Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...

Page created by Deborah Patel
Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Returnable packaging system

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                 1
Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
What is Loop?
Developed by TerraCycle, Loop is a circular shopping
platform that replaces single-use disposable packaging
with durable, reusable packaging.

Consumers subscribe and order products that are
delivered in a specially designed reusable shipping tote
instead of a box.

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Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
The challenge

Develop a durable 1 pint container that is:

•    Reusable at least 100 times

•    Easily cleaned

•    Widely recyclable at the end of
     its service

•    Create the best packaging experience
     of Häagen-Dazs.

© Touch Design Ltd 2020
                   2021                       3
Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Consumer insights
Loop provided the opportunity for Häagen-Dazs
to respond to real consumer insights.

                  Sharp corners                Cold hands                Quick melting
            Current carton tubs have         Thin wall carton       The carton provides little
            sharp corners making it        board provides little    insulation meaning that
            difficult to remove all the    insulation making it    the ice-cream melts quite
                     ice-cream            uncomfortable to hold       quickly, especially in
                                                                          warm hands

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Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Loop supply chain considerations
                                                                                                                                    Order online
Worn pack recycled                                                                       Filling                                    • What does the packaging
• Packs constructed by                                                                   • Is the pack format compatible with         look like online?
  easily recycled materials                                                                 existing filling capabilities?          • Is it intuitive?
• Some materials are                                                                     • Are co-packers required?                 • Does it look worth the
  better than others             Return transit                                                                                       premium price?
                                 • Do the packs efficiently
                                   pack for return transit?

                                                                                                                  • Does the pack make best use of
      • Are the materials and construction
                                                                                                                    the limited tote space?
        methods able to withstand the
                                                                                                                  • Does the pack work well with
        cleaning system repeatedly.
                                                                                                                    other LOOP products?
      • Are there minimal, simple
        components to clean?

                          Return transit                                                              Delivery
                          • Can the consumer rinse easily                                             • Will the pack stand up to the
                          • Will the pack stand up to the                                               rigours of transit?
                            rigours of transit?

                                                                              In use
                                                              • Is this the best pack experience a
                                                              consumer could have? (storage, open,
                                                               dispense, reclose, appearance, etc…)
© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                                                                                                                5
Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Technology trawl
With the design implications this challenging product
lifecycle brings, coupled with the need for recyclability at end
of life, we conducted a material and process technology trawl
to identify the optimum way forward.

Our trawl included materials and processes that:

•   Are recyclable at end of life
•   Are sustainable
•   Are able to withstand low temperatures
•   In the case of the outer and lid, insulate the product
•   In the case of the inner, do not inhibit product freezing
•   Create a tamper proof component lock
•   Are robust enough to withstand 100+ journeys
    (format and decoration)
•   Able to withstand a PH12 and ultrasonic cleaning
    process without holding water.

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Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Product & pack journey
A wide range of existing materials and containers were gathered
and tested to give us a greater understanding of how the product
behaves through its storage and consumption journey.

We tested parameters such as:

•   How the product freezes
•   Ease of consumption
•   Re-freezing
•   In hand feel
•   Scoopability.

This allowed us to make clear decisions on which material
combinations would be best for our designs going forward.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                            7
Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Creative platforms
Before pen was put to paper we delved into the world of
dairy and ice-cream to build platforms which would inspire
our designs.

These platforms explored how the products behaved, their
textures and the forms that they created along with the
implements used in their production and consumption.

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Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Concept generation
Based on our usage testing findings and aesthetic
platform explorations, a range of initial designs where
produced. These early designs were used to explore
form, functionality and pack lifecycle along with
materials, branding and graphic expressions.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                   9
Returnable packaging system - European Brand and Packaging ...
Concept generation
Wide range of concepts.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021   10
Concept generation
Wide range of concepts.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021   11
Iterative development



© Touch Design Ltd 2021             12
Concept selection
Following our technology trawl and initial designs we
filtered the options using cost, feasibility and fit for
Loop as filters.


                          Cost                  Fit for
                                                LOOP              Stainless steel
                                                                 100% recyclable
                                                           Up to 100% recycled content
                                                                Infinitely recycled
                                                                     Food safe
                                                               Corrosion resistant
                                                              Multiple process and
                                                               decoration options

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                                                  13
Concept development
With all parties aligned on a way forward, the
team developed a three piece construction to
delight consumers and work efficiently through
the supply chain.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                          14
Simple idea – complex supply chain

© Touch Design Ltd 2021              15
Technical development
From design lock full 3D CAD production files and
prototypes were produced.

During this phase the design team worked very closely
with manufacturing partners to create a smooth
transition from design through to production.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                 16
Final design
Features & benefits.

                                  Nestable                        Freezable
                          Efficient return transport        Single wall structure
                             and fit with existing     for freezing when outer layer
                           capabilities with outer               is removed
                             insulation removed

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                                                17
Final design
Cost (20,000 units).

                          Pack cost                    Cost p/use
                            $8.30                        $0.083

                                      100+ uses
                                      Asset to brand

© Touch Design Ltd 2020
                   2021                                             18
Final design
Features & benefits.

                                      Same container variable lids
                             To reduce complexity both the inner core and
                          insulating sleeve are generic to all flavours with only
                             the QR coded lids changing between flavours.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                                             19
Final design
Features & benefits.

                Smooth corners                No more cold hands           Longer lasting texture
            The smooth corners now        The double walled insulation    The double wall insulation
          allow all the ice-cream to be    stop hands getting frozen     around the containers sides
                 scooped easily              and stops warm hands        and base ensure the top of
                                            warming the ice-cream        the ice cream melts slowly,
                                                                           prolonging the pleasure

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                                                                20
What do consumers say?

“The star of the show is probably the
reusable Häagen-Dazs ice cream container”

“I thought the Häagen-Dazs container was a
thing of beauty”

“When I saw them participating, my
attitude changed towards them. If they are
willing to change, then something can
actually happen”

Consumer verbatims taken from qual research July 2019

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                                 21
The results
Since its launch the Häagen-Dazs Loop pack has:

•    Received 2.4 billion social media hits

•    Become the number one selling product in
     the Loop US store

•    Been successfully used as an in-store refill
     solution in 30 Häagen-Dazs stores

•    Touch selected by Loop as an approved
     design agency.

© Touch Design Ltd 2021                             22
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