into a
                   he said.                                   and talents, such as they are!”                 applicant’s response to Q15 ‘Additional         dangerous, life-threatening rhythm.

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Paul’s guaranteed to
                                                                                                              “That started my friendship with
                                                                                                              Cardiomyopathy UK,” said Paul, who
                                                                                                              ran his first marathon for the charity
                                                                                                              three years later. “I have met some

get a runner’s high
                                                                                                              lovely people along the way and having
                                                                                                              realised what Cardiomyopathy UK does,
                                                                                                              I have kept you as my charity of choice.”

                                                                                                              Today, with a further 18 marathons
                                                                                                              under his belt, the 46-year-old is
                                                                                                              taking on his most ambitious challenge
                                                                                                              after his friend Sarah Russell told him
                                                                                                              about the Himalayan 100, which she
                                                                                                              completed in 2014.

                                                                                                              “I help Sarah coach her running group
                                                                                                              in my home town of Tunbridge Wells
                                                                                                              and in return, she’s been generous with
                                                                                                              advice and support,” said Paul.             Paul also supplements his average              › Runner on the trail
                                                                                                                                                          weekly running mileage of around               that has been called
                                                                                                              “Training for the Himalayas means I         30 miles with 35-mile bike rides to            the Most Scenic Race
                                                                                                              need to up my mileage and I’ve done         Southwark Police Station before starting       in the World.
                                                                                                              nine marathons this year alone as           his night shifts.
                                                                                                              ‘training runs’ and been to the altitude                                                   Look out for a
                                                                                                              centre in London to see how I cope          “I’m getting used to running back-to-          follow-up interview
                                                                                                              with the lack of air.”                      back days to give my legs an idea what         with Paul in our next
                                                                                                                                                          I’m in for. However, my shift work makes       issue of My Life.
                                                                                                                                                          it hard to have a strict training plan, so I
                                                                                                                                                          can sometimes be found running on the
                                                                                                                  Today, the 46-year-old                  treadmill in the middle of the night!”
                                                                                                                   is taking on his most
                                                                                                                                                          The Himalayan 100 has been called
                                                                                                                   ambitious challenge,                   the most scenic race in the world as
                                                                                                                   after his friend Sarah                 runners take in panoramic views of
                                                                                                                  Russell told him about                  Mount. Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and
In 2017, Paul helped
put together a field
of around 50 runners
                         O    ur community of fundraisers
                              raise vital funds for our
                         work through a variety of events,
                                                               Paul is under no illusions how tough the
                                                               race will be as right from Day 1, he’ll face
                                                               24 miles of trail running with an altitude
                                                                                                                    the Himalayan 100
                                                                                                                                                          Kanchenjunga – four out of five of the
                                                                                                                                                          world’s highest peaks – and despite the
                                                                                                                                                          rigours of his planning and preparation,
in the London Vitality                                         gain of more than 10,000ft.                                                                Paul knows he’ll enjoy a real runner’s
10k – making history     but Met Police sergeant Paul                                                                                                     high when he catches sight of them.
for Cardiomyopathy       Hollis is taking running for          “In all honesty, I’m somewhere between
UK with the charity’s                                          excited and terrified about it and realise
                         Cardiomyopathy UK to
biggest team of                                                how much I’ve taken on when I see
running fundraisers      new heights.                          people’s reactions when I tell them!” he
to date.                                                       admitted.
                         He has signed up for the
                         Himalayan 100 Stage Race, which       Paul started running in 2010 after
                         takes place over five days in         a knee injury prevented him doing
                         November, with runners traversing     contact sports and martial arts. That
                         isolated jungles, pine forests,       same year, he ran his first half-
                         villages and major rivers along a     marathon for Cardiomyopathy UK after
                         100-mile course in the foothills of   a friend’s stepfather was diagnosed
                         the Himalayas.                        with the condition.

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At the heart of our community                                                                                     Familiar face joins                                                                         › Christie Jones talks

                                                                                                                  our services team
                                                                                                                                                                                                              about his role as our new
If you are
interested in
finding out more,
                            T   he charity is delighted to
                                announce that we have been
                            awarded a five-year grant from the
                                                                        people’s ability to cope and manage
                                                                        their condition well when they access
                                                                        Cardiomyopathy UK for peer support.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Community Peer Support

or would like to            National Lottery Community Fund
be notified of the          that will see us support 19,500 people      The charity is intending to further       Tell us a little about your              What does your new job involve?
online training             affected by cardiomyopathy through          increase the number of support groups     background?                              I’ll be working with our volunteers
course when it is           the development and continued               we offer (whilst maintaining the groups   I’ve been involved in the third sector   to maintain and grow the charity’s
released, please            growth of our peer support via in-clinic,   we have) and also looking to create a     from the age of 19 – volunteering        invaluable community peer
contact our Head            phone and support group services.           coordinator hub to steer the groups       in rural Madagascar teaching             support services – our in-clinic
of Services Ali                                                         where people are reluctant to take on     English and French; leading sports       support services; our regional
Thompson at                 Clearly we have a big job to do and will    the sole responsibility of leader.        camps for kids in local villages; and    support groups; and of course, our
Alison.                     need lots of help and support to do                                                   helping out at a local radio station     telephone peer support network.
thompson@                   it. This is why the charity is part-way     We will also be increasing the number     and at an inner-city zoo.
cardiomyopathy.             through creating an online training         of cardiac clinics we operate within,                                              An essential part of my role will
org                         course for all our volunteers who           by presenting businesses cases to the     I became somewhat of an                  involve collaborating with our peer
                            provide peer support – existing and new.    respective NHS Trusts to demonstrate      employment nomad after                   support volunteers and recruiting         stakeholders, such as clinicians
                                                                        the benefits of having in-clinic peer     graduating and tried my hand             new volunteers to continuously            and NHS Trusts. We will recruit and
                            The interactive course will help our        support volunteers.                       at finance, IT, advertising tech,        adapt our frontline services to meet      train new volunteers from diverse
                            volunteers to understand the roles                                                    secondary school teaching and            the diverse needs of our service users.   backgrounds to provide emotional
                            available; what is required and how         Our telephone peer support volunteers     beard oil sales!                                                                   support of the highest standard,
                            the charity can support them.               will also increase to ensure we have                                               What do you hope to achieve?              wherever they are needed.
                                                                        a more varied cache of supporters to      However, no matter where I               First and foremost, to improve
                            Our core services rely on the               better meet the increasingly diverse      worked, I often dedicated my spare       the well-being of those directly          What do you do when you’re
                            empathy, personal understanding             needs of the caller.                      time to charitable endeavours:           affected by cardiomyopathy and            not working?
                            and experiences of our community                                                      mentoring pupils in inner-city           the well-being of their friends,          I like to keep active – football,
                            members affected by cardiomyopathy                                                    London secondary schools;                family, and carers.                       basketball, badminton and
                            and myocarditis and these make a                                                      helping primary school children                                                    distance running are some of
                            very tangible, positive difference to                                                 in Tower Hamlets to improve              Thanks to funding from The                my favourites. I’m also a keen
                                                                                                                  their reading skills; fixing elderly     National Lottery Community                writer and have had some poetry
                                                                                                                  residents’ IT issues in a Southwark      Fund for a five-year community            and short fiction published. I
                                                                                                                  care home; putting on my own arts        peer support project, we’ve also          also do a bit of acting when I
                                                                                                                  festival, and much more!                 been able to set a number of              can – either in small independent

‘Giving by taking’ movement gathers pace                                                                          Joining Cardiomyopathy UK in
                                                                                                                                                           ambitious goals; increase our
                                                                                                                                                           number of regional support
                                                                                                                                                                                                     productions, or as an extra in
                                                                                                                                                                                                     big-budget blockbusters like
                                                                                                                  January 2018 as a Community              groups from 35 to 50; build a             Fantastic Beasts and Bohemian

S  ince becoming one of the
   beneficiary charities for
DrugStars, our community
                                    and/or over-the-counter –
                                    including painkillers, vitamins
                                    and minerals.
                                                                                                                  Fundraiser was a dream come true
                                                                                                                  – a chance to begin a full-time
                                                                                                                  career in a charity that had been
                                                                                                                                                           40-strong network of phone
                                                                                                                                                           volunteers and establish a
                                                                                                                                                           network of 15 in-clinic peer

                                                                                                                                                                                                     What piece of technology
of cardiomyopathy app users                                                                                       making a huge difference to the          support services across England.          could you do without/
have earned us more than            You can also earn stars by                                                    lives of families across the UK for                                                never do without?
113,000 stars that will be          giving information to be used                                                 almost 30 years.                         What are the challenges?                  I’m trying to limit my phone
converted into an annual            in research to help improve                                                                                            With ambitious targets come a             usage at the moment as I like to
donation of over £1,000.            medication.                                                                                                            number of potential challenges –          be as mindful as I can during my
                                                                                                                                                           one of which is to provide effective      downtime – although Saturday
You can earn stars by using the     Join the ‘Giving by taking’                                                                                            peer support to the more isolated         afternoons are still spent
DrugStars app, which is really      movement by downloading the                                                                                            areas of the country. Again, we will      frantically keeping up to date
easy to use and free. You use       DrugStar app on your phone or                                                                                          achieve this through building upon        with the football scores. But I’d
it to remind yourself to take       tablet via                                                                                                             our existing network of volunteers        be literally and figuratively lost
your medication – prescription      https://www.drugstars.com                                                                                              and working closely with local key        without Google Maps!

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 The word                                                                                      When Aaliyah
on the street                                                                                  met Pudsey
 Corrie Star Ali Mardell is among those helping
  to raise awareness of Cardiomyopathy UK

O     ur community of
      supporters who are
willing to share their personal
stories in the media – whether
                                              Read more
newspaper, magazine, radio
or TV – plays a vital role in                    about
creating awareness about the                  joining our
work we do.                                   community
                                               of media
The internet and advent of social
                                              volunteers                                                                                                    › Cardiomyopathy UK Support Nurse Jayne Partridge
media also provides numerous                                                                                                                                took these photos of the day
opportunities to promote stories              on Page 22
even further.

Coronation Street star Ali Mardell (top
right) ran the Great Manchester 10k in
                                                                                               O        ur Youth Panel member
                                                                                                        Aaliyah Aries, 16, took
                                                                                                   part in this year’s Countryfile
                                                                                                                                               10am: Had a safety briefing and
                                                                                                                                               headed to the start line.
                                                                                                                                                                                            › Aaliyah was
                                                                                                                                                                                            interviewed by
                                                                                                                                                                                            presenter Ellie
memory of her father, who died from                                                                                                            11am: We were joined by Pudsey               Harrison (top left)
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)three
                                                                                                   Ramble for Children in Need                 Bear and some bangra dancers to              during the mass
years ago, and her story was featured                                                              and was filmed by a BBC                     get us all in a happy mood, then off         ramble through the
in The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The                                                                  television crew talking about               we set. We all had matching hats so          city of Worcester,
Express, Hello! and Digital Spy.                                                                                                               looked a bit crazy and some passers-
                                                                                                   her experience of being a                   by gave us funny looks, but it
                                                                                                                                                                                            where they took in
                                                                                                                                                                                            views of the River
                                                                                                   teenager living with DCM.                   was fun.
“I was ready to raise awareness about                                                                                                                                                       Severn and historic
DCM in the hope that it could prevent                                                                                                                                                       sights around the
at least one family from suffering.                                                                Here is Aaliyah’s diary of the day:         Along the way we stopped at various          city.
Knowledge is power,” Ali explained.                                                                                                            points to film pieces for the TV show.
                                                                                                   7.30am: Woke up, feeling a bit nervous      I was interviewed (along with my             The special
Sheffield support group leader and                                                                 but excited to raise awareness of           mum) and was able to share my                Countryfile episode
co-leader Julie Taylor and Sarah                                                                   cardiomyopathy and looking forward          experiences of cardiomyopathy.               featuring Aaliyah is
Glossop (right) appeared on BBC Radio                                                              to taking part in the Children in Need      Mum was able to add her perspective          due to be broadcast
Sheffield to discuss their experiences       The Metro online – read by                            ramble. I was glad to see the sun           as a carer too. Towards the end, I           on Sunday, October
of living with cardiomyopathy and their      1,248,000 across the UK – covered                     shining as rain was forecast.               was lucky enough to meet one of the          27.
                                                                                                                                               wildlife photographers who gave
diagnosis journey.                           the shocking story of Katie Denial,
                                                                                                                                               me a short masterclass. I hope to put
                                             whose symptoms of DCM were                            9am: Arrived at Worcester race course and
                                                                                                                                               his tips into practice soon.
“Receiving support from Cardio-              initially misdiagnosed, and our youth                 met up with my family. We met some of
myopathy UK was like a weight                panel member Aaliyah Aries was                        the production crew and had refreshments
lifted’, Sarah told listeners, while Julie   featured in her local newspaper, The                  whilst we waited for everyone to arrive.    3pm: Arrived at the finish line. I was
discussed how our support groups             Milton Keynes Gazette, prior to her                                                               pleased I had completed it. I had
and helpline can provide support and         BBC Countryfile appearance (see                       9.30am: I was introduced to the             managed well, but was very tired as it
accurate information.                        facing page).                                         presenters and had a hot drink.             had been a long, but enjoyable day!

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Our new Christmas                                                                               Community voices
card range                                                                                      Our Information and Educational Events Manager Adrian Taylor
                                                                                                spoke to Rosie and Elis – two members of our youth panel – at
                                                                                                the first National Youth Gathering to ask them about their views
                                                                                                on Cardiomyopathy UK and the future of our services

                                                                                                Why is it important for Cardiomyopathy        the same condition as me. It’s made
                                                                                                UK to have a youth panel?                     me feel a lot calmer about managing my
                                                                                                ‘To produce and aim resources specifically    condition. Putting on events such as
                                                                                                at younger people managing their              National Conference is a great way to      › Cardiomyopathy
                                                                                                condition. The stigma of heart condition      get people in the same place and talk to   UK Information and
                                                                                                usually relates to older people, and that’s   one another about their experiences.’      Educational Events
                                                                                                                                                                                         Manager Adrian Taylor
                                                                                                what you see when you look at most of         [Elis]
                                                                                                the current resources out there.’ [Elis]
                                                                                                                                              What difference has knowing more
                                                                                                                                              helped with your condition?
                                                                                                                                              ‘It always helps me to know as much
                                                                                                                                              as I can in any situation I find myself
                                                                                                                                              in. Finding out as much as I can about
                                                                                                                                              cardiomyopathy helps me to plan my
                                                                                                                                              life, explain it to others and be okay
                                                                                                                                              with it myself.’ [Rosie]

                                                                                                How do you like to get
                                                                                                information about your condition?
                                                                                                ‘I look online. I go to the
Spend over £20 and
receive a free gift!    S  pread festive cheer far
                           and wide by sending a
                        Cardiomyopathy UK Christmas
                                                            All proceeds from the sales of
                                                            our merchandise go towards
                                                            supporting everyone affected
                                                                                                Cardiomyopathy UK website and
                                                                                                other online articles.’ [Elis]
                                                                                                                                              What would you like to see
                                                                                                                                              more of in the future from
                                                                                                                                              Cardiomyopathy UK?
Visit our online        card – the perfect way to show      by cardiomyopathy, so               What help have you received                   ‘I think more events around the
shop at www.                                                                                    from Cardiomyopathy UK?                       country and partnering with
                        your friends and family that        whatever you buy, you’ll be
cardiomyopathy.                                                                                 ‘I have received peer support from            universities and companies
org/shop for a wider
                        you support our work.               helping us raise vital funds.       Cardiomyopathy UK, which I don’t              would be great to see.’
selection of cards to                                                                           think I would have found                      [Rosie]
choose from             Our 2019 catalogue is included                                          anywhere else.’ [Rosie]
                        in this edition of My Life and                                                                                        ‘More youth-specific events,
                        features a range of cards for the                                       ‘Cardiomyopathy UK has been                   maybe even a TV advert to
                        festive season, along with our                                          invaluable to me – allowing me to             spread the word in the same
                        branded merchandise.                                                    see that there are plenty of people           way larger charities have got
                                                                                                all over the UK and the world with            national exposure.’ [Elis]

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  #teamcardio highlights                                                               KEY
                                                                                   Community events

                                     from 2019                                     Challenge events

                                                                                   September strolls
None of our vital
services would be
possible without
                       A   huge thank-you to our
                           fabulous fundraisers who
                       have been raising money
our community of
                       to support our work in this
amazing fundraisers.
                       special 30th anniversary year.
Whatever event you
take part in, your     The map right, shows how they have
support means more     supported our work in 2019 so far,
people affected by
                       through a wide range of fundraising
                       activity, including:
cardiomyopathy can
get the information    •   141 people signed up to take part
and help they need.        in a physical challenge – from
                           walks to runs, skydives to abseils
                           and even the famous super
                           challenges known as Ironman
                           Triathlon and the Himalayan
                           100 Stage Race.

                       •   150 people organised a
                           community fundraising event, 17
                           of which raised more than £1,000
                           and 30 people undertook our
                           special 30-day challenge.

                       •   48 Virgin London Marathon
                           runners raised a record-breaking
                           £148,571 at the Virgin London
                           Marathon; 20 runners in the Great
                           North Run raised £9,300 and 15
                           skydivers raised £11,502.

                       •   8 organisations chose us as their
                           charity of the year.

                       •   12 people organised an annual
                           community fundraising event
                           such as a sports tournament,
                           dance or music event.

                       •   In December, help finish 2019
                           on a high, by signing up for a
                           Christmas fundraiser, or run Santa
                           in the City over the Millennium
                           Bridge? (Details on Page 20)

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Tributes to former                                                                                          Protect yourself against
chairman                                                                                                    the cold weather
                                                                Former Chief Executive Robert Hall,
                                                                who worked with Peter from late
                                                                2003, said: “He became a valuable
                                                                and supportive colleague, as well as a
                                                                dear friend.

                                                                “Many people who attended the                                                                                                     › Cardiomyopathy
                                                                charity’s events during this period will                                                                                          UK Support Nurse
                                                                remember Peter as the person who                                                                                                  Jayne Partridge
                                                                introduced and closed meetings, often
                                                                with jokes about his own driving.                                                                                                 Experts are
                                                                                                                                                                                                  predicting this winter
                                                                “This was his public persona. His                                                                                                 could bring the
                                                                main contribution, however, was in                                                                                                coldest weather for
                                                                the background where he showed                                                                                                    30 years.
                                                                a tremendous level of personal
                                                                commitment to the charity’s cause,                                                                                                Cardiomyopathy UK
                                                                travelling miles, often at his own                                                                                                has further advice
                                                                expense, and displaying a deep                                                                                                    on our website –
                                                                compassion for people affected by
                                                                cardiomyopathy.                             W    ith flu season just around
                                                                                                                 the corner, our specialist
                                                                                                            nurse Jayne Partridge offers
                                                                                                                                                      contain a combination of drugs, which
                                                                                                                                                      can include aspirin and ibuprofen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‘Protecting yourself
                                                                                                                                                                                                  against the cold
                                                                “He was instrumental behind many            advice on how to protect your             It is a good idea to check with your
Peter touched
many lives and had
a transformational
                       W     e are extremely sad to
                             announce that former
                       Chair of the charity, Peter
                                                                of the initiatives introduced to assist
                                                                people and increase the charity’s
                                                                relevance to those it sought to serve.
                                                                                                            heart during cold weather.                pharmacist to ensure that there are no
                                                                                                                                                      interactions with your usual medications
                                                                                                                                                      before you take any over-the-counter
impact on the          McBride died this summer.                                                            Colder weather makes your heart           medications.
charity.                                                        “That the charity has continued to thrive   works harder to keep your body
                       We asked some of those he
                                                                is a significant part of his legacy.”       warm, so as a result, your heart rate     The flu vaccination may be
If you would like to
                       worked closely with to share                                                         and blood pressure may increase.          recommended for you by your GP or
share your memories    their thoughts.                          Joel Rose, Cardiomyopathy UK Chief                                                    your cardiologist as it may be of benefit
of Peter we would                                               Executive, worked with Peter towards the    These changes can sometimes make          to people with a heart condition.
love to hear them.     Current Chair of trustees Alison         end of his time as Chair of the charity.    your heart-related symptoms worse
                       Fielding paid tribute to Peter’s long-                                               and can sometimes affect how your         The vaccine encourages your body to
Please contact         term commitment to being Chair:          He said: “Peter was exceptional at          heart copes with doing everyday           develop an immune response to the flu
us at contact@         “Peter gave his time and accounting      seeing possibilities; deals that could      things.                                   virus. This won’t stop you catching flu,
cardiomyopathy.        expertise over 11 years.                 be done, connections and networks                                                     but will help your body to fight
org                                                             that could be made to grow the              If you are concerned about any new        the virus if you do catch it.
                       “He was passionate about spreading       charity and help more people.               or worsening symptoms and need
                       awareness of cardiomyopathy and                                                      advice, contact your doctor’s surgery     If you feel unwell with the flu and
                       each trustee meeting invariably          “He had huge ambitions for the              or GP out-of-hours service.               are concerned about any increase or
                       started with him telling us about his    charity and an infectious                                                             change in your symptoms, see your
                       latest discussions with people whom      enthusiasm that made him a                  While cold remedies are used to relieve   GP or out-of-hours contact 111 or 999
                       he met on his extensive travels.”        pleasure to work with.”                     the symptoms of a cold, they often        for assistance.

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                                                                        London Marathon
                                                                        Applications for the 2020 Virgin
                                                                        London Marathon are still open.
                                                                                                                 Congratulations to our
                                                                        Do you have what it takes? Don’t
                                                                        miss out on this opportunity to take
                                                                        on the world famous 26.2 miles
                                                                                                                 raffle winner Heather
                                                                        around the capital by filling out
                                                                        our application form for one of our                                                                                               Every raffle ticket
                                                                        charity spots.                                                                                                                    sold really does make
                                                                                                                                                                                                          a difference and will
                                                                        Please put as much detail as possible                                                                                             mean we can help
                                                                        in your application as we do receive                                                                                              more people that
                                                                        a high number of applications.                                                                                                    need us. Thank you
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to everyone who
                                                                        Were you one of those lucky                                                                                                       bought and sold
                                                                        individuals to get a ballot place?                                                                                                tickets for us.
                                                                        If so, we would love to have you as

Are you up for
                                                                        part of #teamcardio taking on this
                                                                        huge challenge in a Cardiomyopathy
                                                                        UK vest and help families affected
                                                                        by cardiomyopathy.

a challenge?                                                               Here’s how we can support you:

Sign up to an event and     Santa in the City                             •   Cardiomyopathy UK
help us raise vital funds   Want to get in the festive spirit early           performance running vest
to support our work.        this December?
                                                                          •   Full fundraising pack including
                            Then why not join our team and take               London Marathon guide,
                            part in Santa in the City? A joyful               sponsorship forms, banner
Call our                    festive run across some of London’s               and event posters                  › Ross Morgan, Heather Sim and her husband Nick Morgan
Challenge                   historic sites, a perfect occasion to get
Events                      friends and family together to really         •   Support from our dedicated
Becky Bryant
on 01494
                            get in the festive spirit this Christmas!
                            And most importantly, you get to do all
                            of this dressed as Santa whilst raising
                                                                              fundraising team to help you
                                                                              smash your target                  W    e’re delighted to
                                                                                                                      announce Heather Sim
                                                                                                                 has bagged £500 as the winner
                                                                                                                                                               We recently met a young artist
                                                                                                                                                               whose parents were volunteer members
                                                                                                                                                               of the Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team
791224.                     vital funds for Cardiomyopathy UK.            •   Training day                       of our summer raffle.                         and she was exhibiting her amazing
                                                                              with our                                                                         paintings of the mountains to help raise
                                                                              coach Sarah                                                                      funds for their work.
                                                                              Russell                            “It was such a surprise to get the phone
                                                                                                                 call telling me I’d won the first prize and   “Our son Ross, who has hypertrophic
                                                                          •   Cheering                           since then, I’ve had numerous thoughts        cardiomyopathy, has always enjoyed
                                                                              points along the route with the    about how to spend the money.                 hill-walking and has recently taken
                                                                              loudest support                    However, there is one idea that I’m           up climbing, which he is loving.
                                                                                                                 liking the most,” said Heather.               So I’m going to use the money to
                                                                          •   Post-race reception on the                                                       commission a painting from Elizabeth
                                                                              day complete with showers,         “A few years ago, we moved to                 that is inspired by Ross, by his heart
                                                                              sports massage and food            the Highlands of Scotland where we            and by our family’s enjoyment of the
                                                                                                                 live in a house with views of                 mountains and I will also be making
                                                                                                                 the Cairngorm mountains.                      a donation to Cardiomyopathy UK.”

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                                                        Winter                                                                                        Our clinical
                                                        2019                                                                                          community
                                                                                                                                                      Bringing healthcare professionals
                                                        Campaign                                                                                      together to develop the next generation
                                                                                                                                                      of cardiomyopathy experts

  If you would
                   O    ur media work is all
                        about saving lives. If
                   we can get more individuals
                                                             The charity is encouraging people
                                                             and GPs to ‘think heart’ if they see
                                                             lingering flu or flu-like symptoms,
                                                                                                      T  his issue of My Life
                                                                                                         features stories of how our
                                                                                                      community fundraisers help
                                                                                                                                                      UK Chief Executive Joel Rose.
                                                                                                                                                      The group does this by providing
                                                                                                                                                      clinical insight and ensuring our
   like to be a    to recognise the signs and
                                                             along with symptoms such as
                                                                                                      the charity grow; how our                       work is appropriate, helping us to
   part of our                                               palpitations, dizziness, swollen                                                         keep up to date with developments in
                   symptoms of cardiomyopathy                                                         community services ensure that
                                                             ankles, or shortness of breath.                                                          treatment and diagnosis and giving us
 campaign and      then people with the condition                                                     we can reach more people with                   a real understanding of changes on the
share your story   will be diagnosed quicker.                With cases of flu set to spike this      the condition; and how our                      ground.”
                                                             year, we are concerned that a lack of    community of media volunteers
with the media,
                   This means that they do not have to       public awareness of the condition,       help us to spread our life-saving               In the past few years, the clinical advisory
    please call    run the risk of going without the care    in particular myocarditis, will cause    awareness messages.                             group has met to discuss a range of
 Kerry Allan on    and treatment that they need.             people to brush off signs of the                                                         big issues, such as how we can provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                     › Professor Perry Elliott
 01494 791224                                                condition as flu and not seek the help                                                   more training to doctors; what a great
                   Last year, our national media campaign    they need.                               Another community of supporters who             cardiomyopathy service should look like and
                   ‘Heart Bleeps’ focused on some of the                                              play a vital part in our work is our clinical   how we can do more to support research.
                   misconceptions around cardiomyopathy      As part of the campaign, we will run a   advisory group.
                   and how these misconceptions can lead     national survey of the general public                                                    The group is also there to listen to the
                   to delays in diagnosis and make living    to look at how people respond to flu-    The group, chaired by our President,            feedback that we give them from our
                   with the condition even more difficult.   like symptoms; whether they put off      Professor Perry Elliott, brings together        national surveys, or from individuals
                                                             going to the doctor ;and whether they    some of the leading healthcare                  who use their services, and discuss
                   We were really pleased with the           go back to the doctor if symptoms        professionals with expertise in                 how they can improve the support that
                   response that our campaign                don’t go away.                           cardiomyopathy and myocarditis.                 they can give.
                   received and the coverage we
                   achieved in national and local media.     We will also be using a number of        They represent a wide range of clinical         One of the most exciting things about
                                                             case studies of individuals, who will    centres from all across the UK and a            the clinical advisory group is the role it
                   This winter, we are running a new         be sharing their own story of            wide range of disciplines, including            plays in developing the next generation
                   awareness campaign highlighting the       how they were diagnosed with             senior clinicians, cardiac nurses,              of cardiomyopathy experts to ensure
                   symptoms of cardiomyopathy.               myocarditis and cardiomyopathy           researchers and geneticists.                    more clinicians choose to specialise in
                                                             when they just thought that they                                                         cardiomyopathy and myocarditis.
                   We will be telling people how it is       had the flu.                             “The purpose of this group is to help
                   especially important to be aware of                                                the charity’s work to campaign for              That way, we can be confident future
                   these symptoms during the winter          We are still looking for individuals     better access to quality treatment and          generations get the expert help
                   months, when cardiomyopathy and           who are happy to share their own         provide the best possible support and           they need and we continue to make
                   in particular, myocarditis can be         story as part of this campaign and       information for anyone affected by              progress in detecting and treating
                   mistaken for flu.                         our ongoing media work.                  cardiomyopathy,” said Cardiomyopathy            the condition.

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