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RRRoooccckkkeeettt SSSccciiieeennnccceee - Mt Albert Islamic Centre
Inside this issue
Four misunderstood words .... 3

                                               Rocket Science
Islam and science ................... 6
Muslim EPL players ............... 11

                                                                                                              July 2021
                                                                                          Thul Qaidah / Thul Hijjah 1442

                                          The sunnah of visiting the sick

                                          In a hadith recorded by Bukhari         Rewards for visiting the sick
                                          and Muslim, Prophet Muhammad
                                                                                  Many hadiths describe the
                                          (saw) said, “Every Muslim has five
                                                                                  rewards for visiting a sick person,
      In the name of Allah,               rights over another Muslim: to
                                                                                  including the blessings of the
                                          return the greetings, to visit the
 most Gracious, most Merciful                                                     angels, and Jannah (Paradise).
                                          sick, to accompany funeral
                                          processions, to accept an               “When the Muslim visits his (sick)
                                          invitation, to respond to the one       Muslim brother, he is harvesting
                                          who sneezes.”                           the fruits of Paradise until he
                                                                                  returns” (Muslim).
                                          This article deals with the second
                                          of these five rights: the right to be   “Whoever visits a sick person or
                                          visited by your Muslim brothers         visits a brother in Islam, a caller
                                          and sisters if you are sick.            cries out to him, ‘May you be
                                                                                  happy, may your walking be
                                          We often hear of people around us
                                                                                  blessed, and may you occupy a
                                          – family, friends, work colleagues,
                                                                                  dignified position in Paradise’” (at-
                                          etc – who are sick. visiting them
                                          when they are sick not only fulfils
                                          the blessed sunnah; it also serves      “There is no Muslim who visits a
                                          as a reminder for ourselves.            (sick) Muslim early in the morning
                                          Imagine you were the sick person.       but that seventy-thousand angels
                                          How would you feel if nobody            send blessings upon him until
                                          visited you? This is especially         evening comes, and if he visits
                                          important if the person is really       him in the evening, seventy
                                          sick, or in hospital.                   thousand angels send blessings
                                                                                  upon him until morning comes,
                                                                                  and he will have a garden in
                                                                                  Paradise” (at-Tirmidhi).
                                                                                  Etiquette of visiting the sick
                                                                                  There are various practices in the
                                                                                  Islamic method of visiting the
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Intention: Before visiting the                enter upon a sick person, then
sick, you should make the                     ask him to supplicate for you, for
intention of visiting the sick. In a          his supplication is like the
well-known hadith, Prophet                    supplications of the angels” (Ibn
Muhammad (saw) said, “Actions                 Maja).
are according to intentions, and
everyone will get what was                    Conversation: The conversation
intended.” In other words, you will           you use to talk to the sick person
only get rewards for visiting the             should be joyful and positive. The
sick if that is what you intended.            sick person may be in pain and
                                              downhearted, so happy topics
Timing: You should not turn up                should be used to cheer them up.
at a sick person’s house or the
hospital at any time of the day or            Conclusion
night. You should check                       Living at a time when people are
beforehand that the time you                  becoming more distant and
intend to arrive is convenient for            disconnected from one another, it
the sick person.                              is increasingly important that we
Brevity: The person you are                   revive the sunnah of visiting the
visiting is sick. They may be in              sick. Not only will this benefit the
pain, drowsy from drugs, or                   sick person and you, but it will
sleepy. You should therefore                  also help build relationships and a
make your visit short, so as to not           beautiful community based upon
overburden the sick person. This              prophetic mercy for one another.
is unless the sick person asks you            Can you imagine the impact on a
to stay longer.                               non-Muslim if we visited them?

Gift: A thoughtful gift will always           This was the way of our beloved
be appreciated by a sick person.              Prophet (saw). Despite his many
                                              and varied responsibilities in the
Needs: During the visit, it is good           community and at home, he
to ask the sick person if they have           would always make time to visit
any particular needs, and then try            people, keep the ties of kinship
to fulfil them. A hadith shows that           and bonds of friendship strong,
Prophet Muhammad (saw) did                    and this was even more so when
this: “The Prophet (saw) visited              people were unwell.
an ill person and asked, ‘Do you
long for anything? Do you long for            “Allah will say on the Day of
sweet bread (ka’k)?’ The man                  Resurrection, ‘O son of Adam, I
replied, ‘Yes.’ So they sent                  was sick but you did not visit Me.’
someone to bring some ka’k for                He will say, ‘My Lord, how can I
him” (Ibn Maja).                              visit You when You are the Lord of
                                              the worlds?’ Allah will say, ‘Did
Duas: The person visiting a sick              you not know that My servant was
person should say duas for their              sick and you did not visit him, and
full and speedy recovery. Perhaps             had you visited him you would
more surprisingly, there are                  have found Me with him?’”
hadiths that state that the                   (Muslim).
opposite should also occur. “If you

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3                                               Rocket Science July 2021

Four misunderstood words

This article explains four terms that     The noun jihad comes from the
have different meanings and               verb juhud, meaning “to strive,
interpretations for Muslims, and          struggle”. It does not mean “holy
non-Muslims. Needless to say, this        war”. War in Arabic is harb and
leads to misunderstanding by non-         holy is muqadassa. In extreme
Muslims, and to frustration among         cases, jihad may involve fighting,
Muslims.                                  but with strict limitations.
Jihad                                     There are many teachings of
Probably the most misunderstood           Prophet Muhammad (saw) (hadith)
or misrepresented Islamic word is         that show this.
jihad. This was discussed in the          Upon returning from battle,
February 2015 issue of Rocket             Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Science1.                                 explained, “We are returning from
It is not surprising that non-            the lesser jihad to the greater
Muslims have a distorted                  jihad.” That is, the greater jihad is
understanding of the word jihad,          the jihad against yourself, the jihad
when standard English dictionaries,       against Satan, the jihad to become
such as the Longman Dictionary of         a better person, the jihad to do
Contemporary English2, define it as       more charitable deeds, etc. The
“A holy war fought by Muslims”.           lesser jihad is fighting.

This incorrect definition is also         In another hadith, Prophet
used by US courts of law: “As used        Muhammad (saw) explained, “The
in this First Superseding                 greatest jihad is to battle your own
Indictment, ‘Jihad’ is the Arabic         soul, to fight the evil within
word meaning ‘holy war’. In this          yourself (nafs).”
context, jihad refers to the use of       He also said, “The most beloved
violence, including paramilitary          jihad to Allah is a word of truth in
action against persons,                   front of a tyrannical leader.”
governments deemed to be
enemies of the fundamentalist
version of Islam.”3
This situation led the Egyptian-
born American Muslim leader, Dr
Maher Hathout, to write a book
entitled Jihad vs. Terrorism, to set
the record straight, because of “the
discovery that everyone is defining
us except us, everyone is
explaining jihad except for
Muslims.”4 That is, the true
meaning of the Arabic, Islamic
word jihad is surely the one that is
understood by Arabic-speaking
Muslims (and indeed Arabic-
speaking non-Muslims).

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Rocket Science July 2021                                                           4

                    Fatwa                                         schools allowing their students not
                                                                  to wear school uniform on
                    To many non-Muslims, the word
                                                                  particular days. Usually, students
                    fatwa is equated with “death
                                                                  who turn up in everyday clothes
                    sentence”. The origin of this
                                                                  are expected to give a gold coin
                    mistaken translation is usually the
                                                                  donation (ie $1 or $2), and the
                    fatwa issued in 1989 by Ayatollah
                                                                  money collected is donated to a
                    Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran in
                                                                  charity. A very admirable way of
                    connection with the book The
                                                                  raising money for charity.
                    Satanic Verses by British author
                    Salman Rushdie. The fatwa called              When used in this way, the word in
                    on “all brave Muslims” to kill                normally pronounced muff-ti.
                    Rushdie and his publishers.                   However, many people may not
                                                                  realise that the word has Arabic
                    In reality, a fatwa is an opinion
                                                                  origins, where it is pronounced
                    issued by an Islamic scholar, on
                                                                  moof-ti. The Arabic word mufti is
                    the basis of their knowledge of
                                                                  related to the Arabic word fatwa. A
                    Islam, the Quran and hadith,
                                                                  mufti is therefore a religious
                    Arabic language, qiyas (use of
                                                                  scholar who issues fatwas.
                    analogy), ijma (consensus among
                                                                  Probably the highest-profile mufti
                    scholars), mathhabs (different
                                                                  nowadays is Ismail Menk5 of
                    schools of thought), etc. Only after
                                                                  Zimbabwe, who regularly appears
                    lengthy consideration by an
                                                                  in online talks, khutbahs, etc.
                    established scholar can a fatwa be
                    issued, and it represents that                So, how are the two words (for
                    scholar’s personal opinion.                   everyday clothes, and for the
                                                                  Muslim cleric) related?
                    Fatwas are not binding, as they
                    only represent opinions on                    Heretaunga College in Upper Hutt,
Mufti Ismail Menk
                    contentious issues. Abu Hanifa                and Trident High School in
                    (ra), the founder of the Hanafi               Whakatāne, New Zealand, have
                    mathhab, said, “This knowledge of             recently6 changed their “Mufti
                    ours is opinion; it is the best we            Day”. Heretaunga are now calling it
                    have been able to achieve. He who             “Be Yourself Day”, and Trident
                    is able to arrive at a different              have adopted the Māori expression
                    conclusion is entitled to his opinion         “Kakahu Kainga” meaning “home
                    as we are entitled to our own.”               clothes”. The schools decided to
                                                                  drop the word “mufti” after
                    Nowadays, fatwas are issued on a
                                                                  learning the origins from an article
                    number of issues relating to
                                                                  by the New Zealand online
                    modern everyday life, such as
                                                                  magazine and news site The
                    vaccination, women’s rights, the
                    wildlife trade, kidney donation,
                    marriage, etc. In short, they do not          The article7, by historian Katie
                    call for the execution of another             Pickles, describes how the term
                    human being.                                  was coined. “Once upon a colonial
                                                                  time during the Raj in India, off-
                                                                  duty British military leaders
                    People in New Zealand are familiar            adopted a subjugated culture’s
                    with this word, from the practice of

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5                                               Rocket Science July 2021

ceremonial clothing as their              order to pray in front of statues of    mtalbertislamiccentre.
informal attire. It appears that          Jesus. Similarly, the Buddha is the     org/wp-
officers started dressing in robes        central figure of Buddhism, and         content/uploads/2020
and slippers that they slightly           people go to Buddhist temples in        /02/Rocket-Science-
mockingly thought resembled               order to pray in front of statues of    Feb-2015.pdf
garments worn by Mufti. This              the Buddha.                             2
happened at a time when, with the                                                 www.ldoceonline.com/
                                          However, the analogy does not           dictionary/jihad
objective of rendering them
                                          work. Prophet Muhammad (saw),           3
obsolete and powerless, the                                                       web.archive.org/web/
                                          while being a major figure in Islam,
authority of Mufti in India was                                                   20051227172402/htt
                                          is not the most central entity to it;
being extinguished. From there,                                                   p://www.milnet.com/
                                          Allah (swt) is. And people do not
the British Army started using the                                                2nd-indictment-hayat-
                                          go to Muslim mosques in order to
word ‘mufti’ for their days out of                                                dist-court.pdf
                                          pray in front of statues of Prophet     4 Handwerk, B. What
uniform when they wore loose and
                                          Muhammad (saw). There are no            Does “Jihad” Really
comfortable clothing (including
                                          statues of Prophet Muhammad             Mean to Muslims?
dressing gowns). One culture’s
                                          (saw) or any other of Allah’s           National Geographic
power dressing was another’s play
                                          prophets, as idolatry is haram in       News, 24 October,
clothes.”                                                                         2003.
                                          Islam. And no Muslims pray to
Mohammedanism                             Prophet Muhammad (saw). This            news.nationalgeograp
                                          would be considered shirk,              hic.com/news/2003/1
The final term recently appeared in                                               0/1023_031023_jihad
                                          associating someone as being on a
the answer to a crossword clue in                                                 .html
                                          par with Allah (swt). In many           5
the New Zealand Herald
                                          places in the Quran, Allah (swt)        en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
newspaper. The clue was “religion”
                                          states that Muhammad (saw) is a         Ismail_ibn_Musa_Men
(and an anagram).
                                          human messenger, eg                     k
The term Mohammedanism “was               “Muhammad is only a messenger”          6
commonly used in European                 (3:144).                                www.nzherald.co.nz/r
literature until at least the mid-                                                otorua-daily-
                                          The term Mohammedanism was              post/news/bay-of-
1960s. Muslim is more commonly
                                          not used by Muhammad (saw)              plenty-school-
used today, and the
                                          himself or his early followers. The     renames-mufti-day-
term Mohammedan is widely
                                          religion is referred to as Islam; in    due-to-cultural-
considered archaic or in some                                                     insensitivity/O62BBHO
                                          the Quran (5:3), Allah (swt) states,
cases even offensive.”8 It is archaic                                             HD2XDAW44PT5NYEL
                                          “This day have I perfected your
in that it was used by orientalists9                                              W24/
                                          religion for you, completed My
of over a century ago, who                                                        7
                                          favour upon you, and have chosen
considered “that Western society is                                               thespinoff.co.nz/societ
                                          for you Islam as your religion.” Its    y/12-02-2020/a-
developed, rational, flexible, and
                                          followers are known as Muslims, as      mufti-day-is-
superior” and, vice versa, that
                                          in the Quran (2:128): “Our Lord,        enormous-fun-but-
Islam is undeveloped, irrational,
                                          make us Muslims (in submission)         time-to-give-it-a-new-
inflexible and inferior.
                                          to You and from our descendants a       name/
The term was coined on the basis          Muslim nation (in submission) to        8
that Jesus Christ (Isa, as) is the        You.” Both words relate to the root     en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
central figure of Christianity, and       “s - l - m”, with the meaning of
people go to Christian churches in        finding peace by submitting to the
                                          will of Allah (swt).                    Orientalism

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Rocket Science July 2021                                                             6

Islam and science
For centuries, people have argued              established in 1984 by
about whether religion is                      Sheikh Abdul Majeed al-
compatible with science1. For                  Zindani with the backing of
instance, ever since the writings of           the Muslim World League. The
Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882), his              commission, and its conference,
Theory of Evolution has been                   has been criticised for its perhaps
brought forward in evidence                    over-zealous reporting of eminent
against the existence of a God                 scientists, giving their statements a
(Allah, swt).                                  slant that could not be called
Equally, some scientists have
bought forward evidence for the                “Marine scientist William W.
existence of a God (Allah, swt). In            Hay complained of having fallen
Islam, this often involves                     into a ‘trap’ in interviews, while
examining how what was written                 embryologist Gerald Goeringer
(Muslims would say “revealed”) in              claimed ‘mutual manipulation’
the Quran 14 centuries ago                     between the scientists and
corresponds with scientific                    conference organizers.”3
discoveries from the last century or
                                               Other scientists complained that
two, ie at least a millennium after
                                               “they were misrepresented, their
the revelation of the Quran. There
                                               video quotes were taken out of
is, they argue, no way in which
                                               context (often after days of
anyone in the 6th or 7th century
                                               preparation to get them to say
could have known these scientific
                                               words that could be used in the
facts. It is, they conclude, perfectly
                                               video), and were sometimes
reasonable to suggest a non-
                                               quoted in written works saying
human origin for these passages,
                                               things they had no recollection
ie they were not written by Prophet
                                               whatever of saying.” 3
Muhammad (saw), but by a higher
power (Allah, swt).                            In light of this criticism, the
                                               following discussion only details
There are many resources on the
                                               scientists who have been
internet that list Quranic passages
                                               accurately reported, often in videos
and the scientific truths that they
                                               available on YouTube, etc.
convey2. It is not the purpose of
this article to list them again.               The branches of science in which
Instead, this article describes                these scientists work are primarily
modern, largely western, scientists            embryology, astronomy and
who have been surprised by the                 geology.
correspondence between Quranic
verses and recently discovered
scientific facts. As a result, some of         The development of the human
these scientists have converted to             embryo in its mother’s womb is
Islam.                                         described in Surah al-Muminun
A word of caution
The Commission on Scientific Signs
in the Quran and Sunnah3 was

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7                                              Rocket Science July 2021

“We (Allah) created man from a           couldn’t read, didn’t know how to
quintessence of clay. We then            write, in fact he was an illiterate.
placed him as a nutfah (drop) in a       We’re talking about 1,400 years
place of settlement, firmly fixed,       ago, you have some illiterate
then We made the drop into               person making profound
an alaqah (leech like                    statements that are amazingly
structure), and then We changed          accurate, of a scientific nature. I
the alaqah into a mudghah                personally can’t see how this could
(chewed like substance), then We         be mere chance, there are too
made out of that mudghah, izam           many accuracies and like Dr
(skeleton, bones), then We clothed       Moore, I have no difficulty in my
the bones with lahm (muscles,            mind reconciling that this is a
flesh) then We caused him to grow        divine inspiration or revelation
and come in being and attain the         which led him to these
definitive (human) form. So,             statements.”5
blessed be God, the best to
                                         Similarly, E Marshall Johnson (born
                                         1930) was Professor and Chairman
Keith L Moore4 (1925 – 2019) was         of the Department of Anatomy and
Professor Emeritus of the                Developmental Biology, and
Department of Anatomy and Cell           Director of the Daniel Baugh             Keith L Moore
Biology, University of Toronto,          Institute, Thomas Jefferson
Canada. His Wikipedia page               University, Philadelphia,
comments, “the Holy book claims          Pennsylvania, USA. Commenting
that at one point the embryo looks       on the same description in the
like a small piece of meat which         Quran, he states, “As a scientist, I
can be chewed, or mudghah, and
Moore consents, “by golly, it does,
sorta”, agreeing and signaling to
the knowledge we have about the
structure and appearance of the
actual embryo, which actually
comes into a stage where it
resembles the size of a small thing                                              T. V. N. Persaud
which can be chewed by teeth ie it
is approximately 1.0 cm.
Meanwhile in the alaqah stage, the
embryo is forming and only 3.5
mm, which can’t be chewed.”
T. V. N. Persaud (born 1940) was
Professor of Anatomy, and
Professor of Paediatrics and Child
Health, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He                                                  E Marshall Johnson
echoed Keith Moore’s observations:
“It seems to me that Muhammad
was a very ordinary man, he

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Rocket Science July 2021                                                         8

                    can only deal with things which I             Joe Leigh Simpson (born 1943)
                    can specifically see. I can                   was Professor and Chairman of the
                    understand embryology and                     Department of Obstetrics and
                    developmental biology. I can                  Gynaecology, Baylor College of
                    understand the words that are                 Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. He
                    translated to me from the Quran. …            echoed the above opinions: “These
                    if I were to transpose myself into            hadiths (sayings of Muhammad)
                    that era, knowing what I do today             could not have been obtained on
                    and describing things, I could not            the basis of the scientific
                    describe the things that were                 knowledge that was available at
                    described. I see no evidence to               the time of the ‘writer’. It follows
                    refute the concept that this                  that not only is there no conflict
                    individual Muhammad had to be                 between genetics and religion
                    developing this information from              (Islam) but in fact religion (Islam)
                    some place ... so I see nothing               may guide science by adding
                    here in conflict with the concept             revelation to some of the
                    that divine intervention was                  traditional scientific approaches.
                    involved in what he was able to               There exist statements in the
                    write.”6                                      Quran shown centuries later to be
                                                                  valid which support knowledge in
                    On another occasion, he stated,
                                                                  the Quran having been derived
                    “To see any detail in it as is
                                                                  from God.”9
                    described in the Quran, I need an
                    instrument that wasn’t developed
                    until the 1700s.”7
                    Tejatat Tejasen was Chairman of
                    the Department of Anatomy and
  Tejatat Tejasen   the Dean of the Faculty of
                    Medicine, University of Chiang Mai,
                    Thailand. He observed, “I became
                    interested in the Quran. … From
                    my studies and what I have
                    learned throughout this
                    conference, I believe that
                    everything that has been recorded
                    in the Quran fourteen hundred
                    years ago must be the truth, that
                    can be proved by the scientific
Joe Leigh Simpson   means. Since the Prophet
                    Muhammad could neither read nor
                    write, Muhammad must be a
                    Messenger who relayed this truth
                    which was revealed to him as an
                    enlightenment by the one who is
                    eligible creator. This creator must
                    be God, or Allah.”8

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9                                               Rocket Science July 2021

Astronomy                                 Professor Siaveda is a Professor of
                                          Marine Geology in Japan. He
An often-quoted astronomical
                                          observed that the shape of all
passage in the Quran is in Surah
                                          mountains, whether they are on
al-Anbiya (21:30): “Have not the
                                          land or in the sea, is in the shape
disbelievers seen that the Heavens
                                          of a wedge. “Could anyone during
and the Earth were one piece and
                                          the time of Prophet
we parted them? And We made
                                          Muhammad have known of the
every living thing from water. Will
                                          shape of these mountains? Could       Professor Siaveda
they not then believe?”
                                          anyone imagine that the solid
This is the Big Bang theory of the        massive mountain that he sees
origin of the universe, not               before him actually extends deep
proposed by scientists until the          into the earth and has a root as
1940s.                                    scientists assure? A large number
                                          of geography books when
Yushidi Kusan (born 1920) was the
                                          discussing mountains, only
Director of the Tokyo Observatory,
                                          describe that part which is on the
Tokyo, Japan. He remarked, “I say,
                                          surface of the earth. This is
I am very much impressed by
                                          because they are not written by
finding true astronomical facts in
                                          specialists in geology, but modern
Quran, and for us modern
                                          science informs us about it
astronomers have been studying
                                          and Allah says in the Quran, ’And
very small piece of the universe.
                                          the mountains as pegs.’”11
We have concentrated our efforts
for understanding of very small
part. Because by using telescopes,
we can see only very few parts of
the sky without thinking about the
whole universe. So by reading the
Quran and by answering to the
questions, I think I can find my
future way for investigation of the
Discussions about geology in the
Quran often mention the following
verse from Surah an-Naba: “Have
We not smoothed out the earth like
a bed, and made the mountains as
its pegs?” (78:7). The pegs
referred to here are like tent pegs,
not pegs for hanging washing.

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Rocket Science July 2021                                                           10

                      Perhaps the most famous such                  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relationship_bet
                      scientist is Dr Maurice Bucaille              ween_religion_and_science
                      (1920 – 1998), who was chief of               2
                      the Surgical Clinic, University of            www.slideshare.net/kingabid/miracles-
                      Paris, France. He is famous for the           of-the-quran-new-full-colour-pdf-book
                      1976 book The Bible, The Quran                www.ioqas.org.sa/wp-
                      and Science12, originally in his              content/uploads/Scientific-Miracles-in-
                      native French, but subsequently
                      translated into many languages.               s%20of%20Muslim%20Belief.pdf
                      On page 119 of the book, he                   3
                      writes, “These scientific                     en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_on_
                      considerations, which are very                Scientific_Signs_in_the_Quran_and_Su
                      specific to the Quran, greatly                nnah
                      surprised me at first. Up until then,         4
                      I had not thought it possible for             en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_L._Moore
                      one to find so many statements in             5
                      a text compiled more than thirteen
Dr Maurice Bucaille                                                 amazed-by-the-quraan/303-prof-tvn-
                      centuries ago referring to                    persaud.html
                      extremely diverse subjects and all            6
                      of them totally in keeping with               www.radioislam.org.za/j3/index.php/re
                      modern scientific knowledge.”                 sources/library/158-the-noble-
                      Does Islam have a problem with                marshall-johnson.html
                      science? No.                                  7     www.thedeenshow.com/amazing-
                                                                    8 idealmuslimah.com/the-
                                                                    11 muslimconverts.com/islam-and-

                                     © Mount Albert Islamic Trust
11                                          Rocket Science July 2021

 Muslim EPL players
 In the March 2021 issue of Rocket Science, we listed all the Muslim
 players in the English Premier League (EPL). Almost every EPL team has
 some Muslim players, some of them being stars, such as Liverpool’s
 Mohamed Salah and Manchester City’s Ilkay Gundogan. Here we highlight
 four Muslim players who have recently shown their Muslim identity by
 their actions on the pitch.

April/May 2021 was Ramadan. Being able to fast, and to
break your fast, was thus a difficult time for Muslim
footballers. In the match against Southampton on 30
April, play was stopped in the 29th minute to allow
Leicester defender Wesley Fofana to break his fast.

                                                                     After Chelsea defeated Manchester City
                                                                     1-0 in the UEFA Champions League final
                                                                     on 29 May, Antonio Rüdiger gave thanks
                                                                     to Allah for the result.

After their EPL match against Fulham on 18 May, Manchester
United players Paul Pogba and Amad Diallo held up a flag in
support of Palestinian rights.

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13                 Rocket Science July 2021

     © Mount Albert Islamic Trust
Rocket Science July 2021                                                                                                                14

 Rocket Science is a monthly newsletter produced by the Mount Albert Islamic Trust.

 Rocket Science editorial board
 Editor in chief: Dr Adam Brown
 Board members / writers: Dr Sharif M A Fattah, Sheed Ali, Wajahat Khan
 Circulation manager: Sharif Nazre Hannan Saadi

 Disclaimer: Any material or information posted on the Rocket Science mailing list is the sole
 responsibility of the writer or contributor. The Mount Albert Masjid Board of Trustees, Rocket
 Science list owner, moderator(s) and editor(s) have no obligation to, and may not, review or
 agree with any item of material or information that anyone makes available through the Rocket
 Science list, and the Mount Albert Masjid Board of Trustees, Rocket Science list owner,
 moderator(s) and editor(s) are not responsible for any content of the material or information.

 Postal Address: P O Box 16138, Sandringham, Auckland
 Phone: (+64)(9) 629 4222
 Email: mtalbertmasjid@gmail.com
 Website: www.mtalbertislamiccentre.org

 Bank                           Kiwibank
 Branch                         St Lukes
 Address                        Shop 791 Westfield Shopping Ctr, St Lukes, Auckland 1025
 Bank phone                     (+64)(9) 846 3887
 Account name                   Mount Albert Islamic Trust
 Account no                     38-9009-0739910-01

 Why attend Rocket Park jumuah?
 Prayers are held at the Senior Citizens’ Association building, Rocket Park, New North
 Road, Mount Albert.

 ✓       Central location
 ✓       Plenty of free parking
 ✓       Facilities for ladies
 ✓       Heating and air-conditioning
 ✓       Bayan (religious talk) before jumuah prayers
 ✓       All bayans and khutbahs in English

 NB We are only open for Friday prayers – not for the five daily prayers.

 Subscribing / unsubscribing
 If you have received this newsletter and want to unsubscribe (ie do not want to receive future
 issues), please send an email to masjidnews@gmail.com with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
 Vice versa, if you have received this newsletter indirectly, and would like to have future issues
 sent to your email address each month, please send an email to masjidnews@gmail.com with
 “Subscribe” in the subject line.

 Back issues of Rocket Science
 Missed an issue of Rocket Science? All our monthly issues are available online at the Mount
 Albert Islamic Trust website: www.mtalbertislamiccentre.org

 Swt, saw, as, ra
 swt: subhanahu wa ta’ala “Glory to Him, the Exalted” (when mentioning Allah)
 saw: salallahu alaihi wassalam “May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him” (when mentioning Muhammad)
 as: alaihis salam “Peace be on him” (when mentioning other prophets)
 ra: radi allahu anhu/ha/hum “May Allah be pleased with him/her/them” (when mentioning members of Muhammad’s family, companions, etc)

                          © Mount Albert Islamic Trust
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