Rolls-Royce SMR Nuclear Academics Meeting 8th September 2021 - Nuclear Universities

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Rolls-Royce SMR Nuclear Academics Meeting 8th September 2021 - Nuclear Universities
Rolls-Royce SMR
                                                           Nuclear Academics Meeting
                                                           8th September 2021
                                                           Sophie Macfarlane-Smith – Head of Customer Business

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Royce in good faith based upon the
latest information available to it; no
warranty or representation is given; no
contractual or other binding
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      © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
Rolls-Royce SMR Nuclear Academics Meeting 8th September 2021 - Nuclear Universities
SMR Video                     

    © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
Rolls-Royce SMR Nuclear Academics Meeting 8th September 2021 - Nuclear Universities
Tomorrow’s energy market will look fundamentally different as the world
                 transitions to a low carbon environment

       Only 13% global energy is low carbon
                                                                          • The challenge is huge, covering transport and heat as well as grid electricity


                                                     Oil                  • Decarbonisation obligations are having a material impact on energy policies
                     kTWh                            Biofuels & Waste

                                                                          • There are a limited number of solutions to decarbonising many sectors. Most
                                                     Hydro, geothermal,     need more clean electricity

                                                                          • The demand for clean electricity is set to grow considerably in any scenario
                                                                          • Industrial companies are seeking to decarbonise production quickly and

    Non-Confidential                                                      • Our SMR provides a low cost, investible, and deliverable solution to
    © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control                      predictable clean electricity at a scale unmatched by other clean sources
Energy forecasts may vary but electricity growth is substantial in any
                  future energy system scenario

    Consensus 1 outlook on final energy consumption (2000-2050F)                                 Consensus 1 outlook on total electricity production (2000-2050F)
    000’ TWh (equivalent)                                                                           000’ TWh (equivalent)

        200                                                                                          60
                                                                                                               •     Aggressive decarbonisation will
                                                                                                                     require much more clean electricity for
                                                                                                                     significant clean fuel (hydrogen, eFuel)
                                                                                                                     generation and use most probably in
                                                                                                                     off-grid scenarios


                                           Steady transition scenarios (meeting current              20
                                           obligations under Paris agreement)
                                          Environmentally ambitious scenarios
                                          (exceeding current obligations)
                                                                                                                   In environmentally ambitious scenarios, growth could be
                                               Base view                                                                          even higher (up to 2.6x)

             0                                                                                         0
              2000                10               20      30          40         50                    2000                10             20              30             40              50

                                                                                          Source: LEK
4   Non-Confidential                                                                      Note:
    © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control                                    1.    Consensus forecasters of energy and electricity growth include Bloomberg, BP, DNV-GL, EIA, Exxon Mobil, IEA and IRENA
Rolls-Royce SMR is a revolutionary nuclear product; factory fabricated,
                                road transported and site assembled.

          The RR SMR approach is a holistic, integrated power station and not just a nuclear reactor design.

                                                                                        Enhanced Gen III+ levels
         ~470 MWe output
                                                                                         of safety and security

              50 Hz design                                                              1st unit on grid early 2030s

    Proven PWR Technology
                                                                                        Capital cost under £1.8 Bn*
        & Standard Fuel

    Power station delivery as                                                             Adaptable, multi-use
       a turnkey project                                                                  power & heat output

         4 yr Construction
                                                                                        LCOE £35-£50 per MWh*
                 (Nth unit)

                           Rolls Royce SMRs – Low cost, Deliverable, Investable Low Carbon Power
5   Non-Confidential
    © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
Rolls-Royce SMR plant: Key Features

Reactor Systems
• A robust and licensable design incorporating:
     o A 3-loop PWR
     o 3 reactor coolant pumps (one in each loop)
     o 3 vertical u-tube steam generators
     o Steam pressurised using a pressuriser
• Nuclear fuel is industry standard 17x17 assembly
  UO2 enriched up to 4.95%,

• Boron free design to enable a low environmental
  impact and eliminate handling hazards.

                                                                                       Cooling Water Island
                                                          Turbine Island               o Indirect cooling system
                                                          o Comprises a commercially     utilises modular cooling
                                                            available turbine and        towers to remove heat from
                                                            generator set                the turbine island

 6   Non-Confidential
     © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
The heat and power from SMRs supports a range of industrial uses.
                 Shared usage minimises the cost of plant ownership and maximises the economic
                                     efficiency of the low carbon energy.


    One Rolls-Royce SMR and
                                                                   Industry                                              SAF
    associated plant can. . . .
                                                                     100%                                             production
          Power a million homes

          Produce 170 tonnes of H2
          per day                                              DAC                                                                  H2
                                                                                                                                 (with heat)
          Produce 280 tonnes of net                                                              SMR
          zero synthetic fuel per day

          Heat or cool a city the size                                                                                     H2
          of Sheffield (pop c580,000)
                                                         Grid electrical                                               production
                                                          and thermal                                                  (without heat)
                                                                                   Grid                       Grid                             power
                                                                                electrical                  thermal
7   Non-Confidential                                                              power                      power                             Power
    © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
Efficiency does not necessarily equate to economical value

                              Innovations that focus on delivering ultimate market value are important

                                                Engineering efficiency is                      Central Fleet Operations

                                                the ratio between the
                                                energy needed to power a
                                                process vs the energy the
                                                process creates                          Objective: Reduce overall cost of ownership
                                                Economic efficiency is the               • Total plant design integration / optimisation
                                                ratio between a company's                • Maximise power output (for no further capital /
                                                ability to invest in and use               op cost / risk)
                                                its assets vs the income                 • Maximising availability

                                                they generate                            • Maximising reliability
                                                                                         • Reduce outage periods
                                                                                         • Optimise predictive maintenance
8   Non-Confidential
    © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control                                   • Reduce inventory & optimise spares planning
The LCOE for SMRs is similar to renewable LCOEs and is significantly
                   cheaper once storage costs for renewables are included

    European LCOE / Levelised Cost of Storage (“LCOS”), by technology                                                        European LCOE / LCOS, by technology for indicative assets1
    for indicative assets1 commissioning in 2019                                                                             commissioning in 2040
    GBP/MWh                                                                                                                  GBP/MWh
300                                    Intermittent source of electricity                                                                                Intermittent source of electricity


200                                                                                                                        200
                                                   Significant cost
                                                     increase for                                                                                                  Low renewable
 150                                                                                                                        150
                                                   constant, secure                                                                                                LCOE + cost of
                                                       supply                                                                                                     intermittency =>
100                                                                                                                        100                                     SMR SPV LCOE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SMR SPV
                                                                                                           SMR SPV
    50                                                                                                                      50                                                                                        35-50

    0                                                                                                                         0
         Nuclear        Coal        Gas       Solar PV     Wind    Wind        Utility CCGT + Hinkley Nuclear                      Nuclear      Coal    Gas   Solar PV    Wind    Wind        Utility CCGT + Hinkley Nuclear
                                   CCGT                   onshore offshore     scale    CCS3 Point C4 SMR                                              CCGT              onshore offshore     scale    CCS3 Point C4 SMR
                                                                             stationary               (NOAK)                                                                                stationary               (NOAK)
                                                                             batteries2                                                                                                     batteries
Sources: IEA WEO 2020, BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report 2020
Notes: CCGT = Combined Cycle Gas Turbine; CCS = Carbon Capture and Storage; USD = United States Dollar
1.    Data from IEA WEO 2020, converted from USD to GBP (0.7) with +/-10% range applied                                                                         SMR Range determined by financing mechanism
2.    IEA Data – 2020 base year
3.    Data from BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report 2020 – Refers to 2025 LCOE as this is the first estimated deployment date of this technology
4.    GBP92.5 CFD agreed price, scaled by CPI to 2019, as per CFD agreement
     © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
Lessons from Aerospace?

There are many examples of high profile projects that have not delivered on expectations

                           •   Dassault Mercure – 12 units built

                                 •   Flying range of aircraft insufficient to meet customer requirements

                           •   Tupolev TU-144 – 16 units built

                                 •   Pushed technology boundaries, the aircraft was blighted by
                                     accidents leading to withdrawal from service

                           •   Concorde – 20 units built

                                 •   Sales suffered from regulatory restrictions imposed and poor
                                     operational economics

                           •   Airbus A380

                                 •   Required expensive infrastructure changes at airports. Ultimately too
                                     large and economics poor

     © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
Rolls-Royce SMR
                                                           September 2021

This information is provided by Rolls-
Royce in good faith based upon the
latest information available to it; no
                                                           Sophie Macfarlane-Smith
warranty or representation is given; no
contractual or other binding
                                                           Head of Customer Business
commitment is implied
                                                           M +44 (0)7976193127
      © 2021 Rolls-Royce | Not Subject to Export Control
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