399 Journal of the Medical Library Association

Page created by Julia Hogan
                                                                                               RESOURCE REVIEW
                                                                               DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2018.468

CHOOSING THE RIGHT CITATION              awkward and time-consuming                   initially introduced in 2006 as an
MANAGEMENT TOOL: ENDNOTE,                process. Citation management                 extension for the Firefox web
MENDELEY, REFWORKS, OR                   software was introduced in the               browser. It is now available as a
ZOTERO                                   1980s and used primarily to organ-           standalone application [6]. First
EndNote. Clarivate Analytics, 1500       ize references, search databases for         released in 2008 [7], Mendeley is a
Spring Garden Street, Fourth Floor,      articles on a particular topic, and          free cloud-based citation manager
Philadelphia, PA 19130;                  generate bibliographies [1]. Over            with desktop and online versions.
http://endnote.com; standard edi-        the years, users’ needs have                 It also serves as an academic re-
tion, $249.95; student pricing avail-    changed, technology has advanced,            search network, offering a variety
able; cost includes unlimited cloud      and many new features have been              of social networking features.
storage; EndNote web included            added, including options for social
                                                                                           All four products share a core
with some library subscriptions to       networking and portable document
                                                                                      set of features that allow users to
other Clarivate products.                format file (PDF) management.
                                                                                      import, organize, and manage cita-
Mendeley. Elsevier, Suite 800, 230            There are now many biblio-              tions and associated full text. Users
Park Avenue, New York, NY                graphic management packages                  can import references from a varie-
10169; http://www.mendeley.com;          available and many factors to con-           ty of databases, create in-text cita-
basic account free; includes 2GB         sider when choosing the product              tions and bibliographies, and
online storage; premium and insti-       that best meets the needs of the             import bibliographic information
tutional accounts and additional         individual user or institution. Pop-         from web pages. All offer an exten-
storage plans available for pur-         ular tools include RefWorks, End-            sive list of citation styles and the
chase.                                   Note, Zotero, Mendeley, and F1000            ability to edit existing styles and
                                         Workspace. This review will cover            create new ones.
RefWorks. ProQuest, 789 East Ei-
                                         the first four; F1000 Workspace was
senhower Parkway, Ann Arbor, MI                                                            The remainder of this review
                                         reviewed in the Journal of the Medi-
48108; http://refworks.proquest.com;                                                  focuses on how these products dif-
                                         cal Library Association (JMLA) in
institutional subscriptions only; con-                                                fer with respect to the most com-
                                         2017 [2].
tact vendor for pricing.                                                              monly used features of citation
                                              First released in 1988 [3], End-        managers and the advantages and
Zotero. Roy Rozenzweig Center for
                                         Note is a commercial product that            disadvantages of each product. Ta-
History and New Media, George            is primarily marketed via sales of           ble 1 summarizes key differences
Mason University, 4400 University        its desktop application (currently           between the products. This review
Drive, MSN 1E7, Fairfax, VA 22030;       version X8). A basic online version          is based primarily on current desk-
https://www.zotero.org; free; in-        is free, but it has limited features         top versions (if applicable) of the
cludes 300 MB online storage; stor-      and functionality. RefWorks, first           products as of February 2018,
age plans available for purchase.        released in 2001 [4], is an entirely         though online versions are dis-
                                         web-based application marketed to            cussed as needed to provide a
                                         libraries as an institution-wide tool,       complete picture of a tool’s func-
                                         though a vendor representative               tionality. For Mendeley, this review
                                         indicated that individual accounts           covers the free version only. For
                                         used to be available and will be             RefWorks, this review covers the
                                         offered again [5]. The product is            new RefWorks only; it does not
Citation management has not al-          currently transitioning to a new             address the older version, known
ways been as easy as it is today.        interface, referred to by the vendor         as Legacy RefWorks.
Years ago, references were manual-       as “new RefWorks.” Zotero’s free,
ly organized on index cards, an          open source citation manager was

jmla.mlanet.org                  106 (3) July 2018              Journal of the Medical Library Association
400    Review

      DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2018.468

      Table 1 Citation management tools at a glance

                             EndNote                       Mendeley                        RefWorks                          Zotero
       Platforms        Mac, Windows            Mac, Windows, Linux                Not applicable (web-based      Mac, Windows, Linux

       Browsers         Internet Explorer       IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari        IE, Microsoft Edge, Firefox,   Firefox, Chrome, Safari
                        (IE), Firefox,                                             Safari, Chrome
                        Chrome, Safari

       Browser          IE (Windows only)       IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari        IE (Windows only), Safari      Firefox, Chrome, and Safari
       plug-ins         and Firefox (Win-                                          (Mac only), Firefox, Chrome,
                        dows and Mac)                                              and Microsoft Edge

       Mobile apps      iOS (iPad only)         Android, iOS                       None; mobile-friendly site     None; mobile-friendly site
                                                                                   available                      available

       Word pro-        Microsoft Word          Microsoft Word (Windows and        Microsoft Word (Windows        Microsoft Word (Windows
       cessing inte-    (Windows and Mac)       Mac), LibreOffice (Linux, Mac,     and Mac), Google Docs          and Mac), Libre Office
       gration                                  and Windows)                                                      (Linux, Mac, and Windows)

       Importing        Refer/BibIX, tab        BibTeX, EndNote, XML, RIS,         Mendeley, RIS, filters for     Bibliontology RDF, BibTeX
       references       delimited, RIS, ISI-    Zotero library, txt, Ovid (Med-    hundreds of databases          browser bookmarks, Citavi 5
                        CE, filters for hun-    lars reprint), Pub-                                               XML, CSL JSON, EndNote
                        dreds of databases      Med/MEDLINE (nbib),                                               XML, MAB2, MARC,
                                                Mendeley web catalog                                              MARCXML, Pub-
                                                                                                                  Med/MEDLINE (nbib),
                                                                                                                  MODS, Ovid tagged, Primo
                                                                                                                  normalized XML, PubMed
                                                                                                                  XML, RDF, Refer/BibIX,
                                                                                                                  RefWorks tagged, RIS, Web
                                                                                                                  of Science tagged, XML Con-

       Add refer-       Available by search-    ArXiv ID, DOI, PMID                Not available                  ISBN, DOI, PMID
       ence by iden-    ing external data-
       tifier           bases in application

       Offline avail-   Yes, references and     Yes, references and files stored   Only with link to Dropbox      Yes, references and files
       ability          files stored locally    locally                            account                        stored locally

      SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS,                             on functions only with the online              Users can search within databases,
      BROWSER EXTENSIONS, AND                          version of Mendeley; the Zotero                mark references to save or export,
      MOBILE APPS                                      add-on requires the desktop ver-               and select from a variety of options
      All four products offer plug-ins for             sion for full functionality; and the           to add references to their preferred
      Microsoft Word. EndNote, Mende-                  EndNote add-on can be used in the              citation manager tools. Choosing a
      ley, and Zotero offer desktop cli-               desktop and online versions.                   direct export option opens any of
      ents, while RefWorks is entirely                                                                these tools that are installed on us-
                                                            Of the four products, only
      web-based. Table 1 shows plat-                                                                  ers’ computers, and references can
                                                       EndNote and Mendeley offer mo-
      forms and browser compatibility.                                                                be added with one mouse-click.
                                                       bile apps. While RefWorks and
      All four products offer a web-based                                                             Each of the products has direct ex-
                                                       Zotero do not have mobile apps,
      version that works with recent ver-                                                             port options for at least one of the
                                                       they do have mobile-friendly sites.
      sions of popular browsers. Some                                                                 following databases: PubMed, Web
      tools offer plug-ins for other                                                                  of Science, Science Direct, EBSCO
      browsers as well, and all offer                  SEARCHES FOR AND IMPORTING                     (CINAHL), and ProQuest
                                                       OF REFERENCES                                  (PsycINFO). All four systems allow
      browser add-ons (bookmarklets,
      extensions, etc.) for importing bib-             All four tools allow users to import           direct export of records from EB-
      liographic information from web                  files of references from databases             SCO (CINAHL), while EndNote is
      pages. The Mendeley browser add-                 or other citation management tools.            the only tool that has a direct ex-
                                                                                                      port option for PubMed.

                                 Journal of the Medical Library Association              106 (3) July 2018                      jmla.mlanet.org
Review      401

                                                                             DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2018.468

     Users can also use the browser          The tools also offer several oth-      users to create a subject bibliog-
add-ons to automatically import         er ways to add references. Mende-           raphy that is based on one or more
references into their reference col-    ley users can add references by             keywords in users’ citations. Both
lections. The add-ons for Mende-        entering a PubMed ID (PMID), dig-           Mendeley and Zotero allow users
ley, RefWorks, and Zotero allow         ital object (DOI), or ArXivID. Simi-        to drag references from the desktop
users to import references to their     larly, Zotero users can add                 client into a word processor, where
reference collections from multiple     references using the international          they will be formatted according to
databases. Depending on the data-       standard book number (ISBN),                the style that users have selected,
base, users can select individual       DOI, or PMID. In the online ver-            the quickest and most user-friendly
references or batches, and the ref-     sion of Mendeley, users can search          method of bibliography creation.
erences and associated PDFs are         and import references from Mende-           RefWorks includes a feature that
imported. Mendeley and Zotero           ley’s web catalog, a collection of all      allows users to generate a bibliog-
users can use the browser add-ons       the references that have been add-          raphy from a batch of references in
to import references from PubMed,       ed to the personal libraries of Men-        a folder, but that feature did not
Web of Science, and Science Direct.     deley users [8]. EndNote and                work when we tested it, leaving no
Using Zotero, the reviewers were        RefWorks also allow users to                way to generate standalone bibli-
able to import references from          search databases and library cata-          ographies from citations.
ProQuest (PsycINFO), but the            logs from within the application
                                                                                         More commonly, users create
Mendeley browser add-on was not         and import selected search results.
                                                                                    bibliographies from in-text cita-
able to recognize the bibliographic     EndNote offers an extensive list of
                                                                                    tions in a manuscript. All four tools
metadata in ProQuest (PsycINFO)         free and commercial databases for
                                                                                    offer Microsoft Word plug-ins to
references. Errors were experienced     searching. As of this writing, the
                                                                                    support this functionality. Table 1
with both Mendeley and Zotero           new RefWorks only offers PubMed
                                                                                    provides details about which tools
when we imported references from        and the Library of Congress as
                                                                                    work with other word processors.
EBSCO (CINAHL).                         search options, and, when tested,
                                                                                    In EndNote, the bibliography is
                                        neither search option was function-
    EndNote’s Capture Reference                                                     automatically generated as the cita-
                                        al. According to the RefWorks lead
bookmarklet has more limited                                                        tions are inserted into the docu-
                                        product manager, institutional ac-
functionality than the browser add-                                                 ment. In Mendeley, RefWorks, and
                                        count administrators can allow us-
ons for the other three products.                                                   Zotero, inserting a citation and cre-
                                        ers to search any database that is
When displaying a list of PubMed                                                    ating a bibliography are separate
                                        accessible via the Z39.50 search
search results, Capture Reference                                                   steps, and at least one citation must
                                        standard. He also indicated that
only imported all references on the                                                 be added to the document in order
                                        ProQuest is building application
page; it did not allow us to select                                                 to create a bibliography. All four
                                        programming interfaces (APIs) to
specific references to import. Cap-                                                 products made occasional small
                                        integrate RefWorks with other
ture Reference did not work at all                                                  errors in citations, especially when
                                        ProQuest tools such as Summon
for us with a list of results from                                                  we cited web pages, but Mendeley
                                        and Primo, which should increase
Google Scholar. The only way to                                                     performed especially poorly, omit-
                                        in-app search options [5].
import these results was to open                                                    ting key information from web
each one and then capture it. It also                                               page citations, such as date ac-
did not directly capture biblio-        CREATION OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES                  cessed.
graphic information about web           All four applications allow users to
pages as easily as the other add-ons    create standalone bibliographies in         MANAGEMENT AND ANNOTATION
did. When we attempted to import        virtually any word processor, in-           OF PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT
information about a web page us-        cluding Google Docs. With End-              FILES
ing Capture Reference, it created an    Note, users can create a standalone
RIS file that we then had to import                                                 Each tool offers different options
                                        bibliography by selecting citations         for adding PDF documents. All
into EndNote, whereas the other         and an output style, and copying
three add-ons added information                                                     four systems allow users to add
                                        and pasting into a word processor           PDF documents by dragging and
about web pages directly.               document. EndNote also allows               dropping them into their reference

jmla.mlanet.org                  106 (3) July 2018             Journal of the Medical Library Association
402    Review

       DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2018.468

      collections and by attaching them             electronic collections. Users can          they are following via the Mende-
      to existing citations. EndNote and            specify the baseURL of their librar-       ley Newsfeed [12].
      Mendeley users can drag and drop              ies’ link resolver in the product
      PDFs both individually and in                 settings, and the products will use        OFFLINE AVAILABILITY
      folders. RefWorks users can only              metadata from a citation in their
      add PDFs one at a time, while                 libraries to attempt to locate full        EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero
      Zotero users can add multiple                 text for that item. In Zotero, this        collections and documents are
      PDFs at once. Mendeley users can              feature is called Library Lookup.          stored locally and, therefore, avail-
      also add PDFs by putting them in a            Users click on a reference in their        able offline. RefWorks is a purely
      designated folder called a Watch              collections, and if full text is found,    cloud-based system, so access to
      Folder. Mendeley monitors the con-            the PDF file can be easily dragged         the application itself is not availa-
      tents of these folders and automati-          and dropped into their reference           ble offline. Users can, however, link
      cally adds any PDFs to reference              collections. EndNote users can ac-         a DropBox account to RefWorks to
      collections.                                  cess full-text through their institu-      provide offline access to full-text
                                                    tions by using the Find Full Text          documents in RefWorks [10].
           All four products can generate
                                                    feature. Mendeley used to allow
      metadata from PDFs to create a
                                                    integration with a library’s link          UNIQUE FEATURES
      citation record, but they use some-
                                                    resolver but no longer offers this
      what different methods to do so.                                                         Of the four products, EndNote is
                                                    feature [8]. For RefWorks, institu-
      When we tested articles from three                                                       the only one that offers a journal
                                                    tional administrators can configure
      different journals, all four products                                                    matching feature, known as Manu-
                                                    a link resolver for all users at that
      extracted metadata inconsistently                                                        script Matcher, to help users find
      and occasionally inaccurately. For                                                       the right journal for their manu-
      example, one product extracted                                                           scripts. Users of the online version
      metadata completely for a given               COLLABORATION AND SOCIAL                   can provide their article titles, ab-
      article, while another failed to ex-          NETWORKING
                                                                                               stracts, and references, and End-
      tract key information (e.g. author            According to RefWorks documen-             Note will provide a list of journal
      name, page numbers) from the                  tation, RefWorks users can only            recommendations based on its
      same PDF, and a third failed to im-           share collections with users at their      analysis of Web of Science citation
      port any metadata from the PDF.               own institutions [10]. The Ref-            data [15]. RefWorks is the only
      All products exhibited these fail-            Works senior product manager               product to offer a plug-in for
      ures, though RefWorks appeared to             indicated, however, that as of fall        Google Docs, an especially useful
      be the least accurate, with at least          2017, RefWorks users can share             feature at universities where
      one significant error with each of            folders with other RefWorks users          Google tools are used heavily by
      the three PDFs that we tested.                across institutions [5]. EndNote X7        students. It is also the only fully
          All of the products, other than           and X8 users can share with each           cloud-based product. While both
      Zotero, support PDF annotation in             other in groups of up to 100 mem-          Mendeley and Zotero are free,
      the application. Zotero users can             bers [11]. Mendeley and Zotero             Zotero is the only open-source
      open PDFs in the application of               users can create both public and           product among the four. Its source
      their choice, annotate them, and              private groups [12, 13], though            code is hosted on GitHub and
      save them back to the Zotero data-            Mendeley users with a free account         freely available under an AGPLv3
      base. An add-on called Zotfile [9]            can create and own only one pri-           license [16].
      allows users to extract annotations           vate group, and private groups
      and perform other PDF manage-                 created by free accounts are limited       CONCLUSION
      ment tasks.                                   to three members [14]. Mendeley
                                                    offers additional social networking        All four of the tools reviewed here
                                                    features in the online version that        are usable for standard reference
      INTEGRATION WITH LIBRARY                                                                 manager functions, and each has
                                                    the other products do not provide.
      COLLECTIONS                                                                              strengths and weaknesses. For ex-
                                                    Mendeley users can search for and
      EndNote and Zotero can use an                 follow other researchers with simi-        ample, in our testing, Zotero’s
      openURL link resolver to help us-             lar interests and receive updates on       browser add-on was the easiest to
      ers retrieve full text from a library’s       actions and events of researchers          use and captured data more accu-

                              Journal of the Medical Library Association            106 (3) July 2018                 jmla.mlanet.org
Review       403

                                                                                                   DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2018.468

rately than the other add-ons did.                2. Brody ER, McGraw KA, Renner BR.                           11. EndNote. Library sharing [Internet].
                                                     F1000 Workspace [review]. J Med Libr                          EndNote; 2017 [cited 7 Mar 2018].
EndNote offered the most choices
                                                     Assoc. 2017 Jan;105(1):98–101. DOI:                           .
tool, and Zotero generated the most
                                                  3. Combs Jr J. Endnote 3: reference                          12. Mendeley. Connect & network with
accurate bibliographies. Each also                   database management, bibliography                             researchers worldwide [Internet].
offers unique features that may be                   generation, and Z39.50 search and                             Mendeley; 2017 [cited 7 Mar 2018].
especially valuable to certain popu-                 retrieval software in one package from                        .
                                                     1998 Jun;17(2):149–56.
with Google Docs, Mendeley’s so-                                                                               13. Zotero. Zotero groups [Internet].
cial networking functions). Often,                4. RefWorks. In: Wikipedia [Internet].                           Zotero [cited 7 Mar 2018].
                                                     Wikimedia [rev. 31 Dec 2017; cited 6                          .
purpose may be determined by                         .                                                    14. Mendeley. 03. managing usage within
                                                                                                                   private groups [Internet]. Mendeley;
of the applications themselves.                   5. Vaccaro T. Personal communication. 2                          2017 [cited 7 Mar 2018].
These factors include cost, support                  Mar 2018.                                                     .
                                                     Wikimedia [rev. 21 Feb 2018; cited 6
from previous experience, and ac-                    Mar 2018].                                                15. EndNote. Journal matching [Internet].
cessibility for the research team                    .                             .
working on a systematic review                    7. Mendeley. In: Wikipedia [Internet].
                                                     Wikimedia [rev. 25 Jan 2018; cited 6                      16. Zotero. Zotero source code [Internet].
with authors at several institutions,
                                                     Mar 2018].                                                    Zotero [cited 7 Mar 2018].
they will need to choose a tool that                 .
team. Since users are not limited to              8. Bell E. Research guides: research
the citation managers supported by                   management and citation tools at                      Camille Ivey, camille.ivey@vanderbilt.edu,
their institutions, information pro-                 Harvard: Mendeley [Internet]. Harvard                 Library Liaison for Health Sciences,
                                                     University [cited 7 Mar 2018].                        Biomedical Library, Vanderbilt University,
fessionals need to be familiar with
guide and support their users effec-                                                                       Janet Crum, janet.crum@nau.edu, Head,
                                                  9. ZotFile: advanced PDF management
tively.                                                                                                    Content, Discovery, and Delivery Services,
                                                     for Zotero [Internet]. GitHub Pages
                                                     [cited 26 Mar 2018].                                  Cline Library, Northern Arizona
                                                     .                                 University, Flagstaff, AZ
                                                  10. Lesseig J. LibGuides: new RefWorks:
  1. Fitzgerald D. Managing references the
                                                      sharing and collaborating [Internet].
     easy way. The Scientist [Internet]. 2002
                                                      ProQuest. [cited 6 Mar 2018].
     [cited 6 Mar 2018]. .

                                                      Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative
                                                      Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                                                      This journal is published by the University Library System
                                                      of the University of Pittsburgh as part of its D-Scribe
                                                      Digital Publishing Program and is cosponsored by the
                                                      University of Pittsburgh Press.

                                                             ISSN 1558-9439 (Online)

jmla.mlanet.org                          106 (3) July 2018                       Journal of the Medical Library Association
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