RULES 2019/2020 National Ploughing Association - National Ploughing Championships
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PROGRAMME OF PLOUGHING CLASSES 2019 TUESDAY 17th SEPTEMBER: • 3 FURROW Conventional Senior & Junior Classes • Under 28 Conventional Senior & Junior Plough Classes • Under 21 Conventional Senior & Junior Plough Classes • Under 28 Reversible Plough Class • Intermediate Conventional Plough Class • Intermediate Reversible Plough Class • Vintage 2 Furrow Trailer Plough Class • Under 40 Horse Plough Class • Novice Reversible Plough Class • 5 Nations Ploughing Competition (Day 1) WEDNESDAY 18th SEPTEMBER: • Senior Conventional Plough Class (Day 1) • Senior Reversible Plough Class (Day 1) • Farmerette Conventional Plough Class • Macra 2 Furrow Conventional Plough Class • Vintage 2 Furrow Mounted Plough Class • Senior Horse Plough Class • 5 Nations Ploughing Competition (Day 2) THURSDAY 19th SEPTEMBER: • Senior Conventional Test Match (Day 2) • Kverneland Reversible Test Match (Day 2) • Junior Conventional Plough Class • Standard 3 Furrow Reversible Plough Class • Vintage Single Furrow Mounted Plough Class • Special Horse Plough Class • Novice Conventional Senior, Intermediate and Junior Plough Classes • Vintage Single Furrow Pedestrian Tractor Class • Loy Digging 2
TIME SIGNALS NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST TIME SIGNALS FOR PLOUGHING COMPETITIONS 10.30am All Ploughing Competitions Commence 11.00am Stop for Judging of Opening Split 11.40am Restart 2.20pm Ten Minute Warning Signal 2.30pm All Ploughing Competitions Finish Please note flares will no longer be used for time signals during the ploughing competitions as a result of health and safety issues. Fog Horns will be used this year for time signals so please listen carefully for them during the competition. 3
RULE CHANGES NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST Page 3 10. Depth of Ploughing: Minimum depth Page 12 For all grassland........................18cms 12. Grading; (a) In the Senior Conventional Plough Class, For all stubble ...........................18cms from 2019 results, no competitor will be coming down For each cm or part of, from Senior Conventional for the next 5 years. less than 18cms .......................2 marks Page 12 12. Grading; (c) In the Junior Conventional Plough Class 12. Extra Time: Extra time may be requested only in the top placed competitor will be graded Intermediate case of a mechanical breakdown or a situation beyond in 2020. From the 2019 results, the Junior Conventional the control of the competitor or the organisers. Maximum Plough Class will be split into two classes, Junior A and time allowed 1 hour. Neighbouring competitor will be Junior B, and competitors will be graded Junior A and allowed 10 minutes and must notify their Supervisor Junior B by NPA Executive Committee. of the situation. Page 16 Page 8 Conditions of Novice Ploughing Development 2. h) The top ten placed competitors (from Republic of Programme Grant Application Ireland) in the Senior Conventional Class on Wednesday 17. There must be a least 3 competitors competing in will plough in the Senior Conventional Test match on the Novice Conventional and Novice Reversible Classes Thursday. Two additional plots are reserved for Northern at National level for the class to run. Ireland competitors in the Test Match (should they qualify 18. Applicable to Novice & U21 Conventional Plough in the top 10). If the Northern Ireland competitors do Class Only: If a County does not have an U21 competitor not qualify for the Test Match – their 2 plots will revert competing at the National Ploughing Championships, back to the next 2 highest placed Republic of Ireland the runner up of the County Novice Match will be Competitors - meaning that 12 plots will be ploughed allowed to go forward as the U21 competitor for in the Test Match. the County at the National event, providing they are a Novice competitor from the outset, are U21 on Page 9 1st January of competition year and that they have 3. h) The top ten placed competitors (from Republic of ploughed a 2nd qualifying match. If they do not place Ireland) in the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday in a prize money position in U21 Class at Nationals will plough in the Kverneland Reversible Test match on then they will be allowed revert back to Novice for the Thursday. One additional plot is reserved for the Northern following year. However if they do place in a prize money Ireland competitor in the Test Match (should they qualify position for the U21 competition at the Nationals then in the top 10). If the Northern Ireland competitor does they cannot revert back to Novice. If the runner up of not qualify for the Test Match – their plot will revert the County Novice ploughs in U21 at the Nationals, back to the next highest placed Republic of Ireland and is eligible to revert back to Novice the following Competitor - meaning that 11 plots will be ploughed in year, their participation in the U21 class will count as the Test Match. one of the 3 years they are allowed to plough Novice. (i) If competitor starts before starting time there 21. Plough Grant for Novice Classes: To apply for will be penalty of 5 marks. this discount competitors must have sourced plough themselves and submit application in writing to NPA Page 12 Executive within 6 months of the competition with all 4. Resident: A competitor shall be a born native of relevant documentation. the county for which he or she competes or shall be a working resident in the county for not less than 3 months prior to the date of the qualifying contest. 1
RULES NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST 1. Entry: Submission of an entry will be regarded as TIME ALLOWED FOR PLOUGHING SHALL BE an acceptance of all Rules and Regulations and the 3 HOURS AND 20 MINUTES FOR LEA AND preparedness of the competitor to observe them or STUBBLE. THIS INCLUDES THE 30 MINUTES submit to penalties for breaches of same. FOR OPENING SPLIT. 2. Consultants: The N.P.A. shall appoint Directors to be 6. Helpers: A helper will be allowed to erect and re- known as the Consultants. To whom may be referred move sighting poles but not allowed to wrench any question, or the interpretation of any rule, or or adjust plough on headlands during contest and order, on the day of the Contest, and the decision must remain outside wire. Penalty: 10 marks. of these Directors, or the majority of them, shall be final and binding on all parties. They will also inspect In the Farmerette, Macra, Under 21 and Novice a ploughs on days of the Contest. helper wearing an official armband may remain inside wire provided he/she does not go inside 3. Misconduct: Any Competitor or known Supporter, scribe mark. He or she can advise, and adjust so misconducting himself or herself at the National, plough, on headland only. If helper wishes to as- County or Parish Ploughing competitions, meetings sist on both headlands, he/she must use the rec- or associated activities, as to bring discredit on the ognised pedestrian route only. Breaches 10 marks Organisation, shall be reported to the Council of the first offence, 5 marks each offence afterwards N.P.A. who shall take such action as may be deemed advisable. In the Farmerette Class and Novice, helper is also allowed to erect and remove sighting poles and 4. Opening Split: In both lea and stubble ploughing, to measure first 2 rounds of cast off only and competitors must make an opening split. The rip- lift plough on headland, for final (sole) furrow. plings so turned out must be well cut through and no Opening Split must be done in this class. Helper land left unturned in the middle of the ridge. Thirty must not go on ploughed ground without permis- minutes will be allowed for opening split when all sion from Chief Supervisor. Penalty: 10 marks. ploughing must cease for 40 minutes (judging time). Competitor must have opening completed and his 7 (a) Horse Ploughing Only: Time allowed 4 hours. 7. tractor and plough outside scribe mark on headland Middle, National Style, Furrow, black sod discon- when signal is sounded. Penalty for late finish of tinued. Depth, minimum 6 inches but this does not Opening Split: loss of 5 marks per minute or part apply for first or last three rounds. Horses must be thereof. provided by the competitors. Scribe sods are op- tional but in no more than two rounds and cannot (a) Ripplings: Rolling of ripplings with tractor are be moved by hands or feet. Brushing of first two not allowed. Penalty for rolling: 10 marks. sods allowed but only once. Where a competitor has a split off 10 minutes will be allowed. Help- 5. Sighting Poles: for sighting and setting out, three er allowed to erect and take down marking poles. poles only may be used inside wire. Anything Depth and Time Penalty will apply as in all other additional outside wire constitutes an infringement. classes. Last green sod to crown. Middle 10 sods. Penalty: 5 marks. Sighting poles must be sighted in line “V” where plot number is provided by N.P.A. Penalty: 10 marks. 7.(b) Total number of people on horse ploughing plot is maximum of 3; this is to include 1 competitor All Competitors must start from same end with and 2 helpers, one of which must remain on the highest number to their right hand side. headland. All Competitors must start from same end with highest number to their right hand side. 2
RULES NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST 8. TYPE OF PLOUGH: Supervisors will issue one warning only after (a) The type of plough is left to the discretion of which points will be deducted for breach of any rule. the competitor. There will be a stipulation that Some Rules do not carry any warning. the plough shall not be fitted with any extra- neous attachments the function of which is to 10. Depth of Ploughing: treat or fashion the slice after being turned by Depth of plouging to be measured approx 10cm from the plough. Any extraneous attachment which is furrow wall. applied upon the slice or furrow is regarded as a Minimum depth subsequent tillage tool and is additional to the For all grassland........................18cms plough. Only one flat tailpiece to each mould- For all stubble ...........................18cms board is permitted. For each cm or part of, less than 18cms .......................2 marks (b) A plough body must not be removed or If the competitor does not make adjustment after otherwise adjusted in such a way as to make penalty being imposed, he/she is liable for an the plough in effect a single furrow mould- additional penalty of 4 marks. board. One body may be used opening or fin- ishing, provided both bodies remain in position Measuring team appointed by N.P.A. In all Classes as a complete two furrow mould board fitted reduction in depth allowed during last three rounds. with shares, disc-coulters, skimmers. Penalty: 10 marks. 11. Middle: In lea and all 2 furrow stubble classes, a middle shall consist of 15/16 sods. The remainder of (c) There is no restriction on the changing of plot shall be split to the higher number. Depth meas- disc-coulters or shares for the making of the urements must not be taken until a competitor has “Opening” or “Finish”. completed 3 rounds (12) sods and must not be taken on last three rounds of furrow. (d) i) Use of GPS, laser beams, cameras, Penalty: 10 marks. electronic visual aids not allowed. In the 3/4 Stubble Classes a middle shall consist of ii) Use of extraneous attachments to the 17/18 sods. Penalty: 10 marks. tractor that manipulate or fashion the furrow not allowed. 12. Extra Time: Extra time may be requested only in iii) Only 3 working ploughing wheels on case of a mechanical breakdown or a situation be- conventional plough allowed, also 3 wheels yond the control of the competitor or the organisers. per working side in reversible. Maximum time allowed 1 hour. Neighbouring com- Penalty: 5 Marks petitor will be allowed 10 minutes and must notify their Supervisor of the situation. (e) If using a 3 furrow plough it shall be permissible to raise only one body. If using a 4 Competitors who have drawn end plots will not be furrow plough it shall be permissible to raise allowed extra time for measuring off, but must do so only 2 bodies to an out-of-action position when during the 40 minutes break while the opening splits ploughing the Opening Split only. are being judged. Helper allowed to erect and take Penalty: 20 marks. down marking poles. (f) Competitors who qualify for Test Match are not Farmerettes who have drawn end plots to measure obliged to use the same plough on both days. off before contest starts or during the four hours al- lowed. Helper to erect and take down marking poles. 9. Supervisors: The N.P.A. shall appoint a Chief Supervisor who will brief and allocate positions to Supervisors on days of the Contest. 3
RULES NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST 13. (a) Straightening: Only 2 rounds allowed on 16. Penalties: “Cast-Off” side, 3 markers allowed at discretion of (a) Practising on any part of Ploughing competitor for each round for this purpose only. If Championships site – Penalty 10 marks. more than 3 markers. Penalty: 5 marks. (b) Rolling of Ins and Outs – Penalty 10 marks. (b) A competitor may plough one round and drive on his/her own ploughing plot. Must not damage neigh- (c) Competitors must enter front plough on the bours plot. Penalty: 5 marks. scribe mark, Ploughing outside scribe mark. Penalty 5 marks. 14. Measuring: Where a competitor does not plough (d) 10 marks for removing plough. a full plot. Penalty: 10 marks. (e) Practising on or damaging a Championship Plot – disqualification. 15. Furrow: (a) The final furrow will be black-sod or sole (f) Getting down off tractor on ploughed ground furrow. Only one wheel mark allowed in the fur- – where a two door tractor is in use – Penalty row and this must be on the cast off side. Plough 5 marks. wheel mark must be within tractor wheel mark. Any other wheel mark on the plot is a fault (g) Footing, handling, walking on ploughing or and will be judged accordingly by the judges. use of fork or spade or any other implement on ploughed ground, or getting off tractor on ploughed ground. Penalty 5 marks for each (b) The light sod at cast-off side of final furrow offence. should be visible from end to end. There should be no wheel mark on this sod except in the 3/4 (h) A competitor may lose maximum of 50 marks furrow classes at the discretion of competitor. In for breaches of rules, plus 5 marks for every all classes, Penalty for faulty wheel mark: will minute or part there of if late finishing furrow. be judged accordingly by the judges. (i) If competitor starts before starting time there (c) The black sod must be turned towards the will be penalty of 5 marks. crown or middle. Penalty: 20 marks. 17. Switching of Ploughs: Not allowed unless (d) Finish: A 10 minute warning signal will be permission has been obtained from the Consultants given before finishing time. When the Final or Supervisors. Signal is sounded, a competitor must have his plot fully completed and his Tractor and Plough 18. Weights: Weights will be allowed on all types of outside scribe mark on headland. If NOT ploughs in all classes. finished he/she will lose 5 marks for every minute or part of a minute he/she is late. 19. If a competitor walks across any plot before judging is finished, he/she will be liable for a (e) Competitors after entering the furrow are penalty of 10 marks without any warning. The only allowed to come back to adjust plough. No supervisor has authority to apply this penalty and in walking on furrow permitted when plot is his absence the Judge or NPA Director has authority. completed. Penalty: 10 marks. This rule does not apply to Under-21, Farmerette and Novice Classes. 4
RULES NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST 20. Standard Reversible Class: 26. All competitors must start ploughing from the In this class ploughs will be inspected before and same end with highest number to right hand side. during the competition. • No age limit. 27. FINAL DECISION • Hydraulics allowed on plough. Any question arising and not provided for in these • Hydraulic top Link allowed. rules will be decided by the governing Board of the • Wheel allowed. Open split and ins and outs National Ploughing Association whose decision shall must be done. be final and binding. The NPA reserve the right to • Vari-widths allowed. take whatever action deemed necessary for breach • No extra tail piece. of any rules or regulations. • No special shares. • No modifications. 28. Objections: • For the purpose of the Standard Reversible An objection must be lodged in writing to the Classes Number 25 body not allowed. Secretary of the NPA accompanied by the fee of Penalty: 10 marks. €10 not later than one hour after the results have been announced. The Competitor or one person nominated by the County concerned may request 21. Penalty of 25 marks will be imposed on a meeting with the Consultants to support his/her competitors who park or drive their vehicles on any objection and the National Ploughing Executive part of the competition grounds. There will be an as- Committee will make the final decision within 10 sembly yard provided for all equipment. days. 22. Competitor allowed to remove loose material but pulling or raking stubble not allowed. Penalty: 10 marks. 23. Competitors or persons acting on their behalf, known to be working on their plot prior to the competition will be eliminated from the competition. 24. Judges: (a) County and parish levels, one judge in every three can be from the County. (b) Judges for qualifying matches must be listed and be on the Panel of Judges. (c) Judges at national Level must have experience of judging at other ploughing competitions and be on the panel of Judges. (d) At National Level, if there is a Junior Judge on the panel of Judges he/she does not have an input into the results. 25. Competitors who do not qualify from their County competitions cannot take part in the All-Ireland Ploughing Championships. 5
REVERSIBLE PLOUGHING RULES ALL OTHER RULES APPLY WHERE APPLICABLE 1. Sighting and Setting Out b) Two furrow ploughs – Ploughing must commence a) Three sighting poles only may be used. One pole using the left hand bodies and after completing may be sighted on the headland (inside the wire) of eight furrows which shall constitute the Crown, the plot. the competitor then proceeds to plough against the Penalty 5 marks. neighbour with the next highest plot number. b) The use of plot number markers, guide lines, c) Three furrow ploughs – Ploughing must commence foot-marks, stones or any guide other than the three using the left hand bodies and after completing nine sighting poles is not allowed. furrows which shall constitute the Crown, the com- Penalty 5 marks. petitor then proceeds to plough against the neighbour with the next higher plot number. Penalty 10 marks. c) Competitors may have assistance to place and remove the sighting poles. No other assistance d) On completion of the Crown the competitor then allowed during the contest. Penalty 10 marks. ploughs all the land between the next competitors plot and his scratch mark, thus completing the butts. 2. OPENING FURROW a) In reversible Ploughing competitors must make a e) i) Competitors must use all plough bodies single opening furrow at the setting out. when Ploughing the finishing furrows. It is allowed to use only one plough body when b) The opening furrow is a single furrow ploughed Ploughing the connecting furrow. from the start using the rear right-body. ii) Two furrow ploughs – the finishing c) Time allowed for the completion of the opening furrows shall be the remaining 19 or 20 fur- furrow – 30 minutes. rows between the butts and the finishing furrow, including the connecting furrow. All d) Failure to complete the opening furrow in the competitors must make 10 runs to conclude permitted time will be penalized. Penalty loss of 5 the finishing furrows. The connecting furrow marks per minute or part thereof. may be ploughed showing one or two furrows but with all bodies in a working position. No 3. METHOD OF PLOUGHING further single furrows across the whole field a) Scratch mark for butts – this scratch mark are permitted. Penalty 5 marks. must be made whilst the opening furrow is being judged. The scratch mark for the butts should be made parallel to the opening furrow to allow 19 or 20 furrows for two furrow ploughs or 20 or 21 furrows for three furrow ploughs from the open- ing furrow to the butts. Three sighting poles may be used for making the scratch mark. Assistance is allowed to place and remove the sighting poles. No handling or rolling of the scratch allowed. Either left or right hand bodies may be used for making the scratch mark. 6
REVERSIBLE PLOUGHING RULES iii) Three furrow ploughs – the finishing furrows shall be the remaining 20 or 21 EXPLANATORY NOTES ON THE furrows between the butts and the finish- REVERSIBLE PLOUGHING RULES ing furrow, including the connecting fur- THE OPENING FURROW – Reversible Ploughing: The depth row. All competitors must make 7 runs to of the scratch should be such that the furrow slice is cut conclude the finishing furrows. The con- completely free from the under-soil surface throughout the necting furrow may be ploughed showing whole length of the opening furrow. The scratch should be two or three furrows but with all bodies straight, neat and uniform in it’s whole length. in a working position. No further single furrow (two bodies in work) across the THE CROWN/START – Reversible Ploughing: whole field are permitted. Penalty 5 marks. All land must be cut through. The first furrow of the crown should be turned into the opening furrow and the cut edge f) Attachments are not allowed when ploughing of the furrow should be level with the cut edge of the the connecting furrow. Penalty 5 marks. opening. The furrows in the crown should conform with the rest of the ploughing. g) The competitor then starts at the scratch mark for the butts and ploughs to a fin- WEED CONTROL: ish at the cut of the opening furrow. Sight- A All stubble and grass must be completely ing poles or any other guide are not allowed buried beneath the furrows. when ploughing the connecting furrow at the scratch mark for the butts. Penalty 5 marks. B The ploughing should be done in such a way that all roots are cut or torn off. h) The final furrow should be cut close to the opening furrow. There should be no land left C Skimmers must be used. unploughed and no part of the first furrow of the start re-ploughed. The first furrow and SEED BED: the final furrow should be the same height. Furrows should be properly turned so that sufficient soil is made available to produce a seed bed without pulling i) Only one tractor wheel mark allowed at the stubble or grass to the surface in the future cultivations. finish. Plough wheel mark must be within tractor wheel mark. Any other wheel mark on THE FINISH – Reversible Ploughing: the plot is a fault and will be judged The final furrows adjoining the crown/start should be of accordingly by the judges. equal height to the crown and there should be no unploughed or reploughed land. j) Alternative bodies must be used at all times when ploughing plot. INS AND OUTS: The front share should enter the ground at the headland k) Idle runs are not permitted. scratch mark and the rear share should leave the ground at Penalty – 10 marks per run. the headland scratch mark. 4. FINAL DECISION GENERAL APPEARANCE: Any question arising and not provided for in these A All furrows in the plot should be straight, clearly rules will be decided by the Governing Board of the defined, uniform and well turned with good weed National Ploughing Association whose decision shall control. be final and binding. B Faulty ploughing done by the neighbouring competitor should be corrected in the first and second runs adjoining the neighbours plot. The tractor must not be driven on the ploughed land. 7
RULES PER PLOUGHING CLASSES 2019 1. ONE COMPETITOR / ONE CLASS g) The top ten placed competitors (from Republic One Competitor / one class. of Ireland) in the Senior Conventional Class on Wednesday will plough in the Senior Conventional Exemption to this is as follows; Test match on Thursday. Two additional plots are A) Senior Conventional & Senior Reversible reserved for Northern Ireland competitors in the Classes. Test Match (should they qualify in the top 10). If the Northern Ireland competitors do not qualify B) Qualifications from the Under 28 Conventional / for the Test Match – their 2 plots will revert back Reversible, Intermediate Conventional / Reversible to the next 2 highest placed Republic of Ireland to the Senior Class on Wednesday. Competitors - meaning that 12 plots will be ploughed in the Test Match. C) Qualifications from the Senior Conventional / Reversible to Test Match on Thursday. h) From the National Ploughing Championships Results 2019, the Competitor with the high- D) Horse Classes. est combined marks form the Senior Conven- tional Class on Wednesday and the Senior E) Visitors Classes. Conventional Test Match on Thursday (from Rep. of Ireland) will be NATIONAL SENIOR CONVENTIONAL 2. SENIOR CONVENTIONAL CHAMPION. (Senior, Intermediate, Junior Grade) a) Individual ploughman/woman is graded according i) The Competitor with the highest combined marks to where they ploughed in 2018 or according to if form the Senior Conventional Class on they are subject to regrading from 2018 NPC results. Wednesday and the Senior Conventional Test Match on Thursday (from Rep. of Ireland) will b) 3 competitors per County permitted over the qualify for the World Contest 2020 in RUSSIA. 3 classes - Junior, Intermediate & Senior. 4 competitors (at least) must plough in Senior Class- The 2nd & 3rd placed competitors with the es at County level if a 3rd competitor is to qualify. highest combined marks from the Senior In weaker Counties where there are only 2 or 3 to Conventional Class on Wednesday and the plough the max number will be allowed to go to the Senior Conventional Test Match on Thursday (from All-Ireland once application and approval is received Rep. of Ireland) will qualify to go to the Northern from NPA. Ireland Competition. c) If a competitor does not qualify 1st, 2nd or 3rd in j) No age limit in this class. the county qualifying matches 2018/2019 then he/ she not eligible to plough in NPC 2019. 3. SENIOR REVERSIBLE (Senior, Intermediate Grade) d) If a competitor returns to plough after number of a) Individual ploughman/woman is graded year’s absence he/she will plough at their last grade. according to where they ploughed in 2018 or ac- cording to if they are subject to regrading from e) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing 2018 NPC results. Championships must have competed in a minimum of two matches (exemption Novice Plough Class). b) 3 competitors per County permitted over the 2 classes - Intermediate & Senior. 4 f) The top two placed competitors in the Intermediate competitors (at least) must plough in Senior Conventional Class (from the Republic of Ireland) Classes at County level if a 3rd competitor is to and the top two placed competitors in the Under qualify. In weaker Counties where there are only 2 28 Conventional Class-Senior Grade (from the Re- or 3 to plough the max number will be allowed to public of Ireland not including non ROI competitors) go to the All-Ireland once application and approv- will qualify for the Senior Conventional Class on al is received from NPA. Wednesday. c) If a competitor does not qualify 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the county qualifying matches 2018/2019 then he/she not eligible to plough in NPC 2019. 8
RULES PER PLOUGHING CLASSES 2019 d) If a competitor returns to plough after number of l) This competition is restricted to 2/3 furrow ploughs. year’s absence he/she will plough at their last grade. 4. UNDER 28 REVERSIBLE a) County may enter two competitors in this class - NO GRADING e) If a competitor is a newcomer he/she will enter at Intermediate Grade. b) Competitors in this class must be under 28 years of age on the 1st January of the competition year. f) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing Championships must have competed c) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing in a minimum of two matches (exemption Novice Championships must have competed in a mini- Plough Class). mum of two matches. d) The top two placed competitors in the U-28 g) The top two placed competitors in the Reversible Class (from the Republic of Ireland) will Intermediate Reversible Class (from the Republic qualify for the Senior Reversible Class on Wednes- of Ireland) and the top two placed competitors in day. the U-28 Reversible Class (from the Republic of Ireland) will qualify for the Senior Reversible Class e) This competition is restricted to 2/3 furrow on Wednesday. ploughs. h) The top ten placed competitors (from Republic of 5. UNDER 28 CONVENTIONAL Ireland) in the Senior Reversible Class on Wednes- a) County may enter only one competitor in this class. day will plough in the Kverneland Reversible Test match on Thursday. One additional plot is reserved b) Competitors in this class must be over 21 years for the Northern Ireland competitor in the Test of age and under 28 years of age on the 1st Match (should they qualify in the top 10). If the January of the competition year. Exception: Where Northern Ireland competitor does not qualify for a County has two U21 and no U28 the Test Match – their plot will revert back to the competitor – one can enter this class. next highest placed Republic of Ireland Compet- itor - meaning that 11 plots will be ploughed in c) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing Championships must have competed in a mini- the Test Match. mum of two matches. i) From the National Ploughing Championships d) The top two placed competitors in the Under 28 Results 2019, the Competitor with the highest Conventional Class-Senior Grade (from the Re- combined marks form the Senior Reversible Class public of Ireland) will qualify for the Senior Con- on Wednesday and the Kverneland Reversible Test ventional Class on Wednesday. Match on Thursday will be NATIONAL SENIOR e) This class is confined to competitors who have REVERSIBLE CHAMPION. not yet won an All-Ireland title in Senior, Intermediate or Junior 2 Furrow Tractor Class. j) The Competitor with the highest combined marks form the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday 6. UNDER 21 CONVENTIONAL and the Kverneland Reversible Test Match on a) County may enter only one competitor in this Thursday (from Rep. of Ireland) will qualify for the class. World Contest 2020 in RUSSIA. b) Competitors in this class must be under 21 years of age on the 1st January of the competition year. The 2nd & 3rd placed competitors with the highest combined marks from the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday and the Kverne- c) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing Championships must have competed in a mini- land Reversible Test Match on Thursday (from mum of two matches. Rep. of Ireland) will qualify to go to the European Reversible Competition. d) This class is confined to competitors who have not yet won an All-Ireland title in Senior, k) There is no age limit in this class. Intermediate or Junior 2 Furrow Tractor Class. 9
RULES PER PLOUGHING CLASSES 2019 7. 3 FURROW SENIOR & JUNIOR (previously 3 10. NOVICE 2 FURROW CONVENTIONAL / REVERSIBLE Furrow Match & Standard 3 Furrow) a) County may enter one competitor in the a) County may enter only one competitor in this Conventional Class and one Competitor in the class. Reversible Class. b) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing b) Competitors in this class must be under 35 Championships must have competed in a years of age on the 1st January of the minimum of two matches competition year. 8. STANDARD 3 FURROW REVERSIBLE c) This class is confined to first time competitors a) County may enter only one competitor in this who have not yet competed for an All-Ireland title. class. Exception: A competitor can compete in the Novice Class a maximum of three years, however if he/she b) This competition is restricted to standard 3 wins the National Novice Class, he/she is excluded furrow reversible ploughs. from competing again. c) Previous competitors at National level not d) National Novice Class is limited to 2 Furrow eligible for Standard 3 Furrow Reversible, Conventional / Reversible. exempt Macra. 11. FARMERETTE d) A competitor may win this class a maximum of a) County may enter only one competitor in this 3 times, then he / she must opt out. class. e) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing b) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing Championships must have competed in a Championships must have competed in a minimum of two matches. minimum of two matches. 9. MACRA 12. VINTAGE a) County / Region may enter only one competitor a) County may enter only one competitor per in this class. Vintage Class (3 classes). b) Competitor has the option of using a match or 13. UNDER 40 HORSE, SENIOR HORSE, SPECIAL standard plough. HORSE CLASSES a) Competitors in the UNDER 40 CLASS must be c) Competitor can not have previously represented under 40 on the 1st of January of the competition their County at National Level. year. d) Competitor can enter this competition as many b) In the Senior Horse Class, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, placed times as they wish, but once they win the competitors are not eligible to compete in the Spe- National Macra Class twice, they are no longer cial Horse Class on Thursday. eligible to take part in this class. c) A County can enter 2 Horse competitors for each e) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing class. Championships must have competed in a minimum of two matches. 10
RULES PER PLOUGHING CLASSES 2019 d) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing Championships must have competed in a minimum of two matches. 14. VISITORS a) Two competitors from Northern Ireland will be accepted in the Senior Conventional Class and one competitor from Northern Ireland into The Senior Re- versible Class. b) Competitors taking part in another class can carry their marks from that class to the Visitors Class. 11
REGULATIONS & CONDITIONS NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST 1.a Membership of the NPA Ltd., As 11. Method of Judging: The Judge shall assess the shall be prescribed from time to time by Articles of quality of the ploughing in accordance with the Association of N.P.A. Ltd. method of scoring as decided upon and required by the N.P.A. 1.b A person is only permitted to be a member of one ploughing club. He/She may however be a 12. Grading: member of a club and a county association. Based on individual merit and performance. (a) In the Senior Conventional Plough Class, from 2. Venue: The venue of the National Ploughing 2019 results, no competitor will be coming down Championships shall be selected by the Directors of from Senior for the next five years. the N.P.A. Ltd. (b) In the Intermediate Conventional Plough Class 3. The Directors of the N.P.A. reserve the right to the top placed competitor will be graded Senior in alter, amend, delete or add to the Rules at their 2020 and the last placed competitor will go discretion at any time, except during the four weeks Junior A in 2020. preceeding or during the Championships. (c) In the Junior Conventional Plough Class the top 4. Resident: A competitor shall be a born native of placed competitor will be graded Intermediate in the county for which he or she competes or shall be 2020. From the 2019 results, the Junior Conven- working resident in the county for not less than 3 tional Plough Class will be split into two classes, months prior to the date of the qualifying contest. Junior A and Junior B, and competitors will be graded Junior A and Junior B by NPA Executive 5. Age: No competitor under the age of 16 is Committee. permitted to plough in a match or be present on the plot run under NPA rules. Competitors taking part in (d) In the Senior Reversible Plough Class, the last tractor ploughing must have a driving licence. placed competitor will be graded Intermediate in 2020. 6. Identification: Competitors must display identification stickers which are provided. (e) In the Intermediate Reversible Plough Class the top placed competitor will be graded Senior in 7. Judges: The Directors of the N.P.A. shall select 2020. the Judges. (f) All other competitors who compete at the 8.a Draw for Plots: Drawing for plots shall be 2019 All Ireland are graded at the grade they conducted each year by the Managing Director of ploughed in. N.P.A. (g) If a competitor does not qualify 1st, 2nd or 3rd 8.b At National Championships – no competitor is in the county qualifying matches 2019/20 then permitted to change plot unless a decision is made he/she is not eligible to plough in NPC 2020. to do so by the NPA consultants. (h) If a competitor does not plough for a number 9. Cups and Trophies: Will be presented to the of years and returns to plough his/her grade will winners at Competitor’s Banquet on Sunday 13th be what he/she was last graded. October 2019, Mount Wolseley Hotel, Carlow. Cash Prizes will be sent by post one month after the (i) UNDER 28 CONVENTIONAL SENIOR & JUNIOR, Championships. UNDER 21 CONVENTIONAL SENIOR & JUNIOR Graded by County 10. Bonds: The custody of any Perpetual Cup or Trophy Grading for Under 21 Conventional for 2020 NPC may be given to a successful competitor (or his from 2019 results; Last placed County in Senior representative) who shall provide such security as will be graded Junior. Top placed County in Junior may be demanded for the return of such Cup or will be graded Senior. Trophy in good condition, or its value when Grading for Under 28 Conventional for 2020 NPC requested by the National Ploughing Association. from 2019 results; Last placed County in Senior will be graded Junior. Top placed County in Junior will be graded Senior. 12
REGULATIONS & CONDITIONS NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST (j) Grading when a competitor is no longer eligible qualify for the Test Match – their 2 plots will to plough U-28 Conventional: revert back to the next 2 highest placed Republic • Under 28 Conv. – Senior grade - when no of Ireland Competitors - meaning that 12 plots longer eligible will be graded Intermediate will be ploughed in the Test Match. Conventional. • Under 28 Conv. – Junior grade - when no From the National Ploughing Championships Results 2019, the Competitor with the high- longer eligible will be graded Junior est combined marks form the Senior Conven- Conventional. tional Class on Wednesday and the Senior Conventional Test Match on Thursday (from Rep. of (k) Grading when a competitor is no longer eligible Ireland) will be NATIONAL SENIOR CONVENTIONAL to plough U-28 Reversible: CHAMPION. • Will be graded Intermediate Reversible. The Competitor with the highest combined (l) 3 FURROW Senior & Junior (previously 3 marks form the Senior Conventional Class on Furrow Match & Standard 3 Furrow) Wednesday and the Senior Conventional Test Graded by County Match on Thursday (from Rep. of Ireland) will Grading from 2019 results for NPC 2020, qualify for the World Contest 2020 in Russia. bottom County in Senior will be graded Junior and top County in Junior will be The 2nd & 3rd placed competitors with the highest combined marks from the Senior graded Senior. Conventional Class on Wednesday and the Senior Conventional Test Match on Thursday (from 13.(a) Selection of Competitors For National Event: Rep. of Ireland) will qualify to go to the Northern Counties will have the right to arrange their own Ireland Competition. classes. Competitors securing highest marks in the County shall be selected to represent their The winner of the Intermediate Conventional county. Plough Class will qualify to go to the 5 Nations. (b) At County/Club level a competitor must declare b) Where the county has no Under-28 what class he/she is competing in before Competitor the Under-21 competitor is competition season starts. Competitor can only allowed to compete in the Under-28 and to revert declare one class for the entire ploughing season. back to Under-21 if he/she so wishes. c) For both the Senior Conventional Test Match and (c) In order to qualify for National Ploughing the Kverneland Reversible Test Match on Thursday, Championships competitors must compete in in the event that the top two placed competitors in a minimum two matches. This applies to ALL the U28 and in the Intermediate do not wish to go classes, except Novice. forward to the Test Match the option is not open for 3rd place competitor. (d) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland must be paid up members of Affiliated Club or County. d) Tractors parked just outside ploughing is unacceptable. All tractors should be parked back at 14.a) NATIONAL SENIOR CONVENTIONAL CHAMPION: rope/twine when Ploughing is finished. All Senior Competitors plough on Wednesday as well as the top two placed competitors from Re- public of Ireland in the U28 Conventional Plough Class and the top two from the Republic of Ire- land in the Intermediate Conventional Plough Class. The top ten placed competitors (from Republic of Ireland) in the Senior Conventional Class on Wednesday will plough in the Senior Convention- al Test match on Thursday. Two additional plots are reserved for Northern Ireland competitors in the Test Match (should they qualify in the top 10). If the Northern Ireland competitors do not 13
REGULATIONS & CONDITIONS NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST 15. Scale of Marks for U-21, 3 Furrow, Macra, Vintage, 16. In the event of a tie all aspects of middles and Farmerette, Junior and for Conventional - Senior, furrows, in all classes, will be totalled and Intermediate, Under 28, and Novice Championship. competitors gaining highest combined marks for OPENING SPLIT middles and furrows will be placed in order of merit. • Neatness - Cut Through Uniformity of Furrows..................................10 marks 17. Religious beliefs be adhered to and if Sunday • Straightness....................................................10 marks Ploughing is not acceptable to all denominations, MIDDLE it should not be held. If this rule is violated, no • Uniformity of Furrows.................................10 marks competitors will be accepted from that county at the • Weed Control.................................................10 marks National Championships. • Straightness....................................................10 marks GENERAL WORK 18. Reversible Classes: Three grades: Under-28 on the • Skimming.........................................................10 marks 1st January of competition year. Senior and • Packing and Firmness...................................10 marks • Soil made available (Flesh).........................10 marks Intermediate Reversible open to any age. • Uniformity.......................................................10 marks • Straightness....................................................10 marks A National Senior Reversible Champion: FURROW All Senior competitors plough on Wednesday • Uniformity of Furrows.................................10 marks as well as the top two placed competitors from • Weed Control.................................................10 marks the Republic of Ireland in the U28 Reversible • Straightness....................................................10 marks Plough Class and the top two from the Republic of Ireland in the Intermediate Reversible Plough INS AND OUTS.....................................................10 marks Class. GENERAL APPEARANCE All aspects and workmanship clearly The top ten placed competitors (from Repub- defined and uniform furrows..........................10 marks lic of Ireland) in the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday will plough in the Kverneland Re- GROSS TOTAL............................................. 150 marks versible Test match on Thursday. One additional plot is reserved for Northern Ireland competitor MARKS FOR HORSE CLASS in the Test Match (should they qualify in the top 10). If the Northern Ireland competitor does not MIDDLE • Uniformity of Furrows.................................10 marks qualify for the Test Match – their plot will revert • Weed Control.................................................10 marks back to the next highest placed Republic of Ire- • Straightness....................................................10 marks land Competitor - meaning that 11 plots will be GENERAL WORK ploughed in the Test Match. • Skimming.........................................................10 marks • Packing and Firmness...................................10 marks From the National Ploughing Championships • Soil made available (Flesh).........................10 marks • Uniformity.......................................................10 marks Results 2019, the Competitor with the highest • Straightness....................................................10 marks combined marks form the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday and the Kverneland Revers- FURROW • Uniformity of Furrows.................................10 marks ible Test Match on Thursday will be NATIONAL • Weed Control.................................................10 marks SENIOR REVERSIBLE CHAMPION. • Straightness....................................................10 marks The Competitor with the highest combined INS AND OUTS.....................................................10 marks marks form the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday and the Kverneland Reversible Test GENERAL APPEARANCE Match on Thursday (from Rep. of Ireland) will All aspects and workmanship clearly defined and uniform furrows..........................10 marks qualify for the World Contest 2020 in RUSSIA. GROSS TOTAL............................................. 130 marks 14
REGULATIONS & CONDITIONS NATIONAL PLOUGHING CONTEST The 2nd & 3rd placed competitors with the highest combined marks from the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday and the Kver- neland Reversible Test Match on Thursday (from Rep. of Ireland) will qualify to go to the European Reversible Competition. The 4th placed competitor with the highest combined marks, overall, from the Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday and the Kverneland Reversible Test Match on Thursday (from Republic of Ireland) will qualify to go to go to Northern Ireland. The winner of the Intermediate Reversi- ble Plough Class will qualify to go to the 5 Nations. B In the event of a tie, the marks for the Crown and Straightness of Crown, and the marks for the finishing Furrow and Straightness of finishing Furrow to be totalled. If still a tie plough-off to be arranged. C Under-28 Reversible competitor can compete in Senior Reversible and then revert back to Under-28 Reversible Class. D Pressers at same angle as Mouldboard. Diagram as for reversible. 19. Competitors are permitted to go on only one International Ploughing Competition trip in the year. 15
CONDITIONS OF NOVICE PLOUGHING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME GRANT APPLICATION (Must be adhered to) 1. Entries to Novice Class must be first time com- 13. The National Novice Class is limited to 2 Furrow petitors – exemption a competitor can compete in Conventional / Reversible but County Novice the novice class a maximum of 3 years. However Match is open to conventional / reversible and if he/she wins National Novice class, he/she is ex- standard classes. cluded from competing again. 2. Match is confined to youths not over 35 years of 14. Novice competitors may plough in any County age on 1st January of the competition year Match for practice purposes only – no points are (and over 16 with a valid tractor driving licence). awarded to competitor and practice matches do not contribute to qualification for National Novice 3. One can only compete in Novice Match Pro- Class at National event. gramme for a maximum of 3 years. 15. The winner of County Novice Conventional Class 4. Counties must have at least 3 competitors in the will qualify for All-Ireland where class will be Novice Ploughing competition, this can be a mix graded Senior, Intermediate & Junior (pending of conventional and reversible competitors. Only number of entries). The NPA Executive Commit- one of these competitors must be competing for tee will decide grading. the first time. Counties can have any number of additional competitors after this, following rule 16. The winner of County Novice Reversible Class will no. 1 and 3 above. qualify for All-Ireland where class will be graded by NPA Executive Committee pending number of 5. Entries in the Novice match must be different en- entries. tries than those in the Macra Class. 17. There must be a least 3 competitors competing in 6. The Novice Match can be run by a County Plough- the Novice Conventional and Novice Reversible ing Association or a Club designated by the Coun- Classes at National level for the class to run. ty Association and a grant of €500 will be paid by NPA on receipt of completed Grant Application 18. Applicable to Novice & U21 Conventional Form, breakdown of how €500 was spent on the Plough Class Only: If a County does not have Novice Match and submission of match score- an U21 competitor competing at the National sheet. Ploughing Championships, the runner up of the County Novice Match will be allowed to go for- 7. A county can also apply for a €100 grant towards ward as the U21 competitor for the County at the visiting Judges. Novice Judges Claim Form must National event, providing they are a Novice com- be completed by visiting Judges on day of match, petitor from the outset, are U21 on 1st January signed by Co. Chairman / Sec. and returned to NPA of competition year and that they have ploughed with Novice Grant Application Form. Grant will be a 2nd qualifying match. If they do not place in sent directly from NPA to visiting Judges. a prize money position in U21 Class at Nationals then they will be allowed revert back to Novice 8. Judges must be from outside the County. for the following year. However if they do place in a prize money position for the U21 competi- 9. Novice Match must be held on a separate day tion at the Nationals then they cannot revert back from Club/County matches. to Novice. If the runner up of the County Novice ploughs in U21 at the Nationals, and is eligible 10. All clubs in the County must be given ample notice to revert back to Novice the following year, their of the match and invited to send competitors. participation in the U21 class will count as one of the 3 years they are allowed to plough Novice. 11. All tractors used must display valid insurance disc. 12. Competitors must have a Tractor Driving Licence and present it on the day of competition. 16
CONDITIONS OF NOVICE PLOUGHING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME GRANT APPLICATION 19. Applicable to Novice 2 Furrow Conventional Only: Senior, Intermediate & Junior Grades towards a new The winner of the 2 Furrow Conventional National plough or demo match plough only bought through Novice Classes (Senior, Intermediate & Junior) at the NPA. If the competitor does not wish to avail the National Ploughing Championships will qual- of the discount his/her county can choose to draw ify for the following years U21/U28 Class in the down the discount. respective grade if they finish as runner-up in the qualifiers within their county, along with the county Alternatively winner resulting in 2 competitors from that county A €1,000 grant (excluding VAT) towards the purc- in that class for that year only. However if the 2 Fur- hase of a second-hand plough. To apply for this row Conventional National Novice Winner wins the discount competitors must have sourced plough U21/U28 class in their county they will automati- themselves and submit application in writing to cally go through to the National Ploughing Cham- NPA Executive within 6 months of the competition pionships as the only competitor from their county with all relevant documentation. On receipt of ap- eligible to plough in that class at the All Ireland. plication it will be reviewed by NPA Executive who This opportunity is only open to the winners of the will carry out necessary inspections and make final National Novice Classes and cannot be passed on to decision on whether plough is eligible for €1000 runner-ups in National Novice Classes should the discount or not. winners be over-age. 22. The second and third highest placed competitors in 20. At 2019 All Ireland, Conventional Novice Classes the National Novice classes will receive a medal. will take place on Thursday, and Reversible Novice Classes will take place on Tuesday. 23. Counties organizing Novice matches may apply to NPA for a grant of €1,500, over 3 years, towards the 21. Plough Grant for Novice Classes purchase of a plough for county use, in addition to A €1,500 discount (excluding VAT) to winner of the current €500 Novice Grant available. 17
VINTAGE PLOUGHING RULES 2019 As drawn up by the Vintage Ploughing Association, and in compliance with NPA. 1. Competitors in All Ireland Competitions must be 11. PLOUGHS MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION, paid up members of the V.P.A.I. BOARDS TOTALLY RUST FREE (BRIGHT/SHINNING). 2. Competitors must qualify from their own County. 12. Depth: Minimum depth of two furrow 6 inches, Minimum of one score sheet from own Coun- single furrow 5 inches in stubble and 5” and 4” in ty must be used. Four official R.O.I score sheets grassland. must be submitted for selection purposes. Ex- ecutive comm. have power to overrule on this 13. Opening split is compulsory in stubble only in the if extra plots are available and competitor may Two Furrow Mounted and Two Furrow Trailer have less than 4 sheets through no fault of his. Classes. In the Single Furrow Class no scribe or scribing is allowed. 3. Ploughs must be to original specification; boards must not exceed 45” (1145mm) from the tip of the 14. Adjustable or snap top links are allowed in the point to rear of board or be not more than 11.5” Two Furrow Mounted Class. Hydraulic top links not (292mm) high (If larger board used can be proven allowed. vintage its ok. otherwise penalties will be incurred). 15. In the Single Furrow Class, brushing of the two 4. Tail knives are allowed cutting at right angles to front sods is optional and only allowed in one round. the sod, (max length 71/4 inches) behind the board). Std extensions to boards allowed but must be 16. Reversible or larger disc coulters can be used. These of original manufacturers design and 71/4 inch- may be adjustable from side to side (not rigid) on es max behind board. (Original flat tailpieces). single furrow. 5. Sliding or adjustable drawbar on tractor is allowed 17. Tractors must be insured to plough at ploughing (trailer class). matches. The driver must be over 16 years of age and have a current drivers licence and must be 6. Tractors and Ploughs will be inspected before and insured to drive the tractor at Ploughing Match- during the competition and any extraneous es. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN items of equipment not supplied by manufac- PLACE. YOU MAY BE ASKED FOR SAME AT MATCH. turer of tractor or plough or devices not re- garded as original will incur penalty points. 18. The Single Furrow Class is now confined to a Farmhall Club Size class i.e. the tractor must be 7. Points may be fabricated if no supplier is available under 16 HP and the plough must be original not a but must remain as close to the original as possible in size. cut down plough. 8. 30 minutes to be allowed in the event of a 19. Land wheels must be no wider than 4” (102mm) breakdown, or a replacement vintage tractor and cannot have a marking disc fitted; move- may be used, but the plough cannot be changed. ment of the Land wheel towards and away from the plough is allowed (2 Furrow Mounted only). 9. Tractors must be pre-1960 be TVO or diesel or single cylinder diesel and must be presented in 20. Hillside levers or adjusters on the lower link arms rally condition. are not allowed. Stabiliser Bars and Stabiliser Chains are allowed. 10. Diesel tractors in manufacture up to 31st Dec. 1959 will qualify now as a result of vote taken 21. Only one set of skimmers will be permitted for use at A.G.M. 2012. List of eligible tractors available on any plough. Skimmer blades must be original from secretary. or from the same era. Skimmer holders can be 18
VINTAGE PLOUGHING RULES 2019 As drawn up by the Vintage Ploughing Association, and in compliance with NPA. changed but must be similar to original manufac- 29. “Only if the above rules are complied with, will a turers design and size. person be allowed to complete. The Vintage Plough- ing Association will not accept any 22. A maximum of 3 idle runs only, allowed in all responsibility whatsoever regarding insurance claims. classes from commencement of split-out to end of competition. Dual wheels on tractors not allowed. 30. Helpers not allowed inside perimeter rope / fence / scribe, after sighting poles have been removed. 23. Differential lock on Ferguson 35 not allowed. If fitted must be rendered unusable during 31. ONE MAN ONE PLOUGH DURING competition. COMPETITION, NO HELP FROM HEADLAND. 24. All competitors will start with the higher plot 32. Only three fixed sighting poles on ground number on their right hand side. Penalty if not allowed. One may be set up outside scribe. adhered to. 33. 20 MARK PENALTY FOR FURROW TURNED 25. The plough land wheel must follow within the WRONG WAY. left-hand rear wheeltrack on the last run when ploughing the sole sod (2F Mounted only). 34. Any abuse to officials or to other competitors will merit instant disqualification and further 26. Match ploughs or match plough bodies not allowed discipline. i.e. Ransome TCN, UCN or SCN (e.g. Ransome TS86), also others. 35. A competitor may not interfere with their plot to level tramlines or take out humps etc. or in any 27. A competitor may not drive on the two outer sods way other than pick loose straw and stones,also of the split out at anytime even after it has been no communication with anyone on the headland, judged (you may not role the rippling’s) the chip is allowed by radio ,phone or any other device may be put in the centre but the r/h front wheel during the competition. must be in the furrow when doing so. 28. Screw crossshaft allowed (passed at 2014 A.G.M.) ALL OTHER DECIPLINARY AND GENERAL RULES OF N.P.A. (RELATIVE) WILL APPLY TO V.P.A.I. AT ALL TIMES. “Competitors will be penalised min 5 penalty marks for each infringement of any rule at all matches” Note: For ALL Competitors Tractors & Ploughs to be parked in Assembly Area ONLY 19
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