Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools

Page created by Jonathan Mueller
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools
Early     Elementary    Upper     High
                                                 School District                                               Resources
                                                                   Childhood     Schools    Schools   School
Schools at a Glance
                      2021 – 22
                      cambridge public schools
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools

Greetings CPS families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cambridge
Public Schools (CPS) - a vibrant and diverse
school community of care and belonging. In this
Schools-at-a-Glance, you’ll find information
about our schools, programs, and key contacts to
help you navigate your journey in our school district.

Our primary focus this year is for our community
to work together to help our students recover
from the impact of the pandemic and take
the necessary steps to achieve academic
excellence and have a joyful school

We greatly value our relationship with families
as we work together to support our students’ academic, social, emotional, and
developmental needs. We are here to support you and your students.

We look forward to many years of collaboration and partnership.
Thank you for choosing us and welcome to the CPS family!

Make it Great!

Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent

                 3   Registration                              8    Early Childhood
                                                                    & Preschool Programs

OVERVIEW         5   Map of Schools           PRESCHOOL &      12   Elementary Schools

   OF CPS                                      ELEMENTARY

                 7   District Overview
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools
Investing in COVID-19 Safety
Cambridge Public Schools has made student and employee safety its top priority
with significant investments to support our goal of zero in-school transmissions.

                Comprehensive COVID-19 Testing
                CPS and the Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD) have partnered to
                implement a comprehensive COVID-19 testing plan. All CPS staff and students have
                access to free, voluntary, on-site weekly COVID-19 safety checks. Symptomatic
                testing is available to all in-person students and staff who show symptoms during
                the school day before they leave the building. CPS also provides a “test and stay”
                program to prevent unnecessary quarantines for asymptomatic individuals who are
                close contacts for a positive case in school. Additional healthcare staff were hired to
                support school nurses with the testing program.

                Strong Contact Tracing & Quarantine Processes

                                                                                                            School District
                When there are positive cases, the school health nursing program, which is
                part of the Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD), conducts follow-up
                contact tracing. CPS and CPHD enforce strong quarantine processes to prevent
                transmission in schools.

                High Quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                CPS purchased more than 300,000 masks, which have been independently tested
                and achieve approximately 90-95% filtration. Face shields, gloves, and other PPE
                are available for all in-person students and staff who need them.

                Improved Building Ventilation & Hand Washing Capacity
                Every CPS school has maximized air circulation through a combination of central
                systems, HEPA filters, windows, and fans. CPS performs regular air quality testing
                (CO2 monitoring) and results are posted online. CPS has also installed hundreds of
                new sinks and hand sanitizer stations.

                Cleaning & Sanitizing
                CPS expanded its custodial workforce to support regular cleaning and sanitizing,
                especially high-touch areas. CPS purchased electrostatic sprayers, which are used
                to disinfect buildings when a positive case is reported.

                Infection Control Teams
                Each CPS school has an infection control team, including administrators, teachers,
                and other staff, who are trained to help students and staff understand and
                implement COVID-19 safety protocols.

              27     Upper Schools                                              36      Family Engagement,
                                                                                        Student Support

GRADES        31     High School
                                                     INFORMATION                40      Food & Nutrition,
   6-12                                               FOR FAMILIES

                                                                                42      CPS Leadership
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools
Registering for School
Student Registration                    Age Eligibility & When to Register
Center (SRC)
                                        Child’s                   Eligible to enter in          When
Hours                                   Birth date                September 2022                to Register
8:30am – 3:30pm | Monday – Friday
                                        April 1, 2018 –           Tobin Montessori,             October 2021
All year long, except holidays          August 31, 2019           Special Start,                3-Year-Old Lottery
All visits to the SRC must be by                                  FMA Scholar College           (limited seats available)

appointment only. If you wish to
make an appointment, please email       September 1, 2017         Junior Kindergarten           January 2022 or call 617.349.6551.   – March 31, 2018                                        JK/K Lottery
                                        September 1, 2016         Kindergarten                  January 2022
Location:                               – August 31, 2017                                       JK/K Lottery
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
                                        September 1, 2015         First Grade                   On or after
459 Broadway, 02138
                                        – August 31, 2016                                       January 2, 2022

Tel: 617.349.6551 | Fax: 617.349.6552   September 1, 2007         High School                   On or after
Email:                                                                          October 1, 2021

Website:                                Note: Students transferring from an American school with different             age eligibility guidelines are assigned based on their prior grade level.
                                        Families seeking other exceptions to CPS grade level policy may make
                                        their request to the School Principal after their child starts school.

3   cambridge public schools
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools
Save Time - Register Online
The Student Registration Center offers the
option of submitting your application online
using our Registration Gateway System.
Upload required documents and complete
all forms through this convenient online
registration tool.

                                                                                                           School District
In-person registrations are by appointment
only. Please email to
request an appointment or call 617.349.6551.

                                               Easy as 1-2-3
                                               1.   Gather the required documents (listed on the
                                                    front page of the application or requested in
                                                    the registration system).

                                               2. Fill out the registration form - online or paper.
                                                    If you use paper forms, you may scan or email
                                                    them along with the required documents to

                                               3. A SRC staff member will process your registration,
About Controlled Choice                             contact you with confirmation, and inform you
                                                    of additional steps that may be necessary for
Cambridge does not have neighborhood                completion.
schools. Under the Controlled Choice
policy, school assignments are based on:
                                               Please Note: If families wish to visit the SRC, they must
                                               make an appointment by emailing or
  •   Parent preferences
                                               calling 617.349.6551.
  •   Open seats
  •   Socioeconomic (SES) balance as
      measured by the percentage of
      students who do, and do not, qualify
      for free or reduced price meals
  •   Combined enrollment and SES
      balance of the schools that feed
      into each Upper School

During the lotteries held in October and
January, Controlled Choice also considers
priorities such as siblings, proximity
and/or program language.

                                                          schools at a glance         | 2021 - 22             4
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools

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Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools
School District

schools at a glance   | 2021 - 22      6
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools

    Early Childhood Programs                   (limited space available)

                    Special Start                                 Tobin Montessori        Fletcher Maynard
                    Does not feed into an                         Children’s House        Scholar College
                    elementary school.

    Elementary Schools                  (Grades JK – 5)

    Amigos JK - 8   Kennedy-Longfellow       Baldwin School       Tobin Montessori        Fletcher Maynard
    School          School                                        School                  Academy

                    Dr. Martin Luther        Peabody School       Graham & Parks          Cambridgeport
                    King, Jr. School                              School                  School

                    Morse School                                  Haggerty School         King Open School

    Upper Schools           (Grades 6 – 8)

                    Putnam Avenue            Rindge Avenue        Vassal Lane             Cambridge Street
                    Upper School             Upper School         Upper School            Upper School

    High School       (Grades 9 – 12)

                      Cambridge Rindge and Latin School ■ High School Extension Program
                                      & Rindge School of Technical Arts

7    cambridge public schools
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools

      schools at a glance   | 2021 - 22      8
Schools at a Glance 2021 22 - cambridge public schools
the      Early Years
                                                         The Early Years Project supports children,
                                                         infants through preschool, by working with
                                                         their early childhood educators and families.
                                                         Our child development specialists work
                                                         with child care centers and family childcare
                                                         providers to create welcoming communities
                                 for all children, and to address the needs of
                                                         individual and/or groups of children about
                                                         whom providers have concerns.
All children in Cambridge receive high quality early
                                                         We collaborate with educators and families
education and care from birth through third grade.
                                                         to understand the child and to support them
As a result, all children enter school ready to thrive
                                                         in the classroom and at home. We reflect
academically, socially, emotionally, and continue
                                                         on teaching practices, routines, curriculum, and
to do so through third grade and beyond.
                                                         the environment to promote wellbeing, healthy
                                                         development, and learning. We share articles,
                                                         handouts, and resources, as well as referrals for
                                                         specialized services.
Children start learning as soon as they are born
and their overall early development has a profound
                                                         Our work is strengths-based and grounded in
impact on their future success. To ensure a good
                                                         respect of the cultural norms practiced within
start in life, all children need high quality early
                                                         each center and family. We have Spanish
education and care, access to physical and mental
                                                         and English-speaking specialists on our
health care, and strong family support.
                                                         team. Our services are offered free of charge
                                                         to any childcare center or family childcare
The Birth to 3rd Grade Partnership works to
                                                         provider in the City of Cambridge.
strengthen the early childhood and care network in
Cambridge so that all children can access programs
                                                         The Early Years Project is a collaboration that
that are affordable, high-quality, and meet the needs
                                                         includes Cambridge Public Schools, Riverside
of working families. It also supports efforts to im-
                                                         Community Care, the City of Cambridge, Birth
prove access to quality healthcare, and to strengthen
                                                         to Grade Three Partnership, and the Cambridge
family engagement practices in early education and
                                                         Health Alliance.
care programs.
                                                         For more information or to request a service
The Partnership is a city-wide initiative led by over
                                                         call 617.702.5816 or
45 parents and community-based providers. With
an office at the CPS Administration Building the
Early Childhood Director reports to the CPS
Assistant Superintendent for Elementary
Education and to the Assistant City Manager for
Human Services. Together with two early childhood
specialists, the program seeks to improve early
childhood experiences for all children.

Dr. Lisa Grant, Executive Director n 617.349.6554

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Home-Based Early Childhood                               Special Start
Education Program                                        Preschool Program
Located at Haggerty School                     
110 Cushing Street n Cambridge, MA 02138
                                                         Shelagh Kelly Walker, Coordinator
                                                n 617.349.6502

The Home-Based Early Childhood Education
Program supports parents in their role as their

                                                         Liz Rollins, Lead Teacher
children’s first teachers. For over 40 years, the n 617.349.3251
program has provided trained Home Visitors to
families of children between the ages of 18 months       Heather Francis, Lead Teacher
and 3.5 years old. Certified by the ParentChild+ n 617.349. 3251
Home Program (PCHP), a research-based national
program, this program encourages parents to use
play, everyday items, and the world around them          Special Start classrooms offer an inclusion-
as tools for learning.                                   ary educational experience where children
                                                         with disabilities are educated with children
Home visits last one hour per week and follow            without disabilities. Students who do not
a thematic curriculum based on the interests of          have disabilities serve as peer models for
young children and is designed for the way young         learning, and are enrolled through the
children learn best: through active involvement.         lottery process. Students with disabilities
Home Visitors share skills, ideas, resources, and        are assigned through the Team Evaluation
activities related to the curriculum theme.              Process and have Individualized Education
                                                         Programs (IEPs).
Each week, the Home Visitor brings a new book
and an educational toy or activity. The materials        Special Start classrooms use innovative
are given to families free of charge, so they can be     curricula with individualization for every
used again and again. Parents are encouraged to use      student based on each child’s growth and
the books and other materials as often as possible       development. The classroom provides
during the time between home visits. Families who        a higher student teacher ratio than
wish to participate must live in Cambridge, have an      traditional preschool classrooms. Our
age-eligible child, and be available to participate in   goal is to meet the needs of all children
the learning activities provided by the Home Visitor     in our learning community by meeting or
during the weekly visit and throughout the week.         exceeding state and federal requirements
Enrollment is ongoing on a first-come, first-served      for early childhood education.
                                                         Special Start offers a half day program,
To learn more please contact:                            operating four hours each weekday. The
                                                         program is not an entry point for any
Tamara Joy Harper         Peggy Beucler
                                                         elementary school, and children who
Program Coordinator       Assistant Coordinator
                                                         participate in Special Start must re-register 
                                                         during the Kindergarten Lottery to receive
617.349.6849              617.349.6724
                                                         an elementary school assignment.

                                                         schools at a glance           | 2021 - 22        10

 Fletcher Maynard Scholar College                      Tobin Montessori Children’s House                         

 Dr. Maisha Rounds, Principal                          Jaime Frost, Principal
 Daniel Skeritt, Family Liaison                        Zakkiyya Witherspoon, Family Liaison

 225 Windsor St. n Cambridge, MA 02139                 359 Broadway n Cambridge, MA 02139 n 617.349.6588               n 617.349.6600

 School Hours                                          School Hours: 7am - 2pm
 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays |           Afterschool programs are available.
 7:45am - 3:45pm; Wednesdays | 7:45am - 2pm            Tobin Montessori is the first public school in
                                                       the United States to achieve accreditation by
 Scholar College is an early point of entry into       the American Montessori Society.
 Fletcher Maynard Academy (FMA) for a small
 number of children. Students attend an 8 hour         Montessori Children’s House is the name for the
 school day, 4 days per week—with early release        classrooms for children between the ages of 3 - 5
 on Wednesdays.                                        years old. In the unique Montessori model,
                                                       children spend three years in the same class with
 The philosophy of Scholar College is that childhood   the same teacher in order to foster maturity and
 is a joyful time and that children need to be free    independence. By age five, children have
 to explore the world, practice skills, and learn to   experienced the spiral Montessori curriculum.
 navigate and develop social interactions. Our
 participatory learning curriculum is student-         Concrete, self-correcting materials help children
 directed and relies on hands-on experiences with      develop abstract concepts by exploration in math,
 people, objects, events, and ideas.                   literacy, geography, social studies, science,
                                                       practical life, sensorial exploration, art, music, and
 Scholar College students will go on to complete       physical education. Children’s House students are
 Grades 1-5 at FMA, and may not participate in         enrolled at Tobin Montessori through fifth grade
 the Kindergarten lottery. The school embraces         and may not participate in the Kindergarten Lottery.
 diversity and celebrates the international roots
 of our students and families. Children are            Learn more about Tobin Montessori School
 introduced to Spanish world language study            on page 26.
 starting in preschool. As students get older,
 families can elect to go on an all-school trip and
 experience international travel destinations that
 have included Spain, Morocco & India.

 Learn more about Fletcher Maynard Academy
 on page 19.                                               Limited seats are available in these
                                                           programs. Please apply during the
                                                           3-Year-Old Lottery, which takes place
                                                           annually in October.

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      schools at a glance   | 2021 - 22     12


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 Amigos School

 Baldwin School

 Cambridgeport School

 Fletcher Maynard Academy

 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School

 Graham & Parks School

 Haggerty School

 Kennedy-Longfellow School

 King Open School

 Morse School

 Peabody School

 Tobin Montessori School

 Every Elementary School offers:

 •   CitySprouts Garden               •      Educational field trips and assemblies
 •   Responsive Classroom             •      Alignment to the Massachusetts
 •   DHSP “Community Schools”                Curriculum Standards
     enrichment classes               •      Local partnerships that offer enrichment
 •   Farm-to-Cafeteria, nutritious,
     multicultural school meals

Options for Learning a                              World Language Classes
New Language                                        American        Cambridge Rindge & Latin School (CRLS),
                                                    Sign Language   High School Extension Program (HSEP)
Language study provides an opportunity
                                                    Arabic          CRLS, HSEP
to explore what it means to live in a global
community. There are two models for language        French          Cambridge Street Upper School (CSUS)
study in Cambridge Public Schools:                                  Putnam Avenue Upper School (PAUS)
                                                                    Rindge Avenue Upper Campus (RAUC)
  •   World Language classes teach                                  Vassal Lane Upper School (VLUS)
      language fundamentals while building                          CRLS
      appreciation for another culture. All
      students are required to study a World        Latin           CRLS
      Language starting in 6th Grade. In            Chinese         Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School
      addition, several of our elementary                           PAUS
      schools offer world language classes.                         CRLS

  •   Two-Way Immersion offers a more               Spanish         Fletcher Maynard Academy
      intensive approach. All teaching takes                        Morse School
      place in two languages. Students learn                        Peabody School
      reading, writing, math, science, and                          CSUS, PAUS, RAUC & VLUS
      social studies in both of the languages.                      CRLS & HSEP
      Immersion is the most effective way to
      learn a language, second only to living
      in another country.
                                                    Two-Way Immersion Opportunities
There are many benefits to language study,
including boosting critical thinking flexibility,   Chinese & English      Chinese Immersion Program
memory & problem-solving skills. Language                                  at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School
programs also build cultural pride, as students                            & Putnam Avenue Upper School
who speak the language see their culture            Portuguese & English Olà Program at King Open School
represented in the classroom. Finally, Colleges                          & Cambridge Street Upper School
and employers especially seek out applicants                               Amigos School / Escuela Amigos
                                                    Spanish & English
who can speak more than one language.                                      & Honors Program at CRLS

                                                             schools at a glance        | 2021 - 22          14
AMIGOS SCHOOL                                                                                   Grades JK – 8

 More Information                    la escuela amigos está dedicada a una sólida
                                     tradición de excelencia en la educación bilingüe
 Amigos School
 15 Upton Street, 02139              del inglés y el español .
 617.349.6567              The Amigos School is committed to a        Located in the Cambridgeport
                                     strong tradition of excellence in a dual   neighborhood, Amigos is a
 Sarah B. Marrero
                                     language education of English              comprehensive Junior K – 8 school.
                                     and Spanish. Two-way immersion
 Marco Curnen                        holds great promise for developing         Amigos welcomes students from
 Assistant Principal                 high levels of academic achievement,       diverse neighborhoods and cultural
                                     bilingualism, and cultural                 backgrounds. Latinx Heritage
 Lillian Rater                       competencies among students.               Celebration is an annual highlight
 Family Liaison
                                                                                of the school year, bringing families,
 617.349.6315                      Two-way immersion education                teachers and students together for
                                     contributes to long-term preparation       food and music performances.
 Hours: 8:55am – 2:55pm              of students for the global economy.
 Early Drop-off: 7:30am              Bringing culturally diverse students       Through school-community
                       Amigos        together in situations in which each       collaborations, Amigos strives to
                                     has equal status spurs motivation          provide quality out-of-school-time
                                     and promotes cohesion, community           programs that foster linguistic and
                    Rindge & Latin   building, and cooperation.                 cultural connections.

15   cambridge public schools

More Information                      baldwin ’ s vision drives our work with students

Baldwin School                        every day . we believe in joy , belonging , challenge
85 Oxford Street, 02138               and growth for every baldwin student , every day .
617.349.6525               Baldwin lives by its core values of Joy,    these valued adventures and
                                      Growth, Effort, Care and Community.         excursions will be a part of our
Heidi Cook
                                      Our values help students develop a          learning moving beyond the pandemic.
                                      growth mindset as life-long learners, be
John Roderick                         resilient, take responsible risks, value    At Baldwin, we strive to provide
Assistant Principal                   differences and consider the needs of       enrichment opportunities for students
                                      individuals and the larger community.       before and after school. Whether it’s
Susan Tiersch                                                                     our “Hoops” basketball program for
Family Liaison
                                      We have class meetings each day             older students, our morning “Let’s
617.349.6525 x105                      where students build relationships          Move” morning gym time, “Read to
                                      and community, learn social skills and      Me” storytime before school, “Sew
Hours: 8:55am – 2:55pm                work together to solve problems. Older      Cool” sewing club, or STEM Club, we
                                      students lead our All School Meetings,      engage interested students in before
                                      where we come together as a school to       and after school classes, which change
                         Peabody      celebrate our core values and share what    a bit each year.
                                      we’ve learned.
                      Rindge Avenue                                               We know that parents and caregivers
                      Upper School    Historically, 2nd-5th grade students        know their students best. We look
                                      have engaged in overnight trips. These      forward to learning more about your
                                      trips were part of the curriculum and all   family’s story and helping you feel that
                                      children were supported in attending.       you truly belong at Baldwin School!
                                      We are engaging in a design process as
                                      a school community to think about how

                                                                      schools at a glance            | 2021 - 22             16
 More Information                 at cambridgeport , we believe that learning unfolds

 Cambridgeport School             when we provide conditions in which children can
 89 Elm Street, 02139             explore , inquire , and shape their own understandings .
                                  Cambridgeport teachers and families      that has a specific purpose and an authentic
 Genteen Lacet Jean-Michel        work as a community toward assuring      audience. Examples might include
 Principal                        success for every child. The school      exploring the life cycle and importance
                                  values the culture and beliefs that      of butterflies or the role of fables within
 Audrey Sturgis                   each child brings to the classroom,      a culture or society.
 Assistant Principal
                                  and teachers believe that children
 Kristen Emack                    must engage with their world in order    The structure of looped classrooms
 Family Liaison                   to make sense of it and build their      supports the Cambridgeport philosophy.
 617.349.6587 x111                knowledge. Each student is expected      Beginning in 1st grade, teachers stay with                   to take responsibility for his/her own   their class through the end of 2nd Grade.
                                  learning, while collaborating,           Students have a new teacher for 3rd and
 Hours: 8:25am – 2:25pm
                                  supporting, and respecting others.       4th grade, and spend one year with their
                 Cambridgeport                                             5th grade teacher. The strong bonds that
                                  Teachers provide learning experiences    form between teacher and students
               Fletcher Maynard   that guide and capture our               support a deeper level of understanding,
                                  student’s interests while at the same    learning, and engagement.
                     King Open
                                  time helping them to develop literacy
                                  and math skills, think critically,
               Cambridge Street   problem solve, and engage in rich
                Upper School      scientific and historical inquiry.
                                  Learning expeditions allow students to
                                  investigate a topic and produce work

17   cambridge public schools

More Information                     the dr . martin luther king , jr . school is an

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School   innovative public school where every student
102 Putnam Avenue, 02139             learns mandarin chinese .
                                     The King School provides two               The extended day offers teachers the
Gerald Yung, Principal
                                     options for pursuing Chinese               flexibility to set the pace and intensity
Carmen Cohen                         language study. Students may pursue        of learning based on student needs
School Operations Manager            a sequential two-way immersion             and interests. This time also enables
                                     option focused on the development          us to offer enhanced enrichment that
Marguerite Hicks-Gyewu               of biliteracy in both English and          captures students’ curiosity.
Family Liaison, 617.349.6454
                                     Mandarin Chinese. Or, students may
                                     choose to balance daily Chinese lessons    The King School recently moved
Hours:                               with other core content. For Grades        into a brand-new, state-of-the-art
7:55am – 3:55pm | M, Tu, Th, F       JK – 2, classrooms follow two learning     and environmentally sustainable
7:55am – 1:55pm | W                  strands, which merge together for          new school building located at
                                     English and Chinese instruction for        100 Putnam Avenue. Housed
              Kennedy-Longfellow     Grades 3 – 5.                              alongside Putnam Avenue Upper
                                                                                School, our students benefit from
               Martin Luther King    We believe our programs prepare,           this wonderful new facility for their
                                     enrich, and challenge our students for     entire K – 8 experience.
                                     success as global citizens and scholars.
                                     Thanks to a grant from the state of
                Putnam Avenue        Massachusetts, students benefit from
                 Upper School        an expanded learning day, which
                                     provides opportunities for increased
                                     enrichment and more time on core
                                     subject areas.

                                                                     schools at a glance             | 2021 - 22              18
 More Information
                                   fletcher maynard academy is committed to building and
 Fletcher Maynard Academy          nurturing a community of caring citizens who are life
 225 Windsor Street, 02139
                                   long learners .
 617.349.6588               Fletcher Maynard is a welcoming              This performance-based music education
                                   community with a global perspective.         system brings music to life through
 Dr. Maisha Rounds
 Principal                         We celebrate the diversity of our students   multicultural folk songs, dances, singing
                                   and families through our weekly whole        games, art, jazz, and classical music. Each
 Deborah Hood-Brown                school community meetings, multiple          year, the community works together to
 Assistant Principal               cultural events, and our International       raise funds so that every student can
                                   Dinner of Thanks held each November.         travel abroad with the school if they
 Daniel Skeritt
                                   The diversity of our students’ learning      choose to participate. Past trips included
 Family Outreach and
 Engagement Liaison                needs is also embraced with a tiered         England, Mexico, Costa Rica, China, Italy,
 Office: 617.349.6589              system of supports for both academic         Senegal, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Morocco,
 Mobile: 857.270.3351              and social learning.                         and India.
                                   Fletcher Maynard’s extended learning
                                   time provides increased opportunity
 7:45am – 3:45pm | M, Tu, Th, F
 7:45am – 2pm | W                  for academic engagement and special
                                   enrichment programs. All of our students
                                   study Spanish and take Kodaly music
                                   classes four days per week.


                Fletcher Maynard

                   King Open

                Cambridge Street

                 Upper School

19   cambridge public schools
More Information

                                       at graham and parks alternative school , you ’ ll find

Graham and Parks School                a multicultural learning community built upon a
44 Linnaean Street, 02138
                                       profound respect for every student and every family .
                                       From our founding, we’ve provided a       Our school prides itself on our
Claudie Jean-Baptiste                  child-centered, project-based approach    international diversity; our families
Interim Principal                      that imparts necessary academic skills    speak over 30 different languages. Our
                                       while nurturing the curiosity and         school is home to a Sheltered English
Jennifer LaValle
Interim Assistant Principal            intellectual excitement that drives all   Immersion program, which serves
                                       worthwhile learning.                      students whose primary language is
Lauren Morse                                                                     other than English.
Family Liaison                         Students conduct hands-on research,
617.349.6577 x115
                                       investigation, fieldwork, and             At Graham & Parks, teachers view parents
                                       interviews. By collaborating with their   as colleagues. Our community values
Mildrid Gédéon                         peers to apply academic skills to         differences of opinion and perspective
Sheltered English Immersion            real-world problems, they build           so that our school can meet the needs of
(SEI) Family Liaison                   connections between different subjects    all families. We believe in educating the
617.349.6577 x120
                                       and between one another. Learning         whole child. For this reason, the social
                                       culminates with final projects that are   curriculum is as much of a priority as
Hours: 8:25am – 2:25pm                 shared with the larger community.         academic content and skills.

                    Graham & Parks


                    Tobin Montessori

                     Vassal Lane

                     Upper School

                                                                   schools at a glance            | 2021 - 22             20
 More Information                 the haggerty school offers a multi - cultural learning
                                  environment where students learn through mutual
 Haggerty School
 110 Cushing Street, 02138        respect and cooperation .
 617.349.6555         Our school motto, “Everyone is                Our goal is to foster the love of learning,
                                  Different, Everyone Belongs” reflects our     scientific discovery, artistic expression
 Dr. Nancy Campbell               commitment to diversity and inclusion.        and justice-seeking among our students.
 Principal                        We believe that all students can achieve at   The arts, sciences, and technology are
                                  high levels and seek to address educational   integrated into collaborative projects, and
 Sue Mapel
                                  inequity through conversations about the      we offer Kodály-inspired, frequent music
 Assistant Principal
                                  impact of racism, implicit bias, and white    classes for our youngest learners.
 Lissa Galluccio                  privilege in education. We welcome you
 Family Liaison                   to join us in this crucial endeavor for the   Our non-profit Friends of Haggerty creates
 617.349.6555 x208                success of all students.                      many special opportunities to learn as
                                                                                a community. Highlights include Race
                                  All staff work to make sure that all          Matters, our annual Peace Day Concert,
 Hours: 7:55am – 1:55pm
                                  students feel a sense of belonging and see    International Potluck, Family Folk Dance
                Graham & Parks    themselves represented in our curriculum,     Night, Arts and Talent Show, and
                                  classrooms, and school culture. We believe    STEAM Night.
                      Haggerty    that student work is the most important
                                  data that drives instruction and improves
               Tobin Montessori
                                  outcomes for students.

                 Vassal Lane
                 Upper School

21   cambridge public schools
                                      kennedy - longfellow school provides students with

More Information

                                      hands - on projects and field experiences that expand
Kennedy-Longfellow School
158 Spring Street, 02141              learning and promote awareness of each individual ’ s
617.349.6841                          role in a global community .

                                      At Kennedy-Longfellow, the medium           Kennedy Community School also offers
Christine Gerber, Principal
                                      of technology transforms learning           after-school classes such as Scratch
Rolanda Prophete                      on a daily basis. Our students aren’t       programming and “Mad Science.”
Interim Assistant Principal           consumers of information, they are
                                      “Makers” who actively engage in             Combined with our research-based
Nancy Wyse
                                      imagining, building, and creating.          social-emotional curriculum, our
Family Liaison
617.349.4865                                                                      approach promotes creativity, flexible                         All K – 5 students have access to           thinking, and leadership skills.
                                      their own classroom-based iPad,             Student generated service projects
Mildrid Gédéon                                                                    are just one example of the way that
                                      loaded with grade-level apps—as well
Sheltered English Immersion                                                       Maker philosophy has empowered our
(SEI)Family Liaison                   as laptops and a huge array of tools
                                      that are available in our MakerSpace.       students to express themselves and
617.349.6577 x120                       Teachers collaborate with fine arts and     take ownership of the learning process.
                                      technology specialists to create project-
Hours: 7:55am – 1:55pm                based curricula utilizing SmartBoards,
                                      digital cameras, Green Screen
              Kennedy-Longfellow      technology, programming tools and
                                      games, digital printers, and robotics
                 Martin Luther King   equipment.


                  Putnam Avenue
                   Upper School

                                                                   schools at a glance           | 2021 - 22            22
 More Information                   king open school is dedicated to dr . martin luther king , jr .’ s
                                    dream of equal opportunity for all children .
 King Open School
 850 Cambridge Street 02141
                                    Our inclusive learning community           King Open is home to the Olá
 617.349.6540           supports academic achievement and          English-Portuguese two-way immersion
                                    equity through culturally responsive       program. Olá students develop academic
 Darrell Williams                   learning experiences exploring             excellence through proficiency in reading,
 Principal                          in-depth themes and projects. Our          writing, and speaking in both languages.
                                    students pursue themes such as the         Portuguese study continues through 8th
 Waleska Landing Rivera
                                    U.S. Constitution, the Charles River,      grade at Cambridge Street Upper School.
 Assistant Principal
                                    Resistance to Slavery, and Immigration.
 Neusa DaCosta                      Students read nonfiction, historical       King Open Extended Day (KOED) is
 Family Liaison                     fiction and primary sources; and           our unique afterschool program, made
 857.235.2961                       create projects such as map-making,        possible through collaboration with the                   playwriting, and mock citizenship tests.   Department of Human Services. Extended
                                                                               Day creates explicit links between
 Hours: 8:55am – 2:55pm
                                    Our students extend their learning         in-school and out-of-school learning
                                    through curriculum-driven field trips.     experience. Academic supports are offered
                                    Recent examples include attending a        within a more holistic focus on children’s
                                    Mock Boston Massacre Trial at Faneuil      social and emotional development.
                                    Hall, traveling to Plimouth Plantation,
                Fletcher Maynard    exploring the battlefields of Lexington
                                    and Concord, and taking hikes along
                     King Open      the Charles River.

                Cambridge Street
                 Upper School

23    cambridge public schools

More Information                      “We are one heart, we are one hand, we are the children and people of many

                                      different lands. We’re a neighborhood filled with hope and pride, a belief in
Morse School                          walking side by side.”
40 Granite Street, 02139                                        - Morse School Song     -   the morse school song
617.349.6575                 At the Morse School, we work in            We nurture not only our children’s
                                      partnership with our parents and           intellectual curiosity and artistic skills,
Dr. Chad Leith
                                      caregivers to provide a safe, nurturing,   but also their healthy social and emotional
                                      and stimulating learning environment.      growth. We view positive engagement and
Samantha Headley                      Our aim is to provide all children with    respectful behavior as skills that can be
Assistant Principal                   a sense of belonging and access to         taught and we work as a community to help
                                      the academic, social, and emotional        our students develop a respect for self and
Denise Sullivan                       resources they need to attain their full   others, a sense of civic responsibility, and an
Family Liaison
                                      potential and to become successful,        appreciation for people with diverse origins,
617.349. 6679                    independent, and culturally-proficient     identities, beliefs, and learning styles.
                                      members of our community and our
Hours: 8:25am – 2:25pm                world.                                     We are actively working towards becoming
                                                                                 an antiracist school, and are taking steps
              Kennedy-Longfellow      We are proud to serve families from        towards identifying and dismantling
                                      every Cambridge neighborhood and           racist structures, hearing and elevating
                 Martin Luther King
                                      from over 30 different countries. Our      underrepresented voices, and striving to
                       Morse          proximity to the Charles River, to local   achieve an equitable and just educational
                                      universities, and to Boston’s cultural     experience for all students.
                                      and historical landmarks allows our
                  Putnam Avenue       teachers to enhance learning through
                   Upper School
                                      partnerships and field trips. Our
                                      beautiful garden and playground areas
                                      provide engaging spaces for outdoor
                                      learning and play.

                                                                   schools at a glance              | 2021 - 22             24
 More Information               the peabody school is an inclusive community connected
                                by a passion for the pursuit of academic excellence and
 Peabody School
 70 Rindge Avenue, 02140        a commitment to the arts .
 617.349.6530        Community is an important value at       Peabody has been recognized by Boston
                                the Peabody School. In addition to       Magazine on their list of the 100 best
 Abdel Sepulveda, Principal     daily morning meeting, our monthly       public elementary schools in Eastern
                                “All School Share” provides a vehicle    Massachusetts. Learning continues
 Jennifer Hedrington
                                for each grade level to come together    beyond the school day through
 Assistant Principal
                                and share what’s happening in each       extracurricular opportunities such
 Nicole Sullivan                classroom. Our weekly newsletter,        as BOKS - Build Our Kids Success,
 Family Liaison                 The Peabody Planet, is an important      curriculum-linked learning clubs,
 617.349.6530 x1141             communication point for our families.    Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and
                                                                         our National Geographic club with a
                                We are especially proud of our music     nationwide Bee at the end of each year.
 Hours: 8:55am – 2:55pm
                                programs at Peabody. Our school was
                                the first in CPS to implement a Kodaly   Peabody families are vital to our school
                   Baldwin      music program, and we embrace the        community. Our active Friends of
                   Peabody      Kodaly philosophy that,“Music is for     Peabody organization sponsors
                                everyone.” In addition to extra music    enrichment events such as author
                                classes during the week, students who    visits, anti-bullying presentations,
                Rindge Avenue
                Upper School
                                especially love music are also welcome   and educational trips.
                                to join our before-school music group,
                                The Early Bird Singers.

25   cambridge public schools

More Information                     tobin montessori school is a tight knit community of

                                     learners , devoted to integrating the best practices
Tobin Montessori School
359 Broadway, 02139*                 of montessori philosophy and public education .
617.349.6600                In 2015, Tobin achieved                Students at Tobin are engaged in a rich
                                     accreditation by the American          Montessori curriculum that
Jaime Frost, Principal               Montessori Society (AMS), making       is fully aligned to the Common Core
                                     us the first AMS-accredited public     standards. Our highly collaborative
Joseph Huber
                                     school in the United States! Our       school provides an environment where
Assistant Principal
                                     teachers hold Massachusetts licenses   diversity is respected and celebrated.
Zakkiyya Witherspoon                 as well as Montessori Certification.   Children not only learn how to be
Family Liaison                                                              independent learners, but they also
617.349.6600 x153                    The Montessori method is based         gain the skills necessary for working                                                        collaboratively inside our classrooms
                                     upon Dr. Maria Montessori’s
                                     observation of children’s ability      and beyond the walls of our school.
Hours: 7:55am – 1:55pm
                                     to absorb knowledge from their
*temporary location during           surroundings, and their tireless       Although there may be some seats
construction                         interest in manipulating materials.    available for older children, the typical age
                  Graham & Parks     Her belief was that children possess   of entry for Tobin Montessori is three years
                                     the intrinsic motivation and ability   old. Our Montessori classrooms are divided
                        Haggerty     to teach themselves.                   into three learning communities:
                                                                            Children’s House (ages 3 – 6)
                 Tobin Montessori
                                                                            Lower Elementary (ages 6 – 9)
                                                                            and Upper Elementary (ages 9 – 11)
                      Vassal Lane
                      Upper School

                                                                 schools at a glance            | 2021 - 22             26
27   cambridge public schools
About Our Upper Schools
The CPS Upper School Program reflects a thoughtful              In addition to the core curriculum, students have
balance between providing students with greater                 the opportunity to make choices in their study
freedom and choice as they enter early adolescence, while       of world language, visual and performing arts,
preserving the closeness and community that is so vital         electives, and more.
at this stage in their development. With approximately
88-100 students per grade level, CPS’s four Upper Schools       Students enjoy out-of-school time options including clubs,
and the Amigos Upper School program are united by a shared      citywide arts and intramurals, and access to community-
curriculum and structure that facilitates consistent academic   based resources, facilitated by a shared daily schedule,
excellence and equity for all students.                         8:55am to 2:55pm.

The Upper School curriculum was designed by
administrators and expert teachers from within CPS,
bringing together the best that each of our elementary
schools can offer. Rigorous academic expectations are
enriched by fine arts, humanities, environmental, health
and wellness, and social justice themes.

                                                                     schools at a glance              | 2021 - 22            28
CPS Upper Schools
                 Amigos                   Cambridge Street                      Putnam Avenue

SCHOOL		                     		                   SENDING SCHOOLS                 FAMILY LIAISON

amigos school                                     Amigos School                    Lilian Rater
15 Upton Street ■ Cambridge, MA 02139                                    

cambridge street upper school                     Cambridgeport School             Will Adams
840 Cambridge Street ■ Cambridge MA 02141         Fletcher Maynard Academy
                                                  King Open School

putnam avenue upper school                        Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.      Kunjal Shah
100 Putnam Avenue ■ Cambridge, MA 02139           School                 
617.349.7780                                      Kennedy-Longfellow School
                                                  Morse School

rindge avenue upper school                        Baldwin School                   Julia Ho
70 Rindge Avenue ■ Cambridge, MA 02140            Peabody School         

vassal lane upper school                          Graham & Parks School            Obi Carrion
158 Spring St ■ Cambridge, MA 02141*              Haggerty School        
                                                  Tobin Montessori School
*temporary location during construction

29   cambridge public schools
                                         The Upper School Program offers
                                         students in grades 6 – 8:
   Rindge Avenue         Vassal Lane
                                         •   A challenging math curriculum
                                             that engages students in math-
ADMINISTRATION                               ematically rich investigation.

                                         •   Social Science exploration
Principal                                    anchored in programs such
Sarah B. Marrero                             as History Alive! and Facing
                                             History and Ourselves.
Assistant Principal
Marco Curnen                             •   English Language Arts classes
                                             that encourage students to
                                             understand themselves as
                                             readers and writers through
                                             the exploration of genres and
Interim Head of                              writing for outside audiences
Upper School                                 such as literary contests,
Christen Sohn                                journals, and websites.

Interim Assistant                        •   A choice of language:
Principal                                    French or Spanish at
Tiffany Robinson                             all Upper Schools, plus
                                             Portuguese at CSUS and
                                             Chinese at PAUS.

                                         •   Introductory visual and
                                             performing arts for all,
Interim Head of
                                             and advanced electives
Upper School
                                             in technical theater, band,
Phanenca Babio
                                             orchestra, chorus, and drama.
Interim Assistant
                                         •   An interactive science
                                             curriculum supported by field
Michelle Calioro
                                             experiences at Harvard, MIT,

                                             and area technology firms.

                                         •   Robust technology for
Head of Upper School                         learning, including
Julie Craven                                 Eno-boards, Chromebooks,
                                             and ThinkPads.
Assistant Principal
Teresa Sanchez                           •   Enriching afterschool
                                             programs such as school plays,
                                             intramural sports, city-wide
                                             music and theater groups,
                                             Debate Team, and Model
                                             United Nations.
Head of Upper School
Daniel Coplon-Newfield

Assistant Principal
Tanya Bacci-Benzan

                                 schools at a glance     | 2021 - 22          30
High School
31   cambridge public schools
                                    In addition, the Block Schedule
                                    provides more time to think and
                                    engage in active learning, and
                                    students appreciate having fewer
                                    classes to prepare for each night,
                                    with fewer books and materials
                                    to manage.

                                    Whatever a student’s interests
                                    or priorities, the CRLS Course
                                    Catalogue contains an engaging
Cambridge Rindge and Latin          array of learning opportunities.
School (CRLS) is among the          The curriculum proceeds through       Our Mission
most diverse high schools in        core requirements into many
Massachusetts, with 83 different    exciting and diverse options.         The Cambridge Rindge and
countries represented within        Just a sampling of available course   Latin School is an inclusive
its halls. Within this vibrant      offerings includes: Computer          learning community that
community, students experience      Science, Literature in Religion,      challenges and supports all
                                    Statistics & Society, African         students. Through academic,
a challenging, rigorous,
                                                                          social and civic engagement,
and supportive educational          American History, Leadership
                                                                          our students are preparing to
environment.                        & Community Action, Sociology,        contribute to a just society.
                                    Digital Film & TV Production,
The high school is divided into     Robotics, African Literature,         CRLS has three core values
four learning communities of        Oceanography, Brain & Behavior,       that underlie our beliefs about
about 450 students each: C, R,      Modern Dance Company, and             learning: Opportunity,
L, and S. Students remain in the    Playwriting.                          Diversity, and Respect.
same Learning Community of
the course of their high school     Due to the Block Schedule, students   More Information
experience, which allows them       may choose to pursue up to six
to get to know their Learning       sequential courses in Spanish or      Cambridge Rindge
                                    French. CRLS offers a four-course     & Latin School
Community Deans, Guidance
                                                                          459 Broadway, 02138
Counselors, Social Worker,          sequence in Arabic and Mandarin
School Psychologist, and Clerk.     Chinese, a three course sequence in
                                    Latin, and American Sign Language
For most students, the Learning     1 and 2.                              Damon Smith
Community serves as a smaller                                             Principal
academic home where they            Embedded within CRLS are our
can find information, seek          career and technical education        Robert Tynes
encouragement, and receive          program, the Rindge School of         Assistant Principal
support.                            Technical Arts; and our smaller
                                    non-traditional high school option,   Greta Hardina
                                                                          Family Liaison
One way that academic rigor is      the High School Extension Program,
supported at CRLS is through        which is located a few blocks away,
the school’s 4x4 Block Schedule,    at 359 Broadway.                      CRLS Hours:
which consists of four 84-minute                                          8:35am – 3pm

periods per day. The Block
Schedule allows for unique
scheduling opportunities, such as
“doubling up” to take two classes
during the same year that would
be offered over consecutive years           Diversity,
in other school districts.
                                           and Respect

                                                           schools at a glance   | 2021 - 22              32
Beyond the School Day
 Whether academic, creative or “just for fun,” there’s something for everyone...

 SPORTS TEAMS & ATHLETICS                                    AND MORE...
 Many CRLS sports teams are highly competitive at
 the local and state level. The diverse array of options      Academics: Math Club, Student Government,
 invite students to participate, whether they have profes-    French Club, History Club, Latin Club, National Honor
 sional aspirations or are just curious to try something      Society, and Spanish Club.
 new. Current teams: Basketball, Baseball / Softball,
 Cross Country, Fencing, Football / Cheerleading, Golf,
                                                              Affinity Groups: Asian Club, Black Student
                                                              Union, Club 1 - Feminists, The Habashan Club (formerly
 Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Learn to Row, Orienteering, Ice
                                                              Ethiopian Club), Haitian Club, Henna Club, Jewish
 Hockey, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming/Diving, Track,
                                                              Heritage Club, Latino Club, Muslim Culture Club, and
 Volleyball, and Wrestling.
                                                              Project 10 East (Gay-Straight Alliance).

 VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS                                     For Writers: Register Forum (award-winning
 CRLS is known for our outstanding visual and                 student newspaper), student Literary Magazine,
 performing arts programs. During any given week,             Poetry Club, Yearbook, and Scholastic Writing Awards.
 students can be found rehearsing, performing and
 creating modern dance, jazz band, step team,                 Government & Politics: International and
 photography, video, ceramics, orchestra, a capella,          Sustainable Development Club, Junior State of America,

 improv, play-writing, and musical theater--just to           Model United Nations, Massachusetts High School

 name a few.                                                  Democrats Organization, Speech & Debate Team, and
                                                              Issues in Education Club.

                                                              Volunteering & Service: Habitat for
                                                              Humanity, UNICEF, Sisters on the Runway, Club 4,
 Students exercise their ingenuity through a range of
                                                              Peer Mentors, and Falcon Friends.
 competitions and clubs that focus on solving problems
 through engineering and sciences. Over 100 students          Just for Fun: Dungeons & Dragons, Henna Club,
 participate annually in the city-sponsored Glocal            Hip Hop Culture Club, and K-Pop Club (Korean Pop).
 Challenge--proposing actionable solutions to local and
 global environmental challenges. The team with the
 winning idea is invited to an international the Global
 Student Leaders Summit. Other options: Underwater
                                                              A Sampling of Colleges and Universities
 Robotics, Ocean Science Bowl Team, Aerospace
                                                              Welcoming CRLS Graduates in 2021:
 Engineering, Environmental Action, Computer Science,
 Girls Who Code, FIRST Robotics Competition, and              Albertus Magnus College      College of Charleston
 Biotechnology Club.                                          Amherst College              Colorado College
                                                              Army                         Columbia College Chicago
                                                              Bard College                 Cornell University
                                                              Bates College                Dean College
                                                              Bentley University           Drexel University
                                                              Berklee College of Music     Duke University
                                                              Boston College               Earlham College
                                                              Boston University            Emerson College
                                                              Bowdoin College              Emmanuel College
                                                              Brandeis University          Endicott College
                                                              Brown University             Fisher College
                                                              Bryn Mawr College            Fordham University
                                                              Cambridge College            Harvard University
                                                              Clark University             Ithaca College

33   cambridge public schools
Dr. Michael V. Ananis, Executive Director
459 Broadway, 02138 ■ 617.349.7782 ■

                                                          Our biotechnology laboratory features state-of-the-art
                                                          equipment used for college-level projects such as split-
                                                          ting genome cells. A recent $100,000 grant from the
                                                          Mass Life Science Center was used to upgrade computer
                                                          equipment, fund an in-house mammalian cell culture
                                                          facility, and expand the program’s technical capability
                                                          to include high performance liquid chromatography.

                                                          RSTA offers 12 Career and Technical Education
                                                          (CTE) programs of study: Automotive Technology,
                                                          Biotechnology, Carpentry, Computer Science, Creative
                                                          Design, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, Early Education
                                                          and Care, Engineering, Health Assisting, Information
note : photos taken pre - pandemic .                      Technology, Media Technology, and Print & Production.
                                                          RSTA also offers courses in Business Education
The Rindge School of Technical Arts offers career and
                                                          and Bank Operations. Our popular Freshman Technical
technical education to Cambridge Rindge and Latin
                                                          Arts Exploratory exposes CRLS 9th graders to a variety
School students. With state-of-the-art equipment and
                                                          of careers as they begin to think about their future
highly trained staff, RSTA prepares students for post-
                                                          educational and career goals.
secondary education and careers in some of the fastest
growing professions in the world today.

In recent years, RSTA students have garnered numerous
awards in areas including engineering, automotive
technology, and information technology. Our college
admissions rate exceeds the rate for CRLS as a whole,
and recent RSTA majors have gone on to colleges
including Boston College, Boston University, and MIT,
among others.

The City of Cambridge and its surrounding communities
are rich in technology, and we have designed our

programs to reflect our commitment to prepare young
people for continuing education experience at post-         Our Vision
secondary institutions or to enter the workplace upon       The Rindge School of Technical Arts aims to
graduation. For instance, RSTA’s Media Arts Studio          provide the best technical education for high
features the same state-of-the-art equipment found at
                                                            school students in the Commonwealth of
CNN and ESPN studios, including a three-camera
                                                            Massachusetts. In a high-tech environment, we
production studio and control room, master control room
                                                            will deliver curriculum that connects knowledge
for transmission of three community cable channels,
                                                            development with its application in the workplace.
an editing lab, and field production equipment.

                                                              schools at a glance             | 2021 - 22            34
                                        HSEP has introduced a College and
                                        Career Center with a focus on goal-
                                        setting, post-secondary planning and
                                        a comprehensive internship program.
                                        It will also feature integrated social-
                                        emotional learning in all classrooms
                                        in an effort to provide students with
                                        strategies in executive functioning,
                                        coping with stress, and time

The High School Extension Program       Rooted in the core values of              Our Mission
(HSEP) provides a rigorous academic     dynamic thinking, self-awareness,
                                                                                  The High School Extension
program for 60 – 100 high school        professionalism, goal-setting and
                                                                                  Program provides students
students who have had difficulty        being a positive community member,        with compelling learning
achieving academic success in a more    HSEP is dedicated to advancing            experiences to enhance their
traditional setting. Modeled on other   student achievement and developing        curiosity, creativity, critical
                                                                                  thinking and social-emotional
successful nontraditional high school   habits of mind that lead to critical
                                                                                  skills in a personalized learning
programs, HSEP’s rigorous academic      thinking and analytical skills needed     environment.
program incorporates skills-based       to be competitive in the 21st century.
learning in 9th and 10th grade and      Students in the 9th and 10th grades
authentic project-based learning in     follow the same core courses as CRLS      Our Vision
11th and 12th grade. Students are       (English, History, Math, Science,
                                                                                  The High School Extension
regularly given the opportunity to      World Language, Health, Physical          Program, our community and
collaborate on real-world problems      Education, Art), while students in        stakeholders, believe that, in order
facing their community and use          11th and 12th grade participate in        to be prepared for college and
                                                                                  career, all graduates will be:
research and collaboration to solve     interdisciplinary projects designed to
these issues. Students regularly        meet the core requirements needed           1. Self-Aware
participate in community service        for graduation.                             2. Professional
opportunities and during their                                                      3. Dynamic Thinkers
                                                                                    4. Future-Focused
junior year are expected to plan two    Many of our students participate
                                                                                    5. Community Members
community service experiences.          in CRLS’s afterschool and club
                                        activities. We also provide the
                                        opportunity of college dual               More Information
                                        enrollment to our seniors. The goals
                                                                                  High School Extension Program
                                        of HSEP include our students earning
                                                                                  359 Broadway, 02139
                                        their CRLS high school diploma, 
                                        graduating from a four-year college       617.349.6880
                                        or trade school and becoming
                                                                                  Ryan Souliotis
                                        successful in their careers and change    Principal
                                        agents in their communities. Our
                                        students’ special circumstances may       Hours: 8am – 2:20pm
                                        present challenges, but they possess
                                        the commitment and potential to
                                        graduate and reach their academic,
                                        professional and personal goals.
                                        Ultimately, the graduates of HSEP
                                        will be able to successfully contribute
                                        to an ever changing, diverse global

35   cambridge public schools
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