RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College

Page created by Darryl Hubbard
RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College
Effective January 1, 2022,
 proof of vaccination will be
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RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College
                                   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                      COMPUTER TRAINING
                                          HEALTH CARE
                                         SKILLED TRADES
                                        ONLINE TRAINING
                                     PROJECT MANAGEMENT
                                          REAL ESTATE
                                    NON-PROFIT CERTIFICATE
                                      FINANCIAL PLANNING
                                     SAT TEST PREPARATION
                                          ESL SUPPORT
                                    APRENDIZAJE DE IDIOMAS
                                  LEARNING OTHER LANGUAGES
                                        SELF ENRICHMENT
                              REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND FORM

          Become CompTIA, Network Engineer,           English as a Second Language (ESL)
          or Cisco Certified                             See pages 28-30 for details.
            See pages 1-2 for details.                  Call 610-359-5025 for more information.
            Call 610-359-7344 for more information.

Corporate College at Delaware County
Community College offers turnkey and
custom training programs for businesses
in Delaware and Chester Counties.
Call us today about our customized,
quality, affordable training in:
• Lean/Leadership
• Supervisory Skills
• Computer Training
• Customer Service Training
• Technical, Skilled Trades and Manufacturing
• Human Resources Training
• Sales, Marketing & Social Media for Business
Training can be done at your site or one of ours.

For more information call 610-359-5137
or visit
RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College

                                                               CompTIA Security+ Certification
COMPUTER CERTIFICATIONS/                                       The CompTIA Security+ certification designates
HELP DESK                                                      knowledgeable professionals in the field of security, one
                                                               of the fastest-growing fields in IT. Security threats are
                                                               increasing in number and severity; even in a troubled
CompTIA A+                                          Average
                                                               economy, most businesses plan to maintain or increase
Certification- Computer                              salary
                                                   $59,888*    their investment in security. CompTIA Security+ is an
Network Technician                                             international, vendor-neutral certification that proves
                                                               competency in system security, network infrastructure,
This program prepares students for
                                                               access control and organizational security.
a career as a computer technician
                                             Build             Certification Exam: CompTIA Security+ SY0-401
repairing personal computers and            take hoand
also serves as a strong foundation                  me         ► Prerequisite: CompTIA Network+ certification or
                                               a PC
course. This 160-hour, hands-on
                                                                 equivalent skills
course covers installation and
upgrades, diagnosis and repair, system                         ITAC 1906 / Length: 72 hours
configuration, as well as safety and customer                  CRN 2122       MW
interaction. Students will assemble and disassemble                           1/10-3/16
different types of personal computers. Coursework covers                      6-10 p.m.                      Marple
a wide range of vendor and product neutral networking          CRN 1817      MW
technologies. This course will help the student successfully                 4/4-6/6
complete the A+ Certification exams. A+ toolkit included.                    6-10 p.m.                       Marple
ITAC 1900 / Length: 160 hours                                  Cost: $1,699 (test vouchers included)
CRN 1816       TWR
               1/25-3/24                                       Certified Ethical Hacker
               9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.            Marple              "To beat a hacker- you must think like a hacker" Hacking
CRN 622        TR                                              involves trying to gain unauthorized access to computer
               3/1-7/19                                        systems for illicit reasons. Ethical Hacking refers to
               6-10 p.m.                   Marple              engaging Ethical Hackers who are authorized to make
CRN 616       TWR                                              every possible attempt to breach security and gain access
              6/21-8/25                                        to the computer systems, applications, or data of the
              9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.         Marple                  company. Ethical Hacking aims to identify weaknesses
Cost: $4,775 (test vouchers included)                          and vulnerabilities which can be exploited by malicious
               Books purchased separately.                     attackers and plug the loopholes in security to avoid any
                                                               possible cyber-attacks.
CompTIA Network+ Certification                                 ITAC 2601 / Length: 45 hours
This vendor-neutral certification program explores the         CRN 2303       MW
features and functions of networking components, and                          1/19-3/30
the knowledge and skills needed to install, configure and                     6-8:30 p.m.                    Hybrid
troubleshoot basic networking hardware protocols and           CRN 619        MW
services. You will gain technical ability in the areas of                     6/13-8/17                      Hybrid
media and topologies, protocols and standards, network                        6-8:30 p.m.
implementation, and network support.                           Cost: $ 3490 (includes book and test vouchers)
Certification Exam: CompTIA Network+ N10-006
ITAC 1003 / Length: 72 hours
CRN 2247       S
               9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.            Marple
CRN 594       MW
              6-10 p.m                     Marple
Cost: $1,699 (test vouchers included)

                                                                 These credentials provide widely recognized
                                                                 validation of your ability to perform critical, current
                                                                 IT job roles by using Microsoft technologies to their
                                                                 best advantage.
                                                                 Train and Test on Campus!
                                                                 Textbooks for all Microsoft Certification courses
                                                                 will be available at the bookstore.

For information or to register, call 610-359-7344.                                                                         1
RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College

Networking Engineering                                        Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900)
This hands-on training will provide you with the core         Learn to manage, optimize, and deploy machine learning
technical ability required to build a sustainable career in   models into production. Course work covers planning
IT. These credentials demonstrate that you have a primary     and creating a suitable working environment for data
set of skills relevant across multiple solution areas to      science workloads, running data experiments and training
reduce IT cost and deliver more business value.               predictive models using Azure platform. A candidate for
                                                              this certification should have knowledge and experience
                                                              in data science and using Azure Machine Learning and
 • Azure Fundamentals AZ900                                   Databricks. This course prepares you for the Azure DP900
 • Azure Administrator Associate AZ104                        certification.
 • Comp TIA Network+                                          ITAC 3914 / Length 21 hours
 • Comp TIA Security+                                         CRN 2301       TR
ITAC 3910/ Length 176 hours                                                  3/8-3/31
CRN 2244       MTWR                                                          6:30-10 p.m.                Hybrid
               1/24-8/15                                      CRN 578       TR
               6-10 p.m.                   Hybrid                           7/19-8/4
Cost: $4590                                                                 6:30-10 p.m.                 Hybrid
                                                              Cost: $595 (test vouchers included)
Microsoft Azure Networking
Click start your cloud journey with Azure courses. This
                                                              Microsoft Certified: Security,
course will train you in the expanding cloud platform, with   Compliance, and Identity
the potential to open the door to a new technology career     Fundamentals (SC-900)
or enhance your current technology career. Azure is an
ideal way to jump into cloud training at the ground level.    Are you a business stakeholder, new or existing IT
                                                              professional, or student who has an interest in Microsoft
                                                              security, compliance, and identity solutions? This course
Azure Fundamentals AZ900                                      will focus on the fundamentals of security, compliance,
This course is intended for those without a technical         and identity (SCI) across cloud-based and related
background and serves an ideal launch pad for furthering      MS services. Familiarity with MS Azure, MS 365 and
your understanding of cloud computing. This course            understanding of how Microsoft (SCI) can span across
prepares you for AZ 900 certification.                        these solution areas to provide a holistic and end-to-end
ITAC 3911 / Length: 21 hours                                  solution. This course prepares you for the Azure SC900
CRN 2245       TR
               1/25-2/10                                      ITAC 3915 / Length 21 hours
               6:30-10 p.m.                Hybrid             CRN 2302       TR
CRN 617       TR                                                             4/5-4/21
              6/7-6/23                                                       6:30-10 p.m.                Hybrid
              6:30-10 p.m.                 Hybrid             CRN 579       TR
Cost: $595 (test vouchers included)                                         8/9-8/25
                                                                            6:30-10 p.m                  Hybrid
Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900)                                Cost: $595 (test vouchers included)
This course demonstrates knowledge of common machine
learning (ML) and artificial intelligence IAI) workloads      Azure Administrator Associate
and their implementation on Microsoft Azure services.         Provides an understanding of entire administrative
Course is intended for candidates with both technical and     lifecycle in Azure environments. Learn how to maintain
non-technical backgrounds. This course prepares you for       services related to computing, storage, network and
AI900 fundamentals certification.                             security. This course prepares you for AZ104 certification.
ITAC 3913 / Length: 21 hours                                  ITAC 3912 / Length: 21 hours
CRN 2300       TR                                             CRN 2246       TR
               2/15-3/3                                                      4/26-5/12
               6:30-10 p.m.                Hybrid                            6:30-10 p.m.                Hybrid
CRN 577       TR                                              CRN 588       TR
              6/28-7/14                                                     8/30-9/15
              6:30-10 p.m.                 Hybrid                           6:30-10 p.m.                 Hybrid
Cost: $595 (test vouchers included)                           Cost: $595 (test vouchers included)

2                                  Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •
RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College

Cisco Certified                                         Average    Certifications:
Network & Security                                       salary     • MOS Word
                                                       $82,900 *    • MOS Excel
Associate (CCNA)
                                                                    • Customer Service
The Cisco CCNA network associate certification validates
                                                                   COM 3400 / Length: 200 hours
the ability to install, configure, operate and troubleshoot
medium-size routed and switched networks, including                CRN 2043        MTWRF
implementation and verification of connections to                                  1/24-4/29
                                                                                   9 a.m.-1 p.m.                 Marple
remote sites in a WAN. CCNA Security training teaches
the skills to develop a security infrastructure, recognize         CRN 327       MTWR
threats and vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate                            5/23-8/11
security threats. This curriculum includes introduction                          9 a.m.-2 p.m.                   Marple
to wireless networking concepts and terminology and                Cost: $4,995 (test vouchers included)
performance-based skills plus (but is not limited to) the
use of these protocols: IP, Enhanced Interior Gateway              Public Speaking for Professionals
Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Serial Line Interface Protocol           Even the most eloquent and experienced presenters often
Frame Relay, Routing Information Protocol Version                  wish they had better public speaking skills. In this course,
2 (RIPv2), VLANs, Ethernet and access control lists                you will study methods that help to reduce anxiety, build
(ACLs). Security topics includes core security technologies        confidence, and customize a process which will result in
and the installation, troubleshooting and monitoring of            successful speaking experiences.
network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality and
availability of data and devices. Earn up to 6 credits. Your       This course is designed to equip you with knowledge of
access code for the certification prep software will be given      the principles necessary for formal public speaking with
out the first night of class. Call 610-359-7344 for details.       an emphasis on organization, evidence, language use,
                                                                   strategy, delivery and business ethics.
CCNA Certification Exam: 200-301
                                                                   COM 0632 / Length: 20 hours
This Cisco Certified Network and Security Associate Course
                                                                   CRN 1818      R
will prepare students for the 2-hour CCNA certification                          4/21-5/19
Exam v1.0 (CCNA 200-301). This exam tests a candidate's                          6-10 p.m.                       Marple
knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals,              Cost: Spon. $179; Non-Spon. $199
network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security
fundamentals, and automation and programmability.
                                                                   Customer Service
ITAC 6009 / Length: 140 hours
                                                                   You are the voice and face of the institution. Exceptional
CRN 2123        TR                                                 customer service is central in the growth and success of
                1/18-5/17                                          business. Course emphasis is placed on communication,
                6-10 p.m.                     Marple
                                                                   multicultural awareness /diversity, technology, time
CRN 595       TR                                                   management, and stress management. Upon completion,
              6/7-10/4                                             the student should be able to demonstrate skill on the
              6-10 p.m.                 Marple
                                                                   Customer Service Specialist certification exam.
Cost: $4,918 (test vouchers and IT-TV Pro
                                                                   Books, materials and certification test voucher included.
access included)
                                                                   COM 3403 / Length: 12 hours
                                                                   CRN 2248        TWR
Administrative                                                                     9 a.m.-1 p.m.                 Marple
Professional Program                                 High Growth   CRN 596         TWR
                                                     Opportunity                   7/5-7/7
Employers need administrative
                                                                                   9 a.m.-1 p.m.                 Marple
professionals that are able to handle
                                                                   Cost: $325
complex responsibilities. In this 200                   Average
hour hands-on programs student will                      salary
gain certification level skills in Microsoft           $42,720 *   Computer Basics
Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,                                   Discover what your computer can do. Course covers
Outlook) and knowledge of office management systems and            hardware components, mouse use, windows navigation,
procedures. In addition, this course will teach students how       apps, files, types of storage and a brief look at the Internet.
to organize and schedule appointments using software, draft
                                                                   COM 0101 / Length: 8 hours
letters, emails and other communications, prepare reports
and presentations, plan meetings, and manage other general         CRN 1287        TR
administrative activities. Students will also learn remote                         3/29-4/7
                                                                                   6-8 p.m.                      Marple
workplace meeting tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
Students will become comfortable with cloud-based storage          CRN 292       MW
and applications such as Google Drive. An essential aspect of                    6/6-6/15
business begins with social interactions; the customer service                   6-8 p.m.                        Marple
course will explore diversity, implicit bias, and other social     Cost: Spon. $140; Non-spon. $175
ideas that often lead to miscommunication in the workplace.

For information or to register, call 610-359-7344.                                                                              3
RETURN TO LEARN NOW REGISTER - Effective January 1, 2022, Delaware County Community College

Computer Keyboarding                                            Word Introduction
Learn the alpha/numeric keyboard, touch typing, other           Learn to create, save, format and edit documents. Course
keyboarding skills. Test your progress with timed typing.       topics include: Word environment, help system, creating,
COM 0104 / Length: 8 hours                                      saving, and printing documents, editing text, spelling and
                                                                grammar check, thesaurus, and finding and replacing text.
CRN 1483      M
              1/24-2/14                                         COM 0601 / Length: 8 hours
              6-8 p.m.                      Marple              CRN 2230      F
Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175                                              2/11
                                                                              9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.              Marple
Using the Computer and                                          Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175
Managing Files
Receive a thorough introduction to basic computer skills.
Topics include: mouse use, windows navigation, software         Excel for the Workplace
and simple editing within word processing and email
                                                                Learn basic to intermediate concepts of spreadsheets.
apps. Learn how and where to store documents and file
                                                                Topics include formatting, formulas, functions, charts,
management on the computer and in the cloud. You'll
                                                                printing spreadsheets and working with multiple worksheets.
also discuss use of the Internet and video communication
apps. This course is the prerequisite for most non-credit       COM 3104 / Length: 20 hours
computer classes.                                               CRN 259        MTWRF
COM 3102 / Length: 20 hours                                                    2/7-2/11
                                                                               9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple
CRN 273        MTWRF
               1/24-1/28                                        CRN 599        MTWR
               9 a.m-1 p.m.                 Marple                             6/13-6/16
                                                                               9 a.m.-2 p.m.                Marple
CRN 597        MTWR
                                                                Cost: $375
               9 a.m-2 p.m.                 Marple
Cost: $375                                                      Excel Introduction
                                                                Learn to create, save, format, edit and print spreadsheets.
NEW!                                                            Course topics include: Excel environment, entering and
IPad Bootcamp                                                   editing data, modifying a worksheet, using functions,
                                                                formatting worksheets, printing, creating charts.
Learn basic operation of Apple's iPad (tablet) from turning
it on, to using the built-in features of the operating system   COM 0901 / Length: 8 hours
(OS). Find out how to add, manage and use apps to               CRN 2231       T
maximize the device's capabilities. This class will cover                      1/18
only Apple's iPad, not any other brand of tablet. Bring                        9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.             Exton
your iPad to class.                                             CRN 943        MW
COM 2904 / Length: 6 hours
                                                                               6:30-8:30 p.m.               Marple
CRN 2229      S
                                                                CRN 565       TR
              12:30-2:30 p.m.               Marple
                                                                              6:30-8:30 p.m.                Marple
Cost: Spon. $105; Non-Spon. $135
                                                                Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175

WORD                                                            Excel Intermediate
                                                                Enhance a spreadsheet and use more advanced Excel
Word for the Workplace                                          techniques. Topics include: working with multiple worksheets
Learn the world's most popular word processing                  and workbooks, customizing Excel, advanced charting
application! Basic to intermediate topics include:              and pivot tables, advanced formatting and validation, list
creating documents, editing, formatting, tables and             management, auditing, templates and hyperlinks.
printing. Creating and performing a mail merge is               ► Prerequisite: Using Computer & Managing Files
covered in this class.
                                                                  or equivalent skills
COM 3103 / Length: 20 hours
                                                                COM 0950 / Length: 12 hours
CRN 258        MTWRF
               1/31-2/4                                         CRN 944        TR
               9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple                             4/12-4/21
                                                                               6-9 p.m.                     Marple
CRN 598        MTWR
               6/6-6/9                                          CRN 566       TR
               9 a.m.-2 p.m.                Marple                            8/9-8/18
                                                                              6-9 p.m.                      Marple
Cost: $375
                                                                Cost: Spon. $210; Non-Spon. $258

4                                   Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

ACCESS                                                           MICROSOFT OFFICE
Access Introduction                                              CERTIFICATION
Create a simple database. Topics include: tables,                Microsoft Office Specialist - Word
reports, queries, forms, primary keys, working with
                                                                 Become familiar with the most important concepts
fields, entering and editing data, querying your database,
                                                                 of Microsoft Word. Course topics include document
new queries, sorting queries and reports.
                                                                 formatting, page layout, graphics, proofing, mail merge and
COM 1101 / Length: 8 hours                                       advanced features of the software. This class prepares you to
CRN 1293        TF                                               take the Word MOS certification test.
                2/22 & 2/25
                9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple              ► Prerequisite: Word for Workplace
                                                                   or equivalent skills
CRN 1743        F
                4/22                                             COM 3260 / Length: 40 hours
                9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.             Marple              CRN 383         MTWRF
CRN 600       T                                                                  2/28-3/4
              6/21                                                               9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple
              9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.               Marple              CRN 567       MTWR
Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175                                               7/11-7/21
                                                                               9 a.m.-2 p.m.                  Marple
Introduction to Outlook                                          Cost: $775 (test vouchers included)
Learn how to best use Outlook, Microsoft's email,
contact and calendar manager program. Topics include             Microsoft Office Specialist - Excel
creating, sending and managing messages, working with            Learn the most important concepts of Microsoft Excel.
email attachments, creating contacts and groups, tasks,          Topics include entering, formatting, charting and
appointments, events and meetings.                               analyzing data with formulas, as well as working with
COM 1354 / Length: 12 hours                                      multiple worksheets. This class prepares you to take the
                                                                 Excel MOS certification test.
CRN 1292        WRF
                2/23-2/25                                        ► Prerequisite: Excel for Workplace or
                9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple                equivalent skills
CRN 601       TWR
              5/31-6/2                                           COM 3290 / Length: 40 hours
              9 a.m.-1 p.m.                  Marple              CRN 384         MTWRF
Cost: Spon. $210; Non-Spon. $258                                                 3/28-4/8
                                                                                 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple
                                                                 CRN 568       MTWR
POWERPOINT                                                                     7/25-8/4
                                                                               9 a.m.-2 p.m.                  Marple
PowerPoint for the Workplace                                     Cost: $775 (test vouchers included)
Create dynamic presentations. Topics include: overview
of the PowerPoint environment; using animation, charts,          NEW!
and clipart; autoshapes and images; multi-media; and             Tableau Visual Analytics Platform
customizing presentations.
                                                                 Tableau is the fastest-growing data-visualization tool used
COM 3106 / Length: 20 hours                                      in the Business Intelligence Industry. It helps simplify raw
CRN 274         MTWRF                                            data and present it in an easily understandable format.
                2/14-2/18                                        Data analysis is very fast with Tableau. Visualizations
                9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple              created are in the form of dashboards and worksheets.
CRN 602         MTWR                                             COM 0634 / Length: 12 hours
                9 a.m.-2 p.m.                Marple              CRN 2234        TR
Cost: $375
                                                                                 6-9 p.m.                     Marple

PowerPoint Introduction                                          CRN 621       TR
Create a basic presentation. Topics include: the PowerPoint                    6-9 p.m.
environment, creating and modifying presentations, format-       Cost: Spon. $279; Non-Spon. $299
ting text, printing presentations, charts, editing a presenta-
tion and sharing info with other programs.
COM 1201 / Length: 8 hours
CRN 2233      MW
              6-8 p.m.                       Marple
Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175

For information or to register, call 610-359-7344.                                                                           5

COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING                                      CRN 2237       W
                                                                            4/6 & 4/13
                                                                            6-9 p.m.                    Marple
QuickBooks Pro Introduction
                                                             CRN 570      W
Set up a QuickBooks company. Topics include: creating                     7/13 & 7/20
and customizing a new company, income and expense                         6-9 p.m.                      Marple
accounts, creating and maintaining customer and vendor       Cost: Spon $105; Non-Spon. $140
accounts, invoices, payments and deposits, checks and
reconciling accounts.                                        Introduction to Photoshop
COM 1551 / Length: 12 hours
                                                             Learn the image-editing program used by the pros. Course
CRN 945        MTWR                                          topics include: cropping and resizing images, selecting
               4/25-4/28                                     image areas, layers, compositing, adjusting color and
               6-9 p.m.                   Marple
                                                             lighting, retouching photos, adding text, and preparing
CRN 603        TR                                            images for print and the web.
               9 a.m.-1 p.m.              Marple             COM 1653 / Length: 8 hours
CRN 569       TWR                                            CRN 523        T
              8/9-8/11                                                      3/22
              9 a.m.-1 p.m.               Marple                            9 a.m-5:30 p.m.             Exton
Cost: Spon. $210; Non-Spon. $258                             CRN 255        MW
                                                                            6-8 p.m.                    Marple
WEB SITE DESIGN                                              CRN 607        W
Designing & Managing Effective                                              9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.            Exton
Websites                                                     CRN 606       TR
Learn the basics of designing and maintaining an effective
                                                                           6-8 p.m.                     Marple
website. Discover the advantages of using templates
                                                             Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175
and explore affordable easy-to-use resources to create a
professional website.
                                                             Photoshop Advanced
COM 1606 / Length: 8 hours
                                                             Learn advanced techniques of this professional image
CRN 2235       WR
                                                             editing program. Course topics include: masking,
               6-8 p.m.                   Marple             advanced use of layers, vector shapes and paths,
                                                             special effects with text layers and blending modes.
CRN 604       WR
              6/8-6/16                                       ► Prerequisite: Photoshop Intro or equivalent skills
              6-8 p.m.                    Marple
                                                             COM 1657 / Length: 8 hours
Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175
                                                             CRN 804        MW
Introduction to WordPress                                                   6-8 p.m.                    Marple
WordPress can have your blog or website up and running       CRN 571       MW
in no time. This course offers an introduction to the                      7/25-8/3
amazing open-source website platform. It is powerful,                      6-8 p.m.                     Marple
easy to use and requires a minimal investment of time        Cost: Spon. $140; Non-Spon. $175
and money. Start at the beginning with easy to follow
instructions. Bring a notebook.                              Lightroom
COM 1633/ Length: 6 hrs                                      Learn how professionals and hobbyists use Lightroom
CRN 2236       W                                             to manage digital photos and edit for a professional look.
               3/2 & 3/9                                     In this hands-on class, learn how to correct common
               6-9 p.m.                   Marple             lighting and color problems, reduce noise, crop, and print.
CRN 605       W                                              Whether your pictures come from your point-and-shoot
              6/22 & 6/29                                    camera or RAW files from your professional DSLR, this
              6-9 p.m.                    Marple             class will have you creating professional images.
Cost: Spon. $105; Non-Spon. $135
                                                             COM 1667/ Length: 8 hrs
                                                             CRN 2238       M
Word Press Intermediate                                                     3/28-4/18
Build on the foundations learned in Introduction to Word                    6-8 p.m.                    Marple
Press and advance your knowledge and skills to adapt         CRN 608       M
WordPress themes to create your ideal website/blog.                        6/6-6/27
COM 1635 / Length: 6 Hours                                                 6-8 p.m.                     Marple
                                                             Cost: Spon. $160; Non-Spon. $195

6                                  Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

NEW!                                                            CRN 611       W
                                                                              5/18 & 5/25
Smartphone Photography                                                        6-9 p.m.                        Marple
Photographs are "made, not just taken." This 12-hour            Cost: Spon. $105; Non-Spon. $135
course will help you make great pictures - and maybe even
create works of art - using the tools of your smartphone's      Digital Photo Management
camera. You will discuss good vs. great photos; practice
                                                                If you love taking pictures but all your digital photos are
photography techniques, and explore different apps
                                                                scattered across smartphone, computer, camera cards,
to enhance photos. Class photos will be shared via the
                                                                etc., this class is for you! Learn how to manage, update
Internet. Bring your smartphone and charger.
                                                                and keep your photos cataloged like a professional digital
COM 1675/ Length: 12 hrs                                        asset manager. Bring a 2TB portable external hard drive.
CRN 2292       T                                                Useful book information will be provided in class.
               3/22-4/12                                        COM 0124 / Length: 6 hours
               6-9 p.m.                     Marple
                                                                CRN 2241        WR
CRN 614       W                                                                 4/6-4/7
              6/8-6/29                                                          6-9 p.m.                      Marple
              6-9 p.m.                      Marple
Cost: Spon. $210; Non-Spon. $258                                CRN 572       MT
                                                                              6-9 p.m.                        Marple
iPhone Basics                                                   Cost: Spon. $105; Non-Spon. $135
Learn the capabilities of your iPhone including phone, email,
Internet, downloading, uploading, storage and contacts. Use
precautions necessary to protect your privacy and security
on wireless networks. For iPhone users only.                    HEALTH CARE
COM 0417 / Length: 6 hours                                      Train for positions in one                          High Growth
                                                                of the fastest growing                              Opportunity
CRN 1821       RF
               4/21-4/22                                        arenas in today’s
               1-4 p.m.                     Marple              workforce – health care!
CRN 609       WR                                                If you like working with the public, are compassionate,
              6/15-6/16                                         and able to deal with people who are sick or experiencing
              1-4 p.m.                      Marple              stress, a career in health care could be your path to success.
Cost: Spon. $105; Non-Spon. $135
                                                                Certified Medical                                      Average
Android Smartphone Basics                                       Administrative Assistant                                salary
Get the most from your Android Smartphone. This class
                                                                                                                      $39,880 *
is only for users of an Android Smartphone.
Practice calling and using contacts; sending and reading        Medical administration is one of the fastest-growing
emails on the phone; downloading and using apps; and            careers in America. By becoming a Certified Medical
getting the most from your phone's security features.           Administrative Assistant (CMAA), you can quickly earn
                                                                the nationally recognized credentials healthcare employers
COM 0417 / Length: 6 hours                                      are searching for. You will have the opportunity to receive
CRN 2239       F                                                nationally recognized and respected certifications.
               1-3 p.m.                     Marple              Level 1
                                                                CMAA (Certified Medical Administrative Assistant) from
CRN 610       W                                                 the National Healthcareer Association
              1-3 p.m.                      Marple               • Medical terminology
Cost: Spon. $105; Non-Spon. $135                                 • Introduction to Medical Coding and Billing
                                                                 • Insurance Overview
NEW!                                                             • HIPAA Regulations
Scan & Preserve Photos, Slides,                                  • Legal and Ethical Issues
Negatives                                                        • Customer Service Certification
                                                                (No class 11/24)
Learn what it takes to scan old photos, slides and
negatives in high resolution and preserve them in digital       COM 3305 Length: 108 hours
format. Enhance lighting, improve color and clarity, backup     CRN 1494        TW
your new collection and prepare to print or share online.                       2/8-5/18
                                                                                9 a.m.-1 p.m.                 Marple
COM 0126 / Length: 6 hours
                                                                CRN 425      TW
CRN 2240       S                                                             6/7-9/7
               1/22 & 1/29                                                   9 a.m.-1 p.m.              Marple
               9 a.m.- 12 p.m.              Marple
                                                                Cost: $3,495 (includes all materials and vouchers
                                                                             for certification testing)

For information or to register, call 610-359-7344.                                                                           7

Level 2                                                       Level 2
CMAA (Certified Medical Administrative Assistant)             EKG Technician, Venipuncture Technician,
from the National Healthcareer Association                    CPR/First Aid, and Electronic Health Records
CEHRS (Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist)        JSPD 2832 / Length: 178 hours
from the National Healthcareer Association
                                                              CRN 1556       Marple & Exton
 • Medical terminology                                                       See time & date on next page
 • Introduction to Medical Coding and Billing                 CRN 217
 • Insurance Overview                                         Cost: $3,999
 • HIPAA Regulations                                          Level 3
 • Legal and Ethical Issues                                   EKG Technician, Venipuncture Technician,
 • Customer Service Certification                             Electronic Health Records, and Dialysis
COM 3300/ Length: 168 hours                                   JSPD 2823 / Length: 224 hours
CRN 1495       TW                                             CRN 1557       Marple
               2/8-5/18                                                      See time & date on next page
               9 a.m.-1 p.m.               Marple             CRN 218
               R                                              Cost: $4,999
               9 a.m.-1 p.m.               Marple             American Heart Association
CRN 426        TW                                             BLS CPR
               9 a.m.-1 p.m.               Marple             This course teaches students to the current American
                                                              Heart Association standards for Basic Life Support
             6/9-9/8                                          Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). It is recommended
             9 a.m.-1 p.m.               Marple               for all licensed and certified healthcare professionals
Cost: $4,995 (includes all materials and vouchers             including Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, EMTs, and Allied
              for certification testing)                      Health professionals. This class teaches students how to
                                                              perform high-quality CPR individually and as part of a
                                                              team, use of an automated external defibrillator (AED),
                                                              as well as foreign-body airway obstruction (choking)
                                                              techniques. BLS students will learn rescue techniques for
                                                              adults, children and infants during this class.
Multi Skilled Medical Technician                              ESPD 9630 / Length: 4 hours
We are proud to offer a challenging Medical Multi Skilled     CRN 2173       T
Technician Certificate Program. This program prepares                        1/25
students with cross-training in up to five medical skill                     6-10 p.m.
areas: Venipuncture (Phlebotomy), EKG Technician,             CRN 2174       T
CPR/First Aid, Electronic Health Records, and Dialysis.                      2/8
These areas continue to have projected job growth. Each                      6-10 p.m.
level increases the number areas of training concentration.
                                                              CRN 2175       S
Choose the level that is right for you!                                      2/19
Requirements:                                                                9 a.m.-1 p.m.
You must be 18 years of age to enroll in this program,        CRN 2176       R
present a high school diploma or GED and provide proof                       3/10
of completion or beginning of the Hepatitis B vaccine                        9 a.m.-1 p.m.
series. Please check with your family physician/nurse         CRN 2177       T
practitioner regarding the advisability of receiving the                     3/22
vaccine, its complications, and dates of administration.                     F 6-10 p.m.
Book and materials are included.                              CRN 2178       S
Level 1                                                                      9 a.m.-1 p.m.
EKG Technician, Venipuncture Technician, and
                                                              CRN 2179       T
CPR/First Aid                                                                4/19
JSPD 2831 / Length: 118 hours                                                6-10 p.m.
CRN 1555       Marple & Exton                                 CRN 2180       T
               See time & date on next page                                  5/3
CRN 216                                                                      6-10 p.m.
Cost: $2,999                                                  CRN 2181       S
                                                                             9 a.m.-1 p.m.

8                                  Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

American Heart Association                                         Venipuncture (Phlebotomy Technician)
HeartSaver® Pediatric First Aid/                                   This course teaches basic venipuncture techniques for
CPR/AED                                                            adults, children and infants as it prepares the student to
                                                                   take the Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) exam.
The HeartSaver® Pediatric First Aid-CPR-AED Course                 Coursework includes aseptic methods and isolation
is designed to meet the regulatory requirements for child          procedures. Includes books and exam voucher.
care workers in all 50 U.S. states. It teaches child care
providers, pre-school/daycare staff, babysitters, and others       JSPD 2820 / Length: 60 hours
to respond to illnesses and injuries of a child or infant in the   Requirements:
first few minutes until professional help arrives.                 You must be 18 years of age to enroll in this program,
The course covers adult/child/infant cardiopulmonary               present a high school diploma or GED and provide proof
resuscitation (CPR), adult/child/infant automated                  of completion or beginning of the Hepatitis B vaccine
external defibrillator (AED) use, child/infant choking, and        series. Please check with your physician/nurse practitioner
pediatric first aid.                                               regarding the advisability of receiving the vaccine, its
                                                                   complications, and dates of administration.
Please visit:
continuing-education/training-certification/                       CRN 1126       MW
cpr-first-aid-training for an updated list of class dates                         1/31-4/18
                                                                                  6-9 p.m.                     Marple
and times being offered by our DCCC instructors. Please
call 610-359-5025 for dates and times.                             CRN 1489       MW
                                                                                  6:30-9:30 p.m.               UDC
Dialysis Technician                                    Average
                                                        salary     CRN 507        MW
Dialysis technicians, also called                                                 1/31-4/18
hemodialysis or renal dialysis
                                                                                  1:30-4:30 p.m.               Marple
technicians, work under the direction of senior                    CRN 1560       TR
technicians, nurses and doctors, operating kidney dialysis                        2/15-4/28
machines that filter waste products and excess fluids from                        6-9 p.m.                     Exton
the blood of patients whose kidneys can no longer perform
                                                                   CRN 576        FS
this function. Dialysis technicians initiate, monitor,                            2/25-5/14
and discontinue dialysis treatments for the renal                                 F 6-9 p.m.
failure patient. Books and materials included.                                    S 9 a.m.-1 p.m.              Marple
CAR 4127 / Length: 50 hours                                        CRN 2250       TR
CRN 1749        MW                                                                4/5-6/9
                2/28-5/11                                                         6-9 p.m.                     Marple
                6-8:30 p.m.                   Marple               CRN 627        MW
CRN 593         MW                                                                5/23-8/3
                6/6-8/15                                                          6:30-9:30 p.m.               UDC
                6-8:30 p.m.                   Marple               CRN 334        MW
Cost: $1,250                                                                      6/20-8/29
                                                                                  6-9 p.m.                     Marple
                                                                   CRN 539        MW
                                                                                  1:30-4:30 p.m.               Marple
                                                                   CRN 427        TR
                                                                                  6-9 p.m.                     Marple
                                                                   CRN 429        TR
                                                                                  6-9 p.m.                     Exton
                                                                   Cost: $1,295

For information or to register, call 610-359-7344.                                                                              9

Electrocardiography (EKG Technician)
Prepare to become a certified EKG technician and to take         NEW!
the Electrocardiograph (EKG) Technician exam. Provides           Nurse Aide Program
practice with equipment and hands-on lab experience,
use of the EKG machine and other clinical practices and          If you are a nurturing and sensitive individual
anatomy lessons. Books, materials, and exam voucher              who wants to convert passion into a career,
included.                                                        consider training as a nurse aide at Delaware
                                                                 County Community College. The College offers a
JSPD 2822 / Length: 54 hours                                     specialized "Excellence in Care" program as a 133-
CRN 936        MW                                                hour intensive course that prepares students for
               1/24-3/28                                         employment in acute care, acute rehab, hospice,
               6-9 p.m.                    Exton                 home health care and long-term care facilities.
CRN 809        TR
                                                                 Our students enjoy a rigorous training program
               6-9 p.m.                    Marple                led by professionals with regional experience
                                                                 and insights. Coupled with 60 hours of required
CRN 2251       MR                                                clinical experience, students completing the
                                                                 program are well suited to compete for these high
               9 a.m.-12 p.m.              Marple
                                                                 demand jobs.
CRN 424        TR
               5/31-7/28                                         Students completing this course are qualified to
               6-9 p.m.                    Marple                take the Nurse Aide Competency exam to be a
                                                                 Nurse Aide placed on the Pennsylvania Nurse
CRN 335        MW
               6/27-8/24                                         Aide Registry. Departmental approval is required
               6-9 p.m.                    Exton                 to enroll in the course to comply with federal and
                                                                 state legislative requirements-OBRA and Act 14.
CRN 564        MR
               7/11-9/1                                          If you are interested or have further questions
               9 a.m.-12 p.m.              Marple                please call 610-359-7344 or email nurseaide@
Cost: $1,595                                            and leave your name, phone number and
                                                                 email address.
NEW!                                                             Dates and times TBD
Certified Surgical Technologist
Test Preparation Course
During this 45-hour online test preparation course,
students will receive a comprehensive review of              Certified Electronic
the national Certified Surgical Technologist (CST)           Health                                             High Growth
examination content outline with an assessment of            Records Specialist                                 Opportunity
knowledge, strengths, deficits, and areas for remediation.
The course also reviews fundamental concepts, sample         Learn the competencies needed to
                                                             successfully manage electronic data in a              Average
test questions, test-taking strategies and study planning
                                                             variety of health-care settings. You will be           salary
in preparation for the examination. Books and 1-year                                                              $37,210 *
subscription to Board Vitals Study Guide included.           prepared to take the Certified Electronic
                                                             Health Records Specialist (CEHRS) exam from the National
CAR 5639 / Length: 45 hours
                                                             Healthcareers Association. Includes all materials and exam
CRN 2228       1/24-3/18                   Online            vouchers.
CRN 2242       4/11-6/3                    Online            COM 3304 / Length: 60 hours
CRN 586        6/27-8/16                   Online            CRN 2232        R
Cost: $595                                                                   2/10-5/19
                                                                             9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple
                                                             CRN 1559        R
                                                                             6-10 p.m.                    Marple
                                                             CRN 591         R
                                                                             9 a.m.-1 p.m.                Marple
     Delaware County Community College
     offers no financial aid for non-credit                  CRN 428         R
     courses. For tuition loans, contact                                     6-10 p.m.                    Marple
     Sallie Mae, 800-472-5543.
                                                             Cost: $1,495

10                                 Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

Pharmacy Technician
Prepare to enter the pharmacy                     High Growth
field in hospitals and community
pharmacies as an ancillary, working                             Pennsylvania State Inspection
under the supervision of a registered pharmacist, and           Certification
to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board's
PTCB exam. Includes medical terminology, reading and            DCCC is authorized by PennDOT to administer an approved
interpreting prescriptions, and defining drugs by generic       course of instruction to prepare, test, and certify automotive
and brand names. Learn dosage calculations, IV flow             technicians for the Pennsylvania State Inspection Program.
rates, drug compounding, and dose conversions. Discusses        Note: The Baseline exam must be completed by every
dispensing of prescriptions, inventory control, billing and     new applicant, who does not currently hold a valid state
reimbursement. Book and learning                                inspection license. Applicants must also register for a
materials included.                                             category class that runs concurrently with the baseline
CAR 3904 / Length: 55 hours                                     class. Please include the course reference number (CRN) for
                                                                baseline and your chosen category class when registering.
CRN 1748       TR
               3/1-5/19                                         The Category 1 exam covers cars, light trucks and light
               6-8:30 p.m.                  Hybrid              trailers. The Category 2 exam covers motorcycles and the
                                                                Category 3 exam covers heavy-truck and heavy trailers.
CRN 592        TR
               6-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
                                                                Safety Inspection Certification
Cost: $2,150                                                    (Baseline)
                                                                PDS 7005 / Length: 21 hours
Fitness Training Certifications/                                CRN 2126        MW
Workshops                                                                       1/24-2/2
                                                                                5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
We are partnered with World Instructor Training Schools
(WITS) to deliver these NCCA Accredited programs.                               2/5
Vist                                             8 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple
                                                                CRN 2130        TR
for course options, and to register. Please call
1-888-330-9487 for more details.                                                5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple

  INFORMATION SESSION                                           CRN 2134
                                                                                8 a.m.-3 p.m.

                                                                                5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
     BEING A PERSONAL                                                           S
     TRAINER, FITNESS                                                           4/2
                                                                                8 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple
     CAREER &                                                   CRN 2138        MW
     EMPLOYMENT!                                                                4/18-4/27
                                                                                5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
     Saturday, 1/15
     12-1 p.m.
                                                FREE                            S
                                                                                8 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple
     Virtual Session                                            CRN 418         TR
                                                                                5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
     Advance registration required
                                                                                S                                          6/4
     register/7087241263357028876                                               8 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple

     After registering, you will receive                        CRN 226         TR
     a confirmation email containing                                            5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
     information about joining the webinar.                                     S
                                                                                8 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple
                                                                CRN 523         MW
                                                                                5-8:30 p.m.                  Marple
                                                                                8 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple
                                                                Cost: $150

For information or to register, call 610-359-5025.                                                                        11

Automobile Safety Inspection                       Motorcycle Safety Inspection
Certification (Category 1)                         Certification (Category 2)
PDS 7000 / Length: 21 hours                        PDS 7001 / Length: 21 hours
CRN 2127     MW                                    CRN 2128     MW
             1/24-2/22                                          1/24-2/2
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             2/5                                                2/5
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
CRN 2131     TR                                    CRN 2132     TR
             2/22-3/3                                           2/22-3/3
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             3/5                                                3/5
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
CRN 2135     MW                                    CRN 2136     MW
             3/21-3/30                                          3/21-3/30
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             4/2                                                4/2
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
CRN 2139     MW                                    CRN 2140     MW
             4/18-4/27                                          4/18-4/27
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             4/30                                               4/30
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
CRN 419      TR                                    CRN 420      TR
             5/24-6/2                                           5/24-6/2
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             6/4                                                6/4
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
CRN 227      MW                                    CRN 110      MW
             7/12-7/21                                          7/12-7/21
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             7/23                                               7/23
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
CRN 524      MW                                    CRN 525      MW
             8/8-8/17                                           8/8-8/17
             5-8:30 p.m.           Marple                       5-8:30 p.m.        Marple
             S                                                  S
             8/20                                               8/20
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.         Marple                       8 a.m.-3 p.m.      Marple
Cost: $50                                          Cost: $50

PLEASE NOTE: ALL inspection
classes require 24 hour cancellation
notice in order to receive a refund.

12                            Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

Heavy Vehicle Inspection                             Enhanced Safety Inspection
Certification (Category 3)                           (Category 4)
PDS 7002 / Length: 21 hours                          Presents the rules, regulations and techniques required
CRN 2129     MW                                      for certification to perform the new Pennsylvania
             1/24-2/2                                Enhanced Vehicle Inspection for branded titles, such
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple         as reconstructed, specially constructed, modified, flood
             S                                       damaged, recovered theft, collectible vehicles and street
             2/5                                     rods. PennDOT will provide a self-study guide that must
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple         be reviewed by the student and brought to class. To obtain
CRN 2133     TR                                      the guide, go to and type in “enhanced
             2/22-3/3                                vehicle safety inspection."
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple         PDS 7003 / Length: 4 hours
             3/5                                     CRN 2142        W
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple                         2/16
                                                                     4:30-8:30 p.m.                Marple
CRN 2137     MW
             3/21-3/30                               CRN 2143        W
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple                         5/4
                                                                     4:30-8:30 p.m.                Marple
             4/20                                    CRN 562         W
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple                         6/15
                                                                     4:30-8:30 p.m.                Marple
CRN 2141     MW
             4/18-4/27                               CRN 420         W
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple                         8/24
             S                                                       4:30-8:30 p.m.                Marple
             4/30                                    Cost: $80
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple
CRN 421      TR                                      Pennsylvania Emissions Inspector
             5/24-6/2                                Certification (EEIC)
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple
             S                                       Focuses on the rules, regulations and proper techniques
             6/4                                     to perform the state required PA Emissions Inspections,
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple         mandated by the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
CRN 111      TR                                      Classroom training, a CBT challenge, and a proctored exam
             7/12-7/21                               are required for a student to certify as an emissions inspector.
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple         NEW! Student must purchase a training manual, CBT
             S                                       challenge and online exam from the training portal at
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple
                                                     PDS 7009 / Length: 16 hours
CRN 526      MW
             8/8-8/17                                CRN 2144        TR
             5-8:30 p.m.              Marple                         1/11-1/20
             S                                                       5-9 p.m.                      Marple
             8/20                                    CRN 2145        TR
             8 a.m.-3 p.m.            Marple                         2/8-2/17
Cost: $70                                                            5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     CRN 2146        TR
                                                                     5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     CRN 2147        TR
                                                                     5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     CRN 2148        TR
                                                                     5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     CRN 422         TR
                                                                     5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     CRN 490         MW
                                                                     5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     CRN 530         TR
                                                                     5-9 p.m.                      Marple
                                                     Cost: $275

For information or to register, call 610-359-5025.                                                               13

COMMERCIAL                                                     WASTEWATER TREATMENT
DRIVER’S LICENSE                                               OPERATOR CERTIFICATION
Commercial Driver’s                                            Certified by the PA Department of Environmental
                                                 High Growth   Protection, this coursework is designed to prepare
License Training                                               entry-level operators for certification and employment.
Program                                                        The successful candidate must enroll for Wastewater
Embark on a new career in commercial                           Treatment Operator certification Level 1 and Level 2.
truck driving. Begin in the classroom,               Average   The training is divided into two 90 hour sessions.
where you will learn about the vehicles,              salary   ► College Credits can be Awarded
basic truck driving controls, pre-trip              $59,165*
inspection, cargo handling, emergency                          Wastewater Certification Program
protocol and more. On the driving range, practice
operation and control of the vehicle. Finally, take your
                                                               Level 1 & 2
newly acquired skills on the road, with our experienced        PDS 1200 / Length 180 hours
instructors by your side steering you to success. Upon         CRN 868        MW
graduation, you receive a diploma plus the skills you need                    1/24-12/12
to obtain your commercial driver's license (CDL) and an                       6-9 p.m.                   Marple
entry-level position in commercial driving.                    Cost: $1750
PDS 8500 / Length: 164 hours
Hybrid: online "classroom" portion and behind-the-wheel
                                                               Wastewater Certification Program
training with our trucks in Sharon Hill and Marple areas.      Level 1
Starts monthly. New classes run each month, the first          PDS 1201 / Length 90 hours
session for spring will start on 1/17/2022.
                                                               CRN 2125       MW
Please call (610) 359-5177 for information                                    1/24-5/9
                                                                              6-9 p.m.                   Marple
                                                               Cost: $950
                                                               CEU CLASSES: Wastewater
                                                                • Wastewater Fundamentals
                                                                • Wastewater Collection Systems
                                                                • Wastewater Core Basics
                                                                • Wastewater Miscellaneous Topics
                                                                • Wastewater Lab and Maintenance

                                                               Wastewater Certification Program
                                                               Level 2
                                                               PDS 1202 / Length 90 hours
                                                               Classes will begin Fall, 2022.
                                                               Cost: $950
                                                               Components of the program are offered as separate
                                                               modules for operators who are already certified that need
                                                               to meet state continuing education requirements.
                                                               CEU Classes: Wastewater
                                                               •   Wastewater Treatment Types
                                                               •   Wastewater Land Appl & Solids
                                                               •   Wastewater Act. Sludge Basics
                                                               •   Wastewater Act. Sludge Adv.
                                                               •   Wastewater Advanced Topics
                                                               Call 610-723-4010 for details.

                                                                       Wastewater and CDL classes are not eligible
                                                                       for College Over 60.

14                                  Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

Preparation for the Municipal                                International Plumbing Code
Electrical Licensing Exam                                    EXAM PREP
This course prepares experienced maintenance and             This course is designed to assist plumbing professionals
construction electricians for the Municipal Masters and      in understanding codes and adjacent code provisions.
Journeyman's examination. Course topics include review       It addresses various codes founded upon certain basic
of electrical theory, mathematics, electrical calculations   principles of environmental sanitation and safety through
and their applications. Also provides an in-depth study of   properly designed, acceptably installed, and adequately
the National Electrical Code.                                maintained plumbing systems will be addressed.
JSPD 2796 / Length: 40 hours                                 Correct all plumbing violations.
CRN 1819       S                                              • Size and design plumbing systems for residential and
               3/19-5/7                                         commercial buildings.
               9 a.m.-2 p.m.               Marple
                                                              • Define various plumbing systems code.
Cost: $595
                                                              • Change the direction of flow without restrictions
                                                                regarding drainage fitting patterns.
                                                              • Apply the standards to control all materials, systems,
                                                                and equipment used in the construction, installation,
                                                                alteration, repair, or replacement of plumbing or
                                                                drainage systems or parts.
                                                              • Test joints and connections in the plumbing system
                                                                requiring gas tight and watertight for the pressure
                                                              • Apply the plumbing code regarding how fixtures shall
                                                                be separately trapped by a water seal trap and placed
                                                                as close as possible to the fixture outlet.
                                                              • Demonstrate the proper handling of liquid waste
                                                                containing grease, flammable wastes and other
                                                                ingredients harmful to the building drainage system.
                                                              • Confirm the requirements for plumbing fixtures for
                                                                accessible use and their installation.
                                                             PDS 2737 / Length: 40 hours
                                                             CRN 2205      W
                                                                           6-10 p.m.                   Marple
                                                             Cost: Spon. $329; Non spon. $399

     Every Monday | 6 P.M. | Lobby, Advanced Technology Center
       • Receive information about the Workforce Programs
       • Tour the Delaware County Community College
         state-of-art technology building.
     Register at

For information or to register, call 610-359-5025.                                                                 15

Building & Facility                                               Basic Home Remodeling
Maintenance                                       High Growth     Bring a desire to learn to this hands-on course
                                                  Opportunity     about basic remodeling. Broken into separate
This program is designed to
teach students the necessary                                      modules, each week covers a different part
skills to compete in the High Demand                              of the remodeling process. Topics include
                                                       Average    electrical, plumbing, dry-wall installation and
Occupations of Building Maintenance                     salary    finishing, tile work, various flooring systems, trim, windows,
Managers and Maintenance Technicians.                 $41,230 *
Students will be able to gain employment                          siding, door installation and roofing. You will receive
as maintenance technicians in residential complexes,              instructions regarding any tools you will need to bring.
healthcare facilities, industrial establishments, and             JSPD 0039 / Length: 42 hours
commercial buildings.                                             CRN 1137        S
You will have the opportunity to receive a nationally                             3/22-5/10
recognized and respected certification and learn the                              9 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.            Marple
following skills:                                                 CRN 1138        S
Upon successful completion of this certificate, students
                                                                                  9 a.m.-3 p.m.                Marple
should be able to:
                                                                  CRN 559       T
 • Perform basic carpentry tasks such as framing,
   drywall, installing various types flooring.                                  9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.               Marple
 • Read and interpret blueprints, building plans and              Cost: Spon. $439; Non-spon. $459
 • Demonstrate knowledge of the general requirements of           Basic Home Plumbing
   rough-in electrical wiring.
                                                                  Hands-on lessons in residential plumbing
 • Demonstrate procedures required for Plumbing/
                                                                  will cover the basics of piping, valves,
   HVAC&R pipe and valve installation.
                                                                  troubleshooting and home plumbing
 • Earn OSHA 30 Construction Industry Certification.
                                                                  maintenance. Upon successful completion of
 • Earn First Aid CPR                                             this certificate, students should be able to:
Cost: $3,999 (includes all tools, materials and vouchers           • Perform basic plumbing tasks such as diagnosing
for certification testing)                                           toilet and faucet issues
JSPD 2736 / Length: 218 hours                                      • Changing faucets and fixtures
CRN 1498        MTWRS                                              • Performing preventative maintenance checks
                1/3-12/22                                            and services
                6-10 p.m.                     Marple               • Demonstrate proper drain clearing procedures
                                                                  JSPD 2721 / Length: 45 hours
Classes can be taken in any order and                             CRN 2202        F
include the 6 classes below.                                                      2/4-5/13
                                                                                  6-9 p.m.                     Marple
                                                                  CRN 561       MW
Basic Residential Wiring                                                        7/6-8/10
                                                                                5-8 p.m.                       Marple
Learn the skills needed to wire a residential                     Cost: Spon. $439; Non-spon. $459
establishment. This hands-on course will
equip students with skills essential to new and
old house wiring. This course will emphasize
                                                                  Basic Piping for Contractors
safe working procedures, proper application                       This course is an introduction to piping principles and
of materials, and the understanding of the NEC code.              practices as they apply to Heating, Ventilating, Air
Students will be introduced to basic trouble shooting skills      Conditioning, and Plumbing. The course teaches the
and extensive hands on lab projects.                              proper method of joining pipes, pipe materials, and
                                                                  fittings. Learn about material lists, measuring, and
JSPD 0082 / Length: 45 hours
                                                                  assembly of manifolds. Students will develop the skills
CRN 1686        S                                                 needed to work with drawings and testing procedures.
                9 a.m.-2:45 p.m.              Marple              JSPD 0063 / Length: 45 Hours
CRN 1301        F                                                 CRN 2201      R
                1/28-5/6                                                        1/20-5/12
                6-9 p.m.                      Marple                            6-9 p.m.                       Marple
CRN 588       S                                                   Cost: Spon. $439; Non-spon. $459
              9 a.m.-1 p.m.                   Marple
Cost: Spon. $439; Non-spon. $459

16                                   Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

Construction Blueprint                                     Home Repairs 101
Reading                                                    Looking to save money on home repairs?
This course presents fundamentals in the                   This course is geared to homeowners who want
understanding and use of basic construction                to learn to do simple repairs on their own. Topics
drawings to determine methods and                          such as proper tool use, replacing or repairing
materials of light construction. Emphasis is placed on     doors and doorknobs, lighting fixtures, faucets,
architectural symbols, use of scales, applied              drains, drywall, and tile will be covered. Bring only safety
geometry and orthographic projection.                      glasses as all tools and materials will be provided.

JSPD 0062 / Length: 45 hrs                                 JSPD 0050 / Length: 15 hours
CRN 2204      W                                            CRN 1535      S
              1/26-5/11                                                  5/7-5/21
              6-10 p.m.                    Online                        9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Cost: Spon. $439; Non-spon. $459                           Cost: Spon. $269; Non spon. $299

OSHA 30, Construction First Aid                            Furniture Building
& Safety                                                   Learn the basic skills necessary to build
                                                           furniture. We will cover proper use of hand
This class is an emergency first-aid and accident-         and power tools, wood joinery and finishing
prevention instruction for construction employees          techniques. Course topics include: wood
and managers. OSHA requirements are stressed in            selection; basic joint creation; clamping
this course. Administrative aspects of recordkeeping       techniques; finishes; shop tools; shop drawings.
requirements, rights and responsibilities, standards,
safety program development and implementation are          JSPD 2950 / Length: 45 hours
covered. Safety training includes identification and       CRN 1180       TR
elimination of accident and health hazards, inspection                    1/20-3/10
techniques and administration of first-aid and CPR.                       8-11 a.m.                    Marple
Upon successful completion of this course, students        CRN 2203       TR
should be able to:                                                        3/22-5/10
                                                                          6-9 p.m.                     Marple
 • Earn OSHA 30 Certification
                                                           CRN 586       MW
 • Earn First Aid/CPR Certification                                      5/16-6/29
JSPD 0061 / Length: 45 Hours                                             6-9 p.m.                      Marple
CRN 2200      R                                            Cost: Spon. $439; Non spon. $459
              6-9 p.m.                     Online
Cost: Spon. $439; Non-spon. $459                           HEATING, VENTILATION &
                                                           AIR CONDITIONING
                                                           Refrigerant Technician
                                                           Certification Exam
                                                           DCCC's Division of Technical Education is one of a small
Small Engine Repair                                        number of schools in the nation approved by the EPA
                                                           to offer a refrigerant technician certification program.
This class covers the fundamentals of small displacement
                                                           The training manual is available through the college. It
2- and 4-cycle engines. Learn to maintain and repair
                                                           is strongly recommended that students read the manual
gasoline engines on snow blowers, chain saws, lawn
                                                           before taking the exam. The exam is given in online format
mowers, weed eaters and more.
                                                           only and can be taken at DCCC's Testing Center. Please
JSPD 0057 / Length: 30 hours                               call 610-359-5320 to schedule your test.
CRN 1139       S                                           JSPD 4000 / Length: 2 hours
               9 a.m.-2 p.m.               Marple          CRN 1672       Ongoing                      Marple
                                                           Cost: $60
CRN 587       S
              9 a.m.-2 p.m.                Marple
Cost: Spon. $299; Non-spon. $329

For information or to register, call 610-359-5025.                                                                  17

NATE                                                           Intro to Welding Processes
                                                               Provides trainees with relevant theory in oxy-fuel welding
North American Technician                                      and cutting, shielded metallic arc welding and their
Excellence                                                     applications. Also discussed is proper selection of power
This course assumes a basic working knowledge of               sources and settings, welding electrodes, shielding gases,
HVACR systems. Students who plan to sit for a specific         joint configuration, safety and welding procedures.
NATE exam can focus their study on the different texts         This course includes a lecture period, followed by a
available. Purchasing these books is recommended. The          practical application or lab exercise that demonstrates
course gives the student a cursory understanding of: Core      the topics presented.
Essentials, A/C Service and Heat Pump Service; Gas and         PDS 9799 / Length: 45 hours
Oil Furnace Service.                                           CRN 429         M
The recommended texts listed can be purchased through                          1/24-5/9
the bookstore:                                                                 6:30-9:30 p.m.               Marple

 • Preparing for the NATE Exam-                                CRN 1278        MTWR
   A/C and Heat Pumps -ISBN: 978-1-61607-117-2
                                                                               8-11 a.m.                    Marple
 • Preparing for the NATE Exam-
                                                               CRN 333       TR
   Core Essentials-ISBN: 978-1-61607-116-5
 • Preparing for the NATE Exam-                                              8-11:45 a.m.                   Marple
   Gas and Oil Heating-ISBN: 978-1-61607-164-6.                Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon. $480
PDS 9005 / Length: 45 hours
CRN 2338      W                                                Welding Codes & Specifications
              6:30-9:30 p.m.               Hybrid              Learn welding codes and their applications. Upon successful
                                                               completion of this course, students should be able to explain
Cost: $675 (book cost is additional)
                                                               codes and their use, use welding specifications, and apply
                                                               proper use of API, AWS, and AME codes.
NATE Exams
                                                               PDS 9828 / Length 45 hours
PDS 9006 / Length: 4 hours
                                                               CRN 2255      W
CRN 2339       Ongoing                                                       1/26-5/4
Cost: $175                                                                   6:30-9:30 p.m.                 Marple
                                                               Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon $480

WELDING                                                        Intro: Oxy-Fuel Welding & Cutting
Welding Certificate                                            Emphasis on fuel gases, welding and cutting equipment.
Program                                          High Growth   Covers advantages and disadvantages of fuel gases;
                                                 Opportunity   maintenance of oxy-fuel welding set; demonstrates lighting,
Welding continues to be a regional,                            adjusting, and extinguishing an oxy-fuel flare; and using an
high-demand occupation as                                      oxy-fuel cutting torch.
reported by the U.S. Bureau of                      Average
Labor Statistics (BLS).                              salary    PDS 9798 / Length 45 hours
                                                   $46,200 *   CRN 1490        MTWR
The college has designed a 225 hour
hands-on training program that delivers an introduction
                                                                               8-11 a.m.                    Marple
to welding and training in Oxyfuel cutting (OFC), SMAW
(shielded metal arc welding), GMAW (gas metal arc              CRN 276       TR
welding), Blueprint reading and basic fabrication. These                     7/5-8/11
                                                                             8-11 a.m.                      Marple
skills are in high demand in today's workplace and will
prepare students for entry level welding positions.            Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon $480

Classes are being formed at Phoenixville campus.
PDS 9827 / Length 225 hours
CRN 1069       MTWR
               7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.         PHX
Cost: $3,994

18                                    Delaware County Community College • SPRING/SUMMER 2022 •

Shielded Metal Arc Welding I                                        Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW-Mig)
(SMAW)                                                              Covers GMAW equipment set-up and operation. The
Covers the principles of electric arc welding using                 theory of gas metal arc welding is applied to mild steel and
electrodes 6010, 6011, 6012, and 6013 in the flat                   plate steel in all positions. Introduces single- and multi-
position, correct angles and methods. Also covers effects           phase welds using a variety of electrode (wire) diameters.
of current settings, arc lengths, electrode angles and              Various modes of metal transfer are addressed. Includes
electrode manipulation on the quality of weld joint.                lecture followed by a practical application.
Welding in horizontal, vertical and overhead positions              PDS 9805 / Length: 45 hours
is taught. Includes a lecture period, followed by a                 CRN 693        MW
practical application.                                                             1/24-3/16
PDS 9803 / Length: 45 hours                                                        3:15-6:15 p.m.              Marple
CRN 486         MW                                                  CRN 1741       W
                1/24-3/16                                                          1/26-5/4
                12-3 p.m.                      Marple                              6:30-9:30 p.m.              Marple
CRN 1491        R                                                   CRN 1026       MW
                1/20-5/5                                                           3/21-5/9
                6:30-9:30 p.m.                 Marple                              3:15-6:15 p.m.              Marple
CRN 681         MTWR                                                CRN 294        W
                3/21-5/9                                                           5/25-8/10
                8-11 a.m.                      Marple                              6-9:45 p.m.                 Marple
CRN 134       MW                                                    CRN 154       MW
              5/23-6/29                                                           7/7-8/10
              12-4 p.m.                        Marple                             12-3 p.m.                    Marple
Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon. $480                                    Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon. $480

Shielded Metal Arc Welding II                                       Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW-Tig)
This course covers effects of current settings, arc lengths,        Covers various types of tungsten electrodes, tolerances,
electrode angles and electrode manipulation on the quality          color codes, and commonly used welding machines and
of weld joint. Upon successful completion of this course,           polarity. Focuses on gas tungsten arc welding in various
students should be able to: state the effects of current settings   positions using ferrous sheet and plate, and welding gases
on the weld, control electrodes in the correct manner, weld in      used in GTAW processes. Includes lecture followed by a
vertical, overhead, and horizontal positions using 6010 and         practical application.
6011, 6012 and 6013 electrodes.                                     PDS 9806 / Length: 45 hours
PDS 9804 / Length: 45 hours                                         CRN 805        T
CRN 987         MW                                                                 1/25-5/3
                3/21-5/9                                                           6:30-9:30 p.m.              Marple
                12-3 p.m.                      Marple               CRN 254       T
CRN 1279      MTWR                                                                5/24-8/9
              4/14-5/10                                                           6-9:45 p.m.                  Marple
              8-11 p.m.                        Marple               Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon. $480
Cost: Spon. $460; Non-spon. $480

For information or to register, call 610-359-5025.                                                                          19
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