Sampling and Resubmission of CRA Data - Community Reinvestment Act
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Community Reinvestment Act Sampling and Resubmission of CRA Data In August 2001, the Board adopted a uniform CRA data-resubmission policy (see the ‘‘Data- policy for the sampling and resubmission of data Resubmission Standards’’ section of this chapter) collected and maintained by state member banks, to the entire sample, if necessary. in accordance with Regulation BB. Although the If, however, in a universe of 150 files, the sampling approach and data-resubmission policy examiner finds 6 or more files that have an error or are similar to those used for the verification and errors in key fields during the initial file review, the resubmission of data required to be reported under examiner should stop after completing a review of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act,1 there are two the initial 29 files. In this case, the findings based differences. First, the key fields are different.2 on the initial files reviewed would constitute suffi- Second, examiners will need to verify the accuracy cient statistical evidence to conclude that a larger of the CRA data aggregation for those banks that sample would have an unacceptable error rate, do not use the FFIEC data entry software for editing thus requiring resubmission. At this point, the and reporting small business and small farm loan examiner should apply the CRA data-resubmission data. standards to the total sample. As with the HMDA sampling procedures, the After analyzing the errors found during the approach outlined in the ‘‘Data-Integrity Sampling sampling process, examiners may choose to Procedures’’ section of this chapter and illustrated perform supplemental targeted random sampling. by the ‘‘CRA Sampling Schedule’’ employs a For example, after completing a review of a CRA two-tier sampling method that allows examiners in sample, an examiner may discover that CRA data certain scenarios to stop their file review after a errors appear to be coming from one particular minimal number of files have been reviewed. For loan decision center or are most prevalent in a example, if the institution reported data for 150 loan particular product type. The examiner might decide files, the total number of files that should be to select a supplemental random sample of loan randomly sampled during the exam is 56. The records specifically tied to that loan decision center policy, however, allows examiners to review a or loan product. In these instances, supplemental smaller number of loans initially and subsequently samples should follow the same sampling process decrease the sample size, provided that no more as the original sample, utilizing the two-tier than 1 file in the initial sample contains errors in any approach found in the CRA sampling schedule. key field. The statistical validity of this approach relies upon For example, as noted in the CRA sampling review of a random sample from the data main- schedule, for a universe of 150 files, the initial tained at each bank, as well as on a review of review would encompass 29 files. If, after complet- information year by year (separate universes) and ing the review of these 29 files, the examiner noted not combined into one universe. no more than one error in any key field for these The following sections, ‘‘Data-Integrity Sampling files, the examiner should stop the file review. No Procedures,’’ ‘‘CRA Sampling Schedule for Data additional files should be reviewed. Accuracy,’’ and ‘‘Data-Resubmission Standards,’’ However, if the examiner finds that between 2 are based on attachments I, II, and III, respectively, and 5 files have one or more errors in key fields, the to CA 00-2. examiner must continue reviewing the 27 additional files, for a total sample size of 56 files. After completing the review of the total sample of 56 files, the examiner should determine the total number of Data-Integrity Sampling Procedures files that have key-field errors and apply the new The following CRA data-integrity sampling proce- dures should be applied when reviewing data 1. These procedures are outlined in CA 00-2 and in the collected and maintained by state member banks, ‘‘Data-Integrity Sampling Procedures’’ section of this chapter. 2. Key fields for CRA are in accordance with the data collection, reporting, • For small business and small farm loans: the loan amount at and disclosure requirements of Regulation BB: origination, the loan location (MSA, state, county, census tract), and an indicator whether the loan was to a business or farm with 1. Identify and select the loan files to be reviewed. gross annual revenues of $1 million or less; • For community development loans: the loan amount at For each CRA reporter, review applicable loan origination or purchase and an accurate community develop- data for the current year and all other years ment purpose, as documented in supporting loan files; and since the last examination. The data collected • For consumer loans collected and maintained at the bank’s option: the loan amount at origination or purchase, the loan and maintained for a single year constitute the location, and the gross annual income of the borrower. universe from which a sample is taken. As a Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 83 (11/14)
Sampling and Resubmission of CRA Data result, it may be necessary to select multiple For example, if a CRA universe contains 150 samples. files, a total random sample of 56 files should 2. Determine the total number of files to be be taken. The examiner may initially begin file sampled from column G in the ‘‘CRA Sampling review on 29 files. If, upon completing review Schedule for Data Accuracy’’ table, based on of the initial 29 files, the examiner finds 4 files the size of the universe. (This table, which will be with an error (or errors) in key fields, the referred to as the schedule, can be found in the examiner should then review 27 additional next section of this chapter.) files, for a total sample size of 56 files. After 3. Select the total random sample. (Instructions for completing review of the additional 27 files, the selecting a random sample are contained in examiner should determine the total number of attachment 1 to CA 00-2.) files that have key-field errors and apply the 4. Review the initial number of files shown in CRA data-resubmission standards to the total column B of the schedule. sample. (See the ‘‘Data Resubmission Stan- 5. The examiner may stop the sampling process dards’’ section of this chapter.) after review of the initial number of files is 7. If an examiner determines that a large number completed, if the results indicate that a very of files reviewed in the initial file review have an small number of files had errors in key fields. error or errors in key fields, the examiner may (See footnote 2 for a description of the key stop the verification of loan data after the initial fields.) Using the schedule, this number can be file review is completed and should apply the determined by referencing column C. data-resubmission standards. This maximum For example, if a CRA universe contains 150 number can be determined by using the files, a total random sample of 56 files should be schedule and referencing column E. For taken. The examiner may initially begin file example, if a CRA universe contains 150 files, a review on 29 files. If, upon completing review of total random sample of 56 files should be taken. the initial 29 files, the examiner finds no more The examiner may initially begin file review on than 1 file with any error or errors in key fields, 29 files. If, upon completing review of the initial the examiner may end the sampling process for 29 files, the examiner finds 6 (or more) files that that CRA reporter for that universe. The exam- have an error or errors in key fields, the iner may then reach a statistically reliable examiner should stop the file review. Sufficient conclusion that the findings are indicative of the statistical evidence has been obtained to con- universe and resubmission3 is not necessary. clude that a larger sample would have an 6. The examiner must complete a review of the unacceptable number of errors, thus requiring total random sample of files if a larger number resubmission. At this point, the examiner should of files with errors in key fields are found apply the CRA data-resubmission standards to during the initial file review. The need for this the total sample. additional file review can be determined by 8. Determine the software used by the bank for using the schedule and referencing column D editing and reporting small business and small titled ‘‘Number of files with errors—Additional farm loan data. If the bank uses the FFIEC data file review required.’’ If the number of files that entry software for editing and reporting small have errors in key fields from the initial review business and small farm loan data, no further falls within the number reflected in this column, review is needed. If the bank does not use the the examiner must review the additional files to FFIEC software, verify the accuracy of the CRA complete the total random sample. data aggregation. 3. For consumer loan data, the decision would not be whether to require resubmission but if the data collected and maintained are used as part of the CRA examination. If a bank elects to have consumer lending data considered during its CRA examination, the data must meet these accuracy standards. If consumer lending constitutes a substantial majority of a bank’s business, the examiner should evaluate the bank’s consumer lending in one or more of the categories specified in section 228.12(k) of Regula- tion BB (motor vehicle loan, credit card loan, home equity loan, other secured consumer loan, or other unsecured consumer loan) using loan files sampled by the examiner. 84 (11/14) • CRA Consumer Compliance Handbook
Sampling and Resubmission of CRA Data CRA Sampling Schedule for Data Accuracy A B C D E F G INITIAL FILE REVIEW CRA Initial Maximum Number of Minimum ADDITIONAL TOTAL UNIVERSE file number of files with number of FILE RANDOM review files with errors*— files with REVIEW SAMPLE errors*— Additional errors*— Stop file review Stop sampling sampling required & apply (go to column F) resubmission standards 1-12 Review all 12-20 12 0 1 2 Review all All 21-30 13 0 1 2 Review all All 31-50 15 0 1-2 3 13 28 51-70 17 0 1-2 3 12 29 71-90 18 0 1-3 4 20 38 91-110 28 1 2-3 4 11 39 111-130 29 1 2-4 5 18 47 131-140 29 1 2-4 5 20 49 141-170 29 1 2-5 6 27 56 171-190 30 1 2-5 6 27 57 191-270 30 1 2-5 6 29 59 271-380 30 1 2-6 7 38 68 381-750 31 1 2-6 7 38 69 751-1100 31 1 2-7 8 48 79 1101- 32 1 2-7 8 47 79 *Files with one or more errors in key fields. See footnote 2 for a description of the key fields. Data-Resubmission Standards Institutions are required to correct the aggregate number and aggregate amount of community To ensure the integrity of the CRA data used for development loans originated or purchased if data analysis, the following guidelines should be used for 5.0 percent or more of the number or amount of when considering whether to have an institution the underlying loans do not meet the definition of resubmit CRA data. community development. Institutions should be required to correct and Rounding errors in the loan amount and income resubmit CRA small business and small farm data fields should not be counted towards resubmis- when at least 5.0 percent of the data collected and sion. maintained in accordance with section 42(a) of Regulation BB were recorded incorrectly. The key In addition to basing a resubmission on the error fields covered by this 5.0 percent rule are rate for an individual field, if at least 10.0 percent of the institution’s records have an error in at least one • The loan amount at origination, of the key fields, then the entire CRA file must be • The loan location (MSA, state, county, census resubmitted. In this instance, the institution must tract), and verify the data in each of the fields and not just • An indicator whether the loan was to a business those with greater than a 5.0 percent error rate. or farm with gross annual revenues of $1 million or less. Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 85 (11/14)
Community Reinvestment Act Community Contact Procedures General Guidelines Treatment of Confidential Information The primary objectives of conducting interviews Confidentiality of Institution’s Records with local community contacts are to Examiners must maintain the confidentiality of any • Gather information that might assist in the institution’s proprietary information. When making development of a community profile; community contacts, the examiner should not • Determine opportunities for participation by reveal any confidential information obtained from financial institutions in helping to meet local the institution’s files or through discussions with credit needs; management, or any conclusions drawn about the • Understand perceptions on the performance of institution’s performance or CRA rating. financial institutions in helping meet local credit needs; and Protection of Community Contacts • Provide a context on the community to assist in the evaluation of an institution’s CRA perfor- Maintaining the confidentiality of the community mance. contact’s identity, when requested to do so, is essential. Examiners must not reveal the name or This section provides information and procedures other identifying information about a community for conducting community contact interviews. It contact to anyone outside the agency without the broadly addresses a wide variety of subjects to contact’s permission to do so. accommodate varying communities and types of institutions. As a result, it is not meant to be used in the order presented. Examiners should select Report of Examination and CRA those steps and procedures that apply to the Performance Evaluation unique circumstances of the institution and/or the community. Include in the Report of Examination and the CRA Performance Evaluation, as appropriate, a discus- sion of the number and kinds of CRA-related community contacts that were consulted and Coverage and Frequency of relevant information obtained and used, if any, in Community Contacts the CRA evaluation. Information should be factual. While opinions of contacts may be included when Community contacts typically take the form of applicable, examiners should refrain from drawing personal meetings. Telephone conversations or conclusions or making judgments based solely on larger group meetings are permitted as necessary anecdotal evidence. and appropriate. Information from other financial regulatory agencies is also available in electronic form. At least in conjunction with each examination, Sharing Information the [agency] will conduct community contacts in The agencies routinely share information obtained the MSA, county, or assessment area(s) that the during outreach contacts. Whenever community financial institution in question is serving. When contacts are made, the examiner initiating the possible, those community contacts should be contact should complete the Community Contact conducted early in the examination to help to Form and submit it to the party designated within provide a context on the community to assist in the each agency. The designee will distribute copies of evaluation of performance. the form to their counterparts at the other regulatory agencies. Selection of Community Contacts Preparation for the Interview The number and nature of contacts will depend Before conducting interviews, review relevant back- upon a variety of factors, including the complexity ground information to identify additional areas of of the community, the size and type of the inquiry. Adequate preparation for the interviews institution examined, and the amount and age of includes reviewing information on the assessment community-driven information already available to area, selecting community contacts, and structur- the examiner. ing the interview. Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 87 (11/14)
Community Contact Procedures Review of Information on Assessment Quantitative sources may include feasibility studies, market analysis, or commercial ap- Area praisal reports for local development projects. A review of all available background materials State or local economic development agencies, prior to the community contact process is vital in utility companies, real estate organizations, and developing a working understanding of the universities present in the immediate or surround- community you are about to enter. The nature, ing area are often good sources for such extent, and age of the information available prior material. Section II, ‘‘Identification of Potential to conducting community contacts influences your Contacts,’’ contains additional potential sources objectives for the community contact process. A for these types of material. well-developed context also allows for more • Determine the priorities of the community and the detailed and in-depth community contact inter- opportunities for financial institutions to partici- views. The examiner should pate with local governmental and nonprofit organizations in the areas of affordable housing, • Assess prevailing economic conditions and small business/farm development, and eco- demographic characteristics within and near the nomic and community development. Review the assessment area. This includes a review of number and nature of government agencies, available data on various population segments nonprofit, and neighborhood organizations that within the community, trends in migration, labor provide programs and resources to the assess- and employment characteristics, comparisons to ment area for these purposes. If possible, note state and county/MSA data, and housing and the amount of funds devoted to these purposes. real estate market statistics. Also, attempt to determine which programs or • Assess infrastructural and geographic character- organizations are particularly active with respect istics within the assessment area. This includes a to the low-income individuals and/or areas review of maps; natural areas; major thorough- located in the assessment area. fares; access to public transportation; locations Sources of information for this step include of low- and moderate-income census tracts; prior community contacts in this area, informa- names of specific low- and moderate-income tion on local programs from the institution, and neighborhoods; and proximity of the assessment discussions with appropriate agency staff. area to military bases, airport facilities, and metropolitan centers. Internal mapping software; • Based upon information reviewed, above, iden- information from the financial institution; and tify areas that require further inquiry through the information from local planning, transportation, community contacts process. For example economic development, or real estate boards a. Are there any significant conflicting pieces of are good sources for possible information. information that may require further investiga- • Assess distribution and availability of branch tion in the contact interviews? and ATM services, especially with regard to low-income areas within the community. Include b. Are there any pieces of quantitative informa- a review of check-cashing facilities, if possible. tion, such as housing and rental values, that Internal mapping software, if available, can allow are considerably outdated and need to be the examiner to map these locations. verified in the contact interviews? • Assess, to the extent information is available, c. Do the data suggest particular areas of local development issues and priorities in the ‘‘need’’ in affordable housing, such as hous- areas of affordable housing, commercial ing rehabilitation, multifamily development, or activity, and economic and community single-family home purchase, that you can development. investigate further and verify through the A summary of such information may be contact interviews? Or alternatively, are needs available from the Community Affairs function. for specific areas of the population, such as In addition, the examiner may wish to review housing for the elderly, still unclear and previous community contacts for this locality, therefore require further study through the including those from other regulatory agencies. contact interviews? If the examiner is reviewing an MSA, he or she d. Do the data suggest particular areas of need should contact the city’s municipality and in services, such as ATMs, branches, or obtain a copy of its Consolidated Plan (Con- bilingual services, that can be investigated plans). Conplans list the needs of an MSA as further and verified through the contact identified and prioritized by its officials. The interviews? examiner may also consider obtaining public reports from multiple listings services (MLS) e. Does the review identify organizations or and news articles on local development projects. projects requiring additional information? 88 (11/14) • CRA Consumer Compliance Handbook
Community Contact Procedures Identification of Potential Community • Input from low-income residents is clearly sought in functional/program aspects and information Contacts distribution to low-income individuals is a priority. This section discusses the number of types of Examples of this include door-to-door surveys community contacts that should be made during an and frequent neighborhood meetings. examination. It also identifies potential community • Low-income individuals are encouraged or contacts and provides guidance on the sources of empowered to solve problems collectively. information that are available from them. Types of organizations: Churches, block clubs, tenants associations, low-income advocacy groups, Number and Type of Contacts housing or credit counseling programs, senior Select contacts that can best provide information citizen groups, shelter providers, health clinics, on the assessment area(s). Consider the nature of and community network/collaborative groups. the information you are seeking to complete your Types of information available: Development analysis of the assessment area(s) and the pur- priorities and concerns of the local low-income pose of the organizations in the assessment populations; available development programs and area(s). Examiners may wish to initially consult or resources; current partnerships and/or develop- select organizations on the telephone to determine ment projects in the area; and the role of financial which can best comment on particular issues. institutions in the assessment area. Time constraints can limit the number of contacts Secondary information: Completed questionnaires that the examiner is able to conduct. The following or surveys. factors may be considered when determining the appropriate number of contacts to make: • The nature of any information provided by the 2. Community-Based Development or institution, including information that specifies Financial Intermediaries credit, service, or community development needs The primary aim of these organizations is typically in the institution’s assessment area to increase the economic standard of low-income • The nature of public comments, including infor- individuals or areas. Thus, they tend to be involved mation that specifies credit, service, or commu- in technical aspects of development, such as nity development needs in the institution’s assess- residential and commercial real estate ventures or ment area financing. Though these groups encourage repre- sentation of low-income individuals, they are also • The amount of community contact information likely to have a higher degree of staff or decision- available from other examinations conducted for makers who live outside of the low-income areas this area, both in number and substance, and the that the organization is serving. date the information was gathered Types of organizations: Nonprofit organizations, • The complexity of the community, including the such as community development corporations size of its population, its geographic breadth, (CDCs); church-based economic development pro- and the diversity of its population grams; community loan funds; small business • The characteristics of the institution examined investment corporations (SBICs); specialized small business investment corporations (SSBICs); low- income housing organizations; technical assis- Organization Types tance providers, low-income credit unions; devel- 1. Grassroots Community Groups opment institutions; and micro-enterprise groups. Grassroots groups are formed when concerned Types of information available: Low-income credit, individuals come together to solve common prob- service, and community development issues at the lems. Groups whose primary aim is to further the neighborhood level; quantitative information on objectives of low-income residents are of particular housing values and actual real estate projects; interest. These groups can be difficult to identify qualitative information on financial institutions and because they tend to be smaller neighborhood financial practices of low-income individuals; tech- groups and may not have readily recognizable nical details on financing and lending mechanisms names. However, they will often share the following for programs they offer; and information on other characteristics: government and program resources or ventures in the community. • Low-income representation is evident in policy and implementation aspects of organization. Secondary information: Feasibility studies, appraisal This may be evident at the board level, in the information on specific neighborhoods, local committee structure, or in the day-to-day management. needs assessments, surveys of institutions’ activ- Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 89 (11/14)
Community Contact Procedures ity, surveys of financial practices of low-income information on the makeup of their student body. clientele, and lending agreements by groups of This information is typically collected annually. local financial institutions. 4. Business and Labor Groups 3. Government Offices Types of organizations: Chambers of commerce, Types of organizations: downtown and neighborhood merchants associa- • Local branches of federal agencies, such as the tions, small and minority business advocacy groups, Department of Housing and Development (HUD), realtors, minority and nonminority real estate agents, Small Business Administration (SBA), Depart- local venture capital companies, SBA/college- ment of Commerce Economic Development Ad- supported small business development centers ministration (EDA), Farmers Home Administration (SBDCs), feed stores, cattlemen’s associations, (FmHA), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and U.S. actual small business owners, and small business Department of Agriculture (USDA) technical assistance providers (such as business incubators and local union representatives). • Local groups of federally funded or mandated programs: community action agencies (CAAs), Types of information available: Data and perspec- neighborhood revitalization programs, and Office tives on local business, economic conditions, of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) business recent economic activity, and trends in the commu- development centers nity; the nature and extent of small business activity; the level of referrals from financial institu- • Local elected officials: mayors, commissioners, tions to SBDCs; the existence of active SBA 504 tribal chiefs, city council members, and tribal programs, or SBIC or SSBIC programs; perspec- council members tives on financial institution efforts to provide • State and local housing agencies or authorities financing and services to small businesses/small • Economic development agencies, including farms; the level of institution participation in other industrial and redevelopment agencies or authori- public/private programs for small business devel- ties, county or regional planning agencies, trans- opment and employment training; and other private portation agencies, utility companies, rural elec- and public sources of financing available for small tric cooperatives, economic development businesses and small farms in the assessment corporations (EDCs), and local planning or area. economic development directors Secondary information available: Mortgage interest • School board superintendent and officials rate sheets from financial institutions or mortgage companies obtained from realtors. Types of information available: Types of loan, grant, guarantee, or other programs available for use by institutions and housing, community, and economic 5. Civil Rights and Consumer Protection development groups; the amount of funding avail- Groups able through such programs in the institution’s Types of organizations: Open housing/fair housing assessment area(s); the extent to which local organizations; local chapters of the National Asso- financial institutions participate in such programs ciation for the Advancement of Colored People and perspectives on barriers or issues related to (NAACP), Urban League, Urban Coalition, and their participation; specific project opportunities in National Organization of Women (NOW); legal which institutions could participate; and information aid/legal services offices; human relations commis- on underserved neighborhoods or areas. sions; and state attorney general or consumer Secondary information available: Housing, small protection offices. business, agriculture, and general economic con- Types of information available: Credit needs, ditions and trends in the assessment area; publicly issues, or priorities for any protected classes; sponsored comprehensive or general development complaints against specific financial institutions; and redevelopment plans and maps; other plans and general perspectives on financial institutions in and studies, such as housing plans (e.g., the the assessment area. Consolidated Plan), economic development plans, and studies; and various community service needs Secondary information available: Studies using in the assessment area. School boards can update testers in financial institutions, formal complaints, or census information by providing demographic case write-ups. 90 (11/14) • CRA Consumer Compliance Handbook
Community Contact Procedures 6. Other c. Whom does the organization represent? Roughly what percentage of your client base is very low- Types of organizations: Universities, research insti- (defined as 25–50 percent of median area tutions, foundations, and hospitals or hospital income), low-, moderate- or middle-income? extension programs. d. What are the mission and the primary goals of Types of information available: Many and varied. this organization? What are the goals for this Specific community projects by universities or year? hospitals may be involved. e. Is there a board of directors? What is the Secondary information available: Demographic and representation on the board? Are there low- economic data; independent research studies or income neighborhood residents on the board? reports on community development topics; and Are banks/lenders or other financial institutions studies and data collection on development and on the board? economic trends or opportunities in the area. Automated ‘‘Conplans’’ may also be available. f. What projects or programs are you currently working on? Aside from programs, are there other means in which the mission is carried out? Conducting the Interview g. How many ‘‘clients’’ does this organization serve on a monthly or annual basis? If the Having determined the groups and/or individuals to organization is involved in development, how be contacted and the information to be solicited many real estate projects have been completed from each interview, the examiner must then plan in the organization’s history? How many are the structure and content of questions prior to the ongoing? interview. This section provides a sample list of questions that the examiner may wish to consider. h. If direct loans have been provided through any The examiner should select and tailor questions programs, what type of loans are they? What from the list of sample questions that would be the segments of the community have benefited most effective for each specific contact. from these loans (low-, very low-, or moderate- income; the elderly; etc.)? What is the number The questions highlight the type of information and dollar volume of loans generated? that the examiner is seeking through the community contact process. They are meant to serve as a i. What are the amounts and sources of the guide to assist the examiner in planning the organization’s funding? How is the funding substance and structure of the interview. Obvi- disbursed (i.e., what activities does it fund and ously, not all questions will be appropriate to each how much of the budget is devoted to each specific contact. Nor is the list all-inclusive; particu- activity)? lar questions may generate significant discussions j. Could you list the organization’s major accom- and examiners are expected to probe and conduct plishments in the past five years? Is there such follow-up questions appropriately. Examiners are a list that you may have for purposes of your encouraged to review the entire list before structur- funders or funding proposals that I may have a ing their interview. As examiners gain experience, copy of? they are encouraged to engage in discussion with the community contact and not undertake a k. What are some of the limits the organization is ‘‘question and answer’’ format. facing in serving its community? In what areas is it currently encountering opportunity? l. Is the organization interested in expanding its Background Information on Community program or project areas at this time? In what Contact area? Is there a timeline in place to implement The examiner should ascertain the organization’s these activities or expected to be in place? area of expertise and the role that it plays in the community. Specific to Economic Development Agencies (Including Utility Companies): General: a. Are there empowerment zones (EZs), enter- a. What geographic areas does the organization prise communities (ECs), or foreign trade zones serve? (FTZs) in your area? Where? What types of b. How old is the organization? How was it monetary incentives are offered? started? How much involvement by local resi- b. What are examples of small business, small dents and/or low-income residents was there farm, and community-based development that initially? the agency has been involved in? Has activity Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 91 (11/14)
Community Contact Procedures been concentrated in a few areas? Which ones? process is to update the community profile. The c. Does the economic development agency also examiner is expected to obtain and update infor- coordinate the housing program and monies for mation on current economic conditions and trends, this jurisdiction? If not, is economic develop- current demographic characteristics, and existing ment coordinated with housing officials? What credit needs. priority is accorded to affordable housing? What priorities, if any, are accorded to specific General: population segments (e.g., elderly, special a. What is the current demographic makeup of the assistance, female heads of households, home- community? What were the most significant less, other)? demographics changes in the past five to ten d. Are the economic development strategies or years, if any (e.g., migration patterns, racial the availability of the programs communicated composition)? to local residents in any way? How? [Note to b. Which neighborhoods are in transition, if any? examiner: Did you find that local residents or Has gentrification or the displacement of low- or community representatives were able to articu- moderate-income individuals become an issue late strategies or various programs?] in certain neighborhoods? In which neighbor- e. Does the agency have working relationships hoods? Is the potential displacement of individu- established with community organizations at als being managed in some process, for the neighborhood level? Who? What are the example, a relocation package? If so, how and names of the individuals that the agency has who is involved? worked with? If so, what is the extent of the c. What major employers have either entered or partnership that has been established? left the community in the last few years? Has this impacted certain categories of the labor Specific to Local Government: market and not others? If so, who was positively impacted? Negatively? How? a. What is the structure of the local government? Is there an economic development depart- d. Who or what organizations are the driving ment? Is this separate from housing development? forces in the community (examples include churches, government, community groups, b. Which department has responsibility for eco- etc.)? nomic development policy? e. What priorities have you identified for this area? c. Does the local government have programs that target affordable housing, small business f. Have you conducted any studies (e.g., neigh- development, and/or community development borhood surveys or feasibility studies) that may projects? How much funding do they have? provide insight into local credit, service, or community development needs? What were the d. Has the local government identified priorities for results? (Obtain a copy, if available.) How was its housing and economic development funds? the study used and what was the distribution Has the government determined what impact (any banks included)? this will have for the population (e.g., for the elderly, low-income families, individuals with g. Do zoning restrictions play a role in the special needs, the homeless)? To the agency’s availability of affordable housing units? How? knowledge, what has been the impact of its Which neighborhoods are most impacted? funds in the last several years? h. Are absentee landlords a problem? For whom? e. How much money has been allocated for In which neighborhoods? affordable housing, elderly needs, special i. In your opinion, what credit needs have not needs, etc.? What is the time frame for the been adequately satisfied by area financial disbursement of funds, particularly CDBG institutions? (Give example: small business funds? loans, home improvement loans, installment loans, etc.) Specific to Real Estate Brokers: j. To what extent are financial services available a. Do you have brokers who specialize in low- or in the assessment area? What is the availability moderate-income housing (single or multifamily)? of ATMs or branches in this neighborhood? k. Are there many women- or minority-owned businesses in the area? If so, are they concen- Obtaining a Community Profile trated in any geographic location or occupa- One of the primary objectives of the contact tional field? 92 (11/14) • CRA Consumer Compliance Handbook
Community Contact Procedures Specific to Community-Based Organizations and types of units? a. Does this community have a significant number d. How would you rate the need for housing of people who would be ‘‘uncounted’’ in official among various sectors of the community, such census figures? If so, why? Does your organi- as the elderly, individuals on special assis- zation give estimates of the uncounted or real tance, female heads of households, the home- population? less, others? b. What are the primary and secondary issues that e. Are there structural inadequacies in the type of low-income people in this area are concerned housing stock available for low-income popula- with in the short term? In the long term? tions in this area? Is housing rehabilitation a c. What are the most pressing concerns—e.g., priority issue among those your organization adequate housing, access to retail goods, has identified? adequate public transportation facilities, adult education, job training and placement, English Specific to Real Estate Brokers: as a second language (ESL), health facilities— that you have been able to identify facing a. (Refer to specific geographic areas.) What are low-income residents? the current economic conditions in this general area? Are housing values going up or down? If d. What language(s) are spoken in the commu- it is an ‘‘up’’ market, what are some of the forces nity? contributing to its success? If down, what are some of the issues contributing to its decline? Specific to Economic Development Agencies b. Has there been any recent development activity (Including Utility Companies): in this area? What is the nature of the develop- ment (commercial, residential, affordable hous- a. What are the primary economic strengths of this ing, public projects)? What has been the impact area? Primary weaknesses? (Note: Economic on the neighborhood? development agencies typically operate at the county or MSA level. Using follow-up questions c. Are there mobile homes or concentrations of and probing techniques, attempt to get as local mobile homes, such as mobile-home parks, in an assessment as possible.) any area? b. Are there development plans currently under- d. What is the average length of time that single- way for infrastructure-related projects, such as family homes are on the market in this neigh- bridges, sewers, etc.? If so, what is the borhood? suggested timetable? Will the project generate e. Other types of residences? Other neighbor- or is it generating jobs for low- or moderate- hoods? income residents? f. Do you know of any changes in the near future c. What are the main economic development that would impact the market for residential/ strategies (examples include business attrac- commercial properties in a specific area? What tion, business retention, marketing, small busi- are these changes (political, environmental, ness development, etc.) that you are currently legal, etc.)? pursuing for the overall county or MSA? For a g. Do you have copies of any appraisal reports for particular neighborhood? What priority is given commercial and residential properties? For to small business, small farm, and community- which areas (obtain, when possible)? based development (such as grocery stores, day care facilities, etc.)? h. Are you aware of appraisal-related problems in this neighborhood, such as the lack of comparables? Specific to Housing Organizations (State, i. What credit products do your customers typi- Local, Etc.): cally use to purchase a home? Conventional a. What is the waiting list for various affordable mortgages? Government loans? Land con- housing programs in the area? tracts? Why? b. Have you received complaints from tenants that j. What are the various sources of financing that buildings are not in compliance with local your customers typically use? Banks? Thrifts? building codes? In your perception, how wide- Mortgage companies? Home improvement deal- spread is this problem? ers? Credit unions? Employer-related sources c. What is the nature of demand for affordable (i.e., GMAC)? Others? Are particular combina- housing? How does this compare to available tions of sources more typical than others? housing stock, both in terms of number of units k. What are the characteristics of likely investors Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 93 (11/14)
Community Contact Procedures for multifamily housing properties in a specific what projects or products? For what clients neighborhood? What are the likely financial (e.g., what were the income characteristics of risks and rewards for investors in this area? those who benefited)? (Compare with other neighborhoods.) b. Does your organization partner with other groups, including religious organizations, gov- Specific to Foundations: ernment agencies, and neighborhood organi- zations, in conducting any of its program a. What types of eligibility criteria are currently activities? established for community development programs? c. Tell me about any other organizations you work with in meeting your clients’ needs. What other b. Which organizations and projects do you fund? organizations serve this community in the areas How much money is committed to these of affordable housing? Small business develop- organizations and/or projects for this year? ment? Commercial, day care, or other c. How long is the money committed for? community-related facilities? Job training? Credit d. Out of the programs and/or organizations that counseling? Low-income advocacy? you funded in this area, which are the most d. Which of these organizations do you consider effective in the affordable housing area? In the most active? If I wanted more information from small business development or community them, whom should I contact? development area? e. Which financial intermediaries do you consider particularly effective? Why? Assessing Opportunities for Financial f. Are you seeking funds from local financial Institution Participation institutions for any current projects? The degree to which financial institutions are g. What is the nature of the project? Is it a involved in community development projects or development-based product? Is it related to services depends in some part on the extent of credit needs in the community? Is there a other resources and partners available within the specific neighborhood or group of individuals community. Examiners are expected to obtain that this project will benefit? How? information on the availability of resources dedi- h. What are the specific requirements for the cated to the local credit or development needs that financing that you are seeking? have been identified. Examiners are also expected to gauge the level of the contact’s efforts in i. Are you aware of similar projects that other approaching local financial institutions and the organizations are working on? What can you tell mechanisms of any financing involved, if any. me about those? Whom can I contact to learn more? In addition to any background materials reviewed in the preparation portion of the examination, contacts can provide relevant information on State and Local Economic Development • The number and nature of community develop- Agencies, Government Agencies: ment or credit-related projects being developed a. What, if any, commercial development projects for the benefit of the community, are underway? Where are they located? Are • The number of organizations or government jobs created? Will low- or moderate-income programs committed to those activities, individuals benefit? How? • The extent to which partnerships or other forms of b. What are the number and nature of various coordination are evident in the area, economic development programs funded by the city or state? How many residents do these • The level of resources devoted to these activities, programs benefit annually? and c. Which of these programs, if any, are designed • How active these programs or resources are with to leverage funds from financial institutions? respect to promoting the credit or banking needs What are the mechanics of the program? How that local representatives or residents have many projects have been funded to date? identified. Which financial institutions have participated in these programs? Is there a particular area or Community-Based Organizations: group that these funds target? a. Has your organization ever participated in d. Do you have programs designed specifically for activities, either formally or informally, with affordable housing or small business develop- financial institutions? If so, which ones? For ment? If so, how many small businesses and/or 94 (11/14) • CRA Consumer Compliance Handbook
Community Contact Procedures small farms benefit? What is your definition of financial institutions? In what ways has financial small business? institution participation had a positive impact? e. What are the funding levels of these programs? In what ways has it had a negative impact? How many projects have been funded to date? Probe for such project aspects as timing, Is there a particular neighborhood or group that financing terms, etc. these funds target? If so, what are they? d. Are local financial institutions proactive in f. Have any financial institutions participated in developing relationships or offering assistance? these programs? If so, which ones? If so, which ones? g. Do you currently have other projects or have e. What financial institution(s) does your group you had projects in the past that required either recommend to your constituents? Why? investment or other forms of financing from a f. What obstacles, if any, prevent greater involve- financial institution? What are/were the charac- ment from financial institutions in meeting local teristics of the project? Its financing? Include credit needs? projects involving bond issuances, etc. What g. Have you ever been invited by institutions to were the results? Innovative? Risky? participate in institution-sponsored activities? If h. What financing mechanisms are needed, yes, specify the activities’ purpose and the role planned, or in place for any development or you played. infrastructure-related projects? h. Has your organization ever received complaints about individual institutions? Real Estate Brokers: i. Did the people affected know about the com- a. Do you know about local or state financing plaint process or were they informed about it? programs for affordable housing, small busi- j. Did any of the complaints involve allegations ness, or commercial development? How did that the institution(s) discouraged people from you hear of these programs? submitting an application? Did any complaints b. Are there specific home insurance or financing involve geographic or racial redlining, or any programs that you utilize or to whom you refer other forms of discrimination? What happened? customers? Which ones? Which do you utilize k. Is anyone in your group or known to your group specifically for your low-income customers? willing to offer specific evidence of discrimina- c. Which financial institutions in the area are you tory actions by specific institutions? (If allega- aware of that access these programs? How tions of discrimination, discouragement, or actively? Which do not? redlining are made with respect to an institution regulated by your agency, forward the relevant information to the institution’s primary regula- Obtaining Local Perspectives on the tor.) Performance of Financial Institutions l. In your opinion, which institutions in the area In addition, another function of the community have been particularly outstanding in meeting contact process is to obtain feedback from the the community’s needs? Why? What, specifi- community on the performance of local financial cally, has been done by these institutions? institutions. The examiner is expected to gather m. In your opinion, which area institutions have information on the willingness and responsiveness been particularly notable for their unwillingness of financial institutions, including the institution to respond to the community’s needs? Why? under examination, to work with local residents and professionals in meeting credit and community n. In your opinion, how well does [institution name] economic development needs. meet the credit needs of this community? General: Community-Based Organizations: a. With which banks, savings and loans, or a. Have you discussed local credit needs with any mortgage companies have you been involved? financial institutions? What were the results? What was the nature of your involvement? b. Do any institutions provide in-kind services, i.e, b. Has your organization ever participated in loaned executives, etc.? activities, either formally or informally, with c. What efforts are made to inform institutions financial institutions? If so, which ones? How did and obtain their participation in the organiza- this professional relationship develop? tion’s activities? Which institutions participate c. What were the results of your involvement with and to what degree? Which institutions, if any, Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 95 (11/14)
Community Contact Procedures declined to participate? not receive your referrals for small businesses d. If your organization works with government and why? enhancement programs, do financial institu- h. What percentage of referred homebuyers nor- tions work with you on that product? If so, which mally go to the recommended lenders? ones? i. What percentage of referred homebuyers nor- e. What efforts have you employed to improve mally get loans from recommended lenders? your organization’s relationship with any institu- j. What other methods could be used to increase tions? Which institutions? How successful have the use of insured financial institutions by your efforts been? people in your market area? In particular, are some financial institutions attracting portions of the market and not others? For which products? Real Estate Brokers: k. Do women or minorities have more difficulty (Be sure to include those operating in low- or than men in obtaining mortgage loans? If so, moderate-income areas.) why? Which institutions are perceived as not a. Do you frequently work with financial institu- meeting the needs of women or minority tions or other lenders that originate home applicants? mortgages? l. Are there outreach activities by particular b. Which institutions do you receive rate sheets institutions for women or minority customers? from on a consistent basis? How are they Do you perceive these programs as positive? typically delivered to you? m. In your experience, are there certain institutions c. Are local lenders willing to work with you for favored in the minority and/or women’s busi- first-time homebuyers? If so, which ones? Why ness community? or why not? d. Are local lenders willing to work with you on Business, Labor, or Consumer Groups exceptions on credit reports? If so, which ones? Working with the Women’s or Minority Why or why not? Business Community: e. What knowledge, if any, do you have of credit a. What is the general perception of financial standards being adjusted in either a preferen- institutions in the minority business community? tial or discriminatory manner? Which lenders? In the women’s business community? Why? What were the circumstances? b. Do any financial institutions have a small f. Have you worked with lenders that have taken business department targeting women or customers under the Fannie Mae 97 percent minorities? Which ones? How is it done? program? Freddie Mac? Others? c. Which institutions have separate minority or g. Which lenders do not receive your referrals for small business counseling services? Do the home purchases and why? Which lenders do counselors also have lending authority? 96 (11/14) • CRA Consumer Compliance Handbook
Community Reinvestment Act FFIEC Community Contact Form Examiners should summarize each interview they conduct on the Community Contact Form. The purpose of this form is to provide a consistent means by which financial institution regulators can share information obtained through interviews for a particular community. The individual conducting the interview should inform the interviewees that this information will be shared with other regulatory agencies. 1. Regulatory agency: 2. Date of contact: 3. Interviewee information: Name: Title: Organization represented: Type/organization category: Address: City: State: Interviewee’s telephone: Add area served: Served state(s): Served MSA(s): Served counties: 4. Was this the first contact with this organization (in connection with a current examination) or a follow-up contact? First Follow-up 5. Was the interview conducted in conjunction with an examination? If yes, list financial institutions. Institution name Cert Charter Docket RSSD 6. Summarize the organization’s purposes, functions, and sources of funding. Include the organization’s impact if applicable (for example, number of low-income clients served, number of units built, etc.). 7. Political or geographic boundaries of area focused on during this specific contact. 8. Interview summary. (a) Community profile: Current economic conditions; current demographic characteristics; general banking and credit needs; other (e.g., identifying names of low- or moderate-income neighborhoods). (b) Opportunities for participation by local financial institutions: Community development, other credit-related projects, or financing programs; level of opportunity for bank involvement. (c) Performance of local financial institutions: Perceptions or experience regarding the degree of involvement of the local financial institution industry and of the specific financial institution (if obtained) in the community. 9. Person in charge of examination: Interviewer: Reviewed by: Consumer Compliance Handbook CRA • 97 (11/14)
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