Page created by Kimberly Reyes
McLaren High School



Belonging to McLaren                                 3

Senior Management Team Remits                        5

Staffing List                                        6

Student Leadership Team 2019/20                      8

Curriculum for Excellence                           10

McLaren High School SQA Results                     14

Pupil Support                                       16

Health and Wellbeing                                17

Working with our Associated Primary Schools         18

Parental Involvement                                19

Communication with Parents                          20

Community Links                                     21

Promoting a Positive Ethos                          22

Citizenship                                         24

School Uniform                                      25

Homework                                            27

Assessment of Progress                              28

School Activities                                   29

National Improvement Framework                      31

School Improvement Plan 2020                        31

Useful Information for Parents                      35

School Dates 2020/2021                              51

School Dates 2021/2022                              52

McLaren High School and the Clan MacLaren           53

Belonging to McLaren

Dear Parent

A very warm welcome to McLaren High School. Our School has been in existence since 1892 and has a
successful history of providing a quality education based on a clear sense of purpose.

The School is situated on the southern edge of Callander and is the only secondary school in the Loch
Lomond and Trossachs National Park. The stunning grandeur of Ben Ledi stands above the open farmland
along the River Teith. Following a major programme of new build and refurbishment, pupils and staff are
benefiting from excellent facilities for learning and teaching.

McLaren High School is a non-denominational school with a current roll of 645 pupils. Pupils from the eleven
primary schools in our “cluster” transfer to McLaren High School and they are joined by a number of pupils
whose parents have made a placing request. McLaren High School has highly professional teaching and
support staff, with high expectations for our pupils. We are committed to working with parents to support and
challenge our pupils to succeed in learning and to develop as confident young citizens.

We have every confidence that the young people that will one day leave McLaren High School, will be
precisely the kind of young people who will make a positive difference to the world, to the country, from the
domestic sphere, to the international stage, and all points in between.

At McLaren High School we seek to cultivate a happy and caring community that fosters a culture of learning
and where success is celebrated.

Our vision for McLaren is to be the very best school that it can be, where young people can learn and succeed;
for everyone to be ambitious and to realise their full potential. We want our pupils to love coming to school,
to see it as worthwhile and as a place with excellent opportunities to learn and grow, equipping them with the
life skills for a successful future.

Our Aims

      To create a safe and happy learning environment that promotes excellence;
      To create a climate where everyone is recognised and respected;
      To promote Health & Well-being;
      To create memories for life;
      To promote partnerships with the wider school community.

Our Values

      Opportunity
      Achievement
      Individuality
      Community
      Equity
      Kindness

When I meet with new or prospective parents, many describe to me their aspirations for their child in terms
which prioritise a ‘rounded’ education.
At McLaren High School, we share that belief and thus we have developed a code, a promise if you will, of
the qualities which the education that we offer will aim to nurture.
It is clear, from the evidence of government reports and statements from the whole spectrum of employers,
that there are more people than ourselves that know that what the world needs is a majority of young people
who are well rounded, who are good communicators, who are both the expert and the ‘doer’.

This demands of young people, precisely the kind of dispositions that we absolutely know the world needs:
resilience, determination, leadership, co-operation, social responsibility.
We are very clear that this is the educational ethos that informs this school, and that the teaching staff believe
in and articulate.

The many former pupils who visit us speak of the sense of belonging they still feel towards the School. We
consciously strive to promote this ethos of community and hope that all will look back on their time at McLaren
High with affection and pride.

We look forward to welcoming your daughter/son to McLaren High School.

Marc Fleming
Head Teacher
November 2020

McLaren High School Structure 2020/21
Headteacher                            Depute Headteacher                Depute Headteacher                  Depute Headteacher                School Resource Officer
M Fleming                              J Anderson                        E Paul                              A Campbell                        J McCowan / E Archibald
Link - McLaren Leisure Centre          Stage Head S3 & S4                Stage Head S1 & S2                  Stage Head S5 &S6                 Support strategic management of
Strategic Planning & Staffing          Leny Link                         Dochart Link                        Bracklinn Link                    finance with MFL
HGIOS4                                 Link – Literacy & Communication   Link – Creative                     Link – Humanities                 Supporting the SLT - managing
Raising Attainment – Closing the Gap   Link – Science & Technology       External Support Agencies           Link – Numeracy & ICT             devolved school resources
National Improvement Framework         BGE Overview/Transitions          Link - Pupil Support Leaders        Link - STEM                       Class cover
School Improvement Plan                Community Action Planning         Health & Wellbeing/Nurture          Timetable                         Managing designated Support Staff
Standards & Quality Report             Quality Assurance (VSE Lead)      GIRFEC/Child Protection             Senior Phase Overview             Human Resource Co-ordinator
Validated Self-Evaluation (VSE)        Assessment & Moderation           Pupil Equity Fund (PEF)             Pupil Options (S3-S6)             Administrative systems and
Learning, Teaching & Assessment        Prelim Exams                      Additional Support Needs            SQA/Insight Data Analysis         procedures including SQA and
Parent Council                         SQA Co-ordinator                  Support for Learning Assistants     Data Uplift (NIF)                 examination arrangements
Professional Association Liaison       Health & Safety                   (Classroom)                         SEEMIS                            Accommodation
School Negotiating Committee           PRD & CPD (External & In-house)   Learning Community Link             On The Button                     Monitoring the facilities
School Calendar                        School Leaver Destinations        Pupil Voice/Learner Participation   Profiling/Pupil Achievements      Management Contract
School Survey                          Enrolments – S3 & S4              Prefect Leadership Team             Reporting to Parents              Trips & Excursions
(Pupils/Parents/Staff)                 Transport / School Travel Plan    Positive Ethos                      Enrolments – S4-S6                PRD Support Staff
SLT/SROs PRD                           Awards Ceremony (Lead)            Community Officer Link              GLOW
                                       Safe Routes to School             Assembly Calendar                   Digital Technologies
                                       PTA                               Chaplaincy Team                     Twitter/Website
                                                                         PSLs & SFL SLAs PRD                 Probationers/Students
                                                                         Developing Young Workforce          Curriculum Leaders PRD
                                                                         Skills Development Scotland         SNSA

                                       Curriculum Leader – Literacy &    Curriculum Leader – Creative        Curriculum Leader – Humanities
                                       Communication                     A Montgomery                        L McCormick (Acting)
                                       M Newlands
                                                                                                             Curriculum Leader – Numeracy &
                                       Curriculum Leader – Science &                                         ICT
                                       Technology                                                            L Payne / M MacMillan
                                       H Gorman

                                       Pupil Support Leaders –           Pupil Support Leader –              Pupil Support Leader –
                                       R Underwood                       Enhanced Support & Additional       Transitions & Young Carers Link
                                       S Dunn                            Support Needs Team                  H Ashworth
                                       C Patterson / A Robertson         K Whyte
McLaren High School
                                     Staffing List – November 2020
                                                Senior Management

                                                Mr M Fleming
                                                Head Teacher
           Mrs E Paul                          Mr J Anderson                      Mr A Campbell
       Depute Head Teacher                  Depute Head Teacher                Depute Head Teacher

                  Creative and Aesthetic Faculty – Ms A Montgomery – Curriculum Leader

    Art & Design             Music                                       Physical Education
 Miss L Wylie            Mr W Hall**    Ms L Nicoll          Mrs S Dunn*           Mr A Robertson
 Ms M MacFadyen          Mr M Harvey                         Ms A Montgomery       Miss E Walker
                                                             Ms S Cassidy #

               Literacy and Communication Faculty – Ms M Newlands – Curriculum Leader

                                     English                                         Modern Languages
 Mrs E Jackson               Ms A Lennox                Ms C MacColl               Mr H Ashworth*
 Mr N Mannering #            Mrs M Moir                 Ms N Sleight               Mr A Brown
 Ms L McLellan #             Ms M Newlands              Mrs K Whyte*               Mrs M Spriggs

                    Science and Technology Faculty – Dr H Gorman – Curriculum Leader

                   Biology                         Chemistry             Physics
 Mr J Anderson           Mrs L Rolfe           Mrs C Cleary         Miss T Allan        Mr I Anderson
 Dr D Benden             Dr H Gorman           Ms C McPeake         Mr J Power          Miss K MacVicar
 Miss S Smith #                                Miss L Oman
                                               Dr N Thomson

                    Humanities Faculty – Miss L McCormick – Acting Curriculum Leader

                                                                                    Religious & Moral
 Geography                                 History/Modern Studies
 Mrs R Underwood*             Mr M Wadkins              Miss L McCormick            Mrs C Patterson*
 Mr N Williamson              Ms B Mole #               Mrs M Moir                  Mrs M Spriggs
                              Mrs G Reilly              Miss L Scothern             Miss L Prentice
                                                        Mr R Cordner #

              Numeracy and ICT Faculty – Ms L Payne/Mr M MacMillan – Curriculum Leaders

 Mathematics                                                                   ICT
 Mrs J Hamilton               Miss L Miller             Ms S Allan             Ms E Paul
 Mrs A Young                  Mr M Richardson           Mr A Campbell          Miss L Smith
 Ms L Payne                   Mrs L Watson              Mr M MacMillan         Mr K Milligan
                                                                               Ms A Burrell #

* Pupil Support Leader        ** Continuing Principal Teacher      # Probationer
Additional Support Needs

                                Teachers of Additional Support Needs
                                             Mrs L Adams
                                           Mrs M Gillespie
                                          Mrs H McIsaac-Hall

                                  Additional Support Needs Support Staff

 Pupil Support Worker                          Support for Learning Assistants (Classroom)

 Mrs L Hammond                      Mrs I Allan                     Mrs T Paterson
                                    Mrs L Norris                    Mrs L Rawson
                                    Ms J Ferguson                   Mrs J Steadman
                                    Mrs K Fraser                    Mrs T Stewart

                         School Resource Officer – Mrs J McCowan/Ms E Archibald

                                    Support for Learning
 Admin Support Staff                                                 Technicians
                                    Assistants (Office)
 Mrs J Burnett                      Mrs L Boyle                      Mr J Barwick
 Mrs F Cleland                      Mrs M Douglas                    Mrs S Michael
 Mrs F Gallagher                    Mrs D Drake
 Mrs S Milligan
 Ms L Robertson

* Pupil Support Leader      ** Continuing Principal Teacher    # Probationer

Student Leadership Team – Session 2020-21

                                  Head Boys and Head Girls

       Left to right: Jonathan Maskrey (Depute Head Boy); Archie Farquharson (Head Boy);
                    Katie MacLeod (Head Girl); Molly Jennings (Depute Head Girl).

Head Girl Session 2020/21

My name is Katie MacLeod, and I’m so honoured to have been
chosen to be Head Girl for this session 2020/2021. I am from
Doune and I feel so lucky to have attended McLaren High
School these past six years. I am hoping to do this role justice
in order to give something back to a school that has given me
so much. I have always had a passion for Creative subjects in
particular music, art and creative writing. This interest inspired
my main goal for the year which is to encourage and create
more platforms to share and celebrate individual achievements
for all pupils, especially pieces of written and creative work
which can sometimes be overlooked in the hectic nature of
school life.

English and History are very close to my heart, (which is
definitely down to the enthusiasm and dedication of my teachers!). I hope to pursue a career within
these fields whilst also continuing my hobbies of playing and sharing my love of music which was
cultivated by my participation in the orchestra. - Particularly in these complicated times I hope to,
along with the Top Team and music department, help organise virtual events throughout the year to
ensure that the musical talent within McLaren is continually showcased!

Of course, in such uncertain and difficult circumstances that have dominated the year and the lives of
everyone, it is particularly important to not let the pandemic define this school year. It is important to
look after everyone’s mental health and especially make sure that we plan safe, alternative events that
keep up everyone’s morale. We are currently planning an S6 “Last Christmas” Lunch in a Covid-
compliant manner whilst still giving us the opportunity to make our final Christmas at McLaren
memorable, especially as so many special events that would’ve gone ahead this year are unable to

I am so grateful too to be working alongside Archie, Molly, Jonny and the rest of the S6 Leadership
Team, where we are all extremely dedicated to leave a lasting legacy at McLaren.

Head Boy Session 2020/21

My name is Archie Farquharson and I live in Callander. I am honored to have been elected Head Boy
for the 2020/2021 session in what has now become an incredibly unique year where we adapted to
the changes brought on by the global pandemic magnificently. I have experienced almost everything
McLaren has to offer, to name a few: DofE, STEM festivals, World Challenge and an incredible array
of extracurricular activities. As a result of this I am determined to make sure every pupil gets the same
opportunities. I have been closely involved in sports coaching both in and out of school, working with
the Junior football teams and volunteering at Dunblane Football Club.

I am extremely grateful to all the teachers at the school supporting me through my studies. I have
never been out of the inspirational humanities department. My focus was history, I have really enjoyed
looking at the American Civil War, aspects of WW2 and The Cold War and how laws have contributed
both directly and indirectly to each of the conflicts. Furthermore, I must highlight the excellent
guidance I have received from the science department, most notably Mrs Cleary for putting up with my
questionable banter for 2 years straight.

Outside of school I play for Dunblane Football Club and have been for 6 years; However, I have
represented the school in Rugby as well on multiple occasions. From studying history and looking at
ancient Athenian Lawmaking I have been inspired to study law at University.

Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)

The diagram below shows what we are aiming to deliver through our curriculum and how we seek to
achieve this. Our Curriculum for Excellence is underpinned by our values and by our commitment to our
vision of an inclusive learning community.

          In order to provide a totality of experience for all learners through the:
  Ethos and life of the       Curriculum areas and           Interdisciplinary       Opportunities for
        school                      subjects                     learning          personal achievement

                     Our curriculum will provide the following for all learners:
 Well-planned         A broad           A range of         Personal         Progression      Challenge and
 experiences          general          senior phase         choice                            enjoyment
 & outcomes          education         with study for
                       S1-S3           qualifications

                        through a set of learning experiences based on:
 Expressive     Health and     Languages      Maths     Religious     Sciences     Social      Technologies
    Arts        wellbeing                               and moral                 studies

                        which develop skills for learning, life, and work:
     Literacy                Numeracy            Health and          Confidence and              ICT
                                                 wellbeing             resilience

              and support learners through active approaches which promote:
  Quality learning           High               Planning for          Timely and            Recognition of
   and teaching           expectations        individual needs      useful feedback          achievement

                                       working in partnership with:
       Staff                  Pupils               Parents           Other agencies           The wider
                                                                          and                community

                                       So that all learners can be:
      Successful                    Effective                 Responsible                  Confident
       learners                   contributors                  citizens                  individuals

Curriculum for Excellence has been introduced across Scotland for all 3-18 year olds – wherever they
learn. It aims to raise standards, prepare our young people for a future they do not yet know and equip
them for jobs in a fast changing world.

Curriculum for Excellence enables professionals to teach subjects creatively, to work together across
the school and with other schools, to share best practice and explore learning together.

Teachers will share information to plan a young person’s ‘learning journey’ from primary to secondary
and beyond, ensuring the change is smooth. They will ensure young people continue to work at a pace
they can cope with and with challenge they can thrive on.

Curriculum for Excellence balances the importance of knowledge and skills.

Every young person will experience a broad general education from S1 to S3.

Every teacher is responsible for literacy and numeracy – the language and numbers skills that are vital
to everyday life. There is also a new emphasis by all staff on looking after our young people's health
and wellbeing.

CfE is helping to develop skills for learning, life and work to help young people go on to further study,
secure jobs and prepare for life after school. It is making learning more relevant and helping young
people apply lessons to their life beyond the classroom. It will link knowledge in one subject area to
another, helping young people understand the world and make connections. It aims to develop skills
so that young people can think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find

Our Curriculum

At McLaren High School we have fully embraced Curriculum for Excellence with a diverse, personalised
Broad General Education (S1‐3) followed by a rich, challenging Senior Phase (S4‐6).

First to Third Year – "A Broad General Education"

During First, Second and Third Year, pupils' learning experiences are drawn from all eight areas of
Curriculum for Excellence and pupils study courses in the following areas:

           Expressive Arts           Health & Wellbeing          Languages
           Mathematics               Religious & Moral           Sciences
           Social Studies            Technologies

There is progressive challenge and rigorous formative and summative assessment as pupils move
through S1‐S2 and into S3, with increased subject specialist input as they prepare for the Nationals.
Pupils can expect to develop core skills and depth of knowledge that is increasingly taught in real
contexts and with an emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and transferrable skills. Literacy, Numeracy
and Health and Wellbeing remain key over‐arching areas.

The range of subjects available during third year helps to ensure that our pupils will continue to follow a
broad general education but with a degree of choice so that they can start to focus on subjects for which
they have more interest, or which will support particular career intentions.

S3 pupils have the opportunity to attend a residential course at the Outward Bound centre at Loch Eil,
near Fort William. The course offers pupils different challenges to stimulate their learning and
development. Through a variety of exciting activities, pupils develop their self-confidence,
communication skills and teamwork abilities as well as increasing their awareness of personal
responsibility and the skills necessary for personal goal setting.

The Senior Phase (S4)

S4 remains the first stage where pupils will sit key SQA examinations and attempt to achieve core
qualifications. Pupils will have the opportunity to gain certification in up to 7 Nationals (largely from levels
3‐5), with all qualifications up to National 4 internally assessed and all qualifications at National 5
including a final examination. Pupils will have a choice on what they study, with English and Mathematics
being compulsory, plus five additional subjects. This allows for continued breadth or real focus (for
example, on Numeracy, Science and Technology subjects).

In S4, pupils choose the courses they wish to study for qualifications. In making course choices, pupils
are encouraged to check carefully the entry requirements of any career they may be interested in. It is
wise to check the entry requirements at this stage as it can be hard to fix this in S5/S6.

The subjects on offer during fourth year are:
         Administration & IT                               Graphic Communication
         Art & Design                                      History
         Biology                                           Hospitality
         Business Management                               Mathematics
         Chemistry                                         Modern Studies
         Computing Science                                 Music
         Design & Manufacture                              Physical Education
         English                                           Physics
         Environmental Science                             Practical Woodworking
         French                                            Spanish
         Geography                                         Sport and Recreation

Pupil subject choices, along with their involvement in the wider life of the school and their own
community, should provide a wide range of experiences. This breadth of choice is important in helping
pupils to have an understanding of the world around them and also in letting them fully enjoy life.

The Senior Phase (S5 & S6)

In S5 and S6 pupils will progress onto the next level of National study or onto Higher and Advanced
Higher courses that have been specially revised in light of Curriculum for Excellence. Pupils can study
up to five subjects per year, with increased vocational and college options to support transition beyond

This means that pupils will need to prioritise subjects from S4. For some students this is an easy choice,
for others it can be much harder. Pupils are encouraged to think carefully about their future career
aspirations when making subject choices.

The curriculum for S6 students is more flexible and reflects the additional responsibility given to S6
pupils. Pupils may select one private study period which can include community volunteering. It is
expected that S6 pupils will study four subjects.

Subjects available in fifth and sixth year are:
      Administration                       French                                  PE
      Art & Design                         Geography                               Physics
      Biology                              Graphic Communication                   Practical Woodworking
      Business Management                  History                                 Psychology
      Chemistry                            Mathematics                             RMPS
      Computing Science                    Modern Studies                          Politics
      Design and Manufacture               Music                                   Spanish
      English                                                                       Sports Leaders
Advice and Information

Pupils and parents are given advice and information from the School in a variety of ways to help with
subject choices, including:

1. Course Choice Website – we have a course choice website that can be accessed from the school
   website. It contains information on all options available to young people.

2. Subject Teachers – can provide information about their subject and give pupils some idea of how
   well they are likely to do in it

3. Pupil Support Leaders – can provide advice to pupils on the suitability of their choice and will try to
   make sure pupils choose a course of study that is well balanced and within their capabilities. They
   will also check that the course will give pupils the qualifications necessary to pursue a particular
   career or job

4. Health and Wellbeing Classes

5. Careers Advisor – appointments are available with the School’s Careers Advisor


Parentzone Scotland is a unique website for parents and carers in Scotland, from early years to
beyond school. The website provides up-to-date information about learning in Scotland, and practical
advice and ideas to support children’s learning at home in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing
and science.
Information is also available on Parentzone Scotland regarding additional support needs, how parents
can get involved in their child’s school and education. Furthermore, the website has details about
schools including performance data for school leavers from S4-S6; and links to the national, and local
authority and school level data on the achievement of Curriculum for Excellence levels.

Parentzone Scotland can be accessed at

McLaren High School SQA Results

As a School we use the national benchmarking tool ‘Insight’ to analyse our results. Insight allows us to
compare various different measures of attainment with other schools locally, nationally and against a
‘virtual comparator’. The virtual comparator benchmarks our pupils against pupils with similar
characteristics and backgrounds across Scotland.

‘Headline’ Results for Session 2019/20

We continue to have a strong emphasis on excellent learning and teaching. We delivered excellent
results at all levels, as this summer’s SQA results demonstrate:

       In S4, an impressive 64% of our pupils gained 5 or more awards at SCQF Lv5 (National 5).

       In S5 25% of our pupils achieved 5 Highers in the first sitting.

       In S6, 48% of pupils achieved at least 5 Highers and 63% gained at least 3 Highers, resulting in
        excellent positive destinations for our young people.

Secondary 4

                            2016        2017        2018         2019      2020
    5+ @ SCQF 5             62%         51%         64%          58%       68%
    5+ @ SCQF 4             84%         83%         85%          85%       88%
    5 + @ SCQF 3            90%         88%         86%          91%       88%

               Literacy and Numeracy
                        2016     2017               2018        2019       2020
       SCQF Lv 4         94%     92%                93%         93%        92%
       SCQF Lv 5         52%     51%                86%         76%        72%

Secondary 5

                            2016        2017        2018         2019      2020
     5 @ SCQF 6             35%         24%         22%          26%       25%
    3+ @ SCQF 6             63%         53%         52%          52%       51%
    1+ @SCQF 6              78%         69%         76%          71%       73%
    5+ @SCQF 5              73%         70%         74%          71%       64%

Secondary 6

                            2016        2017        2018         2019      2020
    1+ @ SCQF 7             19%         35%         33%          23%       24%
    5+ @ SCQF 6            37.5%        57%         55%          51%       48%
    3+ @ SCQF 6             57%         70%         70%          64%       63%
    1+ @ SCQF 6             77%         86%         77%          80%       77%

SCQF (Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework) identifies the level a learner has studied in a
particular subject. The following qualifications correspond with the following levels:

                        Qualification          SCQF Level

                        National 3             3
                        National 4             4
                        National 5             5
                        Higher                 6
                        Advanced Higher        7

Pupil Support

Pupil Support exists in McLaren High School to deliver quality support to all pupils according to their
individual needs. Pupil Support Staff are the first point of contact for young people and parents in
matters relating to personal, vocational and curricular areas.

Each house group is allocated a Pupil Support Leader:

      Bracklinn – Mrs Rachael Underwood
      Dochart – Mrs Shona Dunn
      Leny – Mrs Christine Patterson/Mr Allan Robertson

Additional Support Needs

All young people get help with their learning.

A young person is said to have ‘additional support needs’ if they need more, or different, support from
what is normally provided in schools for young people of the same age.

A young person may have additional support needs for lots of reasons including:

   •   Being bullied
   •   A physical disability
   •   Being a young carer
   •   Having a communication difficulty
   •   Being looked after by the local authority
   •   Having a long term illness
Mrs Karen Whyte is pupil support leader for young people with additional support needs.

Roots (Nurture Room)

Roots is McLaren High Schools Nurture Room. This is a safe, supervised space which provides a safe
predictable environment where the individual development needs of each young person are catered

Staged Intervention Process

Staged Intervention is the process used to identify, assess and plan to meet a child’s needs. For
most young people the support they require is provided from school, for example, differentiated
materials, additional time, movement programmes, and support groups. Some pupils with more
complex needs may be referred to ASN Outreach or other partner agencies to provide more enhanced
interventions. Agreed actions will be recorded and reviewed during staged intervention meetings in
collaboration with the young person, family and staff. Where there are more than one agency
supporting a child and this is significant and long lasting, a Coordinated Support Plan may be

If you have concerns about your child, in the first instance, contact this school.

More information is available on the Stirling Council website or by contacting ASN and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Education

Following discussions with staff and pupils the HWB Programme has been developed to take account
of many of the key principles of promoting Health & Wellbeing with a particular focus on developing the
knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which pupils need for mental, emotional,
social and physical wellbeing now and in the future.

Through a weekly period of HWB in S1 – S4, and termly inserts for S5 and S6, the young people of
McLaren High School will be better able to:

   make informed decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
   experience challenge and enjoyment
   experience positive aspects of healthy living and activity for themselves
   apply their mental, emotional, social and physical skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle
   make a successful move to the next stage of education or work
   establish a pattern of health and wellbeing which will be sustained into adult life, and which will
    help to promote the health and wellbeing of the next generation of Scottish children

Health and wellbeing education is of the eight curriculum areas outlined in the Curriculum for
Excellence. The Scottish government states that the curriculum; ‘emphasises the importance of
nurturing learners to help them develop the knowledge and skills they need for positive mental,
emotional, social and physical wellbeing at school, in their everyday lives which will be sustained into
adult life.’

Independent Advice

Enquire are a Scottish advice service providing help and information. All advice given is independent
and impartial. Contact the Enquire Helpline on 0345 123 2303.

Enquire also has two websites, one for parents, carers and professionals and one for children and
young people.

Let's Talk helps parents of children with additional support needs who may require support in relation
to a dispute or potential dispute with an education authority. The service can be used by anyone who
has a right to make a reference to the Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland.

My Rights, My Say is a children's service which provides advice and information, advocacy support,
legal representation and a service to seek children's views independently about their support.

Working with our Associated Primary Schools

We work closely with the Head Teachers and staff of our eleven associated primary schools to ensure
a smooth transition from P7 to S1.

Mr Howard Ashworth is our pupil support leader responsible for overseeing transitions. Any questions
regarding P7/S1 transition may be directed towards Mr Ashworth who would be pleased to offer his
support. He can be contacted by email at

The programme for the current session includes the following:

    MHS staff visits to all primary schools
    Common curricular experience within P7
    Induction Days in May/June
    P7 Parents’ Evening
    Enhanced transition programme in the Spring Term

Our Associated Primary Schools are:

    Aberfoyle Primary School
    Callander Primary School
    Crianlarich Primary School
    Deanston Primary School
    Doune Primary School
    Gartmore Primary School
    Killin Primary School
    Kincardine-in-Menteith Primary School
    Port of Menteith Primary School
    Strathyre Primary School
    Thornhill Primary School

Parental Involvement

McLaren High School enjoys a high level of support from parents.

The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement Act) 2006 encourages and supports parents and carers to
become involved in their child’s education.
Parents and carers have a vital role to play in their children’s learning and have a responsibility to
support their school and their children’s education.
The Act outlines three areas where parents should be supported and encouraged to be more involved
in their child’s learning:

    At home – providing information on what their children are learning at school and how this can
     best be supported at home
    Through school – providing opportunities to contribute to the life of the school, for example by
     helping out at school events
    In a more formal way – deciding what kind of parent representation the school should have

As a parent of a child attending McLaren High School, you are automatically part of the Parent Forum
for the School. The term used for parent representation in the Act is Parent Council. This is a group of
parents who work in partnership with staff to represent the views of all the parents at the School.

Parent Council

We have a very supportive Parent Council which meets regularly in the School. Any member of the
School community is welcome to attend Parent Council meetings. Contact with the Parent Council can
be made through the Clerk to the Parent Council (via the School Office on 01877 330156).

Parent Teachers’ Association

Our PTA actively promotes the partnership of school and community. Membership is open to parents,
staff, former pupils and friends of the School. An annual programme of social and fund raising events
is organised for the benefit of the pupils and is highly valued. The PTA donates the annual War Memorial

Communication with Parents

Our Facebook page can be accessed at the following link:
‘Like’ our page to receive regular updates and see what’s going on in the school.

Our Twitter page can be accessed at the following link:
Follow us here to keep up to date with what’s going on.

Our website is updated regularly and can be accessed at

Newsletters to parents are published regularly with information to keep parents up to date with matters
affecting their children. Every edition is e-mailed to all parents/carers who have given us an e-mail
address and paper copies are issued to pupils where we do not have an e-mail address.

We contribute weekly to the Stirling Observer which is an excellent source of up-to-date information
about school activities. We also regularly make contributions about life in McLaren High School to local
community newspapers throughout the catchment area.

We have an automatic communication (text messaging) system which may be used to contact
parents/carers with up-to-date information on events in School such as emergency closure because of
adverse weather.

One of the quickest and most ecologically friendly ways of communicating with parents/carers is by
e-mail. Please advise the School if you have no e-mail access and we will ensure that paper copies of
any information issued is posted to you or handed to your son/daughter.

Parents Evenings are scheduled annually and additional Information Evenings are arranged when

Parents are welcome to visit the School by contacting the School Office for an appointment.

Parents are encouraged to provide feedback to the School regularly, for example, through the
completion of parental questionnaires. We also welcome informal feedback from parents throughout
the year.

Community Links

McLaren High School is at the heart of the local community. Many parents of the present School
population are former pupils and retain strong links with the School. Apart from this personal link, many
local organisations and services support our young people in a variety of ways:

The McLaren High School Former Pupils’ Association has members all over the world. We are delighted
to host their annual reunion in the School.

The Council of Churches in Callander (Church of Scotland, Roman Catholic Church and Scottish
Episcopal Church) supports us throughout the School session, with representatives contributing to
assemblies and end of term services.

The Police and Fire Services contribute to PSHE classes and provide advice and support on a whole
range of matters concerning the School. PC Graeme McNulty is our School Based Police Officer.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme operates through The Callander Duke of Edinburgh Awards
Group. In the current session 177 S3 to S6 pupils are involved in the scheme.

We are working closely with the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park on a number of areas
including enterprise and the environment.

We have effective partnership agreements with Skills Development Scotland and Forth Valley College.

Forth Valley Health Board support our health and wellbeing initiatives.

Many local businesses support our School either financially or by providing support for functions or
activities organised by the PTA. We are grateful for their support and goodwill.

Our young people take part in a wide range of community based events.

Representatives of the local community, former pupils and teachers, friends of the School and
representatives of the charities we support are all welcome visitors to the School. We are proud of our
present generation of young people and are delighted to arrange opportunities for visitors to meet them.

Promoting a Positive Ethos

The starting point for learning is a positive ethos and climate of respect and trust based upon shared
values across the School community, including pupils, teachers and parents.

All of our young people in McLaren High are encouraged to:

        display high levels of behaviour at all times
        display a high level of attitude to their work at all times
        exercise their responsibilities as members of a School community
        display a high level of respect to others and to the wider School community at all times.

We would hope that all members of staff would contribute to the positive ethos of the School through:

        open, positive, supportive relationships where young people will feel that they are listened to
        promoting a climate in which young people feel safe and secure
        modelling behaviour which promotes effective learning and wellbeing within the School
        being sensitive and responsive to each young person's wellbeing.


If a pupil displays high levels of behaviour and attitude they may be rewarded with a merit. A merit
may be awarded for:

        continuous good effort and behaviour
        making a continuous good contribution in class
        a sustained and mature attitude to work
        high standards of teamwork
        a significant improvement in attitude
        a significant improvement in behaviour
        a sustained improvement in effort
        high standard of homework
        improved standards in homework
        a very good performance in assessment
        helpful behaviour
        Secret Student

Pupils will be informed by their teacher if they are receiving a merit and notification or merits will
be delivered to pupils and parents via the schools text messaging system.


If, however, a pupil does not display high levels of behaviour and attitude they may be issued with a
demerit. Pupils will normally be given two warnings before a demerit is issued. However, a more serious
matter of indiscipline may not warrant a warning. Pupils will be informed when a demerit has been
issued and parents will be informed via email.

A demerit may be issued for the following reasons:

      lack of effort
      poor behaviour
      poor attitude
      not completing homework or meeting deadlines
      not prepared for learning
      persistent lateness
      not listening to instructions
      not listening to the person who is meant to be talking
      not keeping unkind comments, hands or feet to themselves
      not looking after materials and equipment
      being disrespectful to others
      incomplete uniform

Any demerit issued will also be accompanied by a sanction such as:

      moved within the class
      temporarily removed from the learning environment
      ‘Good Neighboured’ to another class in the Faculty
      issued with ‘A Think Sheet’
      lunchtime detention

Our Code of Conduct supports Better Behaviour for Better Learning:

      arrive on time, properly prepared for learning
      follow directions straightaway
      keep hands, feet and unkind comments to yourself
      listen to the person who is meant to be talking
      take care of all equipment, materials and the School environment

Anti-bullying and Positive Relationships

Approaches to anti bullying reflect Getting it Right for Every Child and recognise that bullying impacts
on wellbeing. In order to thrive and achieve their full potential, young people need learning
environments which are safe, nurturing, respectful and free from fear, abuse and discrimination.

All education establishments operate within Stirling’s Approach to Respect for All: Preventing and
Challenging Bullying Behaviours and will, in consultation with wider communities, create establishment
specific anti bullying policy.

We encourage the involvement of parents in promoting good behaviour both within School and in the
surrounding community.

McLaren High School has an Anti-Bullying Policy which is contained in Appendix 1.

Mobile Phones

The school has a mobile phone policy. Pupil phones should be switched off during the school day,
except at morning interval and lunchtime. However, senior pupils may use their mobile phones to take
photos of class work or homework with the teacher’s permission. A class teacher may ask for a pupil
whose phone is on view or which rings in class to place their phone at the front of the room for the
remainder of the period – or longer. Pupils must not use their mobile phone to take photographs of
others, either in School grounds or while on School buses.


Our pupils are expected to translate the School values into action in the way they interact with each
other on a daily basis. Senior pupils, in particular, have a responsibility towards other pupils and are
expected to set an example to the younger members of our School community.

Prefects are S6 pupils who agree to accept certain responsibilities including, welcoming parents/carers
to meetings, attending social events for younger pupils, and supervision of cafeteria during lunchtime
and intervals. Prefects carry out their responsibilities in teams which are led by the Head Boy, Head
Girl and Depute Head Boy and Depute Head Girl.

The Charities Committee runs a series of very successful money raising events including non-school
uniform days. These activities raise the profile of chosen charities as well as encouraging a sense of
local and global citizenship.

McLaren High School also has an active Eco Group and has the Eco Schools Green Flag award.

Pupil Council

The role of the Pupil Council is very important in McLaren High School. The Council is consulted on a
range of School matters and represents pupil interests in regular meetings with the Prefect Leadership
Team. At the beginning of the school year pupils from S1 – S5 are invited to join the Pupil Council so
they can represent their views and have a pupil voice in School improvement. These representatives
are expected to talk to their year group at assemblies and during registration to find out their views and
report back on the activities of the Council. All members of the Council are expected to meet certain
criteria including high standards of behaviour, dress and work rate.

House System – Captains

Our three houses, Bracklinn, Dochart and Leny, are each led by two House Captains. Throughout the
year we offer many opportunities to gain house points; sporting, debating, quizzes, fancy dress, bake-
offs and many more. The house with the most points at the end of the year is awarded the The
McLaren Association Cup.

House Captains

                                                                 Bracklin (front row)
                                                                 Lauren Duffy & Katie O’Brien

                                                                 Dochart (middle row)
                                                                 Eilidh Jackson & Claire McHardy

                                                                 Leny (back row)
                                                                 James Douglas & Katie Wilson

School Uniform
One of the ways in which we foster a sense of belonging to our School is by encouraging the wearing
of school uniform. We are proud of our School uniform and especially our School badge which bears
the School’s coat of arms granted by the Lord Lyon, King of Arms, in 1965. Our School uniform
demonstrates the high standards and expectations we have for all pupils. Our parents strongly support
our policy on school uniform.

School uniforms are an economic and practical solution and take away the debate about what to wear
to school. A high standard of uniform can:

   ●   contribute to School security and personal safety
   ●   instil pride in McLaren High and contribute to our values
   ●   promote a positive and professional work ethic
   ●   help pupils to see this as a place of learning
   ●   support positive behaviour and discipline
   ●   encourage identity with, and support for, our positive ethos
   ●   promote equality of opportunity and social justice
   ●   protect children and young people from social pressures to dress in a particular, fashionable or
       expensive way
   ●   nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils
   ●   foster a spirit of partnership among pupils and staff, between home and School, and across the
       McLaren community

What can parents do?

   ●   Make sure you are aware of the benefits of wearing school uniform and discuss these with your
   ●   Stay committed to it – sometimes the road may be rocky, but it is worth showing resolve!
   ●   Keep in contact with the School and other parents; a united approach will reinforce the messages
       to young people.
   ●   If you are contacted by us to inform you that your child has not worn the agreed uniform, discuss
       it with him/her, set out your expectations and revisit the benefits.
   ●   Praise your child for wearing the full school uniform. Tell your child how smart he/she is.

There is an expectation that pupils will wear blazers to and from School as well as during the school
day. During very cold or wet weather pupils are, of course, able to wear an outer coat but this must be
of a material designed to keep out rain. Hoodies are not allowed to be worn.

For PE, all pupils should bring a complete change of clothing and appropriate footwear. The PE
uniform consists of shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, jumper or hoodie - all tops must
have short or long sleeves. For swimming, pupils should wear trunks/shorts or a one-piece – bikinis
are not permitted. Pupils may also wear a t-shirt while swimming.

Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing have their child’s name on them. No items of
clothing which bear designer logos or football colours are allowed.


Homework is a very important part of our work in McLaren High School. It allows pupils opportunities to
develop the skills for life-long learning and enhances their ability to effectively contribute to the work of
their class.

At McLaren High School, homework should:

      allow pupils to develop skills and knowledge taught in class; and/or
      provide extended, challenging tasks; and/or
      encourage good study habits and the enjoyment of learning

Show My Homework

Show My Homework is an electronic planner that teachers use to post homework tasks, test reminders
and other announcements related to their classes. This information is then available to pupils and
parents through either a free to download App or online from the Show My Homework website –

Pupils login via their Glow username and password. Parents will have a unique login code sent to them.

Assessment of Progress

Assessment is an everyday part of the learning and teaching process in the classroom. Teachers assess
what pupils say, write, do and make in learning situations and keep records of each pupil’s progress.
The range of methods of assessment includes:

      Assessment of classwork – jotters, notebooks, practical work
      Oral work eg English, Modern Languages
      End of unit tests
      Research tasks and projects
      Assignments/personal study
      Homework exercises
      End of term/year examinations
      Prelim examinations in preparation for SQA examinations

Reporting to Parents

Parents receive reports on their child’s progress in several ways:

      S1 – S3 receive two tracking reports each year
      S4 – S6 pupils receive a tracking report four times a year highlighting their progress within
       different subjects
      A least one parents’ meeting per session is held for each year group
      Information evenings are held about specific matters
      Parents can ask for a report on their child’s progress/work rate/behaviour at any time by
       contacting the appropriate member of the Pupil Support team

Reports are e-mailed to parents/carers wherever possible. Tracking reports indicate how well pupils
are progressing in senior courses. The full reports provide more detail on progress achieved in each
subject. Parents are encouraged to attend the parents’ meetings in order to discuss their child’s
progress with the class teacher. The dates for the parents’ meetings are included in parents’
newsletters. Appointments are made via an online booking system. Parents are e-mailed once the
booking system is available,

Monitoring & Tracking

Monitoring and Tracking is one of the key ways in which pupils are supported and encouraged to achieve
their personal best in an academic and wider achievement sense. All pupils are encouraged to set
personal targets, with the support of their class teacher and/or Pupil Support Leader. A rigorous
monitoring and tracking process with the focus on attainment takes place in S5/S6. Pupil progress is
reviewed by class teachers in discussion with the young people themselves at several points during the
year. Pupils are supported to achieve their best through meetings with Curriculum Leaders, Pupil
Support Leaders or their House DHT, where practical measures are put in place to ensure pupils attain
the best possible results.

School Activities

A wide range of activities is on offer to pupils to provide them with opportunities for personal
development and involvement in the wider life of the school. Examples include:

      School Clubs, as set out below
      Providing peer support in the classroom
      Joining the McMentors to help younger pupils settle into School
      Membership of the Pupil Council
      Carrying out Prefect duties
      Community Volunteers (S5/S6)

Sporting Activities

Lunchtime and after school sports are very much a part of life at McLaren High School. The following
activities are regularly on offer to pupils:
   Hockey                Swimming             Volleyball                Football
   Badminton             Canoeing             Fitness                   Rugby
   Ski course            Dry Slope Skiing     Table Tennis              Dance/Cheer

Non-Sporting Activities

The activities set out below are also regularly on offer to pupils at lunchtime and after school:
  Eco Group             Orchestra                Choir                      Debating
  ICT Club              Swing Band               Trad. Music Group          Homework Club
  STEM                  Brass Group              Pipe Band                  Duke of Edinburgh
  War Games             Wind Band                Vocal Group                Fun Time Club
                         String Group


A range of day and residential study visits and excursions are features of the School year. McLaren
High has always encouraged participation in these events because of the contribution which this
important part of the curriculum makes to pupils’ social and personal development. Contact with new
people, places and situations acts as a stimulus for learning, bringing ideas and shared experiences
back to the classroom whilst at the same time helping to develop good relationships between staff and

Our Musical and Drama Tradition

McLaren High School has a long established reputation for music performance. We have a full size
orchestra, choirs, swing band, violin ensemble, guitar ensemble, woodwind ensemble, brass group,
traditional music group and pipe band. Pupils are given opportunities to display their talent and hard
work in the School Music Festival, the Christmas Concert, School Show and Awards Ceremonies.
Tuition is available from visiting music instructors for various musical instruments. Tuition is provided
within the guidelines set by Stirling Council.

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities
Everyone in Scottish education should be working towards:

     Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;
     Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;
     Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and
     Improvement in employability skills.
The quality indicators from HGIOS4 are an integral part of the reporting arrangements for the NIF
through self-evaluation and school inspection. These are:
1.3 Leadership of change
2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment
3.2 Raising attainment and achievement
As a school we have used How good is our school? 4th edition (HGIOS 4) to focus our self-evaluation
work around specific areas. We paid particular attention to the quality indicators, features of highly-
effective practice and challenge questions to ensure that we can demonstrate effective self-evaluation
around all of these over a three to five year period.
By using a cyclical approach, we aim to ‘bundle’ quality indicators and themes together to show that we
understand our strengths and what we need to do to improve.

“Making sound judgements about the impact on learners should be central to self-evaluation.”
In taking on board key messages from pupil, parent and staff self-evaluation we felt that it is
important within our subject teams that they were fully involved in setting out our priorities for
the next session and this has been facilitated through departmental meetings and an extended
management team meetings. It is important that our priorities are manageable and achievable
within the working week.

As a school we will focus on 5 QIs to form the ‘backbone’ of our priorities for next session, 3 QIs based
around the NIF; 1.1 Self-evaluation as it enables the school to look inwards, so we know ourselves well;
look outwards so we can learn what happens elsewhere; look forwards so we can make continuous
improvements and plan how we get there. QI 2.2 Curriculum has been identified as this allows us to re-
design courses in the BGE and Senior Phase to improve outcomes for all learners.

School Improvement Plan 2020 Priorities


                              Our Improvement plan for McLaren High School, 2020/21 reflects the
                              priorities set out in the National Improvement Framework 2020. In line with
                              guidance on school improvement planning, it focuses on a small number
                              of key priorities. It also reflects changing priorities in light of the Coronavirus
                              Pandemic since March 2020.

                              Key priorities of the National Improvement Framework

   ●   Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;
   ●   Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young
   ●   Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing;
   ●   Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all
       young people.

Pupils also play a key role in evaluating the work of the school and their experience of it. In 2020 we will
continue our work using the young person’s guide to How Good is OUR School? Parents and carers
are central in shaping many aspects of the school’s work and we will continue to make improvements
in this area with a focus on QI 2.5 Family Learning.

Learning & Teaching (1.2 Leadership of Learning, 1.3 Leadership of Change)

                                Digital Literacy remains a key priority and we will build on the success
                                of our Office 365 portal. A facility for parents to be alerted to due
                                assignments and homework will be implemented during 2020.

                                Learning for Sustainability integrates a range of programmes and
                                activities. Our learners will be committed to the principles of global
                                citizenship, social justice and equity, democratic participation and living
                                within the ecological limits of our planet.

                                Our LfS policy will be updated in session May/June 2021 to reflect the
                                outcomes of the national children’s rights and wellbeing impact
                                assessment. The contributing strands of practical activity will be

What we hope to achieve

            Use 0.6 FTE to release staff to develop a Digital Strategy for pupils, parents and staff;
            Increase staff and pupil confidence in use of G-suite functions, including Google Meet;
            Review digital literacy content across the BGE & Senior Phase Curriculum;
   Develop plans around blended learning, responding to local lockdowns related to COVID-
            Review eligibility for Digital Schools Award;
            Continue to undertake moderation activities in the BGE for achievement of a levels in S1-
             S3 courses that will inform tracking, monitoring, reporting and feedback;
            Register with Young STEM Leaders programme and offer from 2020-21;
            Continue with STEM Nation Awards;
            Embed the Employability Skills Framework so that pupils can identify and develop key skills
             valued by employers.
            Embed DYW principles across the school, in particular Careers Education Standard to
             ensure that they are fully embedded within the curriculum.

Parent & Pupil Engagement (2.5 Family Learning, 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and
inclusion, 2.4 Personalised support.)

Our priorities are guided by the needs and interests of each child and their family. Parents can hear
about and shape practice at focus group events, Parents Information Seminars and Parent Council and
via our regular opinion surveys.

Scottish Government has piloted a Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) census which may
replace the survey we have conducted at Parent Information Evenings.

In 2020 our pupils will use the young person’s guide to How Good is OUR School? to evaluate themes
2, 3 and 4. They will review the remaining 2 themes in 2021.

We also intend to survey pupils on key themes relating to health and wellbeing and their general
perspective of the school.

What we hope to achieve

With parents

            Mental health and wellbeing;
            Parent contribution in an ‘Empowered System’ and barriers to engagement;
            Consider implications of HMIe thematic review of ‘Family Learning’;
            Improve parental Engagement through Digital Learning Strategy;
            Engage with Education Scotland stakeholder events in 2020-21;
            Agree adaptations to PIE census to meet school context;
            Conduct PIE census.

With pupils

      Undertake self-evaluation using How Good is Our School? lead by Pupil Leadership Team &
       Pupil Council on:
                  Theme 4 - Our health & wellbeing
                  Theme 2 - Our learning & teaching
                  Theme 3 - Our school community

Supporting Pupils (3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion, 2.4 Personalised

                                       In 2020 we will continue our focus on improving mental health,
                                       wellbeing and resilience building and also on securing LGBT
                                       Schools Charter Mark.

                                       Scottish Government is funding the provision of counselling
                                       services for young people age 10+. The school is reviewing
                                       current provision to meet the new criteria.

                                       A National Health and Wellbeing (HWB) pupil census is under
                                       development. The school will seek to access and adapt this to
                                       our context.

What we hope to achieve

      Develop S6 as mentors for new S1s across the Pupil Leadership Team to support learning and
       teaching in each faculty area;
      Publish our Pupil Support/Mental Wellbeing support on the web site and O365 as a GLOW tile;
      Continue the implementation of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) programme;
      Develop pupil leadership in supporting and tackling ‘Period Poverty’ through the ‘Cycle Sisters’;
      Evaluate use of Room 237 and ‘Roots’ Room and ASN provision to support vulnerable young
       people and to provide best value in improving outcomes for all learners;
      Agree adaptations to HWB census to meet school context;
      Implement and act on findings as appropriate taking into account feedback from pupils and
      Appoint ‘Family Link Worker’ to work with and support identified vulnerable families;
      Identify pupils who need to access School Counselling Service;
      Achieve LGBTI+ Schools Charter Mark.

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