RIDING THE TIGER - Lumbard & Kellner, LLC

Page created by Mike Castro
ST R AT EGI E S , T R EN DS A N D N EWS FOR TODAY’S I N V E STOR S                          JA N UA R Y 2022

     S&P 500 4,766.18 * Dow Jones Industrials 36,338.30 * 30 year U.S. Treasury Bond 1.91%

                                       RIDING THE TIGER
 It’s said that you should only buy                                         are now paying dividends of
 Chinese stocks when you’re sure                                            just 1.3%, but that cash payout
 that the Chinese government                                                is only about a third of their
 wants the stock market to go                                               earnings. The other two-thirds
 up. When you think about it,                                               generally come back to investors
 the U.S. stock market has been                                             one way or another.
 rising because our government
 pushed it higher, intentionally,                                           We’re looking more and more at
 with outlandishly-powerful             “fiscal drag” on the economy        stocks that pay good dividends,
 fiscal and monetary policy.            of 2022.                            and at companies that provide
 We’ve been on a Halloween                                                  essential goods or services that
 Sugar High, and the Fed is still       Still, the choice to stay in the    will continue to be in demand
 forcing the stock market higher        stock market is made easier         in a weaker economy. The hot
 by blasting a firehose of money        by several things. Bonds are        stocks of the last few years
 into Wall Street. The fire hose        a terrible investment, because      might suffer in an environment
 isn’t as powerful as it was a          they will decline as interest       of rising interest rates. If you
 couple of months ago, but it’s         rates rise. Bond prices have        have a taxable account with us
 still a fire hose. We’ll ride this     been declining for 17 months,       you’ll have another big capital-
 tiger as long as there’s any sort      from all-time-high price levels,    gains tax bill in 2022, but it’s
 of river, stream, or babbling          because yields were at all-time     better to lock in good profits
 brook of cash flowing into Wall        lows. Cash is still at 0%; the      than to watch them melt away.
 Street and into the pockets of         yield on a 3-month U.S Treasury
 investors. But the party can’t         bill is six one-hundredths of 1%,
 go on forever, and neither can         even though inflation has been      Did you notice higher prices
 these mixed metaphors.                 at the highest levels of the last   in your supermarket last year?
                                        40 years.                           More are coming. The company
 Of course, this isn’t all the Fed’s                                        that makes Oreos and Triscuits
 fault. When Congress mailed            40 years ago the yield on a 10-     says it will raise prices 6 to 7%.
 $1400 checks to 80% of the             year U.S. Treasury bond was         Kraft Heinz will raise prices an
 voters—including people who            14%!                                average of 5%, with some items
 were very, very comfortable                                                up 20%. Kraft claims that the
 and working from home—they             The dividend yield on stocks        cost of producing Grey Poupon,
 caused a bulge of spending that        has been sliding as their prices    the mustard that is frequently
 sparked inflation and shortages.       have gone up, but they still pay    passed from one limousine to
 That bulge will subside in the         more than “cash”. And stock         another, is up 22%; but they’re
 months ahead. On page 3 Paul           dividends are just the tip of a     only going to raise the price of
 Wright explains the effect of          beautiful iceberg. Companies        a jar by “6% to 13%”.
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                                               OTHER STUFF                              Novemdecupled
                                            Some i nst it ut ions have been        Our Benchmark account now stands
                                            investing in bitcoins as a means       at $1,922,181, up from $1,590,597
                                            of diversification. Investments        at the beginning of 2021; and more
                                            in Beanie Babies and cans of           than 8 times its $217,974 valuation on
                                            Billy Beer are also a form of          December 31, 1999, just before the
                                            diversification. But if they’re        great millennial tech-stock bubble
                                            selling bitcoins in gas stations,      burst. It’s an actual fee-paying
                                            the bubble might have reached just     client account, holding cash and
                                            about everybody. If “everybody”        bonds as well as common stocks,
                                            is in, then there won’t be enough      whose performance is not distorted
                                            buyers to absorb the coins offered     by additions or withdrawals. For
                                            by those who want to sell.             further information please see our
                                                                                   website, www.Lumbard.com.
       Drew D. Kellner, CFA

“Stocks could remain under pressure                                                The economy will slow down in
as the end of the year [2021]                                                      2022, but there should be enough
approaches, owing to institutional                                                 inf lation to help along some
portfolio rebalancing, according                                                   producers of food and commodities.
to Maxwell Grinacoff, equity                                                       The real problem for stocks will be
derivatives strategist at BNP Paribas.                                             the powerful headwind of rising
Given the S&P’s outperformance,                                                    interest rates.
relative to bonds, he estimates that $1
trillion to $1.4 trillion will be shifted                                          We do like dividends. Kinder
out of equities into fixed income.”                                                Morgan (KMI - $16) pays 6.8%;
                                                                                   ARC Resources (AETUF - $9) pays
— Barron’s, in early December.                                                     3.5%; generic-drug manufacturer
An institution might have a goal                                                   Viatris (VTRS – $13.50) pays 3.2%;
of keeping 60% of its investments                                                  and we think that AT&T’s reduced
in common stocks, with 25% in               Sign in the window of a gas station    dividend will still be above 4.5%
bonds and the remaining 15% in              in Portsmouth.                         after it spins off WarnerMedia (T -
cash and “Other Stuff”. If stocks                                                  $25). Lockheed (LMT - $355) pays
perform much better than bonds,             But Wait. You’re going to need         3.2%, and Prudential (PRU - $108)
the managers will sell stocks and           bitcoins to buy a house lot on         gives you 4.2%. Tyson (TSN -$87)
buy bonds to “stay safe”. Lately            Crypto Island in Fiji. It’s a crypto   was pushing all these buttons until
they’ve been losing money in those          utopia! To contact a real estate       the stock, dammit, went up. That
bonds, which means that they’ll keep        agent go to https://cryptoland.is/.    caused the dividend yield to slip to
buying more of them; and then lose          Be sure to watch the animated          2.1%. That’s still better than the
even more money.                            video!                                 market average, and WAY better
                                                                                   than cash, bonds, bitcoins, meme
The Fed has been keeping the bond                                                  stocks, or lottery tickets
market from declining by purchasing
trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds,        “When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced
but it will soon stop. The result will       by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth - then all Americans are
be carnage in the bond market.               in peril.”
                                             		                                               — Harry S. Truman
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               OF FISCAL DRAG
                                        of this windfall, but inflation and
                                        spending are slowly emptying their

                                        Fiscal drag is not an outfit worn by a
                                        nightclub entertainer! It’s much less
I n f lat ion af fe ct s ea ch of u s   fun. In 2021 Congress lifted GDP
differently. If the cost of your        with trillions of dollars in gifts, to
purchases and expenses has been         the vast majority of voters. Now the
rising at 5%, the value of the money    economy has to deflate by a similar
in your 0% checking account has         amount, unless Congress finds a                 Paul K. Wright, CFA
been declining at a 5% rate. It’s       way to inflate it again. GDP will
a negative 5% return. That’s one        eventually rise on its own (because      be difficult to make money in the
reason that consumers have been         growth is the normal state of our        stock market in 2022. Especially if
spending like drunken sailors. They     economy), but growth in 2022 will        inflation is at the higher end of that
can also borrow at the lowest rates     be retarded by this “fiscal drag”.       3% to 4% range. Rising interest
ever for homes, boats, or cars. And                                              rates are a strong head wind, and
they still have a few dollars saved     In the near term that fiscal drag        we’ve just enjoyed a remarkable
from the government checks they         will be offset by great consumer         bull market.
received in the last 13 months.         wealth from stocks, housing, and
                                        middle class banking accounts. In
In the 12 months through November,      the second half of 2022 a stagnant       Socialism is a theory of how to
the CPI rose at a 6.8% rate for an      economy is li kely. A nd t hat           run a government and an economy.
entire year! Wages have been rising     stagnation might be better described     Communism, similarly, is a theory.
at the fastest pace in 20 years, but    as stagflation, because this cotton-     Capitalism isn’t a theory. It’s what
the Federal Reserve still maintains     candy Fed has no stomach for             happens, naturally, when buyers
that inflation, the way they like to    the pain that would accompany a          and sellers are allowed to interact
measure it, will rise just 2.7% in      serious effort to tame inflation.        freely. It’s freedom.
2022. Just 2.3% in 2023. We find it
hard to imagine that price increases,   We believe that inflation will fall
by any measure, will be lower than      somewhere in the 3% to 4% range in
3% unless the Fed raises interest       2022. If GDP is at zero but inflation
rates sharply, and soon.                is at 4%, then nominal GDP (GDP          U. S . C O 2 E m i s s i o n s H ave
                                        not adjusted for inflation) will be at   Declined Since 2007, while GDP
And we don’t believe they will.         4%. That means corporate revenues        grew ~50%
There’s a lot of magical thinking       will rise 4%, and some commodity
in the air these days. It is true       prices will rise, helped along by        Primarily due to converting coal
that the overheated economy will        solid economic growth in the rest        power generation to natural gas
slow sharply in the months ahead,       of the world.                            generation
because last year’s Congressional
spending spree ended with the           Rising corporate revenues might                 — From a presentation by
last child “tax credit” checks in       sound promising, especially for          gas provider Kinder Morgan.
December. Consumers saved part          commodity producers, but it will

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          THE 5,000 NIGHTS OF NAPA
Think stocks are expensive? Last                                                 “We are never offended, and we
May the Four Seasons Orlando resort                                              are never hysterical.”
sold for $610 million, which works
out to $1,374,000 per room. Four                                                        — German Chancellor Olaf
Seasons Napa sold for $2,059,000                                                 Scholz. If every political activist,
per room. If you bought just one                                                 right and left, would just repeat
room for $2,059,000, and managed                                                 these words 12 times a day…
to rent it at an outlandish rate that   than five thousand nights to get
gave you a profit of $400 a night,      your money back. That’s 365 nights
you’d still have to rent it for more    a year, for 13.7 years!
                                                                                         57 YEARS
“President Biden signed a nearly                                                 Hundreds of thousands of children
$770 billion defense bill on            The total value of all the shares of     entered the United States as migrants
Monday, $24 billion more than           Apple is almost at 3 trillion dollars!   last year. Nearly all of them, perhaps
he had requested … Lawmakers                                                     even the 122,000 who entered as
increased spending in almost every                                               unaccompanied children (according
part of the military, including                                                  to CBS News), have a better chance
new funding to counter China’s                                                   at success than a child of a single
military expansion, initiatives to                                               parent in our inner cities. The War
bolster the defense of Ukraine and                                               on Poverty has been underway for
billions in cash for the procurement                                             57 years, and our inner cities are
of advanced aircraft, ships and         “Thinking of it in terms of buying       still battered and broken.
high-tech hardware.”                    an entire business is helpful. Would
                                        you rather own the iPhone maker          Trillions of dollars have been spent
         — The New York Times.          or all of McDonald’s, Walmart,           on this war, and we will spend
$770 billion looks smaller than it      AT&T, Philip Morris, Berkshire           trillions more. Ineffectively. Should
used to. This year taxes should         Hathaway, Procter & Gamble, JP           Washington be focusing on electric
bring in $4,390 billion. The CBO        Morgan Chase, Starbucks, Boeing,         vehicle subsidies and free child
projects that Medicare will cost        Deere, and American Express              care for middle class families, or
$904 billion, offset by just $163       combined?”                               turning its attention to finding better
billion in Medicare taxes. Medicaid                              — Barron’s      answers?
will cost $545 billion plus almost
$700 billion spent by the states.

We have shares of Nor th rop                                                     “In 1979 the bot tom f if th of
Gr umman ( NOC - $387) and              “The unemployment rate has               American earners received means-
Lockheed Martin (LMT - $355). The       plummeted dramatically in recent         tested transfers worth on average
earnings hold up well in recessions,    months. At 3.9 per cent, it now sits     32% of their pre-tax income,
and there’s strong bipartisan           at its lowest level since before the     according to the Congressional
support for military spending to        pandemic.”                               Budget Office.
counter China’s buildup. There’s
also strong demand for F-35s and                   — The Financial Times         By 2018 the figure was 68%.”
other American military hardware
among the many nations that look                                                 		— The Economist.
to us for protection.
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                     CLASSICAL GAS
The price of natural gas in Europe     I nve s t o r s t a ke n ot e! S o m e
spiked upward in October, as a long    companies in this diverse industry
spell of windless days slashed the     should be able to raise prices
power production of wind towers.       with inflation, stay ahead of their
By the time cold weather arrived in    increasing costs, and pay solid
December, gas storage facilities had   dividends from large cash flows that
been nearly emptied. Gas prices        grow faster than inflation.
then soared to higher highs despite
the resurrection of old coal plants    The demand for Liquified Natural
that were headed for the scrap heap.   Gas (LNG) is rising quickly in
                                       India, China, and Europe, which
Developed nations have been            needs to import LNG to reduce
moving steadily away from dirty,       its dependence on Russian gas                    Jay Conway, CFA
but “always available” coal power,     pipelines. That should bestow
and towards intermittent, unreliable   pricing power on Golar LNG               expanding its LNG export facilities.
wind and solar. Batteries can          (GLNG - $12) which is one of the         And ARC Resources (AETUF - $9)
provide power on windless days,        lowest cost providers of liquification   is a large Canadian natural gas
but Britain might be 50 years away     and regasification services. Their       producer that expects to generate
from building a battery big enough     fleet of LNG tankers should also be      free cash flow yields of 18% over
to produce massive amounts of          in high demand.                          the next few years. Management
power for a month.                                                              plans to use that cash to pay down
                                       Kinder Morgan (KMI - $16) has            debt, buy back stock and increase
Share of U.K. electricity generation                                            the already healthy 3.9% dividend
                                       the largest network of natural gas
from different sources
                                       pipelines in North America and is        yield.

                                                       CENTRAL PLANNING
                                         This really happened:
                                         1. The UK aggressively invested in wind power, even as it de-
                                            emphasized natural gas and gas storage.
                                         2. The wind stopped blowing in September.
                                         3. Natural gas prices skyrocketed, as utilities struggled to keep the
                                            lights on.
                                         4. The soaring price of gas caused fertilizer plants shut down, because
Source: Department for Business             they could no longer afford to make nitrogen fertilizer from natural
Energy and Industrial Strategy              gas
                                         5. A by-product of making fertilizer from natural gas is CO2, which
Nuclear power could be an answer,           is captured to make dry ice.
but the number of nuclear plants in      6. Suddenly there was a shortage of dry ice, and the UK realized
service has been declining. That            that the frozen food supply chain was about to collapse.
leaves natural gas as the next best      7. Emergency funding was given to fertilizer producers so that they
option. Underground caverns filled          could continue to buy natural gas at ridiculous prices so that the
with gas really can provide power           country wouldn’t run out of dry ice.
for a month of windless days.            8. It turns out central planning is REALLY hard to do well.
                                                         -5 -
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                        CIRCULAR LOGIC
Morningstar says that the average                 The rest of the story: At the
mutual fund investor gets much                    peak of the bubble a good part of
worse performance than the mutual                 the stock market was beaten and
funds that he, or she, invests in,                battered, low rather than high. As
because investors switch funds at                 Big Tech fell these stocks rose,
bad times. Switching from a fund                  and rose, for years. We had a real
that has recently performed poorly                estate investment trust whose yield
to a hot fund might be described as               reached 15% simply because the
selling low and buying high. And                  price fell again and again. When
investors drive their performance                 the Nasdaq 100 fell 75%, this
down even further by switching                    stock, Healthcare Realty, went up
money out of stock funds, and into                more than 100%.
bond funds, at the wrong times.

The Janus Twenty fund invested
                                                  Growth stocks have enjoyed an
                                                  unusual dominance. Value stocks
                                                                                                       WEALTHY AND
in the 20 hottest big technology                  probably have further to run.                           WISE
stocks, which led the Nasdaq
Composite as it rose from 1,400                                                                     “What matters a lot more than a big
in 1995 to 7,000 in early 2000.                   “Of the 47 countries in Europe                    income is how people spend it. For
Janus Twenty was near the top                     today, 46 of them currently require               instance, giving money away makes
of the Morningstar mutual fund                    government-issued photo IDs to                    people a lot happier than lavishing
rankings, so investors flocked to                 vote …35 of the 47 European                       it on themselves. And when they do
it. They invested tens of billions                countries—including France, Italy,                spend money on themselves, people
of dollars in it, and they were very              the Netherlands, Norway, and                      are a lot happier when they use it
sure that this was the right thing to             Sweden—don’t allow absentee                       for experiences like travel than for
do. All their friends agreed. The                 voting for citizens living in country.”           material goods …. And yet we still
fund invested those tens of billions                                                                keep on buying material things,
into its favored 20 stocks—which                  		             — John R. Lott,                    because they’re tangible and we
naturally soared. In 1998 the fund                an expert on election integrity, in               think we can keep on using them.”
rose 73%!                                         Imprimis. Ensuring that it’s easy to
                                                  get an I.D. should be a top priority.                     — The Wall Street Journal.
In March of 2000 the tech stocks                                                                    Well, that’s NOT what Americans
stopped rising, and began falling.                                                                  did in the pandemic. No wonder
Janus Twenty declined almost                      If it seems to good to be true, it’s              everybody was so crabby.
70%.     A $100,000 investment                    probably…
shrank to $30,100.
                                                           too good to be true.                                    — John Lumbard, CFA

GENERAL DISCLOSURES: Statements in this communication are the opinions of Lumbard & Kellner, LLC and are not to be construed
as guarantees, warranties or predictions of future events, portfolio allocations, portfolio results, investment returns, or other outcomes. None of
this material is intended as a solicitation or offer to purchase or sell a specific investment. Readers should not assume that all recommendations
will be profitable or that future investment and/or portfolio performance will be profitable or favorable.
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