Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links

Page created by Seth Morgan
Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links
Results through knowledge.
Nov ‘18
Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links
This presentation (“Presentation”) has been prepared by MyFiziq Pty Ltd (“MyFiziq” or               INVESTMENT RISK
“Company”). You must read and accept the conditions in this notice before considering the           An investment in MyFiziq shares is subject to known and unknown risks, some of which are
information set out in or referred to in this Presentation. If you do not agree, accept or          beyond the control of MyFiziq. MyFiziq does not guarantee any particular rate of return or the
understand the terms on which this Presentation is supplied, or if you are subject to the laws of   performance of MyFiziq nor does it guarantee any particular tax treatment. An investment in
any jurisdiction in which it would be unlawful to receive this Presentation or which requires       MyFiziq should be considered as Highly Speculative and High Risk due to the start up nature of
compliance with obligations that have not been complied with in respect of it, you must             the Company and its proposed business.
immediately return or destroy this Presentation and any other confidential information supplied
to you by MyFiziq. By accepting this document, you acknowledge and agree to the conditions          FINANCIAL DATA
in this notice and agree that you irrevocably release MyFiziq from any claims you may have          All dollar values in this Presentation are in Australian dollars (A$ or AUD) unless otherwise
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This Presentation is not a prospectus, product disclosure statement or other offering document      This Presentation may contain forward looking statements. The Australian words 'anticipate',
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This Presentation does not constitute investment or financial product advice (nor tax,              risk factors associated with the Company’s business, many of which are beyond the control of
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SUMMARY INFORMATION                                                                                 which could cause actual results or trends to differ materially from those expressed or implied
This Presentation contains summary information about MyFiziq, its subsidiaries and their            in such statements. There can be no assurance that actual outcomes will not differ materially
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MyFiziq or that would be required in a prospectus or product disclosure statement prepared in       DISCLAIMER
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all information in this Presentation including but not limited to the assumptions, uncertainties    To the maximum extent permitted by law, MyFiziq and its respective advisers, affiliates, related
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This Presentation has been prepared without taking account of any person's individual               costs incurred by you as a result of your participation in an investment in MyFiziq and the
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                                                                                                    Statements made in this Presentation are made only as the date of this Presentation. The
                                                                                                    information in this Presentation remains subject to change without notice.
Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links
Corporate Overview
CAPITAL STRUCTURE                                                                      12 MONTH SHARE PRICE PERFORMANCE

Ticker                                                           ASX:MYQ               1.60

Share Price (as at 30/10/2018)                                   $0.375

Basic Shares Outstanding Market                                  82.54m
Capitalisation                                                   $31m
Debt                                                             $1.3m

Enterprise Valuation                                             $32.1m

Cash at Bank                                                     $0.25m

Convertible Note facility (undrawn)                              $1.75m                0.40

Approx. Monthly Burn                                             $0.365m

 ― 15.0m Class A performance rights with various revenue (ex license fees)




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   and EBIT targets
































 ― 15.0m Class B performance rights with various revenue (ex license fees)
   and EBIT targets

 ― 21.75m performance rights expiring on various dates

 ― 10.8m options with various expiry dates and prices

Fully Diluted Shares on Issue                                                145.09m

SHARE HOLDER BREAKDOWN                                                                   IPO

‣    Top 10 Share Holders hold 52.42% of the shares on issue.                            ‣     Date: August 2015

‣    Top 20 Share Holders hold 64.58% of the shares on issue.                            ‣     Issue Price: $0.20

‣    Top 50 Share Holder Hold 81.82% of the shares on issue.                             ‣     Capital Raised: $6m
Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links
Total Body

About MyFiziq
                                                                                                       Fat %

Body measurements using a smartphone.

‣   MyFiziq is an augmenter of current              ‣   Partners embed our SDK (Software                                       Chest
    technologies, rather than a disruptor.              Development Kit) into their new or
                                                        existing apps and then customize the
‣   We partner with highly scaled applications          experience to satisfy their branding
    and provide our partners with a deeper              requirements.
    insight into the data they currently retrieve
    from their users.                               ‣   MyFiziq leverages the power of Computer
                                                        Vision, Machine Learning and patented
‣   When consumers step, ride, train, calorie                                                                         Hips
                                                        algorithms, to process these images on
    count or purchase clothing online, the              secure, enterprise-level infrastructure,
    result is a drive toward understanding              delivering an end-to-end experience that
    human dimensions or change. MyFiziq                 is unrivaled in the industry.
    provides that missing link to why users                                                              Thighs
    engage with other ecosystems.                   ‣   Body measurements provide more useful
                                                        information about shape changes than
‣   MyFiziq is a revolutionary technology               simply measuring weight.                                      Inseam
    embedded in a partner’s applications that
    use pictures from your smartphone to            ‣   MyFiziq simplifies the collection of these
    create a representation of you in the form          measurements and removes the margin of
    of a 3D model with accurate                         human error present in traditional tape
    circumference measurements.                         measure methods.
Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links
Key Facts
                                                                                                             Total Body
                                                                                                               Fat %

Individuals are mapped into a personalized 3D model
with over 64,000 data points.


IOS & Android

‣   Joints are mapped on a personalized mathematical 3D model.
‣   Circumference measurements: Chest, hips, waist, thighs.
‣   Additional custom measurements available.
‣   Total Body Fat % is accessed.


    98% 97% 98% 97%                                                         98%                    60s                                           Joints
                                                                                                                                              mapped to a
         CHEST         WAIST             HIPS            THIGHS            REPEATABILITY           COMPUTE
                                                                                                                                               3D model.
1 Both
     accuracy and repeatability have been validated by Professor Timothy Ackland, Professor of Applied
Anatomy and Biomechanics, The University of Western Australia – ASX Announcement 18/10/2018.
Results through knowledge - Nov '18 - No links
Patent Protection




                                                                                                             Republic of Korea


                                                                                                      Hong Kong

EPC Contracting States: Albania, Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic,                               India
Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino,
Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland,                                                                       New Zealand
Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom.
Extension states: Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Validation states: Morocco, Moldova.
CPA Global 30 October 2018
Services                                                                                                Header style

The MyFiziq technology can be embedded within a partner application in various ways so that
it complements existing environments, we augment existing branding, or we can deliver a fully
bespoke solution with customized measurements engagement.

                                                                                                                                                  3D model

    PARTNER BUILD                                  MYFIZIQ BUILD
    Partner is responsible for the build.          Partner pays MYQ to
    MYQ supplies all technical                     integrate SDK into their
    documentation & support.                       existing application.

                                                                                         Profile card
                                                                                                                                      Tab style

                                                                                                         Chart colors
    BESPOKE BUILD                                  WHITE LABEL BUILD
    A custom implementation                        Branding of a pre-
    where the full architecture is                 existing white label app
    scoped & designed.                             by MYQ.                                                                         Icons

                                                                                                                       Nav style
Capture Process
The single user capture process flows with input, guided help and capturing the front & side images. Behind the
scenes, patented complex mathematical algorithms and machine learning models process the data as well as
contextual feedback.

    INPUT                                 CAPTURE                                        CONFIRMATION
    Height, weight, and                   The phone is placed upright, and front &       Confirming front & side images
    gender are entered,                   side images are taken. Contextual error        allows consistent results and
    setting up a unique user-             messages help correct pose or                  consent to process.
    specific capture process.             environmental factors where required.

                                      3                                              4


                                                            Image                                                              Body
                                                          inspection                                       Processing in   measurements
                                                        on front & side                                    MYQ Cloud.       & 3D model
                                                           pictures.                                                         returned.
                    Guided help for the
                    capture process ensuring
                    minimum requirements.
Typical     Single        Front &
capture     person
                        side image
The Global Market
Two-thirds of adults worldwide will own smartphones by the end of 2018 and will account for 73% of internet
consumption. Consumers are more engaged and trusting of their own device when entering the internet of things.

$672B                                                         $9.6T                                                         $84.9B                                        $1.7T
                           1                                                           2                                                                  3                                   4

Global Health                                                 Medical & insurance                                           Global Corporate Wellness                     Global Apparel
& Fitness                                                     (Capital & Premiums)                                          by 2025

‣    The global fitness and health club                      ‣     Global insurers are poised to pivot                      ‣    Current wellness platforms are failing   ‣   $62.4B estimated cost of returns for
     industry generates more than 80                               into the digital world, for speed,                            to make a significant dent in losses         wrong sized clothing in 2015 (0.5% of
     billion U.S. dollars in revenue per                           convenience and big data relevance.                           through sick days and productivity.          sales worldwide).
                                                             ‣     Large and prevalent obesity issue                        ‣    Growing mHealth market – mHealth         ‣   Clothing companies face challenges
‣    With the onset of digital fitness &                           globally. 2.1 billion estimated to be                         projected revenue of US$49.1 billion         in finding digital solutions to reduce
     nutrition, leading brands are looking                         overweight, worldwide.                                        by 2020.                                     costs of returns.
     to innovate fitness programs focused                    ‣     BMI as a key indicator of body
     on a direct to consumer offering with
                                                                                                                            ‣    Combining body circumference and         ‣   Leading brands need to innovate with
                                                                   composition & risk analysis is flawed                         composition with wearables allows an         custom apparel opening up new
     time and convenience controlled by                            and leads to misdiagnosis.                                    added layer of data to drive wellness        markets.
     the user.
                                                                   By using easily accessible                                    goals.
                                                                   anthropometric data through a
                                                                   smartphone, BMI can be replaced
                                                                   with an accurate TBF indicator and
                                                                   prevent misdiagnosis and invoke
                                                                   healthy change.

1 Statista “Health & Fitness Clubs - Statistics & Facts”
2 Aon ”Insurance risk study Twelfth edition, 2017: Global Insurance Market Opportunities”
3 Grand View Research July 2018 “Corporate Wellness Market Worth $84.9 Billion By 2025 | CAGR 6.8%“
4 Euromonitor International May 3, 2018 “Global apparel and footwear valued at US$1.7 trillion in 2017, yet millions of used clothing disposed of every year“
mHealth Transactions in 2018 – $6.8B
2018 has already surpassed 2017 as the most significant venture funding year yet for digital health companies.

        41 Deals                                                                        42 Deals                                    27 Deals

      $1.29B                                                                          $1.1B                                       $1.10B
      $291M                                                                           $550M                                       $250M
      LARGEST Q3 DEAL                                                                 LARGEST Q3 DEAL                             LARGEST Q3 DEAL

      On-Demand Healthcare Services                                                   Fitness & Wellness                          Diagnosis of Disease
      The delivery of immediate, or near                                              General health maintenance and promotion,   Enables the diagnosis of a specific clinical
      real-time healthcare services.                                                  including fitness, nutrition, and sleep.    condition (e.g. diabetes).

        34 Deals                                                                        38 Deals                                    21 Deals

      $900M                                                                           $781M                                       $630M
      $300M                                                                           $50M                                        $132M
      LARGEST Q3 DEAL                                                                 LARGEST Q3 DEAL                             LARGEST Q3 DEAL

      Consumer Health Information                                                     Monitoring of Disease                       Treatment of Disease
      Empower consumers to understand their own health,                               Enables monitoring of a specific clinical   Delivers and/or enables the treatment and/or
      general healthcare concepts, and the healthcare system.                         indication (e.g. diabetes)                  management of a specific clinical condition.

RockHealth October 02, 2018 “Q3 2018: An entrepreneurs’ market leads to digital health’s biggest quarter yet”
Other mHealth transactions

                                                                                                                                               $60M                                                  $240M
                                       $48M+                                              $710M
                                                                                                                              XOS Digital        2016      $60M       7                                   11
                                                                                                                                                                           Raise          2018   $240M

                                                                                                                                                $50-70M                                           $486M

                                                                                                                           BodyLabs         2017    $50-70M       6       Revenue         2018   $486M         8

                                                                                                                                                                          Subscribers     2018   30 M
                                                               MapMyFitness        2013      $150M       3
        Twinehealth        2018     UD
                                                               MyFitnessPal        2015      $475M       4
        Pebble             2016     $23M        1
                                                               Gritness            2015      UD
        Vector             2016     UD
                                                               Endomondo           2015      $85M        5
        Fitstar            2015     $24.8M      2                                                                                                                                                    $110M
        Switch2Health      2013     UD
                                                                                                                                  Raise     2018 $105M       9                 Raise    2018 $110M   10
        Coin               2016     UD

1 TechCrunch 22/02/2017 “Fitbit reveals it paid $23 million to acquire Pebble’s assets“
2 MobiHealthNews 29 Feb 2018“Fitbit actually acquired FitStar for about $24.8M in the end”
3 TechCrunch 14/11/2014 “Under Armour Buys Mobile Workout Veteran MapMyFitness For $150M As It Looks To Keep Pace In Digital Fitness”
4 Forbes 04/02/2015 “Under Armour Buys Health-Tracking App MyFitnessPal For $475 Million”
5 UABiz 2/4/2018 “Under Armour Reports Full Year Net Revenues Growth Of 32%; Announces Creation Of World's Largest Digital Health And Fitness Community”
6 TechCrunch 03/10/2017 ”Amazon has acquired 3D body model startup, Body Labs, for $50M-$70M”
7 Sports Business Daily 13 July 2016 "Australian Analytics Company Catapult Acquires XOS Digital For $60M”
8 The Herald 25 Oct 2018 "Fitness guru Kayla Itsines' fortune swells”
9 Livongo 11 April 2018 “Livongo Health Raises $105 Million”
10 TechCrunch 28/02/2018 “Collective Health nabs $110 million in funding“
11 HeartFlow 14 Feb 2018 “HeartFlow Completes Series E Financing, Securing $240 Million”
Business Model & Customer Verticals
The use of the MyFiziq technology can provide significant benefit to a variety of consumer verticals – with very large
customer/client bases. Our pricing structure has been designed based each industry to allow large volume partners
access on commercial terms. Our pricing allows our partners to add a margin in addition to our base pricing

    + Health & Fitness                                   + Medical & Insurance                   + Corporate Wellness               + Apparel
    Digital self appraisal & data to                     Predictive health outcomes and          Provide employees with             Ability to provide online or in-store
    monitor progress.                                    dynamic policy underwriting, as well    interventions and reward-based     accurate body measurements to the
                                                         as the ability to measure body fat as   activity in the workplace whilst   retailer to determine the correct size
    Price Point                                          an indicator of health status.          increasing productivity.           of garment to order – reduce the
                                                                                                                                    cost of returns, increasing
                                                         Price Point                             Price Point                        convenience and engagement.
    Base Cost                                            Policy holder/monthly                   Employee/month
                                                                                                                                    Price Point
                                                         Base Cost                               Base Cost                          Per garment sold
                                                         US$4.99                                 US$4.99
                                                                                                                                    Base Cost
                                                                                                                                    5% (Gross sale price per garment) 1

All base cost prices are based on mean averages and subject to volume guarantees.
1 Apparel also carries a license fee per garment.

Health & Fitness
Measure your changes, track your progress, and see
the transformation.
‣   Digitally tracking measurements and    ‣   Allows prediction & trends – customers
    body shape provides a key                  will be able to “see themselves in the
    monetization point for constant use        future.”
    over time.
                                           ‣   Analytics API provides a deeper
‣   Integrating with existing goal-based       understanding of customers changes /
    systems keeps users motivated and          3D model metrics enabling targeted
    engaged.                                   marketing and other related product
‣   Data can be shared in a customers
    ecosystem allowing it to flow into     ‣   Body measurements can be tracked
    different apps and new product             with types of workouts allowing a
    offerings.                                 contextual meaning to workouts
‣   New levels of gamification, rewards,
    and improved fitness plans can be      ‣   Historical data allows you to reach
    designed beyond what is currently          back in time and see/understand why
    possible.                                  the change took place and reset
                                               according to real data.

Partner examples (above)

Medical & Insurance
Predictive health outcomes and dynamic underwriting.
The science is proven, and we have delivered the capturing process.

‣   Total Body Fat % correlates directly to                   ‣    Enable sales agents a faster way to
    chronic health conditions like type II                         analyze risk when underwriting.
    diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
    mortality.                                                ‣    Provides insurers with a tool to assist their
                                                                   policyholders in achieving better health
‣   Body circumference – strong predictors of                      outcomes.
    chronic disease and mortality.
                                                              ‣    Policy renewal risk inference and provide
‣   BMI verification – remove the                                  dynamic premium adjustments based on a
    inconsistency of self-reporting.                               customers actual and predicted future
‣   Identify at risk and highly at-risk
    customers.                                                ‣    Allow medical practitioners the ability to
                                                                   monitor patient risk remotely.
‣   Provide at-risk customer interventions and
    reward healthy customers.                                 ‣    Non-invasive, cost effective and
‣   Reduce claims as a result of early
    detection of preventable diseases.                        ‣    Future: Android & Visceral Fat.

Partner examples above.
Note: Medical & Insurance applications is under our Joint Venture company Body Composition Technologies (BCT) Pte Ltd.

Corporate Wellness
– World First
Helping organizations protect and engage their
staff for better health outcomes.
‣   Increase productivity by engaging in   ‣   Integrate wearables along with
    the health and wellness of                 body measurements delivers deeper
    employees.                                 insights into employee wellness.

‣   The platform allows HR and             ‣   First ever solution to provide
    business metrics on corporate              anthropometric change and activity
    wellness.                                  combined with wearables data.

‣   Big data with body measurements        ‣   Combined metrics and handoff to
    provides a new, digital trackable          3rd party medical professionals.
    metric never available before to
    users, medical professionals and

Partner examples (above)

A paradigm shift in online apparel purchasing
and solving the frustration of incorrect sizing.

‣ Fit right, first time, every time.    ‣ Data enables higher levels of
                                           engagement with new
‣ Dramatically reduce the costs of         consumers.
   returns due to the incorrect size.
                                        ‣ Allows reduced time-to-
‣ Capturing measurements from a            purchase through size auto-
   customer’s smartphone finally           matching.
   completes the shopping
   experience.                          ‣ With 64,000 data points on a
                                           personalized 3D model, its gives
‣ Increase customer retention,             the brand a greater
   satisfaction, and engagement.           understanding for a custom fit.

Partner examples (above)
Enhanced Ecosystems
Putting the power into the consumer’s hands.
Anthropometric data is obtained and fed into a customer’s digital ecosystem, allowing a user’s measurements
to flow through to selected applications, driving deeper learnings and engagement to benefit the consumer
and drive AI propositions to the benefit of the consumer.

Tracking the body contextually to    Body circumference is now                                            Attract new
workouts allowing an increased       contextually available with activity                                 engagement
cadence of body circumference        allowing refined gamification and                                    through cutting-
data. Goals & trends offer new       rewards. Corporate wellness is a                                     edge mobile
virtual coaching plans and refined   multi-billion dollar segment that has                                features and
workouts, user engagement &          no available solution to understand                                  functionality.
retention.                           the physical change or condition of
                                     the employee, the risk they pose to

                                     themselves or the employer.
Shared data allows for early
intervention and health              APPAREL
management like never before.        Measurements are obtained via the
Understanding true body              app and orders made in the correct
composition is the new wave in the   size. This reduces wrong size returns
remote analysis of a policyholder.   and opens future product lines in
Dynamic underwriting, remote         custom apparel. Game-changing for
assessment and monitoring for        online apparel and large capital
                                                                                                          Data captured
health providers and insurers,       costs to the retailers                                               drives trends &
resulting in savings for the                                                                              gamification.
policyholder and the insurer.

                                                                    Those who engage via
                                                                       apps will have their
                                                                   measurements available
                                                                         on all platforms.

A strategic partnership allowing over 2 million users to
track body shape with tailored fitness & nutrition programs.

‣    Fitocracy is an online fitness and     ‣   Fitocracy and MyFiziq will
     social network, with over 2 million        collaborate to offer MyFiziq’s
     users, that aims to help them              revolutionary body shape tracking
     improve their fitness and wellness .       application to the Fitocracy
‣    Ranked in the top 5 social fitness
     platforms in the world.                ‣   Fitocracy’s currently has over 12
                                                million monthly user interactions
‣    Fitocracy is targeting 500,000
                                                that will now be able to track
     users within the first 12 months
                                                changes in their body shape and
     from launching the MyFiziq
                                                dimension using the MyFiziq
                                                technology as they follow
‣    MyFiziq will be an integral part of        Fitocracy’s individual coaching
     Fitocracy’s offering and a key point       programs.
     of difference to other fitness apps.

Body Composition
‣    Joint Venture into insurance and           ‣   Body fat composition in a mobile
     medical research.                              application targeting Android and
                                                    Visceral fat composition release in Q4
‣    MyFiziq has licensed its technology            2018 and Q2 2019.
     with a 50% stake retained in the sector
     through its ownership in Body              ‣   Systematic review commenced
     Composition Technologies (BCT) the             determining linkages between
     remaining 50% is held by Gold Quay             circumference measurements, fat
     Pte. Ltd.                                      composition, and global chronic
‣    Presented at Insurtech Las Vegas 2018
     to 300 of the world’s top insurers.        ‣   11 global insurers are currently testing
                                                    BCT technology for user engagement
‣    BCT entering into imaging data                 and implementation evaluation.
     collection agreements with universities
     and healthcare organizations in            ‣   Commercial discussions underway in
     Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, and           the US, China, Thailand, Singapore,
     Thailand. With China, the US and Latin         Brazil, Europe & South Africa.
     America in discussions.

‣    Total body fat % measurement and
     BMI verification application released in


Boxing + Fitness
Floyd Mayweather Boxing + Fitness is a revolutionary fitness
platform comprised of boxing fitness studios, powered by best-
in-class talent, service, and technology and based on the
training system of the most dominant boxer of all time.

Completed            41M                 1% of followers

                     Dec 2018

Conor McGregor: FAST
McGregor’s proprietary conditioning & fitness system is bringing revolutionary training and
nutrition techniques to McGregor fans and fitness enthusiasts
across the world via his new app.

STATUS                 VERTICALS                  FOLLOWERS
Planning               Fitness & Nutrition        41.5M

                       250,000 Users

                       RELEASE TARGET
                       Dec 2018

‣    WellteQ provides a low cost, effective & accurate digital body
     composition measurement tool for the global wellness market
     leading to better productivity.

‣    Integration with wearables and combining body measurements
     allow companies to map change along with data collected through
     surveys and wearables.

‣    Commercial discussions currently underway with five corporate


‣    Reduced costs
‣    Identify & reduce risk
‣    Data intelligence
‣    Improved user health & productivity
‣    Customer retention

Partner examples (above)

Prudential Singapore
‣    First corporate wellness Proof of     ‣    Users will be able to connect
     Concept (PoC) integration                  mainstream wearables to the app,
     launched in October 2018 which             create a 3D model of their body,
     focuses on Prudential’s employees          and will also gain access to a raft of
     and their improvements in health           user benefits including
     engagement within the workforce.           telemedicine consultations and
                                                rewards programs uniquely
‣    Benefits for Prudential’s employees        designed by Prudential.
     include: anthropometric tracking,
     tailored health prompts,              ‣    POC extended to March 2019.
     personalized goal setting and
     targets, and a user recognition and
     reinforcement platform.

    STATUS               LAUNCHED              PLATFORM
    Completed            Oct 2018

    Corporate Wellness
Recent Highlights
 Body Composition Technologies                         WellteQ: Corporate Wellness                          Patents Awarded
 Joint venture partnership with Gold Quay Capital      MyFiziq entered into a partnership with WellteQ, a   MyFiziq was awarded full patent status in USA,
 Pte Ltd, MyFiziq established a new company, Body      leading digital corporate wellness solution for      Australia, Singapore & South Korea.
 Composition Technologies while retaining the          employee health engagement and HR data
 majority shareholding in the new company.             analytics. Both parties have commenced working
                                                                                                            Tech Advances
                                                       on a unique solution for the corporate wellness
                                                       industry.                                            A major SDK update in May 2018 included newly
 First Revenue                                                                                              integrated classification & image inspection
 MyFiziq received first revenues of $1,500,000 in                                                           machine learning models, as well as a front camera
                                                       Prudential Singapore
 license payments and approximately $350,000 in                                                             optimized on-boarding experience.
 app development and capital contributions from        A Proof of Concept (PoC) agreement was
 work completed for the joint venture.                 announced with Prudential Singapore to deliver
                                                                                                            Single Person Experience
                                                       Prudential employees an experience via an
                                                       integrated wellness smartphone application and       MyFiziq released its front camera, single user
                                                       real time analytics dashboard.                       functionality, and single user onboarding screens
 Fitocracy’s user base of over 2 million users and                                                          which eliminated the requirement of a second
 unique positioning with big brands allow an initial                                                        person to capture images.
                                                       Mayweather Boxing + Fitness
 target of 500,000 users to track their body using
 MyFiziq.                                              Mayweather Boxing + Fitness mobile app
                                                                                                            Android SDK
                                                       integration completed. Body shape will be tracked
                                                       alongside Mayweather fitness workouts, with an       The base MyFiziq Android SDK is now complete
 McGregor FAST
                                                       initial target of 400,000 users.                     and has passed 3rd party penetration and security
 MyFiziq to be integrated into McGregor’s                                                                   testing.
 proprietary fitness system. An initial target of
                                                       Accuracy Validation Study
 250,000 users will use MyFiziq to track body shape
                                                                                                            Market focus on Apparel
 in addition to hitting cardio and nutrition targets   Professor Timothy Ackland Ph.D. of Applied
 unique to McGregor’s fitness programs.                Anatomy & Biomechanics has concluded an              MyFiziq offers the ability to dimension the
                                                       average accuracy of 97.5% across the four            consumer’s from across 64,000 data points to
                                                       circumference measures.                              reduce incorrect sized clothing returns and open
 BCT Presented at InsureTech Connect                                                                        new custom apparel opportunities.
 Presented at ITC with a total audience of 300
 Global insurers and 6,000+ participants at
 InsureTech Connect conference in Las Vegas.
MyFiziq Board

         PETER WALL                             VLADO BOSANAC                               MIKE MELBY                           NICK PROSSER                            KEVIN HART
    Non-Executive Chairman                      Co-Founder & CEO                        Non-Executive Director                Non-Executive Director                   Company Secretary

‣   Partner Lawyer, with 19+ years         ‣   Entrepreneur, advisor and            ‣    Fitness industry executive.      ‣   15+ years experience in the        ‣   30+ years experience in
    experience in: capital markets,                                                                                           ICT industry.                          accounting / the management
                                               strategy consultant.                 ‣    Tech company founder
                                                                                                                                                                     and administration of public
    corporate and strategic advice,                                                      (PayDivvy - acquired by Higher   ‣   Director of a number of private
    securities law, commercial law                                                                                                                                   listed entities.
                                           ‣   Over 25 years experience in               One, TapIt – acquired by VC-         companies in Australia and
    and contract law.                          venture capital and private               backed Phunware).                    Asia.                              ‣   Fellow of the Institute of
‣   Non-executive director of a                equity.                                                                                                               Chartered Accountants.
                                                                                    ‣    Investment banker and private    ‣   Former founder of Canberra
    number of ASX listed                                                                 equity investor.                     Data Centres which were            ‣   B.Comm
    companies.                             ‣   Successfully funded 10+ start-
                                               ups.                                                                           acquired by Infratil and
‣   LB B. Comm MAppFin FFIN.                                                                                                  Commonwealth
                                                                                    ‣    MBA Entrp. Man, BA, Political
                                                                                                                              Superannuation Corporation
                                           ‣   Extensive public company                  Economy.
                                               experience.                                                                    for an enterprise value of $1.16
                                                                                                                              billion in 2016.
                                           ‣   Highly experienced in
                                               transaction origination.

                           Supported by:

                           BRIAN KIRKBRIDE – Strategic Advisor

                           ‣      Venture capital and private equity investor, start-up founder, and brand executive

                           ‣      Former GM at Nike+ Fuel Lab & Global Head of Business Development for Nike+

                           ‣      MBA, BA Economics & Japanese
MyFiziq Team

                                                                                   TERENCE STUPPLE                            DAVID TABB                              GARY SMITH
Co-Founder & Director of                    DR. AMAR EL-SALLAM
   Health & Wellness                                                             Chief Technology Officer               Chief Operations Officer                   VP North America
                                           Snr. Technology Engineer

‣   Exercise physiologist and                                                ‣     Digital solutions expert with    ‣   15+ years experience in IT          ‣   10+ years experience as a
                                      ‣    22+ years experience in signal
                                                                                   experience at large                  operations, training, quality and       fitness / health executive.
    weight loss specialist.                and image processing,
                                                                                   multinational companies.             risk management.                    ‣   BA Financial Accounting and
‣   MD of sub-brand “Dr                    computer vision, machine
                                           learning and biometrics.          ‣     Skilled in strategic planning.   ‣   BSc, Cert IV in Training &              Law.
‣   Founder of The School of Body     ‣    BSc, MSc, PhD.                    ‣     Extensive knowledge of web
    Confidence.                                                                    technologies.
                                      ‣    60+ conference and journal
‣   BA, MSc, PhD, Post-graduate            publications, of which 35+
    Cert in Counseling.                    publications relevant to MYQ.


‣   Phillip Cooper, Senior App Developer          ‣    Sean Smith, App Developer
‣   Luke Cleland, Senior Cloud Developer          ‣    Adam Phoenix, Senior App Developer
‣   Ryan Snowden, Chief Design Officer            ‣    Dr. Neeraj Dhungel, Computer Vision & Machine Learning Engineer
‣   Amita Bajaj, App Developer                    ‣    Dr. Iman Abbasnejad, Computer Vision & Machine Learning Engineer
CEO & Co-Founder    Chief Operations Officer
+61 412 000 409     +61 422 052 805
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