SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

Page created by Juanita Spencer
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning
Bracknell and
                         Wokingham College
                           Reading College

Full-time Pathways and
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning
WELCOME TO                                                                                                   INSIDE
ACTIVATE                                                                                                     2–3        Why study with Activate Learning?                           24–25        Levels explained

                                                                                                             4–5        Our Learning Philosophy                                     26–27        What are T Levels?
                                                                                                             6–9        Bracknell and Wokingham College                             28–29        Institute of Technology (IoT)
                                                                                                             10–13      Reading College                                             30–31        How to apply
                                                                                                             14–15      Case study                                                  32–33        Case study
                                                                                                             16–17      Our employer partners                                       34–89        Career pathways
                                                                                                             18–19      Support to succeed                                          90–91        Case study
We are excited that your child is thinking about continuing their
                                                                                                             20–21      Money matters                                               92–93        What next?
educational journey at one of our colleges.                                                                  22-23      Your career routes
Activate Learning is a pioneering education group      Supporting our students

                                                                                                             Career pathways
committed to transforming lives through learning.
                                                       We are proud of the support we offer to our
We believe everyone can improve their lives through    students so they can flourish during their time at
learning; with emotional support, motivation and       Activate Learning:
purpose. We are experts in delivering technical,
vocational and academic education, with a high         »   We support our students’ physical and mental
level of industry engagement and connections to            wellbeing via a dedicated Student Support
some of the best-known companies—not just in our                                                             36–37         Accountancy                                               68–69       Hospitality and Professional Cookery
region, but in the world.
                                                       »   Support is available for all students including   38–43         A Levels and Science                                      70–71       IT and Computing
                                                           those with learning difficulties and/ or
In this guide, you will learn more about the amazing       disabilities.                                     44–45         Beauty Therapy                                            72–73       Media
opportunities available at Activate Learning and
discover how we empower and support our                »   Our impartial Activate Careers team helps
                                                           students make informed decisions about their      46–47         Business and Enterprise                                   74–75       Media Makeup
students, helping prepare them for their chosen
career pathway. Our aim is to provide your child           future education, employment and training
                                                           options. Our advisors work closely with subject   48–49         Construction                                              76–77       Motor Vehicle
with a complete educational experience where they
feel supported and confident in their abilities and        tutors and progress coaches.
                                                                                                             50–51         Early Years                                               78–79       Performing and Production Arts
inspired by the opportunities available to them.       »   Support is available for students who need
                                                           advice related to funding and bursaries.          52–53         Engineering                                               80–81       Public Services
Our Learning Philosophy                                »   We have a Head of Campus – Student
                                                           Experience at each of our campuses,               54–55         Esports                                                   82–83       Sports Academies
We transform lives through our Learning Philosophy.        responsible for creating safe, vibrant and
This is rooted on the power of the brain, the              welcoming campuses for our students.              56–59         Foundation and Supported Studies                          84–85       Sports Therapy and Exercise Science
importance of emotions and feeling safe to
enable learning, and motivation, so learners can                                                             60–61         GCSEs                                                     86–87       Tourism
                                                       Preparing your child for their next steps
understand the impact of what they are learning for
their future careers.                                  We believe that effort and hard work are key to       62–63         Hairdressing                                              88–89       Visual Arts and Design
                                                       success, so we inspire our students to challenge
                                                       themselves to achieve their best.                     64–65         Health and Social Care: Clinical

                                                       We instil in our students a purpose and a drive       66–67         Health and Social Care: Social
                                                       to succeed and grow, as we prepare them for
                                                       life after college, whether that’s higher education
                                                       or employment. We work in close collaboration
                                                       with different industries to help students develop
                                                       the core behaviours that both universities and
                                                       workplaces value.
                                                                                                                   All information in this guide is correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change.
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

     Activate Learning will help you to develop the skills, knowledge,
     confidence and determination required to succeed in education
     and the workforce. Our colleges are in easily-accessible locations

     and contain specialised facilities that replicate the kind that you would
     find in the real world of work. Here, we nurture an atmosphere of
     independence to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be.
                                                                                                Choose from a variety of specialist

                                                                                                and career-focused programmes                                                  Develop the key skills required for
                                                                                                      to suit you and your                                                     your future career and undertake
                                                                                                          career goals.                                                        exciting work experience placements.

     Learn in an independent environment,
     make new friends, and manage a
     more flexible timetable.
                                                            LOCATIONS                                               PROGRESSION
                                                            Study at town and city-centre
                                                             campuses; close to shops,                              Follow clearly-mapped career pathways
                                                                restaurants, cultural                               to progress to higher-level

                                                                                                                                                                             EVENTS AND
                                                              hotspots, amenities, and                              programmes.

                                                                     travel links.

                                 Performance Coaches
                                  will support you in the                                                                                                                      Join in with students activities and go

                                development of emotional                                                                                                                      on trips and visits to support learning in
                                  intelligence, wellbeing                                                                                                                                  a practical way.

                                   and self-confidence.

                                                                                            Enjoy innovative learning and assessment
                                                                                            methods that help you develop at your
                                                                                            own pace.
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

    OUR LEARNING                                                                                                        “The Career Pathway maps were also
                                                                                                                        helpful when comparing what I would learn

                                                                                                                        at City of Oxford College to other colleges
                                                                                                                        and what you’re learning here and what
                                                                                                                        you learn in other places. You can use
                                                                                                                        them to map out the continued professional
                                                                                                                        development that you need to do to get to
                                                                                                                        the next level at your job too.

                                                                                                                        I can see now that I am applying the
    THE LEARNING PHILOSOPHY                                                                                             practical skills I learnt at college. I’m going
                                                                                                                        back over part of my project management
    Our award-winning Learning Philosophy is at the heart of our approach to teaching and learning.                     program at the moment and using all the
    We recognise that not everyone learns in the same way or has had positive experiences of education.                 notes I took to help me with a business
    That’s why we use tried and tested principles to engage our students and help them make the most                    administration course I’m doing as part of
    of their time with us, setting them up with not only the knowledge they’ll need for their careers, but              my apprenticeship at Oxford Brookes!”
    with the personal skills that will benefit them their whole lives.

    At Activate Learning, we work closely with employers to identify the
    characteristics and skills they are looking for in potential employees.
    We help you identify which of these desirable attributes you have           OUT
    and which you can strengthen throughout your programme, ensuring            MORE
    your future employability is the focus throughout your studies.


    The way the course was structured around the Learning
    Philosophy, I definitely stayed motivated. I was always
    able to prove that we had learned what we were studying.

    When we were doing our work experience, we used
    an online platform to track our progress with
    different Learner Attributes. We had to look at
    them each day and it was really helpful to
    pinpoint what we’d learned that day.”

    The Learner Attributes, which is a system to build
    self-awareness and employment skills that all
    students at Activate Learning are asked to
    undertake, really helped Grace build her                                                                 Grace
    confidence, business knowledge and skills.
                                                                                                             Level 3
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

    Bracknell and Wokingham College is located in the heart of
    Bracknell on Church Road, just a two-minute walk from the
    Lexicon shopping centre.

    Bracknell and Wokingham College is located       On a typical day here, in between lessons,
    in the heart of Bracknell with train and bus     there’s space for quiet study in our Learning
    stations a short, 10-minute walk away.           Resource Centre or hanging out with friends
    There are also various bus stops close to        in the many spaces and communal areas.
    the campus itself and plenty of safe, on-site    Missed breakfast or need a snack in
    bicycle parking, so however you choose to        between classes? You can grab a bite
    get here, it’ll be safe and convenient.          to eat or something to drink in our café
                                                     or canteen. You can also visit our
    Whatever your area of interest, you’ll be        Harmony Salon for a variety of hair
    able to study it here, with some of the best     and beauty treatments.
    equipment and teachers available. We have
    many industry-standard facilities, including:

    motor vehicle and construction
    workshops, science labs, modern
    salons and beauty treatment rooms,
    photography and art studios, IT

                                                                                                           OPEN EVENTS
    suites including CAD workstations
    and a Sport England-grade                                    [It’s] a really nice building to be in.
    sports facility.                                            I like the hubs on each floor where
    Our professional, dedicated and                            you can just hang out with your             Saturday 9 October 2021, 9:30am–12:30pm
    industry-experienced teaching staff                     friends. There’s a lot of space,                Wednesday 24 November 2021, 4–7pm
    make learning fun and engaging                        it’s nice and bright and it’s just                  Wednesday 9 February 2022, 4–7pm
    and give you the responsibility and
    independence you need to take                        a nice place to learn in, really.”                    Saturday 18 June 2022, 9:30am–12:30pm
    charge of your own future.
                                                      Zoe Woods                                                   For more information and to book your place,
                                                    A Levels                                                       please visit
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

     BRACKNELL AND                                                                                                             A321



                                                                                                                          TWYFORD                               M4


                                                                                                                   WOODLEY                                             Bracknell and
                                                                                                                                                                     Wokingham College
                                                                                                                                                                       Church Road
                                                                                                            WINNERSH                                                     RG12 1DJ
     STUDENTS’ UNION                                                                                                                                 A329(M)
                                                                          It’s been really nice                                                                                        A329                  ASCOT              SUNNINGD
     The Students’ Union (SU) helps support and create                   having my voice
     the student experience: from running events to                     heard and actively                                                                                  BRACKNELL
     meeting with staff to discuss the kind of changes                                                                           WOKINGHAM
     that impact the entire student body and college.                making a student                                                                                        BRACKNELL
                                                                                                                                                                           RAILWAY STATION                                A30
                                                                    difference at college!
     There is a committee of students on each campus              I would recommend
     that form the SU. Within the committee there are
     lots of roles. You can tell which students are in the       others join.”
                                                                                                                                                                                               A322                M3
     SU because they have an orange lanyard!
                                                               Bracknell and
     The SU committee meets each week to discuss              Wokingham SU
     current issues, develop their campaigns and             member                                                                                                  SANDHURST
     plan their events. If you don’t want to be part
     of the committee, you can still get involved by
     attending the meetings, and contributing                                                                                                                           A30
     your opinion!

                                                                                                          SUPPORT WITH TRAVEL                                        Bus and train
                                                                                                                                                                     If walking or cycling isn’t an option, there is an
                                                                                                          If you are finding it hard to meet the costs of            excellent local bus network. The bus station is a
                                                                                                          travelling to college, you may be able to get a travel     10-minute walk from the college and there are
    BEING PART OF THE SU                                                                                  bursary, depending on your situation.                      various stops close by. Our Woodley Hill House
    IS A GREAT EXPERIENCE.                                                                                For more information on bursaries, to check if
                                                                                                                                                                     and Waingels Adult Centre campuses can also
                                                                                                                                                                     be easily reached by bus.
                                                                                                          you’re eligible, and how to apply, please contact
    And can be added to your personal                                                                     our Advice and Admissions team or look on                  If you are taking the train, Bracknell railway station
    statement when applying to university or                                                              our website.                                               is a 10-minute walk from the campus. The station
    CV when applying to jobs!                                                                                                                                        offers direct train links to Wokingham and Reading.

                                                                                                          CHURCH ROAD CAMPUS                                         Car
                                                                                                                                                                     Bracknell and Wokingham College is situated
                                                                                                          Walk and cycle                                             on the Church Road roundabout in Bracknell.
                                                                                                          Bracknell and Wokingham College is a 10-minute             This campus offers limited parking, but students
                                                                                                          walk from Bracknell town centre. We encourage              are welcome to park at the Braccen Walk car
                                                                                                          our students to cycle to college as there is plenty        park. We are able to validate your parking ticket
                                                                                                          of safe bike parking available on-site and cycle           for Braccen Walk at reception at a discounted
                                                                                                          lanes locally.                                             rate. Woodley Hill House and Waingels Adult
                                                                                                                                                                     Centre have free car parking on site.
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

     The campus is a 15-minute walk from the town centre with
     fantastic local transport links, so you will be able to experience
     everything Reading has to offer.

     KING’S ROAD, READING                                 You can also unwind and get pampered with
                                                          a variety of hair and beauty treatments at
     On campus, we offer the best possible                The Salon.
     facilities in a vibrant and welcoming
     environment. Whatever your area of study,            Reading College has a dedicated radio
     we offer the specialist facilities you’ll need to    station called Blast 1386. With a combination
     get the most out of your education and future,       of industry-standard equipment, professional
     including creative art workshops, recording          management and 24/7 broadcasting, it allows
     studios, performance spaces, a TV studio,            students to experience running (and working
     theatre, garage, construction centre                 in) a full-time, live-radio environment.
     and fully-fitted training kitchens.

     Your learning is guided by expert tutors in
     dedicated and well-equipped workshops
     and learning zones, kitted-out with the latest
     technology including:

     Apple TVs, Macs, PCs, iPads, laptops,
     and Virtual Reality headsets.
                                                                     I loved it there! It was actually
     In between lessons, you can grab a
     drink or a bite to eat from one of                             quite fun to be there. You’d want
                                                                  to actually go into college every
                                                                                                          OPEN EVENTS
     several cafes and shops on campus,
     have lunch with your friends in the                         day. There was always a lot of
     canteen or just hang out in the
     chill-out areas with comfy sofas.                         support there and always
                                                              someone you could talk to.”                 Wednesday 13 October 2021, 4–7pm
                                                                                                           Saturday 13 November 2021, 9:30am–12:30pm
                                                           Gabby,                                            Wednesday 2 February 2022, 4–7pm
                                                         Health and Social Care Level 3                       Saturday 11 June 2022, 9:30am–12:30pm

                                                                                                                For more information and to book your place,
                                                                                                                 please visit
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

      READING                                                                                                                       CAVERSHAM



                                                                            I have a proper
                                                                          role and I feel like                                     READING
                                                                                                                                   RAILWAY      READING                                                             M4
                                                                        I am improving the              Reading College            STATION
                                                                       college society and                Kings Road                                  A4
      STUDENTS’ UNION                                                 community. I offer a                 RG1 4HJ                                                     WOODLEY
                                                                    student perspective
      The Students’ Union (SU) helps support and create                                                                       Royal Berkshire
      the student experience: from running events to
                                                                  on how to improve                                              Hospital
      meeting with staff to discuss the kind of changes          college life, I love that                                                                   EARLEY
      that impact the entire student body and college.          my voice is heard!”                                                  University               WINNERSH
                                                                                                      M4                             of Reading
      There is a committee of students on each campus         Reading SU member
      that form the SU. Within the committee there are                                                                                                                                  WOKINGHAM
      lots of roles. You can tell which students are in the
      SU because they have an orange lanyard!

      The SU committee meets each week to discuss
      current issues, develop their campaigns and
      plan their events. If you don’t want to be part                                                                                   A33
      of the committee, you can still get involved by
      attending the meetings, and contributing
      your opinion!

                                                                                                 SUPPORT WITH TRAVEL                                        Bus and train
                                                                                                                                                            If walking or cycling isn’t an option, Reading has
                                                                                                 If you are finding it hard to meet the costs of            fantastic public transport options. Reading has a
                                                                                                 travelling to college, you may be able to get a travel     large bus network which offers travel across the
     THE SU WORKS ON                                                                             bursary, depending on your situation.                      city. Bus services run regularly along Kings Road,
                                                                                                                                                            with stops just outside of the college. As a Reading
     ‘STUDENTS ORGANISING FOR                                                                                                                               College student, you will be able to get discounted
                                                                                                 For more information on bursaries, to check if
     SUSTAINABILITY (SOS)’:                                                                      you’re eligible, and how to apply, please contact          travel on the bus.
                                                                                                 our Advice and Admissions team or look on
     more water fountains                                                                        our website.                                               If you are taking the train, the station is located a
     and more recycling points!                                                                                                                             few minutes from the town centre. Reading’s train
                                                                                                                                                            station has connections to local areas and major
                                                                                                                                                            cities, as well as a frequent service to London
                                                                                                 KING’S ROAD CAMPUS,                                        Paddington, which only takes 25 minutes.
                                                                                                 Walk and cycle                                             Reading College is located on King’s Road.
                                                                                                 Reading College is a 20-minute walk from                   For those wishing to drive, there is limited
                                                                                                 Reading town centre and Reading train station.             parking available on-site for students.
     more water fountains and more                                                               We encourage our students to cycle to college
     recycling points!                                                                           as there is plenty of safe bike parking available
                                                                                                 on-site and cycle lanes locally.
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

     CASE                                                                                              “I would love to go to New
                                                                                                       York one day and work in
                                                                                                       a top restaurant as head
                                                                                                       chef or to own my own

                                                                                                       restaurant. ”

     I originally applied to do carpentry and wasn’t very good at it, so I
     changed. I am now doing the Level 3 Professional Cookery course
     and have found it really good.

     The course is hands-on work which I like as I work well with that style
     of learning. There’s a lot to learn here. The teachers are all amazing
     and are really supportive and encouraging.

     Doing this course has given me lots of opportunities. Winning the
     Young Risotto Chef of the Year 2021 was really encouraging.
     I was so shocked; I didn’t think I had a chance. I learnt so
     much in one day with my tutor Simon Genduso, including
     how to prepare and present the dish properly.

     Working at the Fat Duck restaurant will be really good,
     it’s an amazing opportunity and I’m excited to see
     what goes on behind-the-scenes. I also work part-time
     at Pizza Express which is helpful to get an insight to
     the health and safety side of things.

     I’ve really enjoyed my time at Reading College.
     If I didn’t come here, I wouldn’t have the same
     opportunities with the Chef’s Academy at
     exclusive hotels. I’ve gained so much
     confidence being at college and would                                       Orin Perry
     recommend this course to anyone.”
                                                                               Culinary Arts Level 3
SCHOOL LEAVERS GUIDE 2022-23 - Bracknell and Wokingham College Reading College - Activate Learning

                                                                         Some of the employers we
                                                                         work with include:

     At Activate Learning we focus on employability. We are passionate
     about making sure our students leave college not just with a
     qualification, but are work ready and equipped with the skills
     employers really want.

     To achieve this, we work closely with local, regional
     and national businesses to gather valuable expert
     advice to inform our teaching and curriculum and to
     provide our students with the opportunity to interact
     with some of the best employers in the country,
     gaining valuable experience of work.

     This includes:

     »   Workplace visits or placements
     »   Internships
     »   Real world projects and competitions,
         negotiated with employers.

                Last year, Hospitality and Professional
                Cookery students took part in a
                competition to design a new Easter
                Egg with Heston Blumenthal’s Fat
                Duck Group.

     »   Employers engaging in talks/ mock interviews
     »   Product demonstrations and training sessions.

                Last year, Beauty Therapy students
                worked with fake tan and cosmetic
                company Fake Bake to discover more
                about how their products work.

     »   Q&A sessions.

                Activate Learning students were
                invited to attend a webinar with the
                British Army to find out more about
                roles and career options and have                        We are continually working to maintain and improve these relationships
                their questions answered live by
                a serving soldier.
                                                                         and to work with new employers to ensure our students leave us with the
                                                                         skills they need, and employers want.
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19

                                                                                                                   Working alongside your subject tutors and Progress Coaches the Careers team will help you
                                                                                                                   explore your strengths and interests and to learn about the world of work.

                                                                                                                   You will have opportunities to meet with us throughout the college year through one-to-one

                                                                                                                   guidance interviews, group sessions and drop-in support. You can book an appointment
                                                                                                                   through your tutor or directly with the Careers team.

                                                                                                                   We will support you to gain the qualifications, employability skills, experience, and
                                                                                                                   attributes to make successful applications for employment or Apprenticeships.
                                                                                                                   You will benefit from a wide variety of vacancies generated via our links with
                                                                                                                   local and national employers and have an opportunity to meet them at our
     At Activate Learning, your happiness and success is our priority.                                             Careers and Apprenticeship event.

     We offer the following dedicated services to ensure your time
                                                                                                                   STUDENT CREW
     while studying with us is positive and fulfilling, both academically                                          If you are interested in working at college while you study, ask about opportunities
     and personally.                                                                                               to join our Student Crew. We’ve got all kinds of paid-work opportunities, and it
                                                                                                                   looks great on your CV.

     LEARNING SUPPORT                                      PROGRESS COACHES                                        SAFEGUARDING
     Need some additional support with your studies?       Progress Coaches are available to listen to you and     It is everybody’s responsibility to keep our campuses safe. When on
     Our Learning Support team offer additional and        find out how you want to progress. Together with        campus, we ask that you wear your lanyard at all times to identify
     ongoing study support if you have a disability or     your Progress Coach you will work on overcoming         yourself and toaccess buildings. We have a team of safeguarding
     other educational needs, including confidential 1:1   any barriers so you can develop as a person. You        and child protection specialists if you are worried about your own or
     interviews and tailored learning support plans. To    will work with us continuously in a weekly group        somebody else’s health, safety or wellbeing, on or off campus.
     discuss your additional support needs, please email   session and through 1:1 coaching. These sessions        Call 01865 550401 or email                            allow you to focus on specific goals, improve your
                                                           motivation and consider what your next steps are to
                                                           break down any barriers to your personal success.       FAITH ROOMS
     COUNSELLING                                                                                                   Faith rooms are available for you to use on all campuses for
     Struggling with anger, stress, relationships, or                                                              prayer and quiet reflection.
     something else that is bothering you and need         INTERVENTION PROGRESS
     a space to talk to someone who can help? Our          COACHES
     counsellors can support you through your time                                                                 TRANSITION
                                                           Intervention Progress Coaches are also available
     at college. Call 01865 550401or email                 to support you to get back on track to achieving        Coming to college can be a daunting experience for                        your goals if you experience any barriers to            some, so we offer taster sessions, college tours,
                                                           learning throughout the year. We work with you          summer programmes and one-to-one support to
                                                                                                                   help you adjust to college life. Call 01865 550401
     MENTAL WELLNESS                                       1:1 or in small groups on personal development
                                                                                                                   or email
                                                           areas such as confidence, organisation and stress
     Anyone can struggle with poor mental health and       management so you can get back to feeling your
     some students may be diagnosed with mental ill
     health. We offer a range of services to ensure you
                                                           best and working to your full potential.                SUPPORT FOR PARENTS
     are well supported. These include quiet spaces,                                                               We know how important it is for parents to
     self-help resources, highly trained staff and an      ACTIVATE CAREERS                                        be aware of the opportunities available to
     accepting culture where we discuss mental health
     as equally and as openly as physical health.
                                                           Explore   • Plan • Make it happen                       their children, as well as the support
                                                                                                                   we can provide them. Visit
                                                           Our team of qualified, impartial careers advisers are
                                                           here to help you make informed decisions about          for more information.
     TUTORIALS                                             your future education, employment, and training
     You’ll have a dedicated personal tutor to coach you   options. We are proud of our Matrix Accreditation
     and keep you on track to succeed. Their frequent      for the high-quality impartial information, advice
     and friendly meetings will ensure your set targets    and guidance offered to all our students and
     are met and exceeded.                                 service users.

                                                                                                                     A detailed list of all evidence required for each bursary including information regarding how we assess
                                                                                                                     household income is available on the website under ‘Fees, Funding and Bursaries’.

                                                                                                                     Applicants are required to apply for all statutory benefits before applying for a bursary.
                                                                                                                     For further information on government benefits you are eligible for, please visit:

                                                                                                                     What bursaries are available?
     FEES, FUNDING AND BURSARIES                                                                                     »   Travel bursary
                                                                                                                     »   Course costs bursary
     Find out more about what you’ll need to pay, if you      What is a bursary?                                     »   Meal credits
     can get any funding, and how we can help you             A bursary provides financial support to help
     manage it all.                                           students overcome the specific financial barriers      »   Bursaries for young people in defined vulnerable groups
                                                              to be able to participate in your course. It can be        (for students aged 16–18)
     Programme fees                                           used to pay for uniforms/clothing, books and other     »   Accommodation bursary
     If, at the start of your course, you are aged 16–18 or   equipment for your course. The bursary can also
     aged 19-24 with an Education Health Care Plan, you       be provided to help meet the costs of travel getting
                                                                                                                     »   Childcare bursaries
     are unlikely to pay any tuition fees for our funded      to and from your place of study and for paying for
     programmes.                                              food. Bursaries don’t have to be paid back and you     How to apply for financial support
                                                              get your bursary directly from us. Activate Learning   All student finance applications are confidential, so you shouldn’t worry
     There may be additional charges for materials,           offers several bursaries to ensure financial support   about applying.
     trips, and kit to enhance your learning experience.      reaches those students who are most in need.
     These are kept to a minimum. If you are not a                                                                   Funds are limited so please apply early to avoid any disappointment,
     UK citizen, you can use the UKCISA website to                                                                   and applications will be processed on a first come, first-served basis.
     confirm if you need to pay an ‘overseas’ fee.            Eligibility and evidence required
                                                              You must be a ‘home’ student and enrolled on a         The application form will only be processed if it has been completed
     Manage the costs of college                              funded further education course. If you are not a UK   and submitted with the required evidence so don’t forget to include
     A wide range of bursaries are available, subject to      citizen, you can check if you are a home student by    this with your application.
     you meeting certain criteria, helping you with the       using the UKCISA website
     cost of studying with us.                                                                                       We strongly recommend that you submit your application as soon
                                                              To be eligible for our bursary’s you need to meet      as applications open (usually July) as late applications may not be
                                                              the below household income thresholds. To assess        processed within our standard timescales of 4 weeks. Bursary
                                                              your financial need we use household income along      payments will not be backdated for applications made after
                                                              with individual circumstances such as the number       the start of your course.
                                                              of dependent children in the household.
                                                                                                                     If you need any help completing your application form,
                                                                                                                     one of our Advice and Admissions Team will be happy
                                                              »   Financial support for 16-18 students, 19+
                                                                                                                     to help you either at one of our Advice Centres on
                                                                  LLDD students with EHCPs, and 2nd year
                                                                  students aged 19+                                  each campus, by calling 0800 612 6008 or send an
                                                                                                                     enquiry via the website.
                                                                  »   have a household income of £25,000 or less

                                                              »   Financial support for students aged 19+
                                                                  »   have a household income of £30,000 or less

                                                              Evidence of student’s household income is required
                                                              for all bursaries, except for students who are
                                                              Looked After or In Care who will need to provide
                                                              local authority confirmation of their status.

     YOUR CAREER                                                                                                                             I would definitely recommend anyone to come to here. It’s a really

                                                                                                                                            amazing environment in which to grow. I can definitely say that I am a
                                                                                                                                           completely different person than when I first came here. I started here on
                                                                                                                                         the Level 1 Social Care and progressed my way through to Level 3.  

                                                                                                                                     When I started the Level 3 course, some of the previous graduates came in
                                                                                                                                   to talk to us about what we could expect from the course and what would
     The journey to career success, starts with you                                                                               be really helpful to start studying straight away. That was really great.”
     understanding how you prefer to learn and what
                                                                                                                              Ornella, Health and Social Care, Level 3
     interests you. Which route suits you better?
     Full-time study programmes or apprenticeships?

     FULL-TIME STUDY PROGRAMME                                                                                         APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMME
     If you are looking to join us for full-time study at one of our campuses, you can expect                          Choosing an apprenticeship allows you to kick-start your career and gain
     a career-focused and innovative educational programme. The skills and knowledge                                   industry-specific qualifications and experience.
     you acquire during your studies with us will ensure you are prepared for your future.

                                                                                                                                       Earn while you learn
                      Your main qualification                                                                                          Apprenticeships offer a direct route into employment. You develop essential skills and
                      Our tailored qualifications are designed in partnership with employers. Their industry insight                   qualifications that prove you have the knowledge and competency to complete the job,
                      and input ensures you gain relevant and in demand skills and knowledge.                                          whilst getting paid for it at the same time!

                      Work experience                                                                                                  Direct links with top employers
                      You’ll take part in work experience opportunities relevant to your learning programme                            Our apprenticeships are run by Activate Apprenticeships; a specialist provider that partners
                      —where appropriate—ensuring that you build the confidence you’ll need when you                                   with our colleges to deliver nationally-recognised programmes. We deliver apprenticeships
                      enter the workplace.                                                                                             for over 1,000 UK businesses and work with top employers to bring great candidates and
                                                                                                                                       careers together.

                      Industry skills and projects
                      You will gain invaluable workplace skills while attending industry-expert talks, taking                          Clear progression routes
                      part in employer-led and evaluated projects, and participating in mentoring and                                  Apprenticeships offer clear progression routes from intermediate (Level 2) and advanced
                      enterprise-related activities.                                                                                   (Level 3), to higher apprenticeships (degree-equivalent qualifications) and directly into
                                                                                                                                       the workplace.
                      English and maths GCSEs
                      If you join us with a Grade 3 (D) or below in GCSE English or maths, our expert teachers                         How does it work?
                      will help you with revision sessions to make sure you get the best possible results when                         As an apprentice, you are employed and paid by the company you work for. You usually
                      you retake these subjects. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to resit                             spend one or two days a week at college, studying core skills such as English, maths and
                      your GCSEs for free.                                                                                             IT. Some apprenticeships may be delivered entirely in the workplace and will be monitored
                                                                                                                                       by our dedicated accessors routinely. Apprenticeship opportunities are available all year-
                                                                                                                                       round and last for a minimum of one year.
                      Our tutorial programme is in place to boost your personal development, behaviour and
                      welfare. During your tutorials you will have the opportunity to take part in enrichment
                      activities and improve your CV.

                                                                                                                       Further education college programmes typically run from Level 1
     Programmes in this guide are arranged according to levels.                                                        (Foundation Stage), to Level 2 (Intermediate Stage) and Level 3 (Advanced
     Levels refer to learning stages, and guide you through our                                                        Stage). Level 3 programmes are equivalent to three A Levels, and ensure
                                                                                                                       you have the points required to progress to higher education. At Activate
     career pathways maps.                                                                                             Learning, we also offer university-level programmes and qualifications
                                                                                                                       across our colleges.

                                                                                                                       If you have not gained five GCSEs at grade 9–4 (A*–C equivalent),
     Qualification level   Study programmes:          Study programmes:                 Apprenticeship                 you can still progress in the career pathway that interests you.
                              general route             vocational route                    route
                                                                                                                       We will work with you to make sure you join the right programme
                                                                                                                       at the right learning stage; ensuring you have every opportunity
                                                                                                                       to progress.
     Level 6                                   Honours Degree
                                                                                                                       The graphic shows how the levels referred to in
                                                                                                                       this guide relate to different stages of learning.

     Level 5                   Foundation Degree / Higher National Diploma (HND)

     Level 4 /              Higher National
                                                  Higher National Certificate (HNC) /       Higher
     Higher Stage                                      Level 4 Diploma / NVQ             Apprenticeship

     Level 3 /
                               A Levels,            Level 3                Level 3         Advanced
                             Access to HE           T Level            Diploma / NVQ     Apprenticeship

     Level 2 /                 GCSEs                Level 2
                                                                           Level 2        Intermediate
     Intermediate            (grades 9–4       T Level Transition
                                                                       Diploma / NVQ     Apprenticeship
     Stage                      /A*–C)            Programme

     Level 1 /
     Foundation                                                            Level 1
                             (grades 3–1
                                                                       Diploma / NVQ
     Stage                      /D–F)

     Entry Level             Key Stage 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ARE LEARNING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        T LEVELS?       27

     WHAT ARE                                                                                                         T LEVELS WITH                                             More T Levels subjects will be offered
                                                                                                                                                                                from September 2022, please check our

                                                                                                                      ACTIVATE LEARNING
                                                                                                                                                                                website for more details.

     T LEVELS?
                                                                                                                                                                                T Level Transition Programme
                                                                                                                                                                                If you would like to start a T Level in 2023 and want
                                                                                                                                                                                to prepare for it, we offer the following transition
                                                                                                                      WHAT T LEVELS ARE AVAILABLE                               programmes. These programmes are a Gateway
                                                                                                                      AND WHEN DO THEY START?                                   to Level 3 and will ensure you are all set and have
                                                                                                                                                                                a clear understanding of the work involved, as well
     Technical Levels (T Levels) are a new qualification equal to three                                                                                                         as guaranteeing you an interview for your chosen T
                                                                                                                      T Levels went live at Activate Learning in
     A Levels. Available to school leavers after they have completed their                                            September 2021 and are currently available                Level at the end of the year.
                                                                                                                      in the following areas
     GCSEs, T Levels offer an alternative to A Levels.                                                                                                                          »   Business
                                                                                                                      T Level Health - Adult Nursing                            »   Health
                                                                                                                      This course starts with the essential knowledge
                                                                                                                      and skills to work in healthcare, including how the
                                                                                                                                                                                »   Digital
     The difference between a T Level and an A Level        UCAS points will only be allocated to the overall         industry works, core scientific concepts and key          »   Engineering
     is that with a T Level, 80% of the course is in the    T Level grade, so you must achieve at least an
     classroom, learning the skills that employers need.    overall pass grade to receive UCAS points.
                                                                                                                      regulations including managing information, health        »   Animal Management
                                                                                                                      and safety and good scientific/clinical practice.
     The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement,                                                                There is also an Employer set project.
                                                                                                                                                                                »   Hair and Beauty
     where you’ll put these skills into practice.           UCAS tariff points   T Level overall grade   A Level                                                                »   Professional Catering

     T Levels have been designed in collaboration with
                                                                                                         equivalent   The T Level is designed to prepare you for entry          »   Furniture
                                                                                                                      to University study (for example Nursing or other
     employers and businesses so that you will learn        168                  Distinction*            A*A*A*
                                                                                                                      Allied Health Professions), or entry directly into
                                                                                                                                                                                »   Media
     key skills to prepare you for the workplace. The       144                  Distinction             AAA          employed roles such as the Nurse Associate Higher
     qualification will offer you much more practical       120                  Merit                   BBB          Apprenticeship with local NHS Trusts.
     experience through completion of an industry
     placement. No qualification currently available will                        Pass (C or above on
                                                                                 core component)
                                                                                                         CCC          Digital Production, Design
     offer you this except for apprenticeships.                                                                       and Development
                                                                                 Pass (D or E on core
     In fact, as part of your T Level education, you will
                                                                                                                      This course focuses on the digital industry and aims
     do more than 315 hours of industry placements                                                                    to give you the essential knowledge, understanding            OUT
     over the course of your two-year programme.            Whether you are a prospective student, parent             and skills relevant to any digital occupation. There is       MORE
                                                            or employer partner, you can find out more                also an Employer-set project.
     Each T Level includes the following                    about T Levels:
     compulsory elements:                                                                                             Learn the essentials behind all digital roles by
                                                            »     Read more about T Levels on the government          understanding data and digital systems, how
     »   A technical qualification, which will include:           website                              software and businesses interact, security, testing,
     »   Core theory, concepts and skills for an industry   »     Search on YouTube for the Department for            planning and legal issues. You then build on this
         area                                                     Education’s T Level videos                          by developing specialist skills in understanding
                                                                                                                      user needs and designing and developing digital
     »   Specialist skills and knowledge for an             »     Visit the National Careers Service website for
         occupation or career                                     information and guidance on all post-16
     »   An industry placement with an employer                   options
                                                                                                                      This type of qualification is ideal for people
     »   A minimum standard in English and maths,           »     Speak to the careers advisor at your school         who want to work in the following areas:
         if students have not already achieved them         »     Register for an upcoming Open Event at the
     Once you complete your T Level, there are                    college, where you can speak to our teaching        »   Digital development
     several options that are available to you.                   staff face-to-face about T Levels                   »   Project planning and management
     These include moving into full-time employment,
     an apprenticeship or higher education.
                                                                                                                      »   Computing systems management
                                                                                                                      »   Software development
     To help T Level students get into higher education,                                                              »   Security
     UCAS tariff points have been allocated to T Levels,
     which means they will be equivalent to three
     A Levels.
28                                                                                                                                                     OF TECHNOLOGY

     READY.                                                                      YOUR OPTIONS
                                                                                 What qualifications can you complete with us?

                                                                                 HIGHER NATIONAL CERTIFICATE
     TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL PATHWAYS                                                 A Higher National Certificate (HNC) is equivalent to the
                                                                                 first year of university level study, delivered full time
                                                                                 in one year or part time over two years. A HNC can allow
                                                                                 progression onto a Higher National Diploma. You may also
      Welcome to the South Central Institute of Technology. Choose a             hear this being referred to as a Level 4 qualification.
      qualification with us, uncover your potential, and prepare yourself for
      employment now – and in the future.                                        HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA
                                                                                 A Higher National Diploma (HND) is equivalent to the second

      WHO ARE WE?
                                                                                 year of university level study and can be delivered full
                                                                                 time or part time. If you have already completed a HNC in
                                                                                 a relevant subject, you can apply directly for the HND.
      We are the South Central Institute of Technology – providing higher        You may also hear this being referred to as a Level 5
      level technical qualifications for a new generation of digital             qualification.
      In a time where the world and careers are shifting, keeping up has never   HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP
      been more important. As a project working with a consortium of world-
                                                                                 Higher Apprenticeships are work-based programmes
      leading brands including Microsoft, KPMG, McAfee, Milton Keynes College,
                                                                                 which include the study of a recognised Level 4 or 5
      and Cranfield University – we’re always one step ahead of the game.
      As a hub of innovation and world-leading technological advancements,
      we have relentless dedication to future-proof the lives and skills of
      learners. At South Central IoT, you can be anything ready.
                                                                                 HOW TO APPLY
                                                                                 The easiest way to apply is through our website –
      WHAT ARE INSTITUTES OF                                           
      TECHNOLOGY?                                                                Simply choose the qualification or course you wish to apply
                                                                                 for and follow the process. Then, you just have to submit
      Institutes of Technology have been designed to create higher level         your details and wait to be offered an interview – it’s as
      technical qualifications, in partnership with employers to increase        easy as that.
      productivity and raise the standards of university level technical
      education. At Activate Learning, our colleges in Oxford (Technology
      Campus) and Reading will be home to the South Central IoT.
                                                                                 GET IN TOUCH
                                                                                    @SouthCentralIOT        @SouthCentralIOT

                                                                                    @SouthCentralIOT        South Central IOT

                                                                                    South Central Institute of Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                             HOW TO APPLY   31

     HOW TO
                                                                                                                                                                               Section 1
                                                                                                                           THE KEY SECTIONS OF                               About yourself
                                                                                                                           YOUR APPLICATION FORM
                                                                                                                                                                           Add your emergency
                                                                                                                                                                         contact details so we can
     If your heart is set on a specific subject pathway or                                                                                                                 contact your guardian
     apprenticeship, you are probably ready to apply.                                                                                                                     (or designated contact
                                                                                                                                                                            if you’re 19+) in an
     STUDY PROGRAMME?                                                                                                                     Section 2
                                                                                                                                       Your programme

     For full-time subject pathways, please first complete                                                                                  choice
     an online application form. This can be done on our
     website at
                                                                                                                                       Please write your

     and Application
     forms can be supplied in alternative formats. Please                                                                            programme title in as
     speak to a member of the team                                                                                                  much detail as possible
     at any campus or call 0800 612 6008 for                                                                                         (including level etc).
     more information.
                                                                 APPLYING FOR AN
     As soon as we get your application, our Advice and          APPRENTICESHIP?
     Admissions team will confirm they have received
     it and let you know what your next steps will be.
     Depending on the information you provide us, the            Please search through our latest vacancies online
     next step may be an offer from us to join your subject      at You can
     pathway and an invitation to join an Activation             also register for alerts as new vacancies arise.                                                                Section 3
     Programme. An Activation Programme is a series of                                                                                                                        Your future plans
     activities that you’ll need to complete to confirm that     Once you find an apprenticeship that interests you,
     the pathway, the course, the level, and the college         apply online. We will invite you in for an interview to                                                     Tell us why you want
     are the right fit for you. Activities can include initial   check that the programme is right for you and that
     assessments, welcome/discovery days, introductions          you will be able to achieve the qualification.
                                                                                                                                                                            to do this programme,
     to our Learning Philosophy, talks about life at college,                                                                            Section 4                         how it fits with your career
     what support is available including student finance,        You will also complete an initial assessment for                  Extra support for you                     plans, and what you
     and support with advanced learner loans.                    basic literacy and numeracy.                                                                                believe you can bring
                                                                                                                                       We offer support to                       to the college.
     If you have further questions regarding your                You must be employed before you start your
                                                                                                                                  succeed for all our students.

     study programme, call us on 0800 612 6008 or                apprenticeship, but don’t let that stop you from
     contact us online at            applying as we can help you in your job search. If             If you have a disability, medical
     contact-us/enquiries                                        you’ve already found an employer, or your current            condition, or learning or language
                                                                 employer wishes to enrol you on an apprenticeship             support needs, tell us as soon as
                                                                 programme, please contact us and we will work
                                                                                                                              possible; ideally on the application
                                                                 with them.
                                                                                                                               form. This is confidential and will
                                                                 If you have further questions regarding your                      be used to get the support
                                                                 apprenticeship application, please do get in                         you need in place for
                                                                 touch. Contact us online at                                            when you join us.
                                                                 or call 01865 551015.

      I did Media GCSE and I really enjoyed it but my sixth form
      didn’t provide a full Media course. They did Media A Level
      but I wanted something a bit more practical.

      The facilities here are the best out of all the colleges
      that I visited. They have the nicest studio and a green
      screen plus all the equipment they have is a lot
      better than what was available elsewhere.

      The teachers are really welcoming and super
      enthusiastic about the course. They’re
      approachable and very supportive if you
      need help. At the same time, I like the
      fact that they give you a lot of
      independence and freedom which is
      quite different to secondary school.”

      “My favourite part of the course is
      the practical sessions in the studio.
      There, we are let loose with the
      cameras. Out teachers give us
      a quick brief and then we get
      to practice using the camera,
      microphones and all the
      other equipment. It’s so
      much fun!”

                                                                   Erin Brodrick
                                                                   First Year Media,
                                                                         Level 3


ACCOUNTANCY                                                                               You don’t need a business or a financial degree to get into accounting. If you enjoy working
                                                                                          with numbers and are looking for a varied, stable and well-paid job then get an Association of
                                                                                          Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualification in accountancy with Activate Learning!

                                                                                          Accountancy can be a very diverse career. You can        As part of your studies, you will also
                                                                                          train in business, practice or banking and once          have access to:
                                                                                          qualified, accountants can be found in high-level
                                                                                          positions all over the world! There are various          »   the latest version of Sage software
                                                                                          specialisations, such as consulting, corporate           »   computer rooms
                                                                                          finance and forensic accounting.                         »   study spaces
                                                                                                                                                   »   the opportunity to purchase discounted
                                                                                          With us, you’ll get AAT-approved programmes that             laptops through our partnership
                                                                                          lead to professional bookkeeping status; developing          with Academia
                                                                                          your core skills in business administration, boosting
                                                                                          your employability, and supporting your progression
                                                                                          into higher education, if this is your intended route.

                                                                                          If you want to work as a professional
                                                                                          accountant, we offer a pathway
                                                                                          that combines two advanced
                                                                                          stage qualifications:
                                                                                                                                                  THERE ARE NEARLY 80,000
                                                                                          »   AAT diploma for Accounting Technicians             JOB OPENINGS ANNUALLY
                                                                                          »   a diploma in Business, Accountancy                ACROSS THE ACCOUNTANCY
                                                                                              Pathway                                          AND FINANCE PROFESSION
                                                                                                                                             IN ENGLAND.

                                      This is the ideal entry point into a                Since I’ve been looking for a new job in accountancy, I’ve really
                                     rewarding career as an entrepreneur or roles         come to realise that the qualification I’ve got covers so much of what
                                   in finance, HR or marketing. Gain practical know-how   people are looking for. The course was designed with the help of
                                  and make connections on industry placements in your     local employers, but now I can really see that I’ve been given
                                 chosen sector two days per week throughout               exactly the skills and knowledge that people are looking for in
                                your programme.                                           the job market.”
                              There are around six million private businesses in the      Carly, AAT Level 3
                            UK, more than 99% of which are small or medium-sized
                           businesses. The number of businesses registered in the         Read Carly’s full story online at
                         UK has increased on average by 3% per year over the past
                        20 years. With nearly 178,000 annual openings for new

                      jobs, organisations are searching right now for skilled team

                     members and decision-makers within a variety of different

                    business functions.

                  There are significant employment opportunities in this                            FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS
                sector, with the number of business-related roles across                          PATHWAY AT READING
               England forecast to rise by approximately 150,000 in the

              next seven years.


                                                                                                                                                        AVAILABLE AT LEVELS:

                                                                                                 A LEVELS                                                  SCIENCE
                                                                                                 A Levels are more than just a continuation of your        You can pick a choice of three A Levels from our
                                                                                                 time at school. Studying A Levels at one of our           business, science, communication, and social
                                                                                                 colleges gives you the opportunity to specialise in       sciences pathways. See overleaf to view full subject
                                                                                                 the subjects that interest you the most. That means       choices of our Oxfordshire locations.
                                                                                                 you’ll be taking responsibility for your own study;
                                                                                                 with our help, you can identify your interests and        If you are focused on a career in science, our
                                                                                                 strong points and think about your next steps             full-time science programmes offer you the
                                                                                                 after college.                                            opportunity to specialise in applied science,
                                                                                                                                                           forensic science,or applied psychology; providing
                                                                                                 You’ll also be keeping your options open:                 the equivalent points for university progression.
                                                                                                 A Levels are versatile, internationally-recognised
                                                                                                 qualifications that are highly valued by employers        As part of your studies, you will also
                                                                                                 and can help you gain entry to any university in the      have access to:
                                                                                                 country. All A Levels, no matter the subject, will help
                                                                                                 you improve your communication skills and prove           »   laboratories with expert technician support
                                                                                                 that you are capable of high-level academic work.         »   dedicated study spaces
                                                                                                 So, if you haven’t decided yet on a career or further     »   IT suites and computer facilities
                                                                                                 study, A Levels can help you keep your options            »   the opportunity to purchase discounted
                                                                                                 open. During your time with us, we’ll also help you           laptops through our partnership
                                                                                                 to pursue additional activities, both to broaden your         with Academia
                                                                                                 skills and prepare yourself for life after                »   highly-qualified, specialist
                                                                                                 college. Some students take up internships                    teachers
                                                                                                 during the summer.

                                                                                                 There’s a good balance of practical and theory work on the course
                                                                                                 and they make sure to break it up so it’s not continuous theory.
                                                                                                 At college they take it above and beyond and you get proper
                                           Make a fresh start with your learning in              practical experience.
                                          our safe and engaging campus and gain more
                                         independence and autonomy over your learning. Here,     You learn so much, it’s not just education, you build yourself
                                       you’re encouraged and supported to create and manage      up as well. Even though you’re studying a certain subject,
                                      your own schedule and with loads of subjects to choose     you learn about yourself and your skills, it’s a fantastic
                                    from, our enthusiastic tutors can help you pick the areas    overall experience.”
                                   to study to get you closer to your goals.
                                                                                                 Lilly, Forensic Science Level 3
                                During your studies with us, you’ll gain the skills, knowledge
                                                                                                 Read Lilly’s full story online at
                               and attributes you need to make a success of your next step,
                              whether that’s university, an apprenticeship or entering work.

                            Every year, hundreds of our students go on to study higher-
                          level programmes at almost 100 top universities across the UK
                         and abroad. Recently this has included 18 of the world-class                      FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS
                        Russell Group’s 24 universities, such as University of Oxford,                   PATHWAY AT READING
                       Newcastle University and King’s College, London.

                                                                                                     FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS
                                                                                                   PATHWAY AT BRACKNELL

     A LEVEL

                             ADVANCED STAGE PROGRAMMES
     You can choose three A Levels from within one of the pathways listed below.

     Each pathway will enable you to progress with your future career. When you complete your programmes,
     you can go on to further study at university or college, progress directly into employment, or undertake
     an apprenticeship.

      Business                                               Science

     »   Accountancy                                        »   Biology
     »   Business                                           »   Chemistry
     »   English Language and Literature                    »   Further Maths
     »   Law                                                »   Maths
     »   Maths                                              »   Physics
     »   Politics                                           »   Psychology
     »   Psychology
     »   Sociology

      Communication                                          Social sciences

     »   English Language and Literature                    »   Business
     »   History                                            »   English Language and Literature
     »   Photography                                        »   History
     »   Psychology                                         »   Law
     »   Sociology                                          »   Politics
                                                            »   Psychology
                                                            »   Sociology


     A LEVEL                                                                                                    SCIENCE
     PROGRAMMES                                                                                                 PROGRAMMES
                                                                                                                BRACKNELL AND WOKINGHAM COLLEGE AND READING COLLEGE

                             ADVANCED STAGE PROGRAMMES                                                                                ADVANCED STAGE PROGRAMMES
     You can choose three A Levels from within one of the pathways listed below.                                The following BTEC programmes are equivalent to A Level study, enabling you to gain the
                                                                                                                sufficient UCAS points needed for your university application and undergraduate study.
     Each pathway will enable you to progress with your future career. When you complete your programmes,
     you can go on to further study at university or college, progress directly into employment, or undertake
     an apprenticeship.
                                                                                                                Forensic Science BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma

      Business                                               Science                                            Applied Science BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma

     »   Business                                           »   Biology                                         Applied Psychology BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (Reading College only)
     »   English Language and Literature                    »   Chemistry
     »   English Literature                                 »   Further Maths
     »   History                                            »   Geography
     »   Information Technology                             »   Information Technology
                                                                Physics                                                               ACCESS TO HIGHER
     »   Politics                                           »   Psychology
     »   Psychology
     »   Sociology
                                                             Social sciences

      Communication                                         »   Business
                                                            »   English Language and Literature                                 If you are aged over 19 and looking to gain the qualifications
     »   Art and Design                                     »   English Literature                                            to progress on to university, you may look to undertake an
     »   Drama and Theatre Studies                          »   Geography                                                  Access to Higher Education programme. An alternative to
     »   English Language and Literature                    »   History                                                   A Levels, the course is one-year in duration, has funding
     »   English Literature                                 »   Law                                                      available and is designed exclusively for adults.
     »   History                                            »   Politics
                                                                                                                      Find out more on our Adult Education website:
     »   Media                                              »   Psychology
     »   Philosophy and Religious Studies                   »   Sociology
     »   Psychology
     »   Sociology


                                                                                                Don’t just learn about it, be about it! As part of        Every year, we successfully train many students in
                                                                                                your programme you will undertake 60+ hours               becoming fully-qualified beauty therapists. We will
                                                                                                of work experience per year, including working            help you develop the skills you need to work in
                                                                                                within our on-campus salons.                              the beauty therapy industry, including:

                                                                                                You will have the opportunity to build the foundation     »   communication
                                                                                                of your professional experience within our on-site        »   problem solving
                                                                                                training salons before testing your skills with paying    »   professional standards
                                                                                                clients. You will also visit other local salons, attend   »   client consultation
                                                                                                masterclasses, visit trade exhibitions, and take part     »   time management
                                                                                                in competitions to boost your skills, knowledge and       »   customer care
                                                                                                creativity. Previous students on this programme           »   creativity
                                                                                                also had the opportunity to travel to Thailand and
                                                                                                complete a qualification in Thai massage!

                                                                                                Alongside learning about how to apply beauty
                                                                                                treatments, you’ll also learn about the human body.

                                                                                                                                                          £1.7 BILLION
                                                                                                This will help you to better understand the effects
                                                                                                of the treatments and develop your technique.

                                                                                                                                                      IN THE UK, PEOPLE SPEND ABOUT
                                                                                                                                                     £1.7 BILLION A YEAR ON BEAUTY
                                                                                                                                                    AND HOLISTIC TREATMENTS

                                                                                                When I came to the Open Event, the tutors were really supportive and
                                         By choosing a career in this industry,                 gave me all the information that I needed. That’s what swayed me:
                                        you will have the opportunity to combine                they seemed very positive.
                                       creativity with customer care; helping people to
                                     look and feel great.                                       “College is an experience that I think everyone should have. It’s
                                                                                                not like school; you are treated like an adult. You are treated as
                                  Beauticians are specialists in discussing and understanding   your own person and not as a whole class together. You’re not
                                client requirements, analysing and advising on skincare and     in that sterile environment; you make your own choices.”
                               beauty regimes, giving treatments, and applying cosmetics.
                                                                                                Lauren, Beauty Therapy Level 3

                             Completion of a Beauty Therapy diploma can lead to job roles

                            such as beauty therapist, spa manager, salon manager and

                                                                                                Read Lauren’s full story online at
                           dermatology specialist, to name a few.

                        This industry is particularly strong, with nearly £2 billion a
                       year spent on beauty treatments. Forecasts also predict that
                     between 2020 and 2025, the increase in jobs for beauticians

                    and related roles in England are set to see a 4% increase,
                   which is much higher than the overall job market.


                Beauty salon managers and proprietors, along with their                                   FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS

               hairdressing counterparts, make a big contribution to the
              economy of South East England. Much higher than their
                                                                                                        PATHWAY AT READING
             counterparts elsewhere in the UK contribute to their own

           respective areas.
                                                                                                    FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS

                                                                                                  PATHWAY AT BRACKNELL

                                                                                                                                                               AVAILABLE AT LEVELS:
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