S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing

Page created by Steven Lloyd
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
S-G II Owners Association


       April 2021

   The advertisers that make your newsletter possible are small businesses owned by your
S-G II Owners Association | Please    give them a call when you need services for your home.
                             April 2021                                                        1
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
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2                                                                                        April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
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     ASSOCIATION’S MANAGEMENT COMPANY                           CANYON LAKES WEST OFFICE (CLW)                        TRASH/WATER
     CONTACT INFO                                             19722 Stanton Lake Dr., Cypress, TX 77433               WCA Waste                           281-368-8397
     Principal Management Group of Houston               PH: 281-855-0984 • Email: canyonlakeswest@att.net            Tax Office/ MUD #165                713-932-9011
     (PMG) has been contracted by the Board of                 Hours: Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sat: 9 AM-5 PM                   H2O Consulting/MUD #165             281-861-6215
     Directors to manage the day-to-day activities              Wed: 11 AM-7 PM / Sun/Mon: closed                     ROVING PATROL - PPI
     of the community.                                                                                                Patrol Phone:                       832-243-8206
                                                                       MIRAMESA OFFICE (MM)
     In order to contact the community’s Board                   20150 Miramesa Dr., Cypress, TX 77433                EMERGENCY                                   911
     of Directors or if residents have concerns,                                                                      Non-Emergency:
                                                        PH: 832-698-4490    Email: miramesarec@outlook.com                 Constable Precinct 5           281-463-6666
     questions about their account or deed                      Hours: Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat: - 9 AM-5 PM                 Cy-Fair VFD                         281-550-6663
     restriction violations to report, please put the             Tues: 11 AM-7 PM / Sun/Mon: closed                  Department of Public Safety (DPS)   281-232-4334
     information in writing and send via email to
     your onsite office in your section.                                                                              SCHOOLS
                                                              CLW SPLASH PAD AT THE GROVE (CLWSP)                     Cy-Fair ISD                         www.cfisd.net
                                                            20526 Morrison Grove Drive, Cypress, TX 77433             Andre Elementary                    281-463-5500
     TO CONTACT THE BOARD:                                                                                            Postma Elementary School            281-345-3660
                                                             PH: 281-855-0984 Email: canyonlakeswest@att.net
     Principal Management Group of Houston                                                                            Wells Elementary School             832-349-7400
     11000 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 150                                                                          Anthony Middle School               281-373-5660
                                                        GATE ATTENDANTS                                               Smith Middle School                 281-213-1010
     Houston, TX 77041                                  Canyon Lakes Wes t                          281-858-6100      Bridgeland High School              832-349-7600
     713-329-7100                                       8212 Canyon Lakes Manor Dr.                                   Cy-Springs High School              281-345-3000

                    PUBLISHED BY: KRENEK PRINTING                              INFORMATION ON BUSINESS ADS: ads@krenekprinting.com
                 www.krenekprinting.com • 281-463-8649                         NON-PROFIT ARTICLE REQUESTS: news@krenekprinting.com

                                                                        STEVE TOUCHY
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S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                                        3
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
                                                                            We will be sending important community updates, event information
                                                                            and other announcements through the TownSq app. We encourage you
The StoneGators Swim Club is gearing up for a fun-filled, action packed     to please download the app to stay up to date with the community.
21st season. We missed swimming last summer and are looking forward
to getting back in the water.                                                                  SAY HELLO TO TOWNSQ!
                                                                            Associa is excited to announce the launch of TownSq - a new all-in-one
        SOME IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR!                             mobile app designated to help you connect, collaborate and stay up-
                  ONLINE REGISTRATION                                       to-date on any device. Meet your neighbors, manage your account and
Online registration opened to new and returning swimmers. Visit https://    access the resources you need for better community living.
                                                                            TownSq is the preferred method of communication for anything related
                         PARENT MEETING                                     to the community association and your account.
Sunday, April 11, 2021 - Parent Meeting for 10 & Under Swimmers at the
Stone Gate Recreation Center Basketball Court from 1-2 PM.                  FREE exclusively to Associa communities, download the app and register
Sunday, April 11, 2021 - Parent Meeting for 11 & Up Swimmers at the         now to:
Stone Gate Recreation Center Basketball Court from 2-3 PM.
                                                                            • Easily communicate with neighbors, Board members and management
                          GUPPY SCHOOL                                      • Manage your account
April 5-8, 2021 - Guppy school is for all new swimmers to the club and      • Get up-to-date community news and events
all 6 and under swimmers. This is to enable the coaches to assess your      • Request and review status of service inquiries
swimmer and their abilities.                                                • Participate in community polls
                                                                            • Reserve common areas and amenities
                              PRACTICE                                      • And more
Monday, April 12, 2021 will be our first night of practice for all age
groups. Please refer to the website for times.                                                   READY TO JOIN TOWNSQ?
                                                                            Your account is already set up and ready to use.
We highly encourage your swimmer to make as many of the practices we
offer as they can. This helps our coaches get to know your swimmer and      Register using your Account ID and Zip Code https://app.townsq.io/
their abilities and make them a stronger and faster swimmer!                associa/signup

                           SPONSORSHIP                                                   LOGIN: HTTPS://APP.TOWNSQ.IO/LOGIN
We are looking for parents and companies to sponsor our club! We
have various levels of sponsorship opportunities. All monies raised and     Download the app and start experiencing community your way!
contributed enable us to keep our swimmer enrollment fees low and
keep our team as one of the top teams and one of the strongest and          Note: If you have more than one account you will be able to link them
best in the area. To find out more information on how you can be one        and have only one login.
of our sponsors or make a contribution, please contact sponsorship@
stonegators.org.                                                            Once logged in, you will instantly be able to customize your
                                                                            communication settings to start receiving notifications - when and how
If you have any club or swimmer related questions, please contact us        you want!
at communications@stonegators.org. Don’t forget to check out our
website at https://stonegate.swimtopia.com/ for more information. We            PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS AND GEESE
are excited and looking forward to an awesome 2021 season. Go Gators!!!     Spring is the air and this lovely weather has many of us visiting our
                                                                            community parks and ponds. It can be tempting to feed the ducks
                                                                            as geese as many of us have grown up thinking that this was an
     PLEASE BE OBSERVANT OF POSTED TRAFFIC                                  environmentally responsible and humane way to dispose of old or stale
             SIGNS, SPEED AND GATES                                         bread. However, feeding ducks and geese is actually unhealthy and
Please respect the posted traffic speeds and stop signs in our community.   potentially dangerous for the birds. This seemingly generous act, in fact,
They are here to make our community a safe and pleasant place to live.      can be extremely harmful.
With the pleasant weather, our children are out enjoying our amenities.
Use extra caution when driving near our parks and community pools.          Bread and similar products such as crackers, chips, doughnuts and
Please also use the correct side of the gates for entry and exit.           popcorn have little nutritional value. Without healthy food and proper

4                                                                                                      April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
nutrition the ducks and geese will quickly succumb to disease and death.
Feeding ducks and geese can lead to the following problems as well:
• Duckling malnutrition - in areas where ducks are regularly fed bread
the ducklings will not receive adequate nutrition for proper growth and
                                                                                                                                                •   Diagnose & Repair
• Overcrowding - Where food is easy to come by, ducks and other waterfowl                                                                       •   Panel Upgrades
will lay more eggs and the pond or lake will become overcrowded. This
makes it more difficult for the birds to seek out healthier food sources
                                                                                                                                                •   Generators
and increases territorial aggression, especially during mating season. It                                                                       •   Surge Protection
will also cause ducks to cross busy streets in search of food.                                                                                  •   Custom Lighting
• Pollution - What happens to all that bread that is not eaten? It causes                                                                       •   Smart Switches
algae growths, pollution and can eventually eradicate fish and other life
in the vicinity.                                                                   Randy & Sandi Deyo, Owner-operator TMEL 33838
                                                                                        FREE Estimates ● 2 Hour Appointment Windows
• Diseases - A diet rich in carbohydrates leads to greater fecal production               5 Year Warranty ● Flexible Payment Plans
and bird feces easily harbors bacteria responsible for numerous diseases                 Military/Veteran Discount ● Senior Discount
including avian botulism.

• Attraction of pests - Rotting leftover food attracts other unwelcome
pests such as rats, mice and insects. These pests can also harbor additional
diseases that can be dangerous to humans.

If you care about ducks and geese, do not feed them. They can live
longer, healthier lives by relying on natural food sources such as aquatic
plants, seeds, grasses and insects rather than taking handouts from will-
meaning humans. Now that you know, you can help by not feeding the

                                                                                    Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
ducks and geese and by educating other duck lovers.

           CRIME PREVENTION TIPS AND LINKS                                           Caring Professionals for over 35 years in the Bear Creek Area!
Please remember to lock your car doors. Also, if you see anything
suspicious, please call the Constables right away. Even if it turns out to be
nothing, they would rather check it out to keep the neighborhood safe.
Every now and again, something that people may think is nothing, has
actually turned into something.
                                                                                                                                        SPRING SPECIAL
I have attached 3 helpful links below:                                                                                            $
                                                                                                                                   75 Off for New Patient Exams
The first is for the Vacation Watch. When the residents leave for vacation,
                                                                                                                                25 Off Dental Treatment for (existing patients)
they can fill out the form and as part of their normal duties, the Constables                                                (Not valid with any other offer. EXPIRES 4/30/21. Must present
will drive by and check on their residence.                                                                                 coupon at the time of service. Valid for only one use per patient)

www.constablepct5.com/vacation-watch                                                                                        • Advanced Laser Dentistry
                                                                                                                            • Digital X-Rays for reduced Radiation
The second is for a Special Watch. If there is something going on around            16100 Cairnway, Suite 285               • Affordable, Flexible, No interest payment options.
the resident’s house and they want the Constables to keep an extra eye
out or want a little extra patrol, they can fill this form out and we can take                                  www.CAREYDENTISTRY.com
care of it.
                                                                                                                For all of your plumbing needs, call...


Finally is the online crime tips. If there is a crime tip that you have, you can
fill this out and the Constable’s office will look into it.
                                                                                                                                           Sewer Camera Inspection and Drain Cleaning
www.constablepct5.com/online-crime-tips                                                                                            *   Garbage Disposal and Faucet • Water Heater • Repipe
                                                                                   Low Price Guarantee              Any job                Sewer Repair • Pipe Repair • Toilet Installation
                                                                                      Licensed and Insured         over $95
Precinct #5 Constables office can be reached at 281-463-6666.                       Follow me on Angie’s List                                    ONE CALL DOES IT ALL!
                                                                                                                            *Cannot be combined with any other offers
Harris Country Sheriff’s Department (non-emergency) 713-221-6000.

Always call 911 in case of an emergency!                                                            info@petersplumbingtx.com

S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                                                           5
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS                                                                                     CAR-CLEANING TIPS
If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the                                                           12 WAYS TO GIVE YOUR WHEELS A FRESH START
teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our website (www.                                        1. Clean up spills quickly, before they have a chance so soak in and set.
krenekprinting.com, click submissions and choose Jobseekers) with your                                          2. When vacuuming, use the duster-brush attachment to get in all the
name, birthdate (mo. & yr.), phone number, year you will graduate and                                           nooks and crannies of the dashboard, center console and door panels.
the name of your newsletter/subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want                                        If you don’t have an attachment, use a paintbrush to dislodge the dust.
on your form. Please make sure your email is correct, we send emails                                            3. Use the crevice tool to reach between seats and the console to dislodge
in the summer to make sure all the info is still good and that you want                                         food crumbs and other hidden goodies. Remember to move the seats to
to stay on the list. If we do not hear back from you after 3 tries, we will                                     their extreme front and back positions.
remove you from the list until we do. Must have parent(s) permission.                                           4. Don’t forget to vacuum the seams on seats, where dirt accumulates
                                                                                                                and breaks down the material.
DISCLAIMER: Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is responsible                                         5. For upholstery, use a mild solution (a couple of drops per gallon) of
for those listed on the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and check                                       dishwashing detergent and water to clean seats. Dip a clean towel into
out references if you do not personally know those listed. This is just a                                       the solution and rub gently. For leather upholstery, a leather cleaner is
list of teenagers from the subdivision who wish to find part time jobs.                                         recommended, although the homemade cleaner can be used. After
Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers is between those                                            cleaning leather, rub in a conditioner. Use the treatment every six months.
seeking helpers and the teens and their parents.                                                                6. If you have tinted windows, it’s better to use an alcohol-based cleaner
                                                                                                                than an ammonia-based glass cleaner, because the ammonia can break
CODE KEY: B - BABYSITTING, CPR - CPR CERT., FAC - FIRST AID CERT.,                                              down the tint.
RCC - RED CROSS CERT., SS - SAFE SITTER, SL - SWIM LESSONS, PP -                                                7. A good way to get streak-free windows is to use a micro-fiber towel.
PET/PLANT SITTER, P - PET CARE ONLY, H - HOUSE CARE, L - LAWN                                                   8. Don’t forget to clean the rearview mirrors and side windows.
CARE, C- CAR CARE/DETAILING, T - TUTORING                                                                       9. Clean the instrument panel with a clean micro-fiber cloth.
                                                                                                                10. Keep a towel under your seat to quickly clean up spills on fabric
                                                                                                                upholstery. Instead of rubbing the spill, try pressing down with the
                          TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS                                                                   towel to soak it up. For more stubborn stains, try using the mild cleaning
                                                                                                                solution mentioned above.
                          NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE                                                                  11. If you do use a spray stain remover, be sure you go back with a clean
                                                                                                                damp towel to remove any residual cleaner, which acts as a magnet for
                                                                                                                dirt when left on the seat.
                                                                                                                12. Combat red stains with the following method: Fill a spray bottle to
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and
                                                                                                                the top with 90 percent water and 10 percent ammonia. Spray onto the
do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek
Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by                       red stain, wetting well. Place a clean damp towel over the stain and press
others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content within                         with a hot iron. This will transfer some of the dye into the towel. Repeat
this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are                        spraying and ironing and most of the red stain should come out.
solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken                         			                                                  Source: www.hgtv.com
up with the advertiser.

The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to                            10 TIPS FOR A CLEANER REFRIGERATOR
place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising.                           1. Create a homemade all-purpose cleaner by combining the following in a
                                                                                                                gallon of hot water: 1 cup clear ammonia, ½-cup vinegar and ¼-cup baking
Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication
the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical                          soda. Pour into a spray bottle or use from a bowl with a sponge. This no-
mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of                        rinse formula is a degreaser that prevents mold and mildew. Wipe down the
misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the                               entire refrigerator with this solution, including the drawers and shelves.
publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss                           2. To prevent grease and odor buildup on top of the refrigerator after
of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to
                                                                                                                you’ve cleaned it, just buff some paste wax into the surface.
publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
                                                                                                                3. Use toothpaste to remove tough stains. It contains a gentle abrasive
                                   Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO,                                            and has a pleasant odor.
                                281-463-8649 • news@krenekprinting.com                                          4. To get those dust bunnies out from under the refrigerator, remove the
                                                                                                                grill and run a yardstick covered with a pair of pantyhose underneath.

           Plumbing Problems?                                                                                   Also check the pan of water under the unit, since it can hold unpleasant-
                                                                                                                smelling water.
                                                                                                                5. To combat household odors, fill a clean old sock with activated charcoal
                     Call 346-209-2155                                                                          from an aquarium store, tie a knot in the top and place it in the back of
                                                                                                                the refrigerator. This will last a month or two, depending on the size of
    Our Services: Emergency Service Available 24/7 at Regular Prices                                            your refrigerator and how heavily you use it.
    • Water Heaters             • Clogged Drains
    • Toilets
    • Sewer Line Service
                                • Tankless Water Heaters
                                • Faucets & Sinks
                                • Water Line Service
                                                            $40 OFF over
                                                                     Any Job
                                                             Not Valid with any other offer
                                                                                                                6. For a faster fix for odors, sprinkle vanilla extract on some cotton balls,
                                                                                                                place in a shallow dish and put in the refrigerator. Orange extract also
    • Garbage Disposals         • Hydro-jetting

                                                           $125 OFF WaterInstall
    • Maintenance Agreements • Backflow Prevention                                                              7. Eliminate lingering odors in your vegetable bins by putting a crumpled
    • Gas Leak Detection/Repair • Tree Root Removal                         Heater                              piece of a brown paper grocery bag inside and leaving it for 48 hours. The
    • Trenchless Repairs        • Video Inspection
    • WHOLE HOUSE WATER FILTRATION AND TREATMENT            Not Valid with any other offer                      paper will absorb the odor.
                                                                                                                8. Check for adequate tightness of the insulating seam around the door
                                                                                                                by placing a lighted flashlight inside the refrigerator and closing the door.
                                                                                                                Turn off the lights in the room (this should be done at night) and see if
                                                                                                                any light escapes from the seams. This will help you pinpoint any leaks.
                                                                                                                9. If you don’t keep your refrigerator full, fill a large bottle (at least a gallon)
                                       Call today for your free estimate. Financing Available                   with water and leave it in the refrigerator. It helps keep the refrigerator
                                    Best Warranty in the Business • Bonded, Insured & Licensed Plumbers         cool and running efficiently.
                                                  www.bluefrogplumbingnwhouston.com                  RMP41368
                                                                                                                10. Keep your refrigerator at 37 degrees.                 Source: www.hgtv.com

6                                                                                                                                             April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
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S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                                                                            7
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
CFISD’s Mental Health Intervention Team promotes and supports the
                                                                            mental health and well-being of students, families, staff and community
                                                                            members through prevention, intervention and safety. Established during
                                                                            the 2018-2019 school years by the Board of Trustees and Superintendent
                     Cy-Fair ISD                                            Dr. Mark Henry, the MHIT is a collaborative and partnership among three
                                                                            departments-Guidance and Counseling, Psychological Services and
                      www.cfisd.org                                         the CFISD Police Department. The team is comprised of four licensed
                                                                            professional counselors, two licensed psychologists and two mental
                                                                            health police officers.
                  IMPORTANT DATES
                   April 2nd - Student/Staff Holiday                        All nominations submitted through the third (Nov. 1, 2020 to Jan. 31,
                                                                            2021) and fourth quarters (Feb. 1-April 30, 2021) will be considered for
                                                                            recognition at the TxSSC School Safety Conference, to be held June 27-
                     SCHOOL CALENDAR                                        July 1, 2021 in San Marcos.

     To download the 2020-2021 school calendar, visit                                   STUDENTS EARN REGIONAL
     the CFISD website at www.cfisd.net/en/calendar.                             2021 SCHOLASTIC ART & WRITING AWARDS
                                                                            More than 250 CFISD students were among the numerous regional
                                                                            winners from Harris County school districts in the 2021 Scholastic Art &
                                                                            Writing Awards, hosted by the Harris County Department of Education

 CFISD STUDENTS’ WORK SELECTED TO HOUSTON                                   The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards provide student artists and writers
         RODEO SCHOOL ART AUCTION                                           from grades 7-12 the opportunity to showcase their work for a national
Three student artists had their artwork selected to advance to the          audience and foster their careers. Students were recognized with Gold
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ (HLSR) School Art auction.                Key, Silver Key and honorable mention awards. Of the total awards won
                                                                            in Harris County, CFISD students won more than 300 awards. Art and
Cypress Woods High School freshman Magdalena Baughman (Bridger              writing professionals, both local and national, volunteered to judge the
& Poco), Jersey Village High School junior Amy Muery (Laying Hen) and       competition.
Hamilton Middle School eighth grade student Ravine Cohen (Sunkissed
Stallions) each had their work chosen to advance.                           CFISD artists received 51 Gold Key awards and their work advanced to
                                                                            the national competition. In addition, students were awarded 96 Silver
“Having student artwork chosen as the top entry for the Houston             Key awards and 159 honorable mentions.
Livestock Show and Rodeo is already a huge achievement, but to have
it selected for auction is an added bonus and rare opportunity,” said       The complete list of Gold Key, Silver Key and honorable mention winners
Lee Carrier, CFISD coordinator of visual arts. “I am proud of our CFISD     can be found on our website: www.cfisd.net/en/news-media/district/
art students for receiving this honor. I would like to thank the HLSR       students-earn-regional-2021-scholastic-art-writing-awards.
School Art Committee for continuing to support CFISD’s K-12th grade art
students. I would also like to thank art teachers of the auction students    CLASS OF 2021 GRADUATION DATES ANNOUNCED
for providing this contest opportunity at their campuses.”                  CFISD has announced graduation dates for the 2020-2021 school year.
                                                                            All graduation ceremonies will be held at the Berry Center (8877 Barker
Since 1965, the HLSR has recorded more than 9.4 million entries to          Cypress Road). The graduation schedule is as follows:
its School Art Program. HLSR provides students the opportunity to
earn scholarships, visit workshops and a chance to have their artwork        Thursday, May 27, 2021                Tuesday, June 1, 2021
displayed at the Hayloft Gallery during the Rodeo itself.                    Cy-Fair - 8 PM                        Cypress Woods - 8 PM

To learn more about the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s School            Friday, May 28, 2021                  Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Art Program, visit their website: www.rodeohouston.com/Educational-          Cypress Creek - 8 PM                  Jersey Village - 8 PM
                                                                             Saturday, May 29, 2021                Thursday, June 3, 2021
    MENTAL HEALTH INTERVENTION TEAM EARNS                                    Cypress Falls - 8 AM                  Cypress Park - 8 PM
            SCHOOL SAFETY AWARD                                              Cypress Lakes - 8 PM
The CFISD Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) will be honored by                                                Friday, June 4, 2021
the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) and receive the Positive School       Sunday, May 30, 2021                  Bridgeland - 8 AM
Climate and Prevention Programs Award of the center’s School Safety          Cypress Ranch - 8 PM                  Langham Creek - 8 PM
Spotlight Program. The MHIT will be featured in the center’s upcoming
quarterly newsletter as well as the TxSSC social media platforms.            Monday, May 31, 2021
                                                                             Cypress Ridge - 8 AM
The School Safety Spotlight Program is designed to recognize and             Cypress Springs - 8 PM
promote schools, districts and individuals that foster education and

learning through safe and secure campuses. Categories include
Collaborative Community Partnerships, Staff Development and Training,
Positive School Climate and Prevention Programs, Student-Led Groups
or Programs and Outstanding Individual Service. Submissions and

nominations are reviewed based on knowledge, creativity and originality,
engagement, impact and evidence-based practices.

The TxSSC recognizes the top-scoring submissions from each category.

8                                                                                                     April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing
Nobody cares for eyes more than Pearle®

                                                                                                    Dr.   A. Bains
                                                                                                    Therapeutic Optometrist

                                                                                      Most vision plans accepted

                       GARAGE SALES
                   COPPERBROOK GARAGE SALE
First Saturday in April, April 3rd from 7 AM-2 PM, rain date will be the
following Saturday, April 10th. Located West Rd - east of Hwy 6

The Copper Village Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 3rd
from 7 AM to 12 Noon. Located West Road - between Hwy 6 & Queenston                                                                     Home Depot

                                                                                                                                                          Spring Cypress
The Easton Commons Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April
                                                                                                                                        Hemp                Hwy 2
10th from 7 AM until 3 PM. Located in Copperfield.                                                                                              stead             90

                                                                                                                             Fry Road
The Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 10th from 7 AM                                                                                                         Target
until 3 PM. Located in Copperfield off of Longenbaugh near Hwy. 6
                                                                                             25905 Hwy 290 @ Spring Cypress
                                                                                                                (next door toTarget)
             SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021 | 7 AM-2 PM

                                                                                                                 Store Hours:
The Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 17th from 7 AM                                  Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sat 9:30 - 5:30
until 3 PM. Queenston between FM529 & Longenbaugh.                                                            Wed 10:30 - 6:30

                     SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021
Located near Telge and West as well as Tuckerton and Telge.
                                                                                KID’FREES PROMO
                                                                                          Standard                                        40% OFF
                                                                                 Polycarbonate Lenses                                   Prescription Lenses
          MIDDLEGATE VILLAGE SPRING GARAGE SALE                                  With frame purchase.
                                                                                                                                          With frame purchase.
The Middlegate Village Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday,             Polycarbonate Lenses Included. Some
                                                                                                                                                                           (excludes Varilux)
                                                                                                                                         Polycarbonate, high-index & progressive.
April 17th from 7 AM until 3 PM. Located in Copperfield between                  restrictions may apply. See associate                      Good at Cypress location only. Some
                                                                              for details. Good at Cypress location only.
Longenbaugh and West Rd.                                                         Coupon must be presented at time of
                                                                                                                                           restrictions may apply. See associate
                                                                                                                                         for details. Coupon must be presented at
                                                                                service. Cannot be combined with any                     time of service. Cannot be combined with
                                                                                other promotion or insurance benefits.                  any other promotion or insurance benefits.
          NORTHMEAD VILLAGE SPRING GARAGE SALE                                              Expires 5-15-21                                            Expires 5-15-21
The Northmead Village Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday,
April 17th from 7 AM until 3 PM. Located in Copperfield off of West Road.
                                                                                 FREE Single                                                    Eye Exam
                STONE GATE SPRING GARAGE SALE                                 Vision Plastic Lenses                                           & Contacts
                                                                                 with Designer                                              starting at $139
Saturday, April 17th from 7 AM until 12 PM. Located at Houston                                                                              Promotions
National Golf Club, Queenston between Tuckerton & Barker Cypress -
follow the signs.
                                                                                Frame Purchase
                                                                                       Tint Purchase Necessary.
                                                                                                                                 Includes eye exam, contact lens fitting, follow-up
                                                                                                                                  exam, care kit plus 2 boxes (12 lenses)of Acuvue
                                                                            Dilation extra. Good at Cypress location only.        2 Disposable Contact Lenses. Dilation extra. See
                                                                                    See associate for details. Some                 associate for details. Some restrictions may
     VILLAGES AT LAKEPOINTE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE                              restrictions may apply. Coupon must be              apply. Good at Cypress location only. Coupon
             SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021, 8 AM TO NOON                            presented at time of service. Cannot be            must be presented at time of service. Cannot be
                                                                                                                                       combined with any other promotion or
                                                                                combined with any other promotion or
Located off of West Little York (north side) and east of Eldridge.                insurance benefits. Expires 5-15-21                    insurance benefits. Expires 5-15-21

  APRIL 23RD AND 24TH West Little York between Eldridge and Hwy 6

S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                                                          9
S-G II Owners Association - April 2021 - NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES | SUMMER CAMPS - Krenek Printing

            1ST ANNUAL CHARITY
            Benefitting Amanda's Army

           EVENT DETAILS
           Enjoy a great day of golf for a great cause!
           All golfers have access to facility, 50/50 raffle, silent auction,
           and more!

           WHEN:                          WHERE:
           Monday, April 26               Sterling Country Club
             Registration: 12 pm          16500 Houston National Blvd.
             Shotgun Start: 1 pm          Houston, TX 77095
             Reception: 6 pm

           ENTRY FEE:
           Individual - $125
           Includes green fees, golf cart,
           lunch & awards dinner

           Foursome - $500
           Includes green fees, golf cart,
           lunch & awards dinner

          All 2021 tournament proceeds will be           In the event of rain, the tournament will not
          donated to the Jill Smith Team Foundation      be rescheduled, but we are grateful for your
          benefitting Amanda's Army. Donations in        donation to the foundation which benefits
          kind and cash will also be accepted.           Amanda's Army.

         About Amanda's Army - The Jill Smith Team is raising money for our teammate and fellow
         Realtor®, Amanda Lefebvre who was recently diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer. As a
                                                                                                PROTECT YOUR WORLD
         successful self employed real estate agent, Amanda will not be able to maintain her earnings
         while going through her treatments. Before becoming a Realtor®, she proudly served in the

         United States Army for 7 years. Amanda was the first female Corporal Jumpmaster in the 82nd
         Airborne with over 50 jumps. She is a University of Houston Graduate with a Bachelor of Arts
         Degree Start
                 in Psychology. Amanda is very active in the Stone Gate community and is the current
                         Planning                           WARREN    SLOAN Country Club. Please help us in
         Tournament Director for the Ladies Golf Association   at Sterling
               for  Summer      Now!                        713-464-4442
         our efforts to raise money. Thank you for your donation.
                                                            1400 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N. #130
          Classically Trained Teacher.                      HOUSTON
           Experienced & References                         warrensloan@allstate.com

     832-978-6566                Telge Rd. Area
                                                            Insurance and discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Co., Allstate Fire and Casualty

                                                            Insurance Co.. Life insurance and annuitiesissued by Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln,NE, Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook,
                                                            IL, and American Heritage Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In New York, Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge,
                                                            NY. Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Co.

10                                                                                                             April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
           WHEN: MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 AT 1 PM

About Amanda’s Army: The Jill Smith Team is raising money for our
teammate and fellow Realtor®, Amanda Lefebvre who was recently
diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer. As a successful self employed real
estate agent, Amanda will not be able to maintain her earnings while going
through her treatments. Before becoming a Realtor®, she proudly served in
the United States Army for 7 years. Amanda was the first female Corporal
Jumpmaster in the 82nd Airborne with over 50 jumps. She is a University of
Houston Graduate with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology. Amanda
is very active in the Stone Gate community and is the current Tournament
Director for the Ladies Golf Association at Sterling Country Club. Please
                                                                                                            GEYER ROOFING
help us in our efforts to raise money. Thank you for your donation.
                                                                                                                     Specializing in
Entry Fee          Individual - $125 Includes green fees, golf cart, lunch
                   & awards dinner
		                 Foursome - $500 Includes green fees, golf cart, lunch
		                 & awards dinner
All 2021 tournament proceeds will be donated to the Jill Smith Team            “We work as unto                          Ron Geyer
Foundation benefitting Amanda’s Army. Donations in kind and cash will
also be accepted. Register: www.jillsmithteam.com/events/2021/2/10/
                                                                                 the Lord”                          713-462-3898
                                                                              RESIDENTIAL &
SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE: Contact Todd Smith 281-253-                  COMMERCIAL
9017 or email todd@jillsmithteam.com

                             FUN RUN                                                                                     REMODELING
                                                                              • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Windows / Doors • Floors • Hardi Siding
               SUPERINTENDENT’S FUN RUN                                           • Rooms Additions • Complete Renovations • Patio Covers
                                                                                                              Rob Geyer

Although the start and finish lines of this year’s Superintendent’s Fun Run
won’t be in the Berry Center parking lot, we can still run together from

We look forward to seeing you in fun run t-shirts running or walking
wherever! Virtual participants will receive photo trims to highlight run
photos on social media with #CFISDfunrun on May 1, 2021.

The eighth annual CFISD Superintendent’s Fun Run is set for May 1, 2021.
Online registration began March 15th. Visit the Fun Run webpage: www.

                                                                                  L ANDSC APE, L AWN
                                                                                                 AWN & P OOL
                                                                                    ANDSCAPE             OOL
                  THEATER/FINE ARTS                                              Lawn Service                             Pool Service
        A.D PLAYERS AT THE GEORGE THEATER                                            STARTING AT JUST                       STARTING AT JUST
                   5420 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77056
                           Box Office: 713-526-2721
                      Hours: 10 AM-6 PM, Monday-Friday
We have done everything we can to try and reopen our doors, including                                   PER VISIT                          PER VISIT
becoming the first theater in the country to install hospital grade UV
lights in our air filtration system. We even offered a safe and distanced     Basic to Full Service Packages Available      Complete Pool Service
indoor concert as well as an indoor offering from our educational touring      Also available: Mulching & Yard Cleanups • Lawn Aeration • Sprinkler &
unit this past fall. And when those projects proved financially challenging      Drainage Systems • Tree Pruning & Removals • Sod/Grass Planting
and COVID numbers spiked again, we created “Light Up the Lot” and                                    Pressure Washing • Fencing
moved all our programming outdoors.
                                                                                Call Now for your FREE ESTIMATE!
We’ve never given up. We never will give up. But due to circumstances
beyond our control, we find ourselves needing to pivot once more.                 (281) 861 - 0962
Which brings us to the announcement of our virtual season. Go to www.           www.pristinelawn.com
adplayers.org for all the information.

S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                  11
         MESSIAH: A LUTHERAN FAITH COMMUNITY                                                           A.D. PLAYERS ACADEMY
                      CAMP HOPE                                                                           REGISTRATION IS NOW
Encounter the Unexpected with Jesus                                                                     OPEN FOR SUMMER CAMPS!
                                                                                       Join A.D. Players Academy as we “Cruise the Sea” this summer
Dates:                                                                                 and are joined by many literary friends to support our
• Week 1: July 5-9, 2021                                                               development as actors: Nemo, Swimmy, Peter Pan, Moana,
• Week 2: July 12-16, 2021                                                             the Muppets and even the Magic School Bus Under the Sea
• Week 3: July 19-23, 2021                                                             characters! We have half day or full day camp options, each
                                                                                       focusing on a different area of the performing arts - dance/
9:30 AM-3:30 PM                                                                        movement, physical acting/pantomime skills and acting
Camp Hope is our three week, day camp for children ages 5 years-old through
6th grade. It is an adult-mentored, student-led ministry. Each day children will       Click the links below for details on dates and offerings for ages
hear a new bible story, learn what it means to their life by eating a snack, playing   3-18!!
a game and experiencing the story through the arts, STEM and worship.
                                                                                       Summer Camps:
Camp Hope is a day camp that is passionate about growing leaders. This is one          www.adplayers.org/2021-summer-academy
of the reasons that Camp Hope is one of the BEST ways to develop youth leaders.
It’s a vital part of what Camp Hope is all about!                                      Performance Camps:
                                                                                       w w w. a d p l aye r s. o rg / 2 0 2 1 - s u m m e r- a c a d e my / ? _
Parents are invited to register their children online at www.messiahlc.org/camp-       ga=2.117799305.12545770.1615325283-
hope. For more information, call 281-890-3013.                                         2049281078.1576079014#summer-performance-camps

Messiah Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church           A.D. Players Performing Arts Academy
in America (ELCA). Messiah is located at 11522 Telge Road, ½ mile north of             adplayers.org - 713-439-0181
Highway 290. For more information, 281-890-3013 or www.messiahlc.org.                  Saint Street Studio - 2613 Saint St. Houston, TX 77027

12                                                                                                       April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
Bottom Row: Sara Bothe, Shelby Westfall, Anya Mohammed, Julia Weissinger and Madeline Nichols. Second Row: Lindsey Campbell, Madeline van Staveren,
Alyssa Linton, Julia Theriot, Bella Griffin, Sarah Costigan and Lauren Knight. Third Row: Gillian Scott, Rachel Martin, Ainsley Engelking, Kadien Janson, Emma
Herold and Tatum Wilson. Top Row: Kailey Hatter, Madison Smith, Kara Lucas, Natalie Mason and Meghan Lee.

                                                                NCL CYPRESS GEMS
23 young women in the senior class of the Cypress Gems Chapter of National Charity League, Inc. were recognized for their outstanding philanthropic
service. At a formal event held at the Norris Conference Center on February 21, 2021, the Cypress Gems graduating class of 2021 were presented by
their families and honored for their contributions to their chapter and their community.

National Charity League is a mother-daughter service organization committed to fostering the mother-daughter relationship through community
service, leadership development and cultural experiences. Alongside their mothers, the 2021 class performed over 4,715.75 hours of community
service. Their work has benefitted multiple non-profit organizations such as Avanti Senior Living, Boys and Girls Country, Cy-Fair Educational Foundation,
Cy-Hope, Cypress Lucky Mutts, Giving Gown, Habitat for Humanity, Houston Food Bank, Memorial Hermann Cypress, Mercer Botanic Gardens, Reach
Unlimited, Santa Maria Hostel, Teen Life Center and Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition. The Cypress Gems chapter formed in 2014 and is comprised
of girls attending Cypress Fairbanks, Cypress Ranch, Cypress Woods and Bridgeland High Schools.

Ashlee Ivy, Cypress Gems Chapter President stated, “It has been a joy to watch the senior class fully embrace the core values of NCL. They are an
impressive group of young ladies who lead by example. Our community has benefited greatly from their leadership and volunteer efforts. We wish
them much success in the future.”

   LOU'S PAINTING, Ltd.                                                                                                      Always there for you!

                    • Interior - Exterior                                                                                                 $30 off
  • Power Washing
                               Your home is an expensive investment!                                                                      any Job
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            "Doing business from the same location since 1978"                       www.tonysplumbingtx.com

S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                    13
Caramel Popcorn with
                                                                             You could make this on National Caramel Popcorn Day April 6th!

                                                                             23 large marshmallows
                                                                             2 cups brown sugar
                                                                             1/4 cup light corn syrup (such as Karo®)
                                                                             1 cup butter
                                                                             1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                                                                             2 (3.5 ounce) packages microwave popcorn, popped

                                                                             Cook and stir the marshmallows, brown sugar, corn syrup, butter
                                                                             and vanilla extract together in a pot over medium-low heat until the
                                                                             marshmallows are completely melted, 5 to 7 minutes.

                                                                             Put the popcorn in a large bowl; pour the marshmallow mixture over the
                                                                             popcorn and gently stir with a big spoon to coat.


      Oatmeal Raisin Toffee Cookies
You could make this on National Oatmeal Cookie Day April 30th!

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup raisins
1 cup crushed toffee candy

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.

In a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar. Beat in
the eggs, one at a time then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and
cinnamon, stir into the creamed mixture. Blend in the oatmeal, raisins and toffee
bits. Drop by rounded spoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheet. Bake for 8 to 10
minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes
before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.


14                                                                                                    April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
                                                                                 alll our
                                                                                       ur experts
                                                                                              rts for
                                                                                              rt   or all
                                                                                                   or all of
                                                                                                          of your
                                                                                                               ur electrical & generator
                                                                                                                                      or needs!
                                                                                • Panel Upgrade / Replacement                       • Indoor/Outdoor Lighting
                                                                                • Ceiling Fan Installation                          • Surge Protection
                                                                                • Smoke Detectors                                    !
                                                                                                                                    • Flat Screen TV Installation
                                                                                • Troubleshooting                                   • Recessed Lighting
                                                                                • Generators                                        • Code Compliance

         April Gardening Tips                                                   Residential & Commercial Service • Family Owned & Operated • Licensed & Insured

Mulch - If possible, buy Bagged Mulch. Bagging helps eliminate a great
many pests that die from various causes while in the bag. When you buy
                                                                                        24-Hour Emergency
                                                                                                    !  cy Service
‘loose’ mulch that is trucked to your home, you are also buying ants,                   *5-Year
                                                                                             ar Warranty,
                                                                                                       y, Satisfaction
                                                                                                       y,            n Guaranteed
roaches, termites, etc…” Spend a little more on bagged material and save
lots of future pest problems. Keep your mulch at least 4” - 6” below the top
of your homes exposed foundation edge/side. This will aid in minimizing
                                                                                     713-467-1125 | wiredes.com
pests in your home and allow for quick and accurate termite inspections.
Shrubs, Flowers and ground covers - Trim all shrubs/plants at least 12” -              generatorsbywired.com
18” back from your home. Do your best to create a plant free zone that is
18” - 24” wide around your home. The exception is your lawn - it can grow
up next to the slab as long as you keep it 4” - 6” below the top of the slab.      s a v e $25 OFF
The most conducive to termite infestation are groundcover plantings,                 YOUR NEXT SERVICE
                                                                                       CALL I N A P R I L !
growing high against your homes exterior or (especially) ivy that grows            Not to be combined with any other discount or
on your walls.                                                                      offer. Not valid on generator maintenance.
                                                                                                   Expires 5/1/21
Trees - Spray your trees at least twice annually. The spring spray
eliminates overwintering pests and fungi while preparing trees to resist
the pest onslaught of summer with residual pesticides. The fall spray also                                             Master #100394 TECL # 22809
kills pests from the summer, prevents most fungi from occurring over the
winter and puts your valuable asset off to a healthy winter’s dormancy.
Lawn - Spring is the perfect time to do a fungicide treatment to stop                      SPRING SPECIALS ON EQUIPMENT
brown patch in its tracks along with other fungi. If your lawn is thin and                                                    • Annual
weak in some areas, here are some important fundamentals: a) lawn                                                               Maintenance
aeration” b) fertilization” c) weed control.                                                                                    Programs
Most important is proper watering:
• Water once per week (unless you get a 1/2” rain or more - then do not                                                       • All repairs
water.)                                                                                                                         guaranteed
• Water heavily (1” - 2”) for total lawn coverage.                                                                            • Serving area
• In severe drought, water every 5th day.
• Water from 5 AM to 7 AM in the morning - NOT AT NIGHT.
                                                                                  281-394-0340                                  since 1994
• A heavy deep weekly watering makes the turf grow deeper, stronger                                      Free estimate or 2 opinion
and more drought resistant roots.                                                                       License TACLB 24777E and Insured

                                                                                   $25 off
• Less watering also saves you money!!

                                                                                    any                                                               0% Interest
                      WHEN IS EARTH DAY?
This observance always falls on April 22nd. On Earth Day, enjoy the tonic          repair                              Wi-fi thermostat
                                                                                                                     w/ equipment purchase
                                                                                                                                                     financing available
of fresh air, contact with the soil and companionship with nature! Walk                     Expires 4/30/21                        Expires 4/30/21   WAC     Expires 4/30/21
through the woods in search of emerging wildflowers and green moss.
Go outside, no matter what the weather!                                                           IdealAirServices.com                                               MEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                     Greater Houston

Ever wondered how Earth Day started? This observance arose from an
interest in gathering national support for environmental issues. In 1970,                                                   Specializing in Residential
San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord                                                         Home Improvement Projects
Nelson separately asked Americans to join in a grassroots demonstration.
McConnell chose the spring equinox (March 21, 1970) and Nelson chose                 • Wood Fences                            • Pressure Washing
April 22nd. Millions of people participated and today Earth Day continues            • Arbors/Decks                           • Siding Replacement
to be widely celebrated with events on both dates.                                   • Painting Int/Ext                       • General Home Repairs Int/Ext
The most common practice of celebration is to plant new trees for Earth
Day. Other Earth Day activities and ideas are: Plant wildflowers, Go
native! Plants thrive when they’re natural to your area, bring nature into
the garden with plants that attract butterflies, try an organic vegetable                 Serving your community for over 20 years!
garden and conserve water.              Source: The Old Farmer’s Almanac

S-G II Owners Association | April 2021                                                                                                                                                 15
10710 Barker Cypress
                                                                                                      (about one mile south of Hwy. 290 in the
                                                                                                              HSE Medical Parking Lot)

 • FAMILY OWNED • REFERENCES • INSURED & BONDED   Call or Text   281-345-9800
              • 22 YEARS EXPERIENCE



 Carpentry • Sheetrock - Texture • Pressure Washing • HardiPlank®
            Refinish-Staining • Crown Molding • Fences

     own your own business?
     ow n yo u r of f ic e t o o.
           Why rent when you can own professional office space in Towne Lake? Ideal for medical, lawyer or professional services,
           these spectacular office condos are fully customizable for your business needs and just a stone's throw from tremendous
                                                             restaurants and shopping at The Boardwalk.

                                                                 F or more information, contact:
                                                                 M ary Caldwell, CCIM, SIOR   |    281.664.6636

                                                                 10242 Greenhouse Rd., Cypress, TX 77433        |    From the $300s

16                                                                                                          April 2021 | S-G II Owners Association
You can also read