ROMAX: Certifiably Robust Deep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning via Convex Relaxation
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ROMAX: Certifiably Robust Deep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning via Convex Relaxation Chuangchuang Sun1 Dong-Ki Kim1 and Jonathan P. How1 Abstract— In a multirobot system, a number of cyber- Our contributions. To address the robustness problem, we physical attacks (e.g., communication hijack, observation per- propose a new framework, called ROMAX: RObust MARL turbations) can challenge the robustness of agents. This robust- via convex relaXation. While the minimax optimization ness issue worsens in multiagent reinforcement learning because there exists the non-stationarity of the environment caused by enables learning of robust multiagent policy [10], solving a general nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization prob- arXiv:2109.06795v1 [cs.LG] 14 Sep 2021 simultaneously learning agents whose changing policies affect the transition and reward functions. In this paper, we propose a lem is computationally intractable [11]. Assuming that each minimax MARL approach to infer the worst-case policy update agent’s policy is parameterized by deep neural networks, of other agents. As the minimax formulation is computationally we develop a computationally efficient approach that can intractable to solve, we apply the convex relaxation of neural networks to solve the inner minimization problem. Such convex approximately solve the minimax optimization and infer the relaxation enables robustness in interacting with peer agents worst-case actions of other agents via the convex relaxation of that may have significantly different behaviors and also achieves neural networks. We note that this convex relaxation has an im- a certified bound of the original optimization problem. We eval- portant benefit in that it can explore the approximate globally uate our approach on multiple mixed cooperative-competitive worst situation while achieving certified robustness from the tasks and show that our method outperforms the previous state of the art approaches on this topic. guaranteed bound of the relaxation. We empirically evaluate our algorithm on multiple mixed cooperative-competitive I. I NTRODUCTION tasks and show that ROMAX outperforms baselines by a significant margin, demonstrating the necessity to compute Multirobot systems have recently attracted much attention the worst-case scenarios to improve robustness in MARL. in robotics. Compared to a single robot approach, a multi- robot system provides several unique benefits, including 1) II. R ELATED W ORKS improved efficiency since a sophisticated problem can be Centralized training with decentralized execution. The decomposed into simpler sub-problems, distributed across standard approach for addressing non-stationarity in MARL robots, and then solved simultaneously and 2) improved is to consider information about other agents and reason mission success rate because a single robot failure can about the effects of joint actions [12]. The recent studies be addressed by another teammate [1]. These advantages regarding the centralized training with decentralized execution have resulted in emerging multirobot applications, such as framework, for instance, account for the behaviors of others formation control [2], cooperative manipulation [3], and through a centralized critic [7, 8, 13–15]. While this body of human-swarm interaction [4]. work partially alleviates non-stationarity, converged policies Multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) provides a generally overfit the current behaviors of other agents and thus principled framework for solving problems in which multiple show poor performance when interacting with agents with new robots interact with one another in a shared environment. behaviors. In contrast, our agents learn robust policies based However, there remain difficulties in learning intelligent on minimax optimization by applying convex relaxation. multiagent policies. Amongst these, instability in policy Robust MARL. Our framework is closely related to prior learning is particularly problematic in that agents generally works that apply minimax optimization in multiagent learning show poor performance when interacting with unseen agents settings [16, 17]. Minimax provides a game-theoretical [5, 6]. While there are approaches that stabilize policy concept that encourages an agent to learn a robust policy learning in MARL (e.g., centralized training and decentralized by maximizing its performance in a worst-case scenario execution frameworks [7, 8]), agents generally overfit other [10, 18]. One of the noticeable studies in this category is agents’ policies during training, resulting in a failure when [19], which computes the worst-case perturbation by taking playing against new strategies not interacted before. This a single gradient descent step assuming that other agents act robustness issue becomes more severe in a competitive adversarial. However, the single-step gradient approximation setting, where an opponent can intentionally apply cyber- can only explore the locally worst situation and thus can still physical attacks (e.g., communication hijack, observation result in unstable learning. Our approach aims to address perturbations), fully exploit an agent’s brittle policy, and thus this drawback by computing the approximate globally worst dominate a game [9]. situation based on convex relaxation. The work by [20] applies 1 Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts the similar linear relaxation technique in a single-agent robust Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139. RL problem to certify the robustness under uncertainties from {ccsun1,dkkim93,jhow} the environments. However, in our multiagent settings, the
robustness is more challenging to certify due to the concurrent III. BACKGROUND policy learning amongst multiple agents. A. Markov game Interactions between n agents can be represented by a Ensemble training in MARL. Another relevant approach partially observable Markov game [10], defined as a tuple to learning a robust policy is ensemble training, where each hI, S, {Oi }i∈I , {Ai }i∈I , T , {Ri }i∈I , γi; I = [1, ..., n] is a agent interacts with a group of agents instead of a particular set of n agents, S is the state space, {Oi }i∈I is the set of agent only [7, 21, 22]. For example, the population-based observation spaces, {Ai }i∈I is the set of action spaces, T training technique, which was originally proposed to find a is the state transition function, {Ri }i∈I is the set of reward set of hyperparameters for optimizing a neural network [23], functions, and γ is the discount factor. Each agent i chooses was applied in MARL by evolving a population of agents an action ai according to its stochastic policy πθi : Oi ×Ai → [24]. This approach showed robust and superhuman level [0, 1], where θi denotes agent i’s policy parameters. Then, the performance in a competitive game. The literature on self-play, joint action a = {ai , a−i } yields a transition to the next state which plays against random old versions of itself to improve according to the state transition function T : S × {Ai }i∈I → training stability and robustness, can also be classified into S. Note that the notation −i indicates all other agents except this category [25]. However, maintaining and/or evolving a agent i. Then, agent i obtains a reward as a function of the population is often computationally heavy. Additionally, these state and the joint action ri : S × {Ai }i∈I → R, and receives methods do not employ minimax optimization, so agents may its private observation according to oi : S → Oi . Each agent not be able to cope well with the worst scenario. aims to maximize PT its own total expected discounted return Ri = Eπ [ t=1 γ t rit ], where rit denotes i’s reward received Learning aware MARL. Our framework is also related at timestep t, π denotes the joint policy, and T denotes the to prior works that consider the learning of other agents episodic horizon. in the environment to address non-stationarity. These works include [26] which attempted to discover the best response B. Multiagent deep deterministic policy gradient adaptation to the anticipated future policy of other agents. To stabilize learning in MARL, MADDPG [7] introduced Our work is also related to [27, 28] that shape the learning the centralized training and decentralized execution paradigm, process of others. Another relevant idea explored by [29] in which the centralized critic conditions on the global is to interpolate between the frameworks of [26] and [27] information and the decentralized actor only depends on the in a way that guarantees convergence while influencing agent’s local observation. Specifically, a centralized critic for the opponent’s future policy. Recently, [6] addresses non- agent i is defined as Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) = Eµ [Ri |o1 = o, a1 = stationarity by considering both an agent’s own non-stationary {ai , a−i }], where o and µ denote the joint observation policy dynamics and the non-stationary policy dynamics and policy, respectively. The policy gradient for agent i’s of other agents within a meta-learning objective. While deterministic policy µθi (abbreviated as µi ) with respect to these approaches alleviate non-stationarity by considering the expected return J(θi ) = Eµ [Ri ] is: the others’ learning, they do not solve the minimax objective and cannot guarantee robustness when playing against a new ∇θi J(θi ) (1) opponent. This weakness can be exploited by a carefully = Eo,a∼D [∇θi µi (ai |oi )∇ai Qµi (o, ai , a−i )|ai =µi (oi ) ], trained adversary agent [9]. where D denotes the replay buffer. The buffer D stores the tuples (o, o0 , a, r) where o0 is the next joint observation and Robustness verification and neural network relaxation. r is the joint reward. The centralized critic Qµi is updated by To verify the robustness of neural networks, it is important minimizing the following loss function: to compute the lower and upper bound of the output neurons under input perturbations. In supervised learning settings, for L(θi ) = Eo,o0 ,a,r∼D [Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) − y]2 , example, the margin between predicting the ground-truth class 0 (2) s.t. y = ri + γQµi (o0 , a0i , a0−i )|a0j =µ0j (o0j ),∀j∈I , and other classes indicates the robustness of neural networks (i.e., measuring the chance of misclassification). However, where µ0 = {µθi0 }i∈I denotes the set of target policies. due to the nonconvexity in neural networks, the work by [30] C. Minimax MultiAgent deep deterministic policy gradient proved that finding the true range of neural network’s output is nonconvex and NP-complete. To address this issue, convex To learn a robust policy in MARL, an agent should account relaxation methods are proposed to efficiently compute the for the changes in the policy of other simultaneously learning outer approximation (a more conservative estimate) of neural agents. [19] proposed M3DDPG, a robust multiagent learning network’s output range. Many prior works are based on the approach based on the minimax optimization by assuming linear relaxation of the nonlinear units in neural networks: other agents are adversarial agents. Specifically, each agent i FastLin [31], DeepZ [32], Neurify [33], DeepPoly [34], and in [19] optimizes the following learning objective: CROWN [35]. There are also other approaches based on max min Qµi (o, ai , a−i )|ai =µi (oi ) , (3) θi a−i ∈B−i semidefinite relaxation [36, 37], which admit tighter bounds but are more computationally expensive. See [38] for in-depth where B−i is a compact constraint set of a−i (e.g., a lp surveys on this topic. norm ball). Because solving a general nonconvex-nonconcave
" minimax optimization problem is generally intractable [11], min ! ( , ! , #! ) M3DDPG replaces the inner minimization with a one-step $!" gradient descent: " a∗−i = arg min Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) a−i ! (4) ≈ a−i − α−i ∇a−i Qµi (o, ai , a−i ), " where α−i ≥ 0 denotes the learning rate. "! IV. A PPROACH #! While the single-step gradient approximation in Fig. 1: Illustration of the convex relaxation approach for M3DDPG [19] (see Section III-C) improves robustness, we solving the inner minimization in Equation (7). note that the framework has several limitations: • The single-step gradient approximation can explore the locally worst situation and thus still lead to unsatisfying following linear convexification to the centralized Q-function behavior when testing with new opponents that have by assuming the ReLU activation function: drastically different strategies. Applying Equation (4) multiple times for the inner minimization can potentially z l = Wcl xl−1 , xl ≤ ul (z l − ll ) (ul − ll ) alleviate this issue, but this results in a double-loop ap- xl ≥ 0, xl ≥ z l , ∀l = 1, . . . , L − 1 (6) proach in solving Equation (3), which is computationally Q̄µi = WcL z L , prohibitive [39]. • Moreover, the one-step gradient descent approxima- where ll and ul are lower and upper bounds for z l , respec- tion can only compute the upper bound of the inner tively, and and are the element-wise multiplication and minimization problem because the original problem division, respectively. Note that Q̄µi indicates the relaxed cannot be solved to a global optimum. Hence, for the version of Qµi (i.e., ll ≤ z l ≤ ul ). Thanks to this relaxation, outer level, maximizing an upper bound of the inner all equations in (6) are convex, so mina−i Q̄µi (o, ai , a−i ) is objective cannot guarantee the maximum of the original a linear programming and can be solved efficiently. In the objective in Equation (3). In other words, even though evaluation, we empirically show that this new certification one-step gradient descent approximation cannot find module is computationally efficient and does not add much a perturbation that results in the smallest Qµi , such burden on top of a base MARL algorithm. perturbation can exist. B. Solving minimiax optimization via convex relaxation As we detail in this section, we address these issues by Here, we employ the convex relaxation technique discussed employing convex relaxation of neural networks and solving in Section IV-A to solve the inner minimization problem the inner minimization to explore the approximate globally approximately. Specifically, we propose to replace the inner worst situation while achieving certified robustness from the minimization problem in Equation (3) with the following guaranteed bound of the convex relaxation. relaxed objective: Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ) = min Q̄µi (o, ai , a−i ) A. Convex relaxation of neural networks a−i ∈B−i (7) We propose to convexify the centralized action-value ≤ min Qµi (o, ai , a−i ), a−i ∈B−i function in MARL and efficiently solve the inner minimization problem in Equation (3). Specifically, we assume that Qµi where Q̄µi (o, ai , a−i )is the lower bound of Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) is parameterized by fully connected networks with L layers from the relaxation in Equation (6) (see Figure 1). with an input x0 = (o, ai , a−i ). Then, Qµi can be expressed Q̄µi (o, ai , a−i ) is also a function of µ as well and is a by the following form: surrogate of the original non-convex nonlinear objective. The main advantage of the convex relaxation in Equation (7) z l = Wcl xl−1 , xl = σ(z l ), ∀l = 1, ..., L − 1 over (4) is that the former does not need the step size (5) hyperparameter α−i , which can be difficult to tune. The Qµi = WcL z L , performance of [19] is highly sensitive to the step size, and it where σ(·) denotes the nonlinear activation function, and is difficult to tune. By contrast, our convex relaxation problem Wcl is the weight at layer l. For clarity, we drop the bias can be efficiently solved without needing the step size. With terms without loss of generality. Due to the nonconvexity this lower bound, we can reformulate the outer maximization of the activation function, verifying the robustness property problem as: of Qµi over a compact set of x0 is difficult [31, 40]. To max (1 − κi )Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) + κi Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ) address this, we employ a convex relaxation technique [40] to θi verify robustness verification of neural networks and apply the with ai = µi (oi ), (8)
Algorithm 1 Robust MARL via convex relaxation (ROMAX) Agent Landmark 1: Require: batch size S, actor learning rate αa , critic learning rate αc , target update τ , random process N , episode length T Predator 2: Initialize replay buffer D 3: for Episode=1 . . . do ? 4: Initialize environment and get initial observations o Adversary 5: for t = 1...T do 6: For each agent, select action ai = µθi (oi ) + Nt Landmark 7: Execute joint action a and receive r and o0 Prey 8: Store (o, a, r, o0 ) into D, set o ← o0 9: for Each agent i ∈ I do 10: Get S samples (o, a, r, o0 ) from D Fig. 2: Illustration of the considered tasks: Predator-prey 11: Solve inner optimization via relaxation in (10) (Left) and physical deception (Right); Reproduced from [19]. 12: Update critic via loss function in (10) with αc 13: Solve inner optimziation via relaxation in (9) 14: Update actor via policy gradient in (9) with αa 15: end for critic is updated by: 16: Update target network θi = τ θi + (1 − τ )θi0 L(θi ) = Eo,o0 ,a,r∼D [Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) − y]2 , 17: end for 0 18: end for y = ri + γ (1 − κi )Qµi (o0 , a0i , a0−i ) 0 (10) + κi Q̄µi (o0 , a0i , a0∗ −i ) 0 µ where 0 ≤ κi ≤ 1 is a weight coefficient for the term that a0i = µ0i (o0i ), a0∗ 0 0 0 −i = arg 0 min0 Q̄i (o , ai , a−i ), a−i ∈B−i accounts for the policy change of the other agents. Because we maximize the lower bound of the inner minimization 0 where B−i 0 = B−i ((a0j = µ0j (o0j ), ∀j 6= i), 0 ) is a lp ball problem, the original inner objective is guaranteed to be centered at (aj = µ0j (o0j ), ∀j 6= i) with a radius 0 . We 0 maximized. Such a guarantee provides robustness certificates summarize our algorithm in Algorithm 1. for agent i as it considers the worst-case scenarios caused by other learning agents. By setting κi 6= 1, we do not V. E XPERIMENTS entirely use the relaxed inner objective (i.e., Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i )) A. Evaluation domains and baselines as the objective of the outer maximization problem for the We evaluate our approach in mixed cooperative-competitive sake of training stability, as a relaxation gap might be big tasks from the multiagent particle benchmark [7]. In these especially in the early training process. Instead, a combination tasks, there are nc cooperative agents, na adversary agents, of the original objective and its relaxed one is used as the and nL landmarks in a 2D continuous space. We focus on objective for the outer maximization problem, as shown in tasks that include adversarial agents such that agents need Equation (8). Because this inner minimization needs to be to have diverse strategies to outperform opponents and thus solved whenever the policy is updated, the convex relaxation robustness is an important factor. Below are some descriptions problem in Equation (7) should be efficient enough with a of considered tasks with illustration in Figure 2. tight bound. Therefore, there is a trade-off to choose a certain • Predator-prey. na = 3 slower cooperative predators aim convex relaxation method among many candidates, in which to catch the nc = 1 faster prey. nL = 2 landmarks are we refer to the appendix for details. unmovable and can impede the way of all of the agents. Once there is a collision between predators and the prey, C. Integrating with MARL algorithm the former get rewarded while the latter gets penalized. • Physical deception. There are na = 1 adversary and Our framework based on convex relaxation in Section IV-B nc = 2 agents together with nL = 2 landmarks in can be readily integrated into general MARL frameworks. the environments. The adversary aims to occupy a We implement our method based on MADDPG (see Section target landmark without knowing which one of the two III-B). Integrating the minimax formulation and the convex landmarks is the target. As a result, agents must split relaxation in Equation (8) together with the actor update in and cover all landmarks to deceive the adversary. Equation (1) yields: Transfer to real robot learning. We note that these tasks h closely coincide with real-world robotic missions. For the µ ∗ predator-prey, multiple robots can be deployed to chase an ∇θi J(θi ) = Eo,a∼D ∇θi µi (oi )∇ai κi Q̄i (o, ai , a−i ) i intelligent moving target (e.g., an intruder in a market). For + (1 − κi )Qµi (o, ai , a−i ) , (9) physical deception, we can deploy robots to protect assets of interest with intelligent behaviors to deceive opponents. The ai = µi (oi ), a∗−i = arg min Q̄µi (o, ai , a−i ), a−i ∈B−i fidelity of the models and perception required in simulation can be achieved in the real world via sensors such as cameras, where B−i = B−i ((aj = µj (oj ), ∀j 6= i), ) is a lp ball velocity meters, and LiDAR. Sim-to-real is known to be centered at (aj = µj (oj ), ∀j 6= i) with a radius . Then, the difficult, because the behaviors of other agents deployed in
Agent MADDPG M3DDPG ROMAX RAdv Adv −0.017±0.012, 0.160±0.045, 0.031±0.020, MADDPG 0.174±0.080 −0.550±0.017 −0.502±0.053 −0.406±0.025 0.307±0.043, 0.250±0.048, −0.043±0.031, M3DDPG 0.514±0.158 −0.718±0.051 −0.609±0.060 −0.290±0.042 0.560±0.032, 0.428±0.055, 0.132±0.020, ROMAX 1.12±0.183 −1.093±0.037 −0.936±0.057 −0.477±0.026 RAgent −2.361±0.230 −2.047±0.193 −1.173±0.083 MADDPG M3DDPG ROMAX Roverall −2.187 −1.533 −0.053 = RAdv + RAgent TABLE I: Evaluation in the predator-prey task. Predator and prey correspond to adversary (Adv for short) and agent in the table, respectively. Each pair is evaluated for 250 episodes, i.e., 10 episodes for each of the 5×5 = 25 pairs of random seeds. (•, •) in each cell denotes the mean/standard error of the reward per step in the episode of the adversaries and agents, respectively. The higher the return is, the better the policy is. For each column, different adversaries compete against the same agent, and a higher adversary reward indicates better performance against the same agent; row-wise for the agents. In the last row, we summarize the overall robustness results for playing both teams via the metric Roverall . Agent MADDPG M3DDPG ROMAX RAdv Adv −0.795±0.017, −0.689±0.031, −0.814±0.032, MADDPG −2.298±0.061 0.482±0.005 0.248±0.020 0.338±0.0199 −0.742±0.029, −0.819±0.018, −0.839±0.037, M3DDPG −2.4±0.050 0.225±0.021 0.467±0.004 0.271±0.020 −0.572±0.0282, −0.613±0.033, −0.512±0.010, ROMAX −1.697±0.048 0.128±0.019 0.133±0.0193 0.283±0.003 RAgent 0.835±0.150 0.848±0.139 0.892±0.033 MADDPG M3DDPG ROMAX Roverall −1.463 −1.552 −0.805 = RAdv + RAgent TABLE II: Evaluation in the physical deception task. The evaluation settings and metrics shown in this table are the same as those in Table 1. the environment in the real-world may differ significantly As Table 1 and 2 demonstrate, for both tasks, ROMAX from the simulation (e.g., due to varying transition dynamics). can train more robust policies for both teams in a competitive This is exactly what this work aims to address: the certified game. For each adversary, when competing against the same and improved robustness will enhance the resilience and set of diverse agents, our adversary get the highest return; applicability of multiagent algorithms from sim-to-real. Lastly, see the RAdv columns in the tables. Similar conclusion can the learned policy can be easily transferred on-board, and be made for the agents given the RAgent rows in the tables. generated actions can be further executed by a lower-level These results demonstrate that, via computing the approximate controller if necessary. global worst-case situation, policies can generalize and Baselines. We compare ROMAX to M3DDPG [19], a perform well when tested against unseen peer agents’ policies. robust MARL algorithm that also applies the minimax We also note that M3DDPG is outperformed by MADDPG formulation but solves the inner optimization approximately in Table 2 (see the overall robustness results). This might via the one-step gradient descent. We also compare our be due to the sensitive step-size parameter of M3DDPG algorithm to MADDPG [7], which uses the centralized critic in Equation (4). This observation implies that a tuned step but does not solve minimax. Implementation details and size for one task cannot generalize to another one and also hyperparameters are specified in the appendix. shows the advantage of ROMAX. Regarding the computation efficiency, we empirically observe that the factor between B. Results wall-clock time per iteration of ROMAX (with certification) Question 1: How much does ROMAX improve the robust- and that of MADDPG (without certification), is close to 1 ness of trained policies? (i.e., 1.08, averaged among multiple seeds). This validates To answer this question and test robustness, each policy that our certification module is computationally efficient. from one team is evaluated against a diverse set of policies from the other team. Then the adversaries’ policies trained Question 2: How much can disruptive policies exploit a by one algorithm under each random seed will be evaluated fixed robust policy? against the agents’ policy trained by all of the other algorithms To answer this question, we construct a disruptive policy under all random seeds; vice-versa for the agent’s policy. in the predator-prey task by 1) training both teams with
A PPENDIX A. Repositories The multiagent particle environments we used in simulation is from openai/multiagent-particle-envs. We use the implementation of the base algorithm MADDPG from maddpg-pytorch. Note that with relaxations in Equation (6), Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ) is no longer an explicit function with respect to its input without constraints. Then the framework auto LiRPA (https: Fig. 3: The performance of the fixed agent (prey) during the //, [41]) is used training of disruptive adversaries (predators) with 3 seeds. to get Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ) efficiently and automatically. Higher return implies a more robust policy. B. Choice of convex relaxation methods For robustness verification of neural networks there are many convex relaxation based methods, from which we need to choose one for Equation (7). When there is a trade-off to each algorithm until convergence, 2) fixing the prey policy, choose a certain convex relaxation method among many can- and 3) training new adversary predators policies based on didates, we can get Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ) as a convex combination of MADDPG that attempt to exploit this fixed prey trained the bounds from different methods [42]. For example, Interval by each method. In Figure 3, the robustness results of the Bound Propagation (IBP, [43]) and CROWN-IBP [42] have fixed prey trained with different algorithms are shown. As their respective strengths and shortcomings in terms of bound the disruptive adversaries’ training proceeds, the fixed prey’s tightness, sensitivity to hyper-parameters, computational cost return decreases as expected. However, ROMAX achieves with the training going on. As a result, we can have: the highest return compared to other methods, validating the robustness advantage of our approach. We observe that Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ) = β Q̄µi,IBP (o, ai , a∗−i ) M3DDPG and MADDPG perform similarly in this analysis, (11) + (1 − β)Q̄µi,CROWN-IBP (o, ai , a∗−i ), possibly due to the sensitive tuning of the step size. with β ∈ [0, 1] a tunable parameter which can change with the training iteration index increasing. As both Q̄µi,IBP (o, ai , a∗−i ) and Q̄µi,CROWN-IBP (o, ai , a∗−i ) are the lower VI. C ONCLUSION bounds of Qµi (o, ai , a−i ), so are their convex combination Q̄µi (o, ai , a∗−i ). Hence, the property of certified robustness is In this paper, we propose a robust reinforcement learning kept. algorithm for a multirobot system. To robustify learning, we C. Hyperparameter consider the learning of other agents based on the worst- case scenario criterion, which inherently leads to a minimax Some key hyperparameters are shown in Table III. formulation. As minimax formulation is computationally Episode length 25 batch size 1024 expensive to solve, convex relaxation of neural networks is NN hidden dim 64 τ 0.01 applied to solve the inner minimization problem. By convex learning rate 0.01 max 0.1 relaxation, agents can account for peer agents that possibly βmin 0.9 γ 0.99 have drastically different behaviors, and a certified bound of the original optimization problem can be gained. We believe TABLE III: Hyperparameters choices in the implementation. this is the first work that integrates robustness verification in MARL. Our algorithm outperforms existing robust MARL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS algorithms in mixed cooperative-competitive tasks. Research supported by Scientific Systems Company, Inc. There are a few important directions for future works. under research agreement # SC-1661-04 and ARL DCIST First, we would like to develop tight but efficient convex under Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-17-2-0181. relaxation-based methods for neural network robustness Dong-Ki Kim was supported by IBM, Samsung (as part of verification. Moreover, there are several real-world robustness the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab initiative), and Kwanjeong applications, including observation perturbation, actuation Educational Foundation Fellowship. We thank Amazon Web fault, malicious/stealthy attack, communication delay, that services for computational support. we would like to test our approach on. Lastly, developing principled and general learning methods with theoretical guarantees (e.g., convergence analysis) will be a meaningful direction.
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