Review Article Update on the epidemiology, genetics, and therapeutic options of hyperuricemia

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Review Article Update on the epidemiology, genetics, and therapeutic options of hyperuricemia
Am J Transl Res 2020;12(7):3167-3181 /ISSN:1943-8141/AJTR0109399

Review Article
Update on the epidemiology, genetics,
and therapeutic options of hyperuricemia
Lijun Li1, Yipeng Zhang2, Changchun Zeng3

Departments of 1Quality Control, 2Clinical Laboratory, 3Medical Laboratory, Shenzhen Longhua District Central
Hospital, Guangdong Medical University, Shenzhen 518110, Guangdong, P. R. China
Received February 17, 2020; Accepted June 17, 2020; Epub July 15, 2020; Published July 30, 2020

Abstract: Hyperuricemia may occur when there is an excess of uric acid in the blood. Hyperuricemia may result
from increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid. Elevated uric acid levels are a risk factor for gout,
and various risk factors, including some medications, alcohol consumption, kidney disease, high blood pressure,
hypothyroidism, and pesticide exposure, as well as obesity, are associated with an elevated risk of hyperuricemia.
Although the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia are complex, previously reported studies
have revealed that hyperuricemia is involved in a variety of biological processes and signaling pathways. In this
review, we summarize common comorbidities related to hyperuricemia and describe an update of epidemiology,
pathogenesis, and therapeutic options of hyperuricemia. This systematic review highlights the epidemiology and
risk factors of hyperuricemia. Moreover, we discuss genetic studies on hyperuricemia to uncover current status
and advances in the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia. Additionally, we conclude with a reflection on the underlying
mechanisms of hyperuricemia and present the alternative drug strategies for the treatment of hyperuricemia to of-
fer more effective clinical interventions.

Keywords: Hyperuricemia, epidemiology, genetics, mechanisms, treatment

Introduction                                                  development of obesity, chronic kidney disease,
                                                              diabetes mellitus, and hypertension [11]. Hy-
Uric acid, a nitrogenous component of urine, is               peruricemia may occur when there are high lev-
a poorly soluble final product of protein and                 els of uric acid in the blood due to excess pro-
purine metabolism in humans. The level of                     duction, or more commonly, inefficient excre-
serum uric acid maintained the balance be-                    tion of uric acid. Defects in the key enzymes of
tween its production and excretion [1-3]. Uric                purine metabolism lead to impaired purine utili-
acid is a by-product of amino acid metabolism,                zation or enhanced purine oxidase activity. The
and the breakdown of amino acids produces                     increased reabsorption or decreased secretion
uric acid in the liver. Moreover, the breakdown               of uric acid in proximal renal tubules results in a
of purines releases uric acid in small quanti-                decrease in the rate of uric acid excretion. The
ties. Uric acid in human urine and the blood                  regulation of the enzymes is responsible for uric
may form sharp crystals and bring about an                    acid breakdown and production. Multiple trans-
increased risk of gout [3-6]. Hyperuricemia                   port proteins related to uric acid transport are
mainly caused by metabolic disorders of purine                crucial in the treatment of hyperuricemia [12].
and closely associated with the increases in                  An absolute lack of comprehension of the me-
the risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney dis-               chanism is a limiting factor in the management
ease, diabetes, obesity can be congenital or                  of hyperuricemia. However, the cellular and mo-
acquired [7-9]. Hyperuricemia is the main fac-                lecular processes and its implications are still
tor that leads to long-term systemic inflamma-                not completely elucidated. New insights to-
tion in patients with gout [10]. Inflammatory                 wards understanding the mechanisms may pro-
reactions in patients with asymptomatic hyper-                vide more precise treatment options for hy-
uricemia induced by urate can contribute to the               peruricemia.
Review Article Update on the epidemiology, genetics, and therapeutic options of hyperuricemia
Update on hyperuricemia

Epidemiology                                        aged population in Tibet Autonomous Region is
                                                    1.83%, relatively lower than other places in
Worldwide prevalence of hyperuricemia               China. The prevalence in men is 2.86%, where-
                                                    as it is only 0.75% in women [22]. Additionally,
In recent years, the disease burden of hyperuri-    the age-standardized prevalence rate of hyper-
cemia is increasing, especially in high-income      uricemia in Henan rural population is 12.60%
countries and economically developing world         from July 2015 to September 2017, consistent
with a Western lifestyle [13, 14]. The preva-       with the primary meta-analysis (11.7%). The
lence and incidence of hyperuricemia sub-           prevalence and risk of hyperuricemia increa-
stantially differ across geographical areas [15].   se significantly with age. Interestingly, the de-
According to the data from the National Health      creased prevalence of hyperuricemia is ob-
and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)           served in older men, while the contradictory
2007-2016, a nationally representative survey       trend is found in women [23].
showed that the prevalence rates of hyperuri-
cemia were 20.2% among men and 20.0%                Risk factors
among women between 2015 to 2016 in the
United States and the incidence of hyperurice-      The levels of urate hinge on the dynamic bal-
mia remained stable in 2007-2016 [16].              ance between purine-rich foods intake, synthe-
                                                    sis of urate within the body, the excretion of
The prevalence of hyperuricemia increases in        urate via urine or the gastrointestinal tract
both men (19.7% to 25.0%) and women (20.5%          (Figure 1) [24]. Prospective epidemiologic stud-
to 24.1%) from 2006 to 2014 in Ireland [17]. In     ies have pointed to obesity, hypertension, met-
the United States, an epidemiological survey        abolic syndrome, diuretic use, dietary factors,
has shown that the prevalence of hyperurice-        and chronic kidney disease as risk factors for
mia substantially increased from 19.1% (1988-       gout and hyperuricemia [9, 25-29]. Recently, it
1994 years) to 21.5% (2007-2008 years). The         turns out that iron overload can enhance serum
National Health and Nutrition Examination           uric acid levels, indicating a causal connection
Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008 found a similar           between hyperferritinaemia and hyperuricemia
prevalence of hyperuricemia between women           [30]. It is well known that chronic noncommuni-
(21.6%) and men (21.2%) [15]. Most epidemio-
                                                    cable diseases, such as cardiovascular and
logical studies show that the prevalence of
                                                    rheumatic diseases, are associated with the
hyperuricemia is generally higher in high-in-
                                                    development of hyperuricemia [31-33]. An on-
come countries than economically developing
                                                    set sequence study revealed that hyperurice-
world [15, 17-20]. The reduction of hormone
                                                    mia is an earlier-onset metabolic disorder than
estrogen production in postmenopausal wo-
                                                    hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes mellitus, and
men can decrease the removal of urate from
                                                    hypertension [34]. The study of epidemiological
the body result in an increase in urate levels
                                                    aspects of hyperuricemia in Poland shows that
and an elevated risk of developing hyperurice-
                                                    doctors often underestimate the problem of
mia [21].
                                                    hyperuricemia in patients with a high risk of
Prevalence of hyperuricemia in China                cardiovascular disease [32]. Due to increased
                                                    comorbidity, moderate hyperuricemia has as-
China, as the largest developing country, is        sociations with increased cardiovascular mor-
characterized by marked regional disparities        tality [35]. A 5-year Japanese cohort study indi-
and diverse populations [14, 18]. A national        cated that hyperuricemia is an independent
cross-sectional survey has shown that the prev-     risk factor for developing hypertension, espe-
alence of hyperuricemia was 8.4% (9.9% in           cially in children and adolescents [36]. Uric ac-
men and 7.0% in women) among Chinese adults         id associated with pro-inflammatory immune
from 2009 to 2010 [14]. A systematic review         effects can not only contribute to microvascu-
and meta-analysis systematically have shown         lar injury within the intracellular environment
that the pooled prevalence of hyperuricemia         but also conduce to increased blood pressure
was 13.3% in Mainland China from 2000 to            [37, 38]. Hyperuricemia or gout has relation-
2014 [18]. According to a large-scale popula-       ships with a substantial comorbidity burden in
tion-based survey, the overall crude prevalence     patients with rheumatoid arthritis [35]. Previous
of hyperuricemia of the elderly and middle-         scientific investigations make general refer-

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Review Article Update on the epidemiology, genetics, and therapeutic options of hyperuricemia
Update on hyperuricemia

Figure 1. Mechanisms of hyperuricemia. HPRT, Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase; PRS, Phosphori-
bosylpyrophosphate synthetase.

ence to the relationship between excess serum             sumption of high-protein animal foods can help
uric acid and gout [39, 40]. Gout, a common               lower the levels of plasma uric acid [46]. The
rheumatic disease, characterized by the depo-             association between hyperuricemia and the
sition of sodium monourate crystals in the peri-          intake of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folate
articular joints, can mainly result from hyperuri-        among American adults was assessed accord-
cemia [41]. Notably, some medicines used to               ing to the data from the National Health and
treat chronic diseases have the side effects of           Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-
elevated uric acid levels in the blood [24, 39,           2014. The result revealed that the intakes of
42].                                                      vitamin B12 and folate, but not vitamin B6,
                                                          were associated with a reduced risk of hyper-
Some high-purine foods, such as beer, seafood,            uricemia in males. The only intakes of food
sugar-sweetened beverages, dried beans, and               folate, folate, and total folate had associations
meat, can help raise serum uric acid levels.              with a lower risk of hyperuricemia in females
When purines break down to produce uric acid,             [47].
it can cause hyperuricemia in some individuals
[43-45]. However, there is limited information            According to a nationally representative survey,
on the exact content of purines contained in              body mass index, alcohol use, Dietary App-
foods mainly because several factors, such as             roaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, and
food processing procedures, can affect its con-           diuretic use are modifiable risk factors, and
tent. Some research suggests that purine-rich             they can be applied to illustrate the prevalence
foods intake is closely associated with the prev-         of hyperuricemia [48, 49]. Both endogenous
alence of hyperuricemia. There was a direct               and exogenous purine metabolism generates
and significant correlation between seafood               uric acid [42]. Previous studies capture much
intake and the prevalence of hyperuricemia,               attention to fructose consumption because,
and an antagonistic relationship between soy              during fructose metabolism, adenosine triphos-
food consumption and hyperuricemia among                  phate (ATP) hydrolysis can generate adenosine
middle-aged Chinese men. Moreover, protein                diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine monophos-
intake from animal or plant sources has the               phate (AMP), and the latter may stimulate the
opposite contribution to the prevalence of                increase of serum uric acid concentrations and
hyperuricemia. Additionally, reducing the con-            lead to hyperuricemia. Furthermore, fructose

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Update on hyperuricemia

Figure 2. Urate transporters in humans. Overproduction and underexcretion of urate result in hyperuricemia. Under-
excretion of urate occurs mainly in the proximal renal tubules. Urate overproduction in the liver and underexcretion
of urate in the gut may lead to the occurrence of hyperuricemia. In the gut, Genetic variants in ABCG2 inhibit the ex-
cretion of urate and promote underexcretion. Numerous transmembrane transporters, such as ABCG2, URAT1, and
GLUT9, have crucial roles in urate reuptake and secretion. OAT, organic anion transporter; NPT1, sodium-dependent
phosphate cotransporter type 1; ABCG2, ABC transporter G family member 2; URAT1, urate anion exchanger 1;
GLUT9, glucose transporter type 9; ABCC4, ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 4.

intake can contribute to the biosynthesis of uric              [53]. As shown in Figure 2, most uric acid dis-
acid from amino acid precursors [50, 51]. Uric                 posal naturally occurs in the kidney. Insufficient
acid levels increase with the increase of body                 excretion of urate in the kidney accounts for
mass index (BMI), and obesity has an associa-                  about 90% of individuals with hyperuricemia.
tion with hyperuricemia. Additionally, hyperuri-               Underexcretion associated with reduced glo-
cemia and obesity may ratchet up the likeli-                   merular filtration, impaired tubular secretion,
hood of type 2 diabetes [52].                                  and improved tubular reabsorption contribu-
                                                               tes to hyperuricemia. In the proximal tubular,
From the above, we can conclude that hyperuri-                 URAT1 (uric acid transporter 1) manage uric
cemia is closely related to multiple risk factors.
                                                               acid reabsorption. Besides, multiple medica-
However, its pathophysiology has not yet been
                                                               tions, extracellular fluid volume depletion, and
thoroughly investigated. We should pour
                                                               organic acids facilitating transport lead to
enough attention to the adverse effects caused
                                                               hyperuricemia. Furthermore, the kidney is held
by hyperuricemia.
                                                               accountable for 60-65% of urate elimination
Genetics                                                       associated with various transporters in the
                                                               intestinal mucosa, salivary glands, and the
Hyperuricemia, considered to result in a combi-                proximal renal tubule. The filtered urate in the
nation of environmental and genetic factors, is                kidney via the glomerulus is mainly reabsorbed
characterized by an excess of serum uric acid                  and secreted in the proximal tubule. Ultimately,

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Update on hyperuricemia

only 3-10% of the filtered urate is eliminated in    studies, offering novel insights into the genetic
the urine [54].                                      effects on hyperuricemia. However, current
                                                     research cannot fully account for the occur-
Uric acid, the end oxidation product of purine       rence and progression of it. It is, therefore, cru-
breakdown, is primarily excreted in the urine. It    cial to conduct more extensive and intensive
is clear that uric acid, a weak organic acid, cir-   research on genetic studies.
culates in the ionized shape of urate under nor-
mal physiologic conditions. The metabolism of        Genome-wide association studies provide new
purine chiefly happens in the liver, but it can      perspectives on the genetic basis of hyperuri-
occur in the tissues with a wide distribution of     cemia, which is dominated by loci containing
xanthine oxidase [3]. The excretion of uric acid     urate transporters associated with urate excre-
from the kidney accounts for about two-thirds,       tion. Genome-wide association studies in hy-
and the remaining proportion of uric acid is         peruricemia identify more genetic variants and
mainly excreted into the intestine. Most uric        delineate the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia,
acid is filtered in a free manner, with roughly      providing novel opportunities for underlying
90% of the filtrate reabsorbed [55]. Enhanced        clinical translation [60]. A meta-analysis show-
cellular breakdown, endogenous purine pro-           ed gout and asymptomatic hyperuricemia loci
duction, and high-purine diets promote the pro-      and reveal gout development by identifying the
duction of urate, responsible for a small portion    gout risk loci associated with crystal-induced
of hyperuricemia. High Purine Foods chiefly          inflammation [61, 62].
include some meats, some fish, seafood and
shellfish, and alcoholic beverages, strengthen-      Previous research has revealed that various
ing the levels of uric acid by lowering renal        transporter genes have associations with ser-
excretion. The higher phosphoribosylpyrophos-        um uric acid levels, such as urate transporter 1
phate (PRPP) synthetase activity, as well as         (URAT1), glucose transporter 9 (GLUT9), organ-
hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HP-          ic anion transporter 4 (OAT4), ATP-binding cas-
RT) deficiency, can not only improve endoge-         sette transporter, subfamily G, member 2
nous purine production but also lead to uric         (BCRP), and sodium-dependent phosphate co-
acid overproduction and accumulation. Cell           transporter type 1 (NPT1). Among them, GLUT9
turnover or breakdown, such as tumor lysis,          (SLC2A9) and BCRP (ABCG2) appear to have
rhabdomyolysis, and hemolysis, can improve           the most significant impact on urate levels [63].
urate production. Ultimately, both environmen-
tal and physiological changes can influence the      GLUT9
production of urate [56].
                                                     GLUT9 (SLC2A9), encoding a member of the
Patients who suffered from gout or hyperurice-       SLC2A facilitative glucose transporter family to
mia have elevated urate reabsorption in the          maintain glucose homeostasis, has an essen-
proximal tubule. According to renal urate excre-     tial role in urate transporter and reabsorption.
tion, hyperuricemia is usually divided into urate    The protein encoded by GLUT9 helps excrete
overproduction type and underexcretion type.         urate into the urine or reabsorb urate into the
The urate reabsorption levels are driven by          bloodstream. GLUT9 variants can reduce the
genetic variation in urate transporters or up-       excretion of urate into the urine and enhance
stream regulators. Previous studies have con-        the reabsorption of uric acid into the blood-
firmed that various genes are associated with        stream, leading to hyperuricemia [64]. The
hyperuricemia [57-59]. The great mass of the         rs7442295 single nucleotide polymorphism in
genes is involved in transporting urate, which is    the SLC2A9 gene robustly associated with
a byproduct of natural biochemical processes.        hyperuricemia, increased plasma uric acid lev-
Various hyperuricemia-associated genes regu-         els, gout, and urate excretion has been pro-
late excretion or reabsorption of uric acid          posed as a proxy measurement for uric acid. It
according to the body’s needs. Some hyperuri-        has been used to explore its causal associa-
cemia-associated genes have relationships            tions with ischaemic heart disease and blood
with the transport or breakdown of small mole-       pressure [51, 65]. Loss-of-function mutations
cules [57, 59, 60]. Researchers in mounting          in SLC2A9, interacting with the pore of the
numbers tend to pay much attention to genetic        Glut9 urate transporter and the urate binding

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Update on hyperuricemia

pocket, decreased the expression of Glut9 and         observed [76]. The increased expression of
reduced the activity of Glut9 transport [66].         ALPK1 reduced the expression of URAT1. The
                                                      rs11726117 polymorphism in ALPK1 sup-
BCRP                                                  pressed urate reuptake and reduced the risk of
                                                      gout via SLC22A12 [77].
BCRP (ABCG2), a member of the superfamily of
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, is           OAT4
involved in the transport of several molecules
across extra- and intra-cellular membranes.           OAT4 (SLC22A11), encoding an integral mem-
BCRP, an ATP-driven efflux pump in the apical         brane protein, is associated with the sodium-
membrane of the proximal tubule epithelial            independent transport and excretion of organic
cells, excretes endogenous and exogenous              anions [51]. NPT1 (SLC17A1), a urate exporter,
substrates. BCRP dysfunction reduces the              associated with the transport of phosphate into
excretion of extra-renal urate, which is a signifi-   cells via Na (+) cotransport has crucial roles in
cant contributor to hyperuricemia. Besides, the       the resorption of phosphate by the proximal
protein encoded by BCRP helps excrete urate           tubule of the kidney [78].
into the gut, and it, therefore, can be removed
from the body. Various functional variants of         OAT10
BCRP were identified and enhanced the risk of
hyperuricemia and gout [67]. BCRP variants            Organic anion transporter 10 (OAT10), also
can reduce the excretion of urate into the gut,       known as SLC22A13, encodes a urate reab-
leading to hyperuricemia. Moreover, BCRP con-         sorption transporter protein on the apical side
tributes to the clearance of urate in the gut [68,    of the renal proximal tubular cells. OAT10 acts
69]. The BCRP 141K (rs2231142) variant con-           as a critical part of urate transport from urine to
tributes to hyperuricemia and has a role in the       the blood and the dysfunctional variants of
development of hyperuricemia to gout in               OAT10 reduce serum uric acid levels [79].
Polynesian [70, 71]. Mutations in ABCG2 medi-
ating the intestinal excretion of uric acid lead to   LDHD
hyperuricemia. In hereditary hemochromatosis
patients, iron/heme overload enhances the             Lactate Dehydrogenase D (LDHD) as a member
activity of xanthine oxidase and accelerates the      of the D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydro-
degradation of p53, causing the reduction of          genase family is involved in autosomal reces-
ABCG2 expression. In consequence, intestinal          sive gout with hyperuricemia and decreased
excretion of uric acid through ABCG2 is reduced       excretion of uric acid. The mutations of LDHD
and the production of uric acid is enhanced,          result in the excessive production of blood
leading to the accumulation of uric acid in tis-      D-lactate in exchange for uric acid reabsorp-
sue and serum and promoting the progression           tion, eventually contributing to gout and hyper-
of hereditary hemochromatosis-associated              uricemia [80].
arthritis [72].
                                                      Uromodulin encoded by UMOD is characterized
URAT1 (SLC22A12) as urate transporter gene            as one of the most abundant proteins secreted
to adjust and control blood urate levels is a         in mammalian urine. Lower concentrations of
disease-causing gene for renal hypouricemia           urinary uromodulin associated with distal tubu-
type 1 [73, 74]. Glucocorticoids are crucial to       lar cell damage are observed in individuals with
maintaining uric acid homeostasis through the         UMOD-related diseases, such as familial juve-
glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway.            nile hyperuricemic nephropathy (FJHN), renal
Moreover, Glucocorticoids promote renal urate         disorders medullary cystic kidney disease-2
excretion via downregulating URAT1 in mouse           (MCKD2) and glomerulocystic kidney disease
kidney [75]. In a meta-analysis, the rs475688         with hyperuricemia and isosthenuria (GCKDHI).
polymorphism in SLC22A12 is associated with           Besides, uromodulin excretion in urine pre-
gout susceptibility and a significant association     vents urinary tract infections from uropatho-
between hyperuricemia susceptibility and the          genic bacteria. UMOD mutations impair uro-
rs3825016 polymorphism in SLC22A12 was                modulin protein folding and accumulate mis-

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Update on hyperuricemia

folded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum         XDH
(ER) of renal tubular cells. The disruption of ER
function contributes to hyperuricemia and tu-        Xanthine Dehydrogenase (XDH), a member of
bulointerstitial nephritis [81, 82].                 the family of oxidoreductases, participates in
                                                     the oxidative metabolism of purines, catalyzing
HPRT1                                                the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and
                                                     the oxidation of xanthine to uric acid. Sulfhydryl
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransfer-         oxidation or proteolytic modification can con-
ase (HGPRT) encoded by hypoxanthine phos-
                                                     vert xanthine dehydrogenase to xanthine oxi-
phoribosyltransferase 1 (HPRT1) is a transfer-
                                                     dase. Xanthine dehydrogenase deficiency re-
ase, which catalyzes the conversion of hypo-
                                                     sults in xanthinuria, leading to adult respiratory
xanthine to inosine monophosphate and gua-
                                                     stress syndrome [87]. Downregulated XDH
nine to guanosine monophosphate. The cata-
                                                     expression can reduce the levels of xanthine
lytic reaction transfers the 5-phosphoribosyl
                                                     oxidoreductase, and it may be an underlying
group from 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate
(PRPP) to the purine. HPRT1 exerts a vital part      treatment for hyperuricemia [88, 89].
in purine nucleotide biosynthesis via the purine
salvage pathway. HGPRT deficiency caused by
HPRT1 mutation leads to elevated uric acid lev-
                                                     Insulin (INS) encoded by INS is considered as
els in the blood, which is associated with Kelley-
                                                     an essential anabolic hormone in the metabolic
Seegmiller syndrome, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome,
                                                     process, participating in the control of carbohy-
and hyperuricemia [83, 84].
                                                     drate and lipid metabolism. High levels of insu-
SARS2                                                lin in the blood hinder the production and
                                                     secretion of glucose. As an anabolic hormone,
The mitochondrial seryl-tRNA synthetase pre-         it consolidates the conversion of small molecu-
cursor, a member of the class II tRNA synthe-        lar substances in the blood into abundant
tase family, encoded by Seryl-TRNA Synthetase        molecular substances inside the cells. Low
2, Mitochondrial (SARS2), which catalyzes the        concentrations of insulin in the blood strength-
ligation of Serine to tRNA (Ser) and is involved     en extensive catabolism. Insulin not only induc-
in selenocysteinyl-tRNA (sec) biosynthesis in        es the change of cell permeability to fatty acids,
mitochondria. Mutations in SARS2 have been           amino acids, and monosaccharides, but also
identified in Hyperuricemia, pulmonary hyper-        facilitates the synthesis of glycogen, the pen-
tension, renal failure, and alkalosis syndrome       tose phosphate cycle, and glycolysis in the liver.
(HUPRAS), which is a multi-system involvement        Insulin resistance may be a potential metabolic
disease including pulmonary hypertension,            disturbance explaining the relationship among
hyperuricemia, renal failure in infancy and alka-    diverse elements of the metabolic syndrome
losis [85].                                          associated with glucose intolerance, hyperlipid-
G6PC                                                 emia, hypertension, and obesity. Besides,
                                                     hyperuricemia may be an underlying marker of
Glucose-6-Phosphatase Catalytic Subunit (G6-         insulin resistance [90, 91].
PC), a multi-subunit integral membrane protein
of the endoplasmic reticulum, catalyzes the          REN
hydrolysis of D-glucose 6-phosphate to D-glu-
cose and orthophosphate in the endoplasmic           REN encoding renin causes autosomal domi-
reticulum and is one of the critical enzymes in      nant tubulointerstitial kidney disease, REN-
blood glucose homeostasis, exerting a critical       related (ADTKD-REN) characterized by low plas-
part in the regulation of gluconeogenesis and        ma renin activity, bland urinary sediment, de-
glycogenolysis. Mutations in G6PC have been          creased fractional excretion of urinary uric acid,
identified in Glycogen storage disease type I        hyperuricemia, and hypoproliferative anemia.
(GSD1), a metabolic disorder, is marked by           Hyperuricemia is depicted in 80% of patients
hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia,         with ADTKD-REN beginning in childhood due to
and lactic acidemia [86].                            reduced renal excretion of uric acid [92, 93].

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Update on hyperuricemia

Figure 3. Mechanism of urate-lowering therapy for hyperuricemia. Numerous agents can be applied to inhibit urate
production, promote renal urate excretion, and increase purine metabolism to allantoin.

GPATCH8                                                     uricemia patients to decrease the levels of uric
                                                            acid [95]. The clinical symptoms of symptom-
G-Patch Domain Containing 8 (GPATCH8), a                    atic hyperuricemia can be gout, nephrolithiasis,
member of the G-patch domain family, is                     and uric acid renal disease [39].
encoded by GPATCH8. A potentially pathogenic
mutation in GPATCH8 is a conceivable candi-                 To effectively manage hyperuricemia, inhibiting
date for hyperuricemia [94].                                uric acid synthesis and reabsorption, as well as
                                                            facilitating the excretion of uric acid, can be
Drugs for hyperuricemia                                     alternative strategies. As shown in Figure 3,
                                                            urate-lowering medications can be roughly
According to the clinical scenarios, hyperurice-            divided into three main categories: reducing
mia can be divided into asymptomatic or symp-               the synthesis of uric acid (xanthine oxidase
tomatic hyperuricemia. Decreasing unneces-                  inhibitors), enhancing the excretion of uric acid
sary costs and avoiding underlying side effects             (URAT1 inhibitors), and regulating the metabolic
take precedence over taking medication in                   hydrolysis of uric acid (uricase inhibitors).
careful consideration of the interests of the               Xanthine oxidase inhibitors classified as purine
asymptomatic hyperuricemia patients. There                  analogs (including allopurinol) and non-purine
seems no need to carry medical therapy for a                analog agents (including febuxostat and
multitude of asymptomatic hyperuricemia                     topiroxostat) can lower endogenous uric acid
patients. They accompany with an elevated                   production and further decrease the levels of
serum urate level but never experience signs or             uric acid [96, 97].
symptoms of monosodium urate crystal depo-
sition disease, such as nephrolithiasis, gout,              Allopurinol
and uric acid renal disease. Urate-lowering
drugs are likely to appeal to the asymptomatic              Allopurinol, a purine-based competitive xan-
hyperuricemia patients subjected to cytolytic               thine oxidase inhibitor, can be metabolized to
therapy for a malignant tumor to restrict tumor             alloxanthine, an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase
lysis syndrome. It is sufficient to change in life-         enzyme. Both allopurinol and alloxanthine can
styles, such as exercise, dietary changes, and              restrain xanthine oxidase, converting hypoxan-
alcohol consumption, for asymptomatic hyper-                thine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid.

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Allopurinol promotes the secondary utilization       amino acid residues in the solvent channel and
of hypoxanthine and xanthine for the synthesis       bonds covalently to molybdenum (IV) ion, gen-
of nucleic acid and nucleotide by a metabolic        erating a hydroxylated 2-pyridine metabolite to
reaction associated with hypoxanthine-guanine        inhibit xanthine oxidase. Additionally, Topiro-
phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRTase). This           xostat can restrain ATP-binding cassette trans-
metabolic reaction accounts for an elevated          porter G2 (ABCG2), which is involved in the res-
level of nucleotide, which leads to feedback         toration of renal uric acid and uric acid secre-
suppression of de novo synthesis of purine.          tion from the intestines [104].
Eventually, the reduced levels of urine and
serum uric acid are responsible for a reduction      Probenecid
in the incidence of hyperuricemia [98, 99].
Based on the data from the Taiwan National           Probenecid, a prototypical uricosuric agent,
Health Insurance Research Database, a retro-         hinders the renal elimination of organic anions
spective nationwide population-based study           and impairs tubular urate reabsorption. Addi-
showed that allopurinol could cause hypersen-        tionally, it can decrease the renal elimination of
sitivity reactions in patients with asymptomatic     other drugs, and therefore it is a promising uric
hyperuricemia accompanied by cardiovascular          acid transporter 1 (URAT1) inhibitor for the
or renal diseases [100].                             treatment of renal impairment. Probenecid
                                                     restrains the tubular urate reabsorption, facili-
Febuxostat                                           tating urinary uric acid excretion, as well as
                                                     reducing serum urate concentrations. Besides,
Febuxostat, a non-purine xanthine oxidase            Probenecid possibly decreases the binding of
inhibitor, can reduce the levels of serum uric       urate by plasma proteins and reduces uric acid
acid, but not restrain different enzymes associ-     secretion in the renal tubule [97, 105].
ated with the metabolism and synthesis of
pyrimidine and purine. The metabolism of             Lesinurad
Febuxostat is dependent on uridine diphos-
phate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes          Lesinurad, a common URAT1 inhibitor, restrains
(including UGT1A1, UGT1A3, UGT1A9, and               the levels of serum uric acid via the suppres-
UGT2B7), cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes               sion of URAT1 and OAT4. URAT1, uric acid trans-
(CYP1A2, CYP2C8, and CYP2C9) and non-P450            porter, is associated with uric acid reabsorption
enzymes [99, 101]. Based on US Medicare              from the renal tubule. Organic anion transport-
claims data (2008-2013), a cohort study on the       er 4 (OAT4), uric acid transporter, is linked with
assessment of cardiovascular risk in 99744           the sodium-independent transport and excre-
older medicare patients with gout showed that        tion of organic anions, involved in diuretic-
there was almost no difference in the risk of all-   induced hyperuricemia [98]. The administra-
cause mortality, new-onset heart failure, myo-       tion of Lesinurad in combination with allopuri-
cardial infarction, coronary revascularization,      nol causes a considerable reduction in serum
or stroke between patients who used febuxo-          concentrations of inflammatory cytokines, glu-
stat compared with allopurinol initiators.           tathione peroxidase, catalase, urea nitrogen,
Nevertheless, the risk of heart failure exacer-      and uric acid in a hyperuricemic mouse model,
bation was slightly lower in patients initiating     ameliorating renal function of the hyperurice-
febuxostat compared with allopurinol [102]. A        mic mice [106]. In vitro, lesinurad suppressing
randomized and controlled trial showed that          the activity of OAT4 and URAT1 but not GLUT9,
treatment with febuxostat did not delay carotid      OAT1, OAT3, or ABCG2 can reduce the levels of
atherosclerosis progression in Japanese pa-          serum uric acid via restraint of urate transport-
tients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia and it        ers in the human kidney [107].
did not support the use of febuxostat to delay
the progression of carotid atherosclerosis in        Rasburicase
patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia
[103].                                               Rasburicase, a recombinant uricase, catalyzes
                                                     the conversion of uric acid to allantoin, which is
Topiroxostat                                         a metabolite existing in an inactive and soluble
                                                     form [108]. Rasburicase seems to have an
Topiroxostat, a non-purine xanthine oxidase          advantage in the speedy correction of hyperuri-
inhibitor, makes interaction with numerous           cemia compared with allopurinol. However, its

3175                                                        Am J Transl Res 2020;12(7):3167-3181
Update on hyperuricemia

clinical benefit in cancer patients with tumor       Address correspondence to: Changchun Zeng,
lysis syndrome (TLS) is still confusing, especial-   Department of Medical Laboratory, Shenzhen
ly for patients with concurrent renal failure and    Longhua District Central Hospital, Guangdong
hyperuricemia [109].                                 Medical University, Shenzhen 518110, Guangdong,
                                                     P. R. China. Tel: +86-0755-28024426; E-mail:

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