Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri

Page created by Troy Ortiz
Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri

Informing Independence Citizens
January 2022 Volume 29 Number 1

 The last day to register                    Responding to the storm
 to vote in the February                     On December 15, the Kansas City region saw        At the peak of the storm, around 6 p.m.,
 8 election is January 12.                   strong winds and severe storms work through       3,374 customers were without power. Power
 Learn more at                    the metro. This resulted in power outages,        and Light crews worked through the night
                                             downed limbs, fires, and hundreds of services     of December 15 and into December 16
In this edition:                             calls to our departments.                         to restore power to all impacted residents.
                                             Between noon and midnight on December 15,         By 7 p.m. on Dec. 16, all outages had been
2 | Upcoming events and                                                                        restored.
                                             we received more than 470 calls for service
    programs                                 related to police, fire, and emergency medical    The Municipal Services Street Maintenance
    Where does your water                    needs. This included 43 fire calls, of which 21   crews also worked throughout December 15
    go?                                      were related to downed power lines.               and 16 to removed downed limbs and trees in
                                             During the evening hours, the Independence        roadways and right-of-ways (see image at the
3 | Help get power back on                                                                     top of this page).
                                             Fire department received multiple calls related
    Let's go to the park!                    to the smell of smoke and reporting a haze        We are incredibly proud of the staff that
4 | Supporting local art                     in several areas of the community. This was a     serve our community every day and especially
                                             result of wildfires in west-central Kansas.       proud of how quickly crews come together to
    Be part of the City's                    As you can see from the graphic below,            respond in an emergency.
    budget process                           we also received hundreds of calls related        Thank you for supporting all of our staff
                                             to power outages across the community             through kind words and encouragement as
                                             caused by the high winds and tree damage.         they continue to serve our community!
 Learn more at:

 CityScene is published by the City
 Manager’s Office, located at 111 E. Maple
 Ave., Independence, MO, 64050.
 For information, call (816) 325-7086.
Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri
Upcoming events and programs
Winter Farmers' Market Dr. Martin Luther King,                                                     Mayor's State of the
Join local farmers and crafters on Jan. 8, Jr. Celebration- Jan. 17                                City - Feb. 2
Feb. 5, March 5, and April 2 for the Winter
Farmers' Market at the Independence               The City of Independence Martin Luther           Wed., Feb. 2, 4:30 p.m. at the Independence
Uptown Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.               King, Jr., Coalition will host its annual Rev.   Uptown Market
                                                  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at       This event is open to the public. Look for
Follow the Independence Uptown                    7 p.m. on Monday, January 17, 2022, at the
Market Facebook page,                                                                any updates related to weather on the City's
                                                  Truman Memorial Building.                        Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor pages.
IndependenceUptownMarket, for updates
and details related to what crafts and            The celebration’s theme is “Where do we
produce will be available. The regular            go from here?”. The coalition will welcome       President's Day Holiday
Farmers' Market will resume the first             Kylar W. Broadus, a Fayette, Missouri, native,
weekend of May.                                   as its speaker for the event. Broadus is a       City offices will be closed on February 21 in
                                                  black, transgender man known worldwide           honor of the President's Day holiday.
                                                  for his work in the LGBTQ and transgender
Martin Luther King, Jr.                           movements.
Day Holiday                                       Join us for music and community as we
                                                                                                   Tea at the Vaile Mansion
                                                  honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King,      Enjoy Tea at the historic Vaile Mansion on
City offices will be closed January 17 in honor
                                                  Jr.!                                             March 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets are $50.
of the holiday.
                                                                                                   Call (816) 229-8293

Where does your water go?                                                                          Mark your
Did you know Independence has two
separate systems that carry water away from
                                                  water.                                           calendar for 2022
your home, streets, and business? These two       Here are some tips to help keep our              Here are a few upcoming dates to know as we
systems are the sanitary sewer system and the     waterways clean and safe:                        go into 2022:
separate stormwater system. Each of these           • Pick up after your pet                       • The historic Vaile Mansion and Bingham-
systems use different pipes and go to different                                                      Waggoner Estates are scheduled to reopen
places.                                             • Use lawn chemicals sparingly                   for the 2022 season on April 1.
The sanitary sewer system is for water that         • Clean up spills from your car or truck       • The Annual Household Hazardous Waste
goes down sinks, toilets, and drains inside of      • Do not blow or rake leaves or grass            Event is scheduled for Saturday, April 2.
our homes and businesses. This water flows            clippings into the street                      Find out more at
to a wastewater treatment plant where it is                                                        • Drop-off Depot will return on Saturday,
treated and cleaned before being returned to        • Pick up litter
                                                                                                     April 9. Find what is accepted and costs
the environment.                                  Thank you for helping keep our water safe for      at It will continue
Water that flows down driveways and streets       generations to come!                               the second Saturday of each month
enter the separate                                                                                   through October.
stormwater system                                                                                  • City offices will be closed on May 9, in
and goes directly                                                                                    honor of President Truman's birthday.
into our streams
without any                                                                                        • The Adventure Oasis Water Park will open
treatment. This                                                                                      for the season on Saturday, May 28.
means items such                                                                                   • City offices will be closed on Monday, May
as empty bottles,                                                                                    30, in honor of the Memorial Day Holiday.
cigarette butts,
spilled fluids, trash,                                                                             • City offices will be closed on Monday,
and even leaves                                                                                      July 4, in honor of the Independence Day
and grass clippings                                                                                  holiday.
are picked up                                                                                      • The American Solar Challenge Solar car
by stormwater                                                                                        race will return to Independence in July.
and pollutes our
waterways.                                                                                         Please note event dates may change and
                                                                                                   additional events will be added to the calendar
Please remember:                                                                                   as details are finalized.
If it's on the
                                                                                                   We look forward to sharing all of the fun
ground, it's in our
                                                                                                   and exciting events with you throughout the
                                                                                                   year. Follow our social media pages for more

 2			                         Independence CityScene		                                 January 2022
Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri
Let's go to the
                                                                                                    George Owens Nature Park has more
                                                                                                    than 60 Gingerbread houses decorated by
                                                                                                    individuals, families, and businesses along
                                                                                                    the trails of the park.
                                                                                                                                    Nearly 100
                                                                                                                                    houses were
Independence Power and Light                                                                                                        helping the
Department asks for residents help                                                                                                  Heritage
                                                                                                                                    Habitat for
to get power back on faster                                                                                                         Humanity
                                                   • If there are no other lights on in your                                        raise more
The City of Independence Power and Light
                                                     neighborhood or you are unable to                                              than $1,500
Department tracks and locates power outages
                                                     locate the cause of your power outage,         to support families in our area.
throughout the city through a computer
system. When a customer calls our Outage             call the customer outage number at             The houses will be on display through the
Report Line, (816) 325-7550, the computer            (816) 325-7550.                                month of January 2022.
uses the phone number the call comes from          • When you call in to report the outage          Here's a fun scavenger hunt to play as you
or the customer manually enters as the               make sure you use the phone number             enjoy the creativity.
location of the outage. To identify the exact        listed on your account. If the phone            • Count the
address of an outage, it is essential to have        number used to report the outage                   number of movie
the caller’s most current phone number. It           is not the phone number listed on                  references.
is also crucial that it matches the phone            your account, it will be considered a
number listed within the customer’s account          mismatched outage call and will require         • Find the Super
information.                                         a manual process to determine the                  Mario Christmas
                                                     address of the outage. This could cause            House
During the recent power outage on December
15 and 16, 971 calls out of 1,304 total              delays in restoring your power.                 • Take a picture in
customer outage calls (approximately 75%                                                                the gingerbread
                                                 Don’t Delay, Update Your
of all calls) were not matched to a customer’s                                                          rocket
                                                 Information Today
account and required additional time to pin                                                          • Find Frosty the
point where the outages were.                    If your phone number has changed or you                snowman along the trail
                                                 want to verify the number on your account,
The Power and Light Department has a             please take a moment to go to the Utilities         • This house has gone to the birds -
Diamond level RP3 designation rating from        section of the City of Independence website,           chickens to be exact
the American Public Power Association for, to verify that we have your     • Count the number of gingerbread
power restorations, meaning our journeymen       current phone number or call our Customer              people
linemen, engineers and crews are some of the     Service team at (816) 325-7930.
most effective at restoring power safely and                                                         • Find Snoopy and Woodstock
quickly.                                         You can also let us know if your home has           • Find the Water Department house
                                                 medical equipment that is power-dependent
It is crucial that we coordinate and update      through the Critical Care Program. To              The park is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
our information to help get our City of          be eligible for the Critical Care Program,         Tuesdays through Saturdays and is located
Independence Utilities customers’ power          customers must submit an application form,         at 1600 Speck S. Rd. We look forward to
back on as quickly as possible. Below we’ve      with a medical doctor's recommendation             seeing you and your family soon!
outlined how to report an outage and the         and signature, to the Power and Light
steps to take to make sure your information is
accurate in our systems.
                                                 Department. Please know the program does          Fitness classes to help
                                                 not guarantee continuous service, but it does
Calling in an Outage and                         prioritize power restoration. We recommend        meet those New Year's
Information to Have Readily                      you have a back-up power source for your
Available                                        equipment in the event of a power outage.         resolutions
                                                 You can find the application form at indep.       Check out the Parks/Recreation/Tourism
If you have a power outage keep in mind the      us/criticalcare.                                  website for details on upcoming fitness classes
following tips:
                                                 We are committed to restoring power as            at the Sermon Center or Truman Memorial
  • Check to see if there are any other lights   safely and quickly as possible. Taking a few      Building! From noon-time yoga, to TRX,
    on within your neighborhood. If there        minutes to update your account can help           there are a variety of fitness classes to fit your
    are other homes that have lights on          us get your power on faster. Thank you for        needs and time.
    nearby, check to see if there is a blown     helping us make this process as efficient as      Find updated information on classes available
    fuse or a circuit breaker that has tripped   possible before the next storm!                   here,
    to the “off ” position.

                              January 2022		                        Independence CityScene			                                                    3
Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri
Supporting local    Help shape the
art and celebrating City's future                                                                Mayor Eileen Weir    (816) 325-7027
                                                                                                 City Council Office (816) 325-7022

community                                                                                           Online at
                                                                                                   Email at
The heART to heART initiative is coming                                                          Councilmembers
back in 2022. This annual fundraiser for                                                         John Perkins                District 1
the Englewood Arts encourages the public                                                         Brice Stewart               District 2
to share messages of love, hope, and                                                             Mike Steinmeyer             District 3
remembrance on 24 inch x 24 inch wooden                                                          Daniel Hobart               District 4
hearts displayed from the Englewood Arts                                                         Karen DeLuccie              At-Large
District to the Independence Square.                                                             Mike Huff                   At-Large
Costs for each heART are:                                                                        City Manager
                                                                                                 Zachary Walker         (816) 325-7170
$35 each from January 1 - January 31
$50 each from February 1 - February 7                                                            Numbers to Know
The heART message sales stop February 7.        The City of Independence Fiscal Year runs        Animal Shelter              325-7207
You can share your message and purchase         from July 1 through June 30.
your heart at                                                                       Adopt-a-Street              325-7602
                                                Citizens have an opportunity to help provide     Barking Dogs                325-7213
                                                feedback on the priorities for the next Fiscal
                                                Year by completing a brief survey at   Building Permits            325-7401
                                                budget2223 before Jan. 31.                       Business/Liquor Licenses    325-7079
                                                The results of this survey will be used by the   City Council Office         325-7022
                                                departments and the City Manager as they         City Manager’s Office       325-7170
                                                work on the Proposed Budget that will be
                                                                                                 COVID-19 Questions          325-7019
                                                presented to the City Council in May 2022.
                                                They will vote on the budget in June 2022.       Crime Stoppers Tips         474-8477
                                                The Council must approve the City's budget       Drop-Off Depot/Trash        325-7600
                                                by June 30.                                      Drugs                       325-6272
                                                Look for opportunities to learn more about       Graffiti                    257-7824
                                                the budget, priorities, service and program
                                                                                                 Health Department           325-7019
                                                modifications later this spring.
                                                                                                 Human Resources             325-7390

      CITY7                            City of Independence                                      Mayor’s Office              325-7027
                                                                                                 Municipal Court             325-7230
                                       Government Access Television
                                                                                                     Continuances            325-7236
   City Council Meetings                   Planning Commission Meetings                              City Prosecutor         325-7222
   Live meetings: 6 p.m. on Mondays        Live meetings: 6 p.m. on 2nd & 4th Tues./month
   Replays: 9 a.m. on Mon., Wed., Fri.     Replays: 10 a.m. on Tues. and Thurs.                  Neighborhood Watch          325-7643
            1 p.m. on Sun.                          1 p.m. on Sat.                               Parks & Recreation          325-7370
                       Learn more at                                              Park Vandalism              325-7208
                                                                                                 Police Non-Emergency        325-7300
                                                                                                 Fire Non-Emergency          325-7123
 Regional Animal Shelter                         Where can I...                                  Potholes                    325-7624
  Help them find a forever home.                 Pay my Jackson Co. property taxes:              Report Power Outage         325-7550
      Adopt a homeless pet.                        Historic Truman Courthouse                    Risk Management             325-7061
                                                   112 W. Lexington, Suite 114                   Street Lights               325-7535
  21001 E. Hwy. 78, Independence                   Phone: (816) 881-3232
                                                                                                 Stormwater Pollution        325-7727
  Call (816) 325-7207 to set up an               Apply for a marriage license:
         appointment today.                                                                      Utilities
                                                   Historic Truman Courthouse
                                                   112 W. Lexington, Suite 30                          Customer Service      325-7930
       Always spay or neuter.                      Phone: (816) 881-4608                               Pay by Phone          325-SERV
                                                 Pay a ticket issued by the City:                      Payment Assistance    254-4100
                                                   Independence City Hall                        Weeds, Trash                325-7193
                                                   111 E. Maple                                  Zoning questions            325-7421
                                                   Phone: (816) 325-7230

 4			                       Independence CityScene		                                January 2022
Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri Responding to the storm - City of Independence, Missouri
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