Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019

Page created by Elmer Byrd
Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
up date 2019

Roadmap of Large Research
Infrastructures of the Czech
Republic for the years 2016-2022

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
u p d ate 2 0 1 9

Roadmap of Large Research
Infrastructures of the Czech
Republic for the years 2016-2022

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
u p d ate 2 0 1 9

                                          Roadmap of Large Research
                                          Infrastructures of the Czech
                                          Republic for the years 2016-2022

                                          Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Karmelitska 529/5
118 12 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Prague, November 2019

Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
                                                                                            Roadmap of Large Research
                                                                                            Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
                                                                                            for the years 2016-2022

                  esearch infrastructures are one of the key pillars of national        would be hard to otherwise be obtained by individual stakeholders          which the research community in the Czech Republic is participating
                  research and innovation systems of the EU Member States, the          exclusively using the capacities of their home institutions. From this     in international research infrastructures outside the Czech Republic
                  European Research Area as a whole, and other formations of            perspective, research infrastructures – open to all their potential user   (beyond the Czech memberships in international R&D organisations
           the macro-regional and global dimension and impact. They form the            communities – help increase the efficiency of expenditures invested in     established under international public law). All these large research
           backbone network for excellent basic and applied research and they           research, development and innovation.                                      infrastructures have been approved by the Government of the Czech
           are a platform for the development of the most advanced technologies             Besides the benefits of new scientific findings and the develop-       Republic for public funding until 2022.
           that are characterised by large knowledge-intensity and a potential          ment of new technologies that are applied in innovative products               I truly appreciate the work of the International Assessment Com-
           to be applied in innovative goods and services with high added value.        and services, investments in research infrastructures also significantly   mittee, which in 2017 evaluated the large research infrastructures
               Research infrastructures concentrate above-critical amount of            overlap with other socio-economic spheres. Research infrastructures        of the Czech Republic, the work of my colleagues from the Ministry
           material, human and financial resources in their capacities, which           contribute to the development of entire industries and, from the           of Education, Youth and Sports, who created appropriate conditions
           are necessary to obtain breakthrough knowledge and bring solutions           geographic perspective, of entire territorial units, as well as regional   for the work of the Committee, and, last but not least, the enormous
           to the socio-economic challenges that we are facing. Through their           and macro-regional levels of both a national and international nature.     engagement of individual research infrastructure teams that have made
           equipment, they provide unique opportunities to conduct exceptional          Therefore, more and more stakeholders pay attention to research            it possible for this Roadmap to be introduced to both professionals and
           scientific experiments and research. The users of the research infra-        infrastructures.                                                           the general public in the Czech Republic, Europe and around the world.
           structures come from both the research community and the industrial              The research community in the Czech Republic has a wide range
           (business) sector that can use the research infrastructures under            of expertise that enables to operate a number of research infra-
           commercial conditions.                                                       structures – in the Czech Republic, these are referred to as “large
               Since research infrastructures significantly overlap with the educa-     research infrastructures” – with significant international overlaps
           tional and industrial areas, they represent the optimal environment to       and also allows it to participate in the most important European and
           effectively connect the segments of the knowledge triangle, resulting        global research facilities that specialise in the physical sciences and
           in strong interactions between education, research and industry.             engineering, energy, environmental sciences, biological and medical                                                       Robert Plaga, Ph.D.
           Thanks to the research infrastructures, we have been able to push            sciences, as well as health and food and social sciences and human-                                     Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
           the boundaries of human knowledge towards unexplored horizons.               ities. These large research infrastructures are complemented by the                                                       of the Czech Republic
           The research infrastructures are also places providing excellent op-         Czech e-infrastructure that provides appropriate ICT services to the
           portunities for the development of top-class professional careers for        large research infrastructures’ operators and users, designed for their
           those who operate the research infrastructures and for those who             specific individual needs.
           use them, i.e. researchers and innovators.                                       This trend requires that the Czech Republic continues fostering
               The construction of research infrastructures, the development of         favourable legal and financial environment for the operation and
           their experimental facilities and the modernisation of their capacities      further development of large research infrastructures of the Czech
           also provides great opportunities for enterprises that participate in        Republic. Only a strategic approach that provides a stable system
           procurements to supply such facilities. The public contracts stimulate       of public funding will enable the sustainable development of large
           businesses to develop state-of-the-art technologies and to increase          research infrastructures of the Czech Republic over the long term.
           their innovation capabilities and skills. Businesses can then apply              For that reason, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, as the
           also the advanced know-how, which results from the research and              central body of the Czech Republic responsible for the large research
           development conducted in research infrastructures, as they can act           infrastructures’ policy-making, their support from the public funds of
           as partners and participate in follow-up collaborative research and          the Czech Republic, and international cooperation and internationali-
           development projects of research infrastructures’ users from the public      sation, will continue both with the trends that have been established
           research area, using knowledge that has been obtained by use of the          and with the harmonisation of the Czech research infrastructures’
           research infrastructures.                                                    policy in compliance with good practice examples provided by the
               International “single-sited” research infrastructures, research infra-   European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The
           structures of a distributed nature formed by national “nodes” of the         development of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic
           Member States involved, and virtual e-infrastructures, all accessible to     will then enhance research, development and innovation, as well as
           their user communities on the principle of open access policy, make it       the international competitiveness of both the Czech Republic and
           possible to address socio-economic challenges much more effectively.         the entire EU.
           Sharing expertise in research infrastructures also helps prevent the             Therefore, I am very pleased that I can introduce to you this up-
           fragmentation of investments and duplication of efforts by research,         date to the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech
           development and innovation funding providers and beneficiaries, i.e.         Republic for the years 2016-2022, published in 2019, which shows
           research organisations.                                                      how the Czech Republic is responding to the challenges and oppor-
               Operating research infrastructures fully in compliance with the          tunities in the field of research infrastructures. The Roadmap includes
           policy of open access to their capacities and within an integrated           48 large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic operated
           international environment enables their users to achieve results that        in a wide range of scientific fields, including 12 projects through

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Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019


    1. Research infrastructures in the European Research Area              4     10. Structure                                                                                  23
                                                                                        Host and Partner Institutions of Large Research Infrastructure Projects                 24
    2. Large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic                5            International Research Infrastructures located abroad and participated
                                                                                        by the Czech Republic                                                                   26
                                                                                 10.1   Physical sciences and engineering                                                       28
    3. Investments made in large research infrastructures of the Czech           10.2   Energy                                                                                  58
       Republic with the use of EU Cohesion Policy instruments             6     10.3   Environmental sciences                                                                  70
                                                                                 10.4   Health and food                                                                         82
                                                                                 10.5   Social sciences and humanities                                                          98
    4. Typology of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic    7
                                                                                 10.6   e-Infrastructures                                                                      112

    5. International cooperation and internationalisation of large
                                                                                 11. Annexes                                                                                   120
       research infrastructures of the Czech Republic                      9
                                                                                 Annexes 1: Large research infrastructures approved by the Government of the Czech
                                                                                 Republic for financing from the public funds of the Czech Republic until 2022                 120
    6. International evaluation of large research infrastructures                Annexes 2: International Assessment Committee of Large Research Infrastructures
       of the Czech Republic                                              11     of the Czech Republic in 2017                                                                 132
                                                                                 Annexes 3: International Assessment Committee evaluating the benefits of Czech memberships
    7. Evaluation of benefits of Czech memberships in international              in international R&D organisations founded under international public law in 2016             133
       R&D organisations founded under international public law           13     Annexes 4: Working Group for the preparation of the 2019 update to the Roadmap
                                                                                 of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022               134

    8. Alignment of periodic updates to the Roadmap of Large Research            Annexes 5: Membership of the Czech Republic in international R&D organisations
       Infrastructures of the Czech Republic with the process of periodic        established under international public law                                                    135
       updates to the ESFRI Roadmap                                       15     Annexes 6: Membership of the Czech Republic in European Research Infrastructure
                                                                                 Consortia (ERIC)                                                                              136

    9. Summary and outlook for the period after 2022                      16     Annexes 7: Involvement of the Czech Republic in research infrastructures listed in the 2018
                                                                                 update to the Roadmap of European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)          138

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Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
           Roadmap of Large Research
           Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
           for the years 2016-2022

Research infrastructures                                                                                                                                ERIC legal entities, and a transnational access
                                                                                                                                                        to their capacities.

in the European Research Area                                                                                                                                In 2014, EU legal regulations setting the
                                                                                                                                                        conditions for the provision of state aid for
                                                                                                                                                        research, development and innovation from
                                                                                                                                                        public funds, brought about a legislative
                                                                                                                                                        definition of a research infrastructure,

                                                                                                                                                        taking into consideration the specifics of its
       he ever-growing importance of research    importance and impact. In 2006, the ESFRI                At the legislative level, the increased em-   financing: “Research infrastructure means fa-
       infrastructures in relation to the en-    prepared the first ESFRI Roadmap, which             phasis placed on research infrastructures of       cilities, resources and related services that are
       hancement of national research and        was later updated in 2008, 2010, 2016 and           European relevance has brought a brand new         used by the scientific community to conduct
innovation systems of the EU Member States,      2018. The following update to the ESFRI             EU legal framework which defines the princi-       research in their respective fields and covers
the European Research Area (hereinafter          Roadmap is planned for 2021. The ESFRI              ples for the governance of European research       scientific equipment or sets of instruments,
the “ERA”) as a whole, and the international     Roadmap includes research infrastructures           infrastructures jointly operated by at least       knowledge-based resources such as collec-
competitiveness of EU Member States and the      of European importance, whose designs and           three EU Member States. Since 2009, this           tions, archives or structured scientific informa-
European economy in the global context is        concepts have been already successfully put         brand new type of legal entity, a European         tion, enabling information and communication
reflected in a number of important measures      into practice by their host countries (ESFRI        Research Infrastructure Consortium1                technology-based infrastructures such as grid,
that have been taken over the past period.       Landmarks) or which are under preparation           (hereinafter the “ERIC”), has made it pos-         computing, software and communication, or
    In 2002, following a decision taken by the   or in their construction phase (ESFRI Pro-          sible to adopt fully flexible models for the       any other entity of a unique nature essential
EU Competitiveness Council formed by EU          jects), and places them in the context of the       management of research infrastructures of          to conduct research. Such infrastructures
Member States’ Ministers responsible for re-     European research infrastructure landscape          a European nature. The ERIC legal entities         may be ‘single-sited’ or ‘distributed’ (an or-
search, the European Strategy Forum on           in the form of an analytical study.                 and the “representing entities” of ERIC Mem-       ganised network of resources) in accordance         principle of open access policy. The concentra-
Research Infrastructures (hereinafter the            Parallel to the ESFRI, a specific expert fo-    ber States participating in the operation of       with Article 2(a) of Council Regulation (EC) No     tion of knowledge and technology potential                  CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche
“ESFRI”) was established. The ESFRI gathers      rum was set in 2003 to focus on European            European research infrastructures can also         723/2009 of 25 June 2009 on the Community           and required material, personnel and finan-               Nucléaire) – ALICE Experiment
delegates from the EU Member States, the         research infrastructures that are specialised       enjoy some advantages that are otherwise           legal framework for a European Research             cial resources within research infrastructures
Directorate General for Research and Inno-       in ICT, the e-IRG (e-Infrastructures Reflection     associated with the status of an international     Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).”2                 eliminate the necessity to acquire facilities of
vation of the European Commission, and As-       Group). The foundation of the e-IRG empha-          organisation established under the interna-             The growing demand for research infra-         the same cost at other research organisations
sociated Countries under the EU Framework        sized the particular role of the European e-in-     tional public law, such as VAT or concise tax      structures due to the increasing pressure on        specialising in similar research, development
Programmes for research, development and         frastructure, which represents the backbone         exemption and special rules for procurements.      successful addressing socio-economic                and innovation goals.
innovation and facilitates their strategic de-   ICT environment, capacities and services for             Research infrastructures are also includ-     challenges, requiring knowledge-intensive
bates regarding issues of policy-making for      conducting research, development and inno-          ed in the EU Framework Programmes for              and technologically most advanced solutions,
research infrastructures of European nature,     vation across all branches and fields of science.   research, development and innovation               also requires a specific approach to be taken
                                                                                                     as one of their priorities. In this respect,       towards the research infrastructures’ public
                                                                                                     their key importance, benefit and impact on        administration with respect to political, legal
                                                                                                     a progressive ERA development is confirmed         and financial coordination, including the ability
                                                                                                     by their inclusion into the Excellent Science      to undertake long-term commitments at the
                                                                                                     pillar of the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework       national, European, macro-regional and global
                                                                                                     Programme for Research and Innovation              levels. Only favourable environment that pro-
                                                                                                     (2014-2020). Research infrastructures will         vides a long-term stable and predictable sys-
                                                                                                     also be included in the Open Science pillar of     tem of research infrastructures’ public funding     1/ Council Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June
                                                                                                     the Horizon Europe, the 9th EU Framework           enables research infrastructures and their          2009 on the Community legal framework for a European
                                                                                                     Programme for Research and Innovation              users to achieve all their objectives.              Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) as amended
                                                                                                     (2021-2027). The budget resources of EU                 Research infrastructures fundamentally         by Council Regulation (EU) No 1261/2013 of 2 Decem-
                                                                                                     Framework Programmes for research, de-             help make the support of research, de-              ber 2013 amending Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 con-
                                                                                                     velopment and innovation are used for the          velopment and innovation from public                cerning the Community legal framework for a European
                                                                                                     preparatory phases of European research            funds more efficient. They are unique fa-           Research Infrastructures Consortium (ERIC).
                                                                                                     infrastructures and their internationally-in-      cilities at an exceptional level of knowledge       2/ Framework for State Aid for Research and De-
                                                                                                     tegrating activities leading to the establish-     and technology, and are hosted by their host        velopment and Innovation (2014/C 198/01) and the
                                                                                                     ment of international consortia, especially        institutions, ensuring their operation and fur-     Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June
                                                                                                                                                        ther investment development, for the use by         2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible
                                                                                                                                                        all their potential users from the research         with the internal market in application of Articles 107
                                                                                                       ELI Beamlines (Extreme Light Infrastructure)     community and the industrial sector on the          and 108 of the Treaty.

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Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
2                                                                                                                                                       3
             Roadmap of Large Research                                                                                                                                Roadmap of Large Research
             Infrastructures of the Czech Republic                                                                                                                    Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
             for the years 2016-2022                                                                                                                                  for the years 2016-2022

Large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic                                                                                                    Investments made in large research infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                        of the Czech Republic with the use of EU Cohesion
                                                                                                                                                        Policy instruments
         ver the past few years, the Czech       policy-making and public funding of large re-           vation in its role of an expert advisory and
         Republic has also responded to the      search infrastructures in the Czech Republic.           consulting body to the Government of the
         increasing importance of research in-       Since 2009, importance attributed to                Czech Republic. The Council acts on the su-

frastructures and for the purpose of showing     the large research infrastructures has been             preme level and gathers representatives of
them as one of the key elements of the           enhanced by the fact that proposals to fi-              the most important research, development             omplementarily to the state budget          came from the Operational Programme              Czech Republic has been the Operational
national research and innovation system,         nance large research infrastructures from the           and innovation stakeholders in the Czech             expenditures of the Czech Republic          Prague – Competitiveness (hereinafter the        Programme Research, Development and
a number of measures towards creating a sta-     MEYS’s budget are submitted to the Govern-              Republic that represent the public research          spent on research, development and          “OP PC”). In many cases, investments have        Education (hereinafter the “OP RDE”) under
ble environment for research infrastructures’    ment of the Czech Republic for approval as              sector and the industrial sphere.              innovation, that are used to cover the oper-      helped to achieve breakthrough technology        which a series of specific calls for the purpose
construction, operation and further invest-      the only individual research, development and               A specialised communication and mar-       ation costs of large research infrastructures,    modernisation at already operating large re-     of financing the investment costs of large
ment development has been taken.                 innovation projects in the Czech Republic.              keting portal of the large research in-        investment costs to modernise the facilities,     search infrastructures or the development        research infrastructures of the Czech Republic
     In 2009, a new legislative instrument3          Stakeholders engaged in the support of              frastructures of the Czech Republic both       enabling to maintain the research infrastruc-     of brand new large research infrastructures      was announced for the 2016 to 2019 and
to support research infrastructures from         large research infrastructures from the public          for Czech and foreign users is the website     tures at an exceptional and internationally       that have proved not only their Czech na-        2020 to 2022 periods.
the public funds of the Czech Republic was       funds of the Czech Republic are coordinated           competitive level, are primarily covered with     tion-wide, but also European, macro-region-          Beyond the scope of financing the invest-
integrated into the legal regulations that       within two expert advisory and consulting               en/, operated by the CESNET e-infrastruc-      the use of EU Cohesion Policy instruments, i.e.   al, and exceptionally also global dimensions,    ment costs of large research infrastructures
stipulate the conditions for the provision of    bodies. The first of these coordination plat-           ture in cooperation with the MEYS and other    the European Structural and Investment            importance and impact (e.g. ELI Beamlines).      that are located in the Czech Republic, funds
aid for research, development and innova-        forms is the Council for Large Research                 partners.                                      Funds (hereinafter the “ESIF”).                       For the 2016 to 2022 period, the Czech       drawn from the EU Cohesion Policy instru-
tion. The Ministry of Education, Youth and       Infrastructures, an expert advisory body es-                                                               Between 2007 and 2015, the invest-            Republic followed up the model of comple-        ments are used to cover the costs of de-
Sports (hereinafter the “MEYS”) has become       tablished by the Minister of Education, Youth                                                          ments in large research infrastructures           mentary funding of operation and investment      velopment and “in-kind” deliveries of
the central public administration body of the    and Sports. The Council joins the officially                                                           were made mainly under the Operational            costs of large research infrastructures with     technology equipment into European
Czech Republic responsible for supporting        delegated representatives of the MEYS, the                                                             Programme Research and Development                the use of state budget expenditures on re-      research infrastructures in which the Czech
“large research infrastructures” and in its      Council for Research, Development and Inno-                                                            for Innovation (hereinafter the “OP RDI”).        search, development and innovation and ESIF.     Republic participates (e.g. European Spalla-
role as the administrator of the international   vation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the                                                        Investments of a smaller scale that were made     The instrument used to cover the investment      tion Source) and where the Czech Republic
cooperation of the Czech Republic in research    Czech Academy of Sciences, the Czech Rectors                                                           in the region of the Capital City of Prague       costs of large research infrastructures of the   will be able to use experimental facilities once
and development, it has started to promote       Conference, the Council of Higher Education                                                                                                                                                               they have entered the user phase.
the internationalisation and international co-   Institutions, and last but not least, the most
operation of large research infrastructures of   important large research infrastructures of
the Czech Republic and their membership in       the Czech Republic operated in individual
consortia, especially in ERIC legal entities.    scientific fields. The Council also includes the
     Under the current legal regulations of      Czech delegates to the ESFRI forum as well
the Czech Republic, the capacity of a large      as representatives of the National Contact
research infrastructures is defined as “a re-    Point for the support of research infrastruc-
search infrastructure4 that is a research fa-    tures from EU Framework Programmes for
cility necessary for conducting comprehensive    research, development and innovation. The
research and development with high financial     other coordination platform is the Council
and technology demands, approved by the          for Research, Development and Inno-
Government and established to be also used
by other research organisations.”
     In 2010, the MEYS prepared the Roadmap      3/ Act No 130/2002 Coll., on the Support of Research,
of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech   Experimental Development and Innovation from Public
Republic for the first time. Its structure and   Funds and on Amendments to Some Related Act (the
contents correspond to the ESFRI Roadmap.        Act on the Support of Research, Experimental Devel-
It was updated in 2011 and 2015 and the          opment and Innovation), as amended.
presented Roadmap of Large Research              4/ Article 2(91) of Commission Regulation (EU) No
Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for        651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain cat-
the years 2016-2022, updated in 2019,            egories of aid compatible with the internal market                                                                                                                                                           COMPASS (Tokamak for Thermonuclear
provides the most current overview of the        in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty.                                                                                                                                                     Fusion Research)

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Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
              Roadmap of Large Research
              Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
              for the years 2016-2022

Typology of large research infrastructures                                                                                                                  Nevertheless, there are also international
                                                                                                                                                        research infrastructures that have neither the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             SPIRAL2-CZ (Système de Production
                                                                                                                                                                                                             d’Ions Radioactifs Accélérés en Ligne de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Czech Republic does not exist at the level of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a Government body of the Czech Republic.

of the Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                        ERIC legal form nor international public law         2ème génération).                               Therefore, the engagement of the Czech Re-
                                                                                                                                                        based framework, but are established on the                                                          public in these facilities is provided through
                                                                                                                                                        legal basis of their host countries (e.g. Jules   Beyond the scope of the above typology, the-       the research community itself. However, this
                                                                                                                                                        Horowitz Reactor). In this case, the state does   re is a specific type of research infrastructure   does not diminish the importance of such en-
                                                                                                                                                        not act as a member of these legal entities       that is not funded from the grant for large        gagement even though with respect to the

                                                                                                                                                        and the state does not pay for mandatory          research infrastructures, but that uses anoth-     source of funding, it is not supported from
      he basic typology of research infrastruc-     commissioned research infrastructures – can       liveries of experimental equipment (e.g.          membership duties with respect to the given       er legislative framework of funding (admin-        a grant for large research infrastructures
      tures divides facilities into three groups:   also be found in the research and innovation      to CERN). If such an international research       legal entity (typically, these include manda-     istered by the MEYS) and which brings the          and it cannot be included in the presented
      single-sited research infrastructures         system of the Czech Republic.                     infrastructure is an international organisation   tory membership fees or “in-kind” form of         Czech Republic’s membership in interna-            Roadmap in the form of partial large research
situated in one place, distributed research             One specific type of large research infra-    founded under international public law and/       participation in the operations and/or further    tional R&D organisations founded under             infrastructure projects of the Czech Republic.
infrastructures including a larger number of        structure project in the Czech Republic is the    or ERIC, any other obligations related to the     investment development of the international       international public law. In this respect,             
capacities situated in different places, and        project implemented for the purpose of secur-     Czech membership (i.e. typically the payment      research infrastructure). In this case, a large   the Czech Republic is a Member State in the
virtual research infrastructures. From the          ing the Czech participation in an international   of mandatory membership fees) are fulfilled       research infrastructure can be seen as an         following organisations:
perspective of life cycle stages, research          research infrastructure located abroad. The       by the MEYS in its role as a public adminis-      access point to an international research
infrastructures are classified into research        purpose of such a large research infrastruc-      tration body of the Czech Republic exercising     infrastructure where the large research in-          CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche
infrastructures in the preparatory phase,           ture project is typically to secure the Czech     membership rights in such an international        frastructure project holder deals with require-      Nucléaire);
implementation / construction phase,                share in the construction and/or upgrade          legal entity.                                     ments on behalf of the user community of the         EMBC (European Molecular Biology Con-
operation phase and decommissioning                 of technological equipment of an inter-                                                             Czech Republic that for ERIC legal entities          ference);
phase. All of the above types of research           national research infrastructure in the                                                             and/or international organisations founded           EMBL (European Molecular Biology Lab-
infrastructures – with the exception of de-         form of development and “in-kind” de-                CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array)                under international public law are addressed         oratory, including ELIXIR);
                                                                                                                                                        directly by the MEYS on behalf of the Czech          ESA (European Space Agency);
                                                                                                                                                        Republic as a Member State of such legal             ESO (European Southern Observatory, in-
                                                                                                                                                        entities.                                            cluding ELT – Extremely Large Telescope);
                                                                                                                                                            The following projects referred to with          JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Re-
                                                                                                                                                        their acronyms represent the above cate-             search).
                                                                                                                                                        gories of large research infrastructures in-
                                                                                                                                                        cluded in the Roadmap of Large Research           Through its membership in NATO (North
                                                                                                                                                        Infrastructures of the Czech Republic and are     Atlantic Treaty Organisation), the Czech Re-
                                                                                                                                                        funded under the relevant grant (international    public has become a Member State of the
                                                                                                                                                        research infrastructures that the Czech user      international organisation VKIFD (Von Kar-
                                                                                                                                                        community can access are provided in pa-          man Institute for Fluid Dynamics). Through
                                                                                                                                                        rentheses):                                       membership in EURATOM (European Atomic
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Energy Community), the Czech Republic has
                                                                                                                                                        	AUGER-CZ (Pierre Auger Observatory);             participated in the ITER (International Ther-
                                                                                                                                                          BNL-CZ (Brookhaven National Laboratory);        monuclear Experimental Reactor) project.
                                                                                                                                                          CERN-CZ (Conseil Européen pour la                   Last but not least, a specific form of the
                                                                                                                                                         ­Recherche Nucléaire);                           Czech Republic’s involvement in international
                                                                                                                                                          CTA-CZ (Cherenkov Telescope Array);             research infrastructures is the participation
                                                                                                                                                        	ESS Scandinavia-CZ (European Spalla-             in the following international facilities: ESRF
                                                                                                                                                          tion Source);                                   (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and
                                                                                                                                                        	EST-CZ (European Solar Telescope);               ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin) in France and Eu-
                                                                                                                                                        	EU-ARC.CZ (Atacama Large Millimeter /            ropean XFEL (European X-Ray Free Electron
                                                                                                                                                          Submillimeter Array);                           Laser Facility) in Germany. Membership in the
                                                                                                                                                          FAIR-CZ (Facility for Antiproton and Ion        above organisations is not provided through
                                                                                                                                                          Research);                                      large research infrastructure projects. Given
                                                                                                                                                          Fermilab-CZ (Fermi National Accelerator         the legal nature of these international entities
                                                                                                                                                          Laboratory);                                    that do not show signs of an internation-
                                                                                                                                                          JHR-CZ (Jules Horowitz Reactor);                al intergovernmental organisation founded
                                                                                                                                                          LSM-CZ (Laboratoire Souterrain de Mo-           under international public law or the ERIC
                                                                                                                                                          dane);                                          legal framework, the membership duty of the

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     13
Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
              Roadmap of Large Research
              Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
              for the years 2016-2022

International cooperation and internationalisation                                                                                                        material and financial resources is not broad
                                                                                                                                                          enough that they could build and operate such
                                                                                                                                                                                                              operation phase of the large research infra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              structure ELI Beamlines, the Czech pillar of the

of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic                                                                                                   research infrastructures and fully use their user
                                                                                                                                                          capacities at the national level.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) European
                                                                                                                                                                                                              research infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                                              Also for the above reasons, the MEYS                In the following period, the Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                          supports intensive international cooperation        is expected to become one of the founding
                                                                                                                                                          of large research infrastructures of the Czech      Member States of ERIC legal entities in

                                                                                                                                                          Republic and their integration within the ERA       whose establishment the MEYS and the re-
   nternational cooperation of large research      operated at the level of the host states would      research infrastructures as their preparato-       and enters into the legal entities that manage      search community in the Czech Republic has
   infrastructures of the Czech Republic is        enable. Typically, the process of research in-      ry and construction phases are implemented         the work of research infrastructures at the         been intensively participating. They include
   a crucial prerequisite for the establish-       frastructure internationalisation is conducted      through numerous international consortia that      international level in its role as the public       the European research infrastructures:
ment in the ERA and other macro-regional           at the international level, especially for re-      associate a large number of countries, and         administration body of the Czech Republic
research infrastructure networks, including on     search infrastructures specialising in biological   through their national research and industrial     responsible for the given subject-matter. The          ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases
the global level. At the same time, the interna-   and medical sciences (e.g. Instruct-ERIC and        communities, also a wide range of specialised      Czech Republic has become a Member                     Research Infrastructure);
tionalisation of large research infrastructures    BBMRI-ERIC), social sciences and humanities         knowledge, technology expertise and person-        State of 14 ERIC legal entities:                       AnaEE (Infrastructure for Analysis and
of the Czech Republic is also important to         (e.g. CESSDA ERIC and CLARIN ERIC) and              nel, material and financial resources. Typical                                                            Experimentation on Ecosystems);
maximise the use of their potential, both in       environmental sciences (e.g. ICOS ERIC), but        examples of this type of international cooper-        BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanks and Biomolecular               CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array);
relation to the Czech domestic and foreign         is not unusual for research infrastructures         ation are mainly extensive research infrastruc-       Resources Research Infrastructure Con-              DANUBIUS-RI (International Centre for
user communities.                                  that area operated in the field of physical         tures operated in the field of physical sciences      sortium);                                           Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems);
    In international research infrastructure       sciences and engineering (e.g. CERIC-ERIC).         and engineering (e.g. CERN). It can be said           CERIC-ERIC (Central European Research               INFRAFRONTIER (European Research
networks that associate mainly distributed         The basic pre-requisite for research infrastruc-    that many single-sited international research         Infrastructure Consortium);                         Infrastructure for the Generation, Phe-
research infrastructures across the ERA            ture internationalisation is the international      infrastructures could never have been built           CESSDA ERIC (Consortium of European                 notyping, Archiving and Distribution of
(and very often adopt the ERIC legal form),        interoperability of e-infrastructure that pro-      without extensive international cooperation.          Social Science Data Archives);                      Model Mammalian Genomes).
the expertise and capacities of research in-       vides them suitably dimensioned ICT services        Even in the most advanced countries, the range        CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Re-
frastructures can be effectively shared and        (e.g. PRACE).                                       of knowledge and technology, and personnel,           sources and Technology Infrastructure);          In addition, the Czech Republic is a Member
a much wider portfolio of experimental equip-          For single-sited international research                                                               DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infra-             State of international research infrastruc-
ment, knowledge and services than the sole         infrastructures, international cooperation                                                                structure for the Arts and Humanities)           tures listed as international organisations
potential of their individual national nodes       is the very reason for the formation of such           ELI Beamlines (Extreme Light Infrastructure)       EATRIS ERIC (European Advanced Trans-            founded under international public law
                                                                                                                                                             lational Research Infrastructure in Medi-        and specified in Chapter 4 of the Roadmap,
                                                                                                                                                             cine);                                           namely CERN, EMBC, EMBL, ESA, ESO and
                                                                                                                                                             ECRIN-ERIC (European Clinical Research           JINR.
                                                                                                                                                             Infrastructure Network);                              Through its research community, the Czech
                                                                                                                                                             ESS ERIC (European Social Survey);               Republic is also involved in other European
                                                                                                                                                             Euro-BioImaging ERIC (European Re-               and global research infrastructures that
                                                                                                                                                             search Infrastructure for Imaging Tech-          do not have an international legal form.
                                                                                                                                                             nologies in Biological and Biomedical            Beyond the research infrastructures listed
                                                                                                                                                             Sciences);                                       above in Chapter 4 of the Roadmap, they in-
                                                                                                                                                             European Spallation Source ERIC;                 clude research infrastructures such as PRACE,
                                                                                                                                                             EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC (European Infra-              ­GÉANT, EGI or GLIF. The involvement of the
                                                                                                                                                             structure of Open Screening Platforms for         Czech Republic in European infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                             Chemical Biology);                                included in the most current version of the
                                                                                                                                                             ICOS ERIC (Integrated Carbon Observa-             2018 ESFRI Roadmap is covered in more de-
                                                                                                                                                             tion System);                                     tail in Chapter 8 of the Roadmap.
                                                                                                                                                             Instruct-ERIC (Integrated Structural Bi-              
                                                                                                                                                             ology European Research Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                             SHARE-ERIC (Survey of Health, Ageing
                                                                                                                                                             and Retirement in Europe).

                                                                                                                                                          In 2020, the ELI ERIC legal entity will be es-
                                                                                                                                                          tablished with the Czech Republic as a found-
                                                                                                                                                          ing member. The legal entity will manage the

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 - update 2019
             Roadmap of Large Research
             Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
             for the years 2016-2022

International evaluation of large research                                                                                                                                                                                                           CZ-OPENSCREEN (National Infrastructure for

infrastructures of the Czech Republic                                                                                                                                                                                                              Chemical Biology)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   form of consensus reports of a pre-defined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   structure. In compliance with the evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   methodology, large research infrastructures
       ince 2010, large research infrastruc-      and 2022 would be conditioned on a positive      in which a large research infrastructure                                                                                                        and new submitted proposals thereof were
       tures of the Czech Republic have been      outcome of their 2017 interim evaluation.        reflects on and addresses the needs of                                                                                                          granted a score indicating their summary
       financed from the public funds of the      Moreover, the Roadmap of Large Research          its user community from the research and                                                                                                        qualitative level on a scale from 5 to 0
Czech Republic under a specific grant scheme,     Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the    industrial sphere and contributes to the                                                                                                        where 5 was the highest score and 1 was the
following the introduction of a relevant leg-     years 2016-2022 stipulated that in 2017,         development of scientific field of its spe-                                                                                                     lowest. Large research infrastructures that
islative instrument into the legal framework      a call will be announced for an ex-ante eval-    cialisation;                                                                                                                                    received 0 were found by the International
of the Czech Republic in 2009. Since 2014,        uation of brand new large research infra-        Cooperation – the cooperation of                                                                                                                Assessment Committee to be non-compliant
large research infrastructures of the             structure project proposals. Therefore, the      a large research infrastructure with                                                                                                            with the basic qualitative criteria of large
Czech Republic have been subject to               second round of international evaluation         other research infrastructures, research                                                                                                        research infrastructures.
evaluations that are made periodically            of large research infrastructures was or-        organisations and industrial partners in                                                                                                            Based on the outcomes of the in-
and are organised in the form of an in-           ganised in 2017 under the auspices of            the Czech Republic, the ERA and all over                                                                                                        ternational evaluation that took place
ternational peer-review.                          the MEYS. The assessment included both           the world;                                                                                                                                      in 2017, the Government of the Czech
    The first of these international assess-      large research infrastructures that had          Open access policy – the manner of                                                                                                              Republic approved 48 large research in-
ment processes was organised by the MEYS          been funded, for which it was an inter-          organising open access to the capacities                                                                                                        frastructures, including 7 new proposals,
in 2014. It served as an instrument to obtain     im evaluation, and large research infra-         that a large research infrastructure offers                                                                                                     to be funded from the public funds of the
independent expert opinions for the purpose       structure project proposals that have            to its user community;                                                                                                                          Czech Republic in the period until 2022.
of taking evidence-based political decisions      been developed in the Czech Republic            	Use of capacities – the analysis of struc-       tions made by the International Assess-       	Physical sciences and engineering;              Their list is provided in Annex 1.
by the Government of the Czech Republic on        since 2014 as brand new and for which            ture and the number of users of a large          ment Committee have been reflected;           	Energy;                                             Members of the International Assessment
the financing of large research infrastructures   it was an ex-ante evaluation.                    research infrastructure in the Czech Re-         Communication and marketing strat-            	Environmental sciences;                         Committee of large research infrastructures of
from the public funds of the Czech Republic           The international assessment of              public and abroad and the intensity of use       egy – the communication of a large re-         Health and food (≈ biological and               the Czech Republic and new proposals thereof
for the 2016 to 2019 period. In addition to the   large research infrastructures followed          of its capacities that are made accessible       search infrastructure in relation to both      medical sciences);                              from 2017 are listed in Annex 2.
decision on which large research infrastruc-      the evaluation methodology that has              in the open access regime;                       experts and the general public, including      Social sciences and humanities (≈ so-               
tures that were funded then would continue        been applied in the Czech Republic since         Research results – the quantity and              the development of popularisation activ-       cial and cultural innovation);
receiving support from the Government of the      2014 and is inspired by ESFRI evaluation         quality of research, development and in-         ities.                                         e-Infrastructures (≈ data, computing
Czech Republic, the evaluation process also       processes. Prior to the announcement of          novation results achieved by the users of                                                       and digital research infrastructures).
had an important structuring nature. As many      a call to submit documents for evaluation,       a large research infrastructure by using      The evaluation of large research infrastruc-
investment projects financed between 2007         the subject-matter methodical procedures         its capacities available in the open access   tures and new submitted proposals was            Large research infrastructures and their new
and 2015 by the use of ESIF were gradually        were consulted and also approved in the          regime, including their benefits for the      made by the International Assessment             proposals were evaluated by the International
completed, the purpose of the assessment          platform of the Council for Large Research       development of new technologies;              Committee that included 6 scientific panels      Assessment Committee based on submitted
was to evaluate the capacities that have          Infrastructures.                                 Strategy development – the strategy of        with 5 members, each of which 4 members          documentation and with the help of outputs
been newly developed with the help of EU              As far as evaluation criteria are con-       further investment development of a large     always were from abroad, 1 member was            from an independent external international
Cohesion Policy tools to operate them based       cerned, the assessment of large research in-     research infrastructure over a short- and     from the Czech Republic and 1 was the Chair      peer-review which involved 3 independent
on the open access large research infrastruc-     frastructures and new designs thereof were       long-term horizon, including a feasibility    of the panel. The International Assessment       peer reviews prepared for each large re-
ture principle. Subsequently, following the       focused on assessing the following aspects:      strategy and a SWOT analysis;                 Committee also had a Chair overseeing the        search infrastructure, or a proposal thereof.
outcomes of international assessment                                                               Budget – the operation and investment         evaluation work of the specialised panels so     Another input to the evaluation were per-
conducted in 2014, the Government of              	Expertise – the knowledge and technolo-         costs of a large research infrastructure      that each panel applied the evaluation cri-      sonal interviews organised between rep-
the Czech Republic approved 58 large               gy provided by a large research infrastruc-     over the period until 2022, including de-     teria to the same extent and with the same       resentatives of large research infrastructures
research infrastructures to be funded              ture to its user community based on the         tailed specifications of individual budget    relevance. The specialisation of panels on the   or those who submitted new proposals and
from public resources between 2016                 principle of open access to its capacities;     items;                                        International Assessment Committee corre-        members of the panels of the International
and 2019.                                          Management – the governance structure          	Progress over the past period – the           sponded to the classification of the Roadmap     Assessment Committee. However, the summa-
    At the same time, the decision adopted         and the procuring of HR resources to oper-      main milestones achieved by a large re-       of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech   ry decision on the outcome of each evaluation
by the Government of the Czech Republic            ate a large research infrastructure on the      search infrastructure in the period from      Republic for the years 2016-2022 and the         was the sole responsibility of the panels of
provided that the continuation of funding of       principle of open access to its capacities;     the last international evaluation in 2014     ESFRI Roadmap. Their expertise included the      the International Assessment Committee
large research infrastructures between 2020        Importance and benefits – the manner            and the manner in which recommenda-           following scientific domains:                    which prepared the final outcomes in the

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
              Roadmap of Large Research
              Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
              for the years 2016-2022

Evaluation of benefits of Czech memberships                                                                                                          procurements for development and sup-
                                                                                                                                                     plies of experimental facilities and selection
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the level of managerial, administrative, re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         search and/or technical positions and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        personal interviews between the scientific
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        panels of the International Assessment Com-

in international R&D organisations founded                                                                                                           procedures to staff open job positions;
                                                                                                                                                     Benefits in the field of research – the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         manner in which the Czech Republic uses
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the potential offered by an international
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        mittee and delegates from the Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (representing either the MEYS or the relevant

under international public law
                                                                                                                                                     structure and the number of members of              R&D organisation in the field of HR devel-     research community) in the governing bodies
                                                                                                                                                     the Czech research community that uses              opment with respect to training, research,     of the relevant international organisation.
                                                                                                                                                     the capacities of an international R&D              development and innovation;                        The evaluation of benefits of Czech mem-
                                                                                                                                                     organisation and the intensity of use of            Communication strategy – the man-              berships in international R&D organisations
                                                                                                                                                     capacities by the research community in             ner in which the Czech membership in an        carried out in 2016 provided the MEYS inde-

                                                                                                                                                     the Czech Republic, including the quantity          international R&D organisation is publicly     pendent expert opinions that are further used
       nalogically to the international evalu-      international R&D organisations jointly form      ternational R&D organisations with a similar   and quality of research results achieved            communicated both to experts and to the        by the MEYS to adopt measures leading
       ation of large research infrastructures      a comprehensive methodical framework for          focus.                                         with the help of an international R&D or-           general public in the Czech Republic with      to the maximisation of benefits that the
       that are funded in the Czech Republic        evaluating large research infrastructures of          As far as evaluation criteria are con-     ganisation’s capacities;                            respect to the dissemination of information    Czech memberships in the international R&D
through a particularly dedicated grant instru-      both a national and international nature in       cerned, the assessment focused on the fol-     Contributions in the field of technolo-             on the success that the international R&D      organisations potentially bring. Another cycle
ment of the MEYS, since 2016, the MEYS has          whose construction, operations and further        lowing aspects:                                gy development and innovation – the                 organisation has achieved with the Czech       focused, among other things, on an eval-
also been assessing the benefits of Czech           development the Czech Republic takes part.                                                       transfer of knowledge obtained with the             contribution and on the opportunities that     uation of the effectiveness and impact of
memberships in international R&D organ-                 The first cycle of assessment of bene-        	Participation and engagement man-             use of an international R&D organisa-               the international R&D organisation offers      measures that have been adopted will
isations established under international            fits of Czech memberships in internation-          agement – the manner in which the Czech       tion’s capacities during the development            to the research and industrial community       take place in 2021.
public law. Similarly to the evaluation of large    al R&D organisations established under             Republic engages in the managing bodies       of new technologies and innovative prod-            in the Czech Republic.                             The members of the 2016 International
research infrastructures, the evaluation pro-       international public law was organised by          of an international R&D organisation, in-     ucts and services and the intensity of en-                                                         Assessment Committee that evaluated the
cess is fully based on the principles of interna-   the MEYS in 2016. The evaluation focused           cluding the manner of coordinating the        gagement of industrial sector of the Czech       An external input to the evaluation performed     benefits of Czech memberships in international
tional peer-review and the applied methodical       on the benefits for the Czech Republic under       preparation of the Czech positions and        Republic in the development and deliveries       by the International Assessment Committee         R&D organisations founded under internation-
approach can be seen as complementary to            its memberships in the international organi-       statements and the manner in which the        of technological equipment requested by          was the outcome of an international peer-re-      al public law are listed in Annex 3.
the methodical approach taken towards the           sations CERN, EMBC, EMBL, ESA, ESO, JINR           research and industrial communities re-       an international R&D organisation;               view which always involved 2 peer-reviews             
assessment of large research infrastructures.       and VKIFD. The assessment was performed by         ceive information on the possible use of      Benefits in the field of HR develop-             that the International Assessment Committee
The methodology for evaluating large research       the International Assessment Committee             the potential that the Czech membership       ment – the manner in which the Czech             took into consideration in its summary evalua-
infrastructures and the methodology for as-         comprising 10 members, including Chair, and        brings, especially with respect to projects   Republic is represented in the management        tion, which was prepared in the form of con-         ESO (European Southern Observatory) – ALMA
sessing the benefits of Czech memberships in        divided into 3 scientific panels evaluating in-    of research, development and innovation,      of an international R&D organisation at          sensus reports. The evaluation also involved      (Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array)

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
8                                                                                                   9
             Roadmap of Large Research                                                                            Roadmap of Large Research
             Infrastructures of the Czech Republic                                                                Infrastructures of the Czech Republic
             for the years 2016-2022                                                                              for the years 2016-2022

Alignment of periodic updates to the Roadmap of Large                                               Summary and outlook for the period after 2022
Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic with
the process of periodic updates to the ESFRI Roadmap
                                                                                                           ince 2002, the EU research infrastruc-      ciated Countries is documented by the suc-     spans several decades. Therefore, it is nec-
                                                                                                           tures’ policy-making has undergone          cessful ESFRI forum, the intensively used      essary to pay attention to taking a strategic
                                                                                                           unprecedented development and has           ERIC legal framework and the support           approach towards research infrastructures’
                                                                                                    registered noticeable progress at all levels       of European research infrastructures

                                                                                                                                                                                                      policy-making that must also be reflected in
       he Czech Republic has been a long-term    research infrastructures can receive political     of political, legal and financial coordina-        from EU Framework Programmes for               long-term political commitments in re-
       and an active member of the ESFRI,        support from the MEYS for their participation.     tion. The specific approach taken by the Czech     research, development and innovation,          lation to research infrastructures’ fund-
       both in terms of adopting ESFRI good      In practice, this means that the MEYS organis-     Republic with respect to the issue of research     as well as from the ESIF. The periodically     ing. On the one hand, research infrastruc-
practice examples in research infrastructures’   es international evaluations of large research     infrastructures dates back to 2009 and has         updated ESFRI Roadmap jointly with national    tures are the backbone network for excellent
policy-making, and in terms of engaging in the   infrastructures in the Czech Republic so that      been adopted after a certain amount of delay.      research infrastructure roadmaps of ESFRI      research, development and innovation with
ESFRI working groups, including the supreme      it precedes the evaluations of European re-        However, the 10th anniversary of the large         Member States present a vast landscape of      high knowledge and technology demands.
bodies. Between 2016 and 2018, the Czech         search infrastructures that are submitted for      research infrastructures of the Czech Re-          research infrastructures that brings the       On the other hand, there are 2 necessary
delegate to the ESFRI, Dr Jan Hrušák, was        ESFRI Roadmap updates. Large research              public, framed by the latest 2019 update           most advanced knowledge and technol-           preconditions for their construction, opera-
a member of the ESFRI Executive Board and        infrastructures that succeed in an evalu-          to the Roadmap of Large Research Infra-            ogy to the research and industrial communi-    tion and long-term sustainable development:
an ESFRI Vice-Chair. In 2018, he was also        ation organised in the Czech Republic, or          structures of the Czech Republic for the           ties that are needed for excellent research,   budgetary stability and predictability of
elected the ESFRI Chair beginning 1st January    those for which a political commitment             years 2016-2022, documents the successes           development and innovation.
2019. Dr Jan Hrušák has been the first           has been adopted as far as their fund-             achieved at the national level.                        Research infrastructures are facilities
ESFRI Chair coming from the Central and          ing from the public funds of the Czech                 Enhancing the political, legal and financial   showing advanced knowledge and tech-              ESO (European Southern Observatory) – ELT
Eastern European countries that joined           Republic is concerned, or for which such           coordination of EU Member States and Asso-         nology demands and their life cycle usually    (Extremely Large Telescope)
the EU during the 2004 expansion.                political commitment can be anticipated
    From the perspective of national road-       in the near future, can ask the MEYS for
maps of research infrastructures of countries    political support for their participation
involved in the ESFRI, an important aspect       in European research infrastructure pro-
of the roadmapping is the synchronisation        posals applied to updates made to the
of periodic updates to the roadmap with pe-      ESFRI Roadmap.
riodic updates to the ESFRI Roadmap. The             The political commitment of the Govern-
synchronisation is also important because        ment of the Czech Republic regarding the
national entities that engage into new pro-      financing of large research infrastructures
posals of European research infrastructures      from the public funds of the Czech Republic
that are submitted to be included into the       for the period ending in 2022 will guide the
ESFRI Roadmap updates ask for political sup-     MEYS in its decision on providing political sup-
port through their national ESFRI delegates.     port to those proposals of European research
Political support means that a given ESFRI       infrastructures with the Czech participation
Member State can guarantee that the con-         that will apply for the ESFRI Project status in
tribution of its national research community     the 2021 ESFRI Roadmap update.
to the implementation of a new submitted             Currently, the Czech Republic is par-
project of a European research infrastructure    ticipating in 28 (out of a total 55) Euro-
is supported with a commitment to such en-       pean research infrastructures listed in
gagement at the national level, or at least      the most recent 2018 ESFRI Roadmap
with the assumption that such commitment         update. Out of those, 23 European research
will be made in the near future.                 infrastructures have the status of an ESFRI
    The Czech Republic synchronises the pro-     Landmark (out of a total of 37) and 5 have the
cesses of periodic updates to the Roadmap        status of an ESFRI Project (out of a total of
of Large Research Infrastructures with the       18). An overview of the Czech engagement in
processes of periodic updates to the ESFRI       European research infrastructures included in
Roadmap so that the stakeholders participat-     the 2018 ESFRI Roadmap is listed in Annex 7.
ing in new submitted proposals of European           

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
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