Page created by Shirley Ramirez
SALE BY ONLINE TIMED                                              AUCTION


LOT 147                LOT 133        LOT 145                     LOT 146

LOT 129                LOT 126        LOT 119                     LOT 130

      Commencing Thursday 11th March 2021 at 7.00am
      ending Wednesday 17th March 2021 from 12Noon

      Ramsdale Farm
      Coventry Road
      LE9 4JU
                                                Residential. Commercial. Agricultural.
On instructions from J W Gamble & Son

                                                                                                                   ONLINE TIMED AUCTION OF
                                                                                                                   MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT
                                                                                                                   AND SUNDRIES DUE TO RETIREMENT
Sale Site

 Ordnance Survey Crown Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
 Licence number 100022432.
 Plotted Scale - 1:12500. Paper Size – A4

                                                                                                                   Commencing Thursday 11th March 2021 at 7.00am
                                                                                                                   ending Wednesday 17th March 2021 from 12Noon

                                                                                                                   Viewing: by appointment only on Wednesday 10th March and
                                                                                                                   Thursday 11th March 2021 from 10am – 4pm

                                                                                                                   Brown & Co Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                   St Neots Office, The Fairways,
                                                                                                                   Wyboston Lakes, Wyboston,
                                                                                                                   Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL
                                                                                                                   Fox Bennett Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                   6 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby,
                                                                                                                   Leicestershire, LE19 1SD
                                                                                                                   General Enquiries: 01480 213811
                                                              NOT TO SCALE FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY        Viewing and Sale Enquiries:
                                                              Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map
                                                              With the sanction of the                             George Watchorn 07919 015675
                                                              Controller of H. M. Stationary Office                Jon Clampin 07717 512498
                                                              Crown Copyright Reserved. Brown & Co. ES 100005264                                                  Residential.Commercial.Agricultural.
                                                                                                                   David Bennett 07711 691569
Brown & Co Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                                  St Neots Office, The Fairways, Wyboston Lakes,
                                                                                                                                  Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL
                                                                                                                                  Fox Bennett Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                                  6 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1SD
                                                                                                                                  General Enquiries: 01480 213811

                                                                                                                                  Viewing and Sale Enquiries:
                                                                                                                                  George Watchorn 07919 015675
                                                                                                                                  Jon Clampin 07717 512498

                        PLEASE NOTE:                                                                                              David Bennett 07711 691569

LOCATION – If approaching from the M69, leave the                 ONLINE BIDDING – online bidding will be available for           BUYER’S FACILITIES - All registrations for this Online            VIEWING – Wednesday 10th March 2021 and
motorway at Junction 2 and at the roundabout take the exit        this sale via or A 2% plus       Timed Machinery Auction are provisional and subject to the        Thursday 11th March 2021 from 10.00am to 4.00pm.
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There will be a series of strict measures in place on the         removed from the site on the following days only; Thursday      All prospective Buyers should ensure that they have read          takes ownership of the goods and goods will not leave a
viewing days in accordance with HSE and government                18th March 2021, Friday 19th March 2021, Saturday 20th          and understood those Conditions. The act of bidding will be       vendors premises until this is the case.
guidance to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19.        March 2021 and Sunday 21st March 2021. All lots are to          taken as acceptance of them.
Brown & Co and Fox Bennett request that only people with          be removed by Thursday 25th March 2021, as following                                                                              The Purchaser or their agent will be responsible for
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Brown & Co and Fox Bennett continue to monitor the                ground and all Buyers are reminded that they are entirely       ensure that the descriptions are accurate, no guarantees          Further Guidance is available here for goods leaving the
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Brown & Co Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                               St Neots Office, The Fairways, Wyboston Lakes,
                                                                                                                               Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL
                                                                                                                               Fox Bennett Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                               6 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1SD

            SALE BY AUCTION OF
                                                                                                                               General Enquiries: 01480 213811
                                                                                                                               Viewing and Sale Enquiries:
                                                                                                                               George Watchorn 07919 015675
            MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK                                                                                   Jon Clampin 07717 512498
                                                                                                                               David Bennett 07711 691569
            EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES                                                                                             Email:

            MISCELLANEOUS PARTS & SPARES                                                                                       50          Plastic cattle footbath
				                                                                                                                           51 - 52     Jump leads
1       Quantity assorted metal 			                                                                                            53          Quantity axle stands
2 - 24 Quantity miscellaneous workshop equipment and 		                                                                        54          Evolution metal and wood cutting saw, single
        spares		                                                                                                                           phase
25      Teagle ‘A’ linkage frame				                                                                                           55          Clarke Air Mover, single phase
26      Quantity hazard signs					                                                                                             56          Arc welder, 3 phase

                                                          AUCTION OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES

                                                                                                                                                                                                 AUCTION OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES
27      Pair bolt croppers					                                                                                                57 - 58     Spare lots
28      Calving jack					                                                                                                      59 - 60     Quantity electric fencing stakes
29      Cattle hip lifters					                                                                                                61          Quantity electric fencing wire and reels
30      Chain 					                                                                                                            62          Draper compressor
31      Heavy duty chain					                                                                                                  63 - 64     Oxy-acetylene hoses and trolley
32      Fuel pump, hose and gun				                                                                                            65          Spaldings heavy duty pillar drill, single phase.
33      Galvanised gate / hurdle pins				                                                                                                  Serial No: 203470
34      Steel posts					                                                                                                       66          5t trolley jack
35      Quantity vermin traps					                                                                                             67          10t trolley jack
36 - 37 Quantity ratchet straps				                                                                                            68          Galvanised water trough
38      Cattle brush					                                                                                                      69          SIP Professional Chargestar 30 16/12/24v battery
39      Quantity large axle stands				                                                                                                     charger
40      Quantity drainage rods				                                                                                             70          Truecraft vacuum cleaner, single phase
41      Quantity drainage parts				                                                                                            71          Greenoak portable milking machine
42      Grease bucket and pump				                                                                                             72          Quantity vacuum tank pipes
43      Ag-Mini dispenser					                                                                                                 73          Metal shipping container, 8ft x 10ft
44      Stihl 135R strimmer					                                                                                               74 - 75     Quantity rubber mats
45      Quantity gate hinges and assorted spares			                                                                            76          Metal frame
46      Quantity hanging basket brackets				                                                                                   77          Black plastic water tank, c.2500l
47      Metal trolley					                                                                                                     78          Mountfield 1636H ride on lawn mower, hydrostatic,
48      Quantity wafer weights				                                                                                                         42in deck, petrol
49      Quantity Claas wafer weights				                                                                                       79          Kongskilde sucker blower
                                                                                                                               80          Spare lot
Brown & Co Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                                    St Neots Office, The Fairways, Wyboston Lakes,
                                                                                                                                    Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL
                                                                                                                                    Fox Bennett Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                                    6 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1SD

             SALE BY AUCTION OF
                                                                                                                                    General Enquiries: 01480 213811
                                                                                                                                    Viewing and Sale Enquiries:
                                                                                                                                    George Watchorn 07919 015675
             MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK                                                                                       Jon Clampin 07717 512498
                                                                                                                                    David Bennett 07711 691569
             EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES                                                                                                 Email:

          LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & SUNDRIES                                                                                            118     Teagle Tomahawk 500 round bale processor, PTO
                                                                                                                                            driven, linkage mounted
81      Spaldings 1500kg cattle scales with digital weigh 		                                                                        119     Teagle Tomahawk 8100 straw / silage bale
        cell		                                                                                                                              processor, single axle on 12.5/80-15.3 wheels and
82 - 84 Concrete water trough			                                                                                                            tyres
85      2No IAE 6ft galvanised drinking trough		                                                                                    120     2005 Reco Sulky-Burel DPX Prima 24m twin disc
86      IAE 4ft galvanised drinking trough			                                                                                               fertiliser spreader, hydraulic shut off.

                                                               AUCTION OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES

                                                                                                                                                                                                          AUCTION OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES
87 - 89 2No 6ft hook on galvanised feed troughs			                                                                                          Serial No: DX01 163
90 - 93 Quantity miscellaneous gates			                                                                                             121     2016 Concept Perugini 2.3m flail mower, PTO
94      Galvanised calving gate, with locking yoke		                                                                                        driven, linkage mounted. Serial No: F05270
95      Pair 15ft steel doors 			                                                                                                   122-125 Spare lots
96      Galvanised 15ft gate
97 - 99 Galvanised gate with locking yoke 143cm x 103cm                                                                                                      DIET FEEDER
100-101 Quantity galvanised calf pens
102-103 15ft metal feed barrier, free standing			                                                                                    2013 Shelbourne Reynolds Powermix Pro 19 diet
104     18ft metal feed barrier, free standing			                                                                                    feeder, twin auger, Digi-Star EZ 2500V weigh system,
105     Quantity 10ft tombstone feed barriers		                                                                                      electro-hydraulic controls, slow speed reduction
106     IAE galvanised calf dehorning crush			                                                                                       bar, single axle on 435/50R19.5 wheels and tyres.
107-110 Spare lots						                                                                                                             Serial No: PME16130298

               IMPLEMENTS & EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  TRAILERS

111     Moulton yard scraper, linkage mounted		                                                                                     127         Ifor Williams 12ft twin axle livestock trailer.
112-113 Moulton galvanised yard scraper, linkage mounted		                                                                                      Model No: TA510G12. Serial No: 176726
114     1999 Suton yard brush, hydraulic driven, linkage                                                                            128         2016 Fleming ST1600 vacuum tanker, single axle
        mounted. Serial No: 15233			                                                                                                            on 550/60R22.5 wheels and tyres.
115     Grays 10ft flat roll, water filled			                                                                                                   Serial No: 111040
116     Parmiter post knocker, hydraulic folding		                                                                                  129         2013 NC 33ft - 16t twin axle bale trailer, front and
117     Spring tine cultivator, 10ft, linkage mounted		                                                                                         rear raves on 385/65R22.5 wheels and tyres.
                                                                                                                                                Serial No: 037241
Brown & Co Auctioneers Office:
                                   St Neots Office, The Fairways, Wyboston Lakes,
                                   Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL
                                   Fox Bennett Auctioneers Office:
                                   6 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1SD
SALE BY AUCTION OF                 General Enquiries: 01480 213811
                                   Viewing and Sale Enquiries:
MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK   George Watchorn 07919 015675
                                   Jon Clampin 07717 512498
                                   David Bennett 07711 691569
Brown & Co Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                                       St Neots Office, The Fairways, Wyboston Lakes,
                                                                                                                                       Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL
                                                                                                                                       Fox Bennett Auctioneers Office:
                                                                                                                                       6 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1SD

            SALE BY AUCTION OF
                                                                                                                                       General Enquiries: 01480 213811
                                                                                                                                       Viewing and Sale Enquiries:
                                                                                                                                       George Watchorn 07919 015675
            MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK                                                                                           Jon Clampin 07717 512498
                                                                                                                                       David Bennett 07711 691569
            EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES                                                                                                     Email:

130     2014 NC 32ft - 16t twin axle bale trailer, front and 		                                                                        142         2016 McHale bale squeeze with Manitou
        rear raves on 385/65R22.5 wheels and tyres.                                                                                                attachments. Type: BHRD. Serial No: 369488
        Serial No: 037593			                                                                                                           143         Cherry Products man basket, pallet tine
131     1988 AS Marston 10t twin axle grain trailer, fixed 		                                                                                      attachments
        draw bar, manual tailgate on 12.5-80/15.3 wheels
        and tyres. Serial No: 13992			                                                                                                                                   TRACTORS
132     2011 NC 1845 - 12t twin axle grain trailer, sprung

                                                                  AUCTION OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES

                                                                                                                                                                                                      AUCTION OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND SUNDRIES
        drawbar, hydraulic tailgate on 385/65R22.5 wheels 		                                                                           144 1990 Deutz-Fahr DX 3.50 2wd tractor, 4 speed plus
        and tyres c/w sheet. Serial No: 034582			                                                                                          Hi-Lo gear box on 7.5-16 front and 12.5R36 rear
                                                                                                                                           wheels and tyres. Reg: H662 HDO.
         MATERIALS HANDLER & ATTACHMENTS                                                                                                   Hours: 5,529 (showing). Serial No: 77403011
                                                                                                                                       145 1992 Renault 90-34 4wd tractor, 2 return spools, pick
133 2017 Manitou MLT634 PS materials handler with 		                                                                                       up hitch on 12.5A6 front and 16.9R34 rear wheels
    pallet tines on 460/70R24 wheels and tyres.                                                                                            and tyres. Reg: K614 SRY. Hours: 9,357.
    Air-conditioned cab. Datatag Registered.                                                                                               Serial No: 72C3280
    Reg: BX17 CKG. Hours: 2,855. Serial No: 972079		                                                                                   146 2008 Claas Arion 520 CIS Hexashift 40kph, 4wd
134 Sila-pusher, twin wheel with Manitou attachments		                                                                                     tractor on 340/85R28 front and 420/85R38 rear
135 NC shear grab with Manitou attachments		                                                                                               wheels and tyres with air seat and cab suspension.
136 Cherry Products general purpose bucket with                                                                                            Reg: AY08 CCA. Hours: 4,103.
    Manitou attachments			                                                                                                                 Serial No: A1800380
137 Cherry Products general purpose bucket with                                                                                        147 2011 Claas Arion 610C Quadshift 40Kph, 4wd
    Manitou attachments			                                                                                                                 tractor with 3 spools on 380/85R28 front and
138 2014 Suton yard brush attachment, additional wear                                                                                      460/85R38 rear wheels and tyres with air seat and
    plate, hydraulic driven. Serial No: 28437		                                                                                            cab suspension. Reg: AE11 EGF. Hours: 1,732.
139 Albutt manure grab 1.50m³. Serial No: 23095		                                                                                          Serial No: A2004EAA2002642
140 Cherry Products bale spike with Manitou
141 Fleming bale squeeze with tubes for round bales with
    Manitou attachments
        MODERN FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK                                                                        AUCTIONS


                                                                                                                          Sale by Online Timed Auction
                                                                                                                Combine, Tractor, Farm Equipment and Implements

                                                                                                                          Starts Thursday 4th March 2021 at 7.30am and
                                                                                                                            ends Tuesday 9th March 2021 from 12 Noon.

                                                                                                                         Cranberry Farm, Wainfleet St Mary, Skegness,
                                                                                                                                           Lincolnshire, PE24 4JY

                                                                                                                    George Watchorn 07919015675 or Daniel Jobe 07813646619

                                                                                                                Please note that the above dates are ‘provisional’. In these challenging times Brown&Co
                                                                                                                 continue to follow the government advice issued and should further advice mean that
                                                                                                                  further changes need to be made, we will be sure to update you in the first instance.

                                                                                                                       George Watchorn | 07919 015675 |
                                                                                                                          James Walton | 07920 496350 |
                                                                                                                      Simon Wearmouth | 07768 465744 |
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LOT 127                     LOT 132                    LOT 144                     LOT 120

LOT 118                     LOT 128                    LOT 131                     LOT 121

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