IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality

Page created by Leslie Wang
IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality
IDP and Budget
Public Participation
     April 2020
IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality
        Abbreviation                                                        Description
BAC                    Bid Adjudication Committee
CBD                    Central Business District
CCTV                   Closed-circuit Television
COCT                   City of Cape Town
CV                     Curriculum Vitae
DCAS                   Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport: Western Cape
DSD                    Department of Social Development: Western Cape
GAP                    Affordable Housing
HDA                    Housing Development Agency
ICT                    Information and Communication Technology
IDP                    Integrated Development Plan
LED                    Local Economic Development
LUPA                   Western Cape Land Use Planning Act, 2014 (Act No. 3 of 2014)
MayCo                  Mayoral Committee
MPT                    Municipal Planning Tribunal
mSDF                   Municipal Spatial Development Framework
MTREF                  Medium Term Revenue Expenditure Framework
NEMA                   National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)
NERSA                  National Energy Regulator of South Africa
NMT                    Non-motorised Transport
PGWC                   Provincial Government Western Cape
RSEP                   Regional Social Economic Programme
SCM                    Supply Chain Management
TRA                    Temporary Relocation Area
WCED                   Western Cape Education Department
IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality
                •Create an environment conducive to business development and job
  Valley of     •Support emerging entrepreneurs
 Possibility    •Effective infrastructure and asset management
                •Transport oriented development initiatives to streamline traffic flow
                •Non-motorised transport initiatives to minimise traffic in congested centres

 Green and      •Update the mSDF to ensure spatial justice and sustainability
Sustainable     •Facilitate efficient use of all forms of capital available to Stellenbosch
     Valley     •Urban Regeneration

                •Develop institutional crime prevention strategies
 Safe Valley
                •Facilitate social crime prevention initiatives

                •Sustainable Human Settlements
   Dignified    •Develop and implement social infrastructure
       Living   •Access to Basic Services
                •Liveable Settlements

                •Effective Asset Management System
      Good      •Manage IDP with effective performance management
Governance      •Audit, Fraud and Risk Management
       and      •Credible and Efficient Financial Management
Compliance      •Skilled workforce
                •Smart City in keeping pace with new ICT developments
IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality

      2017/18     2018/19    2019/20    2020/21    2021/22

        New       1st Year   2nd Year   3rd Year   4th Year
        IDP       Review     Review     Review     Review

     5 year IDP (2017 to 2022)
     Year 1 – New Plan for the 5 years
     Year 2 – Report on year 1 and review ward priorities
     Year 3 – Report on year 1 & 2 and review ward priorities
     Year 4 – Report on year 1, 2 & 3 and review ward priorities
     Year 5 – Report on 4th generation IDP achievements (year 1 to 5)
IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality
OBJECTIVES: IDP and Budget Public Participation

• September 2019: public had an opportunity at ward level to communicate needs
  and priorities to the Municipality, which was incorporated into the Draft IDP and
  MTREF Budget.

• After public participation process in September 2019, the IDP and Budget were
  reviewed for the 2020/21 financial year and submitted to Council for consideration
  and public participation;

• April 2020:
      – Opportunity to provide feedback to the public on year 3.
      – Opportunity to engage the public w.r.t. draft IDP and MTREF Budget.

     The public and all stakeholders of the Municipality are
    encouraged to submit comments to the Municipality by
                     Friday, 08 May 2020.
IDP and Budget Public Participation - April 2020 - Stellenbosch Municipality
IDP and Bu
    Planning, Local
Economic Development
      and Tourism
Planning, Local Economic Development
and Tourism
Local Economic Hubs
Franschhoek: Groendal informal trading site to be completed by the end of 2019/20 financial

Languedoc, Meerlust, Maasdorp and Wemmershoek: Projects not economically viable at this

Klapmuts: The Klapmuts informal trading site has been completed and the process to allocate
trading spaces to informal traders is in progress.

Jamestown: Planning phase completed. In the process of preparing tender documents for the
appointment of a building contractor.

Unemployment/ Job Creation

Job creation, though a serious concern at local government level, is not a municipal mandate,
however, the Stellenbosch Municipality continue to create an enabling environment for
investment to contribute to job creation through business development.
Planning, Local Economic Development
and Tourism

Development of a Tourism Plan
Service Provider has been appointed. Tourism Plan in the process of development.
IDP and Bu
   Rural Management
Rural Development

Rural Management
Rural Management Plan
Adopted by Council in December 2018.
IDP and Bu
   Integrated Human
Integrated Human Settlements
Housing Development
Housing remains a challenge as resources and allocations from National and
Provincial Government remains limited, and the backlog tremendous.

   Area/s                                               Comment/s

                 The National Minister of Public Works has approved the transfer of the property on which the
Franschhoek      feasibility studies has been taken place on. As soon as the transfer on land in favour of
(Wards 1 & 2)    Stellenbosch Municipality has been completed, the final process to obtain development
                 rights will occur.

                 Discussions between Stellenbosch Municipality and the land-owners of Lanquedoc are
                 aimed at a possible land acquisition to provide affordable housing in the Dwarsriver Valley.

Dwarsriver       Currently no further housing development studies will take place due to the environmental
Valley (Ward 3   matters raised during the previous feasibility study.
& 4)
                 A service provider was appointed to provide different options in order to do township
                 establishment. These different options are currently being discussed and thereafter it will be
                 presented to the affected community.
Integrated Human Settlements

  Area/s                                             Comment/s
               A procurement process to appoint a developer (Call for Proposal) has commenced and as
               soon as a successful service provider is appointed, community participation will intensify to
Dwarsriver     address the way forward.
(Ward 3 & 4)   Kylemore
               The National Department of Public Works is in the process of transferring Erf 64, Kylemore in
               favour of Stellenbosch Municipality.

               Phase 1 of GAP houses is near completion and the implementing agent has also commenced
               with the subsided houses. The development on Erf 11330 (Hillside Village) is earmarked to be
               completed by June 2020.

               The Municipality is in discussions with Housing Development Agencies (HDA) to address the
Ida’s Valley   challenges of basic services to the families residing in Jonkershoek as well as a permanent
(Ward 5 & 6)   solution to the housing crisis experience in the area.

               Backyard dwellers
               The final report was received from the consultants and are currently being reviewed by user
               department before submitting to Council. The information obtain in the survey will be used as
               a guideline when further development occurs.
Integrated Human Settlements

  Area/s                                                Comment/s
                 Watergang Development
                 A consultant has been appointed to provide enhanced service sites. Given the slope, the
                 platforms need to be redesigned and a tender to appoint a service provider will be

                 The service provider submitted a technical report with an estimated cost. The Directorate:
                 Infrastructure Services is currently evaluating the technical report. The current estimates
                 received from the consultant is much higher than anticipated.

                 Zone O
                 Families have successfully been relocated to a decanting site. LUPA application has been
                 submitted to the Land Use Planning department and approved by MPT. After the appeal
(Wards 12, 13,
                 period has lapsed, a tender process will be followed to appoint a service provider to
14 & 15)
                 commence with services and construction. This project will be dealt with in phases.

                 Town Centre Development
                 The service provider has prepared different development concept plans to be presented to
                 the community. After the public participation process has concluded, the LUPA application
                 will be submitted to the Land Use Planning Section for approval. It should be noted that the
                 upgrading of the Town Centre is linked to the decanting site that needs to be established in
                 the Northern Extension. At a public meeting was held during December 2019, the community
                 in principle accepted the development proposal with certain concerns. To address these
                 concerns a site visit has being arranged in order to give representatives a first-hand view of
                 high density development modules.
Integrated Human Settlements
  Area/s                                               Comment/s

               Soekmekaar Development
               The first Call for Proposals had to be cancelled due to non- responsiveness of the two bidders
               from which proposals were received. Taking into consideration the outcome of the first Call for
               Proposals, the second Call for Proposals, which was advertised in February 2020, capsulated
Cloetesville   specific outcomes. The advertisement period was until the end of March 2020, where after the
& Klapmuts     Supply Chain Management process will follow. Estimated development rights to be obtained
(Wards 16,     in 18 months.
17, 18 & 19)
               Upgrading of the Steps (Cloetesville)
               A contractor has been appointed and the rectification of the units will commence in the
               current financial year.

               Phase 1 has been completed. The civil contractor has completed 76 service sites with
               concrete slabs and the Municipality has started with a procurement process to provide TRA's.
(Ward 18) &    De Novo
Ward 19        The Planning phase for the further development of De Novo is ongoing and various studies are
               being undertaken by the appointed consultants. The current houses in De Novo will be
               rectified through a competitive bid process. This project is managed by the PDoHS.
Integrated Human Settlements
 Area/s                                             Comment/s
              Longlands Housing Subsidy implemented
              Implementing agent appointed and site establishment took place in November 2019.
Vlottenburg   Expected completion date is during the 2020/21 financial year.
Jamestown     Jamestown Housing (bulk sewer 408 opportunities)
(Ward 20 &    Bulk sewer upgrading is ongoing. A procurement process has been followed to appoint a
21)           service provider to compile a Bill of Quantities. Currently, an evaluation process has been
              commenced whereby the BAC must appoint a service provider. After the latter, Stage 2 of the
              process will be finalised.
IDP and Bu
   Parks, Open Spaces and
          Environment Public
Parks, Open Spaces and Environment
Burial Space
Extension of cemetery in Kylemore (Ward 4)
Building plans completed and submitted to the Building Development Section. The plans includes an office
and security.

Identification of land for a cemetery (Ward 18)
Environmental Impact Assessment proceeded on 2 sites, Louw’s Bos (Farm 502) and Culcatta Bos (Farm 29).
Environmental Authorisation (in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 107 of 1998 [NEMA])
for the Culcatta Bos site was issued on 20 September 2019 and Louw’s Bos 22 January 2020. Expecting a
decision on Water Use Licensing by the Department of Water and Sanitation and Land Use in terms of the
Municipal Planning By-Law on both during 2020.

Cleaning of rivers

The River Stewardship Programme is an on-going programme that addresses issues surrounding
rivers within the WCO24.
Parks, Open Spaces and Environment

   Area/s                                                Comment/s
                 Jan Marais Park: to uplift and better utilise the JMP to benefit the residents
(Ward 7)         A draft layout was presented to MAYCO.            The Parking Plan of the Directorate:
                 Infrastructure Services must be incorporated before the revise proposal will be discussed.

Cloetesville     Regional Social Economic Programme (RSEP) Park is in process next to Cloetesville Library.
(Ward 16 & 17)   New Integrated Park being developed in Last Street.

Klapmuts (Ward
                 Kudu Park Street (Koelpark) and Adams Street Park has been upgraded.

Jamestown &
                 Jamestown and Paradyskloof Outdoor gym projects were completed.
Parks, Open Spaces and Environment

Open Spaces
  Area/s                                           Comment/s

Onderpappe   Fencing of the Nature Reserve. It has been budgeted for in this financial year 2019/20.
gaaiberg     Project should be completed by 30 June 2020. Final decision of the area to be fenced, is not
(Ward 11)    only with Stellenbosch Municipality but also with Province and the Cape Nature Reserve.

             The establishment of an arboretum / tree park against the mountain slope of Dalsig /
Dalsig /     Brandwacht
(Ward 22)    The Environmental Management Plan for Paradyskloof nature area does not provide for any
             such development, but rather that the area be rehabilitated as an fynbos area.
IDP and Bu
  Youth, Sport and Culture
Youth, Sport and Culture

The Mayoral Youth Skills Development Programme included accredited training in:
- General Building Maintenance;
- Plumbing;
- Five Star Table Attendant;
- Food Service Assistant; and
- Assistant Chef.

Job Readiness in partnership with DSD focus on CV writing and interviewing skills reaching 79 youth.

The DCAS Youth Drama Festival delivered the following results for Stellenbosch Municipality:
- Best Writer; Best Actress; and Best Production – Runner up.

Department of Social Development Youth Camp and recruitment drive with Chrysallis Academy to introduce
our youth to different opportunities available.
Youth, Sport and Culture
   Area/s                                               Comment/s
                Negotiate with Groendal High School to keep the sport field: The proposal on utilising school
                fields for sport and maintained by the Municipality needs to be discussed with WCED. A
                request was submitted to meet with WCED via DCAS to discuss the possibility.

                Development / Upgrading of Sport Facilities (Ward 2): The sport fields are being upgraded
Franschhoek     and all sport activities on the fields have been postponed until April 2020.
(Wards 1 &2)
                Building of a clubhouse in La Motte: Project to commence in this financial year. Property
                Management Department facilitating the process.

                Franschhoek Sportground Borehole 85% completed. A budget was requested to complete
                the commissioning of the borehole and pumps.

Dwarsriver      Lanquedoc sport facilities: Work in progress, clubhouse to be completed 30 June 2020.
(Wards 3 & 4)   Pniel Sportsground: Pniel cricket sight screens were installed.

Idasvalley      Re-surface: Tennis courts 60% completed, to be completed end May 2020.
(Wards 5 & 6)   Netball courts upgraded: Resurfacing 100% completed.

                Kayamandi Astroturf: Tender bids received and ready to serve at the Bid Evaluation
Kayamandi       Committee. Project to commence in 2020 and to be completed 2021, if the budget is
Youth, Sport and Culture
New Library (Kylemore)
Municipal land has been identified as a possible site for a library, however DCAS has indicated that currently
all library projects and upgrades have been put on hold. The Municipality cannot assist with the required
funds to build a new facility. A further application for assistance with funding will be made to DCAS in the
next financial year.
IDP and Bu
 Infrastructure Services
Infrastructure Services
Water and Wastewater Services: Water
  Area/s                                               Comment/s

                Mooiwater Informal Settlement: Repair of tiolets
Franschhoek     A contractor has been appointed. New tender to be evaluated, to be appointed for the
(Ward 1)        maintenance of fiolets. Assessment has been done. Six sites in Mooiwater had been identified
                for the repair of tiolets. All tiolets to be build with bricks - centre of Klein Mooiwater.

                Extension of WWTW: Stellenbosch

WCO24           Stellenbosch Wastewater Treatment Works officially opened on 04 March 2020
(Greater        New Polkadraai Reservoir
                The planning phase is in progress, on the implementation of the project. Tenders received
                and currently at SCM for evaluation.
                -   Relocation/ Upgrade main water supply Ida’s Valley – In process of completion,
WCO24               finalisation June 2021.
(Greater        -   Bulk Sewer Outfall: Jamestown -In process of completion June 2021.
Stellenbosch)   -   Bulk Water Supply Pipe Reservoir: Dwarsrivier (Johannesdal / Kylemore / Pniel) –
                -   New Plankenburg: Main Sewer Outfall – In process. Completion June 2020.
                -   Waterpipe Replacement – Ongoing completion June 2028.
                -   Ida’s Valley Merriman Outfall Sewer – In process.
Infrastructure Services
Electrical Services
   Area/s                                                Comment/s

                R45 between Bosbou railway lines needs to install street lights
(Ward 1 & 2)    An application has been submitted to Eskom and a site meeting took place on 03 March
                2020. Awaiting a quotation from Eskom.

                Installation of electricity supply in Enkanini
Kayamandi       Current Phase being planned for 500 informal units within Enkanini. Estimated 3 500 units,
                planned to be completed in 5 years up to June 2024.

                Lights/masts Onder-Pappagaaiberg
Onder-          A site meeting/visit took place with the ward cllr. The request is for flood lights for the open
Pappagaaiberg   space. The Municipality is in the process to procure the required material after the material
                tender was approved.

                Lighting, sidewalks (Klapmuts)
(Ward 18)       Klapmuts is an Eskom supply area. The Municipality is in consultation with Eskom to take
                over the street lights in Klapmuts.
Infrastructure Services
Waste Management: Solid Waste Management
   Area/s                                            Comment/s

CBD & Devon     Change design of existing “wet/dry” recycling bins within wards
Valley          Project is on-going: First batch of bins were delivered in October 2019. A new service
(Ward 8 & 11)   provider has been appointed and new bins will be delivered in March 2020.

WCO24           Implementation of Waste Minimisation Projects
(Greater        This is on-going, with door-to-door household recyclable collections, builder’s rubble
Stellenbosch)   crushing and green waste shredding at the landfill.

                Extension of landfill site
WCO24           This project is in process. Two consulting firms have been appointed to (1) reposition the
(Greater        overhead power lines and (2) apply for the waste management license for the landfill
Stellenbosch)   extension. The public participation process has commenced for the repositioning of the
                power line in February 2020.
Infrastructure Services
RTS and Traffic Engineering
    Area/s                                                Comment/s
                   Safety at the R45 road must be prioritised.
                   A consultant has been appointed, in the process of compiling plans for submission to the
                   Provincial Roads Department. A Safety study commissioned by the provincial government
(Ward 1, 2 & 3)
                   had been concluded, reductions in speed was not recommended, looking into
                   alternatives to speed reductions.

                   Implementation of the Bicycle Plan
CBD (Wards 7, 8,
9 & 10)            A consultant has been appointed to review and update the Cycle Plan. Will be
                   completed by June 2020.

                   Building of toilets at the Taxi Rank
Kayamandi          Consultant has been appointed. In the process of appointing a contract for the building of
                   the toilets. In the current (temporary tiolets) and next financial year (permanent toilets).

                   Alternative entrance / exit for Jamestown (R44, at the cemetery, can just turn left from
Jamestown          Jamestown)
(Ward 21)
                   Consultant has been appointed and assess access requirements. Planning will be done in
                   this financial year.
Infrastructure Services
RTS and Traffic Engineering
   Area/s                                              Comment/s
                 Mobility in terms of the R44 and around the schools
                 A study has been compiled around the R44 and the schools precinct. A detailed analysis
R44 & around     and plan is in its final stages of completion. The plan will be presented to the community in
school           the next three months for comments. After this process, the plan will be scheduled for
(Ward 22)        implementation.

                 A system of one-ways will possibly be implemented around the schools. The Municipality
                 are in discussion with the school to acquire some land to construct a road- Doornbos Road
                 up to where it connects with Piet Retief Street.
                 Traffic Calming
WCO24 (Greater   Draft Traffic Calming Policy has been accepted by Council. The draft policy is being
Stellenbosch)    advertised for public comments, where after feasibility study for traffic calming will

                 Roads, Storm water and Traffic Engineering
                 Implemented in terms of available capital budget, approved for the 2019/20 financial
                 year. The following Departmental Programmes are being implemented:
WCO24 (Greater
                 -   Road Reseal Programme;
                 -   Gravel Road Upgrading Programme;
                 -   Intersection Improvement Programme;
                 -   Public Transport Facility Upgrade Programme.
IDP and Bu
 Development and
 Protection Services
Community Development and Protection Services

Safety and Security
   Area/s                                               Comment/s

                 Neighbourhood Watches (NHW)
WCO24 (Greater
                 A Safety Plan is in placed. Ongoing joint operations are being conducted with Law
                 Enforcement, neighbourhood watches and SAPS.

                 School Patrols
WCO24 (Greater   Traffic Services do random patrols in all areas. However, due to limited staff resources
Stellenbosch)    regular patrols around schools cannot be guaranteed on continuous basis. The
                 Municipality do assist with training of scholar patrols where it is required and safe to do so.

                 Installation of CCTV cameras

WCO24 (Greater   Joint planning initiatives are successfully implemented through consultations with ward
Stellenbosch)    councilors. (for e.g. the installation of CCTV cameras in specific wards).
                 CCTV cameras are rolled out based on ward and departmental funding. Positioning is
                 placed after consultation with SAPS based on crime patterns.

                 Centralised Control Room
WCO24 (Greater
                 The upgrade of the Centralised Control Room is in process. However, to the National
                 Lockdown, the envisaged completion date of 30 June 2020 will have to be reviewed after
                 the National Lockdown ended.
Community Development and Protection Services
Early Intervention Facility for people with psychiatric disability: The department started with the development
of a template to do ward based needs assessment for persons with disabilities. Psychiatric services resides
with the Department of Health.
IDP and Bu
  Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Property Management
   Area/s                                           Comment/s
              Building of a new high school
              A site in La Motte (Farm 1653) has been identified for a new high school and was approved
              by Council, to be built by Provincial Government.
              24 Hour Clinic
              An existing structure (Erf 4, La Motte) had been made available for the Provincial
              Department of Health to utilise as a health facility. Due to the limited size, it serve as a
              visiting clinic in an area where health facilities are required. Project has been completed.

              Multi – Purpose Centre/ Community Hall

Kayamandi     The Municipality has however budgeted for the upgrading of the existing community hall in
              Makupula Street. A total of R2.2 million has been allocated over the MTREF period. In the
              process of appointing a consultant team to finalise the planning.

              Health (Clinic)

Kayamandi     The exchange of land has now been approved by Council, paving the way for Provincial
              Government Western Cape (PGWC) to extend the existing clinic. PGWC is in the process
              with the planning of infrastructural changes and additions.

Planning, Local       • Tour Bus Parking
Economic              • LED Hubs
Development and       • Upgrading of Kayamandi Corridor

Rural Management      • Rural Sportgrounds
                      • Housing Development: Langrug, Cloetesville. Kylemore, Stellenbosch, La Motte, Kaymandi,
Integrated Human        Jamestown, Ida’s Valley, Klapmuts TRA, Longlands, Smartie Town
Settlements           • Enkanini Planning.

                      • Swimming pool upgrades
                      • Hiking trails and nature reserve
Parks, Open Spaces
and Environment       • Extension of cemetery infrastructure
                      • Upgrade and maintenance of nature reserves (Jan Marais, Mont Rochelle, Pappegaaiberg)

                      • Upgrade and maintenance of sport facilities
                      • Fencing of sport facilities
Youth, Sport and      • Re-surfacing of netball and tennis courts
Culture               • Upgrade of libraries
                      • Upgrade of halls

                      • Bulk services installations and upgrades throughout WC024
                      • Waste to energy planning
                      • Transfer Station: Stellenbosch, Klapmuts
Infrastructure        • Roads resealing various locations throughout WC024
Services              • River rehabilitation
                      • Upgrade Adam Tas Road.
                      • Non Motorised Transport, Parking Development
                      • Universal Access Implementation

                      • CCTV, Security Fencing
Development           • Rescue Equipment
Protection Services   • Neighbourhood Watch safety equipment
                      • Road Traffic Management
Capex by Portfolio: 2020/21 MTREF

             450 000 000.00

             400 000 000.00

             350 000 000.00

             300 000 000.00

             250 000 000.00

             200 000 000.00

             150 000 000.00

             100 000 000.00

              50 000 000.00

                                                          Parks, Open
                                Human        Financial                    Planning, LED   Youth, Sports   Development                        Corporate
                                                          Spaces and                                                       Infrastructure
                              settlements    Services                      and Tourism    and Culture     and Protection                      Services
                  2020/2021   7 040 800.00   850 000.00   18 314 347.00   1 950 000.00    11 720 000.00   19 005 000.00    404 715 682.00   39 490 000.00
                  2021/2022   4 293 800.00   200 000.00   18 270 000.00   2 125 000.00    12 050 000.00   12 410 000.00    306 362 193.00   48 094 000.00
                  2022/2023   1 065 000.00   200 000.00   22 410 000.00   5 500 000.00    5 015 000.00    17 675 000.00    370 943 862.00   10 399 000.00
Spatial Development
Emerging Vision of ATC

  •   Restructuring and transforming Stellenbosch Town, using existing underutilised assets in a
      manner to benefit all and address critical needs;
  •   Establishing a process and plan which gives certainty and sufficient flexibility to accommodate
      the unknown while enabling a “Starting through Sharing, Learning by Doing and using Small
      Steps to inform the Next” methodology;
  •   Broadening opportunity for a range of stakeholders, while accommodating varying readiness
      and material means; and
  •   To place Stellenbosch in the heart of the most important urban development project in the
      country today.
Guiding Design Principles
Objectives of the ATC

           Urban, not suburban development typologies

            Mixed use and high density development

            A range of building heights – predominantly 2 – 4 storeys

            Create ‘High Streets’ as opposed to big box retail malls

            Clustering and shared community / public facilities

            Outward orientated rather than introverted building forms /
             minimal street setbacks

            Vertical land use mix including both retail,/ commercial and

            Active ground floors and positive street edges
Medium Term Revenue
Expenditure Framework
     2021 - 2023
Budget Discussion
Budgeting :

• Is limited, based on rates and taxes;

• Identified needs and projects – requires prioritisation for maximum impact

                  INCOME              BUDGET             EXPENSES
Budget Discussion

The municipal budget will be R2 402 549 231
(R2.4 Billion) consisting of:

•   R503 085 829    (R503 Million) : Capital

•   R1 899 463 402 (R1.90 Billion): Operational

Budget Discussion
Budget Assumptions: Tariff Increases

Income budget – Funded through
tariff and property rates:

In the 2020/2021 financial year, the Property Rates Tariff paid by owners will increase with 6.50%,
whilst total rates income will increase with the same %.

The 2020/2021 Municipal Valuation Threshold is R200 000 on property value up to R5 million.
Budget Discussion
Budget Assumptions: Tariff Increases

Income budget – Funded through
tariff and property rates:

    Electricity                Water            Sanitation     Removal
     6.43%                    6.00%BUDGET
                                       6.50%                   16.50%
The electricity tariff is subject to NERSA approval.
The water tariffs are consumption and COCT tariff dependent.
Budget Discussion
 Budget Assumptions: Tariff Increases

Benefits for Indigents                             Free
Free refuse removal and sanitation services      monthly
                                               100 kWh per

       household                                    Free
      income now                Indigent      monthly water
    R6 500                                     allocation is
                                                  6 Kl per
       per month                                  month
Have your say!

               IDP OFFICE
021 – 808 8129/

            BUDGET OFFICE
             021 – 808 8512/
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