Review One year in review 2021: pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis

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    One year in review 2021: pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
    D. Testa1, S. Calvacchi2, F. Petrelli1, D. Giannini1, S. Bilia1, A. Alunno2, I. Puxeddu1

  Immuno-Allergology Unit, Department         ABSTRACT                                    P36L1 and LINC00158 may be new
of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,        Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic      RA-risk loci in a large Korean cohort
University of Pisa, Italy;                    autoimmune disease characterised by         (4) and IL12RB2, BOLL-PLCL1,
  Rheumatology Unit, Department of
                                              local and systemic inflammation where       CCR2, TCF7 and IQGAP1 in a Chinese
Medicine, University of Perugia,
Perugia, Italy.                               the close interaction between immune        cohort (5).
                                              cells and soluble mediators leads to        It is well established that among differ-
Davide Testa, MD
Santina Calvacchi, MD                         amplification and perpetuation of in-       ent alleles conferring RA susceptibility,
Fiorella Petrelli, MD                         flammatory and remodelling processes.       the major histocompatibility complex
Daiana Giannini, MD                           The research carried out in the last year   (MHC) genes, including class I (HLA-
Silvia Bilia, MD                              in the field of RA has made it possible     A, B, C), class II (HLA-DR, DP, DQ),
Alessia Alunno, MD, PhD                       to identify new mechanisms involved         and class III sub-regions, are the most
Ilaria Puxeddu, MD, PhD                       in the pathogenesis of the disease,         relevant ones. Within the HLA alleles,
Please address correspondence to:             enabling the discovery of new poten-        HLA-DRB1*04 has recently been con-
Ilaria Puxeddu,                               tial therapeutic targets. Thus, in this     firmed to increase the risk of developing
Dipartmento di Medicina
Clinica e Sperimentale,
                                              review we summarise new insights in         RA in a southern Mexican population,
Via Roma 67,                                  RA pathogenesis, resulting from a lit-      while HLA-DRB1*08 allele seems to
56126 Pisa, Italy.                            erature research date published in the      exert a protective effect (6).
E-mail:               last year.                                  In addition to HLA loci, several ge-
Received on March 11, 2021; accepted                                                      netic variants of non-HLA loci have
in revised form on May 4, 2021.               Introduction                                been associated with some aspects of
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2021; 39: 445-452.         Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a com-         RA pathogenesis such as the role of im-
© Copyright Clinical and                      plex autoimmune disease characterised       mune cells (B cells, T cells and mast
Experimental Rheumatology 2021.               by local and systemic inflammation          cells) and pro-inflammatory cytokines
                                              (1-3). In the last year, advances have      that actively regulate some relevant in-
Key words: rheumatoid arthritis,              been made in the knowledge of RA            flammatory mechanisms. The genetic
genes, environmental factors, innate          pathogenesis, in particular in the field    variants of genes encoding for soluble
immunity, adaptive immunity,                  of genetics and environmental factors       mediators regulating immune cells ac-
pathogenesis                                  that can influence the development of       tivities have been the focus of several
                                              the disease. Due to advanced research       recent investigation.
                                              techniques, it has been possible to bet-    For instance, it is well recognised that
                                              ter characterise cellular and molecular     IL-1β plays a crucial role in joint in-
                                              processes involved in the dysregula-        flammation and tissue damage in RA,
                                              tion of innate and acquired immune re-      and several polymorphisms of its gene
                                              sponses with the identification of new      have been widely investigated. Among
                                              pathways useful for the development of      these, three single nucleotide polymor-
                                              new therapeutic approaches in RA. In        phisms, rs2853550, rs1143643, and
                                              this review article we summarised the       rs16944, have been recently associated
                                              results of a Medline search of original     with RA susceptibility in a Chinese Han
                                              research articles in English published      population (7).
                                              in the PubMed database from January         In parallel to IL-1β, the TGF-β1
                                              1 to December 31, 2020.                     +869C/T gene polymorphism was re-
                                                                                          ported to increase susceptibility to RA
                                              Genetic aspects                             with significant association with in-
                                              To date, several genome-wide associa-       flammatory parameters, such as eryth-
                                              tion studies (GWAS) and meta-analyses       rocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-
                                              identified more than 100 alleles associ-    reactive protein (CRP), and with the
                                              ated with RA susceptibility. Recently,      disease activity (8). Interestingly, eval-
                                              it has been reported that SLAMF6,           uation of the innate gene expression
Competing interests: none declared.           CXCL13, SWAP70, NFKBIA, ZF-                 signature, including 10 Toll-like recep-

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tors (TLRs), 7 IL1/IL1R family mem-          phate. In this regard, Zhang TP et al.     lncRNA may also exert their biological
bers and the chemokine CXCL8/IL8 in          demonstrated that gene polymorphisms       function by sponging target miRNA.
the peripheral blood mononuclear cells       of NCF4 rs4821544 and rs729749, but        For example, the lncRNA PVT1 was
(PBMC) from active and inactive RA           not of NCF2 and CYBA, contribute to        shown to regulate the proliferation
patients, revealed a certain heterogenei-    RA susceptibility (12).                    and pro-inflammatory activity of RA
ty with an association with up-regulated     In parallel to gene polymorphisms, epi-    FLS by targeting microRNA-145-5p
TLR2, TLR4, TLR6, TLR8 and down-             genetic mechanisms, including DNA          (17), while the lncRNA Growth Arrest-
regulated TLR10 (9).                         methylation, histone modifications,        Specific Transcript 5 (GAS5) is mainly
Besides the innate immune system,            and small (s) and long (l) non-coding      involved in promoting the release of
lymphocytes play a fundamental role          RNAs (ncRNA) play important roles          pro-inflammatory mediators in the RA-
in orchestrating the production of au-       in mechanisms underlying RA patho-         derived synovial tissues (18).
toantibodies in the context of the adap-     genesis. Among sncRNA, micro-RNAs          Furthermore, several genetic polymor-
tive immunity. Due to their crucial role     (miRNA) are sncRNA molecules with          phisms within these lncRNA genes
in RA, during the last year increasing       lengths of 18–25 nucleotides regulating    might also contribute to RA suscepti-
attention has been given to novel vari-      target messenger RNA (mRNA) and the        bility or disease severity. For instance,
ants in genes encoding for lymphocyte        translation of the corresponding pro-      the lncRNA 00305 (LINC00305), a
signalling regulating molecules, which       teins. Accumulating evidence suggests      pro-inflammatory atherosclerosis-asso-
may control cell survival and activity.      that miRNA exert important effects on      ciated lncRNA, and its rs2850711 ge-
For example, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte          some mechanisms regulating RA patho-       netic variant, seems to contribute to the
antigen-4 (CTLA4), also known as             genesis. For example, miR-150-5p is        activity and severity of the disease (19).
CD152, is an inhibitory glycoprotein         able to promote the growth of RA fibro-    The role of various gene polymor-
present on the surface of T cells that       blast-like synoviocytes (FLS) probably     phisms in the pathogenetic mecha-
regulates the activation of autoreactive     by inhibiting the suppressor of cytokine   nisms of RA are under investigation,
T cells. The CTLA4 gene polymor-             signalling 1 (SOCS1) molecule (13).        particularly in Asian countries. Com-
phism rs11571319 was found to be as-         On the other hand, a recent analysis of    paring the results obtained in the differ-
sociated with RA susceptibility in the       miRNA and mRNA expression profiles         ent populations can contribute to better
Pakistani population (10). VAV1, an          in RA PBMC, demonstrated that miR-         understanding the close interaction be-
intracellular signal transduction pro-       99b-5p is a novel post-transcriptional     tween gene profiles and inflammatory
tein, that plays an important role in de-    mediator involved in different cellu-      and autoimmune processes in RA.
velopment, proliferation and activation      lar activities, including T cell growth,
of T cells, was widely investigated and      activation, and expression of multiple     Take home messages
patients carrying VAV1 252546133T            pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-2, IL-      • GWAS and meta-analyses of GWAS
and 252617822G allele presented an           6, TNF-α and IFN-γ) (14).                    identify multiple novel susceptibil-
increased frequency of extra-articular       However, some miRNAs may also play           ity loci in RA.
manifestations (11).                         a protective role in RA by inhibiting      • HLA-DRB1 alleles may play a pro-
Furthermore, several variants may con-       pro-inflammatory mediators. For in-          tective role in RA.
tribute to disease susceptibility by regu-   stance, miRNA-17-5p is able to reduce      • Variants of genes encoding for cyto-
lating molecules involved in oxidative       inflammation and bone erosions in            kines and lymphocyte signalling
stress or bone homeostasis. In fact,         collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) mice        regulating molecules may contrib-
increased oxidative stress and aberrant      model, by inhibiting the IL-6 family         ute to disease susceptibility and/or
generation of reactive oxygen species        autocrine-amplifying loop via JAK1           severity.
(ROS) may occur in RA pathogenesis.          and STAT3 pathways (15).                   • lnc-AL928768.3 and lnc-AC091493.1
In particular, the NADPH-oxidase             As far as lncRNA are concerned, these        may be novel biomarkers for RA sus-
(NOX) complex is critical for ROS            are a heterogeneous class of molecules       ceptibility and activity.
generation and several studies suggest-      defined by a lack of protein-coding
ed that NOX gene variations could af-        potential and a minimum transcribed        Environmental factors
fect the risk of developing autoimmune       length of 200 nucleotides. LncRNA          It is now well established that RA is
diseases by orchestrating ROS produc-        are able to interact with RNA, DNA         the result of a close interaction between
tion. NOX complex is composed of             and proteins to regulate gene expres-      susceptibility genes and environmental
gp91phox, p22phox, IM7phox, p67ph-           sion at multiple levels, thus critically   factors, including cigarette smoking
ox, and p40phox encoded by CYBB,             orchestrating immune cells differentia-    (CS), air pollutants, diet, obesity, mi-
CYBA, NCF1, NCF2, and NCF4 genes.            tion and activation. Notably, a recent     crobiota and infections. CS is involved
Among these, NCF4 has been proven to         analysis of lncRNA expression profiles     in autoimmunity processes due to its
regulate the production of intracellular     demonstrated a potential role of lnc-      ability to promote the production of
ROS by inducing the NOX complex              AL928768.3 and lnc-AC091493.1 as           rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cit-
to phagosome membranes through the           novel biomarkers for RA susceptibil-       rullinated peptide antibodies (ACPA),
binding of phosphatidylinositol 3-phos-      ity and disease activity (16). However,    which are linked to joint destruction

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and systemic bone loss in RA, even in         the development and activity of RA,         improve intestinal barrier function, and
the early phases of the disease (2, 3).       mainly based on case-control studies.       larazotide acetate, a zonulin antagonist,
Recently, Regueiro et al. confirmed           Recently, a meta-analysis, including 13     was able to attenuate arthritis. In fact,
that in RA patients CS is the strong-         cohort studies, investigating the link      high levels of Zonula occludens toxin
est risk factor for triple-seropositivity     between adiposity and RA, proved a          (zonulin), a microbial protein which
to RF, ACPA and anti-carbamylated             correlation between body mass index         disrupts epithelial tight junctions, have
protein antibodies, and it is exclusively     (BMI) and the risk to develop the dis-      been recently liked to disease progres-
associated with the presence of RF in         ease. In this meta-analysis the asso-       sion from preclinical to clinical stage of
patients with positivity to one or two        ciation was more significant in women       RA in both human and animal models,
autoantibodies (20). Besides CS, ex-          than men, probably due to the lack of       and treatment with a zonulin agonist
posure to air pollutants appears to af-       available accurate indicators of male       peptide in CIA mice has been shown to
fect some of the mechanisms involved          adiposity. According to these results,      worsen joint inflammation (29). There-
in RA pathogenesis. In fact, a recent         it can be assumed that adiposity may        fore, these results highlight the funda-
cross-sectional study demonstrated            be target for primary prevention in RA      mental role of the intestinal epithelial
that exposure to fine particulate matter      (25).                                       barrier in protection from systemic in-
(PM 2.5) is an independent predictor of       In this context, the role of microbiome     flammatory processes and partially ex-
ACPA titres (21). This result has been        has been extensively investigated. A re-    plain how certain dietary components
confirmed by a meta-analysis that was         cent comprehensive metagenome-wide          can improve microbiota homeostasis
also able to recognise ozone exposure         association study (MWAS), conducted         with beneficial effects on RA.
and living in proximity to high-traffic       in Japan, demonstrated more bacteria
roads as risk factors for developing          belonging to the genus Prevotella in the    Take home messages
RA (22). Furthermore, it appears that a       stool samples of RA patients compared       • Smoking is a risk factor for triple-
pro-inflammatory diet may worsen the          to healthy subjects. On the other hand,       seropositive RA.
activity of the disease. This hypothesis      R6FCZ7, a bacterial gene involved in        • PM 2.5 and ozone exposure and liv-
has been supported by a recent ran-           redox reactions and possessed by many         ing near busy roads are risk factors
domised, controlled cross-over trial,         species within the genus Bacterioides,        for RA.
showing beneficial effects of an anti-        was underrepresented in RA samples          • An anti-inflammatory diet and pro-
inflammatory dietary on clinical out-         compared with controls (26). These            biotics supplementation may reduce
comes of RA. Such intervention was            results strongly support the role of mi-      disease activity.
able to induce an improvement of the          crobiome and microbiota in the mecha-       • Overweight and obesity have been
disease, in terms of Disease Activity         nisms underlying RA pathogenesis. In          proven to be associated with RA,
Score 28-joint count indices (DAS28)          addition, novel therapeutic approaches        particularly in women, by a meta-
calculated with ESR. Furthermore, the         can be introduced in clinical settings,       analyses of cohort studies.
patients with the higher activity score       such as pregnancy or lactation, where
achieved the greater disease improve-         pharmacological treatments encounter        Innate immune response
ment following this anti-inflammatory         limitations (27). It has been proven that   Cells and soluble mediators of the in-
diet. However, some relevant informa-         a high-fat diet can promote the devel-      nate immune system play a key role in
tion such as the ongoing pharmaco-            opment of a pro-inflammatory gut mi-        the pathogenesis of RA and all these
logical therapy of the patients, useful       crobiota, that microbial-derived short-     singular components were deeply in-
for a better interpretation of the results    chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are reduced       vestigated during this last year.
obtained, was not included in the study       in RA patients and in animal models of      It is well known that neutrophils are the
(23). Moreover, two independent meta-         arthritis, and that in the CIA model bu-    most abundant immune cells in RA in-
analyses, systematically reviewing all        tyrate supplementation was able to im-      flamed joints and their ability to form
randomised clinical trials (RCTs) on          prove the disease activity. It has been     neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)
the effects of anti-inflammatory dietary      hypothesised that this was due to the       actively contributes to RA pathogen-
and RA, confirmed a moderate benefi-          ability of SCFAs to activate regulatory     esis, via autoantigen production and ac-
cial effect of certain foods on disease       B cells (Bregs), inducing IL-10 release     tivation of FLS. Recently, NET produc-
activity, although further studies are        with consequent inhibition of germinal      tion has been linked to cartilage dam-
needed for better clarifying the direct       centre B cell and plasmablast differ-       age in RA. In particular, NET-derived
contribution of nutrients to the devel-       entiation and a probable effect on au-      elastase seems to be able to disrupt car-
opment and severity of RA, taking in          toantibodies production (28). It is well    tilage matrix, leading to citrullination of
account the timing of dietary interven-       known that dysregulation of gut micro-      cartilage components, with subsequent
tion, the ongoing therapy and the phase       biota may affect the whole organism         internalisation by FLS and presenta-
of the disease (24). Overall, dietary         and may lead to RA development in pa-       tion to CD4+ T cells. In fact, transgenic
habits seem to be relevant in the man-        tients showing preclinical evidence of      mice immunised with NETs developed
agement of RA patients. In fact, over-        autoimmunity. Furthermore, diet sup-        autoantibodies against citrullinated car-
weight and obesity have been linked to        plementation with butyrate, known to        tilage fragments and inhibition of NET-

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derived elastase proved to rescue NET-       of cytokines and chemokines such as         of RA was associated with increased
mediated cartilage damage (30).              IL-6 and IL-8, as well as the metal-        risk of disease flare, suggesting that
Besides NETs, extracellular vesicles         loproteinases MMP-1 and MMP-13              modulation of these two macrophages
(EVs), derived from different cell           (37). Moreover, CXCL1/CXCR2 axis            subsets could be a potential therapeutic
types, seem to promote inflammation          (chemokine-ligand 1 and its receptor)       strategy in RA (43). Given the key role
in RA joints by stimulating the release      activation may induce IL-6 production       of macrophages in joint inflammation,
of pro-inflammatory cytokines. EVs           in FLS derived from both RA and os-         modulation of certain apoptotic pro-
were isolated from the synovial fluid        teoarthritis (38) and the alarmin IL-33     cesses has been proposed as alternative
and characterised by proteomic analy-        is able to modulate some mechanisms         therapeutic approach. In particular, the
sis but these results were in contrast       regulating proliferation and apoptosis      pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family protein
with previous data. In fact, while ear-      in RA-derived FLS via NF-κB path-           BAD has been suggested as potential
lier studies pointed at B cells and plate-   way (39). The central role of FLS in        pharmacological target in RA, given
lets as the main EVs-releasing cells,        RA pathogenesis is also supported by        that its inactivation confers the apop-
new evidence identified neutrophils          recent findings showing that these cells    tosis resistance on synovial sub-lining
and FLS as major sources of EVs (31).        are source of local production of CRP.      macrophages, thereby contributing to
In addition, the co-culture of CD14+         It is well-known that synovial fluid        the development of arthritis (44).
cells with small EVs containing miR-         from RA patients contains high levels       Monocytes have also been investigat-
574-5p purified from RA synovial             of CRP, mainly derived from FLS. At         ed in order to better characterise their
fluid , demonstrated the ability of EVs      the same time, FLS have been recog-         phenotype in different mechanisms
to promote osteoclast differentiation,       nised as the major cell-type expressing     underlying RA pathogenesis. Mono-
mainly via TLR 7/8 signalling (32).          CD32 and CD64, receptors for CRP,           cytes are the main PB cells that can
Activated FLS contribute to the for-         involved in FLS proliferation, invasion     differentiate in macrophages or den-
mation of synovial pannus and bone           and production of CCL2, CXCL8, IL-          dritic cells. Monocyte subpopulations
destruction and it has been recently         6, MMP-2 and MMP-9 (40).                    can be divided, based on the different
observed that FLS-derived adiponectin        In addition to FLS, several studies dem-    expression of CD14 and CD16, into
(AD), already known as a promoter of         onstrated the pivotal role of macrophag-    classical (CD14++CD16-), intermedi-
inflammation in RA, is able to induce        es in joint inflammation and bone ero-      ate (CD14++CD16+/++) and nonclas-
in-vitro and in-vivo T-follicular helper     sion. Synovial macrophages (SM) are         sical (CD14-/+CD16++) monocytes.
cell (Tfh) activity via the release of       a type of tissue macrophages deriving       Recently, differences in monocytes
soluble IL-6 (33).                           from bone marrow cells orchestrating        subpopulations with a shift towards
In parallel, certain intracellular path-     joint inflammation and tissue remod-        nonclassical subset have been detected
ways of FLS were identified as respon-       eling. Immunofluorescent comparison         in individuals at high risk of develop-
sible of their aggressive phenotype in       of synovial tissue from CIA and control     ing RA, especially in ACPA+ subjects,
RA. Particularly, WNTS5A, a mem-             mice proved that a tight crosstalk be-      priming the progression from early
ber of the secreted glycoproteins fam-       tween SM and FLS takes place in RA.         phase to the active disease (45).
ily Wingless/integrase 1, up-regulated       Under inflammatory conditions, the          Further studies aimed to characterise
in RA-derived FLS and involved in            tight interaction between these two cell    inflammatory and structural cells of
cytoskeleton remodelling, seems to           types in murine arthritis leads to meta-    the innate immune system will allow to
strongly enhance migration and in-           bolic reprogramming of SM with con-         better understand the mechanisms un-
vasion of RA FLS, but not of those           sequent increase of their cell viability.   derlying RA pathogenesis.
isolated by patients with other types        Several soluble mediators, such as IL-
of arthritis (34). In parallel, c-Jun N-     26 (41), and receptors, such as Angio-      Take home messages
terminal kinase (JNK) was identified         tensin II Type 2 receptor (AT2R) (42),      • NETs actively contribute to RA
as one of the downstream molecules           are able to modulate SM polarisation in       pathogenesis, via autoantigens pro-
mediating the sonic hedgehog (SHH)           RA-derived synovia, contributing to the       duction and activation of FLS.
signaling pathway in patients with RA        amplification and perpetuation of tissue    • EVs, produced mainly by neutro-
(35), and IL-34 has been proven as           inflammation.                                 phils and FLS in RA, promote in-
one of a key soluble mediator in con-        Furthermore, different SM subsets, par-       flammation and osteoclast differen-
trolling migration and proliferation of      ticularly MerTKposTREM2high and               tiation.
RA-derived FLS via ERK1/2 and AKT            MerTKposLYVE1pos, seems to regu-            • Intracellular pathways such as
signalling pathways (36). Furthermore,       late inflammatory processes in the ac-        WNTS5A, JNK, ERK1/2, AKT and
studies performed in humans and ani-         tive as well as in the remission phase of     DELR3 actively regulate FLS activ-
mal models demonstrated that DELR3,          the disease. In-vitro, these two SM types     ities in inflammatory and remodel-
an endoplasmic reticulum-associated          producing inflammation-resolving lipid        ling processes.
degradation protein, expressed in RA-        mediators are responsible for repair re-    • Synovial macrophages (SM) interact
derived FLS, is involved in inflamma-        sponse of FLS, and low proportion of          with FLS through IL-26 and AT2R,
tory processes by increased production       MerTKpos SMs in the remission phase           perpetuating tissue inflammation.

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Adaptive immune response                      able to independently produce RF over       after the adoptive transfer of WT (wild-
As far as B cells are concerned, Riv-         time (50).                                  type) mouse Treg and an hypermeth-
ellese et al. observed that B cell rich       A peculiar B cell subset, CD19+             ylation of Foxp3 gene in comparison of
synovitis is associated with high levels      CD24hiCD38hi regulatory B cells (cTr        WT mice was detected in experimental
of disease activity and seropositivity for    B cells), was found to be increased in      models of TNFRII deletion (homozy-
RF and ACPA, particularly in early RA         naïve early RA (51). cTr B cells display    gous mice TNFRII-/-) (55).
and in patients with treatment-resistant      anti-inflammatory properties, such as       The involvement in RA pathogenesis
disease (46). When comparing B cells          the production of IL-10, and are associ-    of phospholipase (PL) D1, a molecule
from the synovial tissue with those           ated with ACPA titres and the response      responsible for Treg cells immuno-
from the PB, the latter showed a more         to methotrexate at 1 year. Another          suppressive action, was observed in
pronounced complexity in their clonal         IL-10 producing B cell subset charac-       CIA model. PLD1 inhibition leads
families, supporting the hypothesis that      terised by the co-expression of CD27        to suppression of autoantibodies and
the small subset of clonal families pre-      and high levels of CD24, are reduced        inflammatory cytokines production,
sent in the synovial tissue and the an-       as a consequence of disease activity. In    ultimately determining a reciprocal
tibodies produced here, mainly ACPA,          fact, pro-inflammatory cytokines like       regulation of Th17/Treg balance. The
may have a role in RA pathogenesis due        TNF-α and IL-1β cause the overexpres-       Th17/Treg cell ratio was decreased in
to both the persistent peripheral antigen     sion of the CD70 on both CD4+T cells        RA, especially in early, active and se-
stimulation in this site and the capabili-    and CD8+B cells, causing the CD27/          vere disease (56). PLD1 inhibition de-
ty to indirectly stimulate the production     CD70 interaction and the increase of        termined an increase of Treg cells with
of TNF-α (47).                                the soluble form of CD27 (52).              enhanced anti-inflammatory effect, and
In addition, Kissel et al. demonstrated       As far as T lymphocytes are con-            reduction of Th17 effector cells, lead-
that ACPA have a broad cross-reactiv-         cerned, a relationship between signal-      ing to a decrease of the inflammatory
ity towards several post-translationally      ing lymphocytic activation molecule,        state. PLD1 effect on the Th17/Treg
modified antigens, not only citrulli-         SLAM associated protein (SAP) and           balance also affects osteoclastogenesis
nated, but also carbamylated and/or           programmed cell death (PD)-1 was ob-        and bone resorption. Furthermore, Treg
acetylated antigens that can be present       served. SAP is an adaptor molecule im-      cells were found to be negatively corre-
in the inflammatory sites and could           portant in T cells signalling and in the    lated with signs of high disease activity
be involved in the autoimmune pro-            contest of self-tolerance, while PD-1       like DAS28, but also white blood cells
cesses. These findings shed some light        is a receptor that has a role in the pre-   count, percentage of neutrophils, plate-
on B cells tolerance (48) and the pro-        vention of autoimmunity. RA T cells         let count, while Th17 cells were in-
duction of these autoantibodies was           display higher levels of SAP and since      creased in the same disease stage (57).
explained by the classical theory of          it renders the PD-1 ineffective, this ul-   With regard to the imbalance of Treg
“shared epitope”. However, Auger et           timately prevents the PD-1 mediated         and other T cell subsets, Cao et al.
al. put forward a new hypothesis and          T-cell exhaustion. Despite its function     investigated the role of an imbalance
speculated that peptidyl arginine deimi-      is hampered, PD-1 expression is in-         between a subpopulation of Treg cells,
nase (PAD)4-specific T cells may help         creased in RA synovial fluid and PB         follicular regulatory T cells (Tfreg),
PAD4-specific B cells leading to the          T cells with a positive correlation with    found in germinal centres, and Tfh that
production of anti-PAD4 antibodies and        disease activity (53).                      resulted in the expansion of autoreac-
ACPA. This is explained by the hapten-        CD4+Foxp3+regulatory T cells (Treg)         tive B cells and autoantibody produc-
carrier mechanism, where PAD4 acts            absolute number, percentage and acti-       tion. The Tfreg/Tfh ratio is decreased
as carrier and haptens are the proteins       vation are reduced in the PB of early       in RA patients and it is negatively cor-
bound and citrullinated by PAD. More-         untreated RA patients in comparison         related with ESR, CRP, RF, IL-21 and
over, it has been demonstrated that the       to healthy controls a negative correla-     disease activity while being positively
peptide of PAD4 that triggers T cells         tion between the percentage of these        correlated with TGF-β, produced by
proliferation in 40% of the RA patients,      cells and the disease activity, the ESR,    Tfreg. In normal subjects, TGF-β can
peptide 8, is associated with PAD4-           the CRP and the RF (IgM) levels has         inhibit the function of Tfh cells, pre-
antibodies, HLA-DRB1 shared epitope           also been described. The importance of      venting their germinal centre response
and RA, giving a chance to prevention         Treg cells is further underlined by the     and antibodies production (58).
in these high-risk individuals (49).          observation that a specific Treg subset     Developmental plasticity of T cell sub-
B cells are involved also in the produc-      expressing TNF receptor (TNFRII) and        sets is a pivotal phenomenon in the field
tion of RF, and a longitudinal study          associated with a Foxp3 TSDR (fork-         of autoimmunity. As far as RA is con-
across 5 years demonstrated that in the       head box P3 Treg specific demethyla-        cerned, Leipe et al. detected that Th1/
first stage of RA T helper cells are re-      tion region) hypomethylation, the latter    Th2 subsets can differentiate in Th17
quired for IgG RF production, while           determining Treg cells stability, is in-    cells in early RA, while Th17 cells do
after 5 years there is a dissociation be-     creased after treatment with methotrex-     not change their phenotype towards
tween T cell reactivity and RF status,        ate (54). In addition, an exacerbation      Th1/Th2 cells (59). Furthermore, when
suggesting that B cells may become            of inflammatory state that ameliorates      assessing classic (CD161-/CCR6-) and

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Table I. Studies on gene susceptibility.                                                    number, and particularly that of the ar-
                                                                                            thritogenic clones specific for a citrulli-
Genetic features                      Associations or roles                 References
                                                                                            nated vimentin epitope, is significantly
SLAMF6                                Susceptibility                            (4)         increased in RA patients while being
CXCL13                                Susceptibility                            (4)         reduced by treatment with anti-TNF
SWAP70                                Susceptibility                            (4)         agents (65).
NFKBIA                                Susceptibility                            (4)
ZFP36L1                               Susceptibility                            (4)         CCL21, a chemokine that binds to
LINC00158                             Susceptibility                            (4)         CCR7, is abundantly present in RA
IL12RB2                               Susceptibility                            (5)         synovial tissue being expressed by
BOLL-PLCL1                            Susceptibility                            (5)         dendritic cells, macrophages and en-
CCR2                                  Susceptibility                            (5)
TCF7                                  Susceptibility                            (5)         dothelial cells. CCR7+ cells are there-
IQGAP1                                Susceptibility                            (5)         fore recruited to the synovial microen-
HLA-DRB1*04                           Susceptibility                            (6)         vironment modulating, among other
HLA-DRB1*08                           Protective role                           (6)         tasks, the immune response. In the ear-
IL1B (rs2853550)                      Susceptibility                            (7)
IL1B (rs1143643)                      Susceptibility                            (7)         ly phase of RA, the presence of CCL21
IL1B (rs16944)                        Susceptibility                            (7)         in the synovial fluid induces the forma-
TGF-β1 +869C/T polymorphism           Susceptibility                            (8)         tion of an inflammatory infiltrate main-
CTLA4 (rs11571319)                    Susceptibility                           (10)         ly constituted by CCR7+ monocytes
VAV1 (rs2617822)                      Susceptibility                           (11)
NCF4 (rs4821544)                      Susceptibility                           (12)         that, as RA progresses, are committed
miR-150-5p                            Pro-inflammatory role                    (13)         towards an M1 phenotype (classically
miR-99b-5p                            Pro-inflammatory role                    (14)         activated macrophages), able to pro-
miRNA-17-5p                           Protective role                          (15)         duce IL-6 and IL-23. Such mediators
lnc-AL928768.3                        Susceptibility and disease activity      (16)
lnc-AC091493.1                        Susceptibility and disease activity      (16)         ultimately promote the differentiation
lncRNA PVT1                           Pro-inflammatory role                    (17)         of Th17 cells that are strongly involved
lncRNA GAS5                           Pro-inflammatory role                    (18)         in RA pathogenesis. A positive feed-
LINC00305 (rs2850711)                 Severity and disease activity            (19)         back mechanism has also been iden-
                                                                                            tified in this scenario since IL-17 can
non-classic (CD161+/CCR6+) Th1 cell              (sEPCR) forms, the former being ex-        further promote the function of the
subtypes, they observed that CCR6+               pressed by CD4+ T cells. Lower levels      CCL21/CCR7 axis. In the erosive, fi-
cells display an increased plasticity            of CD4+EPCR+Tcells and higher levels       nal stages, these cytokines and CCL21
towards IL17 producing cells, while              of sEPCR have been observed in RA          directly and indirectly participate in
CCR6- seemed to show higher plastic-             compared to osteoarthritis and sEPCR       osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption
ity towards IL-4 producing cells (60).           showed a positive correlation with clin-   (66).
This finding is of particular importance         ical and laboratory parameters of RA       Another study reported that hypoxic
also in light of the demonstration that          (63). In-vitro experiments demonstrat-     conditions in RA synovial tissue led
Th1 and Th17 cells not only are in-              ed that sEPCR inhibited Th17 activa-       to reduced indoleamine 2,3-dioxyge-
creased in RA compared to normal sub-            tion, modifying the Th17/Treg balance      nase-1 expression, namely tryptophan
jects but that among patients, increased         alleviating disease progression. Hence,    metabolism, thereby interfering with
frequencies were found in carriers of            higher levels of sEPCR in RA may ex-       the interaction between FLS and T cells
HLA-DRB1 genotypes that have a                   plain a compensatory, albeit not suffi-    (67). In particular, while normally FLS
shared epitope (HLA-SE), the strongest           cient, compensatory mechanism lead-        act as immunomodulators, suppressing
genetic risk factor for RA, involved in          ing to limit disease progression (51).     T cell responses, hypoxia may repre-
ACPA production but also in the induc-           RA patients also displayed an increase     sent a pathogenic mechanism prevent-
tion of innate and adaptive response,            of the γδTcells, a small T cell sub-       ing such interaction. In addition, a re-
through IL-17a and IFN-γ producing               set that has a role in RA pathogenesis     lationship between anaerobic metabo-
CD4+T cells (61).                                through release of pro-inflammatory cy-    lism, through glycolysis, as it happens
Other studies have also assessed the             tokines such as IL-17 and the support of   in hypoxic microenvironment like the
mechanism of Th17 regulation in RA               antibody production by B cells. These      synovial membrane and the inflamma-
showing that the expression of USF2,             effects seem to be mediated by prosta-     tory features of CD8+ T cells has been
a transcription factor fundamental               glandin (PG) E2 since the addition of      reported (68). In fact, the inhibition of
in maintaining inflammatory Th17                 this molecule leads to an increased ex-    glycolysis leads to a of the proinflam-
cells, is increased in RA patients non-          pression of CD80 and CD86 on γδTcells      matory CD8+ T cell phenotype in RA.
responders to treatment (62). Fur-               and, consequently, of secreted IL-17       Furthermore, CD4+ T cells directly
thermore, Bai et al. have assessed the           in-vitro (64). Another subset of CD4+      impact the metabolic profile of RA-
role of an endothelial receptor EPCR             T cells, the CD45RA+CD62L+CD95+            derived FLS, promoting a glycolytic
(endothelial protein C receptor) in its          memory stem T cells (Tscm), may play       phenotype to meet increased metabolic
membranous (mEPCR) and soluble                   a role in RA pathogenesis since their      demand in a reciprocal activating re-

450                                                                                          Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2021
One year in review 2021: pathogenesis of RA / D. Testa et al.

lationship (69). Taken together, these                  tion identifies six novel susceptibility loci for   19. WAHBA AS, IBRAHIM ME, MESBAH NM,
                                                        rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2020;               SALEH SM, ABO-ELMATTY DM, MEHANNA
findings suggest glycolytic manipula-
                                                        79: 1438-45.                                            ET: Serum LINC00305 expression and its
tion as possible new therapeutic strat-              5. LENG RX, DI DS, NI J et al.: Identification of          genetic variant rs2850711 are associated
egy in RA.                                              new susceptibility loci associated with rheu-           with clinical and laboratory features of rheu-
                                                        matoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2020; 79:               matoid arthritis. Br J Biomed Sci 2020; 77:
                                                        1565-71.                                                142-7.
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  and seropositivity for RF and ACPA.                   DRB1*08 in the protection for development               and others with rheumatoid factor in the as-
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