Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step

Page created by Howard Erickson
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Roadmap                                                                              No earlier than 21st June

  out of                                    No earlier than 17th May

Lockdown      No earlier than 12th April


North Devon           Step
                                                                                       On the 29th March

                                    On the 8th March
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Changes                                         Community &                     Mitigations                         Communications
                                                                       Service Impacts
                       Changes on the 8th March                        - Increase of licenses          Examine the potential for           Continuation of social
                                                                       - Temporary Events Notices      additional capacity within the      distancing signage and social
                                                                       - Licensed events on council    licensing team.                     media posts
                       Social Contact;
                       You can leave your home for leisure or          - Licensed events on public     Reprioritisation of less critical   Continuation of stay at home
                       exercise with:                                    land                          work.                               messaging
                        People in your household/support              - Increase tented/caravan
                           bubble                                        site licenses.                                                    Community support
                       Or                                                                                                                  signposting messages
8th March-29th March

                        1 person who is not in your household
                                                                       - Increase of Safety Advisory   Consider a variation to this        Explore from your door
                           or support bubble.                            Group (SAG) Applications.     area of discretionary service       campaign
                                                                                                       and consider additional
       Step 1

                          People who live in care homes will be                                       capacity.                           Promoting test sites and
                           allowed one visitor.                                                                                            vaccination centres

                                                                       - Increase applications and     Prioritisation of work to be        Communication plans for re-
                       Education: Schools,
                                                                         requests for advice ahead     reviewed against programmed         opening of High Streets and
                       Colleges and Universities;                        of hospitality opening on     work.                               leisure facilities being
                        Children and Students can return to             the 12th April.                                                   prepared
                           face-to-face education.                     - Increase of COVID             Increase the capacity of the
                        Higher education students on practical          compliance work and           team using the COVID19              Continued promotion of local
                           courses can also return.                      guidance                      compliance grant.                   businesses’ click and collect
                                                                       - Increase of new food                                              services Live Love Local
                        Introduction of twice weekly rapid
                                                                         business registrations &                                          (campaign)
                           testing for secondary and college pupils.     associated inspections.
                        Introduction of rapid testing teachers.                                                                           Information on business grants
                        Introduction of Community Collect
                           Testing for eligible households.            - Increase Test & Trace                                             Clear messages campaign
                                                                         payments from 8th March.      TBC by JT                           tackling littering
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Changes                                     Impacts                        Mitigations                         Communications
                       Changes on the 29th March                   - Influx of day visitors to    Close partnership with local        Lead role in Clean Devon anti-
                                                                     beauty spots and beaches.    police and partner agencies to      littering campaign
                                                                                                  monitor impact.
                       Social Contact;
                                                                   - Increase pressure of W&R:                                        Continuation of social
                       Rule of 6 introduced:                       - Increase waste (Domestic &   Increase collection capacity and
                                                                                                                                      distancing messaging
                        Meet in groups of 6 people outdoors                                      add on extra round from April.
                           including private gardens.              - Higher demand in the         Review business continuity plan     Stay at home as much as you
                       or                                            recycling hall putting       and identify other means of         can messaging
8th March-29th March

                        Meet in groups of 2 households              pressure on critical         processing recycling if the event
                                                                     equipment.                   of a critical failure.              PFND litter bin campaign
                           outdoors including private gardens.
                                                                   - Increase littering
                                                                   - Increased use of public      Increase frequency of street        Recycling reminders to
       Step 1

                                                                     conveniences                 sweeping & bin emptying from        counteract contamination
                        “Stay at home rule” ends.                                                April.
                        You should still stay home as much as     - Increase pressure on car
                                                                                                  Increase capacity of workforce
                                                                                                                                      Re-opening of skateparks and
                           you can.                                  parking.                                                         BMX track
                                                                                                  and re open closed facilities
                        You should continue to work from                                         (urinal blocks).
                                                                   - Business Restart Grants                                          PSPO messaging
                           home if you can.                          Commences – increase         Promote the use of carparks and
                        You won't be able to travel abroad.         pressure on service.         work with DCC Highways on the       Continued promotion of
                                                                                                  regulation of on street car         vaccines and testing
                       Business and activities;                                                   parking to mitigate the risks
                                                                                                  associated with obstructions.
                          Outdoor sports such as tennis and                                      New PSPO to address anti-social
                           basketball courts and open air                                         behaviour and environmental
                           swimming can reopen.                                                   crime
                          Formally organised outdoor sports can
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Changes                                        Impacts                                   Mitigations                              Communications
                                 Changes no earlier than 12th April             -   Reduced availability of self-         Positive engagement with landlords to    Respect, Protect, Enjoy campaign
                                                                                    contained and B&B                     incentivise the retention of housing     to tackle littering, poor parking,
                                                                                    accommodation for homeless            stock.                                   wild camping and preparing
                                 Business and activities;                           households                                                                     residents for the impact of large
                                  Non- essential retail can reopen;            -   Loss of TA to support emergency       Negotiate with current suppliers to      tourism influx

2nd-19th April Easter Holidays
                                     personal care premises (nail & hair           planning/ rest centre function.       retain supply of B&B rooms and
                                                                                                                          consider pre booking rooms.              Tolerance messaging – please
                                                                                                                                                                   welcome and be accommodating
    Not before 12th April

                                     public buildings (Libraries & community                                             Review rest centre plans &               to our tourists
                                     centres)                                                                             arrangements with Devon Emergency
                                  indoor gyms (for individual or household                                               Planning Partnership.                    Re-opening of customer services
                                                                                -   Early arrivals and illegal stays of                                            face to face with social distancing
            Step 2

                                                                                    2nd home owners and caravans.         Review procedures and check on           guidance and urge to carry on
                                                                                                                          capacity to operate toleration site to   going online if possible
                                    Outdoor attractions;                       -   “pop up campsite” – 56 day            manage travellers.
                                    Zoo’s, theme parks drive in cinemas can        exemption rule.                                                                Live Love Local re-opening safely
                                                                                                                          Monitor “pop up” campsite situation      campaign
                                                                                -   Community tension & nuisance          and provide advice as needed.
                                                                                    reports.                                                                       Promotion of re-opening of the
                                 Hospitality;                                                                             COVID19 Marshalls to be provided by      Pannier Market
                                  Restaurants, café’s and pubs can provide     -   Traditional Gypsy and Traveller       Barnstaple Town Council and maintain
                                                                                    patterns likely to restart            a visible presence.                      Promotion of re-opening of
                                    table service outside.
                                                                                                                                                                   leisure facilities
                                  People should be seated in                   -   High street reopens - Less            Security Services to be provided by
                                    household/bubble or groups.                     adherence to social distancing in     “Red Elephant Security” each day         Promotion of RingGo for
                                  “Substantial meal” & curfew rule is              town centre. Increase of ASB and      between 10:00-15:00 using opening        contactless payments
                                                                                    street attached individuals in        high streets safely fund.
                                                                                    town                                                                           Promotion of business restart
                                                                                                                          Promotion and enforcement of the         grants
                                    Self-contained accommodation               -   Pannier market, Tarka tennis and      new drink/street ASB PSPO by wider
 Government's                       such as campsites and holiday lets             Leisure centre reopens.               team.                                    Continued promotion of vaccines
   review on                         without shared indoor facilities can                                                                                          and testing
  global travel                                                                 -   Opening of businesses that have       Provide advice to businesses
                                     reopen. (Hotels and B&B’s must remain          been closed , H&S risks of            reopening – conduct enforcement          Promotion of how to vote safely
 will report on
 the 12th April.                     shut)                                          legionella, covid compliance          visits                                   at the elections

                                                                                                                          Identify staff involved and services     Impact of election on BAU
                                                                                -   7th May elections – many officers     that will be under pressure and issue
                                  Up to 30 people at funerals and 15 people        involved with the provision of        comms.
                                     at weddings, receptions & wakes.               this service potential disruption
                                                                                    to BAU.
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Changes                                        Impacts                               Mitigations                       Communications
                              Changes no earlier than 17th May:              - Increased pressure on housing       Prepare for increase support      Tolerance messaging – please
                                                                               supply with hotels and B&B          requests to housing team.         welcome and be accommodating
                                                                               opening.                                                              to our tourists
                              Social Contact;

Half Term 31st May-4th June
                                                                             - Evictions ban ends March
   Not before 17th May         Indoors rule of 6 or 2 households              2021 could result in increased                                        Tourism charter comms to
                                  applies                                      presentations to housing.                                             promote positive behaviour in
                               Outdoors social contact limits will be                                                                               regards to parking, littering,
                                  lifted but gatherings of over 30 remains                                                                           social distancing, respecting
                                  illegal.                                   - Risk of larger events               Safety advisory group with        locals
          Step 3

                                                                                                                   mitigate some risk by ensuring
                               Advice on social distancing between          - Increased demand on w&R             proper preparation is in place.   Continuation of Respect, Protect,
                                  friends and family will be updated.          and carparks.                                                         Enjoy messaging

                              Business and activities:                       - Increased reports of statutory      Maintain additional rounds and    Continuation of Clean
                               Most businesses except the highest risk        nuisance.                           services. Increase workforce      Devon/Clear Messages/PFND
                                                                                                                   capacity where possible.          anti-littering messages
                                  sector will be able to reopen.
                                                                             - Staff looking to take annual
                               Cinemas, children play areas and indoor        leave over half term/ summer.       CSP campaign & Proactive          Mop-up business grant
                                  exercise classes can resume.                                                     summer time inspection            messaging
                                                                             - Influx of visitors as a result of   programme with police.
                              Hospitality;                                     G7.                                                                   Service updates as and when
                               Restaurants, cafés and pubs can provide                                            Cross warranting of NDC civil     required
                                                                             - Impact of G7 on our                 enforcement officers to provide
                                 table service inside.                         emergency services and              additional capacity to regulate   Messages to manage customer
 G7 Summit in
 Cornwall 11-                  Rest of the accommodation sector can           testing capacity.                   ASB PSPO                          expectation if services are
   13th June                     reopen including hotels, hostels and                                                                                overwhelmed
                                 B&B’s.                                      - Symptomatic and                     Engage in multi-agency meetings
   Review of                                                                   asymptomatic testing                and planning workshops to
     social                                                                    pressures from visitors (not        ensure we are aware of impacts
  distancing                                                                   our risk) staff ability to access   from G7.
   and other
                               Some performances and sporting events          tests.
   measures                       may go ahead with limits on numbers.                                             Engage with the LRF to maintain
 ahead of Step                 30 people can attend life events such as                                           awareness of testing capacity.
       4.                         bar mitzvahs and christenings.
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
Changes                                  Impacts                            Mitigations                     Communications
                       Changes no earlier than 21st June        Increase of anti-social            Ensure sufficient resources     Continue with all anti-littering
                                                                behaviour.                                                         messages
                                                                                                   Run W&I communication
                       Social Contact;
                                                                Increased reports of statutory     campaigns and proactively       Continuation of tolerance
                                                                nuisance from commercial and       engage with visitors.           messaging – please welcome
                          Government hopes to remove all       private properties (e.g. noise).                                   and be accommodating to our
                           legal limits on social contact.
Not before 21st June

                                                                                                   Engage with multi agency        tourists
                                                                Increase of unlicensed events.     partners to mitigate impact.
                       Travel;                                                                                                     Continuing to promote the
                                                                Higher than usual number of        Prioritise critical services.   tourism charter comms to
                        Dependent on the review being
      Step 4

                                                                visitors as a result of                                            encourage positive behaviour
                           published on 12th April.             staycations.
                                                                                                                                   Continued promotion of local
                                                                Continued pressure on                                              businesses
                       Business and activities;                 services.
                        All remaining premises including                                                                          Service updates as and when
                                                                Staff wanting to take leave.                                       required
                          nightclubs can reopen.
                                                                                                                                   Messages to manage
                       Events;                                                                                                     customer expectation if
                        Subject to the results of the events                                                                      services are overwhelmed
                          research programme and pilot events
                        Ease restrictions on events.
                        No legal limits on life events.
Roadmap out of Lockdown - North Devon Council Step
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