Revisiting Pre-trained Language Models and their Evaluation for Arabic Natural Language Understanding

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Revisiting Pre-trained Language Models and their Evaluation for Arabic
                                                             Natural Language Understanding
                                                  Abbas Ghaddar1,∗ Yimeng Wu1,∗ Sunyam Bagga1 Ahmad Rashid1 Khalil Bibi1
                                                        Mehdi Rezagholizadeh1 Chao Xing1 Yasheng Wang1 Duan Xinyu2
                                                   Zhefeng Wang2 Baoxing Huai2 Xin Jiang1 Qun Liu1 and Philippe Langlais3
                                                                          Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Huawei Cloud Computing Technologies Co., Ltd
                                                                   RALI/DIRO, Université de Montréal, Canada
arXiv:2205.10687v1 [cs.CL] 21 May 2022

                                                                 Abstract                       the default standard architectures for modern natu-
                                                                                                ral language understanding (NLU) systems in both
                                             There is a growing body of work in recent
                                                                                                academic (Kalyan et al., 2021; Min et al., 2021)
                                             years to develop pre-trained language models
                                             (PLMs) for the Arabic language. This work          and industrial (Chakravarti et al., 2020; Tunstall
                                             concerns addressing two major problems in ex-      et al., 2022; Li et al., 2021) settings. On the evalu-
                                             isting Arabic PLMs which constraint progress       ation side, the community has widely adopted the
                                             of the Arabic NLU and NLG fields.First, ex-        leaderboard paradigm1 as a reliable and fair tool
                                             isting Arabic PLMs are not well-explored and       to track the progress on various NLP tasks (Mehri
                                             their pre-trainig can be improved significantly    et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2018, 2019).
                                             using a more methodical approach. Second,
                                                                                                   Recent years have seen tremendous efforts to
                                             there is a lack of systematic and reproducible
                                             evaluation of these models in the literature. In   develop language-specific PLMs (Le et al., 2020;
                                             this work, we revisit both the pre-training and    Chan et al., 2020; Canete et al., 2020; Ulčar and
                                             evaluation of Arabic PLMs. In terms of pre-        Robnik-Šikonja, 2020) and leaderboards (Xu et al.,
                                             training, we explore improving Arabic LMs          2020, 2021; Shavrina et al., 2020; Wilie et al.,
                                             from three perspectives: quality of the pre-       2020) for languages other than English. These
                                             training data, size of the model, and incorpo-     language-specific PLMs have proven to be more
                                             rating character-level information. As a re-
                                                                                                accurate than multilingual ones in monolingual
                                             sult, we release three new Arabic BERT-style
                                             models ( JABER, Char-JABER, and SABER),
                                                                                                evaluation settings (Martin et al., 2019; Wei et al.,
                                             and two T5-style models (AT5S and AT5B).           2019; Safaya et al., 2020). Moreover, creating
                                             In terms of evaluation, we conduct a compre-       high-quality human-curated benchmarks is consid-
                                             hensive empirical study to systematically eval-    ered to be of utmost importance for reliable evalua-
                                             uate the performance of existing state-of-the-     tion (DeYoung et al., 2020; Kiela et al., 2021).
                                             art models on ALUE that is a leaderboard-             For some high-resource languages like Chinese,
                                             powered benchmark for Arabic NLU tasks,and         the community has been able to be on par with En-
                                             on a subset of the ARGEN benchmark for Ara-
                                                                                                glish NLU in terms of developing PLMs (Sun et al.,
                                             bic NLG tasks. We show that our models sig-
                                             nificantly outperform existing Arabic PLMs         2019, 2020, 2021; Zeng et al., 2021) and evaluat-
                                             and achieve a new state-of-the-art performance     ing them on publicly available leaderboards (Xu
                                             on discriminative and generative Arabic NLU        et al., 2020). However, we find that for other lan-
                                             and NLG tasks. Our models and source code          guages like Arabic the community is unfortunately
                                             to reproduce of results will be made available     lagging behind. Despite the wide availability of
                                             shortly.                                           Arabic PLMs (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2021; Antoun
                                                                                                et al., 2020; Nagoudi et al., 2022; Inoue et al., 2021)
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                                and datasets (Zeroual et al., 2019; El-Khair, 2016;
                                         Pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as             Nagoudi et al., 2020), there are two major issues
                                         BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), GPT (Radford et al.,       that constrain the progress of Arabic NLU field.
                                         2018), and T5 (Raffel et al., 2019) have become           1
                                                                                                     We use the same definition of leaderboard as Ethayarajh
                                                 Equal contribution                             and Jurafsky (2020).
First, we observe that the latest techniques for         2   Related Work
improving pre-training (Brown et al., 2020; Clark
et al., 2021; Di Liello et al., 2021) are under-            There have been several efforts to improve on the
explored in the context of Arabic PLMs. In this             pre-training paradigm by scaling up the model
work, we investigate three ways to improve on the           size (Lepikhin et al.; Brown et al., 2020) and
existing Arabic PLMs: quality of the pre-training           data size (Liu et al., 2019), exploring new pre-
data, size of the model, and morphology. We pro-            training tasks (Di Liello et al., 2021; Panda et al.,
pose JABER, a BERT-base model pre-trained on                2021) and model architectures (Lan et al., 2019;
high-quality filtered data, that significantly outper-      Voita et al., 2019), and support for long input se-
forms the best Arabic PLM baseline by 1.5% on               quences (Choromanski et al., 2021; Beltagy et al.,
the ALUE leaderboard (Seelawi et al., 2021), a              2020). In this work, we use the original setting of
newly proposed benchmark with a leaderboard for             BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and T5 (Raffel et al.,
sequence classification Arabic tasks.2 We also ex-          2019) models to pre-train our Arabic encoder-only
plore two other variants of our model: (i) Char-            and encoder-decoder models respectively. The
JABER which exploits character-level information            overall goal is to be fairly and directly comparable
and (ii) SABER which involves a BERT-large                  with other existing Arabic PLMs discussed below.
model, and report further gains in performance.                 Table 1 shows the configuration used by popular
                                                            publicly available Arabic BERT models as well
   Second, there is a lack of systematic and repro-         as those of JABER and SABER. AraBERT (An-
ducible evaluation. As a matter of fact, most of the        toun et al., 2020) and Arabic-BERT (Safaya et al.,
existing work on Arabic PLMs does not follow the            2020) were amongst the first to pre-train 12-layer
recommended evaluation protocols (Pineau, 2020;             BERT-base models specifically for Arabic. Abdul-
Chen et al., 2022) which include extensive hyper-           Mageed et al. (2021) proposed two BERT-based
parameter tuning, performing multiple runs on the           models: ARBERT which is tailored for Modern
development set, and reporting performance on               Standard Arabic (MSA) NLU tasks and MAR-
hidden test sets. To address this issue, we system-         BERT dedicated to tasks that include Arabic di-
atically compare five popular Arabic BERT-like              alects (especially tweets).
PLMs by carefully assessing their performance on                ARBERT and MARBERT are pre-trained on
ALUE (Seelawi et al., 2021). We find that the per-          61GB and 128GB of MSA and tweets data re-
formance ranking of models drastically changes              spectively. Inoue et al. (2021) go one step fur-
when measured on dev sets as compared to the                ther and pre-train a single BERT-base model called
leaderboard test sets, thus calling for caution when        CAMeLBERT, on 167GB of MSA, dialect and clas-
comparing models without a leaderboard setting.             sic Arabic data. The major difference between
   Furthermore, we extend our work to T5 encoder-           JABER and these existing Arabic PLMs is that
decoder models and Arabic generative tasks. We              JABER is pre-trained on a high-quality and strictly
pre-train two T5 small and base models for Arabic:          filtered dataset (115GB out of 514GB).
AT5S and AT5B. AT5B achieves state-of-the-art re-               A wide range of methods have been proposed
sults on several generative tasks (Naous et al., 2020;      lately to enrich PLMs with character-level infor-
Ladhak et al., 2020) by outperforming the recently          mation, as it has been shown to be beneficial for
proposed AraT5-base model (Nagoudi et al., 2022)            morphologically rich languages like Arabic (Kim
both on automatic and human evaluations. We fur-            et al., 2016; Gerz et al., 2018; Clark et al., 2022).
ther observe that T5-based Arabic PLMs perform              Ma et al. (2020) proposed Noisy Language Mod-
worse than the BERT-based models on the ALUE                eling, a new unsupervised pre-training objective
benchmark which is in contrast to the powerful per-         to learning character representations. Pinter et al.
formance of T5-models on English language tasks             (2021) proposed their XRayEmb method that in-
(Raffel et al., 2019). We conclude with a set of            volves adding character-level information to exist-
suggestions and directions to explore for pushing           ing PLMs without the need for pretraining them
forward progress in the Arabic NLU community.               from scratch. CharacterBERT (El Boukkouri et al.,
                                                            2020) uses a character-CNN module to learn repre-
                                                            sentations for entire words by consulting the char-
                                                            acters of each token, thus avoiding to recourse
       The Arabic equivalent of GLUE (Wang et al., 2018).   to word-pieces (Wu et al., 2016). Our character-
Model                  Arabic-BERT      AraBERT      CAMeLBERT       ARBERT     MARBERT         JABER       SABER
    #Params (w/o emb)       110M (85M)     135M (85M)     108M (85M)   163M (85M)   163M (85M)   135M (85M)   369M (307M)
    Vocab Size                  32k            64k           30k          100k         100k          64k          64k
    Tokenizer                WordPiece      WordPiece      WordPiece    WordPiece    WordPiece      BBPE         BBPE
    Normalization                8              X             X             8           8             X            X
    Data Filtering               8              8             8             8           8             X            X
    Textual Data Size          95GB           27GB          167GB         61GB        128GB        115GB         115GB
    Duplication Factor           3             10             10            -            -            3            3
    Training epochs             27             27              2           42           36           15            5

Table 1: Configuration of publicly available Arabic BERT models and our models: JABER and SABER. AraBERT
and MARBERT did not provide their data duplication factor. Char-JABER has the same characteristics as JABER.

enhanced BERT-base model Char-JABER uses a                         on downstream tasks (Raffel et al., 2019; Brown
simple and efficient method to inject character-level              et al., 2020). We developed a set of heuristics (see
representations alongside the sub-tokens represen-                 Appendix A.2) for cleaning our Arabic corpora that
tations only at the input layer of BERT, with min-                 is able to filter out gibberish, noisy and duplicated
imal additional parameters and no computational                    texts.
   Recent efforts have also been made to develop                           Source        Original    Clean
benchmarks for Arabic NLU tasks. Abdul-Mageed                              CC            475GB       87GB     (18%)
                                                                           NEWS          21GB        14GB     (67%)
et al. (2021) proposed the ARLUE benchmark                                 EL-KHAIR      16GB        13GB     (82%)
which is a collection of 42 discriminative classi-                         WIKI          1.6GB       1GB      (72%)
fication tasks. Nagoudi et al. (2022) proposed the                         Total         514GB       115GB (22%)
ARGEN benchmark which consists of 19 datasets
for generative tasks. However, both benchmarks                     Table 2: Size of our pre-training corpus before and after
have certain limitations which make it challeng-                   applying the data cleaning methods. Parentheses indi-
ing to meaningfully evaluate Arabic PLMs. For                      cate the proportion of the remaining data.
many tasks, the authors use their own train-dev-
test splits which are not made publicly available,                    Table 2 shows the size of our pre-training cor-
as of May 10, 2022. In addition, the access to                     pora before and after data pre-processing. The
some datasets is not available free of cost. Further-              final pre-training dataset represents only 22% of
more, none of the tasks include privately-held test                the original corpus and is 115GB in size. Al-
data which is important to ensure that a benchmark                 though our approach seemingly filters out a large
is used fairly (Wang et al., 2018). Therefore, we                  proportion of the dataset, our corpus size is com-
adopt the ALUE benchmark (Seelawi et al., 2021)                    parable with other models such as Arabic-BERT
for evaluating our models on classification tasks                  (95GB) and MARBERT (128GB). Moreover, as
because this benchmark has a public leaderboard                    we will discuss in Section 4, our models are able
and includes privately-held test sets for many tasks.              to significantly outperform other models that used
For evaluating our Arabic T5 models, we select a                   light pre-processing (Safaya et al., 2020; Abdul-
subset of generative tasks from the ARGEN bench-                   Mageed et al., 2021). We also utilise the Arabic
mark whose results are freely reproducible (see                    text-normalization procedure of AraBERT4 which
Section 4.1).                                                      involves removing emojis, tashkeel, tatweel, and
                                                                   HTML markup (Antoun et al., 2020).
3        Pre-training
                                                                   3.2    Our Models
3.1        Data Collection and Processing
                                                                   We pre-train both BERT- and T5-style models.
We collect pre-training data from the following                    JABER and SABER stand for Junior (12-layer) and
sources: common crawl (CC), news (NEWS, EL-                        Senior (24-layer) Arabic BERt models respectively.
KHAIR), and Wikipedia (WIKI).3 Recent studies                      They follow the default configuration of Devlin
have highlighted the importance of cleaning up raw                 et al. (2019) BERT-base and BERT-large respec-
pre-training data for achieving better performance
         See Appendix A.1 for data source specific details.        blob/master/
Task     |Train|   |Dev|   |Test|   Metric       |Classes|    Domain   Lang   Seq. Len.
                                           Single-Sentence Classification
              MDD         42k      5k       5k    F1-macro         26       Travel   DIAL   7±3.7
              OOLD         7k      1k       1k    F1-macro          2       Tweet    DIAL   21±13.3
              OHSD         7k      1k       1k    F1-macro          2       Tweet    DIAL   21±13.3
              FID          4k       -       1k    F1-macro          2       Tweet    DIAL   23±11.7
                                            Sentence-Pair Classification
              MQ2Q        12k        -      4k    F1-macro         2        Web      MSA    13±2.9
              XNLI         5k        -      3k    Accuracy         3        Misc     MSA    27±9.6
                                             Multi-label Classification
              SEC          2k     600       1k    Jaccard          11       Tweet    DIAL   18±7.8
              SVREG        1k     138       1k    Pearson          1        Tweet    DIAL   18±7.9

Table 3: Task descriptions and statistics of the ALUE benchmark. Test sets in bold use labels that are publicly
available. The average sequence length and standards deviations are computed based on the word count of the
tokenized text of the training set.

tively. We also enhance JABER with character-                more detailed description).
level representations at the input layer, which we              Unfortunately, there is no equivalent of the
refer to as the Char-JABER model.                            ALUE benchmark (a fixed train/dev/test split, a
   For Char-JABER, each word is represented as               privately-held test, and a leaderboard) for Arabic
a sequence of characters, and we use a m-layer               generative tasks. Therefore, we evaluate encoder-
CNN encoder (Chiu and Nichols, 2016; Lee et al.,             decoder models on a selected set of generative
2018) to obtain a continuous vector of character-            tasks from the ARGEN benchmark (Nagoudi et al.,
level representation for each word. The final input          2022): Text Summarization (TS), Question Gener-
representation is obtained by adding those vectors           ation (QG), and Question Answering (QA), where
to the original BERT input representations (token,           the latter is treated as a sequence-to-sequence gen-
segment, and position). Note that all sub-tokens             erative task. In addition, we experiment on a single-
of the same word share the same character-level              turn dialogue task using the Empathetic Dialogue
representation of that word.                                 (EMD) dataset (Naous et al., 2021a). A detailed
   AT5B and AT5S use the same encoder-decoder                description of the datasets, splits, and evaluation
architecture and configuration of T5-base and T5-            metrics is available in Appendix B.2.
small (Raffel et al., 2019) respectively. AT5B is
directly comparable with AraT5-base (Nagoudi                 4.2   Baselines
et al., 2022), the state-of-the-art model for Ara-
                                                             On one hand, we compare our JABER, Char-
bic generative tasks. The configurations and im-
                                                             JABER and SABER models with the popular Ara-
plementation details of our models are listed in
                                                             bic PLMs: Arabic-BERT (Safaya et al., 2020),
Appendix A.3,A.4.
                                                             AraBERT (Antoun et al., 2020), CAMeLBERT (In-
4       Experimental Protocol                                oue et al., 2021), ARBERT and MARBERT
                                                             (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2021). On the other hand, we
4.1      Datasets                                            evaluate our AT5S and AT5B models against the re-
                                                             cently proposed AraT5-base (Nagoudi et al., 2022)
We evaluate all models on the newly proposed
                                                             and AraB2B (Naous et al., 2021b) models. The lat-
ALUE benchmark (Seelawi et al., 2021), a collec-
                                                             ter is an encoder-decoder model initialized with the
tion of 8 Arabic NLU tasks. The final score is com-
                                                             weights of AraBERT. CAMeLBERT and AraT5-
puted as the unweighted average over those tasks.
                                                             base refer to CAMeLBERT-MIX and AraT5 mod-
ALUE is powered by a leaderboard5 with privately-
                                                             els in (Inoue et al., 2021) and (Nagoudi et al., 2022)
held test sets and we present a brief summary of
                                                             respectively. These models were pretrained on a
the ALUE tasks in Table 3 (see Appendix B.1 for
                                                             mix of MSA and tweets (largest possible corpus)
    5                     and achieve the best overall performance in their
Model         MQ2Q*       MDD       SVREG       SEC           FID     OOLD        XNLI       OHSD        Avg.
    CAMeLBERT     68.9±1.1   62.9±0.1   86.7±0.1   45.4±0.5    84.9±0.6   91.3±0.4   55.7±1.2   81.1±0.7   72.1±0.6
    Arabic-BERT   73.3±0.6   61.9±0.2   83.6±0.8   42.4±0.4    83.9±0.6   88.8±0.5   66.0±0.6   79.3±1.0   72.4±0.6
    AraBERT       73.5±0.5   61.1±0.3   82.3±0.9   42.2±0.6    85.2±0.2   89.7±0.4   67.2±0.4   79.9±1.8   72.6±0.6
    MARBERT       69.1±0.9   63.2±0.3   88.0±0.4   47.6±0.9    84.7±0.4   91.8±0.3   63.3±0.7   83.8±1.4   73.9±0.7
    ARBERT        74.7±0.1   62.5±0.2   83.5±0.6   43.9±0.6    85.3±0.3   90.5±0.5   70.8±0.5   81.9±2.0   74.1±0.6
    JABER         75.1±0.3   65.7±0.3   87.4±0.7   46.8±0.8    84.8±0.3   92.2±0.5   72.4±0.7   85.0±1.6   76.2±0.7
    Char-JABER    76.8±0.2   67.3±0.2   87.5±0.3   47.8±0.4    85.7±0.2   93.3±0.1   72.7±0.3   86.4±0.5   77.2±0.3
    SABER         77.7±0.4   67.4±0.2   89.3±0.3   49.0±0.5    86.1±0.3   93.4±0.4   75.9±0.3   88.9±0.3   78.5±0.3

Table 4: D EV performances and standard deviations over 5 runs on the ALUE benchmark. Bold entries describe the
best results among all models, while underlined entries show best results among BERT-base models. * indicates
that the results are on our own MQ2Q dev set.

respective papers.                                            variance across the five runs when compared to the
                                                              BERT-base models.
4.3    Implementation Details                                    It can be seen that Arabic-BERT and AraBERT
In order to ensure a fair comparison amongst ex-              have comparable performances (average score of
isting models, we define a systematic evaluation              72.4% and 72.6% respectively). This could be due
protocol following the recommendations of 202                 to the similar size of training data used by both
(2021). The following four-step approach is ap-               models: Arabic-BERT was pre-trained on 95GB
plied to every model (including the baselines) for            of text data that was duplicated 3 times (285GB),
each of the ALUE and generative tasks: (1) We con-            while AraBERT was pre-trained on 27GB dupli-
duct extensive hyperparameter-search experiments              cated 10 times (270GB). While CAMeLBERT out-
(e.g. 60 for BERT models) to find the best combi-             performs the other baseline models on certain tasks,
nation of batch size, learning rate, and dropout rate.        it achieves the lowest average score of 72.1. This
(2) We use the best found hyperparameter-setting to           is due to its poor performance on MQ2Q (68.9)
perform 5 runs with different random seeds. (3) We            and XNLI (55.7), both of which are sentence-pair
report the average and the standard deviation on the          classification tasks and involve MSA data.
development set. (4) We use the best-performing                  ARBERT achieves the highest average score of
models of the development set experiments for the             74.1% closely followed by MARBERT (73.9%).
ALUE leaderboard submissions, as well as for re-              MARBERT was pre-trained on a large corpus of
porting the test-set scores of the encoder-decoder            Arabic tweets and we observe that it performs well
models. The best selected hyperparameters for                 on tasks that involve tweet-data. The opposite holds
each model on each task, and other implementation             true for ARBERT.
details can be found in Appendix B.3.                            Our JABER model significantly outperforms the
                                                              best existing baseline model (ARBERT) by 2.3%
5     Results of BERT-Style Models                            on the average ALUE score. While MARBERT
                                                              performs marginally better on the SVREG and
5.1    ALUE Dev                                               SEC tasks, JABER significantly outperforms MAR-
The performance of all BERT-based models in-                  BERT on all other tasks, particularly the MSA tasks
cluding the baselines on the development set of               – XNLI and MQ2Q – where it achieves a +9.1%
ALUE tasks is presented in Table 4. We report                 and +6.0% of gains respectively.
the average and standard deviation of 5 runs with                We see further improvements when the JABER
different random seeds. We observe that the vari-             model is enhanced with character representations at
ance in performances of the multiple runs is low              the input level. Char-JABER performs better than
and is approximately the same on average for all              JABER on all ALUE tasks resulting in a one point
BERT-base models, with the exception of OHSD                  jump in the average ALUE score. Moreover, it can
where all models exhibit higher variance. Inter-              be seen that Char-JABER outperforms MARBERT
estingly, Char-JABER and SABER report a lower                 on all tasks (except on SVREG) that involve tweets
Model            MQ2Q       MDD      SVREG      SEC     FID     OOLD      XNLI      OHSD      Avg.    DIAG
                                           ALUE Baselines
  mBERT              83.2      61.3      33.9      14.0   81.6     80.3      63.1      70.5     61.0     19.0
  Arabic-BERT        85.7      59.7      55.1      25.1   82.2     89.5      61.0      78.7     67.1     19.6
                                 Our Private Submissions of Baselines
  AraBERT            89.2      58.9      56.3      24.5   85.5     88.9      67.4      76.8     68.4     23.5
  Arabic-BERT        89.7      59.7      58.0      26.5   84.3     89.1      67.0      80.1     69.3     19.0
  CAMeLBERT          89.4      61.3      69.5      30.3   85.5     90.3      56.1      80.6     70.4     11.8
  ARBERT             89.3      61.2      66.8      30.3   85.4     89.5      70.7      78.2     71.4     24.3
  MARBERT            83.3      61.9      75.9      36.0   85.3     92.1      64.3      78.9     72.2     12.3
  JABER              93.1      64.1      70.9      31.7   85.3     91.4      73.4      79.6     73.7     24.4
  Char-JABER         92.0      66.1      74.5      34.7   86.0     92.3      73.1      83.5     75.3     26.7
  SABER              93.3      66.5      79.2      38.8   86.5     93.4      76.3      84.1     77.3     26.2

Table 5: Leaderboard test results (as of 15/04/2022) of experiments on ALUE tasks and their diagnostic dataset
(DIAG). Bold entries describe the best results among all models, while underlined entries show best results among
BERT-base models.

and dialect data, despite not being pre-trained on        tors’ baselines and our own models respectively.
tweet corpora.                                            We keep the baseline results private6 since we are
   Character-level information can be crucial for         not the owners of these models. Figure 1 in Ap-
morphologically rich languages like Arabic, where         pendix includes a screenshot of the leaderboard
many low frequent dialect words share the same            from May 2022.
root and meaning as more frequent MSA words.                 Interestingly, we observe that our private sub-
We integrate this information in an unsupervised          mission of the Arabic-BERT model achieves an
manner into both pretraining and fine-tuning stages.      average ALUE score of 69.3% which is 2.2 per-
We do so without adding any computational over-           centage points higher than the one available on the
head and without requiring massive amounts of             ALUE leaderboard. This can directly be attributed
private tweets data (MARBERT) which can be dif-           to our extensive fine-tuning protocol (described
ficult to obtain for a large section of the research      in Section 4.3). Specifically, the proper tuning of
community.                                                the hyperparameters for our version of the Arabic-
   As expected, our BERT-large SABER model out-           BERT model resulted in an overall improvement.
performs all the BERT-base models on all ALUE                Surprisingly, we also observe that the relative
tasks (even MARBERT on SVREG), achieving a                ranks of the baseline models have changed drasti-
2.3% and 1.3% improvements on ALUE average                cally as compared to the dev set (Table 4). CAMeL-
over JABER and Char-JABER respectively. In our            BERT had the lowest average ALUE score of
study, it seems that increasing the model capacity        72.1% on the dev set, but it now outperforms
is more important than adding character level infor-      AraBERT and Arabic-BERT on the leaderboard
mation for modelling low frequent dialect words.          test-set. Similarly, MARBERT outperforms AR-
Nevertheless, combining both techniques may fur-          BERT by 0.8% on the leaderboard while being
ther improve the performances, which we leave for         0.3% behind on the dev set. This happens despite
future work.                                              our extensive hyperparameter tuning protocol and
                                                          the fact that we perform multiple runs. This ob-
5.2   ALUE Test                                           servation underscores the importance of having
Table 5 shows the performance of all BERT-based           separate privately-held test sets to determine the
models on the ALUE leaderboard. The top two               actual state-of-the-art rankings for Arabic PLMs in
rows correspond to the baselines provided by the          future.
ALUE authors and the values are directly taken               We observe that our models consistently rank
from the leaderboard. The middle and the bottom              6
                                                               We contacted the owners of the ALUE leaderboard to
sections display the performances of our competi-         submit the other baseline models in private mode.
at the top for both ALUE test set and dev set.             In order to perform a more meaningful evalu-
JABER outperforms all other existing Arabic lan-        ation, we also evaluate the Arabic T5 models on
guage models achieving an average score of 73.7%.       four other tasks: Empathetic Dialogue (EMD), Text
Char-JABER outperforms JABER model with a               Summarization (TS), Question Answering (QA)
1.6% increase in the average ALUE score. SABER          and Question Generation (QG). We present the per-
expectedly further boosts the average score by 2%       formances of all T5-based models on QA in Table 8,
compared to JABER, achieving the new state-of-          on QG and EMD in Table 7 and on TS in Table 9.
the-art score of 77.3% on the ALUE benchmark.           Note that we do not experiment on AraB2B on TS
   It is interesting to note that the Char-JABER        as BERT model is constrained by a maximum input
model is able to outperform the much larger             length of 512.
SABER model (by 0.5%) on ALUE’s diagnos-
tic data (DIAG), a dataset which is designed to                             QG                     EMD
capture the complex linguistic phenomena of Ara-          Model          Dev   Test              Dev   Test
bic (Seelawi et al., 2021). Moreover, it performs         AT5S          7.8±0.4    15.6         2.1±0.1     1.9
better than JABER on all the ALUE tasks (except           AT5B          8.1±0.1    17.0         2.3±0.1     2.0
                                                          AraT5-base    6.7±0.1    13.5         2.0±0.0     1.8
MQ2Q and XNLI). Therefore, we argue that aug-             AraB2B        4.7±0.3    11.7         2.0±0.0     1.8
menting language models with character informa-
tion is a worthy pursuit for Arabic NLU.                Table 7: BLEU score of T5-style models on the Ques-
                                                        tion Generation and Empathetic Dialogue tasks.
6    Results of Encoder-Decoder Models

Table 6 shows the performance of our T5 models                                   Dev                  Test
(AT5S and AT5B) and AraT5-base (Nagoudi et al.,          Model           EM             F1          EM F1
2022) on the development split of the ALUE tasks.        AT5S          36.8±0.4    57.5±0.3        29.2     65.1
Expectedly, the smaller variant AT5S achieves a          AT5B          40.8±0.7    61.6±1.1        31.6     67.2
lower average score. The performance of our AT5B         AraT5-base    40.2±0.4    61.4±0.8        31.2     65.7
model is very similar to that of AraT5-base with         AraB2B        27.3±2.5    47.9±1.6        22.7     54.0
both models slightly outperforming each other on
four tasks each.                                        Table 8: F1-score and Exact Match (EM) of T5-style
                                                        models on the Question Answering task.
    Task name    AT5S       AT5B      AraT5-base
    MQ2Q?       73.0±0.1   73.7±0.1     70.5±2.1
                                                                        Rouge1         Rouge2         RougeL
    OOLD        88.4±0.2   90.0±0.4     90.5±0.4
    OHSD        81.0±1.8   81.2±2.1     78.3±1.4                         WikiLingua Dev
    SVREG       75.6±1.6   78.1±2.4     80.8±1.3          AT5S          24.3±1.3        9.5±0.6      21.6±1.0
    SEC         41.3±0.5   43.8±0.7     44.0±0.6          AT5B          26.1±2.8       10.5±1.6      23.2±2.5
    FID         82.1±0.6   83.1±0.5     82.3±0.4          AraT5-base    25.0±0.2       10.0±0.0      22.4±0.2
    XNLI        67.9±0.3   72.2±0.4     72.5±1.5
                                                                         WikiLingua Test
    MDD         63.1±0.3   64.7±0.2     63.6±0.2
                                                          AT5S            25.2            9.9             22.4
    Avg         71.5±0.7   73.3±0.9     73.0±1.0          AT5B            27.8           11.5             24.8
                                                          AraT5-base      25.1           10.2             22.5
Table 6: Dev Alue scores of Arabic T5-style models.
Results on our own MQ2Q dev set are marked by an ?.                        EASC Test
                                                          AT5S            11.3            2.7             10.1
                                                          AT5B            12.6            3.5             11.3
   Moreover, comparing Table 4 and Table 6, we            AraT5-base      10.7            2.7              9.3
observe that T5-style Arabic PLMs perform worse
than the BERT-based models on the same ALUE             Table 9: T5-style models’ performances on the Text
benchmark. This is in contrast to the powerful per-     Summarization task.
formance of T5-models on English language tasks
(Raffel et al., 2019). This observation requires fur-     Our AT5B model significantly outperforms
ther investigations, and therefor we did not submit     AraT5-base on Question Generation and WikiLin-
our T5 models to the ALUE leaderboard.                  gua summarization tasks by 3.5 points and 2.7
points respectively. On the remaining QA and               in Table 10. First, we assert that the reported values
EMD tasks, the performance of the two mod-                 are reliable as the standard deviation is low (approx-
els is similar with our AT5B model, performing             imately 10%) across all tasks. Second, we observe
marginally better. Moreover, we observe in Table 7         that the scores obtained in the human evaluation
that even our smaller AT5S model is able to outper-        study (Table 10) are much higher than what the
form the bigger AraT5-base on QG and EMD tasks             corresponding BLEU and ROUGE scores reported
while achieving comparable scores on TS and QA             in Table 7 would suggest. On EMD, for example,
tasks. This can be very useful for the community           our AT5B model achieves a score of 53% for the
for operating in a low latency setting.                    Acceptable scenario as compared to the previously
   Finally, we observe from Table 7 and Table 8            reported BLEU score of 2.0. This is possible be-
that the performance of AraB2B model is worse              cause the dialogue generated by the model could
than all other T5-based models. We believe that the        be conveying the same tone and emotion as the ref-
BERT2BERT approach for Arabic response gener-              erence dialogue which led the annotators to mark
ation adopted in (Naous et al., 2021b) is not well         it as Acceptable, despite not having a high n-gram
suited for such generation tasks, and it is preferable     overlap with the reference dialogue.
to pre-train the model from scratch compared to               Finally, we can conclude from Table 10 that our
initializing the encoder-decoder architecture with         AT5B model was preferred by the annotators for
pre-trained weights.                                       both scenarios on each of the three tasks. The im-
                                                           provement over AraT5-base is considerably large
                           Acceptable      Best            for QG and TS tasks as compared to the empa-
             AT5B           68%±10       56%±12            thetic dialogues task. On EMD, we observe that

             AraT5-base     37%±11       19%±14            only a fraction of all of the models’ responses are
             AraB2B         40%±12       25%±02
                                                           considered acceptable by the annotators. However,
             AT5B           53%±08       50%±07            even in that scenario, the annotators pick our AT5B

             AraT5-base     50%±12       37%±10            model as the best-performing one since it is able to
             AraB2B         27%±04       13%±05
                                                           produce the most syntactically correct and coherent
             AT5B           74%±08       66%±05            responses. One reason for the overall low perfor-

             AraT5-base     61%±12       34%±04            mance on these tasks is the quality of the datasets
                                                           available for Arabic NLU: the data is not originally
Table 10: Human evaluation performances on 3 gener-        in Arabic and the datasets were created via auto-
ative tasks.                                               matic translation from English datasets. Therefore,
                                                           in order to make meaningful progress in Arabic
   The ideal way to measure performance on lan-            NLU, we argue that the community needs to curate
guage generation tasks is to ask humans to evaluate        high-quality datasets dedicatedly for Arabic.
the models’ outputs (Sai et al., 2022). Thus, we
evaluate our T5-based and AraB2B models on the             7   Conclusion
three generation tasks of QG, EMD and TS using
human annotators. Each of the three models’ out-           In this work, we revisit the pre-training and eval-
puts on the tasks were evaluated by four, native           uation of Arabic PLMs. We introduced five new
speakers graduate student, annotators. We perform          Arabic language models using both BERT- and T5-
both absolute and relative comparison of the three         style pre-training schemes. Our models outperform
models. Specifically, we asked the annotators to           all existing Arabic models on the generative tasks
label a hundred outputs from each model and each           as well as on the ALUE benchmark, with SABER
task for two scenarios: (1) Acceptable: each model         setting a new state-of-the-art on ALUE.
output is labeled for whether it is acceptable (not           In order to accelerate progress in Arabic NLU,
strictly perfect) to the annotator or not, and (2) Best:   we advocate for the creation of more leaderboard-
where the annotator must pick exactly one best out-        based benchmarks with privately-held evaluation
put out of the three ones. In order to mitigate anno-      sets that covers a wide array of tasks. Moreover,
tation biases, we randomly shuffle, anonymize and          we strongly recommend to evaluate Arabic NLU
rename the three models’ outputs.                          models following a systematic approach similar to
   The results of our human evaluation study for           the one we propose, with extensive hyperparameter
both Acceptable and Best scenarios are presented           tuning and multiple runs with different random
seeds.                                                     pages 7088–7105, Online. Association for Computa-
   Having met all the other conditions in the Re-          tional Linguistics.
producibility Checklist (Pineau, 2020), we will          Wissam Antoun, Fady Baly, and Hazem Hajj. 2020.
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our models publicly available shortly. In future,          guage understanding. In LREC 2020 Workshop Lan-
we plan to scale up Arabic PLMs to tens (and               guage Resources and Evaluation Conference 11–16
                                                           May 2020, page 9.
hundreds) of billions of parameters in an energy-
efficient manner (Du et al., 2021; Chowdhery et al.,     Giuseppe Attardi. 2012. WikiExtractor.
2022) as well as scale up with high-quality pre-
training data (Hoffmann et al., 2022).                   Iz Beltagy, Matthew E. Peters, and Arman Cohan. 2020.
                                                            Longformer: The long-document transformer.
Limitations                                              Yassine Benajiba and Paolo Rosso. 2007. Anersys 2.0:
                                                           Conquering the ner task for the arabic language by
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classification and generative tasks, there are several     mation. In IICAI, pages 1814–1823.
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It would be worthwhile to explore others tasks such      Tom B Brown, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie
as named-entity recognition (Benajiba and Rosso,           Subbiah, Jared Kaplan, Prafulla Dhariwal, Arvind
                                                           Neelakantan, Pranav Shyam, Girish Sastry, Amanda
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2012). Also, there are other Arabic PLMs such              learners. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.14165.
as (Talafha et al., 2020; Lan et al., 2020) that were
not used in our evaluation study. Those models           José Canete, Gabriel Chaperon, Rodrigo Fuentes, and
                                                           Jorge Pérez. 2020. Spanish pre-trained bert model
have been reported to underperform the PLMs we              and evaluation data. PML4DC at ICLR, 2020.
have considered as baselines in our study. Yet,
there is a slight chance that including them would       Rishav Chakravarti, Anthony Ferritto, Bhavani Iyer,
change the performance ranking in our evaluation.          Lin Pan, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, and Avi Sil.
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check the impressive performance of Char-JABER             preprint arXiv:2010.10906.
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                                                         Yanran Chen, Jonas Belouadi, and Steffen Eger. 2022.
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A       Pretraining Details                                    were longer than 3 characters. Then, we de-
                                                               duplicate the corpus by only keeping the first
A.1       Data collection
                                                               occurrence of sentences with the same key.
We collect our pre-training corpus from the follow-
ing four sources:                                          8. Discard a document if more than 30% of
                                                              its sentences are removed in our filtering
 Common Crawl (CC): We used 10 shards of                      pipeline.
   Common Crawl8 data from March to De-
   cember 2020. After removing non-Arabic                A.3    BERT-style Models
   text, this dataset is 444GB in size. Addi-            For tokenization, we use the byte-level Byte Pair
   tionally, we use the monthly shard of CC              Encoding (BBPE) (Wei et al., 2021) training
   from November 2018 provided by the OS-                method which considers the text as a byte se-
   CAR project (Suárez et al., 2019). We down-           quence. This method improves the learning of
   loaded the unshuffled version (31GB) from             the representations of rare words and eliminates
   HuggingFace Datasets (Lhoest et al., 2021).           the out-of-vocabulary problem. We use a vocab-
 NEWS: We use the links provided in the Open             ulary size of 64K which is comparable to that
   Source International Arabic News Corpus               of AraBERT, twice the size of Arabic-BERT and
   (Zeroual et al., 2019) to collect 21GB of tex-        CAMeLBERT, and 36% smaller than ARBERT
   tual data from 19 popular Arabic news web-            and MARBERT. Our JABER and SABER models
   sites.                                                use the same architecture as that of BERT-base and
                                                         BERT-large (Devlin et al., 2019) respectively. The
 EL-KHAIR: We use the 1.5 billion words Arabic           former is a stack of 12 Transformer-encoder layers
    Corpus (El-Khair, 2016) which is a collection        (768 hidden units) while the latter consists of 24
    of newspaper articles published by 10 Arabic         Transformer-encoder layers (1024 hidden units).
    news sources between 2002-2014.                         For Char-JABER, we first randomly initialize a
                                                         character embedding lookup table with a vocab size
 WIKI: We use the Arabic Wikipedia dump9 from            of 160 characters (induced form the pre-training
   June 2021 and extract the text of articles using      corpus) and a 768 hidden size. Each word is split
   WikiExtractor (Attardi, 2012).                        into a sequence of characters with a maximum char-
                                                         acter sequence length of 10. We use two 1-D CNN
A.2       Filtering Heuristics
                                                         layers with each layer having a filter size of 348
    1. Remove sentences with HTML or Javascript          and a sliding window of size 3. Note that we ap-
       code (Raffel et al., 2019).                       ply a maxpooling layer with a window size of 5
    2. Remove sentences if it has less than 70% Ara-     after the first CNN layer. After the second CNN
       bic characters.                                   layer, a linear layer is used to map the final rep-
                                                         resentation to the 768 hidden size. Although this
    3. Remove sentences with less than 8 words.          architecture adds an additional 700K parameters to
                                                         Char-JABER, this has a negligible computational
    4. Remove sentences with more than 3 succes-         overhead on JABER.
       sive punctuation marks (excluding dot).              Following Devlin et al. (2019), we pre-train our
                                                         models on two unsupervised tasks: Masked Lan-
    5. Remove documents with less than 64 words.
                                                         guage Modelling (MLM) and Next Sentence Pre-
    6. Remove long spans of non-Arabic text (mostly      diction (NSP). Specifically for MLM, we use whole
       English) inside a sentence. We observe that       word masking with a probability of 15%. The orig-
       most of these sentences were gibberish/noisy      inal tokens are replaced 80% of the time with the
       text and not related to the original content.     special [MASK] token, 10% of the time by a ran-
                                                         dom token, and remains unchanged 10% of the
    7. Represent each sentence by the concatenation      time. We choose a duplication factor of 3: each
       of the first and last 3 words. We only con-       input sequence generates 3 random sets of masked
       sider words that did not include any digits and   tokens.
    8                             We pre-train our JABER and SABER models on
    9                     16 servers for 15 and 5 epochs respectively. Each
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