RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...

Page created by Kevin Jordan
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
June 13, 2021

                GPS Ministry

   GPS Ministry of North Richland Hills Baptist Church
             6955 Blvd 26, NRH,TX 76180
          817-284-9206 - nrhbc.org/singles
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
    Of North Richland Hills Baptist Church
          Minister: Danny Stafford
Contact Information
NRHBC Office: 817-284-9206
Minister, Danny Stafford, ext. 148     BIRTHDAYS
Admin. Assistant, Rhonda ext. 108
Email                                  •Ben Johnson ............. 13th
Church Email: nrhbc.org/singles        •Jackie Pippin............. 14th
                                       •Jessica Rojas ............. 14th
Danny: dstafford @nrhbc.org            •Barbara Jones ........... 17th
Ministry Assistant: rhonda@nrhbc.org   •Debbie Gillette ........... 28th

Facebook                               July
www.facebook.com/nrhbcsingles          •Sarina Cantrell .......... 1st
                                       •Kay Lewis ................. 4th
GPS Blog                               •Victor Rodriguez ....... 7th
www.journeyofsingleness.com            •Paula Jacob............... 16th

GPS Bible Study Classes
•30-40 Somethings Class-Room 201 at 9:30 a.m.
•Compass Class-Room 293 at 9:30 a.m.

•Divorce Care-Room 224 at 10:00 a.m.

•Journey Class-Room 293 at 11:00 a.m.
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
      GPS Sunday Lunch Bunch
• June 13—Burger Box, 7700 Glenview Dr., RH 76180.
• June 20—Cotton Patch, 8525 Davis Blvd #170, NRH

  76180. 817-788-4911.
• June 27—Bosses Pizza, Wings, Burgers, 5600 Rufe

  Snow Dr #110, NRH 76180. 817-605-8636.
Meet at the restaurant around 12:15 (after church)
and we will save several seats for those coming. Your
children are welcome!

RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
Journey Class Summer Bible Study
       Sundays, June 6 through July 25
 The God Who Speaks is an 8-week video study that explores
the topics of biblical authority and reliability. Director M.D.
  Perkins guides each session with the intent to be a helpful
  resource in strengthening our confidence in the authority
  of God’s Word. Each session runs around 30 minutes and
           includes suggested discussion questions.

Session 2—Writing the Bible ..................................June 13th
Session 3—Manuscript Evidence ............................June 20th
Session 4—The Word Made Flesh ...........................June 27th
Session 5—The Canon of Scripture ........................July 4th
Session 6—Understanding the Bible .......................July 11th
Session 7—Battles for the Bible ..............................July 18th
Session 8—Drifting from the Word .........................July 25th

      GPS Classified Ads Section
                  Coming July 4, 2021
                         For GPS Members
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
For All DFW Area
   Friday, July 23                          Single-

                        6:00 until 9:30 p.m.

      Cost is only $5 per person
 BONUS - If you bring a non-member guest … that guest will be free
of charge! Please let Rhonda know (in the church office) so
  they can be included in the count. If you wait until the
night of the event you can still come, but the price will now
    be $10. Register now and get the early bird pricing.

    Register online at www.nrhbc.org/singles
     Or use the QR code with your phone
1950’s theme and dress. We need you to pay in advance so we can plan
for food. Doors will open at 6 pm. Event will start at 6:30 pm and goes
until 9:30 pm. We will have food and you will be entertained. Decorat-
ing committee will start at 8 a.m. that Friday and work until finished.
   Pick up a “special event” flyer and use it to invite your friend(s).

           Emcee of Event: Stuart Pendell
            DJ for Event: Daniel Stafford
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
Sausage with Skillet Potatoes and
         Buttered Cabbage
By Blaine Moats - Midwest Living
Chicken-apple sausage links, Yukon
gold potatoes and cabbage combine
with a simple dressing for an easy and
nutritious skillet meal.

4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 12 ounce package cooked chicken-
apple sausage links
3 tablespoons butter
1 ½ pounds Yukon gold potatoes, cut
into 3/4-inch cubes                          medium. Cook potatoes, without stirring,
1 1 pound head Savoy cabbage, roughly        5 minutes or until golden brown on
chopped                                      bottom; stir. Cook 10 to 15 minutes more
½ cup dill, parsley, and/or chives,          or until tender and evenly browned,
coarsely chopped                             stirring occasionally. Transfer to platter
¼ teaspoon coarse salt                       with sausage; cover to keep warm.
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper       Step 2: Heat remaining butter in skillet.
3 tablespoons cider vinegar                  Add cabbage, in batches if necessary.
1 tablespoon coarse ground mustard           Cook and stir 3 to 5 minutes or until
                                             tender but still bright. Transfer to platter
Instructions                                 with sausage and potatoes; sprinkle with
Step 1: In a 12-inch skillet heat 1 table-   herbs, 1/4 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. black
spoon vegetable oil over medium-high.        pepper.
Add sausage. Cook 7 to 10 minutes or         Step 3: In a small bowl whisk together
until heated through. Transfer sausage       3 tablespoons vegetable oil, the vinegar,
to a platter; cover to keep warm. Add 1      and mustard. Pour over sausage,
tablespoon butter to drippings in skillet.   potatoes, and cabbage.
Add potatoes to skillet. Reduce heat to
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
Mission Opportunities
                     “I Can Still Shine”

     NRHBC supports a local charity by the name of, “I Can Still
    Shine, ” located in Richland Hills. They assist battered women
        (and their children) who are in an abusive relationship.
                     They need the following:
•  Painting the outside of their building.
• Painting the entire inside of their building.

If you are a willing volunteer please email your name and con-
tact info to dstafford@nrhbc.org. We currently DO NOT have
dates for these projects but will know in the near future.

                  Donate Your Old Shoes
    If you have old pairs (or single) shoes you want to part with …
                         … we need them.
We don’t care what style or what color - we just need old shoes.
      This will be used in November for a display during
                 “Week of Prayer for Missions.”
                                         •  Drop off your shoe
                                         donations beginning the
                                         night of our “Sock Hop”
                                         in July and continuing
                                         through Oct. 2021.
                                         • Text Danny Stafford
    “Week of Prayer for Missions.”
                                         @ 817-223-9705 if you
                                         have questions.
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
Dates and Information
June 2021
•   Sundays through July 25—Journey Class Summer Bible Study. –11:00 a.m. in Room 293. The God
    Who Speaks is an 8-week video study.
•   Through June 16 - Middle School Mission Trip to New Braunfels.
•   Sunday, June 13—Discover NRHBC New Members Class. 9:30 in the Parlor. If you are an inquirer or a
    new member, come and discover the mission, strategy and purpose of NRHBC.
•   Sunday, June 13—Kids Camp Parent Meeting. 6-7:30.
•   Monday, June 14—Cross Church Story Time with Ms Betty.
•   Tuesday, June 15—Students Summer Chill Out. 2-4 in the Students S240 Student Café.
•   Tuesday, June 15—Cross Church Students Hang-Day. 4-6.
•   Wednesday, June 16—VBS Dinner & Follow-Up Visitation. 6-8 in FH.
•   Wednesday, June 16—Footsteps of Paul Trip Information Meeting. 6:00 p.m. in Room 200.
•   Wednesday, June 16—HS Camp Leader Meeting. 6:30-7:30 in the Student Café.
•   Friday, June 18—Cross Church Movies by Moonlight. 8:30-10.
•   Sunday, June 20—Fathers Day! Dads … we will have a small token of our affection for you in class
    today. Happy Fathers Day!
•   Sunday, June 20—Family Dedications. This is a time set aside in a worship service for members of
    NRHBC who are parents desiring to publicly commit to bring their child up in “the nurture and
    admonition of the Lord.” Parents should call the preschool office to schedule their family dedication
    to be held during the scheduled worship service that is best for them.
•   Sunday, June 20—Prayer Bands available for all
    Campers.                                               Welcome Guests!
•   Monday-Friday, June 21-25—KIDS Camp! An excit-
    ing week in Glen Rose, TX at the Riverbend                Use your cell
    Retreat Center. For children who have completed          phone and this
    grades 3-5 during the 2020/2021 school year.            QR Code to share
    Register online. Cost: $235.                            your informa$on
•   Tuesday, June 22—Preschool Splash Day.                      with us.

                                                                                                              Divorce Care
                                                                                                              Group meets
                                                                                                               weekly on
                                                                                                               Sundays in
                                                                                                              Room 224 at
                                                                                                              10 a.m. un$l
                                                                                                                12 Noon.

             Ephesians 4:2 ESV With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ... RISE-UP TO GOD BE THE GLORY - GPS Ministry - North ...
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