REVIEW Thyroid hormone action in mitochondria
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67 REVIEW Thyroid hormone action in mitochondria C Wrutniak-Cabello, F Casas and G Cabello UMR Différenciation Cellulaire et Croissance (INRA, Université Montpellier II, ENSAM), Unité d’Endocrinologie Cellulaire, INRA, 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, France (Requests for offprints should be addressed to G Cabello; Email: ABSTRACT Triiodothyronine (T3) is considered a major Both pathways are obviously involved in the T3 regulator of mitochondrial activity. In this review, stimulation of mitochondrial genome transcription. we show evidence of the existence of a direct T3 First, a 43 kDa c-Erb A1 protein located in the mitochondrial pathway, and try to clarify the mitochondrial matrix (p43), acting as a potent respective importance of the nuclear and mitochon- T3-dependent transcription factor of the mitochon- drial pathways for organelle activity. Numerous drial genome, induces early stimulation of organelle studies have reported short-term and delayed T3 transcription. In addition, T3 increases mitochon- stimulation of mitochondrial oxygen consumption. drial TFA expression, a mitochondrial transcription Convincing data indicate that an early influence factor encoded by a nuclear gene. Similarly, the occurs through an extra-nuclear mechanism insen- stimulation of mitochondriogenesis by thyroid sitive to inhibitors of protein synthesis. Although it hormone probably involves both pathways. In has been shown that diiodothyronines could actually particular, the c-erb A gene simultaneously be T3 mediators of this short-term influence, the encodes a nuclear and a mitochondrial T3 receptor detection of specific T3-binding sites, probably (p43), thus ensuring coordination of the expression corresponding to a 28 kDa c-Erb A1 protein of the of the mitochondrial genome and of nuclear genes inner membrane, also supports a direct T3 encoding mitochondrial proteins. influence. The more delayed influence of thyroid Recent studies concerning the physiological hormone upon mitochondrial respiration probably importance of the direct mitochondrial T3 pathway results from mechanisms elicited at the nuclear involving p43 led to the conclusion that it is not only level, including changes in phospholipid turnover involved in the regulation of fuel metabolism, but and stimulation of uncoupling protein expression, also in the regulation of cell differentiation. As the leading to an increased inner membrane proton processes leading to or resulting from differentiation leak. However, the involvement of a direct are energy-consuming, p43 coordination of metab- mitochondrial T3 pathway leading to a rapid olism and differentiation could be of significant stimulation of mitochondrial protein synthesis has importance in the regulation of development. to be considered. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 INTRODUCTION ized, c-erb A and c-erb A. In rats, mice and men, due to alternative splicing processes, the c-erb A It is generally assumed that the fundamental gene encodes three proteins 1, 2 and 3; only the influence of thyroid hormone occurs through the first binds T3 and stimulates gene transcription control of gene transcription, mediated by several in response to the hormone. Shorter forms of triiodothyronine (T3)-binding transcription factors -receptors have also been characterized (Chassande belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily. Two et al. 1997) in mice. In the same species, the c-erb genes encoding these receptors have been character- A gene encodes two receptors, 1 and 2, differing Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Online version via 0952–5041/01/026–067 2001 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
68 - and others · Mitochondrial T3 action in their pattern of tissue expression; whereas c-Erb biogenesis (Mutvei et al. 1989a), suggesting that A1 is expressed in a wide range of tissues, c-Erb the hormone acts on both nuclear genes and A2 is found almost exclusively in the pituitary mitochondrial genome expression. In fact, it where it inhibits thyrotrophin (TSH) - and appears now that nuclear and direct mitochondrial -subunit gene transcription (Abel et al. 1999) by pathways mediate this influence. In this review we binding to negative T3 response elements (REs) have tried to define the respective contribution of present on these genes (Burnside et al. 1989, each pathway in several well-established T3 Bodenner et al. 1991). Gene knock-out studies in influences on the organelle: stimulation of oxygen mice have confirmed the specific involvement of the consumption, mitochondrial genome expression and c-erb A gene in T3 negative feedback on TSH mitochondriogenesis. synthesis (Forrest et al. 1996, Abel et al. 1999, Gauthier et al. 1999). Despite spectacular progress in the knowledge of THYROID HORMONE INFLUENCE ON the T3 nuclear pathway over the last 14 years, a MITOCHONDRIAL OXYGEN CONSUMPTION clear answer to a recurrent question is still lacking. The major involvement of thyroid hormone in the It has long been known that thyroid hormone regulation of development, growth and metabolism administration increases oxygen consumption and suggests that it controls a variety of complex heat production, and that, conversely, hypothy- pathways. Through its c-Erb A receptors regulating roidism has the opposite effects. Mitochondria directly or indirectly the expression of numerous extracted from the livers of hyperthyroid rats genes, this unique mechanism could enable T3 to display oxygen consumption rates greater than those induce a broad spectrum of activities. However, is recorded in controls, whereas mitochondria from it possible to rule out the implication of other hypothyroid animals have a lower oxygen consump- mechanisms initiated outside the cell nucleus? The tion (Brand & Murphy 1987, Hoch 1988). Similar pertinence of this question is emphasized by changes have been observed in hepatocytes isolated convincing reports demonstrating that iodothy- from hyperthyroid or hypothyroid animals (Nobes ronines affect calcium signalling within minutes, et al. 1990). Interestingly, two kinds of thyroid independently of new protein synthesis (Davis et al. hormone action have been reported: a short-term 1989, Segal 1989), and by the observation that, influence occurring within minutes of thyroid in vivo, thyroid hormone influences thermogenesis hormone treatment, and a more delayed influence and the lipolytic activity of catecholamines, in less recorded after a few hours. than 30 min (Andrews et al. 1979, Lynch et al. 1985, Wrutniak & Cabello 1986). These last data substantiate the occurrence of non-genomic T3 Short-term influence pathways. In this respect, mitochondria have a particular Several studies have reported that T3 injection in status in the cell. According to their postulated hypothyroid rats increases oxygen consumption origin as a bacterium engulfed by the cell, they and oxidative phosphorylations measured in possess their own genome, a specific genetic code, isolated liver mitochondria collected less than and a specific apparatus involved in DNA repli- 30 min after hormone administration (Palacios- cation, expression and protein synthesis. Despite Romero & Mowbray 1979, Sterling et al. 1980). In this, the majority of mitochondrial proteins, addition, this effect was not abrogated by protein including carriers, enzymatic subunits, transcrip- synthesis inhibitors (Sterling et al. 1980). In vitro tion factors, DNA and RNA polymerases, or experiments also demonstrated that adding T3 to proteins involved in RNA translation, are encoded the incubation medium of isolated mitochondria by nuclear genes and imported into mitochondria. from hypothyroid animals induced a similar Besides this nuclear contribution, the mitochondrial influence within 2 min of the hormone being genome encodes 13 enzymatic subunits of the present (Sterling et al. 1977, Thomas et al. 1987). respiratory chain, two rRNAs and 22 tRNAs. Moreover, Sterling & Brenner (1995) reported a Although the organelle’s contribution to the stimulation of the mitochondrial carrier adenine synthesis of its own proteins appears to be nucleotide translocase (ANT) displaying the same quantitatively modest, it is an absolute requisite for features. Rapidity, refractoriness to inhibitors of life, as is clearly demonstrated by the extreme protein synthesis, and occurrence in the absence of severity of diseases induced by rearrangements of nuclei ruled out the involvement of the T3 genomic the mitochondrial genome. Moreover, T3 is pathway. Parallel to this, several studies have considered as a major regulator of mitochondrial demonstrated that the mitochondrion is a major Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
Mitochondrial T3 action · - and others 69 compartment of T3 accumulation in the cell nuclear receptor (Fig. 1). Now, we have evidence (Palacios-Romero & Mowbray 1979, Sterling et al. that this T3-binding protein is actively imported in 1984b, Hashizume et al. 1986, Morel et al. 1996). isolated mitochondria (F Casas, C Wrutniak- These data led to the proposition that ANT was a Cabello & G Cabello, unpublished observations). major T3 target involved in the short-term Although its exact function remains to be estab- influence of the hormone on the organelle. In lished, p28 could act as a receptor involved in the agreement with this hypothesis, Sterling (1986) early mitochondrial T3 influence, taking into reported that ANT is a high-affinity binding site account its co-localization with components of for T3. However, despite the availability of the the respiratory chain, uncoupling proteins (UCPs) purified protein and related antibodies or expression or ANT. vectors, this last result has not received any confirmation. In particular, as were others, we were unable to demonstrate significant T3 binding to Delayed influence is probably induced at the purified ANT or to the protein in its mitochondrial nuclear level context (Rasmussen et al. 1989, Wrutniak et al. 1995). Studies were performed in order to identify the sites However, the possibility that T3 by itself could of action of T3 involved in delayed stimulation induce this early influence is still under debate. of oxygen consumption (Harper et al. 1993). In First, after inhibiting deiodinations by propylthiou- isolated mitochondria or in hepatocytes, they led to racil, Horst et al. (1989) reported that diiodothy- the conclusion that the proton leak across the inner ronines (T2s), but not T3, induce this short-term membrane is an important target of thyroid mitochondrial influence. In addition, in agreement hormone involved in its influence on oxygen with the detection of 3 ,5-T2-binding sites in the consumption. In addition, studies performed in organelle (Lanni et al. 1994, Leary et al. 1996), isolated mitochondria from hypothyroid rats sug- Goglia et al. (1994) found that 3 ,5-T2 binds to gested that reactions dissipating the protonmotive a subunit of cytochrome-c-oxidase, leading to a force like ATPase or ANT activity are also involved conformational change of the enzyme and an in this regulation, but these data were not confirmed activation of the respiratory chain. Next, as in hyperthyroid mitochondria or in hepatocytes. mentioned previously for T3, inhibitors of protein The proton leak represents about 20% of the synthesis do not alter the influence of T2 on the multifactorial control of mitochondrial respiration organelle (O’Reilly & Murphy 1992). Yamaki et al. (Brown 1992), and convergent data demonstrate (1991) reported that 5 -deiodinase activity could be that it is increased by thyroid hormone, according detected in mitochondria, thus suggesting that T3 to several mechanisms. First, thyroid hormone to T2 conversion in the isolated organelle is not increases the area of the inner membrane and alters unlikely. Although controversial, this observation its phospholipid composition (Brand et al. 1992, could explain the T3 influence recorded in this Bangur et al. 1995), leading to increased per- in vitro system. These data led to the proposition meability to protons recorded 9–12 h after hormone that 3 ,5-T2 is actually a mediator of the short-term administration (Horrum et al. 1992). More recently, thyroid hormone influence. the discovery of a family of mitochondrial UCPs However, in our opinion, the detection of specific (Ricquier & Bouillaud 2000) provided another clue T3-binding sites in mitochondria by three separate to explain this influence. In contrast to initial teams (Sterling & Milch 1975, Goglia et al. 1981, findings indicating that UCP1 expression was Hashizume & Ichikawa 1982) does not allow us to restricted to brown adipose tissue, it appears that exclude the possibility that T3 by itself is able to almost all tissues express at least one member of the induce a part of the short-term hormonal influence. UCP family (UCP2, 3 and brain mitochondrial In particular, Sterling et al. (1984a) found that a carrier protein-1). Interestingly, it is now estab- 28 kDa T3-binding protein was localized in the lished that UCP1 (Cassard-Doulcier et al. 1994, mitochondrial inner membrane. In agreement with Guerra et al. 1996, Rabelo et al. 1996), UCP2 this result, we have more recently identified a (Lanni et al. 1997) and UCP3 (Gong et al. 1997, truncated form of the T3 nuclear receptor c-Erb Larkin et al. 1997) gene expression is increased by A1 displaying a similar molecular mass and the T3. In addition, Lanni et al. (1999) reported the same localization in the organelle as Sterling’s existence of a substantial correlation between UCP3 protein (p28) (Wrutniak et al. 1995). According mRNA levels, mitochondrial coupling and the to Bigler et al. (1992), p28 is synthesized by thyroid state, thus suggesting that control of UCPs alternative translational initiation at an internal expression is involved in the T3 regulation of the AUG in the messenger encoding the full-length proton leak. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
70 - and others · Mitochondrial T3 action 1. Two short c-Erb A1 protein isoforms (p28 and p43) are synthesized by alternative translational initiation at internal AUG in the message encoding the full-length thyroid hormone receptor (Bigler et al. 1992). Whereas p28 is detected in the mitochondrial inner membrane, p43 is localized in the matrix of the organelle where it stimulates mitochondrial genome transcription in the presence of T3 (Wrutniak et al. 1995, Casas et al. 1999). TR, T3 nuclear receptor c-Erb A1 (47 kDa); 1, 109 and 442, number of nucleotides on the transcript (1=A of the first AUG); 1, 53, 120, 194 and 410, number of amino acids on the c-Erb A1 receptor. Another finding of these studies is that thyroid ations in phospholipid synthesis, appeared clearly to hormone-induced changes in the phospholipid be mainly initiated at the nuclear level. It remains to composition of the inner membrane include stimu- be established what is the contribution of direct lation of cardiolipin synthase activity due to a rise mechanisms involving the c-Erb A nuclear recep- in the mitochondrial phosphatidylglycerol pool tors, and of indirect ones mediated by the induction (Hostetler 1991, Cao et al. 1995), thus increasing of transcription factors responding to T3, such as the amounts of cardiolipin (Paradies & Ruggiero nuclear respiratory factor 1, whose RE has been 1989, 1990). As cardiolipin stimulates several identified in several nuclear respiratory genes (for mitochondrial carriers and enzymes activities review see Pillar & Seitz 1997). However, recent (Paradies & Ruggiero 1989, 1990), this event could data discussed below have raised the possibility that contribute to the delayed hormone influence on a direct mitochondrial pathway could also be mitochondrial respiration. involved in this delayed T3 influence. Besides the proton leak, the influence of thyroid hormone on the processes involved in dissipation of the protonmotive force previously mentioned THYROID HORMONE INFLUENCE ON is in agreement with the observation that sub- MITOCHONDRIAL GENOME EXPRESSION unit F1-ATPase of the mitochondrial complex synthesizing ATP (Izquierdo & Cuezva 1993) Besides its influence on oxygen consumption, and ANT (Dummler et al. 1996, Schonfeld et al. numerous reports have established the influence of 1997) is encoded by genes whose expression is thyroid hormone on mitochondrial genome expres- regulated by T3. As ATPase and ANT activities sion. Thyroid hormone administration in hypo- contribute to the decrease in protonmotive force, thyroid rats induces a 2- to 8-fold increase in liver these data suggest that direct or indirect induction mitochondrial mRNA levels (Mutvei et al. 1989b), of gene transcription is involved in delayed T3 and similar data have been reported in skeletal influence. muscle with some tissue specificities (Wiesner et al. Delayed influence of thyroid hormone on mito- 1992). According to Mutvei et al. (1989b), this rise chondrial oxygen consumption, involving alter- was accounted for by an elevated RNA synthesis. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
Mitochondrial T3 action · - and others 71 This conclusion is substantially supported by a found that p43 overexpression raises the level of recent observation indicating that T3 decreases mt-RNAs in a myoblast model in which mt-TFA is mitochondrial mRNA half-life (Enriquez et al. not a transcriptional T3 target (Casas et al. 1999). 1999), thus ruling out the possibility that thyroid In addition, it stimulates cytochrome-c-oxidase hormone could raise mitochondrial (mt) RNA levels activity and increases mitochondrial membrane by improving their stability. potential assessed by rhodamine 123 uptake This transcriptional influence has been explained (Wrutniak et al. 1995). According to the short by the finding that T3 increases mitochondrial latency period recorded in our experiments, we transcription factor (mt-TFA) mRNA levels in suggest that this mechanism is in particular rats (Garstka et al. 1994). As mt-TFA acts in involved in the influence of T3 on mitochondrial mitochondria to stimulate mt-DNA replication and oxygen consumption culminating in some hours, expression (Clayton 1991), this result suggested that by increasing mitochondrial protein synthesis and the T3 transcriptional influence was essentially consequently the activity of the respiratory chain as elicited at nuclear level. However, studies using experimentally demonstrated (Wrutniak et al. 1995, isolated mitochondria from hypothyroid or control Casas et al. 1999). rat liver led to the conclusion that this mechanism From a molecular point of view, we obtained was not exclusive. First, Martino et al. (1986) indications that p43 monomer does not bind to observed that in vitro addition of T3 stimulates mt-DNA (Casas et al. 1999), which led us to search mt-RNA polymerases in the absence of nuclear for dimerization partners of this receptor. We influence, with a latency period of less than 5 min. recently found that p43 binds to one particular Secondly, Enriquez et al. (1999) demonstrated that T3RE located in the mitochondrial D-loop by addition of minute amounts of the hormone to forming a complex with a 45 kDa truncated form of isolated mitochondria influenced mitochondrial another member of the nuclear receptor super- transcription, and particularly the mRNA/rRNA family, PPAR2 (peroxisome proliferator activated ratio, in relation to changes in the pattern of receptor), whose expression is induced by peroxi- protein binding to the mitochondrial genome. some proliferators (mt-PPAR) (Casas et al. These data demonstrated that thyroid hormone 2000a,b). Although devoid of any mitochondrial influence on mitochondrial transcription involves activity by itself, due to the absence of a direct action on the organelle transcription ligand-binding domain (Casas et al. 2000a), machinery. co-expression of mt-PPAR with p43 significantly In support of this result, we have previously enhanced the stimulation of mitochondrial activity identified, in the matrix of rat liver mitochondria, a induced by p43 alone (F Casas, C Wrutniak-Cabello second truncated form of the c-Erb A1 nuclear & G Cabello, unpublished observations). These receptor with a molecular mass of 43 kDa (p43) results provide an interesting explanation of the (Wrutniak et al. 1995), synthesized by alternative thyromimetic influence of fibrates reported in translational initiation at another internal AUG in several studies (Hertz et al. 1991, Cai et al. 1996). In the messenger encoding the full-length nuclear addition, they also suggest that p43 binds to the receptor (Fig. 1). This protein, which, like p28, is three other mitochondrial T3RE sequences by not detected in the nucleus (Wrutniak et al. 1995), forming homodimerical or heterodimerical com- binds T3 with an affinity unsurprisingly similar to plexes with unidentified partners. Taken together, that reported for c-Erb A1 (Casas et al. 1999). our data raise the possibility that other members of Moreover, in contrast to p28, this protein harbours the nuclear receptor superfamily could be imported the DNA-binding domain of the T3 nuclear into the organelle. This hypothesis is already well receptor. Interestingly, gel shift experiments estab- supported by our data demonstrating that a lished that p43 efficiently bound to four sequences particular c-Erb A isoform (0), expressed in of the mitochondrial genome previously identified non-mammalian species, is actively imported (Wrutniak et al. 1998, Casas et al. 1999), sharing into mitochondria where it plays the same role strong homologies with T3 REs described on as p43 (Casas et al. 1999), and by the finding that nuclear genes. Last, in organello transcription the glucocorticoid receptor is addressed into experiments demonstrated that p43 strongly mitochondria (Scheller et al. 2000). increases mitochondrial genome transcription, and, This possibility acutely raises the question of the as a consequence, mitochondrial protein synthesis process involved in the mitochondrial import of (Casas et al. 1999). In agreement with Martino et al. these receptors. We have not recorded putative (1986), this influence was detected as soon as the mitochondrial localization signals in p43. How- hormone had been present for 5 min. Complemen- ever, we observed that deletion of the DNA- tary studies were performed in cultured cells. We binding domain abrogates p43 import (F Casas, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
72 - and others · Mitochondrial T3 action C Wrutniak-Cabello & G Cabello, unpublished expression of subunits encoded by nuclear genes is observations), thus emphasizing the importance of not rate-limiting. This observation is consistent this well-conserved sequence among members of with previous data indicating the occurrence of an the nuclear receptor superfamily. In addition, unassembled cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit pool in studies of p28 import indicated that this receptor the cytosol of rat liver (Hundt et al. 1980). devoid of the DNA-binding domain is addressed Similarly, in synchronous cultures of yeast, whereas into the organelle only in the presence of T3 (F nuclear-encoded cytochrome-c-oxidase subunits Casas, C Wrutniak-Cabello & G Cabello, unpub- accumulate during the G1 and early S phases, they lished observations). This last observation suggests are integrated into the inner membrane in the late S that conformational changes consequent to T3 phase only after the mitochondrially made subunits binding allow unmasking of a sequence inducing have accumulated (Somasundaram & Jayaraman mitochondrial import. Overall, it appears that, at 1981), suggesting the latter could have rate-limiting least for c-Erb A mitochondrial proteins, trans- importance for enzyme functioning. Moreover, it location in the organelle involves two domains with emphasizes the importance of the rapid regulation constitutive or T3-dependent activities. Besides of mitochondrial transcription for organelle their interest in endocrine regulation of mitochon- activity. drial activity, such studies could bring new original data concerning mitochondrial protein import. THYROID HORMONE STIMULATES As nuclear receptors exert their activity by MITOCHONDRIOGENESIS interacting with transcriptional cofactors, other interesting questions are raised. In particular, the Another well-established influence of thyroid hor- occurrence in the organelle of coactivators or mone concerns the stimulation of mitochondrio- corepressors has to be questioned. Today, no genesis, considered as a long-term influence evidence has been provided that histone acetylation detected after a latency period much longer than and deacetylation are important processes for 24 h (Gross 1971). Mitochondriogenesis is the result mitochondrial genome transcription, according to of numerous events leading to membrane phos- the organization of the circular mt-DNA molecule. pholipid synthesis and assembly, DNA replication Therefore, it is unlikely that coactivators with and stimulation of the expression of the mitochon- histone acetylase activity, or interacting with drial genome and of nuclear genes encoding histones acetylases, could play an important role mitochondrial proteins. This apparent complexity is in the regulation of mitochondrial transcription. probably the reason for the length of the T3 latency Despite that, a search should be made for the period. presence of PPAR coactivator, a common c-Erb A It is likely that T3 regulation of mitochondrio- and PPAR coactivator (Puigserver et al. 1998) genesis involves both nuclear and mitochondrial interacting with steroid receptor coactivator histone receptors. As previously discussed, de novo lipid acetylase (Puigserver et al. 1999), taking into synthesis and mobilization in membranes probably account its involvement in the regulation of result from the general influence of the hormone on mitochondrial biogenesis (Wu et al. 1999). How- lipid turnover assumed to be elicited at the nuclear ever, a more systematic study of p43 inter- level. Moreover, T3 stimulation of mt-TFA actions with known mitochondrial proteins, such as expression (Garstka et al. 1994) is probably a major mt-TFA or mt-RNA polymerase, could bring mechanism involved in mitochondriogenesis as this interesting data. factor stimulates mitochondrial genome expression Although numerous questions remains unsolved, and replication. The expression of several nuclear these studies, which include the characterization of genes encoding mitochondrial proteins is T3- a new mitochondrial T3 receptor, have clearly regulated, as shown for -F1ATPase, ANT, cyto- established the existence of a T3 extra-nuclear chrome c1, mt-TFA, UCPs and several sub-units pathway. As we have detected p43 in all tested of the respiratory chain (for review see Pillar & vertebrate species (human, rat, mouse, rabbit, Seitz 1997). In addition, improvement in the chicken, Xenopus), we suggest that this well- mitochondrial import of nuclear-encoded proteins conserved pathway is of significant physiological has been observed in cardiac muscle cells (Craig importance. More generally, these results are of et al. 1998), in agreement with the study of further interest; as a specific stimulation by p43 Schneider & Hood (2000) indicating that mt-heat overexpression of the synthesis of enzyme subunits shock protein 70 expression, a chaperone involved encoded by the mitochondrial genome is sufficient in import, is increased by thyroid hormone. to induce stimulation of the organelle activity However, the work of Alvarez-Dolado et al. (Wrutniak et al. 1995), we suggest that the (1999), reporting that expression of mitochondrial Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
Mitochondrial T3 action · - and others 73 preprotein translocase of outer membrane 70, a thermogenic effects. This possibility agrees well component of the organelle import apparatus with the observation that body temperature is encoded by a nuclear gene, is negatively regulated specifically altered by disruption of the c-erb A by T3 in several regions of the brain, points to the gene, encoding a nuclear and a mitochondrial existence of differential regulation depending on receptor, whereas knock-out of the c-erb A gene the relevant tissue. Lastly, at the mitochondrial only encoding nuclear T3 receptors is without level, by activating p43 the hormone directly influence (Wikstrom et al. 1998, Johansson et al. increases mitochondrial genome transcription and 1999). synthesis of the corresponding proteins (Casas et al. However, the importance of mitochondrial 1999). activity in other important physiological processes Therefore, it appears that mitochondriogenesis is currently emerging. The organelle function in needs some coordination between nuclear and particular seems strongly implicated in the pro- mitochondrial genome expression. Interestingly, the cesses of development. First, mitochondria play a c-erb A gene simultaneously encodes a nuclear and key role in the induction of apoptosis (for review see a mitochondrial T3 receptor, thus providing an Loeffler & Kroemer 2000). In addition, several efficient system to coordinate expression of a studies have established that inhibition of mito- number of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial chondrial activity, either by deleting mt-DNA proteins, and expression of the mitochondrial (Rho0 cells) or by blocking translation in the genome (Casas et al. 1999). This dual influence not organelle, stops or decreases proliferation of only explains the major role of T3 in the regulation different cell lines (Leblond-Larouche et al. 1979, of mitochondriogenesis, but also underlines the Morais et al. 1980, Van den Bogert et al. 1992). complementarities between the nuclear and direct Furthermore, the general activity of the organelle, mitochondrial T3 pathways. As other members of not restricted to energy production, is implicated in the nuclear receptor superfamily have been charac- such regulation (Grégoire et al. 1984, Buchet & terized in the organelle (PPAR, glucocorticoid Godinot 1998). Lastly, mitochondrial protein syn- receptor), it is likely that they could also contribute thesis inhibition is associated with the impairment to this coordination, thus ensuring fine regulation of of differentiation in different cell types, such as mitochondriogenesis in response to physiological mouse erythroleukaemia (Kaneko et al. 1988) and stimuli. mastocytoma cells (Laeng et al. 1988), neurons (Vayssière et al. 1992), and human (Herzberg et al. 1993), avian (Korohoda et al. 1993) or murine PHYSIOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE myoblasts (Hamai et al. 1997). In agreement with DIRECT MITOCHONDRIAL T3 PATHWAY this set of data, mt-TFA gene knock-out in mice is associated with embryonic lethality (Larsson et al. In this review, it clearly appears that a direct T3 1998). Despite these reports, it was not clear if these mitochondrial pathway does indeed exist, mediated adverse influences were a non-specific consequence by at least one receptor encoded by the c-erb A of impairment in cell viability due to insufficient gene. As p43 is the first T3 receptor identified at ATP stores, or attested to the occurrence of an the origin of an extra-nuclear action of thyroid actual physiological regulation of cell proliferation hormone, this raises the question of the exact and differentiation by the organelle activity. physiological importance of this new hormonal To clarify this point, we studied the influence of pathway. the direct mitochondrial T3 pathway on myoblast T3 influence at the mitochondrial level initially differentiation (Rochard et al. 2000). First, T3 suggested that the pathway was essentially involved is a major regulator of myoblast differentiation in the regulation of fuel metabolism and thermo- (Marchal et al. 1993), through mechanisms involv- genesis. This possibility is consistent with the ing its c-Erb A nuclear receptors (Cassar-Malek observation that p43 overexpression induces stimu- et al. 1996, Marchal et al. 1996). Secondly, the lation of mitochondrial activity (Wrutniak et al. molecular events inducing terminal differentiation 1995). In addition, whereas high amounts of this in this cell type are relatively well known, with a receptor are present in mitochondria from brown major influence of myogenic factors acting as adipose tissue implicated in non-shivering thermo- muscle-specific transcription factors (Myf 5, MyoD, genesis, p43 is not detected in brain organelles, a myogenin and MRF4). Gene knock-out in mice tissue considered as not responsible for the provided evidence that Myf 5 and MyoD are more calorigenic influence of thyroid hormone (Wrutniak involved in the acquisition of the muscle phenotype, et al. 1995, Casas et al. 2000a). These data argue in whereas myogenin is involved in terminal differen- favour of an involvement of this pathway in T3 tiation by inducing myoblast fusion and expression Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2001) 26, 67–77 Downloaded from at 11/04/2024 10:37:04PM via free access
74 - and others · Mitochondrial T3 action of muscle-specific proteins. In addition, overexpres- genome and of nuclear genes encoding mitochon- sion of only one of these transcription factors in drial proteins needed for mitochondriogenesis. cells other than myoblasts can induce expression of Moreover, it appears that by its short-term action, a myogenic phenotype. T3 and/or T2 could immediately adapt mitochon- We first observed that p43 overexpression drial activity to abrupt changes in environmental increases myoblast withdrawal from the cell cycle, conditions, whereas when acting through p43, T3 an important step in myogenic differentiation, and rapidly increases the efficiency of the mitochondrial stimulates their differentiation. In contrast, chlor- apparatus to respond to these changes within amphenicol, a drug inducing the opposite influence minutes. In association with more delayed to p43 by reducing mitochondrial protein synthesis, responses through the nuclear pathway leading to a inhibits myoblast withdrawal from the cell cycle and stimulation of mitochondriogenesis, these mechan- their differentiation. In this study (Rochard et al. isms provide an efficient mitochondrial response to 2000), we obtained good evidence that changes abrupt and/or prolonged changes in physiological in ATP production were not involved in this conditions. myogenic influence. More interestingly, we found Lastly, it also appears that, like the nuclear T3 that myogenin expression was increased by p43 pathway, the direct mitochondrial pathway is deeply overexpression and decreased by chloramphenicol, involved in the regulation of cell differentiation, events elicited at transcriptional level, thus estab- further underlining the complementarities of these lishing the existence of an actual regulation of mechanisms initiated at different levels. In addition, myoblast differentiation by mitochondrial activity. we would emphasize that thyroid hormone regu- The signalling at the origin of the influence of lation of mitochondrial activity, simultaneously the organelle on nuclear gene expression remains influencing ATP production and cell differentiation, to be identified, but recent data already suggest an energy-expensive process, could be a major link that calcium signalling is probably involved (Luo between metabolism and development. All these et al. 1997, Biswas et al. 1999). We also observed considerations led us to the conviction that studies that the ability of myogenic factors to induce on mitochondrial T3 regulation will shed new light terminal differentiation was under the control of on major interactions between endocrinology, mitochondrial activity. metabolism and development. 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