RESILIENCE - Ability to Problem - Kids Co.

Page created by Milton Valdez
RESILIENCE - Ability to Problem - Kids Co.
Social            Ability to
            Support            Problem

of Self                                Optimisim

                2020 ANNUAL REPORT

 Sense of                             Emotional
  Humor                               Awareness
                  Self Belief
RESILIENCE - Ability to Problem - Kids Co.
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.
    The worst thing you can do is nothing. – Theodore Roosevelt

2021 BOARD ROSTER               Edgar Acevedo, Molly Adams, Sabiha Ahmad, David Aisenberg, Rawan Alamoudi, Iman Ali Jofey, Ali Al-Mishinawi,
                                Christian Anastacio Trujeque, Natasha Atmadja, Nikki Au, Jordan Ayers, Amanda Bakke, Leslie Beattie, David
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE             Blackwell, Esther Booker, Lauren Bridges, Susan R. Brown, Kristina Broyer, Curtis Buckallew, Milah Burnett,
Joe Jornadal, Chair             Richard Burris, Taani Bush, Jennette Campbell, Ryan Carr, Shayla Chandler, Chiu-Hui Chen, Pak Cheung, Anna
Jonathan Siegel, Treasurer      Maria Choi, Alia Collins-Friedrichs, Nicole Cook, Matthew Coopersmith, Catherine Crowe, Alexis Cura, June Cutler,
                                Davonne Davis, Moira Dewey, Celest Doney-Toland-Newberry, Monica Drummey, Joseph Dumars, Katherine
Lauren Offenbecher, Secretary
                                Emerson, Elizabeth Evans, Karin Falk, Adam Foote, Seila Garibay, Chloie Goldy, Charmaine April Gonzalez, Eda
Susan R. Brown, Ex-Officio
                                Gures, Magda Gutierrez, Miranda Hatch, Audrey Henry, Darryl Henry, Lee Hernandez, Erik Hernandez Reyes,
                                Francene Higman, Candice Hile, Juanita Izabal, Gerleza Jackson, Lewis Johnson, Dean Jones, Elijah Juri, Austin
Jenna Bevilacqua                Kain, Courtney Kapp, Alexandra Keers, Youn Sue Keum, Nina Kim, Vanessa Kitchner, Katie Kraskouskas, Nicole
John Hoverson                   Laasanen, Christine Lamb, Maritza Leon, West Liberty, Viviana Lopez, Maija Margonelli, Elizabeth McCallum,
Katrina Johnson                 Marjean McCraw, Brenna McGinnis, Sara Metcalfe, Christine Miles, Safia Mohamed, Anne Musquiz, Jan Nann, Rory
Jessica Kolta
                                Nascimento, Hanna Negash, Loan Nguyen, Hamsa Noor, Chinaza Nwokike, Rosemary O’Brien, Deepa Patel, Mitixa
Shawn Larsen-Bright
                                Patel, Georgia Paterson, Andrew Pekar, Christian Pflager, Bernadine Pickman, Kelsey Pualani, Kellen Reeder,
Katy McNaughton
                                Robert Rivera, Julia Robinson, Natalia Rodriguez, Samantha Ruelas, Patrick Russell, Jennifer Ryan, Sid Andrew
                                Santiano, Michael Scheinine, Danielle Schierhoff, Sydney Schwartz, Me’Chelle Scott, Jamie Severson, Kyenaat
                                Sheikh, Brittany Smathers-Nelson, Karey Soeun, Chrysthel Songco, Kymea Staten, Kimberly Stephenson, August
                                Sutherland, Meadow Swanson, Eleanor Thompson, Elaine Thornton-Monroe, Emily Trabolsi, Mackenzie Tracey,
                                Amanda Trainum, Jenny Tran, Kitongo Ulwenya, Catherine Wadley, Cassaundra Wass, Katia Watson, Courtney
                                Welsh, LaFawnda Williams, Diane Young, Jacob Zweschi

    A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.                                                           – Unknown
RESILIENCE - Ability to Problem - Kids Co.
Susan Brown                                                Joe Jornadal
                              President and CEO                                          Board Chairman
                              1989–present                                               2020–present

It is our sincere hope, after a year of living through and   None of this would have been possible had it not been
coping with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, that       for the courage and tenacity of our child care teachers.
you and your family are safe and well.                       They are the unsung heroes of this pandemic. It is because
                                                             of their resilience in the wake of the chaos caused by
Kids Co.’s fiscal year (September 1, 2019–August 31, 2020)
                                                             COVID-19 that Kids Co.’s safe, quality child care
started off with all of the fanfare of a new school year
                                                             programs have remained open throughout the entire
—helping our Kindergarteners find their way while the
                                                             pandemic. Through shear grit and determination, our
bigger kids got re-acquainted with their school friends
                                                             staff faced their own fears about COVID-19 and put the
and routines. In February 2020, without warning, a once in
                                                             needs of our kids above their own. Our staff supported
a century disease wreaked havoc on us all. In mid-March
                                                             remote learning, answered kids’ questions, kept kids
Seattle Public Schools and Mercer Island School District
                                                             on track with school assignments, provided technical
closed which meant Kids Co. had to close as well. Within
                                                             support, helped kids understand their feelings, and gave
days, Governor Inslee announced the “stay home, stay
                                                             kids the freedom to play and be kids (at a safe distance, of
safe” mandate that shut down our state’s entire economy.
                                                             course). It is thanks to their efforts that parents have been
This was our moment of decision and we did the right         able to work, businesses have employees, and our kids
thing. Doing nothing was never an option. We reopened        have safe, quality child care. Without child care, there is
three of our programs to provide emergency child care.       no economic recovery.
This was made possible thanks to the heroic efforts
                                                             With the financial investment of COVID relief funds
of our program leaders. They thoroughly studied the
                                                             and generous support from our foundation partners and
Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control
                                                             donors that Kids Co. will not only survive this pandemic
COVID-19 health and safety protocols. Within a few days
                                                             but will thrive for years to come.
they created new health, safety, and cleaning procedures
for the centers so Kids Co. could safely reopen and do our   It is certain that 2020 is a year we won’t soon forget. And,
part to fight this deadly disease.                           it’s what Kids Co. did right that we need to remember.

Kids Co.’s emergency care was open to the kids of health
care professionals so they could take care of the sick and
                                                             With much care,
comfort the dying; open to the kids of first responders so
emergency services were available for all who needed it;
open to the kids of grocery store workers so you could
                                                             Susan R. Brown                       Joe Jornadal
buy what you needed for your family; and open to the kids
of our families furthest from economic opportunity so
they could go to work if remote work was not an option.

                                                                                                     Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 20 | 1
RESILIENCE - Ability to Problem - Kids Co.
During the time of COVID, the True Cost of Safe Child Care
For Families, For Business, For Kids Co. - Observations by Susan R. Brown, Kids Co. President and CEO

                                           As the nation continues to grapple with the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic, child care
                                           is among to hardest-hit and least supported industries. Parents have long struggled to find
                                           and afford child care that meets their needs; and child care businesses have equally struggled
                                           to balance the cost of providing quality, developmentally appropriate care with the limited
                                           revenues available to them. —Simon Workman and Steve Jessen-Howard, Center for American Progress.

This is a statement, or more of an alarm, that     varying schedules. Some sites even have            disinfecting toys, play equipment, kids’
lingers in nearly every child care operation       students in the same grade at the same             workstations, and other high touch areas
I come in contact with and, as a founding          school but the schedule is different. It is        throughout the day. Kids Co. intentionally
member of the Seattle Child Care Business          extremely challenging for staff to manage.         built in time at the start and end of the day to
Coalition, I hear a lot. I’ve been asked why       Furthermore, they are the primary learning         do a deep cleaning of the different program
child care costs have escalated, while access      support for the kids while at Kids Co.—making      areas to ensure that all surfaces are sanitized,
to care has faded (with many centers being         them daily experts at the three Rs—Reading,        disinfected, organized, and ready for the kids
forced to close down due to COVID). In             wRiting, and aRithmatic—as well as supervise       to return the next day.
Washington State, the operational costs of         out of school games, play time, quiet time,
                                                                                                      Child care workers play an important, unique,
running a child care center has increased          and socially distanced group activities.
                                                                                                      and un-replaceable role in our economy and
an average of 55%. This intense rise is owed       Not only does this increase the workload, it
                                                                                                      this cannot be overlooked. All of our staff put
to a reduction in program capacity due to          increases the expectations of our staff—none
                                                                                                      themselves at risk of infection each day they
physical distancing requirements, the need         of which are trained schoolteachers, special
                                                                                                      enter the classroom during the pandemic.
to purchase additional PPE supplies, and an        education teachers, or IT experts.
                                                                                                      They do this so families have care allowing
increase in overhead since child care teachers
                                                   Physical distancing is difficult for a grown up    them to go to work (either remotely or on-site),
have gone from part-time (before and after
                                                   but for a kid, it’s nearly impossible! The urge    attend school or continued learning
school) workers to full-time in order to meet
                                                   to hug a friend or receive a high-five for a job   opportunities, or care for a loved one
working families’ needs.
                                                   well done are important validations for kids.      worry-free. Child care providers also help
Our staffs’ call to duty has also expanded to      At the same time, kids are kids, so staff offer    other businesses run because working family
new bounds. They now greet students at             regular reminders to maintain their distance       members can be active in the workforce—
curbside drop off/pick up to administer            and use other ways to support each other           often these people are first responders,
temperature checks and ask health screening        like air fives and verbal affirmations. Kids are   front-line workers, and people who keep our
questions (rather than parents walking them to     also worried about when they will see their        economy and daily lives running through
the classroom). This reduces the opportunity       friends and relatives, actually go to school, or   their labor. Think nurses, grocery clerks, fire
for a more personal connection with families.      if they will get sick themselves. To support       fighters, gas station attendants, administrative
However, staff do their best to check in           the kids, staff comply with CDC health             assistants, pharmacist, wait staff, and others.
during this time to see how the family and         guidelines while implementing social-
their kiddos are doing.                            emotional learning (SEL). “It’s a daunting
                                                   reality, no question, but the worst thing
Our staff work in tandem with Seattle Public
                                                   we can do for our teachers, students, and
Schools to support remote learning for kids
                                                   families is de-prioritize SEL during the
age 5-12, in all of their courses, the best they
                                                   pandemic,” says Christina Cipriano, Director
can! Kids Co. mirrors the educational plan
                                                   of Research at the Yale Center for Emotional
laid out by teachers and provides “virtual
                                                   Intelligence. “It is next-to-impossible to
learning areas,” where kids wear masks,
                                                   expect teaching and learning to occur in a
maintain physical distance, use a laptop or
                                                   crisis without attending to our emotions.”
tablet and headphones, and login to their
teachers’ lessons. Staff are available to help     And last, but certainly not least, the
with login and technical issues as well as         maintenance of a clean environment.
supervise the children. They do this across        All Kids Co. centers are located on elementary
multiple grades and multiple schools with          school campuses. Our teachers are continually

2 | Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 20
RESILIENCE - Ability to Problem - Kids Co.
While Kids Co. is a private business, we are a public good!
	Child care is a key part of the American framework that supports                 	Kids Co. is able to stay open thanks to the courage and
   the workforce and plays a significant role in shaping our future                    resilience of our staff. We are doing what we can to be part of
   workforce. Still, most parents cannot afford the true cost of quality               the pandemic solution for our kids, our families, our community,
   care. At Kids Co. the real cost of monthly full-time care is close to               and for economic recovery.
   $4,000; we charge $1,600. Even still, $1,600 is expensive and hard for
                                                                                    	Child care is paramount for a healthy economy, workforce,
   many families to manage. Kids Co. continues to accept Washington
                                                                                       community, and family. Kids Co. is here to serve. Not even a
   State and City of Seattle child care subsidies and we have continued
                                                                                       once-in-a-century pandemic will stand in our way.
   to help families with the Kids Co. Scholarship Fund.

                      YO U D I D T H E R I G H T T H I NG ! By giving to Kids Co. you give to the community as a
                      whole, but most importantly, you are directly benefiting a young person’s life. Thank you.

BUSINESSES                              YourCause                                   Susan and Jim Brown                         Renatta Fernandez and Jonathan Brandt
                                        Windermere Foundation                       Michelle and Ryan Brush                     Shireen and Mark Filip
501 Commons                                Windermere Real Estate - 2nd and Wall    Alson Burke and Matt Crull                  Margaret Fleet and Brian Palen
Adobe Systems Incorporated                 Windermere Real Estate - Madison Park    Kara Butsch Nolte and Joshua Nolte          Diana Fletschner
Bader Martin PS                                                                     Suela Cadri and Francesco Berlanda Scorza   Stephanie Fonda Ben-Zeev
Boeing Company Gift Match/YourCause
                                        GOVERNMENT                                  Jennifer Cain and Antonino Schepis          Dana and Justin Fontes
Costco Wholesale                                                                    Heather and Ray Caldwell                    Tara and Jeffrey Forde
Data Facts, Inc.                        City of Seattle                             Stacey and Wyatt Camp                       Jane and Ken Fortson
Expedia                                 Department of Social and Health Services    Leigh Canlis                                January and Beau Fredericks
F5 Networks                             Washington State Dept of Children, Youth,   Diana Carey                                 Sarah Friedman and Michael Burg
Frontstream                                 and Families                            Lind Carr                                   Angela and Jens Frisvold
Gilead Sciences                                                                     Caroline and Brad Cheney                    Amanda and Geoff Froh
Google Matching GIfts
                                        INDIVIDUALS                                 Doug Chidgey                                Mary Ellen and Wayne Fukuhara
HelloARI Design                                                                     Melinda Clark and Aaron Weller              Robert Gabel
HomeStreet Bank                         Cristina Acevedo and Elizabeth Whitford     Adrienne and Jeremy Clem                    Patricia Garner
JPMorgan Chase Good Works Workplace     Alea and Saheed Adejumobi                   Lindsay-Ann and Anthony Coetzee             Maridee Gerber
    Giving Program                      Shikha Aggarwal and Vivek Thakyal           Marty and Jeff Collins                      Misun and Chris Gerrick
Kids Co. at Graham Hill                 Molly and Brad Alexander                    Katie Constans and Karl Griep               David Ginger
Kitsap Bank                             Anne Almeda                                 Juli and Andrew Cook                        Dennis Glavin
McGraw Hill/YourCause                   Jon Anderson                                Cheryl Cooper                               Margaret Glowacki
Microsoft Corporation                   Anonymous (8)                               Meghan and Steven Crawford                  Veronika Glukhova and Doug Seitz
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund                Christian Arnold                            Sarah and Joe Crosby                        Cynthia and Mark Goering
Muckleshoot Casino                      Bojana and Peter Askovich                   Catherine Crowe                             Angela Golden and Jazon Zagorski
Nintendo of America                     Mahsa Ataei and Babak Shahabi               Renata Dalglish                             Anne Green and Russell Shropshire
Tri-Star Trust Bank                     Amanda Bakke                                Char Davies and Huu Phuoc Pham              Nancy and Joseph Greene
Umpqua Bank                             Kathleen Barden                             Laura and Steve Day                         Shidan and Scott Greene
                                        Lisa and Raymond Barker                     Noriko and Roldan De Guzman                 Barbara Gregg
FOUNDATIONS &                           Nick Barnett and Ben Alton                  Kimberly and Jim Decker                     James Grieser
ORGANIZATIONS                           Candace and Nigel Barron                    Kathryn Delimitros and David Barkovic       Mona and Jason Grife
                                        David Beard                                 Katie and Anthony Detrano                   Katie and Peter Groblewski
Albertsons Companies Foundation         Stephanie and Michael Beers                 Purnima Dhavan and Gregory Flanders         Kathleen and Matthew Groshong
AmazonSmile Foundation                  Veronica Bello and John Webb                Susan and Magill Dickerson-Lange            Marie Guirriec and Fabien Lescot
America’s Best Local Charities          Sherrie Belt-Hart and Darius Hart           Casey Dickson                               Carmen Hagios and Ray Luiggi
Ben B. Cheney Foundation                Megan Benner Vasavada and Zubin Vasavada    Tammara Dinkins                             Daphne and Yuji Hakuno
Benevity                                Katherine and Jackson Bennett               Huy Do and Hang Nguyen                      Rachel and Joshua Hammack
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation       Blythe and Josh Benson                      Angela and Andrew Dodd                      Sonja and Brandon Hardenbrook
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation             Jenna and Mike Bevilacqua                   Jane and Brian Dodgson                      Toni and Andy Harmer
Fidelity Charitable                     Neal Booth                                  Jennifer Donahue and Sarah Howell           Haley and Spencer Heit
Fred R. Smith Foundation                Kellis Borek                                Ying Du and Qianchuan He                    Casey and Robert Held
League of Education Voters Foundation   Alice Bossart                               Lindsay Dygert and Mitchell Piper           Kim and Jon Hemingway
McNaughton Foundation                   Brad Boyd                                   Kathy and Eric Eddings                      Kisa and Justin Hendrickson
Moccasin Lake Foundation                Shanda Boyett and Christopher Bonnstetter   Deborah and Peter Ehrlichman                Megan and Jason Herndon
Network for Good                        Timme Brewer                                Rachel and Adrian Esguerra                  Magdalena and Gary Hill
PayPal Giving Fund                      Bobbe and Jonathan Bridge                   Anna Fabrega and Alex Vorobiev              Beatrice and Theodore Hirsh
Quota International of Kent Valley      Janice Bridge Family                        Constance Falconer                          Brenda and John Hodges-Howell
Russell Grinnell Memorial Trust         Irene and Ken Broman                        Frances and Stephen Fedoriska               Krista Hodne and Joshua Bess
The Seattle Foundation                  Diana and Rowland Brown                     Tinamarie Feil                              Gennie and Torben Hollingsworth
United Way of King County               Kelby Brown

                                                                                                                                        Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 20 | 3
Nancy and Hoover Hopkins                   Tatiana Moraes Nogueira and Gabriel        Terry Steele                                Catherine Crowe
John and Mary Hoverson                          Santana Norueira                      Ashley and Trevor Steinbach                 Darigold
Evelyn Hsu and Matt Kronman                Kristi Morgansen Hill and Terence Hill     Carrie Stengel and Naill Dillan             DeLille Cellars
Michael Hughes                             Beth and Aaron Morris                      Kay Sterner and Trevor Leffler              Din Tai Fung
Jennifer and Stuart Isett                  Elizabeth Morrison and Richard MacDonald   Maria and Sage Stevens                      Edmonds Driftwood Players
Aya Itazu                                  Laura and Bryan Munro                      Jenny Stone and Troy Chatwin                Entercom
Suman Jayadev and William Berrington       Iryna and Ryan Murray                      Nadine and Benjamin Struwe                  Everett AquaSox
Diann Jeffery                              Becky Musebe and Janet Naswa               Kristin and Kyle Sugamele                   Tinamarie Feil
Nina Jenkins and Joseph Russell            Sona and Kamal Muthuswamy                  John Sullivan                               Fournier Insurance Solutions
Shumei Jiang and Long Zhang                Karen Nakagawa and Paul Rich               Sabrina and Ryan Svedin                     Fremont Brewery
Katrina and Taylor Johnson                 Anthony Navarro                            Yuka Takamiya                               Gene Juarez Salon & Spa
Ria Johnston and Marc Bissell              Christina Nelson                           Megan and Adam Teepe                        Grand Central Baking Co.
Amy and Dwight Jones                       Julie and Brad Newcomer                    Francis Terlage                             Guardian Cellars
Angela Feher and Brian Judy                Siu Ngai and Eric Chow                     See Wan Tham and Raman Arora                Hotel Nexus
Annice and Justin Jumani                   Elizabeth Nice and Paul Mitchell           Christina and Timothy Thibault              John and Mary Hoverson
Dina and Jordan Karant                     Camilla and Magnus Oding                   Laurie Thornton and Greg Shelton            Jin Hua Hu
Jon Karschney                              Lauren and Cooper Offenbecher              Traci Timmons and Paul Herrin               Ivar’s
Awet Kassa                                 Mari and Peter Offenbecher                 Katy and Matt Tonkin                        Jimmy Mac’s Roadhouse
Leslie and Craig Kastelle                  Armilito Pangilinan                        Brooke and Van Trinh                        Katrina and Taylor Johnson
Deborah Katz                               Laura Parmigiani Kuo and Jerry Kuo         Lynn Tripoli Young                          KAVU
Shannon and Jeff Kavanaugh                 Rena Patel and James Andrews               Michelle and Joel VandenBrink               Maryhill Winery
Susan Kim and Harold Liu                   Miruna and Cristian Petrescu-Pratuova      Paulina Varshavskaya and Luke Zettlemoyer   Matthews Winery
Erin and Jonathan King                     Donna and Kenny Pittman                    Maria Vasilyadis and Jonathan Clabeaux      McMenamin’s
Jammie and Andy Kingham                    Stephanie and Joel Pitts                   Anna Victoria and Mike Gholson              Mighty-O Donuts
Kelsey Knowles and Grant Lahmann           Miko and Lance Pollard                     Amber Vora and Devin Theriot-Orr            MoPOP
Junko and Lars Knudson                     Carrie Portrie                             Jamie and Jordan Voss                       Mox Boarding House
Jessica Kolta and Sebastian Mikolajczak    Mira Posner-Collins                        Gwen Vu and Jesus Ruiz                      Neighborhood Grills
Rachel Kovinsky                            Amber Post and Jason Lawrence              Belynda Walls                               Lauren and Cooper Offenbecher
Audrey and Geoff Kozu                      Chris Potts                                Valerie and Derek Walser                    Penelope and The Beauty Bar
Ken Kriekenbeck                            Jess and Drew Pounds                       Yi Wang                                     Powerslide Design Co.
Lesley and Ben Krokower                    Cynthia and Brian Powell                   Onanong Wanlisvte and John Passmore         Raconteur
Elena Krop Bernardo and Luis Bernardo      Christine and Adam Poythress               Katia and Matt Watson                       Rhein Haus
Evelyn Kruse                               Gundula Proksch and Danny Bain             Tahmina and Thomas Watson                   Jill Santillan
Leah and Sunil Kumar                       Rachel and Matthew Query                   Joan and James Watt                         Michael Scheinine
Ashly and Ryan Lambert                     Candice Rai and Joel Felix                 Angela and Chung Webster-Lam                Seattle Bouldering Project
Danely Landeros and Javier Martinez        Santra Ramirez                             Rebecca Weinhold and Britton Piehler        Seattle Children’s Museum
Rehana Lanewala                            Kathleen Rankin and Zoltan Szuts           Kelley Wetzel and David Rogers              Seattle Gymnastics Academy - Ballard
Anh Lao and Chad Carver                    Kelly and Jeremy Reding                    Sarah and Christopher Winter                Seattle Mariners
Christina Larsen and Shawn Larsen-Bright   Jennifer Reilly and Brian Selfon           Jenny Yoo                                   Seattle Shakespeare Company
Darrel Larsen                              Cindy Reiner and Matthew Cunningham        Dana Youlin and Robert Culp                 Seattle Sounders
Shannon Lawless and Paul Crisalli          Qignchun Ren and Xinli Shang               Marcin and Namrata Zalewski                 Sachita Shah
Jamilya and Keith Leitich                  Eunice Rhee and Woosung Ahn                Leona Zamora and Kevin Gustafson            SoulCycle
Anne Leung and Michael Braude              Paul Roberts                               Ling Zhang and Zhihong Yao                  Sparkling Ice / Talking Rain
Elle Lin and Ting Yip                      Dana and Jon Robinson                      Angela Zhou and Ta-Ming Shih                Stone Soup Theatre
Elisabeth Loux                             Julia Robinson                             Jamie Zimmerman and Nathan Peek             Tap House Grill
Thuy-An and Gareth Loveridge               Lyla Ross and John Morris                  Mariya and Brian Zorotovich                 Terra Blanca Winery & Estate Vineyard
Minkyung and Marco Lowe                    Kelly and Michael RothKugel                Ilana and Jake Zweschi                      Total Wine & More
Stephanie L’Paul and Justin Paul           Samantha and Michael Ruelas                Young Flowers                               Touch Worldwide
Hailing Lu and Shuagzhe Li                 Kate Sackett                               Ilana and Jake Zweschi                      Trader Joe’s - Capitol Hill
Suzanne and Lacy Lynch                     Veronica Santiago and Benjamin VanWinkle                                               Trader Joe’s - Queen Anne
Megan and Ross MacMurray                   Jill Santillan
                                                                                      IN KIND                                     Two Doors Down
Bayan Madieh and Ahmad Moghrabi            Elizabeth Schanno and Tari Jones                                                       Uli’s Famous Sausage
Patricia Magee-Dean                        Michael Scheinine                          AlphaGraphics                               Village Theatre
Julieta and Lutz Maibaum                   Keiko Schlegel                             Anonymous (25)                              Katia and Matt Watson
Kate and Sean Maloney                      Shay Sealy                                 Christian Arnold                            Woodland Park Zoo
Jill Marotta                               Margeaux and Nick Serrano                  Arriba Cantina
Marie and Jeffrey Marotta                  Glen Shapiro                               Amanda Bakke
Katherine and Pete Maslenikov              Leslie and Dan Shapiro                     The Bar Method Seattle
Elaine Matthes                             Nah-yoon Shin and Wonho Kim                Candace and Nigel Barron
Molly McElroy and Dan Poux                 Molly Shutes                               Beecher’s Handmade Cheese
Rose McLendon                              Kateryna Shyrkova and Aliaksandr Shyrkou   Ben Bridge Jeweler
Emily McNaughton                           Sejin and Jonathan Siegel                  Beneath the Streets
Katy McNaughton and Kyle Newton            Jennifer Slyker and Paul Thottingal        Boyette Clothing
Lino Medina                                Judy Smith and Thomas Glans                Susan and Jim Brown
Debra Melo                                 Mechell Smith and Eric McNamee             Charity Auction World
Megan Melo and Stephen Salipante           Nancy L. Smith                             Chinook Entertainment LLC
Erin and Ryan Metzger                      Jane and Jay Spencer                       Chipotle Mexican Grill
Reiko and Paul Mizumachi                   LeeAnn and Douglas Steding                 Columbia Tower Club

4 | Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 20

August 31, 2020

Current Assets:
  Cash and Cash Equivalents   $2,252,904
  Accounts Receivable, Net        22,033
  Contributions Receivable         6,000
  Prepaid Expenses & Deposits     36,090

Total Current Assets                              2,317,027

Contributions receivable, less current portion      18,000

Property and Equipment, Net                         22,135

Total Current Assets                             $2,357,162


Current Liabilities:                                              ALLOCATION OF FUNDS RECEIVED
  Accounts Payable                                 $33,833
  Accrued Salaries and Payroll Taxes                81,342            FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020
  Compensated Absences                             135,461
  Refundable Deposits                               52,840
  Unearned Program Fees                              5,718

                                                                  15%                          4%
  Paycheck Protection Program Loan                 538,600
  Lease Incentive, Current Portion                     790

Total Current Liabilities                          848,584    Management                       Fundraising
Lease Incentive, Less Current Portion                 1,054    and General
Total Liabilities                                  849,638

Unrestricted Net Assets                           1,507,524

Total Liability & Net Assets                     $2,357,162


Revenue and Support:
  Program Service Fees, Net                      $3,436,224
  In-Kind Contributions                             319,909
  Contributions                                     229,824
  Miscellaneous Revenue                              22,918
  Investment Income                                   2,519

   Total Revenue and Support                      4,011,394
  Program Services       2,928,270
                                                                                                              Current and
  Management and General   531,913 			                                                                        Future Needs
  Fundraising              131,877

  Total Expenses         3,592,060		 (I like) STEM projects,
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets                   419,334     clubs, and fun active
                                                                play activities.
Unrestricted Net Assets, Beginning of Year        1,088,190
                                                                – Ezra, Kids Co. at Magnolia
Unrestricted Net Assets, End of Year             $1,507,524

                                                                                                     Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 20 | 5
KIDS CO. CENTER LOCATIONS                                                                                                      KIDS CO.
Kids Co. at Adams (Ballard - 1989)*                                                                                            2208 NW Market Street
                                                                                                                               Suite 510
Kids Co. at Cascadia (Northgate - 2012)*
                                                                                                                               Seattle, WA 98107
Kids Co. at Cedar Park (Lake City - 2018)
Kids Co. at Decatur (Wedgwood - 2018)*                                                                               
Kids Co. at Graham Hill (Seward Park - 1991)*                                                                        
Kids Co. at Island Park (Mercer Island - 1995)*
Kids Co. at John Hay (Queen Anne - 1990)                                                                                       FOLLOW US:
Kids Co. at Lakeridge (Mercer Island - 1995)
                                                                                                                                     kidengagingfun
Kids Co. at Magnolia (Magnolia - 2020)*
Kids Co. at McDonald (Greenlake - 2010)*                                                                                             @KidsCoWA

Kids Co. at Northwood (Mercer Island - 2016)                                                                                         Kids-Co-
Kids Co. at Queen Anne (Queen Anne - 2011)*
                                                                                                                                     kidsco.wa
Kids Co. at South Shore (Rainier Beach - 2002)*
Kids Co. at TOPS (Capitol Hill/Eastlake - 1991)
Kids Co. at West Mercer (Mercer Island - 2014)
*Open during the pandemic

                                              It’s really fun! I like I get to tell jokes, have fun, tell the
                                              teachers cool things. Also, I like Wednesday, because we
                                              get to do food projects and get to stay outside for recess a
                                              little longer. – NeVaeh, Kids Co. at Graham Hill

                The America’s Best Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to charitable organizations that meet the highest standards of public accountability,
                program efficiency, and cost effectiveness. Applicant charities must provide evidence of their program activities and demonstrate the benefit
                of their services. These standards include those required by the US Government for inclusion in the Combined Federal Campaign, probably the
                most exclusive fund drive in the world. Of the 1,000,000 charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 50,000 or 5
                percent, meet or exceed these standards, and, of those, fewer than 2,000 have been awarded this Seal. Kids Co. is one.

                 Photography Credits:                                             Evergreen Children’s Association, dba Kids Co., is a
                 Kids Co. Staff                                                   501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the State of Washington
                                                                                  (Tax Id #91-1450148).
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