RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

Page created by Zachary Wolf
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...
RING        MARCH 2021

vir die 2021
Weaner Auction
Series                             A case for
                                  eating meat
                                in a confused
Savage Arms -
Underrated in Africa
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

                                                                    IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                    3   A case for eating meat in a confused society
                                                                        What is it about nostalgia that re-invigorates the human spirit? A
                                                                        thought that was lost in time can suddenly pop up out of the blue
                                                                        and reignite an intense feeling.

                                                                    5   Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Championship Series
                                                                        Die 2021 Agra Speenkalf Kampioenskap Reeks is nie net ‘n
                                                                        glansryke geleentheid nie, die hoof doel is om te fokus op die
                                                                        verbetering van standaarde in die veeproduksie sektor.

                                                                    7   Savage Arms - Underrated in Africa
                                                                        If you Google any topic relevant to shooting, you are pretty much
                                                                        guaranteed to stumble across two big US rifle manufacturers being
                                                                        discussed at length.

                                                                    8   Hoekom fasevoeding by braaikuikens?
                                                                        Met verloop van jare het die koste om ‘n braaikuiken groot te
                                                                        maak tot slaggereedheid, al duurder geword. Die toename in
                                                                        koste kan toegeskryf word aan heelwat faktore, onder andere
                                                                        duurder voerkoste (toename in die koste van rou materiale), krag
                                                                        en water asook medikasie koste en ander.

            “When we take away from a man his
      traditional way of life, his customs, his religion,
        we had better make certain to replace it with
                   something of value.”
                      – Robert Ruark

    Gesels ek nou onlangs met ‘n vriend wat boer naby die
    Botswana grens en dit smaak my dit reën heeltyd nog by
    hulle. Die man ploeg en plant en prep en spook om voor te
    bly met sy lande – die bobbejane verwoes die groen goed
    wat probeer groei, jagluiperds vang die duur wild kleintjies
    en COVID briek nog die internationale jag mark tot so mate
    dat dinge net nog nie heel wil aan die gang kom vir ons
    mense nie. Boer is nie vir sussies nie.

    In this issue of the Ring, we look at animal nutrition; Agra
    prepares for the annual Weaner Championship Series;
    we look at the incredible quality and value of the Savage
    brand of rifles; and I decide to weigh-in on the “plant-based
    alternatives to meat” debate.                                                               3 5
    I have always been a big fan of Ernest Hemingway. As a
    writer, but I think more as a character. So much so that my                                 7 8
    hunting dog (a basset) is aptly named Hemingway… Now
    for those not too familiar with him, he was once (or should
    I say, twice) nearly killed – in two plane crashes on two
    consecutive days – the second of which he was actually
    presumed dead, until a few hours later when he strolled out
    of the jungle clutching a handful of bananas and a bottle of
    gin. I think we all have days where we aren’t sure if we are
    coming, going, dead or dreaming... I suppose all a man can
    do now is the best he can with what he has.

    The Bank of Namibia forecasts that the Primary Industries
    will see a 5% growth in 2021 and up to an 8,8% growth in
    2022. This should be cause for some cautious optimism.
    Although it is never easy, it is definitely rewarding.
    Sterkte vir die maand wat voorlê. Elke seisoen bring sy eie
    dinge, maar ten minste boer ons vorentoe.

2                                                                                                                  MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

      A case for eating meat in a confused society
    What is it about nostalgia that re-invigorates the human spirit?    hunters made for successful humans because skill has always
    A thought that was lost in time can suddenly pop up out of the      been a determining factor for success. In the real world, you
    blue and reignite an intense feeling. Sometimes it’s a faint        have to earn your seat at the table. When on earth did the
    smell, or a familiar taste… and in an instant you are transported   world go mad and hunting become controversial? If it wasn’t
    back to another place in time through memory. It is tangible.       for successful hunters in any of our ancestry, we would not
    Real! It has meaning. Maybe it’s a subtle reminder of who we        have been alive today. Our ancestors were successful hunters
    are and where we are truly from…                                    and gatherers, and later farmers, and then traders… It is the
    An icy cold winter chill has a smell that is unmistakable, even     foundation on which most of society was built. The honest truth
    in the middle of a crowded city. It is not easy to describe it,     of the matter is that unless you hunt, fish or farm – you have
    but to me it is purely the smell of winter, and it brings with it   no idea where your food comes from. The convenience of a
    ingrained memories of hunting. It is the exact same smell I get     modern world easily fools us into thinking we have evolved out
    when stalking eland in the early morning Otavi-brush, just as       of the role of active participants in the natural world, but when
    the sun starts to break into a brand-new day. I guess it is more    things fall apart (as COVID showed) the cracks in the modern
    of a sense than an actual smell, but nonetheless it is deeply       world become very evident very fast. There really is very little
    rooted somewhere inside of me. It’s part of who I am.               relative safety in the “modern economic sanctuary” in which
    Hunting is a huge part of my life and always has been. But the      we find ourselves. The world was starkly reminded that the
    same nostalgic triggers hold true for most people in whatever       only people who were not immediately at risk of contracting
    they associate with their own individual life experiences. Not      the Wuhan Virus during the initial Coronavirus outbreak, were
    everyone has had my experiences, nor do they associate with         those on farms… those who could feed themselves and did not
    nature the way that I do. The way I have done for 40 years.         require contact with anyone they did not specifically choose to
    The truth of the matter however is that the success of the          have contact with. Those same individuals who produce meat
    modern human can to a large extent be attributed directly to a      are now tasked to rebuild our economy. I wonder how many
    society that successfully hunted, cooked and ate meat. Skilled      modern vegan pop-up stores can say the same…

MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring                                                                                                                      3
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...
Source: PSG, Namibia of Chamber of Mines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Currently there are only two operational uranium mines in
                Economics February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                      Last year CPINamibia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             inflationnamely    Husab
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dipped to       (owned of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a record-low  by2.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     China  General Nuclear)

  Economics February 2021 February 2021:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and Rössing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             falling oil prices           (owned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and retailers unableby China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to passNational Nuclear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on higher costs Corporation),
                Inflation rises to 15-month high                                                                                                                                                                                             in theyear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Last    recession-hit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CPI     in trading environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the dipped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               inflation   Erongo toregion  Costs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            near were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a record-low      higheramidTwo more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of 2.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             due to a weaker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          minesNamibian     dollar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    are under    care and maintenance, namely Langer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             falling oil prices and retailers unable to pass on higher costs
           Headline inflation rose to 2.7% in January 2021 – the highest

Inflation rises to 15-month high
        Inflation rises to 15-month high                                                   Although       Heinrich
                                                                                            in the recession-hit
                                                                                                         we      forecast (owned
                                                                                                                          trading      by Paladin)
                                                                                                                              the average                and dollar
                                                                                                                                                 Namibian        Trekkopje
                                                                                                                                                                 were to higher(owned by
           level since October 2019 – from 2.4% in December 2020.                                         Orano).       The former       has  completed
                                                                                            due to a weaker
                                                                                           strengthen                Namibian
                                                                                                            to N$15.3/$             dollar.
                                                                                                                               in 2021     from   N$16.5/$a in   $81m
                                                                                                                                                                    2020, restart plan and
           Prices for food & non-alcoholic beverages added the most
     Headline    inflation                                                                                awaits       an   improved       price   environment         to  secure offtake
                         In rose  to 2.7%     in January     2021increases
                                                                    – the highest          inflation   is   set   to  face   some     upward    pressure     from   rising
           to inflation.    the food    basket,   the sharpest                on an         Although       we oil  forecast      theyear,
                                                                                                                                        average     Namibian
     level   since  October    2019     –  from    2.4%    in December      2020.          global   food partners.
                                                                                                           and        pricesNamibia
                                                                                                                               this       also    has
                                                                                                                                           especially       the firstdollar
                                                                                                                                                        inseveral      half to uranium
           annual basis
Headline inflation    rosewere
                            to 2.7%recorded     for fish
                                         in January         (+10.2%),
                                                         2021   – the oil   & fatslevel since
                                                                        highest                    environment
                                                                                            strengthen                  to secure
                                                                                                              to N$15.3/$              offtake
                                                                                                                                   in 2021       partners.
                                                                                                                                              from    N$16.5/$  Namibia     also has several ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                      in 2020,
     Prices   for –
                  food                                                                     of       year exploration
                                                                                               theuranium  (H1).             projects,    which    could     startstart
                                                                                                                                                                    producing    whenwhen
                                                                                                                                                                                       the the long-
October   2019
           (+12.4%)   and&fruit
                     from   non-alcoholic
                            2.4%     in December
                                 (+13.6%).      beverages 2020.added    thefor
                                                                   Prices    mostfood & non-                      exploration       projects,   which     could            producing
                                                                                            inflation   islong-term
                                                                                                              set to face       some
                                                                                                                           uranium       upward
                                                                                                                                        price       pressure
                                                                                                                                               increases          from
                                                                                                                                                              above       rising
     to inflation.
alcoholic  beverages In the  foodthe
                         added      basket,
                                                                  In the foodon anbasket, the
                                                                                                           uranium        price   increases     above    $50/lb.
           Chart  1: Namibia    CPI  all items                                              global   foodthe and World     Bank’s
                                                                                                                    oil prices       food
                                                                                                                                  this     price
                                                                                                                                        year,     index forinemerging
                                                                                                                                              especially         the first half
sharpest  increases
     annual     basis  on anrecorded
                       were     annual       forlast
                                           basis   were
                                                   fish4 years
                                                           recorded oil
                                                          (+10.2%),    for &
                                                                                 (+10.2%), oil
                                                                                           countries    toChart
                                                                                                             increase     by  12.5%    y-o-y in H1,  while we Countries
& fats (+12.4%)
            9.0    and fruit (+13.6%).                                                      of theChart
                                                                                                     year    4: Top4:Uranium
                                                                                                             (H1).         Top      Uranium
                                                                                                                                      Producing  Producing
                                                                                                                                                     Countries       (2019 E*)(2019 E*)
     (+12.4%) and fruit (+13.6%).                                                          the   Brent   crude     oil  price   to  rise by  38.2%   y-o-y    during   the
            8.0                                                                                               25,000
       1: Namibia     CPI all  items    last   4 years                                     same    period.the
                                                                                            We expect          These
                                                                                                                   Worldsharp    increases
                                                                                                                             Bank’s     foodare
                                                                                                                                                      index dueforto emerging
              1: Namibia CPI all items last 4 years
                                                                                            countriesas both    global food
                                                                                                               increase          and oil y-o-y
                                                                                                                            by 12.5%      price slumped
                                                                                                                                                 in H1, whilein Q2we2020,
      9.0 6.0
                                                                                            the      the worst
                                                                                                 Brent     crude    ofoil
                                                                                                                            ‘Great to Lockdown’.
                                                                                                                                       rise  by     Consequently,
                                                                                                                                                 38.2%     y-o-y        we the
      8.0   5.0
                                                                                           forecast    Namibian
                                                                                            same period.         These
                                                                                                              15,000  inflation
                                                                                                                                      accelerateareto 4.1%
                                                                                                                                                       partly in due
                                                                                                                                                                 2021.to base
                 3.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                         effects asindustry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Uranium     both global food and oil price slumped in Q2 2020,
                 2.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                         during the worst of the ‘Great Lockdown’. Consequently, we
         5.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The  uranium   spot price  seemstotoaccelerate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   have stabilised  at around
                 1.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                         forecast  Namibian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    inflation                 to 4.1%  in 2021.
         4.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $30/lb, after floundering   between $17/lb and $29/lb for the
         3.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Uranium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             past       industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  four years.  This period of lower uranium prices deflated










         2.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 what was supposed to be a boom in Namibian uranium



         1.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The uranium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             exports after thespot  price seems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                completion   of theto havemine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Husab   stabilised  at around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 – the biggest
                 Source: NSA
         0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $30/lb, after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             open-pit uraniumfloundering   between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mine in Africa        $17/lb and $29/lb for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 – in 2016.
                Housing inflation
                              Economics February 2021                                                                          Last year
                                                                                                                past four years.         ThisCPIperiod inflation
                                                                                                                                                             of lower  dipped uranium to a record-low
                                                                                                                                                                                                prices deflated   of 2.2% amid










                                                                                                                what 4:was
                                                                                                                Chart          falling
                                                                                                                           Namibian      oil   prices
                                                                                                                                           Uranium  to be  and     retailers
                                                                                                                                                                a boom
                                                                                                                                                           Output                    unable
                                                                                                                                                                                  in Namibian
                                                                                                                                                                         vs Uranium                to  pass
                                                                                                                                                                                               Price uranium   on   higher costs
             We have       also seen
                     Inflation            housing
                                      rises           inflationhigh
                                             to 15-month          turn positive (+1.0%) for                                    in  Source: World Nuclear Association
                                                                                                                                   the   recession-hit            trading        environment.              Costs    were higher
                                                                                                                exports after the completion of the Husab mine – the biggest
       Sourcethe: NSA
                   first time after being negative since January 2020. It is                                                   due    to  a mine
                                                                                                                                             weaker         Namibian           dollar.
                                                                                                                              uranium  and    and
                                                                                                                                              traders   traders
                                                                                                                                                       in    that
                                                                                                                                                           Africa     that
                                                                                                                                                                       –   in   believe
                                                                                                                                                                                2016.  uranium uranium prices prices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  will  will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        go up go are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  up confident
HOUSING      important
       Housing      inflation
              INFLATION      to understand that rental inflation is only adjusted                                      that prolonged            mine       closures          and mine production           cuts   byproduction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the major producers
                     Headline inflation rose to 2.7% in January 2021 – the highest                                              are confident            that
                                                                                                                                                     Covid-19    prolonged
                                                                                                                                                                   mine closures                 closures       and
We have also onceseen a year, so when            rentalturn
                                                          inflation went(+1.0%)   from -2.3%        in first time              Although         we forecast will            thesoon   average          Namibian        dollar to
                     level housing
                              since October inflation  2019 –positive
                                                                   from 2.4% in December    for the        2020.ChartCameco     cutsand
                                                                                                                         4: Namibian    by theKazatomprom
                                                                                                                                                    major producers
                                                                                                                                              Uranium           Output               Camecopushand    the   global uranium
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Kazatomprom            into a deficit
after being  January
       We have negative
                     also2020      tohousing
                            seen       0.6%   in January
                                         January      2020.
                                                  inflation 2021It isand
                                                               turn        maintenance
                                                                       positive                costs
                                                                                         to understand
                                                                                     (+1.0%)     for          that     that    strengthen
                                                                                                                               will support        to
                                                                                                                                                    higher       prices.invs
                                                                                                                                                          N$15.3/$                  Uranium
                                                                                                                                                                               Furthermore,    fromPricethey 35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                believe  inthat
                     Prices      for food & once   non-alcoholic         beverages         added the most                       soon push the global                 uraniumtechnologies
                                                                                                                                                                                       into a deficitas       that   will  support
             also went
rental inflation      is only up,adjusted
                                     it pushed the housinga year, so   inflation
                                                                           whennumber             up.
                                                                                       rental inflation     went       are regaining
                                                                                                                               inflation isinterestset to in    facenuclear
                                                                                                                                                                          some upward pressure                    the   Paris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     from        Agreement on
       the first timeto      after being
                         inflation.       In  thenegative
                                                    food      since the
                                                           basket,      January
                                                                              sharpest 2020.increases
                                                                                                It is      on  an  200          higher     prices.        Furthermore,              they      believe       that
                                                                                                                                                                                                             30    policymakers
from -2.3%      in   January         2020      to   0.6%    in   January
             Housing inflation only includes rental housing and not the        2021       and    maintenance           climate       change       comes         into    focus.
                                                                                                                   400         global    food     and      oil  prices       this    year,     especially       in  the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    40    first half
               went    toup,
                                     pushed    that
                                             were the rental
                                                                 waterfor    is only
                                                                                  electricity        oil Housing
                                                                                                  are     & fats       Several  are of    the world’s
                                                                                                                                       regaining         interest
                                                                                                                                                                 leading          economies have recognised that nuclear
                                                                                                                                                                         in nuclear
                                                                                                                                                                       mine      closurestechnologies as the Paris
inflation  onlya  year,
                  includes  so    when
                                  rental     rental
                                             housing   inflation
                                                         and    not  went
                                                                       the     from
                                                                            house        -2.3%
                                                                                         prices    in
                                                                                                   themselves.         energy  of the
                                                                                                                                    has  year
                                                                                                                                            to    (H1).
                                                                                                                                                 be     a   key     part      of    their     future
                     (+12.4%)         and   fruit   (+13.6%).
             responsible for 28.6% of the overall inflation number.                                                             Agreement           on    climate       change         comes         intoenergy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            focus.    mix in order to meet
Housing,     water
       January    2020  and      electricity
                            to 0.6%      in Januaryare responsible
                                                         2021    andlevels   for 28.6%costs
                                                                        maintenance             of the overall         ambitious aims of becoming ‘carbon neutral’ by the                                           35 second half of this
             When       rental     inflation     fell from    9.6%               in 2017 to 2%                                 We     expect      the     World        Bank’s        food      price     index    for   emerging
              went   Chart
                       up,Whenit1:    rental inflation
                                    Namibia        CPIhousingfell from
                                                        all items     last9.6%
                                                                             4 years  levels inup.  2017 to 2% 0 century.             Lastof
                                                                                                                                Several       yeartheCPI       inflation
                                                                                                                                                           world’s        leadingdipped        to a record-low
                                                                                                                                                                                         economies                      of 2.2% amid falling
                                                                                                                                                                                                             have recognised
and below,and      below,
               it anchored      it pushed
                                                inflation   at
                                                                lower    at   lower
                                                                                        levels.                        oil     countries
                                                                                                                            prices      and    to    increase
                                                                                                                                               retailers             by
                                                                                                                                                                 unable    12.5%
                                                                                                                                                                               to       y-o-y
                                                                                                                                                                                     pass      on in   H1,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                costs we inproject
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the recession-hit
       Housing inflation only includes rental housing and not the                                                  200          that nuclear energy has to be a key part of their future                            30
                                                                                                                       trading the  environment.
                                                                                                                                      Brent     crude       Costs
                                                                                                                                                            oil   price were  to    higher
                                                                                                                                                                                    rise    by  due
                                                                                                                                                                                                  38.2% to ay-o-y
                                                                                                                                                                                                               weaker      Namibian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      during     the dollar.
Charthouse      prices
        2: Housing
                      8.0  themselves.
                       2: inflation        andHousing,
                           Housing inflation      its and     water
                                                            its         and electricity are
                                                       components                                                      Although energy   we  mix     in orderthe
                                                                                                                                                forecast              to average
                                                                                                                                                                            meet ambitious    Namibian     aimsdollar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of becoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to base
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 strengthen to
                                                                                                                               same      period.
                                                                                                                                       Uranium          These
                                                                                                                                                   production      sharp
                                                                                                                                                                   index    (100increases
                                                                                                                                                                                   =  2015,   lhs) are    partly    due
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25     to
       responsible    7.0 for 28.6% of the overall inflation number.                                                   N$15.3/$ ‘carbon  in neutral’
                                                                                                                                              2021 from     by the        second half
                                                                                                                                                                    N$16.5/$                    of thisinflation
                                                                                                                                                                                         in 2020,           century.is set to face some
          10.0                                                                                                                 effects    as both
                                                                                                                                       Uranium     long   global
                                                                                                                                                          termrising food
                                                                                                                                                                 price   ($/lb,andrhs) oil  price slumped in Q2 2020,
       When rental    6.0 inflation fell from 9.6% levels in 2017 to 2%                                                upward pressure                from                  global      food and oil prices this year, especially
                                                                                                                  Sources      during
                                                                                                                            : NSA,
                                                                                                                      0in the     first   the of
                                                                                                                                      Cameco,    worst      of
                                                                                                                                                    NKC     year the(H1).
                                                                                                                                                                        ‘Great Lockdown’. Consequently,
                                                                                                                                                                       Economics                                    20           we
       and8.0below,   5.0it anchored overall inflation at lower levels.
                                                                                                                       We      forecast
                                                                                                                               expect        Namibian
                                                                                                                                           the    World         inflation
                                                                                                                                                               Bank’s            to
                                                                                                                                                                               food   accelerate
                                                                                                                                                                                         price      index to 4.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for    in  2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     emerging      countries to
                                                                                                                       increase by 12.5% y-o-y in H1, while we project the Brent crude oil price
            4.0 2: Housing
                      3.0           inflation and its components                                                       to rise
                                                                                                                The push       Uranium
                                                                                                                               to by    38.2%
                                                                                                                                    $30/lb    industryy-o-y during
                                                                                                                                               is mainly         thanksthe      to same
                                                                                                                                                                                      major period.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 producers   These sharp increases are
                      2.0                                                                                              partly            Uranium
                                                                                                                                         to baseproduction             index     (100global
                                                                                                                                                                                         = 2015, foodlhs) and oil price slumped in Q2
            2.0                                                                                                 Cameco       anddue  Kazatomprom         effects
                                                                                                                                                             cutting   as    both
                                                                                                                                                                             production            to boost
     10.0                                                                                                                      The    uranium
                                                                                                                                         Uranium       spot    price
                                                                                                                                                       long term     price seems        toLockdown’.
                                                                                                                                                                              ($/lb, rhs)    have stabilised           at aroundwe forecast
            0.0       1.0                                                                                       prices2020,
                                                                                                                          as well  during     the worst
                                                                                                                                        as temporary             ofcoronavirus-induced
                                                                                                                                                                     the     ‘Great                      mine  Consequently,
      8.0             0.0                                                                                              Namibian
                                                                                                                   Sources    :$30/lb,  inflation
                                                                                                                                NSA, Cameco,             to accelerate
                                                                                                                                                        NKC    African between     to 4.1%
                                                                                                                                                                             Economics            in 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                              $17/lb       and $29/lb for the
           -2.0                                                                                                 closures.    However,        there      are  also     signs      of   an   improvement
                                                                                                                       URANIUM past      INDUSTRY
                                                                                                                                       four   years. This periodcould            of lower        uranium   intoprices    deflated












      6.0                                                                                                       in uranium
                                                                                                                       The uraniummarket      sentiment,
                                                                                                                                              spot price which     seems to have          translate
                                                                                                                                                                                                 stabilised        at around $30/lb, after
                                                                                                                significantly  what
                                                                                                                                  higher was     supposed
                                                                                                                                            prices      and   the    to     be aofboom
                                                                                                                                                                     fruition            domestic   in Namibian
                                                                                                                                                                                                         mine            uranium
                                                                                                                       floundering between $17/lb and $29/lb for the past four years. This period





                                                                                                                The pushand      tomine
                                                                                                                               exports$30/lbafter  isthemainly
                                                                                                                                                            completionthanksoftothe        major producers
                      Source: NSA
                                                                                                                       of lower             reopenings.
                                                                                                                                       uranium           prices      deflated           whatHusab  was mine        – the biggest
                                                                                                                                                                                                            supposed        to be a boom in
      2.0                                                                                                       Cameco Namibianand
                                                                                                                                         uranium             mine
                                                                                                                                                          exports cuttingin
                                                                                                                                                                         after     production
                                                                                                                                                                              Africa the–completion
                                                                                                                                                                                             in 2016.    to boost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of the Husab mine – the
      0.0            Housing         inflation
                        HOUSING, WATER, ELECTRICITY, GAS AND OTHER FUELS                                        pricesbiggest
                                                                                                                           as well        as temporary
                                                                                                                                     open-pit        uranium mine      coronavirus-induced
                                                                                                                                                                                in Africa – in 2016.            mine
                        Rental payments for dwelling (both owners and renters)                                  closures. However,             there areUranium   also signs           of an vs  improvement
     -2.0               Regular maintenance and repair of dwelling                                                             Chart     4:  Namibian                              Output             Uranium        Price
                     We    have also seen housing inflation turn positive (+1.0%) forin uranium                        Chart 4:       Namibian
                                                                                                                                   market                 Uranium
                                                                                                                                                 sentiment,            whichOutput   couldvs Uranium
                                                                                                                                                                                                 translate Price into
             Sourcethe: NSA first time after being negative since January 2020. It issignificantly higher prices and the fruition of domestic mine














    Chart 3: Namibianimportant      Uranium        Outputthat
                                        to understand          perrental
                                                                                (*Tonnes     is only adjusted                      400                                                                                            40
Chart 3: Namibian Uranium Output per mine (*Tonnes uranium oxide) start-ups and mine reopenings. Covid-19 mine closures
    uranium oxide)   once a year, so when rental inflation went from -2.3% in
       7,000         JanuaryWATER,  2020 ELECTRICITY,
                                            to 0.6% in January          2021 and        maintenance costs                                                                                                                         35
                 HOUSING,                                  GAS AND OTHER          FUELS
       6,000 Rental  alsopayments
                             went up,         it pushed
                                         for dwelling   (boththe
                                                               ownershousing        inflation number up.
                                                                         and renters)
       5,000 Regular        maintenance and repair of dwelling
                     Housing inflation only includes rental housing and not the                                                    200                                                                                            30
       Source: NSA   house prices themselves. Housing, water and electricity are
       3,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                      25
                     responsible for 28.6% of the overall inflation number.
       2,000         When rental inflation fell from 9.6% levels in 2017 to 2%
       1,000                                                                                                                          0                                                                                           20
                     and below, it anchored overall inflation at lower levels.
                                 Chart2013  2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
                                       2: Housing inflation and its components
              Trekkopje    Rössing     Langer Heinrich                                                                                                                                   Husab                                                                                    Uranium production index (100 = 2015, lhs)
               10.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Uranium long term price ($/lb, rhs)
       Source: PSG, Namibia of Chamber of Mines
                8.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sources: NSA, Cameco, NKC African Economics
Currently there are only two operational uranium mines in Namibia,
namely  Husabthere
              6.0    are only
                 (owned        two operational
                         by China              uranium
                                    General Nuclear)  andmines in (owned
                                                          Rössing                                                                                                                                                                                  The push to $30/lb is mainly thanks to major producers Cameco and Kazatomprom
by Namibia,  namely
   China National     Husab Corporation),
              4.0 Nuclear     (owned by China
                                           both General  Nuclear)
                                                in the Erongo  region near                                                                                                                                                                         cutting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             push to to$30/lb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           boost prices as well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is mainly      as temporary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              thanks   to majorcoronavirus-induced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  producers           mine
   and Rössing Two more mines are under care and maintenance, namely
              2.0(owned by China National Nuclear Corporation),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   closures. However, there are also signs of an improvement in uranium market
Langer Heinrich (owned by Paladin) and Trekkopje (owned by Orano). The                                                                                                                                                                                  Cameco
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   sentiment,      andcould
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               which      Kazatomprom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             translate intocutting   production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            significantly           to boost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          higher prices and the fruition of
   both in the0.0
                  Erongo region near Swakopmund. Two more                                                                                                                                                                                               prices   as start-ups
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      well asandtemporary      coronavirus-induced mine
former has completed    a $81m restart plan and awaits an improved price                                                                                                                                                                           domestic  mine                  mine reopenings.
  mines are under care and maintenance, namely Langer                                                                                                                                                                                                   closures. However, there are also signs of an improvement
  Heinrich (owned by Paladin) and Trekkopje (owned by                                                                                                                                                                                                   in uranium market sentiment, which could translate into
4          -4.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring
  Orano). The former has completed a $81m restart plan and                                                                                                                                                                                              significantly higher prices and the fruition of domestic mine













RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Speenkalf Seisoen
Audrey Mostert
Agra Borgskap en Promosies
Die 2021 Agra Weaner Championship Series is nie net ‘n glansryke              te wen, met ‘n toekenning vir die grootste totale besteding gedurende die
geleentheid nie, die hoof doel is om te fokus op die verbetering van          kampioenskapreeks, sowel ‘n prys vir die grootste aantal diere wat op elke
standaarde in die veeproduksie sektor. Dit is ook ‘n geleentheid vir boere    veiling gekoop word.
om hul produksiekwaliteit ten toon te stel en om beloon te word vir bo-
gemiddelde boerderypraktyke.                                                  Een van die hoogtepunte in 2020 was dat speenkalwers gemiddeld
Hierdie reeks bied ook ‘n platform vir jong en opkomende boere om hulself,    ongeveer 20 kg swaarder was as die vorige jaar. Boonop was daar ook nog
sowel as hulle vordering te meet aan nasionale standaarde.                    ‘n prys styging van byna 30% in vergelyking met die 2019 seisoen.

Toekennings vir verkopers word in drie verskillende kategorieë aangebied.     Audrey Mostert, organiseerder van die Agra Weaner Championship Series,
Tollie-kalwers word op voerkraal- en veldpotensiaal beoordeel, terwyl verse   praat met Mnr. Frans Lottering van Gobabis – die algehele wenner vir 2020.
op hul teelpotensiaal beoordeel word. Kopers staan ook ‘n kans om pryse       Hy lig sy mening oor wat vanjaar se Boere in gedagte moet hou wanneer
                                                                              hulle diere inskryf vir hierdie kompetisie.

                                                                              WAT BETEKEN DIE SPEENKALF KOMPETISIE VIR U?
                                                                              “Ons is deel van die Agra Weaner Championship Series vanaf 1980.
                                                                              Wyle Oom Jan van Heerden die destydse Agra Gobabis Lewendehawe
                                                                              bestuurder, het ons ingeskryf vir die eerste kompetisie. Omrede ons
                                                                              belange het by Agra, was ons altyd lojaal teenoor Agra met die speenkalf
                                                                              veilings, wat later ‘n jaarlikse kompetisie geword het. Nadat die speenkalf
                                                                              veilings in 2011 na ‘n algehele kompetisie vir Namibie uitgebrei het, is dit
                                                                              nou vir ons ‘n maatstaf.”

                                                                              WAT IS U WENSRESEP VIR SO ‘N KOMPETISIE?
                                                                              “Die grootste bydrae tot die korrekte boerdery-beleid van ‘n speenkalf
                                                                              produsent is om eerstens lief te wees vir boerdery asook die die ras
                                                                              waarmee jy boer. Jy moet geneties vordering maak, al boer jy kommersieel.
                                                                              Die aankoop van korrekte, goed gekeurde bulle vir kruisteling tesame met
                                                                              ‘n gesonde, vrugbare, eenvormige koeikudde, is van kardinale belang.”

                                                                              WANNEER MOET BOERE BEGIN VOORBEREI VIR DIE KOMPETISIE?
                                                                              “Die voorbereiding begin reeds met die seleksie van jou koeikudde. Daarmee
                                                                              saam jou jaarlikse inentings program, asook die nodige lek aanvulling soos
                                                                              benodig deur die diere in ons land met die onderskeie seisoene, asook ‘n
                                                                              goeie weidingsbestuur wat ‘n gesonde dier kan produseer. Ons slagspreuk
                                                                              is: “As jy vir jou diere sorg, sal hulle vir jou sorg!”

                                                                              WAARNA KAN BOERE GEWOONLIK UITSIEN BY HIERDIE KOMPETISIE?
                                                                              “‘n Mens is nooit te oud om te leer en so leer ons elke jaar by die kompetisie,
                                                                              hetsy by die medetelers en/of by Agra personeel, tesame met die groot
                                                                              groep borge. Dit laat jou ook weer goed besef hoe afhanklik ons regtig van
                                                                              die Vader is en is dan opreg dankbaar vir Sy Groot Genade.”

                                                                              Die 2021 Agra Weaner Championship Series skop 14 Julie 2021 af en eindig
                                                                              7 September 2021. Boere wat aan hierdie gesogte kompetisie wil deel
                                                                              neem kan die Agra webtuiste besoek en ook die Agra Auctions Facebook
                                                                              blad dophou vir verdere inligting. Inligting sal ook by die verskillende Agra
                                                                              takke landswyd beskikbaar wees.

                                                                              Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus die Agra Auctions streesbestuurders:
                                                                              Noorde: Flip du Plessis 081 630 8120
                                                                              Suide: Jannie Louw 081 159 9646
                                                                              Sentraal: Herman Lintvelt 081 129 9987

                                                                                   Agra-Auctions                                    www.agra.com.na

MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring                                                                                                                                     5
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

Savage Arms - Underrated in Africa
If you Google any topic relevant to shooting, you are pretty much          ensure a perfect fit to the shooter. If you are in the market for “one
guaranteed to stumble across two big US rifle manufacturers being          rifle to do it all,” or as a farm work-horse, the Savage 110 is probably
discussed at length. One of them has been in the news of late for          going to give you exactly what you are after. It’s also perfect for an
being bankrupt… the other one, is Savage.                                  on-hand “client rifle,” as it can be set up to the individual’s specs
In every elk or deer hunting discussion, every calibre debate, every       and it will be able to withstand the punishment of hunting in the
reloading thread and every backyard political post, there will be a        African bush. The Predator range includes your smaller varminting
story somewhere about a guy who believes that the actual foundation        calibres, while the Long-Range Hunter has a large variety of common
of the universe is held together somehow by the magical presence of        hunting calibres for bigger game.
the Savage bolt-action rifle.                                              Work or play, Savage has all the expertise and experience to ensure
It is easy to joke about the Yanks and how intensely passionate they       you have products that work, so all you have to do is focus on pulling
get about shooting guns. But there is a romanticism there that I           the trigger at the right time.
somehow relate to. There is also a very strong message to the high-
end, upmarket European variants – that a cheap old Savage can
likely out-shoot anything they bring to the table, and at about a third
of the price. That, and it will likely also be able to outlast a can of
bully beef in the bush.
Savage has an incredible offering in terms of their variety of different
rifle styles, designs, calibres, uses and customizing potential – why
then has it remained rather obscurely hidden from the forefront in
Africa? The Savage 110 GRS that I shot with and reviewed last year
is simply an obscene amount of rifle for the price. I honestly cannot
imagine how Savage is able to put out accurate, high quality rifles at
the prices they do.
The Savage 110 series (both the Predator and Long-Range Hunting
models in particular) are the perfect go-to option for anyone
looking for affordable, accurate and durable rifles. These rifles have
customisable cheek raisers and stock inserts for length of pull, to

MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring                                                                                                                           7
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

Hoekom fasevoeding by braaikuikens?
Carlien Dames
Monogastriese voedingskundige
Met verloop van jare het die koste om ‘n braaikuiken groot te maak tot            se lewe is die periode waar die vinnigste skelet-, spier- en immuunsisteem
slaggereedheid, al duurder geword. Die toename in koste kan toegeskryf            ontwikkeling plaasvind. Om hierdie rede is die aanvangskrummels die
word aan heelwat faktore, onder andere duurder voerkoste (toename in die          nutrient digste voer van al die fases. Dit het onder andere ‘n hoër protein
koste van rou materiale), krag en water asook medikasie koste en ander. As        en minerale waarde as die ander fases.
gevolg van hierdie styging het die belangrikheid toegeneem om kuikens so          Die groeikorrels word gewoonlik gevoer vanaf dag 14 tot minimum 3 dae
effektief moontlik groot te maak om die laagste insetkoste te verseker. Voer      voor slag. Hierdie voer is minder nutrient dig, maar verskaf wel alle nodige
is die grootste koste van die totale insetkoste om braaikuikens uit te groei,     nutriënte nodig vir verdere effektiewe groei. Minerale persentasies is
daarom die druk om die voer so effektief moontlik om gesonde, optimale            ook minder as in die aanvangskrummels, aangesien oorvoorsiening van
groei te verseker. Van laasgenoemde kom die hele idee van fasevoeding.            minerale soms nadelig kan wees vir die kuiken, en ook dan natuurlik
                                                                                  onnodige ekstra kostes dra indien dit steeds in die voer gevoeg sou word.
                                                                                  Die afrondkorrels word die laaste 3-5 dae vir die kuiken gevoer.  Die is die
                                                                                  minste nutrient dig van al die fases. Die hoof rede vir die voer van hierdie
                                                                                  fase, is om voorsiening te maak om enige medisinale produkte uit die voer,
                                                                                  en uit die kuiken te onttrek voor slag. Die medisinale produk soos genoem
                                                                                  is byvoorbeeld die koksidiostaat. ‘n Koksidiostaat voorkom koksidiose in
                                                                                  groeiende kuikens. Koksidiose is ‘n geïnfekteerde dermtoestand van die
                                                                                  kuikens, veroorsaak deur protozoa (enkelsel parasiete). Dit is die siekte
                                                                                  wat reg oor die wêreld die meeste aangemeld word in hoenderhuise.
                                                                                  Simptome van hierdie siekte kan insluit bloederige mis, hoë mortaliteit
                                                                                  en ‘n daling in voer inname. Dermskade kan aanleiding gee tot ander
                                                                                  bakteriese siektes om pos te vat in die kuiken en verskeie verergerende
                                                                                  gesondheidstoestande veroorsaak.
                                                                                  Dit is dus van groot belang om hierdie siekte te voorkom om groot finansiële
                                                                                  verliese te keer.
                                                                                  Tesame met die fasevoeding word daar ook voerprogramme deur
                                                                                  Feedmaster verskaf wat presies aandui hoe die fasevoeding aangewend
                                                                                  moet word om suksesvolle groei van jou kuikens te verseker. Wanneer
Wat is fasevoeding?                                                               jy egter jou eie program volg en nie die vooropgestelde voorskrifte soos
Fasevoeding is die voer van verskillende voere, met verskillende nutrient         verskaf nie, kan onsuksesvolle groei nie noodwendig aan die voerverskaffer
waardes, tydens die verskillende groei ouderdomme van die kuiken. Hierdie         toegeskryf word nie.
praktyk word so gevolg aangesien die kuiken tydens sy opeenvolgende
groeifases verskillende nutrient behoeftes het. Hoe ouer die kuiken word,         ‘n Aanduiding van hoe die lisien (‘n bousteen van protein) en Kalsium se
hoe stadiger is die relatiewe groeitempo. Dit beteken dat die relatiewe           behoefte afneem namate die kuiken ouer word.
hoeveelheid voedingstowwe wat benodig word, afneem namate die
ouderdom toeneem. Wanneer slegs een tipe voer deur die kuiken se totale
lewe gevoer word, sal daar slegs aan die gemiddelde nutrient behoeftes van
die kuiken voldoen word en nie aan die spesifieke nutrient behoefte nie.
Die kuiken sal dus groei maar nie teen maksimale genetiese potensiaal nie.
Wanneer fasevoeding gevolg word, verkry die kuiken presies sy nutrient
behoefte tydens elke fase en sal die kuiken maksimale genetiese groei
potensiaal kan bereik. Die oorvoeding of ondervoeding van nutriënte word
ook dan vermy.
Fasevoeding wissel meestal van 3 tot 5 fases.  Hoe meer fases hoe beter
moet die bestuur daarvan wees, aangesien daar ‘n spesifieke dag aangedui
word waarop die kuiken moet oorskuif na die volgende fase. Die standaard
fasevoeding program bestaan uit 3 fases; Aanvangskrummels, Groeikorrels
en Afrondkorrels.
Aanvangskrummels word gewoonlik gevoer van dag-oud tot ongeveer dag
13.  Die vorm van die voer is fyner as dié van die groei – en afrond korrels.
Die rede hiervoor is dat die kuiken nog baie klein is en nie noodwendig groot
partikels effektief sal kan op-pik nie. Die eerste twee weke van die kuiken

8                                                                                                                                 MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...
MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring   9
RINGMARCH 2021 Voorbereiding vir die 2021 Weaner Auction Series - Agra ...

             Study Farming Online
                         REGISTRATIONS FOR 2021 ARE NOW OPEN
           THE AGRA AGRICULTURAL ACADEMY managed by Agra ProVision, proudly presents
              a one-of-a-kind Agri-learn, e-learn platform that offers students a progressive
                      opportunity to study in their own time, space and workplace.

                                                         CONTACT US
                                                         Tel.: +264 61 290 9208

10     www.agra.com.na                                                    www.facebook.com/Agra.ProVision
                                                                                  MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring
AK47                                                                Alphathrin                                                           Avi-stelspuit                  Fly Bait
      • Controls flies, bedbugs,                                          • Controls flies, ants,                                              metered                        • Highly effective, ready to
        cockroaches and                                                     bedbugs, cockroaches,                                              spray for insects                use granular bait
        mosquitoes                                                          fish moths, fleas and                                                                             • Can be used as a dry
                                                                                                                                               • Controls flies, mosquitoes
      • Long lasting action                                                 mosquitoes                                                                                          scatter bait or wet as a
                                                                                                                                                 and moths
      • Packed in a water soluble                                         • Quick knockdown, long                                                                               surface spray or paint on
                                                                                                                                               • Use in a Avimatic or
        sachet, no measuring or                                             lasting action                                                                                    • Attracts and kills flies
                                                                                                                                                 Stelsproei automatic
        handling of product                                               • No smell, no staining                                                                               through contact or
      • No smell, no staining                                                                                                                                                   stomach action
                                                                                                                                               • 300 ml canister gives
                                                                                                                                                 30 days control

   Top tip:
   For ultimate results and in order to prevent resistance development against a pesticide, it is advised that you frequently switch to a different mode action.

  Enquire about our complete range in-store or contact us on
  0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)

  AK47: N-AR 1173, Lambda-cyhalothrin 100 g/kg, CAUTION Reg Holder: Bitrad Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Reg No 2002/025636/07, PO Box 51454 Wierda
  Park, 0149 Alphathrin: N-AR1023, Alpha-cypermethrin (Pyrethroid) 100 g/l, HARMFUL, Reg Holder: Arysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Reg No:
  2009/019713/07, 7 Sunbury Office Park, Off. Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia, 4019 Avi-stelspuit metered spray for insects: N-AR 1772,
  d-Phenothrin 10 g/kg, piperonyl butoxide 100 g/kg, CAUTION, Reg Holder: Avima (Edms) Bpk. Mpy. Reg No. 1961/001744/07, PO Box 3131, Kenmare,
  1745, Tel (011) 769-1300 Fly Bait: N-AR1214, Methomyle (Carbamate)10 g/kg, (Z)-9-Tricosene (Pheromone) 1 g/kg, CAUTION, Registration Holder:
  Lifeguard Sciences (Pty) Ltd, Registration number: 2014/079879/07, PO Box 3221, Cascades, 3202 Distributed by: Protek, a division of PE BEE Agri
  (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 72, Heidelberg, 1438. Tel (011) 812 9800 or 0861 PROTEK (0861) 77 68 35, www.protek.co.za

MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring                                                                                                                                                                                       11
12   MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring

MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring              13

                   Agra Retail
                   Define Your
                   On 26 February, Agra Retail launched its
                   Define Your Adventure Campaign. The
                   campaign will run until 20 April 2021. The
                   theme of the campaign is to encourage
                   customers to define what adventure means
                   to them, because we believe that everyone’s
                   idea of adventure is different.
                   The campaign is two-fold. The first,
                   participants stand the chance to win
                   an outdoor adventure kit to the value of
                   N$25,000 at any Agra branch. All they have
                   to do is purchase for N$1,000 or more at
                   any Agra branch countrywide, SMS the word
                   “Outdoor” and their till slip TX number to
                   30300. SMSs cost N$1.50 each.
                   The second, is social media driven. 10
                   lucky participants stand a chance to win
                   a N$1,000 Agra voucher. Participants can
                   enter on the Agra and Agra Safari Den
                   Facebook and Instagram pages. To enter on
                   Facebook, participants they need to share
                   a photo of their outdoor adventure and tag
                   two of their favourite “adventure buddies”
                   in the comments section; like the original
                   post; and share the post to their personal
                   Facebook timeline.
                   On Instagram, participants can enter by
                   posting a photo of their outdoor adventure;
                   tag Agra Safari Den in their post; and Tag
                   two of their “adventure buddies” in their
                   Agra Safari Den (available at all Agra
                   branches country wide) is your one-stop
                   destination for every adventure.

14                                     MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring

      •   Selfgemengde lekke is smaaklik en lei tot verhoogde inname.
      •   Hoogs opneembare suikers help om domsiekte by ooie op lae-energie weiding te voorkom.
      •   Uitstekende aanvulling vir droë diere op lae-gehalte ruvoer en weiding.
      •   Handhaaf die massa van koeie en ooie.
      •   Verbeterde konsepsie.

                                                                   UITGROEI VAN KALWERS
                                                                             Meester 20   kg   280
                                                                             Sout         kg   50
                                                                             Totaal       kg   330
                                                                          1,5 – 2,0 kg/vers/dag
                                                                        Meester 20 kan net so teen
                                                                         1,25 – 1,75 kg/vers/dag
                                                                               gevoer word
                        HERKOUER-                                                                      PRODUKSIELEK VIR
                         WILDSLEK                                                                      KOEIE, KALWERS EN
                Meester 20                kg      200
                                                                                                      AFRONDING OP VELD
                Molatek Bypass            kg      50                                                   Meester 20     kg    280
                Mieliemeel                kg      50                                                   Mieliemeel     kg    280
                Sout                      kg      50                                                   Sout           kg    100
                Totaal                    kg      350                                                  Totaal         kg    660
                Kleinwild: 250 – 300 g/dag                                                               2,1 – 3,0 kg/koei/dag
                Grootwild: 500 – 600 g/dag

                                                                                                                                                 uppe marketing A28484
                                                                                                           LAATDRAGTIGE EN
                        SOMER-                                                                             VROEËLAKTERENDE
                      FOSFAATLEK                                                                                 OOIE
                  Meester 20           kg      40                                                       Meester 20         kg     200
                  P12                  kg      50                                                       Mieliemeel         kg     150
                  Sout                 kg      50                                                       Molatek Bypass     kg     100
                  Totaal               kg      140                                                      Sout               kg     50
                                                                                                        Totaal             kg     500
                       28 – 56 g/ooi/dag
                              en                                                                           Voer 430 g/ooi/dag
                     135 – 270 g/bees/dag                                    PRIKKELVOEDING            vir eenling-lakterende ooie
                                                                                 VIR OOIE                   en 560 g/ooi/dag
                                                                                                               vir tweeling-
                                                                         Meester 20       kg   600
                                                                         Mieliemeel       kg   300           lakterende ooie
                                                                         Sout             kg   100
                                                                         Totaal           kg   1000
                                                                           350 – 500 g/ooi/dag
                                                                        Voer Meester 20 net so teen
                                                                           250 – 300 g/ooi/dag

           Vir meer inligting oor Molatek se spesifieke voere en dienste, kontak:
           RCL FOODS: www.rclfoods.com
           MOLATEK: +27(0)13 791-1036 | www.molatek.co.za | molatek@rclfoods.com
           Meester 20 Reg. No. V5971 (Wet 36 van 1947), Namibië: N-FF 0667
           Bypass Reg. No. V21556 (Wet 36 van 1947), Namibië: N-FF 2425                                         Samewerking lei tot prestasie
MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring                                                                                                                      15

16              MARCH 2021 | Agra Ring

JANUARY                                       5 Meatmaster Production Auction              5 Gobabis Bonsmara Auction
29 Dorper Stud Auction                           J Hanekom - Keetmanshoop                     Gobabis
   Le Roux van Wyk - Stampriet                14 Hartebeestloop Bonsmara Auction           6 Outjo Production Auction
                                                 Farm Hartebeestloop, Stampriet               Outjo
                                              27 Summit Production and Game                10 Namibia Genetics Bull and Female
FEBRUARY                                         Auction                                      Auction
18 Boer Goat Production Auction                  Windhoek                                     Windhoek
   G van Wyk - Windhoek                                                                    13 Tsumeb Show Auction
25 Central Select Sale                                                                        Tsumeb
                                              3 Northern Select Sale
                                                 Windhoek                                  SEPTEMBER
MARCH                                         10 Boer Goat Breeders Society Auction        2 G8 Bonsmara
17 Samehaling Dorper, White Dorper               Windhoek                                     Windhoek
   & Meatmaster Auction                       12 Super Game & Okosongoro Boma              7 Central Select Sale
   Farm Samehaling, Aroab                        Game Auction                                 Windhoek
19 Boer Goat & Meatmaster                        Omaruru                                   10 Keetmanshoop Show Auction
   Production Auction                         15 Hochfeld Joint Production Auction            Keetmanshoop
   A Horn, R Mans & J Hanekom, Otjiwarongo       Windhoek                                  29 Gobabis Beefmaster
                                              24 Westelike Bonsmara Auction                   Gobabis
APRIL                                         25 Boer Goat Production Auction
9 Agri Mega Day & Game Auction                   W & T Coetzee - Windhoek                  OCTOBER
   Farm Klein Otjikango Ost - Kalkfeld                                                     8 Paresis Bull and Female Auction
10 Avicultural Association of Namibia                                                         Otjiwarongo
   Auction                                    JULY                                         13 Hochfeld Joint Production Auction
   Windhoek                                   8 BXB Elite Auction                             Farm Okongeama, Hochfeld
14 7th Signalberg Meatmaster Auction -           Windhoek                                  14 Sim Xtravaganza Auction
   Farm Signalberg, Grünau                    13 Samehaling Dorper, White Dorper &            Windhoek
15 Southern Large Stock Stud Auction             Meatmaster Auction                        19 National Brahman Auction
   Mariental                                     Farm Samehaling - Aroab                      Windhoek
16 10th Otjiwarongo Small Stock Stud          15 Bethal, Dankbaar, M Lourens               21 Conradie Genetics - Boer Goat and
   Auction                                       Meatmaster                                   Meatmaster Auction
   Otjiwarongo                                   Otjiwarongo                                  Dirk Louw - Windhoek
22 Boer Goat Production Auction               23 Top 10 Bonsmara Auction                   26 National Boran Auction
   S Botes - Windhoek                            Otjiwarongo                                  Windhoek
29 Namibia Genetics Bull and Female Auction   29 Schumacher Bonsmara Auction
   Windhoek                                      Windhoek
                                                                                           5 Northern Select Sale
MAY                                           AUGUST                                          Grootfontein
1 Outjo Game Auction                          4 Dorper Production Auction                  11 BXB Elite Auction
  Outjo                                         J du Toit - Stampriet                         Windhoek
                                                                                           19 Noordelike Bul Veiling

                PAUL KLEIN                       GEORGE PEARSON                      ANKE ERASMUS
                081 128 6731                     081 122 3623                        061 290 9226 | 081 288 9310
                                                 JACO VAN ZYL                        anke@agra.com.na
                                                 081 363 8318

                       AGRA-Auctions                    www.agra.com.na       Auctions may be cancelled or postponed without prior notice.

                    MARCH 2021
Tuesday, 2 March            Outjo
                            Mariental Cattle
                            Rehoboth Large & Small

Wednesday, 3 March          Grootfontein
                            Karasburg Cattle

Thursday, 4 March           Helmeringhausen

Friday, 5 March             Otavi

Wednesday, 10 March         Akanous

Tuesday, 11 March           Otjiwarongo
                            Keetmanshoop Cattle

Wednesday, 12 March         Kamanjab

Tuesday, 16 March           Aranos
                            Rehoboth Large & Small

Wednesday, 17 March         SAMEHALING DORPERS &
                            MEATMASTERS ONLINE & ON-SITE
                            – AROAB

                            - OTJIWARONGO
                            Otjiwarongo Small

Tuesday, 23 March           Namatubis

Wednesday, 24 March         Karasburg
                                                                         AUCTION REMINDER
Thursday, 25 March          Otjiwarongo
                            Keetmanshoop                                                    APRIL - MAY 2021

Friday, 26 March            Gobabis

Tuesday, 30 March           Okakarara
                                                                     SATURDAY, 10 APRIL 2021                                      THURSDAY, 22 APRIL 2021
                                                                                                                                             ED BOER GOAT
Wednesday, 31 March         Grootfontein                       AVICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF NAMIBIA                    STEPHAN BOTES AND GUEST
                                                                            AUCTION                                            PRODUCTION
                            Koës                                10:00, AGRA / Bank Windhoek Ring - Windhoek                  18:00, AGRA / Bank Windhoek Ring - Windhoek

                                                                   WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 2021                                       THURSDAY, 29 APRIL 2021
                                                               SIGNALBERG MEATMASTER PRODUCTION                         NAMIBIA GENETICS BULL AND FEMALE STUD
  ENQUIRIES                                                         ONLINE & ON-SITE AUCTION                                  ONLINE & ON-SITE AUCTION
                                                                      11:00, Farm Signalberg – Grünau                        18:00, AGRA / Bank Windhoek Ring - Windhoek
  Stud Auctions
                                                                     THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 2021                                          FRIDAY, 14 MAY 2021
  Large Stock        Paul Klein                081 128 6731      SOUTHERN BULL AND FEMALE STUD                       HARTEBEESTLOOP BONSMARA ONLINE & ON-SITE
                     Kiep Lepen                081 124 0648                AUCTION                                                   AUCTION
                                                                    11:00, AGRA Auction Pen - Mariental                      11:00, Farm Hartebeesloop – Stampriet district
  Small Stock        George Pearson            081 122 3623
                     Jaco van Zyl              081 363 8318            FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 2021                                       THURSDAY, 27 MAY 2021
                                                              OTJIWARONGO SMALL STOCK STUD AUCTION                       SUMMIT PRODUCTION AND GAME AUCTION
                                                                   12:00, AGRA Auction Pen – Otjiwarongo                     11:00, AGRA / Bank Windhoek Ring - Windhoek
  Commercial Auctions
  South         Jannie Louw                    081 159 9646
  North         Flip Du Plessis                081 630 8120
  Central       Herman Lintvelt                081 129 9987

               or contact your nearest AGRA branch.
         Auctions can be cancelled or postponed.                                                                ENQUIRIES
                                                                         Small Stock Auctions                 Large Stock Auctions                Stud Auctions
                                                                         George Pearson   Jaco Van Zyl        Paul Klein       Kiep Lepen         Anke Erasmus
                                                                         081 122 3623     081 363 8318        081 128 6731     081 124 0648       061 290 9226
                                                                                    Auctions can be cancelled or postponed without prior notice.

                                                                              Agra-Auctions                                                            www.agra.com.na
2PAY             SIX
                                             Finance your Firearm &
                                             Accessories through us!

         • With our new Six2Pay financing option, you now have 6 months to pay
           for your firearm when you buy from Agra Safari Den
         • Inquire in store and remember to bring along a copy of your ID to apply
                                                                                                     T’s & C’s apply.

                                                                    savage model 10 GRS
                                                                   Whether you’re looking to beat top long-range shooters or just your personal
                                                                  best, you’ll push precision to the limit with the Model 10 GRS. The rifle
                                                                 houses the full suite of accuracy-enhancing Savage features firmly within a
                                                                GRS stock made of 15 percent fiberglass-reinforced Durethan®, with 65 percent
                                                               glass bedding material. The rock-stable stock’s slimmed-down dimensions and
                                                             textured surfaces provide a better grip in wet conditions, while its length-of-pull
                                                            can be adjusted to fit any shooter. Its Savage action, precise button rifling, fluted
                                                           heavy barrel and user-adjustable AccuTrigger™ deliver the accuracy of custom rifles
                                                          at a fraction of the price.

                                                       • GRS adjustable stock made of 15 percent fiberglass-reinforced Durethan
                                                      • User-adjustable Savage AccuTrigger
                                                     • Slim grip and fore-end with textured rubber grip surfaces
                                                   • Adjustable length-of-pull
                                                  • 5/8-24 threaded muzzle
                                                 • Fluted heavy barrel
                                                • Flush cup sling loops included and sling mount for bipod use installed

THIS MODEL IS AVAILABLE AT AGRA SAFARI DEN                                                    SKU Number                 22596
                                                                                              Action                     Bolt
                                                                                              Barrel Color               Black
                                                                                              Barrel Finish              Matte
                                                                                              Barrel Length (in)/(cm)    24 / 61.0
                                                                                              Barrel Material            Carbon Steel
                                                                                              Caliber                    6.5 CREEDMOOR
                                                                                              Magazine Capacity          10
                                                                                              Hand                       Right
                                                                                              Length of Pull (in)/(cm)   13.25-14.5 / 33.0
                                                                                              Magazine                   Detachable Box Magazine
                                                                                              Overall Length (in)/(cm)   44 / 111.8
                                                                                              Rate of Twist (in)         1 in 8
                                                                                              Receiver Color             Black
                                                                                              Receiver Finish            Matte
                                                                                              Receiver Material          Carbon Steel
                                                                                              Type                       Centerfire
                                                                                              Stock Color                Black
                                                                                              Stock Finish               Matte
                                                                                              Stock Material             Synthetic
                                                                                              Stock Type                 Pistol Grip
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