Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...

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Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...

                                                     VOLUME 87
                                                     ISSUE 2
                                                     OCTOBER 2012

Introducing Our New Website!

                                                     the Site

                                                     Even More

                                                     Top Ten
                                                     New Features
Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...
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Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...
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Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...
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Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...

In this Issue
           : Volume 87 : Issue 2 : OCTOBEr 2012

From the Cover                                          Inside
20   Introducing Our New Website                        4    From the Editor
                                                        5    2012-13 Topics
Features                                                32   Academic All Americans
8    2013-14 Policy Debate Topic Synopsis               42   Diamond Coach
14   Strong Federal Investment in Transportation:            Recognition
     Why We Can’t Wait  by Joung Lee                    49   Donus D. Roberts Quad
29   Pi Kappa Delta at 100                                   Ruby Coach Recognition
38   Gaining an Understanding of                        50   Coach Profile:
     Online Interp Source Rules                              Jeffrey Miller
                                                        86   NDCA Coaches' Corner
Year in Review                                               by Aarron Schurevich

53   Century Society Report
54   Point Leaders
58   State All Americans
66   Largest Schools
67   Largest Number of New Degrees
68   Chapter Honor Societies
75   Charter Chapter Report
84   New Degrees Summary

                               Have you registered for the IPPF yet?
                                                    See page 13 for details!

                                                                 Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 3
Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...
From the Editor                                                                                                   Board of Directors
                                                                                                                      Don Crabtree, President
                                                                                                                      Park Hill High School
    Dear National Forensic League,                                                                                    1909 6th Avenue
                                                                                                                      St. Joseph, MO 64505
    This issue of Rostrum is filled with several important                                                            (816) 261-2661
    updates. In September, we debuted our new website,                                                       Within these pages, we                                                            Kandi King
    are pleased to give you an in-depth tour of the site’s new                                                        6058 Gaelic
    features—along with the rich variety of additional programs                                                       San Antonio, TX 78240
                                                                                                                      (210) 641-6761
    and services now available to our members, alumni, parents,                                             
    and supporters.
                                                                                                                      Pam Cady Wycoff
    This month, we also celebrate the many accomplishments of our students                                            Apple Valley High School
    and coaches from the past school year, including our inaugural list of State All                                  14450 Hayes Road
                                                                                                                      Apple Valley, MN 55124-6796
    Americans, recognizing the top 1% of point earners in each state. Congratulations                                 (952) 431-8200
    on outstanding season! By continuing to enter points and track your progress                            
    through our online Honor Society Records, you are sparking legacy. In the coming
    months, we are committed to finding even more ways to recognize our members                                       Tommie Lindsey, Jr.
                                                                                                                      James Logan High School
    and advocate the power of speech and debate.                                                                      1800 H Street
                                                                                                                      Union City, CA 94587
    We look forward to hearing your feedback about our new website and other                                          (510) 471-2520, Ext. 4408
    initiatives so that we may better serve you. To share your thoughts and ideas,                          
    please email
                                                                                                                      Pamela K. McComas
                                                                                                                      Topeka High School
    Sincerely,                                                                                                        800 W. 10th
                                                                                                                      Topeka, KS 66612-1687
                                                                                                                      (785) 295-3226
    J. Scott Wunn                                                                                                     Timothy E. Sheaff
    Executive Director                                                                                                Dowling Catholic High School
                                                                                                                      1400 Buffalo Road
                                                                                                                      West Des Moines, IA 50265
                                                                                                                      (515) 222-1035

    Powering speech.                                                                                                  Bro. Kevin Dalmasse, FSC, Admin Rep
                                                                                                                      Pittsburgh Central Catholic High School
       Launching leaders.                                                                                             4720 Fifth Avenue
                                                                                                                      Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2952
                                                                                                                      (215) 514-2859

    Rostrum                                                                                                           David Huston
                                                                                                                      Colleyville Heritage High School
    A PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE                                                                     5401 Heritage Avenue
    125 Watson Street | PO Box 38 | Ripon, WI 54971-0038 | Phone (920) 748-6206 | Fax (920) 748-9478                  Colleyville, TX 76034
                                                                                                                      (817) 305-4700, Ext. 214
    J. Scott Wunn, Editor and Publisher                            SUBSCRIPTION PRICES
                                                                                                                      Steven Schappaugh
                                                                   Individuals:                                       University School
    Vicki Pape, Assistant Editor                                   $10 for one year  |  $15 for two years             Epstein Center for the Arts
                                                                                                                      3375 SW 75th Ave
                                                                   Member Schools:                                    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314-0000
    Emily Hoffman, Graphic Design Assistant                        $5 for each additional subscription                (954) 262-4409
    (USPS 471-180)  (ISSN 1073-5526)
                                                                                                                      James W. “Jay” Rye, III, Alternate
    Rostrum is published monthly (except June-August) by the National Forensic League, 125 Watson Street, PO Box
                                                                                                                      The Montgomery Academy
    38, Ripon, WI 54971-0038. Periodical postage paid at Ripon, WI 54971. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the     3240 Vaughn Road
    above address.                                                                                                    Montgomery, AL 36106
    Rostrum provides a forum for the forensic community. The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and     (334) 272-8210
    not necessarily the opinions of the League, its officers, or its members. The National Forensic League does not
    guarantee advertised products and services unless sold directly by the League.

4    Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012
Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...

Topics                                Topic Release Information
                                      Lincoln-Douglas Topic Release Dates
                                      August 15     September-October Topic
Public Forum Debate
                                      October 1     November-December Topic
Resolved: Developed countries
                                      December 1    January-February Topic
have a moral obligation to mitigate
                                      February 1    March-April Topic
the effects of climate change.
                                      May 1         National Tournament Topic

                                      Public Forum Topic Release Dates
                                      August 15     September Topic
September / October 2012
                                      September 1   October Topic
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Resolved: The United States           October 1     November Topic

ought to extend to non-citizens       November 1    December Topic

accused of terrorism the same         December 1    January Topic

constitutional due process            January 1     February Topic

protections it grants to citizens.    February 1    March Topic
                                      March 1       April Topic
                                      May 1         National Tournament Topic

2012-13                               2013-14 Policy Debate Topic Voting
Policy Debate                         •    Topic synopsis printed in the October Rostrum
Resolved: The United States federal   •    Final vote to occur online in December
government should substantially       •    Topic for 2013-14 released in the February Rostrum
increase its transportation
                                      Other topics are available by visiting us online at
infrastructure investment in the
United States.

                                      Vote Online for 2013-14
2012-13 PARTNER CONTEST               Policy Debate Resolutions
International Public Policy Forum     Chapter advisors may vote online for the 2013-14 Policy Debate
                                      topic areas until 4 p.m. CDT on October 19, 2012. To vote, rank
Resolved: Adaptation should be the    your preferences for the topic areas 1 (best) though 5. The two
most urgent response to climate       areas receiving the lowest totals will be placed on the second
change.                               ballot to select the 2013-14 debate topic. Only chapter advisors are
                                      permitted to vote. You will be required to log in to vote. To log
                                      in, visit » Enter Points, then select
                                      Policy Topic Selection from the left side menu.

                                      Questions? Email us at

                                                                                       Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 5
Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...

                                                             Western Kentucky University

                                        Austin Groves,
                                        class of 2015 and
                                        Lindsey White,
                                        class of 2014.

To the University, Forensics is an opportunity to demonstrate academic excellence,
to excel in competition of the intellect, and to extend the academic atmosphere.
To the student, Forensics is an opportunity to cultivate life-long friendships, travel
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     The WKU SUMMER FORENSIC INSTITUTE will be held July 7-13, 2013!

  Jace Lux; WKU Forensics; 1906 College Heights Blvd. #51084; Bowling Green, KY 42101-1084
                       email: phone: 270-745-6340
Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...
West Coast Publishing
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           Go to
           More Info, Previews, Online & Printable Order Form at the Website
Rostrum V O LU M E 87 - Introducing Our New Website! INSIDE: National Speech & Debate ...
Policy Debate:
        Synopsis of the Problem
        Areas for 2013-14

        I                                             technology sector. Furthermore,
                                                      the topic offers debaters the opportunity     II
                                                      to investigate a unique foreign policy tool
              PROBLEM AREA I:                         which has been debated only in small                 PROBLEM AREA II:
             EXPORT CONTROLS                          areas of past topics. Affirmatives would                 INDIA
                                                      have opportunities to investigate the
                                                      role U.S. technology plays in international
          Resolved: The United States                                                                 Resolved: The United States
                                                      terrorism, proliferation, security, and
          federal government should                   human rights issues. For example they
                                                                                                       federal government should
          substantially strengthen its                could strengthen controls on computers             substantially increase its
          export controls on military                 and microprocessors to China or Taiwan             diplomatic engagement
         and/or dual-use technology                   to prevent missile proliferation. Another       toward India in one or more
          toward one or more of the                   affirmative case area could reverse the        of the following: nuclear non-
         following: China, India, Israel,             U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement to          proliferation, trade, terrorism.
                                                      prevent the transfer of U.S. nuclear
                Russia, Taiwan.
                                                      technology to India. Affirmatives could
                                                      also stop all current or future arms sales
                                                      to Israel. Negatives would have the              The region of South Asia has become
            In an era where both domestic and         ability to highlight the impacts of export    one of primary focus for American
        international technology transfers are        controls on trade, international relations,   lawmakers. Anchoring the region is India, a
                                                      immigration, and domestic technological       nation with a complex history of relations
        becoming necessary for a variety of
                                                      competitiveness. For example, negative        with the United States. There is no doubt
        reasons, many continue to inquire if
                                                      teams would have ample ground to read         of the strategic importance of India in the
        current export controls are adequate to
                                                      relations disadvantages to each of the        global order. India ranks second highest in
        protect U.S. technology from misuse.
                                                                                                    global population with just over 1.1 billion
        The U.S. faces many challenges in export      countries listed in the topic, or negatives
                                                                                                    people and is expected to overtake China
        control policy including threats from         could read a business confidence
                                                                                                    for having the world's largest population
        nations that illegally acquire technology.    disadvantage. Negatives would have
                                                                                                    by the year 2050. Combined with having
        A fair division of ground exists in the       access to counterplans on alternate export    one of the largest economies in the world
        literature base between those who want        control mechanisms like sanctions or quid-    and a place among the nuclear powers,
        to prioritize security concerns and protect   pro-quo mechanisms. Solvency debates          India has staked its claim as a rising global
        technology and those who want to reduce       will also be diverse on both the type of      power. In November 2010, President
        export controls to stimulate growth in the    technologies and the types of controls.       Obama stated, “India is not simply

8   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012

Cast Your Vote Online!
Chapter advisors may vote online for the 2012-13 Policy Debate topic areas until 4 p.m. CDT on October 19,
2012. To vote, rank your preferences for the topic areas 1 (best) though 5. The two areas receiving the lowest
totals will be placed on the second ballot to select the 2013-14 debate topic. Only chapter advisors are
permitted to vote. You will be required to log in to vote. To log in, visit »
Enter Points, then select Policy Topic Selection from the left side menu.

emerging. India has emerged.”
Despite its importance on the global
                                               III                                             power shift back to the Institutional
                                                                                               Revolutionary Party, which had run the
stage, India has eluded the national                                                           country as effectively a single-party
high school debate community as a
                                                      PROBLEM AREA III:
                                                                                               state for seven decades. Because of the
primary topic of discussion. This resolution           LATIN AMERICA                           prevalence of Mexico in the news and
focuses high school debaters on three                                                          Cuba in the study of American history,
important areas that emphasize foreign                                                         novice debaters should be able to make
policy interactions between the United
                                                  Resolved: The United States
                                                                                               their entry into the topic relatively
States and India: nuclear non-proliferation,      federal government should                    easily, while issues related to indigenous
terrorism, and trade. The India topic               substantially increase its                 peoples and deeper discussions of
provides a rich and extensive literature             economic engagement                       capitalism will provide fertile educational
base. Affirmatives will have an ample set of
                                                   toward Cuba, Mexico, or                     ground for advanced and kritik-oriented
plan mechanisms to choose from including                                                       debaters. Affirmative cases may examine
persuading India to join international                     Venezuela.
                                                                                               the role of embargoes and sanctions,
nonproliferation regimes, negotiating a                                                        remittances from immigrants, foreign
bilateral investment treaty, and further                                                       assistance, and issues regarding the drug
negotiations on the development of joint                                                       economies. Negative arguments may
U.S.-India counterterrorism efforts in              Emerging from a 19th century
                                                                                               address the efficacy of foreign assistance,
the region. Negative teams will also find       dominated by European colonialism and
                                                                                               non-economically oriented solutions to
their ground to be extensive. Aside from        a late 20th-century existence as a proxy
                                                                                               issues raised by the affirmative, kritiks
traditional disadvantage ground, such           battlefield for the Cold War, Latin America
                                                                                               of capitalism, the state and the United
as politics and spending disadvantages,         is arriving on the world scene in ways that
                                                                                               States specifically, and the effects of these
a negative will find plenty of ground in        are likely to reshape the international
                                                                                               policies on United States hegemony.
China's reaction to the affirmative plan.       political landscape. This resolution focuses
Furthering United States engagement             on the nations of Cuba, Mexico, and

                                                                                               VO TE
with India will certainly implicate U.S.-       Venezuela, each having its own unique
Sino relations. Negatives can also engage       dynamic which provides fertile ground
in counterplan debates that are more            for a year of debating. Cuba features a
coercive approaches to pressure India than      long-standing leftist government that will
through diplomatic engagement. Solvency         undergo a transition in the not too distant
debates will be extensive and diverse as        future, while Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is
negative teams will be able to generate         fighting to hold onto power in his country.
in-depth arguments on the type of               Mexico has a long-standing relationship
                                                                                                           online no later than
engagement the affirmative advocates.           with the United States but has seen a                      October 19, 2012

                                                                                                                     Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 9
IV                                               nations equally important. History proves
                                                        that engagement is achievable but is
                                                        not without its challenges. Affirmative
                                                                                                        zero-sum game for influence between
                                                                                                        those two powers. Southeast Asia is “the
                                                                                                        third engine” for Asian growth, already
              PROBLEM AREA IV:                          positions may include: reduction(s)             surpassing Europe as the U.S.'s trading
                                                        in tactical nuclear weapons, greater            partner, and has multiple nations with
                  RUSSIA                                reduction(s) in strategic nuclear arms,         projected economic growth greater
                                                        reduction(s) in ICBMs, confidence-building      than that of India or China. However,
                                                        measures to de-militarize the expansion of      the region is rife with sweatshops, sex
          Resolved: The United States
                                                        NATO along Russia's borders, commitment         trafficking, piracy, terrorism, pollution,
          federal government should                     not to build or direct military installations   energy shortages, and political corruption.
            substantially increase its                  near Russian borders or strategic forces,       The Congressional Research Service
            engagement toward the                       trade agreement focused on energy and           identifies U.S. interests in the region as
                                                                                                        promoting stability, ensuring freedom of
           Russian Federation in one                    non-energy sectors, bilateral investment
                                                        treaty. Negative positions may focus            sea lanes, enhancing trade and investment,
           or more of the following:                                                                    supporting treaty allies, and promoting
                                                        on: weakened deterrence and military
            nuclear arms reduction,                     readiness, perception of appeasement,           democracy/human rights in the region.
          missile defense cooperation,                  effect on Putin's and Obama's credibility,      Recent events such as standoffs in the
            trade barrier reduction.                    NATO cohesion, democracy promotion,             Spratley Islands and the South China Sea
                                                        pressure on human rights abuses, critical       have left U.S. allies wondering if the U.S.
                                                        analyses of international relations.            has abandoned them to be absorbed
                                                                                                        into China's growing hegemonic sphere.

                                                                                                        Affirmative military positions could
            The United States' relationship with
                                                                                                        increase the presence of troops, bases, or
        Russia is of strategic importance, both in
                                                                                                        technology in the region to combat piracy,
        terms of national security and economic
                                                                                                        project power, or train local forces for
        stability. Despite this significance,
        Stephen Cohen, professor of Russian                    PROBLEM AREA V:                          challenges such as terrorism. Affirmative
                                                                                                        plans promoting economic engagement
        studies at NYU, writes: “And yet, in the               SOUTHEAST ASIA                           could advocate increasing development
        United States, there is virtually no critical
                                                                                                        aid or expanding opportunities for trade
        discussion, certainly no debate, about                                                          and economic growth. China is a key
        American policy toward Russia.” Russia has        Resolved: The United States
                                                                                                        position for negative teams because it
        remained on the periphery of debates              federal government should                     views U.S. involvement as an expansion of
        in recent years, but a more in-depth                substantially increase its                  the containment doctrine; even increased
        evaluation focused on the three core
        issues facing the two superpowers would
                                                           military presence and/or                     economic engagement would jeopardize
                                                                                                        the region's trade with China. In the
        be timely and educational: nuclear arms            economic engagement in
                                                                                                        past, U.S. engagement has emboldened
        reduction, missile defense cooperation, and             Southeast Asia.                         local nations in their dealings with China,
        trade barrier reduction. In a post-Cold War                                                     creating incidents that have heightened
        world, military concerns are still of vital                                                     the chance for war. Development
        importance but encompass more than the                                                          disadvantages, international relations
        security of the world's two largest nuclear        President Obama's “Asian Pivot” put          arguments, the interaction between
        arsenals. Additionally, increasing economic     the U.S. back in Southeast Asia, a region       economic growth and environmental
        interdependence coupled with Russia's           that China views as its sphere of influence.    decay, local corruption/misuse of aid and
        accession to the World Trade Organization       Professor Donald Weatherbee, an expert          actor arguments, all serve to make the
        make trade relations between the two            on the region, identifies this area as a        topic extremely balanced for debate.

                            For online voting instructions, see page 9.

10   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012
Looking for college

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American Legion Oratorical Contest
As part of the National Forensic League and American Legion
partnership, the top three finishers from the Legion's National
Oratorical Contest may earn a berth in Original Oratory or U.S.
Extemporaneous Speaking at the National Forensic League National
Tournament. The first place finisher is awarded an $18,000 scholarship,
second place $16,000, and third place $14,000. The scholarships may be
used at any college or university in the United States.

  Want to get involved? Follow these simple steps!

   •   Visit to learn more.
   • Click “Request Information” or contact
     your state's American Legion Department
     to learn when the first contest will be.

   • Also click on “Assigned Topics” to learn
     the extemporaneous topic areas.

   • Prepare your original oration on some aspect of
     the Constitution with emphasis on the duties
     and obligations of a citizen to our government.                      Rebecca Frazer, 2012 National Champion

     Register today at:
Strong Federal Investment
        in Transportation:
        Why We Can’t Wait

                          by Joung Lee
                                                         hen was the last time          let alone improve their conditions and
                                                         you thought about how          performance. For example, a recent
                                                         the road on which you’re       Congressionally-chartered commission
                                         traveling was built? Or have you ever          (report available on
                                         thought about how much it would cost           noted that in order to meet increasing
                                         to build a mile of a subway line? You          demands and to underpin strong
                                         probably haven’t had to think about            economic growth, the United States must
                                         these things because you and your              invest at least $225 billion every year for
                                         family have generally been able to get to      the next 50 years. But right now, we’re
                                         wherever you want, whenever you want.          investing $90 billion, or about 40 percent
                                         To a large extent, this kind of experience     of the amount of resources necessary.
                                         has been enabled by consistently               When it comes to infrastructure
                                         robust investments in transportation           investments, the consequence of inaction
                                         infrastructure throughout our history.         can seem unnoticeable at first. But like
                                         Perhaps, providing a transportation            the proverbial frog in a gradually heating
                                         system, on which all people and goods          pot that slowly meets its end, continued
                                         rely, is akin to being a referee at a sports   accretion of all the problems attendant
                                         match—as long as the ref doesn’t make          with lack of transportation investment—
                                         an erroneous call, he or she will go           more potholes, more congestion, more
                                         unnoticed. In other words, like when all       unsafe bridges, more broken buses and
                                         the right calls are made in a game, there is   trains—is a sure recipe for declines in
                                         little acknowledgement or appreciation—        economic strength and quality of life in
                                         just like when highway bridges withstand       the U.S.
                                         cold and hot weather for decades, when              In recent years, the federal investment
                                         years go without a single plane crash, or      in highway and transit has declined,
                                         when trains and trucks deliver millions of     amounting to less than 1.5 percent of the
                                         online merchandise order on time.              gross domestic product. (While China’s
                                              Increasingly, however, this critical      economy is less mature and therefore
                                         element of the daily American life—            provides an imperfect measuring stick,
                                         the historically unparalleled access           its infrastructure spending in 2006 was
                                         to mobility—is under threat from               a staggering nine percent of its GDP.)
                                         our collective inability to make the           In fact, the U.S. now ranks 24th on key
                                         necessary investments in transportation        global indicators for infrastructure quality
                                         infrastructure to just maintain existing       among 142 countries around the world,
                                         highway, transit, and freight systems,         according to the World Economic Forum’s

14   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012

Global Competitiveness Report for FY           currently amounts to 18.4 cents per            Traveled (VMT) fee. In addition to
2011-12. This is a significant fall from the   gallon. Unlike a sales tax which fluctuates    providing sustainable funding in the long
number eight spot six years prior.             with the price of a good, the gas tax          run, a VMT fee can address a number
    So what can be done to address this        has remained flat since 1993. As a result,     of desirable transportation policy goals,
infrastructure shortfall? This is where the    it has lost 37 percent of its purchasing       such as reducing traffic congestion or
federal government’s leadership comes          power by 2012 due to inflation, while          harmful pollutant emissions, by varying
in. As exemplified by the construction         the cost of building and maintaining           the per-mile charge based on relevant
of the Interstate Highway System in the        transportation infrastructure has risen.       vehicle characteristics (e.g., size, weight,
20th century, there is no other actor in       One obvious solution is to raise this gas      emissions class) or the time and location
either the public or private sector that       tax by 11 cents to bring its purchasing        of travel. This would create financial
can marshal the significant amount of          power back to what it used to be 19 years      incentives to, for example, purchase less
resources necessary throughout the             ago. This action can raise about $15 billion   polluting cars or avoid peak hour travel
entire country to facilitate interstate        in additional revenues every year to help      when possible. The biggest challenge
commerce and movement of people like           shore up our chronic underinvestment in        facing the VMT fee is the lack of political
Uncle Sam. For example, from 1950 to           infrastructure, while costing only about       support for a major transition that would
1989, U.S. industries realized production      $5 in additional expense per vehicle each      be necessary to collect this fee from
cost savings averaging 18 cents annually       month. However, gas tax increase tends         every vehicle (compared to the gas tax
for each dollar invested in the road           to face immense political opposition at        which is already embedded into the
system according to the Federal Highway        both the federal and state levels, and it      fuel price at the pump), and to address
Administration. Such gains in efficiency       cannot be seen as a long-term funding          the public perception that individual
provided every year by highway                 source given that vehicles are relying less    privacy would be comprised under this
transportation coincided with significant      and less on gasoline consumption, while        approach.
gains seen throughout the American             placing the same amount of wear-and-               While there are benefits and
economy during those years.                    tear on our roadways.                          drawbacks to each method of generating
    In terms of paying for federal                 Another option that is starting to         transportation revenue, there is no
investments in transportation, we have         receive more attention is a fee based          shortage of technically feasible options,
historically relied on the gas tax, which      on distance traveled, or a Vehicle Miles       as seen in the table on the next page.

                                                                                                                   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 15
In addition to long-term economic        rates. Rather than paying more later         nation is dependent not only on keeping
        productivity and quality-of-life benefits     for the same amount of labor and             this and other valuable transportation
        that a robust federal transportation          equipment needed to construct and            assets in peak condition, but also
        investment would engender nationwide,         repair roads, rails, and runways, taking     adding significant new system capacity
        the current economic malaise provides         advantage of the low interest rate now       enabled by the federal government. If
        a unique opportunity to get even more         would enable governments to provide          we can realize this goal, it would once
        bang for the buck in two ways. First, the     benefits of infrastructure investment at a   again assure world-class mobility for all
        construction industry was one of the          substantially lower cost to the taxpayer     Americans for decades to come.
        hardest hit sectors in the great recession,   in the long-term.
        with the unemployment rate sitting                Throughout history, America
        at 16.4 percent in 2011, almost double        has always possessed both the
        the national average of 8.9 percent. As       necessary vision and willpower to                 Joung Lee serves as Associate Director
        such, a major transportation investment       make transformative changes for                   for Finance and Business Development
        initiative would significantly aid in         the betterment of its citizens. While             at the American Association of State
                                                                                                        Highway and Transportation Officials
        recovery of a critical industry. Second,      the development of the Interstate                 (AASHTO), where he focuses on surface
        the cost of borrowing by government           System has been one of our crowning               transportation finance, policy, and
        currently remains at historically low         achievements, the future success of the           legislative matters.

16   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012
The Villiger Tournament
The Saint Joseph's University Villiger Speech and Debate Team invites you to its 33rd
Annual High School Speech and Debate Tournament. We offer all NCFL events
including: Declamation, Dramatic Performance, Duo Interpretation, Extemporaneous
Speaking, Oral Interpretation, Original Oratory, Cross Examination Debate, Lincoln
Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, and Congressional Debate.

                      When: November 17 & 18, 2012
                      Where: Saint Joseph's University
                             Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Competitors at the 2011 Villiger Tournament reached deep outrounds all over the
country including finals at the NCFL Grand National Tournament and the NFL
National Tournament.
Villiger offers TOC bids in Extemporaneous Speaking, Quarterfinals of Public Forum,
and Finals of Congressional Debate.
If you have any questions, please contact the 2012 tournament directors:
Margaret Durkin: (215) 805-1976          Laur Fiatoa: (215) 715-9381
Gabrielle Richards: (570) 592-5712       Team Office: (610) 660-1080
Also, if you are interested in College Forensics, Saint Joseph's offers a variety of
scholarship packages for forensics. Please do not hesitate to contact Moderator Robb
DelCasale at

                                                      The Villiger Team hopes
                                                      to see you in November!
Leaders Academy Seeks Teacher in Seoul, South Korea
Job Responsibilities
1) Teach students forensics, social studies, and English. Design and manage curriculum for assigned courses. Emphasis is on debate.
2) Provide differentiated instruction to a variety of abilities and counsel students to find appropriate competitions.
3) Provide in‐depth feedback and guidance to both students and parents about the progress of each student.
4) Will coach students at tournaments, possibly including international tournaments.

Qualifications (must haves)                                                     Contract
1) Bachelor’s degree                                                            1) Year‐long contract starts ASAP
2) Forensics experience & expertise                                             2) Salary based on qualifications; overtime available
3) Passion for teaching & coaching                                              3) Includes flights and housing stipend

Preferences (but not necessary)                                                 Leaders Academy
1) Teaching certificate                                                         Jaesok Building floors 3 & 4,
2) Mock Trial or Moot Court experience                                          908‐1 Daechi, Gangnam, Seoul, Korea
3) Civics or Economics expertise                                                Phone: 82‐2‐562‐9799

Applicants should send CV and cover letter to Include “NFL Recruitment” in the subject heading.

About Leaders Academy
     •    Leaders Academy is one of the oldest and most respected debate academies in Korea.
     •    For the 2012 NFL‐Korea Cup competition, winners of high school Public Forum and Extemporaneous Speaking as well as
          middle school Public Forum Debate and Extemporaneous Speaking were all coached at Leaders Academy.
Cover Story
                 Our New Website

                                                            earning how to find your way        member schools, students, and coaches.
                                                            around a new website always         Resources holds all the different forms,
                                                            takes time. This is especially      manuals, written resources, and videos
                                                  true when it’s a new version of a site        the League has to offer. This includes
                                                  you’ve been using for a while, and that       everything you get with your Team
                                                  site is starting to offer information and     or Individual Resource Package, but
                                                  resources that have never been available      we’ll get into more detail on that later.
                                                  before. That’s what we’ve done with the       Finally, Community is where you can find
                                                  new           League publications, as well as contact
                                                  for the first time, we’re making available    information for both your district
                                                  to our members Team and Individual            leadership and other speech & debate
                                                  Resource Packages that include a wealth       organizations.
                                                  of materials, from debate evidence to             The other main menu that you’re
                                                  Extemp topic analysis, to a searchable        likely to use frequently is About
                                                  script database and final round               Us. That’s the place to find
                                                  videos from our most recent National          information about the
                                                  Tournament.                                   League’s history, the
                                                      But let’s start with a tour of the site   Board of Directors
                                                  itself. On the home page, the first thing     and our staff, how to
                                                  you’ll notice is the navigation bar at the    advocate for speech and
                                                  top. That’s the best way to explore the       debate, and how to contact the
                                                  site. The menu includes four primary          League itself.
                                                  options: High School, Middle School,              Once you click on a primary landing
     Figure 1 – A dark blue crumb trail assists
                                                  Alumni, and About Us.                         page, you can use the links on the left
     with navigation on our new site.
                                                      The High School and Middle School         side of the page to explore further.
                                                  menus both include the same four              Those links change as you get deeper
                                                  options: Get Involved, Recognition,           into the site, but you can always click
                                                  Resources, and Community. Get Involved        on the topmost blue link to return to
                                                  is where you can go to join the League,       a higher level in the site’s navigation.
                                                  find a tournament calendar, and get           There’s also a dark blue “crumb trail”
                                                  information about the District and            (figure 1) under the main menu that both
                                                  National Tournaments. Recognition is          shows you where you are on the site and
                                                  the place to find information about all       can be used to find your way back to
                                                  the different ways in which we recognize      where you started.

20   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012
                        Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 21
That should give you a sense of how
                              the site is put together. But let’s return to
                              the home page, since there are still plenty
                              of features worth mentioning there.
                                  On the left side of the homepage,
                              you’ll see the USER LOGIN box. That’s
                              how you log in to the site and get access
                              to the League’s resources and your
                                  In the middle of the home page,
                              you’ll find a series of yellow links,
                              which provide a quick way to access a
                              number of pages that League members,
                              supporters, and those interested in
                              learning more about us are likely to use.
                                  Just below the yellow bar are news
                              items, featured videos, the latest issue
                              of Rostrum, and information about both
                              the National and District Tournaments.
                              You’ll also see the list of top schools that
                              you’re used to seeing on our website. But
                              there’s now a whole lot more there. Click
                              on Top Competitors, and you’ll see a list
                              of those students with the most points in
                              each of the National Tournament’s main
                              events. Just click on the event for which
                              you’d like that information and give the
                              data a chance to load. There’s also an
                              option to see the students with the most
                              points overall, the contenders for League
                              All American status! Stay tuned as even
                              more information, including rankings of
                              the top students in each state, becomes
                              available here.
                                  Once you start exploring the site,
                              there are also a number of navigation
                              aids that can help keep you from getting
                              lost. At the bottom of every page is a
                              basic site map that can link you to all
                              the primary landing pages under each of
                              the main menu items. There’s also a list
                              of Quick Links that easily takes you to
                              frequently used parts of the site, such as
                              where you go to enter points, the current
                              debate topics, a list of district contacts,
                              and the League’s forms and manuals.
                              There’s even a link to a complete site
                              map, where you can find a link to every
                              single page on the entire site! You’ll also
                              see many of those same links on the
                              right side of many pages, including links
                              to access that complete site map, login,
                              enter points, and the current topics.

22   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012

                                        “In short, the new
                                        has something for everyone.”

    Now let’s talk about what happens         the Register link in the USER LOGIN box    full range of materials available to League
once you actually log in to the site. If      on the home page. But before you do        students and coaches.
you are a coach at a League member            that, you’ll need to get your Student          The first thing you’ll see after logging
school, just use the username and             PIN from your coach, who can access        in is your Dashboard. This is where you’ll
password you use to enter points. Any         that information through the Website       get information just for you. There is
active coach at a member school gets          PIN Codes link in the points site. That    information about your current standing
access to member resources, and any           PIN will allow you to create an account,   in the League, including your current
active coach at a school with a Team          which gives you access to the resources    points and degrees. There are also alerts
Resource Package can access those             available to League members. You can       regarding resources and features that
resources, even if they don’t have            also purchase an Individual Resource       have been added to the site. And this is
permission to enter or edit points.           Package when you sign up for an account.   where you’ll be able to find any pages
Chapter advisors can make sure all their      An annual subscription is just $18 for a   you mark as “favorite” by clicking the
assistants have access to the full range      student at a member school, and $9 for a   heart image in the same blue bar in which
of resources, even if particular assistants   student at a school that has purchased a   you find the crumb trail. Finally, your
shouldn’t be entering points themselves.      Team Resource Package!                     Dashboard is the place to go to edit your
    If you are a student at a League              Everyone else, including parents and   profile, which is where you can purchase
member school, you need to create a           judges, can sign up for a free account     an Individual Resource Package if you
username and password by clicking on          and either get access to a limited range   don’t have one already.
                                              of resources or purchase access to the

                                                                                                             Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 23
Now that you’re logged in, you can         is available the day after each topic is      why that $18 investment is more than
        also access the resources available to you     announced. For Policy, a novice starter       worth it.
        as either a League member or a Resource        file is online, and evidence updates are          Plus, for just $150, a school can
        Package subscriber.                            posted twice each month. For Extemp,          purchase a Team Resource Package. That
            Fortunately, those resources are also      new topic analysis videos and practice        gives all their coaches access to those
        easy to find. Just click on “High School” at   questions are posted every week. For          same great resources, and allows students
        the top of the home page. Then, on the         Interp, we have a fully searchable script     to purchase an Individual Resource
        left side of the page, click “Resources.”      database that will help you find that         Package for just $9! That means your
        From there, you just have to select the        perfect piece. We’ll also be hosting a        team saves money as long as you have
        role that best describes you and then          series of webinars each and every month,      at least one coach and 15 students. With
        the kind of event for which you’d like to      and posting demonstration rounds on           each additional coach, it’s even easier to
        find resources, either speech or debate.       each new debate topic.                        see why spending that $150 makes sense.
        That’s where you’ll see a variety of print         That makes both the Individual and        Moreover, since the Team Resource
        and video materials for those events,          Team Resource Packages an outstanding         Package includes a 50% discount on final
        and where you’ll also have the option          value. For just $18 a year, a member coach    round DVDs, it’s also a great option for
        to further specify what you’re looking         or student gets nine different PF topic       teams that still want to be able to watch
        for, whether it’s only Public Speaking or      analyses, five different LD topic analyses,   those rounds offline.
        Interp event resources, or only those          at least 16 Policy Debate evidence                In short, our new website has
        materials for Public Forum, Lincoln-           updates, more than 40 different Extemp        something for everyone. Given the
        Douglas, Policy, or Congressional Debate.      topic analyses, and much more. Include        low price and the variety of resources
            And there are already plenty of            the videos of the final rounds from the       available, don’t miss out on this
        resources available now. For Public Forum      most recent National Tournament, which        inexpensive way to get the most out of
        and Lincoln-Douglas, a new topic analysis      cost $199 on DVD, and it’s easy to see        your season!

           Have other questions?                        Visit the FAQs section of our site, or email

24   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012

                                                                                            The Power of

Spark Success                                                        3 $99 Annual School Membership
We’re committed to giving you and your                               3 $15 Lifetime Student Membership
students even more support every year.
We’ve expanded our tools, online resources,
recognition, and advocacy—all while keeping
                                                                     What’s included?
dues affordable. See what’s included.
                                                                     League Membership Highlights
                                                                     • Honor Society membership – student and
                                                                       coach certificates, honors, and service citations;
    Supercharge your squad                                             student seals, online database and points
                                                                       tracking; automatic points uploading from Joy of
    with additional resources.                                         Tournaments, TRPC/TRIEPC, and SpeechWire

    In addition to your annual membership, you                       • Resources – all of the same great materials you’ve come to
    now have the option to enhance your students’                      expect—two copies of Rostrum magazine per month; access to the
                                                                       National Tournament final round online video archive (1983-2011) †;
    experience with our Team and Individual
                                                                       more than 600 videos, including topic analyses, skills, and coaching †;
    Resource Packages. These packages include                          monthly practice Extemp questions; event-specific resources; access
    event-specific materials that aren’t available                     to our fundraising portal,—and more!
    anywhere else!
                                                                     • District Tournaments and specialty awards – access to National
                                                                       Tournament qualification series; awards for district level achievement,
    3 Team Resource Package                                            Student of the Year, coach Diamonds; All American and Academic All
        • Active Schools – $150/year                                   American; State All American; and service citations
                                                                     • Advocacy and recognition promotion – more than 125,000 pieces
    3 Individual Resource Package                                      of support and recognition materials distributed to administrators,
        • Student Access with Team Package – $9/year                   alumni, parents, and coaches annually; access to a clearinghouse of
                                                                       advocacy and support materials
        • Access without Team Package – $18/year

       See reverse for details.                                      Enjoy additional benefits in 2012-13!
                                                                     • Discounts – GEICO (up to 15% off); Playscripts (10% off all purchases);
                                                                       access to Individual Resource Package (see reverse for details); access
    Not a member of the League, but want our online resources?         to 2013 Online Institute (25% off)
For $149, individuals can gain basic access to the National          • 2012 Nationals Script List ($10 value)
Tournament final round video archive (1983-2011) and more than 600
                                                                     • Four eTextbooks, lesson plans, and activities ($300 value)
other instructional videos online. For $299, you also get premium
access to our searchable script database and the ability to watch    • 2012 semifinal rounds available online ($14.99 value/event)
current year National Tournament final round videos online.          • 2012 middle school final rounds available online ($9.99 value/event)
                                                                     • Free eLearning evening classes for students and coaches, including
                                                                       topic analysis, new coach workshops with Q&A, district leadership
    Becoming a member is easy!                                         seminars, and more ($150 value)

    Apply online:                                                       • Several thousand additional pieces of recognition material to
                                                                          administrators » Join the League

                                                                                                                    Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 25
Additional Resources                                                                                      Easy, Online Access
       Supercharge your squad’s experience with custom resources!                                                Once you’ve signed up, go to
       We’re expanding our focus far beyond our National Tournament to                                 
                                                                                                                 Log in to view your customized
       bring a rich variety of programs and services to our students and offer                                   dashboard. There, you will find
       comprehensive teacher training resources. Designed to help you expand                                     information about accessing
                                                                                                                 your Team and Individual
       and enrich your program for a low, inclusive price, this package gives you                                Resource Packages.
       the resources to help your students achieve their potential.

       Here’s a quick overview of the additional tools, demonstrations, scripts, videos, and classes
       you and your students can access. We’ll be adding more resources throughout the year!

          Team Resource Package                                                        Individual Resource Package
           3 $150 Active Schools                                                       3 $9 with Team Package
              Simply check the box on your membership
              application or renewal form—or upgrade online!                           3 $18 without Team Package

          What’s included?                                                             What’s included?
          Team Resource Package Highlights                                             Individual Resource Package Highlights*
          • Current year National Tournament final round videos                        • Analyses of previous year’s semifinal and final round
            available online, including Interp events ($199 value) †                     performances
          • 50% off purchase of current year National Tournament                       • Two eLearning evening classes per month
            final round DVDs ($98 value)                                               • Policy Debate – a demonstration debate on the 2012-13
          • Fully searchable, multi-year Script Database                                 topic with commentary; plus monthly 100-page update
            including all Interp pieces performed at the National                        files and topic analysis videos
            Tournament in previous years; search by year, category,                    • Weekly Congressional Debate and Extemp – includes
            gender, and placement—coming soon! ($199 value) †                            two topic area video briefings: 20 practice questions; two
          • Free coach access to Individual Resource Package                             original pieces of legislation
            ($18/year value)                                                           • Interpretation events – newly released scripts reviewed
          • Additional 50% off student access to Individual                              monthly
            Resource Package ($9/year value)                                           • Original Oratory – topic/concept database; Oratory
          • Additional 25% discount to 2013 Online Institute                             briefing (new books, studies, etc.)
                  Item available to non-member individuals. See reverse for details.
                                                                                       • Lincoln-Douglas Debate – demonstration debate
                                                                                         on each bi-monthly topic with commentary; 100-
                                                                                         page evidence file including philosophical positions,
                                                                                         case arguments and responses; topic analysis videos;
                                                                                         philosopher’s library (30+ videos)
       Why is there an additional fee for these resources?
                                                                                       • Public Forum Debate – demonstration debate on each
       Imagine how much it costs the League to produce—and host
                                                                                         monthly topic with commentary; 100-page evidence file
       online—so many videos, eLearning clinics, debates, and resources,
                                                                                         including arguments, frameworks, and background; topic
       plus provide our summer institute experience. Thanks to generous
                                                                                         analysis videos
       donors and volunteers, we’re able to cover many costs, but we also
       ask schools and students who take advantage of these resources to                  * Available exclusively to League students and coaches.
       pay a share. That helps keep basic membership accessible to all.

26   Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012

Top Ten New Features!
      Resources. We are working around the clock                 Connect. Follow the National Forensic League
➊     to provide you with countless, event-specific
resources this year—many of which are included with the
                                                           ➐     on your favorite social media platforms! Like us
                                                           on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or join our LinkedIn
$99 school membership fee! For more information about      group. Also, join our Alumni Network and stay in touch
the value of League membership, see pages 25-26.           via our newsletters and biannual digital alumni magazine.

      Dashboard. Anyone who visits our site—
➋     students, coaches, parents, alumni, media
professionals, and more—has the ability to sign in with
a free account and access our custom dashboard. The
ability to favorite frequently accessed materials and
receive important updates from the League are just some
of the benefits of registering on the new site.                   Keyword Search. Receiving a round of

      Webinars. Our new site allows us to host
                                                           ➑      applause at the Summer Leadership Conference,
                                                           this seemingly innocent addition of a functional search
➌     eLearning clinics with state of the art technology
and provide an extremely inexpensive summer institute
                                                           bar is certain to make anyone’s visit to our website more
experience for students and coaches. Check back often
to learn more about dates and topics, available through         Complete Site Map. While the fresh new look
our new Virtual Classroom.                                 ➒    and improved site architecture are designed to be
                                                           more intuitive than ever before, if you get stuck, we offer
                                                           both a basic and a complete site map, available at the
                                                           bottom of every page, to help you find exactly what you

                                                                Online Store. Even our trophy shop has received
                                                           ➓    a much-deserved facelift! Watch for additional
                                                           merchandise, DVDs, and low-cost resources available for
                                                           purchase in the coming weeks and months ahead.

       Script Database. For those who purchase our
➍      Team Resource Package, we are excited to offer
a fully searchable, multi-year script database including
all Interp pieces performed at the National Tournament
in previous years. Search by year, category, gender,
and placement—completely accessible from your
dashboard—coming soon!

     Recognition. Our home page leaderboard and
➎    rankings are a great way to keep up to date on
League standings. Of course, you can also track your
own progress via the dashboard, or through your school
profile page and membership reports within the points

      Press and Media. Our team is growing
                                                           Spark Insight
      our press and media section in order to spark
excitement and garner attention about the power of
speech and debate across the country—and beyond.

                                                                                                 Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 27
Connect with us online!

                                            National Forensic League

                                            NFL/Forensic League


                                National Forensic League

Presidential Style Debate Contest—
  Let’s Show Them How It’s — Really Done!
Enter our video contest this October, and you could
win a FREE Team Resource Package for your school.*
            RENSIC L
        L FO        EA
      NA              G                          * Upload your persuasive, five-minute video (limit one

                                                    per topic area): Health Care, Economy, Education.

 I APPR OVE                                         Visit for

THIS MESSAGE                                        complete contest rules and deadlines.
                                     E ST

                                                   Spark democracy.



            N TI                E
                   A L D E B AT

Pi Kappa Delta at 100

                      ou’ve probably heard              and community service
                      something about Pi Kappa          projects. When they
                      Delta (PKD). As an official       graduate, they can use
          collegiate partner organization of the        their PKD degree status as
          National Forensic League, PKD has been        a conversation starter with
          reaching out to graduating seniors at the     prospective employers or
          National Tournament.                          graduate school admissions
              “We’ve always had a close working         officers.
          relationship with Pi Kappa Delta,” said           “Realistically,” Jensen noted, “your
          Executive Director Scott Wunn, “so they       PKD degree status is verification of your
          were a natural.”                              speech and debate ability by a nationally-
              Beginning this year, League students      recognized intercollegiate honorary.
          who joins Pi Kappa Delta may transfer         This should be pretty compelling to
          ten percent of their cumulative merit         an employer, and it relieves you of the
          points into the PKD Credit Point System.      awkwardness of having to talk about
          They can then continue to earn points         what you did four years ago when you
          for competition, service, and scholarship     were in high school.”
          activities throughout their college               So what exactly is Pi Kappa Delta? Like
          careers. Even if they decide not to           the National Forensic League, PKD is a
          compete in college, PKD membership            comprehensive forensic organization—
          provides alumni with a subtle means of        meaning it supports service, scholarship,
          inserting their high school speech and        and competition in many different
          debate experience into their college          individual events and forms of debate.
          resumés.                                      Thanks to a grant from the Arthur
              “I think joining is even more important   N. Rupe Foundation, PKD launched
          for students who are not planning on          intercollegiate competition in Public
          competing in college,” stated Gina Jensen,    Forum Debate last year. The same grant
          PKD’s current president. Students can         funded Caress Russell’s full-time position
          continue to earn points for judging at        as PKD’s Public Forum Debate National
          high school tournaments, or for scholarly     Coordinator.

                                                                            Rostrum | OCTOBER 2012 29
You can also read