Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv

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Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning
                                                                              Mahroo Bahreinian1 , Marc Mitjans2 , and Roberto Tron3

                                            Abstract— We propose a novel approach for sampling-based                      In this paper we take advantage of the capabilities of RRT∗ -
                                         and control-based motion planning that combines a representa-                 like algorithms to effectively represent the free configuration
                                         tion of the environment obtained via modified version of optimal              space, but augment it with linear output-feedback controllers
                                         Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT∗ ), with landmark-based
                                         output-feedback controllers obtained via Control Lyapunov                     that guide the state along the edges of the tree graph based
                                         Functions, Control Barrier Functions, and robust Linear Pro-                  on the observation of landmarks, points whose location is
arXiv:2105.14118v1 [cs.RO] 28 May 2021

                                         gramming. Our solution inherits many benefits of RRT∗ -like                   known in the map and that can be easily recognized (but can
                                         algorithms, such as the ability to implicitly handle arbitrarily              be generally distinct from the obstacles or generated samples).
                                         complex obstacles, and asymptotic optimality. Additionally,                   Our output-feedback controllers provide remedies to the three
                                         it extends planning beyond the discrete nominal paths, as
                                         feedback controllers can correct deviations from such paths,                  aforementioned shortcomings of traditional methods: 1) it
                                         and are robust to discrepancies between the map used for                      enables us to simplify the tree representation (i.e., reduce
                                         planning and the real environment. We test our algorithms first               the number of nodes) while also extending it to regions that
                                         in simulations and then in experiments, testing the robustness                were not explicitly sampled; 2) it steers clear of obstacles
                                         of the approach to practical conditions, such as deformations                 (within the resolution limits given by the finite sampling) by
                                         of the environment, mismatches in the dynamical model of the
                                         robot, and measurements acquired with a camera with a limited                 explicitly avoiding samples that were found in collision; and
                                         field of view.                                                                3) it provides robustness to discrepancies in the map used
                                                                                                                       for the planning that are reflected in the landmarks (if the
                                                                I. INTRODUCTION                                        actual landmark locations are somewhat different, the resulting
                                                                                                                       control will change accordingly and without replanning).
                                            The problem of motion planning from an initial state toward
                                         a goal state has received great attention in mobile robotics.                 A. Review of prior work
                                         One of the currently most popular techniques for solving                         Sampling-based planning algorithms, such as Probabilistic
                                         this problem is represented by sampling-based algorithms,                     Road Map [1], Rapidly exploring Random Tree (RRT∗ ) [2],
                                         where the planner is not given an explicit representation                     [3] and asymptotically optimal Rapidly Exploring Random
                                         of the environment (e.g., via polygons), but instead uses                     Tree (RRT∗ ), [4], have become popular in the last few
                                         a sampling function that can be used to query whether an                      years due to their good practical performance, and their
                                         arbitrary point is in free space or inside an obstacle. Together              probabilistic completeness [3]–[5]. There have also been
                                         with a steering function that can find trajectories between                   extensions considering perception uncertainty [6]. However,
                                         samples, algorithms such as RRT∗ and derivatives build a tree                 these algorithms only provide nominal paths, and assume that
                                         that is rooted at the goal location and that extends toward                   a separate low-level controller exists to generate collision-
                                         every reachable point in the free space. When such tree arrives               free trajectories at run time. For trajectory planning that
                                         at a given starting location, a nominal feasible path can be                  takes into account non-trivial dynamical systems of the robot,
                                         found by tracing it back along the tree to the root. However,                 kinodynamic RRT∗ [3], [5] and closed-loop RRT∗ (CL-RRT,
                                         in practice, following this path requires full knowledge of                   [7]) and CL-RRT# grow the tree by sampling control inputs
                                         the position in the environment and a lower-level control                     and then propagating forward the nonlinear dynamics (with
                                         to compensate for disturbances. Additionally, although the                    the optional use of stabilizing controllers and tree rewiring to
                                         sampling process naturally reveals information about the                      approach optimality). Further in this line of work, there has
                                         obstacles via sample collisions, such information is typically                been a relatively smaller amount of works on algorithms that
                                         discarded after planning; relatedly, traditional approaches do                focus on producing controllers as opposed to simple reference
                                         not address the fact that there might be discrepancies between                trajectories. The safeRRT algorithm [8], [9] generates a
                                         the implicit map given by the sampling function and the real                  closed-loop trajectory from an initial state to the desired goal
                                         free configuration space.                                                     by expanding a tree of local state-feedback controllers to
                                                                                                                       maximize the volume of corresponding positive invariant sets
                                            This work was supported by ONR MURI N00014-19-1-2571 “Neuro-
                                         Autonomy: Neuroscience-Inspired Perception, Navigation, and Spatial
                                                                                                                       while satisfying the input and output constraints. Based on the
                                         Awareness”                                                                    same idea and following the RRT∗ approach, the LQR-tree
                                            1 Division of Systems Engineering at Boston University, Boston, MA,
                                                                                                                       algorithm [10] creates a tree by sampling over state space
                                         02215 USA. {}                                                  and stabilizes the tree with a linear quadratic regulator (LQR)
                                            2 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Boston University, Boston, MA,

                                         02215 USA. M. Mitjans is additionally supported by ”la Caixa” Foundation
                                                                                                                       feedback. With respect to the present paper, the common trait
                                         fellowship LCF/BQ/AA18/11680117. {}                            among all these works is the use of full state feedback (as
                                            3 Department of Mechanical and System Engineering.{}            opposed to output feedback).
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
Separately, the state-of-the-art method for synthesizing safe       •   Obtain a method that, thanks to the use of visual features
and stable control commands is represented by the combi-                  of the environment (landmarks) and output feedback
nation of Control Barrier Functions (CBF) and Control Lya-                controllers, automatically adapts RRT∗ solutions to
punov Function (CLF) [11]–[13]; however, these approaches                 deformations of the environment and deviations from
are in general not complete for complex environments (i.e.,               the nominal path without replanning;
they might fail to reach the goal even when a feasible path           •   Implement the proposed algorithm in a real-world envi-
exists).                                                                  ronment to validate the performance of our algorithm.
  In our algorithm, we use the min-max robust Linear
                                                                                          II. BACKGROUND
Programming (LP) controller synthesis method from [14].
However, that work assumes that a polyhedral convex cell              In this section, we review the CLF and CBF constraints,
decomposition of the environment is available, which greatly        and the RRT∗ method in the context of our proposed work.
reduces the applicability of that method. Moreover, that            A. System Dynamics
work also does not test the resulting controllers in a real
experimental setting.                                                  We assume that the robot has control-affine dynamics of
                                                                    the form
B. Proposed approach and contributions                                                   ẋ = Ax + Bu,                     (1)

   As mentioned above, at a high level, our approach first          where x ∈ X ⊂ Rn denotes the state, u ∈ U ⊂ Rm is the
converts an implicit representation of the environment to a         system input, and A ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×m define the linear
simplified tree graph via sampling, and then builds a sequence      dynamics of the system. We assume that the pair (A, B) is
of linear output feedback controllers to generate piece-wise        controllable, and that Xi and U are polytopic,
linear control laws for navigation. To build the tree, we use the         X = {x | Ax x ≤ bx },        U = {u | Au u ≤ bu },         (2)
RRT∗ algorithm with two modifications: 1) we post-process
the tree to minimize the number of nodes and decrease the           Note that, in our case, X will be a convex cell centered
overall path length of each branch, and 2) we do not discard        around a sample in the tree (Section II-E).
the samples that are found to be in collision with obstacles.
                                                                    B. Tree graphs
In addition to the sample-based tree and collision samples,
we assume that the environment includes a set of landmarks             A graph is a tuple (V, E) where V represents a set of nodes
that the robot can sense, such that for any location in the free    and E represents a set of edges. If (i, j) ∈ E, we say that j
space at least one landmark is available (in practice, these        is the parent of node j. An oriented tree T is a graph where
landmarks could correspond to visual features on the surface        each node has exactly one parent, except for the root, which
of obstacles, although we do not place any restriction on their     has no parents. We refer to nodes without children as leaves.
location).                                                          C. Optimal Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT∗ )
   We then propose a way to define convex cells around each
                                                                       In this section we review RRT∗ , an algorithm which is
node in the tree that ensure progress from that node to its
                                                                    typically used for single-query path planning, but that can
parent via a CLF constraint, while using the samples found
                                                                    also be used to build a representation of the free configuration
in collision to form a local convex approximation of the free
                                                                    space starting from a given root node (in this paper we use
space for obstacle avoidance via CBF constraints. We apply
                                                                    it for the latter purpose). The algorithm builds a tree T and
the method of [14] to formulate a min-max robust Linear
                                                                    is summarized in Algorithm 1, and its main functions are:
Program that synthesizes a controller for each cell which takes
                                                                        • RandomSample: return a random sample from a uni-
as inputs relative position measurements of the landmarks
and outputs a control signal that respects and balances the               form probability distribution in configuration space X .
                                                                        • IsSampleCollision: return True if the given sam-
stability constraint from the CLF, and the safety (collision
avoidance) constraints from the CBF. Additionally, we show                ple is in collision with an obstacle.
                                                                        • Nearest: return the node in V closest to the random
how to easily recompute the controllers (online) to handle
the case where subsets of landmarks are not visible (e.g., due            sample xrand .
                                                                        • Near: return a set of nodes in V within distance r
to the the camera’s limited field of view). To summarize, the                                     ∗
main contributions of this work are:                                      from the xrand where r is defined as
      Integrate high-level RRT∗ path planning, with low-level                                               log |V| d+1
  •                                                                                     r∗ = min(γ ∗ (             )    , η),         (3)
      CLF-CBF LP control synthesis, thus allowing the method                                                  V
      of [14] to be applied to general environments for which             d is the dimension of the configuration space, η is the
      a cell decomposition is not available;                              constant in the definition of the Steering function,
  •   Introduce a new algorithm to simplify and improve a                 γ ∗ = 2((1 + d1 ) Aπfree ) d , and Afree represents the area of
      tree generated by RRT∗ algorithm with a finite number               the free space.
      of samples (which, in general, is not optimal).                 •   Steering: given two states p and p0 , and η, return
  •   Introduce a new method to reformulate the controller to             a path from p toward p0 with length η if there is no
      navigate with a limited field of view.                              collision between the path and the obstacles.
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
Algorithm 1 RRT∗                                                                      In this work, we assume that Lie derivatives of h(x) of the
 1: Input (Obstacle lists O, start point, maxitr , η)                              first order are sufficient [15] (i.e., h(x) has relative degree 1
 2: V ← start point, E ← ∅, Vcollision ← ∅
 3: for i = 1, . . . , maxitr do                                                   with respect to the dynamics (1)); however, the result could
 4:     xrand ← RandomSample                                                       be extended to the higher relative degree, as discussed in
 5:     if IsSampleCollision(xrand ) then
 6:         Append xrand to Vcollision and break                                   [14].
 7:     end if                                                                        We now pass to the definition of the differential constraints.
 8:     xnearest ← Nearest(G = (V, E), xrand )
 9:     xnew ← Steer(xnearest , xrand , η)                                         Consider a continuously differentiable function V (x) : X →
10:      if isEdgeCollision(xnearest , xnew ) then                                 R, V (x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ X , with V (x) = 0 for some x ∈ X .
11:          Xnear ← Near(G = (V, E), xnew , r ∗ )
12:          V ← V ∪ xnew                                                             Definition 2: The function V (x) is a Control Lyapunov
13:          xmin ← xnearest                                                       Function (CLF) with respect to (1) if there exists positive
14:          cmin ← costnearest + norm(xnearest , xnew )
15:          for every xnear ∈ Xnear do                                            constants c1 , c2 , cv and control inputs u ∈ U such that
16:              if isEdgeCollision ∧ costnear + norm(xnear , xnew ) < cmin then
17:                  xmin ← xnear                                                         LA V (x) + LB V (x)u + cv V (x) ≤ 0, ∀x ∈ X .         (5)
18:                  cmin ← costnear + norm(xnear , xnew )
19:              end if
20:          end for
                                                                                   Furthermore, (5) implies that limt→∞ V (x(t)) = 0.
21:          E ← E ∪ (xmin , xnew )                                                Consider a continuously differentiable function h(x) : X →
22:          E ←Rewire((V, E), Xnear , xnew )
23:      end if
                                                                                   R which defines a safe set C such that
24: end for
25: return T = (V, E), Vcollision .                                                                     C = {x ∈ Rn | h(x) ≥ 0},
                                                                                                      ∂C = {x ∈ Rn | h(x) = 0},                 (6)
Algorithm 2 Rewire                                                                                Int(C) = {x ∈ R | h(x) > 0}.
1: for every xnear ∈ Xnear do                                                      In our setting, the set C will represent a convex local
2:     if isEdgeCollision ∧ costnear + norm(xnear , xnew ) < cmin then
3:         xparent ← Parent(xnear )                                                approximation of the free configuration space (in the sense
4:         E ← (E − {xparent , xnear }) ∪ (xnew , xnear )
                                                                                   that x ∈ C does not contain any sample that was found to be
5:     end if
6: end for                                                                         in collision). We say that the set C is forward invariant (also
7: return E.                                                                       said positive invariant [8]) if x(t0 ) ∈ C implies x(t) ∈ C, for
                                                                                   all t ≥ 0 [16].
                                                                                      Definition 3 (CBF, [17]): The function h(x) is a Control
   •   isEdgeCollision: given two states p and p0 , return                         Barrier Function with respect to (1) if there exists a positive
       True if there is no collision between the path that                         constant ch , control inputs u ∈ U, and a set C such that
       connects p to p0 and the obstacles; note that in general
       this function is typically built by using IsSampleCol-                              LAx h(x) + LB h(x)u + ch h(x) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ C.           (7)
                                                                                   Furthermore, (7) implies that the set C is forward invariant.
    • Rewire: check if the cost of the nodes in Xnear is less
       through xnew as compared to their older costs, then its                     E. Environment
       parent is changed to xnew .
                                                                                       As mentioned in the previous section, the environment is
For this paper, the only modification to the original RRT∗                          implicitly represented by the Sample function. Additionally,
algorithm is represented by line 5 in Algorithm 1, which                           we assume that the robot can measure the displacement
stores random samples that were found to be in collision with                      ˆli − x between its position x and its set of landmarks ˆli .
an obstacle in the list Vcollision instead of discarding them; this                The location of ˆli is assumed to be known and fixed in the
list is then returned by the algorithm and will be used to define                   environment. Note that the landmarks ˆli , from the point of
the CBF constraints in our algorithm (see Section III-D). In                       view of our algorithms, can be arbitrary as long as there
general, RRT∗ is guaranteed to be asymptotically complete                           is at least one landmark visible from any point x in the
and optimal, although these guarantees do not necessarily                           free configuration space. The landmarks do not need to be
hold with a finite number of samples.                                               chosen from the samples of the RRT∗ algorithm, or from the
D. Control Lyapunov and Barrier Functions (CLF, CBF)                                obstacles. Furthermore, we assume that the total extent of the
                                                                                    environment is bounded by a convex polyhedron Xenv (e.g.,
   In this section we review CLF and CBF constraints, which
                                                                                    simple box constraints).
are differential inequalities that ensure stability and safety (set
invariance) of a control signal u with respect to the dynamics                      III. FEEDBACK CONTROL PLANNING VIA RRT∗
(1). These constraints are defined. First, it is necessary to
                                                                                      At a high level, our algorithm first divides the configuration
review the following.
                                                                                   space into cells according to a tree-graph representation of
   Definition 1: The Lie derivative of a differentiable function
                                                                                   the environment, and then computes a controller for each cell
h for the dynamics (1) with respect to the vector field Ax is
                                   T                                               that can be used to move the robot along the tree starting from
defined as LAx h(x) = ∂h(x(t))
                             ∂x      Ax.                                           any initial location. More in detail, our solution is comprised
Applying this definition to (1) we obtain                                          of the following steps:
                   ḣ(x) = LAx h(x) + LB h(x)u.                             (4)      1) Run RRT∗ , and then simplify the generated tree.
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
Algorithm 3 Post Processing Rewiring
                                                                   1: Input (T = (V, E))
                                                                   2: for i = 1, . . . , |V | do
                                                                   3:     while     ∃      Parent(node)∧     ∃   Parent(Parent(node))      ∧
                                                                        IsEdgeCollision(nodei ,Parent(Parent(nodei )) do
                                                                   4:          E ← E−{nodei ,Parent(nodei )} ∪ nodei ,Parent(Parent(nodei ))
                                                                   5:       end while
                                                                   6:   end for
                                                                   7:   return T = (V, E)

     (a) Tree generated by RRT∗       (b) Simplified tree          Algorithm 4 Remove Crossing
Fig. 1: Obstacles are represented by blue circles, and the          1: Input (T = (V, E))
                                                                    2: for for every (i, j) ∈ E do
start point of RRT∗ is located at the origin. In Fig. 1a, yellow    3:     for for every (p, q) ∈ E do
dots show the samples in collision with the obstacles, and          4:         if edge (i, j) and (p, q) have an intersection then
                                                                    5:             k =intersection (i, j) and (p, q)
the generated tree from RRT∗ is plotted in green. Fig. 1b           6:             Parent(i) ← k
depicts the simplified tree following Section III-A.                7:             Parent(p) ← k
                                                                    8:             E ← E − {(i, j), (p, q)}
                                                                    9:             E ← E ∪ {(i, k), (p, k)}
                                                                   10:              costj ← reach start point through node j
                                                                   11:              costq ← reach start point through node q
 2) Define a convex cell around every node of the tree while       12:              if costj ≤ costq then
    taking into account the position of its parent.                13:                  E ← E ∪ {(k, j)}
                                                                   14:              end if
 3) Define the CLF and CBF constraints for each cell.              15:              if costq ≤ costj then
 4) Use a robust LP formulation to compute a controller for        16:                  E ← E ∪ {(k, q)}
                                                                   17:              end if
    each cell that respects the CLF and CBF constraints.           18:          end if
 5) Reformulate the controller in terms of visible and             19:      end for
                                                                   20: end for
    invisible landmarks for the limited field of view of the       21: return T = (V, E)
Below we give the details of each one of the steps.
                                                                   to the simplified tree with a straight line, which suggests that
A. Simplified Tree Graph                                           the simplified tree will be a good roadmap representation
   We start with a tree T = (V, E) generated by the traditional    [19] of the free configuration space reachable from the root.
RRT∗ algorithm from Section II-C. Since the number of
                                                                   B. Environment Constraints
samples is finite, the generated tree is not asymptotically
optimal but it has a large number of nodes. We simplify the             For each edge (i, j) ∈ E in the tree, we define a cell Xij as
tree such that the tree has less number of nodes while it keeps
                                                                                            Xij = XVi ∩ XPi ∩ Xenv ,                    (8)
track of all samples in collision with obstacles by following
three steps:                                                       where
  1) Post Processing Rewiring (PPR, Algorithm 3): similarly                                 xk − xi     kxk − xi k
      to θ∗ [18], we examine each node starting from the root      XVij = {x|(x − xi )T               ≤            , k ∈ V \ {j}}
                                                                                           kxk − xi k       2
      and using a breadth-first order, and use the function                                                                    (9a)
      isEdgeCollision to check if it can be connected                                       x j − x i
      to an ancestor (testing from the parent and then moving      XPij    = {x|(x − xi )T            ≤ kxj − xi k, i, j ∈ V},
                                                                                           kxj − xi k
      toward the root) without collisions and while lowering                                                                   (9b)
      the path length.
  2) Remove Crossing (RC, Algorithm 4), if edge (i, j)             and kxk − xi k and x ∈ Rn is the Euclidean distance between
      crosses edge (p, q) with an intersection at point k, we      nodes i, k ∈ V; the polyhedron Xij is similar to a Voronoi
      add point k to V, and edges (i, k) and (p, k) to E. Then,    region [20], and is defined by a set of perpendicular bisector
      we compare the costs of reaching the start point from        of segments i, k for k ∈ V \{j}, and by the line perpendicular
      k through edges (k, j) and (k, q), and add the smallest      to i, j passing through j. The inequalities in (9a)-(9b) can
      one to E as the parent of node k.                            be written in matrix form of (2). Note that Xij contains all
  3) Cutting the Leaves (CtL, Algorithm 5), for a node that        the points that are closest to i than other vertices in T , but it
      has multiple leaves as children, we only keep a single       also includes the parent j; we empirically noticed that with
      leaf in the middle.                                          the latter modification we obtained more robust results. An
  4) We repeat steps 1)-3) until there are no changes in T .       example of Xij is shown in Fig. 2
Fig. 1 shows an example of the procedure, starting from the        C. Stability by CLF
RRT∗ tree (Fig. 1a), and ending with the simplified tree after
                                                                     To stabilize the navigation along an edges of a tree, we
the three steps (Fig. 1b).
                                                                   define the Lyapunov function Vij (x) as
   Note that as a consequence of the simplifying steps above,
it is possible to connect each sample from the original RRT∗                                  Vij (x) = zij (x − xj ),                 (10)
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
Algorithm 5 Cutting the Leaves
 1: Input (T = (V, E))
 2: for i = 1, . . . , |V | do
 3:     for leaves j connected to i do                                                  o1      Xij
 4:         anglesi ← anglesi ∪ Angle =(i, j)                                                                   k0
 5:     end for                                                                     j                 i
 6:     jlargest ← LargestAngle(anglesi )
 7:     jsmallest ← SmallestAngle(anglesi )
 8:     Es ← Es ∪ {i, jlargest } ∪ {i, jsmallest }
 9:     Vs ← Vs ∪ {jlargest } ∪ {jsmallest }                                                               o4
10: end for                                                                             o3
11: return Ts = (Vs , Es )                                                                             k

                                                                    Fig. 2: The Voronoi-like region Xij for edge (i, j), and the
                                                                    corresponding CBF constraints; green points and arrows: other
where zij ∈ Rn is the exit direction for edge (i, j), xj ∈          vertices and edges in the tree T ; red points: collision samples
exit face is the position of the parent of node i, and Vij (x)      in Vs ; black line: Xenv ; green dashed lines: XVij and XPij ;
reaches its minimum V (x) = 0 at xj . Note that the Lyapunov        shaded region: Xij ; red dotted lines: CBF constraints hi . For
function represents, up to a constant, the distance d(x, xj )       the CBF constraints, note that the projection of vector (i, o4 )
between the current system position and the exit face. By           onto edge (i, j) does not lie between node i and node j,
Definition 2, Vij (x) is a CLF.                                     hence o4 does not support a constraint; moreover, from (13),
   Definition 4: For Xij , we define the exit direction as zij =    od = o1 and ou = o2 are the closet points (in angle) to the
 xj −xi
kxj −xi k that is a unit vector from node j towards node i          edge (i, j) and are on two sides of the edge (i, j).
where j ∈ Vs is the parent of node i.
D. Safety by CBF
   In this section, we define barrier functions hij (x) that        that if the robot starts in the region Xij \ Cij , it will be driven
defines a cone representing a local convex approximation of         toward the boundary of Cij (this is a consequence of the CBF
the free space between i and j, in the sense that it excludes       constraint, and can be proved in a similar way as the original
all samples in V that are on the way from i to j. In particular,    result [11]).
we use the following steps (we consider only the 2-D case,
although similar ideas could be applied to the 3-D case):           E. Controller
  1) Define set Oij ⊂ Vcollision whose projection falls on the
      segment i, j, i.e.,                                              We assume that the robot can only measure the relative
                                                                    displacements between the robot’s position x and the land-
            Oij = {o ∈ Vcollision | 0 ≤ projij (o) ≤ 1}      (11)   marks in the environment, which corresponds to the output
      where                                                         function
                                    (xi − xj )T (xi − xo )
                   projij (o) =                              (12)        y = (L − x1T )∨ = L∨ − Ix = stack (li − x),               (16)
                                         kxi − xj k
     is the scalar projection of the vector o onto the segment      where L∈ Rn×nl is a matrix of landmark locations, i =
     i, j.                                                          1, . . . , nl that nl is the number of landmarks, A∨ represents
  2) From the set Oij , we choose two samples such that             the vectorized version of a matrix A, I = 1nl ⊗ In , and
                    ou = min {xo − projio                           ⊗ is the Kronecker product. Our goal is to find a feedback
                                       ij |θio > 0}
                           o∈Oij                                    controller of the form
                    od = min {xo − projio
                                       ij |θio < 0}
                                                                                             uij (K) = Kij y,                      (17)
     where θio = ∠(i, j, o) is the oriented angle between
     edge (i, j) and line (xo , xi ).                               where Kij ∈ Rm×nnl are the feedback gains that need to be
  3) We write the equations of two lines passing through            found for each cell Xij . Intuitively, a controller of the form
     {i, ou } and {i, od } in a matrix form using Ahi ∈ R2×n ,      (17) corresponds to a control command that is a weighted
     bh ∈ R2 to define the invariant set                            linear combination of the measured displacements y. The goal
                                                                    is to design u(y) such that the system is driven toward the exit
                  Cij = {x ∈ R2 : Ahij x + bhi > 0}.         (14)
                                                                    direction zij while avoiding obstacles. Note that, to define a
The corresponding CBF is then defined as                            controller for edge (i, j), the landmarks do not necessarily
                                                                    need to belong to Xij , and, in general, each cell could use a
                       hij (x) = Ahij x + bhij .             (15)
                                                                    different set of landmarks (we explore this direction further
An example of the set Cij is shown in Fig. 2. Note that the         in Section III-F).
region Cij might not include the entire cell Xij . However,            Following the approach of [14], and using the CLF-CBF
the controller will be designed to satisfy the CBF and CLF          constraints reviewed in Section II, we encode our goal in the
constraints over the entire cell Xij ; in practice, this means      following feasibility problem:
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
CLF dual constraint:
                                                                                          minλl λT
                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                   lij bxij
  find Kij                                                                                  subject to                
                                                                                                                  T T ≤
                                                                                                                      
  subject to :                                                           AT              T        T
                                                                             xij λlij = (zij A − zij BKij I + cv zij )

  {CBF: − (LAi x hij (x) + LB hij (x)u + cT                                                   λlij ≥ 0
                                          h hij (x))} ≤ 0,
  {CLF:       LAi x Vij (x) + LB Vij (x)u + cT
                                                                                                  SV ij + cv zij       T
                                                                                                                 xj − zij BKij L∨ij ,
                                             v Vij (x)} ≤ 0,                                                                    (24)
  u ∈ U, ∀x ∈ Xij , (i, j) ∈ E.                                        Consequently, (19) with the dual constraints becomes:
                                                                                             min       whT Sh + wV SV
   In practice, we aim to find a controller that satisfies the                              K,SV ,Sh
constraints in (18) with some margin. Note that the constraints                          subject to :
in (18) need to be satisfied for all x in the region Xij , i.e., the                                                             (25)
                                                                                         CBF dual constraint,
same control gains should satisfy the CLF-CBF constraints at
every point in the region. We handle this type of constraint                             CLF dual constraint,
by rewriting (18) using a min-max formulation [14], arriving                             Sh , SV ≤ 0,
to the following robust optimization problem:                          From [14, Lemma 1], the optimization problem (19) is
                                                                       equivalent to (25).
             min       whTij Shij + wVij SVij                             Staring from a point x ∈ Xij , uij drives the robot toward
     Kij ,SVij ,Shij
                                                                       xj , the robot switches its controller to ujq when kx−xj k ≤ 
     subject to                                                        where node q is the parent of node j.
     max CBF ≤ Shij ,                                          (19)
         x                                                             F. Control With the Limited Field of View
     max CLF ≤ SVij ,                                                     In the formulation above and in the work of [14], it is
     SVij , Shij ≤ 0, u ∈ U, ∀x ∈ Xij , (i, j) ∈ E.                    implicitly assumed that the controller has access to all the
                                                                       landmarks measurements at all times. However, in practice, a
                                                                       robot will only be able to detect a subset of the landmarks due
From (4), the Lie derivatives of hij (x) and Vij (x) are written
                                                                       to a limited field of view or environment occlusions. To tackle
                                                                       this issue, we show in this section that the controller u (17)
               ḣij (x) = Ahij ẋ = Ahij (Ax + Bu),                    can be designed using multiple landmarks (as in the preceding
                                                               (20)    section), but then computed using
               V̇ij (x) = zij       T
                              ẋ = zij (Ax + Bu).                                                         a single landmark.
                                                                          Proposition 1: Let K = K1 , · · · , Ki , · · · , Kl be a
Combining (16), (17), and (20) with (1), the constraints in            partition of the controller matrix conformal with L∨ . Given
(19) can be rewritten as:                                              an arbitrary landmark ˆli (column of L), the controller (17)
                                                                       can be equivalently written as
 CBF constraint:                                                                             u=      Kj yi + kbias,i              (26)
 "                                          #
   max − (Ahij A − Ahij BKij I + ch Ahij )x
     x                                               ≤                 where kbias,i ∈ Rn is a constant vector given by
               subject to Axij x ≤ bxij                                                            X
                                 Shij + cb bhij + Ahij BKij L∨ij ,
                                                                                         kbias,i =    Kj (ˆlj − ˆli )            (27)
                                                             (21)                                          j6=i
                                                                           Proof: Using the conformal partition of K, we can
 CLF constraint:                                                       expand (17) as       X
                                                                                                Kj (ˆlj − x)
 "                                    #
        T        T              T                                                       u=                              (28)
   max(zij A − zij BKij I + cv zij )x
     x                                          ≤                                                      j
          subject to Axij x ≤ bxij                                                                 P
                                                                       Adding and subtracting j Kj yi and reordering, we have
                             SV ij + cv zij       T
                                            xj − zij BKij L∨ij ,                     X                  X
                                                           (22)                 u=       Kj (ˆli − x) +   Kj (ˆli − ˆlj ), (29)
Constraints in (21), (22) are linear in terms of variable x, so                         j                         j
we can write dual forms of the constraints as                          from which the claim follows.
                                                                       Using the fact that the global positions of the landmarks are
 CBF dual constraint:
                                                                       known during planning, our new Proposition 1 shows that it is
                          minλbj λT
                                                           
                                    bij bxij                           possible to implement the controller u by measuring a single
                             subject to                              displacement yi ; moreover, since the original controller (17)
                                                          T ≤
                                                           
        AT
          xij λbij   = (−Ahij A + Ahij BKij I − ch Ahij )              is smooth, one can also switch among different landmarks
                              λbij ≥ 0,                                without introducing discontinuities in the control. Although
                              Shij + ch bhij + Ahij Bij Kij L∨
                                                             ij ,
                                                                       we stated our result for a single landmark, it is possible to
                                                             (23)      prove a similar claim for any subset of landmarks.
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
   To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we
run a set of validation using both MATLAB simulations and
experiments using ROS on a Create 2 robot by iRobot [21].
While the optimization problem guarantees exponential con-
vergence of the robot to the stabilization point, in these
experiments the velocity control input u has been normalized
                                                                                 (a) Creat 2 iRobot       (b) AprilTag
to achieve constant velocities along the edges of the trees.
                                                                  Fig. 4: The Create 2 robot used for the experiments is shown
A. MATLAB Simulation                                              in Fig. 4a. We use AprilTags (Fig. 4b) as the landmarks for
   The simulated MATLAB environment is presented in               the algorithm.
Fig. 1, where the obstacles are represented by blue circles. To
generate the RRT∗ we set the maximum number of iterations
in RRT∗ to 1000, and we choose η = 60. The generated
tree from RRT∗ and its simplified form are shown in Fig. 1a
and Fig. 1b respectively. Then, we compute a controller for
each edge of the simplified tree as described in Section III-
E. Fig. 3 shows the resulting trajectories from four initial
positions on two versions of the environment: one with the
obstacles identical to the ones used during planning (Fig. 3a),
and one with deformed obstacles (Fig. 3b); for the latter,
also the landmarks have been modified accordingly. In all
cases, the robot reaches the desired goal location by applying              (a) Real world environ-(b) Deformed environ-
                                                                            ment                   ment
the sequence of controllers found during planning. Note that
the deformed environment in Fig. 3b is successfully handled       Fig. 5: On the left, Fig. 5a shows the original environment
without replanning (i.e., by using the original controllers).     used for our experiment. On the right, Fig. 5b shows the
This shows that our algorithm can be robust to (often             deformed version of the environment.
very significant) deformations of the environment; however,
there are also cases where, without replanning, the designed
controllers might fail. Empirically, we noticed that there        collect ground truth position information (the motion capture
is a trade-off between obtaining shortest paths (that, by         system is not used by our controller). The landmarks are
their nature, graze the obstacles) and the robustness of the      represented by fiducials (AprilTags [23]), and are placed
controller; we plan to study this trade-off in future work.       at known positions and orientations with respect to the
                                                                  reference frame of the motion capture, using unique codes for
B. iRobot Create 2 Experiment                                     data association. Our implementation is based on the Robot
   We further tested our algorithm on a Create 2 robot in         Operating System (ROS, [24]).
lab environments that were similar to those used during the          There are three practical considerations that need to be
simulation. A bird’s-eye view of the experimental setup is        taken into account in the implementation. First, due to the
shown in Fig. 5. The robot is equipped with a calibrated          limited field of view of the camera, we use Proposition 1 to
onboard Arducam for Raspberry Pi camera [22], and we use          compute the controller based on one of the fiducials detected
OptiTrack motion capture system with 44 infra-red cameras to

      (a) Original environment     (b) Deformed environment
                                                                          (a) Original environment (b) Deformed environment
Fig. 3: Simulated trajectories for various start points for the
original environment (Fig. 3a) and for a deformed version         Fig. 6: Real trajectories followed by the Create for both the
of the same environment (Fig. 3b). The start points for each      original and deformed environments. For all the tested start
trajectory are represented by star markers.                       points, the robot converged to the expected goal position.
Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning - arXiv
by the camera at each time instant. Second, the approach              Furthermore, we plan to study the trade-off between optimal
presented in the previous sections implicitly assumes that the        navigation and the robustness of the controller.
robot has access to the measurements Y in a frame which is
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