Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska

Page created by Melvin Silva
Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska
2021        RIGHT TO RIDE

         Riding the storm out
            August Edition

                                In this issue:
                                • Calendar of Events

                                • Contacts

                                • State News

                                • MRF update

                                • D7 Hog Roast

                                • D38 in the news

                                • PSA’s good anytime

Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska

What makes a biker such an intriguing person? Is it their rakish, leather-clad style, or their road rage that makes them so intimidating, or that
they seem to be part of a cult of motorbike worshipers? These stereotypes aside, motorcyclists are the modern knights of the open roads. They
have honor among themselves, and their bond with their fellow comrades is greater than blood, and here is why.
A short guideline showing the true nature of motorcyclists - A person with integrity, spirit and utmost loyalty.
What is The Biker Code?
Whether you’re a motorcyclist at heart or a born daredevil, there is no rule in the world you haven’t broken. But little do people know, there are
unspoken code ethics you abide by with all your life. Motorcyclists are fiercely loyal to each other. So know that behind that rough and tough
facade, lies a person who has more sincerity than your next-door neighbor!
What are these rules that bikers follow whole-heartedly you ask? Well, much like the universally followed “Bro-Code”, bikers have their own
version of it which characterizes them as true bikers.
Rule 1: Family first
Bikers are known to be very protective of their fellow bikers. Thus, every other biker is like their brother and sister, and no one messes with
them. They will always have each other's back no matter what. That’s why you’ll always see true riders in groups, because bikers are not just a
family, they are a pack.
Rule 2: No Nonsense
Whether it’s a man, woman, child or animal, respect should be given where it’s due. But bikers don’t tolerate rubbish from anyone, especially if
the other person is clearly at fault. Bikers have immense self-respect, but also know that respecting one another is integral to avoiding unruly
violence, or mistrust. When others get brash, they maintain their cool and back their words with actions.
Rule 3: Honor the bike
This is a no-brainer. If you're a biker, then your bike is your ultimate soulmate. Honoring your bike is essential as a motorcylist because your life
depends on it. Maintaining and taking care of your bike is an utmost essentiality. As most bikers would like to explain, "Motorcycles are like our
spouses, you don’t get to touch it, only ogle at it from afar!"
Rule 4: Never give up
Bikers are not the kind to easily give up on things. Once their mind is set, nothing in the world can stop them from getting it done. That’s the
way of bikers. Just like their passion for their beloved beast, passion in other aspects of life matter too. This is a quality of bikers that everyone
envies, as they know what they want in life, and will go to any lengths to fulfil it.
Rule 5: No rider left behind
This rule shows the true sign of camaraderie among bikers. Come hell or high water, a biker always sticks to the people who ride along with
them. When a brother or sister breaks down at the side of the road, you turn back and wait for them. It’s one of the only times bikers hit the
Rule 6: Stay true to yourself
A true biker is happy with who they are, always. No matter how messy life gets, or how many actions they take that might be questionable (like
those occasional wheelies), everything defines them. Right from the way they talk, to the way they dress, there’s an unmistakable charm to
every biker that makes them so alluring and a little eccentric. Thus, there’s nothing that will make them change.
Rule 7: Stick to your guns
No, not actual guns. Stick to your principles and words. If you promised something to someone, that promise is etched in time. If you think what
you’ve said is right, don’t turn back on your own words. A true biker stands his ground and trusts his/her instincts more than anyone else.
Rule 8: All gear all the time
Bikers may love doing dare-devilish stunts or trail-blazing the roads, but you will never see them being under-equipped in such situations. Peo-
ple who do ride without the proper gear are called “SQUIDS”, an acronym for “Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Imminently Dead”. So, next time
you wonder why bikers love wearing those greasy leather jackets, it’s for protection and not to look intimidating.
Rule 9: Ride with pride
Biking is not a hobby. Biking is not a game. It is an art, and only the passionate ones will understand the true meaning of riding. Bikers ride no
matter the cause or occasion. When they are sad, they ride. When they are in doubt, they take a ride. But they never get tired of riding. Their
motorcycle is their soulmate and wherever they go, the bike goes too.

“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is not found in finishing an activity, but in doing it.” - Greg Anderson

Reprinted from Royal Brothers web page
Do you live by any of these Honor Codes? Share with us your code of ethics and bike stories! Don't own a bike but want to experi-
ence the true life of a biker? Then come rent a bike with Royal Brothers - Bike Rentals at your nearest location.
Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska
                                                   RIGHT TO RIDE

     Promoting Safety!                                                                            To Those that Concede,
     Safeguarding Rights!                                                                              No Injustice is done. . .

                                                    PO Box 22764              Lincoln, NE 68542

Rambling’s from the Road …
                                                                                             UPCOMING EVENTS
           I had an entire plan of what to write but life got in the way. I
guess that is as good a subject as any for this month. I know it seems              PLEASE CHECK WITH THE DISTRICT REP TO MAKE SURE
we are always pushing to get you all out to make contacts with Sena-                THE FUNCTION HAS NOT BEEN POSTPONED
tors, work campaigns, poker runs etc. Honestly we don’t have enough
soldiers so we need that … We need you all of us need to be working
together or we will continue to fail. I caution you however. I have seen
time and time again how someone started out strong, jumping in to                    1   D6 Meeting Grant Street Bar 1pm
help, volunteer and lead the charge. It is the first of August and I my-                 D7 Meeting Fairmont Legion 1:30pm
self have not been on a long run yet. Life got in the way. I got side-                          12:30 Pizza lunch (free will)
tracked, running here and there, stuff for ABATE stuff for the kids and              14 D15 Meeting Thomsen's Corner, Osmond 2pm
grandkids. I haven’t taken time out for me and it shows. I think we all
                                                                                         D12 Annual bike show, chase county fair
need to take a break, go on a ride, get in the wind and rejuvenate! Fall
will be upon us before you know it and we’ll need to be back at it …                 22 D4 Meeting Whiskey River Madison 2pm
Enjoy the weather while you can                                                      28 D15 15th Annual Fun Run
           “keep the shiny side up”                                                      D4 Supporting business run meeting up w/D15
                                                                                     29 D6 Meeting Grant Street Bar 1pm
Todd C. Miller
State Coordinator                                                                   September
ABATE of Ne Inc.                                                                     11 D15 Meeting Silver Circle, Ainsworth 2pm
402-440-8756                                                                         19 D4 Meeting Shenanigans, Columbus 2pm
                                                                                     26 D6 Toy Run
                                                                                     29 D6 Meeting Grant Street Bar 1pm
                                                                                       3 D6 Meeting Grant Street Bar 1pm
                                                                                      31 D4 John n Julia's halloween party 6pm
                                                                                       6 D12 Meeting
                                                                                       7 D6 Meeting Grant Street Bar 1pm
                                                                                      28 D4 Meeting Mugs n Jugs, Humphrey 2pm
In this issue:                                                                            D4 No Meeting
• Advantages of a                                                                      5 D6 Meeting Grant Street Bar 1pm
Newsletter                                                                          January 2022
• Add Value to Your                                                                    9 D4 Meeting Micek's in columbus, 2pm
                                                                                      29 D4 Chili feed, Columbus, Eagles club
• Second Story
• Another Story
• Back Page Story                                                             Ca
                                                                                                GET YOUR EVENTS IN HERE !

Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska

                 District Contacts:                                State Coordinator
                                                 Todd C. Miller
                                                 1740 NW 54th St, Lincoln, NE 68528
District #2    Randy Geer         402.975.0856   roguetc@aol.com

all4geers@gmail.com                                         Assistant State Coordinator
                                                 Nate Beckman
District #38 Frederick Lathrop 402. 321.1300
                                                              State Membership Secretary
toy1957@hotmail.com                              Sheri Miller
                                                 402.489.0651 State office
District #4    John Wombacher     402.366.5157   402.440.2705 cell
                                                               State Recording Secretary
District #6    Jim Lorence        402.707.2100   Maggie Cool
                                                 521 F Street Geneva, NE 68361
jimd6abateomaha@gmail.com                        402.366.4883
District #7    Ken Cool           402.759.2598                       State Treasurer
                                                 Julia Wombacher
District #9    Justin Herrick     308.520.7193   615 West Pine Street, Shelby NE 68662
District #12 Brad Dinnel          308.883.0357   juwombacher@hotmail.com
District #13 Steve Benzel         308.760.4395
                                                               State Legislative Officer
sdbenzel@bbc.net                                 Randy Geer
District #15 Caleb Bierman                       all4geers@gmail.com

cbierman@cableone.net                                        State MRF Representative
                                                 OPEN -Contact Todd
                                                         State Newsletter Editor / Webmaster
                                                 OPEN - Contact Todd
      ADVERTISE HERE!!!                                    State Safety and Awareness Officers
                                                 Kitty Edwards
        FOR INFO AND INSTRUCTIONS                Kitty.edwards13@yahoo.com

                                                 Susan Dodds
HOW TO GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT TO ALL               sdodds421@gmail.com
            MEMBERS OF

              ABATE OF NEBRASKA

Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska

         Washington Contact Info              Washington Contact Info
Senate                               Dist. 3-All except Lincoln and Omaha

Deb Fischer                          Adrian Smith

383 Russell                          2241 Rayburn House Office
Senate Office Building               Washington DC 20515
Washington DC 20510
                                     PH: 202-225-6435
PH: 202-224-6551
Ben Sasse
B40E Dirksen                         www.abateofne.com
Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510                   Where EVERYONE goes
PH: 202-224-4224
                                      to learn what’s going on
House of Representatives
District 1-Lincoln
                                      with Motorcycling in the
Jeff Fortenberry                          state of Nebraska!
1514 Longworth House Office
Washington DC 20515
PH: 202-225-4806

District 2-Omaha

Don Bacon

1516 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4155

Toll-Free: (888) 221-7452


Riding the storm out August Edition - RIGHT TO RIDE - In this issue: ABATE of Nebraska

SHARE THE ROAD INSTRUCTORS                                  Nebraska Motorcycle Rider Training Sites and
                                                                          Info Cont’d
Get a hold of anyone of these great folks to get a 1
HOUR presentation set up for your group or organi-     Nebraska Safety Center
                                                       University of Nebraska - Kearney
zation.                                                227E West Center Building, UNK Campus
                                                       Kearney, NE 68849
Todd Miller-roguetc@aol.com. D2                        Contact: 308-865-8256 or 1-800-854-7867 Ext. 2
                                                       Email: motorcycle@unk.edu
                                                       Website: www.unk.edu/motorcycle
Randy Geer-all4geers@gmail.com. D2

Susan Dodds-Sdodds421@gmail.com. D2                    Nebraska Safety Council
                                                       3720 Folkways Blvd Ste. 201
                                                       Lincoln, NE 68504
Jerry Thompson-blacksheep2213@gmail.com. D3            Contact: Barb Prochaska, 402-483-2511 ext 113
Chet Dreesen-dreesen@cox.net. D6                       Website: https://www.nesafetycouncil.org/index.php/driving/
Kitty Edwards-Kitty.edwards13@yahoo.com D7
                                                       Southeast Community College-Lincoln Campus
Randy Hornbostel- randy.hornbostel@outlook.com. D10    8800 O St.
                                                       Lincoln, NE 68520
Connie Wray-conniewray@windstream.net D11              Contact: Continuing Education, 402-437-2700
                                                       Email: continuinged@southeast.edu
                                                       Website: www.southeast.edu/
Greg Koellner-gkoellner@hotmail.com. D12

Becky Koellner-rgkoellnergmail.com. D12                Frontier Harley Davidson
                                                       205 NW 40th St.
                                                       Lincoln, NE 68528
Dave Irey-sucesssowers@chase3000.com. D12              Contact: Mike Heller, 402-466-9100
                                                       Email: MikeH@frontierhd.com
Damon Wallace-str_dwallace@yahoo.com. D15
                                                       Northeast Community College
Jim Lorence-lorencejim54@gmail.com                     801 E. Benjamin Ave
                                                       Norfolk, NE 68702-0469
                                                       Contact: donnaa@northeast.edu, 402-844-7216
Bruce Hoferer- leftalonewolf@yahoo.com                 Website: www.northeast.edu/
If you wish to become a Share the Road presenter,
contact the State Office                               Mid-Plains Community College
                                                       11 Halligan Dr
                                                       North Platte, NE 69101
   Nebraska Motorcycle Rider Training Sites and Info   Contact: Kendrick Marshall, 308-535-3614
                                                       Email: marshallk@mpcc.edu
Nebraska Motorcycle Safety Training
Sarpy County Law Enforcement Center (L.E.C.)           Western Iowa Tech Community College
(N.E. corner of Hwy 370 and 84th St.)                  Box 5199
1208 Golden Gate Drive                                 Sioux City, IA 51102-5199
Papillion, NE 68005                                    Contact: Call 1-712-274-6449 to schedule a the Basic Motor-
Contacts: Pam Marek, 402-593-1564                      cycle Riders Course
Website: www.sarpy.com/sheriff/safetyprogram/          Website: www.witcc.com/ (Course information is only availa-
Register on-line at http://stop.sarpy.com              ble by a phone call)

Central Community College - Hastings Campus,           Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson
550 S. Technical Blvd                                  3838 N. HWS Cleveland Blvd
Hastings, NE 68901                                     Omaha, NE 68116
Contact:402-461-2441, 1-877-222-0780 Ext 2441          Contact: Mark Howie, 402-289-5556
Email: joybronson@cccneb.edu, rlurk@cccneb.edu         Website: www.dillonharley.com
Website: www.cccneb.edu/Motorcycle                                                                             6

Tips for Seasoned Motorcycle Riders

As people get older, they need to recognize and any physical or age-related changes they have undergone to ensure they are riding as safely
and as comfortably as possible. Even the most experienced rider will need to adjust to these changes. Hopefully these tips will help you ride
safely no matter what your age.

Know Your Reaction Time and Adjust Your Riding Accordingly
With age, reaction time increases. Ways to accommodate an increased reaction time may include reducing speed, allowing more space be-
tween you and the vehicle in front of you and avoiding roads at the busiest times.

Avoid Left Turns at Busy Intersections
If you must make a left turn in a congested area, try to do so at an intersection with a green arrow signal.

Make Sure Your Riding Position is Comfortable
Installing handlebar risers or switching to an aftermarket seat could make a big difference. Even the slightest discomfort while you're riding
can turn into major stiffness and pain the following day.

Plan Out Your Route and Travel Familiar Roads
By doing this, you can completely devote your attention to your surroundings. Check the forecast before you ride so you don't get caught in
severe weather conditions.

Take Frequent Breaks
Riding a motorcycle is physically and mentally demanding and requires sharp senses. If you're on a longer ride, make frequent stops for a
stretch break. If you're feeling fatigued, take some time to rest before hitting the road again. "Pushing on" when you're tired can be a danger-
ous mistake.

Avoid Riding at Night
With age, more light is needed to see clearly. If you have trouble see-
ing while riding at night, avoid the roads after dark and see an eye doc-

Review Your List of Medications
Some medicines can affect your reaction time and impair your ability to
ride a motorcycle. Check with your doctor to find out if any medications
you are taking may have these effects.

Have Your Vision Checked Regularly
Poor vision can cause reduced clarity and poor depth perception. A
simple vision test could potentially save your life.

Take a Motorcycle Riding Course
Even the most experienced rider can benefit from taking a course from
a training center recognized by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

Inspect Your Bike
Make sure your motorcycle is in proper working order. Check items
such as tire pressure and wear, oil level and brake fluid levels. A well-
maintained bike is less likely to be the cause of an accident.

Listen to the Advice and Observations of Others
Those who ride with you may be able to offer a unique perspective
about your riding.

By following these tips, you can create a more safe and enjoyable rid-
ing experience for years to come.

(The AARP Motorcycle Insurance Program)

May the angels guard your travels, for they know the road ahead.


District 3-8 Representative, Dj
Martinez gave June a ride on
6/12/21. She was celebrating her
102nd birthday across the street
from where Dj & a group of others
were stopped on a benefit run.
This was Junes 2nd time on a
bike. Her 1st ride was at age 100.
Dj & a few others were ap-
proached by June's granddaughter
about how June just loves motor-
cycles & she was very happy to
heard them pull up. They went to
wish her a happy birthday & Dj
asked if she wanted a ride. Dj &
June were featured in the towns
area Newspaper on the front

                                              On a side note …

                                                 DJ went down on this motorcycle on the way to his first Board meeting
                                              as District representative and even though he broke bones and was pret-
                                              ty beat up … still made it to the meeting! That is some serious dedica-
                                              tion there! We all wish DJ a speedy recovery from his injuries …

                                              Keep up the good work … this is how we make friends, from all walks of

                                     Making a birthday brighter

           The July 2021 District 7 Hog Roast & Fun
Run was a wet one due to Mother
Nature- the Fun Run had 16 poker hands on it and
had to duck in for cover from the rain several times-
but had a good ride. We had to move the Hog Roast
meal into the Bar at The Red Zone instead of having
outside- Ken cooked the yummy pork loins for the
sandwiches- and Dee made the awesome Cowboy
Beans and the Potato Salad - there were a lot of
great items on the Silent Auction- and the DJ & Kar-
aoke was fun- Thanks to Ron ,Suzie, Rene and the
rest of the staff at The Red Zone for hosting us! We
didn't have a July meeting due to the Hog Roast-
our next meeting is August 1st at The Fairmont
Legion- lunch for free will offering- they will open at
12:30 pm with meeting at 1:30 pm

Stay Safe out there!

The Cools

                                    No Crashes from Road Hazards!

District 2
   I recently attended the Abate of Iowa Freedom Rally. What a GREAT time! While there I spoke with several fellow Nebraska attendees and
heard most of them ask the same question; "Why doesn't Nebraska do something like this? "Each time that question was posed to me we
would have a nice discussion as to the answers. First thing I would ask them is, "are you a Nebraska member? Responses were mixed. I
would explain the difference in membership disparity between the 2 states. Then I would ask them to look back on their day and ask how
many staff members and volunteers they had contact with that day. It takes volunteers to make it work. Our district has 160 "active" members
and at times we struggle to get enough volunteers to man stops for a poker run. Even fewer for service type projects like route prep or (what
should be our primary objective) working to support candidates who support us. To those that do,
you have my heartfelt gratitude. To the rest, we're tired and need your help.
   I'm asking all of you to help us protect our rights as motorcyclists. We can't do it alone. Our
rights and liberties are being threatened from so many sides these days that we need everyone to
be vigilant. Let's make a difference, Our next meeting will be August 11th at 7pm in the First Ave-
nue Social Hall. Come out and help us make the difference. Until then...

                            Enjoy the Ride
                            Randy Geer
                              D2 Rep


District 4
Meeting was held at Oasis Bar in Columbus
At 2 pm on June 26th with 12 Members present
John Thank Oasis for sponsorship and hosting
    (Thank you for the jello shot special)
Pledge of Allegiance was said followed by Moment of Silence
Secretary/Membership reports read and accepted (67 active members)
Treasurer report read and accepted
Legislature report -John- accepted
MRF report -John -accepted
Discussed other ABATE of NE District events and changes
*3/8 Seat changes
*D2 Bike Show
*D7 Steele City
*D6 Chrome on the River
*D7 and D3/8 Roast n Runs coming up
Algona Iowa Freedom Rally
Oasis is selling wrist bands for District 4 as a fundraiser
New Business-
Eric and Gypsy went on Miles for Heroes run
Car and Bike Show August 14th in Madison
Elgin Community Center Fundraiser
       Upcoming meeting and event
July 25th 2 pm Clint and Cassie home
August 22nd 2 pm Whiskey River in Madison
August 28th Supporting Business Run -meeting up with District 15 Bike Rodeo for
last stop
September 19th 2 pm Shenanigans in Columbus
October 31st John n Julia house for Halloween party 6 pm
November 28th Mugs n Jugs 2 pm Humphrey
December NO meeting
January 9th 2 pm Miceks in Columbus -finalize Chili Feed info
January 29th Annual Chili Feed in Columbus at Eagles
Meeting adjourned
Julia Wombacher
D4 Secretary ABATE of NE

District 6
June 27th, 2021 - July Meeting
District 6 held their July meeting at Grant St Bar. We would like to thank Michelle, Wayne and Mike for hosting us. The meeting was brought to
order by Jim Lorence with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our fallen brothers and sisters and those serving in the mili-
tary. The May Minutes were approved by Roger Ites and seconded by John Kelly.
Upcoming Events: 35th Annual OAB Spina Bifida Charity Run July 31st; – Aug Meeting Aug 1st; Toy Run Sept, 26th: Sept Meeting the 29th
of November 7th - November Meeting
We began our meeting discussing the importance of everyone reaching out to their Senators regarding our helmet bill, the ball is in our court,
we need everyone to reach out as much as possible.
We also had an amazing turn out for our Bike show and the proceeds have been donated to the VFW Post 2503 and the OAB Spina Bifida.
With this the VFW has agreed to allow us to have our Share the Road classes at their post! We are still looking for volunteers to become certi-
fied to teach. Also remember the class is only good for up to 3 years (check with your ins. company) to see if you can get a discount on your

District 6 Continued …

We also discussed and are beginning to plan an appreciation party for our local ABATE members. More details regarding this are to come!
Saddlebag – The saddlebag was at $60, Tom Molley's name was drawn and he was not present. In July the saddlebag will be at $70. 50/50 –
Stacy Petty won.
The motion to adjourn was made by Terry Conant and seconded by Pam Shields.

District 7– No Report District 9—No Report District 11—No Report

District 12
So there I was; dodging rain storms near New Mexico. Still didn’t make it to Angel Fire NM. for the hot air balloon festival. That’s 3 yrs now
we’ve made an attempt, maybe next time. Still cranked out nearly 1400 miles on Father’s Day wknd, good times with great friends.

July was busy with 3 charity/benefit poker runs & a parade. Finishing out the month with a trip to Florida to participate in World Record Poker
Run July 31st-Aug 6th. Starting in port Charlotte Fl & ending in Sturgis SD 3,268 miles. 7 of us from this area will be taking this epic journey.
Should have some great stories to tell. A few days in Sturgis then back home to the Goodlife.

Saturday August 14th kicks off with a parade, then follows up with District 12 bike show on the midway during the Chase County fair (Western
Nebraska’s State Fair) Come join us for the parade or put your bike in the show ($5 suggested donation for entry fee) We will also begin our
fall rifle raffle during the bike show. Ruger American 6.5 Creedmoor & 2 boxes of ammunition. Tickets $5 or 5 for $20 need not be present to
win. Drawing will be November 6th at monthly meeting. Tickets will go fast, so purchase early.

It’s starting to look like several poker runs are coming together in September. Details to follow when they are finalized. Until then ride safe &
may your adventures be great as we continue to move forward-Brad

Members of Dist. 13 met June 19 before our Lost Brothers run.
Treasurers report was read and approved.
Over 20 people participated in the poker run. A good time was had by all, even though some riders got wet from a nasty rainstorm.
Next meeting is July 31 9am@ Korner Grill in Alliance.
Be safe, stay cool, have a great summer! Steve-Dist. 13 rep.


The meeting was called to order at 2:26 with 14 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for our fall-
en brothers and sisters and those in the Military.

Secretary read minutes from June meeting.
The treasurer was absent but excused.
Membership officer was absent but excused.
Inventory officer reported that the new caps will be in for next meeting.

Public Relations officer was absent but excused. Bruce did share a few events coming up: July 17 Sandhillls Iron Horse Riders Poker Run in
Ainsworth, July 30-Aug. 1 Steel Creek Bike Fest @ Steel Creek Angus Center in Lynch. Reminder of BOD meeting July 18th in Kearney,
meeting Aug. 14 @ Thomsen’s Corner in Osmond. Abate 15 Fun Run Aug. 28, Sept. 11 @ Silver Circle in Ainsworth.

Safety Awareness officer announced that he had certificates for the Wisner/Piler driver’s ed group. Reminder of watching for construction, and
grass clippings. Again stay hydrated.

Legislative officer was absent but excused. Reminder was given again to make a point to visit with senators if you see them at the County
Fairs etc.

Assistant Coordinator was absent but excused.

Coordinator shared that there is discussion and planning for a NE Steam with date TBA. Mentione an Article of 20/21 Hwy Bill and the profiling
of bikers by their clothing they wear. A hat was passed around for donations for Larry Dickes to help with expenses. Larry was in a motorcycle
accident June 26.                                                                                                                      12

District 15—Continued…

Door prizes were won by Jim, Cara, RD, Brain, & Brent
50/50 was won by Joe and donated it to Larry Dickes
Caleb thanked Lyle’s and everyone for coming
Meeting was adjourned at 3:25

Submitted by
Cara McCoy, Dist. 15 secretary

DISTRICT 3/8—No Report

On a nearly annual basis the media in this country is inspired to
report stories about motorcycle fatalities on our nation’s roadways.
Invariably, these stories paint motorcycle rider deaths as a product
of irresponsible riders who live in states that have some level of
helmet choice. Frequently they report statistics that prove their nar-
rative but fail to paint a full and complete picture. The lens with
which these stories are reported often takes the naïve view that
crashes can be made “safer” if only bikers somehow followed gov-
ernment helmet mandates.

The only true solution to motorcycle safety and reducing fatalities
are proactive measures, which prevent a collision from occurring at
all, rather than reactive steps that may or may not offer some level
of injury mitigation only after a crash has already taken place. Rider
education, which prepares motorcyclists to interact with other road-
way users by learning and practicing the skills necessary for hazard avoidance and developing a strategy to deal with real world traffic, is the
primary component of a comprehensive motorcycle safety plan. Additionally, educating all motor vehicle operators to be alert and free of im-
pairment as they share the road with others is critical in deterring crashes caused by inattention.

When coming across these stories keep in mind some facts that are omitted from their reports.

Fact: Over the last decade motorcycle related deaths have varied between years but for the most part remain flat. The National Highway Traf-
fic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data from 2019 shows 5,014 deaths, a decrease from the 2008 5,307 deaths NTSHA recorded. In that same
time period registered motorcycles increased from 7.7 million in 2008 to 8.7 million ten years later. In other words, there are a million more
bikes on the road and there were 300 less deaths.

Fact: Twenty-nine percent of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in 2017 were riding without proper licensure at the time of the collision.
A valid motorcycle license includes a rider having a valid driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement or possessing a motorcycle only li-
cense. Proper training and licensing are fundamental parts of motorcycle safety, taking unqualified riders off the road is a commonsense solu-
tion to lowering motorcycle fatalities.

Fact: The lack of a helmet mandate in the 31 states who have allowed freedom of choice does not prohibit someone from choosing to wear a
helmet. In fact, a 2019 U.S. Department of Transportation audit showed that states without mandatory helmet laws still saw 56.5% of riders
choose to wear a helmet.

Continued next page...

Fact: A 2019 U.S. Department of Transportation Fatality Analysis Reporting System report showed that in crash study data, where helmet use
was known, 36% of motorcyclists killed were not wearing a helmet. Conversely 61% of motorcycle fatalities involved a rider wearing a helmet.
The remaining 3% had unknown usage. These numbers closely mirror NHTSA data on overall helmet usage which shows 64% of riders wear-
ing helmets.

Fact: Despite the constant drum beat from safety advocates, the media and Washington D.C. bureaucrats about the ills of helmetless riders,
state legislatures continue to trust the judgment of bikers. Just last year Missouri passed a modified helmet law allowing the choice to ride with-
out a helmet to those who are qualified. In at least three other states, West Virginia, Maryland, and Nebraska there are active campaigns to
change their helmet mandates and let those who ride decide.

Ethanol in the Courts and in Congress

In the last few weeks, the ethanol industry has suffered two major court case defeats. Earlier this month, the D.C. Court of Appeals struck down
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule allowing for year-round sales of E15. In May 2019 the EPA issued a rule change ending a
summer ban on the sale of E15 blend. Provisions of the Clean Air Act have prohibited the sale of certain fuels with a higher volatility from June
1 through Sept. 15, including E15. The court ruled that Congress did not intend to allow ethanol blends higher than 10% to be sold year-round
and that the EPA overstepped its authority by implementing the change.

Not surprisingly, in response to the court ruling, a bipartisan group of lawmakers from major corn producing states introduced a bill Wednesday
that aims to allow the year-round sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol. U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Deb Fischer (R-
NE) and U.S. Representatives Angie Craig (D-MN) and Adrian Smith (R-NE) introduced bipartisan bills to permit the year-round sale of E15.
The bill was cosponsored in the Senate by Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Chuck
Grassley (R-IA), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Tina Smith (D-MN) and John Thune (R-SD). In the House
Representatives, Cindy Axne (D-IA), Rodney Davis (R-IL), Dusty Johnson (R- SD) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) were all original cosponsors of the

This legislation faces a tough road ahead in Congress with a diverse set of stakeholders and lawmakers opposed to increased ethanol man-
dates. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation applauds the court for striking down the year-round mandate and will work with like-minded groups to
oppose legislation that would reopen the door to the year-round sale of E15.

To read what pro ethanol Senators are saying about their bill and the need for year-round E15 click here. To read what pro ethanol Represent-
atives are saying on the topic click here.

Also in June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of a small Wyoming refinery that had previously been granted waivers from the EPA to
comply with blending requirements of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The RFS, passed by Congress over a decade ago, recognized that
small refiners face unique economic challenges to comply with ethanol blending requirements.

Congress delayed implementation of some requirements for small refiners and created a waiver process run by the EPA. During the Trump
Administration the number of waivers given to refineries increased greatly and the ethanol industry sued to rescind some of the waivers. The
decision by the Supreme Court last month opens the door for continued use of these waivers by refiners to avoid blending their fuel with etha-

                        Join the MRF to get more up to date news!
                                       Support those that support us!


Dist.         Business               Phone                                      Address              City           ST
 2      TAB PERFORMANCE, INC      888-822-0070                   4840 DORIS BAIR CIRCLE SUITE B    LINCOLN     NE
                                 10% off our entire website: www.tabperformance.com
 4         OASIS LOUNGE           402-562-5555                          1264 27TH AVENUE          COLUMBUS     NE
                                                 buy one, get one per visit
 6          JACK'S PLACE          402-289-3633                            1818 N 203RD ST          ELKHORN     NE
                                          $2.75 beer M-Thur w/ ABATE card
 12       THE BLIND GOOSE         308-778-5801                                 PO BOX 12           LEWELLEN    NE
                                         $.25 OFF DRINKS WITH ABATE CARD
 12        BEVERAGE BARN          308-882-2226                                821 HWY 61           IMPERIAL    NE
                                             10% DISCOUNT W/ ABATE CARD
 13      THE GATHERING SPOT       308-762-2162                          213 BOX BUTTE AVE          ALLIANCE    NE
                                 BUCKET OF NON-PREMIUM BEER $12 W/ ABATE CARD
 15       CHIEF RESTAURANT        4022549107                                  107 E MAIN          HARTINGTON   NE
                                                 10% off with ABATE card
 15        THE MAX AGAIN          402-375-9817                                109 MAIN ST           WAYNE      NE
 15        SEWING BY BETH         402-371-8653                                109 S 2ND ST         NORFOLK     NE
                                SEW ON ONE PATCH GET A 2ND FREE WITH ABATE CARD

If You cannot

        Act Now!
You Cannot
        Act Surprised
When nothing

Dist.                Business                Phone                  Address                 City          ST
 2           OL' GLORY KETTLE CORN        402-217-4725       5408 S 62ND STREET          LINCOLN          NE
 2         INSURANCE & INVESTMENTS        402-989-4795        120 WASHINGTON            CLATONIA          NE
 2          BROCK LAW OFFICES PC LLO      402-467-3303        5625 O ST STE 109          LINCOLN          NE
 2              DUEY ENTERPRISES          402-560-1111   3701 'O' STREET SUITE 201-D     LINCOLN          NE
 2             1ST AVENUE LOUNGE          402-560-1153       2310 N 1ST AVENUE           LINCOLN          NE
 2      CJ'S NEIGHBORHOOD BAR & GRILL     402-975-2004          200 W P STREET           LINCOLN          NE
 2      TRUCK ACCESSORIES N COVERS INC    402-475-8068      3260 N 20TH SUITE 6          LINCOLN          NE
 2            RISKY'S BAR AND GRILL       402-466-6966     4680 LEIGHTON AVENUE          LINCOLN          NE
 2              ACROSS THE TRAX           402-988-2141         633 MAIN STREET            ADAMS           NE

Dist.              Business                  Phone                 Address                City            ST
 4              SHENANIGANS               402-563-9256         3808 E 23RD ST          COLUMBUS           NE
 4             AWARDS & TEES              402-366-0130        2512 13TH STREET         COLUMBUS           NE
 4            THE GREENHORN               402-439-2420            919 IVY ST            STANTON           NE
 4        MUGS N JUGS BAR AND GRILL       402-923-0160          302 MAIN ST            HUMPHREY           NE
 4          THE PLAINVIEW NEWS            402-851-0009        508 WEST LOCUST          PLAINVIEW          NE
 4               MICEK'S BAR              402-564-3093        2506 12TH STREET         COLUMBUS           NE

Dist.             Business                   Phone                Address                 City            ST
 5           ROADHOUSE LOUNGE             402-372-5857 1204 LINCOLN #5 S HWY 275 PLZ   WEST POINT         NE

Dist.                 Business               Phone                Address                  City           ST
 6          DILLON BROTHERS HARLEY        402-289-5556     3838 CLEVELAND BLVD           OMAHA            NE
 6             KING INSURANCE INC         402-597-5224           11326 Q ST              OMAHA            NE
 6                JOURNEY'S BAR           402-502-4215         2236 N 91ST PLZ           OMAHA            NE
 6                 HAROLDS BAR            402-981-1614          8558 BLONDO              OMAHA            NE
 6        J DUBS HANGOUT BAR & GRILL      402-991-6994      15408 S 2ND STREET         BENNINGTON         NE
 6               RIVERWEST PARK                             3606 N 156T ST #307          OMAHA            NE
 6           FIREBARN BAR AND GRILL       402-932-3600     2523 RIVERROAD DRIVE         WATERLOO          NE
 6             BUCKS BAR AND GRILL        402-359-4322     27849 W CENTER ROAD          WATERLOO          NE
 6         DEFIANCE HARLEY DAVIDSON       402-331-0022      4940 S 72ND STREET           OMAHA            NE
 6                 THE BLIND PIG          402-350-5901        167 MAIN STREET          SPRINGFIELD        NE
 6            THE FORGOT STORE INC                          3325 N 58TH STREET           OMAHA            NE
 6                  JERRY'S BAR           402-553-3343       6301 MILITARY AVE           OMAHA            NE
 6                THE RUSTIC INN          402-468-5565          116 S 14TH ST          FT CALHOUN         NE
 6                BLUE LEGENDS            402-964-2587        2142 S 164TH AVE           OMAHA            NE

                            Support those that support us!                                           18

Dist.                 Business              Phone                 Address                  City       ST
 7      SALTY DOG SALOON - M DANGELO     402-442-2233       200 WEST MAIN ST          STEELE CITY     NE
 7            CZECH'ERD FLAG BAR         402-821-3070        207 WEST 3RD ST            WILBER        NE
 7         FAIRMONT LEGION POST 21       402-268-2811          525 F STREET           FAIRMONT        NE
 7               VFW POST 7102           402-759-4399          909 S 10TH ST            GENEVA        NE
 7                SIDE TREK BAR          402-300-0657         419 HANSEN ST             HARBINE       NE
 7              TOOLEY'S LOUNGE          402-729-9925          321 D STREET            FAIRBURY       NE
 7              ROAD 6 CUSTOMS           402-362-4138      1714 N LINCOLN AVE             YORK        NE
 7               RJ'S BAR & GRILL        402-683-4935         402 E FILMORE             DEWITT        NE
 7              CRINER'S CORNER          402-729-3571         201 W ROSCOE             ENDICOTT       NE
 7             DIRTY BIZ LAUNDRY         402-217-0784         1516 MAPLE ST            FAIRBURY       NE
 7           FAIRMONT CAR WASH           402-266-1276          719 9TH AVE            FAIRMONT        NE
 7            SOMEPLACE ELSE LLC         402-525-8791           1245 MAIN                CRETE        NE
 7           MAMA D'S BAR & GRILL        402-433-4151        102 N WEST AVE            WESTERN        NE
 7               RELIABLE AUTO           785-527-5815       1433 28TH STREET          BELLEVILLE      KS
 7          DOUBLE B BAR AND GRILL       402-243-2446        102 SOUTH MAIN              TOBIAS       NE
 7          BEAVER CORNER BAR LLC        402-532-2022          601 WEST ST         BEAVER CROSSING    NE
 7      THE FIELD SPORTS BAR AND GRILL   402-793-8557       415 COMMERCIAL               DILLER       NE
 7           TOAD'S BELVIDERE LLC        402-768-9987          305 C STREET           BELVIDERE       NE
 7         GARY'S BRICKHOUSE GRILLE      402-282-7311      255 N WASHINGTON            GRAFTON        NE
 7      MOLCAJETE MEXICAN RESTAURANT     402-730-3071          906 G STREET             GENEVA        NE
 7                   RED ZONE            402-683-9901         311 E FILLMORE            DEWITT        NE
 7             4TH STREET TAVERN         402-613-7281         213 1ST STREET            DESHLER       NE
 7           RW'S DINING & DRINKS        402-364-2319          102 S MAPLE           DAVENPORT        NE
 7            B & B CONSTRUCTION         402-366-5607      520 N YORK AVENUE              YORK        NE
 7                  MY BAR LLC           402-641-0249   915 MAIN STREET SUITE 10         CRETE        NE
 7                CHARLIES PUB           402-629-4411        524 MAIN STREET           MILLIGAN       NE
 7       OVERTIME GRILL AND LOUNGE       402-759-3434          842 G STREET             GENEVA        NE
 7        CITY SLICKERS BAR AND GRILL    402-946-2171     703 WASHINGTON AVE         DORCHESTER       NE
 7        HUNTERS LOUNGE - B TOMES       402-726-5613      311 MIDLAND STREET            WACO         NE
 7                HUSKER REHAB           402-729-2639          504 E STREET            FAIRBURY       NE
 7               SUTTON REPAIR           402-766-4414            101 MAIN                ODELL        NE


               ALL MEMBERS OF

                ABATE OF NEBRASKA


Dist.                    Business             Phone                 Address             City           ST
 12                DJ'S BAR & GRILL        308-394-5488        323 CENTRAL AVE         GRANT           NE
 12             WALLACE AGENCY, LLC        308-387-4319       234 S COMMERCIAL       WALLACE           NE
 12                 VFW POST 4688          308-882-5083           PO BOX 518         IMPERIAL          NE
 12                  JOHN'S REPAIR         308-697-4345            PO BOX 31        CAMBRIDGE          NE
 12             LEWIS MOTOR SPORTS         308-345-6211      401 NORTH HWY 83        MCCOOK            NE
 12     FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES # 3472   308-882-5445           PO BOX 772         IMPERIAL          NE
 12          AMATEURS BAR AND GRILL        308-657-4808           602 PAXTEN        CAMBRIDGE          NE
 12           WAUNETA CROSSROADS           308-394-5444      481 S TECUMSEH ST       WAUNETA           NE
 12      PLATINUM T-SHIRTS & EMBROIDERY    308-882-3997         410 BROADWAY         IMPERIAL          NE
 12              DOUBLE 9 FIREARMS         308-394-5488        307 N TECUMSEH        WAUNETA           NE
 12      MIDDLE OF NOWHERE BAR & GRILL     308-447-5590   213 N PENNSYLVANIA AVE     VENANGO           NE
 12                  WESTERN KEG           308-423-2678       105 6TH AVENUE E      BENKELMAN          NE
 12            IMPERIAL SUPER FOODS        308-882-5389        1200 BROADWAY         IMPERIAL          NE
 12                 SWEDEN CRÈME           308-882-2939           PO BOX 358         IMPERIAL          NE
 12          WALGREN'S SUPER MARKET        308-394-5203        124 N TECUMSEH        WAUNETA           NE
 12                    JAKES PLACE         308-297-3478       165 N PORTER AVE        HAIGLER          NE
 12           HAIGLER COUNTRY CAFÉ         308-297-3330     106 W NEBRASKA AVE        HAIGLER          NE
 12               T'S BAR AND GRILL        308-387-4333    241 S COMMERCIAL AVE      WALLACE           NE
 12         BROKEN ARROW CELLARS LLC       308-882-7772        73892 33RD AVE        IMPERIAL          NE
 12        COBBLESTONE INN AND SUITES      970-854-3222    805 S INTEROCEAN AVE      HOLYOKE           CO
 12                TRIANGLE OIL CO         308-882-5807          32197 742 RD        IMPERIAL          NE
 12              MORNING STAR CAFÉ         402-760-1381        130 ADELAIDE ST       IMPERIAL          NE
 12                 LONGHORN BAR           308-386-2327           561 FERN ST      SUTHERLAND          NE
 12                       MR C'S           308-394-5656        318 N TECUMSEH        WAUNETA           NE
 12                 THE WINDY GAP          308-239-4482       120 NORTH OAK ST        PAXTON           NE
 12                   SANDS EDGE           308-726-2335      1851 HWY 61 NORTH       LEMOYNE           NE
 12          JUST 1 MORE BAR & GRILL       308-737-0502        406 TATE STREET     HAYES CENTER        NE
 12               FARKLEBERRY'S LLC        308-286-3365          100 TROTH ST      HAYES CENTER        NE
 12                     BEAR CAVE          308-278-3121     500 WYOMING STREET     CULBERTSON          NE
 12               GOOD LIFE MARINA         308-334-5268        36152 ROAD 44B        TRENTON           NE
 12                 509 BROADWAY           308-882-5090         509 BROADWAY         IMPERIAL          NE
 12                 PINNACLE BANK          308-882-4297         447 BROADWAY         IMPERIAL          NE
 12                   CHAR WALLIN                                PO BOX 1476         IMPERIAL          NE
 12         SOUTHWEST TITLE COMPANY        308-882-4348         412 BROADWAY         IMPERIAL          NE
 12           JOHNSON PUBLICATIONS         308-882-4453         622 BROADWAY         IMPERIAL          NE
 12              SODTOWN SUNDRIES          308-285-3220       103 N MAIN STREET      PALISADE          NE
 12            BUD'S TIRE AND REPAIR       308-350-0289        35643 ROAD 724        PALISADE          NE
 12               J & B ENTERPRISES        308-367-7431          14418 S L 560         BRADY           NE

                            Support those that support us!

Dist.               Business              Phone                  Address              City           ST
 15         SIDELINES BAR & GRILLE     402-287-2957           206 MAIN ST          WAKEFIELD         NE
 15               PAINT'S PUB          402-565-4334            114 S MAIN           HOSKINS          NE
 15             PINKY'S LOUNGE         402-586-2630            PO BOX 234            WAUSA           NE
 15               MRS BUBBAS           402-337-0515       115 W BROADWAY           RANDOLPH          NE
 15       WAYNE EAGLES CLUB #3757      402-375-9944           119 MAIN ST            WAYNE           NE
 15         BATTLE CREEK SHIRT CO      402-675-9795          203 W MAIN ST       BATTLE CREEK        NE
 15           BACKROAD BAR B Q         402-667-7262         55698 898 ROAD       SAINT HELENA        NE
 15             BROKEN ANTLER          402-833-8761           111 E 3RD ST           WAYNE           NE
 15            TRI-COUNTY BAR          402-695-2811    1016 S MAIN ST BOX 101      EMERSON           NE
 15                LYLE'S BAR          402-389-0762           404 MAIN ST         NEWCASTLE          NE
 15               BOONDOCKS            402-357-2756         212 2ND STREET          FORDYCE          NE
 15               DEVIL'S DEN          402-640-0292     417 ST JAMES AVENUE          WYNOT           NE
 15              CHARLIE'S BAR         402-649-3380          803 W MAIN ST           PIERCE          NE
 15                 4TH JUG            402-833-1414     951-999 E 7TH STREET         WAYNE           NE
 15           THOMSEN'S CORNER         402-748-3500          302 N STATE ST         OSMOND           NE
 15             DONNA'S DINER          402-357-3500             108 E 5TH            WYNOT           NE
 15         SPIDE'S CONSTRUCTION       402-360-0859            PO BOX 201          RANDOLPH          NE
 15         SCREAMIN TIKI TATTOO       402-942-1176   804 E BENJAMINE AVE #201      NORFOLK          NE
 15              KEYSTONE BAR          402-582-4811          316 W LOCUST          PLAINVIEW         NE
 15             POP'S KUSTOMS          605-653-4395        1902 BROADWAY            YANKTON          SD
 15           MAIN STREET LANES        402-748-3720        207 STATE STREET         OSMOND           NE
 15               BOTTOMS UP           402-373-4144        119 N BROADWAY         BLOOMFIELD         NE
 15               MAGNET BAR           402-360-4222        203 MAIN STREET          MAGNET           NE
 15               UPPER DECK           605-661-4952         315 BROADWAY            YANKTON          SD
 15     VICTOR FARMS - MIKE & MARTA    402-375-0422           57656 861 RD           WAYNE           NE

                            Support those that support us!                                      21

Dist.                Business                Phone                  Address              City          ST
 38              SPORTSMAN BAR            308-380-9318             501 N PINE      GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38                  TD'S BAR             308-745-2555           714 O STREET        LOUP CITY         NE
 38              PEACOCK LOUNGE           402-418-4119       2430 N BROADWELL      GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38                 RED DAWG              308-388-3195         105 E ELM STREET     PLEASANTON         NE
 38                UPPER DECK             308-382-5000       2110 W 2ND STREET     GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38               NEW FRONTIER            308-537-1121          124 N 'C' STREET     BELGRADE          NE
 38                  SCOTTY'S             402-854-2009        416 MARQUIS AVE       MARQUETTE          NE
 38      MILLER TIRE PROS AND SERVICE     308-675-2449        811 W 4TH STREET     GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38       SYLVESTER'S BAR AND LOUNGE      308-870-3284      723 EAST SOUTH E ST    BROKEN BOW          NE
 38              BEER BARREL BAR          308-687-2004       307 SPRUCE STREET       ST LIBORY         NE
 38            THUNDER ROAD GRILL         308-382-6986   3335 W WOOD RIVER ROAD    GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38               WHISKEY RIVER           308-750-6120       113 EST 9TH STREET     WOOD RIVER         NE
 38               OZZY'S TAVERN           402-845-2720       111 W PLUM STREET       DONIPHAN          NE
 38          THE RESCUE BAR & GRILL       308-527-3343            301 S 6TH ST        SARGENT          NE
 38                  BANDITS              308-382-9333      1016 N DIERS AVENUE    GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38        FONNER VIEW GOLF COURSE        308-382-0202    2224 SOUTH STUHR ROAD    GRAND ISLAND        NE
 38        WOOD RIVER GOLF COURSE         308-583-2225   11937 WEST HOLLING ROAD    WOOD RIVER         NE
 38                 JAKE'S BAR            308-750-4517          706 7TH STREET         ST PAUL         NE
 38          SHELLY'S BAR AND GRILL       308-246-5553       308 CENTER AVENUE       WOLBACH           NE
 38           LOWE'DED BAR & GRILL        308-346-4201       459 GRAND AVENUE         BURWELL          NE
 38     YA'LL COME BACK SALOON & GRILL    308-728-5881        127 N 16TH STREET          ORD           NE
 38               SOUTHSIDE BAR           308-728-5513           1535 N STREET           ORD           NE
 38               DOME LOUNGE             308-237-3404            PO BOX 1774         KEARNEY          NE
 38             BANANA RAMS BAR           402-694-9363         206 MAIN STREET       HORDVILLE         NE

                             Support those that support us!

If you see any of the following people, remind them their ABATE of Nebraska membership needs renewed.

                            (American Bikers Aiming Towards Education)

        District 2                                                                District 13
      LEEPER, LYNN                                                               BAUER, CAROL
       REZAC, CARL
    WILCOX, WILLIAM                                                               District 15
       BOOZE, TY A                                                             BACKER, SANDY
     SEACREST, TINA                                                        SMYDRA RISINGER, THERESA
     BROWN, GITTA                                                               TUNINK, KEVIN
     BROWN, JAMES                                                              BROKEN ANTLER
    LESLEY, MICHAEL                                                            DONNA'S DINER
    CONOVER, BARRY                                                                LENSER, JO
      LAMPE, KEVIN                                                               REED, ALAN
        District 4                                                         WAYNE EAGLES CLUB #3757

      ZEGERS, JESS                                                               District 3/8
                                            District 9
                                                                               WEINERT, LAUREN
        District 6                          BAHE, SCOTT
                                                                                 MARTINEZ, DJ
                                            District 11
    MACKIE, DAVID                                                              JOHNSON, CAROL
      ABNEY, JANE                          SCHMITZ, MANDI                       CONNELLY, BILLI
    GAVER JR, DALE                          OLSON, DEBBIE                       CONNELLY, KRIS
   MESENBRINK, STEVE                                                           SPORTSMAN BAR
                                            District 12
      RENZ, MARK
        District 7                        FARKLEBERRY'S LLC
                                           GASWICK, DOUG
     NEUJAHR, STEVE                       GOOD LIFE MARINA
   4TH STREET TAVERN                       509 BROADWAY
   VOCASEK, JESSICA L                      PINNACLE BANK
    GALAWAY, COREY                           MOORE, SUE
  GOODWIN, JERRY KEITH                      VFW POST 4688
                                           TRIANGLE OIL CO
                                            MELCHER, JACK

SHARE THE ROAD is a motorcycle awareness program that promotes
driver awareness and increases understanding of how motorcycles behave
in traffic. ABATE of Nebraska, Inc. provides trained volunteers to present
this program to the public. We believe that education and training are the
best ways to prevent, and thereby reduce, motorcycle/automobile acci-

Research shows that three fourths of crashes involving a motorcycle also
involves another motor vehicle, which is usually at fault. Considering crash
statistics and the increasing number of motorcyclists, the key to a safer
riding mix is learning to SHARE THE ROAD.

Motorcycles are very different from automobiles - they are much smaller in
size & are harder to see then automobiles. The failure of motorists to see
motorcyclists in traffic is the most common cause of crashes. Car drivers
who are involved in an accident with a motorcycle often do not see the mo-
torcycle prior to the accident, or until it is too late to avoid having the acci-

The greatest risk area for a conflict between a motorcycle and a automobile
is at an intersection...whether it is in the middle of an urban area, a drive-
way on a residential street, or anywhere where traffic may cross your path
of travel. Over one half of motorcycle/car acci-
dents are caused by drivers entering a rider's
right-of-way. Cars that turn left in from of mo-
                                                      R     IGHT TO RIDE : is an official publication for American Bikers
                                                           Aiming Towards Education (ABATE) of Nebraska, Inc. All rights
                                                      reserved. Articles in the RIGHT TO RIDE do not necessarily express the
torcyclists, including cars turning left from the     views of ABATE of NE, Inc. or it’s Officers.
lane to the right, and cars on side streets that

pull into the motorcyclists lane are the biggest           DVERTISING: Closing date for all material intended for publication is
dangers.                                                   the 1Oth of the month preceding publication. All advertising is to be
                                                      sent either via email to (RogueTC@aol.com) or mailed with payment to:
The fact remains.....the best way to prevent
any accident is through Education, Safety, and                                 ABATE of NE RTR EDITOR,
Motorcycle Awareness Programs like SHARE                                  1740 NW 54th Street, Lincoln Ne., 68528
                                                      Camera ready rates areas follows (a fee may be assessed for non-camera
                                                      ready material). Ad sizes are approximate and may vary slightly to accommo-
   Safety and Awareness Programs                      date proportions:

               Share the Road                         One Time Business Card - $16.00 per month.
                                                      Continuous Business Card - $8.00 per month.
                 Group Riding                         1 column X 5” - $25.00 per month
                                                      2 column X 5” - $35.00 per month
                  T—Clocks                            2 columns X 10” - $75.00 per month
                                                      Back Cover - 2 columns X 5”- $50.00 per month
                                                         ALL articles submitted for print in the Right To Ride become
                                                                          property of ABATE of NE, Inc.

                                                          The opinions expressed in the RIGHT TO RIDE are those of the
                                                         author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ABATE of NE,

                                   Want to know what you can do to SAVE A LIFE?

                        Do you know someone at a radio station, TV, or any Media outlet?

Get the message out May was Motorcycle Awareness month but every month should be! You can get these
     to stations in your area, the more it is broadcast the more likely someone will take a second look.

                                          The life you save may be your own!

(30 sec)

The question isn’t can you hear me now…. the question is can you SEE me now?!!!

Do you watch for motorcycles? Motorcyclists are watching for you. When sharing the roadways with other vehicles, including
motorcycles, please take a moment to LOOK TWICE before making a left turn or pulling out onto a roadway. LOOK TWICE
Save a life!

Let’s make 2021 a record-breaking year!! Let us bring the number of accidents down for motorcycles and vehicles! This mes-
sage is brought to you by A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska, Inc.

(30 sec)

The question is not can you hear me now… the question is can you SEE me now?!

How many times can one honestly say?                                                     When you talk to them ask
                                                                                        them to put them on all sum-
They didn’t see the motorcycle coming their way.                                         mer … Motorcycles run all
The highways and roads are for us all to share
                                                                                        year in Nebraska no reason
                                                                                       to stop this campaign in May!
STOP, look TWICE, please take a moment to be aware.

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month.

Please join A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska in making 2021 safe and enjoyable for everyone traveling our busy roads and streets.

This message is brought to you by A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska, Inc.

(10 sec)

Automobile drivers please Look twice before turning as motorcycles are smaller and harder to see. Be aware. Save a LIFE.

This message is brought to you by A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska, Inc.

(10 sec)

Motorist should never try and share a lane with motorcycles. Please don't share be aware. May is Motorcycle Safety and Aware-
ness Month.

This message is brought to you by A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska, Inc.

(10 sec)

Poor road conditions and bad weather are unsafe for motorcycles compared to an Automobile. Please Look twice and be

This message is brought to you by A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska, Inc.                                                            25
Keep the Shiny Side up!

You can also read