Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions

Page created by Bernard Aguilar
Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions
Resilience & Gratitude
     Impact Report 2021
Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions
A Message from our                                              Board of Directors
                CEO and Board President                                   Jessica Pride, President
Dear Friends,                                                             Katherine Atkinson, Vice President
                                                                          Katie Sullivan, Secretary
It is our honor to present the Center for Community Solutions 2021
                                                                          Tracy L. Skaddan, Treasurer
Annual Impact Report, which provides key highlights of our activities
and programs for the past fiscal year from July 1, 2020 to June           Dr. Jan Andersen
30, 2021. As you read the report, we hope you will gain a deeper          Christine Antoine
understanding of the programs and services we provided to San             Adriana C. Cabre
Diego County residents affected by intimate partner violence, sexual      Joe Dunn
assault, or stalking. This vital work would not be possible without the
                                                                          Brian Epperson
dedication and generosity of so many and for that, we are beyond
grateful for your support.                                                Ron Giannotti
                                                                          Elaine Kaminski Becerra
Over the last year, we have witnessed the stunning resilience             Anita Mahaffey
of our staff, volunteers, and brave survivors of relationship and
                                                                          Kathleen Medina
sexual violence. Despite the immense challenges presented by the
COVID-19 pandemic, our team has jumped into action to ensure              Karen Mitchell
a seamless transition to virtual services, and we have watched            Dung Ngo
courageous survivors persevere in their journey of healing amid a         Saundra Pelletier
global pandemic. We are honored to be an organization that has been       Dr. Jay Silverman
a beacon of hope for so many during these difficult times.
                                                                          Jennifer Tankersley
CCS adapted our programs quickly and efficiently to continue
providing essential services under changing public health orders.
Our legal, counseling and advocacy teams transitioned to virtual
appointments, our shelters introduced WiFi to help clients better
                                                                                   Advisory Board
function in an increasingly digital society, and our hotline staff
                                                                          Elizabeth M. Boyer, Co-Chair
remained busy assisting survivors while call volumes surged. Many of
the innovative practices we have introduced this year have improved       Amy Rypins, Co-Chair
client satisfaction, and we’re happy to say they will continue even       Tom Coan
after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.                                   Audrey Doherty
                                                                          Carlos Gomez
Thank you for your support of Center for Community Solutions, and
for making hope and healing possible for survivors of sexual and          Sue Hetzel
relationship violence.                                                    David A. Jacobs
                                                                          Jewel Kelley
Sincerely,                                                                Louise Kelly
                                                                          Michele Macosky
Verna Griffin-Tabor, CEO & Jessica Pride, Board President
                                                                          Carl Rustin

                                                                                   Executive Staff
                                                                          Verna Griffin-Tabor, CEO
                                                                          Deedre Robles, CFO
                                                                          Cori Austin, COO
                                                                          Suzie Miako Colby, CDO
                                                                          Perla Torres, CHRO
Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions

 Shelter Services are provided through our two
 emergency shelters and two transitional shelter
 programs confidentially located in San Diego County.
                                                             186 adults and children
 Shelters provide safe housing for adults and children       received 10,946 nights
 escaping violence. All residents may choose to access              of safety
 a spectrum of wraparound services.

      “There are no right words to explain our gratitude for all that
      you have done for us. Thank you is not enough.” ­—CCS Client

                                                                 Conquering the Digital
                                                                   Divide in Shelters
                                                                In 2020-2021, COVID-relief funds and
                                                                individual donations provided survivors in
                                                                our shelters with WiFi, access to laptops,
                                                                and gift cards for cell phone data. WiFi
                                                                was a critical key that gave survivors
                                                                the ability to search for and apply for
                                                                permanent safe housing and allowed
                                                                children in the shelter to attend school
                                                                remotely during the pandemic. WiFi also
                                                                made it possible for survivors to continue
                                                                their healing journeys by attending
                                                                virtual counseling sessions, advocacy
                                                                appointments, and legal consultations.

Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions
HOTLINE SERVICES                              Stay-at-Home Orders
                                              Ironically Increased
                                                Danger for Some
                                           As cases of relationship violence have
                                           surged worldwide during the pandemic,
                                           CCS experienced a record increase in
                                           intensity of hotline calls received in
                                           2021. CCS advocates provided emotional
                                           support and safety planning for clients
                                           who were sheltering in place with an
                                           abusive partner. Despite a decrease in
                                           resources and the heightened severity
                                           of calls, our team continued providing
                                           our free and confidential 24-hour crisis
                                           intervention hotline and found ways to
                                           connect survivors with key resources amid
                                           a global pandemic. CCS hotline services
                                           offer assistance in multiple languages and
                                           accessibility options.

CCS staff and volunteers respond to
calls coming in to our county-wide
crisis hotline 24 hours a day.

Our hotline counselors provide
trauma-informed safety planning and
emotional support, expert navigation
of county resources, and connection
to supportive services.

     Hotline counselors
       responded to
        5,304 calls

Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions
Breakdown of FY 2021 Hotline Calls



     Domestic Violence    Elder abuse
     Sexual Assault       Human Trafficking
     Child-related        Other

Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions

 CCS is the only Legal Team in San Diego County offering trauma-informed, no-cost, holistic, wrap-around services
 to survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking.

                                                                         Continuing Legal
                                     71% increase                      Services Through the
     493 survivors                       in client
                                                                        Court Shut Downs
   assisted with civil               understanding
       remedies                      of the criminal                   When the courts shut down amid
                                     justice system                    the COVID-19 pandemic, our staff
                                                                       provided remote access to our
                                                                       services to ensure our clients received
                                                                       holistic legal assistance and help with
                                                                       safety planning. This remote service
                                                                       was especially helpful to clients
                                                                       residing in rural areas, lacking access
                                                                       to transportation to CCS business
                                                                       offices, living with disabilities, or
                                                                       those unable to secure childcare to
                                                                       attend in-office consultations. Once
                                                                       the courts were capable of virtual
                                                                       hearings, our legal team instructed
                                                                       clients on how to engage with remote/
                                                                       virtual platforms, helped prepare
                                                                       them for virtual court hearings, and
                                                                       offered virtual court accompaniment,
                                                                       which provided emotional support and
                                                                       assistance to clients having to face
                                                                       their perpetrators.

Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions

Our Clinical Services Department is comprised of licensed and interning therapists who provide individual, group,
family, and child counseling using research-based, best practice, trauma-informed approaches.

     “My counselor was empathetic, knowledgeable, resourceful and
 professional. She was there for me in a time of need and was able to give
   me very useful tools to cope, heal & thrive in the future.” ­—CCS Client

                                                                                        437 adults
                                                                                       and children
                                                                                      received 3,765
                                                                                        Child clients
                                                                                       52.6% relief in

The Pandemic’s Silver Lining for Trauma Counseling
When COVID-19 restrictions interrupted in-person services, our counseling team seamlessly transitioned
to providing virtual appointments through video conferencing software in one week. Families that
historically had a difficult time getting to the office for in-person services were able to engage in therapy
consistently without having to sacrifice their income or other children’s activities. In addition, the team
of child advocates and therapists were able to integrate increased use of technology to keep child clients
engaged in the therapeutic process.
Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions

  Our Sexual Assault Services (SAS) are in three divisions: Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Justice
  Advocacy, and Campus Advocacy Services. One of the busiest Rape Crisis Centers in California, CCS
  covers the majority of San Diego County, assisting walk-ins, referrals, and emergency room victims.

   Sexual Assault                    Justice Advocacy                   Campus Advocacy
   Response Team

                                     Justice Advocates provide           Campus Advocacy Services
  Our Sexual Assault Response        crisis intervention,                provide sexual assault and
  Team shifted from in-person        counseling, information             intimate partner violence
  services during the pandemic       about the criminal justice          information, prevention
  to support sexual assault          process, accompaniment to           outreach, survivor
  survivors during medical           prosecution-related events,         accompaniment, and
  forensic exams over the            assistance with resources, and      education/training for college
  phone.                             referrals to other programs.        students, faculty, and staff.

      418 clients                       71% incease in                       5% of all SAS
    1,090 contacts                      understanding                        clients come
     273 forensic                         of criminal                         from local
        exams                           justice system                          colleges

Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions

CCS Prevention programs use education to break the cycle of violence and prevent harm before it happens.
Our programs strive to empower participants with the skills and tools they need to prevent violence in their
relationships and communities.

                                                                 Communities Rise to
                                                                 Help Prevent Violence
                                                            Our Prevention Education Team tailored their
                                                            programs to the specific needs of communities
                                                            being served, and they also adapted to the societal
                                                            shifts caused by the pandemic. CCS engages
                                                            youth and adults in the communities we serve
                                                            to be part of awareness and solutions in their
                                                            neighborhoods. While it was not possible to teach
                                                            in person, our educators kept the conversations
                                                            going through virtual workshops for different
                                                            age groups, in different languages, and on topics
                                                            requested by community members.

    CCS Crisis Intervention Training Continued Uninterrupted
This past fiscal year, nearly 40 staff, volunteers
and community partners completed CCS Crisis
Intervention Training, a 66.5-hour program that
provides attendees with trauma-informed skills,
knowledge, and tools to better serve and support
those impacted by intimate partner violence,
sexual assault, and stalking. Every staff member at
CCS completes this training.

Resilience & Gratitude - Impact Report 2021 - Center For Community Solutions
Thank You
We are grateful to the many individuals, businesses,             Scarano Family Foundation at The San Diego Foundation:
corporations, foundations, and organizations who make our         in honor of Anita and Mike Mahaffey
work possible. Highlighted below are major supporters who        Schuler Family Foundation
invested in our mission in fiscal year 2020-2021.                Share the Dough
                                                                 Tabor Communications
$50,000+                                                         The Pride Law Firm — Jessica Pride
U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against            The Rypins Family: In honor of Ruth Marks
  Women                                                          TJX Foundation, Inc.
California Department of Public Health                           TIAA on behalf of Connie Nott
California Office of Emergency Services                          Tracy Skaddan
Conrad Prebys Foundation                                         Verizon
County of San Diego                                              Weingart Foundation
J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Charitable Fund at the
  American Endowment Foundation                                  $5,000 - $9,999
Kushinsky & Carman Living Trust - Richard Lloyd Sloan            Allan and Virginia Farwell
Marriott Daughters Foundation                                    Amanda Hendrix
Price Philanthropies Foundation                                  Anita and Mike Mahaffey
Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Charitable Donor Advised                 Anonymous fund at The San Diego Foundation
  Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation                         Baby Bird Communications
                                                                 Cool-Jams, Inc.
$25,000 - $49,999                                                Dave Brody
Allison & Robert Price Family Foundation Fund of                 Deana Baker-Dunn
 the Jewish Community Foundation                                 Female Athlete Volunteers
Hervey Family Fund at The San Diego Foundation                   Gemperle Family Farms
Katie & Dan Sullivan                                             Isle, Charles and Peter Dalebrook Charitable Fund
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.                                            John T. O. Martin
Robin Toft — We Can Rise                                         Katherine & Steve Atkinson
Samuel H. French & Katherine Weaver French Fund                  Law Offices of Amy Rypins
 at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.                                       Louise Kelly
Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation                               Michele McGinn
The San Diego Foundation - COVID-19 Community                    Mintz
 Response Fund                                                   Nordson Corporation Foundation
Walter J. & Betty C. Zable Foundation                            Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest
We Can Rise: in honor of Ron Giannotti                           Potter Electric, Inc.
We Can Rise: in honor of Rosemary Rayburn                        Robert and Carolyn Roden Fund at The San Diego
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A                                              Foundation
William H. Donner Foundation, Inc.                               Rowling Family Charitable Fund of the Jewish Community
                                                                   Foundation — Sheryl Rowling
$10,000 - $24,999                                                San Diego County Bar Foundation
Alpha Chi Omega                                                  Sandra Timmons
Bank of America                                                  St. Germaine Children’s Charity
David B. and Patricia E. Marino                                  UC San Diego
Do A Little Fund – San Francisco Foundation
Escondido Community Foundation                                   $2,500 - $4,999
Evofem Biosciences                                               Adriana C. Cabre
Helmut Kiffmann Family Foundation                                Amy Liepert
La Jolla Monthly Meeting                                         Anonymous
Laura Ellis                                                      Audrey Doherty
Laurel L. Barry                                                  Brian Epperson
Maurice J. Masserini Memorial Trust                              California Endowment: in honor of Robin Ross
Michael D. and Roxane E. Fredericks                              Carol E. Glann
Patricia & Christopher Weil Family Foundation                    Carlos Gomez
Quon Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable                          Chemistry PR
Saundra Pelletier                                                Clipped Wings - United Airlines Stewardess Alumnae
Scarano Family Foundation at The San Diego Foundation            Elizabeth M. Boyer and Harry Engel

Goldsmith Legacy Foundation                             Laura Kay Stephens
Hunter Industries                                       Leah Gomez
In-N-Out Burger Foundation                              Linda Louise Katz
Jewel and Dr. Leon Kelley                               Linda Silverman
John Glann                                              Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Kathleen Medina                                         Lori Mayne
Lisa Stennes Laikind                                    Marcie Rowe
Mabi Castro                                             Michael and Sara Orlando Trust
Monica E. Kaiser                                        Michele Macosky
North County Blind Company, Inc.                        Michelle Schill
Northern Trust — Kelly Colvard                          Miraglo Foundation
Schor Vogelzang & Chung LLP — Julie A. Vogelzang        Ms. Molly Foundation
Summer Girgis                                           Nancy Steddom
Susan & Rick Howe                                       Neil & Anna Mintz Charitable Fund
Sycuan Casino                                           Neil & Gina Matheson
The Frame Maker — Samantha Atlas                        Paula Taylor & Bernie Kulchin
Therese Collins                                         Robin Belsaas
                                                        Ruth Marks
$1,000 - $2,499                                         Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation
Ameritino Foundation                                    Scripps Howard Foundation
Anne Wright Charitable Fund                             Sherry Blanton
Anonymous                                               Silicon Valley Community Foundation: In memory of
Bonnie Dumanis                                           Robin Ross
Caitlin Weil                                            SDG&E
California Bank & Trust — Zions Bancorporation          Stephen Mitchell
Chalice U. U. Congregation                              Steve & Linda Klosterman
Chamille Lamb                                           Steven Rukin Revocable Trust
Christopher Weil & Company, Inc.                        Sue Hetzel
Dana Arritola                                           Susan Laun
Dawn Purarty                                            Thomas G. and Linda J. Oakley
Deb Hamby                                               Tina Grimm
Deborah Santana                                         Tracy Borkum
Devorah Gurantz                                         Verna Griffin-Tabor
Diana C. and Gary G. Whitney
DLM Engineering, Inc.                                              Thank You for 100% Board Giving
Dung Ngo
Erick Girouard                                               Dr. Jan Andersen           Kathleen Medina
Gail Hutcheson                                               Christine Antoine          Karen Mitchell
Gardenfam Fund of the Jewish Community 		                    Katherine Atkinson         Dung Ngo
 Foundation                                                  Adriana C. Cabre           Saundra Pelletier
                                                             Joe Dunn                   Jessica Pride
Gigi Cramer
                                                             Brian Epperson             Dr. Jay SilvermanO
Ginger Bass Memorial Fund
                                                             Ron Giannotti              Katie Sullivan
Gini Meyer
                                                             Elaine Kaminski Becerra    Tracy L. Skaddan
Jane B. Lane - Jane Lane Kids Inc.                           Anita Mahaffey             Jennifer Tankersley
Janis and Peter A. Andersen
Jay Silverman
Jennifer Tankersley
Judith M. Fogel
                                                               Thank You to Our Major In-Kind Donors
Judy Jaron                                               CCS received more than $250,000 in donations of
Katey Brunini                                            goods and pro bono services! Our major donors:
Kelly Culwell
Kit-Victoria (Weil) Wells                                •     Schor Vogelzang & Chung LLP — Julie A Vogelzang
Larry & Gigie Price Fund of the Jewish Community         •     Atlas Transfer & Storage — Linda J. Oakley
 Foundation                                              •     Target River — Brian Epperson
Las Proveedoras Del Norte                                •     Repairs and Remodels On Demand — Charles Gilbert

Financial Health

                STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES | FYE 2020 AND 2021

Revenue and Support								                         2021			                   2020

Contract revenue 								                          $4,983,768 		             $4,963,840
Contributions and grants 							                    1,274,406                   893,297
Fundraising revenue 								                          424,445 		                125,787
In-kind contributions 								                        250,828 		                296,069
Fees for services 								                             13,955 		                  3,468
Other income 									                                  7,204 		                 87,558
Investment income 								                              3,839 		                    682
TOTAL 									                                     6,958,445 		              6,370,701


Program services 								                          4,769,559 		               4,919,696
Management and general 							                       738,635 		                 625,493
Fundraising 									                                419,160 		                 561,715
Total Expenses									                            5,927,354 		               6,106,904

Change in Net Assets 								                      1,031,091 		                263,797
Net Assets at Beginning of Year 							            2,430,170                  2,166,373
NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR 							                 $3,461,261 		              $2,430,170

          2021 Revenue                             2021 Expenses

          Contracts        71.62%
          Contributions    18.31%                      Programs      80.4%
          Special Events    6.10%                      Management    12.5%
          In-Kind           3.60%                      Fundraising   7.1%
          Other             0.37%


 Assets							                                       2021			          2020

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 					$2,920,611 			$2,193,753
Contracts receivable 						       948,674 			   845,142
Other receivables 						           21,398 			     8,495
Prepaid expenses 						            12,937 			    66,510
Total Current Assets 						     3,903,620 			 3,113,900

Noncurrent Assets
Deposits 							                                        12,763 			        12,763
Property and equipment, net 					                    1,938,509 			     2,079,274
Beneficial interest in endowment funds 				             12,915 			        10,368

Total Noncurrent Assets 				 1,964,187 			 2,102,405
TOTAL ASSETS 							$5,867,807 			$5,216,305

 Liabilities and Net Assets

Current Liabilities
Accounts payable 						                             $132,699 			      $104,106
Accrued payroll and related liabilities 				         411,297 			       379,389
Deferred revenue						                                  —			           422,802
Current portion of notes payable 				                 36,481 		         34,653
Total Current Liabilities 						                     580,477 			       940,950

Noncurrent Liabilities
Notes payable, less current portion 				            1,638,877 			     1,673,545
Interest payable 						                               187,192 			      171,640
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 					                  1,826,069 			     1,845,185
Total Liabilities 							                           2,406,546 			     2,786,135

Net Assets
Without donor restrictions 					3,173,598 			2,276,138
With donor restriction 						     287,663 			   154,032
Total Net Assets 						         3,461,261 			 2,430,170

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 			                $5,867,807 		    $5,216,305


Despite the challenges associated with COVID-19, numerous dedicated volunteers continued to support
CCS and survivors. Volunteer roles range from counseling trainees, advocates, and attorneys to outreach and
prevention efforts at community events. Additionally, CCS is supported by the Board of Directors, Advisory
Board, Hidden Valley House and Project Safehouse Auxiliaries, event volunteers, and development interns.

“Being a tiny part of
someone’s healing journey is                                     114 dedicated volunteers
                                                                 continued to support CCS
the best feeling I know.                                           throughout this year
It’s everything.” —Lisa

                                             One Hotline Volunteer: 700 Hours
                                             Lisa has volunteered more than 3,500 lifetime hours to
                                             support survivors of relationship and sexual violence. In 2021
                                             alone, she logged 700 hours and was part of a core team
                                             who were a critical lifeline to callers reaching out during the

                                             Lisa dedicates four days a week to answering our 24/7 Crisis
                                             Hotline, where she provides resources to survivors and
                                             connects them to services like counseling, emergency shelter
                                             and legal assistance. Sometimes, she is just a compassionate
                                             sounding board for someone who needs to talk.

                                             Lisa also trains new volunteers and staff to support trauma
                                             survivors. She has made a difference in the lives of countless
                                             survivors over her eight years of volunteering, and says it has
                                             been “tremendously rewarding.”


 There are many ways you can help advance our mission to end relationship violence and sexual assualt.
 Help us to be there for San Diegans of all ages who are tragically impacted by unspeakable violence.
 Help us change the trajectory of a survivor’s path to hope and healing.

 How to Help Today

 •   Make a financial or in-kind contribution
 •   Honor CCS with a legacy gift
 •   Sponsor or attend our special events
 •   Schedule an education program or workshop for your organization or company
 •   Host a beneficiary event that raises funds and awareness
 •   Recommend us for a grant or corporate gift
 •   Volunteer your time

           Want to help? Please contact us at or 858.272.5777

                                                                 Your Donations at Work

                                                                 • All services are free
                                                                 • 24/7 confidential crisis hotline:
                                                                 • Four domestic violence shelter programs
                                                                 • One of the largest Rape Crisis Centers in CA
                                                                 • Child abuse treatment
                                                                 • Legal team offering trauma-informed services
                                                                 • Individual and group counseling
                                                                 • Safety planning and referrals to services
                                                                 • Prevention education and outreach

     Our mission is to end relationship and sexual violence by being a catalyst for caring communities and social justice.
         4508 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 | | 858.272.5777 | Tax ID: 95-6379598
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     4508 Mission Bay Drive                                                          San Diego, CA
     San Diego, CA 92109                                                            Permit No. 2681

                SAVE THE DATE! San Diego’s Event of the Year
                                                                 CCS Tea & Tonic
                                                                Friday, June 17, 2022
                                                                        1:30 - 4:30pm
                                                                            The Shell

A stunning view. An enjoyable luncheon
with friends. A memorable afternoon that will
remind you why you support our mission. We will reveal our
amazing guest speaker’s name and more event details soon.

Don’t miss our announcements and stay tuned for updates about
our 2022 event at
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