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oCT. 16-31, 2018, VoL. 18, ISSuE 8, No. 119                       A De v e l op m e n t A n D e n v i ron m e n t f ort n ig h t ly
                                              GEoGrAPHy and you

                                                                                    THE GIS SPECIAL
                                                                                       MANAGEMENT &
                                                                                       RISK ANALYSIS
                                                                        ▀ g-Governance in India ▀ GIS and Higher Education ▀ GIS
                                                                        and River Floods ▀ New Techniques to Avoid a Kerala like
                                                                        Disaster ▀ Soil Erosion Risk and GIS Techniques
G’nY SINCE 2001
                                                    GeoGraphy and you                                                                 a dEvElopmENt aNd
                                                                                                                                ENvIroNmENt fortNIGhtlY
                                                   VOL. 18  ISSUE 8 No. 119  OCTOBER 16-31, 2018

                                                       With the help of GIS we can build models highlighting the flood-susceptible areas. These models will
                                                                                   further aid in the creation of flood prediction and early warning systems.

  GIS & reSource                                                                   GIS & DISASTerS
  GIS and Remote Sensing in Natural Resource                                       New Techniques to Avoid a Kerala like Disaster
  Management                                                                       Giriraj Amarnath
  Pushpanjali, Josily Samuel & Visha Kumari                                        India should step forward to implement measures for flood risk mitigation.
  GIS and remote sensing serve as a platform to generate information and           Several natural and man-made ways can ensure the social well being.
  make wise decisions for sustainable development of natural resources.
                                                                                   GIS and River Floods
  Role of Geospatial Technology for Monitoring Natural                             S M Ramasamy
  Resources                                                                        Complex geological dynamics of the rivers leading to floods are understood
  Neeti                                                                            with the help of GIS technology.
  Temporal monitoring of natural resources through GIS allows us to
  understand the change in spatial patterns of different natural resources.        Soil Erosion Risk and GIS Techniques
                                                                                   Atiqur Rahman and Asif
  Human-Induced Land Transformations and GIS                                       Various mathematical models are applied to GIS for studying the extent of
  Subin K Jose and Madhu Gopal                                                     soil erosion and ground water depletion.
  GIS can assess human induced land transformations in the forest eco-
  system. It easily detects the extent and current rate of land degradation.       Application of Remote Sensing and GIS with respect to
                                                                                   Disaster Management
  g-Governance in India                                                            Saumitra Mukherjee
  D Giribabu                                                                       Predicting natural disasters in advance through GIS will help to efficiently
  g-governance is required for the proper functioning and implementation of        plan disaster management strategies.
  geospatial technology in India.

  GIS and Higher Education
  Staff Reporter                                                                   In BrIef
  Integrating a GIS curriculum with higher education is essential for creating a   Letters; Editor’s note; GIS Updates; Term Power; Term Power
  holistic approach towards various subject areas.                                 Rating; Books & Websites

Expert Panel
           B Meenakumari                               Ajit Tyagi                                 Rasik Ravindra                            Saraswati Raju
           Chairperson,                                Air Vice Marshal (Retd)                    Former Director,                          Former Professor, CSRD,
           National Biodiversity                       Former DG, IMD,                            NCAOR,                                    Jawaharlal Nehru
           Authority, Chennai.                         New Delhi.                                 Goa.                                      University, New Delhi.

           Prithvish Nag                               B Sengupta                                 Sachidanand Sinha                         D Mukhopadhyay
           Former Vice Chancellor,                     Former Member Secretary,                   Professor, CSRD,                          Managing Director
           MG Kashi Vidyapeeth,                        Central Pollution Control                  Jawaharlal Nehru                          AIRA,
           Varanasi.                                   Board, New Delhi.                          University, New Delhi.                    New Delhi.
october 1-15, 2018 vol. 18 issue 7, no. 118: The article on public funding
                                                                      of elections was quite informative. It highlighted the importance of
                                                                      this key part of our democratic process, and what public funding of
GeoGraphy and you                                                     elections would entail, using examples from all around the world.
        editor                                                        The equalising influence, as proposed by john rawls, when applied
SuLagNa CHaTTOPaDHyay                                                 to the visible lack of the same in the 2014 General elections, firmly
      senior advisors                                                 puts the spotlight on the need for strict regulations and transparency
       Rasik RavindRa                                                 in our election process. Please continue publishing such informative
      saRaswati Raju
                                                                      articles.—VenKaTeSh ShanKar via Email
        leGal advisor
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   RENEwaLS, ENquIRIES           to understand language. It covers all the                                     ownership and accountability’ Vol. 18,
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2       october 16 - 31 2018  GeoGraphy and you issue 8

      Extreme rainfall events need not result
      in debilitating floods. With proper
      monitoring and forecasting disasters like
      Kerala may be avoided.

4   October 16 - 31 2018  Geography and You issue 8
By Giriraj Amarnath

                                 New techNiques
                                 to Avoid A KerAlA liKe disAster
                                         Kerala has witnessed one of the most devastating floods in 2018.
                                 To reduce future occurrence and the impact of such disastrous floods, it is
                                                     imperative to focus on measures of greater resilience.
Photo CourtEsy: stEPhaniEmonot

                                                                          GeOGraphy and yOu  OctOber 16 - 31 2018   5
                 erala, with its magnificent natural    Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
                 landscapes and fertile valleys, is     of India has instructed the insurance companies
                 often described as ‘God’s own          to settle all claims expeditiously. Given the
                 country’. During June to August        magnitude of the tragedy, there is considerable
                 2018, unusually heavy summer           pressure on insurers to ensure immediate cash
monsoon rains dashed this idyllic image, causing        flows. Health insurance companies could also
disastrous floods across the State. These were the      take a hit due to an increase in waterborne diseases
worst floods the state has witnessed since 1924,        resulting from the floods.
resulting in the death of more than 324 people
and requiring at least a million to be relocated        responding to future disasters
(Babu, 2018). The districts suffering the severest      In addition to examining and managing the
damage were Chengannur, Pandanad, Aranmula,             immediate consequences of the Kerala floods,
Aluva, Chalakudy, Kuttanad and Pandalam.                the obvious question to ask now is what can be
However, all 14 districts of Kerala were placed on      done to cope more effectively with future water
red alert (Varghese, 2018, G R, 2018, BBC News,         related disasters, thus reducing damage and loss of
2018, Mathrubhumi News, 2018). According                life. Described below are ten measures that could
to the Kerala government, one-sixth of its total        contribute to greater resilience, as such threats
population was directly affected by floods and          become more frequent and severe.
related incidents (Press Trust of India, 2018). The     improved flood forecasting: The first step is
Indian government declared this a level three           to take advantage of recent improvements in
calamity, or ‘calamity of a severe nature’.             flood forecasting. One critical limitation in India
   In an unprecedented response to the heavy            and other developing countries is the lack of
rainfall (Fig. 2), floodgates of 35 of Kerala’s 54      monitoring networks, which prevents near real-
dams were opened. At Idukki, for example, all five      time flood prediction. In response, researchers
floodgates of the dam were opened simultaneously        at International Water Management Institute
for the first time in 26 years. Heavy rains in          (IWMI) and elsewhere are developing new
Wayanad and Idukki caused severe landslides and         techniques that use increasingly available satellite
left the hilly districts isolated (Mathrubhumbi         sensors to forecast floods based on river discharge.
News, 2018).                                            Radar altimetry, for example, accurately estimates
                                                        water levels and river discharge—showing
crop damage                                             much potential for places where there is no river
Continuous heavy rainfall in Kerala led to              monitoring network (Tarpanelli et al, 2018). This
extensive flooding of agricultural lands, resulting     technique is limited, however, by the low revisit
in crop losses with an estimated value equivalent       time of the satellite, leading to delays in flood
to INR 150 to 200 billion (Shenoy, 2018). Coffee,       prediction. To overcome this, researchers have
rubber, tea and black pepper were amongst the           used the artificial neural network technique to
crops most affected. The extent of the damage to        merge data from multiple sources, including
coffee, tea, cardamom, and rubber plantations is        different satellite missions and optical sensors
not yet clear. In rural Kerala, many farmers may        as well as radar altimetry. In a study, researchers
not be able to harvest at all this season. Also, many   found this multi- mission approach to be the most
lack adequate access to insurance to aid their          reliable tool for estimating river discharge (ibid).
recovery.                                               better insurance products: Flood insurance for
                                                        crop damage and insurance pooling for extreme
insurers to take a big hit                              flood events is a must. IWMI and Consortium
Insurance claims resulting from the floods have         of International Agricultural Research Centers’
been initially estimated at INR 5000 million.           (CGIARs) Research Programme on Climate
The situation for insurance companies is not as         Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
disastrous as the case of floods in Chennai or          developed the index based flood insurance (IBFI)
Jammu and Kashmir where approximately INR               for Bihar (Fig. 5) in collaboration with global
50,000 million and INR 20,000 million were              reinsurer Swiss Re (Amarnath and Sikka, 2018).
paid, respectively (Sinha, 2018). The Insurance         Scientists first examined past satellite images to

6    OctOber 16 - 31 2018  GeOGraphy and yOu issue 8
Fig. 1: Rainfall in India during August 13-20, 2018

                                                                                                            Kerala witnessed
                                                                                                            an average rainfall
                                                                                                            of more than 300
                                                                                                            mm in the month of
                                                                                                            August, 2018.

                 Source: NASA

                Fig. 2: Satellite images showing Kerala before flooding (left), i.e., on
                February 6, 2018, and during flooding (right) on August 22, 2018

                                                                                                           These are false-
                                                                                                           colour images, in
                                                                                                           which floodwaters
                                                                                                           appear dark blue
                                                                                                           and vegetation
                                                                                                           bright green.

                Source: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Fig. 3: Rainfall pattern in Kerala during August 12-18,                 Fig. 4: Flooded areas detected using data from the
2018, which resulted in catastrophic floods                             JAXAALOS-2 PALSAR-2 satellite during August
                                                                        9-14, 2018
                                               Heavy rainfall
                                               resulted in
                                               catastrophic floods
                  Kannur                       in Kerala, with Idukki                                                      Changanassery
                            Wayanad            district receiving
                                               more than 1,085                                  Mankombu
                Kozhikode                      mm rainfall between          Alleppey
                                               August 12 and 18.
                                  Palakkad                                                                                    Tiruvalla

                                                                                                 Haripad                         Chengannur
                                Ernakulam                                         Flood on 09 Aug. 2018               Flood on 14 Aug. 2018
                                         Idukki                                   Streams                             Road
Rainfall (mm)
                                      Kollam                            Following heavy rainfall in Kerala over almost all the
        0                                                               districts were inundated. The initial map estimates the
                            Thiruvananthapuram                          overall flooding across these districts, based on data from
                                                                        European Space Agency.
Source: India Meteorological Department, Pune                           Source: International Water Management Institute

                                                                                    GeOGraphy and yOu  OctOber 16 - 31 2018               7
identify historic floods and prepare a flood risk              forecasting will be of little help. To fundamentally
map. Villages in three locations were selected for             reduce vulnerability in the face of future disasters,
the pilot; one in an area at high risk of flooding,            government authorities need to delineate the 100
one in a place with a medium risk and one with                 year floodplain—i.e., the area in which occurs
a low risk of inundation. The scheme went live                 more than 1 per cent chance of flooding in any
in July 2018, with a total insured sum of around               given year; and strictly regulate development in
INR 5 million (about USD 78,000). For the pilot,               this area.
the Agriculture Insurance Company of India                     climate screening of development projects:
(AICI) agreed to pay out money to farmers based                To better manage current and future risks in
on scientific data indicating the actual depth and             these areas, the government and its development
duration of flood waters in the paddy fields. In the           partners can resort to strict use of climate
initial stage of the pilot, which covered rice crops           screening tools to clear development projects for
for the 2017 monsoon season (from early July                   implementation, based on the risks they pose in
until the end of October), the insurance product               terms of land, water and ecosystems. Projects
was fully subsidised, with the project making                  involving a higher risk level, given increasing
premium payments on behalf of the farmers,                     climate variability, would require further
for a total insured value of INR 46 million. Crop              innovation in order to proceed. There is clear
insurance has become critical, particularly in view            need for a more holistic systems approach to agri-
of increased agricultural shocks due to vagaries               food system that takes into account the impacts
of nature and it is not only vital for smallholders’           with interactions between nature, humans, and
wellbeing, but also for the national food security             agri-food systems which is being implemented by
and stability.                                                 CGIAR Research Programme on Water, Land and
Giving the floodplain back to nature: Much of the              Ecosystems (Amarnath et. al, 2017).
damage caused by floods in Kerala and Chennai                  healing the ecosystem: Over time, settlements
was a direct consequence of indiscriminate human               must be shifted out of the floodplain, giving it back
encroachment on the river and other water bodies.              to nature. Sound plans need to be implemented to
As long as primary economic activity continues                 help the river basin ecosystem heal. These plans
on the floodplain, measures such as improved                   should include measures such as strict regulation

           Fig. 5: Concept of Index Based Flood Insurance (IBFI), integrated flood hazard model,
           economic loss data and satellite images for index development

                                            Remote sensing data for
                     Rainfall               inundated crop area
               Water Flood extent
               level  Flood duration

                 Flood hazard model                                   Insurance
                                                                                          If scaled up, from
                                            Insurance payout                              50,000 to 1 million
                 Flood index design         structure/scheme          Government
                                                                                          farmers would be
                                                                                          benefitted by the
                 Flood loss module

               Crop     Economic loss
                         Crop damage

             Input, modeling and analysis        Output                Users        Final beneficiaries
             Source: IWMI

8    OctOber 16 - 31 2018  GeOGraphy and yOu issue 8
Dams can mitigate adverse
                                    impacts of water variability and
                                    extreme climatic events .
of sand mining and other activities that directly      economic costs.
affect river flow. Also important are planned          dam re-operation: Dam operation contributed,
flooding of the river downstream, which mimics         at least partly, to the flooding in Kerala (BBC,
the annual flood cycle, to manage fluvial sediment     2018). Physical constraints posed by dam
in the river and the reservoir. Encroachment           infrastructure, especially the design of outlet
of roads, houses and other structures onto the         works, can severely limit the rate at which
floodplain, as well as various types of land use       controlled water releases from a dam can be
(such as high-value agriculture) may limit the         managed, making it difficult or impossible to
scope for controlled flooding, although some           release water of variable amounts, ranging from
degree of high-flow restoration should still be        low-flow to flood-flow rates (Richter and Thomas,
possible. Enhanced water releases from dams are        2007; Mul et al. 2015). In contrast to the large sums
sometimes used to dilute downstream discharge          of money being invested in new dam construction,
of wastewater. In these cases, restoring naturally     financers and international development
low levels of flow can be quite difficult, if not      organisations have not adequately supported dam
impossible, due to human health concerns (Yoon         re-operation that leads to modification of dam
et. al., 2015).                                        operations. Correcting this imbalance is critical
More built infrastructure: Reservoirs                  for better enabling of low-income counties to
constructed at the centre of river basins, based       operate dams as an integrated system rather than
on feasibility studies, are vital to reduce the risk   in isolation (Richter and Thomas, 2007).
of water-related disasters through increased           a holistic approach: Individual measures aimed
capacity for storing surface water. Dams provide       at mitigating flood risk and ecosystem impacts
numerous economic benefits and can mitigate the        should form part of a holistic approach, based
adverse impacts of water variability and extreme       on an understanding of the various components
climate events. However, such large-scale water        of the urban water system as well as upstream
infrastructure has also caused significant social      and downstream relationships. Referred to as
and environmental costs, prompting calls for           integrated urban water management (IUWM),the
alternative, nature-based solutions. The solution      approach not only relies on flood models and
to this dichotomy is not to forego investment in       the use of embankments to divert water but
built infrastructure, which remains essential for      encompasses the entire water cycle—water sources
socio-economic development, but to give greater        and supplies as well as wastewater (such as its use
consideration to the role of nature in planning and    for urban cropping) and storm water—viewing
operating large, built infrastructure.                 urban water in the wider basin context.
Managing difficult tradeoffs: Sediment                 institutional reforms: Better management of
trapping in reservoirs may modify, to a large          disaster risks, with the ultimate aim of achieving
extent, the sediment transport downstream of           water security, can be a key driver for sustainable
the dam. This often results in modified channel        growth. To foster quicker progress toward this
and floodplain geometry, which in many cases           aim, responsibility for water management should
represents a fundamentally different physical          lay with a single institution, which is able to take
habitat to support native ecosystems. It may           high level decisions on water use, implement
prove impossible to maintain some semblance of         measures to reduce disparities in water resources
natural flow and sediment transport, including         and respond to water related disasters.
connections between the river and its floodplain.
In that case, one must ask whether the ecosystem       using nature for climate change
and species that can be supported through              adaptation in urban areas
dam re-operation actually justify the social and       In the wake of disasters like the floods in Kerala,

                                                                GeOGraphy and yOu  OctOber 16 - 31 2018     9
the standard response is to boost expenditures on
dams and other ‘grey’ or built infrastructure. To
achieve water security, however, societies need to
invest as well in ‘green’ or natural infrastructure,            Sponge Cities: Flooding is widely
such as wetlands, watersheds and floodplains                         considered to be the most serious water-
(Boelee et al. 2017). These nature-based solutions                  related problem affecting many large south
have a proven ability to mitigate the impacts of                     Asian cities. Rapid urbanisation; land use
water related disasters, while delivering other                  change and socio-economic development are
developments as well, such as food production and                 making an already sizeable problem steadily
biodiversity preservation (Nesshöver et al. ,2017).             worse. To address the problems of increasing
   Nature-based solutions promoting green                        flooding, water shortage and pollution caused
and blue urban areas have significant potential                 by the traditional model of urban development,
to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the                        a new model—the Sponge City, is being
resilience of cities in the light of climate change.               developed. The concept is based on natural
Building on existing evidence and needs for future               and ecological flows that allow storm water to
science and policy agendas when dealing with                       be managed with natural infiltration, natural
nature-based solutions are: (i) produce stronger                  retention and detention, and natural cleaning
evidence on nature-based solutions for climate                   facilities. It reflects new thinking about how to
change adaptation and mitigation and raise                      tackle surface-water flooding as well as related
awareness by increasing implementation; (ii)                       issues in urban water management, such as
adapt for governance challenges in implementing                      the purification of urban runoff, reduction
nature-based solutions by using reflexive                          of peak run-off and water conservation. The
approaches, which implies bringing together                      idea is to make better use of ‘blue’ and ‘green’
new networks of society, nature-based solution                      spaces in the urban environment for storm
ambassadors, and practitioners; (iii) consider                       water management and control. This and
socio-environmental justice and social cohesion                  related practices enhance natural ecosystems
when implementing nature-based solutions by                           and provide more aesthetically pleasing
using integrated governance approaches that take                 surroundings for people living and working in
into account an integrative and trans-disciplinary               urban environments, in addition to enhancing
participation of diverse actors. Nature-based                    urban habitats for birds and other organisms.
solutions can serve as climate mitigation and                       China has already begun to implement this
adaptation tools that produce additional co-                         approach in several cities, with the aim of
benefits for societal well being, thereby serving as                achieving sustainable water use and better
strong investment options for sustainable urban                                  flood control (Fig. 6).
planning (Kabisch et al. 2016).
   The solutions are often implemented in an ad-
hoc manner, as is the case with conventional built
                                                                              Drainage system
infrastructure. Moreover, while there have been
                                                                                     Green land and Part
significant advances in the design and testing of         Rain infiltration                   Residential
nature-based solutions for risk mitigation, they                                               Road and Square
have yet to be fully evaluated and standardised. As
a result, some nature-based projects for climate                                                              Final benefi-
adaptation and disaster risk reduction have been                                                              ciaries
improperly designed, leading to unsatisfactory           Other time-
and unsustainable results.                               Storage and
   There can be no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach,         purification
                                                                              Sponge city          Urban water outlet
given that weather hazards as well as the wider
climatic and ecological conditions are variable
and often poorly understood. Nonetheless, the
conventional engineering sector has a long history

10    OctOber 16 - 31 2018  GeOGraphy and yOu issue 8
of fully developed protocols and standards, from        Mul, M., Appoh, R., Ghansah, B., Obuobie, E.,
which there is much to learn. Such guidance can             Kankam-Yeboah, K., Bekoe-Obeng, E, ...
aid project development and implementation,                 McCartney, M. (2015). Water resources
while also helping achieve a common                         assessment of the Volta River Basin. International
understanding of the likely effectiveness of such           Water Management Institute.
solutions in reducing risks.                            Nesshöver C, T Assmuth, KN Irvine, GM Rusch,
                                                            KA Waylen, B Delbaere, D Haase, et al. 2017.
endnote                                                     “The science, policy and practice of nature-based
The recent incidents of floods across Kerala have           solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective”. The
shed a light on the severe problems that induced            Science of the Total Environment. 579: 1215-1227.
the flood events. Given the reality of climate          Press Trust of India, 2018. Sudden water release
change, these flood disasters will escalate until           by Tamil Nadu from Mullaperiyar a reason for
some proactive measures are taken to mitigate               deluge: Kerala to SC ”. The Times of India. 23
them. There are several natural and man made                August 2018.
ways to reduce the impact of these disasters and        Richter, B. D., and G. A. Thomas. 2007. Restoring
ensure societal well-being.                                 environmental flows by modifying dam
                                                            operations. Ecology and Society 12(1): 12.
references                                              Roychowdhury A., 2018. Kerala floods: The deluge
Amarnath, G., Alahacoon, N., Smakhtin, V.,                  of 1924 was smaller, but impact was similar, The
   Aggarwal, P. 2017. Mapping multiple climate-             Indian Express, August 2018
   related hazards in South Asia. Colombo, Sri          Shenoy J, 2018. Kerala floods may have caused
   Lanka: International Water Management Institute          damage of Rs 20,000 crore: ASSOCHAM, The
   (IWMI).doi: 10.5337/2017.207                             Times Of India, August 2018
Babu G. Monsoon havoc in Kerala: 324 lives lost         Sinha S, 2018. Insurers say Kerala floods claims may
   since May 29, says CM Vijayan. Business Standard         touch Rs 500 crore, The Economics Times, August
   India. August 18, 2018.                                  2018.
BBC, 2018. Why the Kerala floods proved so deadly?        Tarpanelli A, Amarnath G, Brocca L, Massari
   BBC News, August 21.                                     C, Moramarco T, 2017. Discharge estimation
BBC News. Kerala floods: Monsoon water kills                and forecasting by MODIS and altimetry
   hundreds in Indian State, BBC News, August               data in Niger-Benue River. Remote Sensing of
   2018.                                                    Environment, 195, 96-106.
Boelee, E., Janse, J., Le, G. A., Kok, M., Alkemade,    Tarpanelli, A., Santi, E., Tourian, M. J., Filippucci, P.,
   R., & Ligtvoet, W. (2017). Overcoming water              Amarnath, Gand Brocca, L. 2018. Daily River
   challenges through nature-based solutions. Water         Discharge Estimates by Merging Satellite Optical
   Policy, 19, 5, 820-836.                                  Sensors and Radar Altimetry Through Artificial
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   21(2):39.                                                River basin in South Korea. Water Resources
Mathrubhumi News, 2018. Attempts to rescue people           Research, 2: 787-805.
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   September 12, 2018.                                  Sri Lanka; a.giriraj@cgiar.org

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