RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems

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RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
How seven high-performing resellers and
                                            In association with

MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth
RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                                                            Rising Stars 2021

                                               C O N T E N T S
                                                 “The pandemic
                                                  has increased
                                                                         8              “It’s going to be
                                                                                           a challenging
                                                                                        year, but we are
                                                                                                                           “We gambled that
                                                                                                                             our competitors
                                                                                                                                                    The best is yet to come
                 rockets: Top                       the pace of                               optimistic”                       would blink”        At Agilitas, we are proud to sponsor the coveted         12 months will remain, we are looking at a more
                 100 vs 101                             change”                             Francesca Lukes,                       Stuart Fenton,   CRN Rising Stars 2021 report –in what has been the       hybrid approach to our workplaces and physical
                      to 350                   Steve Brown, Highlander                              Wanstor                             QUANTIQ
                                                                                                                                                    year nobody expected. This year’s report spotlights      meetings being replaced with video calls going
    12          What will the         20       “We’re confident
                                                                         22               “By the end of        24                “We have
                                                                                                                                                    some of the UK’s most ambitious, fastest growing         forward in the name of cost and time efficiency.
                 successful                                                                                                                         and leading resellers and MSPs who have been                Looking ahead, there is no doubt that it will
                                                 enough to say                          2021 we aim to                      ambitious plans
                  IT solution                                                         have completed at                                             accelerating transformation in their businesses          be the channel firms who have streamlined their
                                               we’ve surpassed                                                                   to achieve         during the pandemic.                                     operation and embraced change who will continue
                 provider of                  £100m this year”                        least two strategic                   £45m turnover”
                   the future                          David Bentley,                       acquisitions”                          Lisa Thornton,      As anybody operating in the UK channel will           to succeed as restrictions ease. This will put more
                   look like?                       Solutionize Global                  Martin Lulham, M-Tech                     Lima Networks     know, the market is growing more and more                emphasis on productivity through automation and
                                                                                                                                                    competitive with every passing year - something          ultimately the overall customer experience. There is
    26    “We are considering
          taking on additional
                                      28                                 30                                     37                                  that is illustrated clearly by the outstanding calibre   also seismic change on its way, with ‘sustainability’
               office space to                                                                                                                      of the ‘rising stars’ celebrated in this report. Not     expected to be high on the agenda for all businesses.
            house all our new                                                                                                                       only does it demonstrate their growing capabilities,     As a result, we will see an increase in local supply
                      recruits”                         The major
                                            channel M&A moves                Five projects that epitomise            The UK’s fastest-growing       it also recognises their ability to respond and adapt    chains, government regulation and environmental
                  Stuart Wohlman,                                                                                                                   to the changing world around them.                       targets, piling more pressure onto the channel
                   Tangible Benefit        of the last 12 months                    the post-Covid world                  resellers and MSPs
                                                                                                                                                       The pandemic has forced all front-line tech           to update their green and sustainable policies to
                                                                                                                                                    providers to fundamentally rethink what technology       remain relevant.

Welcome to Rising Stars 2021                                                                                                                        they provide in response to how their end clients
                                                                                                                                                    are consuming it.
                                                                                                                                                       It is evident from the businesses recognised
                                                                                                                                                    in this report that there are many factors behind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                It will be clear from reading this report, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             fascinating profiles of the fast-growing businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                             within it, that even the likes of a global pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                                             is not enough to break the stride of a resilient
                               How have some of the                          their latest years and boast average net profit margins                success and growth; with one being resilience. Many      UK channel sector. Resellers and MSPs could
                               UK’s most ambitious,                          of 7.8 per cent – well above the 2.5 per cent VAR 350                  organisations have found that this enables a positive    be forgiven for battening down the hatches and
                               fastest-growing and most                      average. Many continue to hire aggressively even as                    approach to business, which in turn enables better       becoming more insular since lockdown struck.
                               profitable resellers and                      the UK hurtles towards a double-dip recession.                         problem-solving and helps to maintain motivation,        However, several of this year’s Rising Stars have
                               MSPs been transforming                          These high-growth, high-profit firms are refusing                    which is particularly important during a time of so      done the opposite, instead seeing the period as a
                               their businesses during                       to pull in their horns, knowing that the wave of                       much change.                                             golden opportunity to upgrade their systems and
                               the pandemic?                                 digital transformation sparked by the pandemic could                      At Agilitas, we too have looked to be resilient       processes and place bets that may well continue to
                                 This question forms                         bring rich rewards for ambitious tech providers.                       and during Covid accelerated our plans to update         pay off long after social distancing measures ease.
the crux of CRN Rising Stars 2021, which profiles                              This ‘second wave of digital transformation’ – as                    our channel services. For example,                       There is no doubt that the best is yet to come for
seven high-performance businesses from CRN’s                                 Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently branded it – is                   upgrading our innovative                                 those of us who have shown true resilience.
recent VAR 350.                                                              seeing courts adopt remote jury technology, the NHS                    AssureMeNow tool to help our
  How have these seven companies changed how                                 roll out chatbots, businesses adopt hybrid working                     partners continue to do business                         ■ Shaun Lynn is CEO of Agilitas
they operate since Covid struck, and do they expect                          and schools implement remote learning.                                 through Covid-19 with the
these changes to stick? How have they adapted,                                 We review some of the case studies the pandemic                      ability to ‘self-serve’ quotes.
survived, and even thrived during the last 11 months?                        has thrown up for the channel in a separate section                    We have also experienced
How are they gearing up for post-Covid growth, and                           on page 30.                                                            many partners increasing their
where do they see the biggest growth opportunities?                            Any business owner could be forgiven for                             reliance on our online
  Over the following pages, we will discover                                 becoming more insular during the pandemic.                             service portal
the answers to these posers directly from senior                               But many of the firms in this report expect to not                   ‘Partnership’ to                                               It will be clear from reading this
management from the seven companies themselves,                              only emerge from the pandemic still growing, but                       enable them to
which were handpicked based on their high growth                             with a healthier business and slicker operating model                  react quickly                                                  report, and the fascinating profiles
and industry-leading profits.                                                than before it began.                                                  and efficiently                                                of the fast-growing businesses
  All seven of this year’s Rising Stars sat outside                            We hope that this report offers some insight into                    to customer
the top 100 of CRN’s VAR 350 2021, but none lack                             business resilience in the channel and possible routes                 fault call
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   within it, that even the likes of a
ambition. They range from Dell partner that’s eyeing                         to post-Covid growth for resellers and MSPs of all                     requests.                                                      global pandemic is not enough to
£100m in revenues, to a London-based Microsoft                               shapes and sizes.                                                         Though                                                      break the stride of a resilient UK
Dynamics specialist aiming to be a European leader                                                                                                  some of the
in its space.                                                                ■ Doug Woodburn is group editor of CRN and                             adaptations                                                    channel sector.
  Our septet grew by an average of 109 per cent in                           Channel Partner Insight                                                from the last

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RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                                Rising Stars 2021

Pocket rockets
This year’s Rising Stars are all ranked between 101 and 350 in the CRN VAR 350. Despite their
                                                                                                                                         Meet the Rising Stars
smaller stature, these 250 firms are significantly more profitable than their top 100 counterparts

Most profitable firms: 101-350 vs Top 100                                Revenues                                                                                                 Solutionize Global (see p20)
                                                                                                                                                                                  Location: Wakefield
          Microtech Group                                                £17.2bn
                                                                               £15.9bn                                                                                            Founded: 2009
         Network Telecom                             21.5%
                                                                                                                                                                                  Revenues: £41.9m

Invenio Business Solutions                          20.4%                                   Top 100
         SAGlobal Europe                        18.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Highlander (see p6)
            Bistech Group                       17.9%                                       8% YoY                                                                                               Location: Sheffield
                                                                                                                         6.9% YoY                                                                Founded: 1995
             Managed247                         17.4%
                                                                                                                                         Lima Networks (see p24)                                 Revenues: £31.8m
                                                                                            £                            £
                  Pinnacle                   16.1%                                                                                       Location: Salford
                  Avanade                   15.4%                                                                                        Founded: 1997
                                                                           Most Previous                     Most Previous               Revenues: £16.3m
                Columbus                    15.0%                         recent year                       recent year
                                                                           year                              year
                  Adarma                   14.8%
                                                              101-350                                                                                                                            Tangible Benefit (see p26)
               BCN Group                  14.3%
                                                              Top 100    Median net profit margins                                                                                               Location: London
           Solid Solutions                13.7%                                                                                                                                                  Founded: 1997
                    Node4               12.7%                                                1.9%                              3.0%                                                              Revenues: £42.1m
                                                                          £       Top 100     £             3.3%
                                                                                                                   101-350     £

                      ANS               12.3%
              Focus Group           10.3%                                 Most              Previous     Most                 Previous
                                                                         recent               year      recent                  year         QUANTIQ (see p10)
                                                                          year                           year
                 Version 1         8.6%                                                                                                      Location: London
               Printerland         8.5%
                                                                                                                                             Founded: 2013
                                                                                                                                             Revenues: £23.8m
                       RM          8.5%                                  Mean gross profit margins                    101-350
                  OneCom           8.5%                                                                            34.4% 33.9%
                Itelligence        8.0%                                                           Top 100

                              0%   5%     10% 15% 20% 25% 30%                               26.4% 26.0%

Nine of the VAR 350’s ten most profitable firms* –
relatively speaking – sit below the top 100, with Microsoft

partner Avanade the only top 100 firm to break the
stranglehold. Only five firms in the top 100 made a double-
digit net profit margin in their latest years, compared with                                                                                 Wanstor (see p8)
26 of those ranked 101st to 350th.                                                                                                           Location: London                                  M-Tech (see p22)
                                                                                                                                             Founded: 2002                                     Location: Eastbourne
                                                                                             Most Previous          Most Previous
*Firms ranked based on net profit margins in their latest filed annual                      recent  year           recent year               Revenues: £14.9m                                  Founded: 2002
accounts (as of 15 January 2021)                                                             year                   year
                                                                                                                                                                                               Revenues: £5.1m

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RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                                                               Rising Stars 2021

                                                                                                                              Why does Highlander style itself on its website            customers. They were asking us ‘how do you run
                                                                                                                              as ‘a bunch of Yorkshire lads and lasses that              your jobs, warehousing, financials etc’, and we’d just
                                                                                                                              love IT’?                                                  put Netsuite in and got it working really well.

           The pandemic has                                                                                                   When I first joined 21 years ago, a typical sales
                                                                                                                              person would sell the technology or solution that
                                                                                                                              made the most margin possible, and then the poor
                                                                                                                                                                                         Are you anticipating growth this year?
                                                                                                                                                                                         In our fiscal 2019 [ending 31 August], we had

           increased the pace
                                                                                                                              field engineer would pick up the boxes and try to          a number of significant jobs drop, so that will
                                                                                                                              make it work.                                              probably smooth back out. But in terms of the profit
                                                                                                                                 We went totally the other way and put the               percentage – when you put the pandemic into it
                                                                                                                              technical people at the front of the sale.                 plus the demand for IT – I feel we’ll increase on that

           of change                                                                                                             I know the industry is going that way now, but we
                                                                                                                              did it right back at the start. If we’re engaging with a
                                                                                                                                                                                           We’re getting a lot of people who previously were

                                                                                                                              new customer, the first person they see – alongside        more cautious about releasing part of their helpdesk
                                                                                                                              an account manager – is the technical person. Every        to us who’ve just gone ‘right, we’re going to do it’.
                                                                                                                              single document that goes out of the organisation          We’d been talking to them for two or three years

                                                                                                                              is sanity checked and signed off by the technical          saying ‘really, there’s no need to have your Exchange
                                                                                                                              account manager. It’s driven by the technology guys        server sat there because there’s an application that
                                                                                                                              at our place, so we really are the Yorkshire boys and      can do it in the cloud’, but people were so nervous.
                                                                                                                              girls who love technology.                                 Then when everyone rushed home in March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                         we had people calling us on the day saying ‘right,
    Founded: 1995                                                                                                         -   What underpinned your fiscal 2019 revenue                  let’s kick that project off ’. The pandemic has just
                                                                                                                 c   al       and profit hike?                                           increased the pace of change.
    HQ: Sheffield                                                                                             ni

                                                                                                              h               It’s consistent work we’ve done with our client base
    Key vendors: Microsoft, HPE, Cisco                                                                    t ec                (see page 13 for more). It’s not just about chasing        What should all good resellers and MSPs be
                                                                                                       g,      n
                                                                                                                                                                                         doing during this period to ensure they come
    VAR 350 ranking: 140                                                                             in row                   down new deals, but also looking after our current
                                                                                                   w B                                                                                   out of it stronger?

                                                                                                                              base, and that’s what we’ve done consistently.
    Revenue: £31.8m (+59%)                                                                  -t g eve                             Netsuite is something we’re having a big push on        It’s back to basics. Review the portfolio. Make sure
                                                                                          s        t                          because it’s of benefit to our traditional customers.      you’ve got something that can satisfy the needs
                                                                                        fa r S
    Net profit margin: 4.6%

                                                                                    i s       o                               The installs we’ve done have all come from existing        of people right now. Review your systems. And
                                                                                r th ect                                                                                                 that goes right across the board for us when we’re
                                                                              fo di                                                                                                      working to ISO or ITIL standards – making sure
                                                                           l s ng
                                                                          a i                                                                                                            they now fit with what you can and can’t do and
                                                                        de nag

                                                                      t                                                                                                                  what clients want.
                                                                    r      a
                                                               p po m                                                                                                                       And the big thing for us was reviewing the health
                                                                        o                                                                                                                of the business both financially (what are we doing
                                                             su g t

                                                          s d   i n                                                                                                                      that is dropping to the bottom line, and what is
                                                      p de or                                                                                                                            waste?) and also around staff wellbeing. A huge

                                                    l       c
                                                  he , ac
                                                                                                                                                                                         percentage of staff have worked for us for over ten
                                                in list                                                                                                                                  or 15 years and they’ve stayed for a reason. It’s about
                                              e                                                                                                                                          making sure we’re doing even more for those staff
                                            rg cia
                                          su pe                                                                                                                                          and asking them what they’re thinking and feeling.

                                        a     s
                                     e d ort                                                                                                                                             Do you have any ambitions to expand the
                                    k p
                               p ar up                                                                                                                                                   business or make acquisitions?
                              s Ts                                                                                                                                                       We are making two new director appointments very
                          a s      I
                       h nd                                                                                                                                                              shortly, which are internal promotions. We will have
                      n a                                                                                                                                                                a new technical director and sales director. We’re
                   o w er
                ckd sel                                                                                                                                                                  seeing room for growth already and we’re always
              Lo d re                                                                                                                                                                    on the look-out for new opportunities. We’ve never
                                                                                                                                                                                         taken the plunge and purchased anyone but it is
                                                                                                                                                                                         something we will look at.

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RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                     Rising Stars 2021

                                                                                   How would you position Wanstor for those who
                                                                                   don’t know you?
                                                                                   We are a London-based MSP specialising in
                                                                                   supporting mid-sized customers in the hospitality,
                                                                                   not-for-profit and professional services sectors to
                                                                                   leverage technology to make them more productive,
                                                                                   secure, and resilient. Our breadth of expertise covers
                                                                                   networking (the ‘WAN’ in Wanstor), cloud, digital,
    This London-based MSP – whose customers include Wagamama and Mental            security, POS, and support.
    Health UK – has been kept busy during the pandemic helping clients transform
    into ‘virtual organisations’, commercial director Francesca Lukes tells CRN    Wanstor is one of the VAR 350’s fastest-
                                                                                   growing and most profitable companies. How
                                                                                   tough has it been to maintain the success
                                                                                   that underpinned that growth since then, and
                                                                                   how would you assess the demand landscape
                                                                                   for 2021?
                                                                                   We have enjoyed a consistently strong growth
                                                                                   rate of 15-20 per cent over the last few years, and
                                                                                   certainly weren’t expecting a disruption to it in
                                                                                   2020. Our financial year runs from October to

     It’s going to be a
                                                                                   September so we had a strong start to the year
                                                                                   before Covid made an impact, and despite the
                                                                                   challenging market we managed to maintain some
                                                                                   growth, though not to the level we had enjoyed

     challenging year, but                                                         previously or targeted. As a business we have
                                                                                   operated through the financial crisis and other
                                                                                   major events so are confident in the long-term
                                                                                                                                            office footprint, though we will be embracing more
                                                                                                                                            flexible working when we are allowed to return.

     we are optimistic
                                                                                   proposition and just need to adapt to the changing       These decisions are based on a long-term view. Our
                                                                                   environment as it comes.                                 office locations are very strategic. We have space in
                                                                                                                                            the centre of London, close to many of our clients
                                                                                   It’s often said that Covid has accelerated               and equidistant from staff. We have been successful
                                                                                   digital transformation. Is this generating new           in being able to significantly improve the terms of our
                                                                                   types of project that didn’t exist pre-pandemic?         lease, building in both flexibility and cost savings.
                                                                                   For the first time we have seen customers who
                                                                                   have made the decision to become entirely ‘virtual       How optimistic or pessimistic are you for 2021?
                                             Founded: 2002                         organisations’, without permanent office space. This     It’s going to be a challenging year, but we are
                                                   HQ: London                      isn’t an entirely new phenomenon, but I don’t think      optimistic for our restaurant businesses to reopen
                                                                                   we would have seen it pre-pandemic. This decision        and rebound to strong demand. There is a huge sense
                                          Key vendors: Microsoft,                  then spawns a series of other changes to streamline      of latent desire to eat out and socialise and this is
                                           Fortinet, Fujitsu, Veeam,               service delivery.                                        building daily.
                                                                                     There has also been a huge interest in ‘zero touch        Leaving aside the pandemic, this is also a time of
                                                  Manage Engine, BT                deployment services’ using Windows Auto pilot. The       huge technological change and there are lots of other
                                                 VAR 350 ranking: 241              idea of building PCs to a predefined ‘golden image’ is   factors driving the market. We have BT retiring
                                                                                   rapidly becoming a thing of the past. There are a few    PSTN services and rolling out a nationwide Fibre
                                             Revenue: £14.9m (+21%)                interesting components to these projects, not least of   network. We have fantastic innovations coming in
                                                                                   which is that the ‘zero touch’ element of the work is    the cloud services we consume. The use of cash in
                                               Net profit margin: 9.1%             inherently ‘Covid secure’.                               society is rapidly falling and as it does new payment
                                                                                                                                            services and even currencies are being spawned.
                                                                                   Is there an argument for permanently                     IT security is a challenge for everyone, and there is
                                                                                   downsizing office space?                                 also a growing focus on the “greening” of IT services
                                                                                   For now, we won’t be making any changes to our           within both government and private sector.

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RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                  Rising Stars 2021

                         We gambled that                                          QUANTIQ is one of the faster growing and
                                                                                  more profitable firms within the VAR 350,
                                                                                  with revenues up by more than a fifth in your
                                                                                                                                            How would you assess the demand landscape
                                                                                                                                            for 2021?
                                                                                                                                            So far, we have seen a 30 per cent increase in

                         our competitors
                                                                                  calendar 2019. What’s driven that growth,                 our pipeline and this is driven from multiple
                                                                                  and how tough has that been to maintain                   commercial and public sector segments. 2021
                                                                                  since the pandemic struck?                                initially looks strong, but anything can change.
                                                                                  Our strategy has always been about growth. I see          Resellers and MSPs have been able to make big cost

                         would blink
                                                                                  no reason to be the most profitable small company         savings on travel, client hospitality and events. Do
                                                                                  in this space. We had always planned for this year        you foresee that coming back just as strongly in
                                                                                  to be very profitable because many of our initiatives     your business once the pandemic is under control,
                                                                                  and investments were maturing.                            or – conversely – will some of those savings stick?
                                                                                    We concluded early that the market for cloud               My CFO wants those savings to stick. However,
                                                                                  software would be unaffected and we gambled               I want to see people back in the office, back on the
                                                                                  that our competitors would blink, furlough, layoff        road and making connections with teammates and
                                                                                  and be cautious. So, we over invested in new              clients again. I suspect it won’t return to pre-Covid,
                                                                                  capabilities, increased sales and delivery capacity.      but somewhere in between.
                                                                                  Traditionally upper-mid-market focused, we
                                                                                  increased our focus on public sector and launched         Is there an argument for permanently
                                                                                  into enterprise accounts.                                 downsizing office space?
                                                                                                                                            Sure, there’s a great argument to downsize, but
                                                                                  As a Microsoft Dynamics specialist, how                   culture will impacted over the long term. We have
                                                                                  closely are your fortunes tied to Microsoft’s?            just signed up for more space in London, thus we’re
                                                                                  Extremely close – Microsoft has to make great             doing the opposite.

                                                                                  products and keep innovating, marketing and selling.
                                                                                  The business application market is growing at around
                                                                                  15 per cent per annum, so remains one of the fastest
                                                                                  growth areas in tech. Microsoft Dynamics is growing
                                                                                  faster than that due to their relentless innovation
                                                                                  and marketing. Their last quarterly results illustrated
                                                                                  Dynamics cloud licensing growth of 39 per cent,
                                                                                  which is pretty consistent with their recent trends.
                                                                                  Having said that, we are focused on outgrowing the
                                                                                  market and our cloud licensing growth is around
     Betting that lockdown would turbo-charge cloud adoption, this London-based   double Microsoft’s.
     Microsoft Dynamics partner doubled down on its growth strategy when the
                                                                                  What should all good resellers and MSPs be
     pandemic struck, CEO Stuart Fenton explains                                  doing during this period to ensure they come
                                                                                  out of it stronger?
                                                                                  Our IT industry is such a broad church. Resellers
                                                                                  have different challenges to consultancies like us or
                                          Founded: 2013                           MSPs. However, I believe that the most successful
                                                                                  focus during this period is on your employees and
                                        HQ: London                                clients more than the bottom line profit. It would
                                                                                  be better to come out of this year with a strong
                                     Key vendors: Microsoft                       business intact and perhaps less profit, but ready for
                                 VAR 350 ranking: 174                             the future.

                              Revenue: £23.8m (+19%)                              What core attributes have enabled QUANTIQ
                           Net profit margin: 7.3%                                to get through this tough period?
                                                                                  Bold risk taking and a great culture combined with
                                                                                  over communication and caring.

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RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                  Rising Stars 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                  Net profit
                                                                                                                                                                     YoY growth

     Rising Stars in a
                                                                              In a world where the hybrid office will be the norm,
                                                                              what will a successful IT solution provider of the        Tangible Benefit               46.7%        5.9%
                                                                              future look like?
                                                                                                                                        Solutionize Global            536.2%        8.4%

     post-pandemic world
                                                                                 Who better to ask than the top brass of seven
                                                                              ambitious resellers and MSPs who are lighting up          Highlander                     58.6%        4.6%
                                                                              the market with their high growth and industry-
                                                                              leading profits?                                          QUANTIQ                        18.5%        7.3%
                                                                                 The septet of resellers and MSPs profiled on the
                                                                              previous pages are all enjoying growth and profits        Lima Networks                  28.4%        9.0%
     What will the successful IT solution provider of the future look like?   well above the industry average.
                                                                                 In their latest years on record, their average         Wanstor                        20.8%        9.1%
                                                                              revenue growth hit 109 per cent, with average net
                                                                              profits of 7.8 per cent over three times’ that of the     M-Tech                         54.4%       10.1%
                                                                              wider CRN VAR 350 from which they were drawn.
                                                                                 But many of them have also demonstrated their          Rising Stars average          109.1%        7.8%
                                                                              resilience during the pandemic and are banking            VAR 350 average                 7.8%        2.5%
                                                                              on continued growth in both their top and bottom
                                                                              lines even as the UK teeters on the brink of a
                                                                              double-dip recession.                                       “I started hiring the right people around me and
                                                                                 In this section, we explore what has underpinned      we got into some big clients who effectively started
                                                                              their growth and how the changes they are making         asking us, ‘can you do this for us as well?’. We stood
                                                                              during this difficult period could set them up as        up a managed service for Vodafone that we couldn’t
                                                                              even stronger businesses in a post-Covid world.          have done historically, and then more and more
                                                                                                                                       people were asking ‘why don’t you sell product as
                                                                              How did they get here?                                   well?’
                                                                              Just like the Beatles – who spent their early years         Success has also been a slow burn for another of
                                                                              honing their craft in the clubs of Hamburg before        the Rising Stars, Sheffield-based Highlander, which
                                                                              they broke through – success was not an overnight        saw revenues power up 59 per cent to £31.8m in its
                                                                              phenomenon for our Rising Stars.                         fiscal year to 31 August 2019 on the back of “five or
                                                                                 Although their combined revenues rocketed             six major contract wins” with existing customers
                                                                              70 per cent to £176m in their latest sets of annual      nurtured over the previous decade.
                                                                              accounts, gains made during the period were hard            “It was down to consistent work we’ve done with
                                                                              fought and years – or even decades – in the making.      our client base,” managing director Steve Brown
                                                                                 Founded in 2009 by David Bentley, Wakefield-          revealed.
                                                                              based Dell partner Solutionize Global is the fastest-       “Where we’ve done small bits of work for a client
                                                                              growing of the seven, with revenues last year            – they might have needed a little bit of connectivity
                                                                              swelling 536 per cent to £41.9m.                         or a bunch of laptops delivering –- the focus is
                                                                                 “A few things collided, and in my mind it was         then on ‘right, what else can we do for you? Have
                                                                              overdue,” Bentley said of the results, adding that       you seen we do services? Have you seen we do the
                                                                              Solutionize’s revenues only began snowballing when       helpdesk and can have engineers down there to
                                                                              it moved beyond its roots in professional services       unpack, deliver, image – whatever you want them to
                                                                              and into managed services and product resale.            do?’ It’s been about gaining trust,” he said.
                                                                                 “It’s taken me longer to get to where we’re at than      All five of the other Rising Stars significantly
                                                                              it should have,” he explained.                           outgrew the market average in their latest annual
                                                                                 “We’ve always provided people in one way or           periods on record, with revenue growth ranging
                                                                              another. We started to change how we were doing          from 19 to 54 per cent.
                                                                              that four years ago, moving into fixed deliverable
                                                                              contracts. We won a really big piece of work with        Accelerated growth
                                                                              NHS Digital through G-Cloud. We beat people who          And neither have recent events dented the
                                                                              on paper looked better than us.                          ambitions of these seven companies, with several

12                                                                                                                                                                                         13
RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021

                                        of them continuing to hire aggressively even as the      at least two strategic acquisitions; I genuinely

                                        UK reels from its worst annual GDP dip in modern         believe that we are an excellent platform to absorb
                                        history.                                                 companies that have similar growth ambitions,”
                                          This includes LIMA Networks, a Salford-based           Lulham said.

                                        managed services provider launched from the
                                        kitchen of co-founder Lisa Thornton in 1997 “as a        Doubling down during lockdown
                                        temporary solution to pay the bills”.                    Successive lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 hit many
                                          Turning over £16.3m in calendar 2019, LIMA             VARs and MSPs like a PPE-laden freight train, with
                                        harbours bullish organic and acquisitive growth          those rooted in Covid-hit verticals or in installing

                                        plans after taking on investment from private equity     and supporting on-premises equipment suffering an
                                        house Maven Capital Partners.                            inevitable downturn in fortunes.
                                          “The business has ambitious plans to achieve             Some 57 per cent of CRN readers taking part in
                                        £45m turnover in the next three years, 60 per cent       a poll conducted last May said they had furloughed
                                        of which will be generated from managed services         staff, with 72 per cent saying the pandemic had
                                        and will create 20 new jobs for the local economy in     prompted their firm to revise their growth forecasts
                                        the process,” Thornton told CRN.                         downwards.
                                          Having grown revenues 54 per cent to £5.1m               That said, some tech solution providers with
                                        in its fiscal 2020, the smallest of our Rising Stars     a stronghold in security, collaboration, cloud or
                                        – Eastbourne-based M-Tech – is “ready to do the          managed service have seen growth continue or even
                                        same going into 2021,” according to its CEO Martin       accelerate as the pandemic prompts – in the recent
                                        Lulham.                                                  words of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella – a “second
                                          Its recent growth spurt has been underpinned           wave” of digital transformation.
                                        by major outsourcing deals and key wins in sectors         All resellers and MSPs, however, will have seen
                                        including blue light, with recurring revenues            some project delays and rising levels of bad debt as a
                                        bolstered by uptake of its Nutanix-powered cloud         result of the pandemic.
                                        and core ISP platform, he told CRN.                        So how have our Rising Stars responded to the
                                          “By the end of 2021 we aim to have completed           post-Covid world?

                        #CHANNELSTARS                                                          Over the last three years gross profit
                                                                                               generated from managed services has
                                                                                               more than doubled and we expect to
                                                                                               see the similar percentage increase
                                                                                               again in 2021.
                                                                                                               Lisa Thornton, LIMA Networks


 Agilitas IT Solutions Limited
RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                              Rising Stars 2021

                                                                                                                moment in our growth journey. I think it’s just            For Solutionize Global’s Bentley, the pandemic
                                                                                                                ratified what we were already doing well,” he said.      has offered more quiet time to think and plan
                                                                                                                  Similarly, the pandemic has prompted LIMA to           following a period of frenetic growth.
                                                                                                                “accelerate its push into as a service and managed         “I’d describe the last couple of years as a bit like
                                                                                                                services,” Thornton confirmed.                           putting an aeroplane together while flying,” he said.
                                                                                                                  “Over the last three years gross profit generated        “[The pandemic] has really given us time to just
                                                                                                                from managed services has more than doubled and          stop, take in the new stuff that we don’t know how
                                                                                                                we expect to see the similar percentage increase         to do, bake the portfolio, build the team, mature as
                                                                                                                again in 2021,” she said.                                an organisation and then crystallise exactly what
                                                                                                                                                                         we’re going to do.
                                                                                                                Adapting to demand                                         “On the managed services side, we’re doing a lot
                                                                                                                Counting hospitality (as well as professional services   on SD-WAN and also doing cloud managed services
                                                                                                                and non-profit) among its key verticals, our seventh     in conjunction with Dell and other players. How
                                                                                                                and final Rising Star, London-based MSP Wanstor,         we’ve put that together is pretty compelling. I’m not
                                                                                                                has endured a bumpy 2020 and 2021.                       sure we would have come to the same result had we
                                                                                                                  Having seen consistent growth over the previous        been living in Yorkshire and spending four or five
     I’d describe the last couple of                                                                            several years – including a 21 per cent hike in its      days in London every week.”
                                                                                                                last filed annual accounts covering the period to 30       Likewise, Wanstor’s efforts to boost customer and
     years as a bit like putting an                                                                             September 2019 – growth slowed in 2020 as the            staff interaction will be one positive lasting legacy of
     aeroplane together while flying.                                                                           pandemic hit spending among some customers,              the pandemic, Lukes said.
     [The pandemic] has really given                                                                            commercial director Francesca Lukes said.                  “Operationally we have implemented new
                                                                                                                  “It’s going to be a challenging year but we are        systems and processes that will give us better
     us time to just stop, take in the                                                                          optimistic for our restaurant businesses to reopen       access to company performance data and customer
     new stuff that we don’t know how                                                                           and rebound to strong demand. There is a huge            information,” she said.
     to do, bake the portfolio, build the                                                                       sense of latent desire to eat out and socialise and        “Both customer and staff engagement have
                                                        30 per cent ahead on an annual comparison,              this is building daily,” she said.                       been really high on our agenda. Finding new ways
     team, mature as an organisation                    Fenton said.                                              Lockdown saw Wanstor adapt rather than                 to reach out, and stay in touch, has meant a lot
     and then crystallise exactly what                    Doing “more of the same” is the mantra of another     overhaul its technology offering and strategy as         of innovation. Not everything we have done has
     we’re going to do.                                 of this year’s Rising Stars, London-based reseller      customers turned to it for help scaling up their         worked, but we have learned from our mistakes
                                                        Tangible Benefit, which claims the provisioning and     VPN, RDP, WVD and Teams deployments, Lukes               and through a process of refinement have achieved
        David Bentley, Solutionize Global               configuration work it carries out at its warehouse      said.                                                    some great success. Learning and development has
                                                        has struck a chord during the pandemic.                   Customers are asking for more help with process        always been core to the business, but our focus in
                                                          “With lots of people working from home, many          automation and optimisation – using Microsoft’s          this areas has also improved during the pandemic.”
                                                        of our customers don’t currently have a central IT      PowerPlatform – and security, she added.                   Those with a large on-premises maintenance
                                                        team who can do this work – so we are doing more          “We have strengthened our security professional        business will have struggled to get engineers onsite
  Those already sitting in growth hotspots turbo-       of it for them,” Tangible Benefit operations director   services, and have launched solutions for threat         during lockdown.
charged by Covid faced the dilemma of whether           Stuart Wohlman said.                                    and vulnerability management, SIEM, security               But new norms established during the pandemic
to pull in their horns or double down on existing         “Laptops/work from home bundles (including            awareness, and intelligent networking. We have           may actually end up saving them time and money in
growth plans.                                           monitors, docks, webcams, headsets etc) are being       become certified Cyber Essentials Assessors and are      the long run.
  The youngest firm in this report – London-based       configured, re-packed and shipped directly to           building this capability into all the aspects of our
Microsoft Dynamics specialist QUANTIQ – chose           customers’ home addresses. They arrive already set      service delivery.”
the latter option, CEO Stuart Fenton explained.         up and configured, needing zero input from their IT       She added: “Organisations continue to rely on
  “We are in the cloud application space, which         team.”                                                  technology and the services that MSPs deliver will
has simply resonated more during the pandemic,”           Tangible Benefit’s lifecycle programme has also       continue to be relevant for years to come so we are
Fenton said.                                            “picked up pace” during the pandemic, Wohlman           optimistic about 2021 and the longer-term future.”
  “As the pandemic struck, there were a couple          added.                                                                                                                         All the processes we’ve
of clients that had a little wobble in their projects     “This is where we collect old/redundant laptops       Time to plan and think
but got back on track within weeks. We concluded        and securely wipe and refurbish them ready for re-      Resellers and MSPs could be forgiven for battening                     previously put in place are
early that the market for cloud software would be       distribution back to a different user within the same   down the hatches and becoming more insular since                       getting ripped up.
unaffected and we gambled that our competitors          customer or for WEEE disposal/charity donations,”       lockdown struck.
would blink, furlough, layoff and be cautious. So       he explained.                                             But several of this year’s Rising Stars have done
                                                                                                                                                                                                Steve Brown, Highlander
we over invested in new capabilities, and increased       It’s also full steam ahead at M-Tech, which views     the opposite, instead seeing the period as a golden
sales and delivery capacity.”                           the pandemic as validating existing plans to grow its   opportunity to upgrade their systems and processes
  Having grown revenues 19 per cent to £23.8m in        own ISP and cloud services, according to Lulham.        and place bets that may well continue to pay off long
calendar 2019, QUANTIQ’s pipeline is currently            “We don’t really see the pandemic as a defining       after social distancing measures ease.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17
RISING STARS: NEW HORIZONS - How seven high-performing resellers and MSPs are gearing up for post-Covid growth - M-Tech Systems
Rising Stars 2021

  “All the processes we’ve previously
put in place are getting ripped up,” said
Highlander’s Steve Brown, giving the
example of one project where Highlander
engineers who could not travel to a job in
Belgium ended up talking a local employee
through how to configure the hardware
  “We’ve all got customers we want to
see face to face every now and then,” he
said. “But at the same time, if an account
manager, a project manager and an
engineer are travelling to Bristol for a
meeting to discuss a job that may last
two hours, that can be done on a Teams
meeting with decent quality cameras and it
just disappears. It’s better for us, it’s better
for the environment, and it’s usually better
for the customer.
  “You get that work-life balance, that health and          There will clearly be no quick return
well-being. It cuts costs and it means our people are       to the previous status quo, with
more available. One of the frustrations I’d used to
get is sometimes you wanted a certain engineer –            respondents estimating that – on
thinking ‘you’d be good for the job’ – but they’re in       average – 66 per cent of their staff
Bristol at a meeting and once the meeting’s finished
they’re out with the client and stay overnight. Now
                                                            will still be primarily remote-based in
we can schedule that in every six months and have           October 2021.
regular meetings over Teams.
  “So I think there are massive benefits coming in.”
                                                            Wakefield office for NOC and managed services.”
Office overhaul                                                Savings on first-class tickets to Kings Cross
According to a CRN poll of over 300 UK IT decision          and London hotels will add around £400,000 to
makers in October, on average 75 per cent of UK             Solutionize’s bottom line, Bentley said.
employees were at that time working from home,                 The pandemic has given Highlander the chance to
up from 36.6 per cent pre-pandemic.                         whether to sub-let office space or even devote more
  There will clearly be no quick return to the              of it to staff wellbeing activities, such as a gym or
previous status quo, with respondents estimating            Pilates room.
that – on average – 66 per cent of their staff will still      Others, however, see continued expansion of
be primarily remote-based in October 2021.                  office space and a resumption in face-to-face client
  But our Rising Stars are split on what the rise of        meetings as key aspect of their growth ambitions,
the hybrid working environment will mean for their          even post-Covid.
approach to travel, corporate hospitality and office           Fenton at QUANTIQ said the firm has just signed
space. None are planning a real estate cull, with           up for more space in London.
the partial exception of Solutionize Global, which             “My CFO wants those savings to stick. However
recently opted not to renew the lease on its new            I want to see people back in the office, back on the
Mayfair office.                                             road and making connections with teammates and
  “We terminated it as we’d used it three times             clients again. I suspect it won’t return to pre-Covid,
in one year – it cost five times more than the              but somewhere in between,” he said.
Wakefield office for 20 per cent the size,” Bentley            Wohlman is of a similar mind, emphasising that
confided.                                                   Tangible Benefit has no intention of downsizing.
  “We took it because our clients were there. It was           “Quite the opposite! Continued growth and
driven by them not ego, but I don’t like the place          expansion is the plan so we are considering taking
too much if I’m honest. We will get a London office,        on additional office space to house all our new
but we’re not in a rush, and we’ll probably get an          recruits in a COVID secure environment/post
exec office in Leeds city centre as we’ll be using the      pandemic,” he said.

Rising Stars 2021                                                                             Rising Stars 2021

                                                             Having grown revenues from £6.6m to £41.9m
                                                             in your year to 31 March 2020, you’ve set a
                                                             £100m revenue goal for your current year? Is
                                                             that achievable?

       We’re confident                                       We’re confident enough to say we’ve surpassed
                                                             the £100m this year. We’ve landed more business
                                                             with more clients. We’re starting to sell a lot more

       enough to say we’ve                                   product (see page 13 for more) and, combined with
                                                             a couple of hires from Dell, that’s given us the right
                                                             portfolio and team.

       surpassed the                                         Has Covid impacted on your trajectory?
                                                             Thankfully, no. The dice have been really kind. The
                                                             dice were not as kind for my first company – which

       £100m this year                                       was supporting financial services companies and
                                                             a couple of SIs during the time of the financial
                                                             housing crisis. But [this time around] our clients
                                                             are people like NHS Digital, Vodafone, Atos and
                                                             Capgemini, who want to buy more and can pay us.

                                       Founded: 2009         What changes have you made to your business
                                                             during the pandemic?
                                          HQ: Wakefield      We took a decision to do a bit of an investment
                                                             round in terms of polishing and maturing the

                                     Key vendors: Dell       internal capability. We had scaled so fast that a lot
                                VAR 350 ranking: 107         of our [systems] were archaic. We had that time to
                                                             mature all that.
                            Revenue: £41.9m (+536%)            So we now have the team we need and feel ready
                                                             to really go for it once there’s light at the end of the   people. I’m not a massive fan of sales people in the
                               Net profit margin: 8.4%       tunnel.                                                    traditional sense – even though it’s my background.
                                                                                                                        We’re building two big inside sales teams that are
                                                             It’s often said that Covid has accelerated                 part graduate-based. It’s not giving any return today
                                                             digital transformation. Is this leading to new             but I very much see that as the future, particularly
                                                             types of project that didn’t exist pre-pandemic?           in digital selling and how this is evolving.
                                                             Definitely. I could give the example of NHS                  Resellers and MSPs have been able to make big
                                                             Digital in Leeds. Bearing in mind how hard it is           cost savings on travel, client hospitality and events.
                                                             to get things signed off as a supplier, the sign-off       Do you foresee that coming back just as strongly in
                                                             period just went ‘click’. They had to build stuff in       your business once the pandemic is under control, or
                                                             live services for us all super quick, and we were          – conversely – will some of those savings stick?
                                                             supporting that and had 20 or 30 people on site.             A lot of leaders I talk to at Dell, Vodafone don’t
                                                                                                                        really want to go back to 120,000 air miles. I think
                                                             What core attributes have enabled Solutionize              roughly 60 or 70 per cent will stick.
                                                             to get through this tough period?
                                                             Myself and my business partner Alex are all over           How optimistic or pessimistic are you for 2021?
           This Wakefield-based Dell partner grew sales      everything and still running it like it’s quite small.     I’m confident about how we’re building out our
           536 per cent in fiscal 2020 after moving beyond   It’s a tightly knit team and we’re keen to keep that       portfolio and client base, but I do remain very
                                                             going as much as possible.                                 cautious about the current crisis. I traded through
           its roots in professional services. CEO David                                                                the financial housing crisis and that was different
           Bentley outlines its ambitious post-pandemic      You launched a graduate academy in October.                as you could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
           growth plans                                      How key is that to your approach?                          Until we see the light at the end of the tunnel it’s
                                                             For me it’s buy… and build. We’ve had to buy some          very difficult for business leaders to plan.

20                                                                                                                                                                             21
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                              Rising Stars 2021

                                                                                                   You saw revenue leap 54 per cent in your year           good at to enhance those all-important recurring
                                                                                                   to 30 September 2020, and are also in an                revenue streams – they pay the bills, everything
                                                                                                   elite group of VARs and MSPs making double-             else is a bonus.
                                                                                                   digit net profit margins. What underpinned
                                                                                                   that performance?                                       It’s often said that Covid has accelerated
                                                                                                   Growth has been fuelled by major outsourcing            digital transformation. Is this leading to
                                                                                                   deals across all sectors and key wins in private        new types of project that didn’t exist pre-
                                                                                                   sector, education and ‘blue light’. Recurring revenue   pandemic?

             By the end of                                                                         has also bolstered this year’s figures, with many of
                                                                                                   our clients now consuming services from our own
                                                                                                   Nutanix-powered cloud and core ISP platform.
                                                                                                                                                           Obvious standouts for us have been the uptake of
                                                                                                                                                           SD-WAN solutions to support remote working.
                                                                                                                                                           This has gone from a steady trickle of enquiries

             2021 we aim to
                                                                                                     M-Tech has focused its efforts over the last          pre-Covid, to a core fundamental offering in our
                                                                                                   few years on evolving intellectual property with        portfolio. Clients have also become ‘Teams centric’.
                                                                                                   own-brand services. This was partly to ensure           This product alone has catalysed a number of
                                                                                                   we delivered excellent customer service we              our customers into fully migrating to Microsoft

             have completed at
                                                                                                   control ourselves – removing reliance on too            365 – not something they would have considered
                                                                                                   many third parties – and also to make us flexible       pre-pandemic when they were more insistent
                                                                                                   to our customers’ needs. We need to be able to          on cuddling their Exchange Server in the broom

             least two strategic
                                                                                                   support bespoke designs to support complex              cupboard!
                                                                                                   cloud requirements which subsequently means
                                                                                                   avoiding the wholesaler bandwagon. We’ve certainly      How optimistic or pessimistic are you for 2021?
                                                                                                   been less affected than some competitors that           With respect to the business, M-Tech is going into

                                                                                                   predominately resell vendor product.                    2021 with all guns blazing; acquisition, innovation,
                                                                                                                                                           unity and culture our top priorities.
                                                                                                   What are your long-term ambitions for the
                                                                                                   We’re almost ready to launch our acquisition
                                                                                                   strategy, having spent the last year planning and
                                                                                                   partnering with various folk from around the M&A
                                                                                      ex is and
                                                                                                   sector. By the end of 2021 we aim to have completed
                                                                                                   at least two strategic acquisitions; I genuinely
                                                                                          m d
                                                                                  lh d f ge

                                                                                                   believe that we are an excellent platform to absorb
                                                                                Lu se ana

                                                                                        pl         companies that have similar growth ambitions.
                                                                                    am ir

Founded: 2002
                                                                             tin -b m
                                                                           ar e s
                                                                         M rn it

HQ: Eastbourne                                                                                     How has the pandemic forced you to rethink
                                                                       O ou for

                                                                                                   your technology offering, and how you
                                                                     CE stb nd

Key vendors: Nutanix, Fortinet,

                                                                                                   provide it?
                                                                        a a
                                                              tr th em

                                                                                                   I see a slightly different sales strategy, with
Citrix, Microsoft, Openreach

                                                                                                   customers now far more receptive to managed
                                                         iti ro ic

                                                                ai E

VAR 350 ranking: 337                                                                               recurring products and services but in essence the
                                                       is -g em
                                                            on w

                                                                                                   technology portfolio remains unchanged.
                                                    qu igh nd


Revenue: £5.1m (+54%)
                                                  ac is h -pa

                                                                                                   What should all good resellers and MSPs be
                                                he th ost

Net profit margin: 10.1%

                                                                                                   doing during this period to ensure they come
                                            hi ces y p

                                                                                                   out of it stronger?
                                         y er ed

                                              tt ,

                                                                                                   It’s definitely a relevant time to look at overheads
                                      ad s en

                                                                                                   and explore whether you need that big swanky
                                          to vi
                                    re oud ld
                                       cl bo

                                                                                                   office. Product and service consolidation is worth

                                                                                                   looking at. The pandemic will have probably
                                                                                                   given you an idea of where your strengths and
                                                                                                   weaknesses lie; focus more on the things that you’re

22                                                                                                                                                                                                            23
Rising Stars 2021                                                                                                                          Rising Stars 2021

                                                                                                                        LIMA is one of the faster-growing and more              How would you assess the demand landscape
                                                                                                                        profitable firms within the VAR 350. What’s             for 2021?
                                                                                                                        driven that growth, and how tough has that              Employees have even greater expectations in terms

          We have ambitious                                                                                             been to maintain since the pandemic struck?
                                                                                                                        The business has ambitious plans to achieve £45m
                                                                                                                        turnover in the next three years, 60 per cent of
                                                                                                                                                                                of work flexibility both in terms of location and
                                                                                                                                                                                hours. We are seeing this raising the bar in terms of
                                                                                                                                                                                cybersecurity, IT risk, tools for engagement and the

          plans to achieve
                                                                                                                        which will be generated from managed services and       need to deliver digital transformation to automate
                                                                                                                        will create 20 new jobs for the local economy in the    process, ensure strong customer service and create
                                                                                                                        process.                                                an efficient remote workforce.
                                                                                                                          We’ve made a substantial investment in our

          £45m turnover
                                                                                                                        managed service platform and strengthened               Resellers and MSPs have been able to make
                                                                                                                        recurring revenues by on-boarding new aaS               big cost savings on travel, client hospitality
                                                                                                                        products. The pandemic has not stopped us               and events. Do you foresee that coming back

                                                                                                                        pursuing this strategy. In fact, it’s accelerated our   just as strongly in your business once the
                                                                                                                        journey. Over the last three years gross profit         pandemic is under control, or – conversely –
                                                                                                                        generated from managed services has more than           will some of those savings stick?

                                                                                                                        doubled and we expect to see the similar percentage     I believe there will be a combination. There’s a
                                                                                                                        increase again in 2021.                                 greater acceptance of the efficiencies that can be
                                                                                                                                                                                gained from connecting via digital means but we’ve

                                                                                                                        How has the pandemic forced you to rethink              all realised throughout this period that there is
     Founded: 1997                                                                                                      what technology you offer, and how you                  no substitute to face to face collaboration. A large
     HQ: Salford                                                                                             u tfi N    provide it?                                             proportion of product and service delivery can be
                                                                                                           o        R   The pandemic has forced everyone to think about the     delivered remotely but when it comes to developing
                                                                                                          d sC

     Key vendors: Microsoft, VMWare,                                                                  s e    n
                                                                                                                        resilience of their organisations. LIMA has developed   strategic partnerships with our customers we
     NetApp, Cisco, Palo Alto,                                                                    - ba ru               a number of aaS products which can be delivered         believe the best connections are made in person.
                                                                                                rd on                   remotely and will enable customers to drive greater

     Veeam, Citrix                                                                          l fo rnt                    efficiency and resilience into their organisations.     What technology or technologies do you think
                                                                                          Sa o                                                                                  will be most instrumental in helping clients
     VAR 350 ranking: 223                                                              i s . Th                           The pandemic has promoted the topic of modern
                                                                                     h                                                                                          return to office/site in 2021?

                                                                                                                        workplace tools and new ways of working to
                                                                                7 , t wn
     Revenue: £16.3m                                                           9 do                                     the forefront of our customers’ minds. We are           Workforce optimisation and process automation
                                                                             19 ck                                      continuing to expand our current portfolio and are      software will help businesses plan for a disparate
     (+28%)                                                               in lo                                         due to launch several new product offerings in Q1.      employee base and enable a ‘work anywhere’ culture

                                                                       o n ing                                                                                                  to help a staged return to work for employees.
     Net profit                                                      t      r
                                                                 o rn du                                                                                                           Technologies such as cloud-based telephony,
     margin: 9%                                                Th es                                                                                                            virtual desktop infrastructures, cloud computing
                                                            s a vic
                                                          i      r                                                                                                              and M365 all ensure that as employees move
                                                       r L se

                                                     e                                                                                                                          between home and office, their work environment
                                                 u nd ge                                                                                                                        remains consistent. Key to flexible working and
                                               fo n    a       s                                                                                                                movement of employees between office and home
                                           c o- ma tion                                                                                                                         is an effective security architecture which protects
                                         of nto mb

                                                                                                                                                                                assets no matter where they are located. This
                                       n     i     a
                                     he sh c                                                                                                                                    requires different technology implementations

                                 i tc pu mi                                                                                                                                     and multiple layers of protection to the traditional
                               k            e
                            h e its nd                                                                                                                                          ‘protect your perimeter’ approach.
                           t ed pa
                        in t          t-
                     e d era os                                                                                                                                                 Finally, where did the name ‘LIMA’ come from?
                   d e    l       p                                                                                                                                             We started our business from my kitchen as a
               o un acc its                                                                                                                                                     temporary solution to pay the bills. If I’d known that
              F s         gh                                                                                                                                                    24 years later we would be a CRN Rising Star, I may
                 ha rou                                                                                                                                                         have given the company name consideration… my
                    th                                                                                                                                                          name is Lisa Marie.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 25
Rising Stars 2021                                                                            Rising Stars 2021

                                                              Tangible Benefit is one the VAR 350’s fastest-
                                                              growing (and also more profitable) firms in
                                                              the VAR 350. What explains that growth, and

     We are considering
                                                              is it sustainable?
                                                              We are very proud of what we have achieved (so
                                                              far!), especially when you compare our relatively

     taking on additional
                                                              low staff numbers with our nearest competitors.
                                                              We have plans and funding in place to continue the
                                                              upwards trend. We recruit our own, train our own
                                                              and mentor our own – using our inhouse resources

     office space to house                                    and academy programme. This gives us full control
                                                              of the complete process – from recruitment to
                                                              their first sale, and their ongoing development.

     all our new recruits
                                                              The growth comes from new sales staff coming on
                                                              board and deeper/wider penetration to our existing
                                                              account base. It is sustainable: we have a proven and
                                                              efficient business model which we are sticking to.

                                                              Is Covid fuelling new types of project that
                                                              didn’t exist pre-pandemic, and if so, is there a
                                    Founded: 1997             good example of this within your client base?
                                                              We’ve certainly seen a big uptake in demand for our
                                       HQ: London             engineering and logistics services – replacing those
                                                              which a customer may have previously managed
                Key vendors: HP, Lenovo, Dell, Cisco          themselves. Demand for technology such as
                             VAR 350 ranking: 106             Windows Autopilot has rapidly increased as it offers
                                                              a very neat solution to quickly deploy new machines.    in its latest filed accounts (to 31 March
                         Revenue: £42.1m (+47%)                                                                       2020). How tough has it been to maintain the
                                                              Will the changes you’ve made to your business           success that underpinned that growth since
                           Net profit margin: 5.9%            during lockdown stick?                                  then, and how would you assess the demand
                                                              I think some of what we have all adapted to will        landscape for 2021?
                                                              remain, the obvious one being allowing some             It’s tough. We’ve seen aspirational and “nice to
                                                              staff to continue to work from home, even if it’s       have” projects put on hold while clients focus on
                                                              not every day of the week. Some of our existing         expanding their WFH environments, so an uptake
                                                              customers who hadn’t previously used all of our         in end-user compute but also the required up-
                                                              value-added services, who now are because of            scaling on the back-end infrastructure. The projects
                                                              the pandemic and strain it has put on their own         which have been put on hold will return.
                                                              resources, will (we hope) continue to do so, now
                                                              they’ve got a flavour for what we can do.               Is there an argument for permanently
                                                                                                                      downsizing office space?
                                                              What should all good resellers and MSPs be              Quite the opposite. Continued growth and
                                                              doing during this period to ensure they come            expansion is the plan so we are considering taking on
                                                              out of it stronger?                                     additional office space to house all our new recruits
                                                              Ensuring their back end is as efficient as possible,    in a Covid-secure environment/post pandemic.
         Lockdown has prompted more customers of              reducing waste and duplication and increasing
         this fast-growing London-based reseller to begin     operational efficiency. Offering customers products     How optimistic or pessimistic are you for 2021?
                                                              and services tailored to their specific needs and       Optimistic and excited. We’ve adapted to the “new
         using its provisioning and configuration services,   challenges.                                             normal” and are stronger because of it. This puts
         operations director Stuart Wohlman explains                                                                  us in a good place for 2021 and we’re keen to help
                                                              Tangible Benefit recorded growth of 47 per              even more customers using our three-point mantra:
                                                              cent and net profit margins of 5.9 per cent             supply; deploy; solve.

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Rising Stars 2021                                                                                                                               Rising Stars 2021

 Merger mayhem
                                                                                                                                                 January and February alone have seen two                                a shift in the industry towards cloud connectivity,
                                                                                                                                               blockbuster MSP unions, and a constant trickle of                         home working and Openreach’s withdrawal of
                                                                                                                                               smaller deals concentrated mainly in the unified                          copper voice and internet services,” said Focus
                                                                                                                                               comms space.                                                              Group managing director Brian Lodge.
                                                                                                                                                 In one of the biggest UK channel mergers of                                Private equity money has driven a flurry of early
 A race to land recurring revenue in the wake of the pandemic has seen channel M&A activity                                                    recent times, LDC-backed Onecom announced                                 2021 M&A activity elsewhere, led by ambitious
 accelerate in recent months. Here we round up major M&A moves from within the VAR 350                                                         in early February that it was acquiring its “closest                      unified comms buy-and-builds Babble Cloud and
                                                                                                                                               rival” Olive to form a £140m-revenue comms VAR.                           Charterhouse (who are backed by Graphite Capital
                                                                                                                                                 “The inevitable changes to working patterns                             and August Equity, respectively).
 Covid put the kibosh on blockbuster channel                                VAR 350 firms were just as often on the giving,                    across the UK and globally as a result of the                                Babble intends to make 10 acquisitions in 2021,
 unions last year – with not one of the CRN VAR                           rather than receiving, end of consolidation last                     pandemic have accelerated the need for integrated                         while Charterhouse has already gobbled up three
 350’s top 50 selling up.                                                 year, however, with Babble Cloud, Charterhouse,                      cloud communications and significantly increased                          firms since the start of the year.
   But smaller M&A roll-ups – mainly by private                           Content+Cloud, Sabio, OneCom and Timico                              demand for transformation and digitalisation,” said                          “The real goal for us at the moment is to take this
 equity-backed MSPs – continued apace either side of                      among those using private equity dosh to make (in                    OneCom founder Darren Ridge.                                              incredible capability we’re bringing to the group
 the first national lockdown, with deals accelerating                     some cases multiple) acquisitions. Computacenter,                      As if not to be outdone, two other comms-                               and bring it all together,” Charterhouse CEO Mark
 towards the end of the year and into 2021.                               meanwhile, pulled off one of the biggest                             focused VAR 350 outfits – Focus Group and                                 Brooks-Wadham told CRN following its latest
   Altodigital, AVMI and Academia were the                                transatlantic deals by acquiring Canadian Pivot for                  South West Communications – announced                                     acquisition of Pentesec.
 largest resellers to change hands in 2020 (going                         around £62m in November.                                             their union on the same day, creating a                                      “In Net Connection we bought Extreme
 by UK revenue only), with Xerox and Cognizant                                                                                                 £100m-revenue outfit.                                                     Networks’ number one partner in the UK and
 picking off four VAR 350 outfits between them                            M&A impetus                                                            Focus’ acquisition of its Exeter-based rival came                       probably one of the top two partners in EMEA. If
 during the year (see chart, below).                                      With recurring revenues at a premium during the                      off the back of the retirement of swcomms CEO                             you look at Symity we bought one of the top two
   AVI-SPL was the biggest global reseller to                             pandemic and business owners wary of capital                         Tony Rowe, MBE.                                                           or three Microsoft Teams businesses in the UK.
 switch ownership, selling up to private equity and                       gains tax changes, deal levels appear to be                            “The acquisition by Focus Group will coincide                           If you look at Pentesec we bought the top Check
 merging with arch-rival Whitlock.                                        accelerating in 2021.                                                with some great opportunities in the market due to                        Point business in the UK.”

                                                                                                                                                                                        Anana                                                                   Olive
 Selected VAR 350 firms acquired in 2020-21                                                                                 Right Digital Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                £14m revenue                     Grey Matter                          £31.6m revenue
                                                                                                                                                                             Acquired by Sabio                   £58m revenue                             Acquired by
                                                                                                                                    £29m revenue                                                                                                             OneCom
                              AVI-SPL     Solid Solutions                                                                         Acquired by MBO                                                                Acquired by Wayside
                     £55m UK revenue      £53m revenue                                                                                                                                                           Technology
                    Acquired by private   Acquired by private                                                                                                                            MTI                                                              Swcomms
                        equity (Marlin)   equity (LDC)                                                                                                                      £35m UK revenue                                                         £21.3m revenue
                                                                Vysiion                                                                                                                                           Qubic Group
                                                                £19m revenue                                                                                                Acquired by Ricoh                     £7m revenue                      Acquired by Focus
  Sapphire Systems                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Group
      £39m revenue                                              Acquired by                                                                                                                                       Acquired by
  Acquired by private                                           Exponential-e                                                                                                                                     Wavenet
     equity (Horizon)

            Excitech Arena Group                                Altodigital                                                                                   Academia                                    ECS
       £47m revenue £24m revenue                                £71m revenue                                                                              £70m revenue                           £34m revenue
Acquired by Addnode Acquired by Xerox                           Acquired by Xerox                           AVMI                                             Acquired by                           Acquired by                                           Edenhouse
                                                                                                   £81m revenue                                          private investor                          GlobalLogic                                       £38.8m revenue
                                                                                                 Acquired by Kinly                                                                                                                                       Acquired by
                                                                                                                                 New Signature UK                                                                      Inawisdom                          Accenture
                                                   Sol-Tec                                                                                                                                                           £10m revenue
                                             £9m revenue                                                                         £19m UK revenue
                                                                                                                                 Acquired by Cognizant                                                                 Acquired by
                                Acquired by Content+Cloud                                                                                                                                                                Cognizant

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