Page created by Joel Meyer

 Important!   It is essential that you read the instructions in this manual before assembling,
              maintaining and operating this machine.
              Subject to technical modifications.
ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
Your line trimmer has been engineered and manufactured to our                       fumes can kill.
high standard for dependability, ease of operation, and operator               ■■   Secure long hair above shoulder level to prevent entanglement
safety. Properly cared for, it will give you years of rugged, trouble-              in moving parts.
free performance.
                                                                               ■■   Keep all bystanders, children, and pets at least 15 m away.
                                                                                    Bystanders should be encouraged to wear eye protection. If
 GENERAL SAFETY RULES                                                               you are approached, stop the engine and cutting attachment.

INTENDED USE                                                                   ■■   Do not operate this unit when you are tired, ill, or under the
                                                                                    influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.
This product is only intended for use outdoors in a well ventilated
area.                                                                          ■■   Do not operate in poor lighting.

The product is intended for cutting long grass, weed and similar               ■■   Keep firm footing and balance. Do not overreach. Overreaching
vegetation at or about ground level. The cutting plane should be                    can result in loss of balance or exposure to hot surfaces.
approximately parallel to the ground surface. The product should               ■■   Keep all parts of your body away from any moving part.
not be used to cut or trim hedges, bushes or other vegetation where
                                                                               ■■   To avoid hot surfaces, never operate the unit with the bottom of
the cutting plane is not parallel to the ground surface.
                                                                                    the engine above waist level.

          WARNING                                                              ■■   Do not touch area around the silencer or engine of the unit,
                                                                                    these parts get very hot from operation.
          Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all
          instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire         ■■   Always stop the engine and remove the spark plug lead before
          and/or serious personal injury.                                           making any adjustments or repairs except for carburettor
                                                                               ■■   Inspect the unit before each use. Check for loose fasteners, fuel
■■   For safe operation, read and understand all instructions before
                                                                                    leaks, etc. Replace any damaged parts before use.
     using this product. Follow all safety instructions. Failure to
     follow all safety instructions listed below, can result in serious        ■■   The cutting attachment should never rotate at idle during
     personal injury.                                                               normal use. The cutting attachment may rotate at idle during
                                                                                    carburettor adjustments.
■■   Do not allow children or untrained individuals to use this unit.
                                                                               ■■   Mix and store fuel in a container approved for petrol.
■■   Never start or run the engine in a closed or poorly ventilated
     area; breathing exhaust fumes can kill.                                   ■■   Mix fuel outdoors where there are no sparks or flames. Wipe up
                                                                                    any fuel spillage. Move 10 m away from refuelling site before
■■   Clear the work area before each use. Remove all objects such
                                                                                    starting engine. Slowly remove the fuel cap after stopping
     as rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, or string which can be
                                                                                    engine. DO NOT SMOKE when refuelling.
     thrown or become entangled in the cutting line or blade.
                                                                               ■■   Stop the engine and allow to cool before refuelling, performing
■■   Wear eye protection which is marked to comply with BS EN166
                                                                                    adjustments, maintenance or storing the unit.
     or Australian and New Zealand Standards, as well as hearing
     protection, when operating this equipment.                                ■■   Allow the engine to cool; empty the fuel tank and secure the unit
                                                                                    from moving before transporting in a vehicle.
■■   A battery operated tool with integral batteries or a separate
     battery pack must be recharged only with the specified charger            ■■   Wear protective equipment and observe all safety instructions.
     for the battery. A charger that may be suitable for one type of           ■■   For units equipped with a clutch, be sure the cutting attachment
     battery may create a risk of fire when used with another battery.              stops turning when the engine idles. When the unit is turned
■■   Use battery operated tool only with specifically designated                    off make sure the cutting attachment has stopped before the
     battery pack. Use of any other batteries may create a risk of fire.            unit is set down.
■■   Use battery only with charger listed.                                     ■■   It has been reported that vibrations from hand-held tools may
                                                                                    contribute to a condition called Raynaud’s Syndrome in certain
     MODEL            BATTERY PACK             CHARGER
                                                                                    individuals. Symptoms may include tingling, numbness and
     RLT30CETG        130504003                720323001
                                                                                    blanching of the fingers, usually apparent upon exposure to
■■   Wear heavy, long trousers, boots, and gloves. Do not wear                      cold.
     loose fitting clothing, shorts, sandals, or go barefoot. Do not
                                                                               ■■   Hereditary factors, exposure to cold and dampness, diet,
     wear any jewellery which hangs down.
                                                                                    smoking and work practices are all thought to contribute to the
■■   Heavy protective clothing may increase operator fatigue, which                 development of these symptoms.
     could lead to heat stroke. During weather that is hot and humid,
                                                                               ■■   It is presently unknown what, if any, vibrations or extent of
     heavy work should be scheduled for early morning or late
                                                                                    exposure may contribute to the condition.
     afternoon hours when temperatures are cooler.
                                                                               ■■   There are measures that can be taken by the operator to
■■   Never operate this unit on the operator’s left side. The product
                                                                                    possibly reduce the effects of vibration:
     is designed to protect the operator from heat and exhaust
     fumes when on the right side of the body. Remember exhaust                     a) Keep your body warm in cold weather. When operating

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
     the unit wear gloves to keep the hands and wrists warm. It               ■■   For best results, your battery tool should be charged in a
     is reported that cold weather is a major factor contributing to               location where the temperature is more than 10°C but less than
     Raynaud’s Syndrome.                                                           38°C.
     b) After each period of operation, exercise to increase blood
                                                                              ■■   To reduce the risk of serious personal injury, do not store
                                                                                   outside or in vehicles.
     c) Take frequent work breaks. Limit the amount of exposure per
     day.                                                                     ■■   Under extreme usage or temperature conditions, battery
                                                                                   leakage may occur. If liquid comes in contact with your skin,
■■   If you experience any of the symptoms of this condition,
                                                                                   wash immediately with soap and water, then neutralise with
     immediately discontinue use and see your physician about
                                                                                   lemon juice or vinegar. If liquid gets into your eyes, flush them
     these symptoms.
                                                                                   with clean water for at least 10 minutes, and seek immediate
■■   To reduce the risk of long term hearing injury, hearing protection            medical attention. Following this rule will reduce the risk of
     must be worn whilst using this product. Beware that hearing                   serious personal injury.
     protection reduces the ability to hear audible warnings and other
     sounds related to hazardous situations. The operator MUST be
     aware of this and pay extra attention to what is happening in
     his area of work.

■■   Inspect before use. Replace damaged parts. Make sure
     fasteners are in place and secure. Check for fuel leaks.
■■   Replace string head if cracked, chipped, or damaged in any
     way. Be sure the string head is properly installed and securely
     fastened. Failure to do so can cause serious injury.
■■   Make sure all guards, straps, deflectors, and handles are
     properly and securely attached.
■■   Use only the manufacturer’s replacement cutting line in the
     cutting head. Do not use any other cutting attachment. To install
     any other brand of replacement line or cutting head to this line
     trimmer can result in serious personal injury. Never use, for
     example, wire or wire-rope, which can break off and become a
     dangerous projectile.
■■   Never operate unit without the grass deflector in place and in
     good condition.
■■   Maintain a firm grip on both handles while trimming. Keep line
     head below waist level. Never cut with the line head located
     76 cm or more above the ground.
■■   Do not place battery tools or their batteries near fire or heat.
     This will reduce the risk of explosion and possibly injury.
■■   Always shut off engine before fuelling. Never add fuel to a
     machine with a running or hot engine. Move at least 10 m from
     refuelling site before starting engine. Wipe up any fuel spillage.
     DO NOT SMOKE. Failure to heed this warning could result in
     serious personal injury.
■■   Do not crush, drop or damage battery pack. Do not use a
     battery pack or charger that has been dropped or received a
     sharp blow. A damaged battery is subject to explosion. Properly
     dispose of a dropped or damaged battery immediately.
■■   Batteries can explode in the presence of a source of ignition,
     such as a pilot light. To reduce the risk of serious personal
     injury, never use any cordless product in the presence of open
     flame. An exploded battery can propel debris and chemicals. If
     exposed, flush with water immediately.
■■   Do not charge battery tool in a damp or wet location. Following
     this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock.

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)

Some of the following symbols may be used on this product. Please study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretation of these
symbols will allow you to operate the product better and safer.

        SYMBOL                        NAME                                                  EXPLANATION
            V              Volts                            Voltage
            A              Amperes                          Current
           Hz              Hertz                            Frequency (cycles per second)
            W              Watt                             Power
           min             Minutes                          Time
            ~              Alternating Current              Type of current

                           Direct current                   Type or a characteristic of current

           no              No load speed                    Rotational speed, at no load

          .../min          Per minute                       Revolutions, strokes, surface speed, orbits etc., per minute

                           Safety alert                     Precautions that involve your safety.

                           Read      the      Operator’s    Read and understand all instructions before operating the product, follow all
                           Manual                           warnings and safety instructions.

                                                            Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM). This product meets applicable regulatory

                                                            Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste.
                                                            Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority or retailer
                                                            for recycling advice.

                           Class II tool                    Double-insulated construction

                           Wet conditions alert             Do not expose to rain or use in damp locations.

                                                            Indoor use only


                                                            DC wire



                                                            Wear eye protection which is marked to comply with BS EN166 or Australian
                           Wear eye         and   hearing
                                                            and New Zealand Standards, as well as hearing protection, when operating
                                                            this equipment.

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)

                                                           Keep all bystanders, especially children and pets, at least 15 m from the
                            Keep bystanders away
                                                           operating area.

                            Ricochet                       Thrown objects can ricochet and result in personal injury or property damage.

                            No blade                       Do not install or use any type of blade on a product displaying this symbol.

                                                           Use unleaded petrol intended for motor vehicle use with an octane rating of
                            Petrol and lubricant           91 [(R + M) / 2] or higher. This product is powered by a 2-stroke engine and
                                                           requires pre-mixing of petrol and 2-stroke lubricant.

                            Oil                            Use synthetic 2-stroke oil for 2-stroke engines.

                            Mix petrol and oil             Mix the fuel mix thoroughly and also each time before refuelling.

                            Blade hazard                   Warning! Risk of getting cut; operate carefully.

         90 dB
                                                           Guaranteed sound pressure level and sound power level.
         111 dB

The following signal words and meanings are intended to explain the levels of risk associated with this product.
     SYMBOL                       SIGNAL                                                      MEANING

                                                              Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will
                      DANGER:                                 result in death or serious injury.

                                                              Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could
                      WARNING:                                result in death or serious injury.

                                                              Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may
                      CAUTION:                                result in minor or moderate injury.

                                                              (Without Safety Alert Symbol) Indicates a situation that may result in
                      CAUTION:                                property damage.

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
                                                                         Figure 2
Servicing requires extreme care and knowledge and should be              22. Trimmer attachment
performed only by a qualified service technician. For service we         23. Button
suggest you return the product to your nearest AUTHORISED                24. Guide recess
SERVICE CENTER for repair. When servicing, use only identical            25. Power head shaft
replacement parts.                                                       26. Position hole

WARNING:                                                                 Figure 3
                                                                         27. Hole
                                                                         28. Hanger cap
         To avoid serious personal injury, do not attempt to use         29. Secondary hole
         this product until you read thoroughly and understand
         completely the operator ’s manual. If you do not                Figure 4
         understand the warnings and instructions in the                 25. Power head shaft
         operator’s manual, do not use this product. Call Ryobi          30. Bolt
         customer service for assistance.                                31. Bracket
                                                                         32. Front handle
                                                                         Figure 5
         The operation of any power tool can result in foreign           16. Grass deflector
         objects being thrown into your eyes, which can result           33. Nut
         in severe eye damage. Before beginning power tool               34. Tab
         operation, always wear safety goggles or safety glasses         2. Pro Cut II™ string head
         with side shields and, when needed, a full face shield.         47. Spool retainer
         We recommend Wide Vision Safety Mask for use
         over eyeglasses or standard safety glasses with side            Figure 6
         shields. Always wear eye protection which is marked to          35. Hanger bracket
         comply with BS EN166 or Australian and New Zealand
         standards.                                                      Figure 7
                                                                         36. Red LED
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS                                                  37. Orange LED

                                                                         Figure 8
 INTRODUCTION                                                            38. Battery port
                                                                         49. Battery
This product has many features for making its use more pleasant
and enjoyable. Safety, performance, and dependability have been          Figure 10
given top priority in the design of this product making it easy to       40. Direction of rotation
maintain and operate.
                                                                         Figure 11
                                                                         41. Dangerous cutting area
 DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES                                                  42. Best cutting area

Figure 1                                                                 Figure 12
1. Shoulder strap                                                        43. Trimmer line cut-off blade
2. Pro Cut II™ string head
3. Drive shaft                                                           Figure 13
4. Coupler                                                               6. Ignition switch
5. Strap hanger                                                          19. Safety Switch
6. Ignition switch
7. Trigger lock                                                          Figure 15a
8. Rear handle                                                           44. Cold starting position for choke lever
9. Primer bulb
10. Fuel cap                                                             Figure 15b
11. Recoil starter                                                       45. Run position for choke lever
12. Throttle trigger
13. 12 Volt battery                                                      Figure 16
14. Front handle                                                         46. Drive shaft
15. Wing screw                                                           2. Pro Cut II™ string head
16. Grass deflector                                                      47. Spool retainer
17. Reel Easy™ String head
18. Charger
19. Safety Switch
20. Air box latch
21. Choke lever
ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
Figure 17                                                                    plug wire from the spark plug and remove battery pack when
48. String line                                                              assembling parts.
49. Slot
50. Hole                                                                     INSTALLING THE POWER HEAD SHAFT TO THE
Figure 18
51. Idle speed screw                                                         See Figure 2.

Figure 19                                                                             WARNING:
20. Air box latch                                                                     Never install, remove, or adjust any attachment while
                                                                                      power head is running. Failure to stop and disable the
Figure 20                                                                             engine can cause serious personal injury.
52. Filter screen
53. Air box cover                                                            The attachment connects to the power head shaft by means of a
                                                                             coupler device.
Figure 21
51. Idle speed screw                                                         ■■   Loosen the Wing Screw on the coupler of the power head shaft
53. Air box cover                                                                 and remove the end cap from the attachment.
                                                                             ■■   Push in the button located on the attachment shaft. Align the
 ASSEMBLY                                                                         button with the guide recess on the power head coupler and
                                                                                  slide the two shafts together. Rotate the attachment shaft until
UNPACKING                                                                         the button locks into the positioning hole.
This product requires assembly.                                                   NOTE: If the button does not release completely in the
                                                                                  positioning hole, the shafts are not locked into place. Slightly
■■   Carefully remove the tool and any accessories from the box.                  rotate from side to side until the button is locked into place.
     Make sure that all items listed in the packing list are included.
                                                                             ■■   Tighten the Wing Screw securely.
■■   Inspect the tool carefully to make sure no breakage or damage
     occurred during shipping.
■■   Do not discard the packing material until you have carefully
     inspected and satisfactorily operated the tool.
■■   If any parts are damaged or missing do not operate this product                  Be certain the Wing Screw is fully tightened before
     until the parts are replaced.                                                    operating equipment; check it periodically for tightness
                                                                                      during use to avoid serious personal injury.
                                                                             REMOVING THE ATTACHMENT FROM THE POWER
■■   Trimmer assembly                                                        HEAD
■■   Reel Easy™ string head                                                  For removing or changing the attachment:
■■   Pro Cut IITM string head                                                ■■   Loosen the Wing Screw.
■■   Shoulder strap                                                          ■■   Push in the button and twist the shafts to remove and separate
■■   12 volt battery                                                              ends.
■■   Charger
                                                                             ATTACHING THE HANGER CAP
■■   Front handle assembly
                                                                             See Figure 3.
■■   Grass deflector assembly
                                                                             There are two ways to hang your attachment for storage.
■■   Hanger cap
                                                                             ■■   To use the hanger cap, push in the button and place the hanger
■■   Combination wrench                                                           cap over end of the lower end attachment shaft. Slightly rotate
■■   Operator’s manual                                                            the cap from side to side until the button locks into place.
                                                                             ■■ The secondary hole in the attachment shaft can be used for
         WARNING:                                                               hanging purposes.
         Do not attempt to modify this product or create
         accessories not recommended for use with this product.              ATTACHING THE FRONT HANDLE
         Any such alteration or modification is misuse and could
         result in a hazardous condition leading to possible serious         See Figure 4.
         injury.                                                             ■■   Remove the bolts (30) and bracket (31) from the front handle
         To prevent accidental starting that could cause serious             ■■   Install the front handle (32) onto the top side of the power head
         personal injury, always disconnect the engine spark                      shaft (25).

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
Note: The front handle should tilt slightly towards the operator when            ■■   Insert one end of line into eyelet located on the side of the line
correctly fitted.                                                                     trimmer head and push until line comes out through the eyelet on
■■   Place the bolts through the front handle and securely tighten                    the other side. Continue to push line through the line trimmer head
     them into the captive nuts on the bracket (31).                                  until the middle section of the line is inside the line trimmer head
                                                                                      and line outside the line trimmer head is evenly divided on each
          WARNING:                                                                    side.
          The line cutting blade on the grass deflector is sharp.                ■■   Rotate the knob on the line trimmer head to wind the line.
          Avoid contact with the blade. Failure to avoid contact can
          result in serious personal injury.                                     If using the Reel Easy Head on a straight shaft attachment, the knob
                                                                                 should be rotated clockwise.
ATTACHING THE GRASS DEFLECTOR                                                    ■■   Wind the line until approximately 20cm remains protruding from
See Figure 5.                                                                         the line trimmer head.

1.   Assembling the Grass deflection (16) to into the tab on the drive           ■■   Replace the spark plug boot.
     shaft (34) and make sure the bolt complete into the slot of the             NOTE: For video instruction see the following website:
2.   Use the wrench to tighten the nut (35) securely in a clockwise              http://www.youtube.com/user/RYOBIAustralia
     direction.                                                                  And watch the video;
INSTALLING REEL EASY™ BUMP FEED HEAD                                             RYOBI: How to install trimming line on a ReelEasy™ head
See Figure 5.
                                                                                 INSTALLING PRO CUT II™ LINE HEAD
■■   Open the Reel Easy™ Line Trimmer Head by depressing the Air
                                                                                 See Figure 16.
     box latches on each side. The contents of the line trimmer head
     are spring loaded, so keep your other hand over the line trimmer            ■■   Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire.
     head cover while depressing the Air box latches.                            ■■   Remove currently installed line head.
■■   Remove the line trimmer head cover, knob, and spool and set                 ■■   Install the line trimmer head on the drive shaft until fully seated.
                                                                                 ■■   Install the spool retainer and turn clockwise.
■■   Place the line trimmer head on the drive shaft. Make sure the line
                                                                                 ■■   Install cutting line as described in the next section of this manual.
     trimmer head is fully seated.
■■   Install the hex bolt to secure the head on the drive shaft. Tighten         INSTALLING CUTTING LINE IN PRO CUT II™ LINE
     the hex bolt using the underside of the bump knob.                          HEAD
     Note: Only use the knob to tighten the bolt. The use of other
                                                                                 See Figure 17.
     tools may allow over tightening of the bolt, which could damage
     the line trimmer head.                                                      ■■   Use monofilament line diameter 2.7 mm. Use original
■■   Reinstall the spring into the line trimmer head and push down to                 manufacturers replacement line for best performance. 2.4 mm
     seat.                                                                            Line is not compatible with the Pro Cut head. For the head to
                                                                                      secure the line safely 2.7mm line must be used.
■■   Reinstall the line spool. For the RLT30CETG curved line trimmer
     attachment, the spool should be placed so the text on the spool is          ■■   Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire.
     showing “This side out for curved shaft”. If you are using a straight       ■■   Remove old line by pulling it from the holes located on the TOP
     shaft attachment with the Reel Easy™ cutting head the spool                      of the line head.
     should be placed so “This side out for straight shaft” is visible.          ■■   Gather two of the pre-cut lengths of trimmer line provided or cut
■■   Replace the knob in the spool.                                                   two pieces of trimmer line (in 28 cm lengths).
■■   Replace the line trimmer head cover, aligning Air box latches with          ■■   Insert the line into the LOAD slots located on the SIDES of the
     openings in the line trimmer head. Press cover and line trimmer                  line head. Line should be pushed in until approximately 2cm
     head together until both Air box latches snap into openings                      protrudes from the holes on the TOP of the line head.
     securely.                                                                   NOTE: For video instruction see the following website:

INSTALLING LINE INTO REEL EASY™ BUMP FEED                                        http://www.youtube.com/user/RYOBIAustralia
HEAD                                                                             And watch the video;
See Figures 5                                                                    RYOBI: How to install trimming line on a Pro-Cut II™ head
Use 2.4mm diameter monofilament line.
                                                                                 ATTACHING THE SHOULDER STRAP
■■   Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire.
                                                                                 See Figure 6.
■■   Cut one piece of line approximately 6.0 meters in length.
                                                                                 Follow these steps to attach the shoulder strap.
■■   Rotate the bump knob on line trimmer head until line on the centre
     of the bump knob aligns with arrows on top of line trimmer head.            ■■   Connect the Air box latch on the strap to the hanger bracket.
                                                                                 ■■   Adjust the strap to a comfortable position.
ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
 FEATURES                                                              product, familiarise yourself with all operating features and safety
 Engine Displacement                            30 cm³
 Cutting Path Diameter                          17 in / 432 mm         The charger has a key-hole hanging feature for convenient, space-
                                                                       saving storage. Screws should be installed so that the centre
 String Diameter                                2.4 & 2.7 mm
                                                                       distance is 11.5cm
 Battery Voltage                                12 Volt
 Mass (without fuel, cutting attachment and                            ELECTRIC START
                                                6.37 kg
                                                                       The line trimmer has an electric start which can be used in place
 Mass (without fuel, with string head)          6.7 kg
                                                                       of the pull start.
 Volume (fuel tank)                             415 cm³
 Maximum engine perform(in accordance with                             PRO CUT II™ CUTTING HEAD
                                                0.70 kW
 Maximum rotational frequency of the spindle 12,000/min                Easy push - pull loading cutting head with heavy duty 2.7mm cutting
 Engine speed (rotational frequency) at
 recommended max. spindle rotational frequency
                                                                       REEL EASY™ BUMP FEED HEAD
 Engine speed (rotational frequency) at idling 2,800~3,800 rpm
 Fuel consumption (in accordance with           0.48 kg/h or           Reel Easy™ bump feed operated head loaded with 2.4mm x 6m
 ISO8893) at max. engine performance            0.66L/H                cutting line.
 Specific fuel consumption (in accordance       640 g/kW.h or
 with ISO8893) at max. engine performance       0.87L/kW.h             GRASS DEFLECTOR
 Vibration level idling(with-Reel Easy™ string head) (m/s2)            The line trimmer includes a grass deflector that helps protect the
 - Front handle / Left handle                   3.5, K=1.5             operator from flying debris. It is also fitted with a line cut of blade.
 - Rear handle / Right handle                   3.3, K=1.5
 Vibration level racing(with Reel Easy™ string head) (m/s2)
                                                                       SHOULDER STRAP
 - Front handle / Left handle                   14.5, K=1.5            The line trimmer includes a shoulder strap that helps support the
 - Rear handle / Right handle                   10.4, K=1.5            product.
 Vibration level racing(with Pro Cut II™ string head) (m/s2)
                                                                       TOP-MOUNTED MOTOR
 - Front handle / Left handle                   3.2, K=1.5
 - Rear handle / Right handle                   3.4, K=1.5             The top-mounted motor improves balance and is located away from
                                                                       the dust and debris of the cutting area.
 Vibration level idling(with Pro Cut II™ string head) (m/s2)
 - Front handle / Left handle                   13.4, K=1.5
 - Rear handle / Right handle                   10.6, K=1.5             OPERATION
 Sound pressure level at operator's ear at
 idle speed with Reel Easy™ string head (in     87.3, K=2.5                     WARNING:
 accordance with EN ISO 22868) dB (A)                                           Do not allow familiarity with this product to make you
                                                                                careless. Remember that a careless fraction of a second
 Sound pressure level at operator's ear at                                      is sufficient to inflict serious injury.
 racing speed with Reel Easy™ string head       100.4, K=2.5
 (in accordance with EN ISO 22868) dB (A)                                       WARNING:
 Sound pressure level at operator's ear at                                      Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with
 idle speed with Pro Cut II™ string head (in    87.1, K=2.5                     side shields when operating power tools. Failure to do
 accordance with EN ISO 22868) dB (A)                                           so could result in objects being thrown into your eyes
 Sound pressure level at operator's ear at                                      resulting in possible serious injury.
 racing speed with Pro Cut II™ string head (in 100.7, K=2.5
 accordance with EN ISO 22868) dB (A)                                           WARNING:
 Sound power level at idle speed (in                                            Do not use any attachments or accessories not
                                                92.5, K=2.5                     recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The
 accordance with EN ISO 22868) dB (A)
                                                                                use of attachments or accessories not recommended can
 Sound power level at racing speed (in
                                                107.6, K=2.5                    result in serious injury.
 accordance with EN ISO 22868) dB (A)
 Guaranteed sound power level                   111 LwA dB(A)          FUELLING AND REFUELLING THE TRIMMER
KNOW YOUR LINE TRIMMER                                                 HANDLING THE FUEL SAFELY

See Figure 1.                                                          Always handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable. Always refuel
                                                                       outdoors, do not inhale fuel vapours.
The safe use of this product requires an understanding of the
information on the tool and in this operator’s manual as well as       Do not let petrol or lubricant come in contact with skin. If contact
a knowledge of the area you are working in. Before use of this         does occur wash immediately with soap and plenty of water.

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
Keep petrol and lubricant away from the eyes. If petrol or lubricant           CHARGING THE BATTERY PACK
comes in contact with the eyes, wash them immediately with clean
                                                                               The battery pack for this tool has been shipped in a low charge
water. If irritation is still present, see a doctor immediately.
                                                                               condition to prevent possible problems. Therefore, you should
Clean up spilled fuel immediately. Refer to Refuelling in the Specific         charge overnight prior to use.
Safety Rules section of this manual for additional safety information.
                                                                               Note: Batteries will not reach full charge the first time they are
MIXING THE FUEL                                                                charged. Allow several cycles (operation followed by recharging) for
                                                                               them to become fully charged.
Always transport and store fuel in a container approved for                             WARNING:
petroleum.                                                                              Never use the battery charger near where refuelling or
This product is powered by a 2-stroke engine and requires pre-                          maintenance of the product is taking place.
mixing petrol and 2-stroke lubricant. Pre-mix unleaded petrol and
2-stroke engine lubricant in a clean container approved for petrol.            ■■   Charge battery pack only with the charger assembly provided
                                                                                    (BPH-1215 / 12V Ni-Cd).
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded petrol intended for
automotive use with an octane rating of 91 or higher.                          ■■ Make sure power supply is normal household voltage, 230V/
                                                                                  240V~, 50 Hz.
Do not use any type of pre-mixed petrol/lubricant from fuel service
stations; this includes the pre-mixed petrol/lubricant intended for            ■■   Connect charger to power supply.
use in mopeds, motorcycles, etc.                                               ■■   Place battery pack in charging stand. Align raised rib on battery
Use high quality synthetic 2-stroke lubricant for air-cooled engines. Do            pack with groove in charging stand.
not use automotive lubricant or 2-stroke outboard lubricant.                   ■■   Press down on battery pack to be sure contacts on battery pack
Mix 2% lubricant into the petrol. This is a 50:1 ratio.                             engage properly with contacts in charging stand.
Mix the fuel thoroughly and each time before fuelling.                         ■■   The charge indicator light (LED), located on the charging stand,
                                                                                    will light up red when the charger is properly connected to power
Mix in small quantities. Do not mix quantities larger than usable in
                                                                                    supply. This light indicates the charger is operating properly. It
a 30-day period. A 2-stroke lubricant containing a fuel stabilizer is
                                                                                    will remain on until battery pack is removed from charging stand
                                                                                    or charger is disconnected from power supply.
OXYGENATED FUELS                                                               ■■   After normal usage, 3 hours or less of charging time is required
                                                                                    to fully recharge battery pack.
Avoid the use of Ethanol fuels or fuels containing Ethanol. The use
of Ethanol fuels may result in damage to your engine.                          ■■   If both red and orange LED indicators glow, the battery pack is
                                                                                    deeply or completely discharged, and 6 hours or longer of
FILLING THE FUEL TANK                                                               charging time is required to fully recharge battery pack.
          WARNING:                                                             NOTE: If charger does not charge battery pack or orange LED
          Check for fuel leaks. If any are found, correct them before
                                                                               continues to glow after more than 30 minutes of charging, return
          using the line trimmer to prevent fire or burn injury.
                                                                               battery pack and charging assembly to your nearest Authorised
                                                                               Service Centre for electrical check.
■■   Clean the surface around the fuel cap to prevent contamination.
                                                                               ■■ The battery pack will become slightly warm to the touch while
■■   Loosen the fuel cap slowly.
                                                                                  charging. This is normal and does not indicate a problem.
■■   Carefully pour the fuel mixture into the tank. Avoid spillage.
                                                                               ■■   Do not place charger in an area of extreme heat or cold. It will
■■   Prior to replacing the fuel cap, clean and inspect the gasket.                 work best at normal room temperature.
■■   Immediately replace the fuel cap and hand tighten it. Wipe up             ■■ When batteries become fully charged, unplug charger from
     any fuel spillage.                                                           power supply and remove the battery pack.
Note: It is normal for the engine to emit smoke during and after
the first use.                                                                 OPERATING THE TRIMMER
                                                                               See Figure 9.
                                                                                       Always position the unit on the operator’s right side. The
                                                                                       use of the unit on the operator’s left side will expose the
                                                                                       user to hot surfaces and can result in possible burn injury.

       1 litre        +       20 ml        =          50: 1                             WARNING:
       2 litres       +       40 ml        =          50: 1                             To avoid burns from hot surfaces, never operate unit with
       3 litres       +       60 ml        =          50: 1                             the bottom of the engine above waist level.
       4 litres       +       80 ml        =          50: 1
       5 litres       +       100 ml       =          50: 1                             WARNING:
                                                                                        Injuries may be caused, or aggravated, by prolonged use

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
of a tool. When using any tool for prolonged periods, ensure you               LINE TRIMMING CUT-OFF BLADE
take regular breaks.
                                                                               See Figure 12.
Hold the trimmer with your right hand on the rear handle and your
left hand on the front handle. Keep a firm grip with both hands while          The trimmer is equipped with a line trimming cut-off blade on the
in operation. Trimmer should be held at a comfortable position with            grass deflector. For best cutting, advance line until it is trimmed to
the rear handle about hip height.                                              length by the cut-off blade. Advance the line whenever you hear
                                                                               the engine running faster than normal, or when trimming efficiency
Always operate trimmer at full throttle. Cut tall grass from the               diminishes. This will maintain best performance and keep the line
top down. This will prevent grass from wrapping around the                     long.
shaft housing and cutting head which could cause damage from
overheating. If grass becomes wrapped around the cutting head,                 STARTING AND STOPPING
STOP THE ENGINE, disconnect the spark plug lead, and remove
the grass.                                                                     See Figures 13 - 15.

Prolonged cutting at partial throttle will result in lubricant dripping        Ensure the battery is fully charged before use. When the battery
from the muffler.                                                              voltage is low, it may be necessary to manually start the line trimmer.

TO ADVANCE THE CUTTING LINE                                                    FOR MANUAL START:
(Reel Easy™ line trimmer head)                                                 To start a cold engine:

Line advance is controlled by tapping the bump head on grass while             DO NOT squeeze the throttle trigger until the engine starts and runs.
running engine at full throttle.                                               1.   Lay the trimmer on a flat, level surface.
■■   Run engine at full throttle.                                              2.   PRIME - Press the primer bulb at least 7 times, so fuel is clearly
■■   Tap the bump knob on ground to advance the line. The cutting              3.   SET the choke lever to the COLD START position.
     line advances each time the bump knob is tapped. Do not hold              4.   Ensure the ‘Ignition switch’ (item 6) is in the centre position.
     the bump knob on the ground.                                              5.   PULL the recoil starter until the engine starts.
                                                                               6.   Wait 6-10 seconds, then gently squeeze the throttle trigger to
Note: The cut-off blade on the grass deflector will cut the line to the             run.
correct length.                                                                     NOTE: Squeezing and releasing the throttle trigger releases the
Note: If the cutting line is worn too short there may not be enough                 choke lever to the RUN position.
centrifugal force to advance the line by tapping it on the ground. If          To start a warm engine:
so, stop the engine, and manually advance the line.
                                                                               1. Make sure the ‘ignition switch’ is in the centre position.
                                                                               2. PULL the recoil starter until the engine starts.
                                                                               To stop the engine:
■■   Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug lead.
                                                                               ■■   Press the ‘ignition switch’ (item 6) to the stop “ O ” position and
■■   Push the knob in while pulling on the cutting line to manually                 the engine will stop.
     advance the line.
Note: Pro Cut II™ line cannot be advanced. To replace the line,                FOR ELECTRIC START:
refer to Installing Line in Pro Cut II™ Line Trimmer Head in this              MAKE SURE THE BATTERY HAS BEEN FULLY CHARGED - SEE
manual.                                                                        CHARGING BATTERY
                                                                               To start a cold engine:
                                                                               See Figures 1, 8 & 13.
See Figures 9 - 11.
                                                                               1.   DO NOT squeeze the throttle trigger until the engine starts and
■■   Avoid hot surfaces by always keeping the tool away from your                   runs.
     body. (Proper operating position shown in figure 9.)                      2.   Install the battery onto the unit as shown in figure 8.
                                                                               3.   Lay the trimmer on a flat, level surface.
■■ Keep the trimmer tilted toward the area being cut; this is the
                                                                               4.   PRIME - Press the primer bulb at least 7 times, so fuel is clearly
   best cutting area.
■■ The trimmer cuts when passing the unit from left to right. This             5.   SET the choke lever (Fig. 1, item 21) to the COLD START
   will avoid throwing debris at the operator. Avoid cutting in the                 position.
   dangerous area shown in illustration.                                       6.   PRESS and hold the ‘safety switch’ (item 19) and then press
                                                                                    ‘ignition switch’ (item 6) to the start position.
■■   Use the tip of the line to do the cutting; do not force the line          7.   N.B. The safety switch is a rocker type switch and will
     head into uncut grass.                                                         automatically reset it’s self once released.
■■   Wire and picket fences cause extra line wear, even breakage.              8.   N.B. The ignition switch is a 3 position switch. position 1 is ‘off’
                                                                                    position 2 is run, and position 3 is a rocker type switch which will
     Stone and brick walls, curbs, and wood may wear line rapidly.
                                                                                    automatically reset it’s self to position 2 once released.
■■   Avoid trees and shrubs. Tree bark, wood mouldings, siding, and            9.   RELEASE the 2 switches after engine starts - they will revert
     fence posts can easily be damaged by the cutting line.                         back to their resting place.

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)
10. Wait 6-10 seconds, then squeeze the throttle trigger to run.           IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT
    NOTE: Squeezing and releasing the throttle trigger releases the
    choke lever to the RUN position.                                       See Figure 18.

To start a warm engine:                                                    If the cutting attachment turns at idle, the idle speed screw needs
                                                                           adjusting on the engine. Turn the idle speed screw counter clockwise
1.   Lay the trimmer on a flat, bare surface.                              to reduce the idle RPM and stop the cutting attachment movement.
2.   PRESS the ‘safety switch’ (item 19) and the ‘ignition switch’
                                                                           If the cutting attachment still moves at idle speed, contact a service
     (Item 6) at the same time.
                                                                           dealer for adjustment and discontinue use until the repair is made.
3.   RELEASE the 2 switches after engine starts - they will revert
     back to their resting place.                                                   WARNING:
                                                                                    The cutting attachment should never turn at idle. Turn
 MAINTENANCE                                                                        the idle speed screw counter clockwise to reduce the idle
                                                                                    RPM and stop the cutting attachment, or contact a service
         WARNING:                                                          dealer for adjustment and discontinue use until the repair is made.
         When servicing, use only identical replacement parts. Use         Serious personal injury may result from the cutting attachment
         of any other parts may create a hazard or cause product           turning at idle.
                                                                           CLEANING AIR FILTER SCREEN
         WARNING:                                                          See Figures 19 - 20.
         Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side
         shields during tool operation. If operation is dusty, also        For proper performance and long life, keep air filter screen clean.
         wear a dust mask.                                                 ■■   Remove the Air box cover by pushing down on the Air box latch
                                                                                with your thumb while gently pulling on the cover.
         Before inspecting, cleaning, or servicing the machine,            ■■   Brush the air filter screen lightly to clean.
         shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to stop, and           ■■   Replace the Air box cover by inserting the tabs on the bottom of
         disconnect spark plug lead and move it away from spark                 the cover into the slots on the air filter base; push the cover up
         plug. Failure to follow these instructions can result in
                                                                                until it Air box latches securely in place.
         serious personal injury or property damage.

GENERAL MAINTENANCE                                                        FUEL CAP
Avoid using solvents when cleaning plastic parts. Most plastics are                  A leaking fuel cap is a fire hazard and must be replaced
susceptible to damage from various types of commercial solvents                      immediately.
and may be damaged by their use. Use clean cloths to remove dirt,
                                                                           The fuel cap contains a non-serviceable filter and a check valve.
dust, lubricant, grease.
                                                                           A clogged fuel filter will cause poor engine performance. If
         WARNING:                                                          performance improves when the fuel cap is loosened, check valve
         Do not at any time let brake fluids, petrol, petroleum-           may be faulty or filter clogged. Replace fuel cap if required.
         based products, penetrating lubricants, etc., come in
         contact with plastic parts. Chemicals can damage,                 SPARK PLUG REPLACEMENT
         weaken or destroy plastic which may result in serious
         personal injury.                                                  This engine uses a Champion RCJ-6Y or NGK BPMR7A spark plug
                                                                           with .025 in.(6.35mm) electrode gap. Use an exact replacement and
You can often make adjustments and repairs described here. For
                                                                           replace annually.
other repairs, have the trimmer serviced by an authorised service
                                                                           STORING THE PRODUCT
CLEANING THE EXHAUST PORT, MUFFLER AND                                     ■■   Clean all foreign material from the product. Store idle unit indoors
SPARK ARRESTOR                                                                  in a dry, well-ventilated area that is inaccessible to children.

Note: Depending on the type of fuel used, the type and amount              ■■   Keep away from corrosive agents such as garden chemicals.
of lubricant used, and/or your operating conditions, the exhaust
port, muffler, and/or spark arrestor screen may become blocked             WHEN STORING 1 MONTH OR LONGER:
with carbon deposits. If you notice a power loss with your petrol          ■■   Drain all fuel from tank into a container approved for petrol. Run
powered tool, you may need to remove these deposits to restore                  engine until it stops.
performance. We highly recommend that only qualified service
technicians perform this service.
The spark arrestor must be cleaned or replaced every 50 hours
or yearly to ensure proper performance of your product. Spark
arrestors may be in different locations depending on the model

purchased. Please contact your nearest service dealer for the
location of the spark arrestor for your model.

ENGLISH (Original Instructions)


           PROBLEM                           POSSIBLE CAUSE                                                 SOLUTION

                                                                                The spark plug may be damaged, remove it and check for
                                     No spark.
                                                                                dirt and cracks. Replace with a new spark plug.

                                                                                Push primer bulb until bulb is full of fuel. If bulb does not fill,
                                     No fuel.                                   primary fuel delivery system is blocked. Contact a service dealer.
 Engine will not start                                                          If primer bulb fills, engine may be flooded, proceed to next item.

                                                                                Squeeze the throttle trigger and pull the rope repeatedly until the
                                                                                engine starts and runs.
                                     Engine is flooded.
                                                                                NOTE: Depending on the severity of the flooding, this may
                                                                                require numerous pulls of the rope.

                                     Incorrect lubricant/fuel mixture.          Use fresh fuel and the correct 2- stroke lubricant mix. (50:1).

                                                                                Clean air filter screen. Refer to Cleaning Air Filter Screen earlier
 Engine does not reach full          Air filter screen is dirty.
                                                                                in this manual.
 speed and emits excessive
 smoke                               Spark arrestor screen is dirty.            Contact a servicing dealer.

                                                                                Clean or replace spark plug. Reset spark plug gap. Refer to
                                     Spark plug fouled.
                                                                                Spark Plug Replacement earlier in this manual.

                                                                                Turn idle speed screw clockwise to increase the idle speed. See
 Engine starts, runs, and but will   Idle speed screw on carburettor            Figure 21.
 not idle                            needs adjustment.                          The cutting head should not rotate during idle. If the cutting head
                                                                                rotates the idle speed is set too high.

                                     Line is welded to itself.                  Lubricate line with silicone spray.

                                                                                Install more cutting line. Refer to the applicable line replacement
                                     Not enough line on spool.
                                                                                section in this manual.

                                                                                Pull lines while alternately pressing down on and releasing bump
 Line will not advance               Line is worn too short.

                                                                                Remove line from the spool and rewind. Refer to the applicable
                                     Line is tangled on spool.
                                                                                line replacement section in this manual.

                                     Engine speed is too slow.                  Advance the cutting line at full throttle.

                                     Screw threads         are     dirty   or   Clean threads and lubricate with grease - if no improvement,
 Spool retainer hard to turn
                                     damaged.                                   replace the spool retainer.

 Grass wraps around driveshaft       Cutting tall grass at ground level.        Cut tall grass from the top down to prevent wrapping.
 housing and cutting head.           Operating trimmer at part throttle.        Operate trimmer at full throttle.

Techtronic Industries (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Level 1, 660 Doncaster Road
Doncaster, VIC 3108, Australia

Techtronic Industries New Zealand Ltd.
18-26 Amelia Earhart Avenue
Mangere, Auckland 2022, New Zealand

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