ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

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ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation



      IDIOPATHIC             EPILEPSY
Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments
ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

                                   The perplexing nature of idiopathic           though nothing had happened,”
                                   epilepsy can be as challenging for            says Burke, describing her first
                                   owners to deal with as having an              seizure experience after 35 years’
                                   affected dog. The toll from seizures          sharing her life with Rottweilers.
                                   that occur for no apparent reason                When Dice had a second seizure
                                   affects owners and dogs. Sadly,               hours later, worse than the first
                                   some dogs never respond to anti-              one, it put him into a cluster seizure
                                   seizure drugs.                                category, having had more than
                                     Rottweiler owner Raquel Burke               one seizure within 24 hours. “This
                                   of South Plainfield, New Jersey, was          seizure lasted a bit longer than the
                                   dumbstruck when her 2-year-old male           first one, and Dice lost control of his
                                   “Dice” had a seizure in May 2021. The         bladder,” Burke says. “What we thought
                                   minute-long episode took down the             was a one-time freak occurrence
                                   90-pound dog. He fell over, his stiff         became terribly concerning.”
“In the beginning, I wanted        body convulsing as foamy saliva                  An emergency visit to the local
to put a bubble around Dice,       oozed from his mouth.                         veterinary specialty clinic involved
                                     “As he came to, Dice was a bit              a thorough examination by a veterinary
but now I want him to enjoy        aggressive and disoriented for about          neurologist who would not release
                                   20 seconds. After that, it was as             Dice to go home until he was seizure-
life and to keep doing the

                                                                                                                             PHOTO: CAM MORLEY
things he loves.”
Rottweiler owner Raquel Burke of
South Plainfield, New Jersey

                                   “Dice,” a 2-year-old male Rottweiler, had his first seizure last May. Antiseizure drugs
                                   are helping to manage his idiopathic epilepsy.

ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

  As in the U.S., the Rottweiler is a popular breed in      seemed to increase in the breed over the last decades,”
  Sweden. Although epilepsy has not been studied            Dr. Heske says. “Although epilepsy appeared to be
  extensively in Rottweilers, the most revealing epide-     common in the breed, there was little published
  miological information about disease incidence and        research describing the disease in Rottweilers.”
  mortality has come from Sweden.                             Thus, Dr. Heske led a follow-up study gathering
     Veterinary epidemiologist Linda Heske, PhD, of         information from a questionnaire sent to owners
  the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, was the        of Rottweilers diagnosed with epilepsy that were
  lead investigator of a study published in 2014 in The     registered in the Swedish or Norwegian kennel clubs
  Veterinary Journal that ranked Rottweilers seventh        between 2007 and 2013. The purpose was to learn
  among 35 breeds with the most dog-years-at-risk           about the clinical characteristics of the disease in
  (DYAR) receiving veterinary care for epilepsy. DYAR       the breed. The findings were published in 2015 in the
  represents the time period from when a dog is first       Swedish journal Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica.
  insured, typically at 8 weeks of age, until exiting         “Clinical Characteristics of Epilepsy of Unknown
  the insurance database due to death, becoming an          Origin in the Rottweiler Breed” shared insights
  epileptic case or the end of the study.                   learned from 37 epileptic dog cases, 23 females
     The report tapped into the Swedish animal insur-       and 14 males.
  ance database to learn about the incidence and              The median age of the onset of seizures was 36
  mortality rates of epilepsy in a large population of      months, though seizure onset ranged from 8 to 84
  insured dogs representing 197 breeds. Dr. Heske, a        months. Twenty-four of 37 dogs were on antiseizure
  doctoral student at the time of the research, evaluated   drugs, yet owners reported limited improvement in
  veterinary records from 1995 to 2006 that accounted       seizure frequency. All the affected dogs had relatives
  for more than 2 million DYAR data.                        with epilepsy. Seven dogs were neutered after the
     The findings showed that Rottweilers had an epilepsy   onset of seizures, but none experienced reduced
  incidence rate of 24.3 cases per 10,000 DYAR com-         seizure frequency or intensity.
  pared to an average of 18 cases per 10,000 DYAR for         “The majority of cases were idiopathic epilepsy in
  all dogs. The breed’s mortality rate of 21.5 deaths per   which no morphological cause can be found,” Dr. Heske
  10,000 DYAR placed Rottweilers as the fourth most         says. “Over half of Rottweilers with epilepsy were
  common breed to succumb to the disease.                   reported to have cluster seizures, or two or more in
     “The higher-than-average incidence and mortality       a 24-hour period, and their responses to antiseizure
  rates of epilepsy for Rottweilers mirrors the obser-      treatment were variable. This retrospective study
  vations of veterinary practitioners and Rottweiler        provides the first detailed characterization of epilepsy
  breeders and owners in Sweden that epilepsy has           of unknown origin in the Rottweiler breed.”

free for 24 hours. He was started on   to an average of 18 cases per 10,000    prompted his veterinarians to make
the antiseizure drug phenobarbital,    DYAR for all dogs. The study also       dosage adjustments based on
which worked magic, giving Dice        found that with a mortality rate        Dice’s bloodwork.
six months without seizures.           of 21.5 deaths per 10,000 DYAR,           “Treating idiopathic epilepsy is
  Burke recalls hearing someone say    Rottweilers rank as the fourth most     basically trial and error since it is
early in Dice’s treatment journey      common breed to die from epilepsy.      not known what causes the seizures,”
that Rottweilers are predisposed to    (See “Swedish Epidemiological Studies   Burke says. “In the beginning, I want-
idiopathic epilepsy, something she     Find Epilepsy Is Common in Rott-        ed to put a bubble around Dice, but
had never heard.                       weilers” above.)                        now I want him to enjoy life and to
  Although breed prevalence has          Dice had a mild breakthrough          keep doing the things he loves. It’s
not been studied extensively in the    seizure last October even with his      easy to feel like it’s your fault your
U.S., an epidemiological study in      regular doses of phenobarbital,         dog has seizures, but you shouldn’t
Sweden found that Rottweilers          followed by another one a couple        be too hard on yourself.”
have an epilepsy incidence rate of     of weeks later in early November.         Lisa Wingerter of Evansville, Indiana,
24.3 cases per 10,000 dog-years-       A second antiseizure drug, leveti-      blamed herself when her first Rott-
at-risk (DYAR) based on insurance      racetam (Keppra®), was prescribed.      weiler, “Pagan,” a female, had a seizure
data from 1995 to 2006 compared        Since then, two more mild seizures      in 1992 at age 4 following spay sur-

ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

                                                                                                                   PHOTO: LISA CLARE
Purina and the AKC
Canine Health Foundation
                           “Pagan,” a female Rottweiler, was treated for idiopathic epilepsy starting at 4 years
have worked together       of age until she died from cancer five years later.

since 1997 to support      gery. “I thought I had brought her          magnetic resonance imaging and/
                           home too soon after the surgery,”           or cerebrospinal analysis may be
canine health research     she says.                                   used to rule out a brain tumor or
                             Heavily medicated on phenobarbital,       other structural abnormalities.
to benefit all dogs.       Pagan could hardly function and                Idiopathic epileptic dogs may
                           Wingerter had no choice than to             likely have a genetic predisposition,
                           stop taking her to obedience shows.         and environmental factors may play a
                           “Adding potassium bromide and               role in their disease. Seizures occur
                           reducing phenobarbital made all             when abnormal brain functioning
                           the difference,” she says. “After a         causes excessive or synchronous
                           couple of years working with my             neuronal activity that goes beyond
                           veterinarian, the seizures stopped          a normal threshold. Affected dogs
                           almost completely and Pagan started         require lifelong antiseizure drug
                           traveling with me again. The experi-        therapy, though the drugs don’t
                           ence is vivid even today though it’s        generally eliminate all seizures. There
                           been 30 years. Pagan died at age 9          is no “one size fits all” protocol, thus
                           not from epilepsy but from cancer.”         it takes time and experimentation
                                                                       to find the right combination and
                           EPILEPSY INITIATIVE                         dosage for individual dogs.
                           PRIORITIZES RESEARCH                           Epilepsy is the most common
                              Idiopathic epilepsy affects about        canine neurologic disorder and is
                           three-fourths of epileptic dogs, of         ranked as one of the top health
                           which 20 to 30 percent are refractory,      concerns of dog breeders and owners.
                           or resistant, to antiseizure drugs. A       They worry about the impact of
                           veterinarian diagnoses idiopathic           seizure frequency and severity on a
                           epilepsy after ruling out other brain       dog’s quality of life, the side effects
                           diseases that can cause seizures.           of antiseizure drugs and a potentially
                           Bloodwork is typically performed            shortened life span.
                           first to evaluate a dog’s complete             In 2017, the AKC Canine Health
                           blood count, chemistry profile and          Foundation began its Epilepsy
                           bile acid levels for signs of organ         Research Initiative to focus on better
                           dysfunction. If these are normal,           understanding epilepsy and support-

ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

ing investigations of more effective             Types of seizures seen in dogs are       says. “Currently, it is unknown which
treatments. Altogether since its              generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS),   antiseizure drug is more appropriate
beginning in 1995, the Foundation             and non-generalized tonic-clonic            for which type of seizure in dogs.”
has invested more than $2.8 million           seizures (non-GTCS). A GTCS seizure
in support of 42 grants. In 2021,             affects the whole brain and causes          FUNCTIONAL MRI MAY
more than $375,000 was invested               stiffening of the body (the tonic part),    EXPLAIN PHYSIOLOGY
in epilepsy studies.                          making a dog fall to the ground, and        OF EPILEPSY
  Darin Collins, DVM, CEO of the              convulsing, or rhythmic jerking of             A new three-year study at North
Foundation, says, “Epilepsy is a              the face and limbs (the clonic part).       Carolina State University aims to
complex disease that affects pure-            A non-GTCS seizure may be focal in          better understand what causes
bred dogs and mixed breeds. It is             nature affecting one-half or a small        idiopathic epileptic seizures in dogs
frustrating that many dogs’ seizures          part of the brain and causing altered       using functional magnetic resonance
remain uncontrolled using the ther-           awareness, such as a glassy or frozen       imaging (fMRI) to evaluate brain
apies available today. We believe             look, and/or affect the whole brain         activity and measure small changes
that the research the Foundation is           causing the tonic-clonic aspects of         in blood flow associated with increased
funding with support from donors              a GTCS seizure.                             energy demand. The study will include
and parent clubs will lead to inno-              Dr. James explains that in veterinary    10 epileptic dogs not receiving anti-
vative approaches to deal with this           medicine dogs are largely diagnosed         seizure drugs and 10 neurologically
common disorder.”                             with epilepsy based on their owners’        normal dogs.
  Here are highlights of three studies        report of seizures and then prescribed         Lead investigator Karen Muñana,
that are part of the 2021 portfolio and       antiseizure drugs in a standard of care     DVM, MS, DACVIM (Neurology),
an ongoing study.                             order. This is unlike human epilepsy        professor of neurology, says, “We
                                              standard of care where antiseizure          hypothesize that these dogs with
A ‘REAL-TIME’ TEST TO                         drugs are prescribed based on the           idiopathic epilepsy have alterations
UNDERSTAND SEIZURES                           seizure type.                               in the functional connectivity of the
   The oftentimes mismatch between               Inconsistencies between owners’          brain. Our goal is to better understand
the type of seizure a dog with epilepsy       subjective descriptions of their dogs’      idiopathic epilepsy and potentially
has and the antiseizure drug used             seizure episodes and results from           develop more effective treatment
to treat the disease has prompted             objective EEG testing create an             strategies.”
a study just begun at the University          underreporting phenomenon, partic-             Whereas conventional MRI produces
of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Lead            ularly related to non-GTCS episodes,        imagery of the anatomy of the brain
investigator Fiona James, DVM, DVSc,          says Dr. James, citing a study she led      revealing structural abnormalities,
DACVIM (Neurology), associate                 that was published in July 2021 in the      fMRI captures information about the
professor, is using electroencepha-           Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.    brain’s activity. “Task-based fMRI is
lography (EEG), a technology that                “We want to confirm the under-           used widely in human medicine,”
evaluates brain function, to record           reporting phenomenon and learn              Dr. Muñana explains. “While an indi-
the electrical activity of the brain of       how this impacts antiseizure drug           vidual performs a task, he is being
affected dogs and aid in determin-            therapy,” she says. “Our previous data      scanned to identify the correspond-
ing the frequency of seizures and             suggests that if antiseizure drugs          ing regions of the brain that are
effectiveness of antiseizure drugs.           make GTCS seizures more mild, they          involved. Although task-based fMRI
   The four-year study will evaluate          could become non-GTCS seizures.             has been used in dogs, it is challeng-
EEG recordings along with synchro-            Owners may then undercount seizures,        ing because awake dogs must lie still
nized video of about 160 dogs. “EEG           which could mean we are overestimat-        while unrestrained in the scanner as
is the only real-time test that can confirm   ing the efficacy of antiseizure drugs       images are acquired.
and classify different types of seizures      when we evaluate them without EEG.”            “An alternative known as resting
because it picks up the pattern of               The ultimate goal of the study is to     state fMRI can help identify structur-
electrical charge in a large population       move the standard of care for vet-          ally distinct but functionally related
of neurons,” Dr. James says. “Using           erinary epilepsy patients closer to         brain regions that are captured with
the EEG with synchronized video we            human epilepsy standard of care.            dogs in the resting state while under
can compare the patterns and frequen-         “Identifying the best antiseizure drugs     anesthesia,” she continues. “Resting
cy of seizures with the dog’s physical        to use with particular seizure types        state fMRI allows us to study the
manifestation and then evaluate the           in dogs potentially will lead to more       functional architecture of the brain
antiseizure drug therapy.”                    accurate seizure control,” Dr. James        by detecting spontaneous fluctuations

ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

                                             in the brain’s blood flow. These          become a powerful tool for investigating
                                             fluctuations can be analyzed for          the underlying cause of epilepsy in
                                             synchrony to identify anatomically        humans.
                                             distinct but functionally connected         “It holds similar promise in studying
                                             regions of the brain known as rest-       the disease in dogs,” says Dr. Muñana.
                                             ing state networks (RSNs).”
                                                In humans with epilepsy, alterations   CBD AS AN ADJUNCT
                                             in RSNs are associated with disease       DRUG THERAPY FOR
                                             progression, severity and treatment       EPILEPTIC DOGS
                                             response. Thus, resting state fMRI has       A study showing the effectiveness
                                                                                       of cannabidiol (CBD) to significantly
                                                                                       reduce seizures in idiopathic epileptic
    OWNERS OF ROTTWEILERS CAN HELP ADVANCE                                             dogs that were also being treated
    EPILEPSY RESEARCH                                                                  with antiseizure drugs led to a new
    Rottweiler owners are encouraged to participate in research that is part of        study underway at Colorado State
    the AKC Canine Health Foundation’s Epilepsy Research Initiative. Here              University. The latest study focuses
    is information about how to participate in the studies featured in this article.   on learning the amount of an effective
    • EEG & Video Study at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada:                dose of oral CBD that will reduce
        Recordings of 160 dogs will help to advance the accuracy of epilepsy           monthly seizure activity by 50 percent
        diagnosis and best therapies for seizure control. Contact Dr. Fiona            or more when added to standard
        James at or by calling 519-823-8830.                      antiseizure drug therapy.
    • fMRI study at North Carolina State University: Evaluations of 10 epileptic          “Epilepsy is a violent, emotional and
        dogs not receiving antiseizure drugs and 10 neurologically normal              devastating disease,” says Stephanie
        dogs. Contact Julie Nettifee at or by calling 919-           McGrath, DVM, MS, associate pro-
        513-6812.                                                                      fessor, who leads the study. “The
    • CBD study at Colorado State University: Assessing dose protocol and              worst part is that in many dogs we
        efficacy in idiopathic epileptic dogs. Contact Dr. Stephanie McGrath           are not successful in treating this
        at or by calling 970-297-5000.                 disease or their quality of life is not
    • Gut dysbiosis study at North Carolina State University: Evaluations of           good. Sometimes we are successful
        fecal samples of 100 pairs of housemate                                        controlling seizures, but dogs must
        dogs in which one is epileptic and the                                         be euthanized due to the medication
        other is unaffected: Contact Julie Nettifee at                                 side effects. Alternative therapies are or by calling 919-513-6812.                                  desperately needed.”
                                                                                          The potential benefits of oral CBD,
                                                                                       a cannabis-derived product made from
                                                                                       hemp that does not contain THC, the
                                                                                       psychoactive compound in cannabis
                                                                                       producing a high sensation, validates
                                                                                       its use in clinical trials to assess its
                                                                                       safety and efficacy and learn about
                                                                                       safe dosages. Although not yet approved
                                                                                       by the Food and Drug Administration
                                                                                       for use in veterinary medicine, CBD
                                                                                       is prescribed for humans as an adjunct
                                                                                       therapy for many diseases and for
                                                                                       pain management.
                                                                                          Enrolled dogs in this study will
                                                                                       participate for three months during
                                                                                       which three doses of CBD will be
                                                                                       evaluated to learn which is most
                                                                                       effective. Dogs will first receive milli-
                                                                                       grams of oral CBD per kilogram of
                                                                                       body weight every 12 hours, then

ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

5 milligrams per kilogram of body              The four-year study aims to better       cally found in the GI tract of humans,
weight and finally 10 milligrams per        understand refractory epilepsy in           are believed to have a beneficial
kilogram of body weight. Participants       which 20 to 30 percent of dogs are          effect. Although not yet linked to
will be rechecked at four-week intervals.   resistant to antiseizure medications.       epilepsy, a decrease in Lactobacillus
   “We need to home in on the appro-        Molecular genetic analysis, a method        populations is believed to contribute
priate dose for individual dogs, as it      called 16S gene amplicon sequencing,        to the development of human
likely varies by age, seizure frequency     is being performed on fecal samples         neurologic diseases such as anxiety
and breed,” Dr. McGrath says. “Candi-       from the pairs of housemate dogs to         and depression, autism spectrum
dates for this study are dogs having        learn about differences in specific         disorders, multiple sclerosis, and
two or more idiopathic epileptic            bacterial populations of epileptic          Alzheimer’s disease.”
seizures a month for a minimum of           dogs and the control dogs.                    The study will aid understanding
12 weeks after being treated with a            Participating dogs not only must         of the complex signaling between
least one antiseizure drug. Participants    live in the same household, they also       the GI tract and the nervous system
will undergo a complete seizure             must be fed the same diet. “By com-         — the microbiota-gut-brain axis. “Our
workup that includes a neurological         paring results from pairs of dogs           hope is that this study will advance
examination, bloodwork, brain MRI,          within the same household that are          understanding of epilepsy and drug
and cerebrospinal fluid analysis.”          fed the same diet, we aim to minimize       resistance and guide the development
   Besides determining CBD dosage           the effects of diet and environment,        of improved seizure control for dogs
protocol, Dr. McGrath says this study       which have been shown to have an            with epilepsy,” she says.
will continue evaluating the safety         effect on the composition of the gut          Collectively, these investigations that
and tolerability of CBD in dogs with        microbiome,” Dr. Muñana says. “This         are part of the Epilepsy Research
idiopathic epilepsy. “CBD has the           will provide a more accurate analysis       Initiative offer promise of better un-
potential to improve the quality and        of differences in the gut microbiome        derstanding this frustrating disease.
length of life for dogs with uncon-         that may be due to epilepsy itself.”        Dice, the Rottweiler male who first
trolled epilepsy while adding a                The hypothesis is that dogs with         experienced idiopathic epileptic
much-needed tool for veterinarians          idiopathic epilepsy have alterations        seizures last May, may one day ben-
treating canine epilepsy,” she says.        in intestinal bacteria. “We want to         efit from new treatments that come
                                            determine if dogs with idiopathic           from these studies.
STUDYING GUT DYSBIOSIS                      epilepsy have shifts in their gut             Meanwhile, his owner, Raquel Burke,
IN EPILEPSY                                 microbial populations such as the           says, “We’ve been diligent about the
  A disruption of the delicate balance      presence of Helicobacter and a              timing of Dice’s medications and
of the gut microbiota, known as gut         decrease in Lactobacillus that result       monitoring his seizures. We have a
dysbiosis, could play a role in canine      in inflammation associated with             camera that captures his movements
idiopathic epilepsy. A study of 100         epilepsy,” says Dr. Muñana.                 so we can show video recordings of
pairs of dogs living in the same               A common organism in the human           his seizures to our veterinarians.
household — an epileptic dog that is        gastrointestinal tract, Helicobacter          “Dice is a lover boy who has never
untreated or treated with the antiseizure   in most cases does not cause clinical       met a stranger. He loves to sit and be
drug phenobarbital and an unaffected        disease. When clinical signs are            petted. I do barn hunt and trick dog
dog — aims to learn if there are differ-    present with H. pylori, they most           with him. Most importantly, I’ve
ences in the gut microbiome linked          often cause stomach disease. In             learned to let him enjoy life and
to idiopathic epilepsy.                     addition, in some people infection          take it a day at a time as is best
  Dr. Muñana of North Carolina State        with H. pylori has been linked to the       with canine idiopathic epilepsy.” n
University, the lead investigator, says,    development of neurologic disorders,
“We believe there is an important           including Alzheimer’s disease, multiple
                                                                                         Purina thanks the Rottweiler Health
interaction between the GI tract and        sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and
                                                                                         Foundation, particularly president
the brain that is vital for maintaining     ischemic stroke. It is also believed that
                                                                                         Roberta Kelley-Martin, for helping
normal homeostasis of the nervous           H. pylori may play a role in epilepsy.
                                                                                         us to identify this topic for the
system and that can influence a dog’s          Meanwhile, Dr. Muñana says, “Lacto-
                                                                                         Rottweiler Update.
susceptibility to epilepsy.”                bacillus organisms, which also are typi-

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ROTTWEILERUpdate - IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY Studies Focus on Etiology & More Effective Treatments - AKC Canine Health Foundation

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