Restoring Britain's City States: Devolution, Public Service Reform and Local Economic Growth

Society      Society          Society

                             February 2015

Restoring Britain’s City States:
       Devolution, Public Service Reform
            and Local Economic Growth

                 Phillip Blond & Mark Morrin
About the Authors

Phillip Blond is the Director of ResPublica.
Mark Morrin is a ResPublica Research Associate.

ResPublica Acknowledgements

The authors of this report would like to thank the Core Cities for commissioning this independent report from ResPublica. The views
and statements expressed in this publication are those of the authors only.

The authors would also like to thank New Economy for their research inputs, particularly their analysis of public spending and tax
receipts in the English Core Cities; Professor George Jones and Professor Tony Travers for their advisory role and Professor Colin Copus
for his input and drafting suggestions on the constitutional aspects of this report.

We would also like to thank Hannah Merron for project and editorial support.

Design, layout and info graphics by BlondCreative,

About ResPublica

The ResPublica Trust (ResPublica) is an independent non-partisan think tank. Through our research, policy innovation and
programmes, we seek to establish a new economic, social and cultural settlement. In order to heal the long-term rifts in our
country, we aim to combat the concentration of wealth and power by distributing ownership and agency to all, and by
re-instilling culture and virtue across our economy and society.
Restoring Britain’s City States


Headline Findings                                2
Executive Summary                                5

1. Introduction		                                18

2. The Call for City-Based Devolution            20

3. The Case for Change                           27

4. The Barriers to Devolution                    43

5. The Way Ahead                                 53

6. Recommendations                               64
Headline Findings

                              This report sets out the shared ambition            For cities to achieve their economic
                              of ResPublica and the Core Cities Group             potential, they must not only grow
                              for the fullest possible devolution of              businesses and create jobs but also
                              public spending and tax raising powers to           effectively tackle the problems of low
                              the UK’s largest cities and city regions. It        skills and worklessness in order to increase
                              argues for a rebalancing of the relationship        resident tax revenues and drive down
“For cities to achieve        between central government and cities,              the human and economic cost of public
                              as the only real solution for addressing            service dependency. The UK’s fiscal
their economic potential,     the interconnected challenges of local              position continues to present the greatest
they must not only grow       economic growth, public service reform              challenge for public services which, as
businesses and create jobs    and better governance.                              the last Autumn Statement made clear,
                                                                                  will have to operate at 35% of GDP and
but also effectively tackle
                                                                                  stay there. But traditional cost cutting and
the problems of low skills    The need for change                                 efficiency savings will not be sufficient
and worklessness in order                                                         to control existing levels of demand.
to increase resident tax                                                          There will be little prospect for sustained
                              The Core Cities produce 24.4%1 of the               economic growth without extensive and
revenues and drive down       combined economic output of England,                qualitative reform of public services.
the human and economic        Wales and Scotland. This report finds that
cost of public service        cities are net wealth producers, generating         This report argues that new, transformative
                              a surplus of work based taxes compared              ways of working are required to deliver on
dependency.”                  to local public spend (+£2.4 billion across         the twin objectives of growth and reform.
                              the English Core Cities in 2012/13).                Cities will need far greater control over
                              However, with large resident populations            public resources to shape local economies
                              on low incomes and with high levels of              and design integrated place-based services
                              dependency on public services, much of              that meet local needs and achieve local
                              this wealth generated in the English Core           outcomes. The international evidence
                              Cities – some £10.7 billion – flows out into        shows that cities perform better in those
                              surrounding sub-regions.                            countries that are less centralised and
                                                                                  where cities have greater powers, resources
                              It is the mutual recognition on the                 and responsibilities. UK cities must enjoy
                              part of cities and their surrounding                equivalent levels of self-governance to
                              boroughs that they are all interconnected           other international cities and municipalities
                              and interdependent which has led to                 if they are to compete and prosper.
                              the development of city regions and
                              combined authorities. The great potential
                              of devolving powers to these emerging
                              structures is that for the first time cities will
                              have the capacity to change and transform
                              their social and economic environment.
Restoring Britain’s City States

The proposals, powers and                       • Local control of all public spending              to local consultation with affected
resources required                                on housing, including housing capital
                                                  budgets and the ability to determine

                                                  housing benefit levels and vary broad           Parliament should also:
The recent devolution deals in Greater            rental market areas
Manchester and the Sheffield City Region                                                          • Ask the independent Devolution Agency
could mark a historic turning point in the      • Devolved responsibilities and budgets             which we advocate (see below) to study and
long-standing demand for city-based               for all employment and adult skills               make recommendations on the possible
devolution in the UK. The two agreements          programmes to city regions                        benefits of local income and corporation tax
combine different elements of devolved                                                              variation on the basis of place. The Agency
departmental budgets (such as Transport         • Devolved business support budgets                 should encourage a city region to come
and Housing) and enhanced influence over          and a proportion of UKTI budgets and              forward and pilot these measures
how some services are delivered (such as          functions to enable cities to take a more
employment and skills). Extrapolating the         direct and proactive role to local trade        • Allow borrowing on Housing Revenue
per capita value of the Greater Manchester        and investment opportunities                      Account subject to Debt Deals with
deal across all the English Core Cities would                                                       individual cities and city regions. Such
total £11.7 billion per year, exceeding         • Responsibility for strategic spatial              deals to be related to the growth
the policy pledge that Labour has                 planning at the sub-regional level to             engendered in the regions by devolution
made for devolution to cities in England          include powers to acquire and designate
over the course of the next Parliament            land use and housing development                • Enable earn-back deals for investment in
(approximately £6 billion per year).                                                                infrastructure, transport and housing.
                                                • Devolved responsibilities for energy
This report argues that what has so far been      efficiency and decentralisation of the energy   Furthermore, the report proposes that
agreed in Manchester and Sheffield should         market to create local energy companies.        over the course of the next Parliament,
signal the beginning of a differential and                                                        cities should begin to pilot ‘whole service’
incremental process that can lead to full                                                         devolution packages, and that further fiscal
place-based devolution for all Core Cities in   Public services                                   devolution should be progressed to include:
the UK. As they stand, both deals fall some
way short of a whole-system place-based         • Devolved Education Funding Agency               • All property taxes and other locally
approach or ‘Devo Max’ settlement. Arguably       (EFA) for schools and all 16-19 provision         determined taxes
what has been devolved are separate silos         with local responsibility for school
of government spending, not integrated            performance and careers advice                  • The retention of income tax for all
services across departments. And it is the full                                                     qualifying local authorities/combined
place-based devolution of all services and      • Co-commissioning function for integrated          authorities – with the level of income
their integration which is the real social and    health and social care, with oversight by         tax retention to be decided through
economic prize that should be pursued by          Health and Wellbeing Boards                       a process of research, discussion and
government, opposition and all the cities and                                                       negotiation mediated through and run by
regions of the United Kingdom.                  • Integration and devolution of current             the Devolution Agency.
                                                  differentiated funds for Early Years to
The report calls for urgency to devolve more      local/combined authorities and Health
budgets and services, across departmental         and Wellbeing Boards                            How this will be achieved
boundaries much further and much faster.
This would build on apparent cross-party        • Devolved and integrated budgets for
consensus about the need for devolution           emergency services across a defined city        The report recommends that the next
to cities and harness the existing political      region footprint                                government should set up an independent
momentum to deliver immediate results,                                                            body or ‘Devolution Agency’ to oversee
starting now with the roll-out of additional    • Devolved responsibilities to                    place-based devolution in the UK. This
city devolution deals and bridging into           neighbourhood panels.                           should be a standing body for the duration
the first 100 days of a new government.                                                           of the next Parliament, independent of
Following the first Comprehensive                                                                 Whitehall and the devolved administrations
Spending Review, cities would expect to         Fiscal devolution                                 in Scotland and Wales. With clearly defined
agree five-year funding settlements for                                                           terms of reference, its purpose will be to:
wider devolution packages to include:           • The removal of controls on levels of
                                                  council tax                                     • Define the parameters of devolution to
                                                                                                    cities and places (along the lines of the
Economic powers                                 • Extension of full business rates flexibility      Smith Commission in Scotland)
                                                  and retention to local authorities
• Fully devolved local transport funds,                                                           • Assess the readiness of individual
  decentralised bus and regional rail           • Freedoms to introduce new local taxes,            propositions from cities for new
  regulation to city regions, and earn-back       including for example recycling and               devolved powers
  deals for major local transport funding         tourism/hotel room/traffic taxes, subject

Headline Findings

• Facilitate negotiations between cities and            Recommendations
  individual departments/administrations
  to agree deals

                                                        1.                                                     6.
                                                                   All major political parties                           The next UK Government
• Inform and ideally direct any other                              should set out their                                  should enact a ‘Duty to
  government commissions relevant to this                          commitments to a radical                              Collaborate’ to commit all
  agenda, such as the implementation of                            programme of devolution                               city authorities to collaborate
  fiscal devolution, new models for local                          to the UK’s Core Cities in                            with neighbouring
  accountability, and cross-boundary working.                      their 2015 General Election                           authorities and all public
                                                                   manifestos.                                           and private sector actors at
The Queen’s Speech should outline a                                                                                      the trans-city level, to form
‘Devolution Enabling Bill’ to allow a full                                                                               combined authorities or

range of city-based devolution. It should                          The next UK Government                                other models of collaborative
include or be supplemented by supporting                           should establish an                                   working and association.
legislation to:                                                    independent body, the
                                                                   Devolution Agency, to take

• Codify the relationship between central                          forward the process of                                Cities should commit to
  and local government                                             devolution for all the UK’s                           new levels of accountability
                                                                   cities and regions in general                         and governance.
• Devolve primary legislative powers (in                           and England’s in particular.
  line with powers of the Scottish and

  Welsh bodies)                                                                                                          Cities should commit to

                                                                   The next UK Government                                devolving still further to
• Strengthen local governance and                                  should commit to extending                            their own localities.
  accountability with the facility to create                       the legislative framework for
  Metro Mayors and establish Local Public                          city-based devolution.
  Accounts Committees, where desired

• Protect the freedom of cities to associate
  and collaborate across boundaries
  including the formation of new combined
                                                        4.         The next UK Government
                                                                   should achieve full place-
                                                                   based devolution and avoid
  authorities, where desired by cities                             siloed decentralisation.

• Enable local authorities to devolve powers
  and responsibilities to the neighbourhood
  level and where necessary to create
  neighbourhood councils.
                                                        5.         The next UK Government
                                                                   should deliver fiscal
                                                                   devolution to the Core
                                                                   Cities by the end of the
                                                                   next Parliament.

1 The economic contribution of the wider urban areas of the Core Cities (measured by travel to work areas) remains at approximately 28% of the combined
economy of England, Scotland and Wales or 27% of the UK economy. For the purposes of this work and to provide consistency with other figures, the new Local
Enterprise Partnership (LEP) administrative areas have been used which reflect a smaller, more tightly defined geography.

Executive Summary

                               Introduction                                     the status quo for English cities and regions
                                                                                – continued governance from the centre
                               The devolution debate which is now               and direct rule from London. What has not
“The issue for England,        sweeping across Britain has resulted in          yet been recognised at Westminster is the
                               dramatic changes to the United Kingdom’s         widespread belief in England herself that
and indeed for Wales and       constitution and its method and manner           the cities and the regions outside of London
Scotland, is not devolution    of governing itself. The home nations have       and the South East have been ignored and
from one capital city to       increasingly claimed and successfully argued     left to wither on the vine. Popular political
                               that the central state governing from London     support has yet to fully mobilise around
another but genuine            is failing their countries and their people.     English city-based devolution but the
transformative devolution      At the time of writing, Northern Ireland         fragmentation of core and base support for
from capital cities down to    has been offered the ability to vary its own     established political parties in the regions
                               corporate tax rate. Meanwhile, Scotland’s        outside the south-eastern economy is clear
the nations’ own constituent   vote to stay in the United Kingdom has won       testimony to widely-held dissatisfaction
cities and regions.”           it such a range of powers – including the        with the current social and economic status
                               ability to vary and levy income tax – that it    quo. And this impatience with a centre that
                               has redefined the Union.                         can only advance itself is not restricted to
                                                                                England; cities of the devolved nations, such
                               All of these ‘top down’ developments             as Glasgow and Cardiff, are also anxious to
                               devolving from national capital to national      secure devolution for themselves so that
                               capital, welcome as they are, have served        the benefits of new powers do not just
                               to overshadow and suppress a perhaps             recreate a local version of the unresponsive
                               more radical and transformative mode of          centralised state.
                               devolution. That is the ‘bottom up’ demand
                               for devolution coming from our cities and        We at ResPublica have long believed
                               their surrounding and defining boroughs.         that the issue for England, and indeed
                               In the maelstrom of the Scottish debate          for Wales and Scotland, is not devolution
                               we have forgotten the political and social       from one capital city to another but
                               demand for a defining devolution that can lift   genuine transformative devolution from
                               our city states out of their present condition   capital cities down to the nations’ own
                               and finally speak to the needs of the ignored    constituent cities and regions. Until now,
                               and the potential of the unaddressed.            the national devolution debate risks arguing
                                                                                for continued centralisation, but this time
                               The radical option for English devolution is     from Cardiff and Edinburgh as well as from
                               not the proposal of English votes for English    London. No, the real task and the real gains
                               laws (delightfully entitled EVEL). While         are to be had from genuine devolution
                               seeking to correct a perceived anomaly           downwards from the English capital to
                               in intra-national influence, English votes       English cities and regions, and from the
                               for English laws disguises the fact that an      Scottish and Welsh capitals to Scottish and
                               English Parliament would mean settling for       Welsh cities and regions.
Executive Summary

Why? Why should we devolve power to              environment for local start-ups, through        they are of such potential (and for central
cities, city regions or combined authorities     which cities and their regions could help       government unimaginable) magnitude
and their contiguous and constituent             develop their medium-sized businesses by        that it would be deleterious not to pursue
boroughs? What is to be gained from such         connecting them into integrated support         the at-scale gains located in full and holistic
an exercise? The answer, as we show in this      networks which encourage them to link           place-based provision of public services.
report and have argued elsewhere, is that        together and begin to compete at home
devolution is now an economic, social and        and abroad. The solutions to the current        Finally, of course, there is a moral imperative
moral necessity. The economic demand for         imbalances of growth are many, but they         in the devolution debate. Central dictate,
devolution has two aspects. Firstly, because     must be co-ordinated and systematic if they     especially when it fails to deliver, no longer
the central state’s cuts to direct support       are to create a new environment within          commands public support. What voters in
under the seeming imperative of austerity        which local economies flourish.                 the often ignored hinterland of our nations
are happening at such a scale and pace that                                                      want is the genuine transformation of
local government in its current form simply      Devolution also has a deep social               their cities and areas. Neither they, nor we,
cannot survive. The demands upon the local       imperative. Once again, the old model           want a country where it is only possible
state are so extreme that just one service,      of centralised public services, delivering      to succeed if one relocates to London and
adult and children’s social care, is projected   the same thing to everybody regardless          bases all that one does and hopes for in the
to swallow up the entire expenditure of          of need, has resulted in service provision      South East. The millions of people in the
most councils within the next 10 years. But      where all too often nobody gets what            cities in the rest of the UK also want a future
the economic necessity for transformative        they actually need. If a local authority is     for their children and, rightfully, hope for
and (at-scale) devolutionary reform is           to be able to tackle, for example, mental       a better place for them in terms of health,
not just due to the demands of fiscal            health issues in the north of the city and      education and opportunity. It is a telling
contraction, but also because of the             skills shortages in the south, it will need a   failure of modern politics that no political
extreme economic imbalance now present           budget that is pooled, free of ring-fences      party has been able yet to offer this to them.
between many parts of the country on the         and not determined by external and often        We and the Core Cities would argue that a
one hand and the South East on the other.        conflicting outcome measurements. Place-        city-based renaissance cannot take place at
                                                 based public service integration can deliver    a distance and through the orchestrations
Devolution is one of the necessary               absolute transformations of public services.    of Whitehall. And given the history of
conditions for the economic renewal              The new place-based offer eliminates the        centralised governance, many fear that
of Britain’s cities and regions, especially      disaster of centralised departmental silo-      Whitehall itself had written off the rest of the
those that lie outside the charmed circle        driven services, removes the management         country as in terminal decline and thereby
of London and the South East. Devolution         and multiple back office costs of the           peripheral to the interests of UK PLC, whose
would and will allow for several changes         inappropriate division of services, and         sole vehicle is London and its environs.
which could, and we believe will, shift the      for the first time allows early holistic        This is why the language of city-based
economic growth prospects of our cities          intervention and prevention. But these          devolution and the ‘Northern Powerhouse’
and regions by several orders of magnitude.      gains can only be realised if place-based       is potentially so transformative. For the first
The Core Cities Group has calculated that        integration is at scale and if the powers       time since the Second World War it is now
its ten member cities deliver 24.4% of the       devolved are free from external constraint      recognised that transformation of the rest
combined economic output of England,             on implementation. Unfortunately, city          of the country needs a radically reformed
Wales and Scotland, and are home to over         deals and the new devolved settlements for      local state with a vast increase in power and
21 million people. Independent forecasts         Manchester and Sheffield have really just       influence if the hopes of the people who
have demonstrated that, with additional          devolved silos of public money, rather than     live there are to be realised.
devolved powers, the eight English Core          achieving the ‘whole-system’ integration of
Cities alone could generate an extra £222        those silos which is where the real savings     But voters will only endorse new powers
billion and 1.16 million jobs for the country    are to be found and the transformative          and new possibilities of local governance
by 2030.2                                        outcomes achieved.                              if they come with new models of
                                                                                                 transparency and accountability. Local
How can devolution deliver this? By              Nationally, the potential magnitude of          government cannot simply defend the
directing the resources of the local state       these gains is so high that estimates           institutional status quo at a local level while
to help create the conditions for genuine        vary widely. Ernst & Young has estimated        arguing for wholesale devolution and the
economic growth – from the skills and            that place-based integration of public          complete transformation of its powers from
education of the resident population and         services would save the taxpayer £9.4-          the centre. And indeed this is implicitly
their mental and physical health to the          20.6 billion over five years if such schemes    recognised in the strides Core Cities have
business support and infrastructure that         were implemented nationally and at              made in transforming their governance. If
local businesses need to grow. By creating,      scale.3 The current Secretary of State for      local government is arguing for change,
for example, an economic ecosystem that          Local Government and Communities, Eric          it too must be open to change and to
will allow the cities, working with their        Pickles, has suggested that the figure lies     creating the structures and institutions
local companies and manufacturers, to            “somewhere towards the middle” of these         necessary to deliver on the new promise
re-domesticate the supply chains that            two extremes.4 Given the current fiscal         of devolution. So we have a real moral
these leading business have lost over            environment, it is clear that we must realise   and democratic opportunity to renew the
past decades. And by fashioning the right        these gains, whatever they might be;            British constitution and recover its great

Restoring Britain’s City States

cities. Given the depths of local contempt        democracies. For example, in Canada,               as the Northern Super City or Powerhouse
for the system as it is, the contemporary         Germany, Spain and Sweden the taxes                as it is known) and has made plain his
loss of faith in politics and politicians is      determined by local and state/regional             commitment to greater devolution in
unlikely to be restored at the national level     government exceed 10% of GDP, compared             exchange for new Metro Mayors. Of the
through national intervention. Devolution         to 3% in the UK, where only council tax            three main parties, it is the Conservatives
to the cities is much more likely to recreate a   and a proportion of business rates have            who appear to most favour this model
participatory politics through empowering         been retained locally.7 The disparity is           of city governance, while Labour and the
localities and creating a sense of a ‘shared      even more pronounced at city level – for           Liberal Democrats have emphasised the
state’, operating successfully at local and       example, London receives 74% of its income         need for local determination in this matter.
national level. All of this means that, rather    through transfers from central government,
than seeing the state as a purely national        compared to 37% in Madrid, 31% in New              Currently, the main parties in Scotland and
entity which is weakened by devolution,           York, 26% in Berlin and less than 8% in            Wales are less engaged with the city-based
the opposite is true – through popular            Tokyo. Furthermore, the UK operates a              devolution agenda. The recent Smith
devolution the national state will be             higher level of central control over public        Commission expressed the desire to see the
strengthened, refreshed and empowered.            expenditure. According to McKinsey, central        principle of devolution extended to local
                                                  government’s share of public spend in              communities in Scotland but has yet to
                                                  Germany is 19%. It is 35% in France, but a         set out ways in which this can be realised.
City-based devolution                             massive 72% in the UK. But despite having          There is the strong possibility that English
                                                  the least control, our localities contribute       cities could arrive at devolved settlements
                                                  the most: the UK’s 56 largest towns and            ahead of cities in the devolved nations. We
Cities are the engines for growth, helping        cities account for 61% of national economic        hope therefore that there will be further
to drive strong national economic                 output; London alone contributes 21% of            development of the parties’ thinking on city-
performance. Across the UK, cities take           national GDP.                                      based devolution taking into consideration
up just 9% of the land mass but account                                                              the evidence and arguments presented
for 58% of jobs, 60% of the economy and                                                              here in this report.
72% of high-skilled workers.5 And yet             Current party proposals
they are also the place where some of the
country’s most difficult social problems are      There is a broad consensus between the             City deals
concentrated. High levels of dependency           three main political parties about the need
on public services, especially welfare and        for greater decentralisation. On the back of Over the course of the current Parliament,
health, are constraining the potential for        the referendum in Scotland all parties have  government has been devolving power
growth and the ability of cities to be self-      now made commitments to devolve further      and cities have negotiated bespoke deals
sustaining. The UK’s Core Cities have made        powers to all the nations, as well as the cities
                                                                                               giving them new powers and freedoms
great strides in the past two decades. But in     and regions, of the UK. This recognises, in  to decide how public money should be
terms of economic growth and productivity,        part, the asymmetry that currently exists    spent and allowing greater local control
they have generally failed to outperform          between nations, but also the importance     over investment to drive growth, housing,
the national economy or narrow the gap            of city growth to the national economy.      planning, and economic development.
with London and second-tier cities across         Some of the UK’s largest city regions have   At the same time, the new Community
the world. If all the Core Cities in England      populations and economies equivalent         Budgets and the rollout of the Government’s
could perform just at the national economic       to, or larger than, the current devolved     Troubled Families programme have started
average, a further £1.3 billion would be put      parliaments.                                 to test how bringing together resources and
into the economy every year.6                                                                  funding for public services at a local level
                                                  Labour has pledged to introduce an ‘English to design integrated services can achieve
The international evidence shows that             Devolution Act’ securing devolution to       better outcomes. However, it is the recent
cities perform better in those countries          the English regions by transferring £30      agreements on different devolution deals
that are less centralised and economically        billion of funding over five years – for     in the combined authorities of Greater
concentrated and where cities have greater        transport, housing, business support, skills Manchester and the Sheffield City Region
powers, resources and responsibilities.           and employment. The Liberal Democrats        that could mark a historic turning point
Individually, second-tier cities may lag          have called for ‘devolution on demand’       in the long-standing call for city-based
behind capitals, but their combined               and the need to codify the constituent       devolution in the UK. The two deals differ
contribution to national economic                 parts of the UK, including new legal         not only in detail but also in their respective
performance is hugely significant. Many           rights for local authorities to demand       governance arrangements. Both build on
large democracies around the world                powers – a statutory presumption in          the successes of their combined authority
already operate various devolved systems          favour of the decentralisation of powers     status and the achievements to date in the
of government, and many other global              away from Whitehall. And although the        delivery of their City Deals (agreed in 2012)
cities and municipalities have long enjoyed       Conservatives are yet to make any manifesto and Growth Deals (agreed in 2014).
greater levels of self-governance than            commitments about devolution, the
equivalent cities in the UK. In terms of          Chancellor, George Osborne, has been         The agreements in Greater Manchester
taxation and public finance, Britain is the       explicit about the importance of cities and  and the Sheffield City Region combine
most centralised of the world’s major             regions to the future of the economy (such   elements of devolved funding of siloed

Executive Summary

budgets (control) and the decentralisation       The New Economy has undertaken analysis           The problem with public services
of departmental functions and decision           of public spending and tax receipts
making (influence) about how services            in 2012/13 across the eight Core City           Public services in the UK are delivered
are delivered. As they stand, both deals         authorities in England.9 This identified a      through a number of central government
fall some way short of a whole-system            total of £39.7 billion in tax receipts by all   departments – Health, Employment,
approach or ‘Devo Max’ settlement.               workplaces within the boundaries of the         Education, Skills – organised in large
Arguably what has been devolved are              Core City authorities, a surplus of around      policy and funding silos, separate and
silos of government spending, but the            £2.4 billion.10 However, there is a substantial disconnected from one another. This highly
real impacts of integrated services across       difference between the value of the tax         centralised approach leads to standardised
departments have not yet been achieved.          raised by those working in the Core Cities      national programmes, ‘one-size-fits-all
                                                 and the taxes raised by residents (i.e. those   services,’ that can deal with uniform needs
That said, if we estimate the per capita         living in the city authority boundaries) –      as they arise but are less able to proactively
value of the Greater Manchester deal and         which totalled £26.2 billion.11 This means      respond to, or get to the root cause of,
extrapolate this across all Core Cities, based   that annually more than £10 billion             more difficult or localised problems. The
on population, we can see that this would        moves out of the cities themselves and          challenges facing many local communities,
approximate to £14.2 billion a year (£11.7       into the broader city region, suggesting        families and individuals are often complex
billion across England).8 The scale of the       that although the Core Cities deliver           and deeply entrenched, requiring multiple
Greater Manchester agreement if rolled out       significant value, much of this value flows     and simultaneous interventions across
across the other Core Cities already exceeds     out of local authority boundaries and into      a range of issues – housing, training,
the policy pledges that Labour has made          the surrounding city region, while many         employment, childcare. This demands a
for the next Parliament (£30 billion to cities   residents of Core City authorities live on low  holistic approach to more effectively ‘join
in England over the course of Parliament or      incomes. This implies that:                     up’ government and integrate delivery
approximately £6 billion per year).                                                              at the local level, and to better meet the
                                                 •     The performance of all the Core Cities is increasingly complex needs of service users.
What has so far been achieved in                       critical to UK economy – without them
Manchester and Sheffield signals the                   we do not have a viable economy           Cities have a long history of partnership
beginning of a differential and incremental                                                      working to develop arrangements between
process that can, in time, lead to full place-   •     The prosperity of their surrounding       local government and other public sector
based devolution and provide a template                sub-regions is highly dependent on the agencies. The more recent experiences
for other cities in the UK.                            economic performance of the cities        of the Whole Place Community Budget
                                                                                                 Pilots, and the national rollout of the
                                                 •     As well as net wealth producers, the      Troubled Families Programme, have
Connecting economic growth and                         Core Cities are also home to large        demonstrated the benefits of addressing
public sector reform                                   populations on low incomes, with the      complex dependency through the ability
                                                       attendant challenges this brings          to co-commission and pool budgets at
                                                                                                 the local level. By adopting a ‘whole-place’
The case for devolution is not purely            •     They are capable of producing a higher approach, local partners and agencies have
economic. It’s also about better democracy,            economic output if their relatively poor been able to connect and concentrate
better governance and more cost-effective              and service-dependent residents can       their efforts in the most disadvantaged and
service delivery in a time of austerity. The           be helped into work and good health.      troubled neighbourhoods. However, the
UK’s fiscal position continues to place public                                                   ways in which most of our public services
services under pressure. City authorities have   In order for cities to achieve their economic are delivered means that they frequently
experienced some of the most dramatic            potential, they obviously must make full        operate at a level and scale that restrict the
reductions in funding over the past five         use of their assets and strengths to attract    potential for genuine service integration.
years. And yet despite these cuts across local   investment, grow businesses and create          In the main, and for the vast majority of
government and other public services the         jobs. Growth and jobs are integral to cities    services users, top down ‘vertical’ funding
next government will inherit a deficit of over   becoming net contributors to the national       arrangements deny the flexibility needed to
£90 billion. As the Autumn Statement made        economy. But this growth must also focus        work across departmental boundaries and
clear, public services will have to operate      on those currently trapped in dependency        effectively align services to meet local and
at 35% of GDP and stay there. According to       and immobility in our Core Cities. Effectively individual need. Funding is already locked
the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)       tackling low skills and worklessness is         in, contracted and committed, and services
the greater reduction in spending (60%) will     central to addressing both the potential for    already specified, with pre-determined
need to come under the next Parliament. But      growth – through increased tax revenues –       targets and outputs, long before local
public services are struggling to cut much       and driving down the cost of dependency         partners are able to influence delivery.
further. Savings in one part of the system,      on public services. It is a sobering thought
including significant reductions by local        that in times of great fiscal challenge there   Cities simply lack the necessary control over
authorities, have merely resulted in spending    will be limited prospects for sustained         public resources to shape and design services
and demand increases elsewhere, fuelling         economic growth without extensive and           in order to achieve distinct local outcomes.
longer-term dependency and reducing the          qualitative reform of public services.          Consequently, many local communities
capacity cities have to invest in growth.                                                        and individuals experience a system that

Restoring Britain’s City States

provides overly prescriptive and reactive        addressed and the barriers overcome if          That said, local government itself must
services, deeply disjointed and fragmented,      significant powers are to be transferred and    adjust to meet the opportunities offered by
with multiple points of access, assessment       full place-based devolution achieved. All       devolution. City authorities are increasingly
and referral but with limited continuity of      parties to this process must change their       mindful of operating at the level of the city
care between agencies and providers. This        assumptions, approach and organisation.         region and some of those have formed
situation disincentivises local co-operation                                                     combined authorities. But others have yet
as delivery organisations compete with                                                           to develop a vision for the territory they
each other unnecessarily. It results in          The Cultural path – develop the                 wish to co-ordinate or combine. What can
wasteful duplication of ineffective activity     evidence, demonstrate the need,                 devolution allow to be done differently
across services. It limits innovation and the                                                    and where and how? What is the need, and
capacity to adapt to local variations, leading   show the capacity                               given the powers, how could things be
to unintended policy outcomes – solving                                                          reformed such that finally this need, be it
easier-to-help problems but entrenching          The gradual shift away from, and dismissal      good health or better education, is met?
others – and, ultimately, poorer services at     of, local political concerns has resulted
higher costs. Most importantly, it frustrates    in a long-standing tendency of the              Understandably, given the speed of
the public and undermines the quality of         centre to limit and micro-manage local          development, cities are in different places
the services they receive, resulting in poorer   government as another agent of the              with ambitions and visions yet to be
outcomes and a reduced trust or belief in        state. This prevailing culture between          realised. In some city regions, adequate
local and national governance to actually        central and local government is based           policy teams responsible for the whole
deliver public goods. The need for a             on hierarchy, bureaucracy and models of         combined authority or city region have
transformation in public services has been       ‘command and control’. A lack of trust in the   yet to be formed. In many areas, evidence
obscured by the cutting of often already-        accountability of sub-national government       is simply lacking, as is the idea as to how
failing services, and the debate about cuts      and in the perceived competence of local        precisely devolution could improve the
risks just salami slicing untransformed          government to exercise additional powers        problems at hand. But as this report shows
services so that people merely get a worse       is an important feature of this relationship.   in the case studies that follow, evidence of a
form of what they have already received.         It is not too strong to suggest that local      capacity to innovate and an ability to deliver
What austerity should provide, however,          government and its abilities are often the      transformed results abounds in all the cities.
is the occasion for a transformation of          subject of ridicule or even contempt from       What is required is a building out from such
public services – such as the place-based        Whitehall, but this perception does not         achievements, in order to collaborate across
integration which we are arguing for.            survive rational examination. For example,      boundaries and institutions to develop
The succession of centralised public service     it is the central state that has run up vast    an ambitious across-the-board vision for
reforms over several decades has not             debts while the local state closest to the      the new city states. From this sense of
resulted in radical change to the system         front line has always exercised a very tight    what ought to be, evidence as to what
or achieved significant improvements             control on its debt and liabilities. And even   currently is and how it falls far short of what
in tackling the most complex and                 government ministers admit that the ability     is needed can be collected. Presented to
interconnected social problems. It has           of local government to manage debilitating      government along with a plan as to how to
been argued that the prevailing system           cuts in funding speaks to the adaptive          use devolved powers to meet local need,
of ‘command and control’ management              powers of councils.                             this evidence would make a persuasive case
– where decision making is distant from                                                          that Westminster, Holyrood and the Welsh
the work – has remained unquestioned             A more likely explanation of ongoing            Assembly would find hard to ignore.
in public services, whilst the underlying        central control is the belief that ministers
paradigm, developed to solve the                 and Parliament should be responsible            All of this requires capacity and long-term
problems of mass production which                and accountable. This, along with the           personal commitment by city leaders and
modern industry and service organisations        fear of what might go wrong, outweighs          their officers. It requires co-ordination
no longer face, has outlived its usefulness.12   the impulse to devolve. But if trust must       between cities and all the other bodies
The devolution debate allows cities to           be earned through the competent                 that influence an area to come together
imagine how a transformational shift in          exercise of powers, it follows that some        and collaborate. It necessitates, as we
public services can be achieved that finally     decentralisation must occur in order for        have argued in our report Devo Max –
allows complex problems to be addressed          places to demonstrate their capability.         Devo Manc: Place-based public services,
holistically and successfully.                   Policies for genuine localism must start        that common city- and city region-wide
                                                 from change in central government itself,       outcome measurements be developed
                                                 as the Local Government Innovation Task         such that all the performance indices
The pathway to devolution                        Force has recommended. The behaviour of         for public expenditure meet and match
                                                 ministers and civil servants towards local      in terms of the outcomes pursued. But
                                                 government needs to change to challenge         given that we are doing this in order to
The complexity of the cultural,                  the institutions and processes of public        establish the appropriate economic and
organisational, constitutional and               administration and the silo mentality of        social ecosystem for further growth and
legislative forces which underlie the current    central government.                             public service transformation, it makes no
dysfunctional nature of local-central                                                            sense to restrict this duty to collaborate
relationships must be recognised and                                                             to just the constituent boroughs of a city

Executive Summary

region. We need to bring all the actors             Similarly, we also argue for a new               what might be done, then this could and
within a city region to the table to develop        independent body to be created, The              should change the dynamic of devolution
the most integrated and holistic ways of            Devolution Agency, which in England              to one where cities and their neighbouring
working together for the common good.               should have all the stipulative, regulatory      boroughs seek to expand their influence
We suggest that anyone in receipt of public         and advisory powers necessary to act as          into city regions. But to achieve
money and operative in the devolved area            the mediation agency between local and           transformative change, localities must not
be required to collaborate with city regions,       central government and deliver devolution        rest easy in the structures they have; these
from Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to        to all the cities, city regions, towns and       structures must also change alongside
Welfare to Work providers to government             counties. In the other home nations,             dispassionate and clear thinking about what
quangos. In addition, some external private         the Agency could have an advisory or             the needs of the cities and their regions are
agencies like the utilities companies should        consultative role if its function in England     and how those requirements might be met.
also be required to engage and come                 was seen by the home parliaments as
to the table. To facilitate both common             meriting introduction in their own nations.      With the obvious exception of the Scottish
outcome measurements and common                     We believe such a body is required to            Referendum, public apathy has been a
working, we argue that Local Public                 force Whitehall departments to act in            common feature of most attempts to
Accounts Committees should be set up and            a co-ordinated manner and deliver not            decentralise powers via referendums
tasked with ensuring common outcome                 decentralisation of departmental funds           for regional assemblies, city mayors and
measurements, and that they should be               but genuine full-budget place-based              police and crime commissioners. These
responsible, in consultation with all parties       devolution. The Devolution Agency should         experiences suggest that the public will
including the new Devolution Agency, for            also encourage cities and city regions to be     only support institutional changes if they
drafting a ‘Duty to Collaborate’ on a city          ambitious, and call on them to produce the       can see that they are relevant and will make
region basis and compile the list of those          evidence for the policies that will benefit      a real difference to them. Crucial, then, to
who should be subject to this Duty.                 from devolution and aid them in putting          the success of city-based devolution is
                                                    together the right proposals to central          that the powers offered and asked for are
                                                    government.                                      of a sufficient depth and breadth to effect
The organisational path – the                                                                        transformative change. Devolution will only
proposals, powers and resources                     The Agency needs to have this dual role          be popular if it can change things and it can
                                                    because not all resistance to devolution can     only change things if sufficient powers are
needed                                              be isolated at the centre of government.         devolved at a scale and across such a range
                                                    Local communities – the electorate and           that outcomes for the devolved areas are
Centralism has become so deeply embedded            the politicians that represent them – have       markedly enhanced.
in the workings of government departments           all presented barriers in some form. Local
that the institutional structures struggle to       government has on occasion opposed               To that end, we also call for additional
relate to local concerns. Central government        attempts to decentralise political powers,       tax raising powers for cities and city
departments have their own interests and            especially where this has involved changes       regions. We would want the devolution
priorities that do not necessarily cohere across    to boundaries or the creation of new sub-        of the five property taxes, in line with
government. Ministers are often personally          national structures (e.g. regional assemblies)   the recommendations of the London
invested in their departmental policies and         and governance (e.g. mayors) which were          Finance Committee. This should allow the
are understandably reluctant to give them up,       also voted down in public referendums.           flexibility to vary business and council
while civil servants are incentivised to focus on                                                    tax rates and freedoms to introduce
ministerial and departmental responsibilities       Part of the local resistance to change           new local taxes including, for example,
and therefore protect all the powers that allow     was that it was all too often driven by the      recycling and tourism/hotel room/traffic
them to do this.                                    centre with little regard for the localities     taxes, subject to local consultation with
                                                    it was meant to serve, especially in the         affected stakeholders. We would like the
Unless the commitment to decentralisation           case of regional assemblies. Localities          introduction of the retention of a certain
forms a central plank of all policy decisions       are understandably nervous of being              proportion of income tax for all qualifying
across all government departments, the              subsumed into larger governance structures       local authorities above an agreed level.
process of devolution will continue to be           where they could lose identity and forfeit       In addition Parliament should ask the
fraught with inter-departmental tensions.           control. That said, operating at the right       Devolution Agency to study the benefits
Informal or one-off arrangements, concordats        geographical scale has been a consistent         of local income and corporation tax
and accords will not be enough to reform            requirement of central government in             variation on the basis of place, subject to
the relationship between local and central          granting devolved powers and one that            fuller place based devolution of public
government and make the machinery of                has been resisted at the local level. Rightly,   services to at least one core city region.
Whitehall up to the job of devolving powers.        in our view, government has wanted to            Variation of income and corporation tax in
A clearly specified manifesto commitment            give greater powers to those authorities         a particular city is harder to argue for, since
to a statutory presumption in favour of city        that were bounded by the wider functional        the Treasury tends to assume it is a fixed
region and place-based devolution would be          economy, hence the development of                pot and that other cities would lose out if
an enormous accelerator to the devolutionary        combined authorities. If cities are now          one gained such an incentive. However, if
process, and we therefore argue for this in our     imagining a different and better future          we are serious about addressing regional
recommendations.                                    and if they are coming up with ideas as to       inequalities, then this measure, in a city of

Restoring Britain’s City States

low business start-ups, might genuinely        and central government. The adoption               devolution, it seems unwise to assume that
help to turn things around and is worth        by the Core Cities of the clauses from             their demands of local government in return
exploring and piloting.                        the draft Bill for Local Government                for devolution will be much different. To that
                                               Independence will help in building the             end, it appears that the debate on Metro
Finally, and perhaps most controversially, we case for the constitutional protection and          Mayors will not recede and that simply
believe that the case for professionalising    freedom of local government in England.            defending the institutional status quo is
local politics in England needs to be          However, the draft Bill does not address           not an option for cities that aspire to fully
examined. In the light of the new asks         elected councils in the devolved nations           devolved powers.
being made of devolved cities, an analysis     or explicitly address or make provision for
of the merits and demerits of continuing       the devolution of powers. The proposals            That said, there are different ways to
with the system of part-time politicians is    presented to Parliament by the Coalition           resolve and deliver new structures of
long overdue. If we are serious about the      Government include the Liberal Democrats’          accountability. It must be remembered
potential of city regions and combined         option for an English Devolution Enabling          that Greater Manchester had many years
authorities (and on the basis of the evidence Bill. Again this speaks only to localities in       of trust-building and inter-authority
we should be), we do need to consider          England, while not addressing the issue            working before it formed its combined
whether staffing the city region authorities   of their freedom and independence from             authority and agreed on a Metro Mayor in
with part-time local politicians, rather than  Whitehall.13 Devolution to cities and other        return for its devolved deal. People need
full-time and properly paid ones is the right places will need to be underpinned by new           directly accountable authorities if these
way forward. Given the oft-mentioned           legislation – in all nations of the UK – to        new and extensive combined powers are
concerns about the quality and the             strengthen the constitutional status of local-     to function successfully in a democracy.
importance of local government leadership, central arrangements and to provide a more             But one cannot simply impose trust upon
we believe that successful city regions may    protected and democratically accountable           an elected authority – it has to be learned
well need full-time, properly paid politicians system of local governance. The discussions        and ‘earned’. Many combined authorities
and that the new Devolutionary Agency          about what structures are necessary to             are engaged in what one might call
should examine the case for such a model.      deliver devolution have all tended to              ‘energetic discussion’ on who should lead
                                               be about the democratic accountability             the new authorities and what structures
                                               that is proper to and commensurate with            are needed. This is all necessary and
The constitutional path – the                  these new powers. Overwhelmingly this is           welcome. Indeed, a number of combined
structures that will deliver                   discussed through the prism of the mayoral         authorities have adopted an appointment
                                               debate and it is to that that we now turn.         model whereby each constituent authority
devolution                                                                                        selects a member to attend the combined
                                                                                                  authority and this body in turn elects a
The outcome of the Scottish Referendum           The debate around direct                         leader; this is probably a necessary and
has reignited the arguments for an English       accountability and Metro Mayors                  apposite measure but it should not be a
Parliament. It is within this fast-moving                                                         final end goal. A selected ‘senate’ governing
debate about the UK’s constitutional                                                              a city region is no substitute for a directly
arrangements that the call for city- and other
                                             So far, devolution has rightly walked hand           elected and accountable body, but this
place-based devolution is taking place.      in hand with local institutional change. All         current arrangement is probably required
                                             of the UK Core Cities have some kind of city         as a transitional phase to engender trust
The UK’s highly centralised constitution     region governance mechanism. Of the eight            and inter-authority working so that the real
makes devolving powers to localities         English Core Cities, five have now formed            debate on how to realise the potential gains
more difficult, although not impossible,     combined authorities, all with different             for the city and the region can take place.
as the different agreements in Greater       and bespoke structures of accountability
Manchester and Sheffield demonstrate. The and delivery. Those cities that are not yet             In our view, the real question for cities
existing legislative framework prescribing   combined authorities are engaged in                  and government in the Metro Mayor/
the duties and responsibilities of local     internal discussions as to the best structure        devolution debate is not the institution of
government is complex, but the current       to advance their own areas. Other city               the mayor itself but what it represents. And
constitutional and legislative arrangements region governance arrangements may                    what is that? It is the evidence, policy work
do not delineate or outline a clear local    emerge and flourish as a result, in order to         and vision for the city and city region. A
autonomy in terms of legal responsibilities, benefit from improved devolutionary offers,          mayoralty is one possible outcome of that
fiscal powers and funding. The present       and in Cardiff and Glasgow, where city               debate, insofar as it is part of an institutional
arrangements remain highly centralised       region governance is very well developed,            structure created to realise the policy and
and provide little formal protection from    the argument for city rather than national           aspiration of the city region. In that regard,
the interference of central government.      devolution is relatively new.                        government should not in this, the first,
                                                                                                  phase of devolution impose mayors on
The history and tradition of centralisation      It seems clear that for the present              city regions – it should instead properly
present the case for a new constitutional        Government the magnitude of devolution           ask, in managing the progressive tide of
and legislative settlement, one that can         is dependent on new structures of capacity       devolution: What is the vision of each city
address the statutory relationships that         and accountability. Although the opposition      or city region in return for devolution, and
exist between nations and between local          parties have not yet spelt out their terms for   how does each authority plan to realise that

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