Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED

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Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED

Retain and Gain
Career Management for Small Business

Lisa Taylor, Challenge Factory      10-minute
                                 activities to get
                                 more from your
Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED

Retain and Gain
Career Management for Small Business

     Lisa Taylor, Challenge Factory
Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
                                          This Playbook was published by CERIC
                                          (the Canadian Education and Research
                                          Institute for Counselling). CERIC is a
                                          charitable organization that advances
Retain and Gain: Career Management        education and research in career
for Small Business                        counselling and career development, to
                                          increase the economic and social well-
Copyright 2017 by Lisa Taylor,            being of Canadians.
Challenge Factory
                                          After consultations with its Board
                                          of Directors and the Marketing,
No part of this publication may be
                                          Communications and Web Services
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted
                                          Committee, CERIC turned to career
in any form or by any means, including
                                          expert, author and small-business
photocopying, recording, or other
                                          Owner Lisa Taylor to research and
electronic or mechanical methods,
                                          write this guide for you, Owners and
without the prior written permission
                                          Managers in small businesses (those
of the publisher, except in the case
                                          with fewer than 500 employees).
of brief quotations embodied in
                                          As the Founder and President of
critical reviews and certain other
                                          Challenge Factory and the Centre
noncommercial uses permitted by
                                          for Career Innovation, Lisa is widely
copyright law. Wholesale discounts
                                          recognized for her “future of work”
for book orders are available through
                                          insights while also managing a growing
Ingram Distributors.
                                          business. She is passionate about the
                                          changing nature of careers and the
Published by:
                                          resulting impact on the economy and
Canadian Education and Research
                                          on people of all ages.
Institute for Counselling
(CERIC)                                   Lisa would like to acknowledge the
2 St Clair Avenue East, Suite 300         following leaders, advisers, research
Toronto, Ontario                          subjects and contributors:
M4T 2T5                                   Sharon Ferriss, CERIC’s Director,
Canada                                    Marketing, Web and New Media,
                                          is an inspirational project leader
Website:                     and Norman Valdez, CERIC’s
Email:                     Senior Manager, Digital Media &
                                          Communications, is a talented and
ISBN                                      creative designer. Thanks are also due
Paperback: 978-1-988066-17-2              to CERIC’s visionary leaders Riz Ibrahim
EBook: 978-1-988066-18-9                  and Bruce Lawson, President of The
                                          Counselling Foundation of Canada.
                                          The project also benefitted from the
                                          research support provided by Daniel
                                          Mester, Cayla Charles and Ian Munro.
Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Lisa and Sharon would also like to         Spa and The Ivy; Don Coady, Owner &
acknowledge the support of the             Creative Director, DC Design House;
project’s Knowledge Champions:             Nancy Rowland, VP Corporate Services
Jennifer Hagan from the Canadian           and Operations and COO, Ontario
Chamber of Commerce, Richard               Science Centre; Shirley Zerfas, Owner,
Buteau and André Raymond from Laval        One Imaging Inc.; Rona Birenbaum,
University, Dr. Marie Bountrogianni        President, Caring for Clients; Sheldon
and Fred Anger from The G. Raymond         Kreiger, Owner and Operating Partner,
Chang School of Continuing Education,      Boston Pizza; Chantelle Hansen,
Ryerson University, Ian Young from The     Director of Human Resources, JMP
CFO Centre, and Anthony Kellner at TD      Engineering; Scot Rutherford, President
Bank Group.                                and CEO, Scot Builders; Jillian
                                           Hardie, Executive Director, Challenge
This project was guided by a fantastic     Disability Resource Group; Vanessa
advisory committee, with thanks to the     Légère, Consultant in Development
following members: Fred Anger and Dr.      of Competencies and Processes,
Marie Bountrogianni, The G. Raymond        Victrix; Jenny Basov, Senior Manager,
Chang School of Continuing Education,      Human Resources, Toronto Regional
Ryerson University; Jenny Basov,           Board of Trade; Roxanne Larouche,
Toronto Regional Board of Trade; Beth      Director of Human Resources, Yukon
Dea, Futurepreneur; Don Edmonds,           Hospital Corporation; Jeff Quipp,
Edmonds Rose; Sue Folinsbee, Tri En        CEO, Search Engine People; Laura
Communications; Jennifer Hagan,            Ambrozic, President, Mimic Print; Eric
Canadian Chamber of Commerce;              Walker, Managing Partner, CW Partners
Anne Lamont, Maritha Peens, André          LLP; Geneviève Babin, Vice President,
Raymond, Laval University; and Mark        Groupe Pro Sante; Guylaine Gélinas,
Venning, ChangeRangers.                    General Manager, Provincial House
Lisa would also like to acknowledge        of the Ursulines of Quebec; Steven
the organizations that participated        Thériault, General Manager, Matelas
in our research interviews. These          Dauphin, and additional interviewees
organizations all have fewer than 500      who wished not to be named.
employees, are located across Canada
(coast to coast to coast), represent
Anglophone and Francophone
ownership and are in the private, public
and non-profit sectors:
Ian Young, CEO, The CFO Centre;
Taffik Choudhury, Managing Director,
Traxion Strategic Partners; Derek
Bullen, Owner, S.I.Systems; Vanessa
Melman Yakobson, CEO and Partner,
Blo Blow Dry Bar; Joan Garson, Baskin
Financial; Mary Aitken, President and
Founder, Verity, George, Sweetgrass
Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Section 1: Introduction                       5

CONTENTS   Note to Business Owners
           Note to Business Managers
           Why Use a Travel Guide Format                 9
           Section 2: Career Management                  11
           Destination: Why Career Management            12
           Matters to Your Business
           Preparing for Your Career                     13
           Management Journey
           What “Good” Career Management Looks Like      16
           Section 3: Career Management Action           19
           Building Your Career Management Itinerary     20
             Itinerary A: 10 minutes to spare            23
             Itinerary B: 1 hour a week                  27
             Itinerary C: Half a day every few months    31
           Template to Build a Small Enterprise Career   36
           Management Itinerary
           Template to Build a Medium Enterprise         37
           Career Management Itinerary
           Sample Career Management Itinerary            38
           Section 4: Special Situations                 39
           Losing Staff and Succession Planning          41
           When Managers Are Not Comfortable or          43
           Capable of Having Career Conversations
           Dealing with Life Events and Leaves of        45
           Career Considerations in Small- and           46
           Medium-Sized Family Businesses
           Career Considerations for New Graduates       47
           Career Considerations for the 50+             48
           Section 5: Listed and Additional              50
           Section 6: Thank You to Our Knowledge         55

           Notes and References                          59
Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Section 1: Introduction

Note to Business Owners         6
Note to Business Managers       8
Why Use a Travel Guide Format   9
Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Section 1: Introduction

Note to Business
Congratulations! By picking up this Playbook
you are among the select group of Business
Owners who know that there is a direct link
between healthy employee careers and
strong business results.
Business ownership            time and attention.
is a journey for those        But, there is a shortage of
seeking adventure,            time and, in many cases,
fulfillment, surprise,        capital to do all of the
growth, satisfaction and      things that you want to
reward. And, while it         do. That’s what makes
may sometimes feel like       the SME Owner’s journey
you are alone in your         unique. It requires focus
exploration, it is far from   and creativity in how you
a solitary path. In Canada,   use the resources you
99.7% of all business with    have available to you.
employees are small- or                                     In examining the BDC
medium-sized enterprises      In 2015, the Business
                                                            report, we noted the
(SMEs), with the vast         Development Bank of
                                                            following finding:
majority of organizations     Canada completed a
falling into the category     study to determine            “Clearly, the size, industry,
of the “micro business,”      what SMEs needed              age and location of a
(10 or fewer employees). 1    to successfully grow.         business are all factors
In fact, in 2015, SMEs        They presented their          that influence its ability
employed 90.3% of the         “Winning Strategies”          to grow. However, these
private sector workforce      after thoroughly              factors will have no
(10.5 million Canadians).2    profiling Canada’s            impact if the business’s
                              small- and medium-            leaders do not wish
Success depends on great      sized enterprises,            to expand in the first
products or services,         including analysis and        place.” 4
strong client relationships   recommendations for
and a solid understanding                                   This Playbook is your
                              talent-related challenges     opportunity to reconsider
of your market. Staying       that inhibit growth.
on top of day-to-day                                        how you think about
operations while planning
for longer term strategic                DID YOU KNOW?
                                         On average, employee-related costs account
moves is critical. There is              for an estimated 70% of overall operating costs.
no shortage of work to                   The relationship you have with your workforce
be done, nor is there a                  is both your most significant risk and your
limit to who needs your                  greatest competitive opportunity. 3

Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Retain and Gain
                                                                 Section 1: Introduction

        DID YOU KNOW?                                      invested your staff
        We asked Business Owners which people-
                                                           are, personally, in the
        related issues keep them up at night:              success of the business.
        • 83% worried about engaging and retaining         We assert that there is
            employees                                      nothing more personal
        • 66.7% indicated finding the right talent and     than each employee’s
           recruitment was a challenge                     individual career. More
        • 61.1% were concerned about developing new        than one-off rewards or
           leadership candidates and Managers              team-building exercises,
        • 50% wondered how to provide career               focusing on your team’s
           development opportunities for employees         careers ensures that
           throughout their careers with limited           your business will
           opportunities for promotion                     succeed because they’ve
        • 50% worried about compensating and               succeeded.
           rewarding employees (although only 38%
           of respondents indicated they were worried
                                                           Indeed, career
           about managing tight salary budgets in a        management affects
           competitive market)                             more than just employee
                                                           satisfaction and
        When these results were analyzed by age
        of company, we found that finances were            loyalty. It drives better
        most concerning for companies within               customer service, faster
        their first 7 years of business. Recruitment       identification of ways
        concerns increase for companies with 4-7           to improve business
        years in business. By the time a company has
                                                           operations and increased
        been in business 7 or more years, employee
        engagement, retention and leadership               opportunity for growth –
        development concerns dominate.                     for employees as well as
                                                           for your business.

career management                 normal workday ends
as a strategic lever          • More than twice as
for stronger company              likely to help someone     TAKE ACTION:
performance. We’ll                at work even if they       Throughout this
provide key statistics,           don’t ask for help         Playbook you will see
tools and tips throughout     • More than 3 times            the “TAKE ACTION”
the Playbook. To get                                         heading with some
                                  as likely to do            suggested ways to
started on this journey,          something good for         take the information
consider the following            the company that is        in this Playbook and
from the Temkin Group 5:          not expected of them       put it to immediate
                              • More than 5 times as         use. Don’t feel like you
Highly engaged                                               must incorporate all
employees are:                    likely to recommend        suggestions or topics
• 2.5 times more likely           that a friend or           covered immediately.
   to stay at work late           relative apply for a       The aim of this
                                  job at their company       Playbook is for it to be
   if something needs                                        an ongoing resource
   to be done after the       Employee engagement            you can use over time.
                              is a way to express how

Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Section 1: Introduction

Note to Managers
Welcome to the Career Management
Playbook designed for you - a smart,                           TAKE ACTION:
engaged and curious Manager.                                   The templates,
                                                               resources and tools are
In developing this              employees with a clear         provided to guide you
Playbook, we spoke              career path – and only         to action. If something
with Managers in SMEs           36% of employees               doesn’t quite fit, feel
across Canada. From             agree that this is true. 6     free to change it. We
                                                               hope that the ideas are
British Columbia to          • 82% of Millennials say          a starting point that
Yukon to Newfoundland          that they are loyal             inspire you to grow
we heard about limited         to their employers,             and build your people
time and a need to             but only 1% of HR               through great career
play many roles. Some                                          experiences. As a first
                               managers would                  step, you might want
commented that if they         use the word “loyal”            to share this guide with
had the responsibilities       to describe their               the Owner of your
they currently held            Millennial staff. 7             company (or have them
and worked in a large                                          get their own copy) and
corporation they would       • 68% of employees                work through key topics
have a much larger title       say their Managers              together.
with greater market            aren’t actively engaged
understanding of their         in their career               of disengagement among
skills and experience.         development. 8                staff.
Others expressed sincere     Even Managers who               Consider yourself
concern for the careers      believe they are well           a traveller and this
and, indeed, the lives       connected with their            Playbook is your travel
of their employees and       staff and are helping with      guide. Keep an open
struggled regularly to do    career development may          mind about what you
right by them while still    find that their employees       might find and learn as
managing cash flow and       do not recognize that           you explore new ways
workload demands of the      they are being supported.       to engage with your
business.                    The disconnect between          staff. You may find that
As we created this           Manager intention and           this journey is not at
Playbook we noted some       employee experience can         all what you expected
significant disconnects      often lead Managers to          and that there are
between what Managers        disengage from career           specific activities, off the
and employees think          management activities.          beaten path of common
about current career         After all, if efforts           management wisdom,
patterns. Specifically, we   to assist employees             that create exceptional
noted that:                  go largely unused or            experiences for you, your
                             unappreciated, there are        staff and your company.
• 60% of HR leaders
                             other priorities and ways
   believe that their
                             to focus precious time.
   companies provide
                             The result can be a spiral

Retain and Gain Career Management for Small Business - INCLUDED
Retain and Gain
                                                                 Section 1: Introduction

Why Use a Travel
Guide Format
As a SME Owner or Manager, you know
1 thing for sure: there is never enough time to
do what needs to be done.

We heard this loud and       learned that we need
clear while completing       to provide a business-
the research for this        focused Playbook
Playbook. Business           that gives Owners and
Owners told us over          Managers what they
and over again that they     actually need:
believe they have the        The gift of time and         of time we can spend in
knowledge and skills to      proven action steps that     any single location. We
be better career advisors    fit into your everyday       need to make the hours
and Managers for staff.      work schedule.               count and stretch our
They have the know-how,                                   financial resources as far
but lack the time and        You will find we have        as possible. It is all about
are unsure how career        structured this Playbook     the experience.
management applies in a      in an innovative and
                             creative way. We learned     Similarly, time and
flat structure. Many felt
                             in our interviews and        resources are critical
that while they provide
                             research that you            constraints for
employees with “jobs,”
                             value access to career       Business Owners and
there were limited
                             resources that you           Managers. You know
career development
                             can immediately use.         that recruitment,
opportunities for staff,
                             There was a clear            employee engagement,
and discussions would
                             interest in a brief          employee retention and
only lead staff to look at
                             Playbook that helped in      productivity depends
other companies for a
                             everyday interactions        on positive employee
next career step.
                             and activities, with         experiences including
It got us thinking,          links to recommended         opportunities to learn,
where else do we             resources and more           grow, be recognized,
encounter new, unknown       detailed support for         be challenged and be
experiences with an          those interested in taking   rewarded. But how
overwhelming number          a deeper look into a         do you make good on
of activities that could     particular topic.            the promise of a great
and should be done, and                                   employee experience
limited time? How can we     For these reasons, we        while juggling tight
provide a fresh approach     structured this Playbook     budgets, limited staff
to improving the careers     like a travel guide.         and not enough time
of those who own and         When we travel we are        to do all of the things
work within SMEs? We         limited by the amount        that “should” be done.
Section 1: Introduction

Why Use a Travel
Guide Format

The right “Career
Management Itinerary”
will deliver experiences
that meet the needs and
aspirations of both your
staff and your business.
We will show you that
career management is a
high-value, high-return,
low-risk business lever
that will carry your
business across long
distances. And, really, who
doesn’t love taking a “just
for you” custom-designed

                              TRAVEL TIP: LEARNING THE LANGUAGE
                              Travel often involves learning new terms. In our
                              research, we learned that SME Business Owners
                              and Managers believe “career development” and
                              “training” are synonymous, while the term “career
                              management” was generally understood to be
                              broader, encompassing many different activities
                              and lasting for a person’s full working life. Small
                              organizations also felt that “talent management”
                              and career management were the same thing, while
                              medium-sized organizations tended to view talent
                              management as a strategic corporate activity, which
                              might not include providing career-focused tools and
                              assistance to staff. Throughout this Playbook we will
                              use career management to describe our topics and
                              activities, although some of the quoted sources may
                              use other terms. For our purposes, we will consider
                              career management and career development to have
                              the same meaning. For those interested in formal
                              definitions, career management is “a lifelong, self-
                              monitored process of career planning that focuses on
                              choosing and setting personal goals and formulating
                              strategies for achieving them.” 9

Section 2:
Career Management
Destination: Why Career         12
Management Matters to Your
Preparing for Your Career       13
Management Journey
What “Good” Career Management   16
Looks Like
Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

Destination: Why
Career Management
Matters to Your
Employees want to know you are invested
in their careers. You need a strong team
and employer brand. Ongoing career
management is the answer.
This section provides        career management plan
background information       or itinerary, you can find
to help you become           templates, activities and
familiar with the            tips starting on page 20.
language, opportunities
and options that career
management offers
your business. In a real
travel guide, this section    DID YOU KNOW?
would be your overview        We asked SME Owners and Managers what image best
to the city, province,        represents how careers work. Here are the top 10 images
state or country that         that came to the Owners’ minds:
you were going to visit.      • “Mountain range where peaks lead to the next valley
If you would like to jump        and a new peak”
right into planning your      • “Kids maze where there are many entrances and 1 of
company’s customized              them leads to the path that reaches the centre”
                              • “Staircase”
                              • “Paths with many branches to choose from along the
      VOICE OF AN             • “Group of mountain climbers who support each
       EMPLOYER                   other and provide equipment to help at various
                                  stages of the climb”
     “When employees          • “Safari, because you don’t know what wild animals
      see that we invest          lurk in the weeds and rivers you have to cross
     in them, that there          because you haven’t reached them yet”
    is the possibility for    • “10 years ago, it was stairs, but now people can have
                                  so many careers it’s hard to say but a trip or a journey
   career development,
                                  most describes it”
  they stay. And even if
                              • “A pyramid”
  they leave, they come
           back.” 10          • “A ladder”
                              • “Trains - sometimes you get derailed”

Retain and Gain
                                              Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

Preparing for Your
Career Management                                             TRAVEL TIP:
Journey                                                       Some trips are planned
                                                              all on our own. Others
                                                              are more complicated or
Career management activities will enhance                     require insight we don’t
business results, with minimal advance                        have the time to gather.
                                                              In these cases, we turn
preparation.                                                  to travel agents and tour
                                                              companies to help us
Before preparing for a        Does the day-in, day-out        plan a great experience.
trip, most people have a      experience of being on          In the field of career
                                                              management there are
few specific questions:       your staff energize and         advisors and experts able
                              build their career or does      to help you with planning
• What can we afford?         it drag them down? What         and execution. Look
• When is the best            is your workplace culture?      for professionals who
  time to travel?                                             use the term “career”
                              In this Playbook, we            (distinct from “HR”) to
• What type of                provide tips and activities     describe their area of
    experience do we          that enhance career             expertise.
    want to have?             opportunities, that
In preparation, you plan,     build your culture and        And hiring is just the
budget, scour online          that establish a strong       beginning. SMEs struggle
review sites and ask          employer brand.               to maintain employee
friends about cities,                                       engagement and to retain
                              Anyone who has been
hotels and tours. You                                       top performers. We
                              through a recruitment
then make choices that                                      learned in our interviews
                              cycle knows just how time
best fit your criteria.                                     that many SMEs
                              consuming it is to recruit
                                                            experience high turnover
Similarly, your current       and hire new employees
                                                            among top performers
and future employees          and how important it is to
                                                            due to a perceived limit
go through the same           make good hiring choices.
                                                            on career advancement
process when deciding
to apply, join or stay with
your company. They
consider the salary and
benefits offered and
whether now is the right
time in their career to
have the role that you are
offering. But, more than
any other factor, they
evaluate what it is like to
work with you.

Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

Preparing for Your
                                          TRAVEL TIP:
Career Management                         As you explore the rest of this Playbook,
Journey continued                         consider the growth path that your company is
                                          on. You likely know what your goals are in terms
                                          of revenue and profit. If you have equipment,
opportunities.                            you also likely know what investments you will
                                          need to make to increase production, reduce
But we know that there                    repair costs and minimize risk. But what are
are many opportunities                    your employee-related goals and investment
for people to grow their                  plans?
careers, in meaningful                    We couldn’t create a Playbook for SMEs without
ways, even in a flat                      referring to the number 1 issue that keeps
or small workforce                        Business Owners up at night: cash flow. While
structure.11                              employees often wish their employer would pay
                                          for additional training or send them to industry
Employees need to have                    events, we know that cash-related pressure is
a broader understanding                   intense, especially in the first few years of being
                                          in business. Therefore, the core activities, tips
of their own career, while
                                          and major recommendations provided in this
Owners and Managers                       Playbook are designed to work with free (or
need to motivate,                         low-cost) resources. From time to time we
challenge and support                     mention additional services that you might want
employees as they                         to invest in, but only as an option. Every trip has
                                          financial limitations and even budget travellers
grow. How these needs
                                          can have incredible experiences.
are identified, met and
measured in large part                    Consider these questions as you evaluate the
                                          ROI of spending time and/or resources on
defines the culture of                    career management activities:
your company.
                                          • What costs are we incurring by ignoring
Like any country, territory                  or deferring the career needs of
or city, your company                        our staff? HINT: It costs you in hard
has its own culture and                      dollars as well as lost productivity
it is often informal and                  • When is the best time to start improving
unstated. Even a stated                      employee engagement? HINT: NOW
mission, values & vision                  • What type of employee experience
statement does not                           and employer brand do we want?
prevent your employees                       HINT: One that engages and motivates
                                             staff to do their best work
from talking with family,
friends or online about
what it is like to work       just as important as the        for prospective staff,
at your organization.         brand(s) you maintain           partners and customers
Indeed, the “way business     for your products and           to see.
is done around here”          services. Today it is easy      Engaged employees align
does not always align with    for staff to share what         their own career success
how Owners or Managers        they love and regret            with the success of the
would describe desired        about working with you          brands and organizations
corporate culture. Your       on social media sites like      they work for. How your
brand as an employer is       LinkedIn and Glassdoor,         employees perceive

Retain and Gain
                                            Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

opportunities within
your company is linked
to key business results.
Turnover is expensive and    DID YOU KNOW?
members of a disengaged      • Career satisfaction and work-life balance have been
                                identified as the top 2 reasons employees stay at their
workforce will not be           current jobs. 13
the brand or customer
advocates you need to        • 78% of employees said they would remain longer
                                with their employer if they saw a career path with the
differentiate from your         current organization. 14
                             • 55% of SMEs expressed difficulty hiring and retaining
Cash flow is the critical       qualified personnel, making it the second greatest
issue for SMEs. However,        challenge to growth only after dealing with growing
                                operating costs. 15
in study after study,
career management is
at the heart of priorities
2, 3, 4 and beyond.
From recruitment to
onboarding to retention
and management, the
employee career lifecycle
is important to both
the employee and the
In fact, challenges with
finding and retaining
qualified and engaged
staff contribute directly
to your company’s ability
to better manage its
costs. Consider Gallup
findings that demonstrate
higher workplace
engagement leads to 37%
lower absenteeism, 41%
fewer safety incidents
and 41% fewer quality

Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

What “Good” Career
Management Looks
SME Owners shared with us their concerns
about having career conversations with
Some worried that they       certain fundamentals
would not be able to         about their careers.
offer good suggestions.      CERIC has developed its
Others misinterpreted        8 Guiding Principles of
career management            Career Development
for performance              to help clarify and define
management and               the scope of career-
resisted having to have      related work. (Recall that
hard discussions about       we are using the terms
shortcomings and             career management and
consequences. Still others   career development              competencies – and
worried that encouraging     synonymously for this           connecting those with
broader career               Playbook).                      market needs.
discussions would only       These principles can         3. Involves understanding
encourage key employees      help ensure you have            options, navigating
to leave for opportunities   good career-focused             with purpose and
in larger companies.         conversations, resources        making informed
Good career                  (like those listed at the       choices.
management requires          end of this Playbook) and    4. Should be self-
that Managers and            programs in place with          directed; an individual
employees understand         your staff.                     is responsible for his
                             Career Development:             or her own career,
                                                             but is not alone – we
                             1. Is a lifelong process        all influence and are
        VOICE OF A              of blending and              influenced by our
      BUSINESS OWNER            managing paid and            environment.
                                unpaid activities:
 “10 years ago [careers         learning (education),     5. Is often supported and
                                work (employment,            shaped by educators,
  were like] stairs, but
                                entrepreneurship),           family, peers,
  now people can have
                                volunteerism and             Managers and the
   so many careers it’s                                      greater community.
                                leisure time.
  hard to say but a trip
    or a journey best        2. Entails determining       6. Means making the
                                interests, beliefs,          most of talent and
      describes it.”
                                values, skills and           potential, however

Retain and Gain
                                                 Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

                                                               not a solitary pursuit.
                                                               Managers play a
                                                               key role alongside
  DID YOU KNOW?                                                individual employees.
  Performance management is not the same as career             This relationship has
  management. Performance management is “an ongoing            been described in
  process of communication between a supervisor                Chapter 16 of the text
  and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in          Career Development
  support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the
  organization.” 16 It focuses on how well employees have
                                                               Practice in Canada:
  accomplished specific job-related activities in support of   Perspectives, Principles,
  stated business goals. For example, is the sales person      and Professionalism, by
  meeting his or her target? Is the project Manager staying    Sandra Boyd and Kim
  on time and on budget? In our research, most companies       Spurgeon as a career
  have a method or system for performance management
  and we will assume that your employees are performing
                                                               partnership, in which:
  and meeting company targets. This Playbook will address      “Managers, by providing
  topics and actions that go beyond performance-related        learning opportunities
  discussions, interventions and follow-on actions.
                                                               and supporting career
                                                               goals, help to empower
   you define growth           resources for SMEs, most        their employees and
   and success – not           have a heavy emphasis on        further their career
   necessarily linear          compliance.                     development. The
   advancement.                                                organization, for its
                               Career management
7. Can be complex                                              part, has a duty to help
                               resources and experts
   and complicated, so                                         develop employees’
                               tend to come from the
   context is key – there                                      career-management skills
                               public (policy-focused),
   may be both internal                                        through human resources
                               academic (research-
   constraints (financial,                                     programs, mentoring, and
                               focused) or non-profit
   cultural, health) or                                        networking. Lastly, the
                               (service delivery-focused)
   external constraints                                        employees themselves
                               sectors. However, as
   (labour market,                                             must be accountable for
                               career paths change in
   technology).                                                their own development
                               today’s innovation and,
                                                               through self-assessment,
8. Is dynamic, evolving        increasingly freelance-
                                                               skills updating, and setting
    and requires               enabled economy, SMEs
                                                               career goals. When these
    continuous adaptation      and larger enterprises are
                                                               three work together,
    and resilience through     seeking guidance from
                                                               employees become more
    multiple transitions.      new, yet very established,
                                                               engaged and retention
Career management              sources. Career
                                                               improves.” 17
principles, theories           management provides
                               decades of wisdom               Indeed, good career
and tools are not
                               and results to help             management has a strong
necessarily included
                               leaders and employees           link to high productivity,
in entrepreneurship
                               navigate today’s changing       faster time to market
or human resource
                               employment structures.          and higher customer
programs and, while there
                                                               satisfaction. It is led by
are many HR-focused            Career management is

Section 2: Career Management Fundamentals

What “Good” Career
Management Looks
Like continued               DID YOU KNOW?: TOP 10 MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT
                             CAREER MANAGEMENT IN SMEs
the individual, can take     Based on our interviews with Canadian SME Owners
many different forms and     and Managers, we heard the following misconceptions
                             about career management. They are all false and prevent
is not necessarily focused
                             companies from establishing good career practices. How
on promotion or mobility.    many are at play in your organization?
Instead, it is rooted in
the understanding that       1. Small companies can offer jobs. Careers are only
                                possible inside large enterprises.
career development
occurs when employees        2. Career management and training are the same thing,
                                as are career development and advancement.
have increasing access to
unique experiences.          3. Employers are in control of the career paths of their
                             4. Staff know how to manage their own careers.
                             5. Managers know how to help staff with their careers.
                             6. Millennials are more interested in lifestyle and work-
                                life balance than a traditional career.
                             7. Older employees don’t need to worry about their
                                career as they are unlikely to make a significant
                                change after age 50.
                             8. Career management is costly and doesn’t deliver an
                                immediate return on investment to the business.
                             9. Career management is only for professionals or
                                knowledge workers.
                             10. There isn’t hard data, proven practices and solid
                                research available to help SME Owners and Managers.
                                with tough career related situations.

Section 3:
Career Management
Action Plans
Building Your Career Management        20
   Itinerary A: 10 minutes to spare    23
   Itinerary B: 1 hour a week          27
   Itinerary C: Half a day every few   31
Template to Build a Small Enterprise   36
Career Management Itinerary
Template to Build a Medium             37
Enterprise Career Management
Sample Career Management               38
Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

Building Your Career
Management Itinerary
So far, we’ve focused on making the case
for career management within SMEs and
providing some guidelines on what good
practices and programs might consider.

Using a travel analogy,         terrific experience.
we’ve provided                  In our research,
background on the               we learned that
career management               organizational size
practices that develop          matters when it comes
employees and build             to how time is spent. We
business success (the           learned that companies
“destination”). We’ve           with 1-50 employees
also outlined how career        deal with limited
management can make             time and resources
your organization a             differently than those
more attractive place for       with 51-499 employees.
recruits.                       We also learned that             use as you select which
But we all know that the        the perceived career             activities you want to
most rewarding part             management skills of             include in your company’s
of preparing for a trip         Managers as well as the          customized Career
occurs once the itinerary       priority they place on           Management Itinerary,
is set and the planning         career-related coaching          1 for companies with 50
is done; when you know          and support differs              or fewer employees and
what to expect and can          by size of company.              1 for companies with 51-
focus on how to make an         Therefore, we’ve provided        499 employees.
already great schedule a        you with 2 templates to

 For Companies with 1-50 Employees:

 You operate with the most limited time, capital and employee resources. Your business
 requires you to be both leader and foot soldier and every hire that you make needs to
 perform. You are more informal than larger companies when it comes to HR policies
 and procedures and the Owner of the company likely performs most of the employee
 performance and career management activities.
 In our research, we learned that Business Owners and Managers in companies with less
 than 50 employees are more likely to be able to plan additional activities if they are done
 on a weekly or monthly basis. When you do find extra time in your day, it is last minute and
 requires activities that can be completed quickly without having to draw in other people.

Retain and Gain
                                                 Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

For Companies with 51-499 Employees

Your business has a bit more equilibrium than the smaller-size companies. There is more
stability and confidence in your future growth capabilities, especially if you have been
in business between 5-8+ years. You likely have adapted your original organizational
structure so that there are team leads or Managers who assist the Owner(s) with day-
to-day employee performance management, even if the senior leadership team is still
actively involved on a quarterly, bi-annual or annual basis in performance reviews and
workforce/recruitment planning.
Our research identified that approximately 67% of Owners and Managers in mid-sized
companies do find an hour of unaccounted for time within a typical week, more than
what is reported by Owners and Managers in smaller companies. You also are more likely
to have formal career or performance review cycles, either quarterly, twice a year or

Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

                TRAVEL TIP:
                You will find a template for small companies (1-50 employees) on page 36
                and for medium-sized companies (51-499 employees) on page 37. As you read
                through the suggested career management activities, you can use these tem-
                plates to build your own “itinerary” or customized action plan.

                             TIPS TO GET YOU STARTED
     1. Just as a travel guide would have different categories of recommendations
        (hotels, tours, dining, transportation, etc), we, too, have considered that
        you may want to build your Career Management Itinerary based on various
        types of activities.
        • For some, focusing in on 1 goal might lead you to complete the activities
          across a specific activity (like a “Foodie” Tour would emphasis dining
          options as priority activities).
        • Others, might look to balance what is included in their plan to get
          broader exposure to career management across a variety of activities –
          like a “Cultural Highlights” Tour.
        • Finally, others might skim each activity and select only those that tie
          specifically into a current business issue. In this case, the analogy might
          be a themed trip where most of the lodging, dining and touring events
          focus on a specific topic or theme.

     2. Like when planning a trip, we have listed far more activities than can
        reasonably be accomplished within the likely timeframe that you want to
        set, such as a 6- to 12-month period. Don’t feel pressure to choose more
        than the number of activities you feel is realistic (perhaps with a few extra
        in case you become particularly engaged or priorities change). Just as
        you can’t see everything in a city or country in 1 day, you can come back
        and build new itineraries each year to broaden your career management
        experience and exposure.
     3. The activities are structured to start at the top by challenging you to think
        differently, with each subsequent section becoming progressively more
        action oriented and tied to business goals. We recommend starting by
        reading all the activities and putting a star beside or circling the activities
        you want to come back to. Next, review the activities you have “shortlisted”
        and consider which are most important and what order you wish to tackle
        them. Then, fill in the itinerary template provided.
     4. In addition to the activities listed that are relevant to all businesses, others
        are provided which are better suited to companies with 51-499 employees.

Retain and Gain
                                            Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

Itinerary A:
10 minutes to spare
If you have 10 minutes to spare you might
choose 1 of these activities. You can do the
same activity each day, or alternate between
a few activities.

           Think                     Share
                           Goal: Develop a culture
Goal: Identify new,        of collaborative
positive actions to take   learning that
                           encourages employee
Think about yourself.      development
Identify one career-
defining moment from       Begin to regularly
your past. Write it down   share 1-line success
and consider sharing it    messages with your
as part of an upcoming     staff that highlight how
team event, call or        an employee has grown           DID YOU KNOW?
communication. Why was     or developed new skills.
it meaningful? What did    Consider using this             According to the
                           format:                         Canadian Research
you learn?
                                                           Working Group on
Does your story            Subject: Career Creativity      Evidence-Based Practice
provide context to                                         in Career Development
                           Body: Last week                 (CRWG), “For the most
any business or career     [employee name] showed          part, employees of small
situations others might    career creativity when          and medium enter-
be experiencing? If        they helped [customer/          prises enjoy their work
so, consider sharing                                       and like working for a
                           peer/me] solve a problem.       small company. They
your story as part of      [Outline the problem            value communication
a broader employee         and what it meant to            with their employer
communication.             the person and to your          and co-workers a great
See the Travel Tip         business]. I look forward       deal. However, they feel
                                                           limited with regard to
for good employee          to [employee name]              possible development
communication on page      sharing what they learned       and, together with their
25.                        from the experience. Well       employer, would like to
                           done.                           be able to identify new
                                                           challenges.” 18

Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

           TRAVEL TIP:
           We asked Small Business Public Relations Expert Keka DasGupta of
  for her advice should you find that your employees
           are expressing workplace or career frustration online. Here is her brand-
           protecting recommendation:

           “No matter how wonderful your offering may be, when it comes to online
           ratings, people know there will always be a select few who will complain. But
           positive ratings must vastly outnumber negative ones for us to accept an
           offering as great. It’s all about ratio. Consider TripAdvisor. Some of the world’s
           best hotels have both good and bad reviews on the site. When we see many
           more positive reviews in comparison to negative ones, we are reassured.

           Similarly, to neutralize negative employee reviews online, SMEs must
           proactively communicate positive messages about their company to external

           Here are some ways to do this: 1) encourage employees to become authentic
           ambassadors of the company by sharing their experiences online; 2) share
           company principles and values publicly, so external audiences can see what
           you stand for; 3) build your public profile so people get to know you and like
           you as a leader.”

Itinerary A: 10                           Discuss                What you discuss does
minutes to spare                                                 not have to be “career”
                                                                 related – but know
continued                      Connect the dots to               that there are career
                               align business goals              implications for building
Some organizations will        to the day-to-day                 this type of casual
send these “success”           experiences of the                rapport and relationship
messages out whenever          team                              with your staff. In regions
there is a success to                                            where staff have long
celebrate. Others will         Call a staff member               commutes, you may find
set a more predictable         and have a “check in”             the last part of their drive
schedule, perhaps              with no agenda. Let them          into work is a good time
including these messages       know you are calling to           for this type of casual
as part of a broader           see what’s new with them          “check in” – although
monthly or quarterly           and check in on their day.        every employee is
communication.                 Be clear that you have            different.
Whatever frequency you         about 10 minutes and if           After the discussion,
decide to use, let your        a longer conversation             note priorities, topics or
staff know what they           ensues you will schedule          questions that come up.
can expect and ensure          a follow-up time to
you spend 10 minutes                                             Select a different staff
                               address items in more
every few weeks soliciting                                       member next time.
                               detail. Let them spend
stories from staff and         a few minutes sharing
Managers.                      whatever information is
                               top of mind for them.

Retain and Gain
                                              Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

          Do                See the Travel Tip with                  Measure
                            suggestions for managing
                            your online employer
Goal: Take action           brand on page 24.
                                                           Goal: Identify good
that fosters career                    Reflect             data that can help you
opportunities for your                                     make better business
Search on LinkedIn          Goal: Take time to             Most Business Owners
and Glassdoor to see        focus on what you and          felt that training and
how your employees          your team need to              career management were
are talking about your      keep growing                   the same activity. They
company and brand.                                         aren’t. Training can be 1
Identify 2-3 people you     Select a quote from
want to talk to about       this list of over 1,001
what you learn to get an    entrepreneurial quotes
outside perspective and     compiled by Canadian
support. How can you        entrepreneur Bruce
share the good messages     Firestone:      https://
you see?                            TRAVEL TIP:

If there are negative       Quotes-Entrepreneurs-           When launching new
                            Great-Inspire-Motivate/         initiatives or programs
comments, you will need                                     with employees, you
to address them from        dp/1496011252 and
                                                            will need to think about
2 perspectives. First,      consider how it can apply       who should be eligible
you need to determine       to you and your team.           for these opportunities
                                                            and how you will
what course of action       Here are some of our            communicate to the
is appropriate for          favourites to get you           team. According to Priya
the employee. Action        started:                        Bates of Inner Strength
might include anything                                      Communication, good
                             “Any intelligent fool          employee communication
from speaking with the      can make things bigger,         considers “3C’s” –
employee to dismissal.      more complex, and more          Contact (who, how
However, keep in mind       violent. It takes a touch       frequently, what method),
that mild messages          of genius—and a lot of          Content (what you want
of discontent provide                                       to share and when to
                            courage—to move in              share it) and Context
an excellent learning       the opposite direction,”        (being authentic and
opportunity for both the    Albert Einstein.                considering other explicit
employee (how could                                         and implicit messages
they have found a better,   “Standing is more tiring        being received). You can
more direct outlet to       that walking,” Paradox.         find additional resources
express what they need)                                     on internal or employee
                            “It always seems
and for you (what doesn’t   impossible until it’s done,”    here:
your company know or        Nelson Mandela.                 VBCz100sfLk or         at
do well that should get                           
more attention).

Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

tool an employee uses       business and a career-       month to review the
to manage and navigate      related goal. MaRS           results and consider
their career.               provides a template for      which training
                            evaluation that you may      approaches lead to
Ensure that, from now                                    faster improvements
on, your staff complete     want to modify or use:
                                https://www.marsdd.      in your key business
an evaluation of any                                     metrics (revenue, cost
online, in-person or on-    com/mars-library/
                            training-evaluation-         containment, customer
the-job training taken.                                  satisfaction, cash flow,
The focus should be         sample-feedback-
                            questionnaire-for-           etc).
on what was learned,
how it has been applied     trainees/.
and how it advanced a       Book time in the next

                           VOICE OF A BUSINESS OWNER

       “I worry about managing my communications with the employees.
      When situations occur, there isn’t anyone giving me advice and I don’t
            know where to get support. I have to provide solutions.”

Retain and Gain
                                                     Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

Itinerary B:
1 hour a week
If you have 1 hour a week, you might choose
to do 2 or 3 of these activities or identify a few
activities to include in your quarterly review.

              Think         routinely emerge in
              About         discussions with your
                            staff. Which career-
 Goal: Identify new,        related needs seem to
 positive actions to take be company-wide and
                            which are unique to an
 Think about the            individual or small group
 importance of listening of employees? List 3
 to staff and reflecting on questions you have about
 their concerns. Consider the issues and consider
 which questions,           asking more questions in
 priorities and issues      a future 10-minute check

 Recommended additional activities for companies with 51-499 employees

 Think about the role            Similarly, as you start to        When you have needs in
 your people Managers            manage a larger workforce,        other non-core business
 play. What development          there are strategic concepts,     areas you look externally
 or exposure have they had       frameworks and tools that         for free and affordable
 to career-related tools and     can help you make better          resources. There are career
 theories. Everyone assumes      investments and develop           management resources
 their direct Manager            stronger career Managers          available to help build
 can provide good career         within your organization.         your internal competency
 guidance. However, most                                           with coaching, career
 career discussions focus        For example, how many of          conversations, career path
 more on job fit either for      these concepts are familiar       development and employee
 the current role or for         to you:                           engagement.
 roles in the future. Job fit    • change management
                                                                   Consider if this is an area
 is just 1 element of a career   • life stage/life course          that should be added to
 discussion. It would be like       theory of careers              the development goals
 relying on a Manager who                                          for your people Managers
 knows the requirements          • positive psychology
                                                                   and who else within your
 and capabilities of specific    • brain science of the            company might help be a
 social media tools to create       workplace                      “Career Champion.”
 your long-term strategic
 marketing plans. Before         It is ok if these terms
 jumping to which tools fit      aren’t familiar. Your core
 you would have a more           business is (likely) not in the
 strategic discussion.           career development field.

Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

Itinerary B: 1 hour a           which brings a weekly        Recommended additional
week continued                  summary of career-           activities for companies
                                focused articles from        with 51-499 employees
                                a variety of sources
in with an employee or          on timely topics to
                                                             Discuss the concept of
Manager.                                                     having various people
                                your inbox:      http://     Managers become
                               “Career Champions”
            Share               careerwise. You can          with a focus on providing
                                then use these weekly        good career-related
                                                             resources to the rest of
                                summaries to identify 1
Goal: Develop a culture                                      the Managers and staff.
                                article or topic that you    Record concerns that are
of collaborative                would like to share with     raised, such as limited
learning that                   your staff.                  time. Discuss if having 1
encourages employee                                          or 2 people focused on
                                Good sources for career-     this topic might free up
                                related articles could be    time for everyone as new
                                the careers section of       tools and practices are
Share an article or tool                                     brought into the company
that focuses on soft            your daily newspaper,
                                                             to replace current ad hoc
skills that are critical        INC magazine, Fast           methods.
to your employees’              Company magazine or
success. You may want to        LinkedIn Groups (search     opportunities for your
subscribe to CareerWise         for “career” and your       staff to learn from each
                                industry to get access to   other, share their work
 Recommended additional         relevant discussions and    differently and/or explore
 activities for companies       resources).                 a new topic that they
 with 51-499 employees                                      do not fully grasp but is
 Ask your staff to share 1                Discuss           related to your business.
 article that made them                                     Let them know that you’ll
 think about their own                                      ask them to share their
 career. Let them know                                      findings from these group
 that it would be great if
                                Goal: Connect the
 they could find 1 article in   dots to align business      learning sessions at an
 the next 6 months. When        goals to the day-to-        upcoming meeting.
 ready, have the staff share
 the article with 2 or 3 “key
                                day experiences of the
 takeaways” or questions        team                                   Do
 that were raised for
 them. Once you have            Discuss what you are
 12 or more articles with       working on and your
 employee comments,                                         Goal: Take action
 consider creating an           top priorities for the
 online folder or booklet       next month. Explain how     that fosters career
 that you can share with        your work aligns with the   opportunities for your
 new staff as part of the       work that your staff is     team
 onboarding process to          doing. Solicit questions
 generate career-related
                                that listen for common      Focus on retention.
 conversations with
 Managers.                      interests, curiosities      Keeping good employees
                                or issues. Discuss new      is critical to small

Retain and Gain
                                              Section 3: Career Management Action Plans
businesses and how you       within the next month.        And the “Best Part of
lead the team has a lot of                                 My Job” podcasts which
sway on how long they                   Reflect            feature different people
will stay with you.                     Upon               sharing their career
Often Owners of small                                      stories:
businesses have close        Goal: Take time to               http://www.
relationships with staff.    focus on what you and
Over time, discipline        your team need to             podcast/.
around communication         keep growing                            Measure
and respecting work-life
boundaries, etc. may slip    Reflect upon career-
as Owners know that          related videos and
they can count on staff to   podcasts. TED has             Goal: Identify good
understand what needs        some terrific material        data that can help you
to be done and go the        that challenges us            make better business
extra mile. But everyone     to reconsider how             decisions
needs to know that their     we communicate
efforts are recognized       (Mark Bowden’s “The           What career-related
and that their future        Importance of Being           metrics or goals do you
matters.                     Inauthentic”) and how         set for your staff? Do
                             we value happiness and        they have to demonstrate
Consider how much                                          that they’ve learned
attention you are paying     positivity in the workplace
                             (Shawn Achor’s “The           something over the
to your company’s                                          course of the year? Do
culture, to open             Happy Secret to Better
                             Work”).                       you identify new skills or
communication and                                          competencies to acquire
to being flexible. Has       Both of these TED Talks       or demonstrate greater
your focus or stance on      challenge commonly held       maturity? How do they
these topics shifted over    assumptions and include       align with your business
time? Do you think your      practical tips to try.        goals? What goals would
employees know why you                                     your employees want to
                             There is also a seemingly
have made changes that                                     also measure and track?
                             limitless list of podcasts
affect how they interact                                   List your top business
                             that can provide you
with you and each other?                                   goals and consider how
                             with an ability to
For additional tips,         reflect on your current       the career plans of
consider this article on     business needs and            each of your staff might
enhancing employee           opportunities as it relates   make them qualified or
retention:                   to your employees, their      interested in helping you
   https://www.marsdd.       engagement and their          with a special project
com/mars-library/            careers. I especially like:   to focus on 1 of the
retaining-top-talent-        “HR for Small Business”       following:
employee-retention-          podcasts        https://      • Cash Flow
                                                           • Increase Revenue
Create a plan to             resources-for-small/          • Decrease Costs
implement relevant tips      id533673516?mt=2.
Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

• New Product                       knowledgeable expert?        off decisions.
  Development                   • More frequent career
• Commercialization of            conversations?
  Research                      • Experiences such as
• New Partnerships                attending trade shows
                                  or community events?             DID YOU KNOW?
• Increased Market                                                 According to Gallup,
  Awareness                     • Training?                        “Employees who get
• Geographic Expansion          • Time-bound job                   the opportunity to
                                                                   continually develop
                                  shadowing?                       are twice as likely to
What else would you add
to this list?                   The purpose of this                say they will spend
                                activity is for you to             their career with their
With limited time, funds                                           company.” 19
                                start considering various
and personnel, which
                                career-related actions
activities promise the
                                and activities in terms of
strongest ROI:
                                your business goals so
• Peer mentoring with a         you can make good trade-
  Recommended additional activities for companies with 51-499 employees

  Having Managers and           your finance or accounting     If you are interested in
  executives who can            staff to help you put          having staff take a training
  build a business case         together an ROI model          course where a basic model
  and demonstrate how           that identifies good metrics   will be developed, consider
  employee-related programs     to use when evaluating         Course 103: Workforce
  can be measured is an         people-focused investment      Program ROI and Analytics
  important capability as       decisions. Rely on their       at:     http://www.
  your business grows. In the   expertise to help you define   centreforcareerinnovation.
  busy day-to-day world we      what is actually measurable,   com.
  invest in programs that can   how you would measure it
  demonstrate strong, hard      and how you can collect the
  returns. Consider asking      data needed.

Retain and Gain
                                             Section 3: Career Management Action Plans

Itinerary C:
Half a day every
few months
If you have a half day every few months or
as part of your annual business planning
activities, you might add the following:
(choose 2 or 3 activities a year).

           Think               showcase great work
                               in your marketing
           About               or employee
                               communications? Can
Goal: Identify new,            an employee represent
                               your company at
positive actions to take
                               a public event?
Think about how you
                            • Workplace – some
motivate your staff. It
                              of your employees
is sometimes assumed
                              will really value items
that money is the only
                              that make their work
motivator – but the                                      within their company. 20
                              environment special.
research indicates                                       There are also online
                              What visual reward
otherwise! What type of                                  tools and assessments
                              can you provide?
experience or exposure                                   you can have your staff
would be meaningful to      • Interesting work –
                                                         take to identify their
each employee? Some            is there a unique
                                                         motivators. A free test is
may value attending            project or new area to
                                                         available here:
an event with you.             explore? Which staff
Others might want to           would love to spend          http://testyourself.
be challenged to solve         an hour or 2 helping
a new type of problem.         with something            testid/3153.
Create or revise a plan        different than their      (Author’s note: I prefer
to motivate staff without      everyday work?            to use the assessments
relying on financial        For more ideas and           provided by TTI. There
rewards. You may want       suggestions, you may         is a per person fee for
to consider what rewards    want to refer to:            the assessment, but
might enhance:              https://www.marsdd.          I’ve found them to be
                            com/mars-library/            accurate, practical and
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