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Any questions? (YHU\¿UVW:HGQHVGD\RIWKHPRQWKZHRIIHU a remote open Q&A session for teams and FRDFKHV:HKHOSFODULI\DQ\XQFOHDURU open questions and topics you might have.. Q&A n Sessio SA Stay tuned ws To sign up for the newsletter, simply scan All ne the QR code on the left. Once a month MP we report on everything new concerning the FIRST LEGO League. LE Further challenges … :HUHFRPPHQGFKHFNLQJRXUZHEVLWHUHJXODUO\DVWKHUHDUHPDQ\PRUH opportunities for further activities in FIRST/(*2/HDJXHEH\RQGWKH regional tournaments. For one, you get the chance to win amazing prizes E\MRLQLQJWKHOff-Season Challenge. Furthermore, WKHZLQQLQJWHDPVRIWKH'$&+¿QDOJHWWRPRYHRQ to International Tournaments! More Challeng es 2 Robot Game Rulebook
Introduction :HOFRPHWRFIRST ® ENERGIZESMSUHVHQWHGE\ Qualcomm. This year’s FIRST ® LEGO® League &KDOOHQJHLVFDOOHG683(532:(5('SM. Your the more in WHDPZLOOZRUNWRJHWKHURQPDQ\GLIIHUHQWWDVNVLQ Find out ook. Introduction b ring Note h their SUHSDUDWLRQIRUDQLQFUHGLEOHH[SHULHQFHDW\RXU Enginee rou g teams th tion tournament. It guides rovides inspira It p the journey. search through e for the R Sparks. Project Teams can use the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ app SA to learn how to build and code their robot. Also, the guided mission provides the program needed to complete Each of these four equally weighted parts of FIRST Mission 05 Smart Grid. LEGO League Challenge accounts for 25 percent of your total performance. MP SUPERPOWEREDSM Robot Game 7KLVVHDVRQ¶VJDPHLVDERXWFROOHFWLQJHQHUJ\ LE or consumed. Points are scored for releasing energy XQLWVIURPGLIIHUHQWVRXUFHVDURXQGWKH¿HOGDQG units from the models and delivering energy units to GLVWULEXWLQJWKHPWRZKHUHWKHHQHUJ\ZLOOEHVWRUHG target destinations. 4 Robot Game Rulebook I Introduction
How to Get Started 1. Build your mission models using the Mission Model Building 4. Learn how to play! Read the Rules (S) and Missions Information (S). (S) and watch the season Introduction videos. 2. 'HFLGHZKHWKHUWRSXW\RXU¿HOG PDWRQDWDEOHRURQWKHÀRRU ,QVWUXFWLRQVWREXLOG\RXURZQ 5. &KHFNRXWZKDWLVNew This Year (p. 16), read the Robot Game WDEOHFDQEHIRXQGRQp. 24. Guiding Principles (p. 6), and monitor any Season Updates online. 3. )ROORZWKH¿HOGVHWXSLQVWUXFWLRQV on Field Mat Placement (p. 24), 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener Placement (p. 25), 6. 5HYLHZWKLVJXLGH
Robot Game Guiding Principles 1. 7KHWHDPZRUNVWRJHWKHUWRGHVLJQ DQGEXLOGD/(*2 URERWDQGWKHQ ® QHHGHGWKHURERWFDQEHEURXJKW EDFNWRKRPHE\KDQGEXWWKHWHDP program it to complete a series of ZLOOORVHDWRNHQIRUWKHLQWHUUXSWLRQ Introduction missions autonomously to score SRLQWVLQDPLQXWH5RERW*DPH 5. 'XULQJDPDWFKRQO\WKHURERWFDQ PRYHREMHFWVIURPRQHKRPHDUHDWR match. DQRWKHU:KHQDURERWLVLQWHUUXSWHG 2. 7KHWHDPODXQFKHVWKHLUURERWIURP LWFDQEHUHWXUQHGWRHLWKHUDUHD one of the two launch areas, and it PRYHVDURXQGWKH¿HOGDWWHPSWLQJWR 6. 0LVVLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVPXVWEH YLVLEOHDWWKHHQGRIWKHPDWFKWR complete the missions in the order FKRVHQE\WKHWHDP score unless otherwise stated in the mission. 3. 7KHURERWLVSURJUDPPHGWRUHWXUQ to either home area at any time. The 7. The team will have three matches, team can modify it while it is in a home EXWRQO\WKHLUKLJKHVWVFRUHZLOOFRXQW DUHDEHIRUHODXQFKLQJDJDLQWRWU\ other missions. 8. 7KHWHDPH[SUHVVHV&RUH9DOXHV through Gracious Professionalism . ® SA Referees will assess the team’s 4. 7KHWHDPVWDUWVWKHPDWFKZLWKVL[ SUHFLVLRQWRNHQVZRUWKSRLQWV,I Gracious Professionalism at every match. MP Gracious Professionalism ® Gracious Professionalism displayed at the robot game table Referees will evaluate Gracious Professionalism for ,WZLOOEHDVVXPHGWKDWHYHU\WHDPZLOOVWDUWZLWK LE every team at each one of their matches. Gracious Professionalism that is ACCOMPLISHED SRLQWV ,IDUHIHUHHREVHUYHVEHKDYLRUWKDWLVDERYH The Gracious ProfessionalismSRLQWVZLOOEHDGGHGWR DQGEH\RQGZKDWLVH[SHFWHGWKH\ZLOOVFRUHWKH WKHSRLQWVVFRUHGRQWKH&RUH9DOXHVUXEULFGXULQJWKH team’s Gracious Professionalism as EXCEEDS (4 MXGJLQJVHVVLRQDQGZLOOPDNHXSDSRUWLRQRIWKHWRWDO SRLQWV (TXDOO\LIDWHDP¶VEHKDYLRUVKRZVWKDWWKHLU Core Values score. Gracious ProfessionalismLVVWLOOHYROYLQJWKH\ZLOOEH scored as DEVELOPING (2 points). DEVELOPING ACCOMPLISHED EXCEEDS 2 3 4 If a team does not show for their match, they will Gracious ProfessionalismVFRUHRIRUSRLQWV score no points for Gracious Professionalism. depending on the Gracious Professionalism they +RZHYHULIDWHDPDUULYHVDQGGRHVQRWUXQWKHURERW demonstrate. EXWGRHVH[SODLQZKDWKDVKDSSHQHGWKH\FDQJHWD 6 Robot Game Rulebook I Introduction
Missions Now it’s time to play the Some missions are grouped into &KHFN\RXUVFRUHXVLQJWKH 683(532:(5('SMURERWJDPH Energy Journeys which are referred 2I¿FLDO6FRULQJ&DOFXODWRU 0LVVLRQVDUHWDVNVWKDWFDQEH to on page 9 of the Engineering completed for points. The missions Notebook. DUHH[SODLQHGLQWKLVVHFWLRQZKLFK VKRXOGEHUHDGE\WKHWHDPDVWKH\ :KLWH(QHUJ\-RXUQH\ VWDQGQH[WWRWKH¿HOG referred to in Session 1 Before the match, the referee will %OXH(QHUJ\-RXUQH\ carry out an equipment referred to in Session 2 inspection.
Mission 01 RESEARCH PROJECT MODEL This model should represent the O1 VROXWLRQWR\RXU5HVHDUFK3URMHFW 'HOLYHU\RXU5HVHDUFK3URMHFW model to the hydrogen plant target area. • ,I\RXU5HVHDUFK3URMHFWPRGHOLVDWOHDVWSDUWO\LQWKHK\GURJHQSODQWWDUJHWDUHD 10 Design and bring a single Research Project model of your own to the match. To score, it must: • Be made of at least two white LEGO ® pieces. • Measure at least as long as four LEGO studs in some direction. SA Missions 10 10 MP Mission 02 OIL PLATFORM 2LOLVDQRQUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\ VRXUFHWKDWFDQEHXVHGWRSURYLGH O2 fuel for vehicles. LE Pump the oil so that the fuel units ORDGLQWRWKHIXHOWUXFNDQGWKHQ GHOLYHUWKHIXHOWUXFNWRWKHIXHOLQJ station. • ,IDIXHOXQLWLVLQWKHIXHOWUXFN 5 EACH • %RQXV,IDWOHDVWRQHIXHOXQLWLVLQWKHIXHOWUXFNDQGWKHIXHOWUXFNLVDWOHDVWSDUWO\RYHUWKHIXHOLQJVWDWLRQ target: 10 ADDED 5+5 5 + 10 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 (1 fuel unit inside) (3 fuel units inside) 8 Robot Game Rulebook I Missions
Mission 03 ENERGY STORAGE New technologies help us to store HQHUJ\9ROFDQLFURFNVFDQEH heated in an insulated enclosure to O3 store energy until it is needed. Load energy units into the energy VWRUDJHELQDQGWKHQUHOHDVHWKH stored energy unit from the tray under the model. • ,IDQHQHUJ\XQLWLVFRPSOHWHO\LQWKHHQHUJ\VWRUDJHELQ PD[RIWKUHH 10 EACH • If the energy unit is completely removed from the energy storage tray: 5 All energy units stored in the energy storage bin may not be touching team equipment at the end of the match. SA Missions 10 10 + 10 + 10 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 MP Mission 04 SOLAR FARM 6RODUHQHUJ\FDQEHVWRUHGXVLQJ new concentrating solar power technologies and then used to O4 generate electricity. LE 6WDUWWKHGLVWULEXWLRQRIWKHHQHUJ\ XQLWVE\PRYLQJWKHPRIIWKHLU positions on the mat. • ,IDQHQHUJ\XQLWKDVEHHQFRPSOHWHO\UHPRYHGIURPLWVVWDUWLQJFLUFOH 5 EACH • %RQXV,IDOOWKUHHHQHUJ\XQLWVKDYHEHHQFRPSOHWHO\UHPRYHGIURPWKHLUVWDUWLQJFLUFOHV5 ADDED 5 5+5 5+5+5+5 SUPERPOWEREDSM 9
Rules I M P O R TA N T ! QJ P HD QV S UH FL VH O\DQGRQO\ZKDWLWV D\V RUGL $OO5RERW*DPHZ atter. ta il is no t m en tio ned, it does not m If a de QFOHDU DW P DN HV WK H UH IHUHH¶VGHFLVLRQX ,IDVLWXDWLRQDULVHV WK KDV E HQ H¿ WR IW KH G RXEW7H[WDOZD\V JHWWKH RUKDUGWRFDOO\RX id eo s an d em ails have no author ity ures . (V authority over pict when scoring.) DGMXVWPHQW P LV VL RQ V R UW KH ¿HOGVHWXSQHHGV ,IUXOHV EHLVVXHG F ODUL¿ FD WLR Q D6 HDVRQ8SGDWHZLOO RU eding previous mat erials. on , su pe rs during th e se as H¿QDO HQ W\R XU K HD GUHIHUHHPDNHVWK SA $WD QHY Season s decision. Update Glossary MP • Equipment: Everything teams • Launch:KHQWHFKQLFLDQV annual Challenge set. They are EULQJWRWKHPDWFK 6HH DFWLYDWHWKHURERWIURPFRPSOHWHO\ ZRUWKIUHHSRLQWVEXWLQVRPH “Equipment” section for more within a launch area to move situations, a referee may remove details.) autonomously. them one at a time. (See “Outside Home” section for more details.) LE • Field7KLVFRQVLVWVRIWKHERUGHU • Match: The 2.5 minutes when Rules walls and everything inside them. WKHURERWFRPSOHWHVDVPDQ\ • Robot: Your controller and any The mat, the mission models, and PLVVLRQVDVSRVVLEOHWRHDUQ HTXLSPHQWFRPELQHGZLWKLWE\ the home areas are all part of the points. hand and intended to not separate ¿HOG IURPLWXQOHVVE\KDQG • Mission2QHRUPRUHWDVNVWKDW • Interruption:KHQWHFKQLFLDQV FDQEHFRPSOHWHGIRUSRLQWV • Technicians7HDPPHPEHUV LQWHUDFWZLWKWKHURERWRUDQ\WKLQJ Teams may try missions in any VWDQGLQJDWWKHWDEOHZKRDUH touching it after launch. RUGHURUFRPELQDWLRQ KDQGOLQJWKHURERWGXULQJDPDWFK • Precision Tokens7KHVL[UHG LEGO discs included in the New This Year • There are now two home areas • Four technicians, two on each • 7KHUXOHVKDYHEHHQUHZULWWHQWR and two areas to launch from. VLGHDUHDOORZHGDWWKH¿HOG account for all these changes, so please read through all materials carefully. 16 Robot Game Rulebook I Rules
BEFORE THE MATCH | EQUIPMENT Equipment includes everything teams EULQJWRWKHPDWFKVXFKDVWKHURERW 2. 1RQHOHFWULF/(*2SLHFHVDUHDOORZHG from any set. Teams may use as many any attachments or accessories, and the DVWKH\OLNH WHDP¶V,QQRYDWLRQ3URMHFWPRGHO7KLV VHFWLRQH[SODLQVZKDWWKHURERWDQGLWV 3. Electric LEGO equipment is allowed RQO\DVGHVFULEHGDQGVKRZQEHORZ DFFHVVRULHVFDQEHEXLOWIURP (The LEGO® Education SPIKETM 3ULPHLVVKRZQEXW/(*2® Education 1. $OOHTXLSPHQWPXVWEH/(*2 ® made EXLOGLQJSLHFHVLQRULJLQDOIDFWRU\ SPIKETM Essential, MINDSTORMS® condition. (90,1'6725065RERW,QYHQWRU Exception: LEGO string and and equivalent NXT and RCX are also SQHXPDWLFWXEHVPD\EHFXWWROHQJWK allowed). SA Controller Motors Sensors 0D[LPXPRIRQHLQDQ\RQH 0D[LPXPRIIRXU DQ\PL[ Only touch/force, color, match. in any one match. distance/ultrasonic, and gyro sensors are allowed DQ\PL[DQGQXPEHU LQDQ\ one match. MP LE 4. Teams can also use LEGO wires, RQHFRQWUROOHU¶VSRZHUSDFNRUVL[$$ 6. 7HDPVPD\EULQJRQHVKHHWRI QRWHERRNSDSHUSHUKRPHDUHDIRU Rules EDWWHULHVDQGRQHPLFUR6'FDUG program notes, and it does not count as equipment. 5. Teams can use any software or SURJUDPPLQJODQJXDJH5RERWVPXVW EHDXWRQRPRXVGXULQJWKHPDWFK 7. Additional or duplicate mission models are not allowed. No remote controllers of any type are allowed. SUPERPOWEREDSM 17
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