ROAD TRIPS AMALFI COAST - Cristian Bonetto, Brendan Sainsbury - Lonely Planet

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ROAD TRIPS AMALFI COAST - Cristian Bonetto, Brendan Sainsbury - Lonely Planet
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd


      Cristian Bonetto,
     Brendan Sainsbury
ROAD TRIPS AMALFI COAST - Cristian Bonetto, Brendan Sainsbury - Lonely Planet
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK                                            Symbols In This Book
In the Destinations section:                                    KTop Tips                 Food &
All reviews are ordered in our authors’                             Link
preference, starting with their most                                Your Trips              Outdoors
preferred option. Additionally:
                                                                    Tips from                   Essential
Sights are arranged in the geographic                               Locals                      Photo
order that we suggest you visit them and,
within this order, by author preference.                            Trip                   Walking
                                                                    Detour                 Tour
Eating and Sleeping reviews are ordered by
price range (budget, midrange, top end) and,                          History &
within these ranges, by author preference.                            Culture          5 Eating
                                                                      Family           4 Sleeping

Map Legend
     Trip Route
                                    Trip Numbers
                                                                1 Sights               4 Sleeping
     Trip Detour
     Linked Trip                    Trip Stop
                                                                r Beaches              5 Eating
     Walk Route
     Tollway                        Walking tour                2 Activities           6 Drinking
     Primary                        Trip Detour                 C Courses              3 Entertainment
     Tertiary              Population                           T Tours                7 Shopping
     Lane                        Capital (National)
     Unsealed Road
                                                                z	Festivals
                                                                   & Events
                                                                                       8 & Transport
     Steps                       City/Large Town
     Tunnel                      Town/Village
       Overpass            Areas
     Walk Track/Path                Beach                       These symbols and abbreviations give
                                    Cemetery                    vital information for each listing:
Boundaries                           (Christian)
     International                  Cemetery (Other)
     State/Province                 Park                        %	Telephone              #     Pet-friendly
     Cliff                          Forest                         number                 g     Bus
Hydrography                         Urban Area
                                                                h Opening hours           f     Ferry
     River/Creek                    Sportsground                p Parking                 j     Tram
     Intermittent River                                         n Nonsmoking
     Swamp/Mangrove        Transport                                                      d     Train
     Canal                       Airport                        a Air-conditioning       apt    apartments
     Water                       Cable Car/                     i Internet access          d    double rooms
     Dry/Salt/                    Funicular
       Intermittent Lake         Metro station                  W Wi-fi access           dm     dorm beds
     Glacier                     Parking                        s Swimming pool            q    quad rooms
                                                                v	Vegetarian selec-        r   rooms
Highway Markers                  Tram
     Autostrada                                                                             s   single rooms
     State Highway                                              E	English-language
     Regional Highway                                              menu                  ste    suites
     Provincial Highway                 Note: Not all symbols   c Family-friendly          tr   triple rooms
     Other Road                    displayed above appear on
                                        the maps in this book                             tw    twin rooms
ROAD TRIPS AMALFI COAST - Cristian Bonetto, Brendan Sainsbury - Lonely Planet
                                                         West of Sorrento.............................78

  PLAN YOUR TRIP                                         Massa Lubrense..............................79
                                                         Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi.............. 80
                                                         Marina del Cantone........................81
Welcome to the Amalfi Coast.......... 5
                                                         East of Sorrento............................. 82
Amalfi Coast Map............................. 6
                                                         Vico Equense.................................. 82
Amalfi Coast Highlights................... 8
                                                         Capri................................................ 83
Naples City Guide............................10
                                                         Amalfi Coast.................................... 85
Need to Know...................................12
                                                         Positano.......................................... 85
  ROAD TRIPS                                             Marina di Furore............................ 92
                                                         Amalfi.............................................. 92
1 Amalfi
  Coast                      7 Days............17        Minori.............................................101
2 Shadow
  of Vesuvius                2–3 Days....... 27
                                                         Vietri sul Mare...............................103

3 Southern
  Larder                     3–4 Days....... 37
                                                         Salerno & the Cilento....................104
4      Coastal Trail 4–5 Days....... 45                  Paestum.........................................107
                                                         Agropoli .........................................109
                                                         Cilento Coast.................................110
  DESTINATIONS                                           Palinuro..........................................112

Naples & Pompeii........................... 54
Naples............................................. 54
                                                           ROAD TRIP
South of Naples............................. 64            ESSENTIALS
Herculaneum (Ercolano)............... 64
Mt Vesuvius.................................... 66       Italy Driving Guide.........................115
Pompeii............................................67    Italy Travel Guide..........................120
Sorrento & Around..........................72            Language....................................... 129
Sorrento............................................72                                                          3
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                       THIS BOOK
Climate map data adapted from Peel MC, Finlayson      This 2nd edition of Amalfi Coast Road Trips was
BL & McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated World Map             researched and written by Cristian Bonetto and
of the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification’,         Brendan Sainsbury. The previous edition was
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1633­–44.    written by Cristian, Duncan Garwood, Paula Hardy,
Illustration pp68–9 by Javier Zarracina               Robert Landon and Helena Smith. This guidebook
Cover photographs: Front: Atrani, Anna Biancoloto/    was produced by the following:
Shutterstock ©; Back: Ravello, Aygul Sarvarova/       Destination Editor Anna Tyler
Shutterstock ©                                        Senior Product Editor Elizabeth Jones
                                                      Regional Senior Cartographer
                                                      Anthony Phelan
                                                      Product Editor Katie Connolly
                                                      Book Designer Gwen Cotter
                                                      Assisting Editors Gabrielle Stefanos, Fionnuala
                                                      Twomey, Simon Williamson
                                                      Cover Researcher Meri Blazevski
                                                      Thanks to Will Allen, Imogen Bannister, Sasha
                                                      Baskett, Alexandra Bruzzese, Gemma Graham,
                                                      Martin Heng, Jenna Myers, Kirsten Rawlings, Joe
                                                      Revill, Sophia Seymour, Jo-Ann Titmarsh, Brana

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                                       art 96                         car insurance 115
      A                                art galleries, see museums &   car travel, see driving
      accessible travel 121-2            galleries                    Castelcivita 47
      Acciaroli 48‑9, 110‑11           ATMs 125‑6                     Castellabate 48, 110
      accommodation 13, 122‑3          Atrani 23                      Castellammare di
      activities, see individual       Auditorium Oscar                 Stabia 34
        activities                       Niemeyer 99                  castles
      Agerola 40                                                        Castel Nuovo 58
      Agropoli 47, 109                 B                                Castello di Arechi 105
      air travel 120                   Baia di Ieranto 78, 81           Il Castello 109
      Amalfi 9, 21‑3, 40‑1, 92‑7, 93   bathrooms 127                  Catacombe di San
      Amalfi Coast 17‑25, 85‑103,      Biblioteca Nazionale di          Gennaro 59
        17, 18‑19                        Napoli 58                    cathedrals, see churches &
      archaeological sites & ruins     Blue Ribbon drive 21             cathedrals
        Complesso Monumentale          boat travel 120‑1              Cattedrale di Sant’Andrea
           di San Lorenzo                                               21‑3, 92‑3
                                       Bomerano 40, 94
           Maggiore 55                                                caves
                                       border crossings 116, 120
        Herculaneum 29‑30, 64-5                                         Grotta Azzurra
                                       Boscoreale 33, 66
        Napoli Sotterranea 55                                              (Capri) 50, 83
                                       budget 13, 58
        Oplontis 32, 66                                                 Grotta Azzurra
                                       business hours 126                  (Palinuro) 113
        Paestum 42, 108
        Parco Archeologico di Elea                                      Grotta del Biscotto 94
           Velia 50                    C                                Grotta dello Smeraldo
        Pompeii 9, 33‑4, 67-71,        cable cars 83                       40, 94
           68-9, 70                    Camo 24                          Grotte di Castelcivita 47
        Stabiae 34, 66                 Campania Artecard 58           cell phones 13, 127
        Terme Suburbane 65             Campi Flegrei 30               cemetries 59
        Villa Jovis 83                 Capo Palinuro 50               centro storico
        Villa Romana                   Capodichino 64                   (Sorrento) 73
           Antiquarium 102             Cappella delle Crociate 105    Ceramica Artistica
      architecture 60                                                   Solimene 24
                                       Cappella Sansevero 11,
      area codes 127                     54‑5                         Certosa e Museo di San
                                                                        Martino 11, 57-8
                                       Capri 40, 83‑4
                                                                      Cetara 24, 41, 102‑3
       000 Map pages                   car hire 12, 115‑16
                                                                      Chiostro del Paradiso 23

churches & cathedrals           discount cards 34, 58         Grotta Azzurra (Palinuro) 113
  Basilica di Santa Chiara 54   diving 81, 109, 110           Grotta dello Smeraldo 40, 94
  Cappella Sansevero 11,        driving 115‑19, 120           Grotte di Castelcivita 47
    54‑5                          car hire 12, 115‑16         Gusta Minori 102
  Cathedral (Ravello) 98          documents 115, 116
  Cattedrale di Sant’Andrea       driving licence 115         H
    21‑3, 92‑3                    emergency numbers 12,       health 124‑5
  Chiesa & Chiostro di San          127
    Francesco 72‑3                                            Herculaneum 29‑30, 64‑5
                                  fuel 12, 119
  Chiesa di Santa Maria                                       hiking

                                                                                                INDEX C-M
                                  insurance 115
    Assunta 85‑6                                                Capri 84
                                  language 130
  Chiesa di Santa Maria della                                   Ravello 24
                                  maps 116, 117
    Grazia 79                                                   Santa Maria del Castello
                                  parking 118                     Circuit 87
  Chiesa di Santa Teresa a
                                  road distances 119            Sentiero degli Dei 20, 94‑5
    Chiaia 60
                                  road rules 116, 117‑18        Sorrento Peninsula 78
  Chiesa di Sant’Agata 80
                                  safety 116‑17, 119            Spiaggia di Fornillo 91
  Chiesa San Matteo
    Apostolo 40                   websites 117                holidays 126
  Chiostro del Paradiso 94      Duomo (Naples) 55
                                Duomo (Salerno) 41-2, 104‑5
  Duomo (Naples) 55                                           I
  Duomo (Salerno) 41‑2,
                                                              insurance 115
    104‑5                       E                             internet access 13, 125
  Duomo (Sorrento) 73           electricity 123‑4             Italian language 129‑30
  Pio Monte della               emergencies 12, 127
    Misericordia 55‑6
                                Ercolano 64‑5
Cilento, the 45‑51, 110‑12                                    L
Cimitero delle Fontanelle 59                                  language 129‑30
climate 12
                                F                             LGBT+ travellers 125
Complesso Monumentale di        ferries 120-1
                                festivals 59, 61
  San Lorenzo Maggiore 55
                                food 13, 81, 110, 124
Complesso Monumentale di
                                football 63                   Maggio dei Monumenti 59
  Santa Chiara 54
                                fuel 12, 119                  maps 116, 117
Conca dei Marini 40
                                Furore 21, 92                 Marina del Cantone 20, 81‑2
Convento del Deserto 20, 80
                                                              Marina della Lobra 79
convents 20
                                                              Marina di Equa 82
costs 13, 58                    G                             Marina di Furore 21, 92
  accommodation 122             galleries, see museums &      Marina Grande 73
  food 124                        galleries
                                                              Massa Lubrense 79‑80
credit cards 125‑6              gardens, see parks &
                                                              Massaquano 82
currency 12, 125                  gardens
                                                              measures 121
                                gas 12, 119
                                                              medical services 124-5
D                               gay travellers 125
                                                              Mediterranean diet 110
dangers 116‑17, 119, 127        gelati 76
                                                              Minori 24, 101‑2
disabilities, travellers with   Grotta Azzurra (Capri)
                                  50, 83                      mobile phones 13, 127

Moiano 82                      Museo Virtuale della             Palazzo Murat 87
            monasteries                     Scuola Medica                   Palazzo Reale 58
             Certosa e Museo di San         Salernitana 105                 Reggia di Portici 29
               Martino 11, 57‑8            Paestum museum 47, 108         Palinuro 50, 112‑13
             Complesso Monumentale        music 119                       Parco Archeologico di Elea
               di Santa Chiara 54                                           Velia 50
             Convento del Deserto         N                               Parco Nazionale del
               20, 80                                                       Cilento e Vallo di
                                          Naples 10‑11, 28‑9, 54‑64, 56
             Villa della Quercia 21                                         Diano 47
                                            accommodation 11, 61
            money 13, 125‑6                                               Parco Nazionale del

                                            discount cards 58
            Monte Panormo 47                                                Vesuvio 66
                                            drinking 63
            motorcycle travel, see                                        parking 118
                                            entertainment 63
             driving                                                      parks & gardens
                                            festivals & events 59‑61
            Mt Vesuvius 31‑2, 66                                            Giardini di Augusto 84
                                            food 11, 62‑3
            museums & galleries                                             Villa Cimbrone 98
                                            itineraries 55, 60, 60
             Basilica del Crocefisso 94                                     Villa Rufolo 23-4, 97-8
                                            medical services 64
             Camo Museum 24                                               passports 128
                                            nightlife 63
             Certosa e Museo di San                                       petrol 12, 119
               Martino 11, 57‑8             sights 11, 54‑9
                                                                          Pimonte 39
             Gallery Celentano 73           tourist information 11, 64
                                                                          Pioppi 49‑50, 110, 111
             Herculanense                   travel to/from 64
                                                                          Pisciotta 50, 111
               Museum 29                    travel within 11, 64
                                                                          planning 12-13
             MADRE 57                       walking tours 60, 60
                                                                          Pompeii 9, 33‑4, 67-71,
             MAV 65                       Naples International Airport      68-9, 70
             Museo Archeologico             (Capodichino) 64
                                                                            accommodation 71
               Nazionale 11, 29, 54       Napoli Teatro Festival
                                                                            food 71
             Museo Archeologico             Italia 61
                                                                            sights 67‑71
               Provinciale 105            Nastro Azzurro drive 21
                                                                            tours 71
             Museo Bottega della Tarsia   national parks
                                                                            travel to/from 71
               Lignea 73                    Parco Nazionale del
                                               Cilento e Vallo di         Portici 29
             Museo Correale di
                                               Diano 47                   Poseidonia 107
               Terranova 72
                                            Parco Nazionale del           Positano 9, 20, 85-90, 86
             Museo del Corallo
               Camo 100                        Vesuvio 66                   accommodation 88
             Museo del Palazzo            Nocelle 21, 95                    activities 85‑7
               Reale 58                                                     drinking 90
             Museo della Carta 94         O                                 food 88‑9
             Museo della Ceramica                                           nightlife 90
                                          opening hours 126
               24, 103                                                      sights 85‑7
                                          Oplontis 32, 66
             Museo dell’Osservatorio                                        tourist information 90
               Vesuviano 30-1                                               travel to/from 90
             Museo di Capodimonte         P                               Postiglione 47
               11, 58‑9                   Paestum 42, 46‑7, 107‑9         Praiano 20‑1, 91‑2
                                          palaces                         public holidays 126
                                            Palazzo Mannajuolo 60
             000 Map pages

Sorrento 19, 34, 38‑9,        tourist information 128
R                               72‑8, 74                    train travel 121
radio 119                       accommodation 75-6          transport 13, 120‑1
Ravello 23‑4, 97‑101, 98        activities 73               trekking, see hiking
Ravello Festival 99             drinking 77                 TV 121
Reggia di Portici 29            festivals & events 73
road rules 116, 117‑18          food 76‑7                   V
                                nightlife 77
                                                            vacations 126
                                shopping 78
S                                                           Velia 50

                                                                                          INDEX R-W
                                sights 72‑3
safety 116‑17, 119, 127                                     Vesuvius 31‑2, 66
                                tourist information 78
Sagra del Tonno 102‑3                                       Vico Equense 19, 39, 82
                                travel to/from 78
Salerno 41-2, 104‑7, 106                                    Vietri sul Mare 24, 103
                                travel within 78
San Giovanni a Piro 50                                      Villa Cimbrone 98
                              Spiaggia della Gavitelli 91
San Marco di Castellabate                                   Villa della Quercia 21
                              Spiaggia di Fornillo 91
  110‑11                                                    Villa Jovis 83
                              Spiaggia Grande 87
Sandulli, Paolo 96                                          Villa Romana
                              SS163 21                        Antiquarium 102
Santa Maria del Castello
  82, 87                      Stabiae 34, 66                Villa Rufolo 23-4, 97-8
Santa Maria di Castellabate                                 visas 12, 128
  47‑8, 110                   T
Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi
  19‑20, 80-1
                              taxes 122                     W
                              Teatro San Carlo 11, 63       Walk of the Gods 20, 94‑5
Sapri 50                      telephone services 13, 127    walking, see hiking
Scala 24                      temples                       walking tours 60, 60
Seggiovia del Monte             Paestum 42, 108
  Solaro 83                                                 weather 12
                                Tempio di Cerere 47, 108    websites 13
Sentiero degli Dei 20,
                                Tempio di Nettuno 47, 108    accessible travel 121
                              time 121                       driving 117
Settimana Santa 73
                              tipping 13, 125                LGBT+ travellers 125
Sicignano degli
  Alburni 47                  toilets 127                    tourist information 128
Slow Food movement 88         Torello 24                    weights 121
smoking 121                   Torre a Mare 96               wi‑fi 13, 125
soccer 63                     torta ricotta e pera 105      wine 29, 126

©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd


                                  CRISTIAN BONETTO                                                             BRENDAN SAINSBURY
                              Despite being the son of                                                   Born and raised in the UK in
                              northern Italians, Cristian                                                a town that never merits a
                              has an enduring weakness for                                               mention in any guidebook
                              Naples and Campania. It took                                               (Andover, Hampshire), Brendan
                              one visit as a young backpacker                                            spent the holidays of his youth
      to get him hooked, and the Australian-born writer has                        caravanning in the English Lake District and didn’t
      been covering the region’s food, culture and lifestyle                       leave Blighty until he was 19. Making up for lost time,
      for more than a decade. According to Cristian, no                            he’s since squeezed 70 countries into a sometimes
      Italian city quite matches Naples’ complexity and                            precarious existence as a writer and professional
      intrigue, and its ability to constantly surprise and                         vagabond. In the last 12 years, he has written more
      contradict makes it a thrill to write about. The writer’s                    than 40 books for Lonely Planet from Castro’s Cuba
      musings have appeared in publications across the                             to the canyons of Peru.
      globe, and his Naples-based play Il Cortile (The
      Courtyard) has toured numerous Italian cities.
      Cristian has contributed to more than 30 Lonely
      Planet guides, including Venice & the Veneto, New
      York City, Denmark and Singapore. You can follow
      Cristian’s adventures on Twitter (@CristianBonetto)
      and on Instagram (@rexcat75).

Published by Lonely Planet Global Limited
CRN 554153                                                                              Although the authors and Lonely Planet have taken all reason-
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