Roads and Structures

Gold Coast Light Rail
At McConnell Dowell
our purpose is providing
a better life.

                           Breakwater Bridge
Adelaide Desalination Plant
South Australia               McConnell Dowell – Major Projects

                              Our culture is founded on                We provide outstanding road and
                              expertise, creativity and progressive    structures infrastructure solutions
                              thinking. We constantly challenge        for our clients across diverse
                              ourselves and our partners to find       environments, no matter how
                              the best solution for every project.     challenging or sensitive. That is the
                              This attitude, along with our            McConnell Dowell difference.
                              safe, high-quality, systematic and
                              structured approach, has earned us       We actively target projects across
                              the trust and loyalty of our clients.    a range of values and market sectors
                                                                       in order to maintain a diverse order
                              McConnell Dowell creates road            book. Current contracts underway
                              and structures infrastructure that set   include the $65m Jane Street and
                              the standard – from designing and        Mulgoa Road project in New South
                              constructing major complex freeway       Wales, the $140m Public Transport
                              interchanges to remote critical          Projects Alliance in South Australia,
                              access for resources projects.           the $89m HMAS Coonawarra New
                                                                       Wharf Structure in Darwin, and
                              Our depth of expertise across            the $417m Mordialloc Freeway and
                              roads, structures, marine, pipelines,    $862m Western Program Alliance
                              mechanical, civil and tunnelling         projects in Victoria.
                              to deliver integrated design and
                              construct solutions, combined with       Current major prospects include
                              more than 50 years of experience and     the ~$200m Hay Point Ship Loader
                              a commitment to our clients and local    and Berth Replacement Project
                              communities, is what sets McConnell      for BHP near Mackay in Queensland
                              Dowell apart.                            which is currently in a sole source
                                                                       ECI phase and projects as a delivery
                                                                       partner under SA Water Frameworks
                                                                       in a joint venture with Diona.

                              Annual Turnover

                              FY18/19                                                           $1,180M
                              FY19/20                                                            $945M
                              FY20/21                                                           $1,030M
                              (Forecast Feb 20)

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OUR PROJECTS                                                                                                                                                                      Client:     Major Road Projects Victoria

                                                                                                                                                                                  Location:   Melbourne, VIC

                                                                                                                                                                                  Contract:   Design & Construct

                                                                                                                                                                                  Role:       Principal Contractor

Mordialloc Freeway                                                                                                                                                                Dates:      Oct 2019 – Dec 2021      Value:   $417M

                                                                                                    Artists Impression

Project Description                                                                                                      Design
The McConnell Dowell Decmil Joint Venture has               A new shared walking and cycling path will also be           In response to community feedback, changes were          Teaming up with the social enterprise is a win-win.
been awarded the contract to design and construct           constructed along the entire length of the Mordialloc        made to the design to include:                           Ability Works can continue the great work in creating
the 9km Mordialloc Freeway in Melbourne’s south east        Freeway, providing safe and reliable journeys for            • Bridges over Governor Road, Lower Dandenong Road       employment opportunities for people facing barriers
which will link the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at         members of the public enjoying more active forms               and Centre Dandenong Road instead of traffic lights    to employment, helping them to build their skills using
Springvale Road in Aspendale Gardens to the Dingley         of transport.                                                • A bridge over Old Dandenong Road to keep               machines, equipment and computers and the project
Bypass in Dingley Village, creating a continuous                                                                           it open for Dingley Village residents                  team get the tools needed to build the job, knowing
                                                            Motorists using the Mordialloc Freeway can
freeway from Frankston to Clayton.                                                                                                                                                they are helping to make a difference.
                                                            expect quicker and safer and journeys, with north            • A twin bridge over the sensitive wetlands
As part of the project, bridges will be built over          and southbound traffic separated and road safety               to ensure rainfall and natural light reaches the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Aboriginal Partnership
Springvale, Governor, Lower Dandenong and Centre            barriers installed along the inside and outside                vegetation below
                                                                                                                                                                                  The project team partnered with Geared Up Culcha to
Dandenong Roads, along with new freeway entry               of each carriageway.                                         • Longer and taller fences next to Braeside Park         supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers,
and exit ramps.                                                                                                            to protect local wildlife
                                                            Construction of the Mordialloc Freeway will create                                                                    including custom work boots on the Mordialloc Freeway
A bridge will also be built over Old Dandenong Road         400 jobs, which will include 10% of total labour hours       • A wider pedestrian underpass at Braeside Park to       project. The Zeke boot is manufactured by KingGee and
to keep it open for Dingley Village residents, and a twin   allocated to training apprentices, trainees and cadets,        improve connectivity                                   is exclusively distributed by Geared Up Culcha.
bridge will be built over sensitive wetlands to ensure      building much needed skills within the industry.             • A new intersection at Lower Dandenong                  The boots have a unique pattern on the soles, insoles
rainfall and natural light reaches vegetation below.                                                                       Road so Woodlands Drive can remain open.
                                                            In addition, the joint venture is committed to sourcing                                                               and laces, which reflects the sacred Pilbara landscape
                                                            at least 96% of material and employment locally,                                                                      in the north of Western Australia.
                                                                                                                         Social Procurement
                                                            benefiting the local community and broader economy.
                                                                                                                         The project teamed up with Ability Works, a social       By partnering with this Aboriginal owned
                                                                                                                         enterprise in Melbourne’s inner east, to design and      and controlled business, the project is supporting
                                                                                                                         manufacture some of the tools needed to build the        Geared Up Culcha to donate funds to both the
                                                                                                                         Mordialloc Freeway.                                      Indigenous Literacy Foundation and the Yaru
                                                                                                                                                                                  Foundation, which provides clean drinking water
                                                                                                                         Ability Works, who provide employment opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                  to remote Aboriginal communities in Australia.
                                                                                                                         for 130 people facing barriers to employment including
                                                                                                                         people living with disabilities, has supplied 350
                                                                                                                         settlement plates to help monitor soil levels during
                                                                                                                         construction of the foundations of the Mordialloc

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OUR PROJECTS                                              Client:      Transport for New South Wales & Major Road Projects Victoria                                                              Client:     Port of Melbourne Corporation (POM)

                                                          Location:    Echuca, VIC & Moama, NSW                                                                                                  Location:   Melbourne, VIC

                                                          Contract:    Design & Construct                                                                                                        Contract:   Design & Construct

Echuca Moama Bridge                                       Role:        Principal Contractor
                                                                                                                                      Webb Dock                                                  Role:       Principal Contractor

Stage 3                                                   Dates:       Oct 2019 – Feb 2022      Value:     $178M
                                                                                                                                      MaritimeWorks                                              Dates:      Jan 2014 – Dec 2016     Value:        $400M

                                                                                                                Artists Impression

Project Description                                                                                                                   Project Description                                        Innovations
Echuca in Victoria and Moama in New South Wales                     the Project acknowledged their deep and spiritual                 The Port Capacity Project was a $1 .6 billion upgrade      The PCP Maritime Works Package demonstrates
are connected by a single Murray River Bridge that was              connection to the land and waterways such as the                  that included the redevelopment of Webb Dock to            McConnell’s ability to design, resource, and deliver
first opened in 1878.                                               Murray River.                                                     create a third international container handling facility   complex marine infrastructure in a live operational port
                                                                                                                                      alongside the development of a dedicated facility          environment. We worked closely with the POM, its
The Echuca Moama bridge project is jointly                          A small group gathered on the Sandhill, a culturally              servicing Victoria’s automotive import-export trade.       tenants and four adjacent PCP contractors to plan and
funded by the Australian, Victorian and New South                   important Yorta Yorta site elevated above the                                                                                execute our works with no unplanned disruption
Wales governments to build a new bridge to connect                  surrounding floodplain, within the project’s footprint.           McConnell Dowell was the Principal Contractor
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to operations. Our Project Director regularly presented
the Murray Valley Highway and Warren Street at                                                                                        delivering the Maritime Works Package of the Port
                                                                    The Yorta Yorta are the Aboriginal traditional owners                                                                        at a Project Liaison Group (PLG) forum, alongside
                                                                                                                                      Capacity Project. The Package comprised the design
Echuca with the Cobb Highway at Perricoota Road                                                                                                                                                  our dedicated Stakeholder Manager, providing
                                                                    of a region across north-central VIC and southern NSW,            and construction of improved waterside infrastructure,
in Moama.                                                                                                                                                                                        construction updates and look ahead details to key
                                                                    including Echuca and Moama. The group included some               including upgraded navigation aids and berth facilities.
                                                                    of the MCD and MRPV Project team plus members                                                                                project stakeholders, the local community and
The scope of works includes:
                                                                                                                                      The project demonstrated McConnell Dowell’s                the POM operations teams.
• a new road north of the new Warren Street                         of the Yorta Yorta community working on the Project.
                                                                                                                                      capabilities to resource and deliver a complex design
  roundabout in Echuca with one lane in each direction                                                                                                                                           McConnell Dowell introduced the use of robotic hydro-
                                                                                                                                      and construct project, which was demonstrated
• new bridges over the Campaspe and                                                                                                                                                              demolition for breaking back pre-cast piles in confined
                                                                                                                                      by the following project facts:
  Murray rivers                                                                                                                                                                                  spaces. This provided safety benefits by eliminating
                                                                                                                                      • 900 tubular steel piles up to 1500mm diameter
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the need for workers to enter confined spaces.
• two new flood relief bridges                                                                                                          and 45m long driven as single length piles
                                                                                                                                      • 40,000m³ of structural concrete                          McConnell Dowell designed and purpose built multiple
• a new separated walking and cycling path, providing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 access platforms for safe working over water. These
  a safe and scenic link between Echuca and Moama                                                                                     • 10,000 tonnes of reinforcing steel
                                                                                                                                                                                                 frames were also designed as multi use and were also
  via Warren Street.                                                                                                                  • 40,000m of sheet pile installation                       used to install multiple heavy pre-cast beams along the
Innovations                                                                                                                           • 210,000 tonnes of imported quarry product                berth alignment. McConnell Dowell’s Engineering Team
The project team mobilised to site just prior to Covid-19                                                                             • 15,000m³ of rehabilitated concrete deck                  developed cantilevering platforms that sat on the wharf
restrictions coming into force. A number of distancing                                                                                                                                           edge and moved along the wharf without the need for
                                                                                                                                      • The removal of 2.3 million m³ of dredge material.
measures have taken place.                                                                                                                                                                       cranes or other plant. They are a cost-effective solution
                                                                                                                                      The project was delivered within an operational            for repetitive work that minimises working at heights
Social distancing measures include toolbox talks and                                                                                  port environment concurrently with four adjacent           risks and provides safe access to the works.
briefings. Due to current restrictions, our ‘Welcome to                                                                               major construction contracts associated with the
Country’ plans were pared back today, however with                                                                                    Port Capacity Project.                                     2017 Australian Construction Achievement
representatives from traditional owners, *Yorta Yorta,                                                                                                                                           Award winner.

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OUR PROJECTS                                                  Client:     Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, SA                                                                 Client:     Port of Melbourne Corporation (POM)

                                                              Location:   Adelaide, SA
                                                                                                                                     Western Program                                               Location:   VIC

                                                              Contract:   Alliance
                                                                                                                                     Alliance (VIC),                                               Contract:   Alliance

Regency Road                                                  Role:       Non-owner participant and Principal Contractor
                                                                                                                                     Level Crossing Removal                                        Role:       Non-owner participant and Principal Contractor

to Pym Street                                                 Dates:      Jul 2019 – Jan 2022       Value:     $189.8M
                                                                                                                                     Projects                                                      Dates:      May 2017 – 2023          Value:       $862M

                                                                                                             Artists Impression

Project Summary                                                 • Pre-assembly of the 65m main span (in two halves)                  Project Summary                                               Innovations and Value Add
The project comprises an at-grade motorway from                   in an assembly yard approximately 500m from                        McConnell Dowell is the principal constructor for the         Visual Management Centres (VMC): McConnell
the existing motorway infrastructure to the north (South          Regency Road including installation of the steel box               Western Program Alliance (WPA), established to remove         Dowell implemented a VMC process across three
Road Superway); an overpass of the motorway over                  girders, pre-cast concrete deck units, cast in-situ                level crossings and other rail-related works predominantly    levels throughout the Alliance, this process replaces
Regency Road; and an at-grade motorway from Regency               concrete deck and edge barriers                                    in Melbourne’s west. Established in 2017, to date they have   traditional inefficient and less effective reporting
Road to Pym Street, transitioning to the lowered motorway       • During a closure of Regency Road and partial closure               successfully completed the removal of the:                    and escalation processes with the aim to eliminate the
infrastructure (Torrens Road to River Torrens Project).           of South Road, the bridge will be moved position using             • Kororoit Creek Road, Williamstown North level               waste of poor communication.
The concept design includes:                                      SPMTs with each bridge half will weight nominally                     crossing and duplicated a section of the Altona Loop
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Connected Sites Pilot Program: The Connect Site
• A 1 .8 kilometre section of non-stop roadway, providing         1,300t followed by completion works                                • Abbotts Road level crossing in Dandenong South              Project (CSP) is a collaboration between McConnell
  three lanes in each direction (at-grade).
                                                                • Minimised disruption to traffic and a much                         • Aviation Road, Laverton level crossing removal project.     Dowell, WPA, LXRP and global technology company
• Two lanes in each direction on the South Road surface           safer environment for construction of the bridge                                                                                 Orange. Initially being trailed on the Aviation Road site
                                                                                                                                     The team also constructed the new Wyndham Vale
  road, providing access to the surrounding community                                                                                                                                              involves placing sensors on machines and around
                                                              c) Traffic Management:                                                 Stabling Yard for V/Line.
  and local businesses.                                                                                                                                                                            the site to capture data to ensure more richer information
                                                                • The North South Corridor is the primary transport
• An overpass over Regency Road (three lanes in                                                                                      In 2020 four additional packages of works were awarded:       can be captured live, on-the-ground, to help the project
                                                                  route through Adelaide and diverting traffic off
  each direction). Two lanes in each direction (at-grade)                                                                            • 3 Level crossing removals on the Werribee Line at           make informed decisions and report on progress as
                                                                  the road would cause significant disruption to traffic
  on the surface roads underneath.                                                                                                     Old Geelong Road in Hoppers Crossing, Cherry Street         well as capturing gained efficiencies. This live, real-time
                                                                  on other routes and likely cause grid-lock locally
                                                                                                                                       in Werribee and Werribee Street in Werribee                 data allows the Alliance to improve efficiencies
• Left in and left out only access at Pym Street.                 to the project
                                                                                                                                     • Cranbourne Line Upgrade works including track               and realise cost and time savings.
• Full access to and from the non-stop motorway                 • The R2P Alliance adopted an approach to
                                                                                                                                       duplication between Dandenong and Lynbrook,
  at Regency Road.                                                “encourage” traffic to continue to use corridor whilst                                                                           Contaminated material management and reuse:
                                                                                                                                       Greens Road level crossing removal, and new rail
• Intersection upgrade at Regency Road.                           construction works proceeded                                                                                                     At Kororoit Creek Road it was identified early that the
                                                                                                                                       bridges over Eumemmerring Creek and Abbotts
                                                                • Non-critical turning movements were banned, which                                                                                soil and groundwater on site was contaminated with low
• Improved cycling and pedestrian facilities.                                                                                          Road. Designs were developed in conjunction
                                                                  created additional green time for through movements                                                                              concentrations of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS).
• A grade separated pedestrian and cycle overpass                                                                                      with community input and approved for construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The team at WPA engaged early with the regulator
  over South Road in the vicinity of Pym Street.                • Key Performance Indicators were agreed with the                      in January 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and successfully gained approval for the reuse of
                                                                  Road Authority which allowed the Alliance to measure               Building on the previous State Government commitment
• Landscaping and noise barriers.                                                                                                                                                                  PFAS impacted material onsite, which was a Victorian
                                                                  performance                                                        to initially remove 50 dangerous and congested                first. McConnell Dowell has taken these lessons learnt
Innovations                                                     • Daily review of traffic and weekly dashboards                      level crossings across Melbourne, this was increased          and delivered discussion papers to the broader LXRP
a) Use of a web-based Comment Integration Tool                    are issued to review traffic volumes and ensure that               to 75 after the State Election in late 2018. This new         program alliances to assist the industry in managing
b) Assembly of the Regency Road Bridge main span in               all possibly opportunity is provided to keep traffic               milestone will see the entire program complete by 2025.       PFAS-impacted material. This continual feedback loop
   an off-line assembly location and moving the bridge into       moving through the project and minimise diversion                                                                                of lessons learnt being provided to follow on projects
   position using Self Propelled Modular Trailer (SPMT):          of traffic to other routes.                                                                                                      is a key outcome that will be adopted these works.
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OUR PROJECTS                                                  Client:     Jemena                                                                                                    Client:     Rio Tinto (Bechtel EPC)

                                                              Location:   Tennant Creek NT to QLD (481 km)                                                                          Location:   Cape York Peninsula, Far North Queensland

                                                              Contract:   ECI & Construct only                                                                                      Contract:   Alliance

                                                              Role:       Principal Contractor                                                                                      Role:       Principal Contractor

Northern Gas Pipeline                                         Dates:      2015 – Sep 2018         Value: $157M
                                                                                                                        Amrun Export Facility                                       Dates:      May 2016 – Feb 2018       Value: $170M

Project Description                                                                                                     Project Description                                         Innovations
                                                              The construction of Northern Gas Pipeline project set
McConnell Dowell was engaged by Jemena                                                                                  The Export Facility is known as Chith, the Wik-Waya         The Amrun Export Faculty was a collaborative,
                                                              new benchmarks in pipeline safety performance with:
under an exclusive ECI agreement to partner in the                                                                      language name for the red and white eagle (Brahminy         construct only contract working closely with the client
                                                              • More than 550,000 manhours and more than
NT Government’s competitive process to select                                                                           Kite) that visits and inhabits the area surrounding the     Rio Tinto, EPC contractor Bechtel and the engineering
                                                                280 days of physical construction activity with
a proponent to build and operate the North-East                                                                         Export Facility.                                            consultant Jacobs. There was a six month dual
                                                                a Total Recordable Frequency Rate of zero
Gas Interconnector Pipeline. The scope involves the                                                                                                                                 EC I phase prior to award which enabled all parties to
                                                                and no Medical Treatment or Lost Time Injuries          Constructed in just 12 months the bauxite export facility
construction of approximately 481 km of 1 2-inch                                                                                                                                    drive value adds and clarify the contract requirements.
                                                              • The site is spread across 481 km and the project team   includes a 650m access jetty and a 350m wharf both
diameter high pressure gas transmission pipeline and                                                                                                                                Innovations developed in this phase were market
                                                                completed more than 5,600,000 kilometres driven         fully provisioned with services, conveyors, roadways
associated pipeline facilities including two mainline                                                                                                                               leading with significant project benefits realised.
                                                                on the project (excluding third party transport) with   and access walkways.
valves and a midline scraper station. The pipeline
                                                                no significant vehicle incidents, collisions of any                                                                 The second phase involved design completion,
transports gas from existing offshore and onshore gas                                                                   The scope also included the onshore construction of
                                                                kind or adverse involvement with vehicles driven by                                                                 procurement and preparation for site works.
reserves in the Northern Territory and supplies this                                                                    350 metres of ground conveyors and transfer stations
                                                                others (general public)                                                                                             McConnell Dowell engaged with a selection of
gas to Incitec Pivot’s Phosphate Hill plant located south                                                               works linking into the reclaim conveyor. McConnell
                                                                                                                                                                                    our Chinese partners to prefabricate all the major
of Mt Isa and other users.                                    • More than 53,000 pipe joint movements with              Dowell self-performed much of the construction.
                                                                                                                                                                                    components in Shanghai. The China fabrication
                                                                no dropped pipe.
The Northern Gas Pipeline Project was constructed                                                                                                                                   was championed by a combined team of project,
in very remote arid lands roughly stretching between          Innovations & Technology                                                                                              McConnell Dowell China and fabricator personnel.
Tennant Creek and east to the Queensland border lands.        • Food dehydrators in construction camp to process
                                                                waste, reducing transport and eliminating waste                                                                     The final phase was site construction works. The
                                                                                                                                                                                    construction was integrated into the overall project
Innovations                                                   • Computerised radiography for welds with a wide
                                                                                                                                                                                    development with key elements supplied by the client.
Some of the challenges faced on the project include:            range of cost, quality and time benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                    Cooperative working relationships, pre-planning
• A scarcity of water available for construction activities   • Localised remote location cell phone coverage                                                                       and a commitment to a best for project philosophy
• Very high dust levels due to low subsoil moisture           • CAT Vision Tracking system for equipment                                                                            was the cornerstone of the success of the project.
  conditions and water scarcity                                 including physical location, idle hours, operating
                                                                                                                                                                                    The project won the 2019 Australian Constructors
• Extremely high daytime temperatures for some                  hours and fuel burn
                                                                                                                                                                                    Achievement Award, 2018 Civil Contractors
  months of the scheduled construction activities             • HELIX In Vehicle Monitoring System used                                                                             Federation (CCF) winner National Earth Award
• A variety of land owners including large industrial           to monitor driver behaviour.                                                                                        for projects valued over $75 million, 2018 “Best
  pastoral companies, private pastoralists, Crown                                                                                                                                   Contractor” in Rio Tinto’s Chief Executive Safety
  lands and indigenous landowner groups                                                                                                                                             Awards, 2018 QMCA Innovation Award and the
• Summer wet season – necessitating a break                                                                                                                                         2019 Institution of Civil Engineers Brunel Medal.
  in construction activity.

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OUR PROJECTS                                             Client:     New Zealand Transport Agency

                                                         Location:   Auckland, New Zealand

                                                         Contract:   Design, Build, Operate and Maintain

                                                         Role:       Alliance - Fletcher, Obayashi, Beca, Parsons
                                                                     Brinckerhoff and Tonkin & Taylor, McConnell Dowell

Waterview Connection                                     Dates:      Aug 201 1 – Jul 2017     Value: $1.54B

Project Description
The Waterview Connection was the largest project in      • A pedestrian and cycle bridge over SH20
Auckland’s Western Wing Route, one of New Zealand’s        in Hendon Park
Roads of National Significance and involved the design   • Four 2-lane motorway-to-motorway connection
and construction of 4.8 km new motorway from the           viaduct structures
end of the SH20 motorway at Maioro Street through
to a motorway to motorway interchange with SH16          Innovations
at Waterview. 2.4km of the new motorway incorporated     During the design phase the Alliance established a
two 3-lane tunnels, 13 .1 m internal diameter, which     value-for-money (VfM) team comprising experienced
were constructed by a purpose built earth pressure       design, construction, and client personnel (including
balanced tunnel boring machine.                          Aurecon staff).

Key components of the Waterview Connection               This resulted in some the use of key innovations such as:
project included:                                        • Using the pits required for the tunnel-boring
• A full diamond interchange at Maioro Street              machine (TBM) launch and turn-around as the
• A 4.5km motorway connection from Maioro Street           permanent drainage sump at the tunnel portals -
  Interchange to SH16 at Great North Road Interchange      providing saving of $1 .6m

• Twin 3-lane tunnels 2.4km long from Alan Wood          • Optimising the steel segments and reinforcement
  Reserve to Waterview Park                                in the tunnel segmental lining to reduce the amount
                                                           of steel required - resulting in savings of $2.7m
• A southern tunnel portal structure incorporating
  ventilation building and vent stack                    • McConnell Dowell coordinated drainage design
                                                           and construction which allowed removal of cement
• A northern tunnel portal structure incorporating
                                                           stabilisation from the tunnel backfill specification
  ventilation building
                                                           while providing a trafficable surface adequate for
• A ventilation duct crossing Great North Road             heavy haulage and relocating tunnel main drain from
  to a remote vent stack                                   invert culvert to backfill, resulting in savings of $ 1 .7m.
• A new bridge carrying Richardson Road over SH20
• A new bridge carrying SH20 across Oakley Creek

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For over 50 years
                              customers have been
                              coming to us with
                              complex projects that
                              require innovative

Riverbank Pedestrian Bridge
South Australia
May 2020
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