SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 - West Seattle Blog

Page created by Brittany Reese
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 - West Seattle Blog


  SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022
                    9 AM-3 PM
     detailed online map and last-minute updates:

 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day
 is presented by your 24/7 news source,
 West Seattle Blog –
          (see listings for exact addresses & sale descriptions – see online map to zoom all the way in to exact locations)

                  MARKER OVERLAPS: 113 behind 165, 54/121/166 behind 66, 58 behind 68, 116 behind 76
          (see listings for exact addresses & sale descriptions – see online map to zoom all the way in to exact locations)

                                      MARKER OVERLAPS: 97 behind 75, 117 behind 177
                                     east of 35th
           (see listings for exact addresses & sale descriptions – see online map to zoom all the way in to exact locations)

                                               MARKER OVERLAP: 231 behind 214
          (see listings for exact addresses & sale descriptions – see online map to zoom all the way in to exact locations)
          (see listings for exact addresses & sale descriptions – see online map to zoom all the way in to exact locations)

                                              MARKER OVERLAP: 320 behind 324
THE 2022 SALES!               #7: 9412 24th Ave SW         #15: 8110 15th Ave SW        #22: 8117 17th Ave SW
                              Recreational &               Collectibles, mid-century    Furniture, collectibles,
#1: 9220 24th Ave SW          household items              metal bench, djembe, this    art, flat files, clothing,
Selling home goods,           including bikes, ping-       and that, power washer,      and more. Garage and
games, books, and             pong supplies, a dog         Boeing Wood boxes,           covered deck in
furniture!                    ramp, an old flat-screen     glass mosaic, red wagon,     backyard, come look
                              TV, and a gorilla suit!      and stuff.                   even if it's raining.
#2: 14th SW between                                                                     #23: 8120 7th Ave SW
Myrtle and Holly              #8: 5050 Delridge Way        #16: 5936 26th Ave SW        MEGA SALE! **home,
Multi-family sale. A little   DAVID ROBERTSON              Vintage collectibles and     vintage, furniture,
of everything, including      DESIGN: Staging              wearables, eclectic items,   costume jewelry,
furniture, plants, small      company with excess          lots of fun stuff. Cash or   outdoor, toys, clothing
appliances, vinyl,            inventory - sofas, chairs,   Venmo only.                  (kids, adult, plus),
original artwork, greeting    tables, rugs, outdoor                                     miscellaneous**
cards and prints, more.       furniture and accessories!   #17: 7517 19h Ave SW         Highland Park, 8120 7th
                                                           OH! That's rad.              SW, 9a-4p.
#3: 5558 26th Ave SW          #9: 8636 18th Ave SW         Darkroom, Cameras,
Toys, maternity and kids'     Multi-family sale. Kid       Tools, Laying Hens and       #24: 9232 11th Ave SW
clothes size 6/7 and          toys and clothing.           Bunnies to good homes,       HOUSEHOLD/
baby-4T, kid/adult bikes      Household items.             Rabbit Hutch, Art            CHRISTMAS
& parts/accessories,          Collectibles, antiques.      supplies, Small furniture,   DECORATIONS.
camping/outdoor gear,         Lots of great stuff!         Collectables, so much        KITCHENWARE, 3X
free items.                                                more! (Dead-end street.      WOMEN'S CLOTHES.
                              #10: 4018 20th Ave SW        Parking is limited.)         FURNITURE,
#4: 7527 19th Ave SW          Huge sale & best prices.                                  ARTIFICIAL
Rare & Unusual Plants         Shoes, backpacks, baby       #18: 4736 25th Ave SW        FLOWERS/PLANTS/
From Around The               gear, TVs, stereo            Move-out sale, 3             TREES. BOOKS.
World. Exotic Fruits,         receiver, couch, clothes,    households. Furniture,       LIFETIME TENT/
Herbs, Palms, Bananas,        and much more.               electronics (home office     HAULER.
& More. Varieties                                          equipment, mobile            TREADMILL, PICNIC
Available Listed On           #11: 5308 21st Ave SW        phone, Kindle), new and      TABLE FIBERGLASS.
www.wanderlustnursery.        M/W clothing, household      lightly used women's         DRY-ICE COOLERS. 9
com (Wanderlust               goods, decor.                designer clothing,           am to 5 pm.
Nursery is a mail-order                                    footwear and accessories.
nursery. We do not have       #12: 2303 SW Andover                                      #25: 5047 Delridge Way
a retail store, so in-        2 Designers with 2 much      #19: 4521 21st Ave SW        Come on by for vintage
person sale events are a      stuff: Vintage + Building    Multiple-household sale!     kitchen/housewares and
good opportunity to find      Supplies + Textiles +        *Clothes *Furniture          baked goods. All items,
something unique for          Apparel + Furniture +        *Home Decor                  pay what you can! (Apt.
your garden. We'll be         Arts & Crafting Stuff +      *Handmade Goods              C)
open to the public 9 AM-      Other Cool Misc Things       *Vintage Goods
5 PM on sale day.)                                         *Designer Fashion            #26: 3855 Beach Dr SW
                              #13: 8455 5th Ave SW         *Designer Bags *Kitchen      Board games, kitchen
#5: 2201 SW Holden            Lots of crafting supplies.   and Cooking *Pet             items, household dŽcor,
WESTHAVEN APTS:                                            Supplies *FREE STUFF         something for everyone.
Westhaven residents with      #14: 1507 SW                 TOO!                         Venmo, PayPal, and cash
individual sale tables.       Henderson                                                 accepted.
Community table of free       Men's clothing. Men's        #20: 5636 26th Ave SW
items. (Please park in        shoes. Home decor.           Treasures galore.            #27: 4128 25th Ave SW
street, not parking lot. )    Camping items. Small                                      Gardeners' Delight Sale!
                              kitchen appliances. Yard     #21: 1214 SW Myrtle          Everything Must GO.
#6: 5432 21st Ave SW          inflatables.                 Multi-family yard sale.      2019 RYOBI Electric
Lots of arts and crafts.                                   Lots of home goods and       Lawn Mower + Batteries
Plus-size clothing.                                        adult clothing. 9 am-2       $75. Black & Decker
Household items,                                           pm, come on down and         Elec. Trimmer $35.
jewelry. Starts at 9 AM-4                                  say hi!                      Grass Seed, Tools, &
PM.                                                                                     More! (Unit B.)

(2022 sales, page 2)           (Unit A)                     trampoline, household
                               #35: 9425 13th Ave SW        items.                       #51: 3200 California
#28: 3841 20th Ave SW          Free stuff on the parking    #44: 2215 California         SW
Original art (oils,            strip, including bistro      SW                           Movies, Books, Music,
encaustic, collage)            table/stools, nightstand,    Spring cleaning time! I      Household Items, Spare
Jewelry, antiques, home        and more.                    have multiple items of       Electronic Parts &
decor, children and                                         gently used women's          Batteries, and Various
women's clothes, bikes,        #36: 7930 20th Ave SW        clothing as well as some     Odds-n-Ends Cash or
and more! Items will be        5- to 12-year-old Girl's     stereo equipment. Will       PayPal Accepted, NO
priced to sell. (Cash or       clothes.                     likely have some odds        CHECKS/CCs. (NE
Venmo.)                                                     and ends as well. Will go    corner of California and
                               #37: 8120 20th Ave SW        past 3 pm if the day         Hanford, next to
#29: 1901 SW Genesee           Tools, appliances, toys,     permits. (Cash or            Olympic Apartments.)
PIGEON POINT                   housewares, and              Venmo. I will be sure to
NEIGHBORHOOD:                  miscellaneous.               have receipt paper and       #52: 2827 62nd Ave SW
Multi-Family Garage                                         change available, no bills   Unused board games,
Sale in Pathfinder School      #38: 7330 6th Ave SW         bigger than $20.)            miscellaneous
Parking Lot. General           Tools, Camping &                                          housewares and decor!
household items, tools,        fishing gear, electronics.   #45: 1623 44th Ave. SW       Girls' and women's
toys, clothes, and more!       (Last house on the left.)    General household items.     clothes and shoes.
(Sale will be held in                                       Clothes, some furniture,
parking lot closest to         #39: 2662 SW Sylvan          etc.                         #53: 5205 SW
field/playground. Parking      Heights Dr.                                               Charlestown
for shoppers available in       Countertop appliances,      #46: 3437 60th Ave SW        52nd Ave between
the east parking lot.)         office chairs, small hand    Picture frames ,costume      Charlestown and
                               tools, some antique          jewelry, Dickens village,    Andover. Typical
#30: 2311 SW Myrtle            electronics, office          tools, toys, various         garage-sale stuff plus
Delridge Gayrage Sale!         supplies.                    household items, antique     kids' crafts and other
We have electric chain                                      glassware.                   handmade items.
saw, kids' table,              #40: 6009 Admiral Way
camping, pet stuff,            The sale is in the back      #47: 4040 47th Ave SW        #54: 4220 SW Hill St
furniture, clothes,            yard. Women's plus-size      Household items,             Great assortment of
handbags, so much more!        clothing, jewelry, art       artwork, Pelican cases,      clothes and housewares!
                               supplies, household          power tools, dining room
#31: 4708 25th Ave SW          goods, and furniture.        set (industrial), modular    #55: 4133 45th Ave SW
Selling an offset smoker,                                   living room set.             Home decor, women's
and other small things.        #41: 4018 48th Ave SW                                     clothing (size 4)/
                               Indoor and outdoor           #48: canceled                accessories, rugs, and
#32: 1710 SW Holly             furniture, household                                      patio furniture. Majority
Bikes, exercise                goods, kids' gear,           49: 6313 48th Ave SW         are recent purchases in
equipment, musical             puzzles, games, and          This is a 'Name Your         the past 3 years.
instruments, sports            more!                        Price' sale. To include a
memorabilia, toys, and                                      lot of cool stuff and        #56: 4456 42nd Ave SW
more!                          42: 3239 62nd Ave SW         Mariners memorabilia.        HOPE LUTHERAN
                               Furniture, toys/games,       Come say 'Hi.'               YOUTH
#33: 9050 22nd Ave SW          clothing, garden/yard                                     FUNDRAISER! Church-
Furniture, kid stuff, tools,   equipment, lots of fun       #50: 3729 42nd Ave SW        wide donations - find
household, bikes, and          stuff! We'll even have a     Multi-friend yard sale       some treasures and help
more! Sale on the street -     box of FREE items!           with eclectic tastes!        us with our trip.
SW Barton just west of                                      Bikes, camping, catering
21st Ave SW.                   #43: 4001 SW                 equip. motorcycle gear,      #57: 5710 SW Spokane
                               Charlestown St               costume jewelry,             SO MUCH STUFF.
#34: 5209 Delridge Way         Furniture, toys, large       women's clothes (size:       Combined households
Modern & vintage               Lego collection,             10-22), furniture,           during pandemic. Please
clothing and shoes,            American Girl doll and       BOOKS, collectible           help. House is sinking
kitchen supplies and           accessories, sports          toys...                      under the weight of it all.
servingware, books,            equipment, bikes, car-
records, household items.      roof storage box,
(2022 sales, page 3)        #65: 4403 45th Ave SW        #72: 4828 48th Ave. SW       #79: 4733 45th Ave SW
                            Dishes and storage           Bake sale to benefit BSA     Dog treadmill,
#58: 4405 SW Holgate        containers for dry goods,    Troop 284 scouts             paddleboard, kids'
Clothing, kitchenware,      clothing, bags, small        attending high-adventure     furniture, sleigh bed,
books, vinyl records,       pieces of antique            camps this summer.           gymnastics bar, kids'
CDs, DVDs, free piano,      furniture such as a coffee   Delicious baked goods,       bikes, kitesurfing kites,
misc stuff.                 table, a side table, a       coffee, lemonade, etc.       Honda lawn mower,
                            mirror, and more!                                         playhouse, bike trailer,
#59: 4426 49th Ave SW                                    #73: 3707 40th Ave SW        toys. (Cash, venmo,
Alley sale of this and      #66: 4216 SW Hill St.        Kid clothes and shoes        Apple cash)
that. Sound Equipment,      Excellent assortment of      (heavy on girl ages 3-5),
Household items, books.     treasures, vintage           IKEA cabinet, furniture,     #80: 4456 48th Ave SW
(We will be setting up in   clothing from Swan           toys, housewares,            Garden art, tools, kitchen
the alley between 48th      Dive, new items from         lemonade.                    items, small furniture,
and 49th.)                  Clementines Shoes, &                                      jewelry, paper goods,
                            much more! Cash &            #74: 4531 46th Ave SW        linens, clothes, rugs,
#60: 4047 39th Ave SW       credit accepted.             Household goods,             handmade items.
Books, gymnastic                                         furniture, tween girl
leotards, girls'/women's    #67: 4138 41st Ave SW        clothes, American Girl,      #81: 2744 44th Ave SW
clothing, shoes, Thule      Lots of toddler and kids'    accessories, garden          Girls' bikes - size 16 and
roof box, jewelry, DVDs,    items: Paw Patrol, PJ        items, more! Open 8 - 5.     20 inch, Merry Go
puzzles, games, tabletop    Masks, games, toys.          All excellent condition.     Round nursing chair,
ping-pong set, household    Other household items                                     baby-changing dresser,
goods...                    and some small furniture.    #75: 4160 California         garden design girls'
                                                         Mostly antiques and          wooden bookshelf and
#61: 2932 Walnut SW         #68: 4409 SW Holgate         collectibles. 4 guys with    toy box, coat
Legos - Dresser - Boxing    MCM Galore! Stuff we         lots of junk CHEAP!          rack/storage chest,
Stand - Scooters - Boys'    don't even have and          Lora will be here            brand-new white vanity
Clothing - European         much more! One-of-a-         handing out quarters.        with stool, much more....
Women's Clothing -          kind oddities.               Early birds encouraged.
Vases - Bar Stools -                                     We won't be undersold        #82: 3433 39th Ave SW
Lawn Mower - Outdoor        #69: 3241 47th Ave SW        or understood!               Clean, quality items &
Umbrella                    Art Glass Extravaganza                                    homemade treats: Nerf &
                            is back! Multiple artists,   #76: 4915 SW Hanford         fun kid things, toy
#62: 2306 Hobart SW         amazing prices. yard art,    Collectable Items,           storage, twin bed, dining
CAMPING GEAR - Lots         pumpkins, floats, vases,     Household Items.             table, nice household
of it. Furniture, Stoves,   hummingbird feeders,                                      miscellaneous
Sleeping bags, Tents,       bowls, starfish, & more.     #77: 1918 47th Ave SW
etc... and lots of other                                 Great furniture,             #83: 4007 46th Ave SW
cool Random stuff!          #70: 4451 46th Ave SW        household, and sporting      Toddler toys, size L
Antiques, VHS, Toys.        Kid clothes, shoes, toys,    gear! (Please enter from     maternity, home goods,
                            stuffed animals, books.      the alley.)                  fish tank, 100s of CDs,
#63: 4137 49th Ave SW       Bike trailer. Plus more!                                  extra-long golf clubs.
Camping equipment,          Baked goods. Part of         #78: 3245 45th Ave SW        (Sale in alley behind our
gaming, some furniture,     proceeds go to animal        Hazelwood Preschool          house.) Just happy to be
and snow ski/clothes.       shelter, including $1 kid-   Tuition Scholarship          here.
                            made painted rocks!          Fundraiser for West
#64: 4128 47th Ave SW                                    Seattle's newest non-        #84: 3809 44th Ave SW
Tons of outdoor gear,       #71: 4831 40th Ave SW        profit school, opening       Post-moving sale!
gently used kid clothes,    Bit of everything: new &     this fall at Fauntleroy      Furniture, lamps, rugs,
toys, and bikes.            vintage clothes (men's       Church. Household stuff,     kayaks, toys, etc. (In the
                            and women's), bags,          furniture, bikes, sporting   alley between 44th/45th)
                            shoes; kids' toys,           equipment, much more!
                            furniture, dishes, piggy     Bake sale and beverages      #85: 4617 SW Stevens
                            banks, trinkets              for sale; donations to       Kids' clothes and toys,
                                                         support enriching,           outdoor furniture, and
                                                         educational experiences      more!
                                                         for 2-5-year-olds gladly
                                                         accepted :)                  >>>>>>>>>>>>>
(2022 sales, page 4)          #94: 3223 39th Ave SW          #102: 2203 47th SW           #109: 4806 46th SW
                              Small furniture, some          Tons of baby/ toddler/       Toddler and baby toys
#86: 4320 SW Holgate          collectibles, smalls,          kids' gear, toys, books,     and clothes, small
Camping gear,                 mirrors, lighting, and         bikes, scooter, clothing!    appliances, motorcycle,
electronics, toys,            many more victims of           Kitchen items. Furniture.    garage clean-out, and so
miscellaneous household       downsizing. (Will end at       So much more!                much more!
items for sale.               5:00.)
                                                             #103: 3238 64th SW           #110: 5430 SW
#87: 3232 Walnut SW           #95: 3330 56th Ave SW          Household items, books,      Angeline
Multi-household garage        Vintage, old books,            clothing, toys, furniture,   Wide selection of
sale featuring                paper, crafts, collectibles,   and other miscellaneous      household goods,
housewares, electronics,      jewelry, craft, starter        items. Open till 5.          furniture, tools, toys, lots
DVDs, men's/women's           plants, Knickknacks,                                        of high-quality clothing
clothing, and pet             pottery, MCM small             #104: 4039 45th SW           for men, women, and
supplies. *No                 tables. Lots of goodies        Lots of home                 kids 7-12 y-o, and many
baby/children's items*.       every year!                    improvement supplies!        large items we have no
Cash, credit card, and                                                                    space for due to house
Venmo accepted.               #96: 3603 47th Ave SW          #105: 3029 50th SW           construction!
                              Kids' ski gear, bike parts,    Tools, household items,
#88: 1718 45th Ave SW         games, housewares. --          board games, puzzles,        #111: 4812 51st SW
Moving! Cheap or FREE         Sale will be set up on         unicorns, yard items,        UppaBaby stroller,
furniture, kid stuff,         SW Spokane Street side.        hidden gems discovered       pack/play, wagon,
houseware!                                                   in the great purge,          preschool and
                              #97: 4410 California           detritus from uncle Jeff.    elementary-age toys,
#89: 2749 60th Ave SW         SW                                                          books. Clothing - girls'
Lots of household items,      AT HOTWIRE                     #106: 1901 47th SW           size 5T-7, boys' size 6-8.
antiques and clothing. 3      COFFEE: We will have           Moving Sale. Stop by for     Household items and
families. Please join us in   20-25 individual vendors       a fun sale and good          paint.
the parking area behind       in our courtyard with a        company. There is
our building for some         variety of secondhand or       everything from beautiful    #112: 2324 Bonair Pl
amazing items. (The           crafted goods.                 art pieces, Danish           SW
garage sale will take                                        furniture, and little        Vintage clothing jewelry
place in the parking stall    #98: 4742 49th Ave SW          knickknacks to improve       costume wigs - store
in alley behind our           Clothing (men's [m] +          everyday living.             buyer selling everything,
building.)                    women's [xs-s], kid +                                       starting new biz, high-
                              baby gear, vintage glass       #107: 3915 SW Hinds          end items & furniture,
#90: 3044 61st Ave SW         + pottery, other               Spring Clean-Out!!!          rugs, lamps. (Off Alki &
Baby clothing, women          household items + decor.       Furniture, Small             53rd. Tent set up behind
and men's clothing, and                                      Appliances, Tools,           Four Seasons apt
some housewares               #99: 4100 40th Ave SW          Dishes, Clothing, Shoes,     building.)
available!                    Unique items, Quality          Artwork, Suitcases,
                              clothing and shoes,            Crystal Points, Home         #113: 2328 44th SW
#91: 4547 46th Ave SW         Vintage Estate Sterling        Decor.                       Unit C in back, on the
Household goods, art,         and Costume Jewelry.                                        left. Furniture, clothes
furniture, and tons of                                       #108: 4540 California        (women's size
miscellaneous!!               #100: 4000 54th SW             SW                           12ish),walking treadmill,
                              Dorm supplies,                 AT CLICK! DESIGN             hammock, gravity
#92: 4845 48th Ave SW         household goods,               THAT FITS: The best          loungers, & more!
Transitioning to the teen     clothing, furniture.           deals on samples,
years. Our loss is your                                      seconds, and overstock       #114: 4403 SW
gain! Toys, books,            #101: 2719 47th SW             from some of our             Massachusetts
clothes, accessories,         Multiple sales on 47th         favorite brands. 11-6 in     Adult clothing, active
home decor. Come say          from Admiral to Stevens.       the Click! loft :)           wear, women's shoes,
hi!                           Board games, Legos,                                         accessories, vacuum,
                              tables, vintage chairs,                                     sporting equipment,
#93: 3752 Hillcrest SW        display counter, kitchen                                    possible couch and
Kids' stuff, furniture,       stuff, indoor plants!                                       ottoman combo.
kitchen items, and lots of
misc!!                                                                                    >>>>>>>>>>>>>
(2022 sales, page 5)        #122: 2200 Sunset SW          #128: 4135 Chilberg           #136: 3227 45th SW
                            It's time to say goodbye      Ave SW                        Awesome toys and
#115: 4512 47th SW          to Seattle and the big        Yard Sale! Lots of            treasures, kids' clothing,
GIRL SCOUTS: GS             house! Our grandchildren      Framed Pictures and           and lemonade.
Troop 42860 is Spring       are in charge of pricing      other items for cheap!
Cleaning! Drop by, take     & they are ready to move                                    #137: 2654 Walnut SW
a look, and leave with      everything! Furniture,        #129: 3411 41st SW            New and used camping,
something you never         dishes, garden tools,         Household items, games,       hiking, and cycling gear,
knew you needed!            housewares. No clothing.      sports equipment, kids'       along with general home,
                            (We hope the community        stuff, etc.                   kitchen, and misc items.
#116: 4921 SW               will take everything, so
Hanford                     everything is priced to       #130: 4115 45th SW            #138: 3040 46th SW
Lots of household, some     sell. $1 and up!)             Decor, Decor, Decor           Household items,
furniture, antique sewing                                 one-of-a-kind objects,        clothes, jewelry, LPs,
machine, something for      #123: 3855 44th SW            jewelry, art photos, glass,   games! (Garage is
everyone.                   Lots! Including kitchen       fun stuff. Accessories,       accessed via alley behind
                            table and chairs; kids'       but no clothes, tools, or     the house, between
#117: 4538 41st SW          books, toys, bikes, train     toys. Just my yard art is     Hanford and Stevens.)
Camping stuff. Some old     table, and furniture; adult   worth a stop. Will open
bowls. Weird lamps.         books, DVDs, and more.        at 8 & stay open until 4.     #139: 5002 SW
We've got it all. (Our                                                                  Andover
tables will be set up on    #124: 3438 42nd SW            #131: 3463 40th SW            Kids' books, clothes,
the easement/pathway to     Moving! High Quality!         Selling antiques,             toys, household items,
our townhome.)              Vintage, Christmas,           collectibles, and furniture   and more. No early birds,
                            tools, patio furniture,                                     please.
#118: 3249 39th SW          baskets, gorgeous             #132: 3419 Walnut SW
Baby and Kid gear and       ceramic pots, furniture,      Medium furniture items-       #140: 4124 46th SW
clothing sale! Strollers,   decor, Tiki, kitchen,         ottoman pullout bed?!         STEM toys, games,
bikes, clothes, toys,       artwork, books,               Clothing- Many                musical instruments,
books + small freezer,      microwave. (We'd be           Hawaiian shirts and           kitchenware, books, and
small fridge.               happy to sell before 9,       more! Board games! Free       an Xbox One!
                            but will still be setting     plant pots! Other cool
#119: 3210 Alki SW          up. Will probably still be    stuff!                        #141: 1317 44th SW
Various household items,    there after 3 as well                                       Kitchen appliances,
men's clothing, some        because it's a lot of stuff   #133: 3046 48th SW            dishes, and utensils;
delft, antique picture      and we really want to         Lots of kid board games,      Kids' bikes, books, and
frames.                     move it on.)                  books, and toys - all in      toys; hot-water heater;
                                                          great condition. Ikea         rugs; bike rack; skis;
#120: 3315 56th SW          #125: 4142 47th SW            storage furniture. Strider    more!
Modern Board Games,         Baby Clothes/Items (fill      bike. Kiddo is selling his
Dolls, Tools, Magic         a bag for $3 table), Toys,    old stuff to earn his own     #142: 3452 39th SW
Posters, Hallmark           Kitchen/Household,            money.                        Goofy Goths' Garage
Ornaments, Halogen &        Adult Clothes, and more!                                    Sale: Arts & crafts,
Incandescent Light                                        #134: 4153 46th SW            comics, plushies, DVDs,
Bulbs, In-Wall Heaters,     #126: 3035 46th SW            Lots of baby toys,            home/holiday decor,
Lawn Equipment, small       Kids' bikes, kids' & adult    accessories, clothes, and     Gothic clothing,
electronics.                clothes, furniture, home      more!                         costumes, older
                            goods, beauty products,                                     computer gear. After 10
#121: 4222 SW Hill          and more!                     #135: 4418 SW College         am.
Couch set, clothes, and                                   Free furniture,
random house decor.         #127: 3903 42nd SW            housewares, garden tools      #143: 3414 41st SW
                            Time to sell! Furniture,      and supplies, arts and        Bake Sale, come early
                            sporting goods,               crafts tools, kitchen         before we sell out,
                            household items, toys,        gadgets, and more out by      opening at 8:30. Two-
                            video games, electronics,     7 am.                         family sale - kids' toys,
                            clothes! Come check us                                      nerf guns, furniture,
                            out!                                                        clothes, and more.

(2022 sales, page 6)         Sale 151: 3120 Alki SW       #155: 4745 40th SW            #162: 2908 Walnut SW
                             MID-CENTURY                  BROADSTONE SKY                Camping gear, kitchen
#144: 4410 California        CORNER CABINET,              APARTMENT                     accessories, youth sports
SW                           SKILL SAW,                   COMMUNITY                     equip., art, and a bit of
ONE OF HOTWIRE               ESPRESSO MACHINE,            GARAGE SALE:                  everything else (except
COFFEE SALES:                LEATHER RECLINER,            Participating residents of    Tupperware w/ missing
Handmade candles,            ARTWORK,                     this community will be        lids).
household items, shoes,      PHOTOGRAPHIC                 set up outside the front of
clothes, kitchen items,      ENLARGEMENTS,                our residency with their      #163: 1706 California
and more!                    MUSICAL                      belongings as part of         SW
                             INSTRUMENTS,                 West Seattle Community        Sale in garage/alley (off
#145: 3225 40th SW           POSTCARDS,                   Garage Sale Day.              Massachusetts).
100 Amazing Items ...        JEWELRY, BOOKS,                                            Furniture, kids' sports
and three crappy ones!       TOASTER. Come see us         #156: 2735 California         equipment, and more!
Just kidding. Lots of        on beautiful Alki Point.     AT FRESHY'S: Come to
great stuff, I just forget   Everything sold as-is.       Freshy's! Lots of great       #164: 3602 44th SW
my house is teeny-tiny       Cash only.                   items for sale! Includes      Everything's $1.00! I
when I'm off treasure-                                    stuff from above              have boxes of stuff that
hunting.                     #152: 3421 42nd SW           apartments (since they        haven't been opened for
                             Some furniture and some      are often excluded for the    over 2 years. Who
#146: 3278 41st SW           tools. Clothing and          lack of garage space).        knows what's in them!
Bargains galore! Huge        accessories. Some            Support the renters in
clear-out of outdoor gear    kitchen stuff. Lots of       this community! 9 am-5        #165: 2332 44th SW
(climbing, skiing,           jobbers & knickknacks.       pm.                           A bit of everything!
boating). Vintage &          An old pair beam scales,
antique collectibles         some vintage ladies          #157: 2716 48th SW            #166: 2010 California
(artwork, art glass,         clothing, and Christmas      Furniture & outdoor           SW
lamps, Luggage, books).      decorations. We will end     items for sale.               Alternative clothing,
                             around 5 pm.                                               books, oddities, makeup,
#147: 1702 44th SW                                        #158: 3015 50th SW            and vintage from your
Tools, hardware,             #153: 3045 Garlough          Art Work - lots of prints,    friendly neighborhood
camping gear, sailing        Ave SW                       wildlife, religious,          goths.
gear, garden equipment,      Multi-family sale at         planes. Works by James
housewares. (In              Garlough and Hanford.        Gurney, Bev Doolittle,        #167: 3278 40th SW
driveway around back,        Hand tools and power         Roy Gremall, Robert           Sale of kids' toys, a
off alley.)                  tools. Lots of kitchen       Scott, Michael Kane and       changing table dresser,
                             and kids' stuff. Crafts,     more. Priced to sell,         patio furniture, art work,
#148: 4021 44th SW           board games, and toys.       many signed by artist.        clothing, and a Kool-Aid
Antiques, vintage clothes    Tween treasures!                                           stand.
and kitchen, art supplies                                 #159: 3020 44th SW
and frames, furniture,       #154: 5319 SW                Housewares, bedding,          #168: 1410 45th SW
tools, fabric, bargains.     Angeline                     furniture, camping, yard      Toys, furniture including
                             Angeline Street lively       tools, & clothing.            Land of Nod toy storage,
#149: 3213 47th SW           dead-end sale!               Weather permitting, &         classic student desk, side
A mix of household           Downsizing, remodeling,      no early birds.               tables, retro diner chair,
items, furniture, and        Legos by the pound, yard                                   and more!
clothing.                    table/chairs, toys, shabby   #160: 3459 64th SW
                             chic windows, crafts.        17' double sea kayak,         #169: 1910 45th SW
#150: 4027 California        Multiple families on the     Folbot Greenland II with      The bridge went down,
SW                           street selling. Dead end     Werner paddles, sail kit      our closets filled up.
Furniture, small             off Beach Drive. Some        in good condition.            Saying goodbye to loads
appliances, video games,     parking on the street or     Stores in 2 duffels.          of kids' stuff, furniture,
books, clothes, and          you can park on Beach        $950.                         household items, and
more! (Unit A.)              Drive and walk in to look                                  more.
                             and drive up if you find     #161: 3636 47th SW
                             something.                   Kid stuff (toys, books,
                                                          clothing), household          >>>>>>>>>>>>>
                                                          goods, arts and crafts
                                                          supplies, and jewelry.
(2022 sales, page 7)          #176: 3239 Walnut SW         #183: 7712 26th Pl SW          #190: 3715 36th SW
                              Furniture, fridge, lamps,    Over 2 years worth of          Moving Sale - Antique
#170: 2915 Fairmount          lighting, carpet, misc       stuff we need to see go!       furniture, dishes. Must
Ave SW                        kitchen and bath.            Outdoor gear, kids' toys       sell not moving items.
Hours: 9-1 pm. Items:                                      (infant to toddler),           Open 7 am - 3 pm.
Andersen windows,             #177: 4543 40th SW           electronics, DVDs, and
vintage windows, dry          #B MOVING SALE!              more.                          #191: 3720 SW Ida
suit, flippers, other dive    Most everything $1.00!!                                     Multiple sales in a one-
gear, dressing table          Everything else - DIRT       #184: 7135 31st SW             block radius around the
w/mirror, high-backed         CHEAP. Packing only          Large Moving sale! Our         intersection of 37th SW
dining chairs,                what fits in car. Whole      kids are headed to             and SW Ida. Toys, kids'
miscellaneous other           residence unloaded.          college! Clothes,              bikes, vintage and
items.                                                     furniture, toys, teen stuff,   antique furniture,
                              #178: 5411 34th SW           household items, and           housewares! Notable
#171: 3823 42nd SW            Bookshelf, daybed,           more! Shave-ice stand          stuff: working 1960s
Household goods, games,       kitchen items, clothes,      will be featured!              Singer sewing
toys.                         home-office furniture,                                      machine/table; Bob
                              art, pillows. Two homes      #185: 3206 SW                  Revolution with rain
#172: 4041 49th SW            merged into one, so we       Spokane                        cover and chrome
Huge eclectic variety!        have lots of goodies!        Vintage fabric &               spokes; cool board
Kids' items,                                               patterns, household            games. At least one
clothing/shoes (size          #179: 5640 35th SW           items, books, etc.             house will be offering
infant to adult),             Multiple-household                                          free cupcakes to the first
toys/games,                   moving sale. Outdoor         #186: 5903 38th SW             dozen shoppers.
books/music,                  gear, clothes, kitchen       Vases, baskets, picture
housewares, good stuff,       items, and more!             frames (black, white,          #192: 5914 34th SW
good deals!                                                wood, brushed gold),           Hurray! The 34th Ave
                              #180: 6741 38th SW           clothing (Everlane,            SW Block Garage Sale is
#173: 5600 SW                 Housewares, linens,          Reformation, Madewell),        back! Located south of
Spokane                       electric yard tools, men's   kitchen storage, small         Camp Long to High
Baby items, toys, clothes,    & women's clothing,          indoor planters.               Point Library! Come by,
household items,              shoes & accessories,                                        say hi, leave with new
furniture, mattress, and      children's toys & books,     #187: 3615 SW Myrtle           treasures. Multi-families!
much more. Starts at 9        holiday decor, and more!     We have a little bit of        Furniture, households,
am. Sale will be in the       Hours are 9 am to 5 pm.      everything, records,           art, & more! Many new
alley driveway, not street                                 vintage clothing, vintage      items used only for RE
side.                         #181: 4001 38th SW           toys, collectibles,            staging!
                              We've been holding           crafting, come take a
#174: 2116 Ferry SW           fabulous items since         look.                          #193: 8850 28th SW
Come give some great          before the pandemic to                                      LEGO sets, action
stuff a new adventure.        sell at this long-awaited    #188: 8602 35th SW             figures, board games,
Camping (tent, mats,          garage sale! Come get        Multi-party sale hosted at     books, small chandelier,
sleeping bags+), golf, life   them!                        corner spot at 35th and        art, red glass, M/W
vests, skis + ski                                          Henderson!                     clothing, other household
gear/clothes, kids'           #182: 3270 SW Graham                                        goodies.
baseball uniforms, boys'      (Unit 502) High Point        #189: 7333 29th SW
clothes, bike,                goodies! 1/2 off after       Massive moving /               #194: 3816 35th SW
electronics, and some         noon, free after 2 pm!       purging sale: Tools,           Moving sale: decor,
other cool stuff!             Furniture, PlayStation 4,    clothes, household,            kitchen gadgets, kids'
                              treadmill, housewares,       electronics, books, toys,      and adult apparel, toys,
#175: 3415 61st SW            books, electronics.          GUY STUFF, vegetable           outdoor gear. Accepts
Kids' clothes and shoes       Venmo accepted.              starts and succulents.         Venmo, PayPal, & Cash.
(Boys and Girls) infant -                                  Tons more of everything!
6T. Housewares and                                         Open 9-5 SATURDAY              #195: 7020 30th Pl SW
Toys, kids' bikes, car                                     AND SUNDAY.                    5-12-y-o kids' toys,
seats, high-end stroller,                                                                 sports stuff, books, etc.
and kitchen stuff too.
Nicely framed art as                                                                      >>>>>>>>>>>>>
(2022 sales, page 8)        #203: 3605 SW Webster         #210: 8633 32nd SW             #217: 8432 31st SW
                            Starting at 10 am. Estate     2 snowboards/ boots/           Multi-family plus
#196: 7540 29th SW          sale. Tools, gadgets,         bindings, acoustic guitar,     Moving Sale. Furniture,
Furniture, books,           camping, housewares,          kitchen items, clothes         tools, kitchen items,
household treasures,        dressers, china and           (w-medium, m-large),           camping gear, home
baby things a grandma       cabinet. Recumbent bike,      housewares, & decor.           decor, plus much more.
would want to have at       and teak patio chairs, and
home. Pandemic purging      more.                         #211: 3708 SW                  #218: 4122 37th SW
= lots of cool stuff.                                     Grayson                        Furniture, toys, clothes,
                            #204: 9379 32nd SW            WSHS EARTH CLUB:               and bake sale!
#197: 3710 SW               Girl teen clothes, games,     Support West Seattle
Cloverdale                  fishing waders, framed        High School's Earth Club       #219: 3701 SW
Dining table, bookcase,     Star Wars posters,            by purchasing clothes,         Southern
rugs, desk, chairs, side    KitchenAid mixer, dog         shoes, jewelry, and            Kids' toys, books,
tables. Clothing, fabric    leashes/rain jacket, and      stickers!                      dresses, water/snow gear,
remnants, sewing            more awesome stuff.                                          vintage wood train set,
patterns. Kitchenwares,                                   #212: 9212 36th SW             never-worn boho
entertaining items, and     #205: 3708 SW                 Lots of kid toys, clothes,     dresses/skirts/tops; pop
more.                       Cambridge                     bikes, and more! Come          culture collectables,
                            Lots of outdoor gear,         by and get a jump on           CD/DVDs. (Parking/
#198: 9014 36th SW          patio gear, tools and toys.   Christmas, plus enjoy          Entrance on 37th; in the
Sales Rep new samples,      Kayaks, Kayaking              some lemonade provided         garage if raining.)
clothing in great           Equipment, Tents,             by our boys!
condition, odds and ends.   Backpacks, Bikes.                                            #220: 3726 38th SW
All-around great items!     Outdoor kitchen               #213: 3045 37th SW             North of the Y at 38th
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.            including pizza oven.         Multi-family;antiques,         and Charlestown. Kid's
                            And much more.                home decor (furniture,         gear/toys, Kitchen
#199: 8103 28th SW                                        rugs, etc.), kid's toys,       accessories, Household
Multi-family sale - lots    #206: 3735 SW                 collectibles (art, books,      items, and more!
of kids' clothes, small     Elmgrove                      sports, toys), clothes, and
appliances, furniture,      1 Melissa and Doug            tools.                         #221: 7350 31st SW
tools, books, movies, and   painting easel.                                              Bamboo DIY art kits
music.                      Handmade crafts and           #214: 5627 31st SW             available for donation!
                            rings. Misc household         Fishing equipment,             Esperanzas Unidas is a
#200: 8308 35th SW          goods. Artistic tween         industrial sewing              501c3 that focuses on
Clothes, Shoes,             will custom make rings        machine, sergers, dress        entrepreneurial and
Furniture, Kitchen tools,   on the spot!                  form, Celestron                educational opportunities
and decor. We have a bit                                  telescope, camping gear,       for women and girls in
of everything. We are       #207: 2621 Belvidere          Stokke high chair,             rural Honduras. 100% of
right on 35th by Thistle    Ave SW                        planted aquarium,              the donations will go
with street parking in      Everything $5.00 unless       American Girl                  back to the non-profit.
front of the house; come    otherwise marked. (22         Furniture+++                   (This is a project my
by and check out our        bins from Vintage                                            daughter, Chava, who is
wares.                      dealer!)                      #215: 3713 37th SW             12, has been passionate
                                                          Misc. construction             about since we launched
#201: 2704 38th SW          #208: 4750 36th SW            supplies (floor finish, tile   it last year. She not only
Lots of furniture,          Furniture. Kids' clothes,     grout and seal, paint,         organizes and puts all the
antiques!                   toys, & books. Golf clubs     faucet, tile). Misc. baby      bamboo art kits together
                            and equipment.                supplies, mini-Cooper          but also tutors English to
#202: 3277 37th SW          Electronics.                  bucket seats, retaining-       our scholarship girls via
Moving Sale! Household                                    wall blocks. Payment by        zoom every Sunday.
appliances, furniture,      #209: 7950 35th SW            Venmo preferred.               Free education in rural
preschool girls' toys and   An eclectic mix of                                           Honduras ends in 6th
clothes!                    vintage and newer home        #216: 3447 36th SW             grade. Each scholarship
                            goods, furniture, and fair    Vintage and pre-loved          for an entire year per
                            amount of kitchen gear.       clothing sale.                 child costs $2000.)

(2022 sales, page 9)          #229: 4021 36th SW           #236: 3816 SW Hinds           #242: 5627 37th SW
                              Fly-fishing gear, musical    Home Goods, Limited           Houseware - clothing -
#222: 3723 Belvidere          gear, books and vinyl        Antiques, Some                toys - books - games - art
Ave SW                        (some collectibles),         Furniture, Young              supplies - costume
Three-family combined         vintage clothing,            Children's Toys/              jewelry - sports items -
sale. Baby clothes, toys,     men's/women's                Clothing, Multi-              queen sleigh bed frame -
stroller, men's clothes       Patagonia, jewelry, home     household so lots of          5 cu. ft. chest freezer -
and shoes, household &        goods/decor.                 items! Easy street            furniture.
kitchen, handbags,                                         parking. Come by
vintage costume jewelry,      #230: 7105 32nd SW           Saturday from 9 am-4          #243: 7144 30th SW
furniture.                    Multi-family: estate,        pm. Lemonade Stand            A whole lot of Cool
                              moving; treasures from       with beverages + snacks       Stuff, Cheap. Odds and
#223: 4149 32nd SW            several collectors,          will be loosely staffed by    Ends, Knickknacks,
Moving Sale - furniture       midcentury, vintage,         the neighborhood kids!        Things that will make
items, kitchen, and more!     vintage video games.                                       you go. 'Whoa, I need
8 am start! Alley access      White tent in alley.         #237: 3420 37th SW            that.'
off Genesee near Pecos                                     Check out
Pit BBQ.                      #231: 5623 31st SW  for          #244: 9303 31st Pl SW
                              Gently used cookware,        fun custom products.          South Asian/other art,
#224: 2743 37th SW            throw rugs, DVD's, patio     Whether for your              shadow puppets, cool
Brand-name clothes;           items, receiving blankets,   favorite pup, friend,         furniture/decor, yard
kids' toys; home decor;       and yard art, painted        family, or business, we       tools, assorted freebies!
lots of treasures priced to   ethnic figurines, and        are here to serve you!        Also: ACLU swag. In
sell!                         more. Hours 8 to 3.          New business right here       backyard via the alley.
                                                           in West Seattle.
#225: 6906 37th SW            #232: 9021 35th SW                                         #245: 5947 37th SW
Tools, Motor Scooter,         At Barton Court              #238: 3001 SW Bataan          We've got home goods,
Building supplies,            Apartments: % of             Plenty of household           bunk beds from Land of
household goods, Ron          proceeds go to Seattle       goods, women's fashion        Nod (white twin), dishes,
Lee and other                 Humane Society. Floor        clothes, decorator items,     and more. All these
Collectibles.                 lamp, planters, picture      and more.                     treasures need to find a
                              frames, golf clubs, TV                                     good home.
#226: 3414 38th SW            wall mount, homemade         #239: 3116 SW Trenton
No junk, only cool sh-t.      candles, 6-drawer            Baby stuff, tools, clothes,   #246: 3705 SW Ida
Seriously - Queen Anne        dresser.                     and miscellaneous items.      Lots of good household
Easy Street Records                                                                      items, soap-making
collectables, great quality   #233: 3409 36th SW           #240: 3736 SW Monroe          supplies, fitness
clothes, and camping          Garage sale and              Two-family sale: Kid's        equipment, and lots
gear.                         lemonade stand, 9 am-3       clothing (mostly sizes 5-     more.
                              pm!                          8) & toys, kitchen stuff,
#227: 7531 28th SW                                         decor, records, books,        #247: 5632 42nd SW
MCM coffee table,             #234: 3279 38th SW           some furniture.               Space heaters, kids' light-
Herman Miller office          Multi-family sale!!!         Something for everyone!       blue bedside table &
chair, West Elm bed           Kids' stuff! House stuff!!                                 matching decor, sheets,
frame, misc. home             Clothes!! The coolest        #241: 3814 SW Lander          kids' & young adult
furnishings, garden/          things ever!!                Goulash of Household          books, toys, puzzles,
garage tools & hardware.                                   Goods: sm. new-ish            games, kids' clothes
                              #235: 7537 31st SW           window air conditioner,       (boys' size 10-16),
#228: 3721 37th SW            Furniture, appliances,       air filter, portable          women's clothes size
42-in LG smart TV,            toys, baby gear, clothes,    dishwasher, dryer,            SM-XL, matching
coffee table/bench, large     and summer fun items         clothing, antiques, art,      dishes, bowls & cups,
walnut dresser with           including a pool! Sale       books, & more - 10 am-4       portable pet ramp ... and
integrated hamper, kids'      ends at 5 PM!                pm.                           more!
clothes and toys.
(2022 sales, page 10)       #253: 6400 California       #261: 4300 SW Willow        #267: 4343 SW
                            SW                          Morgan Block Pop-Up         Cloverdale
#248: 5637 42nd SW          THUNDER ROAD                Shop with sweet deals on    Moving Sale: Household,
Multi Family. Fri & Sat -   GUITARS: Annual             sporting goods, clothing,   books, electronics, re-
9 - 4. Proceeds to Mt.      Garage-Sale Day Sale -      kitchenwares, decor,        gifts, and more - to 4 pm.
Hood Kiwanis Camp,          Guitars, Parts, Amazing     furniture, books, etc. By
which gives kids and        Deals, Free Stuff, Cheap    carport. Venmo              #268: 7558 44th SW
adults opportunity to       Stuff!                      preferred.                  PLANT SALE!
enjoy summer camping.                                                               Ornamental perennials,
Vintage wardrobe, DR        #254: 5430 41st SW          #262: 9327 45th SW          shrubs, and
table, vintage jars,        Offering antique            Tons of great stuff!        groundcovers, plus many
aprons, hankies, door,      furniture, chrome kitchen   Lighting - pendants,        natives including ferns,
kid stuff, sewing stuff,    table set, depression       sconces, floor lamp;        wild ginger,
garage stuff, & more!!      glass, kids' toys, and      framed original artwork,    Vancouveria, salal,
Free cookies and coffee!!   more.                       dishes and cookware,        monkeyflower,
                                                        cowhide and flat-weave      snowberry, & vine
#249: 7329 Blake Place      #255: 5902 41st SW          rugs, designer throw        maple. (Sale is in the
SW                          Housewares, Men's           pillows, more!              alley behind house.
Household goods,            clothes (XL-XXL) &                                      Masks requested.)
kitchen gadgets, clothes,   shoes (10.5), women's       #263: 9254 Fauntleroy
shoes, lawn mower,          clothes & shoes (8.5),      Way SW                      #269: 5633 44th SW
books, random odds and      electronics, building       Household goods,            Massive Sale: Fri-Sun
ends, etc.                  materials, old windows,     cookbooks, Halloween,       Men's, Women's, Kids',
                            interesting items! (All     plants, and the whatnot.    Toys, SO MUCH MORE
#250: 6757 40th SW          proceeds donated to         We open at 9 - no           TO SEE. A MUST-
9-3 Friday/Saturday.        Kitsap Humane Society)      advance browsing,           VISIT ... (Rain or Shine)
NEW/used... Home                                        please.
Decor/Art, Hardware/        #256: 4606 SW Monroe                                    #270: 8436 Fauntleroy
Electronics, Garden,        Two-family garage sale,     #264: 3908 SW Othello       Way SW
Small Appliances,           one location! Books,        HUGE YARD SALE –            DELTA KAPPA
Kitchen/Dining/Bath,        CDs, decor, outdoor and     MOVING/                     GAMMA: Quality items
Collectibles. Cash/         indoor furniture. Name-     DOWNSIZING, MUST            with something for
Electronic payment.         brand clothing for men,     SELL, BARGAINS.             everyone! Fundraiser for
                            women, and children,        Tools, Furniture, Art,      women educators. One
#251: 7554 44th SW          and so much more!           Toys, Kitchenwares,         of the best garage sales
Euphorbias, Stonecrop,                                  Music 33/78/45,             in West Seattle.
Cyclamen, Mondo Grass,      #257: 6047 50th SW          Collectibles, Jewelry.
Yucca, Vine Maple, Ivy,     Kids' clothes and toys,     FRI/SAT/SUN.                #271: 7510 California
Doug Fir, Licorice Fern,    large assortment of                                     SW
Japanese Maples, and        household items.            #265: 8434 41st SW          Visit us off the back
Many More. Enter from                                   Big Move-out Sale. We       alley (behind the house)
the Alley. 8 AM-4 PM        #258: 8802 40th SW          are relocating to NY and    for high-quality toddler
                            Downsizing! Quality         want to sell as much of     clothing, toys, furniture
#252: 5612 California       Furniture and household     our furniture as possible   and books, women's
SW                          items will be available.                                shoes and clothing, and
AT C & P COFFEE                                         #266: 4313 SW               household goods.
COMPANY: Arts and           #259: 5040 50th SW          Concord
Crafts Sale from 8 am to    Clothes, Household,         Kids' gear, clothes, car
2 pm. Prints, paintings,    Kitchen, Kids' Stuff,       seats, skis/boots, beach
cards, handmade health      Furniture, and More!        bike, queen bed, Pier 1     >>>>>>>>>>>>>
and beauty items, and                                   headboard, household
more. Come support          #260: 4522 SW Austin        goods. Twin girls'
local artists and           Variety of household        clothing, ages 8 and
craftspeople. (If the       goods and furniture, in     under.
weather is bad, sale will   need of a good home!
be held inside the coffee
(2022 sales, page 11)          #276: 9840 40th SW            #283: 6406 49th SW            #289: 4136 SW Kenyon
                               Brand-new women's             Variety of household          Here you will find your
#272: 6038 49th SW             apparel, all under $10.       items, light sports           classic hodgepodge of
-Multi Home Alley Sale:        Baby/Toddler clothes,         equipment, tools, and         indoor and outdoor
Home Furnishings/              toys, and gear. Venmo or      miscellaneous things!         household items we have
Bedding/Décor, Baby            Cash.                         Located in the front          collected over the years.
Items. Dog-Toys,                                             driveway                      We look forward to
Clothing, Beds. Home           #277: 5410 40th SW                                          seeing you!
Furniture - Small              Camping, TV/stereo,           #284: 5955 42nd SW
Antiques - Small               home appliances, tools,       Kids' clothes & shoes,        #290: 6457 Marshall
Appliances/ Kitchen            pro lighting - plus media     Ages 3T-6/7, men's/           Ave SW
Items – Men’s &                center, 300+ CD/ DVD/         women's clothing &            CDs, furniture,
Women’sClothing/               VHS collection. Digital       shoes, kitchen and other      kitchenware. Books,
Shoes - Brand Names            payments, exact cash.         household items, books,       camping chairs, misc.
Sports Items – Tools -         Free coffee! Treats! (Sale    decor, some free items!
Outdoor Garden/Decor           is on the alley side of the   Lemonade stand!               #291: 6030 California
If it can be found in or       address.)                                                   SW
around your home, we’ve                                      #285: 5017 47th SW            Used restaurant items for
probably got it & it needs     #278: 5434 Beach Drive        Major downsizing!             sale from HeartBeet &
to go!! -Venmo/Cash            SW                            Hand, power, and yard         Youngstown Coffee like
Accepted. (Please park at      Household Goods /             tools. Hardware.              small appliances, mixing
the end of the alley &         Furniture and                 Furniture and                 bowls, & POS printers.
walk through! We will          Miscellaneous Shop            housewares. Kitchen           Free food samples.
allow access if you            Items.                        items. Queen bed.
purchase a large item for                                    Costume jewelry. Low          #292: 4340 SW
pickup OR we can hold          #279: 5428 48th SW            prices! (Sale in back         Frontenac
with payment til end of        Family purge, lots of         yard.)                        50 tools, mostly yard
Sale Day!)                     kids' toys, and clothes,                                    tools, unused project
                               and furniture. (Sale          #286: 9822 42nd SW            material. 2 Ego battery
#273: 5254 45th SW             located in the alley.)        Women's, men's, and           backpack blowers. Full
Lots of home items,                                          tw/een clothing and           list in craigslist ad.
workout equipment,             #280: 5433 40th SW            shoes - all in excellent,
boy's clothes, DVDs,           A wide array of               like-new, and new             #293: 7720 39th SW
women's shoes &                wonderful items, made         condition. Books, pet         Antique furniture, art,
clothes.                       available to you in the       paraphernalia, bags,          and lots of miscellaneous
                               Spring (hopefully)            suitcases. Free Pile, too!    fun stuff.
#274: 5617 42nd SW             sunshine!
Three-year backlog of                                        #287: 5212 44th SW            #294: 6325 39th SW
yard sale items. Legos,        #281: 6756 39th SW            Step right up to behold       Toys, kids' clothes
kitchenware,                   Household items,              this amazing stuff that       (mostly girls size 4-6),
housewares, clothes,           electronics, collectibles,    you absolutely need --        misc furniture, decor,
garden stuff, books,           kitchen stuff, copper         including a hat               books, kitchen and
costume jewelry,               cookware (not                 collection, men's suits,      household items, lots of
camping gear, and a lot        inexpensive), antique oak     shoes, kid's clothes, toys,   white ceramic subway
of stuff from the garage!      office cabinets,              an antique dressing table,    tile. 11 am-3 pm.
We have two households         miscellaneous. (Sale is       books, household items,
of items to sell, so lots of   behind the house in the       and miscellany of all         #295: 6610 39th SW
good stuff to buy!             alley off Willow between      kinds. (Be the first in       Quality wood furniture,
                               38th and 39th. Park on        line, but not before          household goods/decor,
#275: 5044 Beach Drive         Willow. No alley              Nine!)                        and more. Good deals!
SW                             parking.)
Huge spring-cleaning                                         #288: 5303 47th SW            #296: 8305 California
garage sale. Items             #282: 4409 SW Dawson          Moving sale! Great items      SW
including furniture,           A little bit of this and a    from furniture to kids'       Household items, tools,
lamps, household items,        little bit of that. Home      stuff to tools. Awesome       building materials,
and more!! Cash and            decor, kitchen items, and     opportunity to find good-     clothing, and more!
Venmo accepted. (Please        free stuff!                   quality things we just
do not park in the                                           won't have the space for.     >>>>>>>>>>>>>
(2022 sales, page 12)         #303: 7500 Fauntleroy        #307: 4617 SW Maple          #315: 11027 36th SW
                              Way SW                       Way                          Come buy our stuff! And
#297: 5949 Beach Dr           SOLSTICE P-PATCH             SIX families with kids -     what stuff it is! Mid-
SW                            ANNUAL PLANT                 household goods, Danish      century! Indonesian teak!
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!             SALE. 10-3. We will          glassware, clothes/shoes,    Cool stuff! Uncool stuff!
Kids' BOOKS, Kids' Ski        have a variety of            records, Swedish bench       Hot dogs! (NOTE: GPS
Gear. Barely used             perennials, bulbs,           & chest, tools+. Sat/Sun     sends people to the
Treadmill!                    veggies, native plants,      9-4.                         wrong street all the time.
                              and more. Maybe some                                      Be sure you're on 110th,
#298: 4706 SW Dawson          garden art and other         #308: 4032 SW Myrtle         not 112th. )
Small furniture/ktchen,       items. All volunteer-run;    Original Cargo Bedroom
kid stuff. DB squat           proceeds will go for         Set: Solid pine bunk         #316: 10206 37th PL
machine, patio heater,        maintenance and special      (loft, 2 twin) beds,         SW
mostly free.                  projects at the patch.       mattresses, railings,        Electronics, Apple Stuff,
                              (Sale on the grass next to   matching dresser, night      Toys, Clothes, Games,
#299: 4803 SW Ledroit         tennis courts.               stands. $600 You haul.       Furniture,Tennis, Soccer
Place                                                                                   Golf, and tons of Golf
Cleaning out the garage -     #304: 4411 SW Rose           #309: 5030 47th SW           Balls and more.
- outdoor furniture, tools,   Dolls, tools, linens,        Neighbors combining
camping gear, yard care       quilts, trunk, cabinet,      great stuff! Quality         #317: 10470 2nd PL SW
tools and supplies, etc.      kitchenware, plants,         housewares, clothing,        Moving sale! Lots of kid
Also accent furniture,        vintage treasures. Sat 9-    jewelry, books, bicycles,    stuff including bikes and
lamps, and decor items,       4, Sun 9-2.                  vintage cameras,             scooters, lots of never or
king and twin mattress.                                    furniture, office chair,     lightly used plus-size
                              #305: 5643 47th SW           garden pots/decor. Yay!      clothing, lots of shoes,
#300: 8855 39th SW            9-5 Sat/Sun. Art,                                         random remodeling
New-ish & vintage             furniture, clothes,          #310: 6426 49th SW           supplies, furniture.
merchandise:                  vintage-modern-costume.      Multi-family yard sale.      Downsizing. Single
Housewares, Beach-y           Vintage tchotchkes.          Macrame by local artist,     mama needs to purge!
Home DŽcor, Candles.          Collectable toys.            small furniture items,       Cybex Machine - must
Tools, Luggage,               Glassware-milk, amber,       kitchen items, women's       move.
Handbags. Designer            indiana. Houseplant/         shoes, and apparel.
Clothing, Jewelry,            cutting purge +              Brands include CB2,          #318: 11103 34th Pl SW
Accessories. Tommy            veggie/flower starts. (I'm   West Elm, and more. 9        Cul-de-sac multiple-
Bahama! Crafting &            hosting this for my          am-3 pm.                     family garage sales. Just
Fabric, mostly $3/yard.       parents who live across                                   off 35th and 111th SW at
We'll be open Saturday        the water and God,           #311: 5942 42nd SW           the Dead End sign. Arbor
and Sunday 9 am - 5 pm.       please please please         Wooden Drawing Table         Heights.
                              come buy their ..stuff.      31.5"" X 42"" adjustable
#301: 5637 46th SW            I'm trying to get them to    height, art supplies,        #319: 10420 40th SW
Home gym equipment,           downsize and move and        antique glasses, clothing,   Variety of barely / lightly
sporting goods for kids       they have too much stuff.    collectables, fun stuff. 9   used items. Grill,
and adults! Olympic           Nice stuff.)                 am-3 pm.                     smoker, table, doors, pots
barbell and weights, golf                                                               and pans, power washer,
clubs, bike, misc other       #306: 5933 California        #312: 5025 48th SW           outdoor equipment, etc.
items.                        SW                           Little bit of everything -   #320: 10410 35th SW
                              Housewares, vintage          toys, kid clothes (mostly    Clean out baby and home
Sale 302: 4408 SW Rose        items, shoes, clothes, a     size 6), kitchen and         items!
Bike and sturdy bike rack     few bikes, and epic          household items, wall
for long hauls, new           goods!! We are located       dŽcor, etc. Low prices       #321: 10817 36th SW
garbage can. Books,           in the alley behind New      and some FREE items.         Tile Saw, flooring nailer,
seasonal decor, clothes,      Luck Toy. Come find                                       bicycles, foot lockers,
and all priced right!         your next treasure!!         #313: 6924 40th SW           hope chests, puzzles,
(Other neighbors are                                       Antiques and estate sale.    household & collectors'
involved with the same                                                                  items, and more!
West Seattle Community                                     #314: 5015 SW Dawson
Garage Sale!)                                              Moving sale! Many child      >>>>>>>>>>>>>
                                                           toys and items.
(2022 sales, page 13)
                            THANKS FOR BEING
#322: 10735 28th SW         PART OF THE 16TH
Linens, blankets, vintage   WEST SEATTLE
collectibles, tools,        COMMUNITY
jewelry, bookshelf,         GARAGE SALE DAY!
rocking chair, books,
Legos, toys, toy box,       2ND SATURDAY IN
trunk, stools, fireplace    MAY, SO THE NEXT
set, and more!              ONE IS
#323: 10772 14th SW         SCHEDULED FOR
Tchotchkes, CD/DVDs,        MAY 13, 2023.
kitchen basics (and not-
so-basics), furniture,
decor, computer
components, and more!
Cash only. No early
arrivals, please.

#324: 10417 35th SW
Estate sale! Designer
women's clothing/shoes,
vintage costume jewelry,
1970's housewares/
artwork, puzzles, games,
movies, books, video
games, baby stuff.

#325: 3721 SW 108th
Household goods for

#326: 11304 32nd SW
PUZZLES, proceeds to
PMSV, plants, bird
houses, Pyrex, dishes,
vacuum, lamps, records,
hammock & stand, stamp
collection, antiques,

#327: 3554 SW 100th
Petite Feminine Clothes
and Shoes. Feminine
Clothes and Shoes (NB -
7Y/YS). Kids/Baby Toys
and Furniture. And more!
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