Rosewell Neighbourhood Plan Calendar 2019 - Five Year Plan 2015-2020 - Midlothian Council
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Rosewell Neighbourhood Plan Calendar 2019 Five Year Plan 2015-2020 Photographers for front and back cover images include: Paul Davidson, Pam Young, Gordon Elphinstone, Ali Izatt and Anne Hunter Produced by Rosewell Neighbourhood Group
Rosewell – Over the years in a PSG Rosewell originated as a mining village with brick-built nge of cottages laid out in a street pattern of miners’ rows dominating the character of the village. The original village was complete by the early 1900s. tivities helping to improve the quality of life in our Rosewell bypass was constructed providing scope for new housing including employment land identified on the stabilised land between the village and the bypass road. It has been acknowledged in the Midlothian Local Development Plan that the bypass provides a strong boundary to the village and that this should form the limit of village expansion. Rosewell Steading is currently being redeveloped for a Community Hub with the project being delivered by the Rosewell Development Trust. This will provide a central focus for the village. Rosewell has a good footpath / cycle route (Penicuik- Musselburgh Walkway / NCR196) which follows the old railway line through Bonnyrigg to Eskbank, providing good access to Bonnyrigg town centre, the Midlothian Community Hospital and the superstore at Hardengreen. Rosewell has seen many changes over the years and has always had a strong vibrant community. We must embrace the new developments to help influence the changes over the coming years. 1968 2018
Rosewell A growing community, embracing old and new developments. Your Neighbourhood Group welcomes you.
JANUARY 2019 Rosewell Rosewellthe theplace placetotoget getinvolved involved Rosewell Neighbourhood Group New this year RNG are a group of local residents who work together Our Facebook page was created in January 2018 and has over with Midlothian Council to help improve our community. 400 members. It’s a community neighbourhood page to share We achieve this by working through the issues raised in local information. Advertising is limited to supporters of our our neighbourhood plan and producing projects; however, members can share recommendations, good a community calendar. We meet on the or bad. Please join our page to keep up to date and share ‘what’s 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.00pm in happening’ in and around Rosewell. the Resource Centre, 85 Carnethie Street. We break over the summer so have 10 meetings per year. We welcome new members so if you would like to get involved please contact or just pop along. Rosewell Neighbourhood Group About the calendar Isa, Joan, Kari, Jayne, Susan, Gordon, Agnes, Ann Ali is taking the photo, Karen and Catherine are hiding The concept of the calendar is to provide information about local community groups, transport and any other useful information people would use and refer back to What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan 12 months throughout the year. The calendar also includes the 12 month and 5 years Rosewell Neighbourhood Plan issues Issue Action Outcome and actions. Calendars are hand delivered to every More Designed a new Volunteer home and business in the Rosewell district area by the volunteers volunteering attendance members of RNG and volunteers. needed to poster and nearly doubled support the provided more We would also be delighted if any local businesses would Fundraising and donations development of updates to the like to get involved in the work of the group. If you have the Rosewell community ideas or concerns about village life and anything you We fundraise throughout the year to produce our calendar and Neighbourhood through the RDT other projects to improve our community, such as our community Plan ‘What’s Happening’ think we should be looking at, or you could help us with, we would be delighted to welcome you along to our accessible defibrillator. meetings. What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years We are only able to produce the calendar with the support of our very kind donators, all those who supported us last year got a mention in the 2018 calendar so it’s a great way to get your name Issue Action Outcome Continual Develop sub- Volunteer out there, especially with all the new home owners coming to engagement groups, guest numbers remain Rosewell. with volunteers speakers and the same or We have a dedicated page in the calendar where we involved in the attend increase acknowledge and thank all our supporters who have donated Rosewell community towards the production of our calendar. If you would like to donate Neighbourhood events to the calendar or any of our projects, please contact Plan
JANUARY 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 New Year’s Day 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Key Dates School resumes Rosewell Neighbourhood Rosewell Parish Church Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning 10am Tuesday 8th and 22nd January: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for over 60’s) - Whitehill Welfare Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm Thursday 10th January: Rosewell 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Neighbourhood Group Meeting – Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Saturday 12th January: Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning. 10am – 12noon Monday 21st January: Rosewell and District Community Council Meeting – 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Rosewell Parish Church Hall. 7pm RDCC Meeting 7pm Burns Night Tuesday 29nd January: Rosewell History Group – Rosewell Resource Centre. 1:15pm-2.45pm 28 29 30 31 Rosewell History Group 1.15pm For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
FEBRUARY 2019 Rosewell Rosewellthe theplace placetotoraise raiseaafamily family Chatter and Clatter RASCALS This is a fun and creative FREE group for babies, toddlers and RASCALS is a fun and creative group for children in P4 to P7. their families. Each week there is a selection of crafts, messy This group provides children a great chance to have some play and free play for all ages to get involved in. We provide a creative fun after school, and to make new friends with children small healthy snack and lots of tea and coffee for the grownups! from other schools in the local area. We do a variety of activities There is no need to pre-register for this group just come along including modelling, painting and design projects! This group to the Resource Centre on Friday mornings between 10.30am meets at the Resource Centre on Thursdays after school and is and 12pm. For more information contact Sarah FREE! Children must register to attend this group with new registration forms going out each school term. Look out also for our special summer groups! For more details and to register contact Sarah Wonders of our woodland The Woodland Classroom is a fantastic facility for the whole community to use! Enjoy a walk through our wonderful woodland or enjoy a picnic! Rosewell Development Trust also work hard to deliver woodland sessions throughout the year at the Classroom so keep an eye out for these which will be advertised locally and on their Social Media accounts. If you would like more information on booking sessions or about booking it for a group then please get in touch with RDT, Rosewell Baby and Toddlers Mini RASCALS St Matthews Primary School Mother and Come along for play, arts and crafts, stories and songs. There Create and be inspired by arts and crafts whilst also learning Toddler Group are cups of tea for the grownups and healthy snacks and drinks about the world around you. This is a great chance to have some for the kids. New members are always welcome! The group The group meets on a Thursday morning during term time creative fun after school where we use other countries and meets on a Monday morning during term time between 10am and between 10am and 12 noon in St Matthew’s Primary School. cultures to inspire us. This group is especially for children in P1 12 noon at the Parish Church Hall. For more information find New members are always welcome! to P3 and meets at the Resource Centre on Wednesdays after them on Facebook by searching Rose Well. school and is FREE! Children must register to attend this group with new registration forms going out each school term. Look out also for our special summer groups! For more details and to register contact Sarah on
FEBRUARY 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Women’s Rural 7pm Rosewell Neighbourhood School breaks Rosewell Parish Church Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning Key Dates 10am Monday 4th February: Women’s Rural. Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Thursday 7th February: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Shrove Tuesday RDT Coffee Morning Valentine’s Day Chinese New Year (Pancake Day) 09:30 Saturday 9th February: Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon Tuesday 12th and 26th February: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm School resumes Wednesday 13th February: RDT Coffee Morning – Rosewell Resource Centre. 9:30am – 11:30am Tuesday 26th February: Rosewell History Group – Rosewell Resource Centre. 1:15pm-2.45pm 25 26 27 28 Rosewell History Group 1.15pm For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
Rosewell is Rosewell is not not the the place place for for rural rural crime crime Theft Horse and Riders Fields and Crops Prevention is always best Some tips to make encountering horses and their At harvest time after baling hay and straw, people are tempted to walk ✓ Physical visible deterrents riders pleasant for all. Horses are living breathing through the fields. If doing so with their dogs clean up any mess left behind. ✓ Good lighting – lights on timers, outside motion creatures with a brain which means they will react Be careful with things like cigarettes so that no bales catch fire as this has sensor lights if they are scared by something, so if passing a field an effect on not only the farmer, but the fire services and any customers of ✓ Home security – window locks, CCTV, door viewer of horses or even a horse and rider, take that into the farmer. Be considerate of others. & chain consideration. ✓ Valuables – forensic marking products ✓ Photograph valuables & keep in a safe When passing a horse and rider, whether they are REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS ✓ Close gates riding or leading, slow down with enough distance ACTIVITY TO THE POLICE ON 101 between you and the backend of the horse, this is for OR IN AN EMERGENCY DIAL 999 The Rural Crime team meet regularly and have a very your safety as much as the horse and rider. proactive approach to tackling crime in Midlothian. Suspicious activity should be reported as the Police Do not feed horses in a field without the owner’s will follow up on reports of suspicious vehicles / permission as this could lead to a horrifying Hare Coursing people. The more detail you can provide the better. experience for the owner and horse, with the horse needing medical treatment. Intentionally or recklessly allowing dogs to kill a wild hare is an offence under the “Wildlife and Countryside Act” Police urge anyone who witness this If you are walking by a horse field keep your dogs on crime, or simply, if you are a farmer or a landowner and you'd like to report Motorbikes leads and under control to help prevent accidents. any suspicious activity or people on your land - particularly suspicious Motorbikes racing around fields, country paths and woods people with dogs such as lurchers or greyhounds - please contact police on can be a nuisance to residents as well as livestock. 101. Damage to paths and woodlands can be extensive and damage wildlife. Police may not always catch them in the What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months act but reporting them with details of helmets / clothing / colour of bike can lead to identifying culprits at a later stage. Additionally, if you are a motorbike owner take Issue Action Outcome precautions to prevent theft by having it stored in a shed Rural Crime Meet up with Less crime stats, or garage if possible, have the motorbike alarmed, and Midlothian Council, more informed of padlocked at all times when not in use. Police & other how to tackle communities to help issues prevent / minimise Lambing rural crime A Dog’s instinct is to chase, even if they are usually obedient and good with other animals. Being chased What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years by dogs can do serious damage to sheep, even if the dog doesn’t catch them. The stress of worrying by dogs can cause sheep to die and pregnant ewes to Issue Action Outcome miscarry their lambs. Rural crime is more Encourage reporting Increased personal seasonal than of rural incidents to awareness Lambing is around spring time but can start earlier in crimes in urban Police the year. Keep out of fields with sheep during lambing areas and have your dog on a lead.
MARCH 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 Saint David's Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RDCC Meeting 7pm Shrove Tuesday Rosewell Neighbourhood Int'l. Women's Day Rosewell Parish Church Women’s Rural 7pm (Pancake Day) Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning 10am Key Dates Monday 4th March: RDCC Meeting Carnethie Street. 7pm. All welcome Monday 4th March: Women’s Rural. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm St. Patrick’s Day Thursday 7th March: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Saturday 9th March: Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Tuesday 12th and 26th March: Rosewell RDT Litter Picking Group 9:30am Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm Tuesday 26th March: Rosewell History Group – Trip (TBC) Saturday 23rd March: RDT Keep Rosewell 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Clocks go forward 1 hour Beautiful Litter Picking Group – Meet at Rosewell History Group RDT AGM meeting 7pm Rosewell PS Parent Mother’s Day UK Rosewell Resource Centre, 9:30am Trip – TBC Council + disco(children) For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
APRIL 2019 Rosewell the place to keep clean Litter pick - organised by RDT 49th Midlothian Rosewell Scouts RDT organise monthly litter picks to help Poo done it? Keep Rosewell Beautiful. They meet at the Resource Centre on Saturday mornings 9.30am check calendar The 49th Midlothian Rosewell Scouts launched their mission in for dates. August after being approached by Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Fly Tipping (RNG). The task was to raise awareness and ‘highlight’ the dog He Healthy Fly Tipping is still an issue in and around Rosewell. fouling problem on our streets on It is unsightly and costs to dispose of it properly. Carnethie Street and in the park. Please help keep Rosewell clean and safe by RDCC funded the materials for this task and continuing to report it. Healthy Healthyold permission was given from Midlothian Council to use biodegradable spray paint. The task was to If you come across dumped waste you can report it in spray over dog poo left by irresponsible owners not the following ways: picking up after their pooches, this was repeated a month later to measure how effective the action What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months form/ was. First mission found and sprayed 17 poos and the second 10. Issue Action Outcome Street Cleaning Likes from the Facebook page indicate the Litter RDT Bi-Monthly Keeping Rosewell Email: community felt this had been a positive step Litter Pick up clean Telephone: 0131 561 5284 forward. Fly Tipping Encourage people to Reduce fly tipping Dog Fouling 17 10 report fly tipping The Green Dog Walkers (GDW) scheme is a Dog Fouling Poo Dunit campaign Less dog fouling community led initiative to help reduce dog fouling in Continue to promote Midlothian. All individual members pledge to be Green Dog walkers responsible and to advertise their membership with a special armband, lead or collar. Membership also encourages pet owners to carry extra doggie bags What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years to help those dog owners who may get caught short Pet owners can also obtain poop-scoop bag from their local library or other council offices. Issue Action Outcome Continue to raise Grow the Green Dog Less dog fouling awareness about Walkers Scheme A safer place to dog fouling walk and play If you would like further information about the Scout group, please contact
APRIL 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Women’s Rural 7pm RDT Coffee Morning School breaks 9.30am 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Rosewell Neighbourhood Rosewell Parish Church RDT Easter Egg Hunt, Key Dates Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning Family Fun Day 1-3pm 10am Monday 1st April: Women’s Rural. Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Wednesday 3rd April: RDT Coffee Morning – Rosewell Resource Centre. 9:30am – 11:30am 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RDCC 7pm (AGM) Good Friday Easter Sunday Tuesday 9th and 23rd April: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm Thursday 11th April: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Saturday 13th April: Rosewell Parish Easter Monday School resumes Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Rosewell History Group Street. 10am – 12noon 1.15pm Monday 15th April: Rosewell and District Community Council Meeting – Rosewell Parish Church Hall, Carnethie Street. 7pm Tuesday 23rd April: Rosewell History 29 30 Group 1.15pm-2.45pm For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
Rosewell the place to go MAY 2019 Lothian Buses Travel Team Carousel 49 Daily Service Mon-Sat daytime – every 20 minutes Evenings and Sundays – every 30 minutes Located at the Rosewell Resource Centre, 85 Carnethie Street, here you can collect: ROSEWELL, Poltonhall, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian • Blue Badge application and renewal forms Community Hospital, Tesco Eskbank for Eskbank • Bus Pass application and renewal forms for Station, Dalkeith, Sheriffhall P+R, Danderhall, ERI, 60+, disabled and Young Scot Cameron Toll, Bridges, Leith Walk, The Jewel, FORT • Midlothian Taxicard renewals KINNAIRD • Timetable leaflets for buses, community transport, trains etc. X31 (Mon-Fri Limited Stop peaks only) ROSEWELL, Hopefield, Bonnyrigg, Lasswade, For more information contact the Travel Team on Liberton Hospital, Bridges, Princes St, West End, 0131 561 5443 or HAYMARKET For further information on bus times, please see the Lothian Buses information pages at the back of the School Transport from Rosewell What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months calendar. Website – Staff at both primary schools in Rosewell hand out Issue Action Outcome 0131 555 6363 (24/7) transport application forms before the summer More X31 journeys Liaison with Lothian A fifth X31 in each Email – break to leavers moving to Lasswade High School needed Buses direction added at the start of the next academic year. from Mon 26 Completed forms should be submitted (along with February 2018 Dial-A-Bus Is a service provided by HcL under contract to a colour passport-style photograph) to the Travel Team. A Lothian Buses bus pass will be arranged. Need more direct Lothian Buses Lothian Buses Midlothian Council. This is a home-to-shops service for For more information contact the Travel Team on bus services to the management agreed to consider those who are unable to use the normal buses. Three 0131 561 5453 or city centre and attended CC Public matters raised at shopping trips depart from Rosewell each week. buses to serve the meetings in Jan & the meetings and • M8 – Wed afternoon to Straiton west side of the Oct 2018 will return with • M12 – Thu afternoon to Cameron Toll village proposals For all your Scotland-wide public transport • M14/M15 – Fri mornings to Cameron Toll or information (including buses, trains, ferries etc.) Gilmerton (alternating weeks) contact Traveline Scotland What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years • To prebook your seat, call 0131 447 1718 on 0871 200 2233 or at Issue Action Outcome Dial-A-Ride Excessive speeding Carry out further Share results of the Is also provided by HcL for Midlothian Council. This through the village consultations in the consultation to provides a door-through-door transport service for and lack of safe village to see where secure local road people with limited mobility who are unable to use crossing points at speeding could be safety standard buses, suffer social exclusion or geographical the schools and the reduced improvements remoteness. DAR runs seven days a week including shop evenings subject to availability. To prebook, call 0131 447 9949
MAY 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 Key Dates 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Monday 6th May: Women’s Rural. May Day – School School resumes Rosewell Neighbourhood Rosewell Primary Rosewell Parish Church breaks Group 7pm School Garden Sale Hall Coffee Morning Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Women’s Rural 7pm 10am Tuesday 7th and 21st May: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm Thursday 9th May: Rosewell 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Neighbourhood Group Meeting – RDT Community Maze Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Day 11am Friday 10th May: Rosewell Primary School Garden Sale Saturday 11th May. Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Saturday 18th May: RDT Maze Day! Meet Victoria Day School resumes RDT Litter Picking at Rosewell Resource Centre at 11am to Group 9.30am Non-pupil day Rosewell History help clean and tidy the community maze Group 1.15pm School breaks Tuesday 21st May: Rosewell History Group – Rosewell Resource Centre. 1:15pm-2.45pm Saturday 25th May: RDT Keep Rosewell Beautiful Litter Picking Group – Meet at 27 28 29 30 31 Rosewell Resource Centre, 9:30am Spring Holiday Rosewell PS Children’s ‘Race for Life’ For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you. Rosewell the pl
JUNE 2019 Rosewell the place that’s creating a strong community Rosewell Development Trust (RDT) Established in 2010 RDT currently operates out of Rosewell Community Hub – The Steading the old clinic behind Rosewell Primary and provides activities, facilities and services, which all The Trust now have plans of our residents can benefit from and enjoy. RDT RDT plan to develop new opportunities for people to and funding in place for the aims to build a resilient, integrated and safe flourish. These opportunities reduce inequalities, new £2.1 million community for all. We achieve this through improve personal wellbeing, increase educational Community Hub for responding to the social, economic, cultural and attainment and develop a strong sense of community Rosewell. Demolition work recreational needs of Rosewell. spirit. These include our partnership work with on the old Roswell Mains Alzheimer Scotland running woodland sessions, Steading site is underway Community Engagement Projects starting a PEEP early education group and running and work on the new Hub more social events in the village. should start in the Spring. RDT run a number of long-term projects which The Steading, as the new include: RDT Volunteers hub will be called, will consist of a café, • Woodland classroom Volunteering is at the centre of what we do and without hairdresser, pharmacy, soft play, shared office space, sensory room, hall • Employment support all of our dedicated volunteers we simply would not be and conference space, as well as being the home of RDT and all our groups, • Children’s groups able to achieve the work we carry out. We create many projects and services we deliver. • Lunch Club opportunities to volunteer with RDT including: • History Group • Volunteer Classroom Assistant What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months • Baby and Toddler Group • Children’s Work Volunteers • T in the Park family fun day Issue Action Outcome • Landshare Volunteer • Community Litter Picks Lack of facilities for Woodland Children and adults • Events Volunteer • Kids World Citizen Group children and adults Classroom built in in Rosewell and the • Lunch Club Volunteer • Landshare to learn and Thornton Wood to surrounding area • Computer Club develop through accommodate develop and are • Volunteering Woodland Classroom outdoor and forest outdoor leaning for happier and • Apprenticeships RDT’s Woodland Classroom is enjoyed by all. Situated learning children and adults healthier through in Thornton wood, our woodland classroom is already outdoor learning used by schools and groups such as Alzheimer Scotland. The woodland classroom is available for use by local groups free of charge and other groups for a What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years small donation. Issue Action Outcome For details on any of the groups and opportunities Lack of fit-for- RDT working on Upon completion contact RDT on 0131 629 9398 purpose Community finalising plans of there will be or e-mail Facility for this the Community Hub, increased growing community Steading Project community, social, business and health spaces for all to enjoy and use Rosewell History Group’s visit to Rosslyn Chapel.
JUNE 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Key Dates RDCC 7pm Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning Women’s Rural 7pm 10am Monday 3rd June: Rosewell and District Community Council Meeting – Rosewell Parish Church Hall, Carnethie Street 7pm Monday 3rd June: Women’s Rural - Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Saturday 8th June: Rosewell Parish RDT Coffee Morning Rosewell Neighbourhood RDT Car Boot Sale and Father’s Day Church Hall Coffee Morning, 9.30am Group 7pm Coffee Morning 10am Carnethie Street 10am – 12noon Wednesday 12th June: RDT Coffee Morning – Rosewell Resource Centre 09:30 – 11:30 Thursday 13th June: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Rosewell Resource Centre 7pm Saturday 15th June: RDT Community Car Boot Sale – Rosewell Resource Centre 10am – 1pm Tuesday 25th June: Rosewell History Group – Rosewell Resource Centre 1.15pm-2.45pm 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rosewell History Group 1.15pm School breaks For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
JULY 2019 Rosewell the place for young people Midlothian Youth Platform (MYP) Rosewell Kids World Citizen Interested in learning about new cultures, traditions and the world around you? Then this is the group for you! Rosewell KWC is a great group for P4 to P7 The aim of MYP is to give a voice to all young people children to learn about the local and global of Midlothian. MYP is run by a group of young people communities. In the past this group has learnt about from all over Midlothian with the support of Midlothian different religions, carried our random acts of Council. One of their many successes has been kindness and even planned a fun community event facilitating a county wide consultation on mental at the Woodland Classroom! This group is FREE health that was used by Midlothian Council to and meets at the Resource Centre after school on successfully apply for Big Lottery funding to change a Friday, children bring a packed lunch which we the way mental health is dealt with in Midlothian enjoy together before our group activities. Children schools. must register to attend this group. Look out for our What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months Any young person aged between 12 and 21 can special summer groups! For more details and to attend the meetings, the times and venue of which register contact Sarah Issue Action Outcome Lack of Continue to promote Numbers of young can be found on the Midlothian Youth Platform group opportunities for what is going on people engaging in on Facebook or by contacting MYP at young people locally and support local activities will the development of increase Scouts new opportunities Rosewell Grows The Scouts have been meeting weekly in the village for over 2 years now. Boys and girls aged 6-14 Learn about soil, growing, What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years years old have had great adventures including planting and garden camping, engaging in the community and learning maintenance in a fun Issue Action Outcome so many more skills. #skillsforlife. For more No young people Work with RDCC, Two more local environment for free! This information contact: sitting on the Midlothian Council young people group is open to P1 to P7 and Rosewell Communities Team sitting on, meets on a Wednesday after Neighbourhood and local Secondary contributing and school at the Resource Group or the Schools to promote acting as a voice Rosewell and these for other local Centre. Children must Girlguiding District Community opportunities Rosewell young register to attend this group Council people in the Rosewell now has a Guide unit to add to the existing with new registrations forms going out each school development of Rainbows and Brownies. They meet weekly in the the Rosewell term. Look out also for our special summer groups! village. Please contact Sarah at Neighbourhood For more details and to register contact Jess on Plan
JULY 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Key Dates Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning 10am Saturday 13th July: Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street 10am – 12noon Saturday 20th July: RDT Tea in the Park. 85 Carnethie Street 10am – 3pm 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RDT Tea in the Park 10am - 3pm Tuesday 23rd July: Rosewell History Group – Rosewell Resource Centre 1:15pm-2.45pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rosewell History Group 1.15pm 29 30 31 For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
AUGUST 2019 Rosewell the place to be part of the community All of these meetings are open to the public and we invite all residents to come along and have their say. Our Aim Our Community Police Officers and local • to ascertain, co-ordinate and reflect the view of our Councillors attend our meetings to give their community which we represent, to liaise with other reports and discuss any issues residents wish to community groups within the area, and to fairly raise. The Police update is on the Rosewell Crime express the diversity of opinions and outlooks of the Statistics – not as bad as it sounds! And local people; Councillors will keep you aware of what’s going • to express the views of the community to the local on in Midlothian Council. authority for our area to public authorities and other organisations; What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months • to take such action in the interests of our community Occasionally we have guest speakers on topics as appears to be desirable and practicable; such as new housing developments, Action Outcome • to promote the well-being of our community and to consultations, local issues, etc. Developers are Constitution and Update Constitution Updated foster community spirit; now required to consult community councils prior Standing Orders & produce new Constitution & • to be a means whereby the people of the area shall to submitting major planning applications. We Standing Orders produced new be able to voice their opinions on any matter affecting always invite them along to community council their lives, their welfare, their environment, its Standing Orders. development and amenity meetings so that you can meet them face to face Poor bus service Lothian Buses and ask them questions on how any new Invite Lothian Buses Network developments affect you. to Community Performance Community Councils have a statutory right to be Council Meetings to Manager attended consulted on major planning applications. There are Why not come along to our next meeting and see raise this issue our January and currently around 1200 Community Councils in Scotland, all of which are composed of elected for yourself what we do? You can either sit in the October CC volunteers from the community. audience and just listen or let us know if there’s meetings anything at all we can assist you with that will help Our Community Council (RDCC) is made up of make community life better for you. Our meetings What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years elected community councilors who are all unpaid are quite informal and we’ll make you very volunteers offering their time and commitment to our community. Elections are held every 3 years. welcome. Issue Action Outcome Residents who are 16 or over who reside in the Low membership of Raise awareness of Increase our CC If you’d like to join our mailing list, we will email Rosewell & District Community Boundary and are on Community Council our CC’s remit Membership you advance notice of meetings, agendas, the electoral roll can stand for election. Be informed, Improvements in air minutes of meetings, plus notification of major Air pollution and engaged and quality and quality planning applications and important community climate change of life ensuring a RDCC hold seven meetings per year in Rosewell empowered to make issues. If there are any community issues you sustainable Parish Church Hall. You’ll find dates and times on our improvements website: would like to discuss please contact us through choices environment via FEEDBACK on our website or made by the relating to climate and on the Community Notice Board in the public email Increased use of change and carbon garden area at the corner of Carnethie Street/Gorton Renewable and reduction, as well Road. sustainable energy as measurable local actions
AUGUST 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Key Dates Summer Bank Holiday Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning 10am RDTLitter Picking Group Saturday 10th August: Rosewell Parish 9.30am Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon Saturday 10th August: RDT Keep Rosewell Beautiful Litter Picking Group – 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Meet at Rosewell Resource Centre 9:30am Monday 26th August: Rosewell and District Community Council Meeting – Street. 7pm Tuesday 27th August: Rosewell History Group 1.15pm-2.45pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 School resumes Wednesday 28th August: RDT Coffee Morning – Rosewell Resource Centre. 9:30am – 11:30am 26 27 28 29 30 31 RDCC 7pm Rosewell History Group RDT Coffee Morning 1.15pm 9.30am For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
Rosewell the place to age well Women’s Rural Meet on first Monday of the month between 7-9pm from September to May in Rosewell There are many opportunities for the over 50s to help Resource Centre, 85 Carnethie Street. stay mentally and physically active in Rosewell, most are very low cost and can help fill your calendar and We encourage members to come along, join in get you out and about in the community. and enjoy the company of other women whilst listening to or taking part in various Walking Club demonstrations and talks. How about coming walking with us? Tea, coffee, home baking and a friendly catch up after your walk. Group meet Fridays 1.30-3.00pm at Rosewell Church Parish Hall. History Group Lunch Club Meets last Tuesday of the month in Rosewell What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months Meets every Tuesday and Thursday Resource Centre, 85 Carnethie Street. 11.30 to 1.00pm in The group have guest speakers and go on trips Rosewell Resource Centre, of local interest, Rosslyn Chapel, Newbattle Issue Action Outcome 85 Carnethie Street. Abbey (high tea) pay as you go on the trips. For How to get more Involve groups in More residents Only £2.20 per lunch more details, contact RDT on 0131 629 9398. people involved more community involved within the Transport is available events community Tuesday Club What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years Meet alternate Tuesdays, 7pm, at Whitehill Welfare Club, check calendar for dates - Cost £1. Come Issue Action Outcome along for refreshments, game of dominos and a Integrate new Involve residents of More residents blether. We also go out for drives and finish the year with a Christmas party. Click and Connect residents into new housing to join involved within the established village in community groups community Computer club meets on a Wednesday at groups Rosewell Resource Centre, 1.30 – 3pm. Come along for help using your electronic device.
SEPTEMBER 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Women’s Rural 7pm Key Dates Monday 2nd September: Women’s Rural. Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Tuesday 10th and 24th September: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Rosewell Neighbourhood Rosewell Parish Church Dominoes for over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm 10am Thursday 12th September: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm. All Welcome 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Saturday 14th September: Rosewell School Autumn Holiday School resumes Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Rosewell History Group Trip TBC Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon Tuesday 17th September: Rosewell History Group – Trip TBC 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
OCTOBER 2019 Rosewell the place to stay healthy Physical Health Diabetes It’s that time of year again! The number of people with Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. 5.4% of people in Scotland Make sure you take advantage of the free flu jab if have diabetes, signs to watch out for include: - you are – aged 65+/ living with a long-term condition /pregnant/ eligible young children • Blurred Vision (nasal vaccine) For more information, go to: - • Increased hunger • Frequent urination • Increased thirst • Unexplained weight loss • Fatigue If you are concerned, do not ignore it! See your doctor. (Go to for information) What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months Issue Action Outcome Faster response for Explore the Any resident heart attack victims provision of a experiencing a Mental Health defibrillator for heart attack can “There is no health without mental health” Rosewell and first receive immediate, aid training to potentially Physical health and mental health go hand in hand. support this lifesaving In Scotland, 1 in 4 people will have mental health intervention problems at some point in their life. The community of Rosewell is no different. Guidance on how to What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years access support is available so don’t suffer in silence. Contact: - Issue Action Outcome Lack of access to Continue to work Easier access to Midlothian Wellbeing Access Point at Limit your sugar intake. Learn to eat more healthily GP Surgery in the with the RDT to primary Eastfield Medical Centre, 0131 536 8981 village support the provision healthcare support Get out and enjoy the beautiful countryside for residents of of a pharmacy within surrounding Rosewell – run, walk or cycle (Ageing Well Rosewell the village Walks – Rosewell Parish Church Hall, every Friday 1.30pm) Take part in your community and feel the benefits
OCTOBER 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Key Dates Women’s Rural 7pm Rosewell Neighbourhood School breaks Rosewell Parish Church RDCC 7pm Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning 10am Monday 7th October: Rosewell and District Community Council Meeting – Rosewell Parish Church Hall, Carnethie Street. 7pm Monday 7th October: Women’s Rural. Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tuesday 8th and 22nd October: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm Thursday 10th October: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Non-pupil day School resumes RDT Litter Picking Clocks go back 1 hour Saturday 12th October: Rosewell Parish Group 9.30am Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon Saturday 26th October: RDT Keep Rosewell Beautiful Litter Picking Group – Meet at Rosewell Resource Centre, 9:30am Tuesday 29th October: Rosewell History 28 29 30 31 Group1.15pm-2.45pm Rosewell History Group Halloween 1.15pm For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
NOVEMBER 2019 Rosewell the place to be winter ready Winter Car Check Brown Bin Collection Loss of power - who to contact The RAC have a handy acronym to make sure your car If you experience loss of power, you should call 105, which will connect is winter ready: Your Brown Bin collection will stop for the winter any customer to the correct network operator which distributes power mid-November and restart at the end of March. in their region. From March 2019 residents will pay if they want Fuel – check you have plenty fuel for your journey their (garden waste) brown bin emptied. In 2019, The direct numbers for Electricity and Gas distribution networks: Oil - check your oil level is between the minimum and the annual cost will be £35 per bin. There are no maximum exemptions or concessions. Details of how to pay will be shared in early 2019. The £35 charge will Scottish Power Energy Networks (Central and Southern Scotland) Rubber - check your tyres and your wiper blades cover the cost of collecting the brown bins (Hotline number: 0800 092 9290 (landline) or 0330 1010 222(mobile) before you set off fortnightly, from mid-March to mid-November. Coolant - Check your coolant levels when the engine During the winter period you can still take your Gas distribution network: SGN Tel: 0800 912 1700 is cold garden waste to your local household waste Website: recycling centre at Penicuik or Stobhill. Twitter: @SGNgas Electrics - Check your lights, they get extremely dirty during the winter months so clean them on a regular basis What we’ve achieved so far: Action Plan -12 months Screen wash - Check your screen wash level and top up with a quality screen wash additive or pre-mix which Issue Action Outcome is effective down to at least -15 degrees celsius. Low stock in grit Scout Group Midlothian Council bins checked grit levels in knew which grit Travel bins throughout bins to restock Grit Bins village Before setting off consider the conditions and think about how severe weather can impact on you. Check you have Grit bins in the Rosewell area: these essentials to keep yourself safe on your journey: Carnethie Street – outside no 77 • Ice scraper Carnethie Street – at bell mouth to old St Josephs What we plan to achieve: Action Plan - 5 years • De-icer Louisa Square – outside home Issue Action Outcome • Torch and spare batteries Pentland Crescent – outside no 57 Severe winter Be involved with Increased • Warm clothes and blankets Pentland Crescent – outside no 60 weather, flooding other groups in awareness of Rosedale Neuk – outside no 15 and travel disruption creating a important phone • High-visibility jacket numbers and • Boots with a good grip Rosedale Grove – turning head at end Community support that is Emergency Plan available when • First aid kits If there is a grit bin near you then why not check if emergencies occur • Jump start cables it’s stocked up and if not report it in using this link: • Empty fuel can • Food and drink • Shovel it_bin_request
NOVEMBER 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Women’s Rural 7pm Bonfire Night Rosewell Neighbourhood Rosewell Parish Church Remembrance Sunday Key Dates Group 7pm Hall Coffee Morning 10am Monday 4th November: Women’s Rural. Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Thursday 7th November: Rosewell Neighbourhood Group Meeting – Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Saturday 9th November: Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon Tuesday 12th and 26th November: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare Social Club, Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Monday 25th November: Rosewell and District Community Council Meeting – Rosewell Parish Church Hall, Carnethie Street. 7pm Tuesday 26th November: Rosewell History Group – Christmas Trip TBC November: St. Matthew’s PS Christmas Fair – Date TBC 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rosewell History Group St. Andrew’s Day RDCC 7pm Xmas trip TBC For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
A big thank you to all who have donated to the 2019 Calendar DECEMBER 201 and our other projects 8 Rosewell the place to reflect, remember and be thankful! £10 individual donation £40 Baillie individual Gifford donation £20 individual donation £30 Jimmy Rae donation Rosewell Nurses Fund Father Allan St Matthews
DECEMBER 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Women’s Rural 7pm RDT Coffee Morning Rosewell Parish Church Key Dates 9.30am Hall Coffee Morning 10am Monday 2nd December: Women’s Rural. Rosewell Resource Centre. 7pm Wednesday 4th December: RDT Coffee 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Morning – Rosewell Resource Centre, 9:30am – 11:30am Saturday 7th December: Rosewell Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon Tuesday 10th December: Rosewell Tuesday Club (Whist and Dominoes for 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 over 60’s). Whitehill Welfare Social Club, School breaks Ferguson Park. 7pm – 9pm 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Christmas Day Boxing Day 30 31 Hogmanay For more information on anything on this month, email or call 0131 629 9398, who will be happy to help you.
What’s on throughout the year? Contact RDT for more information on anything listed below: EVERY MONDAY EVERY TUESDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY EVERY THURSDAY EVERY FRIDAY The following groups and The following groups and The following groups and The following groups and The following groups and activities run throughout the activities run throughout the activities run throughout the activities run throughout the activities run throughout the year, every Monday year, every Tuesday year, every Wednesday year, every Thursday year, every Friday Baby and Toddlers – Rosewell RDT Lunch Club – Rosewell RDT Click and Connect St. Matthew’s Primary School RDT Chatter and Clatter (under Parish Church Hall, Carnethie Resource Centre. 11:30am – 1pm. Computer Club – Rosewell Mother and Toddler Group – 5’s group) – Rosewell Resource Street. 10am – 12noon. Resource Centre. 1:30pm – 3pm. St. Matthew’s Primary School, Centre. 10:30am – 12noon. Scouting (Beavers, Cubs, Carnethie Street. 10am – 12noon. RDT Computer Coding Club – Scouts) – St. Matthew’s Church RDT Rosewell Grows RDT Kid World Citizen Group Rosewell Resource Centre. 3pm Hall, Carnethie Street. Contact: Gardening Club – Rosewell RDT Lunch Club – Rosewell – Rosewell Resource Centre. – 4:30pm. Resource Centre. 3pm – 4:30pm. Resource Centre. 11:30am – 1pm. 12:30pm – 3pm. 1st Rosewell Rainbows and Rosewell Tuesday Club – Every RDT Mini Rascals – Every RDT Rascal’s Arts and Crafts Ageing Well Walks for 50+ 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Whitehill Brownies – Rosewell Parish Wednesday (term time) Group – Rosewell Resource – Rosewell Parish Church Hall, Welfare Social Club, Ferguson Park. Church Hall, Carnethie Street. 7pm – 9pm. 3.30-4.30 Free group for boys Centre. 3pm – 4.30pm. Carnethie Street. Every Friday – From 5:15pm. Contact: www. and girls in Primary 1-3. 1:30pm.
Taking the plan forward Health & Wellbeing Local support & information Ageing Well Midlothian – 0131 561 6506 Rosewell & District Community Council The Neighbourhood Group continues to take the action plan started in 2015 forward with the appropriate partners both Free Prescription collection and delivery services (Roslin statutory and voluntary. This is achieved through collaboration Pharmacy) 0131 440 2596 Tel: 07462 808444 with Councillors, Community Councillors and Midlothian Midcare Services (Social Work Contact Officers) 0131 271 3900 Council Communities Team, who will continue to support the Telecare community alarms – 0131 271 3900 Neighbourhood Group and sub groups. Homecare Support – 0131 271 3900 Rosewell Development Trust If you would like to be part of the Neighbourhood Group please Midlothian Community Hospital – 0131 454 1001 Tel: 0131 629 9398 contact or come along to one of the NHS 24 – 111 Email: meetings noted in this calendar. Web: In continuing to develop the 5-year plan for Rosewell the Safety at home & in the community Neighbourhood Group hope to work closely with: Facebook: Arranging a Home Fire Safety Visit – 0800 0731 999 rosewelldevelopmenttrustRDT Other members of Midlothian Council Community Planning Dalkeith Fire Station – 0131 660 2619 Twitter: Group, Rosewell and District Community Council, Antisocial Behaviour Hotline – 0131 271 6677 Rosewell Development Trust, local businesses, Environmental Health Green Dog Walkers Scheme, Lothian Reporting a crime (non-emergency) – 101 Buses, Scottish Government, Police Scotland, NHS Reporting a crime (emergency) – 999 Local Councillors Scotland, Local Councillors, St Joseph’s Services, Russell Imrie (Labour) Rosewell Primary School, St Matthew’s Primary School, Please telephone to arrange a meeting 0131 271 3007 or Volunteer Midlothian, Rosewell Afterschool Club, Rosewell The Environment Email – Parish Church,St Matthews RC Church, Midlothian Youth Platform & Scottish Youth Parliament and YOU!!!!!!!! Tam Crawford Environmental Health Warden (Midlothian) – 0131 271 3345 Kelly Parry (SNP) This list is not exhaustive, and we hope to develop new Green Dog Walkers – 0131 561 5284 partnerships in 2019 to help us expand on this plan and move Please telephone 0131 271 3018 to arrange a call back or an things forward. For more information on bin collections visit https://www. appointment or Email - bin_collections Useful contact information: For more information on a range of information and resources Pauline Winchester (Conservative) please visit Surgeries at Loanhead Library, Paradykes Centre - 6 to 7 pm on the Library Services You can also contact Midlothian Council on 0131 270 7500 or 2nd Tuesday of the month (excluding school holidays) Mobile Library – 07990136894 email Please telephone 0131 271 3100 and inform us if you wish to attend a Lasswade Library – 0131 271 4534 surgery so you are not kept waiting. For full information on all library services you can visit Telephone: 0131 271 3100 or email Email:
The Rosewell Neighbourhood 1 2 Group in conjunction with other local groups has worked hard to collate all the information contained in this calendar. To the best of our knowledge all key dates, telephone numbers and contact information is correct at time of printing. If RDT Woodland Classroom Rosewell Parish Church we’ve made any errors or not included something that you would find useful for 2019, 3 4 please let us know. 8 7 6 5 Community Notice Board RDT Community Hub 4 5 6 3 2 Rosewell Primary School RDT Community Resource Centre 7 8 1 St Matthews Primary School St Matthews RC Church
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